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VIRGINIA LEGISLATURE. The following w ill to th« jsilttieal eotn|>oMtion of tho next Legislature : Whig*. Ijcvfnrm. Senate II ~ I House 7‘i *>'2 83 83 third congressional district. Tho Sheriffs of this Distri-t met at I’ittej Irania euurt Imiise. on the 7lh inst., ami after a scrutiny of the polls, j.ivo the certificate to Thomas S. Klinnnotr, E*|., hv a majority of one. The llepuhlienn thinks Mr. Trod way will contest the election, lie learn, hoyrcver, that lie will nut. MC'MMOM) ami OHIO HAIL HO AIX lEtf call the attention ol' tlm public to ihesul jeci of this •cheine. It is fast gaining ground in our community.— Theaense^f the people of the people of Lynchburg is lulu* jjkcn on the *<21 stand 22d of May, whether she shall take |iXKJ shares. Every citizen of the place should make liiuiself acquainted with the project, so as to cast his vote intelligently on that day. He give a communication vii the subject this morning. pETERSBCRG CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. It has not been ascertained «ifieially, who is elected in tliis District, the Sherifts from the counties of Meck lenburg and Amelia fulling to meet at the proper time.— |t is believed, however, Droiugo le is elected, though there is some doubt since the meeting o! the Sht:rills. FOR THE Vtftmt'M*. The election having passed by, 1 now feel myself at liberty to say to tin* people of Lvnehburg, that, by my communication published in the Virginian, in vindication of Mr. M is! tv\s cuurs • iii the last Legislature, I had no hies of interfering in the election between him and Dr. Saunders: fbr I hid written and sent on that commu nication before Mr. M »sby had anno'inccil him*-If a can ilidate, (so fjr at least as I had information.) I wrote that piece to show that, in my opinion Mr. Mushy degt i ted no ce11sure, and to let the p-ople t Lynchburg know that, they were by many nvinhera of ihe Legislature lie liaved to selfish in opposing ihe coiiiiimalion ef the Ca nal. I can assure tho people of Lynchburg, that I f**< I a live lv interest <n her welfare, and would,** far possible, with out overlooking tlic interests nf others, w ho have « «j ml claim*, do any thing proper to he done, to promote her prosperity. Cl IAS. PERRO/C. FOR Tilt VIRGINIAN. T H EDI N N E R TO DU. S A I NI )K Us. The subscribers and invited guests to the dinner in honoruf Dr. James Saunders, tin burn nominee and can dhlale in the late election, ass Miihlod at the. Universalist Church, in Cyuehburg. at 4 o’clock, l*. M.. on W ed nesdiy Die 12th inst., accord ing to previou- arrangement, where the indefatigable and rourlroiw host, (’ .1. James M. I.anghorne of the Washington Hotel, had tastefully and conveniently arranged and hnimtij’iilh/ loaded four Table*,running the whole length of the Church, each of which was capable of accom n dating fifty persons. The assemblage was called to order by Mr. Janie* Fretwell. ami org mut'd by app tinting DAVID E. SPENDE. ESij , President, and the f Jlowing gentle men Vice-Presidents; 1st. Daniel I. Warwick, 2nd. Col. W n. 11. Drown, 3rd. Charles \Y. Christ inn, 4th. William D. Avert tt. 5th. ( apt. A. S. I lenry. A benediction was then pronounced bv Rev. T. Jones. After plying their respects to thn snuiptu -us fare that grace*! the tables.— pleasing the eye by it* variety and tempting thn appetite by its odors. the dishes lieiug re moved and the wine brought on, tin* company w i h gr< it harmony and glee, preceded to think the f dlowing Reg ular and Volunteer Toasts: AVben the 4th It g ilar t ast wasvlmit t> be drunk, the President prefaced it with a few remarks pertinent to thn occasion and complimentary to Dr. Saunders. After the loud and reiterated applause w hich succeeded that toast had subsided. Dr. Saunders responded in a speech of an hour and a half in length, in which he re turned his heartfelt thanks f ir the testimonials of esteem • nd confidence tender* d him hy so large and so respcrla hie portion of his fellow citizens: and in a happy vein of wit and humor that kept his audience in coniinued con vulsion* of laughter. proceeded to delineate some the ae tors tad their acts in the late County canvass. We have rarely witnessed a set-tie of so much harmony, hilar ilj and good fueling. KKl.I LA It TOASTS. 1. Our Country:—Noble in its institutions, illustri ous in its sages, glorious in its nerves, invincible in its armies. 2. Our State:—Once aim shown the brightest star in o ir glorious constellation, dimmed is her lustre, faded is her gl »ry, “rouse, brothers rouse,” and “Jet Virginia l»r what Virginia was.” 3. Out Town: —around her our warmest affections cling—w* hurl hack in proud defiance the wanton charge of* so lavishly heaped upon her. Justice not generosity we ask at the hands of our neighbors and Leg ulators. 4. Doet. James Saunders: — K high toned, whole ftoulod citizen, who, in all his various representative lnuts, was never known to court personal popularity at the expense of representative fidelity. We delight to honor such. 5. The James River ami Kanawha Improvement:— The groat Aorta of our State. It should have been prosecuted under enlightened Legislation, aided by the experience and improvements of the age in wlib h we live, with no rival schemes to divert its legitimate trade. f>. l«en. Zachary Taylor:—In battle powerful m the whirl-wind, in victory gentle as the z- phyr—im mortal honor he to him who “neve t surrenders.” 7. To the Lynchburg Volunteers now in Mexico: — Health in the camp, victory on the battle field, and the reward of valor on their return to eivil life. 8. Town and County:- Hound together by mutual dependence and mutual relations. The bonds which Unite them should be indissoluble as their interests are •one and in It vis ible. Palsied be the tongue that wjuld V*rk to aleniate. them. 0. The fight of the People to designate who shall be their public servants:—*\Y right unestimablc iu freemen und f rrntdahle to drmngogne.s only.” 10. Richard II. Toler, K«|.:—Our former townsman. Imd delegate in the Legislature of our State. Though courteous in Legislation, his “courtesy,” was never ex tended at the expense of his constituents. 1 L The right of a constituency to exact the Tcdrmp lion of pit ilgre and to rerjuire/b/r/i/t/ in the discharge of representative trusts:—A right which we dare ever to maintain and defend. 12. Our glorious Heroes and Martyrs in the Mi xiean Campaigns:—Honors to the living, tears for the dead, gratitude to all. 13. Woman:—Whether surrounded by domestic af fliction, in the midst i>f political strife, or raging iu the battle storm, she is the halcyon that broods o’er th. •pint of man, and calms the tempest «f his passions. \ til,( M HE It 1 OASTS. By Daniel I. Warw ick, Mayor of the Town : — The memory of our departed friend, .lames W. Morgan, Esq., well uiay u*e mourn his untimely exit from tho «tnge of life; for in kiiu we have each lost a Inollttr. Drunk standing and in silence. By Michael Hart. Esq.;—The free and independent voters of the town of Lynchburg. Whether defeated or victorious, may they always exrreise their privilege at the polls, untrammellrd and unbiassed by personal eon vidorations: and always fir the |u lie good. By Dr.Thomas 1*. Mitchel, (an invited guest):—'The great Central improvement of our State, congenial with lho spirit of our age—propelled by Stea n or (galvan ism. By Peter L. Dudley—John W.Sjtne of Petersburg : talented, fearlessand gallant. Weexpeet him and such men as him to represent us in the next Legislature. By Chailes W. Christian—William M. Harwell, ttieves S. Scruggs and Panins Powell: The former no bly advocated, and mil generously sustained the vines an 1 intei'tsts of Lynchburg in the last Legislature. Cirati tude to them. By a Wliig-r-The Editors of tlie “Richmond Times «nd Compiler,”— the impertinent intermeddlers who presume to know more of our local matters titan w e dionrsHves. By A. f*. Henry—Representative governments: wa •hulp . 7 >'T iho com*, of our h. tv fr ‘ .I "" U'"!U »<voui,.a ’ • ' r, K: ',rm'"lJil‘vt"0"w ^muiluua ou n not in aNsiTU (1 Ujo niitn. lb- JJfxtt r Oley—Ilrnry Hwlowomli at. honrat man anti a grntloiiiati. di t, an d hy t, oitolmtatton of tvun. sy ,\t hr'!hur* ,U"WS h .. a frit ml. t Mr. Ilaihuvoml. lining loudly ,-alksl f. r. an*.in his ,, a.''' ani1 “‘Mress, d ,Im> 1 u»i|'an> m a viry lumlsnmr a al jxi rtiitir sporoh abmil thirty tmtmt, s,„ lotmlh. ami ou-H-liHlt"i hy oil. rinsr tho l.ilin.uttn sontitneni:) • V Henry Itaihm,, d-Tho , I, .„to fran-htso : \ jiinh an,I holy privtlisro ronf. lr,.,| Us |,y lh(, I'li-. I i,l ottr am-eai.irs for tho ufmir l5ini„,rv; ho who s< ‘ ,v* * ' ^',rri*|'l lln frot? and oittist'ionti ins o\, romo ,.t it lor sordid and sottish pnrp - - m nuwuithy of his anoos try and a , onomy to a Iron ropo'dio. Tho f, Ihmitig nolo was rtoiivrd finm Ch trios \V. Malltatn, l'.s,j.,otiCnl tho Kditoisof tho l.voohhut . Vit glntan : 1.1 xi imuiuj. May I'.'ili, |,-|7. C .finIninPii— llcini; nmfiue<l to niv ulli.'v by Im.lhiss— iliu'eing |>ubliraliuu liny .anil tin N ni,.r Kilitnr abwm I '•annul be in attendance with you. W ah high regard, your friend. t pc i , . . hias.w, statii am. 1 ' Hor,d t'»c following sentiment: I .vnchburg : Iter vole slit* has shown that she repudiates would he /histcutnt men, and supports him who is known to hr devoted to her best interests. Sent in by a \\ lug— 1 lie result o! our recent election: It demons! rates what has oft. n Mure been proven, that a faithless public servant may huh times triumph over an injured constituency. 1*.V K . II Glass, l.s»|—Mr. M shy and his Danville Kail K >ad: both inure popular in Richmond than at home. Ky S. M. Simpson—Dr. James Saunders: Victory could have added no laurels to liis brow, nor lias defeat plucked a leaflet from the chaplet ..t his t ime. Ilyl). A. \\ ilsun, Jr.—Our Army and Navy: May their lame he unsullied and eternal as the ndliii" years. Ky Ko. ( iwth.mi — |)r. James Saunders: A noblo sp. ei i eu - f the Virginia G» ntleman. IX. K. A Saunders- Henry I*. Irving: Though his election was denied imp ssible by many in the tanner Whig County in his district, and th n : ro kept ft m the p 'lls, w ill ya t he returned by the suilrages of the noble W higs >•! ( uniherland. Fluvanna Akc.. if - Ji stitiujmt. Ky Wn , r.Voiiii r- (’barbs L. Moshy and \\ Intmell P. Tunstall, deh gates elect to the in \t I a gislatim : \\ ell may the peo|de of Lynchburg exclaim, “two Iticlunouds in the field !” Kv Win. D. Christian -The Tunstall and Mushy Kail K ad: M.ty those w ho take stock in this improve incut learn the tact that courtesy is nit a good material to make a K ill K »ad of. Ky Mr. John YA Dudley- The brave, illustious, mag uauiiuons, (Jeueral Lopez de Santa Anna, who look leg hail at Kuena \ isla.and b ft leg bail at ( erro Gordo. By James I* retwell—( harles L. .Moshy: too cvurle ous for Lynchburg, but will do for Hat Creek. Ky Jesse T. Diuguid— Lynehhurg: All she asks of our Legislature is a fair shake and nut too much eourlt sy. Kv \\ illiam Mays — Dr. James Saunders: in his elec tion to the Legislature. Comity and town would both, have 1m*cu benefited, but in the election of Mr. .Mushy neither. Kv Major II illiam A.Talbot—Duet. James Sauuders: II is dignifi-d and manly hearing in the late can vass lots secured to him the esteem and confidence of Ins friends and commanded the respect of his opponents. By Jno It . K Kuekuer—Our Aimv: Its recent bril liant ▼ i'*turics achieved in Mexico, w ill form the bright est page in American History. 11 .nor to the brave t.fl] cers and s»!di< i s who have so illustrat'd her history. By Siunn I K. Tlmmcm—The Hat Creek precinct has plac'd the wreath of victory on the brow of tin? champion of its i uaginarv interes’s. and the Lynchburg precinct has hound it w ith a thorn that rot only vv lliers i s beauty but imparts acuteness of anguish more sensibly fell than express*'d. By Richard («. Anderson—Dr. James Saunders; though defeated in the late election by tin- cry of perse cation from Ins opponent—hr lias the eons datum of Imv iujr received ot the people of Lynchburg w here they both were ' 1 known. ONK HCNDKLD Wli F(M K I C.r.N MAJORITY. K\ a Democrat Charles L. Mushy, the nnnihilttorv of Whig majorities in Campbell. Another election with him as the II big < amlidaie.and l)einoerae\ w ill “waive its joyous wings.” in triumph over town and county. By II . G. Miller—The Danville Kail Road: /Chit mel P. Tunstall. President: Vinci ut l! itchrr. Secrrto ry; and Charles L. Mushy, Chief ling inter. Ab strum propellers. By an Amateur—Cntil very recently Lynchburg and Gullibility wire ugarde.l a> synonymous t rms As Yankee laud if called upon would abundantly testify, but from the late rage for iranrposiug language "a rrnmsidc ration" has been moved and the vocabulary of vitupera tion has been referred, and the n suit of ihe In In »r of love, is a substitute of the word "selfish"as better d< fining her character—and yet then i>. m t a town of the same siz** in the State ( f Virginia, that has eonIrilulled ti.ere liber ally to, ami ri reived fewer benefits, from Internal lm 1 provement or more readily extended the hand ofencour agement to those who have s night citizenship with us — even though they were "gentlyborn and gently raised," n »r t » the distress'd sojourner a nicic melting hand of charily or unalloyed sympathy. By William T. Booker: Dr. Janus Saunders—al though «b leafed by the courteous conciliator (!) in the county of Campbell, is victorious in the town win re both are well known. By Richard I*. Waller : Dr. .lames Saunders—A man of chivalrous and enterprising spirit and character. Jle can never be defeated. By David \\ . Burton : The Richmond and Danville Rail Road—a visionary scheme of a few "log rollers,” may the de l gate from Campbell in the next Legtsla tun* of Virginia, move a "reconsideration” of the vote by which it passed, and aid in the repeal of its chatter. By •lolin S. Oglesby : If thirly yen is acquaintance and friendship furnish any evidence, of r< speet and eharaeter. then I say huzza for Saunders! Saunders first, Saunders last, atid Saunders all the time. By.1. \. IJitcher: Dr. J nines Saunders—Anunern promising W hig, a faithful representative, ami true to the interests of Lynchburg. By Win. M. Stilton : Our fellow townsman. Dr. das. Saunders: Kvor dear to Lynchburg while Lynchburg values merit. By Thomas S. Thurman : Richard II. Toler, Ksq., the former Kditor of the Virginian,the organ efthe W lug parly ofLytiehhurg—tliough his “mantle” lias not fallen upon our ''ahoultlrrs,99 helms nevertheless 1r ft an imprest siou upon our fondest affections, which neither time nor distance can obliterate, but rather augment and strength hi ; and whilst we desire his greatest happiness and in terest, we would, in all kindness ami “courtesy/," hail a emtingcncy that might arise to re unite him to the object of his first love—\ irginia . inti, (the Virginian.) i>\ I *i«r r,. n«<ok( r : » under now the mantle now worn hy *\Mister William Smith,” would look on the should rs of the "Great Persecuted—the anti Lym-h burg delegate l By Jetlersuu Mays: Dr. .lames Saunders, our town’s choice and nominee—a gallant gentleman and a warm friend of his fellow-citizens; may his laurels never be tarnished hy the narrow triumph of Mr. Mushy in the I *• election. Hy John H. Solomon : May the American army con dime their march until they capture Santa Anna, and with his wooden leg splintin' him to (hath. Hy Peter C Drew; TheLox and the /fulfill the hist Lcgislalu-p of Virginia : Bet\v*« n two such friends, the IjUitlb had little to exjioct. Hy M . (’only : I )r. James Saumh rs : lie deserves, as he has, and will continue to receive a< the hands of a generous and intell gent people, lhat respect and confi deuce which he so eminently deserves. Hy James O. Williams: Whilst we would :»1I have rejoiced in the success of Dr. Saunders, yet we feel no mortification in his defeat, for he was nobly sustained by Lynchbirg, who know him hest, and knowing him appro ciated his fidelity to the iutero t of our town. Hy Alexander P. Wat ton: Dr. James Saunders : the furnace of persecution may he heated seven limes hotter, and seventy times more : he will come out unscathed by the fire of malignity, brighter to all and dearer to his friends, w hile his enemies shall sink with the dross of their own vile materials. it) James Ci. Swinney : Dr. Saunders : A perfect specimen of the Virginia gentlemen long may in* live to enjoy the honors which are so generuusly be stowed upon him by those w ho know him best. Hy J. Salmons : Dr. James Saunders : Courte (nut to his friends, but never to those who war against their best in (crests. The people of Lynchburg a hi not afraid to confide their inter* s;s to his keeping. Hy Charles W. Chr stian : “The Jury of the Vicin age*’—Although its vet did has been overruled for the , Pn’*'nL 11 "dl l*o recorded a* iho judgment of the ; ( ont t. Ilv Uo. II. (»Ium: Lynchburg: Though tho arooml I t»>\\ n ill tin' Slate, she has received few * at favors al the hand «.| the Legislature. ll\ Mam. I \ \\il«on,Jr. : The litienl partiefi of Lvnohbuig and Campbell, may they bury Federal poli cos until limy sneered in ol.» ting a representative who willJnilhtu!li/ oniry out their local luterests and wishes l>\ \\ i.'liam I* A ontig : Mr. Janus Saunders the Lynch!-mg candidate in the Into election in him we had ol"‘ " •|,'s inti rest it was to uphold our j eincitdef (tnd 1' f,‘ / I It \\ ;;s I.' II !l l!,. I || hits' l!\ Alaj. \\ m. \ | dUit : Mr. Janiea Saunders ami t barbs L A|os!»y; I loitor and dtsUnctimi to tho former, w 11 ■ «h*s built up It is n pH tat lull by de« d> . I \ utue : l)i» eoinfihim to the httn r, who “rest.s upjii the reputation of being thi “g-mil imended. Il\ Michat 1 Mart I he town of Lynchburg, though threatened on » m ry side, her \ irnn, enterprise and intel ligence will ever Mistaiii her, ami, hue the I’humix, she will rise l,,.in hi i ow n a«h« s l»v N\ 111 i.* in M Sutton: Our follow men of (amp j hell May tin* "euiirlesy " taught them by their courte j ona deh gate, insure to I .ynchburg the privilege ol select , H'g her oirn U preseiitulive. A A I Hooker; When such ltUh§tHoa as Jim Ihdh ami Whaler William S mill, obtain i HV*e, *'iho g* utly I*, rn and g nt!\ raised,*' should not despair! Oh w hat a tail our cat has got. Hv John li I hum an : Tho idea that the Demoera cy w i ll to iull.ct a stab oil the cause ol II logo* ry thro’ Mr Mrs \ is v tsi.0'aiy . and is Iy nilcmled ns a lul la!-\ to i allies,.! precoei.ius giiW'lh. Il Ac is the **gtrof embodiment" of the cause in the town i f I ,ynebbing, the s »"Uer it g os the way of all Mild naiv thing* the heller, and tins its epitaph — -rrijuieaeut in juice. ID D T A uiing : May the suiph commodity, llic* ‘cvuticstf" and **conciliation” ol'oiir del* gale elect, lit v er be held Dn man \ >y the di h gale from Koekoridge. or lake passage “uosu^pi • ling ” up, n the U d I road of soun; w il. y cii. niv. should iho inti rest ol Lynchburg be ever **ef ronsidi ml.'1 Hy II. M Dewitt: I .viteblairg: .Misunderstood and misrepresented m various portions of our Slate. Not w ithstuudiiio the prejudice and **|iorseoiiiiuit” by which slm is assailed, “may she ll urish and grow like the given hay tree by the side of still watt rs.’ For lhe Virginian. TMK H AIL Hi) VI) (Jl KsHON. ll I tJ • not greatly misconceive the subject, 1 hazard nothing when I say that the ipiestion \\ Inch the ciuzen* ol I .\ iiehbiirg will decide cii the‘*?lst and w*Jd instant, is the m 1*1 important w hieh has ever occupied ihcir atten lion, either as in- reliant*, trndi rs, labourers, professional men or property h dders, m their town. A great hue ol inti reotmmmieation is about to hr made by Railway between the tide waters of the .lames River and that gr. al basin lying between the Mh ghatiies and the Lakes of the N nth. and the R eky irioinitains in the far W( >t: this I me of i ravel and transport to million* w lm now inhabit, and fur the countless millions w ho arc to in habit this region ; more fertile, and possessing more and all of i very thing that man in the most advanced stage of civilization can w ant. it is promised shall coni incline at our town, and we are invited hy the people of R lehniond. w ho originated this go at cnterprize, to unite with them in its consummation. The ipiebtion is shall weaeeejt the invitation? Hiis is the plain outright uuestion that is about t i he answered hy' the people of I \ nehliurg. Rnl that w e should all a*one man nnsw er. not only aimw r.yea, hut sin uId each and e\< ry one put forth our energies in the accomplishment of the object, ii to my mind, put beyond all doubt. All the reason* for an opinion boeotifuh ntly entertained and expressed, thus would bn in, should he given to those mho: have a right to know them, when they are naked by their I vote* to adopt them, hut a communication, short a* this | must of necessity he, wi!! n t allow of any such freedom | ol discussion, m r is it, in truth, called fi r, liecaiibc I do not ask my fi llow tuWiiHiiiHii to endmk in a new and untried adv-nture, that ih pends for its favorable reception by the public upon the ability of its advocates no: the figuring is all dour, the argument is all ova r, the Loeo motive has done all the caper in# niid told the whole Story. \ es, it has told It to ull tIh■ p> ople living thing more linn five tlinusand mih s of tin Iron r. ad that it daily travels n tie I ’ailed Slate*: an I a I ng an eoua! extent it speak* daily and hourly to the people of til F.u rope and Asia, too: telling to all (lie sum* thing, saying to all. come forth, men and women w ith your baggage and v mr good*, v.ares and m* nhan li/.e, products of your min<s, your work simps, your factories, your field*; nay, your horses and jour lat cattle, your sheep and four swine, I am able mid w ill mg to tike all that will come, toil carry von with my strong firms, whithersoever yon I Rav the argument is all over.and so n i*, »> far a* In the ipicstion of the utility of Hail w ays, to facilitate, nay, to nrah trade and travel. Let me then state the proposition to he jt i pounded to the people of Lynchburg hr a business (pieRtion. They are asked : w ill you per mit n hundred theusnnd dollars of debt to he created find taxes to he levied, to pni/ the ini first on it? The *n *wer, in my hum de opinion, should he emphatically ye*: Provided we can secure two ihjccl* : first, that the road shall commence In re and progress westwardlv. I say such should he the answ er, for this plain common sense view of the subject. Non cannot lose, but you must gain. I have the authority for this position, of one of the must judicious prudent, sagacious merchant *. not alone in Lynchburg, hut in Virginia. .Mr. Jesse Hare, (that gentleman will » x misc me for exhibiting his name uia new spajM i . hut I know *o well that his view s of all the practical afTairbol hie have, and deserve to have great weight and authority wherevr r he is known, that I have tnhi n this liberty) he says that if a Rail road was made 110 miles from Lynchburg out west and ncrrrrnd, that Lynchburg would be amply beuetitied for her subscription of one hundred thousand dollars to il« stock. 1 will not then argue that any farther, hut if there are any who still doubt, I would buy to them go and consult such men as J. (i. Mi en», llenry Davis. .1. M. W arw iek. Col. Maurice Lang home. ( . Wmfree, J is. L. ( laytor. It. H. Mor riss, John R. AleDaniel, Jnhu I lollins, and our worthy Mayor, and if they nr a very large majority of them do not concur that it is judicious at h ast, that the Corpora lion should subscribe for one hundred thousand dollars of the stock of the Richmond and Ohio Railroad, upon the condition set forth above, then I yield llm cpicRtion. I say go to the poll* mid vote against the me asure ; hut if tin v doenneur in tlm views lu re expressed, I than n*k that you w ill not allow any eireiimstance whatever, to cause you to stay aw ay from the polls on the ‘^Ist. and £2n<l,and that you record your vote in lave.r of iliesub scription. A CITIZKN. FURR SCHOOLS IN IIRNHY COl’NTY. To the Hi I i tors of'the I'irginimi : In nn editorial :»ri i«*L published in y air paper of the (’.Hi inst., giving the result of tlio vote in Jins county upon ihe Free School Sysmin,which hail been submitUd to the peop/e, you say, ihe voters of Henry, by a majority of nearly two to one, declared in favor of tlio system; of course there willlx'iio further opposition, and in less than ten years, the wonder will b« that there ever should have Ik i n any.” The w riter of this article regrets that the Rditors ofiht Virginian had not Ucome Ik per ac ijitainted with the details of this system, and its operation upon the people of I leuiy, before it pronounced an opin ion fav irahle to the sssteiu which has for the p i sent been fastened upon us. Do tin y know that some forty or I fifty voters pay m*re than half of this enormous t; x, and ; receive little,or nn benefit from it? Do they know that i this overwhelm ng majority licit has fastened this uu I just system upi u the pn»j'le ol Henry, receives a larger amount than tin v, thereby making it a matter of gain to them; and this system was adviwated by many upon the ground, that it was to their interi st? Do tluy know , that it has arrayed one class of the community against :i not lit r. and produced a state of exeiti ment, that is dis tructvn to the harmony of society ? Do they know that I it has already, and ifcuntiiumd. send out of the , county many of our enterprising citizens, with their Slaves, to increase that tide of immigration which is year ly rolling its thousands to the far wist; and should this system lie adopted throughout \ irginia and Dcoine her ! settled |Kilicy, it will in luimhle opinion do more to make k her a non slaveholding Slate, than all the combined forces of Northern Aboliti mists? Do you know' that the cost of the official body belonging to this system, and ne cessary to Keep it in operation, will cost p< r annum bIkmiI as nmeh as our parish jeviis.nnd w hen you mid to this list i of officers, the Teachers we shall have in thissmall 1 county, about fifty, who are to he fed and provided for .ail of the property holder? Do you know that tlio opposi tion tothis System i • to its details only ? All were w illing i that their property should be taxed sufficient to raise a sum, together with the school ijuota, to educate the poor | and needy, but tin y never can believe it either light or just to tax the r irununity to educate the children of I tiuU'p< lukitl turn. Now it all these tiling* Uo true, Id It J not .*» matter of wonder tint an hmioinhlcfettd hiolmdmhsl j pHtplf i v» r should have adopted inch a nyatrutf Heuiem , Iht tfiat tin* little county, remotely situated from 1 market, with a )M>pulaiinnid about seven thousand, will have to |lay about, six thousand dollar* per annum, il the School* arc kept in o,mi.taut opciutioti uml their usual r« venue ami oouuty levies, am.-unling ton futllier .sum of between three or Cur ih«] dollars. I ml i all the eironistamv, I cannot believe the lalil-rs of the V iroiuian w ill throw the Wcightofthcir inllm ne«» against anoppicsd ed |*e< plr.w hoarelmw*dd"W u umlei a W < iglil of dirt Ct ta\ at toil that is unexump tsi in the utoluiiYit h ol tho old world. tl „ 1IKNUY. Henry County, May II. IS 17. KUO.M t.r.v T.w I .OH I In* National liiielligeiieer published an extract id a Utter I mm New Oilcan*. whioli stun* that ••( ion Tay lor id determined, (though opposed to the plan,) to ail vanre Iruitt Ins present p-siiion. 'Two thousand iron U»uml 18 gallon kegs arc now (say* the loiter) making for him here, uml many of them have gone f award, in tended lor cart \ ing w nter a. t • tlio di sei t, Uct ween Sun l.nts uml Saltillo. \ mule, with a park *:nUll<i, w til car ry twool them, otic slutig on each aide. A thousand bur sos nre also being bought f.r him, with other large *ep plies.” NOTICE. I !»• I’TOJXWr I tlHM'lllir n| 11|»* citireilH of thfl COttVtticN <d I'nnklln and Medford, nt tin* M. mlows of (, „,so t reck on the Sth of May. mi the subject of the Rooky Mount Turnpike, is |*oslpoucd to the \ M of May. Col. WtNids.ol E innk I in, Mr. W in. M Hurwall,of Ihsl ford.nml Mi .1 \| S|tetd,ol I .yiiehburg, are invited to attend and address the meetingun that oeonmon. H00f> NEW s rUR I III . PI \\ I tKS. I sold i hlids. i f PoLiceo this v\ • ek, | r Mo U.itd DeUi ol Medford. I foi ,fl"» ami I forc'd, both bought by .Vih Halsey, Esq. Manufacturer. TIIOM \s .1 OTKY. Coin. Mir. PINE PRICES FOB TOBACCO. I had the pleasure this \ve« k of <, Hum- a crop of I > hlids for Mr. Norw.Hid, olTers.ui, N C . at |l .T»to$l0 50, average $7 'll for the ernp. I hSid lor .John Scott, ol ( am pi >« <| |. hi ,C nil taken by the m.iiiuf.teliircis; and a (,rop { I I liluls ) of shipping q 11 till y lor Mr R ihcil Rob insult, of ( liarlotte. at an at i hum1 .-I .4 • .w, , hesjdi s many oilii r hog Tends at I to .r»i I. Our market is quite n in mated, Hood and fine shipping and winking qual.ties, in tu demand at good and fair piiees. PETER 1)1 01 I S . Ci m Mi i /o Itirltanl A Hniii? and John Johns ami It illtani I nrhush. b^rrcnlm* of IS.hniond Slnlhtim tleQftisetl t linherl Slot ham. Charles II SI at ham, Janies I*. Sim thnm and John II Alt h i/tnn/ : f|l\kE iiotiee that I shall, on Monday, the ‘.Mill of ■ the present month. (May ) proceed to take the dep esitioiiMof John Maine mill oth« Is. til the store house of Mohert \Y. I lorrer. at Clover I lill, in the county of A p jHimaMox, to he read !is evidencem a suit hi ( hanceiy, now |N nding in the Circuit Superior I oitrl ol Law and < ban.cry lur said county, in which I am plamiill, and you and others me defendants. 11 IV in any ouumo the deposiiioiiH he not taken on the above day, they will be continued fr. in day to day until completed, when and where you may attend if \<<ii think piopi r. Yours. iSie., May 17—‘it HEORHE YY. A MAINE. .* € .J U Ws JOHN J. PI R\ IS, Agoiif. li is just re.tchid liouu • " from a second trip after Hoods, and is th s day . p«ii ing at his store, A L*H*e Supply of Dry (,ood«. eonsiating of tiinghams, l.nviis. Printed Cumh nc*. MaU .runs. Rerages, and other fashionable dress Hoods for flu) I.adies. A I SO, A general assortment of I. udst'or gtntlamrii'* m ar. This stock of (iuoda will ba found full rJ/» per cent cheaper than similar Hoods have Leu * Id in this mat kct. May 17—Is if Itoiinc-tfi, Itlhlinnn »nil I'liini rx. Jl >1 l.> I I 'M. \YK have run iv# *1 h liirgc iisKorlinen* <if Lace, H aul . Vermin and Pamela Htinnrl*. which main h dim nimh Inr eer Ilian any vte have eflered in thin market. Our Silk, ( 'n»|»e and Chij» PminrlH. are a - usual, v« r y | re It f. MO I K MM. IIONNK IS cm nIuiiII\ en hand. It I III.MNt. !\ N.—Old Bonnot* and Hat* uotiu 11 j> ns usual. May 17—ts Robert* A' Walter, an.ivi /•/•; nio.vr nnnu.vo, Opposite (ho VI a ti ll of Virginia, Air nn« receiving n larpi nod well selected stork id ano( i:hii:s. uqt oits, domestics, at., W lilt'll they inti lid til sill Upon III) pi ii i<] (it ins U*. any house engaged in tin ttade, m im I ;n pi h.rnll k mils < I pro duee usually hinnglit to tins mail<<t,\i/ Hnrnu, Mutter, W liiskev. IVhi'Ii and Apple Brandy, Kin* and Tow Linen, Wont and Wool Rolls, Feathers, tiinsrng, Flaxseed, and will all.1 r all biicIi, the yery highest maiket pin t*. 'I'lu ir slock consists in port ol t lie foil. .yy mg arte l« • St ti\H I .iM I, Powderid, t m-lied, t laritied, St C' r • • i x, l‘oi to It ten and New Oilcans. I'tllTKI. - M.m Iui, old .1 j\a, Lagnyrn, Kio, hr Kr.. Molasses, Tallow and Sperm Candl.-s TI,\S Black and tirren, nome of Ilia finest ever brought to tlii- market. Cotton Yarn at the most approved Fa toi ie*, MR \ N I t\ Me si pure Fi • nr !i,| mil it ion do . Apple and Pm eh WINK Finest old Mi delta, Sicily, Madcria, Port, Shnry and ^wert. \YIIIS|\ L\ W all*- lust. best fdd Rye and Rectified, rnm ni'iii Rectified nml Mountain, f • I N Pure I and \meiiean. It I ' M Ik st old JaiiiB' i.i. and New Copland. It tee, liar Iron, F.ngli* h and Ti edegnr Iron. STI’.KK- < :«-t. Nheai and Blistered, l eathers, Wind and W ool Rolls. Nails, nil *i/.e-, Powder, Blasting and Importing; Shot and Lead. Window Class, S k\ IH and 10 hy 12. Salt iin<I Sega i - in every variety. I toinesties, i 4. 7-q, anu 4-1. (tton ()*nahtirp**. Soap, Shoe Thread, Saltpetre, Alum, I micro, Muddii. t opperas, t iing* r, Pepjter, Alapiee . Letter, Foolscap and Wrapping P.ipei,(iiimi Stone- ; Fm, Wool mid Pa'in Leal I lals; Calicoes, Bed Tieking; Apron t lurk--. Mustard; Tra< r t hnin«, \xis, Shoe'Parks, Bin I'.ml-, Plough Lines, ?»r. They cordially invite purchasers to examine their Largi Stock before making purchases elsewhere. tJj^THf.Y Alir. DI TKHMINI.D To *111. I,OW.*£$ May 17—t§ JUST RECEIVED HOOKS! HOOKS'! HOOKS!!! i>. it. \i:. B O O K S K K K K It, S T A T I f) N MR, a\i> m:\M it i\ Fancy (iooils, Musical lush-iiiim iiIs. A. c. iVf/l (h ill' brlnuf lb II. Ilut la r <V ( o., MAIN sTItl l'/r, KY.NC IIBI KF, MHFINIA. OFFKIKS to the public generally, a v» ry large ami well as sorted S T O C K 0 F II () () K S , in all the various departments of Mcdieal, Law, Theology, See., lhr. Knglish, French, (iermnn, Spanish, Katin and Freeh School Books, Blank Books of almost every variety, t ap and Keller Paper, plain and ruled, common and fine, Note Paper and Kii\clops, plain and taney, some bcuutilul. Paper I1-mging and Bordering, a large variety, \ i din*. Flutes, (iuitar*, f ifes, Flat ionett* and Flageolets, Ink, Ink Powder, Wafers, Sealing W ax, Motto Seals, Re. ('In ‘■smen and Boards, Backgammon Boards, Fold and Silver Pencil*, Fold Pins, 1 .add s Work Boxes, Wi iling I Jesks, Portfolio*, ( aid ( uses, Sil \ el and Pi ail, Ro ger's Cutlery, and a large assortment ol Fancy articles of al most every variety. Country Merchant*, Tcarlirr*, and All, in want of such articles, arc respectfully united to examine the stock. May 17—ts \ FZ(\ BKS, Family and superfine Flour, a prime article, for pj\l sale hy ( HKNSH.WV. BAFBY R CARTER. . Mar 17 -Cl if M’NCHni’RO Iff IKkET. (cirrceIniJ'vr tin v'vfk iMtUi v I'ritlay, •Vny 14, |P!7, It) M< Daniel A Lcr, (irocrra uml ( i mminivn Afcrchantt. tvlMtcco —Tlio prices ufguod shipping mid manufactu ring ijiuiIiIhh have mnteiiallv improved, and particularly lino manufacturing - Wo quote New Img*, Inferior, HO i eenls tn 1,50, ( 'moinon 1 ,‘,5 to 2,50; Tobacco ^ interior, 2, '5 to 2,< 5 ; ( i mmoii 3,(MI to 3,50. Slop | ping t,00 to 0.50; manutiioluiing, good $5,00 to $0,00) | I ini'. M,(H) to 15.0U ; Steins, common, | ,00; goml 1,35 1 to *2,00, ft hull II'inn in without chnnge, tlio season for grinding bring mstilv over. IUhJ $1,00, \\ lulu 1,1)5. / It uv In the e.'iilv part of tlio week mb s at $5,75 3o 5,Stt, and rloaing with $ »,tWt. Inftpcrted during tlio j v>r» k 310 barrels. ('urn tid to 05 els., in good demand, and i* brooming ipiitu an article of regular tirule, engaging tlio attention »»t man) denier* w bo me pri pared to go into it to a ootivideruble extent, and there is ever) prospect of a continuation id irmutuiaiieg prices to the farmers t«*r some time toeonm; U.its, cb ailed, 37 • cts. pot bualitd J , Slie;.l Oats »5 els. |h r hundrvd pound*. I'uHnw Last snlo 10 cents i tttos. lU'omhj \| pit . • b s at 40 rents; I’meliwo quote #5 to HO cents per gnlloii. m /.< /.. 1/ lii good demand al '.b uti.. \\ till aotuu suiii'M nt n little higlur priee in httrler. Cott 'ii }‘ani* Salem at IS ets. Iron liar Ir *11 $^0,00 per ton; Pig Iron, from $‘25 to $58 per ton. I.iitscnl I'tl bull* ul 70 cl* per gallon. II t it/ No sales. \\ «» quote It* vuluc, common‘JO ; Sup nor *J5 rent*. Il’ool Holts None oil. ting. I'rovisioua Huron u rooting in preM v fieriy . with ro |»**a ltd sales at rents, with it la Her teeluig lo tho eloue "flit* wei U , Href 5 to Greitl* ; Corn meal G.’» rents per bushel. lUiltvr A very light aleck and prim* Hutter much XX Ullled . I Mi d Thu receipt* have fallen oil, und there *cimu* more enquiry pale* at to 0 rent*, * uuo *u I us of eon Nidomhle si*e at latter price. i'oitnlnj I.mins Tow l'.*| rent*; Flax 1.5 rents. i'eidlmi Salts at eta. xxuh »umu little demand. fi'm.M iig 05 rent*. Itreunu 'Jl reals. i'hu' SrviI \\ e hear of no males. Nogin* -New OrleaiiH, S’ to Girls. ; Porlo Him 81 to 10 ns . St. Croix II to l‘«icmilu ; C urtficd Sugars 101 cl*. ; lamf 10 In 15 rents. (V^/'it Hio Hi to'.»! rents Laguir* H to 10 ; Java l‘J to I I Mr# bi 'H1 .Muhinse* West India d;> to 40 el* pn gallon ; N t) 15 to ,10 .’mis Suit $ Ij to 0,85 per nark. ri.ii'ter l.ump, $7,00 per ton. (irouud • Louse 8,50, a si in I lit r re Is |0,00 per ton. 7Ur $ 1,50 pr hill. I liniji No sales to Ulir knowledge, hut Wo ol*erVe ihul their is an iurnnse.t enquiry la*l wile* I rents. I'ish Herrings, $G,50 to 7,50 per hnrrrl for No. I, clipp'd ;, No. 7, $, ) to H; No. 0, $kT to $10. I A( II AN1.KS Checks on Ne\x Y ork, I to J per ct prune Il iliimorc, | to \ do Ihaton, 1 to j do Philadelphia, j to J do New (Means, par Si I . .ins, i to 1 per cl. di». LhutlcMon, par Nashville, I to 11 do I .ou.svilh , 1 to 11 do ('inciiinuli, l to I do Hunk Note* North l iruliua, I do •* South ( arolina. I do ** TennrMrr, 7 do '* \\ heeling, 14 do IHLM.IITN IP YNIl MOWN IIII' (ANAL. Tobacco, leaf (per hogshead) U 50 lo I 10 Do. itiftutiliiolutril. (per hoi) Uj Flour, (per hhl.) 10 to 100 Har Iron,(per ton ) l 00 Pig Iron, (per Ion.) I 00 tnd Shot, ( p*r ton. 1 I 00 Plash r, (per ton.) I 00 S.dt, (per nark ) H Fi#h, (per hurtel.) M All otln r (per |00.) Pr up; 10c dewn 'Mu r* ih now no nhippiiig in muirquonr* of ilia xvnicr lirii jf off the ennui. HJCILMOM) M A UK I /IS, May 10. 'I'nliacro Never sinrrour uctjuuiutanrr with the trade linfe we known the inspnieiis eo small nt this mason of the year. The* roiiHquomu has h*eu nu advmice on ev cry di's. riptioii, partieolarly on flue shipping ami maun laetiiiiiig ipinhlies tho Ifttlcr very Scare©, and liiurh higher at tin* time than last year. I 'loiir I loltlf rs have advanced their rat* s and are flow (Inn at $/ 4. t urn—J a»l in lea at 05c. DAI/J'I.MOIIK MAIlkr.TS, May 11. Thr Stork innrltr t Htill hut an upwind tendency, pri res rniigino ns p i last r. port. Flour-- Suit's ol il ward St. common to bo umdr at $«,75. I * r Ibltnnore City Mill*, bolder* an-ashing $S (Ml. 'I'ln* Hour nmrlo t today >'a* Ann. Sales in nil of uliont I,(MM) barrels 1 toward Street brands at $7,7*7; City mills In Id nt $7.7% a $ .• an meal $1.75; rye flour $7.1 i .. Salr s prime I’euiesvlvania red w bent $1,75; Maryland red, fp'od to prime, at $ 1,7 0 a $1 .Sfl. Sales yellow rorn at $1.9% nr !'( on \ 1 vain a. Mai viand do$l,ti'2a $1,03 ; nud while 93 a 91 ; oaln .7.7 a 55 ; ryu 9'J a 9& ( urre; jioiidenro or Lhn I la 1 union * Ainorirnn. I'iiii.viH.i.i'iiu, May 1 1. Cotton is very ipiiet at firmer (pmiiitmiiM. I lour was In hi at $S — buyirn idler inly $7,75. I (Mj IiIkIh New ( Means Sujftir Mold at 7 ei ills. (xmI Pennsylvanian Wheat is worth $1,7.7. \ elh.w* ('urn l'l.ireuts. .fswsw ■■■ .. ■■ ■ I. ■ ■■* 77. V PI.. P/'E, SHEET llt(K\\\r. S,r. 4 ry lit iM’.s TIN I*LA I K (X i ‘i'/w ICMJO •• Vim nran She. t Iron. JOOU l(u*«i.i, ‘2 » hiiUHm Sweet ( HI, superior, 1 <11 saek* Salt, 1041 bags K io 4 '■ .(The, 1(1 blub- N <>. and Porto Rico Sugar, I do Santa Cruz, vriy line, h «l<» prime Curdcra* Molasses, 1 i bhls. S’, t). do do Ml n mIiis Wrapping Paper, I hlid. purr VN iulrr it rained Oil, ft tons 4 •round Plaster, ‘20 Wds. new 11« ri ings, Keren mg per barge I’atn k llcnrv and Octavio, for sale bwv. 4 UL.VsJIAW , BALBX S>. ( AKTLK May 17 fit if iPAiyner si /*#•/. r. M < llXNIF.L k LEM are now receiving their Spring (■I'lM uricN, I.M|iior«, XViii4>ft, I) O M K S TIC (7 O () I) S, & c. k r. w lo. h is thr hugest and best assorted thev bu\c e\er odeicd. They solicit a call from their hit nds and the public gener ally. P. S. — Wi will pay the highest market price, in cash nr barter, for all kinds <•! ( Ol.YTUY PHODVCE, i \RTH i i.Mti.v lor Win-hey, Apple Brandy, Flour, Bacon, Lard, 8u*. ('all and see us. May 17—ts McIUNIEL Sc LEE. Herrings, Shad, iVc WK have in store, and offer for sale, No. 1 Herrings and Shad, in whole and half barrels. May 17—t* M. DANIEL k LEE. O Y C(HYSIGJ\'MEA°T. 40 ca«cs good and fine stick Licorice, 30 do superior mass do 3 hhls. bleached solar Oi , I 45 t hirers Molasses, I Just received in {.tore, and will ho sold, on accommodating I terms, by j May *17—ts McCOKKLE U SIMPSON, j r. X T « „V S I V K liAl.K of Mrtv nn<l ValimMu Hooks. A T A V ( TlO N. (TOMMKNf INC on Tuesday, the Itilli m»t.,it th# J liouse at present ocett|Hcd by .Mr. B. M. IkWitti kill Ihj Mild, a Inrgp and vnldible collection of .\i ir tout r thtnbU Jfrtokif embracing works in all the various depaftatsntl of kLit# rature, together withe large no) lection of Sr In ml Ilftnkn, JlnnwtU, Jllbwnt, fa. Also, it large nwrtment of Letter and Cap Paper Steel Bens, Quills, Maps, Blc &ce. » The Ii«ml«m are perfectly new, thn latest editions, tad from tin pr« hues nf the mnet eminent publishers in tbit country. 'The attention oft lie public is roa’>ertful1y roquetttdt and it is ho|vd that thurto in Want ol Books, will avail them selves of an opportunity which sotdafii offers ihengk the medium of an auction ofphuturing dosirabl# publics liu"*. S lo toe unm ti vl at 10 oVhn’k, and to oxltimit frous Jay to day, until the entire stock is disposed of. Salt positive? snd without reecrvu. Terms at sale. IMIKLPS Hi IT.UKINSL May 17—It ./uclto/tssrs. SAM )> ’ .■» Alls \ PAHlf.I.A W a know of no form »f die * i 4xu «tf xi ll r<>|i"lnv c, ut di*"ostinif^ to nttisrs, M diaotiargs mu son*, |H-|iiti.x, unit » ublnous complaints, sapacially Whsie lie o mmi^i '.mu visible upon the ui posed parts of tbs l*i • *■ • 11 Tlmitx.itiiU bare ud tluiiiscliss of the** uuplsasant liu*. I. | meet» o! a din used condition of tho blood,by a timely IIIW ol S WMS’ S VIIMAPAHII.LA l but thrrtuia still tin mi xu mis who ai« Uedigutad by them, and wli iso ln-iillb, temper Ai»«l Npirits are ufluclcd by tbs cironm* stiincc. ‘in aiich, mi- Bay, liv ibis purifying preparation) w li»« 11 Mill B|». ..lily ills tie |1o*Ia1 discoloration from yior cimnti iitinct, nnd tbu« by r«*« oiiciling you to yonraclrssi mid i riiilci \..u uttti.iivu iieOudol repuHdv* to otbsiSl i«*•>!«m• • ill.- |*1 mt*i«litv "I voiu miiulx, removing si tbs asms lime botli pb\ mill incuthl irritation, I'" i'll, d un.l Mi ld by A. IV SuiiUm, I»roggi»U, 100 Button »licM, ,Ncm Ymk ■'mid ul*.i by I Vivid It I .ytnau, and by Druggists gsnsrslly till. Hl^ll'Mlt till' I Mill'll SI. Ill'S. I‘ii'«sl pci bottlu. .S i a bottles lor ft vs dollars. May 17 It (2) <Jrr.»i llnrgalitft In NIio^M, IMHI'V lil.M K TIKS \N| i SUPS, J < *i•Iimim'iI and Hi<>n/,c ilo Mi- 11 *■ < .lo'irrtl and Mu1 W ilg All I \* lurli w >11 l»t* void at ‘2"> per cent, vlteapar than any otli*» limit* in l<>\v it, at May 17 t-. PAMS, AIlllAIlYMl k CO. -- - ■ „ - ^ ni;\4<i). flllll', SI IISC IP HI '.IJS a nueiatrd ihamtidraf lb# 1 Ui ilay ui January l ist, for ilia purple of IKON MAKING AM) MKRC 'll ANDIZfNO, under thoiianin olT'ltppin St Montgomery, bag laava l# inform tlio public dial they art! now prepared to uiooul# ntilriH lor ull tlt'Horiptiona of Ciistinga usually mada al bhiMt I i» i nari’H, \ i y. . Hollow AYiin-, Wit tor l*ip«a, StuTa l’lilies, Mill Piht, N.e. COCNTRA MKIM HANTS Are respeeifull3 invited lo examine dieat>la and uutl it v of ilitn 11 "I low Ware, winch may b« aeon at uiont oiiliu Murw* in I .y noli burg, or at tlio M<re*ra. Kllia'a, Itit'lmiouil. Onlers :uldte(04 il to tlio conearn, at Kill I'nniiiee, or A N. Montgomery, l.yncliburg, will moat w illi prompt adeiiliun Alio, jH.ii lo liimd, oiir’wi U Relucted stock of sriuva .lxi) simmiiii goods, which Will be wold luW for Caih, or III flclltngt A* grain. A AA’ KI.IITIN, May 17 u A N. MON i'GOMKRY. iteanr i rrvh £,u usher Urn«l«. r IM IK. SI IISCKIIIKKS associated theiuaelfea lb# * 1st ui'September last, for the purpjaa of doing % GKNKII \ I. KORYA ARMING AND •W r r r a n i it e JR u i i ne it, :d lie I.umhei House, C noire b low J.yucbburg, m4 where the Turnpike romca to the Lanai, ander the uioit f Johii.l. M uiigi uieiy tv Co. 'J'iiay bat# Juat ra* 'ailed a well asgoru d stock of SPRING AND St MMKU GOODS, .Ala i. i wiipplv of GitOf'KHlfcS, which tbay offar If ihe pulilir low for cash, or m cxcliaugo for Wbaat and L'orn. Kynelibunj prices will ho paid for Craiu aa4 Good# forwarded at I .inch burg prices. JOHN J. MoN'JGOMKIlTt May 17 ts A. N. MONTGOMKKT. . 13<1 Teetiueiiuim A' ’lluxnpton, (. It O l K It S AND <«>1I >IIV.I«A AS t: It 4 BAN Til, I. V .Y C II H II R V, riUUiJYlA U7T* "'<• n .w r r. r-ivm- out KjiHag end Keieterr 8lecb ed Oli<u I iMLs. Ll^l nics. HoMKATlCS, k«., me. king Mill Mori*, \\ c t limit, «‘|i«l (u tu»j ever uflered tm tfcde iimi ltd, \ 1/ : 3 2d luigH Rio ami Lagniia CrdLe, M » li igs lu st old .f;»\ a Hu Md lilids. I’orlo Rico ami N. l) Auger, h hi. < mix and Minified bugar4 («ii|h8r| Y.i IiIkU ninl lilda. Muiateea, 20 boxen laoui .'Migar, Id bbli.. ci d and pulveiieed •lugar) .'12 l)M\ri Tea. (Minr t ry line,) i*r» 4‘ Sperm and Tallow CaadUe, 2 id krgu N.iil*, ldn iteg- Rifle ninl )ll**tmg Lewder, Id bum Country end Jj> defat Iron, •Id (It uid-lotu », Id l>ale*- < f/nabnrg- and 1 ><>maeUe*, Id (MM) JIim ( . Yarn, 6.000 Him Si dr l.. athor, .12 f* Mrltg Nall. IJqiioi4*. Idif bid-i M.iiihtHiii and RrcliGeil WhUliay) .'Id do Old Rye, - ' tin Apidu Brantly, 2d d.i and pipt - I’lcnih Riindv. 2 J .I.iiii.m i i ai d N* . Rum end Gin. 0 en*d»*» Rnrfi-r. M.m.,•ira. Nieify VTudeir* Port k Mitlega Wine* ALSO, ?, Imp, ni Mono Ware, CeMinfre, Hale. Mmh h. ( alii-MCfc. Tickings, Wooden Wer« . Wrapping end "riling Ihi pur, ICiiHin*, \ H pm. Indigo, Madder ami men? het an e le«, nil id a* I i. I. w ,|| I <• m Id fi vr for Carh, in »• cliangi' for rou ntry pi "dure, «u on the unual lime to punctual ruiloinns. Ittuiiiii-tfcioii I?it« ini M. Our piy mill p- r-niial ai. vnUuu given to coatifnraeaU af i Lot it. u hkvi\ roan ro, AM) All. KINI l.x ok f'otlNTKY rRoDUCR. Air*.t, in Kd civiiig end I i wan.'uig (tcodf. Re. ISo eharga '**» Ortna.. .11 ||!V <; M« CI.ANNAHAN. April *f!# te CALVIN TIIOMPRON. l.:iiiiilinriu>*N Taills, I. V N C II II I; It ti, VIRGINIA. H \\lsll to liny I*HH1 IhihIicIs Corn, ilclircrahle he. 9 lurrii thisnml tlic |full June. 1 will ipceirn it at ilie Mills. Ill aver Cn rk, Campbell, cuunty nr it Elk t ruck Mills, Amherst county. I keep a regular supply nf Grminil I'luler, at ths Mills, which I uill sell low fur cash,ur in exchange for Wheat ur Cum. » May 17—is A. N. MONTGOMERY. SECO.YI) SUPPLY OF if r. w I.; « o d s. FROM I'illl.ADKI.I’IIIA AND IIOSTON, TIav NMli. imr. • UP iriLKF.RSO.Yi,- lUTCITKR'S. ON F. of ilicfirm hns just relumed front Philadelphia ami lialiiuiurc, with asccund su| ply uf Nctv mill llcaulil'iil tiigids, Runght since thcilcclinc in prices, which enable nstn sell many Golds at Ji> per cent less than similar GinkJi fust in the early puru.t ihc scasun. Our Stuck consist*, in part nf thu fulluvt imr article s : I lilt IIS, (’assi mores. Satinets, Vestings, Irish Linen, Ilats, Itminots, Fringes, Gingham*, Hrown Muslins, Gloves, Caps, Calicoes; Alpacas, Mouse] ine de Lai net, Shawls, 1 land kerchiefs, Shoes, Checks, Ticks, Cravats, iiusierv. &.e. &e. And many other beautiful stylos ol Goods for Ladies’ Dresses, entirely new , m which we respectfully inrits tlie attention of lint Ladies. ALSO, A large supply of COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA, an 1 other Groceries. Nearly all kinds of produce taken in exchange for G oda. •May 17— ts WILKINSON & HATCHER