rLUi.irsni.il in
Kveky Monday and Thursday,
it sr Dollars per annum, payable in advance. .Vo sub
set on wdl be received fir a shorter time than six months ,
tie* paper will be discontinued, (except at the discretion
9f .Editors.) until all arrearages are paid.
| ADY EUTlSKAll^VTS inserted at 50 cents ;*r
«fu (pr lest) for every inner form insertion and 37 A ets.
par are (or less) for every outer farm insertion.
t£tl Y ADVERTISER is required to note on his .V*.
A $isig fie wishes hh advertisement inserted, an adver
tised* not so noted, will be inserted till its discontinuance
kt ci'td
/: YEARLY ADVERTlShW. the terms ore ; for
Vie rdege of two squares, % 10 , for one square , for
nature, inner form Every yearly advertiser trill
ke riiredto con/tne his advertising to his particular line of
I J()l1 /■*/?/. V/'/.Vt# executed neatly and expeditiously
• tin reasonable terms.
1',tii-har l A'. Itaine will John Julius unit IHUium
irhvsh, Fremlnrs of lliihnlinut Sluthtmi demised,
. ' lot Sluthum. t'hmrtr* II . Statlium, James I. Slu
tnum and Julia IF. .^h h'illlii'ij:
riokK ii. •tire that I -shall, on Monday, the* ‘j lih of
U tlu* |> csent month, (May) proceed to take the dej»
(>^itions of John Itaine and others. at the store house of
lh> H*rt \\ . Horner, at Clover Hill, in the county of Ap
pimatiox. to lx* read as evidence to a suit in Chancery. !
ii ov pending ill the Circuit Superior Court of Law and
Chancery for said county, in which I am plaintilf, and
van and others are defendants. If fmn any cause the
depositions he not taken on the above day. they will he *
continued from day to day until completed, when anti
where you may attend if you think proper.
Yours. &c..
May 17—2t GEOKGR \V. A. K VINE.
Itomictu, lUbhons and Flowers.
Jl M 1IN I I All;.
WKI avo roci iv'oii a lar;_»c assortment
of Lace, R aid . Y< rona and Pamela
i Runnels, which makes our stock btr
I ger titan any we havo offered in Ibis
market. Our Silk, Craja; and C'hij>
Runnels, are as usual, very j retty.
stantly #n hand. R. I'. IIRNINU.
r. tv—nm Donnru aim iiais uunu tip as usual.
May 17 — ts
Robert*# Walter,
,v/.;r (riLi.Vt /•/: rnn.vr ni ii.niA'a,
Opposite the I! a n k of Virginia,
Are now receiving a large ai d well selected stock ol
\\ hicli they intend to sell upon as good terms as any
house engaged in the trail**. i r » xcl.ange tor all Uii d« of pru
d uc usual i y brought to tins market, viz. Paeon, Butter,
Wniskey, Peach and Apple Brandy. Flax and T»w Linen. '
Wool and Wool K .Us. Feathers, (Busing, FI axs**« J, kc..,
a.id will allow for all such, the very highest market price.
Their stock consist* in pail ol the following aiticics :
SI’LAR— Lojil, Powdered, (’rushed, Clarified, fit. Croix,
Porto Rico and .New Orleans.
( DFFKK—Mocha, old Java- Laguyra,Rio, kc. kc.
M dassaa, '('allow and Sperm Cardies.
Tr.AS —Black and (Been, soineofthe finest ever brought to
this market.
Cotton Yarn of the m>*t approved Fact* ric*.
Pit \NI )Y — Best pure Freueu,Imitation do., Apple anil Peach.
WlN’E—Finest old Medeira, Sicily, Maderia, Port, Sherry
and Sweet.
\\ IlISlvKY — Wall'* best, I»i st old Rye and Rectified, com
mon Rectified and Mountain.
(•IN—Pure Holland and American.
R 'M —Beat old Jainicia, and New England.
Kit, bar Iron, English ami Tredegar Iron.
S I'KKL—Cast, Shear and Blistered.
I-fathers. Wool and Wool Rolls.
NaiU, all sizes; Powder, Blusti »g and Sporting; Shot a»d
I .cad.
Window (Bass, 8 by 10 and 10 by 12.
Suit and Segars in every yaiiety.
Domestics, 3-4, 7-9, anil 4-4.
Cotton Osn.iburgs.
Soap, Shoe Thread, Saltpetre, Alum, Indigo, Madder.
( >pperas, (linger. Pepper, Alspi* e ; Letter, Poolacap and
Wrapping Paper; Urind Stones; Fur, Wool and Palm Leal
ilats;Calicoes, Bed-Ticking; Apron ('hecks; Mustard; Trace
Chains, Axes, Shoe Tacks, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, kr.
They cordially invite purchasers to examine their Large
•Stock before making purchase* elsewhere.
May 17—ts
1>. II. \E.
n O O tSKI.I. K 11, s T A Tin N F II,
AM) !)l: \ l.l lt I \
Fanry Woods. Muxit-itl Inili nmcnls, Aic.
JS’tJCt d(,i,r bcl'jir Hi ll, livelier V I V,
OFKF.llS to the publii' gem-rally, a v i ly targe ami well as
8 T O C K O F II O O K S .
in all the various departments ul Medical, Law, Thcoloev. :
English. French, German, Spanish, Gatin and Greek School ;
Blank Books of almost every variety,
Gap and letter Paper, plain and ruled, common and fine,
Note Paper and Guv clops, plain and luncy, some beautiiul.
Paper Hanging and Bor i » i it*. a large variety,
Violins, Flutes, Guitars, Files, ('lanonett* and Flageolets,
Ink, Ink Pow der, Waft rs, Sealing Wax, Motto Neals, kc.
Chessmen and Hoards. Ba •kgan.iuon Boards,
Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Pens, Garlic* Work Boxes, i
AY riling Pcsks. Poittolios, Card Gases, Silver and Pearl; Ho
£• r\ Cutlery, and a large assortment "1 Fancy articles of al*
most every variety.
Country Merchants, Teachers, nnrl All,
in Kant of such articles, arc respectfully invited to examine
the stock.
May 17—ts
sfret.w siPf/ii'.
MrPANIGG k GLK arc now receiving their Spring
Supply of
<«i*occrccs, Liquors, Wines,
1) O M K S T I (’ (i () O I) S, &c. & c.
which is the largest and best assorted they have ever offered.
They solicit a call from their friends and the public gener
P S.—We w ill pay the highest market price, in cash or
barter, for all kinds ol
cor.vr/fr piwdvce.
P vltTliTi.AIll.Y for WhBkey, Apple Brandy, Flour, Baron,
l«trd, ke. Gall and see us.
May 17—ts * McDANIEG k LEB.
Herrings Shad, A c*
\\rF. have in store, and oir-r lor sale, No. 1 Herrings and
* » Shad, in whole and hall barrels.
M.\ 17 i* Mi l'\MKG k LEE.
o.v c o. \*s louvjkfEjyT.
40 eases good and fine stick Licorice,
30 do superior mass do
3 bbis. bleached solar < )il,
6 tierces Molasses,
.Inst received instore, and will he sold, on accommodating
terms, hv
May 17 -ts Mr CO KKGE k SIM PSON.
[1ST rrcpivrd by t'*pii>ss, a trosh supply of BON
• I NETS, to which 1 would call thestlentiiinuf ibn I .a
<i rr. JOHN T. DAVIS.
May 13—ts
Panama. Leghorn, Rlttana,
(Jamteacht, Rough and Rf.a
dv, and Palm Leaf HATS,
in great variety. *
ol received, a lariic ana utannjm assortment. oi me
above Hats, which will he wM very I >w. hv
J. Hl'MBOl’GH fa SONS.
May 13-is
u srrri.y oh'
!* E W 44 41 41 1> K
H:i> IUIH M7
O N Eof the firm has just relurnd from Philadelphia
and Ualllmure, with a second supply ,(
New ami llcautlful Goods,
Uunght since tlte decline in pnees. w hich enable into
sell many GoihJs at «pr cent Ie4t than similar <I.«ls
cost in the early |«tluf the s.nsson. (tjr Stock constate
in n iri iho luiluwiii-r a-tichs
i loins,
('ussi meres,
Irish I antn,
Krin jjrs,
Brown Muslins,
i ups.
nscline du Lai nos.
11 and Kerch left.
lluSIttTV. Rin A n
Ami many other beautiful styles oMG.hmIm lor La.IuV
Dress s. entirely new, to which we rrsneetfuliy mm*
ini' attention of the Lmlrfts
A l:irt;e supply of COFFEE, SUGAR, TF,\, and
other (lY-renes
Nearly all kinds nl produce taken in excliaiie* for
l.:tiiKliornt‘\ ran In,
¥ " ISII tobuy »») bushels turn, deliverable l»
■ Iwoci, this ami the 15th June. I will receive it a;
tin! M.lls 111 liver I'reeli, Uampbell, comity or at Elk
week Mills, Amherst county.
Ikerpa regular supply' of Ground Plaster, at tha
Mills, whieli I will sell low tm cash,or in exeliaiiuu for
Wheat or Corn.
May 17—is A. N. MONTGOMERY.
tfiri'laiinahaii & Thomason,
CO 71711 MS I ON 711:|{| si V A 1>.
L r .A- c li 11 u li t, v i a o / „y /
U',f,nu".'u.r;"'‘',V'!* SF'"K«ttd Iter Stock id
(.Hut ERIE'S, l.ltjt tilts, IiOME.nI |( s, j.c ,
.. stuck, we think, npial lu any mer ulierul in the
market, viz :
320 hags Kin ami Laguira Coflce,
35 hag* best old.la\.i j,,
3o hlitls. Porto Kifu anti \ o $t|gar,
* i Sl\ ! ,r.'HX 1",‘, Clarified frugii, (MMriurJ
2o IiIhL. .t:iJ bills. ;Y1 daises,
20 b • •kcs LoattSugar,
10 bbL. crushed ami pulverised JSuear
32 bines Pea, (some v.tv fine,)
fm Sporm and TalLw faiidle.,
2.50 kegs Nail*,
DU kegs It ilk- anil ill.isling Powder,
l'» tons ( Miutry and Tredegar li«n
dli (Grindstones,
Id bales i t/oabnrg* and 1 )oiue*lia»k
10,000 lbs. Cotton Yarn,
lbs. Sole Leather,
325 sacks Salt.
1UII blits. Mountain and Rectified \\ !u»k»v,
30 do Old Rye,
do Apple Itran.ly,
*‘u do and pipes French liran.lv,
•a Jaiuaeia and N. E. amUiin,
0 casks Porter,
Madeira,Sicily Madeira, Port k Malaga Wine, !
' a large Much nl RLulie Were, fastings. ilalc.
, ali.sii s, Tickings, Wi.udi-n Ware. Wrapping and
U riling I npor, Hanoi.*, Vinegar. Indigo, Madder and m:mv
Ollier articles, all „l which will I.Id lew lo I ash. in n.
il.ange for country produce, .iron Hie usual lima to punctual
4'oinmi v.inn ItusiiH'Ns
Oui prvtnnt pels,mat alteutiun given In cnnogiuaaala of
flour. innuiT, tohjicco,
Alan, to Receiving and Forwarding I i,nets, Re No tbarge
for >ra y age. JOHN’ (J. Mt ( i,\NN A11 AN,
April 2'J-is CALVIN l ltOMPSON.
I l.lt FIHVHE.
milE SL’IISCRIUERS associated themselves thu
J 1st day of January last, for the purpose of
under the name ot Flippin K Montgomery, beg leave to
inform tho public that they arc now prepared to execute
orders for all descriptions of Castings usually mads at
blast Furnaces, viz : Hollow Ware, Water Pipes, Stove
Plates, Mill Gear. &,c.
Are resjiectjully invited to examine the style and qua!
ity of their Hollow Ware, which may be seen at mint
ol the store* in Lynchburg, or at the Messrs. EllisV
Richmond. Orders addressed to tin* concern, at Elk
Furnace, or A. N. Montgomery, Lynchburg, will moct
with prompt attention
Also, just to band, our well selected stock of
which will be sold low for (’ash, or in exchange for
grain. A. W. FLIPPIN,
May 17—ts A. N. MONTGOMERY.
tirarer Creek dumber House.
r|MIE SI RSC 111 REUS associated themselves lh«
1st ofSeptember last, f r tin* purpose of doing a
•Ite r e a n t i te n it * i ne s
at the Lumlier House, t> iniDs below Lynchburg, and
whore the Turnpike comes to the Canal, under the name
<-f John J. Montgomery Co. They havs just re
reived a wi ll assorted stork of
Als), a supply of GROCERIES, which they offer is
the public low for cash, or in exchange fur Wiieat and
Lynchburg prices will he paid for Grain and Goods
forwarded at Lynchburg prices.
May 17— ts A. N. MONTGOMERY.
Great Bargains in Shorn.
1 Coloured and Bronze do
Misses coloured and Mark do
All of whirl, will hr sold at lb per cent, cheaper than ana
other house in town, at
RECEIVED by express, Plaid llerages and Poil tin
C'hevre Lustre, a new arliele fir Ladies’ Dresses,
which makes my assortment of Dress Lunds very com
plete. -JOHN T. DAVIS.
May 13—ts
To sir. TStotiiaslliiiiilley :
rgUKE NOTICE, that I shall, on the 13th and 14th
l days of July, 1S47. at the Office of Discount and
Deposit* of thn Hank of Virginia,at l.ynclihurg, Va., la'
tween sunrise and sunset, take, the depositions of John
M. Otey. Benjamin P. Walker and others, to be read as
evidence in a certain Chancery cause, now pending in
the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for
Halifax County, in which you arc plaintiff and I am de
Take notice also, that I shall, on the 16th day of Ju
ly, |rU7. between sunrise and sunset,at the Dwelling
I louse of Douglass II. Hancock, in Campbell County,
Virginia, proceed to take the de|Kisitions of Douglass H.
Hancock, Richard Wyatt and others, to be read as evt
deuce in the same cause above mentioned. It from
any eau3e the taking of the last, mentioned deposition*
shall nut b» conclud 'd on the Kith day of July, 1847,
then the taking thereof shall he continued frtmi time to
time until th’ y shall he all taken and concluded.
May I3-4w
! POM S.1I.K
virtue nl a ilis'il uf Trust i xecuted In me by Jnliu
S. I.anghnrne ami S.irsh ft. Ins wife, I shall sell,
at imlilie amlinh, imi Thursday. tlielith day uf May next,
it fair, it not,on the next lair day then alter,oil the orrm
iaea, r
lying in the County of Amherst, on Stovall's Crwk. ad
joining llm land of Duet. PI,ml, Clias. Mays, Wyatt
Tettyjnhn, (< U urwieh and olliers. and containing about
The said l at ml is williiu 5 mile* nf Lynchburg and a
mile el llm canal, w itli good untlet* Unwell. A huge por
lion thereof is heavily limbered, well watered with aim,,
riur water power. w hich can lie cheaply applied to
either milling ur niamilaeiiiriug parpos, s It is well a
dapted tu the growth nf Tolweco. Wheat, C'nrii, &e.,
and is worthy tile atleiitiiai nf l In id engaged in hauling
wood.or who may wont Wnuil I .on,I eunveiiiem in
I,ynehburg. Ii will lie divided in lots nr purnlsln amt
purchasers,and w ill he sold either at private or public sale
Also at the same tinio and place, I w til sell two Waggons,
(■ear and Pixluris, uni ()\ Uarl. one set Iliad, Smiths'
Tools, and sundry Tlaiitation Utensils. The title In said
properly w ill he undisputed.hut acting asl'UStoe Js agent.
I shall eonvey such title only os vested in me
A credit ut , lie, two and 'liree years will !*• mven.
Marl'll »«—lOM \V. T.V ANC'KA, Trustee.
pus n’o.\T-VK.\"r
The almve solo is positioned until the £Sih day nf the
present mimlh, and at llm same lime will lie rented out
tliu Saw Mill mli hup g the ulvvi) ’J'laetof l.aml, now m
the occupancy uf Mr. Williams. W ’I" \
WM.T. V ANUKV, Trustee.
May 0—
II %< 0\ !
15,0001 .IIS IIAC'ON in dor* i«l lur <uIk
May 0—-It
rJMII . I mlrruijrm <i, li ri'lulurr, pulm-rs in ilm prunin'
nl l.aiv, hav<> Ibis ilm tliasulvui! by mutual ruuaanl.
1 b" biiiiillrsN mi bail.I vv ill havi* Ibrir i nul iillriiliuti,
April 15 is JAS. (. UII.ANI),
AA III I) I!ram li A AA in. H. Held, Jr.
n\ \ I . I riu ii n panm'i.bip in ilm praitlii B • I l.au
ami will annul Ilm CmirU ul'llui Cur^turuiinii uf,
! .\iirbburu . Ilm cuuilly ul'Campbell, Ap|uinulkjx, ami
Aiiibcisl. Also tin'Supi riur Cuiirta uf lit* isiuniy uf
ll'H'l, riilyn. All buaini's.s uutiiintUml tothrir hanria will
br ililigenily olii'mli'il in. Ollioe oirr C'aplku Win. 1).
I' uir5. at Mail,it linin'.
Amiri's* -l.yill'llburjr.
A pul 15—U
<'oniiuiasii>n<>r'« ul'
#/ a a ft a h ft # #• o f «•
l}l RS| AM to ■ decree of the circuit superior ouurt
■ °f law and chancery, fur the county of Amherst'
proiioiilin'd on the 2nd day of April, 1817, III A suit in
which Alary J. W augh and William Armistead arc
plaintiff*, against Thomas K. Waugh, John Crawford,
N\ i 11 ia.ui Kidsou and JameH Gillian?, defendants ; ilie
undersigned emu miss toners, appointed by said decree,will
proceed at \\ angles Ferry, in said county of Amherst, on
t he 7 ill day of June next, to si ll to the highest bidder,
Lr cash, the follow ing Slaves, viz :
II iUium. Acls< ii, (j targe, Silvey nntl .ithliaurt.
•\nd at the siime lime and place, wo shall sell, to tin*
highest bidder, the interest of the said Thomti* K.
\\ a ugh in ilie Rial Kstate of' his father, James Waugh,
dee’d., which ri al estate is situated in several
Bonn* lying in said county of
Amherst, and others in the
county of Bedford. A more _
particular description will he given on the day of sale
The Land w ill lie sold for cash enough to defray the
expenses of sale, and for the residue, on credits of 6, 12
and 18 months, to he secured by bond with satisfactory
pers mat security, and the title to ho withheld until the
purchase money is paid.
\\ e shall, at the same time and place, sell for cash,
ilie interest of tin* said Thomas K. Waugh in the dower
8|aves hold by li is mother, the said Alary J. Waugh, a
description of which will bo exhibited on the day of
If the said 7 th day of Juno next shall not It fair, we
shall postpone lliv above sale until the next day, the 8th
of June, 1847, when it w ill Is* made.
The decree under which we act requires all persons
who may have possession of any of the said Slaves, Wil
liarn. Nelson, George, Silvoy or Addison, to deliver them
up te us for sale win u demanded, and we hereby mf >rm
them that wo shall send an agent to receive them a few
day* It lure tin* **de.
JOHN THOMPSON, Jr. ^ sinners.
Amherst ('. H. May (i—t7Je
„VOir \S Till: TI.MT- It TAD DAT. It TAJ)
Ilarpins! Etar^niiiw—anil no mis
W I I. M A 11 U . II II, I.RIt,
(SUCCKSSOR TO FR\ff( IS ?. Ml!.I.Kit.)
liartltr/trr, 1'ntlmj, 4*hhh, 4V.
fill IK mibse il»t r having taken the building formerly
I occupied hy Mr. Lewis Page, and opposite Mr.
Don fl\ t . Peters, takes the lilmrty of railing tlic alien
lion of his friends and the public generally, to his ii»*w
and well selected stock of Hardware, Cutlery, ike.
which In* is now opening and w ill continue to receive, at
Ins new Hardware Ksuddishmeut. lie llatii rs him>rll
that, after an ox peril nee of many yenis in this branch ol
the trade, he can exhibit a stock of Hoods, which for
sh/len and /iriccs cannot he surpassed by any house in the
Smte. And as a proof of the assertion, lie asks only a
fair trial. His Hoods are direct from tin* Manufacturers,
and have been bought upon the most advantageous
terms. Among the slock may he found almost every article
m the Hardware line, consisting in part of the full i\v
mg, via:
Tunis of every description and quality,
House Keeping Utensils,
Farmers’ Implements,
Iluilding Material?,
Sporting Tackle.
Hrushes of all kinds.
Iron. Stic I. Nails. Hrads, Cord, Rope, &e fcc. &.e.
And many other articles which could he enumerate cl,
any of which w ill be sold low. Hive me at any rate a
call. W. C. MILLKR.
p. S.—Country Produce taken in exchange for Hoods.
March 25 2m
iCrass ami iron i'onmiry.
8JUNDINCJ it inconvenient to prosecute my business
_ at the Phcenix Foundry to advantage, fur want of
the mean, necessary fur that purposi , I hnve made ar
rangements with Baghy fe Crenshaw, by which lain
Hi-lie furnished hy them with the wcessary limans, ami
cnnsispiently, fruui and after this date all work done at
said Foundry will be fur iheir henefit,
I shall continueto carry !>n all the branches nflm-iness
connected with the Foundry, in Brass and Iron, and a
M A C II I N F. B V S | N F. S S»
and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patron
age so liberally liestowcd on no heretofore.
It is hardly necessary to say any thing with regard tn
the work finished at this eatablishmem, it having already
established a r eputation to securo a liberal share of pat
Fell. 12—ts A. G. DABNEY.
A BEAUTIFUL and varied collection, just received
and fur sale, very cheap. D- B. PAYNE.
Apr;! 26—ts
Mniinkin \nii U'orkn.
^pilf* stlhscritsir having lieeu a pool II led Agon I fur tha
wile til iliu "Manikin Nads," respectfully intotiua
the pithlir, that he is now rcociviug and will keep Onn
stantly mi hoinl, at hia store on tho Canal,oppuaitn tho
, V\ arc House, a full ami complete assortment uf
, ,h«r embracing all the Vaimiissisc« in use.
Tliia Far lory having Issm rcmnlly onsiled ami ull uf In
Machinery licing new uml nf the must iinslem and appro
veil ileseri|iinin, ia capable of making Nails ct|Ual in ipial
| ity to that of any utln r establishment in tho country.—
Dealers aretissnreil that no efl'.irl, on tlni purl of ihv pros
ent pniprietors, w .ll Is wanting to furnish siieli Nails aa
will fully meet their w ants, and on m gnotl terms asany
other factory can supply them of aiiutlar ipiality,
, R If. TV FUR.
Itielitmiml, Va . April I'.'. 1847, Ifni
111 A\ f'.jtisl received a very superior Ini uf ()J J „4n
c/en- and Ihifxur Halting < tnllu, from No l to It),
to which I invito tlio attention..f Mdlnra Su\,
April ‘."i—is DON T. C. PKTURS.
To ii»»* Ladle*.
Hell, Hut her 4*
rp.Akf'. ;rmu plea tiro in eafliug tlio otmmiun of th*
* l.adie* tn their exlensire stock of Dreas (Jots)**
french f.mliroiileries, l.ime F.. *d.«, Shawls, S. iris,
I rimming.. Ilil.liunn, ll.nincl*. f'hiweis, Parasols, Para
-oletts ami Sun Shades, ike. b,e.
I lie Fadie.r will find by ‘tilling a very line STOCK
(If FOODS to select tri.mi and at low puces. They
an- all r. apcctfully invited io call.
April Iff—is
i'<\ Tin: E A DIES.
m:u.. iiih Kut « co.,
Kid and morocco .suppers,
liaiok soled do
“ “ •• Buskin*,
11 rouse Slippers,
Light rul'd ilo
Bl ick ICughsh lasting half (jailer*.
Color ml do do do
Black Freu;h <lu do
( ‘olorrd »lo do do
French Linen (colored) (jailor*.
Colored Silk do
t liildren’s Gaiter*. Slippers and Walking Shoes, j
black ami colored.
I he aucitiiou o| the I udu** is respectfully called b» •
ihc bIkivc lint ot Shura. They will lind by ealliug an
assortment of,Shoes wall worthy examination
April 19—U B. R.fcCo. j
111:1.1., nvcKi.n 4 Co.,
nEAl.EllS u Clolha, Caaaiiucro*, Ycstiugw, fancy
ami plain Ciavais, Hats, Gloves, Poclml llumlkei
duel*. Suspender*. kc. kc.# have the pleasure to inform
those wanting Goods, ul the above* dctieription. that by j
calling, they will find an assortment equal lo any over
exhibited m tins market and at as low pnocs.
April 19—la
5£5K Alei A. I* Minn*.
il hotcsaU ami list ml I halers itt Fancy Dry (ratals,
| |KKM it only necessary to say to tlteir customer* (
■ * and the distant public, that tbc*r»w»4t»
for the Spring trade is to hand. The stork is large, well
assorted and prtftl\,uml tins** who call will doubtless
find them cheap. An invitation t* respectfully t unde rod
to any and all |tcn*oti* wanting Good*.
April 19—is
To Itlrrrftiniifw.
HELL, Itl'( KEH l ('<> ,
Dealers in Foreign anil Domestic Dry (roods,
Lt.ni iim an, Ya.
n.AX’K the pi ensure to any to Merchants who buy
. Goods in tin* place, tliat they are now hi receipt
of tlimr stock of SPUING G<M >1 )S, comprising a larger
amount of desirable Goods, suited to the trade of Mer
chants, than 11 has ever been their pleasure to offer.
A call is rcs|M‘cctfully requested, Moving that all who
mak* it,will hud (roods to suit them,and at the right pn
April 19—ts
New l ork W% holewitle A Ketiiil ( heap
Cush A Harter Store.
f fl XI IK Mihscri’ cr has just received at the Store owned
I by l>r Murrell, on Main St., op|tonilo the Virginian
Office, a new’ and well selected Simile of
Ladies’ .Shoes ami Gentlemen's I Inis, w hich h« feels n s
siired he ran offer on as reasonable terms ami as small an
1 advance 011 North* rn prices n* any hoiisn in the State.—
All kinda of Country produce taken in barter at the high
. est market price.
Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere.
March £)— ts I. K. MKSSMt MIR.
r BtllK s. lmeiibers r« spurt fully inform tlio citizens of
H Lynchburg and tin* surrounding country, that they
I have o|m ih d a hrancli of their Busimss m this town, m
the house formerly occupied by Messrs.Talbot Lanier,
where tiny will lake pleasure in showing their Good*
in all llioHo w ho may he in want in their line. Having fa
cllitiers in purchasing, as well ns in manufacturing, lin y
feel confident that tin v will he able to sell as cheap as
any house in town. They will ho receiving fresh Goods
every week, one of the partners l»eiiig constantly in the
i buying market.
May 3 is Petersburg.
A SUPPLY'of fresh Pumpkin Seed, for sale by
J\_ JOHN 11. SLAV, Druggist.
( April 19—ts
IITK hereby forewarn all prison* whatever against trading
VY fora llond 'I'wo I tmidrrd Dollar*, drawn by iih, bc.u
iiiff date 21th day of November, 184a, and payable to Shelton
i Wright, on the 12th d.ij of November 1847>aa we have ollsat*
, against the name. ' TANDY JDNKS,
Dec. 3—1« CLAilJOHNK (i. BULKS
SUQJB, < <>ffi:i;a ( .
250 bags Rio Coffee,
100 do Laguyra do
10 hales. Manilla Coffee,
10 hlids. Molasses,
Receiving and fur sale by BRYANT ft TINSLEY.
April I—ts
Manuring Srhaot.
rrRE undersigned will he in Lynchburg in a few
da\s to commence a Dancing School.
April 27—ts
I^iuc Toilet Soap.—A fresh supply of those
. beautiful transparent Wash Balls, a superior article
for the toilet, .For sale by
JOHN II SEAY, Druggist.
March 4—rs
■W.--T - ‘ ■ ” ?-.—£♦ - -r ?l-m
t'rvm the J>Vi» (Meant IMtn, .Moyfi.
( €011111111111 iiiumphani prugren of the Amrriran Arms—
Jalntja lancti without 1 alrugglo- Porolc, the puwur
lol IVrotc, dahvorwl up to (..« Wurtli, with all its
| An ament, without a shot from thu Enemy Keport
ui] Urmoval of (Jen Smla Anna ■ mm thu niinnuial of
thu Mexican uuny -Paniculate of iho taking 11I Tus
pan PruhaUte junction ountumplaUil lmiwui.11 Cfwn’la.
Scott ami Tuy lor.
The L N Iranipoil ateam shiu New Orleans, Capt.
\\ right, Ir >111 \ era ( ruz, arrived Inut evening. Shi* h fl
on the evening ol thu “fill till .ami brought us ottreomw
11*1 "ponce anil thu Intici p:i|irrs to the Jay ul her sailing.
\\ 1* procuud lo Uy thcti cutwrcsluig cun touts bel.ru our
\\ u Would, ill tin* meantime, stale thal we liu*c con
Versed W illi an tlltelh o ut putoeligi r. who caiuo over 111
tin* New Oilcans. Ill* says, that he umlcishnnMJeu.
luyh.t had sun w dud lit comillunicnltiig with (Journal
Scott, and that Ilia ul*jm*t ul hisdii|stti*h was thu forma
ti *n 1 f a mutual umlerauiudii g Is tweun ilium. with a
View of joining then fi revs pn |*irulory to a discuut uimu
the oils ul Mi xico,
Sams Anna Ismsis that ihcru is still another Tliermup
yin on till* r.ctil liuiu Pgobla and Mexico.
Scvn pushes on wills ill atop 01 f.ln r: the draliuclive
Sturm at» 01 To (Junto delays Hut n day or an bout hil on
wan! march, w 1 tli a Irohhicns, an otirrgv, and a masterly
acivtty beyond all paiallil.hu hits pa'swsl through llm
isinaulorable town ul Jala pa. tiaveisrd llic d.iugensia amt
difficult road thirty liiilis Leyuiid, and ap|ieani with the
oh, van gnanl of the army, under the gallant \\ „rih. Is
hire ibu hit fa moil castle ul Penile Tina IJastile. an re
nownail in Mexican litsloiv as tin* gloomy aayluin'ol'Jis
graced and unfortunate ilevululmnisla, id the unhappy
viciinm ufanan-hy an I .abide rage, but .nil mure hum!
ta- m all Americans ns tlio dungeons „riluuma bruve men
wbuse cruel wrongs gnve ihu lirsi impulse l„ thu epint
Whence tins war sprung tins strong prison ensile, will,
n« battery ul enormous guns and powerful defences, hui
renders to our anus without a blow. It mm stnnn still
•lauds ujjuii another «.| 1 IiIm glut»ntjr inotiunioiK 11 M«xi
can servility and imbecility, the flag of tlm -'stars ami
atri|ie> waves over it, and American cannon and Amen
can b yonats bristle around Its now invimiblu walls
Not hero dues Meott's army u*U its weaned limbs. A
iIhv * inaart'h will |>r«v<*ijmmu* urn victorious ('wluruiH
mm tlm warlike town id tin mien ul Tlssoalairs Pm Ms
whence marched the valiant warriors with wlmas lmd.ua.
slain in hand to hand oofiihat, Curti z mude Ins famut.s
■■Bridge of Cnriwns” . wtth its litl.UtHI mliabiliiil*. will
y ield to our Imtearmy And tl„ „ b„i let us hark m.
tart be 1 let ua await until tin i*\ enl will justify it, let’* to
we raise the ery ul exultation titul rejoicing ovci the hist
groat imliievnment I, ft t„ American Valor thu capture ul
the oily of the Mouteaumaa 1
Correspondence uf the Delta.
Jalapa, Mexico, April gl, IW47.
Lila* Delta : I arrived at (Iiim place yesterday morn
mg, and found t!»m Din Twipg* hud hoisted the Ainer
n^an (ragin the city the day l*cf< re. lie followed thv re 1
treating iirrircsol (’arm Dordo to within n few miles < I 1
Jalaoa, when all traces of them ns a body, disappeared. ]
nnd lie encamped for the night within three mile* of the
town that evening, and tutored and took ixssckstuii of it
early next morning. I
Santa Anna did not pass through Jalapa, hut, in com
pany with Ampinlia and Toirejoii, turned off lii tho left
at fua hacienda, and halted Ibr tho night ut ihu "mile j
mile paw. which w h being torlifind, hut whieli, on »• j
eoiul iHiuaiderations it w»»w Orvincd pio«i. ot m cvacuum.
Iiim evucu.iti. ii 11h> 1< place yislcidny moiiting, aid in tin
evening ( ol. Ilmney’s drugoon* took pusseHsiou ol the
I as« Hen \\ nrtli follow mg in their l<MiiatcpN. A t urn
her of smalt arms was takeu at the Pass, but they are of
little or nu value. CI1APAHItAL.
JuInpA. April ‘dV, 1847
Editors Delta : Den Worth approached last evening
t*> w11hiii four or five leagues ol lb-rule, end enli iw«l the
city to day. \N e had accounts lst*l night that il had hern
evacuated by the soldiery, who spiked all the guns he
loro leaving.
f aui extremely glud to havt it hi my |»owtT to state
to you that Den. .Shields has unproved much since m)
last, and Lieut. Hammond win enmelroiu lorn this oven
mg thinks there is a probability nl Ills reeuvery.
Mont of the wagons lorn will tenvo for Vera Crux in
the morning.and ifii is tho intention to remove early, will
retard it lor ten or l el ve day a.
'I he immner of killed and wounded, on our aide, will
not fall far short ol 4(M). I have col I m-te.l about two
thirds of ihu names and will s*ml you a copy when it in
complete. Tim alteration in some of ti e re|M>rls plays
tho devil ovon with what I have, hot in two days nil vv ill
•>« righi. CHAPARRAL.
.Vslnpa, April *J3- 10, A M.
!*'«!• Delta : An caprine lias just got in from Ferule.
Den Worth reached that tmvn vcslerdav at II o'clock,
AM. He( • iiml m completely evacuated hy the Holilifts
of tin* runny, and a ('ol. Nawpiezleft behind to surrender
it with deeeney. An iminri He number ol Hinall anus, the
' big gunsof thu eaMle and city.mid nrnmuiiilioii, were ta
keu ptAHwBitiii of. It was imfoundeil, the leport tiint the
gun* had heen spiked in the castle, they wire found in
excellent order.
Den. Amptidia, with about 3000cavalry in a wretched
condition, was mar the town when our troo|w entered it,
when he pul oil.
Santa Anna had not hem in IN*rote sine© the light at
f erro D'ordo, and lie m supposed lo he some whole in the
In haste, ( 11 AFAR HAD.
Judg** Morale*. Drumal of Hrigudn of tin* M» xieati
Rcpuhlie 'I'u the JWitiun tmt! hor It liming hi
nvid to my know lodge llinl some chielk and < flirt iw ol
the invading army ol the I tilted Slate*, which ha* o|»e
rate against Vera Cruz, say that Dm.Scott had previous
Iv advised me that the latnilu h could leave to avoid tin
1 evil attendant on a bombardment ; and coiim ijticuily,
those which have happened are chargeable upon me.
In order that neitlo r now, nor at any future time, aiiy
accusation ofinjustire may Hligtuntizr the *1« h neeol \ era
Cruz, I declare that it ih ta I e that any such advice was
given!—that the only cominuii eatoiu I have nceiud
from Dm. Seoit, tended to Huinmon me, in general
terniH, to mur-« nder; that evt n the neutrals wen* pn vent
ed from leaving tin place; and that il (lie Mexican hum
lies could have I li, tin enemy would not have occupied
the place without first bury mg its defender* in the ruins.
Jalapn, April 4, !>17'.
Command or thk Mixkan Anniv.— It is generally
reported that ihc Mexican tioverntnent hn* removed
Dcnernl Santa Anna from the chit f command the army
and appointed Den. Valentine Canal.zo t.* Ins successor.
| V era Cur/. Chronicle, 28lh nit.
Ily u person just nmv..! from On/aha, wu know that
General Marita Anna liatl arrived there with about Ar
j dragoons, and iiiiini iliaicly cnnirr.rivr i! recruiting, hnv
! 11ijr now antler liiac: mtuatid about G000 nun of the tit
gitivrs from Corro Gordo, lie also assort s os that a
correspondence had bren seized by theaulh.irlics at Mi x
ieo, addressed by a great personage to Manor Utjoti,
off. ring n certain stun if I if u otdtl bring about an rurly
‘ t*>acc, and to place all the n quisitc meat s at bis dispo
In Puebla, Gem Inelan in commanding. They arc
fortifying the town fur rrsiatance.—Hid.
[Correapondendence of the Commercial Times.]
Verv Cri z, April 27.
A letter from Mr. Black, American Cnt.sul hi the city
of.M.jtico, w.i« received to day, by a friend of bis, in
this city, from Tampico, at which place lie bad taken
refuge, after being harshly driven fr m tl.e capital, and
prevcqtcd from taking the road to Vet a Cruz. He will
•— — - — —- - -•; T^7~' ,r - . _r.. ~
probably be in lha Unitvd Stateu baf<aa this letter is ru
eeivod; it ia, therefore, unnecessary lo anter into par
ticular** regarding hi*ejectment. It ia a matter that
i gives me no aur pn«»». I have only wuiulerad that ha wa
not scut off months ago. During the whole of this war,
Mr IMaek has kepi up u regular corn spundm« with
the (Government ot the l Smus. keeping it well inform
cd of the tacia occurring aliout him, and in fact, prnlty
mu* h throughout Mexico; tor hiacorrespondence has haou
extensive, and hi* uc'iuaiutnno* with lha penpla and
Stales, thorough, Perhaps there la no other man who
| could tin vu In'ii an servieeabla, and no other paopla wlw
would have permitted ban lo hold rhu gltiund which ha
lias so king occupied. YuUia, he.
April Vjy (Kir news to day, from thu iuttrior, is of
hut littlo 11111><>ri:iio'e. Hep m* of more inurdur* on lira
road, and the confirmation uf soino ot* ynsterduy’a ru
mors, regarding the movements uf Gun. S«mU and Santa
\iiun, uru iht* only ones worthy of notice. U is said,
thnl (Jen. Worth hu* pen* tntled 18 Jeaguea beyond
Poruta, but I eniiuot find any onu w bo kncui it l* La
Gen. Se.utt if said to have d« apntciied a nu ssengor to
Mexico, or to the point occupied by thu legislative Juno
to, with thu old song, and ilia (diva branch. No go, of
ecui»u Y"ura, very respectfully,
April 'i \n < xpru«s is in this morning, hrwgiug iu
telligi lieu of the o niiuuul adv an u ul Gen. Worth, and
aaiua cl iaeon unclad lumora iiuiu tiro city of Mexico.
The vitiiena aru throwing up wills— of sand, | fancy
nround thu place, and eX|**i?l the soldicra to dtfend
thsui. Mow lav t liter ex pasta thins will bo leiliaed, wa
miivjudvu by the past.
Thu public luit’tj ia oismly heard inoppoation to tha
lute Mexican demigod. Sami Anna. “Down with lha
cov\auJ'M “Down with iho traitoi!’* ara lha criaa that
ale now heard 111 Ihe snpitttl.
I am ve ry happy to fenru hy th a exjreaa that General
Shields is not lieud. he t* improving, i ha slctiiiioi is u
peeled to iiiuv« e\«fv uiunioivt, and I mus closu.
* /-Vom On Wcivjuut, AJuy ft'
The voiintu had not broken out in Vera Urn*.
The New OrUune brought over Lieut. Col. Don Jo**
Mieia Mata. Limits Ant. Pithltat, Henry M» pal, and
ll'uioleior Amnhle, Mexican piinom i*. under charge ut
Major II. t*. Itmmeti, Pnymaatar U. S. A , and \V. 1\
( lenient* These officer? were ink. u prisoners ut C'cnv
(*i rdo i Jen. I <M Vega and other* were shortly to leave
\ era < rur. lor the I mteri States.
Capt Montgomery, (^uartermaater li. S, A., Lieut.
Sot vera and Lteut. Sau.jeta, 1 *•! Dnigi»*iin». came immscii
g* iy hi the New Orleans, and J6U diecharged voIuuUera
and teamster*
Lieut Atullevy Rosa.late ef tlm NYestim.iul.ind (iiiard*,
'Jd I'ctumivuiua Rigmient, and Private James Peck,
•omputi) <•, Nt Regiment New York, died on the vey
[Lthlifutl tXrrtipondttict if the .A*. O Picayune )
J it apa, Mexico, April ‘25, IH47 .
Tho Me*.can* here, t.nu and all, denounce Santa Anna
I t u coward, a traitor, arid every thing rlac that n bad;
anil I verily believe that a majority of them Would rejoice
exceedingly had (ion. Scott eoptuicd him the other day
and hung him up n the first limb strong enough to hear
Id* we’gnt. ‘I Imt lie m playing them false you cannot
heat out of (heir bends that he ha* add the battle* ef
lluera \ i*tn and Ccim lit.rdo fi.i a considers lion they are
equally contider.l. and in proof they arc eternally talking
bIh.u t the f.U H».t l ft. '| hey do Hot umleiaUii.d why it
won that I* real den l Polk ullowid him to pa** Irecly lulu
Vera (’tux from I In\una, unhea there was Lriteiy aud
coiruption tit the bottom • thu idea that our troop* ur# a
whit better than their*, or that they can whip tlieiu,
two to one, when jamted behind Italic nee, hue never on
U r< d thnn hoade and hence, as a Invite r recuse then
nunc, th» re arc mimy < f 11tem who any that they have
U cii *uld I •y thn **llemef'TampnHi.** Agum there aie
d.nihtlch* uuny perl.ups the larger port tun—who have
l< at all conlidei.ee, tuber in In* honesty or bravery ; and
although they tuny not desire a |*a»c vyi’li ua, they ere
still u iix ion* to got ml of the tyrant on any term*. Seek
li the state of feeling hero III Ju'hpM.
The dilig» ncia i»r *ta»o» roach i?> just in from the city
til Mexico, lr .m whence they l.svtr received papcr*up Ut
ilu* !2‘.M Inal. ’I lie new* of the tori'ible defeat at Crriu
Lordohad retielied the capital, and while it aatouiahed
tiid overwhelmed all classes, tho loin* of the paia rv, of
tho puhlic men, and of llm Cong re** itself, would alee
show that it lin.1 nerved to itdlamo the people still rnoie
against the Luited Stale*. Anaya lias hern appointed
provisional Piesident, I believe,and hat* liecn gibwd with
lull power* on every Point except that in relation to ma
king p»nft with the i'oiled States—this no one thinks
of. C'ongrees, m extraordinary session, has even declared
any one :» tiaiit r who talk* ib peace. Thv editor ef
Kl Repuhlicano says, that we may take Puebla, that ws
may even can Mire the city of Mexico, but there must be
no pcco. The duty of the (xsiple is to aoe their cities
sacked aud dcttlroyed. nnd tlicmrn Ives immoiuted, before
they talk of peace. The guerilla *) stein of warfare ap
pear* tit he reeoiumendi <1 on nil sides as their only salva
tion : by tin* mean* iliry drove mil the Spaniards, aud
in the same way they say they must expel the iui)|tiitoust
tcurpingand grasping North American* from their se
cred soil. |h tti-r till die, and lie blotted from the toale
of t ntioi!«i, tl ari conic to any terms ho long as a singls
In stile fivt is on their soil or :» hostile vessel on their
const --Midi is tho language or the papers, of ths civil
bodies, nnd of the military,
I’rmii n pn**en • rr,a Spaniard, who arrived in ths dit
igencia, w r barn ns yet tiny Imvo done little or noil iug
townrds fortifying Mexico. I lo nlso says that there is a
Mroug | arty in limr of pence, nlthough tho members
hardly dare avow tlifiimclvm. 'I hrre arc no regular
l iriHij H of eunsirpiciee on the route, mid all thovo who es
c i pi d at ( Yno (b rdo, v. iih the • xception of a jrortion of
the cavalry, have dispersed in every ilhcetinn. On the
.’HUh April, immediately aficr the recript of the news of
Santa Anna’s d< IVnt, (ien. Mariano Salas called a nivot
ing’ of the i Hi* rrs tii devise some mcaatirrs by which tw
preserve the nation from utter obliteration. Noons liars
thinks r at the .Mexicans can ever make another stand
and give another grand battle, hut the imerussii n is prev
alent ilint small parties w ill lie organised to annoy ths
r< uds, cut ( if supplies, anil kill all stragglers. How
great, in this ease, is the i ecesaity fur two or threw, of
even one regiment, of Texans. 4*. \V. K.
J m.ai'a, Mexico, April 25, 1847—Afternoon.
I have borrowed the copies of 1\1 Kepublirano for an
hour. ' n n v arc dated at the city of Mexico, April 21
and 22, and the latte r gives a full account of the bailie
of ('erro (lorrlo.
The Mexican particulars of the com bn* as usual, aro
peculiarly rich. They say that Santa Anna sustained
the roinl at with men against 14,000, and fought
valiantly to the vt ry last. When, finally, ho found
himself entirely nr rounded by enemies, he forced a pas
sage through "Jos Yankees” with a column of the 4th
Regiment of Infantry of line f The fact, as every one
knows, is that Santa Anna left early—all the cutting he
did was to cut the saddle mule fn m his coach, and then
cut and run.
The Mexicans admit that they li d two Generals kill
ed, but give no name save that of Vasques. Col* Conk*
and Cala'ayud are also named as among the killed. Gen
Scott’s loss, on the 17th and !8ih, is put down at over
4000, w hilo the lo*8 ofthe Mexicans is admitted to bn
2000 men in killed and wounded. They say that the
Americans fought like hordes of savages, killing all that
presented themselves, whether wagoners, old men or
Don PcdrnMnria Anaya hasbecnappointed temporary
re sident (presdeitteinstitute.) One of hi* first acts
was to can cede full pardon to all prisoners who have been
confined for political tflenens since 1621, aod entire fcr
getfulncss rf the past.
Gan. Salas, w ho was President ad interim before thn
arrival of Santa Anna from exile, has issued • proela
, million announcing that he is empowered to raise a gue
i iilia corps, and calls upon all gwd Mexicans to join his
standard. In l»fs concluding son tones he ays that “war
: to death, without pity, shall be tht device ofthe guerilla
. warfare of vengeance!”