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**aum . w INTM MGJ Nf F •ti-.jfci :. -' -■ i -- — -- latitr from tub liR\?A**. The I*. S. propel!** TritndmTU tmwd nt N« \t O loans «*n uk., l*r;eginj> date* i n Bmtw t > i v N TaW’M w sr,.4 if. m* ».* n».*ft be intta. sling ft■»the * O ( V. hange* : !*• n. Taylor frr>s at V! *s terry . n the 1 h \ .r* • r niaincxi ai lU **l!l position unri r <»• Tt yb»r w a* pusbiiio i;p :oi, * f‘*. m (n *o sTtfllomkfc pdlt -pid'-x. r d riri.nti.'w r n • movement npoii >au Luuc Men only will ;*• «.*' •: „ fbr Thai fufrjms*. The f. J! Wetr* -me tW pVt'cm and m .vemrrt* if (. Tv: »\ tvtemf, aecohlm* t • the last tdnct*, as. fai nr v* caillearn them : Genual Tayl ir is quartered at AValuul Spt •. AionUnv Gt next] AV. n| in r -n umd at S- :tn jJufun 1 r a -1ft Mfc •|JM ' 1*J <»i Jpi 1 a. "Brad’s buttery in»6 lb* *q , u!rutt of I b.x^uvn*. thr latter vnet t.and*-4 by Cidsttrl Fanbtle \ .at M ,i. n \ 2d and ild'OI t, !at and 2ud rnhtma. 2d a ml Id Indr ua. : Idnt; Tv. \rka:‘•a* (ax.dry, W - - ‘ u •• j - : :.-\us, ’^'V battery, at Photix \ i«t* I'rei'iif^d . itteix, ^at’iOo—Kentucky t avaby *ix •tied on i' 1 twr.-n i'amnr^oand iit.nn try — I *t K«ntu ' \ . <i < hnifat 11« ne«utb if the ft <t t»rai-!■ . and the Iwlatio «n tlo-ir r»*t inafrh-—Vwjrt'fU and id \l**Mj«dpp; on their n an b t in < .tunny to Mont r. y—N .rtf ( » » at - if at Mataimima. fbtr r sfndrfl w.r me - ’ * * r r* ^ well fnnnr '•■ ■■ •■• f *wT'-*b Ur. Ilefprk huddle? out t*f the ei^to v v . in cs? men of tus Illinois e^i to iit, not more t ,m t‘ r» nr ft*trr died—the r» inamdrr Were fast e*>nv il^cinj. (Jen- T quietude prevailed—the pe >pb . f .vy i and M outefey had returned tr tlr*'ir Undue**. r- 1 (jri-o«d %atw4ed with the power* that ?*-'. H they e old but f el •«wrcd rC tleir • t .man-e. They had loir! :u M .r ter v ofSa- ta Anua’sar i al in M. x v. nd th -e wli . efT.-eted to kiK.xr m nl h u» v- ,• rre ■ th in tlirtr "• • would triuk, and nv there n*nufd I* no more f» bt \hout flrrirnt’ T l i'< ’' tern m ■ m .« tiling ,n yv W H. i » *•• tl • > .’1 ■ n. t! i! lit II K, ,. . . , -ear ! UM Vcment until V\ J .• f r ti h:* j > .t rmu mMicJ—Uv* twelve montIi’» \>duiitfer*, \\| tvrtn 1 l^rtiee U. i \pm, a .J • une . t xi ’ ■ .-n .ire air. ndv iiieir way I. in*—me r*jibredt»y n *;.|| ornater f.; r *ot I be roluuti-* m now m n.wit to join hni>. a; I id* thro n ] j-ro?fc ss:« at pi' -• ••: :n . . I ■ .r, e» • \< .. usTie has ten thuotunr) nf thes • un i r In* o inmnid. tin word will be. mil it tiiai, he |i vi j^.v j .-Jaamsi * ‘forwaad, marli iff i ,\e ,4ir 101 jrn .'iiiv >«\« ti,f p ita) apjtt,relied 11..,r Csraaryi (h*j wl »'min tu,u : t r '1 . i. j. On i ahr volunteer* in guard ,-I it had Ut n liven.,I ml mini , rn ily inuttirred lty to., Mrxirah*. Tin j«i , ne w, ., imtlrf, rdautrJjerf ami eummarily s\ ,t. In nnni gdown * >o 13 ulerey tollie lirjr at, lire j u a V . r C, I il siu.l l>r. >)« iTi. I, rneminien-d nr ,.,.,, ditfi.nrl'v lew I _'i|. ri d lr-in Urn ., a • ■ »» n,..| lii h. I ,-i- „ m il, .■.')) . , , 11.r r |a t ' cainlJingat M.nan, i. . ,|'« halrvcr i.amr ,r i ,r<-. |,.f yeM*.'..iW-.i.g. Ic'd and tlial a | kiIi-(>r It lii,- in lied s rite iv p ui„'. , i emr )«■ ■,!.( |. r ». Hainan nf r.lher nrtlpr. Win ;■ a |art rtftb; Krnftirl.y 1. ,ri art ,vi I :,t Mu tira«3«, on Ibetr retntnn nueeli, the M-i ,.-Hi -n,-.l; . | intent j© railed , ml re five! Uirin w.1 h Him milnary , U-. (i, n( telling n dri n-r-rl tln-m in i , t| <]H«nt etyle, fkiUt a It iv \ rry aji(iroi rum a 't i; turtt 1 ' ft ream A The f ,1: . and ni l iy n,. i . ,1 . clean apprtraneenf in- Mi i h ■ mi r at ■ ■ Mire, ted aud tri e,.! tirml a ml'. n:nl tie many r I it, rs'ite, nf tlie boy* tbnn r turning ft in tin !,| «.,iv fi |.| , i Jt ■ - \ el a .n't v nrn m r m , .an,| ,, , v . am handle tin if artm. then •*< fid let in i, alt.. a € o , ... lid ;. . t» at'itu* nianrra a f, n mm ' tit»‘it !*»C**e f V> r.rmi, --T;In* < > • * ■ ■ nt 11 v j*t » t ’ 1. * 1 iI v* iS t! rorjw. Tno M ilam- r:n T'l.t j givf*# U t, !] ; ni* : Koil.l U^, —'I’ll# •> lit ..1 !:•!••< II luill lufl '* w aWm - A by « n* m-muh-IuI Iron* thn m < >■.,% ( U»« ?U*-M«rUi f !t m lhi* n fn ,y i yhl 1*1.«' ' e d?y l if \\ 111 ( fa 1 1 tl, lit n,.'l f|f** niiiliiltf, v ' < v Mitinv ra* f »r mm. < luiu u ;t , (| j] ;inn,. jn ih likr bti •» til i-r i'l?l-i*. i U- <• nf v mil ih-i . *ml jis im Udu mi-40 ft> h.iirc n ^.»j< in!»J«* miih of * i -nin Uii i» jn. il is .Mi, - xj ar ■ n,, . ,| M«<» \ »or.i i< r \ x -mw is • i >’\ m.nir ’«>.! * • 1 t.v. 'J' liMf.r; mir in--. •*. u t n j. ot« ,| to li vr n" l • • ' tV ! j ' . \a Ml " - I ! . S • , „||d : a . ntt i it m I1, t>hl u i,l u..i tuirvu b lilt \i U it!. in rr.uv.sTiNti fho.m mfxk <>. Thefcrl that Scot* Antii.onlraving Iheeitv nfMixi ru. cwnie* with luai hi* Cain net t. the .r».-» • t'.-.rti- t ! v, ! girr* ii* m Hip v, ri j.1 a am rum tint In j. i „ f t n* *'? and n«*t in (i*hr A IrtUr ffwn **• fiighh * ■ ’ • i i • , }f | * I” iliefilv oi >'<1 if . • fl njutht, it* Sj.-r. t * tlvtfjite aftsirs a! itm <•. ,|, n * *\n« »n«! dm-N ^ . t tl * t,Ui •:.« 'r i !llV miu u iuh thr in arc dn i»’« tl. 'J ha vvri- ’ t, r **T«t ••'I m re is thi w-sr party-wh.-arp n t - n’v i- av-r id'a ■war. hut mip Minrfwtf ,| wibd, if,n,irnn ;.itt| n.„| rSr i **l. 1 ti* re is the pa*party w i.-!i i» *!■ hum of , f. #*H*tiu*r ail a*<p»imr latino with thu I . it«.' stv,«, ,• vt n at the Mcrifiec „f a la-.-r j*. rtmn nftli* r ioni >\ In. «•!her party—that of the clergy hat. the Ainri.i aT.sna' firrtt; « nntt .hi/'. but they :tr< nnwtlliie t*> op-n tbp | ur *p»i.flt;e church to . . .ml Hi, In p," the „ sgam-a rim •enei. u .-t tin tr rt digit ti ' tonne* I m ma hr* a party, which u* in favor of In p illucating tin- piu p rty nt the church l, re--. f i.,'* to , .**, , „ t|;l. rl b - per'y * w ■ . I i *■ • - i \ i : puhiu-iy n pmliati a it. thnogb it itMiiJ he UTirlli/ one, ,.rap s ihru design. l.aalK Hut** i* a parv which In* always existed tu a cotiaid.-r? Itb- ex lent in Mexico, intent tipm a. Iliah pur* pesx.tlisTeo-y nheg tt -• rtrmnstant-t *.if tin- Stale in p aep •IT in war. regarding tie thing but the prop,*,lion ul" ili**tr own Fin nano, 1 , the present ureas-on as ; if tiling an t pp,rliimty of preutu ti-ig their ia'er.-la.i-utm-lv uhlty Pus cl the .-ai'l ,4 i*a!i.ut lam." Ti e w rit-r adds the following inti renting fm-i* »u,| nprenlatlnns: ‘•Santa Anna leaven In-day [April I ] fi r Jalaps, where he will unite Ins f*rcc with lhai il t.rn I 1 \ ten, win, ia now »t thy d, ti i,ccs i f ilu National Hridgc. Sat,1:1 Anna ss\« that he tn rot tpn 1 et the; hut this he has aaid «o often, thu: we enroot put n 1.1, ivli.-.i ee in the threat, lie tan,, „ with I imnieiit *.*il.t. ,1 ... :,i| thegrea er ; an of tlr-m l»-u,g 1..;,, n from Ijarnchada | the h.West ej.ts* of t i ,ple wh,i are vety ,| f, r fie |,ting. They ni.I.hoAevVi .h. re no oilier adraat-ig. a over the at my which nr a relied ft tun San I .nt* exit pi that liny will lint bp amnp lied to the name ,’ret ry tnarelt llto-tgli vast w ihiprn*'ssea, and exp-*ed to r-<ntinua! e,,|tl anti rain. Hut they are .- ally dcalitm. of rt s- 1 r-i s X. u.t aits hay it <r nn pr< a tsior* and tie 111, Itry with w im h t,, htty any AX e lutyr therelbfe no rt rmiis lurcxpeeii-c nny eUter u suits titan have characterized tin funner .nit rpris*-*. |i is aatd that if the Americans p *s tin- National iin.ig, . and march toward* the capital th< yy holt "pc. pie- i M, x leu will t»" fn i/o/.w agaii et the iiiya.h rs. lint wem, rist d' trt that a fort e of Iri.l'l tl orl:.’.U«i Amen,-at * w ill not encounter mi the march a Mexiemt at my aulli eiently largo or dc'.ctiutntsj to r,-in tlicir utiwaril pro gn-s*. “\N hat do the Mi xieans hope tor when ilnriiig a whole year they have pprinittedou many f.tytirable p,r tuoitie* of repelling the invaders to pass hy umtnprove-i X\ the battles ot Monterey and liuena \ tsta - the d. Urlation of tin- A uteri--an troops in the very la e t,| \ , ra ( r 7. and when the expedition hail lu ,sne so tun vt really known and no generally expected. Santa Anna stay s there shall never Is- peace as long* aslher. is one Anietieau ill Mexico, lint haiita Anita 1*. to truth, tn-wi d. strotis ofall other p i*on* li,r p ace, and will he thelirnt to rsooinwend it w hen it is salt to ties-,.—There are nte, y pi rsons in Mexico whu have framed l<> unders'and and cppteciale the, r laws, government anti iusti*i;tton#—but there are 11,any Mexicans who thoroughly d. *piae tie Vankces, lie t'r In rs ,1, I uf.ioutH. Thus arc these people div.. ; ui c'-u: 1. yet they call llietnselv, free,, r ,. and muokinjji. sty], their uutiuti a rtpot*K:.' ’ I 'I FIE I v n ' I SK\\ x l‘KOM mi \\\ ! .M>KK <*1.\ M’lH r TTl»C«B XitMB'ue SiJB id ^ • - fill! i, fan fHJM.' *ot ' ’• i'Ii.JI \ the 1h»* arrival 1 nn \ « a I r‘»v, not • f e • ■ n Vlinji ’he p* *• «*l tlte-Ja'ap f * •" ' It xte tin. erected a *r rie* • t ftifl(*ati< m-exu ndtrg v *th rv e* <•!».» in'fTv.,U r c«t.,| *|’h. \ , . - • «vf c t * »*td> "■ • r.a’lnt. ml i liire'llt. atorkadi - •* ■ upe-d h\ H,pr*‘* . ! men <>tjf due - t‘ • t tin »« eon*,. Hr me • v|t. i n»n, i.nountiiy? to s«miw dtO ttt tititiiber, it !« cm*. deuimoou d and art,i t-.hlfilg up the h* t^hf* attack--*!-t ire I »rtdlc;i l!ol> j c , ni.- i.e ei dnivi tio \J xicaiis aj.i ad ii*c xc.acd »iu i%j ten Tm: n> ved forward to Oi.* ‘.c j.« * -i ( *» (.•rdiim h. { J. ■ AprH, fit I »*nd t > " ,nt ' to 1 *t*"«t that hf. had ImIhIIU**. U» hn ra.op * t he lu-jhl ptc 'ui,..* in* u • im ti <.-i,en |' 11*i*r — u with Ii, P »i, tJiM , vi ( ^ I tin 1 *: h. Ill 1 . 4 tin lor ■ tie H aieil 4V1UU me with which the Njii’i a- • ount avs it wax mu tided i < aiumk ( • rr.» (junto on tin 1 i h X.1111it Nn *a uad almit 1 «>uirii un i»i h>x .nm.ud *» ' e io t« id *, and a otit 71 Hal oi .it M Ki ;s t .I..iu|-a. A ten# i (i.ioi ( #p' 1104 s.t bn |\.p. "r.ipSo • i IV g!,n**r« at \ • i t iud si *i■ x t.uit to J'.ittcr-iii nc t'f nek. (*cn Twi^ * pr ip. »M*d to attack llws hu w»\ oil the 1 l?h. hut he pre-iniKx ord^ra wen* acet • » him to await ti • .»r 11 v I, 'll «.1 rat X* ,v, win* il w.u **xpi c I I i M w na Udieved a gn at Ixitlla vvmdd he t■■unlit noon <»l Jalippa. or a h \v ruih*a the oilier aide, at a pa** c.,|hd I,i U u N thing xciiic s w uid oiciii.hi aupjH.aid, at f i f Cord ), rn it coiihlhi* lwrU'*d. Id ( <d Join .i 'x I**- -ni 1 * •:-! «'* . "U tJ*r iti« n.n g »d . • 1 .Mi, v *x d no g * id i o\ud ;!< I H ia ■ a.d. lie a j : • N - j , v * w Mtidrd i i the leg an I arm. Vi Nifian wioe Urn i k1 : , and the ph\ainana declared lux WirtiioUlWt (out ta . UJ R NUMS r.VKKWXIIKUr. I K I! M PI I V X I \N P }fH k I' the p|ejftiif« (wy» l|n I fill'll ) Ilf pi h)i»li|ng . ii |:««i. x iniiiiin, iik' an oJh< uil an- >*.ill of iJoniphan's vtetol) : Moirnti t. Alr vic ., Npril J. LI/ • i ■ i !MFa Wf hivi • * - ; '1 - Cl:','.' f ' lul l' ll ‘ .1, ! \ I id I A'fl', : I, M H • tn tw * '\ e fiiih’s O' rth of the nty.aed #li-»p. r-^.-d the?it im ine i i*. \ k ; ; .* wuiindin : x- reral I oinirril.nn-t t/ikmy te i p r ■<1 «f ar iilery Our |om is muI I , Ik* only ihrm or i ur. \ inv •• r. ’r, •I* in N PF.R I * Nrmy *M* r f.! vI «T Hr,ill, Pavm.isiej I . V Armx . Mat anmras, Mi xii- ” \ I* ■ f ; with |Ji* : ■» ve letter, xyt lav h, for* our render * 1 the l . y 1 i • o o u w i i v•raft 11* in | i . \ i im r 1 • ■-« ij>" .; h' ! at M int) it v . ii\ Me--rs. t )iih| ,v\ and tin', ud the I Jili \} ril. | l*r in the M mterer Pioneer ® \ •' msind cheer* f r M in \ oloriona vion ’I !■ ■' h'.ndnd Mexitaiis kllhd, and five lut xv-mid* I ttulv pm Amerienu kill* I, one itv>rtallv w mu led an 1 s- v. ii •lightly —Chihuahua in t«*i .*• i *n ol do \;or*rnmi armx. < > i ' II'MIV, ( ol | )•»(■! j-hni X' ifh one r- • iimiit of mutinied nun and t\v*|ve jijeces olartdln v, l*.’I 1 men i i a'i- dl Volunteers from Mis- mri evil * in eon lm*t With !.*'«' M Ml Ml * at 111!* Ji:. -■* * i tin* Vii-rmie III*. 1 * • r. fltlf-i'ii OH !*•• ( hiir.'Hhna. awd o dl 1'illv r»'|i'.d the n. Immg gnly nine tri' it iii leiI1>-<l ami wnimltd.j while that ill ihe enemy is ti;h/ humlrtl. I |e ala > m (» no d im juror* ,,| artillery, w hether xx itlt a lame quail j '»• I *• J , m * ami t *oh t i x |<Mioneia. xl vi* \r II now surely !»< Iir> • that \ve ire not inn, !v h'him 1 h ‘'inti \ ma *i\s. for grandeur, hut foi an | i His and au Inaioratilu peaee. And although there nr* di *• mi: - I S. who delight to denouti *e thn \dmims * rat i iti for having engaged dm Country in an unu* < saar) *x I 1 ruel xxar, and dew . ton, who do r\Trything m th< ii 1 p i\xer l*i r» nder “aid and e*iml"rl,‘ to the etirinx . they ■1 1 ' l think i.o war will n t, or can in it, I • carried » i v o i Tfiiiii nt; on tin’ < oiitiary, tin \ in nut Im well aw relit’ tin- g x **rniuent has hut to unfold her bantu i ] ■ tin 1 o'/,, nml In r • o ns xx ill eager lx hasten In n iiqi. <r i 1. 1 ' i ' > * i 1 \ ' ' • oin I 11 1 l -lain it on the xx a I is i f ■! r M' 1 ' . 1 u. is, ii 11 11- ii**i i t.o v to eurrv the war dial i I ir into Mi >.,e i, t*< r.mqm r a j» m e. M. \icn should nU*> ’ km xx tliat tin,*, who o |n S'* tin* war nr-* but a lew; that • In T hnvo no weight or mllufnet* even in tin* jinny and ■ -* ' nmuity in which ihe tin r« m t»ail !.• am inxiriotii j ' >n l tin in allow lii an to min • !<• |tut Ik !*.r<- d.mwar is ended, tin sc r ekh ss desjh*rr* of their country \ inti i r-*ts XVlII vvmli dial llit V had. III the ■nisei, xv.t- i*d tin ri siiveiuiUje vi.ui is ti pair.olituit, and criuo out nqmbli aunt. 1 HI tlVITI KS IN ctUFORN'IA I Im 1'll "" elrai -u,.I d Hiii i lrtn r ill •n'uir> llm lllh s III ( nhl mm, . I w Im Ii \\I I *ivi* Irl 11* ivrn *,,■ ... I» lr « '■ ' i- 1 • Him , in , III- I'm .ft,. *- , |., x III.III. in I Ins ,*| 1 VI I,II him layered us with a '■T' I' «iH H ' 'i lint Im i. | r, . n's Kin m», ns . ."imia: din * II. nrTrnvn :, xx arils !n the* hums I I , Stuck lul li,' ,, g , t ill. Nsi , what he seyse ,u!il wit Ihx emisuluul •x pan ml eiiiiiplimcilt m t.. n. krainc yliicIinuiiU 1)1 nrt ( ii in,i nr \ > i.rt ns, f f I'l't* Cnl'li i-iii.i, .1 .i.siirx Mill. IM7 f \s x minri s n id t.i i. ili'lif.i m ,i fen mini) cl Nan 11, , with Idlers, | cm I’rvcf 11... i,p|.. >rt unity null p!, asure m nitnim yen of our triumphant uiari’h lu tins .. e 1 | s ri. ,1 fr,.m the last nan rd phi < ,,n ii,,* -'.Nli ult in Ini'li spints ami rut (blent .,f smn ss in nr nn i r l a Is i1 v ,11,‘h v s t *. r-.lnl.e tliistuly mIh.-’i n »h. rt tmu ml m the t alii'.,minus hail furor,! In nl. (,,| • ' to atsnili ii. but *• It i h ft xx ith I’.’* lly me N tiling, , t rnnsi-miriice neetirrd un I'l the 'M day xxltenxvo renm .la ll:i„ ,.| irttn* I' .iu t.. im ml II ., h ti,.' e mmntuh r in rliii fuf tin l a I if. im ■'•' 1 ''"• tins niemu’Mf. r.irmiiliirated In tin ( ,, ' 1 ■ I FI 'ins to in at with him ind thus 1 he rtl inn id blood, f loros had, it i! :.i t gum hi. pirni. I In1 t iitiun.,,'h'r. tnlj tlie hearerof thn dim ,,f inme In n -in S. till his General that hre.insiib ml him a roli'l nod a wxamdrcl -that if taken lie shmil.l m- si assi.rislly !..■ nhut—Hint all un,h r Ins mmmiiiid .Mine I fight. On the evening ol !.. . tit ins, " ' "tamped "it »n . <u tone «, ah ml nv< ntv mill s ii an « * r • ' • U| ■ n xx bi h Ihm i mi pas’ hoi e is simati ■!. ■; •• * ' 1 lim I by tin pi yxo rterivt .t tost tl.. tile nr six bundled sluing, w.... hi meat us twelve ju s ; ‘ or on,on thi 1, ft .... i,, i th< i; „ Sin Ga . j !> ill next Iiterniiig the -m - u.bli” was - ,1, .1 in auiunitmt tents were domed.king u,snails Mowed •xiax, and H-. xvl„ 1. eami, ne.h r inns. t.< i ei: l ki ur 1' ’ 11" •' :, h,' , d iht eHirers and nu n. I!,- t, Id them In rum tidier that it was the "Sill January," and that .mr e ,i ii try tXjs.ti I i arh and everv one to d , his duty. i ... s.i|tn I w ill show that n no i;,,e I tlm day nil that expectationa . \ .. .ter leer nl in a w r dt ,-ie I tin en, my diaivti up in hat v upon I , auk of the Ha, Sin G x sln.rt halt was then made , n tin right bank of the liver, 11 <* V nl I '■ et ■ 1 ht make bis it p , f ho 1 l'1'1 I '-' , I' artillerv xi. re taken In the fi.iit, and tilt-Sixth (a Itexvi % r) hit xvitli the rear gu.xrtl. to ... the .Mill,, parks in .1 pr. X Is;, ■tisTHTne ,n i . ,,s. with t!i' l van* s mu bet, era, w err draw n up m tw«, ranks , .ti either side el tin guns, w it(i v hmtrsr riflemen <w thn extreme t • Then th ( . r Potts III. util's men rmne next follow id l.y the banes, ,, ,.,i.\. ami rearguatd. The ..r.ler wns then given f. "i nun ." «h.n the ii.i n with a slu ut dashed ml,, the river, w iiuh was thirty yards wide and waist deep, i’, "lia| Iv, arney's h use inir, d in the stri am Ian In- m„ liv h an ni , tl. under a galling tin I'roiii the euc my, took hi, , n,ls and .oliania ,| t„ i|„, front. Iinmnlnin Iv mi the left Isinhul the river there is a small loll, then Cullies a plain alsmt tin,,* hundred lards wide, and a leeh lull, at an angle el 1., degrees. upi.ii » Inch their guns xvrri station Isl.snd lr, m wilieli till V kept up a heavy lire. Our hat 1, ry was planted on the tins, small billarul install,Iv n a ,■■! a liv. Ii rannonide which was ret.j. -Thii last).. 15 ut tRlmmulea, when we had me lean killtd.snd thn bad ib- r large gundismounted.- Tlieir luss, as w, ,i ,.s xve reiild judge, uhs three „r hair killed mid a ,* ,| *'}’ w 'Undid. \s s,s,n asibrir large gun was disnieunt I'd, the Older was given hi “chain ' (t„e Miout rent the air and tile men with llu Mims Hew over the plain amidst a |h rlirt slaiwor of balls lr, an the eta my w|!„.,v ties tin,. . y aurrountled tax. t hurt se hatlly that be died nf lus wimuds the f (lown,,r dav. andieveral others were w.mndtd but n,.• ntateriallx injured. We dr :gi d ettr guns op lie I M, sd,,| tlieir halt ins ,N s ,u uluir camp, it up n the rx ground Hu J bad ooct pied two i - I .• Com. S. t it anv ut the (ties hiuisr It. arel proveil b lnsidf, tin ■ .U out lha battle,a brain, cud mid del, iniiuid n an. mu, h pr.i e c;, ,*,t |,. :,w:.i ,1 to t., „ K' me, . |,„ | pru-knee ut tbt .i*pomi mol Un hi is ,mr , idm m i * 1« -atliiig tffft'har*.! • -fill fool. * hir f. roo aav»iiit«*«l In 1 n■ • !and {• * Our man id'mir whip .. m hilfod iiy . tin* B*i tail «i»* •?ii' - fid* *.t *»m mn. W« ali.pi v.! if li f t im «o in: > • i f i mil rH r that ni/ht. 'I'll* n» it «i v \M mad** *m early s'ari with thr* l-a- /ago i attir*, . - 4 *i11.1 parl?a in i it» . ivhiv, r • Winiiwr fin ! . 1 \ - :. » <>| I )*»«-«• n**| s, (b.y i.jn im , M m» !■ Ill I ,f .1 ... !• 1 V . Wo ; “.'VI lli| U|| 111 :,fjd im .1 ..III n .mm. tiny Hirnmnded in ktni |»rL|Hir«*i Jui a i'haio*> 't Im xjimm u» r* cavalry wo* h r mud 4a w« II . » Hir h. :/'iri , No. \v* Id allow t a—m,.| dawn limy s .iMM up u Tin) mol w ith am h a Warm rm pti' li, ! ; .. -n .:v,' , r.j i . the i X im> ij and ii krtcfr:*. IfinI llicy '.u rn fmpHled to |, II I a id <<i»' in on» tin v dmppi ii iwt of mpl’l Sj\ ,,j (1i, hi • ! ; i,i. n v * w. 1.1 n i i * lfi<' r (In* i:i. K . i; ■ v-r» lit: I« tlv. linport an \ - li ,i» tlmy fiad la t w ii n i,,a. ni Hi d ami w ••nmlod; anti I think titc < ' .nit' n I it • X _ ■ fVlli. 'I . it I ■■/hi NX < IM'aiilpIll SiIhUiI two Illiht* lr< III hi M'/intil III foil -W I g morintlg Mllt'Tt tl 1 Im Hip ill «’! (ho cirinfrv. ofu-rmarching mid hundred bin] foils iiiil a tv on m tif.Mroii-' . 111« ti jo ih< ahurc and whipping <■ * < i v (*, •' I w sho»--won lirod alua a* wo came in "it ■ . • .1 ii: o w .'4 k i” d i y «"ir i Heim it. W e mn-h thr n r h in i. d.iy* l«a*t evniing new a rrarh ' t •'! I.s I 111 Mi, i J . •« nM'iil’.t camp. All'fn 1 PlCot, (til.r 'il tho !• inlr ia,) ni1.1 in* .i tmi, h.ivo miiti imIi rod vv iill their • i.11 i o\ ' • < xjio- !. >| iii th iiimii ng 'I'll* xxii . I k. a J iiiiiik < iir iip xx ill U luru Hooix-r than XVC* XjM'Ctod. •*— ——. .. ■ ■■■ —■■—» ■ < Uhl run LSI (1 \Mnin., | ;i rfuia ^ jw?r ounrf), t • ;'i r \\ i'rr. luP£ rials, • t to l‘.'| rmifa. '1: « • -*x: Oil. » rri - lln via], \ »<»iin >!mi p*. tin nil, I |olir-». n>i ron'ii. •sirirrli, I ‘.'I cx'itia j>f r lb. 10 | Iha.fijr 41. \\ ir-r < ’ol <r«. *.* r n kit** | I -r I ^'l.jiii.| oilif-r &■/.<•* in |»r<q»*tr1‘«tn. Sum I -• kr*t Iiiafril |7, S< t! / I' .wilrm (jwj.rr Im>ic4•) Vfi ota llm h -i. p..w *!• TH, ( pftjir-r h(>X f*M . ) I , (^llp ill* ttflX , I .r'l r tkl, hv+%1 quality, «11 ?i!I kolflea, I'.'i eta. tin h uli* S < >il# .iO pent# tli* bolt)*, T • 111 I Oh w rs jI. Ilw < till f'X, I ci pt*. prr I Hi. 10 ll« i',x .<! Pelt /a miiu I. r»*ni- tin? box. t i "ni*• upn* Win#, |»?nt • IhiI i'i m Tm/tli h»'i-*h'*v t’t p#nt». I Man • <»y SiiufT, 'ir> cem* jwr hot tin, Mrivinn N>m;\ (old Snpn- j rf> r.) ♦>! and l‘.'j pniita tin? pakn, < t"*' inn, V' Il'iW, 3 li>. I bntr*. f.u .$1 r»0. i f i ■ i t \\ imp.■ < j and o r rit* tin* but lift and liisihpr pri<v-d, t mil- $ 1 * v. rtli )1 «>. \ ml many ntlipr arin-li < f inI.p1 v l< \r. f r ■■ ’*v now hi. mi ir.s. MnylW-tn if V l‘l£i I. 1-41)1. IN tV. II () N N K T s. II I II II O NS ri,onmr.ns. ft /.' :in n '\v • ] uii.g (4ji Spriny Si'H'k. w liidi ih imusiiull) !;• .'« an.I Wi ll ad« rinl. \\i .■ ;r »• * niir In' mis. nu.I nil in \?.t i of line Millinr i V i » give n: a 11. I UKNMNG. April 1 '2—1« k ;»•»< Miljipiv ul‘ ilotdl ! ! .v.utcitP. i ir. JN<) I P* It \ I '*< \ nt lu* j’, l n'ni'/i turn 11? *• .v li t It. a nd i now i vmp, at lm t ’ AS 11 STt \R^} .////:.// i srot a,ir ooona, ' 1/ I In I; I ,n,I .1, S|ti .(•%, I loin, fo|i, U.miirt.. k Ml “I w in. Ii will br *n|c| vi'H li.w . Ini r.ifiti. I * •' ' ' ' ■»I IV I \| l\ w K i . tin \ r ;n , I ! eib '1 in V11 r 11 1 • Ml tlmi m tv a i f t hi Jlf, I |f.Hl d« tv ill .1.. w I. t" •. I. .• II, jt i ,.| i At. ■ H I II J.MJ. J. 1*I H\ 1,S, \jfut. !j i i- t g ft; o ii s* long /in, AT J I). ItKNN IL K ;'v C <).\s r | tl I I , . mill A", Ii,-V 111 lilt 1 'll!" I * ■ 11 I'll II, lio * ■ li.msli rn-il to. I It It 11 \ |.-U <N. t •«. ; l l In ; t | |. i *;n ' on tin-ranal. Tln-y \v;!I »L all tutu-«« hi i }• a In I MJppIV * Natiiiya Mild \\.I I' i■ • ii • I * •* . \11 ihn aho * i i ''it I I at .1. II l, nwi k ' I ''Ii ; I - « ( . .i.n ; » m will known in ilun v mini y. ? ;!w II :itv if II. R\ an fc CO. r J ’' * ■ 1 • '• ‘ rr.lliaiiltinl in hiaousiomi'iH and tin* pub * .. " '•■Uv.1." llm Mu ral painninge herd, f m |„ *' ■■ mI upon hurt. I i-rs l< aw. io inform them that I. ■ .s i."w r,,,..v. hia .Spri. . .. |y of, T)RUaS, NKDI N''Al-V1 "• "'1- V1 1 I I s I I It 1 I I. So-., \\ l.t.'li are warranted of th.‘ he I a»tl "ill boat Id :.i ihu lowest iwiees . . „ . I) U. I y MIX Aonl 2>.—(,» if_ Rank S.|,mre. i /.v/: si.c.iit.s 1 THN K) S! 1 1 ,!'OI{ s swra. oonsiKtiiip Re .1 Tl, r f* l* < 1 ' I'gOMi at muds. I huge fund ufagomUmiultcarn invited to call md "'»■’»• I or Halo hy d()l| Nil. SI',AY . Dm Aprii 1—tmf ', A 1111 I.arnlvaristi eolh<etinn. just rer-;\p,| -* » ai I i Side, very cheap. 1). Jj. I’AY.NF April 'Jn~fs •I a tills OAltl.AM) * .ron> It i; UiMMI \\ 11 '. pia iiC" I aw ill parlnerrhip .lames t;.,r , land will ie.r,d:„|yntte„d the t ,mrt «.f \,. ,er Ihet II,tail Supcu„r ( iinrla „f | ,aw „ ,| , \ I ahhi iist. areiivmux, nroFoHo. ( tMPtirt r I M l ViN. .Ml THE Tlltt X Of , Tv, l(B, R. Cetulaod will rcKitlsrly attend the f.. and " • 'I'1-""1, ‘ ..HOC namedcount,ex .... '•'I" ’ll. t-arlsnil wdl ailend the county l .is occasion may require. I April ‘.’n • v\ if It U’ti.V ■ .. K* i"11"- >'»«>•!' 1‘o-tni. for win in his in npji plIK'lltlHriS. April 2S™SHMV> BAKBY fcCAI»TE» I .tr lire in'Mi I'itfi i tfttl. 1 !;'.*> »"ix-fi..r r | T< r. .1 Mu,, KH \ \ K j ‘ ••!’* »"»l. will l„.„lal l 'IT J '®i». withnul (May. I-', , ® ■ ’• • 1 ,nu,lti <**' J apt Ik i SUi .-.Tl- , if III l{, Iiiih imI. m.MlV l.l IM,AM i, CO mil Mi;i:,,„vs i,.a,It . n .-„i,Mk;tini.-,il* Mirim ur I ulis, !•„, i„ si.iIrm o| „,,r irumilsm |lr, Mil>"-;ilir II- 1- & C». Kt IHOVttt. f SAII KniWri'-rs I,;,v,I t„ t|„ tiewnife II I mi,I IlmMin^. in,..all,y,1 U,.ta-rls, ' " l,lnh . • i,-. linn ,, ly sit. ||„. Hi,i,k ,t 1 J* « I will nmtinur i hi , |i.a Ini , ami w i ll kcIii'Ii iI sim-k „f «■ is « < i: i: i c; *, I \»l. , li liny will a, ||„a :Maw,i..lj„' 1, mm as any h.iim,' enjrsigwl in the iraUr. ,U I Sv'livii a tall IV- hi pi,r, la i rc l.uvintr .-K-, 1 unrre. v 6:1 Mmk w'J is KOW.iiTMk AVAL! Fit * DOM 1 STir I NT Ii JJ(. UNI !:. HI!. I Nf'ri’l) M \T|-:> AM) .MKMCO. \\ f fiay hr rumor* recrntlv. thfi'm'li <MF*r. nt t1«.*rt ii* <f uf ib*.pr*>p< ili um ii a b* vr dby lit -jfovrrn iri» r i. in l! i AI» \ ran authorjtb s, • 1 h-ru.- upon w b'di il tw willing to conclude pence. Ut* b»%e im»w nn<*1li«*r oito, apparently im.n noth. nhe and. .oi.nidc im- rr il reel, store the writer stales list! lie aeiually hfeii*e4*.ii Iiiiii. v. In'wt v, ntir <•. a cop? «.t «h« U tlflr • I M \t * : . S,M'' r Ihjoii. fte «i ':iiii r til' \\ . || In; slate* Wc are 1,11 ■' * to lb. New A .« k ( onim.rrial A * I \ < i;. i i r U« •r • *>"'• t« ‘ I the New Volk French ( ..hill I, (olilai r; III this III! • ifSj. ari bdiuw : lb ( OU11 '! if > Id its I /tW • f lllis Jil'TIhl C<)|l! •' b t r fr-.m \ era ( ru7, dated April whir 11 (he edm-r • ■ ’ *>• j.< from :i person m whom Im tin* all cotdiib m-e. nr. w 'orli *rivef. -« InC details lllill Rr* not V tsil*W1 f ii.torelit • -j" ’hilly in r« b reiier to ihe nu hi ot Scmor A‘«»cltii. a follow* : “ An arrangement h not iieynnd the fifleh of prnhahili tv, iitrtMitneh ns the bases nt <>fti have already be* n ngieed t". 1 ii hcih *id« *. by all pruptr of hpumo, Voij |<n <v that. . .e tun* a ), propositions from (ive (.'ahiiiet nt Washing 1 ii were hf'Mi-In to that ol .Mf'XU'O by ‘"■ertor Ato«*hi. 1 h-ive it fri niv power to give you exact in! rmarion r»* , • ' • tin -r pf positions, f r I Inveb. t )!.- n. . nt this iiiomm nt,an atuln tii'o copy of u b tier written by v • or \' lot |n Sim f*< jon, in \v hi- h he r xhibila h - \ r**js >al " il ilt veloj s h .« nens with the frankness brimming to I i. il in tinner. 'Flu arranyemi-ni was pre. • nt. d. mm • lli allv, lull as the basin ol a treM\ winch, in Kbhoi A' .ha,’* Well «d\h-s'd i.piicon, would be nrrcptjibh to l>oi!i r« iritr .• . and eon • -led >.f the billowing articles ; “I1 ,p- nettle I* • f irande as the bourn bu y be tween tie -two iiepubll- h, fr to its mouth to the parallel1 • -M - lil’ ii■ i i 'I parallel-trik* i die Hiofiila between • tin ' 1 Mid ' 1fh .! MeM-tihY tin line, then f *•*., w »tild by no means cofuc down a* low iih the *>;>th oTidith di .'he. as ban I" t:n ptets tided. Such a line w .old take fr im Mi xieo a third of In r ten ' tv. whereas Scum A tori i’a imulti rut •'(f only .Vcte .V«j ro anil < 'ah fori, in. “ I be ( niti el St.ait • would pay I r thia ; ••qiiisition fn in t'fh en to tirnily milhnns < / itnlltirs, lnsulrs tahin.y iij'im the nine I its the sitlhiueid r;i the idil claims, amount nm tn rlt reti millions. Adding the cxpeiirtw <.| iIir war.1 which Sc or .-Merlin estimates at sixti miUions.ihew!iob amount thus paid t* *r New Me "mo and ( alitornia would Ir on i "iil v s|\ to niin**v one millions; a * priee. and perhaps even more Ihnn die lerritory c.nn hi* worth. •* \ treaty of commerce ar.d of alliance, i.||’< n-ive and i •I' b nsivr. to I I -* iWliwIii (!, by w bleb tin* I liitcd Stilt s should eiicMge lo prohsM Mexico, by force of arms if m ••• --sar\ . against any F.urupeim aiiiunpt lo introduce a moii:ii',iih .i| -vxteio. \nd the ( nbim t of Washington \v u Ii I bin I Itself not to reo the indepiuidi me of any * A3 mi hi Stale wbirb fibonhl m ek to di tueh it«» If from ; the M' ■'■■an i ’ iii. d i in m. n ? , to defend ibe frontii r • I both R ‘julbltcs a _' iinst tie- Ind ,n hostililie*;. Iterpinp up I this pnrpoM# a f ice < f bv<* or six tbou ind nu n. “Thi <* cel aiul v arc li' < r;.l o|V. is. and the < : met of Mexico tool, eiigni/rmee of ibe f *t. I ii r- f. re no rum i iiii.mcattuii h aii Wnfcliingtoil lias received tbo b-u >r ot ■ r*ply, or even of a na i ng notice; t hi* time the pr t< *i's wi n* read, and m the reply eulru-trd t » Senor \t el.: , the Mexirnii Cal met ii:<l not deny th • pos-nihil n\ "fcamno to an’ci cut* it osindvf Inrrd itself i i force* tt? • /. This r llicroeknii which the ntlcmpl a as cast uwav; hut tic 1' ;H ■ 'f1.11 -trd aie pi<.cahly tlie basis on w bo h. * mni-i or late r. an irrat o-cul w iff be made.if tbi> M Means «!.. 1 no I. (ho nigh f* dejd< *ra hie id linar v. c tnjvel ilic v * * i ' 1 *'i1 a - 1 e ilim drmandti wliilu abdi. , to tlu*:r aacrilices of nmn ami mom y the Iiif'hnuiinl Tiif\ ■* THK r.l i,( I luN IN ’l UK I \\ Kl I 1 11 I IS THfC T. \ ■■ S . 1 • r ! ep of ihr r-wj. iM f« 11111u:la11..n ll. .1 the . !*•*■;;.?n ..f Mr. i I1'* n hi f lie I ‘ ’iii flim i ct uas .! . lo Huialiibnt menu* rrs'-rtnl to by hn friends, we * i y from tl.e I'in « • • " 1 -i at. w Inch is pi: i ! e . .! ,;i . - e of the c, iritii«. "here (bn ( I i. v\ ;< s w m: mil j mrlcd, the f ;! w j in 11 marks 111 ii I lie i -nil. It will ho observed lint) no nllr ••• is inmie f unfair tipplianri s, and the sun | pie fac i-. •*,'!hii|, ,|, that I ■*< :n< cm1.* did rut take inlrres! f ,1'" -. 1 m tout. ( ha;nr. ' muttsst intake tin- Iruulile off v' ' 1 : l r Inn What v. s ihc cans.- of their apathy. I when it is well known that the < inv jsa was out of rare inlciist and excileiur :.t may well bo a »nl‘jeri of ru m , '.v. > I •• perif m! and correct » xpl.iention will he.that thee in ' ' 1 v' I )* w oft . lor Kirung 11 1divui' edird vv ’ i h t • Ji'd i;in - i '■) ioit and thru | t:\ . and w ie in.!.f ; m nt i >, if the \ did not r< 11 \ d< • rs, Mi. In d. . .• t loll. lYtitn the I'iucftjtlr Unnrrmt. Tin Mo-ti u s are over, and truly dmniiroui hnvn they b'vn I no 1) ic.eei;: s t | \ i rj,. ,i < jr jj, «, | r to he defeated this £ m*umins in the IVdevjl I.. .-dotnr. •»’’il the , ••.lingo 1 • ,! phm* «-;»irit . f the Virgii Ii'nro. m which they had h Kr— m-jorr.y, t l.o car.VM?. . ,«uicd n• • ■ t Iound th- m topn with d' s«nti- n~ or Iwki >n,iii | , no r WlM 1-rj the I ■'••til' .'I :■ V . : \ ij n ma ho di When ihev present an undivided limit their opponents are .always defeated. Ket th s he n warning - lot tm beware of too much confideiico in - my numbers— let tin* old anil faithful motto of“rv. rv thing foi prineiph s and nothing lor 111011,” again cheer us on lot coucih.ttion. harmony and v al fm our principles he iti-o Imnd ->1 l niou. and we will nunc a ain to the field Mini w t ar the laurels ot victory* n« t our opponents lo themselves with tho rctleciion that the Demo crats a ro v a nqinshed, 01 tlirir pi 1 nc:pies oxtm- t. Wr ! have MilVcnd nn inglorioi s dt leal .1 ut 1 lint w lil only make I oor principles more e'enr to us and lead us to a greater | sacrifice for their success. • I" ii"1' tnurt we me badly beaten -the Whips or mo in *"hd phalanx to the ik-lts, wlulc tlie Dcuio(*rais remain* -, i -t homo. I lio vote cast in Ijntrtourt shows that tiftthing hi'' the whole Democratic voto was given. Ii stands i i ( liMpman o l »; for Preston Ml:»—in MltW’ v. tea polled , in the . ■ 1 i 11 ’ \ In I >4 1, this county gave ,Mr. I * 1U 4 «.* ’» 1 * t vs a falling 1 in the vote • I * 11 • t I I— in w inch there are doubt 1 several \\ iii hut certainly more than enough D-moerats to hav« :,«--uri'd (icncral Chapman's elec , lion. 1110 Democrats ol Ihin-ke have done nobly— s*> have •• ' n Pwahoutns In sunte ot the Whig; counties dm l D 'uiocrius lutvs st.M .l up manfully, hut it availed not. tiik is'i’ll.mi s or illir.\NTKrr.r. \ tee l’r< si I. iii I !;:•« written a b tt< r to lh. I’lul - ( ,i,i« Ij-iiiH spirit ol I ho i lilies, w Ill' ll is at!met leg s m • at* at ion, a< it gives a luoii authoritative ml in,; to t lie ( s<du nm attributed to the. administration, I. r »tfeeting .1 chann* I of. mnmuiealion with tin' Pacific, :i.• r- ss Mi \ n*an territory. as a part cl the terms of j.«,n »•. and the si i. i* loeiit ol onr ti i lliullios witli M« xic* *. \\ p rati a. ; hut admins the * xpaiiMvc notions and latitudinous eon j «t ruction of the constitution, by the present admiuistra ! lion and ite supporters, in their Mexican policy, rump: r *-d with their rig* roiis priueiphs relative to the tuff. i ' , ft.. inwrpr>. • in!.m i d in the River and liar or i ill «f . , Veil', d hy Mi. ! . Ik, *'(Mi hi not he ewhs.d'T* d ill UliV ; hut the 11tost insignil;.'uit light, compared with the grand scheme Or ill. oi.mniumo.hun lei ween the two oceans w avowed h\ ■ , :rafi-'n ! This mrmnitim ,t •' do'ine is I.: !y de - t ! . ! Mr. I Kilns, w h » indica*. - ' 1 ■' t!ic s fut > i way hr its construction is to bo one ct 1 the conditions of the peace with Mexico. I In route with wo.a 11 the Administration is so las.-in j *'ted as being so well adapted lor the accomplishment of j iIns great (i jevt, cen.iia ue« > at the m. nib of the liver I luahacualco at tin-Southern section of the(iulfof Mr\ no, and procu ds along scuiliwc.stwardly until it reaches laiilu, when must le In gun a rail road ora * anal, u hich \\ . - t( in lakes, which !urni>h a direct highway to the river, tiro »tI \ and the Dull ot Tehuau ep* r, on the |’a iiic. I he w i * 1« w i.;1! i . i i i , Isthmus is about I . - 11, l»• tw(*n tin two 11vi u ns the chain ol mountains run [ mug 11.r i gh the i ntirc eontincnt; but tin re is an ex'ia ordmaiy uepri ss.oii at the p-tut of pus>:igr, \* hich it i> i thought may U easily ovi ic am*. ( Mr. Du.i \* 1 _ g< • t*-th, h.ration of a free city at <i '.lo r« ud**t tin *< enaction. I’hcr mmcrcial e* :• >, ■*u :u,i s "I this eomim:i;:r :i! he repr*is as impr.uit 1 . . : ihc l lilted *N *t« s w uld e« rutinly liavt a g«» at a va,.tagi ol other nations in Uio grand contest tor the ri* h emu meru t the l .ieim*. I hc I’niofi, n ferrite: to tint rein mereial 'outlet, sa\ “It will go far t. wards changinQwand that to the signal profit of out c. un'ry--the nuitu tlrfum of the uni • e \ I • Dude * • | ^ ’’ ! J- .•tnc of rr«- •..sit I" lb. Vif i a' 1#r«jp\ it* w • ■ as •u ' lie In.’ 1 .V-. s. h w ill be :'V t r the shortf ’ aH j n ->t .Un i t r. i't*’ twn n the I i^ud States ami our i “ a • \rrti ! ,, u.4 .nH <■* the w< so* * *■ f tin \ n«‘ii | cttn rtii« . ».u .4*the eastern j> *rt 1* n * I !lh^ a^ ih ■ 1 i o. islam’s iu the I'.e *!•’ | Th Xtr* it inf liit* Ih ji lei r. in pvMvtnrjr Mr. IH! las’s letft r. j rotrsi’.s against tin* wulming "I "or ferrite Mid limi *‘t * tin’ 1 \ti*nt \v!:i. 1i the Admit*!-^ration and Mr. Dallas are gupp< tod. sire, and ihinks that tin* shirt 1 f NYkots wa> not a great,r niro to tin* w» af.f ih in ■ r j n * \ s ■ i • n of limits v% mid be t ' > j" "| !'■ "j the > aus aad i . rnior.* . w hich <*• mp tl is * m’ Jliih. Tunc*. Till* VOJJ \TKI.KS Th. \Va<!nngt.-n I n«on, mi the 17th inst aePmjia nod its aiiiimieiutioii • I 1I1 i‘n mO'iii‘s d<'• i i.iit all . 1 to r*iijI out <7I>**0 additional Volunteer?;, t<*supply the pku*cs of ;f v. \vl so tenil nt sefvife is aUitit t•» • Xpbe. expres sed :.m pinion. That many of the lull-r clu.-s w-e.d ro n< \r tin r one a/.mi ion’s uml ogreo li remain in M* >.i o. Hot o r l .st accoUtns from the seat of war show that in i this expo •lalion ll . Lveeulive Will hr d »sn j .jv lift ted.— Large innotM-rsofiiu* twelve month volunti ersarc alien «ly on their way home, and others would follow us the periods u! llu jr onltst 1 iii'ii 1 should expire, The N.-w Orleans f’lcuytuie sat*. it i~ not »nj»ji<»s* il that a single II gimcHt can he fortmd out ofull the twelve mouths’ m. 11 now in .M' xico : and it gm * on to . xplain this unforln ■ unte *, which it traces 1.1 tin fticurUiitm of the Administration in the* of the appointing now j er—giving the liiglu *1 mdil.oy honors to siirli ini a ,ns !\f!ow bp ! Cushing the former the jest of the vrhoh camp, uml the latter never having seen a day’s si rvice III the field ; while men who have home the hurtle n and heat of the day—who have shed their blood like water on rverv battle fold, and who have disp a\ed militate i skill and talents of the highest order as well as the in st undaont d <• n,;,_p , .o pa-.< d ; w ith bold and contempt UutlH ncoh’f t. The I’ iyun» says : • I i>: \oii. ■< ]x vvii i th** glorious battle of Hu-nn \ i-M a ii t!n-r way h me. One of the kentuck v !{•• i: nn it • * nlnudv at the Hur/.-s. (1 defier* <u Da ( e tl re, arid the fHi I i dtana IHjnments will soon l'< llevv. We h am fr an ofij • • i* and [lira that there is n<> disposition t<» ri enlist. - j The ;i',r*-ui:‘> Iram (•< n. S. oU/« column is no more sat ,s factory. I lie determinati. n lo return heme, as n a thc.r enlistments exp'r* , is universal. Tim officer* a iv ns lift I#» desirous as the men ef remaining in I lie service ; \ *'th:it the wh-do < i Gen.'Taylur’n iJueea Vista army, with the oxc ptien .if n f. w regulars, and a large portion of Sroti's. u II shortly leave I ha fi* i I. “Tli" n asen f i tins iihiv rsal d-*si p to quit tin* . r vice ha* been explained to us. The man ef M uterev ; and Buena Vi a assert, xml w ith g.Mid p a < n, that th. laurels that have been won 1-V 11< iit have been jrapu’ied liie Government to dee..rate other brows. Th \ sa \ , :»’••! w i' h !i .'th, that in valor, no sacrifice, n,, \ .eiorn s.ii theirs « an ii’s'iro the promotion or protect them against j 1 • ■!' ! "SCI >1 e'.-in 11 hv inev j.,-ricf|"ed , |]] ., rn;,,Hl ynuj,. rd loth# command of p .htical appuinti es. I'hey pomti i I t > the miserable i. .nn ms -.fn iments w Ineh they led t . 1 t he army with well tided rank-and swelling a q era lions. ] in tok< n ef the banlsliq s llicy envo sell, red and the per ils tie v have encountered, and thru n h r to the army rc ! " *ter to sec h-w sueh services are* rewarded. Tlif\ ' feel that tim qualities wired they huv. • rxhimted in frm i ! ot ; li». r *:iii»'rii s arc nt thr e,;twhich in 'ire rank.* and th# \ retire to give place lo ihos'* who p—,sess ihi m. , ••\\e In y our ci'iz* ik will make s ine poq urati s to welcome ltd ne bravo aoldirra ha. k to their v untry. The 3d kentucky Ii ;imi ui will r-ii m with-ut its colonel or lieii tenant e■doiirl, the |m Niksq.pi bring- home! !•* min > ! and le iivn.r • ( . 1 ml open litters, ihf 1.1 nyi* ‘ troous leave the gallant Hardin where In fell, and ( ,1. f V HI com# * hack no more* si tin* head of the m- n from Ar i k insas. Tlie.-c nolde regiments havo melted away under I ho severities of a * am paign in which, if they have nt won the Iasi ino gratitude of their country meu, they ha\e i won nuthiujj.” — Cnrrttpniiflnic? of the UnUunarr l\ttrinl. I git : e - i.|‘^ mm [,n agnust the Hailed Stn'cs. iii w l.n-h Mi < ;rs. Wi-bst. r, Dallas. Hr rri<i\ Giipin. I 1,. Smith, :'d! know n«>f h w many "th< rs. wer* • i uov, <1 as conns. 1 for tin* claimant, ha* h< hi decided hv * lb-- Ideosur\ ])• partmrnt— and H ie think y *u i ■ [i* ,c. in 1 l':n *. v.!.e.'li, -. .• mlmg (o li:s claim, rre* i \ ed • ine dniii.i-. during, and in cot:.*., ptenec ..|\ the Florida ' war. I'.ir which I understand tin* Government some time1 n„'d awarded and pni#l him ,t .7Jmi(i. Thit». ii sc* oi v as net enough, and a new claim for! ■ 1' \ i up and the e * r*.;. of j the <;»*impni«»hpd counsel alluded to.engaged to proscctit** ! the claim before the Treasury Department. Hr. M •( ullough, the i otnptroller of the Treasury, took tin -si inject up smiwhnn itrlam and alter r .* ■; d!\ semi -'using every pail and parcel of the case and ttiaun-o a v -'.ijnii...ns. i !* ir and fenchi-ave report on the sulqe. t. ■ w ItiHih occup '.ni hi* time night and day, f rj>ev. r.d wr.*ks,! «le»• #..« d i..■ • i |i »/ 1 we 1-i i*e a i\dl and sufiicent com pen* :tion H r dam: v s in the tnatt# r. 'This derision the I V I .-o'., 1 i m i r. search lie has ? n and the firmnissho haa exhibited in lios extraordinary caso, 1 he Michigan ( « n'.r il Railroad is now within fifiy | milesot itn western 1ermination if St. d.Mcph is fix-d upon, mid seventy miles il it k run to new Bufiahu -| Its eiigine#is are locating the route wist r.f Kalamaz m. : St n. v ii pass'd into the homkff'lm e-.nipanv. and out; "f the haud.-i of the State, it has H# II mg a very large I lvim nased husinrss. Jis (arnimrs would pn\ l jp(r! c. .a i pm* the cost of the r-ad in if tJm m< n. y was qo j I ad t" that purp. s. . |-..r tin pr«-r. *nt year ovor j U"»wdl ho applied to construction from these cariim k 1 !;> 1MU it in ex ported .* Ml 1,01 (I birr# U of flour will ho eon- i \i d upiii if to.m Hake Michigan and intermediate D1 act e this va-t trade tl»e (hminany \\dl I i.i vo .*up’. i"d in tin* tall a vvarehoitsi of tour tiiu's 1 b1,Kti*la.-#- ol tlie Hast Albany Merchandise D p i. and twice the aria of that in Huston. In i!h . i ,T /’. . lilies.—The Springfield 1H publican ' : • k- ■ h of t : \ R Vmt tht eclehratod ii.auufaetuw r of swords and fu«* arms, who ' ' : " h» i ro ( nhotville. Mass., at. the ago ' 1 1 rl> h»ur \ irs. lie had boon an invalid Hr the last \ iis. In scientific knowledge, •: mid di-. limiicalin judgment and prnctieal .skill in tho machine arts, ho hud lew superiors in this country. • ■I . v TAYLOR'S MTl. \RANCE. A corn sp indent nt a Philadelphia paper thus d< scribe s "1 i " li ngn ami ready.’■ The tiin.ral m not mi r fl feet 7 nr 8 inches high, is :l ■' .torpuleney, would Weigh, I should iiimli. near '-‘'HI if* . and the most prominent thing a flout ess of legs. When he is sitting “■ huiks like a tall man—mil so when standing. |||S i-i.t is inti lltgetit, and it is usually lit up by a hi m volt n't l11’ - li1' is iii the h.ihil, when epenkii)"" toanv one ol partially elising his I-ft eye. His hair is gray an i gn.’/.ly. In OIK W rd, gentleman, if yon can miagini a plain old Peinisv lvauia firmer. who has a firm paid fu Hit i ii'i'H. and nollniig i Ise in the world—an nnh i i nl,juvial. dont eare-a-fig kind ofan uld conn—Von ’ ii' lm-i V1 u. t.ine wnrd now as to i Pn siileney. W hen tliearmy last summer was at Matam ras - Mr Her.!, r. (I think.) fnun ea ne then ! i distrih ul; dalat0 ll>e non ounmissioned ollierrs and soWiers who liad disliiien shed then.s, Iv.s at pah. Vito ike Ills, :i P r,U ' ' ' whil# there, M |;, jnf. r n, d Id Zack" that he had henn nominated by some persons iu N. \ rk I i ■ eney The old (. |y w . c „ '1 ’ ' ‘Mf- Reeder, Id m’t u mt it | hai the! ad of my . m.V- I ■ always considi : m t sl "an "O' ■. -but were I i I" a '"mnn-ittoth there are p, rs„ns w !m would eall ! n" ‘ v,‘> lllf"s 'hat ts'iidandotlnrs who would sav ..f1 in. Ss ||,I v said ot (ien, r„| Harrison, il it I nrv r Vi W"h|n two nit tail d of battle. No! „u! I , m’t \Mlllt I!, 1 litJII t Willlt it!’’ j Mn Mni , r I irons, o—\V, slated ala,,t two month* ago tint eliareos * cry grave character had h. en nr.- | f.;rr. ngs",,, I. V Malli,. sinee w hieh he has ' ‘ liUH-li :i 1,(1 tile rrsiilt is that hr lias been! . nlf from church iUUv- | i 'and sentences Of,heeonletrnee. . I N. O y,H v 'u : 1 hi en read in all t|,e . . , , '• 1 Liaiitlift., noua Uni tin inrm ‘ * •'' ' S. 1 ‘ I •- WfW W Ttlf - - TWMII - CKN. T.U I .oh IN Kr.NT(’{ V An imi'-inse ineotino of the rii-z., »s ,,f i ki-ntBeky, \v i- li»M a lew ( veilings sinor, t! e sp hi lane <•« n ainaii hi of Uen.Ta)|.* !,,r el-neV ii.i le by tlm |ir iploall ever I he' c ,,,,,, ry r' 1 which \\ in. .1. (,raves, K»|. I.irmerlv the iiisim'„„ ! nn mher .,| ( engross from llial District, |»r«*t-i,|(-,|’ ... meeting, winch evhihi edge extraordinary door,.,.’, f"' lliiisiasin, adopted a HI riea of resolutions, vvhiei 2? recounting the gallant deeds id' Cell. Tavlnr a" ] r rhal I hey “recognize in him son id jndgmeiit.unHnr7. priwVnee. and a more (hart firmness of purp,*„t> dial “lie has shown not only the highest military 'f1'11 I'll a cap I ' V . and a csnswieni'y and strength i,f',.| , i r dial can In relied on tinder all oircivmstmioi s. -'uto<ii vvle lie may Is hereafter cnHrd tnfiH ’' n^ tlu r i ii'p'rosnlrt*: * ia*y " rim we. the people Ilf Inmisviilnnnd Jell'ersuii e. tv. where Hen. Zaidwry Taylor I as joasod ij,„ , P'lrtimi i firs life, and where In- has b-en so vvelll I. I lo i: rlrest eliildlioad—admiring his groat vv rlh. Ins nil ivleiitalioi.j simplicity, and his stern , rit v, Intel heartily ami cordially concur and unit, ' i aid swelling many tmiod voice ufp ipular aflfuetiul, " 1 itndc, and enthusiasm which is hearing him „„ I,1*"1! Chit f M: ; Siraey of tile Republic. 10 “ l hat. in li e opinion of this ini nine, the [if,. a, • , aeter uf (« n. Tay It furnish a guarantee that p. " dent lo will administer the government with an (.u.' If l*‘ hr the etintnion giK.rl. that he will not abuse Iin',!.’ hy punishing I'm (Inin of ■ftni.m.nud that in ■iiii .o,'" " m oil; -e he will look t„ tl,' .ptalifi,-aliens of el parity. consigning to die sleep of death tlw oda,,,',™'1 maxim, ‘to llm victors belong till'spoils.’ *,r J •'Thai while we hope that an htmmrahlo mareo , speedily c e -little tin war with Mexico, yr-l if lt ."“o eontintte until the period nf die next Presidential el . I tenoral Tay lor can render even in ire imporlaiii •" ..itntry at the capital al Waahiliglun chan T''7* Hails of the Moiiti’z.ninas.” '*10 TIIR MAH INKS OF Ti IK (II'I.F Sqr.\i)UnN l -Mniitf thnlato ivimts at \ rra (.Tugs (1„. mariuis ..i .h.. ' .ull n wmi I■ rn.i'.l IIIrtn t1"1•'Oiiitiinnii ut tupl F.ilsnii.a |> piiUrtinl g*||,,nt ,l(|j(.f asxbtcd by I .lento (Jarluntl, Slunk. .Siuiiiut. Ailains »• ,i M.ivson Dt llii> .Maiini" ( urjiH, ami jil;.. at the Ji,., linn . I (ini. S'-’'it by Coin ( umur. Tlicy ‘.. ' a ' ' • Arl11, Briton, and coMgtitXi 111 « 1,111 “1 b s command. i'luy lamlcil un tin «)lh Man’ll mill (In- tin ■ nl llti- army anil wero very acilivul. .’inpl > 1 tl (In,mji ib’ invrKiitii’iil and vtorciin- lbs’ „ up. I mill ltii■ last tu b avn the Irem lies. Th,, (irst , I,|I:- I in tbe irr-n,-lH« Was a marine, They wura ilelarliril hv tJ„n.S;,„tt wlien the city had snrrJml,,r,.j and after marching into the city wturaed tu theit n ti»« •’«. Their tervicea have been Warmly ackiaml ’iced ioilh by III a Seuitaml (Jen Wurth In tluir rosa.e, live ueueral uriluri, and elsewhere, and also to Cant K,| sou «iti tlio occasion ut detachment# 'I .in Ilf Sruatr rejeeted, by a vote ,,f J In Id, r, S, Uiin us which iia-l passed the lluusc. lemlii inn tl,a ks In lien. Tivi nk and his Lrullii r ulEcers I r ualktit fonduot in the field. The vote we emusnl er Ilisoiaia ful In the hndy in which >1 w as Inki n. l aui ieisnu ul III! in,,si ulira and uiiriasuning kind, lias i far ill I per ii.dd than wo had *u|ip,.*ed up,m the unpulai mind ,,| tin I.Id I Jay Slate, il Hiictl action as ibis ,.n the part ul the Senate meets the approbation of I lie poupli. ... MaiKtaeliiisi lls has indf.d fall, ii from her hinh tsi.ur if lie has ee.-ised tu huiiur valor and heroism w'lhe tioni ul battle. liuth hritiu lies ,,f the Ri uishiture [*swd re«,| df.i unemrr the war, the aim.aatiiin nf Texas, tin '' 11 II "I si I very. f.e. &..e II turn they adjutirnud, llicv w, add fir,: ally, hut f r want, fume, have passed protests against the Utluoe, the Fall til'Adam, aid lie. a seipliun Ilf Ciacew. The spirit of the ‘|,rater of ti n human in* Ana hands (loot?!,seems !o liai e I'eveuded upon the law makers ,1 Massachusetts. The l.u«ni.i lure adjourned ou Monday. after a •laTmriniis s. s-i a." • V 1. (.mirier. A - lv>ol committee recently visit'd a district whoul hi Jl.n'f r.I ( . ( min., i . witness the proficiency tnadeby “f'i.ring the recitations, a grammar class were exto rt ‘Poll , s 1 : Thrutip n \*ii cl» tb' it ach' rad.fd thrri mniittf <• man ij he would hair a i H'.r}ir.v-N l.ii'li was dt i-iiiu d. After the school *»di *' ^'I. br ml he $h< uld have uk» n tlie Pollnk, but Kh did n it like tu e,it it buturo so many g’jiIs!*J‘ ( his sl -ry in from ilin Cournot. which further ua to ur;dt 'stand that life* man was ducted simply be cause ho “ belonged tu the party.” A Now ^ urk letter in the Philadelphia Inquirer san: * V\ itliiii a lew days a business ot a very novel charao ter has been commenced in this city,by an enterprising in ere ti lull h man. It is nothing less than a marriage broker* ngc business. The gentlemen who has commenced it H 1 v*'. “n is b rmcii t' r the purposcof both sexes in forming 'iiurai b and w ell suited connexions for marriage, i hat fetncli a plan f he says j is needed must appear to the uund o| evt ry ratiofial person." It anything new under l'M'sun can be produced wo think this shows that New \ urk can do it. * ■■~iBnrrr~'- r" i piaei iwwn—iiwe »i — .i.vorjinn si ppi.y of .yew goods. 4 P R I L « fl , I « 4 7 B\ frcigtit It >at “Union.” I am now receiving GINGHAMS. LAW NS, ORGANDIES, and a great ni:tnv other kinrls of Ladies Drew Goods. Gl oxr.s. MITTS, HOSIERY, calicoes, CA.MItKK S. ML .^1 INS. HONNE/PS, RIRPHNS, niiti a thousand other articles too tedious to mention. Great bargains can and will be given. JOHN .1. PURVIS Ag’t. April —tsif GREAT EXCITEMENT LY l.WYC IIHIRQ* E U \ K K extreme pleasure in announcing to the la . dies and gentlmmoi of Lynchburg and surroumling cmintrv. that I am flatly receiving and opening mv sriiL\y; ,i.\ i) st wMijt .srrrTy of RrOisli, I mu li, Gorman, Mtviaa, € la A ■icsc iiimI A me*riran Siaple and Fancy |>ry Roods embrai'inw all the newest and most elegant styles import ud, the Imre exhibition of which lias created an rkfiic men! in this place, that time alone run allay— ami. al though ihore has Imen a gTcat deal said about the AP \ ANCE in prices. 1 think I ain prcjtnrftd to show, A- urt'a« oaks trurn acorns gr^w : • ^ly t.»uu,*> are cheaper than eVr hr fora. Please rail :iIk1 see them—one and all who want New* Gooi'a - riiKTii Guo ns—Goon Goons—and last.tho’ iiut bast, ( In ap Goods* \Y.M. H. R\ AN. !*• s—| have received several pieces of Simtm’# best make and finish ofCl'thsand Cassimeres. 'I’o any gcnili man w !io v\ ishes a bafidsorue drf'ss suit, a bnrcaia w ill he given. W. H. U.< h "25 ts if M'w York Wholesale A u«t;ni cheap Cfifth A llni'ler More. ./s' ( JU:.iP 'iS.LYVLY TIlKSTlTfi. f P '' 11 • Mnsrri wr has just iccoived at the Store owned « n\ l)r. Mum 11, nn Main St., opposite the Virginia Olliot , a IK w and well selected Slock of STAPLE AM) I \N('Y |>U\ GOODS, I .ailu Slim s and («< ntleinon’s I lais.w hieh he f» els a * suh d In can i fh r on as reasonable terms and as small an advance on N< rlhern prices as any b< use in the State.— Vd kinds ofL'ountry produce taken in barter at the high esT market price. ( all and examine before purchasing elsew here. March ‘29—la |. K. MESSMORH. \ i: w ip5 s \ cT ciooi> S. G ( GIMIKIMKK & imOTHRU. n \\ r. just received from the northern cites, the - handsomest stock of. SIMM Mi A M) srilfMKR DRY GO#l)«. which they have ever offered, consisting of articles cn irely new . and of the most fashionable sty Irs. to w 1 ich i|fv ask the attention of the ir friends and the [ ubjic u* n ially, ns well worthy of examination. Mhcir ! 1 ment is l,ii'_!(* and every variety: and tin y pledge them s. Ivrs u. soil on the meat reasonable turns to nil "bo ma* favor them with a call. March ti i—2in if — •70.000 ns six ms o r c o b it w a w t e d • r pill, hit! heat market price paid for Corn, deli cered a* ■ mv f umticr II use, on the can I. 11 -lull b F. SACKETX