WPfP- ■ I I iwmimmm FOKMGX IMtUIGLM K AHRIVAI. Op'IJIK At ADU r .f tr* h'l*'W*,ui ilktfit—i/ad>N< in BirriMORc. bVb 2—P- M ' p At-R.Ua lm* *rn try at Jlutiofl, *o4 «s*M • **fi*i: I Ii \V| m p . i.uui.tln* n-lm,? pric©* at th* ;*' •*:. 1 < nj ‘jO *i» ^0* • ' • •. I in- . .a1.. I k* v .-*• Corn. Th© j r w 1: ** 11<4 i i* .''i s i «' !' »'d I'l I* **:o|»lh I I 3 j**n' y. * ' i*** aim*-»i in !<• n«‘ n. fi.k <*4.41 4ti*r<%cf* ai> I "go i i i».i . i. H i v« *. . M;i ?.. Mi-Kiln i v a ni A irii.l tul b a ml Mrr '• « n. fr i i!u* ( rviii ir»* f Hoad* and . .• . Na* * ion pr* ***»it»*i.l iln t *1!. w nv* ill* : \ ;i • • a. i »ri |tlr«! an at t *. nr.*ri. i • lain »! 1 it’Ii K •::s» ha Hiv* r : ami * I ' :.n -i t »* * I»» '. i >1 thr < \> n u i 1 . j . tit.' N •» *i Hivi* ,Ns ^ n " 4 uii'yii? I ’ | *; i 1 - ii. pf* s. n . d «h** I :b i * : . Vt • *rm ’. * \ ISU n the li, , n t it.b* IVliUf t:— * • n < f Mi Siuv*M. J' a' li. «* ■*# tir* r f ( of.I . i»! j < •• r\ • i- jit’S >freport:* g a ii.il pr-ividiog m-re r/Ie t r e j.r • *n of ruhl* I mnrr»d women, % **• -© t‘ j-ropert% ol ilir wife a- th** lime of inir * *, i-* • « 'ig-ig** o*n;s ol 'he It'll i . f . j I \\ she n lo h ..-I, %**j»irately, P "p ' » .1 , * r i s ina-o' k t• >iriii On m .lH*n of Mr C hi war. H'» Iffd. T it :be use o| t i- }| ol f 11;© II* hc • Hk» o. i. • \ rp nil e > \ nr»* * g ■ I > \ gh o \ 0 n tion *■( Sir J rvM. Re**-Ivid, Hi «.. ,•> ..t l «• I i -w ’ ' * ■ •'>*,r*pany. * as to rc«ju re the npp i t j t n n dirtviors lu conduct liif allairs of said c- in I* *7 PETITIONS i ol f Haft t r. f n nppf ;»• tt fr-* ii the I u tinny I thirty '•I .' * \ li '»r. a d i in in.i . .» >, la \ i,,» f i. !• them vi; 1>V Mr C ''» »a—Of c. it*-is f toe r.itntr - f l.oe. e«> mg for the twi*' gc d'm act autli .r /n g the Trustee* of Henry and Emory < "lb get- pa\ he niter* s: on their dent due ilie Sta e by 'he gratuitous education ol a rer lain nui"'a-r**f irn igent yung u rn ( riitested Uect-on ft oui /fiirrtMHi, A'r The rnp-'t f tlie lot I true 'nr I,f Privi'ejo* and f’lcc (tons, 1 l v I ti . i >• _• oft!© I ’.i'ltr elt*C’.J.*». ««( J. sepli J..|n«• the i*hga> T* It in th*1 di-triet • - m-p- vert , | iht* con tv <*t | I tr ■. and a purl t the «•- utt \ t»f I) sidri -Igc, w.i, taken i! p. On rnoti •) o| Mr Sevm > r. the II ns© passed uvnt ti**- w It 1*- r» p ri. up to i •• t II w mg r* « dm tons : Hen < rr, an :h- op, on it that I t>mns r a«l, .ts follows ; I tilted. 'I it" lot* , s 'hr opinion of this cnminit i• , tit »t i <* rt tor" ot .Jom ph Johns ifi, s a ,!. legal** to r pros- ol the eh it" • tils net isimpos-.i - f (lie c- unl\ of II rfiso-i, and pan >\the county * id Delegates U* dirct led to iKgnc t w rit of t lecti -n to supply Hit* vacancy th is nc-* si-mcd r* v.ud eh < it tt dud rid. A motion was made hy Mr. SheflT<*v t» amend the cam© hy striking ent all after the word * If evolved f a .1 • n 1 he m »rda hat J din S P i (Mil is < ilitlcd to Ins seal »•* a drlega c lo in the . f Jlairteon at t < « | |» A !• ii ’ «i> i a ** eni*ucd, in w Inch vart« us matt* rs inv,,| he cornea t i n it naaed. \|* • an m,. th •. "■ * mmir. I) m. P rinnri, 1 tin , and St,,vail, t h,|, j at I in the discus-Uiii. fpf r« « '• (j-iPfc ion waa taken on the ant t-.dment pro ^s.v. |-y Mr. Mo ll* \. () > riuk -n f Mi ( nway, Tht liots^* at!j *urtkM. iioi sr. nr m i 11.\ rr.s. Tt I HIM . Fch. 1 «.t. | c IP A c n r.m icali«>n was rc *nv, d Ir -m llm 5>, w hit-:. w as read. 1 h >i> ak“r l 'i l U h r© t!»© House a comujii■ i *a u.n , o. (> a wit r. rating that he I ad app> inu d cum t -ncra on liehalf ol the >l.it©, to net tin* r.immi© h« ers appmnted on th© part -,| the v at< . t < t1 o t , t . • , IN City f VN’ish Pgt.m and had adjourn© I fine die with -nt accomplish ing the object for which the hoard assembled, and niclu s ng a 1* lie/ ir in ill** conitmss' .ners of the Sta'c atitioun •mg the result, which was laid on the taltlc and ojacie.i to U* priiticd. lU.l'OK I > OJ ( OMMi l rK.r> Mf N\ . fr .:.i a S; (trial c mm ties, n j uied ti„ fd in wring lull with 'Ci hum* ul.nrni ; A bni t create the *«i3d Judicial 1 ircuif, and a rcj . it i p it il: • instruction* requiring the committee t.. i,Mp.nc 1 I'lto the expediency < f equal ZH g tin- i,.>r .#f the Geueial ; (_ tin, a».d to c* nsider tin propriety of creating new eti cuit«. And,on motion of Mr Watson, 150 copies in aoi ii'i n to the usual number, vure ordered to U» nriii , tod. ' RESOLUTIONS. On molioc of Mr. Carroll. Resolved, That the committee to examine the pubi c Armory be instructed to enquire whether the Arm* rv I /on M-.uioi.iclu ring Company have notviolated their con tract made wjthtlu? Ixtaulol Public Work-, und» r an ad * I iU General Ax* u.hly. pfl.vu-n <1 e 13th day of March, ' ' .7. greatly to the injury ut the Armory properiv.ev | >*«-d in tire and depredation*, contrary to the spirit and intention of the above recited act, and whether the said Company ha* any rig.-t to ent»^ the buildings and use the Is and machinery belonging to the commonwealth; and that tiro *»aiil.CoAJiji»IUfcC be audio rill'd to send for persons and papers. On Motion of ML. Mayo, .'Resolved by the General Assembly. That the Execu tive be requested to have made. «ud to present to M» jor Gen. NS infield Stoll a Gold Medal, with the follow ing inscription : “The General Assembly of the comuwawealth of Vir “g uia have voted ih s Modal to Winfield t>cotf. May r “General in the service of the United Slates «A America, “i" express the appreciation of this c minonwialib toy, the “il!u . i ■ >s s**i vices and qualities performed and display “t.-J by him, {MiX/mum mier-ia-Chief of tlu . rimes a/( the “United SiaieM in Mexico. “Duns the \&r>f Christ, and “of the commonwealth. On mynion of Mr Dor nan. lst -h»e*uU>d, Thai ihe rsvtsnrs sf the civil code be req icsied to turnmh to this House, the draft of a bill to a* j 14 the Circuit boperi r Court* of Lx a and Chan eery . and the Genera I Court, isubiisnyd 11 tins common ■vea 1 ;t. *J <{ iu V-e\v -«f etfi I r -C.ris p->. 1 fo.be linh nod t *r the city of Ru’lmionJ and county nf Henrico ; r.d *»t in* c*.licr ^emiies, cit#* iud town*in tth'?rft«C s 11 t ( n v% I. •; >: <•- * i < *1 • ' eifctnl# ; the . iiy *-l I. i oemd vi « u \ . t 11 4 oowniuie ni*< «in ml h o 1 b*- ft1*’ e.f her Uf and n.)» lit to la* .4«J • (I » •*»»><•»*‘f Mir* l' *• I hr fta-w! CtAi ft! ha*#:inun. • |l»e»4ii**J 1 I over all lhu r> and is rli nu«>i, K-ili at *> •» . ‘ miu in clon e, rl, u t.icli a in w el* * s«d by *hf l if '* 1 Jv.ijtnrn*f C’.-mu* . |' I.jiw and Chancery »u iwcimiI‘he .•.in! r lilies, 7iiii •. nd tow i|« 3d. lilat in 11*1101 (nr l eiirfal Co- ft a* n»w r* ablish 1 e ry law , that the live Se lor Jrd^e* lor llie too • being j « f said JVija r r ( olir’a I J iw , shad cvns.lt U'c a Uni •era! Court with il e ‘inix *»•*• . v.-raili'ii 4*. and 11 all e.nu*e-, which is nw eAervi**d by the Cein 1 j ..I CoUM 4' h. That ail • M'f* n >vv d* pen Aug and 0 •» !• ier.nl • o*l 111 tin* in ni *1 ( .him, ' r n anv •! 1 ' * ( 1 • 1 Si»|*erH r C onMa of | .a w I- { :mi. r v . • • ' ■!.«■ '•I M.ifeli next,si.all N Ir'i ^U tr# .1 I . Inol « -,i41 ** ed 1 ih I•. : .•tii! (' 1.11, and in the Sup. r1 ( » ,r a. " ! peelivrtv, of flu a.ni c>*nii* * a.cities un.l tuW 11S 1 alaidltb ' ed by lea net. f*h I bat fheHirka ofihrp-rsent l»e »eral ( mu', Mil Cue lit N. p. ri o ( »uri**-l I .1 v» a nil CIi tiioery m 11" in- ir*. (.* ■ ■» ft 'nil n«, sfi.ill I r elerk- 11; I \ . pr ' rim j •hi* •, i-’ir, I .1 l mi v i nft, llie Ii ♦ s , -I Mi .ft i.r 1 ,1 1 . ’, b f 1 Ii** pfooi 11 .ng y iir, to i—-. 1" Ih Mi. J gildr }.«• del. ship ol 4liy ol the C iifta est 1 dial,* d ’ \ llm* .1. ♦ •ih Tim’ tin- I I .ivi.il 11 Ii ii a . 1 |o 11 ere me i I ' * . - . r\ 1 { lu «,• \\ di om ;is i ill 11 af 4 ji %l pf< p M 1 loti to th»* inerrns** iif luU r to tie ji il .nued by tbem, •••• ; ii i’ > ^ m 11* 111 4 e >• • him 11 sat 011 in .ill, Ih 111 ■ 1 be um w li'ob mi! .0 waved by diinilnahin^ lii.tr 1* 1 n 1 In r ami Or* iVlnjj hi Mill- Me Till I ||e lei I lo 10 \ . I r flu eb e .01, of 1 le new .1 ges, f, • horns fi-etl lo llie -a ul Ih i*irei,ifa, to be coin !■ ., 1 1 (I r-lioine , <■ tin tr dill « * on the - day .4 Maich 11.it ^|!» The a,-t 1 , r. iiutu nee and be in fnice ffttm and after 1 he day .’ rn 1 ■ I k g .0. k r (II 11 J dm i* N\ a I l.i re, id tin ' ' k' p- . l \ i M i to. I Hill* up III Older . w he » o !.i »\i.g uiirialio'ti* we *• in nje : I Nli a, l l t I.I’uon: It. 1 . Miner, ol 1 < . I• v NIr \\ ;i la i- 1 > i I |inr 1 l). \\ .m:4iMt,,np,| |\ 1 i>u t. ro hv Mr M ‘. re ol Stair.ui- C'.d ( ii irh -. I*‘. Sutth , f* Staff .-d. liy Mr .l.isp* r ( >1 Jiso pit .lohiis n, of I’r. \N illiain The v te liriog taken, r«^ulbd Fur mb in . n, t'lti ! For d ilma n. 0 ^n"le, 37 j Fl werree, li Janil v ip w Ii the S« i,4 e ; — \\ lode U(MOU r of vo i»H, | ."»1 Necessary to a ehuiee, 73 for W sillily n»n, <7 1 For J lots n. 10 Smile, 40 j 1 b*w 1 ir* e, O ^ I i I l*b'y If \\ .mbiiiM 11 w .it derlared i'ii!\ el* i'ted. (O.NTI .S'I | |) | | | .( | ION | HUM II AhklSON AND DODDKII (.1 I he e..n*oh »nt!oii ■ f tho 111 p. rt id the eonilltillec "f FriTileire* .11,d Khe 1 ns on tin ( ..ufewi.d K.'et lion fmiii liarnn.iii and Doddndge, w jh iiere rrsiiilied. # I he imittir pending was the I Mowing amendment of Mi Sin fl* \ , to the n' B|l R ^l ANT ! • a ilerrec "I de Comity Court of Ib’.l|, u|, prom mired «i:i the ‘J'Jtd iJ;«y of Nnvetli i her. I ** i. , in :i •-1111 lit.‘friii d>*p. tiding. IFgdm and wile Nam y Mi'd y, N< . du* uiidrisigurd ( "IiiiiiIhsI iM [ • -. dirt, in :i |»fi M.d, w i I, nn In, bdny, dir 1 full duv of* I- 1 ruiiry . 1 * 1 . r\|»..h f-r vile, hv u ay of public tine i ll" ■ 1 ‘ ’ h'gl.i -,i In Idi i. ^ a I my : 11 p near the prem i 1 HAl f OF I.AiMI ig to die < i < ut I id, \ t r NT M \ , tit • ' , .* o.i la hi i ng by survey « \ ( RI S I he gut i r pari of said land lies \y oil, about our tliird fi.l laud and v. ry productive li ts w,|| dinl'. i •’'laud watered, lying op lluniingt u*d», in a ronve 11 • • i. . ..i. three tn i West of Fames R . . II Wrver, ill m* \vi Imig lo piirrhnsr will piobubly find , H ’ » di.mi in’rr. si to i xaiilloe tor ihiMiisrdvr.s. 1 1 .RAIS d|‘ SM I \ rrrdit of tr i and two years, j • 'j ml iiislal.iimts. r\r. pi as to a sum sufficient to drftn> r\p,’i,st‘> o( the sale hi id e si of die Mil', which wi||h« t'.pined in ra'-h, thi'pcrclris r giving hoods widl g >,„1 i rs ci.il serui.iy tor the purchase money, and the title id tin kind N
r I i It pi|t|MlSe, w ill sell at public llrctj.iti to ih** lugi i t I•;.! !, r. at the tinto and place above men 1 turned, j Oor7 X ( RTors, im'St .'f th. m you ig and lihetv, In longing to the cm 1 late i I mi id Meshy - on a ere ht of six months, the pur j chaser giving bond with g aid personal security. II MAJOR. I'eh. 3 11 :»F C nii.uisstouur. t}- The R pu dican will phase copy. .vu s s (i voitruu. 1 \ rlI.I. commence the »*• ■*>:».! Section of her School, on » * U nine'* lay. ihr 1st ol Match neat. and ho iea hy u-i 1*11111 ted attention to her duties to^hare a portion ol public patronage Terms cf Tuition* For Beginners, £12 50 For more advanced, 15 00 Payable in advance dan. .11 wl 1 March il jvoi r.Mhr.u \mt lii] « IIIUP HOODS .7 .Vl> .% O MIS T.l KK. I IIAV F this d.»v u • i\i .1 atnl opened .» s, ,-,mhI HUpply id M \V F \ 1.1. \M» Wl.N IT.U l.OOlIN, selected in the Noithciu Fitu ». with great care, to u Inch J levpoctlully manage all in teres’* ci. Jibed to o tri iir -, as t» «#-c*ir»* and merit the confidence iw ,the public. JNO JONES, A biiOOKH. SAML. J. JONES Richmond, January ! 184S. 4 «» if. Jan. 8i — hit riiiRTii:ni congress. MU' 1 >K>s|oV W Aiiiisc.ruB, Jjn 31, Ibis. SENATK. The Snails »ii railed u older, and proceeded. Is ny §i r thr m •ruing hneieess. Sundry jw-iiihMia and me ii<>na!s were pr srnted. () i moiiou. the iii.»mii *|f bus ness laid aside, and ( iite Sens «• priewded la consider the ord r of ills day, on I lit* Ten lteg'ii»**»il Hill. Mr Dowel si*-I rest'd He Senate at ■ .me length, in i« .r of the lull. I le d»- lar«*d himself In fivor uf the ae >n, • tth* r hy r«;» y or furce, of Mexican territory • |!ie **nt l *eeu e the indemnity due onr **ii zeua for out r .... . ii 'a ,r r j i * nml property ; hUi In pay the i xpen %, n ni th H .r tN hen In* iMOchuh d, Mr I). ini.as. g t ih ll wr, and the Serialsrutj urn ed. II i|>KOF RKPRESFATATIVKS. The sp» (KIR siitiniinred the first bu»ine»a murder In he i ails upon nie.nurw I rout tlifl-rent States fur resol u 'Huns, ad sundry were according! v presented. Mr I.ott offered a ri-s ilulimi to stop the debate on II e I'n-ftidsnl's an mai metsagfl to morrow at two o' rS k Mr roi.i.xxir.n moved lo lay the h i* Jut ton on the ia hie. The motion of Mr Coi.umkh was last, and the re.** Julian uf Mr (»OTT adopted. \1». V is to r*, from t • < 'inmitiee of \\ ays and Means, rr p a'*nl i ■ nl pr ivnli g t r tin* sup|x*rt ol the army, and si'ii a lid I , n < king appropriating fur the e. instruct i»»n and rep itr I I »r ill a inns, which w# re r* ad twin and i« !■ rred tn i!i* ( i.imultee wl the \\ h •!« M I i.'rm it. ul Ilium.m, idf. ied a resolution in favor • ifannrxmg New Mexico ,i I ( alii n la to the United Slat' * h I. i-it lies i\» r titl'd to m rr »w\ Mr. (iii'DiNt, ll -red a resolution I »r the nppoitilinerl I a «• miuiii l' e . I It * e turn pure intOlhc slave trade in I.'.*- I) hi rit l it ( J'Iiijmi ; and he demanded the previou* Ijnr.il ll I, j*n i its adoption. Mr Ilni Mf s.i l s uili ( iruliii.l, mo\chJ tint ll he 1.1 ii < tli** table, and C-dlrd the ay. h and Hot w ..it lilt; am tt a*. Ir. I Ini.mi. moduli w is rej1 etnd.four correspondent, w idi ut h aymg what was dune *» till Mi. (j ddlngh, re so In i n, taki s up iiiiullii i nii 'j»‘i t ) The r* Viuliilr ii rdieled hy Mr <» % ll it kt DtM'Hf, nsk irng lln Prcnid*m in e,.,u; imir ih C •«-tit*i:i 1 Taylor’s ft ply tn Mr. .Murry 'b h Her, r.*|"i nan ling (ii n Cj.utn b.wax adopted. Mr ( I IM.M in ofTi red a ri H'liiiiuri railing on the P • ' ei.rr- Hp, idi mi' r* la live in the ordering .! a < uiirt M *' ni at |h r* te, h. tr v <»' ii. Scott Mr lloTTs . lien at ni.'. Ini. :isl.:ng hy a Imt authority Mi W Ik- i es aiji>li'd at.ii.ll l.r Mmc*, built J W III ii III 4 I . The 11 use then adj rn ■ I Washington, Utb. 1st, IS 18. U. S. SKNA1K 1 The Senate was called lo order al ihe usual hour, and proceeded to tin* cuiisideratioti ul" tJ.e iiiurniug husiiie-s, ; which w .* niuH'ly iiuiuipnrisiul. Mr Mii.i.i.k’h ri Nulutton riapt sting tin* J’resident to infirm tin* Senate w In tiler A tux dlliy has been I vnd upon guuds e\perti d hy citizens ul Mexico, and hy what .mill r11\ w .i-4 t.iken up a'ld :e.ln|iteil. I '* llt'l pr- \ *iin j auditi nil Kxaiiiiiirrs I r the l * j t rut Post ( lHi c, w as p.i*>S' 11 The .Senate liit'ii pr -rd* d tn the cnnxidor.'Hlnii uf the ! "Tib r Die .:-iy x i I'm Iks Uh.imkm- Him.. Mr I lot'r.l.\sx ii<-|i - ded the hdi, and replied In va»i • ms i.hyiriiuiis mged ag iiusi It hy Senators, xml said lliai the war was just, and ought In he pmae uied until an In'ii r ihle pea e was uhlyiued. Ih-I re Mr |) Ii id c.included, he gave way tn a rno d"H tor adj iiiuiuetu, and the Senate then adjourned. IIIU'SK OK UK.rHK.SK.N I'ATIVKS. Tl.c II -use li:ivi«j r< h-Ivp-I its-’lf inf.. (.’--riiiiiiilpp nf ■ I..- \\ iiolf. funk up I r einsnlera'lm, the sut j**d of tin* ri ll roiK’e of Mil f *iI nidi ntN annual im».t«y«re. Mr f »(>(•(• in took ill* tl '.ir Mini i *p|)iMi’‘i| I he measures • I Mr Polk's \ ! i iiiisi i .r I .u 11« r plied to Mi Uiiktt. .iini spoke vviih mueh warmth and eurnc*:ness. Mr (•. was m*Vi re upon hoili Mi ft«nt.rr and Mr. HkOINUl.K. Mr .Mofisi fillow* d in sironii delcn ft of Mr. Folk. I In'IMS mti rrilj'teil, hy Ills eoliseill, a:.d intern gated hy Mr. ( ol,l un.H ^ h 'I' (.»'iggin*H speech, the debate on the F ph iilenl'e Mesnaoe eiosed. Mr. \\ ii.mot moved tonmeiui the revolutions instrnr t'"Lf tin.. mil I i * »i|mm» the hill to raise five iinllmt ,s ■. .t iloli,ns hy diieei taxation. lie mole a spir.ied speech ami -aid that w.is the right wav t • raise means on all ex • rjordmarv ■ e.-amoiiH He dunged Mr. JSi cretarv W alk i r wnh a w ant of eon rage \ h loin amendments were offered, w ith Mr. W ilmot’s coneurreil e. Fn in tn u the e.imtintir e then roi^e. Mr Cut.I .oiln obtained tin* ll • >r and spoke at <*011 ■mleraliie length—reviewing the war micMitun, ^e. I!< was luturrupletl on leave,anil interrogated hy Mr. Me K A T . Mr. Conn, of (Senrgia, obtained the fl.*or; when, on motion, the House adjourned. W amiino i on, Feb. ‘J, 1818. I S SFNATK. The Vn r. Pitr.mount h« 1* g ahseni, Mr Atciiihon was cleeled President pro 1 «rt 1 pote id'the Sen ale. The Senate proceeded to e-msidi r the morning husi n n* Mr Davis, from the Wiunniltee on the Mi i ta l.aws, report! d a hill to extend the pension laws to the ordnunee corns, w Inch w as pas-i d. The Senate laid aside the morning business. ami pro ci rded to 0 insider the order of the day—viz : tin Ti n Keguueot Mi l. Mr Hell -poke at s -me lecuth in opposition to the lull, n- .-i i- ■sed tin- pr sect Hon ol tin war lor tin1 | urpes» > de signed hy the Kxecultve ll*1 pointed not the » v 11 > wliieh must ari-e should the policy of the administration he e irru d mil. \\ it In 111 concluding, he gave way to A message from the President, transmitting the cor res pomh in’e during the arnimitee. A tier the reading of the message, The Senate adjourned, HOI’nr OF UF.IMIKSKNTATIVKS Mr. R*ikit ashed ami obtained I* avc to muLe n per soual« xplanaMon, ami said sundry things in n ply to Mr (•oca.in. Mt F . H. Smith railed Mr. Uiiett to order for tt:el | rvnnry. The < n \ir :*aiil tin gentleman could proceed in order, and that tIn re was no rule prisrrdmig the nature of per i sonal ex planai ions, Mr. smitii ap|H ;iled from this derision, and the apjwa! w as laid on the table. Mr It it ett concluded his explanation, stating that hr had been imsrepres. tiled. Much confusion prevailed in the I fall, Severn I mem bers addr* ssiug the C hair at the same time. \\ heu order was resmred. The 1 louse proceeded to the nisi mss hi order, viz : the resolutions of Mi Vinton, reported yesterday hy ihe committer of the Whole, referring the Picstdeiit's mes sage to certain com tu I tires. Mr L'obb, ol A*forgia, w ho was entitled to the fl or, addressed the House in deh nee of the President Mr Stephens followed, and replied m Mr. Conn in a sir Lino spoeelt. He commented severely on the course ut the President aid Secretary i f War. •Ir. ( ii a hi. ». > IS row n warmly defended the admims ira mil. Mr (’ H Smith obtained the Hour, and The House adjourned. negroes: negroes^ a* /: <; u o h: s : * / 1AM now in market to purchase a fall supply «( NK UKOF5* l will pav the highl it market cash pries foi ail UKi l.Y AWJHOKS, From IO to !• years Old Persons having any tor sale whi do well to call on n»«- W« Ion- i milting sale, as no doubt the highest | rice ran hr <»btaiii« ed \l. HART. 1 will give a liberal.pi^ce for one or two blacksmiths and Uarpe nters, good wochsnci. N R Persons at a dislanee having Negroes tor sale, will ji»lwaited no rompily bv giving a description ul iW piopertj aq^tle SX II. Aug. Ill—is,. For Rem flMAO very comm table Family Residence*, on Mu>< I •1're« t, and pos-sessio-i given itnincdirHcly,both lately an: j cunied h\ Robert Morris*. F-q. Apply !«» Jan *7 - is if It DUNNlNOTON, Agent 1 DOMESTIC INTEILICEM I « ® l.l'T! I.U IKOM MU UO 1 I li> L ' E ()l UKf l.» E?» r*TlVM. / Juiiua ) i v 1^- S I file i.d.l r* «.f »Im Whg ; (ivulh tutu— \ our coir sp-mdstit lr»m tl s ( y. in a inos. worth) amJ • •.unable, but sadly m > sl»*o. _* u ileiuan, -mkJ who, J apprehend, Iroin ihe character ol nis rmO»nnutll»lil, is lallief imi credulous lor Hu* poll umI alums her** about Wanning ton, las, 1 perceive, l.i a let ter bearing . ah llie 23*1 lust, ami publisi rJ ui lUe Wli g | ol ill* Ui ill, fepr* M-me.l to ) *>u, amJ through )oii lo my J cuniblilueiUs, that Mr. Clmgoisii,ol N nh i jf.d.iu, and i m\a*df, are the only two representative* trnin i n J* uih, ; together with al*-w troiu the \V * »t, op]«o>< d lo the Hum i i jii>. hi of Oim. Taylor. N,#w , I do not mean lo s-ty who Mr. Cliugmari, or any ho y else, is lor or against—♦ a*'h o*i11leiii.iii call answer I r Inuis* iI as hr *m i*s 11 Bui 1 do nn an lossy lhai y■ nr cu# lespoiueut ha- hi e i hd i lo a in* »l cgr* gioiis crmr, ll he aupp s*< s t! **'. t.iC t in * I .Mr Cl.iy i.i l-uti,nif., In ui l* e N uitl a. d NN * * , ^1 mean those w ho pr* h r Ins nomination swell a* ins * n-c Hon.) nr< limited lo two or twenty—c*«iI tl ha* tieeu . \ sin li errors nf calculation that pu »lic opinion a' ad has hnen ii amihtclurcd, as lo Ihe true condition ol Ihn.ga hi , NN nshiugio i. I hat I stand a Iona of (he V irginia delegation, in n pressing my preference lot Mr t lay, in true. Thai i regret imi having ih'*nppo«? • I hii) uih* of my coil* .i <>, in Mpially true. 'I licy, no doubt, are honestly rcfl- cunt their ow u views, and whal they belt* ve ihe vi* as aim wishes of their constituents—*u tin I. Bui d I alone in t otioii vN nr the N iiion ui n lios *jm>iion, ttb i.r w mil.i | con11 in- lo Stan I. immoral ami unshaken I am n >1 only .i s chi .mo mfl m le NN h j tin-e I i p n piiiic.pt**, but I n present a mi rn :rid i tl xihlc NN log distrh't. I •in* it no I .* m* .t ♦«*•* volet lo retain me in place, j .i d d I did, 1 should not gel tlmm - n r shall 1 c* urt j incir *upj** ri h\ an) «* tn-r mi ans than pcrHi.isiun, thai 1 represent t titilll> whal I ixdlevo In he the true Hilt r j • si * t 11 *- i* u ii 11 \ Ollnr gen? leincii, who arc repie senting .h cmt dlv I Je.nocr.iiic, or doiihll'ul, Districts, are ttiii r» tl cung the tin* c n ituoti of those District*, per l aps, by supporting a doubtful, «r “no partyrf iaudi * da «*. I h iv. i .1, laboring I »r twenty odil \ ears in Inis great \\ big cause, i r ilit? triumph of my piiueiplcs and prin t'd , s 1 1 e parly With W hn Ii I have heeu a s eiaied— | "Hi* "h;‘t /.( al and success let mv district and o h* is answer. I cannot, (lei it please or oll’eiid whom il may.) I will nof, be hi. ughl In the confession, that my strug gh s ami e|l r's against the route-.ding party have hern tac.tu ii', and stimulated only by a ihsrsi to put tin ins out and the w'ts in, by giving in my adlnsb.n to a eau did.He whs*' priuei j'.les a re link now u to me and to y. ti. I’olltii al III' lias lost many id Us eh.inns fur me. 1 I e only gam I have derived limn it. has been a name for In nr- v and a de\.ai.iii to principle; winch I am not y» t ire, nd io s.ieidice, hy voiding my prineiphsio ihe ' I'tody ot nne, w Imse policy, if elected, is veiled in so- | | eicsy and mystery. I I'f ien. rl’.iy |oi is a *’no party candidate,'f \y l.ieb is I the only |n silion winch lie lias \pt as-u.ir d, then 1 am' | not ' I in> parly—lor I am a parly man, and that j arty i 11»«• Il Inii party. 1 have limiting to ask, and I want nothing, o| Air. ( lay, or (Jen. i avlnr, or any other Kx ecutive, and I will not do, what I would regard as a sur render o| my principles, to make any mao 1'iesidci.t; and, I hen-lore, I cannot ndv. rate the nomination ut any gentleman who lias never fill'd a p. •lineal posiiion, who conn s I edi Iroiu llie u ii'i d field, hr-rahh-d « uly hy his military achieve i puls, and whose political views are earelully conn ah d ab well lr »ui ills liiends as Ills oppo j llciils. \\ Inh I am n i unlilh rmit lo ihr- dam s'ic p licy of our fioveiinn ni, I lo. k with a much nmie un.\i .us eye to our h.reigu policy ; for the present. a lar umi'e nnpur ant •jm siioii is pr« si nh tf-—« ne that nVi-ish. d-.w s and absorb al! oilieis; 1 mean the Mexican war, and the objects f.r which it is to he pro8ecuU:d. 1 miii unalterably ij posed to the subjugation of Mexi co, and io the anm xatioii of any part ut me .Mi \ican ter ruoiy, mid will sopfHirt no man f r ih«* Presidency w Irj is in lavor of admitting the Mexican race loan wjual paitieipatioti hi ilu- admnnsiration ol. ur free luslilntions. Nay. molt than dial—I cun support no man who is not known m Ire opjMi ed m it. | believe hat die subjuga tion ol .Mexico, and its annexation to tin lTi»Hrd Slates, ("hull is now the ..hj.-ei avow i d,) will decide die late ol t'-i' I iilou; and I think it mailers l.tlle how soon it shill he dissolved, when that sc I » me of in! Hu: in n and iiM iiii sss.il | have la-i n accompli In d : And am 1 asked, it such a time, and in • in h a crib - four fate, to discard :i w.se, pi act lea I experienc'd Natr-uiian, win mm mauds the emli.hum* andestec.u 'liver. Inn* Wing ilo.'Uglioiit the broad limits ot die I ind, to take a soldier I mm the field, fl .sin d with victory, and whose trade is war,—whose opinion* up. n the gnat ipusln-ii are un kit »\vn time and to vo i, — from whom we have nut had the slightest nitimwiiuti of a purpose ur a wish, only bicati-e he cicees recommended as belonging to no prin eiphs nml to no piny, beyond Ins own will and judg ment ? — “ I lirow physic t . the d gS; I'll none of it.” I have had inougli of y.nir no parly men. Let me a^k one ipic.*tion; It (*«*11 Tay lor is electe-1 as a “no party candidate, w ill In prove a “no parly Pro I sidcnt ■ Il he should, dieu he would not sun me or any 1 oilier W log. Il not. would he not tle-n disappoint these ( w ho elected him ? It a majority of the pe-pie are so i dissatisfied with the prmeiplws ai d measures of both the gn at pat ics of ihis country as to elect a President be longing m ic-ithcr, eould lie select it W hig Cabinet : ami adapt W hig measures, without a betrayal ol tin trust confided to him by those w lm elected him ?—or, in J otln r wor s, if he iseleelcd upon the ground that he will in t avow himst If a W lug. and eommil Imnselt to W t ig po|i<-\, would k. not he as fully justified in select ng a Loco toco as a Whig Cabinet and in a : opting Lo eof. co as W 1 g | ol ic v l Musi he not. if m crsally, , hive i i * In r a “no party ” - r dvidnl ( nhimt, and would he not have to com j n mi. e all his measures, or take a j i i Ic licie and a Ii t Ir i hen . from each. or dect ive those w ho elected him / If so, all I hn'c l * say is, that my j services cannot he commanded in any such cause. Il w <• are lo have him as i? W log Pn sident, let us also have him a< a W log e.imlnl.He. or else wc may look lor a dis »rg inizii'on ol tin* W iug parly I un not 11.1rii a W h .is some gentlemen r’aim,— out I have lived a Whig, and a Whig I expect Iodic. Il‘*- i la \ br. w ho* •• military servn o 1 hold in high appreciation, si.all s<> dev. |. p his principle'* ms to sen re jt li'inKeit' I!ie nomination of a National ( onvotiu >n. (winch, in lit* present positin.I regard as impossible.) In shall ii"i only have my vote, hut my active service. I he it worth little or much, lint as matters stun.I ;.t prcvul, “with all tin* lights now hr tore rue, ’* especially I from the great Whig region of the country, (which 1 | think \. or correspondent has n. t consulted.) and with <»ut w hose aid it is impossible for us to succeed. I am not only sal -fi .1 t :tl .Mr. (.'!;<>’ is the most availahlt cindl I date, hut the only one writ w lion sneer ss is certain. I h;»\e reason to believe Mr Clay has lost nostr.ngth loth sc Stair s that he carried iu M l, and that he is ^r* jir. v strengthened in many that he then lost r ape ci. ily in New ^ oik, which our fiends assure us is bc 'oiul the p-is-ihilil v ol a dolib', nothing ol Now Hampshire, ( I w Inch many of. i r friends are confident.) (• orgia. Indiana, I .otnsinua,together w ith Pennsylvania wh ch may he earned In selecting a suitable man to ' place on his ticket- say either Ncott or t laytou. With these views, I alt ill do as | believe my emisi intents would do. not give him np for any man of doubtful pnn - jeiphs. ai d more douMtnl success. W hen I Hiiv I feel confident that Mr. Clay can be «> leetet, | know I shall In* answered—-to you thought in *4 l**— True, I did—so did we all—but ilul u no rcaso i v* by we should not he. I am only rendered iio* more cautious in my calculations by that unexpected ami dn a*' roue defeat. 'I he Wh gs . |* my own district w ill recollect the p c d i lions ..f tin i.i oi In art d a year ago as to my own sue ( cess- tluy.s|**»kc ili’u.as now,of the want ot avmlihitltV. The r.>!i|i gpcaks for itself—and soil will ill this case.— I lo same c.uiscg that operated io swell my majority so tar beyoiid all furm r cal-olatioi s will operate m the in vt Presidential election m swell the majority of Mr ( lay. He w;H not only not have the (’athofte e.vi'e ' merit, me t-reign influence, the Native American paitv.j tlie annexation of Texas, ike ike. 4k. to op- raie ugnin>l ' him, hut they will all w »rk io Ins favor ; and most of all. ' this wicked and In.mb e war, and the ruinous condition o! the country. w hich will In* plainly spread before every j man’* eyes, b« hn ofn Nationa' ( onventiun. it w.ll l*o ;imo enough lor us who jnfer h m, t m VMCp NJr i lay. when tnc \\ liigs (J| f|u >a < .,,.mtal Mumbled, .'.all re .. US „ , |i >|b ■''.fill’ I . JOHN M IK1 IIs TUB HvV<.T. Ill MlillS. Th# aiilSri.imif .1 a lrea») r,m by Mr Tr...,.«rtll« very -'l*. i,I ,.*• Hie. pr few he well rind— nd -•! ,l,r*. Il,r U .ml.nijjiun leti r writer* are tinquenUonably I'll, t...rr.*p n.lem nfilie N. V ..1 uriial of Cotr.mercy. v» ruing on ilie *28th oil. *a \ * i ,ii i -The |>eacp mi.nor* have tx**i« discredited; but ihrre .. ||,|. iuii.'Ii el f..latum f r them. VI*: that c .niinis 9i „ n . fr .1. III. ,M. Ate in jinyiiiiiieni pi"|> to U. tier I it a ii-ne.,ui ol nenotiatloiH, wiili a view to an .ieee|i I nice i f tlie terms oflernl by tlie U. S.. but up.iff lutsai'ile eimdriona—:m ariniance— the willtdraual ol tr,«.|.s fr ill the city of .MiAieu-aml the | a\ tn. til ol fifu-. n n.illio is I.. Mexican government upon the rat ipf.it ton bv l ‘I i lie ftjH * V • • The ..’ifi r will lie Mind l<> have been informal, and, ; will lead In nothin* The ditlienltj is that time is in.I rt. .\ i f t.III. lit I lliMIgll III M.\ ten In make and guaranty any ir# ,iiy < t | caef*.’’ 0 i ih iH )it*r hand, the Commercial A lverliserol Sat urd.n evening remarks : \\ aie i nalili d tn say that there are letter* in the on \ i n in’ i berv» I t > ug rev*, ol both part lev, w hich de* , ;;t,, t ,|u. Hi ts! uimpiivoe;il terms that tlie oiitlittOof a . tii \ .if arrang'itlent, has been n ceived at W as mg ifii. e rresj'. idmg generally with tin* \ ropositions origin a It m i.'f I v M 1 risi t» ihr Mexie n coinmmsium rs, a id that it will In aeetfod t.» hy tin* Adminisirution.” “In !i p« ndent,” the sensible enrrcvp*indent • I the Phil adi'lpliin North American, in his letter id Saturday. dis credits the statement that tin project of a treaty liav been scut orj by Mr Trist, hut docs not deny that lie lias been negotiating with the Mexi an government. This writer ol servo s : “.Mr. 'Prist stand* in tlfr worst possible odor with tin* I'ri sidctii ami Ins party, for r» fusing to icturn home, as lie w .is rdi r« d in do. Senator* occupying prominent p » sit t.ns at not teserved in their expressions at lilse ii dm l, and in<>r than one has htgmli- d tii.it tin* Pr* side.it should send a *guaul to escort him to \\ itshiiigtoii.’ The fr ends of Mr l rtst. nil the other hand, are com plaining S'vi' f ly at tins tr»a mei.t Mr. iiiiehanan, who appotnti tl him to t-ilifc, tin-ling that he lias incurred the displeasure of ihe Pr« sul* ul, has, as might be expected, deserted him. When had It* the courage or inttgmy to vuslaiu :» friend, tl’s.ieh support might in any way com pr »mise htinsi I ? Mis I.h isa refill;.H"ti of ihe suspicion that lie rM i had the u.anliin to do right, at tim hazard I I is personal or politic.tl inti rest. lit still later papers, v\ e ha v»» no re p- sitive srateim pis ihat 'lie terms ol a treaty have been adjusted hy Mr. T.ist. 1 ho Pit;I .del; I. a IP.Ih titi,of Monday cveuing.coritainft the follow tug: *• Notw itliMae.ding the denial « f the I’uton that < treaty of peae<' is ui progress, \v.- have every n a on to believe the contrary. Mr Cummings, ol the liul etm, who is n >w tn Washington, has sent us a despati h, in which he sates that ovcilures litii'c. been tnu \ RRCoRO OK Till M | It must be remembt red il ui it is a warm triend of tin. Administration, and one in daily intercourse with I in* members, who tnalo* the foregoing startling revel I in,m-- for, although it is rather hinted than avowed, it | is scarcely possible that one of its i. miliars would have ! ventured to Invc given even sin intimation of such | criminal acts, if there were not some farts within In* p. rs nal knowledge it justify i'. If it be true that j iliere is in» record of the. “secret** purposes of Mr I*. Ik. I the iufeience is not f treed "r u it itr, tli.it n . such record was kept b« -atise he dared not permit the people to see it.— »Vuf. hit. | Kx Senator Poindexter, of Mississippi—**the Devil's Darning *\'cedlc.}' as |- I* Iflair ot the ‘ (.ilobe” used t- call him. tli ugh. truth to say, the Kx Court Kditor ha- himself small pretensions to beauty — is now writing .1 series of essays, recking with Lueul'oeoism, for the Misaifsippian. They do not s. em, h wever to like I with “the deni. cracy” who have not forgotten cer tain chapters m the firmer Ins'- ry • l their new convert. One of diem remarked. the other dav, to the edicr.f the Natchez ( ini'ier, I hat be feared P i mlextei *s aerpu lion w-mbl p'ove filial to hi- |>:»rfy ill that Stale; lor. I he said, although be had great f-dtii in and reverence i f.r bis principles, be bad doubts wbetiu r any party , i gbt to triumph that recognized Poindexter as a leader I ..r even as a | r minciit tnemlu r. It is in be noted, two, that we have seen no gh»r li.*ati»*n i:i the Washington I hi. ui over the recantation by .“Old I* i .sM . f w hut be .-nils bis Whig heresies; mi l, il vT-^ral Jackson were dive. it is hardly to b • doobtei! that lie would implore I is Mississippi friends to turn a deaf ear to ibe sinm! { aied vows ol p mtence of a man whom be strongly bus I peeled (tic ugh • r m ..us|y c-uiatnh ) ,f haring instigated •in attempt to assassinate him.— II hig. ABOLITION OK THE NABRA'I IF. Tim Boston Liberator contains a call, signed l>v a great uurtilw r of nnmej, for a mee'ing to lie hid i for the purpose of taking measures to ab dish entire! v the it isi i net toil which |B ,,nVV made hy ( hrstian natioi s b tween the first and the odier six days of the w» «k Among tlie signers ot this e.ill are the most prominent aboliuoiiMs of the country, swell as \V. h. Garrison, Edmund (jninev, Kraueis d icks.m. Charles Burleigh, M aria \\ Chapman. &«*., See. They expre-s the ex pectatmi that they will he considered heretic*, bu' de dare nevertheless that their sentiments are sustained l»v Luther, Calvin, Milton, Pneslly, \rchb;s!i p \\ kat. lv ami other eelehra'ed names. Nothing can he in no in keeping with ns < wn dis I honest char icier than this development of abolitionism. . Professing sympathy for the Jave, it would u vertlie less deprive him ot his only dav of rr>t. B- giimin^ its mad career with war up u die property ot' us fellow men, it ei ds with the mad eft".ft to appropria'e tiie Almighty’s p operly in that dav winch ho has hallowed as exclusively ins awn.— liicli. Itr/i. GEN TAYLOU AND THE I AIIIKK Tbe N A Tribune lately gave publicity to a current ruiuiH- in AN a-imioi..n. ilru (ion Taylor had avowed his prttfi o nce for tin* Tantf ot lb*IG ntul tin* Sub 'Idea | •»ury 1 It rumor turns oin to lie a l ihrication, us we were w. ll «atudi.*d it was. 'I he \V shiiigtoncorresp.nl I deni ot tlie i liihuh Ipliia North Am* Mean n:iy$ in feia tion toil: “Mr Davis denies having pr pounded any interroga tiilies to lien T«y|.*r, or n.iviog received* any h’Mi i fr im him sine* h s a "rival in Washington The •*re|M»rt,’’ i therefore, is w h’Hy oi.bundedt Gentlemen in the* coil fide lire « f (r’li 1 sylor who ocriipy high positions ' m the AN lug ranks, huvVc airlturized me to state that ; hemither title* lams, h.tu lie evprc xcd, any su-I. 1 opinions as are suv-ri^ him in referrucu to ihe! ‘Tariffof !&J6aiid the Independent treasury.” ( ipt Kf.ni.illy.I,f Cinrimiali. I; Med liims-lf ei Ri„ ! r uu t,v |.l u-Hr. ll.r hill ..firs s.v„rd up.,,, ihe r,.Jilni] j h!:"* *' »P*> the blade. II-In. r.uuwnd '* ' o ' o _ - .. . ; ...... COL* 1st AN A Wl.tr y t.a» I* ,, „ I* ', 'V " '' 1 - 1 ■! ■■ ) • i' « ■ , ■ , «-«*• Iticn flan »■ ■ n i . s, | • ^ s .. j •• ••' • * • • ■ . I' 1 1849, to sii- c ■< -i | | i V ,J in, . • .. * 1 liirtu bull 'tings, as I il r i r 1st. 2nd A I". Kinwr ( A ) 04 0( J'ltm Sli.l. II HO ' 01 04 I’ one Nmlf (I ) 00 (,q Smltrring 1 I An,I nulc.ml**iil will, (hupxliil it, „ _1 t Wlup iiumnliuU-lv imaM^did u, h, m |* K 'll ' (Ia«”) Slate I’lini. i l.ji a maj ruy „v,.r N, ’•X'-^r Weia, (Wltijja ) We cupjr il„- V..II ,»iu; * '* From the New Orleiw Bee , f Janury -jV, “The ilie Iacaai ami llm aeal in i|„. L'mi*«i d | nUe.imw fill,,) l,_, llw ... II, un J, In,*,.,, the tilt it March. 1810, he IH'C III 111 t| *M- e'1, r Soult*, a democrat of ihe dee|A*si dye. ' profoundly griiiv d ;md un rlified a< the »« -. j, a ’’ he t Id, Our d's:i|ip..initiiu*ni i-, t:.r gr, ;i ,.r { ' as We had Ivett led lu h< In ve that . xi rv \\ have Votetl f r (tie nominee nf his j»art\." |; , source of consul in .i, is |. fi, ami that is draw,, ' fact llint the regular candidate of the | "didell— was deb au*d, a id that his parly had i , ' 1 irale Upon a gentleman who owes hi* r|ecii..„ tl) ' '' Vi les. T is, however, is hut a meagre , iy„, t , " 1 disheartening n fl chon that a Whig I .• > ui,ru u lay , voted with this party , and stand the general *“ j supp* rt the W big candidate. lli> tnyMeri.iii* al).*, ,,.' however, reduced the ti' -j inty on joint ballot n, (j\j. vote, and reudi-,n*d thfnusuh highly pruhleu :»,|. n| **. the liM and second trial, Mr. Baldwin, whig r,.. !llP1) ting the I'.irish ufSih in*, winch, ih -ugh he .■ niucralic, gaveu majority for the W’aig «• uul ,|, Il|t , ('f t'e \Y hig . I f , , C U se pursu•«! hy (’ol M n tl-* I \A'hlte — tlit- (!, n, ,• JJ seiiat..r Iro.n Thupiemiue—who threw away his v , h tavor of KoIm ri ( . Niclinbis. Tit* t w par m > iU ,, ,. „ seijuenllv toil—each ita v ing giv« u 6*4 votes in s trs peel I vc candidate. At the third trial. Mr. \ im \ was Mjl»stiiuted fur Mr. Midell’s Air Baliiwumn di-s occasion voted for Mr. Keitm r, the Whig i , on the oilier hand the ! '.Sowing \* hlgs dn-n-d ||„ r p r y and cast their soll’i:ig* s for S. ule, \i/ AJ, SSlS \: 11 :r«-t:i. and |Jarlia:n, • f ill Senate.AJ. ws Bh*i,v. nu a , | \\ alkies ol tin* ilouse it is due to Mr. Tarh imi s, v that hr • Xjilaiued to the (.'oiivcutioii that In* ! v •, for Air. S ole, only hceanse he th uighi th idirruativo laj hi tween tin latter and Mr. Siidrll.aud that .Mr. St v was. in Ins ■. pin inti. pn*ft rahle in i v« ■ y n -■ p ei. Air. I.u ' Iihih added that lie would have c.iuiinnrd t• > v m* ,,r Mr. Kciun-r, hud that yetlemau needed his vote to ensire Ills e|i V i n. The Other memo rs oRored 10 expluualiu:i ; of tin :r vote*. * “ The democrats, of course, exult, and the Whin are pr »j>ortu»nahlv ind gnant at the r. stilt There it i email induccuiMit thr the \\ tugs to »'.\» rt iheniM-lvee to carry el»*ciious, when they ju re tvv ihe fruits of their harci won vicn-ri * w rested fo u; them by the def. asan.-e n| 11 if* i r ow n I riends. W e may h'ar divoiufiture with « meihiog «»f phdosojihy w In n stricken d wn hy ihe fores four an aguoist, hut l«» he pr>*'rated hy a lihtvv from those f r w hmi wc fight, is n I,trie 1-•«» cruel. It v/« t ri’sand d * h a is ate to he • ip] 11 \ \ration and temporary comparative tranquility of an e rpire, w t h a handful wf men, is to be ttrnrgued and ex amined as a criminal. Whit an the charges ? \\ hat has lie failed to tin that matt e old accomplish ? Where has he falle i short hi anything ? No man can answer, lie has done his ilii‘\ . I)ut. sir, there i di li-ieuey somevs here ; and we think it is traeeaMe to that ■’hasty plate of soup. ” lie has n»t w til ten enough to the war department—he I. s I slighted Secretary Marcs—in* ha* held the secretary ui apparent contempt, and he is called upon to answer (or it. lie has said the ar.nv was "disgusted” at tin* estimates of the I'liioii of the force in the held, which weal the. time contended were less than the adjutant general made it out; and we suj»}Mise it is upon these things that he is i to l>e tried. Of course theinrpiiry can do nothing but re commend the transfer of the case to Washington and the Senate, or drop the subject; and w« ri her suspect they wiil hr glad enough t j drop it w lien the old General shall appear before them. Justice. A NATIONAL CONVENTION. \ general meeting ..f the Whig* of both Houses tf (' ingress took place m Wasnington on Thursday even , tnglast: S. ua'-n IL rrien, of Georgia, presided. ’1 § subject of the conference was the propriety of the Whig party’s holding a National Convention for the nomina lion ol candidal* h hu the presidency ami Vice Presided 'ey. \\ e le.rn from the Washing on correspondent e of different papers, that (here wa* some discussion, and that niiici) enthusiasm lor tin* great cause was manifested — It whs determined to hold another meeting on Thurs day evening next, but not Ixd'orn a vote was taken, d n i ding, by a .uajority of ten Indue, in favor of a National Coiiventi' ti. The adjourned meeting will beheld tor tip* purjHirtf* of fixing the time and place of bolding the (' nvention 'Lite correspondent of the «V. Y. Herald stales that Mr. Gcntiy, <>| nmssce, advocated General Taylor very warmly, and urged the importune# uf running bun independently. LATE FROM GALVESTON. Ry the steamship Globe, ( apt. Wright, the N. 0. Delta Il ls ree i. ed tiait s* from Galveston to tliei&l inst., her day of sailing. Tim art to establish public schools in the county •U liaiv. ston had t.ecome s law, and Would go mtjo|u r.',n», timi mimed! itrly. A 111 • *♦* 1111 g was held at Austin on the 10th inst , to rganize the Deni erotic Mate Convention, to nominalo • h*etors f.r Prcsjih'ut at tlip next Presidential elec tion. In tin* Senate • f 'IN xas,a l»ilJ had I wen introduced,|'r,l liii.itmg the introilucu ai into ti at Flute of slaves who hat e e mmim d high ortim s in the States or 'I’err'torit’S of the I tilted Stu‘*-». or <*|spw here. Pile fullowing ex'raets show that the agricultural to sources of Texas are hegumii.g to In* d vchiped. •Sug./r. —Rim4 a a will make Ui iJhhds. of sugar, av eraging about 1*>0U|I». Nearly every building has been eree • »J ti.i* seat *11. I o.'jO in d'. were tnado on six pU"‘ tat ion*. • I ■•!t ii, u Itic'i. i i i fT-rt, cn.ifir.ii# the derision of ft*® C -urt ttuiow, which ki'ttb'B llie .cu^e tu plain till'. The Convn.ti m of \\ isoousin Territory, now in scs-^ sion, Ira,moo ;t Stale Constitution, lia$ derided that the I,eoisl.«iure may, at t une, future period, confer the right of mi {Tragi!