Newspaper Page Text
nil. n. Hl.lClil'tfKII, I'.diior. 1C~— —- ==::_-ur_ : ••The Rights of the fttatss* and the I'niou of thrfttstn M lI YCBBt’SC, nOYDiY n«RAIA<;. SAY Ml. 1*17. I __ VOL. XXV—So. M 1 IT HUSHED HY BLACKFORD, STATHAM & DILLARD, Kti.Hr .Mommy am> Thihmuy, ul fsur Dollars per annum, payable in ndrauce. .Vo suh. sssrphon will he receivedfor a shorter Inns than six months ; t»J ns paper will he discontinued, (except at Iks distrtlion if the Editors,) until all arrearages arc pm,l. (7- AOYtUt TlSE.ME.VI \S inserted at 30 cents per square (or less) for every inner form insertion ami 31 ( c Is. per s quart (or less) for every outer form insertion. E EERY .1DYEHTISEH is required to note on his Ms. ksw long he wishes his advertisement inserted . an adver lissmsnt, not so noted, Itill be inserted till its discontinuance hi ordered. Et)ll YK-1III- V .UJYEUTlSI.Xy; the terms are ; for Iks privilege of two squares, %10 , for one square %'lii ; for sue squirt, innor form %3i. Every yearly advertiser ic,ll Is required to conjint his advertising to his particular hiss of business. JOB PII!uX*l'I. V(J executed neatly and exjwddinusly #n«J on renoonnble term*. Bargains ! Bargains ! ! NEW STOCK OF RE.WT MADE Cl.OTill.XU !! rflllF. subscriber lias jusl received and is now opening, 1 I al the auction house of Phelps St Perkins, a large assortment of RE./IDV MADE Cl.OTTlJ.XG. Ilvvtng purchsscdfhem for Cash in Hm northern and eastern markets, I am enabled to offer great inducements, and respectfully invite the public loeall ami examine lie fore purchasing elsewhere, as they will find it to their ad vantage. A. II. CAUUOZD. Sale*conducted by Phelps A. Parkins. May 30—I in f FOIl S.1I.E. BY virtue of a deed of Trust executed tome by John S. Langhofne and Sarah E. Ins wife, I shall sell, i a! public auction, on Thursday, thetilh day of May next, j if fair, if But,ou the next fair day thcrcafler^n the prem ! A TRACT OF LAM), lying in the County of Amherst, oil Stovall’s Creek, ail i joining the land of Duct. Flood, Chas. Mays. Wyatt Pettyjohn, G. W arwick and others, and ..taming about ONE THOUSAND ACHES. The said Laud is within .b Holes ol Lviielilnirg and a mile uf the canal, with gmsl outlets to eaeli. A large [air tion thereof ts heavily timbered, well w atered with supe rior w ater power, which can he cheaply applied to , either milling or manufacturing pur|msiH. It is well a- , dapled to the grow lit ol Tobacco, Wheat, Corn, A.e., and it worthy the attention of those engaged in hauling wood,or who may want Wood Laud convenient to Lynchburg. It will be divided in lots or parrels to suit purchasers.and will let sold either at private or public sale Alai at the same time and place, I will sell two Waggons, Lear and Fixtures, one (K-Curt, our set Black Smiths’ Tools, and sundry Plantation Utensil*. The title to ssid rrojierty will be undisputed,but acting as trustee A. agent, •lull convey such title only ns vesietl n me, TERMS UF SALE. A credit of one, two and 'lirer years will lie given. March 22—tli.M W. T.YANCEY, Trusles. POSTPO.VE.nEjYT The above sale is post|ioned until the 28th day of the present mouth, snd at the same time yyiil be rented oui Warwick’s Mill and Saw Mill, tvilli the appurtenances, atlj liniog the above Tract of Land, the rent of which ran I* applied in reparing the saoi'. W.M. T. YANCEY. Trustee. May 20—12S.M Bonnets, Ribbons anil Flowers. 'y JUST IN TIME. i„ \\ l\ nuverect iveua la roe assortment i c. of l.are, U'aid . Verona and Pamela »• I Bonnets. which miles our steels l«*.r i per limn any wo have offered in this ; market. Our Silk, Crape and (’hip 1 Bonnets, are as usual, very prettr. MOt'KNINCi BONNKIS eon Hianu> oil nanu. ■». i . P. S.—Old ItuHiieu and Hala dune up as usual. 1 May 17— ts iSobvrts 4* III ‘tiller, f .VKtlr OIL1.VITE HHKS'T HI II.IH.VG, Opposite llie llunk of Virginia, Are now receiving a large ami well selected stock ol GROCERIES. LIQUORS. DOMESTICS, <c., J W hick they intend to sell upon a» good terms as any ( house engaged in the trade, or exchange lor all kinds ol pro- t . dure usually brought to this market,\iz: Itacon, Butter, Whiskey. Peach and Apple Brandy, Flax and Tow Dincn, I Wool and Wool Rolls, Feathers, Ginsuig. Flaxseed, kc., and will allow for all such, the very highest market price. Their st<»rk consists in part of the following articles ; j SUGAR—D< laf, Powdered, Crushed, Clarified, St. Croix, > Porto Rico and New Orleans. ] ' COFFEE—Mocha, old Java. Daguyra, Rio, kc. kc. Molasses. Tallow and Sperm Candle*. I I TEAS—Black and Green, some of'the finest ever brought to \ this market. Cotton Yarn of the most approved Factories. BRANDY—Best pure French,Imitation do , Apple ami Peach, j WINE—Finest old Medeira, Sicily, Maderia, Port, Sherry \ \ and Sweet. , r WHISKEY —Wall’s best, best old Rye and Rectified, com- r uioii Hc.ctificd and Mountain. GIN—Pure Holland and American. RUM—Best old Jainacia, and New England. Rice, bar Iron, English and Tredegar Iron. j STEED—Cast, Shear and Blistered. Feathers, Wool ami Wool Rolls. Nails, all sixes; Powder, Blasting and Sporting; Shot and Dead. Window Glass, 8 by 10 and 10 by 12. Balt and Segars in every variety. Domestics, 3-4, 7-8, and 4-4. Cotton Osnaburgs. I 1 Snap, Shoe Thread, Saltpetre, Alum, Indigo, Madder. | ( Copperas, Ginger, Pepper, Alspiee ; Dcttcr, foolscap and j Wrapping Paper; Grind Stones; Fur, W ool and Palin Deat Hats;Calicoes, Red-Ticking; Anroii Checks; Mustard; Trace j Chains, Axes, Shoe Tacks, Bed Cords, Plough Dines, kc. They cordially invite purcliascrs to examine their Dargc Stock before making purchases elsewhere. THEY SHE DETERMINED TO SELL LOW'• May 17—t* ,M* K l,VC S f l* 1*F I*. McHANIEL k I.F.F. arc now receiving; their Spring;! Supply of Urorcrifs, Liquor*, Wines, DOM K STIC GOODS, 6c c. & c. j which i» the largest and bent assorted they have ever offered. They .solicit a call from their friends and the public gencr allv. S.— VVc will pay the lushest market price, in cash or I barter, for all kinds of COUNTRY PRO DUCK. PARTICULARLY for Whiskey, Apple Brandy, Flour, Baron. ! Lard, ke. Call and see us. May 17—Is McOANlEI. k I.KK. Herrings, Shad, if WE have instore, and olfer lor .ate, No. I Herring, and Shad, in whole and halt barrtl.. May 17—1. M. UVNIF.l. k I .EE. ' (Tv CO.V.SfWVlV/i>T. 40 ginnl and fine .tick l.icorice. 30 do superior mass do 3 bid#, bleached solar i >il, fi tierce., Just received in store, and w ill be sold, on accommodating terms, bv I May 17—ts McCOhKT.F. k R1MPKON. Panama, Leuhohn, Ruttana, Campeachv. Rocdh and Rea or, and Palm HATS, 1 in great variety. JUST received, a large ami beautiful assortment of the •hove Hats, which will be sold very low. bv J. HUMUOUtill k SONS. M»y 13—U TANNKRS’ OIL. 30 bsrrn.A '1 'aimers’ Oil. of prime quality. on hand and for sals low. BRYANT & TIN'LF.V. April 19—t, SKcihvn .si rri.r or I K W la ft O |) ft. UtOM I’HILADKI.PHIA AND UOSTON tli) lOtli. I<i(7. II H II.KKkSO.Y a- lUTCHM'S OanVi[,h',firml'aSJ.,1S,rP"'r,"Hl fri,m HtliUllflpkwi I ,“"1 UelUluuTB* w all aswond supply »f New anil Keautiful Uoad* «rl m".uv r""T in Which cable »,.» 1'™'? »l 25 per nail less tiaan »,lur|,r P*"t,;.*510*r'>;i r*,tul "* •»«,„. Our stuck cwiaiaia in part of liiu following articles : ’ ; i loths, • asst me res, Satinets, Vestings, • Irish I .men, I Hats, Itonnets, j Fringes, (jingliams. | Hruwn Muslins, j (ji loves, | eTcU: I AI paces, M«»uso|me Us Lsinss, Slum Is, Handkerchiefs, Slums, l’ hocks, Ticks, Cravats, Hosiery, &c. lie. ; . '"a"y u,ami"11 styles ul Uond* tor Ladies' I,r».ws, entirely new. to which *c respectfully aim. ilie attention of ilie Ladies f ’ ALSO. I A large mipply of COFFEE, SUGAR, TLA, and I other (iroccrit-s. ! Nearly all kinds of produce taken in oxchange for I Gtiods. I Mayjr—tn WILKINSON &. HATCHER limiKlioriae'f) Mills, u v N C II U U Jl U, V I It G I N I A. J\\ ISII to bu y iitKMJ ImisIm Is Corn, deliverable l>e tween thisaiul the 15lh .June. 1 will receive it at ( the Mills, Beaver Creek, Campbell, county or at Elk, Creek Mills, Amherst county. ! ktvp a regular supply of (around Plaster, at ths ' Mills, which I will sell low for cash, or in exchange for Wheat or Corn. May 17—u A. N. MONTGOMERY. •HeClannakan. Sf Thompson, G It o t: K it s a N |) < oiiuismo\ jni;itcliavrs, I. J' .V V II II V II V I H u J „Y / Jj ' WK »re n'.w re. ci, mg our .Spring amt Summer Steak >» UHOCKltlKtS, l.iqi: OIL'S, DOMESTICS, Ire . ma kingour stuck, we think, e-pul to any ever otferad in tku market, viz : 320 hajr* Rio and Laguira ( afire, 35 bags best old Ja\a do 30 liluis. Porto Rico anil N. (J. Sugar, «? , C roix ;",d ( larifitd buiir, (smnon;* ! 2.» libdv. and bblx. .Molasses, 20 boxes Loaf Sugar. : I 10 bbl*. crushed and pulverised Sugar, i 32 boxes I'ca, (soim- very fine,) 05 “ Sperm and Tallow CaiidUa, 250 kegs Nails, * 10" kegs Rifle and Blasting Powder, 10 tons Gmintiy and Tredegar lien, ‘ 40 (irindstones, \ 10 bales Oziiabnrgs and DumMliaflL « 10,000 His. Cotton Yarn, 5,000 lbs. Sole Leather, 325 sacks Salt. Liquors. 1I»0 bhls. Mountain and Rectified W liiakay. 30 do Old Rye, 25 do Apple Brandy, 20 do and pipes French Brandy, 1 22 Jamarju and N. K. Hum and Gin, (i casks Porter, it /a Madeira, Sicily Madeira, Port k Malaga Wins-, i * ar£J‘ ?f°ck of S ti»nc Ware, CiMiun, Hals, Shoe*, < aheors. 1 i. kings, Wooden Ware. Wrapping and I riling 1 a per, Raisins, Vinegar, Indigo, Madder and mauv ! , I'thtr articles, »11 of which will he sold .ovv for Cash, in ex- * change lor country produce, or on the usual time t# punctual cur turners. g 4 'esaasfc.ii? sslii ■« ■ Our prymnt personal attention given to mnsigniaeaka af n FLOUR, niii^rr, TOaJVCO, h A NO AI.L K15DS OF rOl'NTIIV PHODt't K. | ll Also, to Receiving and Forwardinc Goods, kc. .\o eharge i for lhavage. JOHN li NMUNNAIIAN, . April 23—ts CALVIN I HOMPSON. g FUlMCfi f fill IK SUBSCHIBKKS associated ihenilHvM tha * M. I Ht day of January lust, for tin* purpose of ! IRON MAKING AND MERCHANDIZING, J uiulttr the nameof Elippin Is. Montgomery, l-eg leava 4o inform ilia public that they tire now prepared to excu to orders for all description* of Casting* usually mad. at blast Furnaces, viz: Hollow Ware, Water Pipe*, Slova Plates, Mill Gear. bee. C OI NTRY MERCHANTS Are respeelfolly invited to examine thesiyln and <|««1 ity of their Hollow Ware, wltich may he teen at uid of the stores in Lynchburg, or at the Mesar*. Ellia'a. Rtehruou.l. Older* addressed to the concern, at Kilt f Eitrnace. or A. N'. Montgomery, Lynchburg, will meat wiih prompt attention Also, just to hand, our well selected stock of srui.vt; ayi) siwmkh Goods, w hich w ill he Bold luw for Cash, or in exehaug. Itr -rrain. A. W. ELIPPIN, May 17—U A. N. MONTGOMERY. tie aver Creek t.dumber House. rpHE M'llSC'RIRERS associated tliemselvea tha X 1st ofSepiemlicr last, for the purpiae of doing a , GENERAL FORWARDING AND Jfter ran tile Business, r at the Lunilior House, G mil»s below l.yuehhurg, and V w here the Turnpike conn's to the Canal, under the name of John J. Montgomery St. Co. They just re *’ reived a well assorted slock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ( Ala i, a supply of GROCERIES, which they nffer to ( the public, low for cash, or in exchange for Wheat and ( Corn. Lynchburg price* will l>c paid for Grain and Goods I forwarded at Lynchburg prices. JOHN J. MONTGOMERY, , May 17—ts A. N. MONTGOMERY. Great Bargain* in .Shoes. , I AIMES’ BLACK TIES AM) SLIPS, J Coinured and Bronze do Misses coloured and black do All of which will be sold at 25 per cent, ehaapar tkan any I other house in town, at May 17—ts DAVIS, ABRAHAMS k C3. DRESS GOODS. RECEIVED by express. Plain Borages and Poll de Cltevre Lustre, a new article for Ladies’ Dresses, which makes my assortment of Dress Goods very com plete. JOHN T. DAVIS. May 13—ts _ 1 To Mr. Thom us II ndlej : f I V\KK NOTICE, that I shall, on the !3ih and 14lli j I J days of July, 1847, at the Office of Discount and i Dcpoeite of the Hank of Virginia, at I.ynchburg, Va., he ! iween sunrise and sunset, take the depositions of John M. Otey. Benjamin I’ Walker and others, to he read as i evidence in a certain Chancery cause, now pending in ! the Circuit Superior Court ut and Chancery for Halifax County, in which you are plaintiff and I am de i teudant. . Takn notice also, that I shall, on the 10th day ofJu ! !y, 1847. between sunrise and sunset, at the Dwelling ' | House of Douglass B. Hancock, in Cainpltell County, I Virginia, proceed to take the depositions of Douglass II. Hancock, Richard Wyatt and others, to be read as evi dence in the same cause aliovc mentioned. If from ! any cause the taking of the last mentioned depo.ittnru; ! shall not be concluded on itic IGtli day of July, l“47, i then the taking thereof shall Im continued from time to, 1..... *•* "^“iMi^vovSkr.a. I I May 13 4w ■Ull'OM! 15,000 KVACON i",lury ’,i1 ,or “lp ’ BRYANT* TINSLEY. THKI"dmi|t.»Hl, I. irrlofnrr, partners in the practice .... 'f l'1,w- l,,v" ,l"» day dissolved by mutual consent lhe buntm-M OH band will have their join I attention. April 15 u JAS. UARLANI). " M. D. IIHANCH. 1-tH .VOTIVE. ? * wm. H Hew, Jr. " , » partm ralHp 111 the i.ractioe of Utt and will attend the C'ottru of ihn C»r|iorali«m of . i.ynohbury, i|,p county ni l „„|,lie||. Appnmatto*. and Amherst. Also the Superior Courla of the raiuuiy of nuckiiridjrc. All business oonmitlted to their hands w ill br dll,gently attended to. Ufflo. over l a,man \\ D. riiir s, at Market IIuiim*. \ddresa -Lynchburg. Apnl 15—la I'oinmlxaloiirr'i Wulr of P,«•»«• .Vr **••*» r i* i l'1 * l uf ll,e ciicuit nipertiir conrl uw and eli a«*.».»»■ <*..* u. • ■ ***>■*( iVmlit ■ I pr..WHrticot! un IhrSud .lay of 1847, in a aim in which Mary J. Waugh ami William Armislrad am *,*!!.• ,l' K- "'unfit, John Craw fold. " llliain l'.id*iri ami Jimic* Gilliam, drlVndants ; ilia undersignedcommissioner*. appointed by said ilecrve.will proceed ut \N a ugh’a Ferry, in said county of Amherst, on tlm /lh day of .June next, to sell to the' biirlictl bidder. 1 f.»r cash, the billowing Slaveii, viz ; W iUioin, JSrlson, (lei.rgt, Siltry and *iiidi$on. \mlat the same lime and place, we shall sell, to the liigln-at bidder. tl.n interim nft|„. a»ul Tli...„aa F " augli in the Ural F.slatc of liia father. .lame* Waugh dec’d., which real esiate issitnalrsl in several * jSMk TRACTS OF UNI), 4*^m. tUwsff aomc lying in said couiny ,»f ^B ' Amherst, iillinr, the county ul Medford. .A mure JL_ particular description will lie given on the day of sale 'l’lic Fund will be mild for call enough to defray the rlpenae, of sale, ami for the residue, on credils ol (i 12 and 18 months, to he an cured by bond with salisfactui y |o r,."lal security, and Hie title to he williheld until the purchase immey la paid. We shall, at the wine time and place, sell for cash the interest of the said Thomas K. \\ augli in the dower I Mavc held by Ins mollier, the said Maiy ,1. Waugh a description of which will he exhibited on tliadayVf1 aale. It the said 7 ill day of June next shall not he fair, we shall postpone lliu slsive sale until lliu next day, the 8th of Julie, 1847, when it will lie made. I lie decree under vvliii li we art nsjuires all jiersoiii whs may have jsimcmioii of any olili, said Slaves, Wil liam, Nelson, George, Silvey or Addison, to deliver diem up is us for sale win n demanded, and we hereby inf rm them that we shall send an agent to receive them a few days before llip axle. ROHF.RT M BROWN, i Conjniia JOHN I IIO.MFNON, Jr. y amucra. Amherst C. II. May li—iTJe JVUiy \S TltL TIM V.YE, KK.H> ALL. llarKnin«! Rnr^itliix—anti no inis l:ikr. willuii u. in 1i,1.>:it, (sen tissoit to i a \scis s. Mll.l l.a,) Hardware* Cattery9 tmaas^/te. f 1 IN K 8»il*w ilw*r having taken the building formerly B. ^occupied by Mr. Lewi* Pago, and opposite Mr. i In!!” #tlie lilierty of calling tbe alien ’ and well wieetc<V“4o*JV VfP’VfltrtflmHlK dvJt'f, *tol» which lie is now opening ami will eontimiH n> receive, at his new Hardware KslaTiIudi merit. He Matters himseli | that,after an experience of many years in tin* branch o' the trade, lie can exhibit a slock ol Hoods, which for und jirirr* cannot In* surpassed by any house in tbe State. And un a proof of the assertion, lie ask * only a fair trial. Ilia Hood* arc direct fronrtho Manufacturer*, and have hern bought upm tbe most advaiitageotiH terms. Among tbestock may lief mud almost every article < in the Hardware line, consisting in pari of the full iw t ing, viz: Tools of every description and quality, House Keeping LleiiSlU, Farmers’ Impleinenta, Building Materials, xSporling Tackle, Brushes of all kinds. Iron, Steel, Nails, Brads, Cord, Roj>e, flic. flic, flic And many other articles which could be enumerattd, any of which will lie sold low. Hive me at any rates oail. W. H. MIL1.KK |V S.—Country Product taken in exchange for (biods. March 25 * 'dm Mirim* mnl iron M'oumlry. I BINDING i! inconvenient to prosecute my business ' at the Pluem.x Foundry to advantage, for want of! the menus necossary tor that purpusi , 1 nave made ar rangements with Itagby Crenshaw, by Which I am [ lo lie furnished liy them with the uicessary moans, anil | consequently, from and after this date all work dona nt | said Foundry w ill I* lor 'heir lienefit. I shall continue In earry oil ali the branches of business connected with the Foundry, in llrass and Iron, and a general M A C II I N F. MI NI N F. S S . and would respectfully solicit a continuance, of the patron age so liberally bestowed on me heretofore. It is Itardlv necessary to sav any thing with regard to the work finished at tins estahlishmcn', it having already established a reputation to secure a liberal share of pat ronage. Feb. Pi-ts A. G. DAIINF.Y. I IWnnakiu Hail Works. , rr||K suliscnlicr having been apitoinled Agent for the I ^ sale of the "Manakin Nails.’ respectfully informs! the public; that lie is now receiving and w ill keep Con I stantly on hand, at his store on the Canal, opposite the Public Ware House, a full and complete assortment of these Nails, embracing till the various sixes in use. This Factory having been recently erected anil all ofita Machinery being new and of the most modern and appro j veil description, is capable of making Nails equal in qttal ity Ut that of any miter establishment in the country.— Dealers are assured that no effort, on the part of the pres ent proprietors, w.ll lie wanting to furnish such Natlsas will fully meet their wants, and on as good terms as any other Factory can supply them of similar quality. It B. TYLER. | Richmond,Va ,April l~, 1817.—din ____ NOTICE. virF, hereby forewarn all persons whatever against trailing j VV for a Blind ol Two Hundred Dollars, drawn by os, bear ing date X4th day of November, 1^45, and payable to Mil lion Wright, on the lXtli day ol November lH47,a- we have olivets against tilt same. TANIII JUNES, llcc.3—la CLAIBORNE O. FL'LKS New York Wholennlc A Itctnll Cheap Canli A Barter More. AS CHEAP ASAKYLY THE STATE. THE subscriber has just received at the Store owned hy Dr. Murrell, on Main St., opposite the Virginian I Office, a new and well selected Sltrk of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, I Ladies’ Shoes and Gentlemen’s lints,which he In lsas mired he can offer on aa reasonable terms anil as small an | advance on Northern prices as any house in the Slate.— i All kinds of Country produce taken in barterat the high ! ut market price. I Gall and examine before ptrehasing else where. Mar'h »—te I. E MF.SSMORE To tlir liiiriir*. Hell, tturkrr X Co.. DKAI.KKM IN fancy goods. TAKKjjn'ji plin.urc in culling tin) ullriillnn of lli* I.mlii*.s in ilifijr oxti'iiMivo itini'k id DroG OihmIn* brunch Kiiilimnli'tir*. I,arc Omni*. Simula. ScnrW. I rimming.. RiiilmiiH. Hiiiiihmm, Flower*. Earuwd*. I’ara ■ml Sun Simile*. Kr. tti J **'• l-mliiii will riutl by tiling a .cry film STOCK Or GOODS in * li.-t Irom anil al low prieu*. Tlmy an- all nwimril'ully invited io rail. April I<J-i» TO Tin: LADIES BELL. UCcKEll $• CO, DEALERS IN 1..ADIKS SHOES. I/' ID AND MOROCCO Sl.HTERS, “ “ Unck wiled do *' “ “ Uuakiua, llmnxe Slippers, Light oot’d iin lihn k Kngliwh Mating half Cailera, Colored do do do Black Fran.’li do do Colored do do do Childmii'a (kutcrw, Slippers and Walking Slioea. ; Mark and colored. I'be a l lent ion of the Ladies ia nmpectfully called to the above list of Shoe*. They will hud by calling an HMorliueul of Shoes well wortliv examination Aprfl IB .is I Co. to tiU u^miiih llEl.l.. ItUl kEH a- <>., I 4F.ALFKS n ( lutliH, ( iiwNinu ri M. Y eatings, fancy : I x ami plain (%javats, ll.uw, Lluves, Pocket llamlker | ‘btefa, SuM|N‘nderst ike. ike., have tbe pleasure to inform li me wanting (loodw.of tbe above dene npt ton, that by •ailing, they will firnl an assortment e«pml to any ever ! ■Xlnbitcd in this market ami at aw low price*. April IB—la Jl a tire Stork to Hand flKLL, Rl'CKKIl & Co.. 'I hale tale and Detail lhaler§ in Dancy Dry (ioo<lt, I M .I*M it only lu cciwaiy to say in their cuBtoinrra | I " and the dienint public, t hut .their imliio S'roc k OF GOODS nr the Spring trade is In hand. Thu s ock is large, well resorted and pretty, am) those who eu|| will doubtless lind them cheap. An invitation is respectfully tendered lo any and all |>er»ons wanting Goods. April 19— it .Hr re liu til*. II DI.D, l{ DDK Dll 4 CO, Dealert in Dorr mu and Dontetltc Dry (JimhU, Lvst iibcbu, Va. n.W K the pleasure to any to *Mrrchaul$ who buy Good a m thin place, (bat they are now m receipt j it their slock of Sl’KING (iOOl)S, comprising .1 target uuouiil of desirable Goods, soiled to the trade of Mer i haute, than it base?, r tacit their pleasure to offer. A call is re*f*ecifully relocated, tadieving that rill who ! nake it,w ill find Goode lo suit them,and Mr the right pii 1 ce. April 19—ts TO MIU.DIls I IIAV Ejust received a very en|>crior lot of Old .'In J I rW and Dn/tiur llultinn, Clot ha, from No. I to IU, 1 u which | inv 1 tt* the attention of Millers fcr , April *4—ts DON T. C. PKTF.liS On nr in# Sr hoot. p||R nndrrsigiinl will It in l.yrirhburg in a fnw iliiy. lo commence a Dancing School. I*. II HOFFMAN. April 27—l. BONNETS ||'ST received by rxpren., a Irruli anpply of BON iP NKTS, to wbicli I would call ibe allcnlli.n of llm I .a ; lir,. JOHN T. DAVIS. I May 13—ts JUST RECEIVES BOOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKS!!' II. II. PAVNF. BOOK S K I, I. K II, s T A T (ONE R, AND DliALKK IN Fancy Goods, Musical InstruinnitM, Ac tYrsl door In Ion' /if//. Hnvhtr «V ( o , MAIN STRKKT, LYNCHBl HG, VIRGINIA. OFFKRS to tin* public generally, a very large and well as sorted s r o c h o r n o o k s . n all the various department* of Medical,, Theology,: ir , Im*. English. French, German, Spanish, Latin and Greek .School Book**, flank lit Niks of a I most every variety, ap and Letter Paper, plain and ruled, common and fine, Note Paper and Kn\el ops, plain and laitcy. some beautilul. I’ape.r Hanging and Bordeiing, a large variety, fiolins, Flutes, Guitar', 1 itc*, Clarionett* and Flageolets, Ink, Ink Powder, Water*. Sealing W ax, Motto Seals, Le. 'hessinen and Boards, Backgammon Boards, told and Silver Pencils, Gold Pens, Ladies Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Port I olio*, t aid t ases, Silvei and Pearl, Ho* 1 per’s Cutlery, pul a large assortment ol Fancy articles ol al nost every variety. Country Merchant*, ll>«rlirr«, anil All, in want ol such articles, arc respectfully invited to examine the stock. May 17—1» TO FA liMEllS. A SUPPLY of fresh Pumpkin Seed, for rale by \ JOHN 11. SEAY, Druggist. April If—ts SUUAR, COFFEEA'C. HMDS. N. O. SUGAR* /m\3 260 lmg« Rio Coffee. 100 Ho Lastlyrn do 10 bales. Manilla Coffee, 10 hlids. Molasses, Rerrivinnr and for sale by BRYANT St TINSLEY. April I—ts IIini* Toilrl Soup.—A frr*li supply of those * beautiful transparent Wash Balls, a su|ierior article for the toilet, For sale by JOHN II. SEAY. Druggist. March \—ts 111 11,000 %vorl!i ©f Crockery, Ar. AT AND UNDER COST TO CLOSE! , With a view to closing my present business in ibis place, I am still Selling mV Inrge slock of CHINA, til,ASS AND KAKTHKNWARK, at anil under coat. Those who may want any I mill; III lllj Dim vxiiiiu <IU SSI II lo rail very sunn, and buy at prices below what has ever 1 horn known in Virginia. Country Merchuntsaro particularly invited tn call, as the canal will bo closed neat week tor some four or six ! weeks. The assortment is very large and complete. D. W. MOOKE. f'jr cftha n*g Pitcher. j'. Max’ !*Vr-i» i Orjrani zution of (Jot*rmmvnt inAVir %Wrjriro — Porrrri «y tha Court a—Trrumn—It hut fjoe.i it nit land tot (. urri'NpiiMleiuN- u( tin) Missouri Republican. .. SiST\ I t . New Mexico, March IH, \*i?. (■cntlemon ; When (Jen Kearney, under Mr.I'ulk'a order*, established the henna phroditc government—hall mititnry and hall eivd in tin*country, (a provlitre is ken from Mexico,) and called it a territory of the l ulled : States, he dni not foresee tinny «»f the event* which Imve since occurred. Together with imtnv others who eamo here w ith linn, the (ioneral WDX mistaken in regard to the charnc'cV of tin* people. Aeeustoined at home to a popu’iitioii who can appreciates htiuinii liburtv «nd human progress he did not anticipate internal dtllleullies, nor Miipjtose that llie laatn oftVee and pint government, whieh | he seemed at lenn* to proffer, Would Is* rejected hy any jMrtiou of the New Mexicnn*. Still, a* to all hits strictly militurif arrangements, they were made (if not for the purpose > ey liable »-f the effect of Kiipptcn uug demesne ill ■urrectiun; though it may have Is-en tlntt tin.) inpahilily ■ rose, not so in in'll from no e xjieciatiun thnt the troops would ever he called to such a duty, as from tho mv« s •hy of )H»Mting them m the |NMitioua iiNugmd, in order to *OMtaiii the nimital*. and also to prole t tho Mexican*, wlnle |*eam»hlc, against their liidinu cm ones. It is imjMirlant, in w riling of tfiings here, that we treat all vvilh justice A la Ur • . 1 •* New ' Ili.-.jr.'hrr I •I and accurate information of Usd, Ilnnton, for tho ro sntiecr* <1 this province were greatly »Vrmittd. Aawa*; the ease in Texas Iwlore the expedition tit Is II, tin character of this people, their Icclunjs. and views, were misuridershHHl in tho United State*; for it sup posed that they were nt least willing, if list dnaimtlf, t" I come under our gov* rnmeiit. And another error existed in regard to the amount of military lore which it was supposed Mexico could draw fioin this province, dum p the war. For these reaions, the military ns well its political and pconomicalones, heiog all ilnlbumksl, u in belo ved that L-ol. Ilenlon advised, and Mr. I'olk ordered, an nrm\ U* he inarched to this province. W i i imi (may we be forgiven) i\l mi wi. ctwqrxiuo! rosseasioit was taken by the (vnnernl, in the tin mo ol lhr United States. It was hut a military possession,and was only expected to he *urh. Hut thesdeum farce \v a - poach'd of administering the until of allegiance to tin United State*, with nearly two thousand Aivumlean sol licm, with loaded arms, around cue It village, mid 111 i pieces of ordnance ready to flic into it. No wonder the , Alcalde, under Milch n duress, would swear by the whole 1 'aleudar of saints! The (Jovernor had !l* d when we reached the capital, or he too, w ith a row of euniion fronting Ins pijl.iet", would have br**n ttinde "u citizen u! the Untied Slates,III the thee id the law vvlncli declares I ha l no subject of a foreign power at war wiili the I intcd Slates, can, during the war, Imsmiiio a eiu/.eii. lb would have been metamorphosed, by a speech front tin Uenernl,(nnd an oath, probably taken with a mental res j Tvnlion that it should lie broken ns wsin ns convenient,) into an Am uihin i itizin. hy virtue ul Mr I’oL’sur j ler*. and here.oh foreign anil, hiuc*elt *m alien enemy, would have been entitled to the protection of t he l nitud ''tales goveriunent, as fully us any native Imru or duly | laimati'zed rilixen and patriot in the States! Such was [lie doctrine implied in all the (•cnernl's a* Is; hut tin It J lid not lead at once to its practical couseipiene* s, wesuf • red it to pass. 1 hero was n sort ol wtenru,nam in tin* government | irre w lien we reached lln* capital. Nome civil govern ivent uih lureNSRry lor tie* convenience ot I lie people, u»d, a very grind one was, in fact, cninhlidicd. It was ight enough llint crimen rigniiiMt inituiul laws uml pood uoralv. should In* punished; that righis eivil uiol sik*i;iI i ■ill her than pnfitirnl, should Is* protected ; and laws f»r | bin purp tee were piotn'dged f\ the conquering Ut'iu r il 1 IV e» Mt\V the necessity for this arrangement, during the viir.w until nor doings here could he . \uiiiliieil by the ic tide’s representatives it home Tho move, hy Ili< • enernl, was » hold one, hut, under the eirriiuishtnee*, < ’ ’I’iirrr was an "AlUirwy "I tl»' Ijilite.l Ntixl. m Cur On liulriet nf ftew Muxiru" u|i|xiint<'il. anil « mnivlial, Hut we iinly r<i(iirJ<’il tlx- nUutnpy a« a 'ery atfroealili ,11111111 gimllrinali w iili a very lilgliHound mu lille; anil lever i'X|MTlrd In sit linn in till' |»wili'iii In'liafl shut ■«' i •Uhitsl. \\> limy liavu ..yflil tliot if il'" I’nit««l i ■Ian s ftliiuilil liavu any permiinry i-latins njjiilimi any tin i iikiih iiI uIHi'its liuru, Im rmglil!»' usi l'ul t-iimitcli in on •iruingil.. imiii|> fur that |>nr|iosB tlm iH iuluni ry ul'tlir juris, whit'll in Itniivv lulu* ntuTnaary 1 »r iilliur. |ntr ' misus II watt plain nriiinirli iltal lliu prirfsti uf ilif I njtisl j stairs Cinirl l-ir Mitsumi, Tinilil not run nitn Mow Mux cn, mir uven llial nf Trxas, anil it noi’lil tin no linriii. .. may have thought, lohavoa jirm i hh fur antin' surli j (iirpi*i,»1 whon ilirrr was im Vrry aution* |iriiifi|iltt in > r ilvtsl, rxeepl lliat no authority in iwnstilution nr law, ippennslfor the proceeding! Hut we did not then regard ns hardly possible, what s now history; for muon the departure of Gen. Kearney. I lie nspeet of atTairs Iiivh changed very moteiially; and the I District Attorney, who was regarded as only itn ltarn ot | Ihe Territorial appendages of nu great public eonHoquenei ih now acting a part uf no lilt Its interest in the farcical, lliotigli still important, pruecrslings Imre, lie prone •utes, in the courts here, individuals who were never •ilizens of tin* United Stales who owe a national mid, local allegiance to Mexico for lliu ermitj uf tmmm tgainnl the l ’nitfil Staten f The eoiisuiiniiHtion cf the “annexation of this pro , vince to the 1 tiioii, hy Mr. Folk, isolre.ndy helom us. ^ Due Mex can has already been convicted ot “tio.amis, , lie was indicted before the court hern u few days ago,, was found guilty of enui*««Hir»g the lain wtte:upi Ht revo lutioti, nnil on the Mil h, sentenced tube hung! I rue,mi \ I In* petition of the Judge and others, the execution uf the sentence has lieen jwslpuned hy the acting l» »vernor, until ; the wli do case can he re’erred to President Folk—— tin real father of the < •overnment here for Ins consideration. The ultimate decision of tlm cuhc iiivulvea inijiortunt principle*. The name of this tr uron ih Antonio Maria Trogillo. Ill* counsel conti n led itrongly that the whole proceed mgs were without law in Hiipporl them, hut in vain. 'The Judge thought it liis duty to go on. Thus, under the order* of Mr. Folk—so tar as the machinery here enn do it— tlm political . Inlioim of this j people towards the United Stales are dunged. If tin* eonviefion is legal, then “annexation” is complete; and tho peoplo uf NVw Mexico must now be ret*'»gni»ed as “/rwoir rititenii.” A countty which, with but lew ex eeptions, i* inhabited hy ignorant, dishonest, treacherous , men; and hy women who are believed scarcely to know what virtue ih, beyond iu name, is now part of tho Amer icart Union! You, w ho have voices in the State*, may do well,per haps, to think and sjvoak of these things. Reconcile then)) if yotl enn, with your regard for law—the ouiualiitm tioii—liberty. And ask youiselves if Mr. FollPfs not advancing; rapidly, not a component part of tho law mu king power, imt as that | rower itselt. Carry out the pm|M»sitioii!», ami sen where they w ill lead you. This js*ople, it citizens, must Ih*. represented m Congress. If they elect a delegate—and we liavo now hero candidates feeling their way—will you give him a scat? Will yott let him sjrcak? Not’s VehRoXs. For hrijw, under the new order of things established hy Mr. Folk, (and for which, a* tho instrument,Gen. Kearney has been rather too severely blamed, having tanu bound, as a military man, to obey orders.) the delegate may even claim a vote! What say you? Thoductrtnc which sustains a prosecution for treason against tho United States, would at least entitle him to a scat and oblige you u> linve luui; or. otht rwise,you will not sustain the al ready consummated “annexation.” ilgnn, we wish you iu oe jirrjia»cu mj wv jmu 1 prriy and live* nl' all Mexican", burn ami reared in ihis Province, or doroicilated hern, who may chance to be im 1 prisoned or oilicrwisc improperly dell with by any foreign ! iiower. Almost the enure population in New Me* tv hate i'S a little worse than they do tho devil;yet, accord ing to Mr. PolkYcuurt, if a single one of these cititans’ gels into any unpleasant dileimna in the hands of any tor eign power—he must lie rescued by tlm United Sie'i-s 1 This n a consequenes of tbs pos.’nns taken hers. Th< LxeV.-ivr.e < f “V.'itefls'’ fe'revis ■'■•.'g -■r.’'"-t impest <ltiih'm on th« hut ohlitpuiona cm ihola*>; aft*r . “,M* wry irovnminpn! t.wm |>r«»irrti.»n toiu “riitoiia,'* Ihn wu uru doing1 that now.mill, in ruurf—-tha District Aiioriu v—tM\%.irdi whom \ nvtin not th«* xlightmt par* dixnn. f.,r w<? dtiWnd tbe New M*xieaui »*g inM th*' Nalwijn Indians f j Tile mi.(flicV, however, was a little inconsistent. I thought, in »mu* pari «t lim iugoiikrtin ruvurtifnt. f'irni liHving o'uimed tlriis barren irm-t »s s ti#m*irV, bn next Hniiindit. as a territory „f I bo United Slat**, ss purl ol I, Ansi Nuxb, 1 won in favor of annexing Tex ns, Is ,Mine tho people bail esla lislied their iudopendsnco voluntarily first, ami lieing in ,*l]y emigrants Irom tho I oiled Sinies, wc-diod to lie anin soil—« very different eiise I loin ill'll nf tlm mnngml anil motley population of ,\eiv Mono," lint | iln| not dream, whan | wro’.s a brief arliele for your piper some years ago, in favor of annexation, thill I w nr urging theammiatlon oflHis pn» vmeniif .Mexico! Til' thisilav I never osn unilnmtsnj Iiiiw Mexioo hits Ihiuii regurdud as on* jimvinu* bjT Him M. vtoait gov.-rmrioril— Tnxm» an nnnthor. But hoi llie latter swallowed up thui Wortlileaa purl of tho globe I never i nn understand. * Or, il l his is really part of Texas, f I,eg „f some an Iteh ie,l In,ml,It Ml. l'lilk to tell inn why lien. Kearney, ninler t lie orders of Mr. I’o'i., established a separate g»y. eminent In le f Or, Ui go buck a lillle, why did tho fiee vi.teisof Texas efts'dish iln ir govi 'imisiua an near liislfiilcffmlV^vAiV TM'Hv’R'flnMif itKtmijcii pnriteipanhn by tlm "e llxons" • f Texas here ? And why did nut the t ienerul give luiek lo Texas her own. a I ip ■ we earns here oml eonipo rial it? \A lien AnuIp) ran, and the tieoerol hath I lit' reins, he lie "line the truster of Texes, and should Inive rendetr.l to Ills nrtfxii qni fruif an ac e.iimi nl the pru|a>rty; Why did he appoint a Governor, make ti|.. eroireatlnmeys, judges, See., under th* g 'Verntneni ot the I iiilcl Nates, inaLeiiil of referring all tlose ma't' r. in Tex ts / As on indepmiilnflt Stute; l'i \o, is aivi-ririiMiovi i her own territory: then wlial right bud the ag, nt ot Mr. I’,,lit to itppdnt n Governor "Vet line ,> irtiuti of the ■•live anil enlightened"—this ex lri inely well rend ami repnidiean |n.r:i. u of the cliizeua “I I ex 1 f And then these courts, when thoy claim to Ii" territorial cmirla, hut nru x\ iilnn the limitn of a Slate! Are they not anomalies I Hut we have many things line \x hu h Heeni to ho.nil’ gf in is l.el me ask. is theis ill -f' I uurl for the (llNl lie, of Texas ? If so, let its sphere Im i'(tended, nod drive mil those usurpers!_ I1,ven our ''I linnet Vitnrney ol'tlio I'idled Stan* fur tha Terriliny ol New Mexiisi” would, In that event, find bun si II s.itui'w'hut mi i jh t tlm tw*. Hm. if ibis is now a State or Territory, Imw niifmlu nnte tin us ilieio are no orders tiero to draft the militia, \\o might in ihli way, moil have the army filled up Irmn ilo ' e "eiiHons,1'and lin n go home to mtr wlvia uml eliililr»Mi iIn,se w ho hive not yet ti,lien victims to tho rigor und iinlieidthiiiem ,,f I lie winter climate hcrei nperaling oi; ,'orinslitntiiin* front tin, climote of the old f ai' . i" • !) iioihing of tlm other causes of disease an,l deal I, onuses xvhieli still sustain a rmwt Jlstiessing moN luliiy niomiir iliotriHiiw. Ii is (I,Hi ..!• I,, treat w tli due gravity, all th* ridirt). I,him nr,,positions mlvaneid regarding tins "Territory;’’ let theynre ot no little roiiseijiicnce. If Air. I'oik hy llie net i,I his I’lvsidi lit in I volllioii, e:,n ,'reate territories; ■ ini im I,e eiti/., ns lima, hy a dash ofhis pen adding to nil |Mipulnt tin ns well ns intending nor IsHiiidarios, wo mist lie ran liil In Inline s one iplestjon lur llie next 1’nw. drlltlld ,'utididulrn. . «iiir i run ing. Among me number al> mlotcly neccHHiiry : I Geucnilly spunking, how many n/w t*'rnlorn -4 do you think mifHit t-» he ridded to tho I ut'iii ? i. I Cow much, arid w bat i»nrt of Cawda will you mini x! Ii. Wlmt any you m Nuvu Semin ? Will y«"i e* lend the hnnuhri. * of 13. - • -H to |i#.| u jr’ri Si rails, • iid il a*. Iiwsv imieh ni;d what part of Kum*»muka will I'ou send a General m eomj'mr r fi, And will you. or ■vill you in»t. conviet the kamsehaikdllr* of t «as»m ifiiiiMt the I’nili .1. if iliey »|v:»k of revolt against lie authority wlueli you have i'*rc» d upon them ? Then* tuenlluiis might do; but I have still oje* of two more; Let ino nut be inisunucritotxl. Let murderers here ba mug; ht roguoM mid thieves hi* imprison'd, or an is ioiiM'liifi*'s doiu*, lake tin la li in the public square. All lua is well enough, nml nny prevail undtr the present .overuninit very prop'r!y. in *»rdor thsi he may hold In* c oupn st until the war in over. Hot If tho conquered lo not n hull our (iuvoriiiiicnt, let u* ’tot violate us lawn its cot ml i lu Lion He principles—by Attempting illegal k iiicoiiAtilutinnnl punishment. I have no sympathy vitli iho'o wliu me opposed to the American Govern limit lo re, hut I love my country, and it in painful to rc* led how r |* illy the one one tutu power in advancing, I .ot il he checked. Tin s«; ilunigliiM aru hastily thrown together, to turn lie attention of ubit* iniinln lo tho subject, rather than Willi :» design of attempting it full and don elucidation; uni all reflecting Anicncaiis lu re, td whatever party nt limuc, com ur in these vit w« with A VOLUNTEER. *I*iik Poor Bov’s C’oi.i.m.i. -*‘Th« Printing Of fice, Niiyw the New Yurk (i lobe ,\** ban indeed proved n bet Ler Gollege to many a poor buy”—lia« graduated mors ust tul uud conspicuous memlM Ts of society—has brought nit more inielleet and turned it into practical, useful rhauiieln, has waked more mind, generated men* aotivo Hid elevated more thought, tlinii runny of tin; literary L*id l«»g cn oft he country. Ilow many a drone or dolt has passed through olio of these colleges, with no tangible proof o| his litucss to graduate other than his inanimate piece ot pao lunent, Iniim !f if possible mere inanimate tie ii his leatUcrn diploinn. Th« re is a-u nothing in the vei v atmoRpheru of a printing nJlice, calculated to awa ken the mind and inspire a thirst tor know ledge. A boy who commences in such a school* will have his talents and ideas brought out if h< has any ; if he has on mind to U drown out* the boy himself will bo driven out. Gen. Cushing, the last appointed of Mr. Polk, hnn made himself ridiculous at Matainoras by a prohibition of dancing. The general opinion in the nmy is that tier. Cunking in a little softer than Gen Pillow— • j; t in Mfiuiim OM Hough mid Heady has pr ived himself a first rato Trt;/lor. lie always givuj his Mexican customer* Jita.—Loo unite Journal. Two millions of human beings, according to thn Dub lin Nation, nredcstined to perish hy thin year's t'amino in lr. Ian I! a population autncienl for a powerful Slate— ami Iwu thirds out own at the lime of Hovulmioiiary slrogulp. The mind shudders at the hare rontnmplaliim of tlm tact —wltat then must be the feelings of the si:ccla* turn of the horrible calamity? 'I'lin Washington Union recommends the sequretration of the “CWc/i Property” iii Mexico. The pretext #S»r this semi-ofRbial foreshadowing fur a forthcoming Exe cuUtd edict, is, that the Church lias loaned the Mexican Government money, to enabled to prosecute the war! — Would tho Union confiscate lie- property of Mexican ca tena who should evince the same loyalty to their nntivo land? If not, why shall the loyalty id the Church, to the Government which protects it, auhjoct itaproperty to sequestration? SLAVEKY AN L> CHHISTIANITY. The Evangelical Alliance meeting in New York, af ter Several days* discussion uf thn slavery question, on j Saturday, adopted the following declaration or formula on i the subject. “That while the Evangelical Allisnfle admits into it* bosom such persons only as are respectable members of the Evangrlical Churclc s, we arc nevertheless persuaded i that the great object of lha uncnthin, ihe promotion of i a larger Christian unitm may be furthered by a frank eX i preasim of our scntiiuenis un the subject of slavery. \V* j theioforo dedsreour deep unalterable opposition to tlsi* siupenduous evil, and vis hold it to h* th* duty of all men, by all wise and chriatian means, to seek its entire extirpation ar.d etroral frt m the land. Still the on* object nf Ah* All anew shall be *'*atH'y kept is slew, which '» ,ua j-.-r-.ti'td of chr>” r aul-.e and hXJtht-r''/ h ’