b»ir*ha«ncr‘gniAcd ite desire, and §t*u*e* with Tlmovi'j. a* imprda trade* 'tad navigation The grand duchy of Mcoklenbu.’g Schwerin.ha* sign* Jj«yl it* purpose*** w*» ae *««*• prrl»t#in»ry arrangement* ran be uinde. mask the «mne privilege; and the Vnnw*«/ firemen* on tl* applicaiiui of id'the 1 niled State* l on* *u:*»iv*ne:, Mr. Mwn,b**e eonsiaUod torodno*' the tnnnit «kith* on Ujo fbiu articles of emurn, fier. tohanrn and whaic oik (stipulated for in the Mb article /d the tr« nu %vith Uncover., to owe groat fur 1<*» f*mnfo Bremen arei/Ht* w* n mw'ibg from the I mted Suun thnwgh tl* fcfTiiory of Bre ton For ttw feiiygdvin of I In over, or the rnrnd duchy of Old hh burg: aoU tU Bremen burpmw**«'r add*; *11ii* reptiMic iv fully prepared to make the Mine rr {Unction ot transit thuk* in favor «d the States of ».'•< /. Vervin. h *uen and .ns lony *** the Zull \ erejn w ill have redu ced m a similar pnyortion their tramit datie* on the *nid four trticW. *vh< n pae* ing I'rw dun place l«» Sw it si-rland. TV Senate will with pkaanre w ti* every op p.rtuuiif to facilitate the inteicmirw ol tin? 4 o»t« d Smtn* svithtln States of Uj* iiennau eoufodocatton, and i* happy to give hr thia a proof of tie ardent dem/e tor that |,uf p .'.e. I %g; \uo hav* \lu kind non* of this opportunity to re now bsrardsyou t*»c a***" ranee of my higb regard and eMMOL J # 5 sMiirr. f*rn*#t of the Coiiun’u for h <»r. Affair*. To A TVr*Lr.v M ** K*j« ftiMESTlC IXTEULICt’NI’E* _ THE 1’OST R. l/irrnw hi f)rr urnnttid iifimf II,r )ninri)ml pml •■! m i-iifofI.ld lialtiinure "din Ilufinli* 4’ I'incinnaii i IVduinbu*. Ohio J .'w"'» l.nington, Kentucky, fimiUtvifle, 7M7 l.nw.H M7 Macon. Mm »ruin. •»*»** N ph *rk, New dt r*r y, ^ • *» Norfolk, Mri(> Philadelphia ^,7**7 Pittsburgh *'^1 lih hm "d, \ irgiina, c .“i St | 1(1*1 7P NnYanmdi 711 Wilmington Thr i unprison < f th* nb*ivr* t flier . find thirty «r I**? ( • other*, in*>irate an i*»♦• r«•;*-u ot tin- revenues'! th* *1*' p:\rtmout for the year lM7.ever that of the yrar IMi». ot n little over J7 p< r cent. We are Matisfii'd that th- ?U>vo stnt'vtir* will a tl**rd great jd* :.»urr to tlu trn iuls ol tin* low postage o mhii It is undergoing Hi* sum improv* mi ni in tin- r mn'ry as H hs* Hone jn 4»real lliiiaim 1 In- reyeimi is nnnually incfrasi**p. and w* Imvr no douhl at in vi iv distant day |he pist «4!lo§ will snpjv.rl tlsrlf vs 111 • *11 drawing u.mi ifir p* m ral tn ; y I n any Mipjs.rt. Il mu*l mmum I’nrlly fV.itii the Mpr.iwion * tl.i i: n IrU* is Will 1* * rit’on— th 1 low <-i dut v on m< *-i arisi'li ".t In* g n a nr will |s tii» consumption. Kvny man wlioisconvi ran lit With Ihr opM» ntn * I '' *• I ’• ‘ i:. nr Mrreral, knoyv hisgreiit d.sirr to r.uiy out tin low ralos for i‘ r lieiuTil mf the people. as wi II an l »conduct the li l< I* ’ < Hliee /non Its own receipt*. H ash. I nivn. ukti’rmm; voti m i.kijs. Thf ailunni: ti.»in n s*< ms to hn\e iudtllg* d tin' hop* find lain filial I any ul tl twelu n nth volunteer* would rr enlist at the expiration of tb»;r preaent him In lids, it is xadly d. »ipj- tui'-d. lor tin- .<> bravo men, • !•“ hsye borne the front *.f ihe l.attlr - of Motilrri y and ■ NI K ky and I tiio'.'.l such tmnx rv*l Uun 1 fit Uu ni \ krttt, and u .. Jho wtmlr volunteer portion oi lin' llueim \ isia army , fire My this limr thstauuled, and die gallant Jhms, and ins intrepid itmiiter * >lfie< in, » nee inure enjoying' the ol if|mw«-a! home, i hi' tiovrrnmcm l>> **•* thru ftllo dil* *f rVH es. juul w I.} ? I‘l;« N. O. Picayune, an mtellgcnt and lumoralde neu Ural jn-.por, ti ns answa rs thus quisiiou ; **'l ho rcawn ti r tins tiiuvi itsnl <1. sirr to quit the M r Vh lias lieeii explain*/.! to;;* ’J’lw* linn of Monterey dim! Jine.t* V i*ia rI, and y.ilhgoisl reason, that the lu'jMs that havt lMeit won by them hayc lorn garnered 1' thv (tovt rim i nt to deeorate other hr«>w s. l in y say, ai.d u i’ll truth, that tvi valor, no wirilii'cn, no yieioriis • I tl.ei scan insure I. j roieoin n *>i pr.ier i them agaiimt bring ov r-.HUilud by un ' p' r i need otlii'r rs, and aulijn l ed to tlui (ommai’.d l p lit cal apjHtmte. s. 'I’liry j*ointed to ihe miser ihle r*un iuiis of iroimonfs w lueli ibey htl totln iuioy uiiii well till'd ranks and nw riling ;m|*trnti”*iN, tu t. I • n * l il.» l. i bips lhey have sulbnd mid t)io fsTtls they ba\e eiinmnU red, and lin n refer to tin army rc_ sl« i »•» si e linyy such s. i v ires a re n warded. 'I'b.y toil lb.it tire qualities winch tiny have ex' tlulrd tn front uf M;»/bt.g aiu riev. a/e u..i tlw mu % VN |,u |, jank, tmirclire In give place tu those who pw,shtfu» Jbem.” No wilder lial we sr« the result yye noyy witness,; •o lieu * *, jJ* ndnl elfl'a r like Mavis, who has proved Ills rminent fitness 1«.r the higlust unliiai y luniors, is tlirusl aside, and, in rh liauee otall the mles of military service ami common s. ii , an untried civilian, like Cushing, illii4s*d over Ins bead a man w ho, w b.at* ver may Ih> his Crow I,re of tuelirs. has never shown them iip*»n any cither field than that « t jsifmes. io,r in any other etVne 1 #ha» ilift oj'l * ipoial to < apt. Tyler. ST, t.H», the s. r 1 * H i* ul other eapal !e and . \pe»n on d * Hirers ar» l.ngoi 1. il, while a M .|. i M. ie .alship is conferred upm an i«*. iioramuH.,1 \j hum Hit Plea \ uue tint* sjHaks: ’‘M«.’W. Pillow si!, true* set ( atnargo. yy ere tin* laugh 4ef ul the eejy. fu throwing up mlr* nebim nis he n«4naliy niaih the ditch m th.o homo eidr—ronvi rung n briM'i work, de*.gm d P r tin* pn i. etmn of the v\\\ into a cvwienwm cover lor an assailing party. .N ;\y th .t lie m *< NiJIJ**X Gravid, ll ’s !• IlS' li.d Je In SI pposi'lb.ll tbo next fiiU" he fries bis hand at the Ishun* s* he will nuke his ciilcbi^i on both snii’s ” ^ All thi*. wc su|i|io>e, is | r«M»f podtive oflhr “nmui at ubiiility” which the Prthident In s i vhihited in tin .Mix fc.au war. fVrm thr llichmtmU 1'imrt. UK ATI I OF l)U. A I W.VRNF.R. It is with heartfelt sentiments of ri crrt (hat «r n,- i ith, death o! UrAuguetua L. Warner, whc xx.r.ud yosk'plat I i '1111.11, afti r a hrirf illness nf three or Mir days. i Ins . r. tit is ..no u liirli will bo itenjortd i'.v il" ttlvih Medical I' .1 .which Dr. Warner was one of the brightest orname.-ta. Tins mini.jtv WMaio* a heavy J.,ss n. the dt .tit of such an are .tnplisl. I genlteinan,8,1 iltstiii;: iislie.1 for Ins scientific attait.ii., tits. *'id In « hum it i-. mainly inil.'i* d lor the i> nY.-lim. nt Ml lire Medical Co , uni . f tlin in hh ct ilist 11 ut 1..nsof. nr s-ny. Dr \\ arm r I. . I ! aid!; r irlied tin meridian , fliis pruli ssional III'.., and CiTtainly In: hail imt attained to a moiety of that rcpi't.iti.m which his l.nlliaul talnits nml |>rofesiunal sl.t!]ymtiijsi d in secure, h r him. J|r was a Mtive of Rallimore, and fur s .tu,. time filled a clia.r tu the Medical Diystiln riit of the I ’niversitv „f \ ityinia; auh «ss|Uontly l.c came to this city,where he l.aan sidrtd about ten yeaic. lie was a matt ol generous and liberal disp, - e't'ii.v. rtn in bis frietidshipa,and ardent in his sen;;... e..J tin man had warmer friends. 11m de\. t.-.l ,n.11,no-u, r.tllicd aruond him, and employed all their skill 1,1 proluiijr ills lit*1; hut tlnir eff.irlB wi re unavailing. Sonar |>en min. I *e nut to the task will no doubt tiny a pro] xr triuute to his iuciuuiy. MORK TROOPS FROM (,F.OR(,IA. To Suppl y a requisition from the War I hj Kir linen t. f»ovsed vestenhy, and aver dirt uf with inU;««tfrorn Primary, J.*\ .1, nn . ’ dt feudant. Thr suit was founded on Siainnt i * ampeel tu have lei n due tip' •/ ivemment |»y the dftc'.hl iitt, what lie v\ in . ifi •< r in tin J*. ‘jt f i/ii.- | i, | Urt lleiMH. THE i'll* >!*>. Vnmt thr liirhrm>*1 ll'/ilg. M'i f gri t to In-m I hit iu Ufa .?sun»* Hr*'** ^ * die growing uJwsi cr.»n» racially, »•« tin big libwi*. present* a v«»ry unpromising appearance. . Im) fields, * w believed, will * i.r«* > y«!d a* *u •<**» lXH v" 11 ml, white un many other* the product nuiat U* ', r> smtM. The Maryland pajvrs give wiinilar aeronn’s <4 tin np ^•arnnee el tie e.rep ui that Slate the drought, which ha* laated aearly hi work*.having no nearly dmtroyml thr wheal, that many til' Uie tanner* are ploughing tip liieir field* ler jjie e| phinliiig iheuj with e »/m. of w liirhaa immense ipiantity had been pgevioM*ly plant ml. Thr early frBits. likewise, we regret to hrar have been enure dislroycd. /’Yoflt (hr Uv'hirini'i Unqiiiitr iff 7Vu*i/ni/. Toll AC* CO. Tli# (U lowing i« an extract of a letter from an extrn mo' itkioier in Mecklenburg eoonlv. \ irginia • **■ Iwii* is a j/real e<»uij4aiui of | ohaeeo 1‘laol* in mi in i »hJ*>fJj'H»d my la d*, bowc ver are good, and will eu i able me to plant ill* crop by tlu fir*t ol June, or I store j thai lime wuli jaoper m aHoiis. Thr wheat iiop in th** ( vicinity banlnei) mntefially injured by the ll\. and we I now discover the hug, and in greater numlwra than nmial • for the wasm of lM*• >i nr. It h *i:iti»J thai in .Maryland that the wheat field* an ' <4I-Iieii*k- iiimri d III tin- llv. We regret to h*;ir tbit on •lame* Kiwi, iil*j»e Richmond* tin- fly if il"in r hiih ( d n i i » many |i<#r»0. \N * have not yet 11card ol it« i appear niri mi lower J iiiics Kivt r. final thr Narine i II leconain) H lnu. • tpi'il - '/ 1 11!. WIJI.AT ( Ifni' I I II 1(1. 1'KOSlTT’I The crop in entir* ly destroyed. ami I imicra me m u busily ongfe_p d in hum mg \\ lie nl on ill*- h uio ground I ud i l every ,, oH/dling lor the want ol water. / rnni • > uH i . .. |M , ,, "••oiUottn.- /!>»if I lie whenl f|« ItlM in IliH vicinity nevei i ir (' oiiiising ul f hie seoMon t.f tin* year, then at pH-Mio. Ihlt WC liertr (hilt on Hi >• or Ihrre tlllle|iiairieP a lew mill west it ia iwriomdv injured. Tim Bi •tufMipli Vail ley Im* Idom failed te linn out a good yield, and tin* )car promise* inure ahnndant than evi r. W UK \T IN NOin 11 KILN INDIAN \ gentleman writing from Michigan ( Hy, under dale of \pril ‘J’.,Hay*: * I lie when t la entire) y cut off in l.njwrte, Lake and I Ttei routiuo*. at least to every appearance, evi pt in the tmihfrand barren*. ami but luile will he w p of other productions. St. Ia»uu HepuUieun, r'th nil. [ ('nrirrpniulrucf of the Haiti more Sun. | W \sinNo idN, May i. IS 17. Mr. I’arihli, who Ii:n !« ft tbi* iimruing w ith dcHpatchcs • r i hi army in Ah \n*o, had. on \ t Merdny, long in It rvn w s •dent- It i' si i ppe-11,**. hV>r And State, and with the I'ih nnwsage to to n l ay h-r. w Inch inlcMled Ait mi* YutMigl^l M. Xlrn air ll llli I >;t l it 11111 ml.l rnhlirrs, II w.lil.l, prrhnps h»»« lw " iny.in to rnirnat to hi* mlr ,,, „ AH sorts nl'"|.i riiliitum, »rr, nl m,iir*r. nil. nt in reward '"'I'" I'KilinliliM-unt.'iiis „f tin* .l.»rnt,lirH suit ,lmi ii i„ M. Xirn; Iml M max snl'Hy lie fins. ,| Mint tit. x rrlair in *h< dtabandidg uf tho tuilitin, xxlinin) irrm *,,, iet> is aUml In ■ \|iirn. nn.l the rr n.ll.liiit; „| „ |,„ n„v rllnnsi' In srnr apiill. \lu| It may also hr |ir. Slllilril ||,.,i "I'll r» I'fxr nnnr nut In |nirsiin I hr w,r xxilli a linlr ad (litienal vigor. Mr llurliniiaii xxnn smldrnly tnki nill. Innt oveniiiff nn mni'li so that Mr. Tlminas liml to hr rnllr.l m ami |.n MTiho h r him. I lr in Mill rm,fi,i[-,| u, |,j» hr,I, ilim, >h cvnlently doing lrcttcr. Mr. Walker IX Mill iinahle In npiak, Uimmli olhrrxx on doing licttcr. Tin- Pallliiirrr «tm «jr«, ll is p(»itivHy naocMfd III Am lurk Mint n Irtlrr Inn hrrn rrrnxnl ihrn Irinntirii I nj Inr, ii mil m in n h ..tu Ins numiuniimt |'ur thr l’ir "i'll Iiry. Ill u hirh In i xpri sKi s n pr. h irm o fur Hrrn v ( lav nx. r rxrrx nlhur laiididalr liiiuril. ami |'ur Crill, n ilfi! ur Mrl.ran Iirxi. ... lh.it tli. s, urn In* prrlVrrm-.H uvrr all nllirrs, ti is Mt.fih.-il hr siill i-audiilly nxinxMlhut hr is nut imhllrirnt In Mir uMI nfilir I.I’l«*. »•« tv|itii...I to he read on the tpiarteidcek Id every slop m tin* Mjuadron. • A. I. ( ammerriul of llrdnetiloy. 1 'HR NKVA’S I n NJfiVV VOHK, I ie New A t rk l'.xptt ss if Thursday evening Inst h:i vs ; ..." I1"' '■ "" e.' mpe 1 as made ooi«,« mnaation in " »*l - " ■ I, is betti r than was , x,„. i.,i ... '"'s •’""■''I1'11'11 a '"■’•h-rate advance in cutton, hut ,,„t ns I :l- 11 :T1’’ -,r* bus taken plats’. There w as no n,a ''""I "si; brcailslufls ,A|sctod. I„,t liapin.-irs ,l,„, Ilnur anil pram lam’ I-’III pone up. I I,,. ,i, „iand also r."n J|h- fun talent lias in.-teasr.l. The , ,■ sl Ins also improve,I . Inn as I’.njan.l is ..r. nlv m .1. In m "ns I’.niuin . it vv ill liavi’ nu immediaUi ctf.v.'un il,e in \ market hon*. ■ I I e iiillueiii’ii of I Ini news lias hren must favorable h ''b-rs I’t (',,||.„1 are .. sustained in llie ree. ,,l , advance. hut have put up pure s ; |nr eeul. " l lie stuck til hieailstutls here it exliaiislc,!. ami ji ,* imp, viilih’ III make any great purrhnsrs. The .nice. I,, w< I,,, fur •oar. fur the small parcels Imiw, has advau I lu •■>< i; and corn to 100 ccntt*. i EFFECT OF THE STEAMER'S NEWS. 'I hr Ualiiukite Sun of Saturday »nv.n : •» Itv refen nec J?ou' jontmercial review, and the Megmphic dispatch Imni N, v. \urk, ii will lie seen that tin’ Cambria's new s ha., la III a favorable > (V-’Otcn the markets l.ir hr, ::,| slutls .4 all descriptions. The advance un tl„ur iu Ui ' 11 market Is loll 10 cents pm barn I, while in I « V'lrU II Ins reached nearly 7.i cents. Tin re has j *> been an sdvuuee un corn „f frnni 4 t„ .I „.r "iMi . whilst wheat has gone up ft un 8 to 10 rents „ r linaliel. j here is also tonshlerahle iinjinivemenl m e0, '-in. ami an a.lvanro of 1 cent per [mim.l ban already lake,, j place in New iorli. I he Si. Isx.is Reveille linn bceii inf rnuxi hr Mr • uhlutie, reeenily fmm Svuls Ke. Ihnt very h vv. H'anv. ui llie volunteers now in our“terril.>ry” u| N, \r yj,.vj,', ••an lie mduen ,1 re enlisr. The desire m relurn I,nine is general: and it tmnps du nut arrive, (an it js now erram mum will,) IU relieve iliein at the ex pi rut ton „f iheir tirinul m rviee. .Mr. S. thinks it will he dulieult to •„ „ diet,, m the country ami. as a mvessary.. Wow Mexico « ,! r« ssi its furtrer rel.U a t0 the f! *k*n I' ' ’ " hat,in that en t. will hi vo been ",ei:.i by this ni. s,v, , tlum .Mi !■ „in, ' tu Suita I- if * i 1 FrifK tin 1'tUrtvirrtc lit | ••IJR.iTH LD\ KSA MllMMi MARK!” It.it a fe w .!»*• ago * wa* our >" I’"" " >“ the frrvitl . I'Oii. ii'. ut llix me"' l.rillmnl "id diatmo.iuH.. d ol \ .r.inaVhonnri.l I* »a*«l*nmirplc.,*ure the, In .dial. I.a hill, a fuluie career "1 HH-n awd ;1,„| I,,’ :,. , I,on* \ *a.|aml m« tali' holy change Low .. over“Uwtf "1 ■ "r.lr.-am. awlltiaour , Id iv • W lo chruoicb hi* death I Geotge Jwwn v.wl* m mil.. Tin ..rig .h*|iwa» ' it chaimid ini'ti'U f. a|.|.alh*l hi* cm-.*. >h. iiiighty ml. Ih rt ilriiha.l kardlt .. im»il lwa* iionrdinary man,cuiiliming with ihc highest ijualiticHut MaUwimm, which can him a heml-phere id renown, ind.irluiial.'i rri.r* which prevent, d him In in hnnna sage. In additlun In Ih. *ph nil. d cmli.wim nu ul In* mind lie *nin il the uuwnvi'iino nmiliih nee nl Ilia I in nil*, hy hi* unyieldingdev.itiuii told* political l.iilli and the h-rveney uf hi* 1*ntolial allaehmi id*. 'l l,., irecnl , . ..although n brought sucres* to him .ild I,..i it ring nnl. it - mi digrie of mortification .,1,,,. I.. a ted a ■!• leetln. thi part of hi* poli'i r:,| fiienil* w hu ll in arlv produced di leal. I he ouiiac nl HUM hr knew well enough ami was miiy n* - ........... had ho livcsl, to M'lii'*v< eniin ly »ml forever.—Jim tlx ;l a ii all v\ i' < r, ud. I.M l.ad p. lie I rth, mid I.. wns ,4 .1 allowed the opportunity of pn ving to hi* tneiids and the world the Miieerily "I Ins r< soIvh. II. .a.* ne» Virginiaw.il lung leiiMinlirr him ah one ol her mot gifted sons, and lierea vod kindred and friends will u« ver forget that (outgo (. Uromg.ole | m ipsense d a heart and a o ml, w Imho oem r-ii, hospitalities* noble sen tmienU and endearing Irieiid diip-, commended bun h> mankind as the not.I.-i work «d(.od- an iionkht man! Tin follow ing obituary notice ot the deceased was has lily pi• parrd (not for the public eye) by one who knew i. >• t I . \ •. I hi ol well, and would n > ibajht ha ve pr« f.rrcd to have had longi r lime to prepare a notice which would do ■I*' ■••(•to the memory of one ao loudly cherished and be I 'Vcd. y. however gives a bin I* but well framed M> ""I I Hu piinripr I events of Ins life, w hieli w ill, no d'Iil.i o, Sf,*epta!ile to the public; and we, therefore, take iln- JibctH rd.lishing i» just as it was rcceiv. d. “ I lie hue <«ei r ,■ |. rumgoole vv»» horn in Drum* w iek , t> \ ■ ii ih. a| 1797, Ho was lh< v oiiun' si child of the Inin R, v K.iwnrd Drorngoole, m hi 18l l. Ii* entered the S pliomoro .e.t,,, |' m v«r sity of North Carolina, w In re l.e remained about iw.» % * ;i r •*. During hi# connection wit!) the- I niv* roty, ho formed an :m■piaitiiancc with the present « is inguiahed President of tin It tied Stale: an well a* with • tlicr more eminent Ftatesuiri . Viter lenvmg thn I mv r-Hv of North ( arulina. he entered the ( ell. ge of W llliain K Mary with the intention in his dial net In i|i« Npnug « f Ifoio, lie was elected a member of the lions.: .I Urpieseniniiv uVI.ek.be expirctl in calumets and eom , p>'Nur», without a muiriiiir or a groan, l ining his ill 11-h. In exhibited a ijtiirt rcsignaii.m and gr< al patience; and Ins country s inti ie-,1 - the success of Ins* principles - I lie 11 inn i pb .1 I .in is use all sr. tned to lie mar Iiin heat t. lie bad faults. and I., kurw it ; but . xpr.^.ed the hope aud wish 11 • i they would be fteelv pardoned amt forgtv en. Mr. V\ . b*-ter and 1 a.ly nrriv. .1 at Raleigh on the 1st mst., nml, w bile they remained in the city, were to hr the gm sis . I (»,iv. Urahnm. On tlic dd, the Kxceulive Mansion was throw n u|>cn to visitors, and the Register remark*, “our community generally availed tliems. Ives o| the occasion to nay their respects to the dis'iugnislied .'rangers. ' On that evening also, ibe la.lv ot \Tr W in II I I.ivw.hmI, ,lr. held a Soiree in honor of Mrs. Web sicr. A pul.lie dinner was tendered t«> Mr Wbut he was compelled U> decline the civility, lie was to leave Rab igh on the m .riling of the till. vhri, jtujtw* a,, ton.-*,. '—-— NEW DRY GOODS AND OXaOTXiXNG STORE film. S' liscribers r» -- j • 111111 v inform tin* nti/.rns <>l “ I .yiichh'irg muI the surrounding cmmtry. tlmt they have o|h ii«mI n hraneh of their Business in tins town. in ili«* lion « toruu 1l\ oerupinl by Mrs^ rs. Tnlltol \ l.amrr. wlnir they "ill In In* pleasure in showing their (iotids lo all those \\ ho may hr in \\ ant in tin ir line. 11 a vino la riiititsin pun • a anp. as wa ll ns in tiuinulaolurin j, they I'.rl confident that lin y will hr able to s< II ns cheap a, any house in low 11 They will l*r receiving fresh l,,mils exn y yy eek. one of the partners being constantly in the buying market. DAVIS. A UK A11 A.MS & CO, I iVin-lihuttr. MON, ABRAHAMS M)A\ IS. May 3- I* Pairrsbui i.m\ run i:s 1 4 1 M.O.Mrj., 1‘Ji c'l nls H |h r ounce, ( ologne \\ :iirr, long vials. < i to l*2i cents. Macassar Oil, cents the | v ini. V^lin Mrings, cents the sett. I loin s, cents, Starch, I‘J . cents per Ih. 10 I ha.lor $ I. \\ ater (’nl. is. *> row lm\ix. Castor Oil. best (junlily. small hollies, l vij els. the bottle. Sweet Oil, 50 cents the bottle, I noth I >iavvrrs \. li tre (Jin-mr. I - * rts. per lb. 10 lt>K. t’. r ,t| . IVtn’s and I .rr\s Kills,‘25 rents the box. Climnnaione Wine, (tint bottles 50 cents. I "«>tli I {rushes, rents, Maralto) Sunil', 25 rents per Intltle, Shaving Soap, (old Supe rmr.) < •and I 2i rents the rake, (In-tine, yellow, 5 Ih. U»xrs, for$l 50. C la ret \\ me, 5? » and 50 nuts the botile and higln r priced, (IUIIS *10 worth $!5. Aim many nllu r artlclm equally low, for sale l.y .. HOW Kl. DAMKS. May l>— is it .i.\'otii/:ii s/ rii.y or .vi n goTT/T.s n VI* IS I I, 4 (i , I 8 4 r 1 from lit It ifit “I dint,T* I am ii,.u ivenvinir GINGHAMS, LAWNS, OKG \NDIKS, and a -.mil itintiv ctlici Isiiuls cl I .mli, s | If, Goods. , Ml l ', s' IIOMKHY. GAI.UiIRS. I VMHKIl s. Ml SI |\S. IIUNNK'IS. KIIIIIONS, mil a thousand otlu r articles too tedious to mention. Great liarmniis ran and wiltKv-ivi •, . , JOHN I H UVIS Ae-t. [ April d*,i—u-d ’ ARMY INTELLIGENCE. i rrr _irrr, - — - - —VJU » Front Iht Firtn/'mr F~rtru, Jijiril :M). IMIOKTAiST INTFJ J JOfiNf K !—AN0TI1EH OLOIUOI/.S VIC/TO IIV ? ! ji.rrru: of ceuho goiido t .» / Sunlit .Inn a nymn drjrntnl in a fiilclutl ball I* by (ini. Srult Si.r th'iiruinil .^hricuuB lab fit Frixuunt—Fir? I liunlml .hiu i it ant h Hied and l\ minded— (Veil. Im / rga uy atn u Fntmirr. iMir.Y rir%vt;*K Orn< k, f Friday K veiling, April .*{U, 5 o'clock. J 11 y l lie Htx.-ani ship Mr Kim, ( apt. Rill' bury, u Uioh bit Vera ( fti/. on the :jf)lh innl., w* have glorious news from the army urui* r (mi. Scott. Mr. Bugbee, who uaafunt j from the wrciu* of action by Mr. Kendall, w ith despatches lor thin nflii e, h ft the M. Knn -A) miles In h»w the city, and came up to the city, express. With the glorious ti dings. On the afternoon of the 17th, the advance under (Jm. . I wiggs eneounU red the enemy, when a severe hut iiitle i*ir»ivc conflict wiHued. As the general order*, which we ; give below,ahow that it was (Jen. Scott's intention to give battle only on th* ISth. it tuny In* that this cugag. nient was brought mi by tin* Mexicans. '1 he main battle oc ciirrc d uu the I Mb, and r« suited in the complete triumph of the Aim r can arm*. Santa Anna made his escape after his army was routed. : (Jen. I .a Vega is again among the prisoners. Besides him there were A general* taken, arid a long list of eoJojiei.-, | and sill ' rdinate < Mice is. \\ . give below a list ot ueh of the • Hirers as are coming to this place. Tin y were to leave V. ra Cruxalmtil the i“»th. We will give further j articular* to morrow' morning m our ri gular edition. Pi.an t»Kt. Hio, April 17. The <1 ivision of (Jen. Twiggs started two hours sne.*, and a heavy cannonade has already coijin encod upon hi* line from tun farthest of the Mexican works. At inter vals.tou. the rattling of small arms can lie distinctly heard from the Dragoon camp where I am writing this. I am go- ; iiigout, with CoK. D'liie.m and liohlau, and (’apt. Rem In rton, to tin scat . f action,and will return In re at night to re p rt th progress of the fight. It was not intended, I Im 111 Ve, that (»eli. *l’vv iggh bhotlld open the light to da) , it h nsl t" bring on a general action, and it mthf frl .rc prrnunml h* the .Mexicans have commenced upon Inin. I vvrite in great haste. G. \V. K. f, R. M. — I have just returned from the scene nf con (l et, and a h!<» r can 1. at thY time, give even the names of the « Hi !<*ir, who wa re immediately engaged. Vhout J o'clock the enemy made a demons! ration from ; 'he fort on the neighboring height to throne our men had captured, ns if with the intention of retaking it ; hut it nil ended m mnr.diiiig dow n the hill, blowing a most i« rnfie charge on tin :r trumpets, firing a few shots, and l hen ret trie. Their nppr arttiee, ns they came dew u the slope, wns certainly most imp* sing. Tim cannon <.n the height meanwhile kept up x conliiuious fire upon (Jon. Tw "jgs* lines, vet doing litilc execution otlirr than cut ting down the tret sand brush. As wn returned to camp, the fire slill continued the enemy had evidently ascer mined the p «iti u • f the r< ad, which had just been cut, with accuracy, but their hall* piincipally went over. r»r nf tbs miv i» lolic made. (iru. Worth is !,. ,m)Vr at Hiinriac. and little puce will the .Mexicans have fur one twenty f nr hours at least. If p‘ ss.LIc I shall n pert ami semi offtlm progress of Ihe Conflict, although one has little time or eunvemeue. in the chappaial for1 writing, \y 1/ c VMP M 1H 1’i.tw HKT, llio, / April IM f o’clock, l‘. M, C I'hc \inoriemi arms have a •hicved another"h.rum., and moa! hrilliant victory. Oiilnuinhi rinu tien. Scull's force materially.and occupying posilions which looki d imprrg liable an (.tbrallnr, one after attolhei of their ftorks have i>* on taken lo day, five g. Hernia, colonels eunuch tit com maud ten such armies as ours, mid other officers intmmer able, have beco lukrn prinuners, legniher with Ik am men. an I tlie ri at of their army driven and rutili d with ihc loss uf every ll.mtr. ammunition, cairn ,n. bamrn„e tram, all.. Nothing but the impossibility . f lindingTroad for t’hedrn oooua tin- rear nl the enemy'a works saved anv pail of sinta nna’agrand anny, including lua own illustrious person. Among the prisoners is our old friend T.a Vega, cite lertglrt with ills accustomed gallantry. The other gene ■ ''lai are .1. s.- Marla Jarena, Lnii Pinson, Manuel I or! »"•' « 'l*ndo. Tho names of the eulonel* I have not horn aide to gatln r. Nothing saved Santa An 1 na but till want ot ilragoons eti the ntlier side of their I'M. s. As II is. lie, I raw I ling each, together with all his papers, valuables, and rn n Ins irnrulm /eg, have fallen 1 mlo our hands, mouther w itli all tho money of his army No oneautieipaied. when they arese from their hard hi vouaek this morning, such a eotnplete victory. I ho l.ss on Is it 11 salts has brim heavy—how I amid it liavo boon otherwise. ! Thu rough ami rocky road, cut through rugged defiles ami denso ehnparal by our (roups, ls |.I With oer Wounded. The Hilles, CTf 1 las ’ kill's Teiniessi e Voluiiteeis, the 1st Artillery, the 7th In Inmrv. and ( apt. \V dliams's company of kontneky vol unlet rs, have perhaps sutli ri d must. ' lien. Shit Ills w as j severely, ami I am It arlul, mortally wounded, w bile gal lanily leading In* hriga.lt. to storm one of the e nemy ’a i tan In -si wniks. t.. ii. I'll tow was also AAiiunded. tlmimh . fitly, while storming a ... side com niand.id by l.a Vega. All the field . flicors oft',,1. Has i kell’s r< gum nl w, re Wounded at die same time, save Imn (l1 It dies, (apt. .Mason has lost a leu Idem | I*'.wadi has Iren ha.lly wounded, l.i, ut. Mel.ane s|i woumliu VT-sirrilav. I 1 .■ .1 some n rollouts almvr which signalized themselves ; it happened In he tin ir fortune, in the dis i p. siihiu ol ihe haille. to fall upon what all g,«id soldiers "i »> l. rm pleasant places-il,e most difficult works to isioim -and bravely and without faltering did they exe cute the |» riluus assignid them. A. I o'clock ilnsalier (,, n 1 "'tt'jx. whose division lias hei n in the hard i st out, pursuing Ihe Iking enemy towards Jalai a— I tcisoit, w ho commanded the furls nearest Plan del Kin asked ,d ken. U urlh tune to consider Is fore lie eapitnla n d. Desirous In eomo to terms, ken. Worth gave him ./i/hn, munitr.H, and lie surrendered uneoiidilinnallv ad he not done so the slaughter would have been tern ble. I write 111 great haste, and have no time for particulars. I lie names . I I he killed and » undid I will a set rtaj„ as .,H,n impossible. I think that live hundred will cover O i entile loss. Had II nut been for the jiositive coward ire ot Naiila Anna and C'anahzo, who ran, before the bat in'-at hast m brave men's bands—was half lest, u Mould have been far greater. No one. at present, ean’es tumile the I -sol ihe Mexicans—they arescalti red mi the lulls, in the n.mis, e\» r\ wiicre. " bat disposition licit. Semi is to'make of the prison Ts is Ml unknown. lie may set them all at I,bony on Ibeir famles, from the d fficully of feeding them, and to ae.. ti rato h.s OW11 advunci d uioveinents. \\ o shall hear y to morrow | wish bo emdd send theoffie, rs atleas. 10 thr I iiitrd States, tur there is a Hue titring of them. It h now impossible to name oilkvr* who have distin guisbed themselves. I cannot however omi, u, on Cols. Harney, Utley Hid Childs, of the r, gulai,; Cols ’ Maker, format, and Haskell, of the Volunteers, as every one is talking of them. ' j I write this in gnat haste, and with noise, roufu ' " *"'! 7' r> «'• sround me. Vou cannot I I'l.”• t< describe the jjrcutd an f . cw W.V and ihndiflieuUy of turning their j pc,d undirguoo by the' lr'^n,1K.r.',niT--‘i"r "**• 1 r-1 "u* "s h): ™ , ™ n is ... v ....' k""v i"wh u“ ‘*£3!; J. city Of Mosiwi w.tb all b^tc. 1 will write more fully, and aendby *•' "• X**' Vouts, ( imp AT l’/.AS OEt. RlO, 7 Aj.rtl 19, 1817—Forenoon. S Tl„. font of the Mexb aa bat i wnbg wm total—ctnn pleta. Ti.i v were pursued within four mile. ofJab.ua. v Santa Ktieelf, betend el ..bmg W n aa b threatened, escaped by cutting the saddle muh* of bis leant from the barn.™ of bw magnffioentouuch, a,„i t|1( „ taking to tbo chaparal. II- service ol massive silver, marly all bis pap. ra, bis tt.o.my—everytbmg m hi* carriage, even to »>ih dinner, wa* cupturod, 1 have a capital story totelJ abuut tlna dinner wlum 1 have a mo merit to spam. .... ..e i «u„ 'rhi* Mexican Ions upon the height* was awful «o ground in places is cover. lu 11"* llino II IX """"ss"1"' bi'= ."j j likr II lull or correct list of v» badly but mil mortally wmiiiduil wlii|o#torni iii.miicof ihe hriKltls. I.ieut. Kvull, of lliu rill.x. i* Hiipnowd to In- imirlally Houudid. 'Ibis regiment lias sulll rml terribly, Lieut. Dana, uf llie 7th Intantry. was badly woundrd; (’apt. fatten, of the 2d,slightly. Lieut. Davis, of the rifles, was very badly wuimdi’J in Lite lup. .Major Summer, of tbo 2(1 j)ra^.H,ns, but commanding Kill' s, is improving. The list of killed and wounded (ifliecrs in ( 1. lias ki ll's command yesterday I have been able to obtain.— Ii should here be stated that ( apt. W illiams’ company of Kentucky and < apt. C'bas. Naylor’acompaiiy nf fcnii sylvnnia vn'luiiiecrswi re attached temporarily to this rug illient. Here is the list; Kill'd—Is! (.lent I''fed II Nelson. eolIIITiaildinir com pany; ‘.M l.i, m C (i (rill, company K. Both these , fli ci rs w ( re fr- tin M OHflphl*. Wounded- Lieut Col I) II Cumming, slightly. Maj. K„l,rrl Knmiiliarson, (of tho 1st Texas volunteers, a. signed to llii* regiment f'*r the ‘lav) sevt r< ly; l-t Lieut. \Cilcy P Haile,adjutant James C rust, slghily; Capt. \ II Murray, seven Iv; 2d Lieut (rrorge I Sutherland Kcntmky volunteers. severely. 'I In* r* gimont. whenjn iftiun. numlicring less than 100 men, and its loss was 70 id .t any I thin". The wounded are still along the p ads lor miles, although they am bringing them in as fast as possi 1 hie. The army is to advance towards M* xicn immediately. ! Gcn. Worth'd division marched this morning—Gen. Scott j is to march at noon. Santa Anna’s coach is to he bar ‘ i leaned up for thr pnrposeof carrying on Mnj. Sumner— ; belter use than it was ever put to before. I The * .flic* r* and men of the Mi xican army—I mean I mich as are prisoner*—arc to he turned lu..st on the;r pa i role not again to take up arms during the war. Perhaps it is the bent disposition that cotihl ;>e made of tlum, as any other eon i»e would lo for him tw survive. 'The hall went through bis lungs ! is he w as h ading his men to storm the faith* st work. *>l the enemy. I w rite this amid confusion of all kinds, and with no jollier table than knees. A hundred Mexican officers are around me, making cut their paroles, while our own dead are being carried by and consigned to their long resting place by the road side. I shall start for Jalapa this afternoon, and will write hy every opportunity, I s< ml you some Mexican pap* is, ns al so Santa Anna’s last proclamation. Ii is r.cli. G. W. K. P. S.— I have just learned that there is some hopes for Gen'l Shields. God grant hn may live. Col. Maker, who charged on the lint f rt, lost 15 men j in killed and wounded out iff only a portion of his re*n I ment. Lieut. Cownrdin, killed ; Lieut. Murphy sup j posed to Ik* mortally wound* *1; I .nut Johnson wounrhd 'n thr* e plae* s, and thigh amputated; I .it uts. Scott, I’i ( I man and Multby, wounded. G. W. K. 'The following gcn ral orders were issued by Gcn. j Scott tho (-veiling be fare the battle of the IS ; Miat'ni aktm!s op i.iik Army, f Plan tl. l Rio, April 17, 1M7. $ (iF.NF.KAM OUMKRS, No. ill. ’Pile enemy’s whole lino of entrenchments and hatte ries \\ ill he attacked in front, and at the same time turned enrlv in ihuday to-morrow—probably before 10 o’clock, A M. 1 lie second (Twiggs’s] division of regulars is already ! advanced w tiIon easy turning distance tow ards the cne toy’s left. 'I hat division has instructions to move tor | ward before daylight to morrow, and take up )*mIioq a , cross the National Hoad m the cm my *s rear, so as to cut - tl'a retreat towards Xalapa. It may be reinforced to day, if unexpectedly attacked in force, by regiments— ! one or two take u from Shield’s brigade of volunteers._ Ifnot, the two volunteer r w mi mil g. tituler Prig. (*i n. Shields, who will report to Prig. (ten. Twigon «ai gi i ting up with him, or the general in chief, it ho be in ad vance. Tlu‘ remaining regiment of that volunteer brigade will re ce ive instructions in the course of this day. Till’ lirsl division of regulars (\\ nrtli’s) v\ ill follow tin uinvi’inonts against the enemy ’s left at sunr se to-morrow morning. ■'s already.arranged , llrig (;< n Pillow's brigade will march al li o'clock lo morrow morning along the route I be has carefully reconnoitreJ. and stand ready as soon as he hears the report of arms on our right, or sooner, if I eirenmslances at s.teh |>oiut—the nearer the river the j better—as he may select. Once in the rear of that line, he w til turn to the light or left, or both, and attaek the batteries in reverse, or if abandoned, he will pursue the1 ! enemy with vigor until further orders. " Ib'hl battery and the cavalry will le held in re-1 smv.' on the National Hoad, a liltleoiit of \ l< w and range ot the enemy's batten, s. 'J'hey will lake up that no*, j iitii at o cluck in tin* niorninir. ""'Ill) slatterns bring carried „r abandoned, all our divisions and corps w ill pursue w ith Vtg , Tins pursuit may be continue d many miles.’,,,.til stop pod by darkness or I Tliflcd |* silions towards Vila,,a ' »»-M>*c-.,t y the b,,ly of, 1, canny „i||„„, ,, ,l„s "icatu but be followed t, .. afternoon or carlv the next .ruing, by ,|„. baggage trains of.. eral corps, b or tins poip, sc. ||„. f,., id, r, flicersaml men ut i ael. corps will bclrti to guard ils camii and , II, c ■ and to loud op 11„ latter in the wagons of the ,.,ri s ( w 111 •* cavalrv^w dl f"Il "^7" '**'■-»* -nd *e , •» r> - "ill follow the movement, to receive im.l, t .1, u~^,;^!"m7rS-!h1'.unlrd and disabled^ The Surgeon General will 0-ganii«t|,i, important*,, ▼ice and designate that hospital, as well as the tuedical i lHcers to l<* left at it. K'ery man who marches out to attack or pursue tho enemy, v\»11 take the usual allowance of amintmiion, and BuitfdsLciice for at least two days. |h command of May r Gen. Scott. ILL. SCO T l’# A. A. A. Genera). riUSONKKS. [,iU (fAIerican officers cnj hired at Cerro Gordo, on tin [r*th April who have[riven their panic if honor to rrpoit Lhri list lets without delay to the commandant ,,f tin American force* at l ’era Cruz ns prisoners of war : Jose Ma Jarero. Brigadier General. Koiuula de la \ ega do do I' Kuizy Baranda, Captain of Mexican Navy, comman ding artillery. ^ Vicente Argu/dlea, Captain artillery. Jose Ma Mata, Captain. Joue Ma Gallegos, eoiumaruling grenadiers. Mariano Camacho, 1st. Lt. Artillery. Hartohnie Amahle, 2d. Lt. do. Jose K Cobaruhiar. 2d Lt. do. Jose de Luster Bras y Suller, Lt. Col Battalion bo la Liber tad. Jose Nunez, Captain Oth Keg. Infantry. .fuse Ma Moreno, “ ** “ Gregorio del Calhjo, Captain 6th Keg. Infantry. Kifaelde Berrahidas, 2u fjt. “ *• •« rvilireio \ cleZ, Aid di- l amp to Ueil. \ ega. Francisco Ferandez, 1st Lt Me xican Navy. The above prisoners, under the charge of Captain George W. Hughes, Corps of Topigraphical Kngiiieers arrived at Vera Cruz on tlo* 21 si mat. above one hour pre vious to the departure of the McKim. 1 It has been h ft to their election by Gen. Scott wheth er they should remain close prisoners in the castle of San Juan lie Tina orproceed to New Orleans, where th,.tr should It* allowed such personal liberty as their condition and conduct might scum to n ipiire of the commandant at that |lost. It is understood that all of thu foregoing raptured otlicers have expressed a desire to l>c transferred to tin- Lull d .States, and that Col. Wilson, Governor of Veia Cruz, had acceded to their wishes, and lud di rected that a vessel should he held in readiness to sail for their accommodation, about the 25th of April. r l Kllir.ti uim \u.> fir# lilt, BATTLE The “American Kaglc” published at Vera Crux, i*. sued an extra on tin* 2Rih ult.• from which we extract copiously, I hough there arc many reptitions in it; The positions occupied hy the enemy were as strong as nature, combined with art, could make them and could you hut see them whilst reidinjr these lines. yUu would wonder at their surrender. The Cerro Gordo, the most prominent« f the defences, commands the Jalipa road fur twoor time miles, and a heavy battery here, hi the hands of skilful nu'ii, would ker p an army in check fir many a day. if not entirely prevent its passage. The importance of this point was soon made apparent to all, and last night, about twelve o’clock, a piece of cannon was hauled upon a neighboring eminence, w hich after sending sundry shot upon the enemy, was found of luile avail, and in the morning the Cerro Gordo was stormed and carried—not, however, before the commander-in-chief of the Mexicans had secured himself a safe retreat, by falling hack, with his body guard, several units upon the.ialap.1 road. In the mean time, the other defences w ere lieiug storm ed hy our troops. Three forts, situated nearest to our camp, and upon three heights adjacent to each otlirr— each commanding tin others—were the objects of attarA; ami li e carrying of them was the task of the voliinttpr*. The crntie one of these forts run further in than the oth * rs, and this Iwingthc object of storm, the advance of t!ie stormrrs had to mid. rgo the fire of the right ami Isft, and the centre—the latter of which prudently withheld ns li e until our men l ari advanced wiiliin flirty yards of the guns, and then the digs of war were in loose with such fury, tint our men were driven from their jusiiiun, with great s.aughter —the 2d lYniiesseatis, who ware in •dvauce, having a large number of killed and wounded.— Bel..re the volunteers had time to renew the attack, tho enemy had surrendered--driven, as they had been, from th ir favorite position on Cerro Gordo. 'Faking all things into consideration, this has been a great light, and a great victory, one calculated lo shine brilliantly in the chapter of those achieved in Mexico ly our arms. 'Fhe Mexican forces on tho height of Cerro liurdu were the 3d and 1th Light Infantry, the 3d and fab Reg rnents ofthe line, and ti pieces of artillery, with the n (piisito number of cavalry. Col. Ol.ando, chitf of ar tillery, was killed, and Gen. \ astpies general of division. Many ol our oflic. rs w ere of opinion that this general van no'other than Gov. Morales. Our toree consisted ol the 2d, 3d and 7th Infantry ard Mounted Riflemen, and Steptoe’s battery, ( apt. Mt n> u, ol the Rifles, was >evere|y wourried, having kstl.il leg. Lieut. I4, well, of the 71 h Inlantiy, was beitu] wounded, (’apt. Fatten, of the 2d, left hand shot off tin fhe Lwth, Lieut. Jarvis, of the 2d Infantry, vm wounded in ascending the first hill. On the top of the ( erro Gordo, the scene was truly horrible. I* rom the Jalapa road, dead bodies of the en emy could be seenon every spot where the eye was di reeled, until they literally covered the ascent to the height. I here is about half an aTe of level ground on the top ui the mountain, and here was collected togethci the wounded ot both armies, and the dead of our own. .Side by side were lying the disabled American and Mexican, :md our surgeons were busy amputating and dressing th* wounds ol each—-hitting them in nuns, unless the acute pain of some sullertr further along caused him to cry out, when he would he iuuuedialtdy attended to. 1 he pioneer parties ot our men were picking up the w ounded and bringing them in from every part of the as cent to the height. From the side towards the river, w here a storming party ot Gen. Twiggs’s division made the charge, most of our men suffered, and ninny ti the ( m my, also, for they made a desperate stand; hut when they gave way, and started in confusion down the hill, \\ns the time they most suffered many of them receiving the halls of our men in their hacks. I lie t barge on ( erro Gordo was one of those cuul y<*t < etcrmmrd ones or characteristic of the American »l , r- I‘rom the time that our troops left the hill ncu tluit promine nt height, the fire was incessant, ami tl.rv had ‘' fight their way toothy foot, till they gained tki siinriu. from which place the enemy gave wav afur » very short resistance. Uur victory is> coin pie! p. Those of the enemy wh" escaped hi re driven in a]I directions by llieir imrsiiem, | and nianvnl them eutdinvnun themail. fii'ii. I Higgs, wtm followed them alter taking ( ■ ’’ l.urd", approached within Ihroe miles ufjalapn, and lim! mg no force of the enemy, encamped for the night, lie j ,s in ibe town la-fore thistime. I iplaiii Merrill, o| the 2m) Dragoons, returned f h iggs s camp last night, and is of opinion that noth:' g hut a small body guard is with Santa Anna. --mia Anna's private carriage nas captured.and :,ln""e- (,s ' Heels Has fmiid the sum of $18,0(1(1, whuti is now in the hands of the quartermaster, and an adiii ,Mmnl IpK °* c,,rb Hir his Excellency’s use in case of atm >• gi ncy. t" n ^-a A ega, who is again in our clutches. I-s-ked as dashing and fine as ever. He did not seem the least "i-c,",ecried. hut rode in from the battle fi. Id bv the side ° ‘ -ult- laughing and talking as though he »» onec more on his way to New Orleans. ; I In- force of the Mexicans, at the lowest, is srl d"'"1 at ,t M K) I he oftieers of die Mexican army are being p-'ir-.l.'l while | write this, and wilh Itu-ir soldiers am he"ig sent about their business—our commander being nf epmion that ho can whip them easier than feed them I lie generals will be sent to Now Orleans; among tbe.n }ou H III have the si-cond appearance of La Vega, he bar mg Mused again to he paroled. ■i n. Pillow was wounded in the arm, but slightly l lie second in command to Santa Anna is a man Stilii, iT lHa