Newspaper Page Text
l,tH. VI. BLU kl ilBII. editor. ■ »• ”i» .Mate*, unil (hr l tilou «r thr Htntri.'* ■AAnilillUii, TillltMIU <IO»M\U, 1:1. js|7. vol. kxv—m*. u PUBLISHED BY BLACKFORD. STATIIAM & DILLARD, Eveky Monday and Tiiiiisotv, ,, finir Dollars per annum, payable in advance. JVo sub. pjinn trill be receivedfrr a shorter time than siir months ; set "" P*Prr eUI be discontinued, (rcre/it at the discretion xiht Editors.) until all arrearages are paid. ' ^P .U)EEllTISE.)tH\-rs inserted at 50 cents per nstart (or less) for every innerform insertion and 37 J els. „ square (m less) for every outer form insertion. f.YEll Y .ID EE It TISEIl is required to note on his .'ft h,a long he teishes his advertisement inserted . on adver tisement. nut eu noted, loitl be inserted till its discontinuance S, ordered. Toll YE. IIII. Y .till Ell TISl.\y; the terms are ; for the privilege oj two squares, «^10 . for one square j’ur ,u square, intser form %33. Every yearly advertiser trill Ss required to confine his advertising to Ins partivularline of fullness. ffs Jon PlU.YTt.YU executed neatly and expeditiously and unreasonable terms. ■Stray llor*c» ! f^STKAYKI) from tin* Rev. Dr. \\ illian \. Smith’ 2 at Randolph Mactm College, Mecklenburg county Virginia, alrout tin: blh of April last, one dark l7rown IIOUSK, large size, very heavy made, and a little swayed back, mill, I think, one liintl loot white, and perhaps, somu w kite hairs abntil the forehead, and about 10 years old. Alai, a GRAY MAUI'., good size, very spirited, highly formed, ike. She is S years old this Spring, and trots very high and hard. They bolli work w, II, Iml are very spirited, so iinieli so. that it requires a good ■< ms man to drive either. A liberal reward will he paitl to any person who will deliver them to tin Rev. I >r. Win. A.Smith, at Randolph Macon College. .,r to the sul-seri her in Lynchburg. M. TALBOT May 10—21 i oit Tier: i,A im s cheap EOK THE t ASH. milK SUBSCHIBKHS rcspcctfully inform ll.c La I. (lies that they have rcccivi d the fillowing (omhIs, ; which they will sell lower than any olht r house in town, in the Store formerly occupied hy Messrs. Talbot is La nier : Barrages,a rrixul article, 25 cts. per yard, Law ns, tfreal iwrgaiiis from Is, M Idle Linen, 25 cents, Muslin Inserting-. Ill cents, Large assortment of (’aliroes. from Gi cents, White Linen Handkerchiefs, 12* cents. May 10—to DAVIS, ABRAHAMS CO. IIooIm SIiucn. pi Gentlemen’s fine Calf, Morocco and 1 I _ patent Leather BOOTS. SHOPS and (.AITLRS Philadelphia make. Also, Ltitlies' Shoes <it every deserip lion and quality, just received and for sale low hy T\ RLL fs PARHAM. May 10—ts MBtiruerreotype sscs BAIIL Si BSC HIIH'.R would respectfully inform tin1 citizens ot I ,y nehhurg amt sut rounding country, hat he lias taken the rooms, nearly pp isite the prank it Hotel, formerly occupied hy Mr. \\ . A. |{, e,., r, an,| ecently hy Mr. .1. II. pitzgibbons, where lie is prepared 0 execute MIM ATI'KK LIKI'.M’SSKS. with all he latest and most important improvpmee. t. Miniaturestaken in any kind of weather, and all pie uros warranted a I'ae Simile of the original. Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call ami examine peeimens of this beautiful art. N- B —Instruction givenin the art on moderate terms. April ft—to p. k. GIBBS 112.000 winth «( Crockery, &e. .IT , l WllEll COST TO Cl.OSH ! ^ \V ith a view to rising my present business in this place, I am still silling niv large at nek of C HINA, ui.ass and KAUTIIENWAHE, at and under cost. 'Those who may want any thing in my line would do well to call very soon, and nuy at ju ices low wnal lias ever been known in V irginia. Country M erelianisare particularly invited to call, as the canal will be closed m \t week for s une four or six weeks. The assortment is very l arge and complete. I). VV. MOORE, Sign oft he Rig Pitcher. May 10—ts FOR S.1LE. BY virtue of a di*ed of Trust executed tome by John S. Langhorne and Sarah E. his wife, I shall sell, at public auction, on Thursday, 1 befit h day of May next, if (air, if not,on the next fair day the rentier,on tin j»r< in ises, A TRACT OF LAND, lying in the County of Amherst, on Stovall's Creek, ad j lining the land of Doct. Flood, ( has. Mays. W yatt Pettyjohn, (J. Warwick and others, and containing alnjut ONE THOUSAND ACHES. The said Land is within 5 miles of Lynchburg and a mile of the canal, with good outlets to each. A large por lion thereof is heavily timbered, well watered with sujie rior water power, w hich can be cheaply applied to either milling or manufacturing purposts. It is well a dapted to the growth of Tobacco, VV heat, Corn, kr,, and is worthy tlio attention of those engaged in hauling wood, or who may want W (Hid Land convenient to Lynchburg. It will lie divided in lots or parcels to suit purchasers,and will he sold either at private or nubile sale Also at the same time and place, I will sell twoW aggons. (•ear and Fixtures, otio Ox-Cart , one set Black Smiths' Tools, and sundry Plantation Utensils. The title to said 1»roper»y will be undisputed,but acting as trustee agent, shall convey sueh title only as ve sted in me. TERMS OF S\LE. A credit of une, two and time venrs will he given. March 22—t6M VV. T.Y ANCEY, Trustee. POST PC )J\ M K\ T. The above sale is postponed until the 28th day of the present month, and at the same time will be rented out ilie Saw Mill adj linieg the above Tract of Land, now m the occupancy of Mr. Williams. VV • P. V . W M. T. V ANCEY, Trustee. May G—t28M _ ATM' AUCTION'SCOMMISSION' IIOITK. mi IE snhscribers have this day entered into co part X nersliip for the pitr|Kise of conducting the AUCTION &. COMMISSION HUSINKSS in all its various branches. They have taken the large brick tenement .lately erect ed by H. O. Sclionlfield Esq., Marke' Street, and will give their personal attention to the sale ef Heal and Per sonal Estate, Drv Coeds, (iroceries. Horses &.e., either in town or county, and hope by unremitting attention to business to merit a lurtion ot public |<atn>nuge. CHARLES PHELPS. JOHN M. PERKINS. RKGUIJIR SALKS. Tuesday, Tlmrsdav and Satnrdnv mornings, and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, llirnttgb outtbeyear. CHARLES PHELPS, 3 JOHN M. PERKINS. .1 V . i SI It. (III.MILES PIIELTS returns his sincere thanks to 7 his friends and the public generally for tin very hb eral patninago extended to him, during the last years, and respectfully solicits a continuance el the saim to the new firm. May 3—;» | Sl l'KRIOR RKA1IY M.\UK CLOTHl.\(j ! t v n f. e a- /• .1 n n ^ 1 I I ApI.v'of"St ,<‘Cl'iV"J U"'ir aml S"""’"'r •up Superior Reudy Made Clothing. I comprising ('very,™ lo complete a gem|e | man a Wardrobe. Gentlemen would find n grvally i„ tliiMj advantage to give us an early call h } -May 10—ts KAtOA! 15,000 low by ,U* *°r *S'° May 0—4t BUYANT & TINSLEY. rpHE Undersigned, h irstofitro, partners in the practice ol Law. have this day dissolved by mulual consent. I lie business on hand will have their joint attention April IS—ta JAS. GARLAND, W>1. I) IIKANC'H. 1-nr notice. UAV111 n. Branch * AVm N. Held, Jr. 1» r. tame il a partnership in the practice of Law anil w ill attend the Courts of tins Corporation of Lynchburg the comity ofCami.bell, Appomattox, and Amherst. Also the Superior Courts of lint county of Rockbridge. All htisiness committed to their hands w ill oc dmgenlly attended lo. Office over Capital. \Yin. D r air s, at Market I louse. Address -Lynchburg. A pul 15—ts Coiiiiiiinsioiifr's Snic of «u<l .Vcjrrof*. . ‘ ‘ > I to a decree ot tlie circuit superior «**urt ol law and chancery, for the county of Amherst* |.r;.»ounml on tlic Vfn.l day of Ajiril. lNl7.ii, a " 1 "'atigt, and William AriniaU a.l an plainnns, Hif.iiiiHi Tlinnias K. Waugh, John Crawford. \N illiaiii F.idsoii and .lames Gilliam, defendants ; the utulcrvgin d commissioners, appointed by said decree,will pro.reed at \\ utigh’s Kerry, in said county of Amherst, on the < ill day ol .lime next, to sell to the highest bidder, I r cash, the follow iug Slaves, viz : li illunn, Aclxon, George, Sifocy and *h1dison. And at the same time and place, we shall sell, to the higliesi bidder, the interest ot the said Thomas E \\ augh iu the lb al Estate of his father, James Waugh, dee d., which real »state is situated in several TRACTS OK LAM), some lying in said county of Amherst, and others in the , county ol Bedford. A more ^ pariieular description will be given on the day of sale I he Land will lie sold lor cash enough to dr fray tb< expenses ol sale, and for the residue, on credits id 0, 1 J and IS months, to be secured by bond w ith satisfactory personal security, and the title to be withheld until tin purchase money is paid. \\ e shall, at the same time and place, sell for cash, iIn* interest ot tin- said Thomas E. Waugh in the down Slaves held by bis mol her, the said MaryJ. Waugh, description of which will be exhibited’on the day* of sale. II the said 71 li day of June next shall not he fair, we ‘dial! postpone the afiove sale until the next day, the 8th of June, 1 Si7, w hen it w ill Ik* made. 'The decree under which we act requires all persons w ho may have possession of any of the said Slaves, Wil liam, Nelson, George. Silvcy or Addison, to deliver them up to us tor sale win n demanded, and we hereby inform them that we shall send uu agent to receive them a few days before tin- sale. ROHEK I M. BROW N, ^ Commis JOHN THOMPSON, Jr. S’ sinner*. Amlu rst C. II. May 0—t7Jo DitMiliilion. T BUIF. pnncrrn of .M. H. I.avimlor & Co . i. il,,-. .in, ■ dissolved l»v mutual consent. .All persons having claims against the concern will please present them for payment, and those indebted to the concern will com* forward and settle. The name of the concern will In used only in winding up the business. M II. LAVINDER, WILSON P. RRY ANT, TIPTON L. 'KINSLEY. May 1,1817. May 0—It lActv Concern. Fill I FI subscriber will continue the GROCERY ami I COMMISSION BUSINESS, at the stand for merly occupied by Bryant Young, and recently by M. II. LavinderSi. Co., where lie will, at all timef, keep on had a good and well assorted stock of GROCERIES. LIQUORS, kc. kc. to which he particularly invitee the attention of his old friends and tin* public generally, promising them good bargains iu bis line of business. M. H. LAVINDER. May 0—4t iim ito,8tli May, 1847. Sir:—A public meeting of the Citizens of this Town, held yesterday at the I’nivrrsalist Church, pursuant to notice, to consider the propriety of recommending a suh script ion to the stork of the Richmond and Ohio Rail Road Company, adopted unanimously the following res ulutions : 1st Resolved. That it is important to the interest of the Town of Lynchburg that, in addition to liberal pri vale subscription,the Town, asa Corporation.should suh scrilie for a sum not less than one thousand shares, con ditioned that the road ho commenced at the Town of Lynchburg. 2d Resolved. That the Mayor of the Town he and is hereby requested tnappoiut some suitable time, not far distant, and direct the Sergeant of the Corporation to sub nut the question tothr lawful voters, to determine wheth er the Common Council shall subscribe for one thousand shares, on condition that the Richmond and Ohio Kail Road Company shall commence said road at the Town of Lynchburg; And made it my duty to transmit them to you. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, IIKNRY DAVIS, Chairman. To Daniel l. Warwick, Ksq., Mayor of the Corpora lion of Lynchburg. 8 N pursuance of a request made by a Town Meeting of the Citizens of Lynchburg, on the 7th day of May inst. I, Daniel I. Warwick. Mayor of the Corporation of Lyn diburg, do hereby direct the Sergeant of the said Corporation to li’dd a poll, at the Mouse lately occupied by Messrs. Turner Burwell, on the 21st and 22nd inst., to ascertain whether the Cor|>oralum shall sub scribe for 1UU0 Shares in the Richmond and Ohio Rail Road. I). I. W ARW1CK, Mayor. May 10 B11KNRY ni NMNCiTON, Sergeant nl llic Cur ^ |«inuion uf Lynchburg, ill pursuance of the almvc order of the Mayor, do hereby notify and reipiesi all the voters of the Cor|ioratioii,who are eligible to vote for the civil oflicers of this Corporation, to attend at the house lately occupied by Messrs. Turner Si Burwell, on the 21st and 22nd days of this month, (May) and there re eord their votes for or against the Corporation subscri hintr for 1000 shares in the Richmond and Ohio Rail U„"j. 11. IJLNNLNCTON. May 10—t22M Sergeant. !\HW rortcardins A' Commission House L. II. T RIU(i, HWINH taken a House on the Basin, tenders his services t, Itis friend, and the puhlir generally, in forwarding Merchandize, and for the rale of all the Staple articles ol pro dure. - ... , . . ,. la 11. T., in the sale of Tobacco, will be assisted by a gen tleman, who, from long experience and acknowledged judgment, is fully competent to sustain the interest ot I Un yers. Jl*c!imond, Frb. 15 3rn * DISSOLUTION jmilKCO I*Alt I MKItvinr. I,.. ... ■ dir the style el ’I iIIkH A I,amir, was dtssolvi ,1 by mutual con sent, on the Ifnh mat , MKLVILLK taluot, April 26-ta KO. V. LAMKK. •II. T .1 f. If o f, A l. c T 1 O A E E It n ml C O It M I 8 8 I O 8 merchant. LV.wum ua, ruidixu. ■IirOI’l.n respectfully inform ilia ciln. ns of Lynch nuiy anil the public ecu, rally that lie lias removed ; '"s ‘l>e l«r«c brick leuemeut on the cross street, just almv,• the market Inume, u here lie yy ill be | leased to receive cnimigmmml* Horn Ins friends and the | public generally. All unsettled business of ,1 e I.linn I "I allsit .s, Lamer veil I hr closed by the sola rilsu i:i"' lllN pufbeular attention paid to all business.mated ™ IMKIA ll.I.K TALUOT. April 'do—ts j h.Kih.s • cunt ilIui:s • ■ auui nun s ■ • • ^1^^' KIlll .KS invite tin- attention of thrir jL"‘W«- >" wr|,‘ ra^< •<> ihrir tifw ' k *1' (.HOC I'.UIKN. ijuw riM-i-ivril I'rum Uic N .rill, rn (IIM, wlii.-l, t|„.y offer r.r sale, at the |„.v i'M niarkrl a, t'uminud.Hinij terms. Tilt'll .St,« l, comprises in part : ■SI (t VK l.> hints. N. (). ami l*orlo llico Sueur, shim: rior quality, ‘ I J boxes A \ aiu! || I,oaf Stijpir, 5 tierces Clarified do H* bbls. Pulverized do 10 “ ('rushed do ( (>l I' l.h 1.0 bans llio, l.uumirx ami Java Coffee MOLASSKS 10 I,lids. C uba Molasses, 10 hints. Porto llico do S “ Snjinr 1 louse do CJ(|M»K\s\,lCP_;i bbds. N.U. (■olden Syrup, 1 *• ' —-Blial! chests Impel inlTea, vaimua grades, 4 > trill chests (imqtowdcr d.» do ‘jo loir ..I,. Sis Black do pa J 9((|H ,IU|# ( AMH.hS loti hexes Hancock Malm’s »u per lor Adamantine Candle*, 100 taxes New’ Bedford Sperm Candles, assorted si/( s and approved brands, SPH ES—Linger, IN pper, Allspice, Nutmegs and Mus lard, ot various ipialuies and packages. OIL—15 hhls. I 'aimer’s (Ml, N VI I.S ; KM» hhls. Nails, asserted si'Acs, 10AC ON I >.000 lbs. supi tior Huron. 1 bey will also keep euiistnutly on bund, n OOO'I utid tfcnerul nssorlment of STU’l'K 1)U\ (,U(I|)S. to w bieb they ask an exumitiulion trom tlieir enslom.TS and pureliaser* ircin rally. IhiiIi w hob-sale and re altogether w ill: a general assortment ot II \ 111 > W A |{ K. W II.1.1 \M I'. SMITHSON, MillHOIt.NK II. STI'.PTOK. April !fli— t* Dancing srhooi. fPHE undersigned will he in Lynchburg in a few da)§ to commence a Dancing School. P. II HOFFMAN. April 47—Is TO I'm: $(IROPULOt N ■ ^(>( l’( )R T. W. E\V INli inform* the public that! I W lie is in possession of Boyd's remedy lor Scrofula. H is too W i ll kiloo n to (Iih romniuiiily lo comment on.— Those who are afflicted may call mi him and he relieved. Ills ()/liee is near New Store. Buckingham county, V a His Punt OlIi*e, New Buckingham. Charges are moderate. April 44— ts iroi \<* i.M ieoBic iiL cn.Lvt.w hotktovut vor.vrr. llev .1 Mr Elroy and Mrs Mr Elroy. P n I %j m m A m. «* - j% 1 B. and MBS. McKhltOV will open, at Bu ban i ▼ 3 an,on the 1st of Mav next, a Voting Ladies Hoarding School 'I'lii number ot B -arders w ill lie limited to 1 the whole to t w cuts live. Tin health, coin fort. thorough instruction, true piety and refinement of the young La dies, w ill Ih* the objects of the* constant aim and efforts of the Principals. Term* for Session of Five Months. Board, Washing, &c. tMI Tuition, including English, Latin and French, 47) 00 Music extra. Payments in every instance in advance. Vacations in April and October. REFERENCES. Bishops and Clergy of the Diocese of Virginia; Staun ton, I Ion. Judge Thompson ; Winchester, Hon. James M. Mason ; Albemarle, Hon. VV. C. Bitch; Fredericks burg, Hon. Judge Lomax ; Biclimoiid, I ion. Judge Bald win. VV . II. McFarland, Esq.; Halifax, James Bruce, Esq.; Bedford. Dr. Win. Davis: Botetourt, J. I. An dersnn. Esq.. James Woodville, Esq. ; Roanoke, VV in. M Peyton, Esq., (*en. Watts; ( lark county. Dr. Ran dolph; Lynchburg, Win. M. Blackbird, E-*q. April 4:4—ts SUGAR, Ll(OBICE, OIL, iws, 10 hlids. prime N. (). Sugar, 10 eases prime Mass Licorice, 10 baskets Sweet Oil, yi hags Rio Lrecn CofTce, 4 halts Eastern I lops, in fine order, 1 hhd. very fine St. Croix Sugar, 0 ton* Tredegar Iron, Receiving and for sale, by CRENSHAW, BALBY & CARTER. April 22—()t if FRESH SUPPLY. M, COKKI.K &. SIMPSON HAVE JUST RECEIVED IN STOKE, 12 hhds. N. (». Sugar, 2 tierces do elarilicd Sugar, 0 barrels pulverized and ground Sugar, 2 do crushed do 12 boxes t\ not sc v Wfxilicy’i best I .oaf Sugar, 150 bags llio, old.'lava, Faguayra and Maracailm Coffee, 20 baskets Sweet < )il, 15 barrels Tanners* ( >il, 40 boxes Window (class, 40 do 'fallow, Sperm and Adamantine Candles, 100 kegs Blasting and Sporting Powder, 50 reams Foolscap and Letter Poper, 200 kegs Nails. Nine nests Wnodware, H nests Measures, 00 reams Wrap ping Paper, 100 lbs Caudle Wick, 30 lbs Cotton Twine, 50C lbs Copperas, 5 do* Axes and 12 boxes'I ea,all «»f which, to. gether with many other articles and our former sl«»ek, we of. ler l »r sale at the’lowest market price. Mare hH l» TANNERS’ OIL. 30 harrr.sTanners’ Oil.of primequality, on hand am! for sale low. liRY AN P &. fI IN$LE\. April 19—ts C LOTUS, C A 8SI MU RES A M) V ESTINGN. WE are now in receipt of a largo assortment of thr above named Goods, among w inch are Black French and English broad Cloths, all prices Brown, Green, Blue ami Olive do Black French Doc Skin Cabsimeres of every style am quality, Do Boujeans and plain English do French, English and Americana-Fancy do Fancy and white Linen Drillings. Black French and English Satin VESTINGS, Light and dark coloured Silk do Gold Tinsel and white figured Silk do Figured and white Marseilles do See. &c. The alxivc Goods will he manufactured at prices to sui the customer, provided ho is not too hard to please. A any rate we are determined he shall not say he can d< better elsewhere. Call and try. All garments warranted to lit or no sale. WATERHOUSE, W11ITTEM0RF. Co. April 29—ts iCvaity •timte Clothing. fl1IH\ SI i,si iiUJIUs liavo now on liatul a laujo Jl stock of s *’ K I N «• A N l) S L’ M M K It ItlMIIV .tlAlHI ( LOTIIIKU, wliieli they w ill sell at less priee than were vvnr Mi .re 1,1 I vn lihurg. Alining wliieli may ho found thu l.'llowm'r articles: 11 lack Drrusaml Frock (twits, Tweed dress, and sack Coats, lllsek Alpaeoa do do do Croton, kremlins and Cntlnimdu do llrown, plaid and white Linen do lllaek and h alley f.isaimero Pants, l>n I trap ill I’.te is 1 trap de Vienna do I' Miry and w Idle l.lnen do kremlin and Cnttonado Ida-k Satin, Silk and Itnmliuamo Vesta, l.iolit coinured Pitney Silk du l ane) and while !\| rseilles do * , A I. SO, I II w*^ a**°rl"tent ol t mulshing (.foods, aouipriaing aa MumImn anil rolling CnllarH. Shirts. Slitrl ('..Ham, M,,a 1 ",l,;r Niplii SliiflH. Drnurrn, Nipla r«iw, l mralM, Murks, Tim. UuntK.Cr.-n il SlllVi'iliTa, (ilnv. s' Min|hu„ its, Sns,Himl, r Kmls, I*,x k, t I Inn,lk,'„ Link -Money ll« Its. Money Purses, \.r. (•iiitloiiUMi wishing any of tin- shove article will Jo will loom- us u call, as v\ «• an- Jetermiiioil lo^ll them ss cheat) ax lin y ran ho bouoht in \ numin nn vn.imoi sk, \\ in rrf.MouK & c0 April \*J u VKUHOKS IKiJS~t'KD ^IMIK uinlrrsionoJ wish to pun-hrse from ono KunJird i" two hundred Nooro Slaves, the n^rof none to*** • '•a J jll years. \\ « are wilhno to jii\o for p- a * ,1‘ prior, pay ahlo in Ini ouual annual p;»\'* ’,l* H°m tho 1st •Muroll, |S p,l. I i hiviii(• ||io pay un iit ol ilir Jrhi wo uro ''illintj to »rlv. .» .. > , • ••«.« neoroi s, hihI also on mil cxhttc lo asulln-iout amount to satisfy tlu- vclh r Tho noyruoa lo ill- delivered in NoXuUe l 'oillltV , .MissiKMpni , by tin-first of < h-lohrr nrxt. I eisons wishing to sell will address ono or bo'li of us ut Pickensy tile, Ala, by or brfore tin- I o July m-xt. r. I SPANN, Al nI I A li \l.s11 \ I 1' Auiirniii] | III*. sul>si*riU r has nn iv«*• I a I'rrsli and extensive ns surtmnii. 11«* particularly desires a cull tVom Couii 1 r V 'I* reliautH, and the |mldie gnu rallv, hef.ire piuelia aa he thinks* he emi ulh i i xtia inducements t , II. II UK IIAKDS. April \~>—u •v#;ir goods. ri^lll'. SI IIS( Ullll U is opening, in the house re J rcnlly occupied hy Davis, ('oilmen fc* Co., a large nnd general assortment of Staple and Tanev »r> ... (•lomlex, Hals, Shoes, Ar., wlneli he «>lh is on the most liheraf terms, and at prices that will lie certain to please. I le would ask an examination of the following articles ( h ilts A large assortment, among which are extra line black, blue and fancy colored Kr, ueh ( loth*; Cassi lucres, a g,eat variety: some extra line Ventings, a gen i*ral K'K a in lent, Hoi tie very superior. I he Cadies are invited to examine his Usunrlnieut 1.1 i,M|Ss v#noo*.nmm%Uh«o!t|.e Very latest in.norm** A gooil ass irtment of Kml.roideriea, and l.ace Moods. A low splendid erupo sowing *ilk and other Summer Shaw Is. Also, a large assortment of Heimcts, Uihhons nud I'"lowers, and a great many oilier articles suitable lor the season. Ills Him k is large and complete, and will he Hold ns cheap UHnn\ I louse in Virginia, and those in want ol cheap Moods, w ill find ii lo their interest t<i examine Ins assortment In fore tiuying. I he fi n uds and patrousof the films of I )avis k Hrotli r. and Davis, Colhoun &. Co., are particularly invited to give him a call. April 12 ts JOHN T. DAVIS. N<»w Hook*. [IVKS OF TIIK LORD CHAM F.LLOR*, by t amp A bell, I •’Israeli's sketches of Fngliah Literature, new edition, Lord's I'.ipiintion of the Apocalypse, I'< inn ami |\ now ledge, hy Kd Everett, Life of < 'olumhus, new edition,by Irving, New Titnon, Statesmen nt \meriea, by Mr** Maury, Spaniards and their country, by It Ford, Thi* Wylilht, «, hy Mr* Markay, Philosophy of Magic, The t 'huiTlwnan’s Reason fir his faith ami practice, 'J’hiers' History ot tin t'onsulateoi Napoleon, 1 ?«!., Ice Ice. Just received at the Hook Store of D H PAYNE. April a—ts M.IV.V .ViaBIT SCHOOL. r| Yl IK subscriber,it graduate of urn* of tin: first inft'itu I lions in i lie city of New York .and a practitioner at ’ the liar of Philadelphia.i« desirous of obtaining a School, in this or any of tin- surrounding counties.lor youths. lie im fully ipiuliti'-d to give instruction in nil the Ku glisdi Branches, a complete an 1 thorough course of Malli cmatics, including Algebra, Geometry, Conic Sections Kr.. which lie will teach on a new system, together with Book Keeping, Plain and Ornamental Penmanship m all its \am us styles, and will give private instruction in air of the above named branches. Ills certificate can lie seen on application to his brother at Phelps Perkins* Auction I louse,of whom all particu lars mav he had. ISAAC N. CABDOJ6A. M i V 3—1 in* ■ O It It K K T . TIIK-BItK K TKNKMF.NT, nearly opposite tbe YY ashingtoii Hotel, 'l’erms moderate and poasession given immedi ] ately. Apply to M:.> :: it J.T. BURTON. fir cal Cure of .W'.rvmm I [rudnchc hy Ihr. Improved /.V Di. lv nx. r/r. inu: 'pills. MV daughter endured almost intolerable snfliring with the Nervous Headache furtive years, and nothing seem j ed to give relit t. I hud the eiiriositv to get a box ol I h»et« r Smith’s Pills, ol G Dexter, in Albany, and gave a dose to , her, from which she derived immediate heiielil. (.’oiilidrner now taking the place ot curiosity, l obtained the agency of i tlicse good Pills, and have sold a great many, because I can honestly recommend th in My daughter is now perfectly well, and is attending the Albany Female Seminar*. \VM. I.ANSING. Ka«t Albany, N Y , April, 18-10. The above, gentleman, a respectable merchant, is known uni rsu bany.' For safe in Lynchburg, hy JOHN H. KF.AY, Ihm^iat. March 22--0m Agent for the Proprietor mo i oitt:i:. o fr BAGS I’ltl.MK lilt) COFFEE, O.J |ll“ blk. I’rpiier, ft “ Allspice, | 5 “ race Ginger. Just received and lur .ale by ; April 12—tg McDaniel &. lee. FOKKICN INTKI.I.KiKNTK 11' tent thu Maltimcro American nt yotti-rilay. j a mm vi. or tiik <• vi.kooni v n.n.h' .1 mo.yi'ii i~rri:u 1'ituM numwE Vl>\ VNt’KIN I’HIt'K or HHKAOM I I I S I'hr ale.nner I'ali-deiim, w nh ,lal, a In tin, Uhl, uli. ur riv.l at II,Niton yinUmlay iimining. Thu follow mu uru tin* In test market* : I ON I ION ( OH N M VHKKT. April lit Thwugl. tin* last loitni)>lit a heavy lumine*s Iiiim Ims-m trammel u,l bull, in VV hunt, rimir nu,l In,Inn, t'orn, an,I tin, tin .. w hich him prevail,',1 in thu latter end of March Ituajfivcn way in litioyaucy and activity. I lie uperatiuim m lert-i^ ti wheal were tnmlurate on the ■llh, mill thu ttaiisuetiiiinr elleeled were tin ndviineinu t, rum Indian uorn was held lirmly in c,i ..nut ol llm mure vnmnrny|iiia repnrU from thn I’ruviuetul mni kiln. In town made Ilnur sear ‘cly itnvlhinu wnadnlto, nor » ■■>» *lier» much demand I'm Nurli.l'k, llmmehnld nr other inaitN, hut Amerieun wan In decidedly iuipruved icuuuat linn.I hran It la-mu nnlv .. :t; In -t-u Durum Ilm ni ck i iuIiiik un tlm I'dth, triimmrliniia in nil nrln'lia nl llrcinlalnll' were in n umilnraln cu. ut, nml rlMI"U ' tf<Mi«*ri»llv |»<i'l linldrrn I,, |„iM nlimlHiu i„ nivi pt pri vmm. ran-,. On tlm I .Ml, \\ l„ nl mlvmm, ,1 Irnm V! In U aliillinijM pur ipuirlnr. nml I'lmir nml cvcl Innl iliMiinml nt lull r:itr-». In,linn umil wh .pin t l,„i liirllmr udvaui'i' ut'uliu aliilliny prt mini tel in n Imnl tnuk plni'o mi tltu I till. I".lian I'lirn ia tail.' 1 , mamiunt i'xIiiiiihI' ''"''Ml' in tlm ill mi niiliini nl tlm Muck .. ill it tlm priri'M nl' tlm In si krnmla urn full mm Kliillmn per blit, alaivu tlm prmi'a nl tlm I Sill. Viali r.l n \prll I'Jtli, tlm inniki't wna tlm at'i'tionf null'll ...ami immljf all I lint nntuii anli'a wan ratfi'rlv britii({lil npnii I'rrueli nml llidjjinn nt u iiwul pumampnl In aix alullmnn |hh uiuiitrr uver llml *lny Mi’i’li In mini riri'tiuiatamv mil'll an nilvnuri' niiglil liavc nimli'n I'uvumlilr unpri-umi mi ilm Stuck l''.x I'liaiini' Iml mill tlm ri'Virmt in Ilm I'uni'. I.H Mil.I, ( OTTON MAUKKT ll.'|Hirt fm iIh- lu ck ending April llilli In eun-i-picitcc uf neeumil I'rum (lie 1 State- In tlir earl) purl Ilf tlm ivuek there Man mi improved demand I'rum the Uncle ua well an I'rum -peeiilnliiis. at mi alliance uf mm clglilli uf n pi n ny to uno ipmrUir pel purtml, upnii Amcreun dc-rnp lion-. The II i-tun -learner arrived yr-lenl'ty, and llm inliir maliuii trim brought uf the great and -mlilcll falling nil in lie i« reipt-tif the jrurtM a-compared ivilti the la-l year, pr iiliiei cla very animnled demand and llm market cluxed mill liiiniiiji cm ndvnnee iipuii last neck'- ipuilation nl i! lu i penny ii|<uii American, and ) lu J penny per pnitiiil mi all nlln r kind- Speenlnlnmhave Inkeii V'i,(!lkl Vicierinin, 1 .HIM) Kg) plum, and d.rINI Niral, and e\pm ler- I .I’lfill American. Till lYrii.iinbin o, fill Marnidieni. and 170 Surat Tlm -ale- u! tlm m-k are liii Kill hale-. A pul liih and I'jlli,- The ilenmnd fur Cutiun Inn, Im'111 mull nimlei lie -ilire the H'.lli, Tlm Mules du mil exceed ilNH) lu NHMI halee Kriees lire receding, and lie imtrkel hn • a i|uiel appearance. Ve-lerdny llie uale- re purled included IHMII) Amcrcaii at II,! In 7 \ |ieiiiiii - ; Hill I’eiuamliiieu nl 8 pemiie-. |IMI K.gvplaiu nl7|:i8',. \Y, may lurtlier eli-tvc that the mill In i clu-e- full) uno eighth u| a penny per pound Inn er -inee. I.IVI'.HI'OOf.CO'l'rON M \lllx KT, April I'lth I' air Unwell (icurgin 7 J to 7 J, Muhil 7 1 tu 7New Orl can- i i In 8, I.OMIIIN MONKY MAIlklVI’, April I'l - N„i n illittanding the ndvimi'ii in the ('urn mail.ut ihe market wan better. Cun-nla njuaied nl 8('i| lu |,,r J .. v and ai'i'niml. Muncy -lm k me, found III he nr.e.niid h.iee il vim wurtli ns imieli Pn present iriinsfer na liir time_ Cun* it are now H7 for money, nml 87 toK71 fur time - Uedtieid llm i -‘l| in.iVd, Tpi r cunt pn liiiniii. t'mi-nl .. Viji »«> 1 per ct discount. W • have very little change to notice in Storks. Sunn ish nml I’orluguiMc eoiue lather hrtiei I ruin Vmsleriluin the H’.lli. hut remain lu re without change. The rejH.rt of tlm condi lion of the Hunk of !\nghind exeeilo 8001(' attention, lltld among COlltUU'rciu] Hull. In* intlr degree of alarm; the bullion is disappearing rapidly In keep it at home tlu* rule of interest i » raised to mullin' on net |«\»r< i »n exehnugeN. 'flu-re it :m improved tel ling m the manufacturing dix triets. At Manelicster a better impiiry ban sprung up I’.r goods and yarn, and a lair Iminiuchh would ho dune it spinners and mamituclnrex would moderate their expecta tion* ax to price*. I (OSS OK Til K I. W 1 OVK I \« Kir refill* IIOI The Hoeheatcr, Trueman, from LivrrjMM>l to New York, on tin* morning of (ho I Mli iiiNt. Hlruek on lint Norili end of Hlackwatcr Hank, between Dublin and Wexfork, within Hi iiulew of the latter place; *hc immediately tilled and it in feared kbit will become u total wreck. A great cr par’, of thn jiasscngers wore carried into Wexford by the Aekclono, and the remainder wore being *av*d by other l.oati. 'I'lio Hibernia arrived out ot» the I4lh tilt. 'I’he proceeding* ol Parliament nil ice the mailing of tho last Hteamer possessed little interest. Ilnsimss will he wound up a* Npr-mlily a* | inhibit* in order to prrpar for the difiaolution which i* to follow in dime or duly next. Perhaps the history of Kngland for a century and a half does not present a litno when It-:* party feeling pravuil ed. All.umn I’ortugal are approaching thu cltmnx. I lie j tedious, unsatisfactory struggle l>etwcen tin; insurgents i ami Queen's force* in draw ing tu u rinse. The Queen’s , troujM Neeui unable to meet the emergency and lliu pro tcctii-n of Great llrilian liaa been solicited. I'Vars have! Iiern entertained that the |s;rMou of the Queen is nut mth in tin* capital. A rising is anticipated. The Prussian general diet was opened hy a speech 1 from the king at llcrlin on the lltli. The king made an extraordinary, mjh cch and us lengthly as it was novel. The United States ship of war .l.imesluwn. (’apt. A. Y. Forbes, laden with the hrcadslufl'N nud provisiutiN lur the relief of tho distressrc’ Iritdi arrived at Cork on the | |2th ult. on her mission of mercy, The lady of Mr. Ilrancorft had the honor of di 1 ning with itiu t|"iun at liuckingham Palace tho 15th ult. 'Phe West India Royal Mail Steam Packet Compn uy have purchased the Gloat NYi.-blciu fur i Jenny Land had arrived in Lotrlon. (lur accounts fiom Paris are to the I7tli, hy which we ( learn that the contemplated extension of tho present system of free trade to the olst, July, 1848, is now all' out. Certain death, and its eonoomiInntfl discontent and dis order, are hourly increasing in France. Letters in the Paris papers mention the failure of an attempt made oil the I .»lli to induce the iuhahituiitM of j I the Portuguese hut tied town of Yeloca to pronounce in | | favor of the insurrection. M. Rouge is undergoing a month's time imprisonment I at lireslau fur preaching w ilimitt j>ermission of the author itiea. A good deal of discussion and eor’cspomlcneo has ap-1 peared in the papers since the sailing of the Cambria, re spirting Mr. Frederick Douglcss, a colored anti sla | very lecturer, who went out passenger in that vessel. The state of a flairs in Ireland is improving. Matters' have reached the ir worst, and are now mending. The latest nccounla of Mr. O’Connell's health are very unsa- i Olfactory. The St. Landry Whig says that the ent worm has been at work on the cotton and corn, and that there is evciy probability of a failure of these crops this year. LJV. O. Delta. SOUTH CAROLINA SUGAR. The Cheraw Gazette states that Mr. Jonathan J. Gove, w ho owns a plantation on Little; River, (S. C.) near the lmo of North Carolini, has obtained 200 lbs. of sugar from an eighth of an acre of cane. 'Phe grain of | the sugar *5 said to be good, and the flavor pleasant. • I'roiHlhe, llicltinuntl WVny. tiir iiotktouit district. Messrs. Kditors The nnnonnrrment of William Hal* I*'CHtuir* election wit) curry a thrill of gratification i i tin* heart i*l every \\ lug m tlw State. Although ho -Ini nut rut. r the ..ti nt until the niiddlo of March, and j although itio District is nearly three hundred miles in length, and contained a Detnocrilio majority of more than ' nix hundred, yet In* is elected hy a derided majority uf , inure than in w liundrs ! totes. Tins victory find* not a parallel in the nolitnul .minis of the nation—a victory not uidv coveting un< brow of I im vi lio aelnewd it with i resit nnd unlading laurels, but proclaiming that the spirit of dais gone by tbe spirit ot intense and fervent patriotism is aw aliening in the hud. and uttering in strong and emphatic term* a decided disapprobation of the measures ! of the present A>1111111 intration. Tim writer of this brief urtiele oxpenmiceN u degree <rf satisfaction st the result of I tills eleelioil. Hot to Isj expressed in polished periods or | rbelorieal phrases a sntislaetioii not the mors ! gueiico ot any warm attachment hi the liotioicd champion icl thr Whig party in this district, but winch is utlribu* tabb* to and finds its origin in an uhidltig confidants in ths I correctness and irutlitulm ss ot the principles so succn.s i hilly vindicated, and s warm devotion and uttacuiuonl to a cause which, as lie believes, ih intimately identified " hli he* proH|N‘rity ot tin- Republic and the maintenance • d the pi iviNioiiM ol lbs Constitution in all the fjeslmcse and Vlirur ol ullu.r liim i ,TI"' l"sTl"‘ l"f*y W.\\m ,!f .l.vo. .u in ti t . g) VtilikVitutiou mid ilu* whole country, ami viewing ih. giesii «|ii< HtinuM which now agitato limnation with It i lings Inc 111 mi I lie bias ol parly piedjuduw, d# luaixl indignantly nml loudly n hisiorv of tl.o iiicasinos of llio list I ougioss, and a sfulniuciit ol tin-reasons which in llm•need the comb ct ol tlioir rtprcsciilativcn. Wliat was tin olijtviol llio voto by w Inch the hem ol llucna Vista w at to lit ilcpii\t-d ol IiIh Inti I earned lamclsf W hy wots tlis ilutirs iijhmi InijHirlN tcdticod, w Iii-ii war, with till its dirt mid do ad consHpiencrs, wnxagilnttugthc land/ And why tliih vast i*\pend it un- ol tin* Ih*w| Ij|<nh.1 and iron rum of the nation m the pioNCculioii ot a war, undertaken without ean^r, and eoiitlueli d, ho In as tin; Administration is eon* eerueil, wiiliorit ability i* To these question* no nulislhelo ry answers have ever been made. And the peoplu, well t y ami disgusted with profctiHioiiM ot patiiotism, have do termined to hurl from pow er this weak and nrhilniry Kx eeutive and his corrupt and prolhgnto su purlers. Thu name ol frcsidont folk will go dow n lo posterity either KimiM'ii w iih ilu* imputation ol the high eninc of violating the ( onulitntioii, or covered with contempt hy hir total ignorance of tin various and eomplicuted relations of lht» t lovniinu ui. A kindly I h ail will east over him I he man lie ol chanty, and attiihule Ins inisi rahle conduct rathur to till* III) In i*l 111 \ ol Ills intellect, and the HUggctilioiia of uiipriueipled adviiers, than to tin* dictate* ami ptoiupl mgs ol a hcait mailu eon mil hy tho pin-wcHsioti ol uiicx pooled Jhiwer mid iiuthorily. Hut the nmuo of (ien’i. I ay lor, eiioitch’d with the halo o| unlading splendor, ‘ hull ho written in letters of hlaxiug light upon llm fndu* mig i olumii ol Vimncau renow n, the udmirution of iiiou m all coining Him s. I lie jusiph u mlo i stand the m uives of those who Hough I to filch Irotti Cien. I ay lor his Itloot) Itoiight reputation, hy placing over and uImivo him a mail who is irniu celebrated l ,r vainly than Ii n sly ot eharaetur, ami laying all |>olilicul animosities up.n the altar of patriot* i mii, they tire determined upon the ls*stowd ol the high i ist honors o| their country ti|x»n tlm hero which ho *uo r‘ •I'nll.y d< lends its Hag, oven in an iinneco .s.ry war. W hen \\ in. H fr« stou hIimhI Ihrlh at the bidding of I the people, and with an eye o| unerring sagacity detect ‘*‘1 tin* direelioii ami j rogn «.* o| the poj tilnr w ill, mid du lei mined to ciilist under the h inner i f llio conqueror '‘vrho never iurrenders,M you, IMrssrs. I'.diiorw, it I mis take u >t, legarded it ill timed and premature. Hut sub siqueiii events have proclaimed the wisdom and nri> pMi lV.ol’hi«* . 's.v., .... eiujiumnig* ami i lot|!i nt vindication found a w illing i< yp».nse in eve ry heart animated with generous and noble impulses.— T in « ol'ihe w hole country an* due Win. I), frci tiiii for ins brilliant tiiutnph, and the lusting devotion of tlm \N lug party lor his many saertfh-e* and strenuous ex ertions. We hid him oiiv. aid in his libjli career. W <i award him the homage of a sincere mlininti >n; and ws say to him, this 1.4 hut tl»r- Is ginning of his high honors. \ * 111 ull the puvate i> latinmi of I lo have 1 ver eluslcred aioiiml him the warmest alleelioiis of all who knew him, ; so 111 hispublie cure* r may the ndiniiution ami npplauso j of the whole people attend his every movement ! And | may the Voice, ever «Inquent in la-half t f tlm injured and ojipressi d, lm heard in the council* uf tho nation, pro claiming llm lights of the people, mid assisting in tho great task of bringing back the (rovernmout to the stand aid ol'genuine litid establishing once more friendly relations with all nations m whom wo are now hostile; so that peace and prosperity tuny once 111010 pre vail over the wliolo land, and our country advmieu oil* waul and upward to the liiHilmeiil ol it* high destiny. UOTKTOU K'i’. April 20th, 1817. THE IMTEI) STATES AND HANOVER. W e last work announced licit a treaty Imd leen made lie tween the I niled Slates and the kingdom of Hanover. Wo thin wuuk give the substance of the treaty fur tho lienelit of mcichaiils, and cotton and lubnrco plait li r«. 'l’he chief provisions of this treaty are—after establish ing eunpleie equality in duties, and charges in the ports uf the countries upon shijw and cargoes, whether un der the Hanoverian or the American ling—as fol lows : Art. VIII. In order to augment hv nil the means in its Is'slowal the commercial relations between tho United States nud ( kiugom of Hanover hereby agrees to almli'di tlm i.oport duty o;i raw cotton and also to ahol isb the existing transit duties up >n leaves,stems and stri|>s of tobacco in hogsheads or casks, raw cotton in bales or bags, u bale oil in casks or barrels, and rice in lb ret s or half tierces. And further, tlm Kingdom of Hanover obligates itsslf to levy no Wescr tolls oil the aforementioned articles u l icit arc dcMim d for • r larub d in ports or otlu r place within the temmry on the Wiser; und it moreover agrees that if the States bordering upon the said river sli d! consent at any time how ever soon to alroliah tho du tier which they levy and collect upon said articles des tined f r poris or other places within the Hanoverian territory .the kingdom ot Hanover will readily abolish tho Weser tolls upon the same articles destined for ports or places in such .States. It being understood, however that the aforesaid stip ulations shall not he deemed to prohibited tho levying, upon said artieb s a tax sufll’icnt f«.r defraying tho ex peiiso of maintaining the regulali ms respecting transit goods. Hut in no ease shall sueli tax exceed eight pfen nig i Hanoverian currency, (two cents United States cur rency lor one hundred Hanoverian weight, (ono hundred and four pounds United States weight.) The treaty is to tv nlinuo in force 1*2 years, and as long as neither party shall give notice of twelve mouths of a desire to tninitiate it: but this duration is “upon tho eondilion hereby expressly stipulated and agreed that if the kingdom of Hanover shall determine, during tho said term of IJ ycaas to augment the existing import duly upon leaves, snips or su ms of tobacco, im ported m hogsheads or casks, a duty' which at this time does not exeted one thaler auJ on© gu tong road ten vet one hundred jxjunds Hanoverian currency and weight, (seventy con is per one hundred pounds United States currency and weight,) tho government of Hanover shall g vo notice of one ye ar lo the government of the U. States before proceeding to do So ; and at the expiration of tlist year *-r any time suhscquctly the government yf United Status shall have full power and right to abrogate tha present treaty by giving a previous notice of six months to the government of l lauover,or to continue it (at its op tion) in full f*rcc until the operation thereof shall have been arrested in the manner first specified in the present article.” Art. XI1. of the treaty agrees to extend its provisions upon like terms to any of the State* of the .German con federation that may signify officially their desire to em brace them; and, accordingly, the grand duchy of Olden