Newspaper Page Text
POETICAL. >7. H Ike leu.unlit Jotu nal. um TVt tel! IW life i» dreary. Its U«MMg< all too bralj That tar art# are worn and weary With it* toil and care atul grief. But P bile earth serins *> pecrlcs-, A.»d beauty WO iho stuiha, < , Idle d< ver can be cbecrlem ’Mai t Ik u #w cct arwhantuig wilt*. tVbile deary mocaing blushes, A* night-*hade* melt away) And W<ata vp*endur gushes Richly a‘u the dawning da)$ While light to pore ami p arly streams through the ainbn ut air, Tbe heart g.*w forth thua early, In the strength af holy prayer A* tbe joyou# lord, that** leaping Fiom bough to bough, its song In melting eadem* *w roping 'I'hr wooded dale along. The heart, with rapture thrilling. Brats with a bounding flee, A* its uum»»t cells are falling W »th each warbler's melody 7 lie brook, that smooth and glascy Winds through the hurt glen, Reflect# its banks sograsM Bilrlitl% in its depths again. Bo hi tbe gladMMM bosom, With iU odor ««n thr air. Koch Ireah ami dtwy blossom BuJdcth bright and beauteous there We may roum upon the mountains In noondayN wMy sheen. Of I'd ter by the ftmtams. t.armg o’er the wildwood sceaa. \\ kerr'er our way istemluig. Whatever be our care, Ksril/s tieautu-s round us Mending Bring a gladness tvsrt w here. Wa**iw, Ky. K*'**1. '1 tIK VIRGINIA RKGIMKNT. The following letter, vtlmh we copy from the Staun Ion >jicctitor, and w hicli we presume is from tin* pen - nsGiiUor. Opt. Kenton Harper, ».f the Augusts coin ; *•}, though im| a> Late as oik* r advice* from that pin if the theatre of warl.ko operations in Mi xieo, is never iheirsa interesting—particularly so to t In wo who haw connection > and I t lends in the Virginia Regiment: ( iMMK.o, Mexico, March 27, 1*47. iVsr-W * *»f the V rgiina detachuu nt, roinpn *u»g she four c*hi pantos lim*uifwri mentioned by me as hating prucfcdid to Monterey, with the Ohio regiment*r Cl. Curtis. arrmd here last evening, hating been rde • •! ..y (lenerai'r.iyluf to take charge of a return j *‘>*ul one hundred wagons. Noincident of much i *!>■ urred **n the route Utck. We had several de i ■;. Hums, indie ring a disp >*111011 to attack us, hut no C.’tual tight. The par,.- *. w t< all »uii;ili that w» re seen, aiui! d'mi tit w lieth* r :• ■. ■ m-i.iy i -w is m nttv gr* at tore* on tlw» r.uid. \N * ! . « .vj» i u *i to rcuirti by a dilft r* lit r >' i , ai**• such were our older* up to the i \ citing belor* v.« left. It w at designed by G* n. I ay I**r that we shoul t o)**n a n*-w romtiiutitcaiUMi by Calrtreia and ( tuna -an < ni* rprisc at some hazard, in the opinion of ail nulttaiy inen at Mottler* y with Whom I conversed-—parti*nlarly with our small force, namely: the four Virginia cum pa i n't, ( apt Marshall's drug*am*, and one si\ p Hinder ol Gragg*# !*nm ry und* r ldeut. Killmrn.s young * Hirer of merrt. \! ho did g*s»d service in the late battle of Huena Vista. Our n» \v move from this, however, will lie on tint rout**. The entire Virginia Regiment, which is now here, with all it* field and stall oflievrs, it is und* r ettssl, will take up thp line of march for China during the pro* nt week s.X companies to reiriatn there and guinnon th** p4 ii*.*, and ihe remainder to prtreed to Monterey ui m r Ctrl. 1 hunt ran.rk and Major Kaily. The \ugusi.i \ olmileers Mre to Is* armed w ith nf1**s, and lorin a part ot the detachment stationed at ( lima, which, report says, is one ol the p rUHHnlrsl place# m M* xtco. t apt Preston's e uipany is inane gr* uadicrs, snd g i*s w uk l ol. I lain trantek. Ottf company h it* had a gi*od deal oftltnrrhrea nmoim them, hot no cine ut much seriousness. We left one man ill with it (Jacob Long) at the hospital at >ontercy —-annther (J«*hn P*s r) with th»* effeeis of an injury re reived on ship-luard, not serious I ho|*c—and am).her, ineutenant Geiger, til ol’iiiu|m. I saw *11 o| them Is* feral kslt, und tiniik thtr t* I I:lo doubt that they are •We to be about by this tune, W Id', at Monterey, I v;> ted Arista's gardens. They /ir, on a grand scale, hut too new to p,«s#» s* very great beauty. 'I'lic trees and sf*iibl*eiyacsmiill; hut the tine baths and duels for irrigating rin* gmiiii«is,all of sidid ma h Miry, give indication that the proprietor intended to *|»rc r»o exjrense to make it one ot the loveliest s|sits on eunli. The ll.iwera wo re generally in pits, ami to the r red it of our army be it said, t hat. nlthoiigli the gardens are much v:stled, not the slightest injury has been done 1 i any thing, I alst Visited several other gardens, filled w ith orange t/erw I ia*i**d with ripe fruit. Id* •NNOlllS, ^(*, *1 hejHffumr was delicious. Also w ith the lint-, lemon, • nd ng, the latter, however, had no fruit. Cauiargois a mtftcnitdy dirty place, and •(though at f st We see I title com (oft. Ilui fol the momentary ter I is hardly worth while to think of putting on a clean ► lnrt. W hile on the mar. h w* do mil pretend to make an tlT.irl to keep dean. All comp lex ions an* confounded by the dust, and it is oft. u difli till to tell even the color « I our cloth**. Our \ irgtma blue n akis a pretty g«**Hl grey mixed on the march, and a pity, indeed, it is, that it w s not. ( cmaigo, however, has one charm—mini rnt table birds, winch make the air vocal w ith their tongs. BRILLIANT FAI’LOIT OF COL. JHFFKIINON DAVIS. W» take the follow tug I rout the Matamoras Flan of the IS U March; * The 1st Mississippi regiment, llralcr ctmtmaml of Col. Jefferson Davis, coated itself over w ith lutiitorial glory . Originally,it numbered UNO some utld, but suddenly transferred from the comforts ami genial atmosphere ul home, to the almost verlicsl sun ol Ilian* Island.l.isl Au trust,disease made f-tghtful lavages among its men._ \\ hat it lost in this way, in cunjuucliutl with tlm killed at Monterey, and tliuse discharged in eotiMipjener ol wounds, reduced it luronsiderably less than lour hun dred strung. With Ills dm.shed force (weakened soil by the extraction of'the Turn big lieu and Car roll county companies, which guarded lien. Taylor’s tent.) tills sk lelon regiment sustained, and re|s-lhd with immense slaughter,a charge ul three limes ihcir own number of Niuu Anna's la st lament. '1'hn lancers first hire dow u upon one of the Indiana reginu-nts—(wi forget w hether the first ur second)—and dispersed it._ 'l ire Miss.ssippians endeavored to rally them, l.ul la-li.rc they could do so, were in tutu themselves chained._ Col. Davis, contrary to all custom, instead of forming tin hollow «ji are, HtrcU-lied out his u en in form ol a en The lanci rs came up at a rapid gallop, hut tar perfectly astonished was not only therhiel'nfiircr, hut his men at so strange a martin r ol rceert n-g a charge ol cavalry ,thai they involuntarily halted. Kui a lew seconds they ga-aed life Mi the nurullleit euunteuanees of the riflemen ipjuscil *■* till ur, but ti cling there was no timu lu Inue, the order hi Haute (forward) was given. The crochet was I I 'd III au i.c rant: ami just as Ihey wheeled their horses, with lances w t, on lanh prongs, the intrepid Mississippi Colonel, standing insult i'.m tork, rail ed out, ttmjt, lire, Iiuetullheiu trith .jour knives.” Simultaneously with tire sharp crack ol the r.ilc. a deafening shout went uj». and li.wie knife and revolvers Basiled tit t .« direction of tile lancers. Strange as it may seem, many of the Ian cent were dragged hum their horses arid subbed to death, in this unusual manner this sphndid body of horsemen were beaten back Captain Kushs.of first dragisjns.says the achievement ia unparalleled. Whether it is owing to lire natural daring of the men, ur the tufusiufl into their busnma of their Colonel’s spirit, we leave every body to draw tlte.r own conclusion. It tsdne to the third Indiana regiment hr say, that they were afterwards knowledgineut that the .Arkansas cavalry fled the Held.— Many say that the lack of discipline—the suddenness and overpowering force of the attack, would have rendered resrsiance madness. We hojar it may turn out en.— Niev rthi bus, they vamosed, and were sl ipped, in their headktng fl to Saltillo, by the two Mississippi enm I'a.ioui guarding lien., Tay lor’s tent. They presented Him seam snd -rb. red them to rsturn Ur the fit Id instant !r. One of the fugitive*, the drefl* **f an <*lfi cor, rrplmj. “It** no ui*—(ien. 1'*)lor and his whole wnuy are rut to pieces.*' Lieut. Rusnell.uf the ( arroll county company—a brother editor, by the by—-eprang •ltd caught biiu by the collar: “Lead ymrni. n bar* U» •he fii •Id.ym liar and coward,” he retorted, “or I’ll blow your braioa »Hit.” The affrighted wrtirh yrkrd hi» bead bark frotu the inuts'c of the protruding pistol and exclaimed, as a trwvnd«»ua mar of artillery increased the awtul dm, •• *Tts death any bow J”—spurred and run Untied hie flight to >al ilio. The bastard American y»l lives, unlea* mniw aeCTCl thunder of the Al Highly ha* since blasted him out ul eiiatenee. S »;ne 25 or 50 uf tin* cavalry disdaining the example of tlieir confederates, si>**J tl»* ir g'ound and fought like heroes. Lwcfini an. Mil May. I£47. £ir:—A pul die meeting of the litiicnsof this Town, held yesterday at tin* I’mvi raahat ( hurrh, pursuant to notice, to consider the propriety of rrcommending a aub scriptlon to the stuck of the Richmond and Ohio Hail ){ «d C'oin|iaiiy, adopted uuaniinuiialy the f«41ow utg res olution* : it’ Ue* .lve,|. That it m important to the interest oi the Town of Lynchburg that, in addition to lilnral pn vatc suim riptioii.lhe 'I’own, im« Corpora tiun.ahmi id aub scribe for a sum not less than one thousand shares, e.»n ditinned tha the road be commenced at the Town of Lynchburg. 2d Resolved. That tlie Mayor of the Town be and ia hereby r»*pn%te»J loappuut some suitable tune, not far distant, and direct the Sergeant ofihe( orpomtion to sub lint the 11 nest ion to the lawful voter*, to determine wheth er the Comino i Council shall «uf«rntiu for one thousand -hares, on conditio th; . the Richmond and Ohm Rail Road t oiii|4iny Nbali commence Maid mad at the Town ul Lynchburg; And made it my duty to transmit them to you. \ cry rcsprctftilly, \ our oImhIii'iiI servant, lU.MM 1)W I'M ( iiatrman. 1*o Daniel I Warwick, Km] , Mayor of (lie Corpora lion of Ly tichburg. IN imsoinrr of a request n adc hy a Town Meeting ot th* ( nixriiB of hi nchburg, on tin 7 th day of May tout I, Daniel I. Warwic k, Mayor nl llw Corporation] ol l.y n hUirg, do hereby direct the Sergeant of the Mid ( orj*.rail.mi to h dd a (toll, at the House lately occupied hy AImmi*. Turner k Burwt ll, on the 21 *t and 22nd irmt., to ascertain whethor the Corporation slue 11 sub I ** r Ih* lor lUUM Share* hi the Kiclummd and Ohio Kail Road. J) | \V A K W 1C K, Mayor. May 10 IHF.NKY DCNNINGTON, Sergeant M the Cor 9 pora toil of Lynchburg, in pursuance of the above, mler ol t he Mayor, do hen hy notify and request ail the! voter* of the ( or (Miration, who are eligible to Vote lor the 'ivd olhcera of tin* Cor( tratton, to attend at the house late y occupied by Me wru. Turner &. Mu. well, on the* 21 si and 22nd day* of thin month, ( May ) and there re i*ord their vciU-m lor or against the Corporation tollmen bmg lor DNMI shares in th* Kiclunond nud Ohio Hull Knud II DCNNINGTON, May 10—t22M Sergeant. VLOTHlfCAHIMBIKC AM) VfilffHHi. V\I K ■ uuw hi rece ipt ol » Urge assortment of the " " almve named G.mhIh, among w hicli are Black I* rciicdi and F.nglish broad ( lotlia, all (triers. Brown. Green, Blue and Olive do Black I1 rencli Dm- Skm (^issimcres of uvery st\lr and quality, Do Boiijc ans and plain F.nglish do I* tew h, F.nglish and American Fancy do Fanc y and white l.m •'» Drillings, Black Fre nch and F.nglish Satin VF.STINGS, Light and dark colon red Silk do Gold Tiiimc laud while figured Silk do Figured and wliltn Marseilles do Lc. S-c. I he almve G.msJ* w ill lie manufactured at prices to suit the customer, provided hi’ is not too hard Ui (lease. At any rate wc are dete rmine d lie shall not say he can do better elsew here. Call and try. All garments warn uled to fit nr no sale. W \ I F.KHOI SK, WHIT! F.AIOKF. Co. April 2.)—th FHKHIl SUPPLY. Mi-mKKI.K k sIMI'.min iIWi.JI ST HF.t l lVf l) IN STOltK, 12 lihds. N (i. Sugar, 2 tierces <1.. rlttnlitd Sugar, l» barrel* pulv c riftcd and ground Sugar, 2 do cruxhed do \2 bum-* WooUi v k W.*,|»*v’t beat Lm| Sugar, I s) IwgH Hio, nid Java, l.aguayta and Maracaibo Coffer, 20 basket* Sweet I )il, l.» barrel* I aimer*’ Oil, *o lm*t-N W indnw (da-*, *10 iln I allow , Sperm and Adamantine Caudles, HMI keg* (Hasting and Spoiling I'nwder, ream* C.niIh. Mp a ml Letter ('alter, 200 ke g* Nail*. Nuu-ii« *t* WnmJware, H nr*t* Mc’a*urc*, fit) ream* Wrap I'lng l*api*i, 100 11m Candle W i. k, Ml lb- CottonTwine, 300 lbs Copper**, 3 dog \»e*and 12 Ih.x. * Tea, all of whielt, to. gethri with many other artic le* ami mir lormer utm-k, wc >>| b r lor *ale at the lowest market price. MarcliH vni \«- MltllN M II4HIL, III (7/./.V./.Y, HUTETOVRT COf .V/T. Hr* J Me Kirov anil Mr* MrKIroy, fhinoifals %llt and MUS. M< I I.HOY will ojien, m an, on I he 1st of May in xt, a Young I.miles lion riling School The niimhrr ul Hoarders will In' limited In thirteen,an I Ilir whole to lwool) livn. The health, eomfori, thomugli ! inatnii'lioii, true piety and refinement of the young I .a dies, will lie ihc objects ul Ihc constant aim and dlorlH ul Ihc Trmcipals. Term* for Sraalon of Fire Months. Hoard, Washing, Sic. |G5 (Ml I union, including Knglish, I.alin and French, Jo INI Music extra. I’ayuicois in e*ery iuslauec in advance. Vacations in April and i teluber. KKFKHKNCF.N 11 ish o|m and ( b rgy o| the Uiiene of Virginia; Statin ton, linn Judge Tlmmpxnii ; \\ mehealer, I Ion. Janies M. Mason; Yllamiarle. llun. W. C Hives; Fredericks burg. lion. Judge Fornax; Hlchinoud, lion. Judge Bald wan, W . II. Mel'arlaml, Fw|.; Halifax, James llrueo. F"I|. j Hedfurd, l)r. \\ m. Davis; llolelourl, J. I An derson, F«|., James Wiaslville, Fw|. ; Hoauoke, \Vm. M I’evlun. F,si|., (.Ill Walls; ( lark could), Dr. Han do'ph; l.vnehburg. W in. M. Blackford, Fan April JJ-Ik ‘ DISSOLUTION FIFIlhl D I’AH I N I*.HS|HI1, heretofore existing un I. tier theatyle ol Taltart A l.aiuer, was diasidved bv inulual consent, un the 15th Inst. MKI.VIFI.F TALBOT, April 20— ta HO. V. • FI. T .1 I, If O T, A V C T I O N i: K H u nd COMMISSION MERCHANT. I.Y.VCIIBUHG. rillfllA‘1.1. WOULD res,Hs-ifully inform tlm eimens of Lynch * ’ Imrg and the public generally that he has removed Ins auction store to the large brick tenon cut on the cross sirret, just alsive the market house, where ho w ill la‘ pleased lo rreeivo consignments from Ins friends and the piddle generally. All unsettled business id' the hie firm ol I al so fit Luuirr will he closed by the sidiserilsT.— ami Ins particular aticnljun paid lo all business entrusted Ins care. MKLVIFI.E TALBO T. April A)—la To J ill: SCRUPULOUS. _ DOf. I OH 1. \\ F\\ IN li informs the piddle lliai he is m isMsesaioti of Hold's remedy lor Scrofula. H i* loo wi ll known to lliecommunity to nnmiiMUiton._ 1 hose who arc atllicted may call on iiun and lie relieved. Ilia Office IS near New More. Buckingham county, \ a His I'usi Office, New Store Buckingham. Charges are moderate. April JJ—is “ I.FFA'OKTJj.VT. “ I.I. persona, indebted lo the lale firm of Rirards, Ryan fi Co., are earnestly requested to call ami seltle their accciml*. The Imsiiiesa nmsl la- rinsed up without delay. II any persnn has a elallll against the firm, please present it I'or |wvmeiit to the *ulmerda>r p « t „ VVM IF BY AN. 1 1 am atlll selling great bargains on the rash principle, and shall, in a short lime, add largely lo my present slick. TI case call and examine. It will c»*i you nothing.^ \\\ H. R. Condon and Parin Spring Sum mrr i'anhionn—dirrrf, fmTRn uun »t mv hoi *r.,o« Maim Stmket. rot* ilimnaburr .Vrrm .k (milk in'11 Storr. ffMIANKKI I. lo my friend* and the pnldic general i |y, lor die patronage heretofore liestoWed upon me, I a»k a mtitimution of the aunc. feeling uwr Mini I idiall he • hip to idcase the moat Ustldioo*. 1 WILLIAM CLAVKY. March 8 gIMI InrilA Rnrlnp*. fl’ST received ‘JIWKI yard* good Burlap* from No. 1 lo .1, which i* far preferable to the Tow Linen. March 18- t* I>. T. C. PKTKRS. LIAII for 400 .VliLltOfX HRTKare now in market to purclmai our lull nu|i|ily ▼ f of NKLROKS. Wc can nay lo our friend*, and die public generally, dial we will pay llie I1IGIIKST < ASM PRICK for all young and likely N K li R O K S , of both aexiw. Tin mm* having *ueti to sell will lind n to their interest to call on ua before making wile. Three gi*«l Ill.ACKSMITIIS and CARPKNTKRS anted. S\ e will give a litx-ral price liir the same. HART S. I)AV IS. N II.—All cnnimnnieationa from the country, rela live to the almvr description of property, will meet with prompt attention. il. ik. [J. July do ta t o, n.rnssmo.y n i;I.v fill IK Hiilwrilur would infirm Iiih liirmU of IS«*«I t« »r«l I niul the counties tr.ulmg t< Lynchburg generally. I Ilut he has Hctih d in the town of Lynchburg, and oflei.s | IiihtM mce* ns coin in union merchant fir llie Hale of Tobarro, Hour, fl ’ll cut, A'r. A'r. Ills price lor selling Tobacco will In* FIFTY CFaXTS |*»r hogshead. A" business entrusted to his care shall receive prompt 1 attention. Ilia Office, for the present,at Smithson SteptoeV Grocery Store. GKOltUK STKI'TOK, Jil. April '&)—in NOTH'E. A 1.1. those indebted to tin* late Concerns of Robert* iv Lee and I .re & K ilM rlH.arrenriie .lv P qm st i d Ui come forward nnd pay their notes nnd accounts,as it is very important that the businesssinitild Is-cloned. 1,otig indulgence will not he given. hKK HOIIKKT)). March II— Ih llrtiHH and Iron foundry. I^IMlI.Mi II lueonvenient to prosi suite my hlisiliens | nl the IMupnix Foundry to advantage, fur wnntot .he means mm ss v I’or that pur pom , I have made ar nmgemetilH with Rugby fc. Crenshaw, hy lam lo Im* furnished hy them with tin* meessary means, and i roiiHujueinly, from nnd alter this date all work done at said l*ouudiy wdl lie for 'in ir heneftt. I Khali coiitiuun to carry hi all the branches of Ini *i ness . connected with tlie Foundry, in HraiM and Iron, and a general M A ( II I N F M U S I N F S S , ami would rrsjreetfully solieit a eonlimianee of the patron age so liberally ls*slownl on me hen I •lore. It is hardly neeesnary to say m»\ thing with regard to the w ork finished at thin estahliHli nen', it having already established a r putatioii to secures liberal share of pat ronage. Fell, 12 ts A <; DABNE1 r n e s 11 AnniVAi. or NEW AN P IIEAFTIFFE HOODS, A e mi. 2^, I s 17. I AM now receiving a beautiful assortment of ST A I’l.F. AND I AM V HOODS, selected w tli great or from the latest importations,and at prices that cannot to phase. I. idles ami (tenth* men, in want of new ami desirable H.rods at low prices, are earnestly requested to favor me with in early call. April 29-u» F.J. BIKTON. in: ir 1.1 mily rn\sn i.i.v Dtl (» MEN I SM ITU'S Improved Indian Vegetable S gut' »a?rd Pills a re now considered preferable loan other*, a* they are both pleasant and eUTai ion*, ami a* the pn**r*s tone*, arnim'ic a nd uperint prop. itie*, they reniov allopprcMivc arcumnl iition*, Mrrngthrn the Momaeh, indue a healthy appetite, and impart tranquillity to the ncrvnu* *r* tem. ■l'h-y «• *0 l ine dyspepsia, rough*, cotdi, Inlions com pljintf, headache ami foul s'oniueh. For sale in l.ynchhtirg, by JOHN II. SEXY. IbufiziHf, March 2*2 6m Agent lor the Proprietor DAHLIAS, \BFAFTIFI I .and varied collection, just received and to, sale, very cheap. |). IF I’AVNF. April 2t»— ts Tollt'l Noti|». \ iVihIi supply «»f Uimhc lieautitul tmiiNpureul \N »h hall*, a uujairior article tor tho toilet, Kor sale hy JOHN II SKAV, Druggist. March i—la fl ix Tina:, in. liHS. nniiHnr made Klax Thread, just rccciv ej® Fx " cd and fm sale, by April 12—ts M« DA NIKI. & I.KK. m A r i. r: a i « a r . r./Wl I.Bs SCPFRIOR MAI'I.KSl’dAR.juM f "a.FvF received, and lor sale low, hv McCLAN AI IAN & THOMPSON. May d—ta •VOM’ <s THE TIME III . II) OA’E, REJW .11.1.. Hnrffaiii* ! It:ir»aiii»—nutl no mi*. Inkr. WII.HA Jl U. niLLEH, (**'< ( I.SSOH TO HUM |s H. Mil.I.KK,) iuthry, fVifjis, «Vr. FI 1HI-. nuIinc I hi r having taken the building former! v I occupied hy Mr. Lewis Page, and op|)osite Air. Don P. ( Peters, takes the lil*crly o calling the alien imn ol'his friends and the public generally, to his tew and well selected sloek of Hardware, Cutlery, &r. which lie is now opening and w ill continue in receive, at It's new I'* rdware KsUihlishntent. He Hitlers hinisell that, after : «i experience o| many years in this hrutich o' the trade,lie can exhibit a stuck* of Hoods, which for tlyles ami ftrins cannot he surpassed hy any house in tin Slate. And as a proof of the assertion, lie asks only a fair trial. Ills Hoods are direct from the Manufacturers, and have been bought ti|*iu the most advnulagi •mis icrins. Among the stock may ls> found aiitHMl every article m ilie llurilwiire line, consisting in part of * 1'i.H .« mg, viy.: Tools of every description and quality, House keeping CtensiU, Carmen,' Implements, lluilding Material*, Sporting Tackle. Ilmslics of all kinds. Iron, Steel, Nails, Itrads,Cord, Hope, ko. ko. ko And many other articles which Could Is’ eimiui nitnl! any of which will bo sold low. due me at any rate a «•*!• . , W. (i. Mil,I,Kit. ■ • N- ^ "untry Produce taken in exehange lor (iooils. March 25 " Rnnnkin Anil W orka. rl,HF subscriber having been ap|mmicd Agent f ,r the tsileol the "Manakiii Nails,” respectfully informs the public, that lie is now receiving and will keep eon shindy on hand, at Ins store on tlm Canal,opposite the I’lthlie \\ are I louse, a toll and eomplele assortment of these Nalls, eilihraeiitg all the various sizes in use. I bis Factory having Usui recently erected and all of its Machinery being new and of the most modem and appro ved description, is capable of making Nails equal in qual tty to that of any other establishment lit the country. I talers are assured that no effort, on the part ul the pros cot proprietors, w || I., w anting to furnish such Nails as will fully meet their wants, and mi as good terms as am otln r Factory can supply them of similar quality „ , , “ U- l Vl.FR. Richmond,! a .April 12, 1817.—om job i’itivr!>u of all dcserijitiim*, EXECUTED WItH Xealorsi and Despatch a at this orrr r. TO MILLERS W HAVE just received a very superior lot of Old An I rfinr and l)n/i>ur IJ 'Ming dullm, Irwin No. 1 to 10, t* which I inrite the aCention of Millers Kr.. April 22— is DON T. t . PETERS. To I lie Lailic*. Hf//, Ml nr her & Co., DEALERS IN EANCV GOODS, fPAKE great pleasure in nil ing the attention of fli® ■ Indies to their extensive stork of Drees Goods* French Kmlir lidcricM, Lace (mmIk, Shawls. Scarfs. 1 rimming*. R.blfoiis. Runnels, Flowers, Parasols, Para solctts and Sun Shades, ivr. &c. The Ladies will find hy (tailing a very fine STOCK OF GOODS to select from and at low prices. T hey are all respectfully invited to call. April 19—ts TO THE LADIES. BELL, lUJCKER A* CO . DEALERS IN LADIES SHOES. Kid and morocco suppers, “ •* thick soled do “ “ “ Ruskins, Rronze Slipper*, Light col’d do lllark English lasting half Gaiters, Colored do do do Rlack Fren *h do do Colored do do do French Linen (colored) Gaiters, Colored Silk do Children's Gaiters, Slippers and Walking Shoes, 1 hlark and colored. T he attention nt the Ladies i«* respectfully called to the above list ot Shoes. 'Tin y will tind hy calling an j :i*sortiiieut of Shoes w ell Worthy , vitnmation Aprfl 19—In li. R. & Co. TO I HE <.i:\ i LEMEN. BULL. IWCKER A* Co.. nEAl.ERS n Cloths. Cassi meres, Vestings, tnuey | and pl.nii ( ravals, I lath, Gloves, Pocket llaudker chiefs, SiisjM'iidcrs, ike. ike., have the pleasure toinh mi those wauling (■ .oils,of the above (leHcrtpiion, that by . calling, they will Hud an assortment equal to any ever I exhibited in this market and at as low prices. April 19—ts Unlit-e Stoi-k to Jlntid. BF.IX, RIXKF.R is Co.. 11 hole stile anil Itelinl Ih tilers in I'll nr'/ Dry (hauls, nl'.K.M il only necessary to say to their customers and the distant public, that their entire SI ()( K OF HOODS lor the Spring trade is to hand. The snick is large, well assorted and prcttv.aud those who call will doubtless lintl them cheap. An invitation is respectfully tendered to any and all persons wanting Hoods. April ID—ts To nerrlismtit, ni:u.. m;cKi:u to. Dealers in I'nrriifii anti Ihnnestie Dry (i'ooi/s, I.VNl IIBCIII!, \ t. »A\ F. the pleasure to say to Merchants who huv Hoods in ibis place, they are eow in receipt of tl e.r ; cl, of Si’111 NH HOt)1)S, coiupr.sing a huger amount ot desirable to >ds, siiio'd lo the trade of Mer chants, than it has ever been their pleasure to oiler. A call is r, spei cl I'll II v rc quested, believing that all who make it,will find Hoods to suit them,and at the right p i j cos. April 19—ts At'W Yat'li Uliolcsiile A Itctuil l lienp (dlsli A liartcr Store. .is nii:. 11’ ./.s./vr/.v the st.itk. f fl (IIF. suhscri icr has just leceivcdat the Store owned II by Dr. Murrell, on Main St., opposite the Virginian Office,a new and wi II selected Stock of STAI’I.K AND FANCY DRY HOODS, I .allies’ Shoes and (lent If men's I lats, w Inch he feels a a sureil he call oiler on as reasonable terms and ns small an idvaneeou Northern prices as any house in tin'Slate._ All kinds of Country produce taken in barter at ilm high est market price. Call and exam.mi before purchasing elsewhere. March’*> -is I K. MF.SNMORF.. NBW BUY GOODS AND CLOTIIIMG STORE fBMIl'. Se b.critiers respect I ally inform the citizens of B I ,vi ebb'irg a id the sur.omitting country, that they have o|M"u d a bran 'll of their Business in this tow n, iii the I.. formerly oeeup ed by Messrs.Talliot ts I.anier. where they w ill lake pleasure in showing their Hoods to all ih iso w ho may he in waul in their line. I laving fa ciI• Iies in purchasing, as well as in manufacturing. They lei 1 . .nfidenl that they will lo able to sell as cheap as ai , house "i town. They will be receiving fresh Hoods every Week, one of the partners being constantly in the bin ing market. DAVIS, ABRAH AMS tk CO, I .vnehhnrg. I.YON, ABB MIAMS ts DAVIS. May 9 - ts Petersburg. A 1*1111. 19III, INI?. BONN F. T S, R | |j (I o N S .f.v/i M,« in.KS. II Ij are now opening our Spring Stork, wh eh is unusually large and j w« II sic It ted. \\ e invite especially f our friends, and all in want of line iM 11 lint *ry to give us a call. It. V. JIKNNING. April I'i—L M, i r i h k h f o n B* I <> it g h 9, 1 AT .1. II IIKN WICK & CO.’S Till II'. nit ire Agmcv ot the Livingston Ploughs is o? transferred lo.l. IL R mi wick &. Co. at their House ] on the« anal. liny will at all times keep a fu I supply i "• ( listings and Wooded Ploughs. All these who havt purchas 'd Ploughs .1 the late Mr. I'l. C. Lankford can he suppliad w ith Points, Slicks \.e., at .1. II. Reuwick j ^ Co’s. The de-id d Mip riority of our Ploughs and ; f listing* is wi ll known in this vicinity. April 8—Ow if ovv if 1L RYAN & CO. s.u.r or .1 wu.i .mLE lot jhxn Dinii IdLYfi IIOl'SK. LY h\\Y( tlBl llCi. ON Monday, the 17 ill of May next, at 4 o'clock, P. M.. up »n the premises, w ill In* sold, at public aue : ti' ii, by the undersigned m obedience to a decree of the Superior ( ourtol ( hanerry, lor the Richmond Circuit, in I wsi suits therein depending, in one of w hich, Andrew Steed man is plaintiff, and the adm’r. and heirs of Landon R. ( abcil, dcc’d., and others art’ defendants, and in the othersef which Robert Saunders is plnutilf, and t! e administrator and lu irs of Landon R. Cabell deck!., and others are defendants, all that Valuable LOT on pisleral 11 li in tin tow n ot' Lynchburg, with the DW'KLI.ING HOI >1. and other buddings thereon, and the appurte nances, belonging to the estate of Landon R. Cabell, deekl., n w . and lor some years past, occupied by JSamu el (i nland K»|., as a tenant. 1 I*.RMS.—One fourth part of the purchase money to Is* paid either in cash at the lime of the sale, or thirty 1 <ia\s therealter, secured by a note or notes well endorsed, negotiable and payable at Hank, including interest from the day ot sale: the rest of the purchase money to he paid * in three equal instalments, the first lavahle on the 1st of I dai nary, 1848, the second on the 1st of July 1848, and i third on the 1st day of January 1M9. 'Phe purchaser! to give his bond to the undersigned as Cotninissiont r,, and the title to he retained until the w hole purchase mo uey is paid. Possession tola* delivered on the 1st of. January, IMS, unless it lx> aseertaineil Injure the sale.! that the present tenant is w illing to surrender the pis session * mner, and in that case possession to lie deliver ! ed at such earlier p rind. HENRY DUNNLNGTON, Com. April 19—H7M law ns, (.lnghaMs'an',)WiTaTTk's.'' Y\VM. II. RY AN would call the attention of the trad ■ y to a large assortment of the above Goods. Many of the styles will be sold at one fourth the Cost of ini port at ion. Such as cost $1,10 he is selling at ‘>5 cents, I such as cost ;;n and ,50 cents he is selling at Is p*r yard \ Call and examine Lr yourselves. ’Phis is no hnmhwr M») 3 •** WM, H RVAN. , ’I'tike Mitif* «t! vlvm it mrij rottemi. IIIDKS! IIIDKS!! IWIM. iny hisrhist mnrlift pnrc fir «*• pH* MIDI'S And m guard against nimtaliw. I *d! -•in" "■*.. '(,nyw:n'^“sn^T’' "’nr-. GKOCKHIKS and DKY GOODS. U) srll for ra*h, <n «xchati£f* lor product*. 31. < M:i\ 10—* nil \ | > UaitsntI PiM. an- a »•!•• V *>•••'• »S< Furjati.% ami a Purifying Tonic. f|1he*c Pills have hecume celebrat'd for tin ir extraordinary I and iintnrdi.i*« powers of restiH-ing p. rl. . I health to per son* sulHring under nearly every kind ol disease to which tkr kuuaan frame is liable. I'lii’V are parlu alarly recommend' d to all tliose person* who arc afflicted with any kind ol < Tronic or Ling* ring t. om plainl, a» there is no medicine before tin* pub'ir which has so natural and liappv an effect upon the system, in correcting tin- -t nnach and liver, and to the formation ol In ulthy chyle, and in purifying the blood. They .ire acknowledged by the hundreds and thousands who arc u*ing them, to he not only the most mild and plea* a .t in their operation, but the most innocent, sal- and Hli dent medicine ever offered to tl*e public. Those who once make a trial of these Pills never afterward feel willing tribe with out them, which is sufficient proof of their good ipialilic*. III.APA( H K—NU K AM) N K U V n U S. Those who arc suffering with this distro-ing cmnp’.iiut, will find Hr. I.»• Hoy’s Pills a remedy at once certain and im mediate in it- ell •<’*. As a renieilv in Summer and Rowel Complaints they display their w »nd -rful p »wcrs t<» admiration, and are far.superior to uiiy thing in u-. for those Complaints. in Dyspepsia ami Giver Complaint they stand unrivalled. Many ha\ e be n cured in a G-w weeks after having au Hered umbu that dreadful complaint for years. In I labsfual C. »st iveucs* thev are d> udcdly superior to any medicine ever brought before the public, nml one *£.» cent box will establish their surprising virtues and place them beyond the reach of doubt in the estimation of every individual. 'They arc invaluable in Neivoiis and I ly pi.-oiidi iacal Affec tions, Goss nl \ppctite, and all Couiplaiots 10 w hicli lenni' s alone are subject. They are mi d in tlirlr aHinn and convey almost immediate conviction of their utility from the first do*c. They may be taken bv persons <*f any age, and the I 'elite, the inlirin, the nervous ami il li'-ate, are strengthened bv tin ir operation, be cause they clear the s\stem ol Rad Humors, cjuict .Nervous Irritability,and invariably produce S -mid Health. A* uu Anti-Riiiuiis medicine, no family should be without them. A single trial i* more sati-li ti.rv than a tln-'i-.itid certificates lie careful to ask lor Hr. lc Hoy’s Vegetable Cuiveisal Pills, and take no other. Price 5 rents per box, with full directions. Principal Odic.o, 1 17 Greenwich corner of I.iberty street, New York, Wholesale and It. tail agent f *r Lynchburg, Hr. D. H Ltvin. Mm^2 < wiin loniTin iioisii.. LK.Iir STREET. R.H.TIMORE. Aim11 R i,. fool. t ^ 1*11 INK AS Till ll.ST'ON. S 1 rilin'. mill* r>igned. having succeeded the la’c firm I of |)ix Fogg ill the propriet oiship of t!ie Futtit tain Motel, so long and widely known ns one of the m commodious establishments in Ihiltimore, take this metli od of mf ■ruling the travelling public that, hesid< s tie great improvement m ule last spring in the addition of an entire new wing to the house, hy which a large ntnida r of lodging rooms were added, as well as an extensive It idling Fvuhlishmeii!, they have recently had const rift ed a new Ladies’ (Irdiuary. fitted tip in the most unique and beautiful style; and also a private siltinu; rtm-m fur llic gr n tic mm, which is entirely free from the bu>ile ne ees ardy incident to the more public, parts of the house : an arrangement highly desirable and winch they!• r themselves cannot fail to please. In c amectiou w ith these improvcini ms the w nole interior of the house ha> undergone a thoretigh revision, everything aj pertaining i to the lipholsti ry of the establishment has been rein wed, i andatte’iidants for the chambers selected with a strict ■ view In entire capability in every aspect. 'I'he Table w ill he found at all limes fully supplied w ith everything I the market a IT »rds. served up in a superior sty le: wnilt- in | the way of winis. £s.r,, nothing will lie Kept tint vvlu.t is I of the best ipiality. Add to these lads the attention and courtesy which will he rendered hy the.r assistants acting I under their own p rsoual supervision. Those who may* ! favor them with a call they Hitter themselves will not , leave dissatisfied, as n i pains or expense w ill he spared on their part to meet the wants of their guests, and trust their hopes of a liberal patronage will not prove imfoimd i ed. | Haggage taken to and from the Hotel free of charge. Fell. *>fi— 1 -Jw I NOTICE. I f Bin 1*7 claims due to the lirm of Parham &, Hopkins I ti have been placed in the hands of Messrs. Irving lioane t <r collection. 'The debtors w ill please come t r ward and settle them—as no longt r indulgence can lie given PA Hi I AM HOPKINS. I )ec. 01 — ts IfltuiM*. Till'. su .seriber respectfully inf urns Ids friends ami the public in general, that he has taken this well kn w u public house, . and is prepared to entertain transient vis or hoarders, by the day, mouth or year, in the mist c unfortahle and satisfactory manner. The I louse is w ell turui-hed, and his tabic w ill lie supplied with the very hi st that the market ran afford. Ills stables are exten sive, and attended hy careful Ostlers. IlisHwt will always he furnished, with the best kinds of Liquors. THOMAS REYKLEY. April 15—-2m Italr Coiloo, Still and fluster. 7 (HUP1 II ilr Coilun, (I ..:,ks' ill.', l.yiuTi i jvFvr" hii-jraml |{i,'lim it.I Kiii'iuri.s.) l.»ll Sinks Liverpool Sail, (sui kino poiotl.) ■Ill Tierces l.ubic l’lasler. Ihr sale l.v March 25—ts MOOU.MAN &. M VIITIN. tor Kent, 4 ' I'.IIV desirable FAMILV IIESIDKNOK, con vcmciii tu business. For |mrlicu!arb ciuni'reot' JAMES It. SMITH, Feb. 22 -ts Sion ul’ihr Hig Cufl'ee I’ot. . DISSOLUTION. riMII'.cn-pnrlmrship lu existing, tinder (hr style o I s. Huberts, was dissolved, h. inutual cons, nl, on the .'list ultimo. The name of I He firm will only be used, hereafter, in set. tlinir the business oi the eoneern. All persons indebted to the eoiu'ern w ill make paYlnent In either party. JOHN |i, Jan. 7—ts It VLAN D Hi tlJF.KTS. -VEIT CARRIAGE FACTOR V. THK sitbseriher respecttit!I v informs the public, that lie has commenced the Carriage Husi ness, ,u the oorm rol'f ntrllt street and Sixth allev. a sh rt distance west et the Powhatan House.— la addition lo his present steel,, lie will,in a short time, have li:i ished. IIAIIOI CIIKS. |:|||s NI'.Y.s, lore KAWAiS, HITJGIKS and i \Hl{\ - AI.I.S nl ill,* lalrsl style of fisliioil. All i f hi « "rli bring of bis mvn manufacture. hr ran, with confi timer, trurranl il. IVrsntis in want of Carriages will tin well In rail on him before pur-basing, as he feels rn.ili dent his terms will soil the rbrni si drains. Repairing of all sorts, in tin* above I nr. ibnir at thr sbnrtrsl lint ire .and oil ihe must rras, nahli tern s. April I—lim AI.KXANDKIl COCHRAN. to f ntmi:ns. \ ^ I’Pl.V ol lush I 'll t II pk III .Sinl. fir sale by . lri JOHN II. !SKAY . Druggist. April 19—ts NOTICE. Wf ; f'r«»r" a" persons Whatever ..gainst trading i » 1 turn Ii, m,l ,,l I mi 11 timl rt-.l Dollars, drawn In u-, l„ d, injj ilati glth il.u ..I Noveiiils r, IS|;>.and p.ivahh- if, shvltou " r,ir|ll- "n til. 12th day „1 Nmember ISl7,a- » have oil,el against the same. TANDY ,t( INKS j Dee. 3 t« CUAllil.llN K (i. KL’I.KS i XUGj}R, coffek&o. •1A HIIDS. N. O. SCGAR, * -">() hags Km Coffee. 100 do l.aguyra do 10 hairs. Manilla Coffee 10 hhds. Molasses, Receiving and for safe hs RRy \VT r Trv«5l t-v April 1 is " , James JS. Mmitla, " ’ t o|>|tc«>imui stud > iitiicr. 11Ksubscriber would leturn his most grateful ae liitowli'iljriiu Ills tdr tlie very liberal ..’ lifrctolurc extended to Inin, and is pleas, d to iui;iri) former patrons as well as the pnl lie, that his 8tiu-k thj* Spring is tint-It larger than usual, and that it is j„ |, * power to offer greater itiducetneuU; than ever tu all (|M ses of deal. rs. noorixa. ROOFING andSGl TTKIUNG WU'SKS dune | town and e. entry, on the most improved plan nJ'. 1 prices to suit the times. * 11 HH0LKS.11.K ni:.u.i.ns Can oel their hills filled at all limes, and at |; , w le.!t sale prices. JAMl'lS ||. S N11 | 11 *' " March IA —w'.lw Sign „f i!.,. ISlo (pi,. p(|( I’. S.—The sill srriber relnrhs li s tlinnka for patron, age mice extended.and would now ask a rein «a], p ,| same. I |e is preparr-d to con-Ai .ixn srorr iiocskh, in town ami country, mi the most ap| m< i d plan, and w li oivr* Ins p- rsottai attenld i to all .It Is. :.„d warrant to pi a so. Ills \Votk is prepared at the Mi pi I .lames tl. Suet t si'JIt of the Hig Colli-e I’ot. JOHN II. I 11,1 >| \\ March 15 wOw* nnilF. IIIGHKST CA-'ll I’liKT, xx li I,,. p-(|f .H VOli A’, it liverrtl 'it:, r.. i Hangbertte’* Si,It r at Heavet creek, G miles h.-Hw I .viiehlnirg, on the rl nal. A. N. .ilON'l GOMKHV N'v ' wts til'Ol i>ULL&, l‘u\I I,..It,., ,y. jt itrs-tii a rsc, (At THE oi.D ST VXD III' T. O. Si Co ) eU in S. ncl, l.ijiiihJ.hrt C«. I ?'■*-' 1 "I'1 «>' *1 Ct S, <•< l.'i.l y In return their tlmnkv to B " *1 i' ll •"""I II"' I 'll hop in rally. lurihe IiItuI eiti'iiurtijieineiil lien mleie leemwid ujuiii I In in. anil re i T‘'<’it'ully ii -I' i> c iiiiiii.iianvc- i t rlii1 same, Tin y ham,,, hand. and 1.(1' / f. r eiuie, .ST<)\ | s i r , «jy «!, .*«rij ri *n. MEET IKON 'V \ I > T , . > »[' i l ; i W VS11 E.K I TEES, IJKLJa-MET AL KETTLES, ^c,ixe. •Ms i, a very laroi a- «>i;uf 7 LYH .Ull wliidi they will sell at the reryluuixl Prices, and on the I most ae mum, .d;,Him li rum. t ountiy Merchants are most rospretfuJ'y invited to 'Z>' i* !• s a e.ili i i'll,)!1 pnieSiasiiio i 1st w hi ic,as v. e aio dc ti likiiiu-il l« >i II : > chi ap as a \ ollu r In use u» the place. inn s;; < ormuvfj , (juvi'khlyu I done on the Iowim lerm.-. at ihcbJn riot m iiir. ^• IE 1 io y ban ..ii hand, ami constantly keep, a lar^c ass.trtriicit i,| \\ O \ H \v IKE, veni clivni*. April l'J—\v»8 j'l 11. subs ri!"*rs,li:id n.r they cannot oiveihrir person al attc.i*it<ii 5*» the senImicitt i f th< n business, have 1 to pi < \ < d .Mr. \\ in. I). t. hr.stiao to coliiet i ho dei ts due tli. ii a:id hope tint all pi rs ,i.s indubltd w ill he rcad\ la settle upon application. „_ April St—w !\v I!YU HI \i k (illKEN. TO TiiE Jp % FZ EjBC. ! |A\i.\(iin ii a I,, li.t'i .i !v, Messrs John Strother* I I Js. -o i. ,t i’tiil.ivli phia, one nit he laigot t stahlislm*., nt« • one t ;,a. I • . r >r • *• ib- -.f M tr**lo »\ .ilk in general 1 am now r .idy to iill oidcra for Arabian, Hjryptinn, Italian and tlarrifirlia m ./ n n l /•; m ,i ,v r /; /, >■; it ‘In- lowest * ash price, nud tit ir deli very in I i elibu *jj. in •mmil f> >iulil «•»!!, iriantv d. I . ■,i■ l> S( i >m «• aim A! arb.e JV1 < n ' to urdv r. A I w dc-jgi,-. nm\ be c n ii.tiu d at Ihf -tori1 of i l. \\ . Moon-, M.. in Si. i t. •Ei^t i i\f.l, t!n latest , of liui-h for stucco cori i cs.— i ,i^ v w is hi n; i i h.ivm-w or old parlors fitted up, after the s yV "f tin- irthni Cities, can do so, lo applying tot lie sub scriber. .Ian 23—wts JOHN LONC5. tuestees or i\ii.f~mle uhXD. 1 E virtue < I* a rn <1 of trust executed tu the sui ncri* L? Kirby .1«*ltii Stour, dated May 17, Ibi5, of re i I in J'ct.ierd county a urt. I shall, on 'J hursdny the rd ol June in xt, at tie Dwelling House, lately occu pif‘‘ ll».- dohu M >\u r, Sr., and now l.y John Stci cr Jr., j prou iil t.i •• Il to the bight t Liddei the following nut estate, to wii : A T R A C T O F I. A N D, ying on tin* main west' rn road, about ]() miles abo/o l.iherty. in t e c • >ii nt v ol Red ford, containing 373* ACRES, up II w II eh is sit a11 11 a Tav i ! I • A ! UN sK,and all neces ?*4'i» t Ji*j| s;,r> buildings, Store House, Cfc - h p "I Mill. Also, a J, ,(| Land, adjoining tlm first mentioned, I - ii (• Hisocroi containing 2U1 j Aches. Also, an .tli. r parrel * f Land, containing So ACRF.S, adjoining I he I .an! a.tova nmntioiud. AUo, a I raet adjmiiug that first named, containing 58 \cres, up. >n whicii there is a eomlor.uhlc J J vvtiliii'r I louse N.c. i lie lau i is el g Hid quality and in good condition and lying inline liaday on the main Wtstern road, with all I neeisvir\ hut!.linos, is v» ry valuuhlcas a U avern stand. I Im terms will he madt Known on tlm day if sale,— 'be title is b< lieved lo be undoubted. JOS. WILSON, Trustee. May 3—w l\v 1 lie un !i r.-egue I, trustees in a subsequent deed of 1 rust executed I-\ J .lm Stoner and John Stoner Jr.; b ated l Otis September I > {• >,and of record in Rcdford coun ty court, will proceed to sell,to the highest bidder, at the iimean l j meirioned in the above adv*i rttiscnicnt, "" 1,111 ,:l ’be lands as may n main unsold afti r satisfy - ing the <’ ed ii if ut nod in the above advertisement, l b" I -ay he s Id together i r in parcels to suit pureha- -i i'lie r\Tiit ihai the whole is sold togctli ‘r*’be t alhiie men tinned and the undersigned, will unite . a deed to the purchase r. J \MF.S F. JOHNSON, KDWAUD C. liLRKS, Alay 3—w4vv Trustees. y IJitilNIA V11 e Clerk’s Ofiicf ol the l ii'-mt M j i i ioi . <mrt ol law and chancery, for the county " Amli'*i>l, on .Monday the 5th day ot April, 1S-17 : Robcr Isbell, * ' Plaintiff, ahaisst n njamin \V.iit«, Janies I» Watts and Herod B. Seott, I I'Ktiri--, WiEi.iu I). I loi.ston and Willa.m II. 1 ie;:*s. • ll ol .Ni lsn.i . -unty. ai d as such edmiiusljbtor ilc l*« » i* lr|u,,i ul Stephen WaU.-,tite*d. Defendants. , In Ciumckhv. I be ch feneants, lien cl B. .- colt ai d William D. IToosten, not ba\m.j; entered llu-ir appe arance and given sicurity «r* I* ifr to tin- act of A- . iiihiy oi.d tl. emles of this Court, •md it appearing liy suthI'aetdrevidence, that they are not in this Comniouwialtjj : It is , rdcrcd, that the .‘aid ilclendaiilsdo appear here on the fir.-1 Monday in August n»*t, and answer the Ini] of the plaintiff ; and that a cot V of this order hr forthwith inserted in some new -paper published in tlic town ot i.vnchhiirg-, tor two months successively, »nd posted at the trout door of the ermit-house oi this county. A Copy—'lestr, May 10—w2m ROBERT TINS Li Y,C\ BLA N KETN A N I) NE(JRO CLOTHING.—J”*1 t*» hand, several hale- ot Blankets very cheap; Also. A • t-T lot ol Negro Ch.thing:, vcr\ 1 w. Nov. 30 is F-. J BT’KTON#