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THE LYNl IiBl lili YIIU.IMAN. r|t1.V«’Kli)Ui), TOMM.H A. Dll. I.AUI), PROpnir.Tonv. MlkVIMV 'VON.XLYU, 11.!). 11. IM'v ~ WHIG CCUN17 lKZLTSKG ! 'I'l \\ |i an of he on n:ty ofFampt T % of FynehVir r will n of mtli-* fist >i»y of Frl>roai\ f,;uri. at Cn "j '.I !! t ■ lift i I use, f.-r the purp* of aj jioinung IM‘gites to th • Whm K • C • i.iol lieltl in Kich.uoud.nn Ili*. . • ! «•! m \ i ..>n!h. w lili a \ i« v\ tu the f •ritl.t 11 II (if Mil Fleet.«:.| Te ket. fir 1*1 esidei: t Bnd \ t c l*ri s i nt <d' th I 'niti-tl S\*u s. 11 M • I. w i Is» ta into erattufl the pr -preD "ftp; F 4 1)1 u<tes ion < ’• • onitioti, to F lit Id t n t!u* l>'!i*l 1*1 riiriry ne\'t nt Flick ing ha III ('.nirt ! i in'. '•> " : n .*• :i ( e d. : i!t t oiipljorti d hy the NY htjgs of his I). ', Ft ;i v at in tlx Senate id’ Virgina. 'I 111*. I MON \ \ I) MU. WIFMOr. • ■ 1 e t V !1 rpi r1 e1 lu t \\ i ■ . M \N ! I II *. (» ’ l\ I. . . 1 ■ 1 4 r ef i • .e. Tins g* n; Im-nn, it wll :• re llieildn tl, Wi' lie o'!1 \ Hit J1.S1. ; I . .. !’■ ... " V, .1 \t ll" voted for Mr \\ ilk V iu \\ I mil, i r w 11■ <-Ii F \t imimnstly l.mdcd hv tin I i i II it i Is ti Congress was anm >inn d i i tlie- s *w • , per i:i tiie n.est 4*Xtilling tone lie u h !• I >■ .!i • p >' 1 -Ik ti i p oil to ii j.dcM at ph f i n t trade pi 11 etple> in l hi ret urn nl i Ins g. ij In inn 1 e 11: i»: • a' e .. i-.-ils, I •, i .!i, triel SlippoSfd t I hr \M dill ll to tie p leei.e p 11 \ . Ileal erwarris made !. n ■■ 'i fai mus . \ in i . i ^ resolution \\ hieh In ns !es n tu ■. :..i ! w l.e Ii I. s .i\ s heeii denounced hy 'In 1 ni n :.*i a Ii e ihiown. i . t into (lie ewiinti v. lint, w hat si.f n i imp ! ’.. ., in! the ranks id' the I \ lie - atie pai \ . \\ t .nt not ;n le It. trace t ll" CrDM I e ill ( ( and n-' ;o n weeks since the L ni n eeiitaiueii i u i . g Sir \N lliimt nl 1 r• a i ei mis «1 ■ - \ i it s| i ri in iji• i i \\ Ta1 ill* and I title I:«ie.r« d li* • IL .■ i i ^ . 1 : . nr licit' ) ret tv r h'.trli inti II :»I. - that 11 I h. 1 . \, . s , 1 otiknow n wlii'ii tlir • .ittor u . .till ig ..p.»:i lit.- i). mo cratie party- to i j iei- upon hm i.■-« I ciioo Wr |•.a\• nothing I" my lour.'ulV li t* i • i lily ul Mi. il .1 j m. »< <| i*itr oil ihe pail ul llit? Olli K.1 .In 11 1! Ii tho mtiUH pluKisrs l » ten * I :i 111 ri 11 11 •. it 1 • . \ . . ?.!. in U now »1 tin* tisilt* l>< ' it.i > :i id ii ; . * jti. !, ho mu*il lakt* lilt* consrijilt :i(*t s. «:.J lo ill i 1 .• v. la'.mt* j.Uj t tiers. Mr. Wilm t, IikUi v r. in r. r■ :.,!v, f : \ ;n u l.. r “fin: brand” itin* I*). Mtutu* j .*• '\. | J«> f , v. •! ilia* additional 1 1 \ iMkii. ;n s >ii • - .11 ■, v. ,i> • ( , •. i\ 1 1 sus!iii 11 iln lit!.! ..iii iitiiii >.| f \. 1 1' . 1 iii rt*j> iilfl loans : 1 * < 1 l-s|| , , | 1 . .1.1 \ I; \v, j 1. - * j ii'* this ii» a id t l whi • 1 t vrv : v 1 1 1 p , |oi ■? h i, i it hull tu Ik* w oil f u , 1 i. Tin* S.-n ;i \ rer, 11. 1 iPiid*d it in th t , 1 , , fl , Mr. \\ 1 In 1. • t» ia\ t#a anti e :1 1 . d ..,1,. «.fT red a roMilmioti j»r.*vidn»_r 1* r tin* ? 1 s *i r ,,f |,vp mil li'MIS Sv dmrl lav:.' in Th - IS 1 ill u. 1 1 , , ,j,j. t v, w hi. il, vv.‘ 11 1 1 :.|.. ty- -.,0-, „ 1 u 1 « „ . t > ;. • 1 .: : ■ I 11 j I \ I" tllPiiry "i this in y . m 1 hr /)i>iii(icrati*‘ lit v > w. .1 \i 1 \ n ii m '11 l»‘*h and would In* I . !• r, ■ : . v, Mr. K ,, uj N.mlli (' ir l,nn. ’I I'm it - • j . 1 . ■ 1 If' <r, on tin »tij*j* iii.m tliai m <■< cours**, mi i'.,r an aiiK'i.t,,j , . , . iy I..1.1, and thus p iiivi Mr. \\ 11 n.»'. h -u vor. pr, rr mI the 1 . 1 1 .It p.ailf pill O of '•! lav. , • . mid ..II,. J |lls r«*«oli. 1. ... 1'» thut tll'Ot. 11 > v must ho It . vp !. n ns: 111- .. .1 1 ,i'ul ... -is Ii . IN,I ail 1 ||,iu,i-I| . hissed am mu ,, v| ,|. .t ,,| Ila,lir pr ll j iii , v. ii , ii.,IV - 11 iii, 11 • 1 ■, ■. hi in t ,„„i dinriu ; i„ tl,,- j r . i ,i.. i, „ . „. j sic.1,1 III I), III.; I,.11;, .i .is ;1 brave ; r 14 |||,- 1..,i_.|, ;,M,| lli .rny ooiir.s> wl.ii ti. 1 th- wn .• 1 me, ih . \ |.,u , Iran 14 Willm Mill Iv have lo IriVcl, liinjs Iii 111T1 Ii.-I.l op ail In. I • I an I pr ill dr. Wilinut r-iilhl not Stan I ilns, a i.| .; 0, . fl .. ,M,,;„|,v! delivered 1 1,1114 a,, I v. ,1, t,i «| ,cell, in which he US' ,1 iln- VdiiT. ( .111 ,r 41 ill, I . 1 a \cry ... iiiniii,xis uia'iiu r, ■ \p.,s I his I r . 1 ns „iuj in *' lls''it,'n - i'l •> ' .' n of view. II ;! ,, ., | _ . cr game also, am) was severe in his. : N: llui' II s ... the »It .»•.« f, me a 1(1 S.invvs Ih,- I,1,0 ■; vv ,,n h jne \ .0 s in :I," o, r t \ - 'J'ho I i.iou.of ihe s m . 1,14 t. 1 j 1 1 , Mr. \\ ,|4„ , in an ariii'le ul e. , 4 :- ■ , -. : , w In , , \ ,, iy <-pi ihe Is a le ",v,nvn| ip ", Ms t uni i:i. [ ■ 1.4 , a .,J a Sfv, r, r fis'i; ijui, pruiitiM-tl el. o!,| ,i.„,,|„'f ;| . ; JKUV . V> t, refer tu • ' Iran, in wh h a i< It r,:," I1"’1*1 1 - 1 lo ihe iit.rut .. M ,. \\ ,| loot's Os dll I 0,11 |S j V4", T., ■ r, j Mj w ; , .1 cl.. ,, , “vt Ws uj"rn "i, . ,_v s "s 'veral” of ihe \\ 1, 4s voi, ,j 4 K 'Inst it. I >i,l til l ni ,11 mt n I ,!, .■ |,% ihe ns,, vt the word, ,.r was it a iuisi.ii ,t firs-ven v ! Toe fuel is, 'that Siivr.N rv rw > U I f ■ v . -I i„ t>,. ,„ .. J he I 0ion,in i s 1.•,» v to \Ir. Vv ,1 o n's sp.'frh.s:ivs. Bl<r. claims in he with 11 ,■ .• p ,■ t, towj the admin a.raii.m in the support uf tl e v u a. U .it ' Ml l"e»sores I , if to i . i ■ - 4 A : 4 11 < I in-’ claim, vv' supp IS . Im scout: e very idea of la IvMi.s hie .si and upon ihe • p .ul ,ru," : ii ,, , ml 0- - in * proneuled by the admmistrultuti ha tml , ; , , p, ''''PI' y ul t e treasury ,, in,, < , - , ,, .. ,4 11,e war. *" P ... llti* plaii irm, hi s 1 -rw "tiifli he ktinu . well emit it nv , .. 4 j o' "liick at ll, s II 04 i-ifi , • !y d. i ,y , if not ,1 fe., . the lneretires wliieh ihe ;n u . ion ro ■ mime ,4 j r .Il% is .1 s'Vere n liuke , f Mi. W'llin it, in:,I, at the so- nine, ,,i several other I) moer.ilie Ilf tn' er.s, who ' ,Ib I with liiin in f, v ir of hts o s iltcion. Of the forty I Uir wifi Voted in 111" i.tli .Illative, the till,.wine til", nr . ««lime rats—w e suppose liny are n w » \ mu •‘■'i* iiMleJ — Vi/ ; Messrs. Ibodbead, Hurl. C base. ( lapp, ( ,ur|h CwIJiu#, Fri«g, Ami. ri . . i. \\ I hawrew^. Lord, Nmol, 1 iry, K - . Went j</r 1 *^ ^ lb*) • W iliii it and \\ uodward —tot il Mr. Me Kay, m irrover, avowed hi* friend i\ feelings in tiie measure and, sli eild there be n i truth In the pram Minor*, an I the war cinlimie, declared bis d* le;n»ina ii m t-igu lor direct taxation. Mr. Ilhett. ilengd tin* •Huwed cliainpioii o| ibai in ide * l taxation, did n t vote • Ttlic res ilii io.a —bis i j ei n j\v b. mg to ingra'.iule him s«4lf with tho Administration. Till*: l(KAIT()4H l<>\ MKNT. r The pa-sage of iln-p soltlli n .third by Mr. Seotl, J 1,1 l"i' r, l»ya vofofli.)iu^8*l'>ra S. h e f (\ nm.iitei I'iirun io hi 11 increasing th« mini >.er of Delegates, by ’ "l> 1 1 :i : : '1 n I in >i t It *b:n . ■ ■ _a;. lo Alexandrin.nnd stx additional d* legates and i \ i.ators t'Mbe trails Alh’gliaiiy distriei, is iminaim* of an easy ithtnn ui ol a question to which \\c had 1 io|\**d forward " till serious concern. I.arge as is the vote, tin* passage •t the resolution i> not altogether decisive of llie s .eee>s 1,1 ^,0 P'l,,h ;,s ’he ( Miniiiinee may n->i he able so in re •'ppinio.i lb,, repieseutaiion. as that tb*' bill shall Goin "und a majority ul i\\o thirds, which i-* r.-qnired hy tbe * 1 ' •' • i. #i'he pt sin , h >w i*\ i r. is Uglier. = n K jr l l*« I * | in. 1* » llmll n « m t«V • I il M • \\ i lin t i 12 i I yrl. M | . • 1 * ■: ! I v \ * * t|t > It» : i ■(, . i . i , ula i Im |'i - ■ ••ti'' I m t ti .Vao am , \\ l.ri% sf tin V l*r|ir Vr • >• a ril Ii 1 I a ills'll gli;*ll< d, hour ' ami lull lltgfUl • libt t'\c / inn ul iV.n/ii/tH , is ti. t ami. d h\ l.4i jmatiil cm iia; n >1 c i illH. n o| : r ua in .. 1 i aii’lt >s j u. si ul. o\ ilul inti is aj'i ns in |*t l*Iish H'.- 1 i!' |*r ■» i • . s I i hr n ■ • > _• \\ r ryu ff a! v '• II "I I I lilt r.l'i Ml r!,. t r| Ii • \ j • . - ; , *|’i f \\ I 1 . \ 1 in. a Hr I*, i s: t :•§ ni la c n\ ri i ■ r.ngtv*8. l»> iIn* aims, ui i'i- vt t . Hum. rr. r tn-uirnl h\ iIumI. nun cihiI.tiis i f ilie . lli'Mhl • rgwn, the p intrrfYrerin* ui iht» i fs . i the t a! im t . i im il nr (T U . 11 . «*», nti I, a?**»vu a!l» 1 y the exercise t f n vast ami growing i* ' ^ i h Must! I,t t> |>i I,an. If in Mil well i s- s.m i •! tin* rnustiluliot al i1 is'i .1 utit*n t I lit.wa rs, anti ft* -reive tlir President, in t. mi, ,s I n dors in iea!i ty. I ' I’m a . .VI I H. * *na ■ • .11 h'r ].. T II I. \\ | rill \ I 1 , ii \ ! . i ii.aj *i*t\ th* ii in 1 i.f tiluisr is ullioially i ( rxjiK'ti'di m H.; til u| f. iif'f.tu r v. H Hu mm iiuiis u| ll r ti ims ul' I ■ slttu'ii. .\ l t.n’\ tin iii* a tit*, hut tin* imiutirr id c iri \ fa ii "iii, i' i;. ul i!uu n, anil im i isi-r. lion is allow nl e vt as to m .if. I .» I. d • t iin | In* si f 11 u si . a gri t* is t«. i " i' i i > .... \ vcrsit v j i. II Is t I it i ii. *1 ill' l i t SI,.. ; ! I \]I. r!s a Iro islet trust w itlnml the rrossina uf n /, t-r Ilu i “I •'"t i W t l.;i r an j:-t.i'-rt in pint in the loini, ie <j 1 i d ti Mu* di li.’ii i hr Srefeiarj I l m i ii I W ,i \ s iiittl .Mi i as hav t rt|>tu !rt! p I’d’, aot li..i• o lu s • • i< : 11 \ it) m • iialr m a j.lain, straight ’ |ui W :■ ii n , \ . a I pi t I *. \ it r ii In l. a" s I In* ( • in till It i IS dt’ll • ■ d I a 11. K, it. r. i i l,t \. i 1111 p I s'11 a! i. 11 •• ’■ • w -ill da , g Its Vu I II I4J ! . I,'. 111. m y an 'in . I : ■ : - ! \ ii - dt h. w i ll j i*w i r to ir- IS'in iln ui aiul 'I Us 1,. t | l.till Hi i • P I i. II N||. \\ 11 .III ! Ill* 11 u\ t I, a . . liav. ' i a. is imi. U a -..i . tl, 11 i . i s a iiiriii l»fr t-r Milt I! US.’, to which tin i ion i t hills . I I ' pp \ at *• ■ • 111itSe* I h\ iIm t .list t tioiijh-' dai. d t ass. rt II s i v li . nf j I pi'll g t i H |th ii sii the tic is l V , P’ d t■ 11.t111 *• u in jm\ ilu init it s i.| "ii lit. loans nromiiatrd.or to be m g . i.i t il '11p A<In in is.: lat i..ii wishes to rat i \ .|i thr v- i. a ml tin v i's ft I 11 atl (lair. >n:igf‘, \\ i I In" I of <• flu laxr« 'f l.r A Ifn 1 In r 11 I '■ O „ I l! .1 Him. ' 1' US id.! iiuual |(-J l • tu lilt It gllPl’Pls alu ittly taisi d— Im: n •. Mu v wai.t ilu | g invnlvrtf ' III Its. UP g Hr "I li V t fill ml ltd i fW r t n 11 ilss: a i . ,a i id, Hi'Trt ti*. all w Ii . infill I, st a i\ It. Ilalimi In rouinly mio 1 "'•Mi Mu ( \• n i. iii furn its wdl : s siihsl:iiu**% •ip • «i. ut a d as jTinliy of *‘iut ral ti .. . n.’’ \ * iilv. lli* I It . I PI li, «s “I I. S’lir . Vt r 'he «!f 1 iI»«• r:i luii.s ul ill. NaiioiKii la-gislat n.” -nr at hast maKr.srf. ' its to lit) 'l), _ I I ^ i 'h 1 v ;mc due to IMr. Ih > ■ *h nod Mr. ( in. Ihr Pul 1) mints; and in lien, il lrrim . an I Mr. I \ iln-iv >,|V ar. l,.r I oj K I their lii'rnl spe.. hi a in' t i 11 ai a . f Id ; ; , sem a i v s (■'5- "'<• ii vi!i> a !!i mil II to til ll III r f Mr. Ili.iwrll ' i m i>" !' tin a ■ III tt 11 another Jill i ll' la I eirettil. 'I I a Im - talie lie l1! l a: t a to, on t t: l | at a , v Its ia ttl e'l il in cntr next pa pi r. \\ e he not i . i\ I. • e u , w tih rininty what d ,s pus, I i, n ill. ||> it-, ■ las n lie of tin- tn'l f.,r till* II c ire 11 i T . ; I id j . a K r I I n 11 III \\ f \ ntdered to hti Onorossetl_ ns report, d in 11 , Tin i-, Ini n ms 'a:,I apt n tin table. '! ■ 1' 'll i I tin ‘•rliet I ii ti '-I <• it a|.e« , el a x, far a; 1 cl ■ T t p onccrtird lie nntpe slil ' a let - a ills; I. I" irlinna'e -lone , fjntlieial I. - I' t l"l"ifo Hi. ■ d .as an am ,t p'e just ire. «1, „ |.| eit|.,.r In- r. Tweil nl a p. r ion of it. nr paid i , a r.irrespon iinn ait 1 i p cir ei a u |,a i, it is pi , ,| ,, Tun tli •J i l. Imve no aver ye amount of Im in w ( r < ' the at rant 1 tht i . I tin eit : .■. \\ . f ■ ye trh ptefi i se. a,mu i.iej I k. the n moan , 're'mupf In •linlioiarv.slieteln ! in Mr Dorman’.. res "'it'll" -p h J ill lie- \ iroini I'l Ilf the til ins'., and li i a y: rit e piomanei- to ley'a'loit inlended f r dip T‘ O' dy I I Ip.ll an 1 s;.i e nl. and, it in y he.temp n ^ ry, If r. . t .jK „ut ,.f the I :ii pr-'srjt f vvc, til ci hi r<**, c in hi vc ni (ihjcrli mi t » tli c rpl el ol judges an,I people, prop IS - 1 In I'm p. mini JT hill. U e believe pith le senna . iiyhom ri I d V I i| "I "y flit a radical eh in ■ i i tlm j ,v mul that such diaii'/c ••aunot I ft/ » pivv*uitril. V\ e shall pllalM'tllP U-p It oft | s I,Ml C nil II ti te it our next. __ __ _ I Mil m;.\ u nr; mini kk 1 he apt (■' ll ll! Ill s e, ml, tiiiia, I ll III., Tell Hiajiim m ■ ■ ' 1'kel.y l l give satisfied ill In In i I )■■ ,, , •, ,■... ii!l! ■ Ui tal C. pretty uni'll ill. same proumls as I a ii nn li iy Mr ('alliunn, llnitinh his dr l'i nsive line -anie 1 le I •• feta the line mi y yes led |,y Mr. 1 Hm I l av , I’roiti '1'ainpipii III the .*> . i Matlre "1 o 1 -e i . rtMinnii as *l.p pi u.titmiil liutiiulary. 'l ie f‘‘ 1,1 i • i ; t i I the Ah X i (Ii :i (in/••tic s;'\ s ; Mr I iunti r (1 d f Scnaft* ni Icn^tli in nn :i’ !»• 'pcicli It. it il r,- K?c tu the imjxut til topic* which pie lied ihemselveH in I In- d:s n of this hill Had :!,. lull involved.le r rpmsii ai Ilian that pie-, nmd , n ''1 ' w .11 j, no he u ei nleat to oive a so. nl "I '1 it " as la p „ i ,|, a. temuiict any f r the filrllter p 'eeiitian nl the " 11 11 ", .'. .pi. stI i.s ii vnlv. .1 in the ri still ,ij that pr.tseetiiinii. \n'i an in'er. s mil revmw of the eir um.stanrrs and ' ' "i‘ vet nu : via* I mndi .1. and ! U i1 it wain lie- inn llioeiH*.. ami putii y of tin ' ■ 1 1 e lucre torm uf oilr eattstit (ion, that 1! r '' '* '■"*■' I" . Me ]| said I..- ti as s. .11 ... dis awe: S . as ol a ye .« my . Is;. iimi f, r a war nf n,iiquest « «• ‘-ee l. .1 w lien I e I , ir.l 'll- «uhj. et . f am,, va 1,1 Mexm., hoa . 0,1 upon tlia'il „,r-amlallh Iii.rl. | It • was ol.el w linn I O h, ird tlm Chairman of llm ('em '■ ■ II lilt 1 M ow HIV d.'Kie oil I lie : 1 •".xeeutiv f.r tlte entiri - , jiioat.I tlm Mexteatt li. ; n .:a’,lie e..itId not he insensible to the prey i .ant ohsorvati. is ni tlm e .nelusi m oentleimm’. nmnrlis. that the current uf event* ... |,.j,| t,, such a res-,dt. Mr ll.mier went mi to |m.i..t nut the dantrrrs that ' 1 ..■ ■ r,. s! ,„J annexnti.f all Mexi in, and a.lvoeat, .1 ilm line pnliey of Mr. Calhoun and I.. n I a y lor. m \ r \vi nit’s i.ivi'it.h \Muxiim is mndr. in (J. n. Taj-Ini’, Inlrr, In i.l | I. i|* > I ;iHrp, \\ .* have in ■i'll aslii.’il In u likii hr retrrs We supp"SP tin’ f-llnyying ; '1'iir, Half (tul the Lamb—One hot sultry day. a W"lf and a Lamb Impjreind to nunc j ist at tin* sum* M 11» to <j u nrli tlo-irtliir tin the stream ut* a brook that t II ire libliiig down the side ola ruckv Mountain. The W . It sio< d upon the b gbergroiiml,and the Lamb a son* distance below him. How ev* r, the \\ dflittviiga ini d to pick a -1»i;irr«• I w nil i in I .amb, asked him wli it be m< ant '•> disturbing tire water and making it so muddy that lie ! a':,i h; tb ■ same It ne dr* nan led $# is ii ’tioii. I la- l am , iglimned at this ibre Uuniug charg , told litm, in a tone as mill! as 'xwsiblc, \\ ub humble submission. be e.uill no: cMnn ive bow that c .old b s uce | the watt r wln di lie drank ran down I'nm the Wolf to j iiiin ami* C'juM not be disturb' d so far up tb-* , sir a ii. II that as it may, replied tin; \V -If, you are a rascal, and llnv-- b r.i t Id ibtl \i u i gr d ill laio'inge en.nccriiig live behind tu\ b ck, a!> ut ball a y • ar ago. I p • in my word, says tin* Lamb, tin- time you mni'iuu \a*> I) i r- I wag burn. The Welt, finding it to no purjurw , io argue any 1 nger against truth, tell i -to a great pas i siou, snail mg ami Laming at the in mill, a* it be bad hr on n.i !:a ul draw it o orar to tlx Lamb. Sirrah .say s lie. ii* it yv eie not you, L w a* you - fat her, and t Ii 11 is the same S - In* *e zed t|m p or innocent hell b ;S ill ' g. t re It to* j'i. ’us and m nie a tin al o| it, *" * . ti »♦* rl**«t?% n |•'•mi - i’?*|h ■ In as in 'lir * in< i.a inn g • tin i tiling*. it is Haul, M\\ hen i m • I'n until j >iit*t* *t< umr.i \\ 1111 pnw rr, aml h trunilird «»n «ij pft S'l.iii, tin* s it-i'gt st j nl lun>H*i lire am pir tt rn .1 in vain, ami n niug is m.irr ra*N titan tin ling | rrlt \Ih It) rriminii'i tl t uiiMi-prrtti g \.<litm t t\ ium»\ ' Uu! again, a i u I stil hi ir hi j snail- “ 11» \n ii.-m \ t till ■ * grin■ i.11r, t • 1111pt :,i ,| arhitiary p. vi rn.m i ts.'Vvt 'aims tin* ini laliM, •• n\ nli w hldl tin- riNil zi ti VM-ilil ha* hrrn <. * 'I'm ii i is I. I a \ t* i NiicisrU ilirtr v« nr« am-r ii p< >n tin* 11> • n rst anil \ mih » s, w ii . | ,\, , ;i , ,( i■ , ,, limes | ;• k tin truth.’’ c I r n V at, uitn tj.It'ji i. 11. i hi i hmgr that In* at! \ isi MI ui iii.hi i gat (si 'lit* Mi'pi i,»i, n in r«i a II1.1 lifii. N, nil t • < | w ti.isv in it it a f \ Uu 'iii' ami uhllrv.aml of Ins hm lurs* in liimsrll, | nsm nH\ . I; aju uks in trims n imlitmi’iit d atlnin.iti n -ml gr tiiimlr. Ci n !* « ir v It. s ;,Kti 11 i*i nt! n in if nr ti stimuli > to tin ' 1 I 1 N1 \ nn\ I i\\ «*r tu a ( uu t tr\ .nl ! rs* it ( nirotil. \ I i *' Hr | I r isi- <1 In s \ /,| /in,/ to ft ten t Ofiinit < y hr /uni /1h; r t 't i laiiml ami i ,i jt / •.>, tl m 1i !<th ii /.• thr .Mil linn . Ictiih mi/ <•' / / i *1 /*• i /. llr in \ in w i i ojnnn ii ’ that th ■ / . VV.n, r r tikhwt hnn I > • rnteintiu '■< i s/!/ il V'as.l nl f,.i ihr semrr ami nth Urn t iter in inihtn i if alftii. s (j the r[h‘u s if / h til nn.ii/, m iU/ In in It <■>//’• ml. Si \ ri s w i ir 11 inIt 11 ,| I \ thr ,i|li« i is nt , lliiMupngniplit, :t| i i giiiri Ts Hint urtlnaiiri u huh r. ti UI 11**i ImVi In • n ri»i»t!«*ir*«i hut hy mrn \\ln> rtrriNrtl tin in ist i , 111 |l • 11 irilit u\ i tin, nil :t I lit* tun* nl tin* A UMl if iin 11 at I tit • n nv i i: i I ( t \ . r . ’-( H » t II »i i \ III* n I II Pnt'M i In :t Mark a « at N nf . d.tHMI in! i i'.ii Is. (Irf’tuitlfui \ It, ) .UK Hi t if tin* Iwst t hHiprtrv'f r ininml in Mrs rn. nil!' | Mil II ,1 pirn s ,1 r r unit, mil thr (hirst lull ft ra !•1 . i Ni l i.i.s .. i i atldi i.i.i t ' liir mtUl al tlrlrnem i t nmislus ami l.iln ” { 'I hr ; j p iii'ii,i lit i I M \ pi'li I n hitr ( hid ('Ink in 11 it Niin \ 1 U piti in.i lit as ( I <1 ( In k in thr Mali I > | itn i it'. ik i lit • j. I! \ : t i • mi i tl Mi. Ti.m is thru I. H'. aupi i . ih .1 I >| \,iitm.i| Purtsim i " Ii , \ n , IN a J-pul till'd Chit I' ( h !. Ill till' Nn V N I >r purl nil'll I I'CS IIII Ii III* , |l Will 1111 set'll, I f ill.I 1« S mill 11)1(1.iD to ( 111 - il- S. , tt it|.<1 l ay l. r, have pns-t d the House o li- j i. sent .«i\ • s \vn h 1 nt < i.i il.sti.tii g yuict thai ol .1» sill I li ( i IDIKM.S W • are not sure we n rntioned that the N nate of \ ir Ljinia had eeiicurred uiiamm "isly in the resolution of the II -» , j Test'll i i • o ' hanks ami a medal to (im. Scott. (tt/ Mr Nth s. in tin* St inite, in I ts speech to* h i it at I! 1 At! niidstf irhoi, tttd t • • f«voi i -i \vi h draw tig our 11oi• jin within a hue to he nssuni al. frf (*ov Shnttlc, of I’a , a* the I »t< st dates, was i\ Cecil itlgly ill, and his life (I. span, d of. Tin: UK IIMONI) I 1MI.S. W i oinnital to st tie. iii our last, that James \ ( ,w •irlin. I .-•] , had u 11 hd i a w ti from the Times, of which! paper he ha-lung heeii on of ih • I * ropne’or.s and I'.di j n rs. \\ t deeply regret hi- withdraw al from tue corps, •nd w i.-li him s icecss in whalevir lino of lilc he may | pUIKUe. lie- papet Will be (•olltllieted ie. I lie leilini IIIng pMitnt rs. M. --is. r.irriiigt m k Davis. frj- M c observe that Major Duly and ( apt \\ II Archer, -I the \ rginia IK* siihmiI, who hav- lately heeu at homo mi leavoot a,-• no*, hav. hit New (fileaim, for ilic Ura7.UK, cu iialt tujo;n the liiguncnt. | |{ tell Mono, I 'el. 8, 1 S IS. | (tail It i/o n: a\ m a l ii ral inndvoi •> .. w inch \ • ii hav 'alien, in n iti'.o tiio jii.MTedlnps ol the \ igirea I .cgtsla tore, t i reward to the new Ju Ii i a1 Cir ml-. induces me j io tfspas- * 11 m \ nr c Jiiiiius w till an explanation, and | ill- ' to Coiimiuuic.ite Some Ini Uiilitloll III reoald to ihi ; pr posed n- lira .g- tm i.I ..I tin* Judie al ( ir-otts ol the ihle, I trust, to your rea lera V u have ■ t it»«I in your paper *1 tie* Jd init. that: h II ' or a i I lit* ‘2 ’nd Jmlu ial (' i r* *u 11, com pom d of * K■ d ho d . ('am - di< II. (im-11nlii. i t he low ti ol I ,y nchhong ,) V iiheisi mid N Ison comities, was talo ii up ami pa s*»d, 'a V‘ s « J, no. s IS.'' I hi - hill Ins n 0 y i t pa-sed, but w ill c mu* up on rs llrrd it . ling m a 1 a da' . \»u will -"iv-in your jvp'r of the dati above re I r r * I t .tint i e “ !).il to <•> i .ttt t!i ‘j Jd a d ‘JJd Judt is I *(. in nils, w 11h the suhsiiiute reported ilierefor, was la I • .i• n up, and In substitute having been read was ajjreed i'his suliHtiiiiti pi ^ : i. I i ■. ! y for tin' format inn ■ l t ‘ic ’’ Jd, or k i a h i. I in uit Mr. Dor man * moved •to re c. ii limit lit lull a- a me tided, bit w i t lid re w the mo •tion, and I I (, i \ tiling i o the formation of tin ka ■ ■ lia Circuit al if,) passed hy a I trge maj nity M I pon motio i nl .Mr Dorman, the lull to create the *2Yi Judicial (. reuit. (coinjMisi d i f tin* counties ol Ihd i rd, ( mu phi l|. fkc .) w as next taken up,a ml, a I ter hei nj» read a second time, was “re committed to a select coin ‘to i tie. y\ till i list rti’t tuns t « cm pure into the expediency ! '■•I •' ju ili/.mo, as f,r as practit .hle, the labors of tie* ‘J u vs ol i lie (i.iicral ('- nrt, an I a1 i to consider the eat mu of m* w J iid Circt 1 ' ( f Mi , D"rman * I ♦ un-tall, CoiiWav, (lay, ll.yioond. (ialwill, (ook.i 1 ts, Cow per, Chari er, \IIen \*. Watson, made an extended l»* put. (of which yon will j tu u with receive a copy for publication, concluding with the f dlowiiijr n — Ini* n: Hex, hid nslhr u uf the rtuiiil! h t\ Th it a gen • ral ie ii r.i ne» im ut of the judicial ei i cm la ol the sl.ale.w till a v ten to i ij tali/lug the la hours t die Jm'ees of the gen- i cral court, is at this liim* inc xpe-ihut rind impracticable ; and that It t- expedient to er* ate the How circuit pMVI • I".I for i y the hill n I rre.i to tlm e nimullte, and here W i tti by I belli ti j uli I to the In u-t . I here ate pr drably lew subjects ncrt diMictill of nd jnstiiit ut h m to tipp r' amongst a nttmhi r of lueum » id-. ■ fii -ml duties w Inch v try m'l-h. whilst the e.» o peiisatioii ol each iucunilient is the same. Deuce, f i many \1 nrs past, applications h ive Im t n made f r a gen- , tal re arrange mrit, k.c. of di circuits through oil the ' I - •uimoikw ealtli. The increase of'w • ah Ii, the tcetpialil y j "I ihi amount o| i.tigaiion. tie T'.rnri't n of' nearly ' w • u t y new count les.w it !| the iii'T' a-e u| western population, rend red souk action utt the part of the I .eg i slat lire im i pc rat t ve, and the law o| I required the Jmlg'.-ol die (»t toral ( uni to re arrange and adjust, am <inj*t themselves. th« several circuits of the Co.uiHonw’«*alili j I his task, so nrdiioos mid no delicate, w as di t lined, and ' was thrown hat h opnti the I egtslaiurt at its present s' -s.nn. I non the JJ tlav of the present session, a p *> olii " ii of Mr. Stovall imsiniettd the Committee t l ('ourts ol Justice to enquire into the expediency nfTe- j arianging the ( iretrt - im nigh ut the ( ouuuntiw ealtli ' and upon the same day was t r« Si tiled the pctitluii, of ' the h ir :.ud people .if Aug a -Hi. ask tug I " \ division oft lie I “i|i Judicial Circuit it to ty\o.’’ , ‘2 **1 he S' pa ration ol t In* Common I .a w ami L h.inn ry ImH-'ictiuiis, and the u?signme,T ol a neyv Judge to l>e 1 »‘It fit d. • . v genero n* nrrangeuu in ui mi* ,iuui iai urnin.H thr Mighoui ltn* ( '< mi in ii wealth. 1 ** All l tier i :i>’- <1 t he y of tin- J udge i.l I In* l2di j < irctiil ( I humps in,) to jusiil) him m giving up Ins law school.** ( pun tin-same dav. w as presented thr* pe'ilion of llie pr 'pie and bar <d Alln inarle, ashing “ tin* and Hi ail d lit ns <1 iln- present Judge id this Circuit, ( riiompsnii,) may be divided and diminished,”--and suggesting **tiie t triiiati m of a new ('ircult from a portion •I this aud the addition id’ a county or counties from a neighboring Circuit < r ('ireuits, or tin* k# j aralioii of the ( l.aneerv and Common Caw Jurisdiction of >his Circuit, and assigning to the present Judge, and another Judge, to he appointed for that purpose, such separate Jorisdtc tioii,” A' a result of these tirgert requisitions, ami with the opportunity > f conh-rring vvi h the Judge* of the (Gene ral Court then in session, the Committee of Courts < f Just re reported the lulls, providing It a forimtion of the *2*2dand ‘J.'M Judicial t ircuits, the situation ot which has been explained in tins letter. Upon dm 1st iust. Mr Oune.'iii moved tin* adoption o| tin* fdlww mg resolutions : (These Kesolutions were pulilished atnomnng the I.e gislative I’rotVt■dings in the \ irgnnan of the 7lh iust., ami we do not, tlier* fire, insert tbrin.) These Kesohilioiis propose a radical reform of tlirju diclal s) -‘r.n f-hc I .•uiiimiiutal'h, and arc so m * |, i'« ln:*ln*y Ini w till tin* imn a «>l es, mil til jii lie l a I I-iis.i, a i,| ^ mi i i \ i'i \ i i lu* tie t|u<><tn*rt M dele r.n tiling " Il ill - 1 lilt* | H • N III III. II.II wots shall l*«* MitjWIS *de»l, lit»!, ii n iir,i!i« , 1111 <]. i ii, n w ill Im* talo it an 'bon, but i|i 11 lht* w hull* mtliji et (TtaV Im* |h***Ipotted Im mv\u11 ;in i‘\jMf*-> hi .*t |>. pul 11 in,| t»j> nHm ie In tin <• , ilit ii ,,i new Circuit*, «*r tit* ftithrm 8*il ff* '* "**’i i * i * i il.** w Ii I • s\slim \ .u w ill jurtl, ti ill* I' 'll <1 , s rum Iin II, 1IM.II. w licit 1 itt idled lll4t,i||*>ll 1 i 1 * ; i «. 1 i \| , i v m» uupol l.nil I" lilt* |m*. • J i It* • >1 v * it, mi I i ,, 11 .1 * I it i, i t i, ii i tt. ii mi n mo! I f iri ii'i r11i i1 !,• |iav.• .i subj ,1 In.>i,«• 111 !u*|otc llioin III W II U’lt tin V in* so ply 1 ,1 e I e ■» t ■ | 1* «• I '■-| #*(*• n |i|» 1 11 111 x • .:|a.I t ii i >iiip .iiv him ikifiinitMiN, am llicit*htie lb ■« d If ai l I I ill, lor.II111<i ,,| pn!d i upon hi, I r tin* i , l ittlatur* \ * 11 11 • j*e.*i lolly, \Y M M 111 \\\\ KM. ! 'N • ai. coin i* <d o dt |> i 11i * pu lu-.itimi of ilu lie p rt tut ill out licit 1.1 toh rut \ mmm\n •' » **•' b'ditw* I wish Im bring pari * ultrly hi t .re df I > i I’iit>\ I\ mu ill, ii.11tie <1 Mr I I IOM \S till Vs* I \ . IS . pi, |M I |M Is, II III tl pi. Mo'll 1 111-• II III lilt* | ,lr' ' I ■' ' la ' I, l > I Is IIHIMf.Ul Olio Ol I Wo pro VliMIH Of 1 1' " '*. b 1 n bio ; 111 11 | |o I bo roll n I V *is i mil l.i bit* | • "*ImI III I > > I l||, Sc il#*, Ms Well 'Is lht* loMol | |olls(* I li« i Inim* won sop, |, ded, ii, i on I lie ground >1 inn ' ' ■ h,,l W ||\ i |* \ cm 11 | Knew', |t loiflll be liupr op, 1 b't* I > s alf I i 1 i ’iimilel\ |,,i tlo I ow ilmn of die iiiisv. |I so III* OKU Its llien* II, :i |o>\ designing IIICII. I"1' o,*' I h\ ' i * -11 i , isulei a' i, ,iim, oi n ,,-iieral Npini ,,| bn i i1 • o. w ho in* of .mini.illy hi secret ronrbivr, lode •« r mi in* l i w 11- fit nil.i I be a w .aided I lie loaves and fhbe. \ ■ ■ *n as tb s is soii|,*d. ili- \ make n grand ll uirisli, ,-,ll » ( nvfimoii | u lb purpose of making lio.iiinalloit*, " I-, i in • \ i \ inotloii bad Im ii piedfit iaimed i>\ ll‘‘ |'H an i I (pu im i \ Cottttuil !ee slot ki d, mid their proee, dm. ., ''•'ii- tpn o \. pa loud upuli die public tot 'It s, ol ibe majoiii\ ,d iiu-ii peculiar patiy I do n>,t [ w i**b lo In* imd a, d . s upp >si11 • {'on veollioiP. w bleb 1 d» r ally and l.urh t> present Ilu* whole party, Inii 1 fur/m.-w S a i ;>i ill i * 1!\ eoodiifl d IS i do I Wish lo | |*l Ml <• Hi Knell an InVld|,>i|s ligul, bill I ileum to •’all d i! i i 'ion , | iln - people to tin* (. .invention lo Im bill it ii \l ( tlf I; mill I ,lo hope 111 rt t tiny will have an e\f lo dial uo elu >'. mill b * err mil that tlo* phrase large mn| iesp, ■rt..'>|e ii e iing,M w lilrlt generally cm Id./ ".t • -• piofi d m b.f a definite pm p,n i, noil «f '* 1 ' "ill llit i| o rjllioJI ol 11 tllii . \g.|||i; ()| do* »*e»i1111, , . die I w u dial have expressed a willingness to ‘1 P1 • I* di it -ib- noiili ol'the old regimental line \ ' 111 tl 11.: \ ion nil it | -leHt'iilul i \ i h 11 iii t lie Niordiettl ,Ul * *n • \ i i v i*rtr/ ii oi tins k eiitio (uju|,t to protrd I lu mi, losN ol lb, two divi i u- me in suioe rettpeeN 'InsihiiI ii ; mid 111 > vt i y i*o|| ii y s, 11 rgi* ns lint, a rep re -fida I i lit* nil tiled In » tell bill, espeei.illy " 1 ‘ " -In M l il low I ol i op -rIIIION 10 one and tint III tin* i 1 bei T is policy has been, Meuor dlN, lirrei .f ,rr», ob ] ' • *'I \ i w 1111 o amine* liuvr went tin* fiileltly "I •* I'T * eiil ilm*, lie adt . ideliluy .( lotcresl and syilipa ! d-v ! V\ b h In • I lei i- .! ol ibis identity Ilian Ins pi are ol loslih’l.-vf I’n ihust* 11 , | lined Willi Ml (•I.INly, liny 1 "b, v "I li *• eli.11.irlei will be ii-ek-ss lie ih eertnilll)' •"*'■: - I' if no one m lhos«* tpialllii'M ol mind ami lieait le | n .Hf lo . oils'iliiio i giKtd Stale leg dalnr. \mlil lias "•ii i mat mi ol Niirp iso to in,*, dial om* a^sof laliii^ iii buns 11 so m in \ trails .,f ebaiaeler W'oi ill y of ail mil a Uoii, b * M in * ' wi ll .rn Ii hid. . iif.niia n nirfi Iroin die ^ * 11 ♦;; j 11 b nun w, i.* a I w ay < cooler nil on me lit, il W old.l lie illl) leol. I im- Ikinvilli I % i* into» will ropy. 1. LV.S’UHIJU to Vftilicur. ( onertmli>'i ihi wrelr ending IValn/, i'th II, 18 Iff Ltbnccu 1.11 ;i *, n ii 11 .$1 21 l • $1 7 (i mi.I fl . CM - H oi ls',! -'ill nu ir,,i }l t, $., I**siiji r, ) i i }7; Mm ila, tilling j *«»■ I lint' no i • Il • i.m Si* u , m iiu p ., ) t , ^ ) i j, lino t ■ > I o $ I i • i'1'Hir N , op • i.i 1 i ,n < of .viy r iim »,| ian,*w, during |)ih week Wo IliM V elV • V' •' [ dllll. I Vo*»ij on*. Ha--,ii, s o kljolii; s.ih't 8 to *J mils, ■» t ,<j lalny. Ilj*f I omi■ . Cork $ • 0 I ; (' ,m Aleal, .10 cent-. IVh'itf -1{ * I $1 0 I White J| 01 cts Until i t'oru.iiow 1 > tite i!« ; Oils 3) t > 3 J mile ( lover S *•: / } | 7-1 t , $ , IM H fiish 1/ ‘'.lies a! ;{!) crll!*. Ihrtit'iu -jl) rents. Ilnlltr St.m-U pretty mI, I .*} rents, f.*r No. 1 llnuol l \pple, none olln imjj , IVieh, Hour olleiiny. Iloi Iron f * t , $ till per lull. ( o[lrr Kn, >t-,2 i mils; I.aouiia 'Jlu 10; Java 12}. Aloeiia 20. i tnnilrif I inrns Tow 12} rents dull Flai 13 rent s. I niton fonts Sales |Sio 19 ocntk aver.ijr nuii’.bnr. I'rnlhns Sales at ill) els. Hlitjc Sr ml Sales 7.1 in Ml rents. I't.slt llerunos, N , I, $< ,.»IJ to 8,0(1 ; Alarkon I N ). 2, $>; No. 2. $10. (i ii if 2C» to 28 rents. ' llenip No sales ue hear of. I he article is sea roe. Limer>1 (Jit Sales (kl t,» 1*7 renl.i. lard N,, I, SI rents. .Oi'hiPHis \\ , .1 Ii,,I,a .kilo 4 0 els per gallon ; N. (I I ’ to 11 nilis Lin. In Lump. $>,.10- (ihaind $10,00. Suu-lirs NrlV ( (rll'UIIS 7 l r. . Ills; I’.irtll Him 9 I,, 10 rfiiN; ( Until il I cents. I,i uf 11 , I. I'J, cBni». Suit i t ■> 1 In iMii’n nets I'ul'inr Si.iiit iiiuimi uailcil. nml wnnlil mm in.i nil ii mill) 10 11 nlH, ami |wrlmji» a in mill Im ha.I. 'I’ur $::..'iil j.i-r Mil II ml ii in ci». , |iriniM|iall) l.arlnr. II on/ Hulls NiIi h 27 ' to 40 rents. i A, ii \m;i> ( heeks ,*n New \ •,,U, ( Id J per el. premium 1 ll.iltinmre, } to x per el. do I) '• to i do do do I'lula h !p!,ia. ^ Id , do do dw Nevv ()||euIIS, par •V I ‘iis, j j • r el. discount. I Ii ,i h- ton jar Nashville, | t,, | » diseom.l. 1 I • niisville, i to I 4 dit Cincinnati, J to I ds Dank Notes N Carolina I do “ s Carolina, | do " T' mirsMv, 2 do “ U linelino, 2} do nW/l'IMOilK MWtkKTN. !>b. 8. I lnur- ll'iwani Sired sells nl $’r 6'JJ per bill. \\ li« ut — Prime red \\ Bid lt» it I Hi) els per IiiibIi ; el. Other articles usually quoted remain unchanged in' price. NKW YONK M.\UkKl> Pel..8. Iv 18. Flour I'he market is steady, hut nut active. \N heat I'rime while si lls al 1 cents per bushel. ( "in I her*- is a B'e nlv demand for corn, and prime while si IU at tj-iels. per bushel. ( 'Mt'iM I lie ( iiti n market continues very heavy. Mi l.ewis^toiiet r|V\k r, NOTH r. that mi the 1 llh ol April, 1 SIS. at the I Tavern hou.-r ol I bonus s. (»reer, ut Kockv Mount, in t hr roonty ol FrankImand ■'•late of \ irgici.i, between the hours ol ten in the morning and Min~ct ol the sunc day, I shall priieecil to lake the di p e it ions • | Hubert Neott and other*, to he read as evidence, on the ti nil «•! a suit in chat men • now «lr- , pending and un h lerminr d in the circuit superior couit of. law and i h.niei r\, lor Franklin county. in wim li I am plain* t ill. and von and ol her - air < i < Inula nts, w lien an 1 v\ het «• you nun alien I, il y<ei think proper. If t he taking of said deposi t i' ii'.'hall not hr- completed on the flay above specified, it will be eoiitinu*‘d from day today till completed. Feb. 11 -lin ’ Ilfs K. riNCKAHP. ; JOB Pill VI'I M; neatly |l ti I and cxprilitiously done 1. jit this Oflire, on the most R-V, 8 IU W>\ i;l V TKItMS. ill.iMta fm ,^XjT * OP VttllOt S KINDS KEPT ON III ND, /fftt jJggg^AMlUnMS' IlMIMM, 0 H'K 1*1 VNKS PRINTED TO ORDER ON SHORT N >TH K. Feb It IS (m i i. i.. i<? .«*»■. 1 \ bis- Hi" cul Faguira Collce, just rc<ii\rd anl for ItJU ;« lib lk> ft, BItVA.N 1 ! TN**'! 1 X r. 11:iiii.'*> lloli'li Ap|'"".itlo\ ('(mil House ' IMIls I 111 l'(. 1. ivas.i|Nhiil trn Ho- llllli 11 ul. Tin- proper I 1(11 ( (till hr plttil to o . .ill III ir oi,i» ■’ itiioas. ./.m» 77//. /•/ ///./< /u:.\i:nnu.e Tlir* ill(.*!■• «* tin 'io,i.|\as no pains *1 nil hr “pninlli I t-ml.'l nil i .<,,, In In lilt Hlion.ii In 11 i I haul H ll h » I'.lll •mi, I'lioi'HiKions. I loi.i lllll, I pp Mi),i'h>\ . I i h. II II ( III N V. I . \l! I IIK.NAA Mil'. AM) CI.AKS Win. r. Itlllll'l' A t o., /.i//’oh ii.iis.i \/) 117/n/ i s.//./■; m.ii r.ils so 7'J >uiv mki t •'» Itiehniond, I a , II rtM l I * 111\ it>* thi* «(«• ••• I. "I t)>«' tr ull-, to Hint Im*** 1 ft Illhl Will il* I If .1 s' k cl sntiitj «-oni>v mill ill III j« nil t III- la. I* it ‘ t A ll 1 llliil pilllCI It* lit ft' Ii I ii ii , i: u I- Mi r ii m ii r <* u i* il ft J I a * «»’ I limps laOiikliiK filtiNiifH, Crtiturs A r. , Ac . , \\ In. !> tin t . .'I i .1- I '\v ns Mmilui («i>oiU, i .in In- liu'tj lit in tl is i c i i 11 It i Itmnttil, l Yli It ''mi / *» John 11 nth, Sulh/ I'm/lor I .i V. mnl John II I'm/ lor mnl fthnstr/dur 'I'm/lor. I .reri tors i f' Shilton I m/for. ilrr'd, .holm ft Imkson. Ihivnl Clarkson, II i’Ii on ft I m 1% s ’ii, S.imm l ft ho Knot,, Jnmrs Chirk son. I 'honor* . h nr* tout ('nlluv'ine his i eif'r, Jnmrs I',mu/mi I S.ilhf his infr. (which said , hsthn, I hunt, ll ilhmn J.ioosn I Snnmrl. on sons i f John ft Imk son. dr,'tl. mol sat I ( all,m ine Jones mol Still,/ I 'm he,/, nn thin hl>i Ac/ (hr *a.< I Ji hn ( Im 1% s,,n. tit i 'tl , ) J !,n ft <nler tout John I hit,I mnl Polh/his tt'ifr. whit ft Mi,it/ John Cmln ami Poll,/ I JJ, nn iliilJrrn mol liens of I'murrs ft Hrln. tWm ir./t I 'rnnem ft hnkson mol tlmi. hhe ol Ihr nnitl J,hn Clarks ,,, tlre'tl, llieh hiJ I lull inner, ll illium I llirll mnl liar,/on,i Ins irij't, u'hich'nil Hi hint mnl If .,1,/iinn r rhihlren mol heii s>>/' Pall if loom, • ■ «T. fun,mb/ ( Imkson mol J tnghlei tj Hie sitol John (hnkson, i he'll, Savitirl ft Imkson. sm i n in \ hushaiul of l.ltzahelh ft Imkson. ilre'il I hzuhelh in is a ditnyhln ol Ik* soul John Clarkson. dec'll , the ehildn'n ,J ihr '■nol I htnl tlh. if tin,/. V'h'-y minus me unknown. %\'t id Pendleton, snrririi, \ hnshind of Susan Pendleton. drr'tl , irhith smd Susan mis n tlmiyjiln of the snnl J Im ('lmhs< n dn 'd , mnl the, vhitdnn of the Maul Susan, *J t„„j three l>e V,r l M «i In-iil> >’ not tli. d, I hut -it tkr il aa i-lliiij( l.mi « I In lt<n i Hi "Av ii, in tli ' hi' \ i I I tit nk im, \ 11in ii, on till' I IM ll (III > I Nil! 11. ISftM III t AA I I ll - llll I II. t! 1 11 list t, AA I slmll |*i rrd to I.tin I hr .t• • nitioir< . I t li • ill ll • *u mnl - I .1 * nn s \V I ill i nli , t tin t, oil I In- WH Ii il.i a t 'I \ | 'i 11. I h is lit tin- Post (llVni’ut Pftllm’s M ills. Nmliiist fount a. \ .i , Im* t AA r. || t ||f M||t|f ll'lllis, AVI’ kli.lll pi.I t'» twlif ill** llfpO'. trillol Philip l inn nun. Si , mnl "I Philip 1 hill lllll■, ,11 t on t In- it 11 "f \ 111 11, I HIS .it tie I 11 i Ii ’ a ( >lln'i "I t III ' unty ‘ Hill i I I i .iiilil in. in I-'i n nli | Iii i ' nmt a , lu , Ini Aver n tliHvnn- lion s . vat -h.ill pi"-i'll I" t ike ft lit- ili-pnHtii'i* ol M '•■*•# t .ii p* « that it I In- stoic hr*'1 st I .fohn I* limit h, iii I'i.iiaUIiii tointv, \ u . h«t \a it n t he »nn- hours, on the ¥7t ll ll.l A o| ,\ plil, I v IS, AA r nlt.ill plot-I'll! to t lit tin ilc poll I'UM III III").I' I i i jiii".m, t hd-'tophil I UA I'll, SultiUfl lllll lollll ll'lllfl I soil, S.) |,,I|. I I III III, IN 1111 I III ( ' III hi I css .lllll I >lin I ' I ' \ I • l . .1 •• 1111 limit h ill'I I ' luli I ’l l •• i|soii I hr ->.1111 il'-posii inns ;t| i* to hr f III tin rviilfllff in u silt ili'petiilii^ in the ft - lie ll It S i pri n 'l * ‘-"lit "t I -.1 AV mnl < ' • i a , i tl Fi mill till f Hint A , \ U AA ll'-l I III AA t Ult | >1.1 III (lit- Ullli Aotl ulf llfll'll tlmfs .l-h 'lllll ill' s ,i 1,1 'll p 'Sit Ilf I" lint I IIIIIK III f(| 'I f ofiiptf'nl on thr -1 vai .it iluA * nf >m u.u.1, t hr t I. m K H ir11 i | aa ill hr font i nut’ll I'inn >1 i a t" <1.1 a it 11 ■ si a 1-mi | 1.0 rs mnl AVi thin lh« Inn 11» ,i I 11 r < a 111. till t lie a sh i’l l> f "inplrt **»l, Sim illA's I'Afi J'* 1*1 JOHN s II VI.K. John i;mh us. I-*nrrtilor* "I t.ilfs W ll II ilrs, il«r*M, Hint l-Yli I t aa Iav I'll/ihiil h Tua lor. To II iiniiaii ( hit) : r | ^ \ K I . IS i > I I' I. aa • shill, on t hr I 'tli ilu A i-I \ pi i! I 1‘A IS. lit till' ('.flit I loll11 "l ( tl. . || I o lilt A . Ill till- .v- t it I ol U «r ■ I 'if k y , pro r« il t I .tl ■ l hi h p i u| io is .| |*1,• i 111..’.. m aa 1 HIV, mi'l if I'" " ,1 " A • ' • I ' tin- H I ill p" I' lot's I'C ||, ! I', III plr'' '1 "ii t In ilil A •' I " ' I I I hr st in. will he runt iiun-'l 11 "in 'hi A to lluA until ' 'inpl't' I AA ll I !| S.II.I ,| j I is |( J " |H Villi Ilf m-ioI us r v if * ii »lif 11 ml ul h sint nmv *ft*n<*riilnip1,^ii 1 hr I11 ,’ilit S'tlpri t o| I "I I . I I .u \A * ml t 'hull. • i a , I" | I .i 111. I. tl fuuutv in aa liif h a cl, ;i ■ .ns i* tu . "I IS.ii t liulniiirVA ( unv.iir 1*1*111(111, ami aar mr I kt-nrliiuts \oiin, tk«-, Mitt mi \ m riin.niti vs, nn lit i \ vi tun mass, Ndin'i* ol I!"I'l l 1 t’liililtinn, lin 'd Frh, 1 I aa J »a tlcl'orlili' A Sienp-oii <1 it o < i: it m A > n u i: n r. it a i. COMMISSION MEHOIIANTS, (41YF. fhrir Mrii t ntti-utb>n to all tioidMind 1’nahni' ro. I xipi.ed FOIt SALK oil M lll'.MKNT They have, ill Hi.ire UII.I alloat. n prinual and Well •rl.-rted •tuck ol tmrorrrlrs, w hi ‘ll 11ll v nil I t t the 11 ill11 a ll I I hr ir pat i mt it |.i u |>i i«-« * ronM*tmp in |i.iit mI tin t dlotiittp 17 » I a^nyia, d«\a and .M .raruihn 4 Hflt r. 13 lilid'. N 4 )rl«ran«, st. I ion and I* It Nnpat. I • d<» a id bids M da« . ■» ('.ill mtia i^'ulii • , 10 IiIiIh Tamier* * Ml in Dm <*r«I« r, ft i|u I *i ;i* yin I Mn l.ei el, 10 kit' Vi I da fill I it ix <‘« I .i I!" w and \ • 1 ;t I n.i li 1111«- raudlt loo «.i' k L'vimj»• d s.»H, Vi * iih It lit, I al»!« Salt, 1 'lOOO |li» P»a .hi «t» '. i i p i n. niti de, 300 I., p Nil- aid Spike*, ‘2 .00 II.' \ M Oli t. i. d Steal, 1000 do < a -t St.-I, 3000 lb. round and «ipiare Iron, ft lii i • .Mountain bar Iron, ftOO lb'. I t«*i>|* lion, 100 k«v Ilia .till". fillil I’-.uder, 1000 h r! Sab ts Fu«.r, ¥0 n.six VY " m! War*-, •l hovi?* I'i .r \|.|d<' 1 lifrsi', ) I. ts S vs. ■ ' ■ 'it, 30 Ini- In I- t i.o . r Sci d, M do I mint h\ Sci'il, 3000 |h« I .cr\ i ’ \% hit.- I .. ad, 'da |l>. < umlle \\ i k, AI SO. Fine Lliming mnl Smokiii# Toliarco, | or TIIMII OWN MtM l'U TI'IIK. ON CONMLN MKNT. j() I Os t niton Yam!*,‘‘Mi tun” and ‘ • rniun” | 10 b ib--< I tune-tie. 7-i **4m-* Mm and ShrU LnenrW, tium com- ( III.Ill to extra line, 3 Mills 4 • ubu Snpni, ti barrels Sup -r, 0 da Solar * ti1, b boar* I ('inonii. Feb. I I -ts SANDS’ s \ Its MM HILDA 'I lie warm Mill of spi ing. wliidi inloM-s new lilt into tin;' vcgetahd k ingilmii, i- not without its efl« <t n | > >ti our phiMeal *y*trm* The tide <-1 life sec in.s to 11 -w luster through our v* iiih, and il, as is sometimes the rase, it beur* With it the -c-ds of di-* .1-0, p ener led by tb> I ti mi lions living,.! Winter, we *ha I bo Mite to si, and led tie < lb. t.s in dome shape oi other \\ < t berrfon-reoiitumend as a preparat i »n w hirli may tie t.ik n w illi p ouliar adv a mage at 11,is season, that excel lent anti rp'i'. Sa nil.s’ shm-i pa i ilia It •will prove, the best ,'t* veiitive oi the enigti'Hi- s., rr.iiinio i in the Spiing months, jid whne ih i luvi .ilif.nL bioken out, will mmii remove them For all Him uses of tin slim, ulet rs, boils, fee., it will b* IoiiikI a most i lb i> ni i< iin dy. I'riee {fil pei bottle Six bodies lor five dollars l*i eparrd and sold h\ A. H tk D. SANDS, Di tier, i*t.«, llH) hulton -tr» et, New \ oi k Sold also hy D H LYM\N, Lynchburg, and Druggist, (jenerallv throughout the I'hittd States, h'ebruary 14—It' Virginint VI Hub s held in the^lerk’s Otliee of the Circuit Stipe i im (. un11 o( 1 .a v> and l ham « ry , tor t he county ol Frank, lin, on tin Sih day • f February, IH4H: Cyrus F. I’im.Uurd, I’luintitf, A* • rlftsT John 4 ounjr, Wiley 1*. Ferguson, (icorgc NtandJry and Lewis St one, Dvlcndunls, IN CHANCRftY. The Dr f udant. Lew is Stone, not haring entered his ap pearance and given security, according to the Act of Ami in* blv and the Hub s of this Court, and it appearing by satisfac lory c video r. that he is. not su iltliah taut of the Slate of Vir ginia: U» tin ni'itiiiu ol tin Plaint ill, by Counsel, it is order e.l, that the said Lewis Slone doappear at Hulcs to be held in tlic h lid Cb ik*-< Mb a-, on tnefiist ACmduy in May next, and an-wvr the iMainhll’s bill, mid that a copy ot this order, It f rt 11with published in sunn- newspupi r print'd in the tow n "t L>lie.hbuig, for two months stieecfMiely, and posted at the front door ol tli Courthouse of tId* County on some Couit dav. A Copy—Te»tc, V'D* 1 1 u2ut M Ci. C.UUT.H, ( Ik. nv ii'm ./. I.Al!(iI*. MA!.Knr SIlfM-K, DO.MKS IJCS, *.<•. C®., • H tltirlioii. 1'Vir.I. w II nf tnv store, on Main Ktiert. next door to I). \ { •'**•« Kx4j , . o 'I ncHduV tVIomlno, nitming at I Id o’, lo U pt\ arty, with nt leg: r.t t » xx« .tbxr, a urg* nnd i; ■ n». '* I a • • i f 11*1 > t >1 Nho< *, | ouifMlir« |u- . i ■ * rmixli^ ■ ir»M ’ 11 • i i flu n .iin:f.t> i«.r« r ai d w ill In «old in h t* to nut Mr > ln.nU »’\i‘l *i\i ll . Ain the av> i tim nt may be loi.nd x /: I'td I'ti I .min « Kill Slipper*, *,,‘t 11 * * do I'lMlIl-IX, »h. iMen '* I'utop 1*^1 do do pi ggi-d Hfognn*, jdO do J .nuir* Up ring In 11 Slipper*, *'Ht do do do do Shoe*. ;5t'M do Mnu Kid Slipp, rs, and t* nN Ai hit Til-*, li tl.» flouts I e,i-.p of flu* Hat*! I f» *1 -t I*’nr Cap*, .'I ‘mo m . t tut l e«, 1i*t» ilo/ Mhu*kitt|s Otitf v,!< hie i.'hed ;.nd blown 1 ’oiutotid and I iill#, I0U * * . •! f;»gaf, .><) purw« ol i iln o, Nnd a lai • h itmrnt • f artielir. all of txhichhi 1 he mod x» i'll it n,iTni . to (’!o't ronvij. umant. WM .1., Auct I I It MS (>K s’ N |. f*. \ | *11111* under Vr,t'i ea>h; all xiimt • >xn ^ail, 'I hi.>nihxri lit, I n appioxed, eiut uaid, negotiable H. ■( r . ► «b 11 It lt> 1% in. .1. X* illiff, M I I . It Hilt C. //I/.V/J7' WlUXITCRH AMI Mil.Alt I AMI’S, AT AUCTION. I XX III SI I I . in if my \\':iri- Ileum®, nn n M.ubi t .'r i I. on Thin ditv, l ihni.'iry I7lh, rmn morning nt IO.i'-I clt pit <im lx, a general as* .r t men l of srrr.mou mjikh;. uxv n hah run, just icnivril In.iii tlir ii nil iw fact it m fa in TScw Vurk, cun s.filing in | tit, \ r/ '! Mahogany spring Si ,v SofiiM, do do do Itorhing ('liaira, '? do do do Nmar ('liaira, '! r\lm nunblc top ( otitro 'Fables, serpentine pat tern, 7 do do Wiish Sirtuda, 1 - superior Milmipii\ Parlour ( hairs, "1 rutind p. st Host wood ( linrx, cane I ’atB, I . do do Maple do (hi do I ? viiiiIre do do do do I ‘’ ollirr (‘ Ii.ii rs. And xtill be added, several oihct articles of Furni ture, nnd it goner J assortment of Solar Lamps, muium very HUpeiior The aln-Ve («ood» xx i 11 he np« n lor eXMitl t lint lot . oit Ftidliy, 1 l-li Inst IcrKi tiw Wishing Iii IX niniiic tin I' ii * nil li re* xxill plenum i nil at u y store, on Mam Sheet. nnd I xvili tube pleasure in exhibiting it tu them. 770 ms nr s.iu: All Minis und. i | Mt ta*h; ail sums over 50, 1 mouths I .r nppioved negotiable noli a. WM .1. WII.US, Feh lit. M Auctioneer. MIT I Cl-:. ON 'In* fp l day i I Nelson February Cotirl. 1818, hi I '*■ i In* 11«ill I d "ir of the ( .am i louse, I tditll hi II, to I lie liiglo si hiddei, Several Very > \ LI \ II 1.1C SLA V ICS, h longing In the i (Mule . | Edmund I1* (loffi-y, dceM.—* I lie sale \\ III !••• |..| ( ash. and the N« grocN nre of Slirh A < haiiicter .is tr induce pi'.liasets lo annul. \\ I \ IT JO.NKN, Executor. Feh I I IT F Itnlund PrirrK, f I 'I II oih .’i ihi ti i i m.l. i i . n«.«V:> i■•oin I i lheir Spihif I mipph, ** ill mud ll" la n| \|m. h n**i( oil* r their coin. *( . U 1.1 |»iy ( • mil-, at very mtii li in in c i.h rin< ls. Sonir (,<miU will b. oin ie«l without to ro«f The I .min i m 1"" n him! 11 > public \ flu tally air in t it -pcrlfullv III* 11 <:d I«* I S» I ill i MltHlii til pi 11 • till I hrniM 1% I'S F«h 11 i >1 MKL.M k U\VATKIN. J1H* s (. \ nun.i.h II* ll.f. i mini'll »• lh' •reoml Sr«tl.>n n| her ^clitol, m» \r XVt’thi. •..lit , l hr It ol Matt li in*%t. and hopot by uii • nntttd attention l . brr dutu*, to • ban* a portion ol public |*4 tr. -o.igr 'll nil a rf Tuition, Foi Pi'^iniwr*, frlf 50 l ot n«o*r vibei • d, Ja uy I'.it tbl r in udv an • dull, 'll Wt I Man h il bJiiTding lot at aUOTION ON Fhursdat, dm /4ih ii st., 1 w ill bt II ai auction* w 11lioiiI n siTVi .a I .O’J'sllual|A on Till street, w here I formerly n Hilled. The pn ■initi s etiTv-isi .1 a I 'i \ ri (81 *1 11 fg roll ml,) one ol lbe most prodm ii\« garth i k in tow n, u fine w*dl of writer, Kilehm, Wash room. Stable, Larriuge Iuhimi And olhet out II -mi n in giHhl rijtair, betides chimney* and foundation fora dwelling house, which will la* of mindi iinporlAnr e lo the nurcdiaser, should lie w i4i t# build Term* t/ ade Know n on dny of sale Feh 7 iTIF ' f) |L PAYNE. ni o r i r ic fHlIiE concern of Morrison X Watkins having be«i» I How d, it I* deniimMe that the debts dll»*to and f ont them ►lionld he p.iid as s<*eii ns possible. I hope, tl.rie tore, lh it llmse indebted w ill call and settle thi ir a counts or bond#, as indulgence canni l be granted A Word lo the wise will, I hope, he sufFicient. f can he found at die uffic-of the (*’Niv mgs Bank, with thu bonds and accounts for settlement. Feb. ;< wdw ti l <;. MORRISON. n.Yi; lJmP uihsi. # *)jW j gallon* of superior winter hleiHi ul Lamp and •*" M f > Oil, war'anled pure, for Halo by .101 IN II. SEAY, Druggist. I Vb in-U if SKI D. b'ide-U Mountain t lovir Seed,cn l.uiul und fur «n1» by 10 11 BRYANT k TINSLEY. \otiu:. count) o| Bedlo.d, I«.| the . i. cti..|, ol M M W IT I l Kl ||, upon die no oi t lif old < i.iii' h. For plan and specitimtinia, au ply to eithei ol the Nib*' lihirn. r BoBFKTt \MPUKIX, I* \ >t IIAI. lU VO It I >, NB MOL AS I'KAKt Y. A LICX. P. PHI I F, THUS. S W A1/1 UN, Bedford, Feb 10—11M Tm*tce». Ifinlc* C odon •) i } ()()() ( of I enksville rod Kit h ■.1/jUl/W n ond iiidi.ufailine. b.r foie upon laiurab u u""'- «y BRYANT k. TINSLEY. Fell. 10 Gt c.ijsni.ns. ’ k)i| half In *. . FIull S. NuiiV Intel.t (’andlei. juct reeeiv Ov. id and li.l lule, by F'. b. ill—Gt BRYANT k TINSI.l Y. JLUKEkEf. *)/\ huirels large No. 3 AIu.-Kerel on band and for laic. h. BRYANT fc. XiNSLfcY, Feb. 10—4t ftargains! Ilarguins!* \N flu? season is tn u«h anc« (I, the fulUvii'K goods w 1\1 sold nt vers reduced prices, Kicm h Cashmeres, Knglish do I* aid and plain Alpaca*. Merino Shawls, Cashmere and Mi r no Hose, » l Inc Comforts for l^adies. kc , kc., be Keh 7-U DON T. C PLTKRS* Ur u t* oot!s! it rtf fmootit!! VIA APPG.M ATToJt KI\ t:R. .io}l\ j. rut ns JN now receiving, by way of Petersburg fend Farmvd!*. LAUGH SUPPLY UK GOODS. eiuhrai ing a gn-ut nai y rearer anil ialt side r Hides. P. S—I s mil receive, nearly every week dining the win ter. new ftood', bt. \y ol ( an. 1. ; dm 17-Cil JJ1IN J ITllVls, Agmt.