Newspaper Page Text
«*J. TJ. KLU'KF LtS). UMIIItl lt». Till IIM»U | IIUCI «RV 17, ININ. VOI«VWI_' o. 37 rmuxinm nv BLACK TORI), TOWN LEV .V lULLARD. KvFRY MoNIMY AVI» Tut' UM»AV, /IP/ir* ntr i i’l l i. p t i t !e t/i advauee mVo suh. Itnption teill he revived for a shorter time Hum v i:e months . 1*4*9paper ail ** dts a tue I (except n t ie tiitt etmi f the Editors.) until oil arrearagt t me pool, r milH EH I ISE.V /'.W/’S inserted at .'ill renf* ;irr tmurnre (or less) for every inner firm insertion and M ^ cts M’T S‘t utre orie' f'orivry outer form insertion E VE '» }' .1 '11 l ■ » /'/ V E /»' i * e/tot cd to note on his .l/i he s loitz he trishes '.is* alrertse hm/ inserted . on adver It-r nenf. not so not'd. will tie inserted till its discontinuance he ordered. Eu.’l YE.1UI Y .//J/'/•.’//77 S/.YY; the terms are , fm tie pi tv rzr of tiro s/nuts. ^ I » . for one square > Jor » it s justly inner fn /«<*’•» f^'rnJ yearly advertiser tedl e f ,Are Ito co ifi tc us a Iverhsin^ to his particular line of business. ?*. fun rtiivn vr; executed neatly and expeditiously mat on reason ah r terms. li \M W tin II \ I .K aivl i|ir,r'iT I) s In sh liaisin', jusi if \|\/ la-iVfii a .fi i.n sale. *'v llli\ \N r 6. TIN SI, lev. Fill in It .s' t b. r. # .v€» orr To <p ir LiBf.]: s rot <:t' imv uiriniirr KEtaiiu to cost. 1| .\YIN(« • liter 11111’ 11 S S W IliHl ill V |)'TS 'I1H fi 1. <tt t *'ii 11- *ii a I li:t \ »l • * < • r 11» iii'il i>i ilise in time lie | )ry <■ »' Is htisi f'-. a i.l. i.i .inlrr Ifil.i s . as -|»'< >lilv n> ,„,:sl|,| ., shall |irnifj la S"ll III) fll Ilf St.'-k tt llll.Mil If jrar-i oC'ist. My st"eU i> Inr*j»* mill v rv ilrsir.iliV ami «s well Worthy llie ill rmioii ..riiieielt lilts Iuin illtr to Si 11 .gam — | Ahull ri-ntiime iii sell ;»• private -ule out I :hr h oek Is rmtsith raidy rrdueed j and then el .So the remain.ler at |iuWli*- am* ion. My ..Id enstM'nrrs :• iif* ihe pulsli• • «j» i ortillv are invi*p.i to r:ifl and stl ppl \ • lien is* d vt s a i (i It K. \ I ltVltt*\IN%> |» S \uV |»* rs n i\ s i ntr 1 •» r.» nntelien hii*liieKH. and thereby a ■••tiff one ot th»* •«stoeUs in iwn.cin buy a great B \ R < • y IN in'lie S'.cW ; all'l Upon the most aecomtnod»«III-} terms. ^ sl IUON y, h. 7 t* Ki>\ IN It I’.U*K. .7 t t n >/ .v i: v . / r i.. ? ir f < \mi*c ii , v a \ 1^11.1. pr i ’l ee in ill the / '."iris .d (. amphellc Mint ¥ ▼ the tin .rterlv .tnd s,ij*eri -r (_ ain> «d !• ranUlt pnuvlvu-ua ami 11 o'tu\ < ••unio-s r. u ami i w . r \ i;k. Mavin.'‘C it'ed the.nselvi-s in ito* pneti-e of the IsU w . u ill attend the (\niru m I.vviihiho. \miifiist iMPlIRt.l.. I*'*\N<I.'N. I’llTsvi.t IM1 and llu.lKO Ai inidnuss entrusaiu t>. iln-ir are w ill hate prompt at trillion. y.,r |«' It |* \or.. u-l iress (' nnphell t II .1 \Y. I• \».f; stall ret mis Ins .dli • • in I .vnehhiirg. .lidv J. t« r V tr Nt; h e >> dull N'KitliOI'K w anted, t«* w nrk mi f )|/ |||,. J,,m h ]{,\ r .n I K maw .a « a i d. »• tween ll bir^an l 1 lard Ware. durni" t n* ckk'iiiiu if i . K H tilld.. | \f. *23 •« Si .» »{.■ .air- J.l S. e AIM K K I ' > 1 . Ill I. V >i. ,v % 11 K N t-vi-r \mi w a mi 4 '. >t t« *n \,iri,s lit* *ur* a ▼ ▼ v\.i\ in ;t»l vise lln* *jrni I* iiimu immII I r I lit ! tilack \vaU i Citiioii Varit'i Tin \ are «l. in# iiiim.iUi*. U sjii-c r illy. .1 \> >. I UK>VI)S0.N, Aiifiit. 1 .vnclili'iru. wrpt. i II \ \ I N < . it In I lien t:ir itntili \*ll«:iC I li.l\ P -t ll'ftcll III \ (iiMitll'in |i«-. -Min. I .tin i nv\ n- ei \ n g uml t. |m l il’}.' .. \l*i\ •*!•»' U • I ll|.\ A . <;,.AS> K v It TIIK.V AN A1 * I-., ami a j:rt al \.irict\ «»• I \ Vita It l*ii i ' i1 us i■ > 11 en ti. a. .ill nl w I.i<• 11 I olll i •••r ai \> li.i f-alr an I i rlu apt r Ilun |»a*e\ei h.. n i.tln.lii this uwiUit . .uni I *1" a-'.irt tin p iblic tInt u«» jni is shall '«.* snr I to 'ti t* *i»:ii**ral s.iti-lar- , \ a | i i ...1 i i tin* .i*» tvr. I «1«> r.inn stly Solicit a (‘a I fd.n the nuolie, t ii it llie\ nut ivouim l-»i ilmii'i* m s (I III KF.R, \t the* sJ<*'ii . I the Itiu I'ltctiei. 1 .vnehbunr. N >\ 1H. I*st7 <** j t up »tk H • R 1ST rccnivml a I it III (• Il I*•no* i’o (. In'll C links, ill I • w various prie s, s mi.I v»*ry fim *| utility. 1 h isi* in \v t lit'11 it* al> iv t* art tele ii i i I d • well t • > c*s* il soon, u s u < • j ar-* detenu in*.I !•> s* II t r n. w \ i kkinm >k ^ w hit n:\ioiu:. Oct «.r>—is Undies Over Shoes V FIRST rate article ot i.di. • 1 ilia ilnbb.-r Oi or Shots, . lot o.i> . hrao by N„v. 2.i -t- II \ VIS, A Ml Ml AMS, k ( O WOfiE.tls ! VVeSt.HS!! OI.EIM ( II r.N«l'i)UII (OJII’OSin'M, A > vi-'K. rlr l ii 11. > l \ i si«.\ Ai...r.l) IS t Vi:. u'l’U 1* ii ii >) ex » p « 1 >v * » n wr t •: *. 1 ha* Wo ms are harinie-vs in n t :s .1 li i u. i u. •ml ih in »H wi-tI y no f,.i-i.l-1 mi* rr -’t i'h tv it • i. i n i .t, «-,»i e-s»y. Iiv Ir i. pH il is, e n i nati i.i, » > i -i > n, m i n i, iar ily -i»- 1 v dr p h, ail a U’t vaii.tyol ai'iiiMi- ■•»■* I are s niotiin. ^ t w; i n n l. iir -n i- | l i • I. i . ih • i ri itin i .1 W .. m .ii In b i v I*, a i i o • • tsi 11 ill. It -1 1,1*1 alu r i nc e»,».iUi j.i of the W.»r,u Dr. D writ's l*r i bee s v n i* t <> * Com! n in c pal., l** 11 -'lore I, w 1 h -i • * isi transicn fl isliei •, eyes dil; ,» i,»il* I, w.t-h a d usli se n • i idea r ii id t ha v -lul •, li -ii »X i ‘ t io .1 is • ; o • • »si> al head .«,• ic •»u I Hu n Hi i ' t i i n .• • i , • i ». i i f :i ; i i i if io *i I v.»; t Mg le Mi nv ail t nr • 1 »r • t h fill; v iriah appo tie , Ira isi n pai n it tu • s -» n i • 'i ; »• i io i il na ih a a i l von mg <, pai is in if .nl Mi' i. i fti •. ill y i • »it ih • i n uli • il rogin i ; Ir - <1 •• 'i -ii 0 . st > i - * . t.. »!** ; » i io iii bid, yjllo.vish nr in.lliy ; ■>) In n ' i t a ni I » l Hi 1, wi ' «,,ni*i.i i»i of other parisof .h i idy \ lassit i 1 •, i i iHi ity *1 tv.npor. T Mini mi i'm, Of thi hi'h an l id to -ir ». . lua -f, >1 h mf&ty *s I r Ii i • »*y .if 1 hi» in -vi lei ir.-p i in’ i - i ire d lily I ir.inh d, b i* as, wli i m -li h • 1, t He. tr • a el ,- r • i I, wo in be ir giv * •? ’he ii p i ill ii v, » li i i i ; iln t* i’r» m • v alu w ill prove »t' hi {hast re • i i ii : 11 iti 11. 1 .**♦ th • f >U<» vi -ig s i !i -e : “1 have. i<-d t io i »ivc n rn d p eparatio i n my n i t ce v< ry vvt n*iv dy, an 1 re ; i a n : id .1 i* a ve mif ixc f extra ordinary value. J tl.VRY. M D . 111 rriso h irg. Va ” T Hr ver nif i rP pr -pm* I up m -triet’v **’i n iii ‘ pr.indp! *. an I of t!i • p nvst in : : ti *ut s. .ill pans tssm { a *knn ' led red an t"dtni it'ie. virt ies. PRY IT' • «I »r *ri*fi; I of it# virtues. Prepared and mil, wh ih* il • ml r tail, by O. C. n. to, Rrigxis’*, l larri-onb irg, Va r ^ Pri -p 2'» e ’ its. \ its far t’i • sale of above m *t-Ye«s V -mif ire, JO'IN If S'Atf, L , n HH irg W.n. M Jo iks, Mariner's Viuw \ f.l v.iri ’’art ’r. Now Landau. I • 11 - d n BUCK WHEAT l l.Ol lf. I LS l* r.C'-iv.' I. .*• i «•- - ii "i*. 1.1 ..1 (»riin— •" ItucU W!l!*at Flonr, In wlti.le and l-.ill" bills. K r I‘.v ii >iti*'it rs & iiu n.F.R. Il.T 07 nb 7(77777 ri 1 . ’p IK I’Mirv •'.'IS.11 m| J uir 'i’ I* Wi ll 1 ’»»** St ‘ o. ha* 1 b -a 1 disHiV v • I l»y n it ul «• 1 »*ent. V 'Viliam »tau Is e i ir ; • 1 vitH th r win li ix 1 »of tlie -•« 1 ■ rn, and ha* th’rigitti isu the p irtno. ship mm : inrunoval.o extinction, •1 present lia •ilities. OR >R ;r t. wi a A \ MS, Jan 17~ts S tiVRl.XNI). Cover verf. tnn BU<'TEI.S CL< IVEII SEKK, ii «t"re ->nH fir **l« lo\s. by Mi:D VMEl. k LEK. 7-Is ’ <-<> (It'll t . Id III * .v o i ,\i 11. i it l i r i: a, I I SI' rt*«*t*. vt?d a*** * Hilt* 1 • v • * McDVMRI, is. I KE. I'Vli. 7 — u NP ILS N-AIIS *1 i i Kl.(is I Nails, in a ill | r «atr l.y £•9*1 .M.IMMI I. j, i.KK. ' K. t. 7— u m;\ i i i:fit; v s V V It M H II I Mi S T O It K f 1 ^ 1 ! K Sl'ItSI HI UK Its I |. ,-t t1 III \ I nil t in t lie oil l/rits ol I I. v in* liboig ami (.lie s|irr >niilin<: riinut i \ . tli t I he* will • till llnlt.- I lie It 1 * I.t '*> I a me 11 V -III! • I I'll h\ \V atri llOllsr, •N lultciitnii k l n., ami .tit |Mt-|iai<ti. with an entire new s 11K' k 111 I • ■» k! s. to s u j ‘ p * v t lii ii t-.usUmii r* w it h an) article ol t ici'tlemen's wrann: .• |*|»afc* 1. I heir s n.-k nl i I. In .u isi| iitc large and much c helmet (hail Aver hi l ire nil ini Alsu, Cloths, ( assiim it s anil Ventings ok k\ .uv ov ii i* Coi winch will !»t niamiiaetui ed lunider at t \ccedinrly low rates I eims cash wvn.imorsK k wiu tti.mohk Oct 7 —!• COTTON FAi TOUV r In! I F <ul> ci ibi-r v\ .mi .1 now iiitoim tlo Merchant* in jrm I ci.11 as well us tlo p it*11 ■, In is hi 11%iojj, .it i lie U \N .iler < ■ ul' ill I- a* 1 a \ , a* "noil il l”^< le ol I nil n \ aim as i* made hi ao\ . *.'.ili i-loiieiil. In- rafts i ■« .t whose it he. ami .ill lit Waits* |s I u .4 I III' | rial to he III.I th- n| Iht V.HII* to prove them |'he stjhs i |l>. r is well awafe ol llu* .lil! reli e in pood anti lunI yarns, a ,d. n o.- hi that \oii nny not he imposed on, .is yo i are liable til he, tiv I lie 1 a riis. a I ill li \ OU C.Oi’lWulk tli ill, | mi put ’ hem up a* \ »u l.uiml tlo hi, ami nuke out tli •' 11 .i i _ e toi i a |\|'I" a s Well a nli nil*". ulul the sub-cnbci will pa 1 the It. IghtS oil ll c deli\ei \ id'l he wins tti him *1 the Fa. l oi \ VIso, Ii1 ■ ueu i till h i** a goml 'ol ol wadding, suitable t*»r '••ml ill*, on hand a I ol w in h shall he sol I at I ill |inees I'lease luill a tall W he > V n l Wa it am tiling III hi - w i \ • \-> . N I 'iiFW I INI l\, \e t I .\ n hb trg s. ;,• 2 1317 ' T* l • i v 1 . i. \ ul I'm .ist!e, V* . and I me li imiii'i, I'cmn pipi ts, wilt t o|-\ wtlw and loiwanl aeeouut to t .1* otli • 1 •# s ii i o .V s _o _ ’•17 and *4S Fall anti Winter Fashions, ./rw UKc.:in:n .//• /•//: ni.u .s/./.v/j, 4i is\ sricr:i/i four limits ul an .4linn A* ftirnlliin'*. f 1 III A N k FI I. to up lfu nds in.| tIn* pu*dm general ■ Iv . h.r flu* pati m ago In ret »t* »r»* »«t*-t»»\\ i*«l unon me I isk :t cuiilimiution ol the suite, I. #*!:ti«r -lire that i -ha V able to ph ase the most t’.i-tiiin.ijs w II I I AM CI.AYKY Oct 1 u it r ass am! it on t onmlri;. S^INDI.M* It IIIColl VlHlilll to pr.iscollli III \ business at tm* Fhtenix Kutiudry to advantage, lor nut ol Hie moans not'css.iry I <r that parpos . I have made ar rangemenis with ll ig w S Crenshaw, hv w Ii eh I am! o tie furnish) d by them with the uiccssarv means, an- ij Onuseijuently. Irmn and a I’m i lilts, date all work dune at Foundry will ne tor Inur Imm lii. I shall e .iiltu e to i irr\ hi all the hr tirlies ol'hu inns e.iimeeied with the Coimdry , in Hiuss and I run, and a general M \ ( II I N F. Ill’ll N K S s , and would respefiiully s-die.i a eoiiimnauee td tin* patron i age Sti liberally lie>tuw ed oti nn hen t. lore. lit* bar iiy u eesraiy to say an\ thing w ith regard t ne work li a i sited at ills i si a alls' i uen . it ha v mg a I read \ staid sired a r pulall »n lo Stvuie a liberal share ol' pal nmage. !•• n Ii ts \ (. f i MtNF.Y 111.01(1 V#4 T t.iii.oiii.m; • r.iii.uiii.yi;1 f 11! 11' midi rsigue i.havm«g h i t I no experience in the 1 practice d iuea<urtng,riilt mg and making up w. rk . Hid leelii'tg entire e.eifiihnee ..f giviig satl'slae toil to ' hose w h • may favor him with a « all. most r-sped lull v I offers Ills services to the .• *l:v.» iis id I uehhurg and t's | v leiiiitv. hoping, by st riel attention to business, to merit | a share of patronage. The Ktu.Ni n, K .(ii.tsii ami Ami.kican Fashions* j a II, aen.fdn g i • arrangement, e n . »• ved every mi*mill. '■ and. w lii'tn adhering * r.etly to the la-lin ns. regard will lie hail to s ijoiilli filling, ra*v ami Comfortable wear tli" garments. JAMKS IF FI)\Y\ims, A f vvdu.r* ah'Ve Aleen* &. (iw itkms, and *pp site *rim,l I! Thurman. \ I .^O. agent fur Coshy’s Compound Hitter*. 0.1 7—IvftM SILKS at a great Bargain >"r K.NV mat i it'ii I si Me * ii I’ hi. > ami Plaid Silks, w lilcli will lie s-Id v rv low at l)AVI>, AUK Ml \.MS &, Co Sept \>0-Is IIMliomjr. Auctioneer anil ('oniiisssinu Mereliant, Mtii'hel Sii cel, I.tfiichbin j,, / ir^inia, UP.I'JN r.N hi in--1; miHTil. a ul -ell' at auction, I Ml V i. ,»S t.tiO, luli.s. IUHIIU \ It !•., t |((M k K iM Kl ii M ITU K, \ < ;K< »!■> .ml slot K .. I all kind | i .iln u. ailv .hi t s mu U- •• i r.msi*riiiiuTits a hen r. .piiit-il. s.ilt-s "I Iteal I s a'. . Nejiiocs, 8s ■ , mudu ill t lie country ,on liberal 1* mis. N’.iv. 25 — .‘tin F..K Ft U.Wt ii f | M I K Sl'BSl UlUl .K's ass. tiaiol iIi'miiscIv.-s the ■ I Si i|a\ ul .1 i « v I isi. I >r tin- |»ii r }•« -h** of IKON mAKIM. \M) M MU II\M.)l/INt;, under the name ot Fhpplii is Moiiig me ry . Iwg leave tu 1111■ ir.11 ilia puolic tin v areii*v\ prepareil tu e\.*en le rd rs I'ir all deseripll .ns ul’ (.'.istinjs usually made ai hi ist Fur laei-s. iz : Hollow W are. V\ aicr Pip. s, Stuev Plates, Mill Hear. iv<\ C«H \ l KV M FHC11 ANTS V re respeiM I'ally III V lied lo \ a 1111 >* * ihe *.! \ |e and rptal itV of iheir II ll-iw W ar**, which may in* seen Ul III .st • t l he shires in I .yneh TIPJ, «<r at lie M.^srs, Fllis’s. It ehmuuil. Mohrs address d tu ihe concern. al Flk Furnace. or V N. \l nugoun ry . I .y nchhiirg, will meet w till prompt aiteiitioii Al-o, jiM i * hand, our wi ll sch*.*ted slock of sriti.vt; .i w sum m:u (;uuns. which will be sold low lor < a-h. . r in exchange f.r ora'ii. V. W I LIPPIN, M ,V 17—m \ N MM\T<;oMKRY .Si iu i r 'tee iloitM'. ' p | I K SI l»s . 'll UKK^ associated the nselves the • |si ofSi pioii’her last, f r the purpose of doing a (iFN Fll VI. FMIIW MIDI V, V.M) .?# t’ r r n ’# I i I c it it \ i it e s #, ill il.n ii i»*r n 0 mil -s ti- low I .y m-lil.ury;. ami where the Turn; kce.csiu lie- Crnal, under ihe name I Jnliii .1 Mini, in- ry S. Go. They live just re -•eived a well :is— n vd *l--ck .>t M'UIMi .Nl> >1/ \1AIF.K GOODS. \ls-., a sn|i|ily -TGI.* )- K.ilK'. whir - tin y offer to I the nubile l..w hr i, -it in halite fur AA heat and C'-rn. I.vnch.iurt; prices w ill he paid fur Grain and Gm-ds l -rw.irdnd ai l.ynehliuru prie-a. JOHN I AIONI'GOMI'.RV, VI,. 17 — .n \ \ M )\TG I.VIKHY Heri'luin. TnilitriMK. ./1> ii .v o.i i\ /■; r, .-// thr OhI SIIIml nt II in. .S‘ Onkeif. * WT ()( T ,|) r.*-p.*.*t I »i 11 v infuriti tin- citizens ul' I .ynch tv hurjr. and ihe public, Unit lie will e nitiime to nunducl. al I In- ..l.l -t uni ofhimsclf uml hr. -t her, tlie I’AII.OIONG l!l>IM'>S. tn nil its branches. II- bn* nuw -in hand, and will eon I lineally keep, a heatiiiliil nss -rtinent of Cl"th*. Cn«si i meres. Volin-rs.and in la •' every thine suitable lor Gen lie lien’s wear.which he will make up tu order in the must fashionable siyh-s. hands-me (i s and warranted work -ninahtp. He w.iulil invtLe the a i leu mm of the public to hi* stock. Feb. 4—is T9 §:.vt:99 *v .ft9###;#.% Wholt'Diih* lU iilris in l*i luting* Willing uiul U nipping Paper ami S(a(imiar>v No A, So. uli l I mi I. •> M'»et, II \ I. I I Ml Hi r, Mai ilaud Per '2 Hm tmi nimiiv. t?~0 III.) piin.t* old Apple I* rl Iv. ! Sl re*, ivcd mid I r -do i>v Ml 1) WIKI. Ji I.KF F<l». 7 t« VOTTO V l..g.v/ts. ron SALE 10,000aere* f 0 .it. ii |. t l«, in ihe State* of \t k*tt and M ia'S-ippi. *in. and «*nv«*nt#»i»l to . 'Me:ntilt»»al ^ ji v i«»m|.mi a tl i w > 11 iiw s in I . v nclilui i p. one mi M ini s*i r*ei mi nn i no !. ,-k to I -1 s r .■» i | l-r o'he t ’id St reel. "Dried l''r *aV, On lotij* credit, tin It It t tend'd to el .se a partnership S l« \ K I . A ND Feh 7 tan Vi; .flll.1V f III I K sohserdier* Iii »e ’ ;i I, * • -1 the M 111 •.•>n III i k W a I ter ( terk. near I \vi, ' ll \vn sa the l.anohoinr M'll, I- r hr purpose ol e mdinMiuif the Million Inup-rss I hr v a i1! it .i11 t i in* s I ir m the mark t lot \\ IptM. and re*pertfidl\ s..|n it tin ir I’r rials and the public lo £tve •he « a chan *e I «r »li»»ir T icy m dl «!> • keep e ut-t in’lv a pond stock «»l lump a d ground 1*1 rsiei ,for s ih- m loo prices Fdi. 7 is PI N I n, I \Mil|()|{NF O Tj ARIFI 3D SUGAR I 1 r !•'. h.iV' ui hand .i I ..U- g . 'cut »>l stru tl\ in tine clan f ? lit. d S ijiui . consist ll|i o| 30 ll'tnrlx niul 'l'ierces, wliii h \Ti' off. t to tin- tl .ile 1.0 W Pee. Hi H M- PVNII |. I. I*. V. H'ltOOPLY ; COl (.11 VI'RKN|| supply "I Sum It's \\ |).i..pii|o ('ntijlt i ( uhi la I, jusi rt'fi'i ’ * d 'i tul f it •«•«!♦•, by JOHN II Sl\.\ \ , I)miujis>. \ V *2" ts 11 a C .'•.HC \\ I.K\ l.lkkl \ N Hi||i), about 17 )rars * l hoi1 An usl •ilifil Ik Hu house. \ irri'Jil Itat'j.tin in t\ lie Ii il mi application in Jaw I" w I'll .U’> PKKKINS • ja: Haiti:. ON k ut T s\ iI v.iIn i ii•• K ii link. Apply in • l111 10 iq PH KM’S k PKRKINS innnh si'on : nit I* X X S I'. In. ;iss -1.11 ■*. I V, III) ’it'll III 1111 s 11111 .. 1 • Ills III..III. I .1 ■ III. m i' I’ll y ||<>. III). It.,,,I, mi, SI.Ill Ini-.. will, in I'ltiuri- III- n.iiiliiclril innl. i I In- sl^ l<* ul l) It. I *.i y nr \ 111. ,t |., ■ r M II 11 X X K. .1 IV r I’XXNK .1 I .litl> nit I’XYNK rein tut. Pm irralrful ark imw leiljri* i • menu in Ins friftnk in.I ilu* public |,,r tin ir I t out pair *ti.I'."', ninl sdicim I r • Ii*• new cmic« ru ;t emit in • i t* • "l t11 vur-j. II. winli"s in cl i^t* 111•* •mmiaiitl • •'ll ar* munis of Paynek I • ri*'j. *r v, mull) II Payne and In " fir.' r* quest* ill those led bled, to s. I It* a* cuily j I' practicable. Jf. IH is ( . I. \ i > I I « liill 11 Hull S. Pa trill l ..mill's, piM nrtiv O ' " i'd a id lot air, by i i*. i" ii- inn wt k tin<i l v .1/ It lx I III l *}d k b .i irU la»j;t Nr .1 M.i, I i i. I . I . d .mil I u s.,|f _ l,v Ol f inn \ \ i k i i.nm f y Keli. 10 It Oy a* r ( n.di \k MO • I’ in'othn. -t •■! >4.1, an.I |*rlt..«* 0\ Kll OO.N’I s I nun **10 In vj •, :it o t ii-m. w \ ridinoisKSi wm i i hMoio.’s I •« / if ii It I r ft r u f r: s t a i e ioii f I ^ 11 snb«ci i'»< is Will sri|, p‘ v, a valuable Til O I I OK I. \ N | >, h i tjp ,ib, mi a mile a ml a l.a'l \y e*t >d tin Sweet Sprint*:*, n V| roe iiitv, U iging tu the « t .t. ..i t be lair .fold H !'•'\'t • Ul T ir frar* r Ullaiiis about iii Ni>i{i:v> u itv:s about txYo l.umlr <1 ol xx In b ii. . Ir.tred ami in ^nml cmuli t ion, the halan > finely t i mb nil. I * i .#■»r is ,| , . >m |. triable ■ I>w fillip 11 o ii si* .ill".' 'ii. i . tils »a B 11 i. •xtub.i iii oi i 1 louse on the In il. The soil i • iulinn .ib1 \ adap'.-d in , lie jri ..w t 'i of ^ras-, nnd this would tmke .ineof the bi-t grazing Kirin* in Moo* r >e fountv, il Drop ■ »|\ niaii;o.:rd. I lie tii ie- will b a iiimi. cl.ii i np and mule Known upon Mpp'.i'-atioll, po r-p.iul, to .1 dill I . I'. \ toil, .sKilluton, Va "M. M PKYTuN, # . I I, ]T.\ ll>\, \ I x.cutnr- ..I • 11 2m .1 II IV,Ion, lire’ll o.v ( o.\ .sir.n ’/' 125 hills Nm. I N l aroiiu.i ( Ii do 11< rritn/M, ‘d » Ii i\. s l.ovrrmg an l Co’s doindtt r. fined Coat Su«rar. And nl he sold low to close hv De 13 - ts.i III'* \ I !•* s \( K r.TT T r i .M i I \N MINDS, ▼ Mir Kids. Ivory knives and I 'orKs. \V alters. Plate.I and liras-. Candlesticks, Mmfl rs and I rays, lii'll Metal and E.idled Kettles, 'I--a Kettles. Spin* M olars, C< lie** .Mills. Spitto lla, Neisas .rs and MIn .ir- . I li'iiuiittej *s ofiion e Needles, &.C.&.C. Received and lor sale by 1 HI—is GR I’d«OR V & IHU M l. I l - r|M IK t *-P \ *1 I N I. It v 1111», In r t 0.) . (xi*., pijr under the I stv « and firm ot Tucc k Pa,ham, i**,hi** day dissolved by mutual const nt I »v it jj *o d net i ntiri • t > K of Goods and debts, ••lid lla *1 or. d the s in. to Mr John V' in Pureh, thowe mdebod to tlx mn. cm will n.^Ke payment to I i •>, »s I,t. alone i* * ithotiz ,1 to . (. h rt. and tlio*e tu whom we are imuhli c, w ill Iran rail on Err f>r pa vine,it. x • • PN MI R, W I . I* \|||| \ A Jan. 3—ts tun mas* 1 .) TONS THRItRr;\|j FUM IKON, embracing all I *»r I he usual iz - »>* t) and S'piarc. *2 do Con ifrv do u 11 assorted 2 lihds. prime Baron Sides, lor sale low hv OKOKOR BAGBY. " ANTRI) I lou- ( lover Seed, (' on Meal. 0.»t«, f lax Seed, Ike . kr , tor win, h the highest market price will be j paid. Jan. 31 ts jsrovit /: mi ik mi'HwrilwT in ..r.i'-r tu rr.l.ic bis stuck, f.r ihe 1 r«'cu|iii ii. ui spuing noons, will ki*|I iifi'iil l.iirii.iii.s. <' . 11 nn.i «.c. .Inn ni— is DON T ( I'KIRRS JUS I’ RKCKIVKI) ,v FOR SALK CHEAF uoon YUS Tow and Rht\ Idncn. OUUU DON I. C. PETERS Jan. 31 —»R I f > | rcerl\ed. nuotlie, lot n| iIiom* Silk-* 4w and Ercucli work Collars, which will he Sold lowe than any house in tow it. DAVIS, AUR AIIA Mb & CO. Oft. IP—tR JbtXDs U JJVl fib. - f\V \N I to lure 3U MEN and liOVS, to work • nth Mouniatn S"ctiou id-ti e Canal, The work i*» dr) and nodanjp r from hlnftling. In my jihS'Miee from town, Mr. George E. R itorte if* «u> hoi lea d to act in hiring hand*. Jan 10—*s HUGH MONTGOMERIE .Vt’l'lf/ aV 1m h Iff# C'OM\||ss|nN ^ KOUi\ \ U Ol NO .v /: /f n/.i. vr .s . /.vn .1 c k jyrn, l ui tin* Sale of Miiiufiii'Ciirrtt Tohuc**, .v* i y; au.n 11: u s ru r & r, N»vv Out. 1 \m. S«’|tt 30 r»m NOTICE IN pilMltrniC* o| .1 D.V.I n| l'i mt . t‘\ rilltul ll\' .1.1* (■ l limtinn, to tin* ipi Icmaiicd to ’Frtiita#* to m*cuWM vsrmiis rieiliint-' rr*<* »r,led in the Clark'll Olli a* of tin* l% • 11 V t- Ml rt nt \ III).nil nil I !|*‘ I .Mil of N| I V , 184.3. I <li i!l |»'o •*'«*«I in «..-|| | i o.nli ,ii \ nltent Court I Ionic on Ilia ‘^1 'I «l a V ol Krtn na v . I 8 IS. Hi it king C.miM ilav, * ill jittlilir nintou to tin* highest Iml I r, tlir follow ing ll.1V ♦•**. In WI| : II Uriel, M \ nil II y N 1*1(01 Wmiuil UHll ||CI eltjltl \u-v Ki.titer*. I \ ming w •• nan ami ln*r cluUl - \ciinir is Tmsir'i I s|ia I irllirilv mii«*Ii llllamu vented hi nu- ' \ iiiil dre.l l*KO \\ k\ I.K, I i’1' H* 3t 'I'niRtHi, Trust sal*. | W Mi'll thr pravi'ions til a di ed nl triut, executed lo % llir till ri i'*«r l»\ J dm t iiitn, lira ring d<Mt on the I ll t» il iv ol O I■ •!» -i, IS 11 .i i.| Italy i . corded in the Flrik’« •*!h c n| t lie ■ » I n I V 1 » ill ol It 11 >i .1, hr Will I » the |> ir|mtft hririn iii>nt on «t. tui (hr I I a It tl.iv ol Much " I ' •* li-i: h • i •<• n| til ( u -.m , it tvl »r’B in » i lit* in, i o ihc co mis atm « ii.I , pm-e d to *tdl, lor ItM Jy money, Ih* th.u r or i~lyi>. "• " In* 11 hi nl i .tiiu ii nili co* i a icing ON K IM N Pit HP WP I W 11 \ N I > \ 11 \ I . I* \» K F.s , a\u ihhI l a Tier's IIPlsK.Mol.ll and kilt MIN KlIllMTUUK, /*/../*N r.ll'IO.Y I I'&YSII.S. t'rrfri/ iUucrtfitwn, (hit Imii Home, mnt nml nil hi a ,l"-’ "i"1 sl>"i>. RMf #• in.nerd i*i *»aid d* rd, •I nil Util ill If I .»s " |'1 hr M.tVldi III In »a'l*l% I lit tlfkts ii A tncil iii id dn tl, with .i 11 trg .i I i-hul|(f* Ini iftoldlltr , a* 11 in Sr S !i mid I hr d.M .t|>;* nnl( il loi I hr air he I* •« inclrinciit I • • | iu 11t -« ll in:’. I In- * a t v\ ill tuke place the neat la it day, s in,I . run pt« it. Ft l» 7 III'! JOHN, Trustee ItOTIIi:. r 1 V I K s.,i, ■ i ihcr \\ ntiUI call t he Ntlrnlinii ol |)iiri-)iiur» | I in ih I .ll nt mg who 11 tvh ch will h* in Id unusually low F.\li.i Inn h nit und colored I’lot lot, •* Inc hla, It and c.d.irnl I ninimeieS, Silk. s.u ni and \N . nl cn \ o**1 mgr*, Oil Si k. ( l »lh .uid Km ( up*. Silk .hi.I Fill I i lisi >l\ let F '* 7 is PON T F PFTKNk BKIOVAL MrlKiiiirl «1 l.rt H\ \ I-. 11 nuncd to tli iim w builtii. a l«w ii«on abuvt t lie in nUct Ini 1*1 , Main mint •I.i ll. 1.1 Is .1/. *1 ■ hmiotfcr »V It rot her. i: IKK cits mill COMMISSION MKIUIIVNTS. I' .ii nn.ii isign il, cii ii.( I t,,y hlh, (uiiHi-ij ■ m. jijMlin i|it|i 11 lii I cl tic “I l lr and Ii in ol Y|. II. I.ii .'imli‘v A It'ollin', t t l.e lii hi-■ i |. ,i mrrl v nil unn d l»> B I I in Ivy fci < o , lot In- |i njios, nl nindiietmg a H r. »•! it- a, r« ietn v A N II COM 11 ISSION ll ll M I \ KAN. I In V VS ill at all time* keep gil halid agouti ami Wall k* 'ected *t cli n| (intet rirn, Litftti n. Ih i/ tiiuuh. Ilnh J^ r , winch Will Ik Hold (III 'In hrs| t. nn- |o| t ash, nt 111 rfcehaug* hr n 'Mil I \ pi I id *i. e Tin 1 III' 'st It pC'tluUv 11»\ iti thgil ll lends. Ul d t he pilliln re He i a 11 v . t i ' • <11 11 id examine I he 11 sloi k lirhue purchasing el sew In n , as bargains will lie sold M II KAVINDKH, I J 1. Jail It) (»in Ills S HLITIOJV I'll!. < •> I' |{ 1\ Ills lr, '|, existing between tin- s ib*-,iil* i-. under tin* *t vie and Ii in ul Met LANS l!\N Se Ti It ).M l’S< >\, istliis day Jiftft(tl\fd • *y mutual con st oi The afl .ii •»ol the cineern will he closed by John <1. Me I lanahm, w ho wnl usi t h n mi nl the Inin t -r t hat imipoaet JMIIN t; Met I.NNAHAN, t AI A IN TII«»MPmJN. January I 18*18 ts \ o t i l i:. MNN I N't. purcliaied the int. icM ol Mr ('. Thompson in the at-- ( uncern ul tlct lanalmn U. Thompson, 1 will • ml mile t he taiorcry ;kii«I < omuiifcfcfton IliikinrM, at o n Ul, stand Mv *to k ol l.ltt M T.IIIKN, IKJUK* I 11 S, I |(^l t »|{s, Ike , w nl he to uni at all times large and will s|.’#, , d, , ip al to any in this u aiket Ori era lot go<ai* will he i .in lull) attended to i onsigninents ol Hour, Wheat. Tobacco, AMI VI. 1. K1 NON ol tdl NIllV l’KOIIl'CF., will ree. ne mv elo-i personal .'t till on < ii ati till lor the vorv liioial palm <ag« • vtinl .1 to the late linn, I would re«pe« l f 11! v I 11 ,i c nt oumm • No cape t> tie* » i business ol more than 1'2 ie n», with m\ entire altenlion. will rnalde me, I i In k, to give ali-la* turn to .»I' who may livor me with their pat mnagt JN'O. t. Mct'l, \ N Nil AN. • I.I) ti Is I ariuns Hotel, KOKMKKI.l III K 1*0 VA II .VI A iNi IIOL'SK. r|' 1K s iV mIk i n p* folly ini'>i m* t lie public, that the, I K \ i( M t.lls’ I It) I'Ll. I. now open lor the reception of i I II \\ K.I.I.K.ItS AM) III) AKDKKS. Me lo p> , I * a , 'o*e at * nt loll to luiai nesH, to share a pot tio i ol the pub u* pitronage I ii- Table shall he furnished, at al turn* w i'h i he i * -t th t the market will nllerd , Rai J w it h t he he-t .1 1 .iipi'r , ami In* Stable, which is new ami large, wit h a ph ut . ul < and Provender, and an atten 11\ «• t ) tier, av ith the - l sc attention •! Mi Ri ad y to superin tend it lie wouhl he pleased to i'-ceivc some iU oi 12 day Board cr« The *'disc 11 her returns hi* gr at etui acknow 1*-dgnient« to Ills f. le iil* lor pa-t I iv ..i-, w 1'ite in New London, and solicits a C'liiliuuani * oltlrc sain* at In new -land Ills hills will fel low . Ho av ill k< rp a good supply ol Kmdi Oyster* during the (|.*r mm-iiii Jau. 17 ts JOHN 11 BULKY d ' - Hep ihlican w i'l copy Ul v 11 hi • ill A deed ul I runt . \ • • 11 'il to IH l»V t» «•! W I am tin, lieu ring dale tin* I Villi day o J muary I I v 14 and duly recorded in <li»* C l» rk’s Ol)• -e ol Nelson ( < 11v111 \ ( oiiM.I .r eerlam |i>ir|Hi*cs therein inenliolied, we 1 shall, as irus ers hi said I Ved ol tru*t, offer ami *»-ll In | the highest hinder I r ra*h tin il»" premises, w hereon ihe ; said Wm. Camden formerly resided, on Friday, the |Sih dav of February, 181^, if lair, if mil ill" next fair day. ( Siindaxs excepied.) the toll wing properly, in w i»: one cert nn tra' t or parcel ol l.nid.nii winch the said \\ in \V. Camden died : rmtaming %€*IT8. be ihe same more or le-s. adjoining 'he lands of John f ( aimlcit, ami Win. I. I )i"kie imd others. Also, anoth er tract or parcel ol I .and, e-miamiug 19 VCII F.S. he the sum* in re or le**«, adjoining the Ian4* «f John ( i,mien. doi-M , and other*. -Als all the said V\ in. W ( a ndeti’s right, title and interest mi the tract of land ly it eg mi lie h mmI water*of Nioe Creek, in ihecounty ut Nelson, containing SOD Acrri* AI*»o. the said V\ m. W . I amden’s interest in the land belonging to the Ks'aie ol John ( amden. deeM.. lying in tne eonrity ol Mason, on the waters of ill* 18 Mil* (jieek, which said interest * im ac ki:s. Al n, one NKGRQ WOMAN, named PritcilU. A If* one Chick. Cur A* Vat her Iwd*, and Furniture, on* Sid* Bureau, one looking Glass, and all til* other House hold and Kitchen furuilure, ol the said Wm. \V Camden. AU», his PUti'aiioii utensil* of every d*«trtp tiki and three head o| 11• uses, eleven li ad **f Cattle ami Ills stock "f hogs, their increase snii * the execution o* tins said d* ed, or as much ol i * atoresnd pr p--r»y »• will be s i Hi itml to pay and Satisfy the debt* due in tai# deed .*f trust. Tie* title t.»tiaid property it believed to bejymd, knt acting a* trustees we will convey auch at vetted in us by »aid deed. JNO. S. CAMDRN. VV M. WRIGHT. Jar» 20—t!5F Trustees. Jon I’ltivnx; neatly ■ - mill expeditiously done lit thl% oilier, <»«i the most R»*»ii.NaRL» TIUM*. .ft or various mini* Mir on hand, and ItORSC III I LS AND ILMIKS’ Hl.ANRR rtllNTI'U TO ORDCRON SMOH1 NOTH »• . Itb 14—ts T’lisf 41 tile. BY virtue of a I Veil of I’lif-I.ivp ulcd lathe ftub*tnl»eM l*» J nii’i II Moiiiilri i lor certain purpose* thrirm men 11'mi'il, on tlie 4th «t • % • »! IVcnnHcr, 1^47. nnd • >1 record In flie Plerk*« ( Mh r ol the Itu*tinj2« Point I n llic t oruniatlnu «*! I •> nrlibui f, we ilmll |ihnf d lo a. It, on Saturday, tin I'.HIidat nt irliruiri n< \t. in 11• if ol the market house, in ' he towtt ol I .\ iirldmi)*, fu i*a»h, oi on -m li term* ol rrtdii a* tnav hr agreed upbn to the pm lies interested, the follow mg propnt t TWO NROIIO noys. A WOMAN a n i) ii r. u y i v y c n 11 n u r. n i .1 FOUR IIOR*E ll’AGtKV. FOUR HORSES, i;E.1R \r A*r. JHiIN It. li.Mll.AM>, II IV C. l’l.l tltiS. J«n 14 tllf AP R.p«b i «n wilt ropy fBYIIF. tindefsitfiird. hnvn.|f associated I liemsel v» s tin 1 del ihr style .uni I'riti of DROWN K. ( Alt I KK fc NOWI.IN, for the purpose of «*• •mlin*tim|£ a (•KNKKAI. (.Itot T.MY ( OMMISSION FORtFAR DI.YG III s l.VES s, a» the house recently mt it pied hv M« Daniel (k l.ce, ami nrll iIinii to \|e«MN Hiy:mt Jk Tinsley , .diet thru service* to their fiiciidsMiul tin* public if-nerwlly . nsfutrinjr them that no vierltoiis shall lie xp.ircd In pro.uots their tine rest. joiin \v imowNK JKJHTIUN ( WM KM. Jr F. o 10 is JO>Ktil II NOWLIN IXwlier—one nnit all ! ! MAVINts aaanrtafed myself w ith M* aara, Ilayne &, \Y tillers, of, I would hereby give not ire, tliAt I have sold out my entire Sunk ol (annoa t •! Mr Henry 1. 1 luflel - who will continue the busmen in ihe same house. —I would most respectfully Ask those ot my friends who lirveso Idicralh palronnutl rue. to continue tin* asms to him, hcltcvmy him to he every way ■ worthy of it Alt |N*rSons indebted lo me or to h r l»le linn of Itu* arda. Myao 4-Co. are requested lo come f rwaid uni •elite their respective d.iims -mid all persona to whom I may he indebted are n quested to present their cIuiiun I r payment — without delay — us I wish to leave lor Da) limore, in a week or two. Jan Ul —is W M II MY AN A ( Util. f I1IIK •nlwcriher, having purchased of Mr Win M I K van hi* entire STOCK OF (iOOI)W, mi a grrat, grrof uurnfut. is prepared to give great hat g tina i«i till person* hi w ui t ul taood* —mid m order in induce hivbliN'Ii, before he receive* In* IP AZIf O 8UF FLY. * ill sell many description* ol (■••od* without r»k«*nr I in C’"M. I reaped lull y solicit a rail from my friend* of both I'.wn and country assuring iliem ilial I will sell them 1 4•«M»<l«a upon auelt Icimii at lo give mure ailiaf.iulio* Please call and see Jan. Ml Mw IIF.NKY I DI'FFF.L * t.Um i; .1U w.i.vw i;« fh;.vt. mjs M,m 1MIK *uh*rribera re»prr||ullv inti ini ll e I uhlir tl>ut th* will l.rieullrr inn l h< ii line "I stag* l>»nhi • .. t h.irhat* v llh k S. ■ >t I tv tl I. ,•■< lolliiv* •, \ if Tin ) *v ill lea v «• K> ,>tt » \ |||, nn | m-«duy, *1 hur*d«v. anil sutorduv ut 8 o'- liwli, A M . •I d rcii'li t harhittm illc tu dinnri I hey vv ill Inivc l lui iiottevville mi Monday, Wednesday und l inUy il I \ M and iruli ^«'<»ltav ille by dinner Kvery aiiuii)teiiirnt Iiuh been made to intme the cmnluri und aecoiniiiodalteu ul nu!>h«ng< ■ • TYI.KH fc LITTLK la n 27 la • I 1 |4 | Y Alvits ol t ALL t t, lor -.ulr I III U|», by tin 0*1 tt H/ pirn j ijiply tv YV J UlLLlN Ja • 27 la Kone*. Iteil I'onlu. A’r.. A’r. II 7 K have taken tha h m«e on Mirk.t ‘tier!, anr dooi Vr above IMuT,»• k I'eiUma’ Vucinni spire.k art* prepared to nianiilactnrf »ilt kind* ol llop.*, nl M.onll.i and ik-wrol* led llrmp, lied < ord*, I'imi^h Liim:*, I w me, k< COUNTRY MKIICII INI'S. F \KMF.RS, ./ .v n u r // /•; It S. will find it to llieir interval to give ii* a t all kl ut pnreha lint. All woik warranted tn give *uti*f4ctinn IV r will al*n keep ton«tantly on hand, and malic to aiilri rum.bin I Ml It Unit SHUCK Mill Itb.SSIlS. Of firry description anil hI*p. AII order*,left either at our shop or at IMnlpsk Puikins' A net ion More, w ill h» piomptly attend <1 tu ML'Id’llY k LKHiON. | IVe will pay the highest ra h price tor llrmp a good article Ml IllMY k Lh.liH.N. | J u n 17 t * i KOI i: 1C M i l). fYM BUSHKLs Mountain Clover Seed, clean and fAs f free from all impure S* ed. K* by .1 an.24 —is JNO I.Mi C LAN MI AN ' .nonrr.H.r.v A’ .ri.m i f.v, ■ m.a Cfliniiil.slin Iflcr.-lm nl* H\ V K returned to their Old Stand, one i'oor below Liberty \\ are II-•u-.e, where they will k*ep cun stanily on hand a well mint* tl Stork of V>roeerlr«, l,l«|iior«, Uom.-sf i« «, Ac. Their Mouse having been recently repaired and enlar ged. they are now prepared to receive rouaignmegta of Country I'roduce, aad hope to receive a shaieul Public at ronagr. Jan 24—ta Trust Sale of Vnliiilile Properly nY virtue of a deed of Trtiaf. executed »*n the I full day of July, 1842, hy Andrew ( . Kllmtl and R •. A. FJlio't, the undt rsigued, (die iru*t‘*e therein named.) | will pmceed on Tuesday, the*22ud K»bnj*rv, 1848, be the Market House in the Town of Lynchburg, to sell hy public auction the following l\ihmhlr Slnre» to wit : one Negro man named Merchant, ane named Peyton, one named Doctor, one named Randolph, one j natimd Andrew, mr* named IJilly, one named Tom, one named Africa, •me vnoiird Ue-.rgr ; ulao. all the Prciaes, Screw to mid I'iifurca, used in the Tobacco Kaciury lalrly ui copied liy Ellim and llrnlher. TERM*.—To defray the ex|icnars of ihe treat, the on in uf about will lie riqnir* d In tie paid in cuih. Under ihe prnviaiuiis uf the deed ihe rreillinrii uf A"dr"W C. and Ho. A. Ellintl, named tin rein, w II he einuled lu offset their elaima against the purchase inueey fur any properly bought by them. Jan 24—t22F RICH TYREE. Trustee. Brtwir, Ca<1«r * Nowlin ARE now receiving, and will In a few daya have, a full and well selected *'• ek of GwwtlM and Liquor*, which they will a«U. luw lui cj*ii, ur in exchange lur euuntry produce. Feb. |0— it Sugar* Q r fchda N. O., Ports, Itiso and Cuba Sugar/acoiving and ijO !*r aalt low. by Ft*. l«VSt BRT4VT la TINSLKY. THIRTIETH CONGRESS Filler sKsslO.V. i ^ _ _______ _ | I1U> MG OF lit IIKSKNTIVKS. Fkiuart, 7.1848 TUP. LOW nil.K-TIIK PIN ANCKS. On iiiniimi f \|r. VIN rOV. ilie II u*e rm.lved it. self ini• •('omttiinerof ilo* W Ii |e on the stule uf the U • iti*'it• ( Mr II- hi hi the chair.) Mr \ IN ION moved that the committee prceed In |||« consideration ,,| the hill In itulhuriftc a l"Hi Hot to ex «" 'l Hie Htiiii ul eighteen million* five hundred thousand .1. Il.i a. 1 his unitluu tun agreed to; ami the bill having liven reml Mr \ IN PON uioved f«» strike nut the words $18, H MH) i uni sii list, i ii in therefor the *u nuf $l(j, (XX), 1XX). Mr. \ i .1 ii said . A' the eolliinenrvinenl of the last s»*ssiniiif( 'ingress, w lien it whs tne dmy of the Kxecu live t" rerointiiend, and of Congress to provide, f. r the wauls o| Hi" pitM'lit I’isthI \ear, the President of the \J • oiie.l 'Male*, in Ins annual message, and the S ereiary "f the Tri-us irv. in his miiiiuhI r*|»"rt, bo'li stated that, if •he war w ill M< mco should lie eoninmed nil li e 1st uf July. A I) I -4*. a l« nn ' f twenty three millions of doll ir* was nil tlmt Would In* wanted to carry the G .v* rmuetii f rwanl to dial i(it \ and leave a sur plus of' l .nr millions in the Treasury. Huh these Inin tionm cs recoiiitiieruled the l<oirt. It was gru.i'ed by Cong r« ms a ml the money old.din d Hut. notw nhatandiiig this provision for theGwvefti uteiit. ilo SriTet.ity • f die Tre.iaiiry, in Ins annual re.jtort to (’"in;re .e on the stale of ilie finances, made lit the coin no lie ineiil «.| ilu present arminti, lud infor.inil us dial » furl her loan ol gliieen ami n half millions of dollars would b" r | Hir'd lo ii eel the expenses «I the Govern* men! lot the same year The lull now Indore ns vmis re pined I -r dial sum, in pursuance to this stntemeu' ofllis Secretary und the rerum oemtHlioii of In* President in In* nimmil un-Miige Mior ly nf er the bill wn* repur led. perhaps on do* same day , a lei er was addressed tv the Sp'aker < I dle II use hv die aetnig Ne.*ret«iy of die I’r* asurv . |in lug inf-riiiHtioii to Hie II*.IMS' of the ft.ri'JU ire discovery of'tin • rr--r m die fiouncinl niaiemcnt pie ••ill' * >t tile < ooi lie c e.iO'ilt of die Session, whicli tils* Ciua* d dm gratify ing fictlliit iliere were in die Treasu ry sul'j ci to its command, near seven millions of dollars nn le than had lieeu stal'd in the poor report ; ill eonse* ipieii e n| which de IP u*-e was inf ru «d that the !«-an could he r* din ed troio eighteen and a lull to twt-lvv inillloos • I dolhiis A few . UNh -ince, however, another letter was trans mill' d to die I Ions* by die same « flieer, convex tug ths iiupl* ,i-.mi intelligence dial when Hie Inst Idler wuaad • Ir- sued lodii H m.«''ii was mu known at the Treasury I l"pi<rimeiit ilia < the >eeretary of War had calleii • ipoo the iminioHt. e I *\ ion and .Means fir an appr-.pri • i ion of'near fur millions ofilollurM, So supply cerium «l fi t< ucies m dial Imi' cli ol do- i uhl c s*r\u t f. i die current fise.r your, which would rt-n er a loan uf sixteen million* ii 'irs^ary to meet die want* of the Government. Pi mu ning the * rtoisto lie a I corrected, and the iiiii* supplied \\ nicii lie I (■ a-urj ihsirtstn j rov >.h t if, I e I...J ih»w fiiltiiill .il ihe nilimi, Venose ihe *« •rei ny .if ilie I'le.isiiiy dues m t ask l..r inure, ik. nu fr ill a l*eln I .I Ims o\x n • Iim i i he* Mini will suffice im nr > tie Government I.. the Isi id’Jul), whin a new Ii n al )ear • •nimi' MC. s On the iMinriry. lie feared, ami iud idlie mijjlii say it w v* Itim opinion. that instead of * xieen, from iwen y in iwetiiy Ii e milln ns wuiiIII he wauled lu ear ly U-- ‘lalely on m ihe* ml of ilea Ami if liie war ■•h ill mii uue thr.*mjh ihe next fi-s. a I year, fn whndi Ilia •timaies ituxx he hef re ns. a further I i« i will he u 'eea mix v hi ll h*si ih in lr -m ill r x live m thtr y-eight uiil Iii•!»•*. exen il < .*i or. a tdn.uld rt-fu-e luaihl lulhe army my par of ihe thiuy thousand re^nlms umi vulmilci r# mh il hy die |'i suleni. lie was axxare thare xx is a Vefx xx iile il ll -r* mv lieiwe.ii iliissuui and twen ty and slud. iiiiIIihiih. which the Secretary ami ihe I’res idenl i f dir I nited Stale* have twld iim is till dial x* ill he needed I.a tIn* next xear pleat and oppressive up •» •*' • •••" •• • - • *'••• mini tn.'fl In* ado ll ted luhe. lie km w this opinion mialit ap|M‘;ir to be ve ry b Id and visimiarx in him , xx lieu pul toriti in nppo ml inn lu dial of the hij» host officer* of the nut inti. ami to pmei t'd In in smut' party Irma which had warped a d blinded Ins heller jmlj.Mii* ni. lint he tell that lie h. d Smile fljrll lo tpie-tini ih-•»r accuracy. xx tie* it was re edit cm d dial I isi x ear Im ill • f dinSe fi net|« iiiro s, at dm .. rre-p. iidiiip period of die ye.r, exp eased a s'r.-ng and ii dmihllnyf npinl iu that a lullti uf twenlx three millions xvuU'd prnviile for all tin* wains of die GnV.-ru oenl l*»r the iiuxi pn sent t • ar, ami leave a surplus ■ f lour milln.i.a m the 'I’.eusiiry mi die Isi uf July, next ; and that they u xx ml .rm u« ihai nu aihiition il lean • I stxtei u niillu lit is r iporeil in cany us to the Isi of July, and leaxea surplus i.fmily three million* iii the Tre.iaury al that im* lucfcad of lour. Kmin whidi fact it follows. that si the last s ssi til. xx lien ll xvas mir duty I • provide f.*r ill wants of the present year, instead ol providing li»r tiicm iioxx, die Kvrii ive. lookup to a surpl is ot f ur niliiotif at do* end <>f the year, sli.m d hen haver, com ineiiile.i a I nn i I l *rry million* instead ol twe ly three. It at do I si rssii n ai y in* tnher ol tin oj j ftili*.. ltd veniu'ed die • p uiofi dujtfti v mi'hons x.eie xx..tiled, lie xvoiihl oarilly li.ivt esc. p il the i.iipuiaiimi i f ii desire lu imp ir ill • public credit, md in Inal way • give «od and ciiniIn i ’* lu M •'X Ice. |i cumin t) • denied that th syrrent mistake uf the Kxcci - live impost s mi ( uiitrrt ss the imp-riutis dmy. xx inch, as fil run U if Oil *S of I lie people, we h ive III) to pr« lermii if xxe xxuuhl. when xvc are now called upon again to . pen xx nlc the pnrse-d rings i f’die nation, t.«cri.tiii ize severely. yet candidly and Suirly• ther*©oiilii ndi l lull- Up ll U Jhill xx Inch xx e are flow art lug, lu see if I i«j.« he any reas.iiiahle ornuml for apprehension < f a like un fortunate err r. From this statement ol tacts twuor tl»r»o •jicsti.ns must f.rce themselves on the utmd of eveiy ueoilein iii, ami every one mu* desire a joluti u of them. Huxx did thefurmer miscalculation happen ! Isliiead «l11ioti:iI loan imtv asked for iho present year enough ? Is ilo-re any mi-take in die estimate fur next year? Ila would confine himself in what he had u.xv to say lo a dismission of those iptosd ns, which lie found would mote ti'Htt Consume his h .ur. and resolve n himself, as he net fv-sarilv must do, an answer m such i»ijeetiuin* a* m ull! ho made au.:msl ihe principles uf ilit* hill, Uy I Mtkmjr tut the K\» cm ive esiimaies of tint revenues of iim* and present year, ami into the estimates of ilux expeiulit'irns. It xvill lieaipirent that the receipts weia last ly nrer estimated, ami die expenses still more large ly mid r csliHinted And h-rexve find the true cause of the said iit eehsi y whicli is mow imp sed upon nsofrais iiwa In to uf six'een million of ilullai* to balance tins tin* furunate mistake ; for iii »st md rtttuate it is both fur iha Government and tin- people. We all know ihtt if for ty millions instead >1 txxemy three hud then been sked for and put in tin* market it would have found a ready purchaser ; that it vxmild have been purchased is prov* d hy the fact that bids f. r more than fifty millions were mad • Ibr the loan when these txventy three were put up fur sale. At that time of unprecedented commercial pma |terity a loan to the amount of ur'y inilliuna e* uld have been taken up xx it hunt mi v action* injury to the huMi.e-a and currenot of the emu ry ; while now, by reason of i's *wn mistakes, lor which il alone is in fault Mini lions reap»n*ihie, the Government must go into the market for these fixttvn millions w hen trade is depressed, when m nev is sea ire. when great commercial disiics* prevail! ami anil greater is aniicipa'ed. Perha|is it would not ho going tin far. to say, that putting wholly out of view the distress and derangement which the Government must pr since hy going n *w into the money in rket as a borrower, for every dollar itb»*r« piw- ii will cause the loss of more than another dollartoihs business «»f the country. And here he would add, that the Goveriunent Coinmitled. if pesible, s * ill greater Iduinlt r in the manner in winch the ken oat issued— Having got what ihe rWietary calls :• div- rce from tbs bank*, which i he Government had long he.en suing f »r, and which took eff et on the first of the last year, just at tin* m mi unit wtien the law went into operate*) requir ing «I1 pivmsnts to the GtvSrn t * be made in spej Pi*‘( and which enjoined ii oaths. Government to psy iM d^uis in coin a)*', lie a/euis to have bees »ii great haM