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PUBI.ISHKD MV BLACKFORD, STATU AM 4 DILLARD, Evert Monoat and Thl'r.soav, at Four Hollars per annum, payable in «<livmrr. ,Vo sub scription will be received for a shorter time rHan six Months ; and no paper will he discontinued, (exeept at the discretion tflhe Editors.) until all arrearages are paid QJ. .11) FF.Il TtSKMKMTS inserted at 50 cents per square (or less) fur every inner form insertion aid 37 i els. per square (or less) for every outer form insertion. EVERY.IDYHR'flSER is required to note on hit .Mi how long he wishes his advertisement inserted . an adver tisement, not to noted, will be inserted till its discontinuance be ordered. Foil YKJHIHY .'MVERTISIJSTs the terms are : for the privilege qftuto squares, *40 , for mu square *25 , for one square, inner form *'15. Every yearly advertiser tcill be requxedtoeoi\fiiu hit advertising to Ins particular line oj kuimess. ff. jon FRI.YVI.'i'U credited neatly ami expeditiously mini o>i reasonable terms. __ BACON! I W LBS. BACON in store and for sale j J Jj l«'» h) BUVANT J, T1NSLEY. May 6—4t FOR SALE BY virtue of a deed of Trust executed tome by Jobe S. Lanohorne and Sarah E. Ins wife, I shall sell, at public auction, on Thursday, thetjth day of May next, if fair, if not,on the next fair day thereafter,on the prem We*’ A TRACT OF LAND, Ivintr in the County of Amherst, on Stovall’s Creek, sd mnmo tbe land of Hoct. Flood. Chas. Mays. Wyatt IVttviolin (i Warwick and others, and containing about ' ONE THOUSAND ACHES. The said Land is within •"> miles of Lynchburg and a mile of the canal. with good outlets to each. A large po J lion thereof is heavily timbered, well watered with wipe rior water power, wliietiean he cheaply applied to. either milling or manufacturing purposr s. It is well a daiiled to the growth of Tobacco. Wheat, Corn, &.C., and is worthy the attention of those engaged in hauling 1 wood,nr who may want Wood Land cunvr iieiit to 1 ynehhurg. It will he divided in lots or parents hi suit I nurehasi rs.and will hi' sold either at private or public sale , at the same time and place, I will s, II two\\ aggnns. i;ear and Fixtures, one Ov-Cari, one set Black Smiths’ ■ Ti.ils and sundry 1‘lantation Utensils. The title lo said ; property will be undisputed.hut awing ns trustee & agent, j 1 shall convey such title only as vested n me. TEltMS UF S VUE. A credit of one. two and three years will he given. March'22—tGM W. T.YANCEY, Trustos. vosti' The above is postponed until the 28ih uf May WM.T. YANCEY, Trustee. May 6—t28M rpUF. Undersigned, li rctofore. partners in the practice 1 A of Law, have this day dissolved by mutual const nt. The business on hand will have iheirj nni atteniion. April 15-U .IAS. (iARLANI), p WM I). BRANCH. LAW .VOTIVE. Wm. D. Branch A " in S. Reid, Jr. nAVF, firm li a parin'! slop in the practice I Law j and will atUind the Courts of the Corporation of. LynchImrg, the county of Can,phell, Appomattox, and | Amherst. ’ Also tlte Sop, rior • mis of >lm county ot , Hockl,ridge. All business committed to their hands will , ho diligently alternled to. Office over Captian \\ m. 1). ! Fair’s, at Market House. Address -Lynchburg. April 15—ts Commissioner's Stile of Ij a n tl tt tl tl .Y« a r o r s PURSU AN T to a decree of theeireu tsuperior cur^ uf law and chancery, for the county ui Amherst’ pronounced on the 2nd day of April, 1847, in a suit in which Mary J. Waugh and William Arinisl,ad are plaintilTs. against’Thomas I*,. W augit, John C rawford, William Eidsott and James Lillian', defendants; the unders gnt d commissioners, apjHtinled by sa d decree,wil proceed at Waugh’s Ferry, in said enmity „t Anthersl, on the 7lh day of June next, to sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following Slaves, viz : William. JVtlmn, (,'enrgt, Silvey anil Addison. And at the same time and place, we shall sell, to the highest bidder, the interest of the said Thomas H. AVaurrh in the Krai Estate of Ids lather, James Waugh, dco’d., which rc at estate is situa'ed in several TRACTS OK LAND, some lying in said enmity of Amherst, and others in tho county of Bedford. A more particular description will lie given on the day of sale. The Land will he sold for cash enough to defray the expenses of sale, and for the residue, on credits ofl’i, 12 atl,i Itt months, to be secured hy bond with satisfactory personal security, and the title to bo withheld until the purchase money is paid. We shall, in the same time and place, soil for rash, the interest of the said Thomas E. Waugh in llm dower Slaves held by his mother, the said Mary J. Waugh, a description of which will be exhibited on tlm day of ■ale. If the said 7th day of June next shall not be fair, we shall post|>nne the above sale until llio next day, the 8th of June, 1847, when it will bo made. The decree under which we act requires all persons * who may have possession ol any ol the said Slaves, Y\ il ham, Nelson, George, Silver or Addison, to delivt r them up tons for sale wh it demanded, and we hereby inform them that we shall send an agent to receive ibcut a few days before the sile. HUBERT M. BROYVN, ) Cnnmiis JOIIN THOMPSON, Jr. f sinner*. Amherst C. II. May G—t7Jo Dissolution THE concern of M. II. Lavinder & Co., is this day 1 dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having claims against the concern will please present them for | payment, and those indebted to the concern will come forward and scute. The name of the concern will h« J ustd only in winding up the business. M H. LAVINDER. WILSON P. BRY ANT, TIPTON L. TINSLEY. May 1,1 S47. May 6—4t New Concern. THE subscrilier will continue the GROCERY’ tsn COMMISSION BUSINESS, at the stand Or merly occupied by Bryant K Young, and recondy by M. H. Lavinder & Cu.. where ho will, at all tirnos, keep j on Ita d a gootl and well assorted stock oJ GROCERIES, LIQUORS. 6tc. fite. to which he particularly invites the attention of his old ( friends and the public generally, promising them good bargains in Ins lute ol business. b M. H. LAVINDER. May G—4t_! PUBLIC SALE. I'WILL, by authority of a trust deed, sell at public auction, at theNatura1 Bridge Tavern,in Rockbridge on Monday, the 1 Oth day of May, 111 ,'lmi of f,.i.Y'W, adjoining tho Natural Bridge Tract, and running close to ■aid Bridge, and presenting rare advantages 1 jr the es tablishment of a Public House, Store, or residence tor a Physician. There is on it a fine Spring—and tho great Vailoy Road,and Lynchburg '1 urnpike, both pass though it and intersect on it. 1 A credit uf six months will ho given—the purchaser . giving personal security, and tho titlo retained until the purchase money is paid. C P. DORMAN, May 3--U0M Trustee DISSOLUTION f I 111 E ( < I IWK I N I’.lisllll’, licrclnlhrc existing un ■ ■ di r tl'esiyle ui I allhit ,V Lamer, was dissolved by mutual consent, on the lmli mst. MELVILLE TALBOT, April 20—la 1U>. V. LAMEK. •w. T .1 #, « o T, AUCTIONEER and COMMISSION MERCHANT LVXCHnURG. YlllGIXI.i. Ol 1.1) respectfully inf. rm ills citizens of l.yneh bnrg ami liie public generally that he bus removed Ills auction store In the large hriek tenement on the cross sireet.juM above the maikvt li.utae, where he will lie pleased til receive consignments from Ins friends and the public generally. All unsettled business of the lam firm nl'Talbot St Lanier \ul I be closed by the sola Tiber._ and bis particular attention paid to all business animated to his car*. MELVILLE TALBOT. April dli—la GUUCRRIRS ! GROCERIES ' 1 GRlH EMKS ! f! Fill IE SI IlsCKIHKII^ invite the attention of their I Iriends, and the public in general, to their new S TOCK OK GROCERIES, now lieing received from the Northern Cities, which they offer for sale, at the low est market prices,mi accommodating terms. 'Their Slock comprises in part : SUGAR —15 hlids. N. O. and Porto Rico Sugar, supe rior quality, 12 boxes A A and II Loaf Sugar, 5 tierces Clarified do 10 bbls. Pulverised do 10 “ Crushed do COKKEE—150 bays Rio, Laguirj ami Java Coffee, MOLASSES—10 hhds. ( ubu Molasses, 10 hlids. Porto Rico do 5 “ Sugar House do GOLDEN S\ 10 P—3 hlids. N.O. Golden Syrup, TE\—20 half chests Imperial 'Tea, various grades, 25 half chests Gunpowder do do 20 lull chests Black do part very superior, CANDLES—100 boxes Hancock N. Mann’s superior Adam inline Candles, 100 boxes New Bedford Sperm Candles, assorted sizes and approved brands, SPICES—Ginger. P* pp* r. Allspice. Nutmegs and Mus tard, of various qualities and packages. OIL—15 bbls. 'Tanner's Oil, NAILS —300 bbls. Nails, assorted sizes, B A CON—15,000 lbs. superior Bacon. They v\ill also keep constantly on hand, a good and general assortment of S TAPLE DRY GOODS, to which they ask an examination fr m tlicir customers and purchasers generally, Imth wholesale and re ail, together with a general assortment of il AKDW \RE U ILLIA.M T. SMI THSON. NOUBORNE B. SIEPTOE. April 20— ts KBaneing School. rpHE undersigned will he in Lynchburg in a few dajs to commence a Dancing School. P. B. HOFFMAN. April 27—ts TO THK &( FlOPl LOt H nOC TOR T. \\ . ENN INC* inform'the public that' he is in p.^sess,on of Boyd’s remedy for Scrofula, it is too well known to the community to comment on.— ! whoarc n111 eled may rail on him ami lie relieved. | IPs Office is near New Si.,re, Buckingham county, V a. j His Post ()flier. New Store Buckingham. ( barges are moderate. Aprd 22—ts KM XU LiVIft^ Hi ftfliMII,, UaiLLYl.Y, UUTKTOUItT CULW*7T. Rev J Me Elroy and Airs McEIroy, PRINCIPALS MR. and MRS. McKLRDY will open, at Buchan . an,on the 1st of May next, a Young Ladies Hoarding .School 'The number of B .aiders will be limited to thirteen,ami the whole to twenty-live. 'Tlu health, comfort, thorough instruction, true piety and refinement of the young La dies, will be the objects of the constant aim and efforts of the Principals. Terms for .Session of Five Months. Board, Washing, tk*\ $05 00 Tuition, including English, Latin and French, 25 00 Music extra. Payments in every instance in advance. Vacations in April and October. REFERENCES. Bishops and Clergy of the Diocese of Virginia; Staun ton, I Ion. Judge Thompson; Winchester, Hon. James M. Mason ; Albemarle, Hon. W.C. Rives; Fredericks burg. Hon. Judge Lomax; Richmond, Hon. Judge Bald win, V' . II. McFarland, Esq.; Halifax, James Bruce. Esq.; Bedford, Dr. Win. Davis: Botetourt, J. T. An ilers.m. Esq., James Wood ville. Esq.; Roanoke, Wm. M. Peyton, Esq., Gen. Watts; ( lark county, Dr. Ran ilolph; Lynchburg, Wm. Al. Blackford, Esq. April 22—ts SUGAR, LICORICE, xOIL, See. 10 hhds. prime N. O. Sugar, 10 cases prime Mass Licorice, 10 baskets Sweet Oil, 21 bags Rio Green Coffee, 2 bales Eastern Hops, in fine order, 1 hlid. very fine St. Croix Sugar, 5 tons Tredegar Iron, Receiving and for sale, by CRENSHAW, RAG BY & CARTER. April 22—tit if FMESH SUPPLY. McCORKLE k SIMPSON HAVE JUST RECEIVED IN STOKE, 12 lihd.v N. O. Sugar, 2 tierces do clarified Sugar, f> barrels pulverized and ground Sugar, 2 do crushed do 12 boxes \V oolscy k Woolsey*s best Loaf Sugar, 150 hags Kin, old Java, Laguayra and Maracaibo Coffee, 20 baskets Sweet Oil, 15 barrels Tanners1 Oil, 40 boxes Window Glass, 40 do Tallow, Sperm and Adamantine Candles, 100 kegs Minting and Sporting Powder, 50 reams Eoolscapand Getter Paper, 200 kegs Nails, Nine nests Wood ware, S nests Measures, fiO reams Wrap ping Paper, 100 lbs Candle Wick, HO lb* Cotton Tw inc, 500' lbs ('dpperas, 5 doz Axes and 12 boxes Tea, all of which, to- j gethcr with many other articles and our former stock, we of- * fer for sale at the lowest market price. MarchS ts TANNERS’ OILo GO bnrre.s Tamtors’Oil. of prime quality. on hand | and fur sain low. BRYANT ft. TINSLEY. April 19 - ts CLOTHS.< 'ASM Ml-: RES AM) VESTINGS. \ VTE an-now in h ceipt of a large assortment of llir * * above named Goods, among which are Black French and Eug)i*h broad (. loths, all prices, Brown, Green, Blue and Olive do Black French Doe Skin Cassimcres of every style and quality. Do Buujcaos ami plain English do French, English ami American Fancy do Fancy and white Linen Drillings, Black French and English Satin VESTINGS, Light and dark eol' urrd Silk do Gold Tinsel and white figured Silk do Figured and white Marseilles do fee. 6cc. The above Goods will he manufactured at prices to «itit ihe customer, provided he is not U« hard to please. At any rale we are determined he shall not say ho can do i better elsevvhero. Call and try. All garments warranted to fit or no sale. WATERHOUSE, WHITTEMORE & Co. ; April 29-ft To lli<* l .ulu *. Midi. Uurker X Vo., DEALERS IN FANCY GOODS. O^AKE ureal plt-a*urr in calling llio sUi'iiiioii of ill* | * Lailnn in iln-ir cilcnaivn sim-k of Dio** CihhIh. Fritnili Euiliroidcrii*. Ui* GimhI*. Shawl*. Soar Ik, , I riuiming-i, Riht»ni*, Honnrt*, Flower*, Piimaol*, I'aiu aoli ii* anil Sun StiaJiW, iu\ fkc. 1 ho Linin'* w ill timl by nailing a very fino STOCK OF GOODS to nolect from ami allow pucu*. They • re all reepoctfully io call. April ly— i* TO MIL LADIES. BELL, BULKER ,V CO. DEALERS IN LADIES SHOES. Kid and morocco suiters. thick solid do " " •• Buskin*, Bronze Slippers, Light oulM do Blank English lasting half Gailsrs, Colored do do do Black Fren.'h do do Colored do do do French Linen (colored) Gaiter*, Colored Silk do Children’s Gaiter*, Slipper* and Walking Shot*, black and colored rI he attention of the Ladies is respectfully nailed to the above list of Shoe*. 'They will hud by culling uu assortment of Shoes well Worthy examination April 19—Is B. K. & Co. TO Till: lal.M lil .MI.N. HELL, RUCKER * Co., DEALERS n Cloth*. CuHsmuncs, Venting*, fnnev and pl.nn Cravats, 1 l.its, Glovss, Pocket llandker chiefs. Suspender*. »Ve N*e., have the pleasure to inform thou* wanting Goods, of the above description, that In culling, they will find an assortment equal to au\ cvei exhibited in this market and at a* low prices. April 19 tv M nitre Stock to Miami I)Fiji, IH CKF.K & r».. Wholesale and Retail Di alers in Dancy Dry (ionds, 1 VFFM il only llriT,v„iiy tosuy to tlunr cuyiumcis I " and the distant puhlu-. that their entile ST()( K UF (i< >ODS for tin? Spring trade is to hand. 'The sun k i* large, well assorted and pretty, and those who call will douhtlor* find them cheap. An invitation is respectfully tendered to any and *11 persons wanting Goods. April 19—ts To Hen luiiils. DELL, HU( KEll 4- CO.. Dealers m Foreign and Domestic Dry (it <>d<, I.YNCIIHUIUJ, \ \. n .W F the pleasure to say to ^Icrchants w ho hu\ Goods in tins place, th y are now in r ipi of their st.ek of Sl’UI Nt • GO()1 )>, comprising a large r amount of desiralde G ods, suited to tin- trade of Mer chants, than it liasevi r hern their pleasure t • oil r. A call is regpeectfully requested, believing that all who make it,will find Goods to suit them,and at the right pi ces. April 19—ts I nih'l \ fresh supply of th ■ a beaut.I'ul transparent Wash Halls, a sujeri- r ailieie for the toilet, For sale hy JOHN il SLAV, Druggist. March 4—ts llaroii ,V l.ard 25,1 HHi |hs. Family Bacon, 3,1)00 lbs. No. I Lard, Just received and lor sale. April 12-ts KOBFBISk WALLKU. *VO/F *.S TIIE TIME READ OJS*E, READ AEE. llarfniiiK! Itar^;iin«—aixl no hum lake. w 1i.1, i a n u. ni 1.1.1: it, (sitcessor to rnt.N< is *». Mil, Hardtrure, Cutlery, SCe. riii ik subse iher having lakeii the building formerly I occupied by Mr. Lewis Page, and opposite Mr. Don T. C. Peters. tnk«s the Utterly of calling the alien tion of his friends and the puldic generally, loins n*w and well selected stock of Hardware, Cutlery, kc which he is now opening and will continue >o receive, at his new Hardware FsUihlishment. Ib1 flatters hineeb that, after an experience of many years in this branch o the trade, he can exhibit a stock of Goods, which for styles und prices cannot he surpassed hy any house in the Smte. And ns a proof of the assertion, he asks only a fair trial. I lis Goods arc direct from the Manufacturers, and have been bought upon the most advantageous terms. Among the stock may In* found almost every article in the Hardware line, consisting in part of the foil iw ing, vi7.: Tools of every description and quality, House Keeping Utensils, Farmers’ Implements, Building Materials, Sorting Tackle, Brushes of all kinds. Iron, Steel. Nails, Brads, Cord. Hope, kc. kc. kc. And many other articles which could lie emiuieraft d, any of which will he sold low. (five mo Many rat** a rail. W. G. MIFFFK P. S.—Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. March 25 2m ill err list nt Tailoring. ./ o if jv o./? A’ /; r, Jit llut Old Stand nftt'm. A* ./ OuUnj, 'W'^TOI 1,1) respectfully inform the citizens of Lynch Tv burg, and t h#» public, that be will continue to conduct, at the old stand of himself and brother, the TAILORING BFSINESS, in all itebranches. H<* has now on band, and will con tifiually keep, a beautiful assortment of Cloths, Cassi meres. Vestings, and in fact everything suitable tor Gen tlemen’s wear,which be will make up to order in the most fashionable styles, handsome /its and warranted work manship. He would invite the attention of the public to his Stock. Feb. 4—ts HLANKLTS AND NIXHO ( LOT1I I N ti. Ju.-i i t i hand, «evcral balesot Blankets very cheap ; Also, a large* lot of Negro Clothing, very low. Nov. 30— ts K. J. Bt; RT()N niiimltin \:iil Works. rpilK subscriber having been apjviinted Agent for the sale of the “ Manakin Nads,’ respectfully informs, the public, that lie is bow receiving and will keep con stantly on hand, at Ills store on the Canal,opposite the Public Ware House, a full and complete assortment of: these Nails, embracing all the various sizes iri use. 'Phis Factory having been recently erected and all of its' Machinery being new and of the m st modern and appro ved description, is capable of making Nails equal in qual ity to that of any other establishment in the country.— I)ral» rs a re assured that no effort, on the part of tl»r- pres- j ent proprietors, vy.lj be wanting to furnish such Nails as will fully meet their wants and on as good terms as any other Factory can supply tlrem of similar quality. R B. TYLER. Richmond, Va., April 12, 1847.—3m l*a»am<ts ami Fscxhornfi, i >- r; heat v a n i k t y a t Mr.EM & WATKIJCS. M*rfh25 It- if e-r -f Ilttuli/ . 1ta<!c 1'lotliing. ; rjiHK m nsfitimais imv0 uow i (i hand a large JL Block of S I* It I N tt ,\ N I) s L’ M M F. II ICItADV IIIAItK l l.Ol linu. which tln v will sell at less price tlum were ever before offered hi Idnng. \mong which may b« found the following aftick's: Hlnck Dreisaml Frock ('oats, Pwietl dr >, Petek ami sock Cunta, Hlack Aljmcca dj do do ■ roton, kn nilit.s ami ('ottonadn do Hrow n, plaid and w lute Linen do lllut'k mid I nicy ('aoHiniero Pants, J)o I trap dr Kte Jk Drap Je Vienna do Fancv and white Linen do kremlin ami (oltuuade do Hlack Satin, Silk and Ihimhazina Veals, Light coloured Fancy Silk do Fancy and white M rseilha do A L S o , A large Avsortimnt ol I- urniadung Goods, coiniMiMino as follow*. Standing and rolling Hollars, Shirts, Shirt Collars. Hun oms. I - ndor Sims. Night Shuts. Drawer , Night ( aps.j t ravats. Stnohs, l ies, Knots,( 'tav at Still'miei*. Gnives,! Suspenders, Suspend* i KmU. Itakel Handkerchief'*, j Mone y Delta, Mm-.m I’urses, Js.e. Genth ■men wishing any ot the nl*»ve art tel «'• will do! well to gun ns u rail, as \vr are determined to m il them as eheup ;*s ihe\ e;m !•»• bought i:» \ irgiuut. u \ rKidioi sk, \n in iti’.moue k < v April 29 ta VtiUHOtoS h ./ YI'i /» f I1!!!'. undersigned wish i pmehe-e from one hundred to two hiiudivd Nl 'Jill Slaws, llio ago of uolin loe\ coed 40 years W* aye willing tu ive tor them • fai in tee, pa\ aide in ten Niiuual payment* hum the lat March, i > I'd. * > H' i uio the payment of tho debt we are w illing to givi a mortgage on the ne<i,.i .ami alHoonmd cslult 1< • usuUirient amount to satisfy the seller. The itegrue* to muel rend m Noxuhn ( . nnty, Mi , .is- ippi, I y the (ii t> l ol ()et» la r next. 1’irmiis wishing to Noll will address ineor Uuh ed U* at I’tel oitsvilh , Ala, by or before the lf» July in vl. I .1 Si*AN N. Aprilv I |. lUGJsIMLE mb.inn vi\nt#■;. TI *111 ( I - * rtiiiciil. Me |*:«rti »11:i11y d« hi. s m ull I'r -m ( '•tin try M r ’hunts. and the public ern i||\, In i re |iurclilt >m*K sis |tr think# he run ulh i • Mia iii.lne* i.n nt* II It. |{|( MAUDS \pril IA t« .v#;ir 0010s. FIYIM’* sl UM I. 1111 u I • pel ine. III lli<» house re ccntly ueeuptrd hy D.iyik, ( uIIimuii C'o . i» large' nml general assortment of Siaple and Fancy 5>r) <4oods GriH’eries, Cats siloes At1., »vhe’ll he dlVers on toe in .st liberal t, mU| and ut prei s that will he certain I ph i ,e II' w >nId ask an i \ lotina11>>n of ill • f .ll .wing artielcn: i ( Irlbs \ huge assortment, mining whnh arc i \»ia fine l.laek. hlne and I'aocy e -lor. (I French ( Dthr ( a-au iiktck, a great variety suoc extra line \ eatings, a ecu i i ll ass rt;iient, ai'inc v t i \ mi pci mr. Tie 1.1-1,1 s ;i i • • mvit. .i i,. r vi nine his a • irtmi nt o( Dn-ss l .nods,consisting ol'ihe Vi rv laicst imimrintiens and styles. A Lr"o<l m > ut merit i,| Funhroidrries, nml Lice (»<*»], A !• \v splendid crape n ivvtng uMk and olhct Siiuimi r Shaw I*. Also, a large assortment of Uonnei#, Hihltcrm an.' Flovveiv. and a great many other article# suitable fur1 the seaioti. Mis stock is largo and complete, and will ho hi.Id ns ' cheap aHatiy in Virginia, nml th sc in want id cheap(><md#. will find it to their inurthi to examine Ins j assortment hefore l>u\ing. File friends and patronsof the fitm# of Davis &. IlrotVi ' r, and Mavis, < olhuun Co., are particularly invited to give him u call. April 12 t# .K KIN I DAY 1^ New llonkii. rlYFS OF THE I.OHI) <11ANCEHHOK8, tiy Camp J I ^Israeli’* *kct< hr* o| Enpli*h literature, new edition, Hurd's Exposition o! tin*>, p*e, Education and knowledge, bv Ed Everett, lile id t'oliuidmn, new edition,by living, jSevv Tiinon, Sttttcsun ii <d \mrn*a, by Mr*. M.iurv, Spaniard* and tin ir country, I»\ l( Ford, ’I bc VVy lillitc*, by Mr* Mackay, Philosophy ol M:«p ir. 'I’he < 'hiuflimanV l<e.i*on for hi* faith and practice, Thiers’History of the l.'ou»nli»te ol Napoleon, I vol , Ilc. Sic . Ju*t receive.I at tin Book Store ol n. n. payne. April 5 t* SB B Vegetable Universal Pills are a ati iigllieuiug, Purgativ and a Purifying Tonic, riihi-sr Pills have Income iihhratid for fluir extraordinary I and immediate power# of restoring perfect health to ihh sons Hull i mg tinder neai ly ever) kind ol rliseuse to which the human frame i« liubb-. ■| ho% .11. pai11 who .ue afflicted with any hind < I ('hronir or I any ring t o n-1 plaint, as there is no nn dn me before t he public w hii h lu- > natural and happy an ctb rt upon tin*. M*feiu, in < oi ruMing I I lie M >iuu«*h and liver, and to the loi mat ioli ol h* ullh} cliyle, and in pouf', ing tin l>! „ i. Thi \ .ii- a<.. !• !, • <I by tlie bun Ireds i d t mt ind who are using them, to b, m*t only tl"' most Hold and ph -- ant iii their operation, Imt tie uioii ionoi i ut, 'at" and Plltrinil merit i.of cm i >|(T' I d to till- pubiie. Tim*" who nine liolv a trial ot tiles.- Till-m mi aliri w aril leel willing tola- with out tin in, which is stilli, i. nt proof ol tin ii eo >d qualities. H! vf»\« ii: sn k \Mi m.rviRs Those win are s,iff* ring with 11 »*- distressing . omplaiiit, will find hr I.«■ Roy\s Pills a n mt-dy at oner crrlaiu and im mediate iu its f tf, Asa reinedv in Summer and Rowel Complaints t Icy display their vvond. ti ll powers to adoiiiati-*n, and arc tar sup. lior to any thim* in us,- for those ('-.u. pi a mis. In 1 tyspcp'ia and I over ( oinpluiot they stand unrivalled.; Many have been eured in a few weeks alter liav iug suffered under that dreadful complaint f*>r year*.. In Habitual t'osi.iceness tiu-y are de.-idedly auprrior to am , medicine ever brought In f- re the public, and one -•» cent bo\ will establish then surprising viiHus and place tin m beyond, the reach of doubt in the t tima'ion rd « v«•»y individual. '1'hey are invaluable, in Nr iv .us and Hyp.>coruliiacal Alia-; tions, Loss of Appetite, and all f niplaints to which leinalcs* alone are subject. They arc mild in their action and convey almost immediate conviction of their utility Irom the first do«e. They may be I taken by persons ot any age, and the feeble, the inJiriu, the nervous ami delicate, arc- strengthened by their operation, be cause they clear the s\ stein ot Had I turn. r«, quiet Nervous; Irritabilitv,and invariably produce Sound Health. As an Anti-Bilious medicine, no family should be without them. A single trial i* more sittM.i -tory Ilian a thousand certifi-atc* lie c.i etui to a.*k I■ »r hr Le Roy’s Vegetable i Universal Pills, and take no oilier. Price 2j cent.*- pe r box,1 with full directions. Principal Office, 117 Greenwich c/ixner of Liberty street, New-Yorlr. Wholesale and Retail agent fir Lynchburg, Dr D. R 1 LTMifh Hi MM JR l\ I.mnt. U'ii l.MM I’trtuv, ul Illinois, who wm killed in the hnltlo ol Hu* na \ i t.*, was seventy two y**nrs ohl. ! \ o i respondent of ihr New \ ,,rk I’osi m.«vs ho had left n home ul alllnenee and case, with the expressed wish I t < die in the service of hi* counttv, and, if need be, on the h |,| nfluittlc. "They erantint cheat to** out of many \i 'tu.M said ho. When ordered with the battalion, like \ u lot lorn hope, to the trying contest m*the mountains, ho ! exclaimed Willi a I mk "j joy, hm he drew In* sword :*'Now ' boys. this looks like doing s *metl mg." The enemy tri umphed over Iks fall, supjH.smg him to bu (iencral j \\ end, The./?nti U nfit s of New Y< rk arc *gtin in open re sistance to tin* laws; nod (ioveruor \ otmg, who recent ly released the ringleaders of the gang from the IVnilen tiary. Iroin la!se i Fei.n of humanity, ha* Ihm ii compellod t«i issue u proclamation off* ling tew aids for llieapprehou sion n| three, who, influenced hy that improper exercise of the pardoning power, have the seem h of vio huieo and blooddied,temporarily srreded hy their impris onnteiit. \\ hy nriesi, trv nml eoitdcnm tin in, if I'xecu tive elcmcm y is i<> sens u them fi tin punishment ! jhhuinislmtiun of Jtufiet \ pn|H*r published in the Si ile i t IIIuii is in* iiiions ihe escape front jail ol llireh, one of the murderers of ( ol I hivwnpurt, of Hi ek Island, Illinois i lie editor says : "A* throe men have hern ahead V hanged toi this murder, uim ol whom was ufier war Is pmvrd to he innocent, tho law cun unulily vtmk at the remaining ran als.” .7 Serin I hi At a Loro thru meeting rrn nil*' held in l ol ii nbtiM, Mur-rssippt, thu lollu .ving uuu among them* olullOUS adopted ? " llnolretl, l our Senators and Hi pi. sentiilive*. in ( uugnsa huxr t:n I IiTu 11 \ ibeir duly, mid we heiebv tendei die,n our I'oidiul .ippiobutioii and eongrutuluiioii: I*iov idrd that nothing hrrt m eontuim d slnll Ik* <on*inud a mi approx al ot tin* eniHr pursu. 1 hv the I |.>n, Jan.l I hump ii on dir resolution* ol dmuk* '»y Cong re** to ton Zaehurx Taylor.1* We Irani I loin till* Lexington (Vn.) (ItiMMte that a tvi e «d hieaeli of mar, ug» , utvompttnied by n charge of si'diie11. ii. xx a tried m the Superior ('.»uri ol Uoekbridge ai its late term, Judge TliampMoii pie*nling i’ln* par u s xx ei. I*tulme Tinslry ol lie Hurt!, and Joel I .ark laud ol Itorkhiidgr Damages laid at $lt),(MH) VrrdiOl i I ilie jm y, ,|| IW_llI ( e/..://g I rum nlC II or. (‘apt M. Mains, the rout man.h r ol tin Stale I enrddra, IunjwmI lelurned 1’iouitin* ! ■ i mt'(M ) lie left the cily, w nig ahout one hundred and eighty pmid*; hut noun * hark I'ediiet tl to nine! x I hough unable toe miirind Ins i in | ao\ at Hueiii \ ist.i. be xxna hiMinlied with a home and rojiiti: led \x nil It ail day m horse harK. An at Heir m a London paper, referring to tint impor taut di »e. x i t. s to Ihidol gnu rollon in a substitute I i gunpiixvder, and Ibn ute-ufeilii i f.,r laeilitilling gurgiral op. latloiN. sax I bill another duroVi |y l*s bi’eii rreenllx i ma le vv bu b xx ill, pelImps, pi x e of i veil greater lui|>oi j lane, than cilhi . .| die I tun i. Allu-. oii js made in n . I a tel V p i It'll lei I pi,. . I ,r Hint'll I ii|. i • ppef i .y in< lilts ot j e.i-el i ieii \,xx bieb. il is alb ;>. d, XX ill piodiH i in lea* lliiil: t". x bat ibe old pi ... .siiipured three weeks to. , ' Llie I‘iighsli journal nay* l ie *nviug olio *1 n .. va*i, that in Swansea nl.nie die smellers eatimale i tie'll annual waxing in eo.iUatoo I. m* than live biuulreil ! ll' 1 ' " 1 I' ’1 be la *Uity and t j.. . - | tff i I,. pro <VN.. loo, \x ill enable the ore t * ho largely smelted on the Spot.** / hi hum ], ( nttnulm, 1 -<j , of Kentucky, tin* m m ' 1 ***•• disiinguiHlied N uaii.r limn that .V tie, was when In Ifli lioiiii I»»r I he fi* 1*1 ol battle, ih* (oiiniionwenlth's itloiio \ Im tin1«•.i;ir11 \ he 11 v**i| in. The inegualion of lio, I lie < W..S pl.o-.etl 111 the be Is ..| li 1.i, lid 1,, ile lv ereil to (lie It iVem H ; hut Ins lie ml del nl (h |,V( | || l“ Miie ol lie law ,•> ia about I'lankl rl v.duut'. o, ,| |,, j. j lorin lilt* utitien ol ; In i'fib e (hiriiui ,\| i ( 11ilonden n ai Hi iri'.iinii on ins i* tui i hmtit* Im* iiiiinI have het n gran lied aod mii| lined hi ham that he was m(,|| ('miuunii wealths attorney. A delicate and ere itlublc romplt I un til; ercdi -mlc both m 'he giver and tho receiver.- I V\ In n Im h |i Iiditif, hi inti mb d to enlist as a privut* . bat to n I aylor made hnii in aid. The /. id'll ne Pniplr. in tint* State. s,ifar as we lum 11 tin them, have ear m i] the day, and ** I uqiiuf ” will Ic i -I >r,,d In many towns anti \ilag»* wlnmenil has been banished by law I i the year past, lb.nigh nut m fuel banished, because lie law s were iiol enlmisx!. Tliegiand argunit nl, I tub ed, ag.mtiTU ilie law lets been, that n hit lint, and could nut, be enforced, and thru, limit |..n\ it vv as tli mmnir/.iug hi vote no |mi use. vv hen Hp te "I tin law , would he and had b«cii sold.—*/V.) . 1.\x pres*. Ihilinh Dncilrrs —The ('minds papers complain that •I"1 Mulish »i« t j - are dm rling ilmir flag ai d ilccing lo the I nited Slates, to * nlisi in mir army. It is rsliinaK d that not far from linn hundred have thus hit their posts. I h# regiment located at l.iinlon, iii the upper pruvun»i>, '•:inm from It'lnul hint sunnuer, and were sent to llm In It nor lor safety. Many of itu in are missing, and an ol li* . I w ho visited found that most of llmm had enlisted for the Mi n ran war. Ai Toronto,double vigi killer IS inplired of the tilth rlV to krep a watch on the sithaltMiis, an many have found their wav tothe Stairs. I \i Kingston,the regiment ipiarfrri d ihrrc last year, anil | which waHr.imivid in thr fall, lost eighty nf t«-« ir mini her, ntIui contrived In crow the lake, and were rtilistrd ai I s\v»"oi, The regiment was taken to I apt.iru .where, it net ms hy a laic Montreal paper, that tin Mexican war was not I’.rgol,ns some JO more have followed their brethren in arms across the line and enlisted into our army ai Burlington, \ i In tin meantime, the new regiment at Kingston has met with inn. h !• s hy dtai rtion. JS'ivul Tin' Norfolk Beneon says it is rumored that ( uni. B- :id e »o In sncei t <|t d by ( mti Bolton, w ho is to go out "i ill" I . S.slnp .Itiimsttmi, alter her return from Ireland, in ooiniuand id tin’' I S Htjuadrun on the coast of A111 i ( o.ii. I( is to pr treed to ilie MeditcrrnneaU hi t e fiigate I’niUil Stntc.i. where lie is to have lie command ol’ilie spiudun. The I V frigate Coliinilna in expected lo leave the const of Brazil for ilie I nited S:.ait s in Nicjiisi or St ptember f 'om Thcira-i Ap( ales hy Jones, ll Is saal, is to have Hie comiunud of the I S. sipiadroii on the const of Biazil;( apt. f»ci»?ifigi r eflhe 14usl Iudia sipia Iron. (apt. Albert Pike, of the Arknnans cavalry, lias pub hslied a . ard disavowing for the Mptadmti limit r his coin mand all share in 1 li«* horrible urn sat re of a number < I poor Mi xi« an p< rmantsu few days l i t- r» tin battle i f. But in Vi-i.i. i I is command, In ays, was thirty units offal tin time. Nat linn I. Waters was found *r\ illy of unmslutighh rat ( ( i i. ■ ' M i , sentenced t.. two years’confinement in the penitentiary. ] Judge Magnifier, ill |*a-.-siiijr yenfenee, alluded in ver\ I just terms in the plea "I ih unl,< mu vvlneli was urged in \ helm'I of the iieru-ed. and read high autlioiilu s to mln.w i that dm: Am a s > ag'/i • v i ‘ «i rat In r t hull palliated rrmi . i The in it ion is t> u pi valent 11 ml a man w In n dimik n.av commit with impunity • lb in • a ag ii *t the law , and plead ' this voluntary iiutunily in ex ten a lion-. A more fail teiou.s . ground coiihl not possible he taken. A w riti r in the Montreal (nuiier, Bp a king of the pro gross ul the \ meri'an iiTiiit* in Mexico, day8 : “Ihrmn me, hi fore cloning, to call y< ur attention to the extraordinary e(licien< y of the Light \i tiilery of the i I mted Stales Army. I hat arm se« ms to he used h\ j them with fae l ly and ease, equal to that with which j light artillery is gruoruUy urmI. In fact, their drag* ons j have invariably bsen accompanied, even almost in their; chur^cs, by light artillery; and, he it remarked, not six . and tune pounder;, but l‘.’s and lb’s. Nor bus the rap idity of movene nt been excei ded by the rapidity of tiring j and I he precisn n of the fire. *‘i have a very high opinionof our artillery, horse and foot, nnd perhaps they would have done all that has been done by the artillery of our neighbors but 1 hope tlie gen-1 tlemtn of the Royal Artillery in America will condescend to pay attention to the stylo m which Jonathan manager his guns in the field.” It in st ted that the late W illinm Oliver. Tlcq.,nf D r r.lmster. I ft the whole of his property, valued at not less ! than a bonder I thousand dollars, to he divided equally be tween the t’erkins Institution for the Blind, at South] B -stun, and tie* M Lean Asylum for rh* Insane, at Sum anilJa On* third of thisnuin is to bo paid over dinlcly, and the remainder ai the decease of hia two §U« ter*?. The French (Jovernment brig Triifilant, Capt. Farbe, arrived at Boston on Sunday lust,hating been itipatcJ 4 by the authorities of St. Piorre, Miquelon, for the pur pose of bringing tit* the master and crew of the America;* brig Argo, of flaliimoiw, wrecked at «e$, and then placed fit the di'j|N.Miiion of the inhabitants of the colony to tract port from thatnn a cargo of flour, freight free, fur their use. Such honorable Inatancm of national courtcay and liberality should not pass unnoticed. 'The ship Zcnobin Went to ion from New York on FH day, hound to Vera Crux, having on board two companies ofngulnra, It company, 5th Infantry, ('apt. J.]]. W hip ple commanding the detachment; arid r company, 4th infantry, I ieut. II Prince, Adjutant of the 4 th rrgtmsnt Lieut. Lomiruin, do art'Ilery. i*aUo on boird. From l11# Richmond Timet. KKNATOIt DBNTOX. The letter of Mr. ui moil, to the Oregonian*, winch flndn access to tin* public through thn New Orleans Cvning Mercury, the editor uf which is bin *uh*tn law, is another remarkable Npeeuneu of the arr. gaoee, fur which he is pre eminently distinguished. It is exceed ingly quioiti.iiiablo whether he fovea hinmelf more, or Mi Calhoun less. Il< would havu the gi**J people of Oregan believo, that nobody hut li* has uiuh rito*>d or car* wl for their intciuMtand he'h equally sedulous to con vince ilu in that John CC Jhoun has dotu tin in ail pos sible injury \\ Ik n it w recollected that he in a Senator from tlie very Stats w hmo admission ititt* th* Union guvs rise to the no .t critical controversy in our history, hi* Ink* w qi mue* • as to the denial to hlrh thi*Or<goii lull contained of the grunt principles then established, may Well Is* denned remarkable. Kruuity to Mr. Cal* Im'U n su *ms now to he .be leading idea if bis public lift, and so deeply set ill bis feelings, I lint lie dues i,nl per eeive tin- most palpable inei'iisislencieH. Certainly no unbiassed judgment • wild afiirm that the suhsi quetit in trudnetion of Sli, Cftih tin’s n *ulutions against the Wil iii"t I*ti.vwo, waft tlm or igin of hi* amendment to the Oit* g »n lull Mr. Hi nton srems to have turned Ins attention away from tlm Mexican war ami the proper ways of finding it; f i we have heard nothing lately of Ida notable plan, w liich tlm President unproved, b\il which nobody dan wuMiilb wed to si n. ’I he North American, in happily wo ..o pting the following passage from llahclais, (hook I chap. M.) to Ihe doughty St nntoi’a critical icctdhctiofi, h i t \i rv probably «?'ruck out ns definite a plan as ho ever fishioiicd for himaell; “Oli that \"H would make me y«.ur l.hiifmant Gen i I li"\\ | hoeltl tress up the P gtles with discipline I I ft cl, I chit igc ! I sink*. I ink**. | kill. Islay, I play the devil tlii, on , su'd Pietodhuk',ho that luvts oisy to)low mi! i 'li in tin JS\ 1* firming .Y/# rcuiy. II.TTKR OK SKNATOll UKNTON JO TUB PKOPI.K. OK ORK.OON. IN'ahiii'(jton City, March, 1947. Mv I nu M»s I or mh h I may cull many of you from !»• |N. iml .u ijitointatir* , .ml all i f ). w from my thirty ym is tli Vi .t it in to the inti Ksts uf)i»nr country—I think il r.ghl In make thin cuiuiuunir.'ttion to you nt the pres ♦ nt moment, win n tlx* adjournment ut (uiigrvsM, w i t It - uni |i;ih ing ilie InII tor your government ami protection, ■a in-, to have I. f'l you in a late of abandonment by y.nir mothercountry Hot hicIi is m i ihc N . u me not abandoned ! m r will \- u he denied pmtceli. n for nut i <an; in : • i i 11111 id a v i -1 y. I, a man withe South, and . h! tv. h. Idcr.o II v,.n tlo'i Tht i. K* j»» ■ ■ i.'utiv< a ..atly ns tits middle 1 ’l danu.iry, had pa .,e d the hill t-< give y- u a 'l ariit* rial (I *vi inioeiit, and in that hill had sanctioned and legalil ed yoni Pro\ isioicd Oipante Act, one of the clauses of winch t rever prohibits tlm existence of slavery in Or* ; n. An nriie.idineot loan the Senate’* committee, lj which ilii* tall was referred, pr< |M*cd l<. nhrugntr that prohibition; and in the delays am! Vexations to which that amendment gave, the whole hill was laid upon the table and lust f.r the uuti. 'Phis w ill he a gri at dn° ip|Miiulment to y. ti, and a ri al cul .ndty; al/eady fiv* \ am without law, (»r heal institution for the protection d Ufe, IiIh rty ami propel ly ! and now deoim d to want a yeai longer This is a strange and anomalous condition! almost tin ledihle to eontemplute, and must critical to en dun ' i colony ol free men, 40IM) miles from the metrop IiUii governmi nt and without I.iwhoi government to pre s. rve ileui! Hut do not he alarmed or desperate,you will not )>e outlawed for not admitting slavery. Your fund* mental act:iguiufit that mslilutiun,eopu dfromthe ordnsnes • d 17c*7—( tlm work of tlm great men of the South, m the great day of the South , prohibiting tU very m n territory far Ithk northern than yours) -will not In abrugati <1 ' nor in that tho intention of the prims mover ofihc .amendment. 1 pon tho record, the Judi ciary ('omimlteo of the Senate iw the author of that amendment, hut iiut so the fact! That committee is ori ly mid wife to it. Its author is flic same mind that gen erated tlm “firebrand resulutiofiti,” of which 1 wild yi.u a copy,and ol which the amendment in tho legitimate de rivation. Oregon is not the object. The most rabid propa "audi t uf slavery cannot expect to plant it on the shores of the Pacific in tin latitude of Wiscuriain and the Lak« ol the Wduds. A home agitation, fur election and disu un.n purjHisi s, is all that is intended hy thrusting this lirohraiid qu Mtion into yuur hill! and, at the next scs si .n, when it is thrust in again, wo will scourge it out, and pass your lull as it ought to be. I promise you this in the name of the South, as well as of the North, ami tlm event will not deceive me. In the moanlimc tho President will give you all tin pr< taction which existing la ws and detachments of the army and navy can enablw him to ( x t» nd to you; and until Congress has time to act, your fitends must rely upon you to continue to govern yuursf Ivcm as you ha\» In retui .re done, uadi r the provi-# wiuiih of your ow n voluntary rumprict.amJ witii the justiee, h iruiony and muderati>.n whmli is due tovuurowu char acter and to the honor of he American name. I send you,by Mr.Shun ly.a copy of the hill ofthela'e session, h"th as it pnsodthc House of Represen tali vi * and us projh.scil to be amended in the Senate, with tho Senate’s vote upun laying it on the table, and a ropy ef Mr. (bdiiouubs riH.lutiuiis—(posterior in date to tlm amendment, hut ncvei theles, lather to it)—also a oopv ot your ow n provisional organic act, as printed by tlm or deis of the Senate: all of which will put you completely in possession of tin proceedings of Congress on your peti tion a territorial government, and for the protection and security ot'yoiir rights. In conclusion, I have l.« icvuire yon that the Mine spi tit, w Inch has made me the friend of Oregon for 30 years — which led ine denounce the joint occupation the day It was lie e. Mild to u|;p. se its renewal in 1328, and to l:i'v r its abrogation until 11 was terminated; the same spirit wlmdi led me to reveal the grand destiny of Ore gnu, in armies written m 1818, and support every men Mire for her l ent fit over since—tlm- same spirit animates me, and will continue lodoao whilcl live, which, 1 hop , will he long ( nough to mo an eni|N>rimu of Asiatic eon. meree at the mouth of your river, and a stream of Asiatic trade pouring into the valley of the Mississippi through the chat.ui l of Oregon. Your friend and fellow citizen. THOMAS H. BENTON, THE UNION AM) GKN. TAYLOR. The \\ ashiugton Union says, “When Gen. Taylor** principles have bten fully de.velopsd, if wcapprovsof his v u »s of the constitution, and of the policy in which the government sic uhl bo adininis'.t red, wo shall lie a hie to appreciate hisclauns to the Presidency”—claims, which it adds, it 'Shall weigh in the best spirit,” being entirely uncommitted to any candidate. Whereupon the lialti inorc Ainccioan well remarks : “Hern is an indication of *.m« premise. Approving of Gen. Taylor’s views of the constitution, and of the po licy in which the government should be administered, what will the Union do? Support Grn. Taylor? No. It will merely *b« able to appreciate his claim* to tbs Pc - snlcn.’y.’ L tiltko ho player queen the Union does n< t promise too nntch. •‘Speaking howtrer c.f 'claims to the. Presidency,’ tha effi.ial paper sh. uiJ knew that Gen. Taylor makes non*. 1 h» pe p’c make claims upon him.”