l'iwn thr *Y. © Bnttttin May ;
T.Jki.Yt; OF Tl XP.lYl
T»y thearr v:d <-Mbr I'. S. transport «-h *.ner Get
fVtcnMi. (..’apt. 4;n k * i: lY >m Vera Crui, -Ith
w e h*a™Tiat when *-?» mile* mirth of \ era < >nt. the
P. f • 11 it With the 1. S Spadron, umh-r < u*
fVrrv. rounmtxj frnu th ’ Tux pan expedition. and w»*
U*rd*d troth *!><' I*. S. at* un* r S* r;*«. n. v h-« j ut J< tvr
t.n board, and thentfi -»r in c imwil r -.mi that I '
pan had hem taken on the 19th.after a* were remits nr*
tYottV t’ e Mexican troops.
In t! f etiffaflfVTOcnt, thr America os had four men hdi
r*d *'ml •nme f>er*e«*n w<ainde*l, strx-i n whiim wnr t tir
ortireT*. xtr.: (’apt. Ts'nntl. «l»eHtl\: I out. Parlor.*
verdlt: l-tent. lla'Utpin and pi---.! M .Ivhipmin I. -xxri.
Kjtffh Iv. Tlw putts wete all spiked, tin pi ace rendered
d. lenre’ee?*, JNui then ahanduned. the Pieaynue \x. *.'1cct the follow m-r
. (fen Shields was still alive at tin hist ac* ,unf«. h it
it was thought he would not survive t apt .1. lmat-m.
-if the topographical engineer^, r**ttiito* d ms xn\ ‘Tit
leal state Gen. Pillow ’s wound .* not «• *»■" *
'4%P Mexican officers on their w ay to th I nit d
Stares, vcre sent over to the Cn-ile -1 v duan *h
V'lmt. on the ‘21*t ult. They were in fitu ‘-pints.
Sergeant Turk »c, of th ' 2*1 drag * ns. v* m shot at ami
m wounded m the hand while ruling an » xpr^i; m u
Sc ill to Vera Cru* on the .iiih ult. On ihe^Ki a i. tun
*;er was nicked upon the mad, having lean killed l.\
We annex a letter from a eorTr*.j»i*ndeni nt \ ■ ra ( iiiz,
vliieh ra the latent we l av. from ti e
\ i i; a ( I ’ 7. ( Mi \ ;. o. \ r i <. 1 * I <
OrniGr.uT.—We are now t r« \ - w i t a v.on!
Cnneenenf the m ivmu i*N ;d»or. and arc ujinni? .• t
think l! I ev»b|r that an e\j r lias been rut oil
tiar’iculsrlv a-. - * las! tv. t* ss whi. li e . thou h r.
* eivcd a v dlev of aboet * • musket* It xyoumh.l
one of the fivr ‘Irag.-ats. ft! * sePTrnn .) n i - t h.;
I av:i-* |vm*d thi* , ;,h I.'- I ml \ i * \ i t* I* f t h *
with a mail ti« the .Ut. and :.ftrr pro*#-, i glwruty l.x«
tmles, overtook our provu*i *n tram und. i .i ;• i •- it.
the commander »d* u loch deem *1 it prud* t - * him*
«*i th* mail himself-—feeling con fid* nt tint i • long I nt
a sfrbtigbodv uf well armed men %x> ul.l I .1 all safe |
in in i»'T to make their wr y thr. ugh to I l.ipa.
Tht> etiy a »p in to h lilhof up crerv d«v with hutli
MexVMUS and Am* r:raiiv I * t -run r nr* o.iimo • • hi
t! 'eS^i in the A.»*#-r*«-an*, r. *d ili< - lit . r a.. {] dm r th'
market with k'ankm m< -.-l.-a ..v I t, • San ’•*
house areelr^k i d of pr \ njn. an*: hi- iii.mj / m-n full
|jf theewnhastihle^. As vet tlie !m*»in* . onlii tsl t .
tne <TtT and suhuriis. but s «.n -i th*- coinuiuni ati *
It is b*-vn we! I opened between tin* and .Itlripa, w* max
« xpeet to #ee Vef* Crut. th* . tix* ..on - pl»<«
«*f rts s *** on the e.#ntin nt. Th* wcailt* r is v*-tv xvafin.
nttd all we want - l i r «*l <mi - i v. *. v>- *j ic. Tnere ha -
(men a little brought on rlture an*l r« tailed it VI-Y eeiiti per
Santa Anna.— A n»{**rt xiascurrent \*«1* r<h v, «t.I i<»
Ivf .unded un«ktt* r> fr in \ * ia t ruz that Sania An ia
fi.ifl »**♦ It hh*4. \S * *h:i(i not u « irpriiw-l to I • mi that
such has I we 11 the v • I * M*r-» I n \<Ti ( mt -tat c.
that tin M<\..-an ifi . r- \x ho h . fill* n into-air hand*
< j*rnlv iovl; s«> hliUm M ingatM.i riudthlt In his he
inxcd the a ii.y at the Ulo h« U*.
\\ i h..vr ours.-l v« s n. \ tin h uVa *.f s. ph Ikmuo the
fact. hut still \x t can oidily ituaj me that - .an impr* •
•.ixMi might rXigt in the inu!*t *.| h s country »n« ry, \xh«*n th* \
yerollwi how he was luliniit* .1 into M* xieo, and th*- *lec
!.*rations which have |« * u . i!i mlly imido *-n the pait *.t
yiur l»'»v. miin,nt re**;** ling him.
Thefe ispM ioUHid hun whu li wi re nattirallv * % i'e.1
1>J this OH'.ire, and l.;s r* c. ut military r«-\ • is- s im**lit \x * d
confirm ilu-opitmni of hiv lfruhou, and, have led to his
d*H ructKiu—,N*. O. linllttm
/ /.\7. sr.ii.nts
H Minn M !•! nmi; S .. MV rnn*i*tlPtf . f R,.
.«#/*****" till I ill, ( lyardnii* I ;!Mf* and oll’.n
\ andH.Tlio-*** Itind o’ a piMrtlstn.d*. are invited in r.tll and
‘‘April l-’ts.f " ' * " ftR41 *
D UI L !) E II S .
I'nnuri's lli'ilraiii'i, Ar ,
II/ Iu. find It Uj id. ir u.n m- i U-t - «• pun- sm- t.•
I f C.ill Hlld « Vl.lllf- |ll\ S . I*k t f tin- f..||,.\t ||in if
T teles, W llifdl I have si n.<i\ed»\|/
W llld' VV tnOSs. s y< :.i,,;’ lie 11 > <1X1 V JO In 1 |>*1 I \
1’lanes, nl till], rent s'\ It...
Wt.jf^.n H '\i ■*. S<*\ the li'.ul. < and Smilis,
I ltM>K, Hakes, 11 ri\ M mi •< I’f'iks,
Spades ami Miuvt I-. Cast, Sin .1. and HI:■■ien i! Si. <|.
litiUUtl, N|U;tr< , | |m.p. |!..nd and Tin I -n. ;-s «w|| is
man) otlnrs, in - inrt, all nl vvhnli will i. s-ddelnan.
AI»«V In- iv, .1 \\ M (. Mil l l.i:
\i;w svni\u
S (ilCtHNl IK1MKU & HliOI III ii.
I V \\ K ms! n rived tr< i i ilm iinrilnm mm, the
M l I andfsnil si *■ 'iH'i. n|.
mmum; \m> si tnn:it i)i<\ t oon#,
which tl*ey have rv»-r nrt r d. r insist in- n|' :iri ndm en
holy no tv, ami el the tn-st I -shinti; diV si\ It ■*. to vr hit I
Iff) ask tin unit inn nt'tlmr l: - ■ -I- and dip j iddir u
Hilly, n well v-'iihv - I i mm linain ii. Their % it
W<H»t M la; >-• ami «*l‘evi rv v nn-u t ::r»«l they pie.'1, dn ui
wives to •». |l t.R il . ir<»t r . • it mm l • all w In
may favnr the n with a rail.
Si arch Si “*dni if m
or corn wanted.
fJWK 1 i-l»*t market |.n.-. r:.. ! . . ... ...1. k..-r,.,l a
Ji in. l.iciiiicr 1l.■-!, — i tin i I.
March 11— Utif I! I Ml KI . I T
ni l.vm„v. jh.
J.TKClIt.l l!(. Vi ,
IS BOW teeriy iinj uu.l o|i< m.j n i , asmirttnent f
• navi;.■i.xnst . i.ui.i! Minas,
Binong wtitrli will l« t uml even, M<ri|iti<■■■ ..f Du
Im ,m i-l .i tl I-10 Giuehan,'. I ,:n\ . -, < * r j, . I. Mn.|,iib,
A amhi m s, 1 lari-l:* Silks In so to hie is u . 11 .i i ml U«r
ClltClS , K .*I"I Mil- . I .ill I - . V . O I It J , I I. m I 1 \ , III I,.,
i-■ with aAboi aortiu 11 i i . ,, ,, , :ci,,:
\ I sung*. mill nil mini arln-li s nflhe la lest ail . sniia
hie fir J .allies* ami Genth'ini'ii'e \\i . ; in :m , y
aminiliou of which lie invites Ins friends ami tin
I'ulilie, pttRially. He assures all wlm may Imuor lum
with a eall, thatnu pains shall In- span .1 1, furnish then,
Willi the newest sly h s i-f pasls, and at yi luw ji.eesn
Ihrv can I* hail elsi wilt re: ]■'„ |* ,| |;
April I lull
1-1 ST (.ILL.
T^JT. ARI.Y I wo years liayine elap-i ilsineelhe li_%1,lu
nLl linn nf the film 11* Ni, hnl-tv it. II, anil nm i,-, e. r
qnp<lin|r Jiavim nLs. frequently imiile llir. ii.jh iI. hnmis
of the paper*, the suls riin-r* tike the linrty In
eall the atlentinh et .ill indebted in ihem, eiila i
by bond, note or iijh-ii 111 , ant. that they yulli.s. rl t..
other means in the emireeuf a feu ss tlmv .
■*'/’. Mr. Gen. VY. Turner, at Hell, Itueker tv iy.
Hlurr.or then tier pailner,near Liberty, Heilfenl ei'ninU .
will wait on all persons w Im nr, men ■- (| in si til.
Ml Util 's tv III.!.I.,
May 10—w Iwif
COJL! C(.KiL! ('(ill,!
^^ 8uln*'rii4'ih, having b;ii<] oik] Iiiicct! hi 1)f.
, inan’tt lot, lying l*iu mi thr ran;,I and ri\. i ^
uwtkadiatnly below ti*c> britic,f-» lur iht j.urjkJbi < i
ing n
C O A L V A K I)
In the town of Lynchburg. ore now prr|*rod to famish
the citizens with the I* st srlu h* of (..ran and Nniihs
Coal, at a prire that eanuol tail to give general h.l
tiun, anil wing delrrtjuned to keep always on hawl a lull
supply of a first rote article front our own coal mines,
trmu that they will merit and receive the patronage oftlie
We haveaerttml tlie serviers of Mr. .Mm Met I, s
hey. who will act as our agent ill the dismstal of the
Coal at llic yard.
Persons wishing to gain any information inrroardto
the rjaahty of tha Coal ' ran obtain il .by railing on Paul
Jones. .Esq., si the Franklin Hotel, who lias Us,
It during the last winh r. Pi. f|| Je ( (I "
May 10— ihtitf
1) MUITIC IXTK111G1 xn:.
| Mr. W • »vr r'sched the rily o (liarhet non
win r» . I i <.\*h«k. M In w..h m .iied W» by th# ,v ***>
1 in.Hi t' « f n a >d imr In.-ted into the -pa* m im |»i
f -y.T-.n. uiiK-li nu 11»r»*.>y*' i with !«!.<> mid r.-fiBeti*.
gather J (asWu^al.H) a la rye crowd *>f n'r/.eim in tin
strre't lY l!n J! .Ii f) tn-ivc tin - • ’ " mlmd i»v.M
a beany welcome to llir ImHpitMite* id I I.r !* - •*»» —
Her* Mr. Web-:« r w a* ,t |dr< .! ! i the Hon I r.»n!%lift
II Elmore. chairman of the e .m,. o *1 r*T!l,,n
\V« r* or«t that wr I .ivi n it r- n •«* «* j-\ Mr l.~; i
• *> ■-*»»: : r< . ir, i i. , air »»f w hi* h, tl'tri w« ''ouiiny Mr.
\\ • * * r * • ( fi n ii *!. m. In kimI ;
•‘Allhmiyh tin \ well know tln-re are eiMintial differ
rtireA nf»»|HUi.»n IsMwecti a great majority nf them an!
v mrw IliiiwJ llie yr«*it e • i.ruofiwfAlih of which your an
the trusted and tiiidinfft .1 r. prr -eutativ * in t • conn
cils id the nation,\ei..*n th snrrash>n they n•tnrin - r w th
tar men* pie:. Mire i|i«*t,w In 1st at the iimilul tla-Sul* IV
tun-nt you w it -tn d Willi li.lelt v over other *« cti .n» «•(
tin I i, if, th« South w s ii t in eeiinl, t ut In r interest
and her irj»hu limnd in \ <u, in abb-and impartial vin
diealor ; that y«,u made nmouyfct other public unices,
or* ik hu . art’ll! eli'iil» i .; < mtv»- »*jr relation* in pea* <•
an 1 harmony with the in *i ir e and jiowirlul na ion i f
th obi w *rld;and that w lule you Hived tin- eenrral can*'
• I humanity and civihzaiiuit in w> d*auj, ymi^t the Kline
little HUMtaiti* •{ the honor am! pr •tooted ti * U *l lilt * rest a of
• tit c turn n c ’ I \ r < too, that Mm*
•- i m :.|h*. n» ..I (t;.| '1 h:rtf* n, t. lit *d.i t\ an tin leader
in th* *>ir<j^i»!e« *»t tin I«* volution, and that amid it* emu
ui< n tri.ii* and dniijj* rv, she,with ntirnwii Siatr, w <n our
e -filin'.n heritaoe freedom and a <*anin< n Ht<ek of glory
I t" ¥ I * • I. - . lliftt. In th* s*- *»fal< till 1- hli'iS-rii.-i >. W *
should !*• Iniund up hi a eoiiiiiHJfi lovi f>r*a'h other and
in »n unaltei dde .letefmillation t*> honor, maintain am) re
*p< t tin- r-L'IiS. w elfar. and Ii el. ,gx. t * a* Ii. I In ) In , ■#
to ne*- these lendein ii H rltrrmhed and these tn s atretiu’n
. I*\«m-. like this *< w Jran-piniv^ w ith u* < *m iu.«
a ptw*‘rful J»U* i»ey,and it m very niurh to I* rfi»n tied that
oi \nt« Mean Slat i*n,\ih.*< enln i ;*-«l ami i- n ral tin - -
make ilnur p»nt< i n tiuih«.rMv. and •• hi *( them l >
und* .-telaml their • h.ita ■•;* r ami to do them JUS lire m their
ow ii,h U‘vv travel into - Mu r,and make tin iiim !ves
jh r •» nallv a .piii .ti d wuli itud known to 'heir distant
e iiulrv u * u. I . i.« h iutere./i.iHi , and in tin Inti r, har o>
• I court. - * . ami op .mu-. pf. udiet s ill appi ar, misjudge
im ni« are <• r.. I. od imt :i| prrrialmn of * nrh olhrr
*• r* a led. I* a«Jino f • *‘or«liiililN in Ii * In harmony in pul die
nu ■< **.;•!• « :nm*ntly eoudiieii.o t.i their eomirniu pros
p*n-y and w . Ifar* .”
Mr W * " i. ( t\ •. the ( ! arh s*. i. ( • rit i.) in n el* ;.r.
e oa..- .i .1 |..,i 11-in d v i< c, hi* in hie ami lii i'sivr
Ir m am! hm pi. a -. na mam * rs jefs ft • itiin^ledd'Kiiity and
« « i • , — , |» ai i ,! . , ii j' Ml* I til w .m i i' • j 111 hi ii aim
Id ling, a.s follows ;
In mm mi s It ivntiU! 1 * an art of * gr. at \ioli i e.
to my own t i lings iibollho injustice arid ingratitude In
ll e I | . is i.S ( li.irli -stoii, it I should far I to
.xprisw my cordial il auks ! i the welcome you give
me in their b< hall, ai.d to recipr MMtr,to you and to them,
in? s tin r» res|N-cts ; (id good wished
V« n arc ju.i i cliI «;i nth men ill srp|»uNUig thill inf
porp s, in ti:h raking; tin nmr w Inch hns hr* nglit me in
to th* midst o| \. i, is in sir the counti\ and llm people
..I the r.iont i y. :i i- * I to . a.i ua In tti r and fuller know edge
f h th I lltl i i to | hav* not hern a v miter so tar Muni h;
arid I w •* umv tiling, ijurte unw lilmg, to he longer a strati
> ' . i i Htalrm. I ■ • > i1 / s
**f ( liarh *toii do mr ;;u lionoi which I most deply feel,
w lien tin \ s.i v thr t,;h \ on, that tin y ha\n satisl.euori in
iin ctn.g mi ul their ow ii lioini-. and w mil to n nd*r my
visit ■ i ah!. When oi • »• is made welcome to the
hom» ( hah -t, n I mmpute uwaiu that the warmth « f
hospitality ran go no furlln r.
I ndoiili'ed \. . entlemci .diUrronics of opinion on many
s • < ■ • * \t*l between \*iii till w eltl/i i,h ami liiVBell,
flee, in IW i Cl i S alt I. ( no «i;i a a I id M a • ■ aeln.S* I Is. I * *11 huW
|* i* i noist he that spin! a nptiil, w Inch 1 am sum po vaiU
neithr r here iior m ,\l ‘iseacliusc.iM, w Inch out ol these dif
l«’: i oi s w fiiild i xirai-t e.m-... f.,. is I alienation, or pi is *n
al disri sjhi’Il W h t V 'Mild I*- tin value of our jsililical
i. i •, i it ill n * 11 *• U tin ir imglil nut i! lih-r oil political mu si tolls,
with ul si 1 in< in .* i sir. tti ol drowning tin iimeol
, 1 ' I u md \\ « I, i*i dim is political selili
hut We Itavi in ■ lit) S wi ii .i,
try, bitt
w • agi.v that • he is to lie si rvi d hy all to the n.luo*l of
tin ir power, and li*.n red !>\ nil with filial rt*rreur* and
| a * i lotc . <\ ;, | i «\. d » nut u 1 w - vs the k alike, * c
dl !• id * d.i . we it | tl at no.di . f the individual happi Well ;c the national ri iu>v\ ii which It lung to is
9, t'f IBi) ' w ill 9
* 1 iuiled, ami I hojHt always Ihc tudiviti
*. mi in hi rs ul Hit g real Ann mail |{< puM!c
I am happy. .nil. im n, ll u tlimk that w hde dischar
. uig llu- dtiln ul' * . i. tary of . I paid jesi r-g . i !
lo tile |»rOl. tioii ,.| S mtliern interests. In my judgment
th * • itit* n si. iinpoi taut m tin him Ives, wen. euimp,'ti tl
W nil U I J» . |U l Ih til | il h| It* la W ;«I lit s! lulls touchim* f|,P
immunity o! || i. - ..til (lit imh p-u leiie. ail I t.piahly ,(f
I.UtiuliH l.p-ll the eeatl. 'I i till III t 1llltlllle of tl,« e .pies
< t-s I ' iild Ii* t in i*i e11s hh'. ll is true that tin \ mm
main! 'I my utm tattei.u.m; and if the result h s !i*rn
1 u ,Uei fn • d un Iruin annoy aiiec.iiioiv seeuril) I i maritime
light*.a id a «;t oeial i.dvuure in tiie u.niu'Aimtlice of peace
i d llu friendly inter,•ouihw of nations, | a:u humd to
> ii i ties result i:if!n r to the e-.iicur:onec * I f. rtuuate
* u aim ' inei . ami to tin rtin-i; rag, meet and supixirtof
others, than u any alnliiv displayed hy my • l! um.
I - h ) v .. | • ilenu the sentimi
that i • luuiii. i i . n ngtlie‘tw lilU tial n gard ; and
that the in*ii.- ei i/j i.s of dslh iciii parts ol the country see
t m a .otlo r, the mon w ill a-pelilies ho t. fi. m d and
*hIh it , . - n . ... iied | u».i\ ittith Make to .-;t\ I ,| Al -ssj
I . 'I'Hs. tha; -he is u a«!y, at all times, to in i t.aml u* re
t* r a th. i - - j • « t aid hospitality of South Camluia ; mid
that she lemriiilu m am lent tii « i f uuivin mid hat. rutty ;
that she .l,ii iw In is a e, niunui tiifert t and a c minion
la c, in a * tmio n « 1111:1;, . that there is, Du w line el a
jiiKior , r a lino 1 nppH cmiu 111 f the mi n, 01 the deeda, of
th sh* t t-mti i Sta i . anil no wlmr, lhe prrvah neo of mure
• .tin 1 w mlo . f r w h Ue .ei may adt anci her prosperity
Utul disliuctmn.
(d nth im n, I come unionir you, with my family, as
trau lh rs, hut n it t 1 ling tlmtw. ure etitireU straiVu is
I v mil to atlmet o . * t m-licr. hut desire only t .
Im» i. g ai Ii .1 as .1 l.ll ,w ei null 1 y ii an a ini f 11,.w eui/, n,
ami K, e the c nintry and the people w ithout lormilhy or
eons', raint.
I I'.1 iii,me \ >1!, :h,«i Hi- rr.| l liarlcston, lit).
i' i tin c.-nlul v\. I«- iih i \h lit 11| lo iiir, it remains'"'! hat
I . IV. i > * * 11. 1 • i“ tially . my li^li lejmrd. ami to thm
■ ufyen i i. w citizens, which now surround us,
win . :■ iv, mil iiirr ther, on this «»< v.isnm. I rc ■ ml as
.-'i it speclliil, arul >.» imp iali\, ly demanding my j>rate
tul at know h i 'im its, | mu.-I tnuliT tov simvic r, spcets.
( iti/.i ns nt ( hail, stun' lam happy in ri.-ml you as
country im n we are hum to tin- inln ritauee. wmi hy tin1
> uu. pa'ii' •iisin, and the sane valor. New Knelaud
blrKul lias UMisl, ned tin suil w In i,‘ we now island, shed
; < it :ulily as at 1 .t vnmh.n. ei ('uncord, i r Hunk, r I till.
May it prove a durahh <•< tueni o( the 1 Us n , f , ur ,,,>! And may ^ni,litmus, now Har ,,|lt
tit ins, | \ < . when they arrive, as we now find ourselves,
a In e, Tespeohtah*, tiii11< tl ami pimspi runs community *
I IT-y y. U. Ui titleun II, a. upt my sine, re gowd wishes
H r )mu all.
I lur.ej* the delivery and at the eonehtsioti of this {'me
;nl,In ss. Mr. W ebster was saluted by the loud and emthii
siastie plaudits and due is t l the nu.m inus oralilied jonr
tat .re.
Mr. I ■ reaacd Mr. \\elmter ns chairman of
tin eurnmille. ■ I tin- liar, in whose name hit tendered
to Mr. VV. a | ut li '.him i i.n such day aa might s it !,j
'•'in .... . Mr \V. responded with much iclieity, and
airi pud the invitation el Ins professional brethren.—
Tin i!linn r \\;;s t « c.nne i tl \ t • n .
Mr. \\ wushki wise wain d iijk.ii |,y a e iintnitn'e of
ill. Ni w I’ll bind Seielv. tin eli:iirin:in ol vt Itvh. |{ f
limit, t: Ij. . sell rnf:i| | ptiut. :V.ln-s In mvtimn |„m
In partahi ut "a family dinner” with tit N»-n ty „n in,;
unl.iy evening last--an invitation u Int It Mr. \V are, n
ted. ‘ 1
A splendi l Hall is t.. lie niven likewise in lintmr of Mi
aad Mr». Wabater, ls fo.o they tears Charkatun.
mN,.w°rU,M I’icaym.. (nil,lulling General
I a\ I -I s . life,I ;it-i-till111 , I III, faille . I lliirna \ 1st:,. „
marks. I lial like all tin ■ it It. rb triun Ills pen, |‘ 1S t|,HMI
incut “is written in that char and t. r. il,|.- s,v|0
" nhlaiucd for his coiri|>osiiion$ a e, Vi i v hut liith*
short of the fame of Ins military operations. It isenue't
I ed in the srvi rn langiing, ,,f lust ,r, - , legal,t frrt,,, ,'ts
simplicity and chape ut in truth. ..mean rise |>„m
Its |s rus,| Without lieln.n |„b adiiiiiniiuii for the brave
old t . I ,1 mereasing within him. N„ one can help a,
know I, eg 11 o wl,a! has U, ,, said efhim l,y partieitraters
,l"< " thin, that the litst , !, mini , f t|,B >'1U, ,, J
I blootiy tUy \t;i» '/tSihf ry I .; l r.”
r.M.I.AM). I'll A V r. AM) AMKKICAr
Tim I .iverpunl T me*., in a revn w of ilm state of lb"
f .i.-igu lelati '« ol ! '.ngland. count# roofidrrrtly upon a
« ih Kratov, and in ctiMspreiMV uf lire de|« n
, I 11,« l-rltrr li.r f*id. upon 6 reign auppli.s, whirl.,
uf war. (Mild beeWofl "KrtglaWi i* now,” aya
the Times. ":n a tm.e . I are. |. .ding the |»i»pte ol
|er„.fits «.i|.|,•»>*.” The '|M. t -ii t' r\ naturally
„k.k, all . is I" 'X' 'I" I' -|'le • I Kngluml l The
| , , ip. .'I., null e.jMal confidence, |>eaee with tire I
.''lairs: . ,
• \ uf w ami pr filaMn eoimnrrci' is every day render
,i .. nrw- with ilns eoiiiiiry more necessary
I ,'ihi |».ople of tin- 4 i r>- ll \\ is" rn V alley, tin flit lire, ami
.ra ol Iht Aoiria an ftr public.
| |,,a r the I .nglish market will la. worth eight nr ten
in In-".' a" rim » I" tin- -row' is "I oraiii anil iln prisluei is
, , In, at . k IN the Mutis "I <>lii". Michigan. Illimiis,
I || at it ' worth a« ttiui Ii 11 tha cut ton
..r to rsnf the .SlUtliern Mat,*. This la not a market to
n. t|lt wn away in Si Ii Ii ii»|inles. oil mein fanciful |«Ulll»
,., nr all alt a lot ten wilderness.”
| , .. a n- .. tllH I -I of ll e Msxil an war.
n. I Ur I, tolea.h Ihe |s pin of the I oiled Males n vain
ahie and osend
.. | . ,. ,s abundance of good ar ose and prudence in ihe
I nil,,,| Male*. Ihougli il had loi n la aien down, for a
Inn- .hr De ii irfalie eiamor. and tslinin patriotism: imt tin
money and ifi eaus d bj tit# Mr mean war wilt
., ,|„ L,n, it t.1 asei m1.mey. n ml I muster power from
il, ha',I- ■ f tin n hke I’resnlrnt I'olk. In tho-e of ,.la'es
on n . f no- anil ixpi rn nee. d of well foil tided
till, S I,, piildie Miidiih in I-. and. then fore, free frnin the
yoftsjt rting iimii popularity. hv i x tg puntrd di
in i,strati mi ■ f pairinliKtn nr national «na- ipttlnlitv. This
M. \ tea it war i* likely to prose a Severn h#*ui 'store ll is
, .el; the longer ll l:;*l*. ami iln more tr-uihh- il
Ln, ,. Ihe I . likely are the people of Aiiierira to |* r
,1,11SI folly to' be perpetrated by their rulers a a.
ru»«i time.**
.It'iraltnra ci Kivtin Conetar.—'Tlic K.n
|tl rrr g M in into an error rclatite to on# or ia.i
• - • 1 1 i( ropany, w<' copy the
■ f yrati-ttlay, which corrccta
im ini«':ik' •» in > ■ « » ii.icf the appointments ul
ready announced by us ;
“1 . e.»i s aj . - < • f an err-T in nur arte-le yesterday.
, . If'i • rs fit • t!y appointed by this ( mil
I ' 1 It H 1 1 i
(.w y.m. Chief Kfm-. s* « r: W II < hltft nden, l*n sn'eilt;
i (} S< etarv R.H.Oill,piimsiijI \*ms
r |',n|.;.iiti . l{ \\ . 'I « mini. Vsiwtant Kntfineer;
* s M Harris, Assistant Kngincer; ( harlrs M.
s- . Siij-f-rmteitdent of Itepairs. sr.-otid srcti F.d
ward I,« inline, Inspector <f ll >tfs, Richmond. i\o
rli., ,;c in no;ird t" Mr. Ii•*iti« lie ueeujnw tluj him
t*• in In has In retofore ocmtpied "
It is hnt just to Mr. Shaw ihitlwe should mjd to the
K Ml till, i’h notire, that he holds the offlet-formerly filled
dv Mr. (.ill, and is third in |>oint of imjMrtame* in the
liiomnr 1). paitmrnt. Mr. Shaw was flume years since,
( hn f Kuoinet f i f the St»te, nrnl is an aeroiuplished and
smeutifie idfi« er,aiul ne si wurtliy o«ntleman.— 'JHmes.
Tin; Washington correspondent of th*' North Ainer
lean writ* * a* tollowsou tin* ‘2k!d.
••.Not long ago it was charged, bnt by othsr corrra
poudenis, that the splendcd mansion at me Went Fm.i,
then m course of erection by Messrs. Corcoran h Ktggv
wa* designed |oi Mr Walker. It was so r* presented to
me, but in-f with suflic* lot proof and theicfore I did f
inculpate him. Alter the publication of tin sc state
iin*t11* it was said here, Air. W alker thought it most pru
dent ll"f t*» occupy the house. I Mill now able to say in
justice to bun, that within the last f.rtnigbt, Mr. Thorn
as Undue, Kditor of the ( uioii, lias Iteconit* the posses
• r of this palace, w hich, ft r it* dimension, exceeds in
rti.c b and elegance any res deuce in Washington. I
l.» I it prop* r to c ingialnlste th* v. neiahlo Kditor, that
In ha- slum .1 tlie pen* r.d “go. d lu U** of fh** Acltninmtr»
i a.a, anil now, in the • \ cuing of his days, ;• Iter two years
of ('uiigr* ‘ Moual printing ami pickmi'H, is able t < be
.I• • wii in “. I.>v» i ” and denounce the ** l'e.leralistMM ut hi*
«• r« It would U a sight for some of the bard fisted
“ I )cuio. r:icy to \\ lioiu hi* •onatsntlf address* s sush en
er 'ut:c app.uUto get a peep at Ins j alace. Ii is to
hi eitararti r with In* pi fissions !**
It i i said that our troops passed ilio redoubt aide Ain
puma, in their pursuit of Santa Anna. No « r wi ie
•to y to get the c. nmisnder in ehiet that th. ▼ |sn»i>(l
\o.pndia who bn* yet to atouo for h*tiling pu r bent
msnant’s head in oil to escape.
( otnmodoic ('oiinr r hu* accepted nn invitation given to
him l.y a large number - I bis f. How citizens . f Hlnludel
plus, m ps rluke of a public dinner, in t hrtunoav -f their
inprobatioii of the manner in which bo comlncted the
II me S.piadruii in the Gulf of Mexico during the long
|*Tiu*l in whienhe w as itscoiiiuiander.
I omitted to slate that Santa Anna left hi* Unit at d bag
p iLp i uhmd ill bis flight, * •onr.isfing . f illb s paper*. |S
> i | KHI. an r.i tm r..rk leg. nice uimw.vid a n:re wo
man! luxurious dog.
The Hriilge ut Ik furling The Win sling Times
Males that all I be aleck f r the vv. a Huspensi. u bridge
*t1 io-i the (lino at that city has been taken, and tb it the
company will I*** oigsnixed in a short time. Tims that
. lit* ipn/. iig city going f. rward with her her scheun ■* fu
th. j roiuotion o| her prosperity with an energy that $ t*
c sdimred. Such a city de . i vss nut only the prolee
ti. n, but the f 11114 cars of ihs state.
M AJOUS HOKI AM), G Al.NfcS. fc(\
An arrival 11 <*111 Tampico bring-* a letter from ('. C
Paid, v one of the pr.souers taken with Maj. H i land and
others, w ho speaks *'f I Im promise of Santa \m>« t«» re
lea*'* them in exchange Or prisoners taken by General
Taylor. I! esay-i the M* \leiiiis s>*e n,it ng treuc!icron«
ly that they arc imprisoned in the Penitentiary wl.iva
criminal* are confined. ’i’lio letter is date*l Carer I San
tiago April k!*l.
I lie leading editorial 111 Tu> rainy evening’s Washing
ton I ntuii shows that the editor lias ase« itained to his
1 **ntiiti ii.slariion, that (t'en. l'nylor is a Whig a fact
ot wiiieli many oftlie opposite party have been hard t.>
eou\ iuee. Messis. Tumps m, I'lekliu and W i«*k knew
lh:s at the last M>sioii «d (’. ngre*s, \\ hen the) j.i \,,| j()
their ow n sitisfnelion that (■< n. Taylor was t<• t1!\ <1,.^
tituti « f military skill and that, evL-n if it were nut *>.
"n \\ lug liiiiorulM eon Id not he trusted !
1 he Philadelphia Hulletin says, that a very inti-lli
gt'iit C’iiUi | laiiu r now s.j timing in that <nty,iti ihe
•unrse el a eonvei>ation re'alivetn the destiny ,’f that Is
land, Uddly deelared that he look< d f.rxxard to the day .
and prayed h r its sjn edy, y\ In-n the ntur* and
str'jwa should dual over it.
I et him "in,it as well as/irin/,” and his In pm w ill he
-■ n mated. W hen a IL puldie enters upon a ear. , ref
uothjuiat,there is no stopping jxiin at least until its “man*
ih st destiny" has been act'otupiUlusl and that it
seize n,-.11 y V.I \ lout of soil within its grasp. That dnne
tli^ Weik ef sc'Ifdesliueiioo will hegm_if. inde.d, t|„.
suicidal hand shall he stayed so I mg.
Itl'.mi'T.s ANOKM’UNDnrUKS.
I lie Secretary .1 tin1 I nusury announces lliat the tr
rri):ii inm the Inuuin H r tin- i|nsrtor ending the Ut ,.f
■\la> . arc $1 I,(K>7,'.CiO —of vv liieli, however, the sum of
$7,510,5)50 consists of in borrowed. The actual rt
i i iinnt, tin relate In.ill sources is , nly ,f,,.Vi,‘ .Km .
ol "Inch lli, siim.,l $ii,::Oll,IKSI has him rtvcim! Iran.
•iis.ama. If ths receipt* front this snares should I..
are tier .liirina the remainder of the year, the lar IV. f IS If,!
will \ i. Id ti Is tut twenty live million* of dollars instead i
of thirty millions as estimated by its friends. Our tin
pri ssioii however is that Ihc amount received in the lirst
(tiatlrr. I the year w ill lie more Ilion an avcnigi-.nul that
‘he « vmiio from this sourco will not niueli e.veeed twm
iv two million*.
'I II.. tti>rmlitiirfs for the i|uarler endino „„ the Ul inst.
were $18.117.174 04—of wlndi $ii,ii>| ,t>.;o ti‘d tten
or account of lhe army, and $1 .ICO,70(1 00 w.ic for
account otthcnnvv.
"> siatenienl of the Heoisterof Ihc Treasury w e are
ml mied lliat the aiimui.l ,.| l r,usury Notes outsit,mh„,.
on the 1st nisi. was $S.I7fi,lKI 14. ’ | '
I wo until. IIS, sums of ..V ll.iv. I.rel, devised III
l-.nulntul to Persons in this cimiiry. The lirsi in the fa
iiious low nil V estate, in the division of vvhieli it is he
Ill-veil lliat the foully nf the I .att reives in New \ ,,rk
will oliiinalely olitain over T'fr.lUKl.mHI. The other isa
windhill amountinijr u $Kl.lSKt.iK»l. which is said t„U
mil. ritisl iv a gmllwnan in .N,» (.mile. Maine. , I il„
j " iiu* cf Jvtimii^w.
| J’or BTri'.NTii l>m bi*t—We*ro still without full re^
turns from ih* « district, i»*it tin* election of Tompsin is
«< rtain lie I.a* 254 mi orit\ with llai Isnir and N* ImiaB
t«. hear fi. in. Ti n k.mawla ejmbli<-;tn w*y* the
majority will probably |*j • bout and very justly
sd s:
**\\ hen it h recollected that in the Inst Presidential
el* Hint*, thts w;m a democrat!*- majority in this <1 istri«*l
*»t Mfi«» that Mr. Tom peon mm mi need the canvas*, ear
ly l«st I all, and that tin \\ lugs* on the very eve of tin
I election, had to select a m w lender—lie having only
about ten days to canvas* a district of over ‘4MO miles m
extent—we It «al ipiile certain that the Whig of the
st.iie and i»| tlm I nion will nay that we have done
Mr. If *h«tt r i* to go I rein ( arh stun to Columbia, tin*
rnetr j*oliH <d > *ii‘li( amlmi. A • oinmilte from Colum
hi t had united upon Mr. IV.. and on behalf of the civil
r* tit lioi it it s, had tendered in him the hospitalities of that
place. Mr. II * xpr ssed hi* acknowledgments for the
honor designed h n,,, «il stall d that his engagement* with
I d II C Preston hound him to accept the private ho*
pilality of that gentleman, and that he could only in a
•on 11 and general way accept tlm pui-1 tc courtesies of 1 he
tow I)
The Legislature of l^*m*iana — which 1ms juM adjourn
ed iriiir thr -adopted a resolution. authorizing tin* Cover
it ;r id the S»:il* to present a >word to(»«iHi.,l, ill
leaiiiiinii? of lit* ir aduiinti *n of ill*1 skill ami courage e\
hibiu*d In him in the i upturn »1 V « ra ('ru7., and hi the
more recent brilliant a* In* vomit at Sierra Ciordo.
^ |
i oiuinissioneiV Suit; «»r Valuable Land,near
EN pursuance of a «!« rri eof tho C.unty (' urt of Camp
Ml. prorumriM-tl at t'ir March Term |H47, Iho mi
Jcrsigncd Commissioners therein named, offer for
m If* a
Containing. by recent survey, mu hundred and forty !
lix \( KI.S. 't r'Kids and IA poles; bring a part «f the
I rad it Land I * Tl I v tlu late Maj. James l> Ritigir:
I vug on tin \v .1 f« rs of I )ri Mining ( r< ck hi the (’minty of
( airipb* II. about five mile* IV. m the town • f Lynchburg.
'I bis trad is hounded on the oast bj tin < Id New I,on I
iloii Road, near ilajiiiietioii with the Lynchburg and S»a
I* in Turnpike; on the north by tin- lands of Samuel Mil
h r. on the wi st and south by those < I lh*nj. Wilks, and ,
A ( all.diau, and on the nortli'bv the remaining portion
of the I rad ef the said J. 13 Risipie, h ft to his daugh
ter Mis. Ward, This l.rind is nearly nil in woods or re
'•> ntly cleared, and Us ijnality eipial to any in the neigh :
huili.iod. xvtnh iln ie is none x\ e known of, of the sa.ut
rxtent, vvlileh Ins ho level, and «asy fir e dtivation. 'J’h#
timber, (•• imp* sing about one hall of the Trad.) is most
Iv young and thrifty- and a very wxfemdve Meadow
may,with liltJe labor, he miule 011 the ( reek which run#
through the centre i.f tho Tract. All persons wanting
loubtam a inogt DisnabU Larin mar the l.ynehhurg
Market are mviUil to call and examine this Land hi f r#
they purchase. It will at any time hr shown by (Lor J.
lb Ward, now residing on it. I’, r terms, apply to ei
lh#r of the undersigned.
f .DW ARD If. HI f l.r.R,
May 10 - if wfiw Coroiniasiencrs.
/I (SviRion flic U lide.
FBIMKSf BSC It III I .R 11 • p •etful.y nfi rn n iho eit i
1 zdi# of Lx nrhhnrg and vicinity, lliat he has jus
icceixcd from the Northern c;i 11 s, a fme assortment o
W A l t IIC.S \M) JKW LLRY, viz:
fine f» ild. f ill ji welled I. veis, huntsman’s ease; and
some single ease (Lid \A a'ehi s, full jewelled; Detached
Anchor, do do do do; (Ldd Fob
J ha ins.a line selection of I. »di#s and Gentlemen’s hreasi
Lins, h< s in 1311 lliiuH, fine gold fi g« r Kings, 1 fthe latest
fashion*. Silver ai d (L td Pei eils; (.old and Silxer Spec
larlr >; fine (Ldd and jet I’ar Kings; Corais and Nick
lace, of different kinds and counties.
L. N.—All xv. ik entrusted to my rare will meet with
prompt attenii n. Old Gold and Silver taken in e.x
change for ne\x w ork.
May 10 vvSm if ( JJARLES A LY ARD.
s it\o ion 11; n Yiti.noi si;,
ltiB m un sm 1 v r, opposite the banks.
Kit II MON l). V A.
bb. a. r.avttsHtce
I ) I •Si P l d M' l I 1 in v 11 s l lie alU'iit i< <n if purchase! * to
l\ lu* Stork of 11 \\i I hi • K 1'I* S, at the ah. »»■ hsinh1 ish
meot, leeling ut that they will give satisfaction in every
«esj»ri t A.I hi« Pirn >* air v..urariled,and sold on trial, suli
j». i to l>e tel iirncd if not gn.*|.
t nsta t addition* * n Iff him to presi nt at all timer an ei
tensive as rtuu ut, rmhrai mg all the stvl.s of finish, bo h of
ESosimvcmhI ntitf ^3nfio^:ii2).
Il«* ulsooM.ts I : «a'f I’i.ui > F rtes from a greater variety
ol nuke is than other i -1 .«t»; u hm. ... . i tie State, thus affhrd
ingthc gn ill >1 advautag. i in tl e way .1 «<'« t, u. He i
also soli-Agent lor tin Inland in - ol celebrati d mal.ris in this
country, and in I •« i many .
No .me ran nut t hr least ri-W in purchasing a Piano of P.
II I'avlor. 'I'll* y arcevciv thing he iepresents them to hr ;
Powei, awretne*a ml h, of tern air happily blended
and tdi gauee, taste and dmahilily of workmanship are in the
highest slate of t !i% ait. A written wauanty is given with
each Instrument so;d h\ him.
tti«len* from the liuntiv attended to with the greatest
punctuality, and l.ade . and < .entlemen, residing at a dis
tance, are assured that w heneu i he is laVored with onleis per
letter it is no li sp hi-i iaeti. . than his inti lest, to send such
an m.sliunieiit .is w ill I-, ,.| tin- -ti icVst semtiov
Pur. - (inr'iuling \ king.) *,i!tM», ^llet), s‘J. II. S.'MO, 030,
^ t >0, >.*7.0 $ UNI, and upw ards.
P. ii P. L . p> Mu‘lr<»l I nst I'litnrnt*. in general, < t
tin beat quality. \ l*ty si •. U . I < .assical and Stamhud
Muan* alwu * a « n ha. d, and he is constantly rcrciv ing the new
rut publication*
filin' snbseriher.lhunhfultnhtseusbimi rsarnl ||1(, „Mi,
.1 lb- generally .for the liberal patronage hi retof. r, |,i
stowed upoi. him, begs h ave in inform them that he t,
»“« r.eeivinghis Spring supph of. HIM t,s mi i.i
( iM'.s. I’ai.nts.oils, mi: sti its', itk
I I Ml'.K\. 4-e.. ive . win.dinre w arruotej of the best
quality ami w ill hr- sold at the low est prhvs.
1). If. I.YM \\ i
April llli—Owil Uank Square.
•lAMlOS <. Altl.AM) .IOII \ U. bt ll|.V\7)
11 1. pra.-tiee in partnership. James (Jar
TT land will regularly attend the Court uf \npe>la :
the ftrrutl Superior fourts of aid Chaneery for
i .'•'i'-T'.":’ Tm' TW'V!r or i.vm tint in ’
John II. (.-Miami will reouUrlv attend tin- ( ,.univ and
( i rent I Superior t '"itris „f,|,n above named epuntirs. ex
.ept .1 (..olatiil will attend the county four's
at* mvmpioii may rciiiur*. * 9
t April *6 J
Tin: \A MtlHftURQ VIRGIN! \N. _
[X>- The Senior Kdiior is alwcnt, and will be ao for a
couple of weeks.
Our Vice President.
\Vc are fi t withut historical examples, that where
the result ofa war involving the fate ofa kingdom seem
ed desperate, some Frince of the blood, has donned his
Million r, and placing himself at tin* head of the houmIwhl
truojw, risked in one headlong charge at one#*, the fate of
the day and of the dynasty. It is thus that the
rather obscure dignitary, w title heads this article,
and who is rarely belt re the public tinh ss to report the
“true intent and meaning,” of the caucus which created
him, upon sortie doubtful question # f political morality
It is thus that he u.vv appears as the author cud advocate
of the most sliijK-ndous and magnificent measure ofua
tional in provenu nt, w hich this age of enterprise has en
gendered, in comparison with which the Mavsvilh* Road
—the Louisville (anal—tin* Lake and 1 In her Improve
ments. coes'itute insignificant exercises of Federal Pow
er, whilst \\ hitney’s “New York and Canton Railway
and Meamer Line,” and Mr. ( alhoun's theory of “Inland
S .1*. * will he simply month tied in future to illustrate
the earlier impulses ofa grand system of universal inter
communiratii it, destined to “Americanize” the world.
\\ r have heretofore referred ton letter written ly Mr
(h orge M. Dallas, to some anonymous confrere in Phil
adelphia, in which hcdevelopcs what he states is under
sts-d fo he one of the des gus of the administration in
pr. scenting the war with Mexico, to secure in addition
to such territory, ir> the northern part of Mexico, as wo
may aeqniro an indemnity for “our cists in that behalf
i X|M'ndrd,” the exclusive and irrevocable right of way
aemss the southern part of the “llepuhlic of Mexico” for
'he purpose of constructing a ship canal frmn the Atlantic
to the Ciull of Tehuantepec on the Pacific Ocean. This
projected Canal will he about one hundred and thirty
miles in length, and is said upon a comparison with
other works crossing the continent, to present advanta
ges superior 1o any ether. It will furnish to the com
merce of the world a channel of intercourse more im
portant than any other, since it will lessen the Voyage
Im tween Europe and many ports of Eastern Asia, at least
<’>000 miles, and will of course occasion a corresponding
reduction of freights and insurance. Though merely a
designation of another method of attaining an object sought
h.V the commercial world, since the days of Cortes,
this magnificent measure, fraught with incalculable ad
vantages,would demand the support of every patriot, were
the m itivrs which suggest, and the means which achieve
it. as comm ends Ido as the object is important. \\ hilsf
wo regard w ith admiration, a project which almost every
i one f the gr< at jxiwrrsol Europe basal some limetned
tsttd. wo vet regard with reprolmtioii and astonishment,
the reason by which an a«*t of s|H>liati>n is justified, as
II :*s the paftii ulxr agsut, who placards this splendid
scheme of governujf ntal speculation; as also the organ
i which impresses iis importance upon the American peo
ple. as “a scheme receiving no doubt, the careful consider
•tti"ii o| the administration, and destined tu produce‘great
fit as will to the world at large as to the Lnitcd
Slates.' ”
"but! a statesman so strait laced4that ho could not
tlhiw protection to American industry, h st he should in
advertently advance one section of the I'ni-m at the ex
pense of aunt her— prop, sing to appropriate 25 millions of
■ air m iicy to “benefit the world at large as well as the
1 nited Mates.”
NN h'» will not allow I,akn Harbnrs or llivers vithin
t the I nil in In lie improved, and \el rrenmmcnd the eon
. Kti'm iinn nf a wank of improvement, which does not in its
! whole tri _to Intu'h our tcnilurirs ol oil.
\nd this magnificent sclieme, with its extravagant
I <uit ay. tolerated hy the striel constructionist of the
Itichmund F.mpiirer, who heheld ihc star of our free
j .him set f never in the establishment of an astronomical
' observatory, and saw in despatching an agent to the Con
glass ef Panama “an exercise of executive power ineoui
! |aiihle \\ i tli I he simple opera t imis of mtr Government, and
i calculated to alarm every It-public m.”
lint this document evinces lliiMles|ieration of the Fed
era! Administration. Aware that its jealousy and infer
tain towards the gallant leader of its army is a theme ot
I" pulat execration; and aware that the treaty which ter
, initiates the war in Mexico transft rs it to the Halls of Le
g slat ion In re. it seeks to counteract the consequences uf
Us own acts, hy starting some new object which is to
render tlie war popular, and cause men lo tbrget in the
, rich results nf irn sponsible rapacity, the iniquitousub
JI Cts m which it originattd. Knowing the ultimatum of
the South—the conscientious deb rmination of tin- North
— it has just foresight enough to diead the dilemma in
w hich the territi ry. aequiri d hv one w ar must he rrnmm
red to prevent another, and lienee this letter—this forlorn
nl rmpt to ri ronnle the North lo the war, hy nib-ring a
scheme which would place it “in the van nf all compeli
timi" f r “the templing an I untouched treasures of Ja
pan"—hence the display of statistics which appeal tu the
sea hoard eiltes, to the commerce of New \ ,,rk. Philadel
pitta. lialliiiinre and New Orleans; to the fishing mlrrtst
of lloMoti. Portsmouth and .Silent; to the manufactures uf
tin- North, and tin- production of the West. An inculcn
nil privilege ol such inestimable value will almost recon
rile llu in In tl,r. extension if slavery, rvnseijueiit upon tin
annexation •J'*] lexica■.
It is indeed a mastermove,almost as polentas theTi v
as “bomb;” and wa may anticipate in future, that the I
pit-slum, whether ( mtgress can iticorpmate "the (;ian,|!
Atlantic ami Pacific Canal Company” w ill supersede ev
.-lb- r issue, whilst the strife oft he “Tehuantepeek
ers" and “Anti Tehuantepcckers,” will like that of the
Gcclphs and Gltihi-lines,distract the land with clamor. ‘
whilst il Utterly obliterate every Other oljeciion to the
admiiiistratinii of Mr. Polk.
I" regard to the competency of the Federal Govern
"M-"i lo make the necessary appropriation of go millions,
he A ice Pres,dent of the anti ini. rrirtl improvement par
ty, semns to entertain llo doubt, (more especially “as the ‘
American people are to find tl.selves upon the restora
"miolp seem circumstance* of extra -r,hoary prosperity.',
lie ohsi rves, "as to your enquiry, whether the Cuustim
lim, presents any provision, with whirl, an appropriation
,l money hy Congress lo this purpose, would he inconsis :
t "t. I say. unhesitatingly, that I ran per,-cm none As
" ot regulating commerce, the power may he con
aered an expnssed one, and I am unable to see how
the accidental c.rcmns.anee of contiguity „r ,|,sta„ces i-I
t, rrttorv to he acquired, can effect the question in any
We shall remit to the rirgink Editor of lh, Union,
lie grave question „t constitutional power involved, net
dou ning that ho w,I! defend the administration, u„ the 1
.,ou® ground, that whilst be has.II hi. editorial life
Ojdvsed tmasures of interna, im,,rove,non,-works s/,
w In ,.,mT ’C,r rharart'r* Pr-n. no obstacle!
" ii.Mi u r to Ins anient advocacy.
Put we pass t„ a consideration of infiniteh- •
» t >u. I. > i, wuulii apply loan officer ef our guvernmen»
who has divulgisl in advance, a purprvte of the
mrnt, which may i x -ite the jealousy, perhaps tlieiniut
ferene-. of other powers.
*' InttVrr may have been ttie original ranso of i|,
War with Mexico, it is now a w ar of invasion ,,n uur par|
ami ,.t dorm stie defence upm theirs. Not satisfied wit|,
repelling their invasion, or w ith a signal chastisement lor
having done so. our government availsilsulf of the exenss
to wage a war of extermination against a people of kin
dred iimlitntioys, and a rnpublie. which owes its exist, l)CB
to sncrtcssful resistance ,f foreign lamination; puiuahe*
the defenders of their ow n altars, b_v appropriating |,ejlru
j one halt tin, t, rritory which they defend. ' ’
" hata eouumiit upon the sincerity of our proft«jun
of universal pl.ilanthr, py an.l justice !—This enlarged
I application of the doctrine, that “the spoils h< long tu ^
victors.'’occasions an unnireeUd alarm. U hen the
con,I , fli-crsof uur government, appealing to the cup dtt*
of his followers, gravely tells them t at “the war with
Mexico should lie turned to g,ad account” that it may !*,
made to produce “consnp.encca far more important ,ha„
the acquisition of territorythat “hy a single energetio
in ,venu lit of tlo ir government,the American pc, p|,. I11M
he placed far in the van of all competition.” \\ qBl (
hut the language of the bravo, who having first pruvokH
resistance, makes that resistance justify the plunder If
his victim '! Why, the sire, pie keeping the war alive bj
occupying the principal military points i„ M,xnv, Wi]|
compel engaged in that most sacrcil of all '
the defence of their own country, to S(.|| that Quuntr71’
pay iis invadHnt! 3 w
To ensure III,, approbation of other nations (as m
nary as the \ ice [’resident seems to suppose hisowri |,
holds out the expectation that “the artificial structure”
reared hy the money and policy of , or people, is to bean
•Mt„•linn,,Table *>'o’,'«'ity of nations”;,„d “i|„.refure w„
need, in < Heeling the cession of the isthmus hy suhdue,|
..’ °[M>r* H..«.d the jcul .usy of no power worth, of
noiiiT. * 3
Hr then ipiutes an English author to show that
sin's rrneltv . .wards Circassia. the invasion of Morocco
'' I ranee, and he might have added, the suljuga,..
the East Indu s, and the invasion of China l.v England
Would t-Bivnonlly stop tin se nations from object,,,,* gr in
n rlerenre. U hat a transition from the poli.-y a,„l hn,.
c;.y ,d .feirer*,,, and -Monroe, to the uiarinr.
ot I .urope, W e cannot, however, enter a critique upoi.
any dorumen. which every r, II,-eti ug citizen s|,„u;d rea,|
t ,at he may el s rve that lie may observe the allur
■Id the rati ly waved h, fore our eyes, to seduce us from
simple and sale principles of hnmsty and justice which
our ancestors bequeathed, and to commit the s,,|en
did schemes nf reckless injusliee, openly justified by ,|le
despotic and fraudulent example ef European M,„nr
The latest news we have received from Gen Scott*.
Army, ism the American Eagle, of the28th of April .
paper published in Vera Cruz,by three enterprise , r,H
ors. I, speaks of uur baring pssession of Jaln,,a-b.t
not having received the preceding number, we
tell wh, liter our army met with any resistance in taW
If c gtve some extracts fmm their Jalapa c, rr«J.
dents 11 April 21st and 23d : ~
r tv , . Jalapa, April 21st, 1£47.
Gsn. V> orth Ir It yesterday f,., Perote. J he .a* 0cru
p ed ntns imle-fn u, here by the enemy, has been ah,,,.
levemn'j '*St enP<JS*'SSi0" °fb* an ■'-<
Col. Childs is the military Govrnnr cf Jalapa
At 1 en.te it is thin ghi Gen. W orth will ,„.t with
mu<-h opbH^tum—quieti sate !
1 mil happy to inform yon, has recover
f*<l Irs iipallli in a an at lit utcp.
I l WO of the Mexican Generals.prisoners al Sierra Gor
do, aie n ,w here.
Gen. Scott has hie head quarters in a large huuw »n
the princibal street leading from the market.
I he loss in killed and wounded, on nnr side, is mvrv
than I set down to you j„ my last, hut I will nut a ask
of them again until I can send you a list of them
W e understand that the loss’in killed and wounded in
Gen. IW ■ division was*,*- we regret we hav.nnt
r'" sw r l,*T “J ,,lhercmainaiids.
r" h‘cld:. ‘ heard, u'daT- was m a Itcuhtfvt Male,
and that will be good news to those who have been ad
vised that he was in, rrally wounded
i:i Zrmpi aJlera. ot the’ Itkh, the government paper *f
the state ot \ era ( run. contains a meagre ace, uid if .fc.
earlv part of the fight of the IS h Fr„„ what au ho-.H
the editor derived histnfi rmatiim l am unable to say, Lt
he speaks of the repulse of three several chare, s, led by
kilM U,t’Wh‘Ch U,‘r loss ,sset ,luW" al c,lr th'■«««*
Last rigid Ren. Worth slept within five miles of Pe
rote, and no doubt entered the town to day. Per, teka.
been abandoned by the Mexicans, alter sinking all their
largo guns, and will he taken pens, ssnm , f »uhuutappo
sltll'n‘ n. (Quitman s brigade reached this p'acc this
evening. Iron, \ , ra t ruz-his troops in good health.
th, people ot this place are foil, wit g their us, al «v
eupauons, and do not seem at all displeased at cur rro
, ,A11 "'" Gains are leaving for Vera Cruz, so I cannot
I, teahatany lll0veil"'nt will be made for several
,,a-'s- J.H. P.
'Al.AI'A, April 2"d. 8 A M.
A irxirrss has just arrived from (Jen. \\ url|,. Hern
I lore,11 emtc yesterday morning about 11 uYluk, >,,1
1 ir?: r >xi,'a" * "ur'Ch.,gl..1*1,1,
' "■J’ •" r»a'"l all the arms and im nitio ns uf war
f.mnd in 1 xceflenu rderf S*'8"",‘ "ere*Pikcd 11,11 werl
A;n|;",lia. w i,h about 3,n00disorganizcd lancers, mured
;,|'jt„Jn 1 far ",u"i5h »vutd a conflict, and then proceed
l. ^1^. Anna had ,,„t passe,I through l>, rote, and meat
I"’ on this side of that place.
1 lie Kditor then remarks i
Ue understand, yrstrrdry, that information had been
received at .1,1a,at tint (;, \\<irth had thrown Ins out
|k,« s towards Puebla, and would march immediately in
lit dm el,on hut,self. »Pe are somewhat doubtful as In
ts truth, however not bring aide to trace it to any pos,
‘V '*? , u I’llfst information received from JVroi*
which might lie relied on (we think) is hat issued by us
in an trim on .Monday last, and re published in to d»>/
j-ip'r. ons. . colt, Patterson. Twiggs, pillow nn
Joitman, vv,rr thru inJalapa. (Jen. Slit, Ids was still
ung in a very u st;,t,-. at a luspilal on the battle
held at Sierra (.or,la. Uumor says that Puebla will
yield without discharging n gun—if so, they will slew
more wisdom than has been evinced by w-veral oilier
t \u ,m ciius, with scarcely a hope for success ayainsi
tifl. * °
|| is now certain that Santa Anna is at Ori-zava. a little
m, V„",al ,l"' ,"ot 1,1 ll"' mountain uf that name, with about
Iroops around Itis standard. 11,. was seen at that
place on .Sunday morning last, and was h.ard tocxpris*
Ins desire ol remaining there until In, could noisier a
sultt, i, in re,. t„ make another stand. T„ retard lo tint
sun-, rtty ,,| Itis assertion, nut -h doubt is entertained, as it
IS supposed that he is exceedingly desirous to leave llic
e amity. unbars toaltempia movement uf thill kind ope -
>. ,M ie s i mid he assassinated immediately, which
Will, no doubtbe Ins Cat, .ultimately, however long he may
|U.. "tg I . He w ill not dare return do (lie city of Mexien,
is t u universal opinion, until some success shout.I crown
■ O'I .r s i, , e«.in his thousand promises to the deluded
111 V '‘''d tin: clergy, the latter being mw Ins only
lackers. ”
,r" "rP requested to say, bv Mr. George A. Hr ight ,
that the rep,n. which has been circulated in this Pint
gresstoual District, that he Voted twice for is nut
true. J here are two persons pf the saute name, (one vo
ting here and the other at tiie S|hhiI,) and hence origins
t*.l the renjFt
^IINCKU I,—Mr. Hrandstot'ner, Pianist, of Gcr
many, assisted by .Mr. Rjzzautrn on Ihe Flute, will gi
a Concert at the Hashingum Hotel, on Tuesday even
ing next. Mr. flrandstetlncr hits hern in our town sev
eral days, and this., who have heard him on tbs P««’»
aj>e-ik in 'he highest terms.f his skill.