Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XXV—Xo. 83 PUBLISHED BY BLACKFORD, STATHAM Jk DILLARD, Evert Monday and Thursday, ml Your Dollars per annum, payable in advance. .Vo tuh~ ! s.'ripUon will he reeeixedfbr a shorter time than sir months ; mnf no paper will he discontinued, (except at the discretion of the Editors.) until all arrearages are paid. $/• ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at 50 cents per square (or less) for every inner form insertion and 37 i ets. per square (or less) for every outer form insertion. EVER Y ADVERTISER is required to note on his Ms. Hsu long he wishes his advertisement inserted . an adver tisement, not so noted, wilt he inserted till its discontinuance be ordered. TOR YEARLY ADVERTISING the terms are ; for the privilege of two squares, $10 , for one square t for one square, inner form %V*. Every yearly advertiser trill be required to eonjint his advertising to his particular line of business. .KIR PRINTINE executed neatly and expeditiously mud on reasonable tmns. i SI Mil/ 4 'otr. STuaykd from the subscriber, in Lynchburg, on the 7tli mat., a large pale HKD C OW, four years old. branded oil the horn J. H.f a little lame in one of her hind legs. A liberal reward will he given to any one returning her to me, or any information thankfully received. UlTL-S ANDERSON. May 13—U DRESS GOODS. RECEIVED bv express. Plaid Borages and Foil de 1 Clicvre Lustre, a new article for Ladies’ Dresses, >%h ch makes my assortment of Dress Goods very com plcte. JOHN T. DAVIS. May 13—u To Mr. Thoma*Ilun<ll«‘> : fl^AKE NOTICE, that 1 shall, on the 13th and 14th I J. days of July, 1847, at the Ofli *e of Discount and Deposit# of the Bank of Virginia, at Lynchburg, W, be- | t\%ecn sunrise and sunset, take the depositions of John M. Otey. Benjamin P. Walker and others, to be read as evidence in a ceriain Chancery cause, now pending in the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for Halifax County, in which you are plaintiff and 1 am de fendant. Take notice also, that I shall, on the 1 Gill day of Ju ly, 1817, between sunrise and sunset, at the Dwelling House of Douglass B. Hancock, in Campbell County, Virginia, proceed to take the dejmsilions of Douglas* B. Hsncoek, Richard Wyatt and others, to lie read as evi dence in the same cause above mentioned. If from any cause the taking if the last mentioned depositions shall not Iw concluded on the 16th day of July, 1847, then the taking thereof shall be continued from time to time, until ih v shall be ;d taken and concluded. I BENJAMIN W. WALKER. May 13-4 w BONNETS fPST reecivrd by exprras, n fresh supply i»f BON NETS, tu \t hiclt 1 wunld call the a’ten tii in uf the I .a dee. JOHN T. DAVIS. May 13—ts Panama. Leghorn. Rut-tana, 15 Camfeachy, Rough and Rev jf dt, and Palm Leaf HATS, Jj* in great variety. JI,M received, a Uirist ami hcauijm assortment oi me ; above Hals, which will U'subl vorv low, bv J. KUMBUUGII & SONS. May 13—Is Fit ESI 1 SUPPLY! BE SURE TO CAM.!!! THE NEWEST STOCK IN MARKET!!!! May 13th, 1817. I71 J. BURTON h as the pleasure of informing his J# friends, that lie has just opi ned the most beautiful uesnrtmcvt <>J ST A PGR and F A N ( ^ DRY GOODS, lie hut ever had the pleasure <j exhibiting. Having selected his Goods w ith great care, from the very late.-t importations, and just at the close of the sea son, lie w ill be aide to sell many styles of Goods much Lower than they could have been bought in the early part of 1 he season. All persona in want of good, cheap and pretty Goods, are requested to favor him with an earlv call. COUNTRY JVTEROHANTS will find at mv house, the freshest and rest assort EP STOI I. IN MARKET. K. J. BURTON. May Id—ts FOIt Till! MIHIX CHEAP FOR 'HIE CASH. f I HIE SL BSC UlliKUS respectfully inform the La JL dies that they have received the fdlowing Goods, which they w ill si II lower than any other house in town, in the Store forint rly occupied hy Messrs. Talbot &. La nier : Barrages, a good article, 25 ets. per yard, Lawns, great bargains from Is, White Linen, 25 cents, Muslin Inserting, 10 cents, Large assortment of Calicoes, from 01 cents, White Line i Handkerchiefs, I2j cents. May 10—ts DAMS, ABRAHAMS A. CO. HuoIm :ini| Sliorw Gentlemen's fine Calf, Mnrneen anil patent Leather ROOTS, MIOKS and | M G A ITL".RS—Philadelphia make. Also. Ladies' Shoes of every deserip 1 lion and finality, just received anil lor Mile Inw hy TVHKK ft PARHAM. May 10—1s iMrunterrcotype Likenesses. f J1HE SL'HSt IHRI'.R would Irspcd fully inform .1. the citizens of Lynchburg ana sutrounding country, that lie has taken the rooms, nearly *?posite the Frank 1 n Hotel, formerly occupied by Mr. \S . A. Rctzer, and recently hy Mr. .1. II. Fitzgihbons, where lie is prepared to execute MINIATURE LIKENESSES, with all j tie* latest and most important improvements. Miniatures taken in any kind of weather, and all pic tures warranted a facsimile of the original. Ladies and gentlemen are invited Urcall and examine specimens of this beautiful art. N. II.—Instruction given in the art on moderate terms. April5—ts P. E. GIBBS $112,000 worth ol Crockery, At. AT A A U LJVDER COST TO CLOSE! Y\ lit) a View ui riiismu present business in this place, I am still selling mv large stock ol CHINA. CLASS AND EARTHENWARE, at and under cost. Those who may want any thing in my line would do well w) cau very suoii, a’iu miy ai jmu.-i.-o uuu» »• — — • been know n in Virginia. Country Merchants arc particularly invited tn call, as the canal will he dosed next week for s tine four or six week*. The assortment is very large and cmplete. I). W. MOORE, * Sign of the Ilig Pitcher. May 10—ts I IHUPERIOK HEADY MADE CLOTllIM* TYREE S,- PARK A M HAVE just receivid their Spring and Summer sup ply of Superior Ready Made Clothing, comprising every article necessiry to complete a gentle Wian’s Wardrobe. Gentlemen would find it gnaily to theii advantage to give us an earlv call. May 10—ts r un nv virtue of a deed of Trust executed tome l.y Jcltn >. I.ungborno ami Sarah E. |„K wife. I shall sell, at public auction, on Thursday, tliel'nli dav of.May next, tl fair, if not,on the m-xt fair day tliereal'ter.on the nrem tses, ' A TRACT OF I,AM), lying in the County of Amherst, ,,u Stovall’s Creek, ad j lining the land of Duct. Flos), ( has. M ,Vs. Wyatt I ettyjoint, («. V\ arwick and others, anil enutaintug alum ONE THOUSAND ACHES. The said Land is within 5 miles of Lynchburg and a mile of the canal, with good outlets to each. A large por •tun thereof is heavily timbered, well watered with stipe rior water power, whit bean he cheaply applied to either milling or manufacturing purpon s. It is well a ilapted to the growth of Tobacco, W heat, (Urn, (xc., anil is worthy the attention of those engaged in hauling wood,or who may want Wood I .and convenient to Lynchburg. It W ill he divided ill lots or parcels to suit pitreltasi rs.aml w ill he sold either at private or public sale Also nt the same time and place, I will sell two Waggons, bear and Fixluris. one Ox Cart, one set 111:uk SuaJis’ Tools. and sundry I’lantatinn l it nsils. Tl e title to said property will lie undisputed,Imt acting as tMisteo is agent, 1 shall convey such title only as vested in me. TF.HMS OF SALE. A credit of one, two and three years will lie given. March ‘il—t(3M W T.V.VNl KV. Trustee. POSTI‘(XVC.V A.'. \ The abovpsalc is postponed until the *i~ttl, day nf the present mimtli, and at the* saine lime will lip rented utit the Saw Mill adj 'ini p- the above Tract of Land, now in the occupancy of Mr. Williams. \\ . T. \\ W M. T. YANCEY, Trustee. May (j-f-'SM NEW MJCtFoN«r COMMISSION HOUSE, Till IF. subscribers have Ibis day entered into co-pat t J. nersliip lor lint pnrpiso ofcoliductiiiff the Al CTION fc COMMISSION BUSINESS in all its various branches. They have taken the la roe brick tenement .lately erect rd by II. (>. Selioolfield Ksip, M.irke' Street, and will oive their personal alleniion In li e sale ■ f Keal and l’t r sonal Instate, I fry (foods, limcerics. Morses ike., either in town tr county,and hope by unrcmiitirw attention lo busiutss lo merit a portion of | uidie pair.teaoe. ( IIAItl.F.S I'MF.I.PS. JOHN M. I’F.llklNS. HEGUMH s. II I:!s’. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday inurninrjs, and Monday, Wednesday and Friday uvuninos. throtijrli uut the year. ( 'l AWI.F.S I'HFI.I’S, JOHN M. I’F.I!kl.NS. .# 4 .1 tt n. (TM Alll.F.S I’lIF.I.l’S returns Ins sincere thanks to J his friends and the public generally for the very lib era! patronage extended to him, during the last fifteen years,and respectfully solicits a continuance of the same to the new firm. May 3—18 15,000 MIS. liACON instore and lor sale ? ' BUY ANT A. TINSLEY. May 0—It fjMIF I’ndersignrd, h ■retofore, partners in tlie practice *- ot h:iw, have ibis day dissolved by uiutual couaunl. : 'The business on hand will have their joint attention. April 15—is .1 \s UARLAND, WM. I). BRANCH. 1-llV A'OTICE. Win. p. Brnncli Win. S. Reid, Jr UA \ K firm'd a partnership in the practice < f Law and w ill attend the Courts of the Corporation of. Lynchburg, the county of Campliell, Appomattox, and Amherst. Also the Superior Courts of the county of Rockbridge. All business committed tn their hands will 1 he diligently attended to. Oilice over Captian \\ in. I). Fair’s, at Market House. Address -Lynchburg. A pul 15—ts Commissioner's Sji!r of Wj a if ft ff it ft .Vf ;• r o e s» PI* RSI ’ ANT to a decree of the circu t superior court of law and chancery. Ibr the county of Amherst* pronounced on the ’.2nd day of April, 1817, in a suit in which Mary J. AY si ugh and William Armisuad are plaintiffs, against Thomas K. AA’augh, John Crawford, William Kidsoii and James (•ilhau:, defendants ; the under- giv-d commissione rs, ;i| pointed hy said decree.will proceed at Waugh’s Ferry, in said county of Amherst, on i he 7th day of June next, to sell to the highest bidde r, f -r cash, the following Slaves, viz : William, JVelstm, fleaver, Silvry and jldtlisnn. And at the same time and place, we shall sell, to the highest bidder, the interest of the said Thomas K. \\ Hugh iu the Real Kstatr of his father, James Waugh, dec’d., which real estate is situated in several TRACTS OF LAND, some lying in said county of , Amherst, and others in the county of Bedford. A more particular description will be given on the day of sale. The Land will he sold l«»r cash enough to defray tin expenses of sale, and for the residue, mi credits oft’, 1 ‘2 and 18 months, to be secured by bond with satisfactory personal security, and the title to be withheld until the purchase money is paid. We shall, at the same time and place, sell for cash, the interest of the said Thomas K. Waugh iu the dower Slaves held by his mother, the said Alary J. Waugh, a description of which will he exhibited on the day of sale. If the said 7tli day of June next shall not be fair, we shall |h)Slporic tlx* above sale until the next day, the 8th of .lime, 1817, when it will be made. The decree under which we act reijuins all persons who may have possession of any of tlx* said Slaves, Wil j liam, Nelson, (ieorge, Silvry or Addison, to deliver them up tons fur sale wh n demanded, and we hereby infirm them that wn shall send an agent to receive them a few ( days before the sale. ROISKRT Al. BROWN , } Comrnis JOHN THOMPSON, tlr. f sinners. Amherst G. II. May 6—t?Je Di^oSiiHou f flHK concern of INI. II. I.avinder Sc Co., is this day A. dissnlveil by mutual consent. All persons having claims against the concern will please present them f.r payment, and those indebted to the concern will come i nward and setllo. The name ofthe concern will bo used only iu winding op the business. M. II. I.AVINDEU, WILSON I*. HUY ANT. i Tll’TON L. TINSLEY. May 1,1317. .May G—It Sen ('oneeiii. TBIIIK subscriber will eontinne the (iUOCF.U\ tstij I COMMISSION HI SI N ESS, at the stand for I merly occupied by Ilryant ft Young, and reeen ly !>y ' M. 11. Lavindcr Se Co., where lie will, at all time., keep on ha d a good and well assorted .lock of GROCERIES, LIQUORS, fee. See. to which be particularly invite, the attention of hi. old friends and the putilie generally, promising them (food bargains in bis line of business. M. H. LAVINDER. May G—It BPuucins; School. ^pllE undersigned will be in Lynchburg in a fev. 1 da\. to commence a Dancing School. J I>. LV HOFFMAN. April 27—ts Ilratly • lfttHc 4'iothlntf* FI 1111'. M HSC UIIIK.RS have now on hand a large JL stork uf SPIN N G A N 1> S U M M E II iii:adv .uadi: i lotiiixo, which they will sell at less price than were ever before offered in l.vnehburg. Among which may ho twund the following articles: 6 I thick I )resi and Fmok Coats, I l wcihI dress, frock ami sack Coala, Itlnck Alpaeea do do do (Croton, Kremlins and Cot it mails do It row u, plaid and while Linen do Mark and Fancy Cassimere Pants, Do Lrnp de & Drapde Vienna do Fancy and w Idle Linen do Kremlin and Cuttonade do llla*k Satin, Silk and llmiil'uiuiio Vests, Light coloured Fancy Silk do l‘ alley and white M .rseilles do A h fi O , | A huge assortment of Furnishing Goods, comprising as jfollows: Standing ami rolling Collars, Shirts, Shirt Collars, Ho* unis, Lmler Shir's. Night Shifts, Drawers, Night C;i|n«, ( ravatN, Stocks, Ties, Knuts,C ravat Stiffeners, Gloves, Suspenders, Snspeiuh r Finis, Pocket Handkerchiefs, | M nicy (tells. Money Purses, &.e. (lentlemen wishtng »•< ofiheahove articles will do "'ll to give us a call, as we are deterniincd to tell them as cheap as they can he bought in Virginia. W A I FftHOCSF, WlilTTEMORE 8t Co. 1 April ‘29—ts TA VM .US’ OIL. • •'I harre.s Tunnels’ Oil.of p.imequality, on hand and f.1 sale low. UKYANT k TINsLFY. April 19—ts VRGHOEa H\L\Ti:n flMlK uudenugned wish to purchew from one hundred to l wo hundred Negro Slavic, the nge of none Uipx «'( i d -|0 yenr*. We are willing to give for them a fair puce, payable in ten equal animal payments from the 1st March, [M9. I » secure the payment of the debt we are willing to give a mortgage on the negroes, and also on etui estate to a siilll ’icut amount to satisfy the seller. The negroes to he deli verr d in Noxubee County, Mississippi, by the (list of < )etobcr next. Persons wisliiii'jr to sell \\ ill address one or Imili of us at Pieken.Nville, Ala, by or before the lf» .Inly next. I*. .1 SPANN. April 8—tidy I, \. OAUSDAI.K n.BV A' .ViOUT St'Blit Ol„ f III11', sulwrtbrr.a graduate nf unp nf ■ hr riini matttii m Huns in tlm oily ul New \ ul k, and a practitioner at itu- liar ut I’litli d. i dun,is dciem s uf obtaining/ a School. in tin* or any ul ihc surrounding r >uulif*,(hr vuutliH. I lc is tally qualified to give instruction in all the Kn h'li'lt Branches, a culttplele and tlior<>tiy{ii course ul' Mailt oimtiics. including Algebra, Gcnmeiry, Conic Sts-titm* K*',. which lie will leach on a new s\ati in, tugi ,|tcr with lb.)' Keeping, I'lain and Otna'iicnial fYnuiaiiship in all its various styles, and will give private tu*.ruction in an' ut the aUive mimed branches. I Its certificate can lie seen on application to his btoilirr at I helps K Perkins Auclirm lluuwe.ut whi,mall unitieu lars may be had. ISAAC N. CARDOZ \ M.y 3— lm* e o u k i : in Tr . " aD-A THE-BRICK TENEMENT, nearly $£<'4 ! ; ! fj 1 Pl>"»itc tlm \\ ashtnglon Hotel. Terms !'$*«'& • t lot Uuah tatu and |auNseiuu,.i |i«* li.«4t aielv Apply to May 3—Is .1. T. Ill RTON. RiO 1 OB'Bt'.t:. r.ll\I.S l*It 1 .MK Itlt) COFFEE, t /*4 ID •• bll,. Pepper, ft ** Allspice, 5 “ race Ginger. ■lust received and fur sale by April m—ts McDaniel & lee. Aiiotlin- & N|>l«'mlitl AnmiiIiim-uI of C MITilAGES. SADDLERY. &.C fill1 E NF HNC’ III BF.KN fed grateful to llieir friends and 1. the public generally fur the liberal patronage, which has ‘been extended t<> them in tin* branch o| their Imuinegs, and soli, it a continuance ol t he -ame, under a promise and w it It a perfect knowledge that, from the advuntngrn they posjeas in precuring t'amages of any kind, to do as well by them, or better, than any Mouse in Virginia, or even North, alter pay ing expenses to thisnlacc. VVe are daily expecting a large supply ot ( arriages of every description, w men, added to our present stork, will make our assortment complete; and shall continue to receive them of the latest styles throughout the scasnii. Hut, il among our stock we should not have any to suit, by leaving tic ir ordcis, w «• w ill procure it of any ipialit v, style or price, at the very shortest notice. NVc have on hand several second-hand Coaches, suitah'e for Hacks. AHSt >, several Buggies, all in good repair and condition, which will he disposed ol at very low prices. We have now on hand, and intend keeping, a g«*od supply of best and common (' VIMIY VI.1 .K, both of Burford’s and Cochran’s manufacture, which will he sold at Factory pi ices. VVe arc n1*o prepared to do any kind of repairing in the above line w ith neatnc-'s and despatch. VV e deem it unnei es sary to name the kind ol Carriages wc have on hand, ns our as* •ortmeiit will always consist of the latest ami most upprox-tl s'ylcs. 'I'lic Harness is all of our own manufacture, our t arriages made to order, and with :i view to run in t hi* section of the country, and as such we arc willing to warrant both Carriages ami Harness. S. II)DLLS, HI!IDLES, Till WES, *-r. vv e wish onr friends and the community to understand I bn our Saddlery business is n«t to hr overlooked or neglected, and that wc have on hand a large and well selected assort ment ol cverv kind < i goods usually kept by similar establish* incuts in the I’nitcd States, both ol icady made work and ma terials, which will lie sold, wholesale or retail, on terms to suit the limes. All Kepniring in the above line done at the shortest notice. Country Produce taken in exchange for any article in our line at cash market prices. OIL. Wc have, and will constantly keep, on hand, a supply ol Tanners’ ( Ml ol an excellent quality, which w ill be sold as cheap >>r cheaper than tin* same article can be bought in this market. Please call and examine. SHACK LKFORI) k kKW I'l.I.KN, Countrv Saddler* will find it to their interest to call and ex amine our stock before pine basing elsewhere. Feh. la— 12m S. k L. t. v. ri/mts DF.ALF.H IN STAPLK AND FANCY tmv HOODS BOOTS SHOES li U J\'JV E T S, IIA T s, C A P S, 4* c.t Main St., Lync hburg, Vn., n‘ \S just received and opened Ills unrivaled fitoek of Spring mid Summer Goods, which, for style and beauty, cinnot bo surpassed. He respectfully solicits the attention of his friends and the public to an examination of his stock, which conrists in part of the following Goods: Superior rich striped ami Plaid Poede 8oie, “ *• “ “ Fuiilah Silks, “ 'Fissile ami As Yoaln'ltobes, (a beautiful party dress,) “ Grenadian Holies, (entirely new article,) “ Zoriehlas and Plaid and Striped Berages, Krwche and F.mbosscd Ginghams, (very rich,) I .awns, at all prices. Alpaceas, French and F.nglish Chintz Prints, Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Lac «, Handkerchiefs, A almost every article that can Is* called for. Also, a fm took of Cloths, Cassimeres, YT«*stings, Cravats, Near Maraguin-for summer Coats, a very pleasant ar ticle, .Panama, Leghorn, Fur, Silk and Sp rung IIafc> Hough and Heady Caps, Bools, Shoes, &.c. April 1—(8 ARMY INTELLIGENCE. — - - ‘ OFFICIAL. *1 hr following very interesting despatch from Major Ovitetal Scott was received at the W ur office, Washing tun, uu Saturday evening last : I L\w»qu AUTkllH or THE Army. Flan del Kio, 00 atilisi from \ m Crut, > April 10. IH47. S Sir The plan of attack, sketched in (•em rul Orders, No. III. (pul tidied in last evening ’a limn,) lienwith, was finely executed by this gallant army, UTort* two ! «i’clock, p. m., yesterday. Wo are iputc embarrassed with the results of victory — pns.iners of war, heavy ord nance, Ik Id batteries, small amis ami accoutrements. Akiut 11,000 men laid down their arms, with tint usual pro portion of field and company officers, besid* a ti'e generaja, vi rai of tUi*4A* uf gr«*i akietwcihui- Ftnmn. J.xrrero, La Vrg?u Norii*ga and Obando. \ sixth getter nl, \ hmjoox, wo* killed in di lending the battery (tower) in ilia rear of the \v liok Mexican atmy, the captun of which gave ua those glorious results. Our loss, though comparatively small, in ntimhcrH has I ecu serious ling. lieu. Shields a commander of activity and %cal and talent, is, | fear, if not dead, uioi tally wounded, lie is tunic five miles front me at the moment. Tin* Meld of opt rations coveted many miles, broken by mountain* and deep chasms, and I have not a report, as yet. from any division or brigade. Tw ggs’ division, followed by Shields’ (n.uv C<»l. link* r’s) niig tide, are now at, or mar, X.dupa, und Wotlh’s division is in ruutethilher, all ptnuniug, with good resul a, nr I learn, that |toinl of the Mexican army ptrhujrt six or seven thousand men, who fled befo.eour right had carried the lower, and ginned the Xalapu road. Fillow’* brigade a lone is near me at this depot of wounded, sick and pria oners, and I have time only to give lion hint the name, of 1st l.ieut. F. If Nelson, and 2d (’. (•. (till. Unit id the 2d Tcimrsec foot (Haskell’s regiment) among the killed, and hi the brigade H 0, of all ranks, killed* or wounded Among the latter,the gallant Hng.Heneral Iiiim s If hasa smart wound m tin arm, but not disabled, and M.ij K r.iripies m, 2d Tenn. ; Captain II. F. Murray, 2d Lieut. (». T. Sutheiland, 1st Lieut. \V. F. Ilalc (adjutant) all of the sumo regiment, severely, and 1st Lieut. \V. Year wood, mortally wounded. And I know, from peisouul observation oil the ground, that 1st Lieut. Kwell, of the ILlb s, if u .1 now, was mortally w uu d d hi entering, mu ord ill band, the entrenchment# a around the captured Uiwer. Second l.ieut IVrby, toj*o graphic il engine* rs, I sils maw, at the same pirns*,severe ly vvoimdtHl, and (‘apt. Fatten, 2*1 Lnitcd States Infant ry, lost Ins right hand. M tj Sumner, 2d Lulled Staten dragoons, was slightly wounded the day before, ami Cap lam Johnston, topographical engineers (now I .tent. t ol 1 one I of Infan try ) was v< ry wacri In wounded sum® day* earlier whih* rooonuoilriiig. 1 u ust not omit to add, that (apt. Mason and ‘2d Lieut. l)avntboth of the Hill a. were among the very auvmcly wounded hi storming the same tower. I estimate our total loss, in killed and woun ded, may lie about ‘250, and that of the enemy 550. In the pursuit toward** X a In pa (55 miles lienee) I learn we have add d much to the enemy’s lows in prinnnur*, lulled and wounded. In flirt f suppose his retreating army to be nearly disorganized. an I nonce my baste to follow, in an hour or two, to profit by events. lo this hurried nod imperfect ri port I must not omit to say that Brigadier (ienernlTw iggs, in passing the nioim tain range beyond Cerro Gordo, crowned with the tow er, deluded from hts division, as I suggested tin* day before, a strong force tocsrrv that height, which eum loaoded the Aahpa road at the loot, and could not fail, .rM.ii.<it,i« i n.i. j»itn or itie rrtrrnV Ions- from a retreat in any direction. A portion of tin j 1st artillery, under the often distinguished Brevet Col. | Childs, t lie Jil infantry, under Captain Alexander, tin 7th infantry, under Lieut. Col. IMvuiton, anu the Bills, iinih r Major Luring, all under lit* tcmjiorary eommaud of Colonel llarnev. 2d dragoons, dining the eoiiUneiiirnl to his lied of Brevet Brigadier (Jem ral IV C Ninth, com i>om*(I that (letaehuieiit. 'I he sly V ol execution, which j I had the pleasure to \n it ness, was most brilliant and ib naive. fl he hriga te ascended tin l <ng and dilUcull slope of Cerro (iordo, without sin Iter, and illicit r tin ir« menders Are of artillery and muskeny with the utmost I steadiness, reached the breastworks, drove tl e enemy from llimn, planted lb'1 colors of tin* 1st artillery, 5d nmi | 7th infantry — the enemv ’s llag still living- and, ntlii , some nuiiuies of sharp filing, tiniahed the eoucjueat with : the bayonet. It is a most pleasing duty to say that the higlusl jiraisi is doc to I Inrncy . (‘bills, I’lymloii, Luring. Alexander, and their gal hint < fliccis a id men, for this brill, ant service, indcjie idem of the great results which s«mu fdlowid. Worth’s division ,»f regulaiA coming up at this time.; lie detached Brevet Lieut. Col. C. I'\ Smith, with his light battalion,to siipjH.rt tin assault, hut not in time, i’1lio ( ( iieral, reaching the Ionn er a few rninuli s liefore me, and observing a w hite flag displayed fro n tin* near est port loti of' I lie enemy towards the batteries below, sent out Colonels Harney and Childs to hold a |>arley.— 'Pile surrender followed in an hour or Invo. M,j. Hen. Patti non h ft a sick bed to share in the I dnngi rs and faligm s of the day; and after the sm render went forward to eommaud the advanced forces tow unis \ i la pa. Ilrtg.(»ee. Pillow and bis brigade Inn ice assaulted with great daring the enemy V line of batteries on our b (!• and, though wi.limit sueess. ihey eontrdiuted much to distract and dismay their immediate npjioiieuts. President Santa Anna, w ith (»ens. Cinrilizo and Al moote, and some six or eight thousand men, escaped to wards Xalajiu just before Cerro (■•-rdo was carried, and before Twiggs division reached the national road a hove. I nave ucurmineu in panic me pri* mers -<>uieers ami ; men—as I have not the means of feeding them here, beyond to-day, and cannot ulf.rd to d< tarh a In avy I sidy of'horse and font, with wagons, to aeeoinpaity them to; Vera ( ri;z. Our baggage train ilnogli increasing, is; not yet half large enough to give an assured progress to I tins army. Resides, a groan r niiinl.f r■ 1 prisoners would probably, escape from the escort in the mid de« p j sandy road, wn hunt subsistence—lento one— that wej shall find again, out of the same body of nun, in I he j ranks oppised to us. N <t one of the \ era Cruz prisoner* i is belie veil to have been in the lines of ( «rro Gordo.— 1 Some six of the officers, highest in rank, refused to give their paroles, except to gy toYcia Cruz, and thence, per haps, lo the Foiled States. The small arms and their accoutrements, being of no value toourarinv here or at home, I have ordered them to be (hstroyed; for we have not the menus of transport jug them. I am, also, boiiiou hut i mbarriissf d with the - pieces of artillery—all bronze—which we hav-l captured. It w'oiihl take a brigade, and half the mules »if this army, to transport tin in fifty nulns. A field hat tery 1 shall take for service with the army; hut the hea vy metal must be collected, and left here f -r the present.— ' YVe have our ow n seige train and the proper carriage* with ui. Being much occupied with the prs itirrs, and all the details of a forward movement, besides looking to the ! supplies which arc to follow from Wra Cruz. I have time to add no more—intending lo he at Xnlupa early to-nior row. We shall not, probably, again meet wnh serious opposi ion this side of Pf rotu—certainly not, unless dr luyed by the w ant of t he means of transportation. I have the honor to remain, sir, with high respect, your most obedient servant, YV1NFIKLD SCOTT. PS I invite attention to the accompanying letter to President Santa Anna, taken in Ins carriage yesterday;, also to his proclamation, issued on hearing that we had captured Y era Cruz, ice., in which he says: “If the en winy advance one step more, the national independence j will he buried in the abyss of the past.” YY’e nave la-j ken that step. YY\ S» 1 make a second postscript, to any that there is some hope, I aln happy to learn, that Guii. Shields may sur vivc his wounds. One of the principal motives for paroling the prisoners of war is to diminish the resistance of other garrisons in our march. W. IS. Hon. YY’m. L. Miner,Secretary of YY’ar. official UKPOUTOF COL. DONIPHAN. I In U'qr l II Tk Its or THE \ II M V IN < Hill VI 111' A, City ol Chihuahua, Maioh 4, 1847. I have tho honor t<» report to you the movement* ol 'he army under my command sinew my lust otli'ial re j'« 11 On the evening n|'ih* Mh of February, 1817, we left 1 the tow n of F.l P ino del N- rte, e»<vrVing the merchant • train or eortivuri nfaboiit did wagons for the city of ( hiitnulmn. Onr force consisted of lf«£4 rlltrlivo men, j Ilf idlicrrs mul private* of the artillery, IK I of Limit. | Col. Mitchell's escort, mid the remainder the 1st icgi | tui’iit Missouri mounted vulutitw r*. We progressed in i the direetioli of thin place until the'Jfuh, whin we are j m finned hy our spies that the enemy, lo the number ol l ,f»IHl men. Were at liiseueas, the county Meat of CioV. I Prins, about V?f> miles m n Ivanee. W lien we anivist. on tho evening of tho ‘Jtiih, near Jliwt (Mtiirf, vre found the for e hud retreated ill the direi*tiuii of tltia city On the evening of the 1:7ill wn arrived at Nun*, and Iciruml from our spies that the en my, in great force, had ImtiMed the | a sol tho Namin' n to river, about fifteen miles in advance, and about the »:tmo distance from this etty. We were also inloriucil that there was no water between the point we were at and the one occupied l>\ the eliemi ; wo there therefore determined to watt until morning \t Nimrisc on the ‘d8th, ihe luat dm of lYbrunn . w e t ol, up tin* I tile of i arch and formed the who!* tniii, omini*tmgt f didhea vy traders’wagon* find our commissary and company w agon*, into f ur column*, tin s sin rl< n.i g flttt line a > as to lital,o it more o.HjIy protected. W , pi..cod the artill ty and all tho command, except OOemalrv proper, in tlm mt rval* between the e ilimuis of wagon*. We tliu* fully concealed our force mid iu p notion, by ttiatd, mg our force with tlm cavalry. W ben we arrived with m three mib *of the enemy, we made a reomuiotisu' ee ol his position and the arrangement of Ins Ibroc*. I low "1 e• »*iin i»:isiiy (in - i(if run11 lend ing thr »n«»li nil open | I » II*' V alley I ■el Wren llie sterile UintlldailiN. Tlio p e-. "I ill** Sacramento is fumed hy » point of ilin iiioimt:ihim on our right, their let) extending into the vail, y or plain, so us to narrow tin* vtiTy to uhont our and a hull miles. On our left wa* a deep, drv, wmdy channel ol a creek, and hot wit u these ihiiiiIh the plain rises to sixty feet ah ruptlv. This ri«u m in jUp form of a i'li Hoi nt, the eon vex part being to the north of ourTomes. On the light. Irmu the point nf mountains, a narrow pail of the plain extends north uiic and a half miles further than on the left. The main rend passe* down the eenln* ofllm val ley and across the orescent, near the left m dty branch. Inn Smra 11 leu to rises in the mountains on the right, ami the road fill* on to it ■ Ixnitniic mile below the hull In* field or ontrein hnient of the enemy. We tiseei tu in d the i ilia enemy had nun hnttory «-t four gnus, two nine ami miv pi milder*, on the point ef the iii-'iiiitniii mi otir right, (fhnir li ft.) at h good elovnliwn toswi cp the p'liin, and at the point where the iiiouti'tiius extended furthest into tin plain. On our left (tin r unlit) they had another batt» r\ o an elevation comma ml mg the road, and l hue cu trench incuts of two mix pouixh ts, and en tlx* hr »\v of the ores scent, Henri lie centre, another of two fr :md two *f and <i culver its, nr rampart pirns, tie •tin ii d mi mrr ages: and on (lie on st of the lull or ascent between the batteries and the right ami lift tin y had 'Ti ledouhtM dug and brown up, extending at slu*M intei vals m i mm the w hole ground. In these their infantry weir placed and were entiii ly protected. Their cavalry w undrawn up in fi. n "f ilu redoubt'm the intern)* f ur di ep, und m fr nl ot the ri dun In r t \vo deep. * i as to n txdv them it* far ns prue tieohle. W hen w i aitivud w iihiu one and a half mile of the cntrenchim iii* along the main road, wo advanced the eav:rlry Mt'll furthe r, ami Miiddely diverged with the Column* Li (lie i i«rtil • • «**•*•* ,l" ** jmh » f •». nseom on our right, wliich the enemy dinonvi ring, emlen vend to prevent, hy moving forward with I.(M NI cavalry mid lour pie *ch id nmmm in tin ir‘rear inis'edhs them (fur lin Vein.-II Is Wile so rapid we gained tin i lev at inti with our frees and the ml vaiuv of our wapgmia in turn to firm they arrived within le.eli of our guns. The enemy ha toil, am! w« advanced the head ofoiir e I iimn w ilhin twelve hundred yards of lliein, so ns to let our wagons attain the highlands and form as before. W e now eoiniiienei d the action hy a brisk fire frnln • ■nr battery, niul the enemy i nriiaaki d and eoinnu need also. (lur fiies pm veil efleeiivc at tins dil a nee. killing Jif'tei n men, Wounding and di-ianling une id the enemy V guns. Wr lull lwo men slight!y wounded, and several horses and mules killed. The rneinv then slowly re treated behind tin ir works m some confusion, and we re suined our march in our former order, still dm rging more to the right lo uvoid tin ir battery on mu h ft, (iln u right,) and their strung* st redoubts, w hich were on tin left near where the n ail passes. Alter marching ns far as we safely o» uid wiilmut coining w ithin range of their heavy battery on our right, ('apt. Weightman,of the nr till'ry , was olden d toeliarge w ith two 1*2 putrid h .wit / rs. to Im* mpjHtrted hy the cavalry. under ( aptains Heiil I'arsons, and Hudson. Tim lu»w/iters chargd nt speed, and w i re gallantly Niistnined by ('apt. I«< id; hut by hoii.i misimdi (standing, my nrdf i was not given to the other two companies. ('apt. I luds .n, anticipating my order, cliarged m time to give ample support lo the howitzer*. ( apt. I'nj'.oiis, at the sauie moment came to inn and ask ■ ■ii permis mu l r his company to charge the redoubt* mi im iliati ly on the h ft of ( apt. \\ i igutmun, w Inch be did v> ry gallantly. The ren a rub r ol ihc two battnliou* el the fust regi m nt were dismounted during the cavalry elurge, an*!, f'dlowing rapidly on fmt.atid M.ij- r ( lark* ndvanning ns fist as pout:cah|e with the remainder ol the battery, we charged their redoubts fmm right to let’, u.tliii hiiskand deadly fire <'f riflemen, while Major ( l.irke op( ned a r ipid and w r II directed fiie on a column ol'eavnlry ntti n.ptifg to pas-i io mir h l’i so as to attack the* and our rear. 'The fir< was mo well directed as to f ree lliein to fall hack; ninl mir riflemen, wi;li tin cavalry and how ii/i is, cleared nf' er an «.hstinate resin tanee. (fur f irci s advanced to the very brink of then redoubts ami attacked them w nil sal r. s. \\ hr u tin* re doubt* were clear, d, and the batteries ill the centre and our le't were wienerd, and the mum battery on our right *til! continued to pourm n ronsrant and heavy lire, as ii had done during the heat uf the rngfigement; hut :ih the whole fate ot the battle depended upon carrying the re doubts and ecu ire battery, thismi on the right p manual tin.'ittacked, and the . nemy had tallied there live hundred strung. Aluji r ( la i u was directed to> a hmvy lire iijj.ur it, while Iiietit. ( ols. Mitchell ami Y.eks.n, coin mauding In* Isi haitalioit, were ordered to remount and charge the battery on the left, w hile .Mnj. r (iilj>iii wa> directed to j'usH the 2d l.attalion . n foot nj» the rough ns cent efihe mountain on the opjw.8 to Ride. rriie fire of our battery wushu effective as to completely Silence iheirs. and the rapi I a Ivaueeofour column pul them to flight over the mountains in gri at confusion. ( aj»t. Tliomjihon, «>t tin Isi dr.igooiis, ni ted ns my aid and adviser on the fiold during the whole engagi ineiit, and w a of ilm most essential m rviee to me. Also. I.ieulnuant Wooster, «‘f the Doited States Army, who acted -very coolly and gallantly. Major ('amphcll, of Sjiringfit Id, Missouri, also acted as a v .lutitcer aid du ring part of the time but l» ft me and joined ('apt. He;d in Ins gallant charge, Thus ended the battle of Sacra memo. 'I'lie force of the enemy w as 1,200 cavalry from Du raugo and Chihuahua, with t lie V • • i :i ('rey. dragoons, I, 200 infantry from Chihuahua, JJOO artill:*r|sts, and 1,420 ranchcri.8 badly army with his*, s. Inures, and machetnes or corn knives, ten pieces of artillery,two nine,two eight, four six, and two four pounders, and six eulverius or rampart jtii ees. Their forces w ere commended by Major (ieneral lleudia, (ieneral of Durango, Chihuahua, Sonora,and N« w Mexico; Ilrigidier General Jastimani, Brigadier Gem ral Garcia (’unde, formerly Minister of W ar for the Hrpublicof Mexico, who is a scientific man, and planned tins whole field of defence; General C’guerte and Governor Trias, who acted ns brigadier general on j the field, ami colonels and other officers without number, j Our free was nine hundred and twenty four effective : men, at least one hundred of whom were eng g d in hold ing horses and dr.i ing teams. The loss of the enemy was his entire artillery, ten w agons, masses of beans and pittola, arid other Mexican j provisions,about three hundred killed and about t"f same , iiuicIm r wounded, many of whom have since died, and forty p'isoners. The fi Id was literally covered with the dead and \\minded li nn our artillery ami the unerring fire of our riflemen. Night put a atop to ihu carnage, the baiila having commenced atmot lhr»*e o'clock. Our loss wa* one k111 **«I. uni' mortally, ami mvrii an wou dud aa to re cover without any bw* of limlm. I cannot speak too lilgb* ly ot tlie coolitt**, gallantry, and bravery of the officers and men under my cointuand. I was nhly sustained by the field officers. Lieutenant ( ol.iiiela Mttchnll and Jackson, ot'the Aral bniialliou, ami Major (ailpin, of the aecoud baiinlliou; and Major (larke ami his artillery acted nobly, and did i)ip moat ef fective service in every partot thw field. It ih abundant ly shown, in the charge made hy Captain Wcightmaa with the section ofli*»\vtt7.ei4f that iDy can be used is any chargeol cavalry with great effect. Much has been said, and justly said, of the gallantry of our artillery, uu limbering within two hundred and tifty yards ofthceno inv ut Palo Alto; hut how much more daring waa tha charge of (apt W'eighln.un, when lie uu limbered will* ian fifty yards of the redoubts of the enemy ! (to the I vt day ot March we took formal p<>M«4>$Bton of the cupiml >d ( hihunhua ill thojn .meof our Government. V\ r wi ic orderi-d hy General Kearney to report to Gsocial Wool at this place. "due© our atrival, we lone he is at Saltillo, surround'd ty theeiictoy. Out present I urp. se is either to hnecmir wny to him, or return by llexor, as ian term ufNcnieo expire* on the last day of May rout I. I have the hi»nor to be vonr ibedirnt servant, A. VV. DONIPHAN, l k/ohW Id llr:\imc:it Missouri t'Olunlcera. ling (ien. U Junk*, \«!jt. Gun. L*. JS. A. I he I ing is a truiialatiuii of Col. Doniphan’* proc lamation on taking possession ol C htlmahun : lJtin-In,nation rf the Cvmmandtr in Chief if the »YorfA I’hntrinui Jorcea in (. hihunlnm. The cuiinnuder-in 1 Imf of lie* N»rih American • in * m < hil u: l mi annoi net a te all the ciiizena of lhal Siam llml In* ha* talo n military p* hhi hnHjii of the capital and Inis iIn* pleasure of assuring limn llml in it complain tranquility i xisti*. 11* iimic* nil ilm citizen* to cc**»ru toihoir home*.a mi continue in their oiditutry occu|>af inim, pfuiuitdng to them security of peramt, property and religion, Hadeolurc*. ulwo, in ilia name of In* Government, that, having taken po*Hctwioii ot the capitalsiuco he con* quered the tor i * ot the Slate, ho hold* possession of the whnh Slate. lie invite* nil ot iheeitizcn*. pueblo* and ranelicrus, to i'oiiIilm lheir trade, coining to this capital to hny and moII just »* tin \ dal hi-litre ttie* recent occurrences, for no ' in* will he molested ornnrioud in any thing, a* he U» Ihrn Ims explained lhill the prnperty of each person will a* respected, and that, in ease the troop* ofhifl eoiumand um'il unv thin;*, the value of it will la* paid at int juat price w iih »!! puticinnlitv I (e pledge * hitiivi It iii like manner llml the American troops will promptl\ punish every categ*com mi (led,cither l>y i he sa\ age Indians or .o»r other individuals. I!«' a - sure again citizens that we war only i! a list the army, and not against individual citizen* who are unarmed. I or till* w*e cxa< I only, not that any Mr xienn should hike up iiruiH against hi* eotintn, but tImf, in case of ac* mal war, he shall remain ueiiiml; for it must not, on the contrary. lie • xpectrd that we *lmll re*|Mot ll»e rtghtauf iho*e w ho take up anna inniinst our view*. AI.I’A \M)KU VV. DONIPHAN, ('oiiiinanderdn-Cliief. . I . 1Ji'thri .\htnlncd In/ her Hmlntnd mid <Srwt.-«~\Y# ■•"pv the follow in** I rum the M;>y*\tllc I'.sglo ol Uai Sat urday : A lm*|l.l HitM sf tit, mini' 1 !•»" ■■■■».•- • ■-** •i one ot the must hortid iingedtes ever witnessed iu ihia eouniry. tin unptovoked murder m cult! blood of :i mother by In i uunatunil hnshand and her own soli, in (a<t««*Miip untv, in tin* Slate, uImiiiI (ho 1 Jlh of April, The trial • f the soft, Ifetirv Stepter. before ilm Greenup circuit • ■ • *11rt, lnu lion* r Judge lleid presiding, took place on \\ eduesda) last, and in* w.-m li>uud guilty upon Ilia own I'iinti s. iun. il> admitted bin guilt before thu examining ■ *nt and to numerous individual*, and the mark* of the "hoi between the e\us of Ins mother a* die ln\ sleeping on lo r bed, accorded with Iu* con less inn, he laid the muzzle 'I tin* miiii w 1111111 n It w iiielx s of ! er head and drove the wb- le load into it. !l« thi’ii went and alarmed the neigh* mu hood, dcelarii g that m. uiu villain . had rohUtl iho house • nd k i ll< d hi* mother. Tin fit her was found apparently i*lccp, with In* head upon n table or (*oneh, the pillow liesnh* hi* w if* ** cor pat* mnliHl'H bed, and he seemingly ineoii ,eiins lhal she was dead. Tin* mother lay ill her hcd. her eotiriUuiniu e culm, tin ugh all covered with blood; “In' had not walked, nor even Struggled, hut seemed to have «h*pt the ah*ep of death. I In1 father wiii a Treated, and, upon the evidence ofhifl own Non, com nut led to jail to await In* trial, which was **et I »r 'I Jiurfoidv I:vt. and. we understand, will result in in* euiiMelion. Some days after the confinement of his hither, the son confessed his own guilt and declared his hitIn i iiuioeent. had been drinking w tiiakey, short ly hetore the murder, and were partially under ilm iliflu •nee »| the ih nn god hi the time. \\ ho can envy the 0 i hugs, it they are not “sealed as with a red hot iron/* •I the mini that sold ilm liquor, mid thu* furnished the in* *iiemenl to the murder oflline human beings, l‘ S. \\ e learn, since the above w as in type, that ths 1 iilier ha* h< on acquitted, ow ing lo n defect in the evi* lenee. 'I I «• impu lsion iu the community is general lhal lie w a* guilty. MY 'I IIK SI KAMKK CALEDONIA. \Yi n n ivi .1 l.i t night, through the kitidticFsofa friend, Itr Liverpool Time* of th«* *JHIi lilt., from which we ii.i!» ihr i How iijmp extract i fa roiiuitr I character. Hull. American. MB EADS’! I IIS. rriiere have been large ini porta -.f t• rain mu! Grain produce, I,nil. here and to several of the leading }»»»rtfc* in I he I iited kingdom ; hilt not with lan ling tin nlnindiuien of the Mipplic*, there has been a marked improvement in the ' ’nrn markets through Great Britain un i Ireland »;nee the llh inst. Our refiort of ilia European Corn trade shows that price* have improved, md iliat now the marki t is .,ti, w hiJst prices have uu npwan! tendency. Clin eliiel buyer at < nr mnrki t.« are dealers f r homo •onsumpti'Mi. At picsent there are I'w ojm rating on Krenrh account. li may he worthy of remark, that, ass great d al of the present demand for Wheal and Flour •otiK s from many ol the inland countu s. it is hut natural *«i suppose that the farm*-rs* storks are much reduced, and do not amount to anything like what some papers have lepreseu.ed tlient to lie. 1 he price now paid for Weet ■ tn Canal Flour is 39s to 10*: Philadelphia 37s(3d to fid ; H tliun.iio 37s lal to 39s Gd ; Gnio 37s to 39s; Canadian 37s to 30*; y, How Indian Corn is worth 51s to »Is, and w hite 51* t«• 53*. Yesterday, April 19, Indian Mi al w;n quoted tit ‘35* lo 3f*. I Ik? I.i test accounts from Antwerp advise us of a con siderable ri> • in Wheat ami Uye. In u single dav’sbu dni *s the ipiotati ns have gone up m arly all that they descended during the previous 8 or 10 day*. Polish O* dcssa is worth in that market 36f 28o the 80 kilos ; and White Zealand 39f 00c. American Hye i*at‘3Gf96c iho 70 kilos. All the Belgian markets are rising ; at BMissel* the advance is considerable, and the demand ur gent. From the French markets around Paris prices ..gain come slightly higher, except at Chateuudun, where Wheat was on the 1 tit li stationary; t lie high prices of the preceding market had induced si llers to come forward, and the supply was good. At Havre matters were Cftltiq with prices the same a* the day before. Flour from N. Pork was at 53f the barrel. English Wheat wasat97f the *300 kil s, and Spanish Wheat at 95f. Provisions—Since the 4th inst. there have been large arrivals of Cured Provisions. Prices for most articles have assumed a declining tendency. Pork and Beef are rather quiet. The value «»f Bacon is now about 46s to 65s according to quality, There is a small stuck of Cheese of prime quality in the market. Such fnd ready buyers at our piotaliuus. Beef, prime mess per tierce, 9*2a07; bbl. do. 38a46; But ter, prime, 74u80; Cheese, fine, 50a5^;middling, 44s48 Lard, hb!s. 44«60; kegs» 52n54. Pmk. niese, bbis. 7Us bO; prime, 50a60. Hams, duty paid, 50 a 60. Iron.—The Iron interest is still in a healthy state, el* though the home and t xpurt demand is not so good as of late, still prices rule firm, and stocks arc by no lofius large.