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poetical._I J L'UIIA Tbi* » one ,.f the tine*i ai*J m"*1 nffpcU*^ vim* m* ».f t!» a riptive poetry : B-. *»cJ the land of Judea * t hi ire hallowed of song, AVkecethe cd mem««ric* pilgrim-like throng, In the <1ia V* <•: y |«aW. by shore* of thy -ea, Oil the toil* ofthj heanU .my heart A* w ith thee. With the *jre of a «pint 1 look on tliat shore. NV hen she pilgrim and f*<ipttet have lingered before. With the glvlr of a spirit I tr.n. TM the and, Maio tiight by the dept of the Angel* of ti J Bine hills of the sea' in my eprnt I bear Thv waters. fimincMaret, chime m f»*i ear \V Urr the k wh and Ju«t with the people *at down, P And thy spray 0,1 thedu*t of lu? sandal* was thrown. B. yond are Befbulia's mountain of preen. And the desolate hills of th« u ild (iadareoe; And I pause on the pat era** of Tabor to *ra The gleam rtf thy waters, l» dark Galilee ' Hark ! a **nud in the rallcr*, where. swollen and strong. The m er, < * Ki*h«»n, •* sweeping along \\ her# the t’anaanite strove with Jehovah »n sain, A».d thr torrent grew dark with the bload of the »lam. Ther.. down from hi* mountain* «trtn fMmlon came. And Napt all's stag, with hi* eye-hall* •» flame And chariot* «*f Jahtu rolled hamtlmii >tar the anw of the lord was Abinam * ton ’ There tfeep the at 111 rock* and the caverns wh^h rang To the song which the beautiful Plmptotr** *ang, \\ ken fl»e Prince* of Imekar *1***1 by her side, A vd the shout of a kwt m it* triumph replied. J.r* f. ? hi* hem's hill-site before me is seen. \\ ith fbt mountain ground, and the v*lln * beiirren Them rested the shephi ids of Judea, and thera *i lir sonff of th- ang. 1 r.oe uvret on the air And Bethany'* palm-tre*v inbeautr still throw, Their shadow * at noon on the ruins hi-low , But w hrri m »■ tin- sister* w h . hasted to gr* et The b.'wly Kcdarnui, and sit .if hi* bet * \ hr. ad where iheTwKLVt inthrir way f.ning trod) ! stand where they stood w Uh tlu < hosen ut t n«d, AVhcre hh hlrMiitf wit heard, and hi* h ’"'>»» taught, \\ here the blind were rrstuml, and tin healing w.»s wiunghj t ’* here v illi hi* fl»*rk fhr “ad IVamh m ramr. These l.ilb he toiled ovri m griyf.ur thr «amr The f aint* w here he drank Uv tin way •till ft nr, \n.f thtkaim air* are hlorvrrtg w lu< h hirallnd <m hi* Uroyr And thronged on her hill* ait* J« rmalnn r« f, !• .t yy ith dn-l on her forehead and chan * • . her fret Kef the r row n of hfi pride I • tin* in •* kn lialh j on.-, And th- holy She* Inwall *» »Urk where d «li >w« ' J)-n wherefore this dream of tl.r earthly »' !< Of humanity ■ 1 -th< d It) the brighUics* of t.,«l ' AV hi re tm .'pint h.»* fumed from the - itw ir ! j l dun, It could gate, even now. on tin prrvrvr of Him ' N A in cloud* and in tern**, hut gentle a* when 1-* kttf and in tiireknes* he m >i 1 am mg tm u , \ • l tin' % -u c yy ht< h l»r* .ohrfl pi are *■ I he w a \ c* o| | he •• i |u the iiudi «d im spirit would wh>*|»ri t. in. A * ol w hat if »m f . * m,*\ n< •< t r» it w 1. rn \ *• , t. Nor ro? ear* heat the ihtthing tiuhlr. '* ft *,d, fits* in ej a m the«i which h# bo red htro ( > h. Jr H * A * \c! uf th* Father, th*. Spirit i* mar 'i the meek and thr lowly, and the penitent here; Aw l ti ■ \ .!• * f»f * 1 \ 1 \ ■ o t i,r - • . ». rn j. « , As at Ikibcnj'f tomb, ur «jti Olitr'i brow OV the outward hath gone -but in gWe and j ower The Si'!r^jT aurtired the thing* of an h wr, 1 waiigt i, irmh ■ 'ay mg. it, f»» ,t. flat, e ♦ in the b< n « s*- r< t *lw r i* t< jming th. «awu* .. -" ----- K AT1IKU MA IT IIKW IN I im.uuI |), M MlAt . DKC I I'll nl - rpti HIM ,4 ||, . ,1,,,» been , r..her Mstthew stood forward n-ii-, |n I 1 " ' I 'Cl' I ■-arlr,end st, ! disciple, th. |{, , >|( (, || , , ma tom fur many year* a memUv». i’ ' 'I ' '^.1 know that m.*i, nearly i ‘“'‘Ii.... are Ii ei„ial|eiH. mid ' 1 1\** ■ ' 1 ..nganl riel, I tt'\ >'*" .•« ,fMi f ' ol thy fa ■ „ ' " ' 1 ■ ' !" "! »'k haa afT riled ,„d , •„ mn;. I y.M, are tr...- and f=,„l,f„| „.. •S; (l7p,ri""'j U,."V vie.ion „| ,hr iin,K,rlv„u ‘ - I inuiyiuual E.»«l .""I nali mal l,.,„ .fi, ,, ' 1 he, .l^nv’teHZ ' V •' “*< to the many million. wh„ olp-ady r njoi..,. to t o lr rdoin and „,d. p, ndenee which . nno » d.u,;.1| ,oom always Wmw » m, , ndd nl one man or woman—on, i:„|,,r ! daughter nr one son -tothe r.iiksof temperance I hero with a joy I.arl. ;„„l , r iode «„ | had earned a riel, ,. o,. „ . e old I advance that cause w l„eh I lovo, r, £ the great lontniinonl ol gisxl. | „|,| te rm s UmmU of tlir t«att2i I i , . i-ni-f.hs d...,,-1 wm,id I.,;.,'in,VT* nnv risk —*1 that I eonld ex,end i|„, |,le.vsinos ,,| I M peranee totiwwhoi. human family, fhr l j ','n ered up,,, my miss,.. -w lhe ,.vj| „ ' 1 to It* true shape. Knew l„s,l the dreadful ravage, that „ made ,|,V isarr'ai'id mTu' ’"'I .ha, i. had filled prisons and w.'.rkh™";,, sr;Ltr\^r, .; .'U.hhss .hail .he award, mere .err,Lie Hum , ' T'e desolaliug than fire; | aav Unr.ii m I S'"’ intemperance. and I was de.Miiif,, i , , ^ r's"1'"1 .hue and all my energy lo ihr i,-i , r-7 ' ' 'ulV a 1 of.liis country Hoppose “r"f ! crush it before it had degraded the I ,,„l . , , i""1 lie; olid euro or redemption. | ,,r,B1|,'s|.1| * ", ' “ T’,T1, I many blessings to il„ Irish p.„„|olf ,, "■ 7" N. :""11 advice. Millions believed mo ■ i.i' •' ;ll"»' d my •hai .hey had faith in my word'1 Th,',7'T'I ! mnda now pine in waul and , '"ds upun in,m toU- n,v adviee; .. h, rm, of‘ r ,,'1*.. rvtlsof hlightare aooravamd n"‘l thee whohstened m moa7, L "'-'^andso,, “fe f.'1" hung, rand priva„„n. Loeause^’Cv'ha I ^ lu turrender a lilrhv .rr • r ^ ”n‘* virti:** { !'n. to s:',r’‘ “Pr‘.r .Imcoining "IAtm"ev'il*dav Tl" ^ I .1. Umchery, would now I,,- sail |r,m, 11^' r'"'; m »"**»«. bv their charity, cmaturcs « h, a Irioiid to comfort or assist them The the poor-houie arc uiwning wide liner I 1 J*0" :""1 vo . have wilfully bought ruin™. I 7™ 'r fjoiiliea,and who. had7,eVu„|y^Le ,t"'w n*"'1 "" ,r among the wealthy „f the land ' . ' 1,1,1 n 'w be victims Ihr the past—1 „.ou|,i 1 11,11 "I'braid sin h 1 would rather Ml ihern^i! ™,°",8"K' ~ no one should deapaii—ihat,. , 7' lul"—<hat -"H a physician liiere. I wouhT ,7' ‘"J11" 1,1 '•"'■id. oldest and ami inveterate habit Z '" m ,lwl l1"' wmple elTortof moral couraoe l™,,!! " "vrrool"«' hy a and custom ly raiuii'/.'o’V(u ? 7rlUnu" r'*,1,1,>"n. c*)um«r© to face or ounuae thpir i v P l !,,'*ans‘' l^ejr w.nit chain of passion that ever leal jin V*’ "i* ,lie ®,ru''t:csi n„s . captive, can Ik hr. m "C, T"U »,!d l,‘J 'lhe pledge, which I ask v,. hi o''1''" < Hhrl. c..vUvu-1tmak.sf;“_/rri°i',,VUtal‘,,-d'"'s "" tr -c fi an an enslavjnwhabit Th. 'f* ’frr'‘ ,r 'l“ l':tssl0". ruin us. the freer we ..,,’d ''U‘ r I"'’*1"11* that mao who place* himself beV[mn 7 18 *’ ,lw a® lhe temp'ation: f,r as t|„. Scrio?u» <'"t.Ul ll"‘ r''ai'11 . Shall perish therein Tl”fre ■ I* 7'1"' c*url vo-oie ,s one v,„, b „i,u fd"U> lad l..»!.h,«fpl.iur„,of^; ' — Saar,lie,*—lf i money j or of comiri. On Um com1 trsry. it will add t*» vour health. v j«r wt *»»iN. y«»ur pi* i * Mire and your co t f>rt. Tempera ore _s - ,n both hands Iriuwing* for time, and hir -rig. f i • ■ •roily J <ct tits drinker of strung limk examint * i- * 1 • * ' he cannot fail to see that the dark* ‘•t fti-or* it* • ■* Id** have borrowed then trnirk v hue |Vom mu n.|* »aueo I never ko< w a young man nr young w irtati !-• > . and walk iu the ways of 1. wdtie**, w h *-r d« }• '• re It -m the path of virtue was not rhii ll v from the i (Iu. a of drink Father Matthew 1 - p u* peal tu patents, inti mother* in j irti -olar, on tin* * ^! • I tecta ol i*a I example t«}M>u their *!:iidre», and called ' from, like tin* virtum:* titnihcr* o o?c no 1 m th» v Wrtun* . h» devi.te ilwir ri t-» limp* I d mg «*i. eontir.ucd (-"ather Matthew. you will iw t. r them doing thciu an injury; you will U devoting them to tempura! and i ti rml g • «\. Th* ft i nn difliulu in ukmg tin pledge. N> item jwri .ririH Ini doty in 11« i Uisn a tectoialU r; no man is U tc« r aide to bra\ e the ' i e»es;lodes of the srnoti. | am ii v m the habit of in • riling constantly during the luet nine year*, in hi nt and cokl, m rai:i and snow. h\ . is t du.ght; ami fh.iverirv it stiff, ted any • t‘» *r«* ini-onvi mi • Ir.-m it, liecsui* 1 wts a tict i'a 111 r. and n w . tha. k (• d. I .mi a • ac'ivi and as full of i n. rgv hh ever, nr,<l - determined now r.« I j w a*; ninr years ago tu devote myself to th** great cause of reformation, and moral a* w#»ll an s s ml ad vane ment. I never knew' what tine lmppin*v w ~ • tin 111 I U" tinea ( I* * 1.*la!h 1, lor until I • im s . I e.uld nsvt r l» * i that I ger, or could say to tnym If w ittt J cun faience that I would not at one lino or anotln r !*c nn*.i d* graded thin; a dm Kind. I.rtr . **ru tell 1:1* tliat he 1* -:>f* n i. ugh * I • 1 lie I i. no 1 * 1 to lake the pled*** he is ii'«*ve t> up'al: n. Thr re is no nee strong rrumgh or firm * 11 .»;gh to n -1 -t It mptation; no I th* atari of in a ven t all, nod tie ecdnt*. f I.*,,at»"ii laid w I fi i •. •n « n tl,, |v *t ’ nust. r-. I mmMm I to ill'' -lust. steep .I I,, ti., very lips in p i. nv. and s ink in ! *• [ l • f i • r ' If -in tin* altar, tin* «!* - n of the drunkard; Dr mi* not the1 \j*'-tl* I'aul s.-i-l the di 'ikard shall not enter lli''i k i r - 1 ■ -i n of ll'ivoh/ \o.| t-r vv .I* ' a til*- wrelehed] drunkard r *k tin j.r >*;w • • t <4 li» •»v. n? l-’.-r nothing ! I’tierr i> >» i Ii. ppiiii . in drinking, kilt ii. u*!i in a *' null :g 1 « . * *. ' i thf* only it an w Im cm nay • I nr v* i will liecemr a drunkard N in.iii eve r U enim- a drunkard at ! Whenee, then.rornn the dntnkarda? Kfom thi .••"•d, the plot thf firm, tlv h> aatful, the in >d* r ite; it t* from this eh' . iIni many a e n firmed drur I *ird Ii i* e mr who ha* fall. ii huh ny Itttli . until hr ha nien plung'd t r ever in rmn and misery. I’.iher Matthew then ini pr» *! vr h narrated ^ nu lain holy ri « u Inch >■ curr* d m t a k. on Kihinv nig at. «»f a w !• tidied man win* ha I f * Ion in to the river w hile Ini* in mg under the inf or noe of drink and who, on lining taken out and earned to the Hridewell. shortly aft' r eiptred Hi* tic n c ifitimied I have ii • hostility to spirit denlr t f am s rr\ that they are in the tiaftio, !»ee.iu~c they cannot inako f •rtiiit* * I ni hi th.' rutti of thousand*.1 r ii is tin- poor and famishing [ |ieop|e w ho are the ehti f eoimuiner* of what they sell, and I heir principle • iistontem. Manufaetun is and m II r« • •I strong tlrink mny w 11It *al« ty I * tin him Im s quit ihr ir unholy trriflic |. i ilu m Im « ome imlh i*. gmulr r* of eorn, ai d solh-rH of provisions then lin y w ill injiiro no in in While I havc no hoatilily hi those who profllice nr ••ell strong drink, it m itiy duty, hh h mimsir i of the (rope I, to warn you III fly loan tin puhlle house a* v o v\ il l from the plague, or lour Worst enemy I deeply regiet to-Hay tint person* w Im no laid of talking «.| patriotism and hh • rainy and humanity, :ir* using » v. ry i \emon t • multi ply th so Ii "it*, t-\ pr. < uriiig and o ranting limnmt. II i*-a sa<l and dreadful thing to sec inem grow upin*uch I w fill tunes n* tlm priMful, w hr n t ho try of a stricken p< ph i* h r food (or the means of keeping famine and draih fr >m th*- floor. Nu c in r is a uiilway started. • ven s v I'ldiut r. i nine need, than lust mtly the I *ti I-I i>*m n and th* l> .tiller Will pro me a Ii< erim f,,r i seller of whelo \ nnd porter; and I h * * ma.jtiouei is that tin men if pi mat! • ;ed a id dem*ra!ir,i rl, while their him hr* ptiu I • rrif her da • i'ii’' i I, 'U*< • r r, i■ tf d f• >r lh "f drmk n ar Ihr \i i l o t * ii thf # nfk and flindoh line of railway. To i* au oh a t i -He pi i*< v* i ineo w jih whuh Ii ; *• * an .’hit r. a . t th* r fl *rls in ule to proci, r. them for do *• of H % I I» - I Will tell yen 1 • that "f a certain p i >u in < . rk w ho w .site I to gr i 1 hr-i.m ! .1 a new . ' a‘ui hmenl a 111t!i • m. * h flienty, u h • n a* o I *■ I a Item m ( oik . and at .* vr r »l othf t ' hut w ho e\entu.illy wi lit dow n to Middleton, 'I ' to ohiain-d it, nllfi ligh lie g* a'lr inr n fr- .it I k hick* d 'w 1 s'ronp ;i;iin»t tIi* giant, w. at down to opp .s» if • | vi ' |*i* ns c .rinr el • * with the t rail' w "iih! * -nth. fleneli, and inti rlr re in granting lie* i •'s ; f*r h.-w can tli” mag s'rate wlm grants a lu- u- for a errtain Imus . iiltr i wards have the ta* o to fin. a WHohed n.nri f r getting drunk in that h • ' Mr. \i« i M:!<t f ?|s111!r r^. onghtto fiave in ro ta*1* 1 hSu to a I r. in seek *-sses. lint, my drsr frir ds if • ir iv hm *e to I y h hi vtio ;i j ii hi h* lion*' ,l|i a I w«uld ■ e no rt ** u \ ii *h nld g*t into tin m. K.ither Mat tin w afni dhuiiuj.i- a hi ant f. I nn | ii. | r-sstve manner, f 1 •tint* I the |. oph f od. and tin dire ealimtty that tintry, th i l the iiaiiu f the 1 >r.| | rim In r for v nr good. Tin ■ i* a turn to try un n*s a.iils; and tint minor that woman must I* a m. ostor w Im w uld drink w h le a f. I w ,o# .i tine w as dying f , want of f->..<I I don’t hlatne tin lln w * is or th Distillers I Maine th. se w ho nuke them Il * hoy c -uhl make more money in any othe r w iy they would; hut su king an the people ore mad m ugh tu •oi and drink their odious iiisuulruiiiif. th \ will isiii tmiif in Ihc trad* Is if rmt i terrilde tiling to think that m> mu. h *.»inn uratn. tint find intended f-r the slip port - f him an life, slmuhl he mny. rtrd niton maddening pms m. |,ir the d* *‘ of iiuri's body and s ill * lh .1 nileulation r. contly made, it i* eloarl v proved *h>it if ail the gram now converted into pm*..n were devoted !<» it* natural and legitimate use,'! w Iilclaft .nl a meal r"rr*r\ iii.iu, w.uuau and ehild.mthe land. Vhr n\ur\ er tmtn in trim brinks, drinks the f'noil of the starving, ami im u >t that man or woman o nmnsler who drink* ihr1 food of tin starving:’ fork ll.rnminrr »'«»» vr \i\ iioti i . i iff'11 r sth i:r: /■, n. it. riMon i: 'll i hi li i. Kin hi, , , I’ll IN KAN Till IIM'ON, y Proprietors, rillll-. ii:,,l, rstgmvl, hiving sucrerHrd I In- Into firm ■ "I Otx tv Kngg in Ihr proprietorship of (hr Kotin lain I lotrl, s i lour oid widely know n as onr of llir mml (M,iillmdion . , .i.ihhshnu uts In llalliiniirr, lake tins noth ml of informing llir travelling public Hint, I,, s the grr.ii iniprm, hi,m mailr Inst spring in thr addition of an rntirr n, » vv inn t., Ihr h»ti«r. I,v vv hirh :i lir,, nmndr r ol lodging rooms were ml,ltd, a, vvrll asm, , aims,vr l»all"nj r.siahtisliinrrit, they havr ns-rnlly h id eonstniel , d a III vv I ,a,lii s' Ordinary, filtoil up in llir inosl iinnim nnd hr-oitilnl slylr; and als , a prira/r silting room for I ir grnl/rmrn. wliirli i* rntirr ly fur from thr Imsilr nr rrs arily iltrid, ill t„ the morr ptiVilis* p.lrls of llir hmr-r ; an arrangement highly dr.irnhlr and whir-h fhrv Haiti i Hirnisi lvrs rannm fail to pirns. . In mmirrlion vviili Hirsr iinprovrmriils thi'wiiolr Ulterior I.. has iiiidrrnnnr a Uirrotigh i, vis-,n. rv, rylhing app, rtatn ng nphol-l, ry ,,| Hi, rsta 'hshun nl Inis hr, n rrnrtvrd. hihIattendants f«»r tin* chambers selected w ith n strirt vt' "' t«> entire capability in every r- K|>eet. 'I lie Tahh will be found at all time* fully supplied with » \« ry thing • market atl *, served up m a superior style; while in ill*1 wav ot wines, \e„ nothing will in* kept Imt what is •■t the best quality. Add to th« s.- facts the am utkiii and eottri' sy which w ill he rendered by their assistants netiug under their own personal supcrvisti n. Those yVhu m:»\ f.tvor them with a call tliev flitter themselves will nut I. :«ve 11 isH.i (i stie» I, ns no jmius .,r« \peiiKc will he spared i»«i tlu*ir jKirt to meet the wants< f their guests, and trust their hopes o!:» liberal patronage will not prow unfoimd od. riarrgairr taken to and from llir Hot, I free olYharre l''rh. 2f>—12vv NHTKT,. r IMil' claims dor to the firm of Parham & Hopkins ■ have hern placed in the hands ot Mrs r* Irvin,' K Koane lorrnllrctinn. The debtors will |,|,.. T.,r ward and actlle tlinn—as no longer iiidiilornoe ran Ih S‘V;n- , PAKH A.M fs HOl’KIYs. J)t*e. J1 — ts j v \Lti.% iii.i. nton; it i x ■■I TV U IV A T i: S.i /. 'll'rI!.l, UK SOI .I).,, nr ,,f Hir h si situations for I,us i ▼ ▼ lit ess in the town of Lynchburg, know u as /* tf I e ’ x Vo r n r p, run taming 5,1 Iret front an,l I biderp, is now , If. rod and i vyillhrsoid. 1'his is tbn last rhauiT f„r rapiudisls a-1 Hiv I rustre is nnxi,unto sell. It will hr sold in ut, two I aits to■ smt ptirrhasrrs. Terms easy and title „,-,d I ■ rparUulnrsempiireofll. M. Ward, at the Morr,-. ; I 1 >111*0. N. II.—Those' persons'tliat havr written t IVderirk i Montniollin almut thr prop tty. ,y now uhtam ai, fvWer.s l»v calling a^aliove d;rcet.J. May d - < niM-11 Plou-r. TIIK »u w ri!« reijireifnlly iif,nn*lii» s an 1 !*•< III Reneral, that he •*»J jijjg ti.. Uki-it inis will kn'Mil jmblir hinme, is I'l I irrj I " .tiilnin transient vis iims '<r lunrili is, lif thi ilat. nmiiili nryiar, in ih>- rnnet : 'I in Houm i well I'nruisln 1, «'n| |, lanleuill !■ ii|'|iliiil with llm very ; 11:. ’ - h.. ilv ' ran nil i I. Ill'- stables are cjlrn mve. ami i'l, 'kIisI bf rare Cut 'Asllrr*. 11., n, m,I athays bn furn.s'inl, u ili tlio lieal Lin,Is i.l l.liiil,ns. THOMAS HKVKI.F.Y. i A <_ __ fjfrfr f olloii, Hull <nttl "7 /^t 14 I I 1 ’ ' ' • ,l!' . i • J 9 xW\Mf . :hh! Hn’lun-n i I actoricu,) I.» I > k.s I,l vi 11 • • ‘I Salt, (sacking good,) 4U I n n't •* 1.1 ■ I'l islrr. I r *:ile liv March ... u MOORMAN Sc MARTIN. Bor Bitot. \\ I'll V .l.uai.l. IXMII.X I! KMI >F. V K. con vi-iucnt t i For pnrlictilanu mimri of 4 XMI.S IS sMi r||. F'*b.i trt Si^n »f tbe Dijj Cn|ft.« Pot. nmNOM tioh, f I1 M 1 1 .. 1 existing, tinderthx gyle o' I I • ;t Hob* it-, a\4s dissolved, by mutual commit, ox the 3l*t ultimo. I in it.i i (the firm will only l»r used, bcrraltcr, in set. tlingthe l< mim— ol the cuin-frn. \.l p« (• ii )■ litnl to tht "ii' fin will make pattncnl to either party. JOHN IS I J,l[. Jao. 7 f« HVLX.NI) HORKRT8. eV/JJJ ( Jlilll.Uti: l>\l( TOHV. I 11 r. HiilwrilxT respectfully inform* tin* public, that ho ban commenced the ( arrtapn Hn*i iw •«*. at the corm roffoiirib *tr<ct anil * lib alb v, a short distance vwst nftlm I’lmhatan Ifouac. In aiblitiii'i to hi* proaent at<»c|<, hr a *b *rt firm*, have fin nhed. II \ IMH ( IM S I*.IMs KK\ >, II Of K\U nn<l <\RU\ \l Is of tit la> ' f lo of fish ion. All of Hh wmk Ix'iu " of hi* own ni.imifaHur' . hr ran. with rnnfl tlfnre. mtrrnnl \t I*, rs. s in want of ( arriae * wilfdo w» II to « il! on I oi lx for* p ir- hasinif, aa hr fri Is eu.ifl *!r f his t« rms will Hint I hr Host at dealt is. Ilf pairing of nil sorts, in tla almvr I,nr, done at thr abort* *>i n *1 in .find on thr must rraaofmhl* term*. ^l-nl I AI.r.XAMd'.R ( (K ffRAN. 8 if l n PHOSGENE GAS LAMPS, I'h* iu tire tmw in nnr in St Paul's < httrrhjajiieli httrg. f|MIK su’srrihir has hrrn appointed Hole njjrnl f**r I ’ I.) mtihiir^ mid v% ill order every kind wanted .mid fur | oi h tlx hi at tin manufa' t iri i’h prirrM, rosl of transpor ' latioti only ad*h*l. II* ha - h few Lamps on hand fo 11r The public «r* invite*) to call and see them. The tom will ho Hold at ,$.1 per gallon. II II. ML ft \Rf)S. i Vpril I"» fs TO I ULMERS \M f*I' I \ "f I'm hIi I’uinpkin Slid, for snip hy JOHN II. SKAY , IJriigirist. April III in NOTICE. \\ I. In r» I v f. <t r n ,irn |l j, , ... v, 1111 <■ \ r r .■ itn 1,1*1 tradihy ’ ’ t i • II 1 I ,.l I is 11 null i I It ill a is. drum hy us, Ii,sr t v 'el* .1 I'll I Nut . tttltrr. IPI.I .mil |,,ifriltlr In Mltt-lltin "pi." mill. I ;!lli il.n „i N'.„, ti.t.e r |s I?..,.. Inivr ,,ff„ (, i, 11)91 I Ilf | \ s, | ,y |, , ss ( s D" 1 '« I I.AIIiOIINI, I. K'l.KS rn mii.i.f.iis. 3" " f O -1 1'iv 'I ;i v ry vijii nor Ini nf Of/. In r,"'r '""I l> 'h „r llnllw.r i I, lln, from N,,. I i,,|(l. In « lilt ll I inttli lln nI:rn11111, .1 Mill, rs f,,. _ i . DON I. ( . I’K I'F.ns. r.iir.ini.i: ror mm. i i.vt, nm Nf:. i.v mu m, 4 k'A Monday. ill! I 1 III ill' M iy III 91, Hi 1 nVIni'li, I' ATM ii|mi, „,f| |„. „ ,|H, nl pitl.lir'n„e ' II ll. I'V lln Iindi r-iirni ll III uhrdienra in a ,|rrr..(. ,,f thr S'T ri"r ' hanr, r\. f.,r Hip Uirhiimnd OirPnli, I di |iriiil"in. in niip „f H \ndrrw ' " ' ' Vl ls I'1 ''"'ill. anti ihr adm'r. and In ip, f Landim ; • 1 !. di n'd . mill "IIm rs am drlindanis, and in , " ' " ,’“l " tv.-t. If dn n Stimuli is is pin null', and ll.r ■ linn .iraiur mid In irs lit I nidnn II ( ah. II dir',I and .' *'* '' "•!» :l|l H'lil \ nlii.ihli 1.0 Fndfrnl 11 "i I'n I mi nl 1.1,1. It I i,i rn. t, ni, mvi'l |.|M, HOI S|. mil nllmr I .ii: |t| in lln rent, and Ihn apnnrlr nn.irs.nil :,o,n1: |„ ,|IP ,,f | |; (',|,r||. 1 , ! "("r v'.iis pant, omipud hy Sam i ' ! »• 11 mil | 'm| . mn n tirimit. I I .11 Mn (Inn I nrtli pail nf lln pnrnhasn mnnr v In 7 I’"' Ollii r III n.'tali ,r tin imm „f ihn sain, nr thirty j ,"ts Ihni.' ilinr. sM-iin d hv a nut, nr mites well endorsed' .i"id pav.diln at II tnk, inrlinlinir mimes, f,mn , Iltf tl.iv .1 alf. Ill rial nl ll,,'piiri'linar.any to lie paid , '•! lln, i ritual instalments, ihn lirsi iniviihlc mi llm |si nf . aimury. I ^ I', lln s ruiid on Ihr 1st, I .July | ~t |m am| , Min i ui. (hr list ,|.,y „f January ls.|<). T|„. pmeliaarr ''^trills Is,lid In the tuidi isijjnrd as < 'uiinnissinni r. and Ihr till,. In !«■ retainrd mini Ihn whole purchase mu I r-V '* I’'1"1' I*usMiMSinii tn hr delivered on Ihn 1st of ."/>• IH,S' ""I'SSU I,,' .is,', rl.lined Wore ihr sain ,h"' lh'' rr'"''"i lenant is willing surrender the i»,« v'*""'r' and 111 Hi II ease p .sscssinn In lie tleliyrr ' I .ii Mirli earlier |•. riml. . , ,.,111'iNKY IM NNINliTON, Com. *pril 'A 11, m *W Y si yd s Hurl up*. ■ I s| me, iTrd '_*! k »< I \ arils uimmI llnrlips I'mm Nu 1 ", * llll'h If far prelcrahln m ike Toe I .men. '! ni'h I- Is J). J\ ('. |> KTKHS. CI or -ioo .Y'liUtO/.k. ..i!NK«Ti(l("»i""l,pl°"r fnM ""Pi'iy ",r >,,,hiir *"**'?■ Dlt.llKs r ( \N|| P|{ICE Im al! yrmng and likely N K ti H .) K S. of both Thus,' having H,i'*h In sell will fi,„| j, ,|loir m.rrrsl l’" tm Mom making sole. ,i,‘!V' r\v"'1 *W***miH »nd CARPENTERS 'lilted. Ur will gl»e » Ulteral priv. I'm llm ... VK ""„in„,„iea,„i„s in!!,' Vl,!.. awnoj.'^la July >:\ O.vNI). _• _ ta »V(>77( 4 I <L thn*c indebted to the lata Concern* of » ‘ *♦«' an*! l.t cJv Kulu ifs. air <';irni*st|\ rrmn «*t I '1 '""ar,|t :,;Ml I’'1.' "■ Holes I,ml a,v„„J.:,s „ ...... , indulgence will nut be given. LEE is ROBERTS ' r^iarrii ll—is IJ irtln.tic ;m«l < utlrrv. £ ' ti ||0\ M.|. elTir l„r side a good ’a " assortment el TlM) I s. Mr. D ' But,‘.h.':r’S l and Panel Saws. • ®Jtt|ia«s, Wei* and Circular Saw* ;Vwkrt and Etrmcr Chi**i, Gournt* I lintllrt (im,!:,.t. Illltl Chisels ” ’ iHlihvin’a boai Plan™. bench and fancy, II I » double ami single Plane ,rons. S Cw S meMfr,LraiitX'*W^ Kules' ami Bit*, , ; . ... Comimaeee, Augur., '•U.mlels. Itene!, Screws. 1 lalehels. .V. ise? .V. Ihnisr l.iiihtimr mntrriah, sueh as I. Ki!" ..l's.iinit:ilio„ Carpenter's I , ’ . , * I1-1'1' atul stork Ijoeka, mnrtiee BnlUi? Axl«ipldii«,l*ash . April |;>—is joss nsivtiMj nU llarn/itwin, *■ \ y c I T I II WITH N4'uliu-aiul l>i!,|inlrh * 1' Till* Vfk't b i 1 o lltc* Ladies, itrfin A* Vo.* DFYEERS IN FANCY GOODS, r|V\KK great pleasure in calling the attention of th° ■ ■ Cadies U* tin ir extensive sti»ok of Dress Good*' b rencii Embroiderii s. Cue* Goods, Shawls, Scarfs. 1 I rinnnmg’. RiMkoh, Bonnets, Flowers, Parasols, Para **h tf* and Sun Shades, '! )i<- I - id m s w .11 find by calling a very fine STOf I\ Of- t/ODDS to k 1 <-i from and at low prices. '1 hey | are all resp; ctfully invited lu call. April 19—is 55 THE I. IDlfiA hell, inn h i:u a* co., DKA CKRS IN CADIES SHOES. Kll) AM) MOROCCO SUPPERS, thick soled do “ Buskiua, ProiiAC SlipjicrH, Eight rul’d do Black Engliah lasting half Gaiters, Cohired do do do Black French do do Colored do do do French Eim n (colored) Gaiters, Colored Silk do Children’s (Jailers, Slippers and Walking Shoes., black and colored. Ehr attention of the Eadirs is respectfully called to the altove list of Slmc4. They will find by calling an assortment of Shura well worthy examination April 19—ts B. FE It Co. TO TflE €)EI9TlsEiH£lT. BELL, IK ( KER \ Co . chiefs. Suspenders. Utc. fStr., Imve the pleasure to inform those w anting Goods, of the above description, that hv calling, they will find an assortment equal to any ever i xhibited in this market and at as low prices. April 19—tx itiitrf Aloe It io linn ft BE EE. HI ( KER A Co., rt'hatnalr and llrtail Itrabrs in Fancy I try fronds, DEEM It only necessary to say to their customer* and the distant public, that ih< ir entire STOCK OF GOODS for the Spring trade is to band. The s'oek is large, well assorted and pretty, and those who call will doubtless find them cheap. An invitation is respectfully t< ndcred to any arid all persons wanting Goods. April 19—t* To Hrrrhunt*. /JELL, UF( FIJI A ( o , Drillers in Foreign mid Dm nr she Dry Goods, I<tm iini nii, \ \. HAVE the pleasure to any to Jlrrrhanl* who buy Goods in this place, that they are now m receipt ■ •I their st ek o| >* I * 141 N( • (•( M M )s, comprising a larg« r amount el desirable Goods, suited to the trade of Mer chants, than it has ever hern their pleasure t > offer. A call is res)* eethilly p guested, believing that all who make it,will find Goods to suit them,and at the right pri CCS. April l(> —ts ^1 err tin uf TiallorittK. ./ o II o.7 A /<; \, .‘It the Old Stand nJJFm. A’ ./• Oahry. , 1IMII l.l) respectfully inform the citizens iff I,vnch ▼ v burg, and the public, that lie will continue to conduct, at the old stand of himself and hrotht r. the TAILORING III 'sfNKss, in all its branches, lie has now on hand, and will con tinually Ip rp, a lm intiful assortment of (’loth*. Cassi "teres, \ . stings, and in tael everything suitable. tor Gen tlcmcfi s v i ar.w liich he will make up to order in the most fashionable s'yles. hands line fils and warranted work manslnp. lie would invite, the attention of the public to Ills Stock. F( h. 4 - ts BZrass amt iron B'oumt#•#/. SWINGING it inconvenient in prosecute tnv Imsiruss at th< I’hreiiix Foundry to advantage, for want of the means necessary for that pur post , I have made ar , raugrineuts With II tgbv it (.‘rinshaw, by which I am "» be furnished by them with the toeessary means, and cues ijtieutly, from and after this date all work done at •said f oundry will he for their benefit. I shall continue to carry on all the branches of business connected with the Foundry, in Biass and Iron, and a | general iM AFI1I N E III SINKSS, ai'd w - Id re-pi ctfull v s licit a contimmuce of the (Nitron 1 age so IsIk rally bestowed on me heretofore. It is hardly necessary to say any thing with regard t> th<> w rk finished at this establishment, it having alrcud v established a r potation to secure a liberal share of pat ! foliage. _ I e1 -t» A. G DABNEY. tiOMK&ViCS OJS* C(t.V.s/fv/’ •R |** IV1 \ \( III .MI-.K on consign s* " “ incut. For sole hr 'Gobi ts f KfNSMAW, H\r.HT k ( ARTFR .vrn SPRUSXl s. SUMMER (.mms V. NV LOVE, .It the Old Stand af Jlrlrer A* Leee, ll'OI l.l) respectfully inform his friends and the » V public generally,that lie i* now rcceivin<r his STRING M ITIA OF NEW GO<)f)s. to which he would call their attention, assuring them In w ill sell and make to order as cheap as any house in the place. Nil he asks is an < xaminntmn of his stock, amorm whir'll they will find th" follow ing articles : lltoley's best black and blue 1 loths, SimoitT* do do do do English, French & <ierimm do do of various colors, lliidey s best black Faso lucres, liichofl \s do do do English, F P’ticb and German Cassimercs various colors lb ■*! English and Fr« uch black Satins Silk i aslimore, \ clvctci n and other N estings Tocket and Nock llandkerclm E.Susperidcrs. Gloves and in tact, evi ry thing usually kept m such a house. Mir»l »—g C. W. LOVE. SUGAR, < <>ffij:a < . • )n HMDS N (). S IGA It, Z>'• * bags Hio Coffee, ITT do Laguyja do HI bales. Manilla ('offee, IT hlids. Molasses, Rrmvinjc and lursnlo by IIRVANT S. T|\\S|.K\ April I—is < o.rmtssio.v m F ■ IIIK aulweriber would inform Ins friends of Hertford ■ and the counties Jading It Lynchburg geueiallv . * lie lias untiled in the tow n nf Lynchburg. and .diets Ins services as commission merchant f,r tile sale of Tobaeco, l'/our, Wheat. A'r. A'r. ,'.8..,.’rir<' l"r s,l|i"g Tobacco will be FIFTY i L,\'t'S prr lioirslu .nl. All business enlrusisd to his earn shall receive prompt attmuon. 1 1 Ills Office, for the present, at Smithson & Slept. .e\ t.roeeM More. UKOltUH STKI’TOK .III April *<*)—is ijouilon am! I*aris ,v sum iiii'r I'asliions—tlii'crt, l. srUu, Muai at Ml uoisk.o.n Maim .Ntjiki.t, kotu ilnnnaliove .Menu X Gvatkin’s , fHGIANKKI I, t.. mv friends and the public general ■ ly, Inr the pntronnjro heretofore bestowed upon ttu I.- ennlinualion of the same, foeli.ijr sun. ,h»t I shall iK'alile to please the must fastidious March 8 WILLIAM CLAVEY, | TRESil A B R I TA 1 o P N,:'V ami HE A UTIKU Is goods, Aprii. 28, 18-17. B VM now reeeiviiiir a beautiful assortment of ■ s'l AI’I.K AM) KAMA' GOODS rtm" o'"; fmm '■"l'ortations.nnd ,ll!" I'lil to please. s ami G,.nl|,. ! men. m want ol new and de-sirablo Goods at low n,„v< ! are e.iraesiiy requested t» fever ms with an earlv .-ill ’I - F..).BL*kTOK 1 Public bale of a Valuable Farm. Ju Ilia County of Franklin. BN pursuance of a decree of the County Court of Frank lin, pronounced on the I day of March. IM.. m lhcc.w-.,f I t» w# II L. Wright and Sarah Wright, Plaintiffs, agab St Th«. F. Taylor, administrator oi W \\ right, dcckl., and Th iiuus F. Taylor and witc, in their own right, Tbeodrick F. W right awl Susan Wright, tin undcr-agind will,on the 2fMhday of May, |S-17 n fair, it no*, on the next fair day flier* alter, upon the prone-.* s. sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, the VALI Al»l .K FA It M, belonging to tie.' estate of Win. W right, deceased, containing 4.k0 or 500 ACHES. There isiipui the farm an excel'- nt !»riv.. r ,.,-a li.ig IIou.m*. together with o i a good Barn and other Out- i ! 1 isS 1 l'»n. 'Pin Wood Land ^ -falls well limlicrcd, and the eh ar ed Land is inn good slate of cultivalioD. TKit MS.—Thirty dollars of tho jHirchasc money willls* remit red in cash, and on tho residue, in three npial installments, a credit of one, two and three years will U* allowed, the purchaser giving Imiids with good |>ersoiial security, and tho title being retained, as a fur iher security, for its pun-ha-** money, subject to In* sold in default of inyment. THOMASK. T \\ LOU. April —witfJM Commissioner. PUBLIC SAL /: OF V A L l A H L K HKAL F-STATK. J.N |'| KM WL'Kofa Dee roe of the Circuit Stipe 1 ri ir L'ourt of Law and Chancery for Botetourt coun ty .made at*the April term for IfldfLin the suit of the Bank of Virginia rj. \\ illiam Strickland’* Knpresentat ves an I ul. and in accordan ?e with the provisions of the Iasi Will and Testament of the said William Strickland, dec’d., I sl ul , on Saturday, the i£ind day of May, 1* 17, on tin* pn-mises, sell at puhlieauction, to the highest bidder, thft following properly belonging to the estate of said William Strickland, deeM., viz : the large framed IHtf ling House, on High Street in Buchanan, for some years occupied as a Tavern, by William i Mix and Matthew Wilson, with the I ads of ground and 1 Buildings appurtenant toil. I he two story rkm k sroar. not sk, situated at the , corner of Lot number do, and fronting on High Street and Bedford Street, in Buchanan, with the filiH'K U .V ft hit IIOI Si: near it and usually occupied in connexion with if. One halt of Lot number d*-i, (being one quarter of an Acre.) on I 11 r 11 Slrcef. Ml Buchan.-iM . wi'li the Mi n II fey IRA >! Ill) l)VVi:i.M>(. IIOISK, ;,,,d other buildings situated thereon; the HOPF’ i \\ A Lk, in Rurhannn, with the buildings appurtenant to il, and the lot on which tin v are situated, embracing Lot mimlier f> 1, on VVairr Street, which contain* one full of an acre, arid one-hall* of I art mini Imt ’Jt), on 11tgli Street, which half contains oue-qutir h r id'an Acre, ami the small I rnt l ol Iruiid, I Vr*|Mr* containing sixteen Acres, situ „ —eli i„ ntrd on James River, aliovo tin t"w n . f Pallonwburg, and adj lining sitd town. I l*.R M •». - So much id the purchase uioiiry will la* re quired m i ami. as may he mees$ary to pay the expense ami charge* ol the sab'. On the throe equal in stalments, a credit of mu , two ami three years w ill be given, the purchaser giving bond with good personal s. euriiy, and the equitable lien ujxin the J.and bcim> retain ctl, :o secure the payment. W.M. W. HOY!), •Idminislrator dc bonis non, irith tin irill aiuwred, oj Hm. Stricklandt dre'd. I April **>—wt2^.M I f ft 111 L Rev. I lioinas Ilrnwn, Princi} al <d the New .1 London Academy, having resigned the charge of the \cademr, to lake * ffnetat the expira ion of the pres ruit Session, thr» Trustees are desirous to obtain a sue censor for the next Session, commencing on tin* 1st ol Septem * r. ^ I he Sr v London Academy is situated in the c >titity ol lbdl ml, almut one mile w* st of New Lon d->n, on the I urupihi* leading from Lynchburg to Salem, JjJ * P pdoua, healthy and inric jh nd nt m igh . »rho id, I Ins Academy has lately been rebuilt in hands . ne sty le. :m«l is calculated t> receive boarder*. A comtbrtablr Dwelling || msr, with necessary Ofli •< s, in hiding (iar 1 1 ^!:»hle ami Ire | louse, are eonneeted with the Acad emv .free ot charge. | i tlie Principal. Application* addressed to the undersigned, (jnjst paid,) "til n cei vc due at tent ion. LKR ARD ALI A \NDF.R, fr, l*res’t. N. L. A. •L 1 hr F.ditors of the Richmond \\ big arc request • d to puhhsh I lie drove nolief .oner a week I'.r one rwrilh, toward their account to Jif F'diturs of the Lvnehbur V irginiau. April *J—wl,n OCT UIS Al STIR* •itton.yhy ,ir ,i is . \vit.l. IN I t Tfiu; REOl 1.\KI.V ATTENO ALL OF Till r»rrts or Tiifc i ornriF.s or « :ini|:ln U nil.-I BOilOu-il. .Inti also, the quarterly ami Superior Courts of the l ounlir.i of P>IiTiTmYT'*VAI“ITA & CITAm.OTTE, ADUUF.XN—Nmv London, C'ampbei.i. Co \ . April v*i—w4w f®1*®* »*»ap—A fre»h supply of thorn ■ Im ;n11 itul transparent Wash Italls, a suiieriur artirlr for the toilet, For sale by .. JOHN II. SF.AY, Druggist. March 1—t* ^anm A 9>;ii*<L y.o.niKI |bs. Family Racon, • l.tllin lbs. No. | £,ar(|f Just received and for sale. Al’nl l'»-u ROBFRTS It WAU.FR. Null \s Tin: TIME -READ ONE, READ llai‘£ain*! Itai^ain*-.and no mi*, (alt tv " • I. 1.1 * H <i. HI |, |, |; n f ( srcri ssoH TO i-ntieru C tin t . .. \ r *{"*'*/"'"iv, <'"Hn•»/, fJittt *, AY. rl,nl 'MI s,‘ j1'1 r having lak.'i, (he building Ibrnu rlv ■ occupied by Mr. la w ,S Page, an,I opposite Mr. pen I . ( ■ liters, lakes the liberty ol'calling the alien tion ol Ins Irtends ami the public generally, told* n,.„ and w ell selected stock of I lard w are, ' Cutlery &e h?V!iV"W l l","ln- a!"1 will continue to receive at Ins new■■ Hardware IvUablisIm,nit. ||e (Inters bimrC, ]| Hat. all, r an experience „! many years in this branch ol He trade be can exl stock ol Hoods, which for ^ I’raM""t surpassed by any house ,|„. ,u"'- And as a prool ol the asseni.ot, be asks only a lair trial. I Its (..aids arc dtrecl front the Manuf.ctnr/rs and have been bought upon the most advaul;.. iM .ns. Among thestuck may Is fund almost evi ryanicle im the Hard ware line, consisting m part of the f,It )U mg, viz: " 1 Toils of every description and <pialiiv, 11 mse Keeping [ tonsils, !•;»riiuTss* Implements, Uuilding Materials, Sp.-rting Tackle, Drushex of all Kinds, Iron. Steel, Nails. Ilrads. Cord. It,,.*, &c &c And "tatty other articles w-ldclt could be rnum, rand’ 1,1 'Vlud‘ 'nl1 lew. Cm me at any rate a s; r , n , " (i- MH.f.KK M i'r,-b ‘r"’m r) PrUducP,i,li*‘n 111 f^KmgP tiir (foods. — ‘ ' .. 2m HfSi for ,hfl .—"«*•" cl,: SfaZ fh^i v-,"eH?U8e.*a*ul1 and « wtmen. f ""■n, r,S-,r.r"""'a" lh* variooUi^in ™ ' g^SSSsa ,,lh,’r Fatf,jr> «■ sul’l>b’ •hcmorsimiC.j.JnM™ ‘ Rahtl> •■!. V:. .April 12, 1847.-ifn B‘ T*LER- j 'V’clothing. > -■ & * .1 “«•,* K. J- BURTON. [ A i u. »uj>er>.,r court (.flaw *iul chancery, cun •f * ll"u,‘l1 !>y » .J 'limmcnt an.I held for the county uf 'l'T'f'1 ,'<! cuurl uu Thursday, ilia 1st day of Ivliriuiid W . Hill. William II. Dims, late SI cr IT of N. 1 on con;. V and as such administrau r of William T ".“-rove. rfecM., Orxandnr (».h,Uby, W. U. Il«lir«,' W ill...,11 >1 W all, r. Dillard II. I’ayc, Wiatt ( an,den.' IJaSnry Mill and Lcwolleu Cash, Plaintiffs, AOALSSr John W. Broaddus, John C. Whitehead and Them** **• Defendants. In CiiAffcnur. 'rim court doth order that the trustee, Th >tn«s(L llil| do render bef ire one of the commissioners of this conn * an account»,! his trails1 lions until r tin* trust deed in the priKf. dinjjs inen ‘tuned, and an account of the trust fund which account the said commissioner ih directed to exam* un-, stale and settle, and make report thereof to the court with any matters specially stated, dteined pertinent hr I himself, or required by the parties to be so stated ; and Hie said co mmssioner is authorized to examine the parlies hi solemn form upon interrogatories touching ihs subject matter of the said accounts. A Copy—Teste, liOBERT TINSLEY, Cl’k. Commissioner's Optics, j Amherst Court House, April 13, Isd7. j I lie parlies interested 10 llie foregoing ertler, will iat9 entire that I have appointed the 'doth day of June Ucll to eoinmeiice the accounts irientioiu d ill tile foregoinu or der, on which day, at It)o'clock in ilic morning, tlley”aru requested to attend at tny office, with their” accounts vouchers and copies of court papers, prepared tor exam nation and settlement. no. M. UltOW N, C m „’r April JdO—w lw VriKi.INi t N,- At ruloe held in the clerk’s office „f the county court ol Campbell county, on Monday, the ith day of April HM7 : * “ I.CC Hailey, adm'rde bonis non with the will annexed of 1 hntuns ifadey, Sr., dic’d., James Terry and Mary M t‘ liis wil", John W . .Vlas.,u and Nam v-his wife, I rci'J Foster and Temperam-e Ins wile, Henry I loll and Mary los wale and Natali S. Hailey, Haintifla, ’ nguiwit Henry Moon and Jemima his wife, William S. Ynunrer and l.uey liis wile, C. Hailey and Mixahetli In. wile, Man i A. Hailey, William T. Hailey, Susan M h IJ-. lev, J.ihn (■. Hailey’ Cathari'ie It. Bailey, ami Malissa f Irailey, 11r** last si\ intents, under the aac „f Iwenty one years' .lohn If. Ha,lay, I dike I' Hailey, Thomas liailcy, u ilium H.nlcy,(..'I.rjec J.'lines ami I athariim his wife, \luier W Mu son, llarrt. I K. K. Mason, John A. Mason, Martha K ' >|," ion, and Anni«tcad Hailey, the last lour inlaols under th.‘ae« ol twenty one years, I i, i. " In C iianc ery. •|'ln- I lelcndants, I low son t llsilov anil Elizabeth bis wfiv I nomas Halliy. arid Join, li. Hailey, l, ,1 having entered ikai? ama-anm-e an I gtvrt.lira., a.vor.lingU, the art ol Vs,cm ' v :""1 K'lles "I this Courl, ami i! appearing I,v satislae lory . s nle.i e Uni tl.-y are n ,( inbabitaols of this ‘Common wealth : tlis orders'll, thatlhev d., appear before the Jmtiees of otir eounly ( ourl ol Campbell, mi the ..lid Monday in Erne next, ami answer the loll ,,1 11,. plaintiffs, ami tbit a o"P> nf this order he forthwith inserted in some newspaper |rih h- Oil III 111 - town of Lynehletrg, for two months suieessivd, , er e ipvlhereol pasted „t (he Irontdeor ol the C m'rt Mouse of-aid county on some Cnurt day. A Copy—Teste. Ap il3 w-rn GEo/iME W. DABNEY, CTk. Dll ,/,/f '.V.SO. V.S FILE EM Ml <)(', rriCKY' ,,,. Warm tiled to cure. I that I,.,, loll,,wed the usooltlm Kinbrneation 1 in the enre 0 this disease, has been truly astonishii,. - I or,nans now ailwse their pulienls to try n, as the only 1 11.E MEDICINE. In addition lo ils kei ”i positive remedy for the Piles it never fails to enre that intolerable itehing, wlii h is so v«,r e. trillion, and has it-, loealion in the same pails as the Pile, ' I'lEES; FILES! PILES!—Highly Important I he gentleman w hose name i, appended to this eeitifieat. IS .'i'1 known “"hiseitv. also through the Western and •' 1 lie nitorin.i»i<m is valuable. v , ,, I’HlL.Vf, Feb. 16th, ISdti I,.1 itn'!'rn7 " 7'r V",‘ »»,l»ired ol me what "eh d had derm d from the n-e of your Pile Embroeatiu,,. feel bound to tale to you that I have heel, mill, ted with l,.it very troublesome disease, the Piles, l.r the last ten or t welve years, and mine was a ease of the most paintnl kind, ' V " .'•> R*ve up business. 1 had tried almost ev , ' k01 "'edieine ..mended for the rum of the Piles, n with very little I. 'in-lit, w hen, during the last tall. I heard ol --.ralptiaa: we, had he, n eared In t he use uf v our Enn " end dually was indn, ed inv'self to tit it. After ong | ait ol a bottle 1 was entirely I, li'eveil.timl have had no ' of a V. turn uf the disease. The enre, I have reasoo • h permanent. II u „,|| he ol am advantage o " ‘ ’ ,liail:,rl.V you can use lliis for tha forth c f i,U" " 1 1 .... « li . m„ wish an, loither on tl, suhj,-.. RespvelfiHy, l- .. . i . . . ^ *1 * *• D ti.M <• k , 3;»7 Lumbard St. M^hn^ ;h,ri?-l,y "• H. LIMAN . .. _ _ Druggist. rsE of sc.iiif.fs .icorsnc oil; Tlte only cure for Deafness. I’ ;n I'"- "’''.ess, Pains and the di,e barges id mat. £ ,r,r,r.M\ VI-., aR those mdses, like the bur. '"r "I water, w hiding of steam, Sun kr W o h are s an. ol app,narking Deal,less, and also, gene! edit attendant with the disease. Many persons who have [*'*" in twenty years, and were obliged b,> use ear trim,',,.Is, have, after using one or two bottTes, . ..row,, as,trumpets, Iving made perfectly well— I h. ieian an 1 -ngeons highly reemnimml ils use/ .Most Evtiuimievsnv Cl itt„- If am have doubts, they may dismiss them and Ihe most it,credit!,,,,, may eonsider Deafnesses r irahie Numerous eases,.r cures, and many of them very temarhalile, by the nseol st AKPA’S OH., have been published, but this caps the climax ; young or old, you may yet recover your hearing. 3 6 3 A lady in S.mthlicld Pa , and now about eighty year, of ,,rl.' *'** been gradually getting deaf for more 'than forty year , so that ,l was next to nop ss.ble t„ „uac her hear eon vc sation in the loudest tones l oiee. ] sh, w., indued to try ■—carpa’s Oil t,,r Dcilt,,,, l, i **“* ..* - '«y JAVNE> N°- 8 March 11 -vvt20J *’ “ LVM; ls\nclihurg, Va. r.U.yjlllLE LIME qy.lHiiies ~ FOR RENT. T?* .'fTrrs lor rrnulmt Tract, o'"i'" :,S ,:toh U;Ainlsun County, ltio Acres Iifllucly Tln,l,crr)| j,nnrt having upon it inexhaustible I I At F. ti U A It It | E s , which,from tlieir contiguity to the James Uivcrand Ka 1:1 :'l""'1" )JC‘ rnl“le very valuable in tlm hands ' I experienced I.line burners. The attention nf s tel, „ rctjueslt'H to the nixive. ttsit is believed that eontrael, hoS Nei^,!:!m^he8l,b8Criber>al T>e Riyer «'»«• April k-d—w lm T S. AlcCr.RLI. tNn • fichuairs' Having s Hank. I l!SU'yti"" :i!l,,WS 5 >,rr CBDt- on nil deposits rr ,.lll„|;tl- ' ' . niotitlis mid more, ii i.sin a flourishing l; r-ill poll O 'l'eels a perfectly sate depository vestii! r In '! '"I{ s "nit individuals may & desirous ofin .. p n mu rest. 1 )ep«itg always paid on demand. t '. 'imIm'1.',1 AI,|,V- President, 11 I' UK M AUDS. Treasurer M. KUItl.\SO\.Seere.arv ’ ,, IjIHJSC 1 OILS. I (’ si,I r I Snmuel XV. Shrlton, ns^t' J.(i. McClai.alian, ' J. J. Salmons, LS"L I1),"Xu,d* , 1). I’, lleesp, Feb. 4_wGin Jacob »>‘luboueh. NOTICE. jr'li Ml ’ !><;j purpose of closing m,r husincM ns mcctlilv m N, I ' ' V i; ", '■ in 'llc in»t-, placed in tlic- liaml- of - .i> |t« f» \ ' 7°n* a debts due I he concern. All per ;»ll lm in r' .i '■ 1 'm,‘‘ rV " dl please come forward and sell lei tin in i i,7 ‘ ;H,,W ‘,Pinnsl the concern will picas*- present dun 7^vtf!;,rSCUU‘me,lt* HOLT kSTKp/()K. J X V' ;s; «»IXCi!fAM3S AND BERAGES. \\ ‘ ‘ ^ "'niikl call the attention of the trade f it u '* ; ir-:'* a**s 'fHi'-nt of the above Goods. Many *iy its will be .sold at one futirth the Cost of ini ''1 l(' * as ft»st *1 ,10 in is Selling at cents, ,! ‘‘s '/*' 1 tiiid .r»0 ceiils be is selling (it Is per yard, V# 1'! 1 >;i!r,inc f r) •urselves. '1'his is tm hvmhirg. •v °"t» \\ M. H. RVAN.