Newspaper Page Text
e s *, I '1 _ • -4**§ * 7 --—. mi* jyaTf* *fr/lgfi• * Jr i>n.i..ini». ly.icmh i»«. mqh\i\<.. \ovi.nni ic i>. i^»<’>._l7,/ 111 ^"• - ,9 iT I'rlE RVNCHlHJKti VIRGINIAN, tditaii-xtekty <' Aland iq ,mu l'hursday i hour Hollars per ana i n, payable in advance. .Vusub i ltHU ,c,n i.e received/or ashortcrtimc than six ninntht 'in i no paper will be discontinued, (except at the discretion *e the Sddors,) until all arrearages art paid. ° A L) Villi I ISICAl K.Yls inserted ul *0 cents pa airs (or lets) for every inner form insertion : and nil "■ )f, less) carry outer form insertion ' ' n rt'll v AlirF.nTlxKR IS rei/iand to note, on hie manuscript, how long he wishes Ins advertisement inserted . an advertisement, no I so noted, will be inserted till its ills onttniiance be ordered. Hill YMlllA'illirKIlnsl.vr, the terms arc , foi privilege of two squares, #h) , for one square. V2 > for a( s/me, inner form, *».>. Retry yearly advertiser . ' * j iireil to < <j ijiiit his utoci tisiiig tv hinparticu a^i 4‘ bu-tiae** './Oil Z'/d/.V*/’/. W executed neatly aad expeditious f* a ■) i re. uo'iahl* term* __„„- '■ ■■"■■■■ ■!»' "■ al.tlOST I'./U .Uttst; TU.HT vt l.ii.Mf. I’ o r * n 1 v . ON die 25>li dn)' i>l Nnveiiihrr mm, \if will nr 11 on ihe jiri nnsfM# i in 'ill valn.ililr tract or I,AND, brlmii'ino lo llm hrirs "I I»■ VIII K m land, di c’d. This " iraci containssoineilnng over 810 deltas, about 180 of which are clta^d, the rest is m timber ol , rigmal gniw ll», and lies in Bulelutiri county, on ihe lo'Hti Wiiieis ul I lull;* lot* and Lurgaiory Ch-eks, wnlnn s x miles of Buchanan, 20 of Lexmgto7 ol .l ine, 3 ol j-.ind ami I i milt s id Kem at Furmiecs, on hoih snh s ol Urn turnpike road, leading to DmretiV .Springs,ten mil s distant, and joins Ho der-mi’e*, Ujn nchaneV, and l a) Jji.C, now Berkeleys land. It offers moat val idtde induce nt'iits, either 1.1 Farm er*4 Planters, or I avern Keepers, 1 In- l.and is good f„r any kind of gram and a Farmer l as a good ma-kei at his dour lor all the gram he ean raise. There is a large portion oi it vt ry M TF.UIOU '1HBAC CO LAML and Jame> River being only live inilt’8 diS’ant, 'he trauspnr a 11 n to tin- Lym-htni’g mar k‘t is easv, and shou'd the James Riv< r nnd kni r.\li;i Canal he extended ihe tacilny will be much d. It is susceptible ol being made an cXn llenl TAYKKN SI AM), i n'injr fliiu a fed a! * lie f"ot • f llie (iardui nil ill... .mil though It runs III- <_»r* ;i! .\ .till \\ * * ern I’urni'ike, leading Irnni L\nclming ny N nurul Kridgr. Ull, rill’s Spilngs and White Nilphur, tn l.*"isburg, and an exrellenl free read is tin" in |r gn s* .1 c«*n FTiieilnii I'rmii Fincaslle, in inters* n "i li iIip main llnl falo Road, leading to Luxingioii, running •• I - * tnrough lie i raft, hlmri* ning the distance, between I lie* said lW’u nlaees , si.x iiiiUh and t» mg lice hum in.I inducing travel that "ay. Further descnpiinu j* deemed unnecessary, as lln > wishing in purchase would desire tn vtsu the pri-iiiiMs, wliili w ill tie -In*" n in any one des'iing In buy, eiibn bv Mr. Henderson, " im I v* s near tin place, nr by el tner of lln* iiii'lersigni d. 'J FILMS OF SALK will bene* ll.ird nf ihe pur c'.i ise money in in* paid m the (lav nf sal.*, ihe balance Hi ilireb eifual annual payments Irmn >:iid dav. I. DW vUO Kl IIOI.N, J. NO. 1) Hot > | ON, Agent lor .'Samuel K. I lou»l.m. \ v 5 3t Iron li 'orI, v for fuifc ■ T NHF.R an auilmrii) gm n In the undeM_n**d, a* emu miss o • iby (. 'I Payne, ,1 rm \\ .M s b. ail 1 A. N Yu i nine y. they will, u the 13th da) «>t October nex', ap<m in* pr«mis* s. sell to lie* lngliot bidder, all ibal valuable Laud and Pr • j»»• r• y , ku >uii tn i<ie nauiL of F.Lk CRKKk I I KNACK, eu sisiing of be! \\ een 10 anti 1700 ./C/ i.* Oi r.i.YlP, wnli ibe Im.) eineuts, M .ni ls and Fixtures, n* |. nging to die Furnace, and all tin* Personal Pr >perty connected with it, and nppuricmnt in I * Furnace. 11 is a property, in ev* ry respect, in si valuable. I is sru iled on I lines River, in I fir count y nl N* Isnii, a; ihe iiiiiutli >i| K I, Creek. and, as an Ir *n establishm-mi. b as valuable as any m X nginia — ine (jiiaiilliles nf Ore and I,i icsMine being lie xb eisli'ile and near llie furnace. Tie sale w ill lie for as iinieli cash ns" ill def ray a:| t|i«• cXf.enses attending the sale, end on a eredit o' (i mouth* fur on • t iird, and one ami t wo years, Irmn i! e expiration td su'd six niniillis, for ilie remaining iwn Hurd*: ibe puch uer to give b ml and security for trie first payiuenl. n> may beappmvid «d by He* cninmivsiniiers, and ifi** whole property tn re.ruin as a security also f »r and llio olio r two paymeiCH. The public arc d« sired especially t«• alieru! in ibis u i tice. JOHN rilOMPSON. Jr , MT.KLING Cl UliOKNK, Cominis-i .ners. July 23 1130 The above sale is postponed to ilie 28th November, t •! it not then sold, (lie propery will be rented out tor one y» nr. No?. 5 t28N Executor's Sale of f,amt mill .IV 'Xi vh grot s in iteitforei. Vj I A\ IN l j t.nled to on be a pah*, m c.nnseijijpncM of the weather, o| lie Ileal Kstato and Neoroes "I 111 I He \\ in. J ,ef i w leii. | will sell, on Tuesda y the 11 h h ot N"\j‘iotnr next, at ilie lute residence of said \N hi. hi I tw tell , 10 or 12 NKCJItOKS consisting of men, women and boys. And, at the same hint* and, two tiucts or ljlvd, one containing about 150 ACUKS, a 'j it'ing the lands of l)r. Daniel Tompkins, Wui. W . U ese ai d others, 1 he o'.'ier Tract containing 110 AOnES. rn,,rc "f lew, adj lining the lands ol Dr. Tompkins, and '"•ers. The Negro*s will be s- Id f.r cash. The l-nnls will He sold on a credit of 12 months, the pur ttius*r giving ponds with approved security. JAMI> FKANKUN, K\V. of \\ 111. Ivltwich, dee’d. &>•*. 5 11 ON J'tlll Mil; \ itoieiiitTs 4 UK jus. in roi-t 1 pi o( their Kali Stork of ^ GliOl KUIKS, LIQUORS, DO MLST1G GOOD"*, <ke., ike t "Iii'li have been recently purchase'! on su'di terms, as 1 " i •I'm* il p(n to oiler In their friends in the country. '* die put,lie neutrally* very "rial indueetnen s to to v. ^ p R'dicil a call from all who are’ in want of good ‘ “ weap Goods, as we are determined to s II. v J.KK fcv ItOHKRTS. 5 ,s R.uoik 1000 I lls. I AMII.Y BACON HAMS, . ' LEE &. KOBKItTS. N'v a is i II’hishrif ! II 7ms/. r«; ^ mil s 01.1) \VIIISlxK\ iii st«.r»», on con I #y signment, winch we wills, | low to cUiae. I.KK IMIil li I S. Nov. 5 is *t»lr l.t-nlliti*. Sail, Ac. r. nnn i.os sulk i.kanii'.u. ®s * 500 Sick- S ilt, iii |i one oitier, 2 II kegs Nails, 5l)UU In". ( oih.n \ arris. For sale by I.KK N. UOBKirrs. Nov. 5 u slaves ron sals IN pursuance ol a decree ol the l ucuil Superior Court ol I a » aid l I.;* net iv lor the county ol Campbell,pronounced on the l./lidy of October, I Ill the still in s.ihl court depending between '1 11 Itias II Fniikltn, I'lamntl, and .Mms It. Car atm, md other*, deli lid lilts, tie undeisig tied will, t.n the tirsl «I i V ol me to xl Diecmhi-r it rm ol the county court el ( imp h» ||, h»-lore the front door ol the court limine of da id rutin tv, expose to sale, by way of public auction, tor cash, the lollow tng Slaves, oi so many ol them as shall be in i cssary to satisly *aid decree, and the expense* ol sale, to wi : 1C liana, Sam, John, Satult, l*, Joseph and Margaret. JOHN KOSSKK. I> S. tor J is. Mullock, Sli’H id K amphell ( o. Nov. 2 till! von i.’/.vf, Till’. I I! \( I ..f I.AMI heluiioiny in dif rHiatf* «'l llll? law* 1{ iImti M \\ n ) w ii k, :ii |n oimmipumI ‘ y Mr. L'ti.irUs it tj u-o nficrry. Tins I-' mu is siiuuird in the countv uf A mlit-isl, arid contains o(l() At UK's, | has on it a tuinlortable l)iv»llino lloiisciiud ooml Out I louses. For terms, apply to A |J. RKAI). Nov. 2 It .VI II* noon STOKli. r ■ 11! K SI * liS( ItllU'lt is now receiving at hi* store, I n tew doie-al» ve die Franklin Hotel, and nearly opposite H. W M-'ori's ('Inna More, lii-liisi xluek i t B30HS, STATIONAUY. &C.. I’u wlneli lie r< sneeiluliy •• vi es the atiention of ins irtends ai:d the public $»« a \ III N.M.r M OK W I I r. Oct. 29 tx VM / ifU J/t I*. lilank IVmi'-s of a'm »«i every d -xeription, ( and Letter Fiipei (some very superior) ■“ “ Ink . Ink I'mvilrr, In >-i uni., \ Y I I' f'. Sell li nn \\ i X I’en , Quill*. Ik mil*. A..U idusi ullitrar l<0« *'n llm ‘Mniinniry I'mr II. Al. UK \\ ITT. Oft. 2'J is ‘•Itool.s of i’rim l." IIOHK'k OK I UK MKDI I'KHK \.\K\N. Sy ih. >.'erotarv to the l eouniia ml mg the I lilted Mates squadr at in tlijat sea, l> 13 M ’5 Freniohi’s .lotimal t»l the F.vplurin^; F.xpedition to tlo* It * k) M m tains, Farroi’i Jotniiey to Ararat, Til i opsou’s It-* oiler' to ,s o| Mexiro, |)t. Durtiin’s 1 ravels in the F.asl, *• Olin’s “ hieplu ns’ “ “ “ “ Fo. sale hy U. M. DL \\ 1 1 r. () l 29 Moit rich 4 ;t*luiiriT<i :ni<l TSn-lin*». !ll VVI'. I in** 111 y ojwmcd a li i ■ Ini «>! I lie above 140 •(!«*, tn hu exaiumali.iii ol a inch I invite the :»Uenii..n <<l <h„ .. U. I < I’H I I'.K'v 0.29 o 1> I HLKS ol van ms ipialnies—prices Irom o< i els. > t ■. air.. 'IV«i»mrnts. i>un.l a*Mrnnpnil l’ray»r H .uks, nr supur ur) 11 yum Uuuks ul stVeial l liumllPi. I' .rstilphy li. M. UK \\ I IT. On. 29 o l.miilm '* *iilc of Valuable \ \ T M .!. he sold lo 1 lie highest bidder, on T U'sdav, tlie ' ’ 1 > h ,|a> of NoveiiiiM r m x*. til the hue resident# ul Thomas Moore, deu’d., in Camptn II county, about one mile trout Marysville, 203 aouus or land .hounded by Seneca creek, and part ol Smuuiun river low orounds, and is good f*»r Tobacco and other produce.— Sundry other thing* will also he sold. 77; 7.1/s or S.1LE. I A credit of 1d mou hs, the purchaser giving h-.nd l with approved security. nrd the title retained until all the money is paid, and a trust deed on the laud to se cure the payment. liie sail'to be a« ab iv« written, if a suitable not, the fir*l suitable day. Any person willing iu view the land be font the day ofsale, will apply to either ol tin Kv colors. |)\MKL M IDIIK, THU’S. MUOKK, Kxecutors ul Thu’#. Moure, deeM. Oci. Cooks ’ ISooUs ! SJooks ! IP. it. I'.fl’.Vfi, Bookseller, Slat inner, and den'er in Fancy (load*, .1 In sicul ListnnnrnU, fyc., next door below Bell, lluckcr l 'o , JWain Sh eet, /njnrhbure;, / n., OFFKItS to til.- public generally a very large and well assorted stuck <>t HOOKS, m all the various departments of Medicine, l/iw, Theology, Kc. Fngl sh, Fret eh, German, Spanish, Latin and Greek School Books, I Blank Bo «ks of almost every variety. Cap and Letter Paper, plain and ruled, common and line, Note Paper, plain and fancy, some very beautiful, Paper Hangings and Bordering, Vndi. ♦, '’lutes, Guitar.-, Ink. Ii.n Powder, Wafers, Seating Wax, .Motto Seal.*., K.C., Chessmen, Chess Boards, Backgammon Bonn'*.. Cold and silver Pencils, gold Pens, ladies’ W ork Box es. Writing |). -k«, Rodgers* Cutlery, &i.c.&.c. Almanac s lor I £47. Country Merchants, Teachers, and all in want of such artirl s, are rc-peellujly invited to examine the stock. Owt. Li * <a COMMISSIONER S SALE HY virtue "i a dermal older of il.e Circuit Superior Gnirt nl Law and Chancery, tor the t nilii'y o Nelson. nl llte o il day nl May, IS41*, preiimilieed III ill# ease nl David K Me Vlexnttder against llnrrnd It Scott. James |,nvp g and \\ illia n J udan, I w ill on Thuiaday llie oid <1 |) etnle r neJU.ou the premises, in Ihe coun tv nl Nelson, sell. In ill** highest bidder, III equal pay i menu nl six ami twelve months, THE KINDS WOOD CHURCH I The purehan r to give bonds and seeuriiy tnr ihe pur* 'ease mom v anti the title In the Church withheld, uu III llie t»anl holds are paid. \\ II.1.1 \ M M \SS|K. Sheriff and C.mi’r. Oct. 29 »5I) Historicac, HiHgnpiiiciimdFmti ii n good »eled ion of each. For sale by It. .M. DK WITT. Oct. 29 h CnilK ai Mj49s f • ^11 K FRINGES ind 111 FTONS, jtmt rewit?f*d of every shade and pattern. ( all soon nr yon w ill mtss ihem. D. I . I . I’E I LRS Oe 1.29 ,s ( iii'iretliii;^ t ni|H tni«v!! III \ \ K j isl iqnned a liew lot ol Carpetings, the style and qnuliiy ol which ate superior i • any thing I have vet had. D. T.C 1* 1*. I ERS. I Oct. 29 1* IB % I V IIA I V! H AT*!!! f ■ II IK SI'IIS( KIIJKU it now rrceivino Ins I All i MDIKul HATS AND CAPS which is unusually large. Having made purchases very low, hr leel* confident that In* is lully prepared to give entire satislaetiuii in the qualii v ami pi in s ot l lata nod Caps. lie has also ft Selected stork of DliV COO/IS, wlii'di lie bought unusually low, which enables him to si ll at prices that raniiot (all In please. Those in want ufany article wlneli lie may have w ill find u to their ml van i a ye to yive him a call, as he m i ends lo sell ••• r v l«»w . .1 lil MltOtt.ll. Three doors below the Al.irket house. On. 20 I"1 LEARY 3l 00. N YORK, l ull S|>lc III' llaO lor eIII. (1 KN ri.KMKN ran be fitted with n Ptiperiur nru | Jl rlf nl HA’I’S. bulb Kl U an l SI I ,lv, ol the a »uvr | style ol Northern M nnitulnre, A > Beebe anil I < tslui V sty le fur this lalt# '* A sujii riur Barn* do *• \ |ar>*e stiM’k ul my u« u mamilnrhire, wbieli ran l Iml fail to please. Cull arni i x.imine ibe above ij»iatIlls s at .I III MBUl (ill 'I’llret* doors below the Mule I b use. o i 26 Notin' r I u IKK ft "ill *><■ »"M, til the Imjlif-t loililcr, on tin 0 | J b day I November next, Ht ine late resideim ' . | ( barb si. Ada us, dec’d., m Hie county "• l*llt*ylvH ina. two miles above W ard'd Bruise, uu Miiummi river. TWO TRACTS OT t LAN». one containing TWO HlWDIll'in H.VI) FIFTV .HUES ur tkit fi-iiln.uiK, ndj imug llie lumis ul 1 Inmi is ( ouk ami Shuhel I*. Ii trnaril. I'he "liter I'rarl containing n.VE HI A'HHEI) .I.VI) SIATWH'llES, ■t ij ilie lands ul l'lnunas T. Adam* ami Shubcdl I*, Il.tinaid. A y prrsifi A isliing, lo see llie Land beDre (lie sale, w ill <• a* I on Mr. II irnnrtl w ho w ill wlu w ihr I .amis, I’liere will Ue s-dd. at llie sun linn slid place, I IN K Sl.A\ KS, iwo men, two women and a hoy, belonging to the said eat a e The Lands w ill he sold on a rredil of one and two \ ,mi >. The Slaves will he sold on I w * I ve months cred ii I’nrilier terms w ill he made known oil day ol sale. 11 the sale is not completed the first day, u will he continued from day 1“ dav until completed. JOHN L Al)A MS, Kx\»r. ul t harks 1.. Adams, dee’d. 0 toher 20 t! 2N ,\E\V I AM, Wl> AVIAIEIt laioiK fllllK subscribers are now receiving, and in a few ■ davs will have hi store ilieir entire slock ul FHLLJLM) \FL\ TEU (HHil).s', Vmnng which will he found a lull assortment of the most fashionable, Dr Ladies and (Toilleiin n’s wear, a w * 11 i> a hug*- slock of II*oolifiis, iPoinrsi its, Huts* fVipv, I too is and hot s. and al nost every article usually found in a Dry (■nods I establishment. 1 Veling grateful for the patronage heretofore receiv ■ d, theV cordially invite their friends and llie public, lo give Ilieir stock n examination, pledging lliemselves lo use every exerliotl and spare no pains lc please all who may luvour them w i h a call. s (ilT(*UK.MlKI MKil v*imoTllKU. September 21 ,s TO THE LADIES’. ON hand a eiieral as-snrimoui ul Cadies’ Slipper*.I Ties, Callers and halt Cillers, fancy ami plain, u It a i jiinl others maniilaiMure. A Milieiierul public | a run (age, would he happy lo receive a call Iroui the ladles’, 11 only by way ul looking around. J NO, J. HUSH AND. June 25 tim Sphinlil Slorli of Silks. INVOl ’ 1.1) rail i be a Kent ion ul the lames to my stock of Ibnev dress Silk*, among which will be buind ; s one ul the most splendid ever seen in this in a l kel.— Prices from 3Ti cents to 11 per yard. \\ M. II. RYAN. i Get. 12 _Is • fliirkerrl, t hrrse »Vr. ^ TSUI-N. NO. I. MACKKRKI., *f fi half bids. No. I d» 25 bids. N «. 3 do ‘25 holes Cheese, 15 *' and halt boxes new crop Raisins, | Just received and lor sale low by YOUNG & HOW I KS. i October 15 i* FIVE MEtSAKS. ' I MIK subscriber has on hand a a»uek of very I .SUPtiHlOH SEfJ.mS, i of various brands, to which lie w*m‘ld invite the alien non o smoker*. JOHN II.SKW. Unwept. \ * ls riirr.xrx roi xouv, | i.»/ n r h b u r a I * i r K i »i I « • HW 1MJ emirpleled my Water Power ami oilier nnpr v. im i. s, al my old Miami, m nr llie Pump I louse of the I \ iu tilling \\ al« i Work*, I am imw pie pared io execute all older* lu my line of business, via : l’a*l (•erring for Mills an l otliei Muelmieiy, wHn evr ry de.senptioii id easling* of Iiiok muss, mi si'mm i?K«;iK»<*. to Inirro l*rr««<%, lluliii-i*, llitinl*, l.i-vvl'* Ac Ar j Krmn in experience of nearly year*, in one of iIn* ] Ileal eonduch d establishments in llm Slale, I leel eolili | deal of being able to give t» 11 Is tar lion lo ilium* lavormg j me x\ mi tlieir palronage. I xx mi Id pai iicul ii I v rail the aitenii m ol Tobacconist* l»iny e« nhltshmcut. I laving he» n llie liist that uiirodii i red llie m uutaclurr <1 P>* uieeo Ncirw s, Pic*m ■* ami Pas . leni H inds, So* , in I .vnelilmrg, I ran xxuh confidence • refer thus. limit iptamud with my xx <»rk, lu llie prim-ip al i PouiieeoiilNls of this place, having pill iiptirlweru <•> and 1 (HI presses, within I lit* sh->r I iliueul my lesnlemn I here. \\ ill* a view of seeming s fair hare of patronage, I I shall continue to add sueli laftor saving maeliuiety, a* ! will emibln me to i-xi'cme woik xx ilh aceuraey amide spnteh, uu I will w mml all work done al my establish nit'lll lo be e« lu any done in this idacc • r » l*ew Imre. A (• DAHMT . Nov 21 1 vim liOiiilou ami l*ai-i« ( all ami XX in* In- i'.i'li ton* «l■ 1 ji -1 l!mn t.D ir mv 11ui -v u* M o > s no it, lui u POOH* Itlnl I. iMk.KMvV (*0X1 kin’s StoIIK. r I ^ 11 \ N lx 1*1 I. lo mv limmls and llie Public gene 1 r illy l<»r tin ir patron ijje hereiol* te bestow • d upon me, I ask a e.mtiuuainei of the haute, leellug sure lliat I shall be able to pit ee the most fastidious. W il l I \M ( I.A\ I V April 0 i* Kirsoi) »V ICotall J J \ \ K now in hiore a large ami will at I tiled atoeli HAHDWJ TIE OJTEEItY, OUKS. AC AC \ large p .rii n ol tlieir slock Has been recently he lecicI with gie ii rare, in llie Northern Markets, and is o||. rcd,io tin ’r Ireiids and the publn- generally, at such priri * a-* eaiiinii lad l<* give *• ri-la ■ mu They desire a call all who may xx isli to pur clutse goods in ilo ir line, assuring llicin that llm am . h-s arc good and pi* lii- very renmil able. August d t< X* h - Ii»iy:iiiiI ( i>iiiiii*«siioi UOUSC OIT is I ii. ill! I \UMUl s IIAMv. uiioci'iituis' t;mn /;/,■//>" Kim:*'" f I M 11'', subscriber ie-pi-rifully lul«• rin** bis In.mis a. il I ilit* public m general, lie is now receiving hi Kail bupplv ol I lillll.l a l(U( I II11 As (II large IIS'*.rlu.cut ) to win. h lie invites the alleiili Hi ol .ill who may visit ibis market lor lb* purpose ol pm • iii ni.j neb in 11. Ie*. le. ling a-siin d that lo* ean oiler i merits lo Ibe denier m l eoit-unn r, in ijuulny umi. pure ms pi. ui as any Ionise in Ibis city. Il> is alt..m r.•• eipt ol a large and good assortment ui > I X I’Ll*'. DUX tdMI|)S, sueli i- ('assimerea, Sat I , n-« \ ol all description*. k* r-e\s, ItbillkelS, brow n and ,il.,aclied I b oo in », t’oiioii ( b/.iiabuigs, bed 1 I i king, t a'iroes, N.e., ^ c. A'-o a »• lo lal and good a-- i *iiii-i.i ol II i'-. ( ip*. S|on * and ll -ois, all o! w lileb lo < lb I- lor S||| Oil llo* Moist ph -Sll.o leflllH. ( :i 11 mill se no oiHttiid all. XX IIIIA M I SMI 1*1 ISON O I. 22 •> v IMrlonal llistui v ol lln* Uni etl st.iiv 8 ^|<11 \ 1 the discovery by tlo* N- rilimeu in the teniIi Century to tlo* present tom , by .1 dill I* I >sl, I. I, l> <\ vuL. m 2 r.-rcivi d, and will be tiulda \\.jll less than •ub'.. rip’.toti puce, by I) II TAX NR. Oct. 2') Is .vo n ai t:. \ T K again r..|'ot tlm-e persons indebted tons, t-> i T V ead amt s.-n|e Ilnur aeeounlH Idrthwitll, liH Wi* •■4ire to elo.. business m I .yio-b'oirg.'by ibe mill' e ol S-,it. u. i.r. T A HI I X.XI &L HOPKINS. IS. I.lember !l Is To in> .Mil l iieuik anil 4 il-s|oill<• is i: \y it ii s i \ i: s s .lutl .Vroe 1'onrtrn. SAM ibisdix opening at my Old Stand in Lynchburg nearly uppo-iie the .XI *rk**t House, X LAIU.K AND LK.NK.U XL ASSOIt P.MKN I OK DUX (djons. Owinrr *o the m*w arrimgeineiiis which I have made lor conducting a business here, ibe piddle may rest us sired, that good Inr inis may always be undo! in*. I shall fee. ive, nlmosi every week in ilie year, m:w (iooi»s, buu -lit ui the. N rtlo ro Am Hons an I elsewhere. JOH N J ITItX Is. Agent. Oct. 12 u .ui:i:<bbi vi r.nijOits. VI Til • &. J . O A K E Y , UT ()| LO f.-peei lolly tutor iii the cinteciih »d Lynch* burg, and the public, that ihev have associated i themselves together arid taken the large brick building, I immediately opposite John ii dims, where liny inteup to carry on t lie I’.i/inoti.n. >», i n all its branches. They have now on bind, ami will leousiautly keep, a be.iutilul assortment id ( LOTUS, (W^SIMK.ISK.S, \ l> l INt.S. mil m fad every thing soluble lor Leuileim iTs wear, which lin y will make up lo order III ibe mosl l.tshtollable sty les, handsome fils and warranted woikimm-hip. XX e ve y respectfully invite the (idiilemcn of l.yneb bur > uid lire burroumiing country to "ive us a call. W ,M. JOHN OAKKY. IS NOTICE III AVK ;if>p >i>iti il .!«»11 N I I’L’RVIS niy Ag.ii' fur the | nr|Mfi*» ufcnniluciiiig a (.' \I. DRV GOODS III sINKSS in thr iu*\ ii nl I .y nchbtira, JAMKS S. KKN I'. Rii'limnnil, Oi l. I IH ^1 ITIIN Si NASH’S Kxlri Klim < IIKWING |S I'OUAGCO mii bn had by calling rniT IJ.Jen I imia-. S..i'l I■ i In* vrry lint* by anil j'l.ljr’s nl tbit arlml.* I Call ami aivi* it a trial. O i i'ir*r %’i _•* Sf iiiiix oil to clone ffwtiMc?**» U 11 II o il I lo € osl. n \\ |.\v. determined to close our bustles-. in Lynch boro, luribwiili, we va ill >rl| utir s oek ul »uperi r HK.\I)Y M \I)K ( LO IHINCf, irillmnt I’ci^ai'<1 to rn*l, Or cash om.v. I'he In rocr port ion of oor Stork is composed of ft m I (ioods. OeulleiiM-n, drsiruos ol lay iiio in a stock of so ! ,»eri.»r Clothing, should id> h i ibis opportunity pa*j. PAH 11A M fc. HOPKINS. I P S—We would ca noily request all persons in I ih iied to us to m ik* t orneiliaie payment, and all to I wii • ik sac are indebted to send in their bills lor seiile meht. F* L. i A ’goal 10 (• SclcctUmo. I AIK UATTI.K KNTIIUSIAVM lull 1.1.M U \|. I AY I.Oli I I.r Baltimore American and Uniti«tt«»r«a Sun ponfa'in inn renting leiti rs Imni rnrrrupulidMds at Mo ti r* ' l’he iiix letter is noi only enlirt aiuih •, lull iui|>i lanl. I he coiilt’Nsion ol thu feehe^* •'! a )o«ino soldier, upon ihe t*vr ol bailie, tnd lhe mnniiei in w hu h ihe w in* r sp« aka of ilie learlnl sigh' jurs. 1.1* *1 hy the , slain and wounded, give u*- a high . pinion ol his he in |aud show hun lo h> u man ol liuthlul and gem ions, as well as heron , let'nie. \\ e would rail aileidion lo the heiindli ■ « u'h.i- asm j aw likened hy U'lieriil I .»y!oi i i ll" loarlnol lh> r Inn lint mirk It, ill* J olunUcr*. S•'Hie eiiin hive d tt in|tl• I »o i* present n I \ lot Ws I»» * nine . ■.! the n • dial soldi* I I*, pit a i' the lain \ ol ll.e volimi * t . W n It r lo Hits Inner lor a peileel * \pl-.hi* ii "t that tall u*v Item ral Taylor in aii man, l aving ll.e he-si tpialiiit s o| ihe eilifcru as well as the soldier, ami slue** (lie d..\s i,| Uen \\ asii|ogimi then- has tod bet a an in dividual, wnli ihe ejte»|ili"ii <1 Andrew l .eksou.who nni Id approach the pel I* el alorin nl popularity wine, ihe inline ol “Old 'A n h” w ill a w aken HI eveiy \ m i lean hreuNl. No file iii Ins front, ot * in hianai, «m prevent that e* ii:im ami glorious i••■suit . | Unit II /» (amp M'tll MoMKIUf, MlXI'.r, o.i. (.ill, (I lu lu Vi*,) lb l<. (•enifemru There areii . Biannualy Hiore* mii.i pill .»( i lie \\«ilii w In r. one cm step in and gel a sheet t.i paper lo \\ r11* I . u Im nd, bo I have pud nut muI. i a * *«/«ill# * * a Bluet l"f this, in ..idel lo h l )oU Inal I. .in llie llalilnior< Hnnali.n. I'remising, ilien lore, that I have charged von w ill amount pel bIicci I proe. etl to oive \’"U biieh lew llriim .1 news as I e.u lorn.all, ;. I tel hunt mg I . r it ever atuee llieli.Utle. Hi loir I begin, however, I w mb In ad. you »• n• • 01 t vv'o (|(ii si tons ; and fit-t . Is i.ur government nalrep, tu have they drier mined lo lei old ITough uni li • ml y a lone, lo fight on Ills own IninU i It really do. s s. . oi to me, that there is gnat I mil somew heie. When w. have Hogar, w e ha ve no e. Ih e , when we have bread wr tire util ol meal, when we have meal, wt have n.. In nos ; nod a lie re e onph-U I) I tllitdied Slid si li ve.I i I o| nn ii y.oi mwi r saw . The ttausporinlinii I• • r thin mmi/ is'y deficient, and had llie guvciimeiil evine. tl hill the Ui Mie lo PU»t tl III ihal llilti Brill) has show nil sell nn x in- I o w m la n 11 Is, lien w oiil.l nul have hen. one b ill the number el tit lutigt s and deailm lie >. have 1 it > n. \\ ill \ > n , lln ft hoe. he pood enough I" g I \ r the “powers It. " a g» inh hull on llus »e ie / Sreondly A t'i'y el lln ,\eW (file lie. i I'opie loUUtl Us \\ iy i" lln1 ei.eanipineiii ycstcidnv, anti ll ri -iletl an t Hi ini nl I mii.i 11 oily ptirli.illy aiiempl to deserihe 1 ii biNied, in so marty woi.'s, that (it n. I nylor -irilutl you, llie hero (if lln* blit and U li ol May was lo he mi p* i -rib d, nod M ij. (»t u. Unlit l was lo it-et ivr llie aj> ue ui lo llie t-liti l et.liiinand ol this aim) . i urv. i «aw s.. much t x> llement in my llie. Out company (('apt. Stew mT*) mi l in public meet mg, rind called oil our till.* is to Know if ii w.u . line, nnd every man ol us threui. md to h ave the tu lliy install ei il Old Ifongli was aupriseded. 77e e s emit) nsanpi) rmllm men, and iilo r pledging I hem ! selviN lo un to throw up iheir eomiiii-si.iun il ll < ’alt meiil proved line, llie whole battalion met hi public ns semi.Iy , and iiuiuuiiu.iibl) lid* pli d a it s.dulieii, licit i hey would lor in a guuiil nl to tx . ti ih< Old lit io 11» ihc l(iu (Manila m llie t v. nl ol Its hi mg *up< i Bed# d. The gall ml ’ T« mu -scans (ihr liemrs o I M<nlerey) now eanght llie cxeiicmcni, iIk n llie All *e nppian . and I 11truly believe licit the iie.iueul li.e . *v* inn m ' attefnpls lilts plocct duio, llie aim) nl nee. ptillnll Will he ii up I his Army lias no eoiifih lire whatever in O.m I til l let I I is .huge (llie si e .ml oin ) w a ill I inn I. »' I" \ ■ In in ui n ml im If i rlu ill, mid it w n* timing ihr .hinge ] llm I in mi-use slaughter ol our force, especially no III.' j part o| ilie I eiiuessi aus( Im.K plnre. II was made hy the md< r> nl (•« n. Hiller, without I orders f i oil i lieu. 'Taylor, ami I firmly In-lieve ilun we nil would have sh unt lie bite ..I Dili Iniiu ult .l ( <>| ■ in I, ( W utttoll,) anil lit a ll cut lo pieces, hid n..l f»«n Taylor rode up under a mobi iteiioml us lire and order led us In it lire. |i was lure that uttr beloved (ienernl Iliad hii horse sliul. 11 .w t ver, he eKeaped, no.I his in I r ipe was and is yet a uur.iele. lor I think I may H.ahly pay Mini In,iw the dusl of fill bullets |]y loiiml lln bools .1 h n horse <*« n iiuilef l.nd hr eii wounded, nnd a sol tin r was tying a iiaiidkt.’jvhtcf round Ins leg whenOeii. Tayh.r lode up. They had hard nod high words, w hen Ilien. I i) lor e.xehiiuied “Sir, I older you lo retire.” Mien. I u .w tiir .ed lull towards us, and lit n firm, f clear voice, which was In aid hy every man, ordered u i to lo a corn li- Id near l*v. Ill nut* word, liuller lilt* ihe unanimous eons-nt nl lie volunteers in reium I • private llle, and I <r • • 11«•, I * dcmu | ly declare. Dial itlilimig i I eaine here h serve during ihe w :.r, I w ill apply I >r my discharge beIore I w ill ever I'Miisrnl In iiecumpiiiiy a charge ul bayouei*. which shall he made under lie ord rs id M >j >r (»< u limb i I mltnil Imn t" hr a hnivr mini , hr Ini lln’ dii.'iniun in /trraon, mill iraa ivnuinli d mini' nt ilbhnnl , hut tu lacks prudence, t iit-si-jlil nnd oilier ipi ililies necessary in a commander in eli el. I again repeal, lliai il our (• iv criirnenl should al leinpl in m iperc. del • u. I ay In, an I 10 appoint Inn. liuller in his stead, ihe army nloccu h ast llie \ olunleer poriem ul H, w ill be broken i up. They, I lie Volunteers, will never consent In rve under any otle r (». neral, .Vo, no ev* n under Tw iggs «»r \\’ ur t li, lint li ol whom have al ,M>iun rey gamed uiimurial honors. Taylor, or as wu lamilarly call Iiiiii, J “()Ul Z u k,” IS ihe h'limj lor in. I ask y o i < I" g'»od | enough, genllemeii, to |el llie government know lliu real scuiimenls ol llie Vuhnteers in lhis imiMrr. Yon may, probably, wish to know how a young sol di i leel» wlien lie smells powder for the lii-i hum I will tell you. At liist I h it as though I should like to , have been uul id the parly I lell decidedly ftnimly, | and looked Irom one end ol the hiliiilioulo lli« oilier I * ■ see il I could sec any one run. Yes. I h it Ike run inyr, | limit acknowledge, lint they all slued 11li• ■ men and I could mil buar llie idei to he llie lirs| in run, an.I, I therefore, k**pt on with llie rest. I lie I cum* •-eans were about ten yards in our advance, the Miysissippiau-. juhuiii the same distance in mir rear. \ • u will, i • relorc, »ce, geu'lcmeii, ihai I had o “stand up to the tack, bid der or no lodder.” At lln* moment an aw ful fire was oppned on th> T. n nc-seaiis. They l-ll hy scores,lull Ihe halaoe•• -to id like veterans. W e were tired upon l*V a cross fire li cu‘* I I'J pounders and a murderous discharge ol small arms ! ir nu ci ruefiul streets, doors, w iudowH and lops ol Iruus «•§. liy this time, Col. YVabun was Irving to g.»t us a le ad ol the I'crmessi mis, (having applied b>r lli • ad v un i and ree» iveu from lieu. Tnyb r ili*■ promise ol :i.) land, while hi ihe act of giving iliree cheer*. was slim .low ii. I lc was on mir right, some i weuly paces the id .•I uh. I saw him fall, and all apprehension now left inw. I uiiile an inv.lurnary effort to gel tu Iiiiii to afford Itiin help, bill was borne on hy llie pres sure ol ihe ua-n behind, and willingly \ iebb d to ii, impelled hy a ilursi lnr revenge would have cur rii d me through a storm ol bulbdsur laid n e uul in Monti r. \. \\ . were now within fitly yanf behind which the iv.einT w • re firing in perlect s- curi i %. arid at inis moment Gen. I ol i rode up in gallinl '.style accompanied by a young offi *er. N >w came ibe thrilling scene I all. A hu *e • en ncss. Mi snug mil “mU nc. . men here curnesOld Z ek. three cbeeis b.r Old Ziek.” Three Ir. i.cndous elm rs were new given, until “Heaven** broad arch rang hack ihe sound ” I trembled lor hm safely lor l expected to sec bi n tall every mnmotii. (ireai God! I never can forget that sight.—’I be gal lant old soldier turned to lie* young • lli 1 r win* a« c on pained Iiiiii and received Ir on bun a >uv-glass whb li in applied to tu* eye, as il in survey the scene uruu nl Inm. I'll* re laid at least 100 men shot 1! w n; lint li .oal calmly shut up the glass .. :i »eturued 11 tu tl e oil! :er, 1 ""I • li* n n In j hi || iM iir. r illf» f ».j/ «*rilil In* w ih i*n mi " 111' 1 * *1 I ' mi -vein*, jj1 vi* i li#* i»rm*. ♦ » “rnire.ft 1(1 l »"nl liiiii will, my .*>.■* Mil I naw l.lm > . v'/ixl Mi*» d ' r «*t 'h** n il! arm . n»i I li.-i nl;n.»-<t iriv duiifaniy tt «| in i jn ii lui in in i an!.-;» VH ;; In llir Aim a i» . Hi.n h m inv ilu l*lf hfin w ii Hi.ll pr. ». ! vp.f in Im r,,ii ,f' I " . ri itirii i>- I siw a wutmdrd v dnnlrrr, " !m *'• ti I iii" in i*i w In in si •mo w it» r. | did - », : i' i | 111" d i'nil 1 n inv !».*• k I" » |*1.*«•»• ••( hi-.urily. 11 r j,^ •’* I ' 1 ' ' i i' b«»n I • ml litiu dnw i in ih»* j r, *. dpi' .1 Iii•• • lli • i -, iii w ,i« ,i rorpM*. 1 >1.! *•••1111* mi n. Ilu- -r Mil w- \n I* Tlu> word In i y l» it s ihU i | nmol In-Ip 11 -li wli.irrdd) ji ar.iM. I hr w Ii • ran < m .• npl r<* •mrfi a «<-» . , , i i , d" I Mi lid-ad Si|d d \ l tig*, and fn*t frrf dr J. * y > 1... ., I y ... Ml l ' I -i j . ,i v\ lilt'll I a n nun|*ov ,|. t • < ul|i nun, \ mi h'onild Imivi* sppjy ihn ti <* 1 ' s in* >■!' ' ", I i Ilif V Mini r Midn •<! d |'ir iai|v-. | ‘ *»' »M I" * < • M '*< * * r •' . V .11 h‘i m!,| 111 Vf , . "Ilf' VII Imiadfiiiud ind MiHtii d- < \V,h,, v.» » 'limild Iimvr Hi tni nr pr* *»»hi hid .vrd n.intti imler, ih* "I'l 'I'1'!. Ill 'll. II I ( apt nil Mrw ari. Hr |,,n^ ,i hi, , a "ii 11 (Inst, a id w It. n hr Itll I lift fi Mil In* w a« r »v« i, •! w nil lduo.1 I*, ir Hi id dn l. IMiit I "V„ I I. 11 \,.u p.,,* 4 " hi. i h i'i,iw , i v, ii li 'lu.ii .rr nrvrr nr -dared. I I. I I KII I’/lO.M V MM. IIMOKK V.V I In* I" 11 * * * in" I* I i i li , li i hr ( ip'iin ol mir nl' ||.« 1; ‘ h'"‘ " "l'*»:i'' ' " published Ml l In* Atm rir.m i»|* u " 1 ' * Will Ii I I .iid to hill ,,i i nilv Irlli i \. I imldiatii'd : Monti m v, Sr pi, * ’7, IS ff». I fclinfiitl like fn |Hi' v*hi n (nil » ••• Mini i.f ilm o|>*-n m Im IIS Iti «!«• r n | 111 V tr-mi the Mine W r* hade il llih limn unlil it via# I«iw «'i«|>11ii|nI«*, Inn hive no Inf i|, . Her I 111* -|'.ire le d.W.'e til |l, | vl. »!! He r, I I. . ‘ r "I 'In* |il f I I eiir hi 11 ft 11.1 . 111 ■ 13 t 11, III lit,her 1 h•* a<HenHem ;hi* arid n llceiieiet ul une el its in m hers, \ 1 » * * I • I Ii end nnd It n iiilil*- •. rv i On 'l.ii.ila v I i» h t, 111« I •', ( • 11 * I ii t v tee In i n umh r tr ns qihi|Iiii "* * 1"' pii v e.tifc Iti;; 1.1 t \| chi d In a lira v y mii.;ii 7 ’ ; k,.\ \l.. we mand.ed Irufti ei m|i v\ nh I mi nun pane s . I liie Ih Inf.ttiliy . «» ali» i an |i|i , I niair t in j. v. e is’in .1 tr.(|Ti a i ii lit id drtci'y in li nt el ■» I * I'd f v , e| I a l le I I.If 1, e| • one i\ el f VI M | !i .*• s m! i | "Ut IV, am! eimtd. I unit mian'ty, w lileii ejiennl • ti ns Hie » ni tin he.i ! ..( eiir r • IIIm i made i ipjiear xi 11«* • ‘. \\ i* were within point h'ank r.-n.-e, nnj l. It •III III I Hilii', lieaid I fn- Wi.l-. 1 i..j -d >!i .1, Our h ll t:< t lieu w.i l> (tinned mil:. I l> ml • ue.l. r this fin*. III..I Wt \Mieerd ltd Inch lie I • w aid ! w ei,1 # t In i mi" nn.I wav ng lit) mv. rd, uni !he men r:m.e after me>. When wi'ltiii a hundred pud* t I tin* I reneltt-s I 1" -ked li el, It e "lie Ml- t 11 i\V I lit* , he i e •ni v " ■ ' ■ I* tie a ih" men. Judin’ «• 1 11 v intem-d m ut "I'll' I 'til- Id lie ( ill Cel|l|t'i i. !* * < I re- 1.1 • r • mi t cl 11 • • • V ' li ' I’ >•* III) l .'III I siw ( el. Walton ’h'll.lliu, leil re. le heal up a . e itinainl, (haI was an nn|" '• 11»'I•' v "M II'!' •" (It ill .. I * l.e ■ .'If "I lie* i ll.lieII «i,| IIIu ..kl*fI V . I iW i - In ad • i •-•il I . e . . I jli'.i il* llilt ell'.", lieu | kilt w ai . ie i ih..l lie j unit el an e k w as rliac't'i d, lan at lie !.< ad t I iny t umpany in innuepl Hit* Head ut Hit* ChImIIi' | It, lied Jllsl an (’el mil W fits 'll W I. »11 111. .i t n 111" r 11 III III, huise, W ll it’ll I lie fu\! Ill .lie Ml. I' ll limn a - I lie ( eloiiel eiieil eiil Iti the nn n - "Shelift 3 him Ivt . lie u, Ihe he-l way V">' eati " ,\( • hi ’ line*'lit llaUallieli \\. hc.j:leir I nvei i t-p euel a• muil in a ie, and ll i lin n v\ < re ly1eg devi n, tie -1, tl III me t in.!.!ne. |J\mg tiv, r uur land-; (nil !hi* guns Were *• i.m dtp: •• • «i. and 'he shut hue an In I a Iff I w a l\ it.* e| . I . ( "|. ... | \\ \ .. r». nil. 1 el • . ' t I" d"*', IV le ■ I, ) tt Hi |" d tip and ll • d M|t * .Navt \s Hit* till1** boy •, I'elieW lie'” I W ns Up and alter him 'll i **'C hi, li v let e 11 11"W it.}* It,e. \\ e W t If I*.\V m a sir el ..r w till a h w |. u . en « . * I ■ r • ole, nnd v\ it It in a Itundit tl v it's el 11. r• a It.M t< re • l.t.-li i euipl. < ly r 11%. d it ,Ui it I «l i Hen le vv h leh I w n t vt el v e pfiireh r vt ere pie n 1 > d in lie ( iistle en ihe iteiil, fttiii|■ i« Iv enfilading He» w In le distant o we had In leake. Arid hi thin lie* llmu «aml me k> na re eit lie- leeme« and in the barricade* II He ie ad "I lie1 s'n - I up w Ine! i hi ml van cod. a tel it • Very i 111 It , I "I v "tl ll :i\' let III fc"U’e idi :t nf HiH dilttee id l. lilt* p. ereil ii pun in, -( in mind that the 'ntir enittpiiili h el n iilars were n.»w will t Ho* our* uileliliingltil with tlm "lie r ) Onward we wen', men nel Iiurm s liillni" at i vei \ .... p. ( le . im, sin it k .■•mans ne! we I Is til ei.ili Ilia lei add. il le the (I in, whilst tie* rear e| lie1 Julius was uhvduielv d- alenine W t h el mivaim tl tit* the street u tier thi* awful nml lalal file te at > I v\ u hundred \ *»r«Is, w le n we reatilted a . res', 'ii i l at the eereer iti wlileh nil M Im had MiC •eedt d in ihuslar altve, hilt -I. as ll hy t’ensce'. I was Inking ( "I. W alseii l»y the li.itil, w hlUlhe v\ a-t eeiujdiim elm * me, when a nlinivt r nf giape, i * tin- it* shel r.'ine lletn the (•• i t a , atel fir < (li is |. II, anl I de nul knew ire iv m:ii,y pi. v aie i. I'’,i-*li man mtiuht s uite plan* el appa rent .sledler. I sit d »vvn un lie’ enttind with my hack te the wall ef a lent a . (hi my led were two rre ri tern n*arlv •'» pieces. Out* *d them was lying ll tl on lis hue If With his legs extending l.mlier in the s'r et t an mine.— ('rash eaine aueiie r sli"'-v er ul «jr.ip**, which lure one of his w eun.l. d It , s "IV. 11 e r* a e.l it p a ml shrieked ami . ,! hack n cefp I ie v* r nieve.l, lur I was san>lied ihat one place w u.s a ' sale it« ate timr. O r**crly epp i silt* to me w as my il n Jed 1.1 ill* haul Ai .pit:h ; nit Hie rigltt eeiei r w a- I .it ni. I» ivv ie. also t| my cmipany; and elesu In me s ,1 ( I W a?seii and A ij’l. Schaefer.-— Inn I w minu'es | saw eui cuk.r Ser.‘‘ant, old liar', ceiue pts, with Ins righl arm shallert .l (it lias since been ampul i*• d) anil in a le v minutes there e.iutu t*tir II it tal I inn ll ig, iMirne l*\ une id the ruler euanlm, . ur slurs nml tripe* ; md, tiev Him, that It was the l ist \nn :i in flag in Hie city <d .M »i»r* y—an lemur which we knew In lull ;s l" mir li t illien. W’li'Mi I !»a a liming, nutvviilisiituuitig the n<iv< llv of the seem around me. a thrill ul pleasure slid through lie, iiiul I (i ll a - il 1 could die, In I had mole lip my mmd i i duyiud uo man llieie i Vi r lli.mglii I r a inmm lit III il in w mid j< i ml' alive, and most ol them did lint, (in' 5ring "i. i. cum l unit'd without 1111 hunt inlcrmw simi w hi!-.1 we le name l at tins menu r i'i e c »riier,w t».. h w as per11 a | is lur libe. u minutes. When we wore i»r li led Iu eii i gr up th«* Hind, a slight herniation was mauifemed by bdli regulars and vnlumer is, but the ol liei'fs sprang lu (lie Iroot in double life, 1 being alongside it ( ul. Watson, We advanced I siipp -se about fitly yards, when Col, (iarlaml,- I lbe Aimi. ordered us In n lire. W e gull idvatiee.l, ami lie again ordered us to reure, a tiling this mm , m g 1 order. I now became separated from t ol. V ,N in, anil m v. r saw him nun m. He took ibe left b ind side I Ibe sired. and I the right band, and when I repelled I be ..pen held where be bad first o Per 1 'is in lie down. I was |mued by, AiHpiiHi, w t . • • my ii.ipiiry, aiiMtniU .lint be bad just leli the Col.n il, tod siippu ed I at lie Would soon to- W lib us. Si dug ii i ul In r i fii er nr*mud me, I rail i 1 Ibe bn1 allhm ( e ii, in H r lli it lio* filing w a> jus! a s hot and as ineei.s.iMt rtn \ ns il bad b in il lirs ) and leiiilicn. do w n to iliiku number alia k < i i te hoi, having made up my mind to take it i r die in the attempt. i.ingin • my surprise- m< *i i :ro* able one. f e u less t,i fi .1 tin 1’orl in our peso-si.m, ii having been cap lull'd *\ ibe Nl-ss>oppi and l'i nuc--e* r» gtmt nts »'b n it lii'ii. d i'hie oil us Uij ioln iltp town.— | i. ve n<■ i ibe slightest doubt lliitl il was ttie* eha'.n I,. \ i,,e 1st |i,l miry a ul our Itailallion into ibe el'y which made i in- .Mm .•Hi-, win »t from ihe l‘\»rr. I was o.b ied to sin In-r mv meo lr. in llm lire, and i w hi In rilier urdt rs. I i »uk 11»■ n in il e d.ieb anil then i lamb, red 1 vi r the fain pens In I .!»•• a I. • 1. at W bat was g.itng nil. My appiaumre was greet* d with a I z n «*r s > uf musk- t Ui 11 is. which ucohinh-d gten !y a relrogt.idt m >vement, ami I Mid »wn fjtiietlv wild tch feel ul ilut iniwren li e and ibe enemy’* fb Ibis was ib liist spot ilia' I bid i> eft in which I was mu ot (ire for more tlnutwo hours, and 1 was nearly * xohiihI *<d. Oi h ul my men n u cams up ami reported to m« ibe lira Ii ol pi r C’-d. W altsofi, whom be had teeli !al from a mo-Io i -nut i i ugh the mek. As wi ll ii ■ I can learn, the Cub n I. in retiring ft • n tile Cll V . iie llm .1 a g - I deal 1 • the left, Hli.1 b C4 l'-* <c pi rat* 11 11. >. ii toe iicnri body ol ibe baltallion; fb *, in emu pi. i y with Lieut. Bowie, w ho remained wtih Ui.n