OCR Interpretation

Richmond daily Whig. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1842-1861, March 11, 1856, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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TIKHDAt RUKMVJ, HABI'll l». !»•'#•
JiMW to tko "MJUor of Iko
ArUrloo oorttton on kotk ot.too of tko fHIptr mil not bo pubiu,
od. Tbto to .■ rulo of long ot.in.ling, onokl to bo tnoom fc> all,
mnii 'Hill tn no <stoo bo dop.orto.1 from. obUn-orn n.Ou oo o*.orl
ing otokl Itnoo aro ck.trgo.1 for ao a.lrortioomonio
ur~ I V.. onlo.iti.no i ooill bo okargod tko tanoo no aJrorto.o
UxoPvo Lamentations.
Unwilling to utterly destroy their credit with the
people hy charging Vbolitioiiism upon Mr. Fillmore,
the Democratic press nevertheless, with the Rich
mond A’wynirer at their head, are beginning to in
dulge in their usual insinuations and inuendoe.
against the American ticket. This course of cun
duct will surprise no one familiar with the wretched
instincts, habits and tactics—and who is not?—of
the so called Southern Democracy. The surprise ot
all would have been excited, however, if they had
manifested the slightest purpose to do justice to
their political opponents in this particular. But Mr.
Fillmore and his associate, as respects their tested
and well-known devotion to the constitutional right
of each and every section of the country, are above
and beyond the reach of any assault which may, in
a spirit of factious partisauism, be made upon them
by the presses and orators of the Democratic par tv
at the South. We repeat that the man who had tli
firmness and patriotism to affix his signature to the
Fugitive Slave I«aw—a law so violently opposed to
the prejudices of a large proportion of the people of
his own section, and who thus gave the highest po—
silde eridence of his determination to sacrifice him
self in order to fultils his duty to the constitution
and the South ;—such a man, we >av, so hold an 1
true in the discharge of a grave and unpleasant pub
lic duty, stands in need of no defence from the vile
and unworthy insinuation of tuisoundue*s on the
slavery question. The acts of his administration—
an a Imiiiistralion which Gov. Wise proclaimed to l.c
“ Watkinyton like” sufficiently refute an asset tiou
so utterly stupi.l and groundless. And we now t<-tl
these Democratic fuglemen, that buy attempt to dis
parage and injure Mr. Fillmore by representing him
a* even iu the slightest degree tainted with unsound
ness on the questions at issue between the North an<l
the South will only recoil upon their own miscellauc
ous, hybrid, hypocritical party.
With its usual felicity in selecting captious for iu
pointless criticisms upon the American party, tin
Enquirer of yesterday contains a dull, leaden, linn
boring article headed thus—“ Southern Know No
things succumbing to Abolition'"—And this tjaiuinf
heading appears to have been considered prou
enough of the charge which is made iu it—as tin
article which follows contains nothing additional.—
Leaving out of view the fact that Mr Filhuon
. signed the Fugitive Slave law, and enforced its e*
edition in good faith, and that, of course. In
will never yield his assent to a hill t •
its repeal; and omitting entirely to mention the Iu
ther fact that the very convention which nominate,
him voted down overwhelmingly a proposition t.
restore the Missouri Compromise, the Enquirer pro
ceeds to argue gravely that the American parly o
the Union “tndoree fully and unequicocally th
Abolition qjiiuciqd ." Nor is even the Southern
wing of the party excepted by the Enquirer Iron
this sweeping, wholesale, unfounded accusation
The Southern supporters of Mr. Fillmore, equally
with his N irthern supporters, are thus charged Iu
the central organ of Virginia Locofoco juiituism will
"succumbing to Aholitiou"—with "endorsing fully
and unequiv.ically the Abolition principle.” Am
this charge, too, is made by a paper winch roc.-nth
devoted its columns to the dcfeti.-e or excuse of tin
Abolition Soft Shell Democracy of New Fork, win
have for their leaders Martin and John Van Huren
A paper which declared, iu the presence of the wind
Southern people, that these Soli Shell Free Soil gen
tleuien, whose separate organization is based upot
the one principle of anti-slavery extension, had heel
More sinned against than sinning! A paper, too
which has not yet uttered a solitary word in disap
proval of the votes of thirteen members of its own
party iu the Virginia House of Delegates, a weel
ago, against a bill to provide tor the protection o
the slave property of the Stale !—a hill voted again*
by those itnin >rtal thirteen Virginia Duiuocrats upoi
the same identical ground upon which the executin'
of the Fugitive Slave Law is oppose 1 by the mad
cap .yiililionists of the North ! That is, upon tin
ground, as openly and shamelessly avowed by so n.
of these patriotic "thirteen" in debate, that the non
slaveholders of Virginia should not be taxed for th.
bcuetit of the slave->,ener» ! In other words. Ilia
the fillv reward 0 lie re-1 in the bill for the dctc-tioi
and conviction of Abolition kidnappers should i> >
he paid out of the State Treasury, for the ruasoi
that a |«>rtion of this assessment would fall upon tin
nou-slavehtlding constituents of those "thirteen" fa
ntous Demurrttlie members of the Virginia Legisla
tore! An argument we hesitate not to charaeteri/.i
and to denounce as a miserable and despicable Abo
lition argument; and which, wo iimlerstan 1, w i
haractcrixo 1 and denounced a- such, at the time
both by <J .v, Floyd and Mr. F, Ini Un is, who are aU
member* of the Dj;n»cratic party. We understan
vwiiiwii, vi inrrivui, 11.1*1 me iriflK
'“>** t > acknowledge, in the course of the discgssi u
between himself an I <liv. Floyd, that hi* constitu
WOta—the Democrats who sent him to the I, jgi*U
tore, we suppose —were lint sound to tile core o.i th
slavery question. And this declaration w« t ike b
be the literal truth, as the name of his colleague, up
on the hill referrel t >, .stands conspicuous in th.
"Black f.ist of T lirteen." Aul yet the Enquirer
while railing at Wnig* and Americans, and chargin.
thou with ‘‘siii-cuinhing to Aholition,” has no Wor<
of con I'iiinatiou f.r those thirteen recreant men
Iw-rWof it* own party in the House of Delegates
men, who, in the position thus puhliely taken, am
in the argument employed to sustain it, have aim »*
out-Herodel the rankest of Northern Aholitioni-I.
theiusolves -who, in short, have successfully emula
ted the real of Abolition fanatics, in deprecating tin
imposition of any burden upon the nun slaveholder
of the .State for the protection of slave properly
In conclusion, we suggest to the Enquirer, hefiir
it renews its assaults upon Fillmore and Donelsm
or before it even cbidim the Abolition fanaticism (
Seward, orfires-ley, or Fred Douglas, to turn its *1
tention awhile to the non-nlaveholding eccentricitic
of • portion of it* own party here In Virginia.
When it shall have duly denounced the conduct <
the ‘•immortal thirteen,” we shall have more ronp-c
for it* sincerity in the denunciations it habitually le
vcls at the alleged unsoundnesa of Whigs and Am
iica*is Till it does, however, we shall be compelle I
in justice and truth, pi regard it as an goeomplioi
pf the "Thirteen Immortals”
The Southern Planter
The March nnml.-r ot this rain able periodical contains s
elaborate. ectl considered and well-timed article, by th
Editor. Mr Ruffln, on the subject of Inepeetione. No ms
of intelligenee can peruse it, nod not Mbaaeibe to Ita oonclu
atone, that the inepertion lewa are in eeery respect u,jur
o<M to every body, eieept the inepectora themselves I
eelahfisbes by figures what we a«s- rts I some se'i ■ sgu
that it would be good economy in the people, the farmer
to particular. to par the inspectors III they mwsf b- -up
port*.l by the public| out of their ewn pockets or direetl
from the pu'dic Treasury, in consideration of their fortiesr
Inf to nsapeet at all Hesid-s th. damage done to th.
farto-w a'tn-les ins ■«-. t--.t. Mr Kulin shows tlmt the ros
WL«* on Colors-'*.* preclmiv Confrsslon.
* From the hurt letter ol Governor Wise, which we pub
| lishrd on yesterday, we extract the following "Sprightly,
iuterewting, and soul-stirring paragraph
In the nett presidential canvass there will be new issue*
presented by three parties, tile white mail's party—the
democratic; tbe black man's party—tbe black republi
can*. the mulatto parly—the cross of northern and south
ern know-nothing*—the licks! ol Messrs. Fillmore and
' I>oneIson All nature abhors vacuums and mongrels; and
| so do conscientious, conservative and constitution-loving
whig* ol Virginia. They can put up better with puie a I
rieans— wool, Hat nose, odor, ebon, skin and giarard, foot
and all—belter than they can bear that cross of the Oau
cassiau and CufTey which you call a—mulatto!
llerv is the writteu language of a man, who, we were
1 told last spring,would make a genteel and respectable gov.
ernor, if nothing more. la other words, that if the people
elected him, they would have a yenf/emnn at the head ol
our State Government—an event, as was thru contaudcu
by many Democrats, whieli had not hippened for many
, long years. And this oonsider*tioii,we are frank to admit,
did exert no inconsiderable iutiuence over a tew of the
| Democratic voters ol Virginia; and we make the admission
in justice to those few, with exceeding pleasure. Hut
we are equally trunk to say. tliat many ol those few have
latterly found out their mistake. They have found out
that their new Governor is in his natural element only
when personating the character of a blackguard. And wc
may here state tliat we have never known any thing, since
1 our connection with politics, to be received by the public
j of all parties with more intense loathing and disgust, than
l tbe letter ot Henry A. Wise upon which we are common
1 ting. We have heard some of the best Democrat* in
Virginia declare, vehemently and indignantly, that it was a
disgrace to its author and a shame to tho whole
State. We have yet to hear of a solitary man of any [.ar
ty undertaking to defend it. Such disgusting blackguard
ism is utterly indefensible, como troiu what quarter soever
it may—but to be indulged in bv the Chief Executive
officer ol the State is reprehensible beyoml the power ol
words to describe. It was had enough, while engaged
in a heated canvass, for our dirt-loving Governor to de
nounce nearh one half of the people of Virgiuia, as
“lousv. Godless sud Christies*." But to proclaim, from
the Executive mansion, ill a dead political calm, amt when
incited by uo provocation, that nearly oue half of tho
.sovereign voters ol the State are "mulatto**," and belong
' to a "mulatto parlu," is not only a mean and outrageous
insult in itself, but is enough to corcr tile foul slauderei
with an infamy, limitless and taUio'ulosa forever. A man
| who could calmly apply such villainous opithet* to one
half ol the people of Virginia is already worse and more
to lie despised than the most graceless scamp of a negro
in tbe State, and deserves not the respect of a dog. if
wo us ■ strong language, it is because of the offensive and
' disgusting character of the language employed by the in
dividual, who haa provoked it. If a Governor of a great
Commonwealth may lie pertnitb-d to abuse and blackguard
one half ol its citizens, and that without provocatiuu or
excuse, editors of newspapers, who hare provocation
I and have excuse, may, we submit, be allowed to give him
as g'Kid as he sands.
We have no doubt that Wise correctly describes his
J own tastes ill the paragraph quoted above. We have nu
uuuni pur** a mean* - who woo;, uu uode, oaor,
. ebon, akin and gizzard. font and oil’'—would bo tuo.e at.- |
ceptable personal associates to him than “muUttoes " To
a man of Ilia unity turn of mind, the “odor" of a “pure
African" is probably the pleasantest perfume on earth —
As for ourselves, we have no hesitation in s tying that, if
we were compelled to choose between them, «re aiiouhl
most decidedly ( refer the mahogonles
Rut the idea at the bottom of all tins tilth and dirt ol
our yrntleuniiilit Governor ia •hia—that Wine would pre
fer the success ot the Black Republican party, in the next
Presidential election, to that of the American party. We
have no doubt that in this at least ho t -11s the truth, ll.
is said to have preferred the election of Bunks u- Speaker
to that of any American. An I Wise, in giving utterance
to sucli a s-ntiineni, s|>e tki the sentiments ot nearly all
the Democratic politician-* at the S tilth. We call the at
tention ol the Southall: people to the sentiment here pub
licly proclaimed (or the first tin,— lh.it the Pernor rut
I i injilirinut ot the South ureter the - /». 11... „i‘ It/.lei
.1 Fill,note '
In an editorial In the Richmond Enquirerin lsiu, h«.a
i disl "Henry .1. II 7»e in Nlrhmnnil," we find tile annexed
1 rich passage. “ WELL DUNE MOST PAITHPPL HER.
V A XT,” ia quite as strung a compliment as •• U’athiny
ton-like—and will sutlice lor the present.
We ask everybody's aueqtiqn to Gov. Wise'a commen
dation ol Ktlliuore I
Ait*] why, a*k*-*l Mr. W., have you (Whlgst itesvvtea u*e who
" *taol by the C-mstliulk-nal Colon piny • In aniwcr to Uila quea
1 •• tlon he read the letter of Mr. Fillmore to Mr. Babc-ek of N-w
! “ Vo-y. written .turn.* tie- alttin* of the Baltimore Whig Convention
I ■■ requesting Hr. If., who was a dolegnte, n, withdraw his nam • —
“ Whan Mr. Fillmore sim that letn-r, he knew he could not be
. •• nominated for U.e Presidency. The i..-„« .'f-e»-solllsm ha.1 swoni
I “ to des roy him for doing what the Constitution—atm u,«lniment
" which tie had sworn to protect—demanded of hlui. Mr. Wise
aliuWeu iron, that letter, that he (Mr P.( bud (Irmly resolved not
'■ to seek a re (Section- - t,ot layfog aside Ms own private feelings and
! | '• personal Interest, t» do what tin. crisis demanded—to know no
! “ North, uo B-iuth, no Hast, us West, but to sign il.- foyttive slave
•• bill, and guarantee perpetuity to a then tottering Union.
•' The Compromise wa* enacted by C -ngres*, Mr. Ftllm ,re found
“ It bio duty to sanction It, and resolved to perf-rm U. Vet he was
•• deserted by h.- party, and a man who could get Free A,II rotes
placed above him
•• Mr. 1V.se paid a high compllmen’ to Mr. Fillmore, lor hi- patrt
•' otic course—he had served with hlui—knew him well—knew his
- "private sentiments—knew then to tic oppus*d to »l»vwy u, U*s
j " abstract. The man who could act thus d sinterrstedly, he consld
1 1 " ered eulitlrd U. "well done" most faithful servant."
' | At a large meeting ot the inetiibe.a ol the General A*
' aembly of Virginia, friendly to th.. election of Millard
- Fillmore to the Presidency and Andrew Jack.son Done!
' soil to the viuo-Preaidency of lint L'uiled States, held at
the Capitol, on Saturday evening, March sth, 1 s.
ROBERT HAI SUERS, Eso., of Wiiliamahurg, was
called to preside, and Jims |>. ImuuIiKv, of Augusta, a,,.
1 pointed Secretary.
1 The President, on taking the chair, explained tlm ole
1 jecta of the meeting, and thereupon, on motion ol Mr.
Munlaugh, ol Norfolk county, it was
/friolml 1*/, 'l^n we cordially endorse and heartily
j approve of tip; domination ol Mtilard Killmore and An
dre-w Jackson lloneisou by the Philadelphia Convention,
. and pledge ourselves to evert .all honorable means to se
cure their election.
On motion of l>r. O. II Kinney, ot Accomac,
//<•»>,/ur.l lil. That We cordially invite all persons friend
ly to the election ttf Millard Killmore and A. J. Donel-on
to gnite with us in the coming Presidential I.anr.Lsa.
• hi motion t.f Mr. Wood, ol Albemarle,
Hen,hr.! H'l, That this meoling approves the recoin
mend ition to hold a State Convention of the American
party, and nil others who favor the election of Killmore
and Dou-laon, in the town of Sninuton, on the 8th dav ol
May next, for the appo-ntim-nt ol elector* ami the consi
deration of such other matters as to them may seem pro
per ; and w» hereby recommend to the people of the ae
j »eia| citioa, towns and oo'inties in the Commonwealth to
] hold meetings as eoon as practicable, and appoint dele
gates to said cotiTi-nlion.
, j <>n motion of Mr. Holliday, of Marshall,
/{'toll'd Ilh, That in the firm devotion to true Ameri.
can principles, and marked ability which characterize* the
Richmond Wing and the National American of this city,
j we recognize efficient aids and co-wotker* with u« in dis
seminating American principles, and promoting the best
I interests ol our common cause and country ; nod hereby
I ' recommend to our Iriends throughout lb • Hup to extend
j to them » lite ral patronage, am) * g.-ngral circulation in
I the political canvas* upon which we are now entering,
j On motion of Mr. linbodet.
ttnohnl "ith. That the chairman ol the Erecutivc
j •'onnnittee be rc<|U"*ted by the chairman of ihi- meefing
localise general notice to i»e given by tint f'oinmiltee lo
the people of Hie State, of the call Of the Stale Conven
tion which ha* been made by this meeting
On motion of Mr. Holliday,
, 1 H'toh 'd nth, That the proceedings ol Ibis meeting he
published in tin- Richmond Whig and > itional American
ut this city, and that the papers thro gliont the State,
r filendly lo the objects of the meeting. In- requested to
copy R HAL'.NIfE H, 1’resident.
J J. I*. IwHoriK*, .Secretary.
j Flat in Kikcasti c.—The dwelling I ouse and kitchen
. ; of M> O*0fg* /.mimerman, Nr., in Tines. Ic, in r. kWf w,
e l by fire last Tuesday nig! t, together with all hi* furni
XIKi Jam's ,hur'h,r.n lbs night of II,. 1 h Iasi.. i,y lh, n ,
Joshua Pet rhtn. Mr CMIHOkNT \y STKIN* nA M,„ viltm" | ,
T , daughter of the 1st* J II. Ahh.at, All of Hit' mono
*i Ms rs- l-nce, In lh. rounry of Imo f.n o,, s-». ,»
ls.14, Mr JAMK* L'ROXTOW, In Iht T*d y.sr nf Ms **w Wlfkanl an
so.my. b-Jorrd hy sll whe ko'W him. especially tl„ p „,r, to whom
r T.v r :.'r *n'1 rr,;r,r* «* -«< »« .„«guT
Truthful and h-mess in sll his ilrsliny*. ana-IMh an* generous In *11
Ms a. Is. h- ess literally a ju-t man " Rut he had • nobler (Ills
0 il—he WAS a ChristIsn, and Ms <l"t>ly sorrowing children am!
friends hare all to consol' ih.fu-lw Irfi » good name |„,., ami Is
e lo fr^Tl IN*- rr« «r,| <,f th» rlftilfotu.
i Truly," tie path uf ths lust Is as k ihlnlr.g light, which shlnoth
•"f» rnof* anlo • pprf<cl 4«; * jt
rra '»'• «»*• *»OM . HI AMI,
y-B lent ion of rt'sjer. to thetf s union sals si Rocketts of
two cargoes of Sugar and Molasses. Tie- sale will Uks pi.ee with
, *oi regard lo weather, sad commence at II o',-lock. ml,II
Ilk linn I AMI snot: ntM III ri HI.IIS.
VV*0*7 T'•'.famish the trad' In general with dent's
▼ ▼ K 11 laum i n
leather, either Trench kslem Cstf or Trench f, .If fuzing', as low as
1 » p-r Ant'll and upward. Shus fpp-r. of every description got
up to order t dim A 11 Ml ST
mhll -d»w[p] SM Market Street,(Sd -lorr.) Philadelphia
H t! W • • A peat and comfurlahi In-use, contain Ad_
■ leg 4 r-roros, si M.e rrner ,f Clay an,I I .u.hes streets ffif?
* -•f-P'/to HiLL t RAIVLINUS
For the HTij,
Thought* (a Finance, furreuejr, aud Public Credit.
The report or the committee of Anance, and the late
message of the Governor on kindred subject*, taken in
connexion with the resolution to extend the aesaion iff the
legislature, for the purpose of considering them, tuust ar
rest the eerioul atteuliou ot every reflecting citixeu of
I propose to offer,ill this communication, a few practical
suggestions on the important subject* so tully discussed in
'heee papers, in the course of which I shall touch upon
our Hnaticial difficulties—their causes—the remedies pro
posed—their effect oil tha interest* ol the State as a body
politic and upon all clameeot tb* people, whether engag
ed in commerce, manufactures, or Agriculture, and lastly, ;
•hall suggest the onlv remedy that can aA'ord a prospect
of relict.
In entering upon this investigation, 1 beg it to be un
derstood, that I am iiiAuenced by no persouai, sectional or
political considerations. 1 ardently desire to see all the
great works of Virginia prosecuted to completion, and this 1
I believe may be done in time, without destroying her 1
credit and bringing distress and ruin on her people.
1st. Our financial dilficillics The committee of the !
House ot Delegates lias presented a clear, comprehensive 1
and candid statement of our finances. From this we learn, I
without entering into detail*, that the Stale is indebted iii I
round number*, in a sum not less than thirty millions ot
dollars—that there will be a deficiency ol means to meet
accruing liabilities lor interest, Ac., without further appro
priations lor internal improvements, on tlie Such ot Sept,
next, of one million six hundred and fitly thousand dollars,
and a further deficiency at the doae of the next fiscal year
ol eight huudred aud ten thousand doll us—that taxes can
not be levied ill time U. meet there liabilities, and that the 1
sale ol State bonds is no longer possible, and cannot be
relied on as a resource for suppljriug the Trwasurv. We ;
are thus brought to a pause in our career, and, before ‘
considering a remedy, it may tie well to understand the 1
cause of this startling condition of our affairs.
The Governor i* right in supjuwing that the public cre
dit is not impaired. The criterion ot public credit is this : 1
if the State can borrow on as favorable terms as indivi- j
duals who offer undoubted security, her credit is intact._
fan the best private paper, however secured, be uow sold
in any maiket abovu the current rate of Statu bonds 7—
This is the test.
Hut with all due deference to the Governor, it is not fur
the want of a Centre ot trade, or because tile value ot the
dollar has changed, that we experience these difficulties.
So tar Irom this, the dollar is worth less by filly per Cent
in exchange lor all commodities, than it was a fear years
ago. Nor is it owing to any stringency of the money
market; that may be in part an effect ot our difficulties,
but not the cause. Money performs so necessary a func
tion in all trausactiotis, that we are apt to lie deceived as
to its real importance as an element of public wealth. It
is a» a drop in the ocean compared with the wealth of
mankind. Tlie drought of last summer inflicted a heavier
loss on this country than the Value of all tin- precious me
taU within it. Tlie Secretary of the Treasury, in his last
annual report, estimates the whole amount of specie in
circulation, and iu the bank* ol the L'nited State*, at two
hundred and titty millions ot dollars. This sum, though
far greater than was ever In the country bclore,
is entirely insignificant as an element of vu!uc in estima
ting the wealth of tlie country. It would amount to less
than ten dollars lor each white inhabitant, and it Virginia
had her lull share, it would not par a third of her debt.—
The cause id our difficulties lies much deeper. It is a capi
tal to be in veiled, uot money as a more medium of ex
chance that we want. fsnital 1* usilallv divided l.v .....
liUo.il economists into tiled and circulating. Fixed
capital being in houses, improved land*, mill*, uiauulaclo
ties, machinery, Ac. Circulating capital consisting ot va
rious commodities and values employed by tbe iudusti ion*
classes in carrying on tbe business o! commerce, manufac
tures, and agriculture, to which may be added the capital
employed in banking the proper office of which is to fa
cilitate the business of thc*e classes.
Capital of the second class, though not strictly speaking
fixed, cannot, without Jnticuliy a d the general derange
ment of I ru si ness, be di Verted Irom its proper objects, and
therefore cannot tie relied upon by those seeking loan* lor
investment. To tln-ae two divisions gl capital may. for
clearness of illustration, be added a third, a Inch may l>c
denotllinated free capital, and may be defined “the sur
plus gains of ail industry and wealth, alter paying expen
ses and supporting the population ot the country, and
which seeks investment as ll is accumulated." Apply tile
touchstone of analysis. Of what does the weal:h ul Vir
ginia consist ? Ol houses, lands, mills, and other real
estate, ot the merchants and manufacturer's stocks in trade
and of the s!ve*, cattle, horses and oi ler capital • luploy
ediu agriculture, ami of the banking capital ol the Suite al
ready appropriated bv the business classes. Where is the
free capital seeking investment? Where are the rich men?
Examine them, in what does their wealth consist? It
consist* in the articles ju»t enumerated and in Stock* at'
the State, tvhicli though evidence of their wealth, are cer
tificate* id the Stale's poverty—and so far as public Wealth
and new investments are concerned a negative quantiti.
The truth is the State lias already appropriated, on works
now unproductive, however valuable m prospect, noto.lv
all the /ret capital ol the people ul tile Common wealth, and
:!l that her credit could draw from abroad, but by her
competition in tha losn market, has encroached largely
on means that ought to have been left Ui the indu-ltimis
classes to enable them successfully to conduct their busi
ness—not only has the State invested thus largely in un
productive works, but indit iduals and corporations have
| 'reel! ei.ually liberal in investing, auJ there are now in the
j market, Stale, corporation, and county bond* sufficient to
absorb alt the Iree capita* i<fyl.e Common Wealth for rears
to come. Nor is the condition of things niuen heifer in the
other States, and we uuyln vain look for relief to any
■piarter in this country. Independently of these there
are other causes more or less operative.
Business of all kinds is productive, profits are high.espe
ciallv in Agriculture, and the natural tendency is to in
vest the suiplus prohis or “free capital" in new enterprises
mi l bother improvements. A fanner who has a surplus
o| Msi at the end of the year, will scarcely invest it in
ti per cent stock even at a discount, when he knows by
lending it n> his laud he can realise in or loo per cent—
Asa general rule it may l«e alGnncd when profits arc high
stocks are low—Another cause opeialh.g against the va
lue ol stock* redeemable at a distant day. Is the progressive I
depreciation of the currency owing to the great influx of
the precious metals The value paid to the public creditor
at the end of twenty years may not he lutlf what he advitu- |
vances to-day, through he receive the same weight of mt
tal. An opposite principle was in operation bcloro flip
discovery of the mines ol t'uliturnWaiid Au-traiia Owing
to the disiutbailees in Spanish America arising oftt of tin
revolution the mines were neglr. ted or ahamlomd, and
it was estimated by Mi I’lillock that the supply ol the (ire
cions metals in the world fell short of the consumption in
the arts by I per cent in twenty years, so that the value ,
of lb" metal* was constantly rising, and the more distant |
the day of pa/muuf, the more valuable a public security I
became. Prudent men in making investment are begin
ning to take this principle into calculation.
Europe in this resp. it, is now in a worse condition than |
our country. There is no “free capital’’ for investment |
there. The aggiegate public debt of the European na-'
tions, according to an article in the forthcoming edition of
the Encyclopedia Urittanica, exceeds the sum of eighteen
hundred millions of pounds st. ilmg, and is in our money
about nine thousand inHIiou of dollars. A sum almost in
conceivable in magnitude—so great thnt all the money in
tiro world collected in one pile would not pay a third of it.
The idea of such a debt being ever paid i* preposterous.
Tiie annual interest constitutes a permanent mortgage on
the Ufaiur and property of the people. It isobvious that
if this enormous debt wen* “Sponged,** the aggregate
worth of Europe would neither Is’ diminished nrrr Increas
ed. Vet whatconstitufes the wealth of the Baring*, Roth
child* and other great capitalists of Europe ? ('crtitlcates ol
this debt, and out of this non emits, thev are expected to
suriolv ....l. II... _... ... Ill' .. ..*
Europe, hut to furnish wore or leaf capital for public im- I
pror,‘incut throughout to the world. So far •» the debtor
nation* arc qpift'erned, every new loan that they make i*
but compounding the interest nf the old debt, the banker* |
who negotiate the loan* hemg no more than agent* lie
tween tho government* and tbeircreditor*. Yet *oermlo
are the coinnion notino* of finance, that even aiming enlight
ened men, public Mock*, which at beat, are a mere nega
tive guaranty, are often regarded as a part of the national
A brilliant writer in a late nun,her of Blackwood, a
magazine usual y distinguished lo ability and arirtu
ness, complacently n»kx what if England ha* wasted fort y
million* ol oouud* in the compatgn in the Crimea, i* that
anything compared with her vast r«*ourro*» Which, nc
proceed* to »faie exclusive of real e-tatc are equal in more
than I, IP* 1,000.000 of pound* sterling, viz si* hundred
million*engaged in commerce,manufacture,and agriculture,
three hundred millions ill raiiroi'l*. and eight hundred
millions in pnhlic securitie* ! I'pon the same piiiietpe
Virginia has hut lo lo low the esample ol Kugland,
Compound the Interval of her twenty lour million* of fun
ded debt, and borrow as largely as *he may whether to le»
expended productive!? or unproductively and when her
debt amount* lo two hundred million* film will i this
respc i he nearly a* rich in proportion to population a*
Great Britain !
England with thi* mormon* debt, notwithstanding her
increased inaorne from war ta«e», find* a deficiency in her
revenue for the year,'of (Twenty millions ol pounds, invol
ving the n*ce**ity of a new loan to that amount during
flic present *e**ion of Parliament Thi* according pi the
arithmetic of tome financier*, I* of amall moment. The mo
'"V expended will not lie lout, it will return from the Ea-t
in due time, In the emimn of Crarle and the equilibrium
will br- respired—and so will the ships return that Iran*,
ported the provisions ami *p>rc* for the anny. but will the
Values transported ever tome back- Iron enough has
been expended in the war to belt the earth with a railway,
and labour, provisions, clothing . nil other valu 'S to muke
it. And are not all these as effectually lost to mankind, a*
il they had been *unk in the R nine in the ineuiorable
Morin, which ushered in the campaign In the (,'rimex
In till* slate of exhau-tion at home and abroad, when
you cannot find any where a dollar of ''Ik* capitd” seek
ing investment *t the 11*0x1 rale of interest, I In' < i ivcrnor,
wiih lii* characteristic teal and eloquence,Invoke* the leg.
iMal'ire to make sufficient appropriation to carry on tu
completion all our great line* ol improvement If the
thing were possible I (hoqld he the l**tPi*av aught against
it. A won! of argument and illustration may ha saved by
the suggestive inquiry, nfi/tro/trint* vAaf /
Being thus brought as il were to “a ih-ad lock,-' the in
genuity of the 0zvemor and f.eg!stature is taxed to the
utmost to devise erpedienta, either pennauant or tempo
r*ry. lor relief. The Governor, barked b* es-tzovernor
Plord, recoiamendi a Lost ffur ware* have linin'
soinewlul stale. State bonds have been somewhat riant*
*ged by being hawked about in tiia market; and we are
itiity of our case. Gentlemen do not oecui to icallzc the
true difticulti.-s ol Our situation. States, u well as indi
tidusls, have often had Ui resoit to the ruinous shllU ol
the spend-thrift, to raise means Uratest their rngsg.mcut*.
And has our prudence been such that we can claim ox
euipUon from thia necessity ? What ha* been the expe
rienoe ol hugland, with all her boasted resources? Upon
whsl terms has she borrowed? For accnrate informs
lion, 1 would refer gentlemen to a deir and comprvhen
aive article on the “progressof the national debt," iu thy
47 th volume ol the Kdinburg Review. Though lunik ami
commercial interest iu Kngland baa usually lieen fnnu !t lc
4 per cent, the interest on the whole llrili-h debt up tv
IH28 was near if per cent, tba nation having conli acted
obligations to pay to the lender* more than filtv per rvni
on the average above llie *iiin actually advanced the no
minal loan bearing an interest of a per cent. Thus, iu
the loan of 17»8, of thirteen million*, every one hundred
pound* advanced entitled the lender to £175 5 per eetil
atock, £20 4 per rent stock, and an annuity iff « shilling.
, *!“T'"'° 11 tmund the country to an annual interesl
of £*> la. ikl., exclusive ol the long annuity of 0 shilling*
and in making the loan of twenty-eevcu millions in lftl5,
It was “stipulated that every subscriber of £lon should be
entitled to £174 a percent stock and £10.4 per rent stock’
rennanent loans m Virginia at |o or 12 |k-r cent per an
num. would be. considering the legal ran- ol interest with
u-s quite as faTorable terms as those obtained bv the Brit
i-sh Government—yet We arc expected to get money al
U per cent, almost without limit simply by “advertizing fot
a Kxui when all the world alrvaiW knows loo well, iltal
we ate quite rvadv to hoi-row.
The committee recommends, for the relief of pressing nr
ces.-itn-s the issue of Tkkvsihv Notts hkarin.i 7 ran cvm
Inli.kkst. This I am free to admit is the only expedient
that seems adequate to meet the present exigency. Funds
may no .iouht Ik- raised upon thrill, and Ik-ing used at the
option of the holders as currency, would he much less in
jnno"* to the busin.-s* ol the couutrv, than il *0 much
capital tv*. abstracted lor State hoods or on an ordinary
loan, the proceeds ol which would go out of the Stale iii
Specie most probably, to pay interest to foreign creditor*
or for mil road iron. To object to this mode of liorrowing
on constitutional grouuds, implies rather a latitiidinou* than
a Strict rule ol interpretation. It enlarges the meaning ol
phases in the federal constitution. ilu|>oeiiig a restriction
on the power of the Stale* much beyond their true imimri
or tlic intention of the framer* ol the constitution I an
prebend Governor Floyd spoke without due reflection when
he raised the point in the House.
Hi* s IU or Tin: av-.it Stock owned bv the State seems a
measure ol Tory questionable policy. It is a sate inv.-t
lneiit—the dividends are more than the interest of an equal
amount of public debt—why sboul-l we sell it then except
10 meet a pressing necessity—„,d the sale ,s not propos
ed lor tins purpose. If the proceeds are lo Is- invested
just now.iu farther prosecution at the public works, it may
b- w ell to consider its . fl. ct up. 1, the Imsiueas ol the in
dustrious class.-s of the State, who are ol necessity bor
rower* of capital. We have already seen that there is
no “ free capital" seeking investment, and if sold so low
as lo Ire a good speculation, the capital must I* withdrawn
Irom the business coiimmnity. already far too scantily sun
p »« • This i* sajtl to be a yoUUu agt\ hut in Virginia it
seems the aye oj iron—gold is contiuu illy going out and
iron coming in, until the life blood of our banking system
lia* h«»c!i urtiiivd, aiul our l)«nk*t utv ulimxt a* poa-rrh-**
for g.xkl as a lifeless corpse. TI10 pi.K-ess cannot with
sal.-tv be earned farther
Much scorn, to Ire expected from a u-uxertam or
lakhs. The effect ol this measure will depend greatly on
the policy of the State, and on future contingencies.—
That the lands ol Kastern Virginia havo increased great!.
in value siuce the last assessment is a most gratifying lari.
To what U this enhanced value to In- attributed * To
h'gher prices lor I he products of agriculture, to greater
skill and industry among our farmers, but, al.ive all to
the practice, now almost utiiv«> sal, of applying capital libe
rally to the land. Theie are thousands of acres in East,
eru Virginia now very valuable, stiiiplr tiecause it has I......
ascertained oy cx|K!neocu that capital applied u> sUC|,
lauds is exceedingly productive. Yol in tlieir pres..,n
condition, without capital, they would not be aortb hit,
cent* an acre. These lauds are mostly owned liv noor pe«>
pi- who borrow capital. The writer has at one time pur
chased more than «|n,i>00 worth of guano, to be used I,,
farmers, on tlieir lands, many of them poor men who had
never seen a bank, some ol (hem taking as little as ha!! a
ton, and vet ll.eir neguti tide notes, at 4 mouths, were paid
With punctuality lo the Inst dollar A man of this cl,,,
said to me a short time ago, ‘-1 am. as you know, a very
poor man, having no one to labor but myself, when I lie
sail to improve my land, I could g.-t b it mi,- bag «d gu
ano this year I have applied two tons to my wheat, and
paid cash lor it, and I am, to-day, worth a thousand dollars
more than when I got toe first bag of guano.” If the
State, as a borrower lor unproductive investment, eontin
Ues to monopolize all the free capital,” and the means of
tin- banks, which ought to be Lit to the productive clus.es,
lbs--* poor lands must go unimproved and tlieir aase-mieut
fall far short of tl*ir intrinsic value. Or should war with
England be the result of pending ditlicullic*, the re-assess
ment would prove altog. tin r illusory.
The lioveruor relies mainly on taxation and the sink
im: ii so, to retrieve our fortunes. Whenever a State
continues to liorrow, a sinking fund is a mere delusion —
III order to have any etlec-t, you must cease to contract
debts. But (he absurdity ol the thing becomes palp able,
who,I a State, :>3 in our case, borrows it.-onn sinking fund.
1 he practical cIT-.-cl, however, is precisely the -amt- -o lar
as the extinguishment ol' the State debt is concerned
whether we leimm front the sinkjig fund or hum others
Lpon that principle, the debt will be unpaid a ih.
day ol Judgment. Has England reduced her debt bv her
sinking fund T Is not the icuiark of Adam Smith still
true, at least in regard lo the nations of Europe? Has a
national debt ever Irocn extinguished except by national
bankruptcy ? I cannot pursue the subject farther. (Vide
Hamilton on the natiobal debt of tircat Britain, and Say's
I ol. Kco. 485.) 7
^ Taii7".\ is a sure resort to redeem the public credit
" hi ther l tin ' oyster tuodi.m' will he available remains yet
to be tested. As a Virginian, having no connexion with
the subject, exi-. pt as u tax payer, I sav, lav on the taxes
until We are assured (bat the honor of the State will be
inviolate, and then, to borrow one ol the Governor's nau
tical tropes. I would advise that we lav too, dose reefed
with head lo the wind, and wait a more propitious sea’
son to proceed upon our voyage. \
Westmoreland county, Vu.,-March 3d, 1858.
v 11«> IN 1A 1 - KG ISI, ATURE.
Muxi.xy, Much lu.
A cominumration was received from the tv-crefurv of
the Board of Public Works, enclosing a let,or fioni C'ol. ('.
I 'roz.-t, relative to tho errors in the internal improvement
'""I* published. Laid on the table and ordered to
l>e printed.
A eoiiiiiiuiileathm was received from the House ol IM
egal.-s, si.nounring tin- pa«age of certain bills
rin- llouie bill incorporating the town of (>|enville
fiiliuer county, was considered without reference, read
three times anil passed.
riu- House amendment to the Senate bill i ncorporet if I
a l.iuie sod Marble company in the county of Kotctouil
was coticuired in.
Hie House amendmiints lo the Senate bill providing f«*
a reassessment of tin-. Umlatlirongluml lie- l.’nitimou wealth
ocea-io-ied a long debate, tin- particular mailer in eon
trnv. rsy Is-ing tie- ipiestion of refer -i ce to a roniinittee.
Mr. HI BULKS ON moved the iii-h-limt.-postpone..
of tho bill. The Senate tefused to postpone—ayes if, noes
The ainendinenta of the llonse were concurred in -
ayes 37, noes !•.
rki-orts ritou . ovistim r.*, rrc
Mr. A \l BLLIi, from tin* roiiiinittec foi t'on.-is of Ju lice
r,-po'ii-d (without amendmentJ Ih. bill p, am. ml ami
re-aiiHct the fitli section of chapter |hs ol the Lisle ol
' i,gnus The committee also reported adversely lo the
petition of citizens of Frederick. asking lor an act u.itlior
'*"•« county court of.I county to divide district No
8 therein.
— ... .iuiu inr <■UMIIIIHIT on grirtiinir»>t
*r» r» [)ort* 'l [ without amendment) llou* hill inoorpom
tifiif ill** Hoist'll 4 Him foul Company.
Mr. PAXTOX a.ked »ml obtained leave to Introduce a
!*>'! to Incorporate tin. 01,-nwood Manufacturing company
in Hi. ruuiitie* of Rockltri.lge, Bedford and Ifotelourt —
R.-ad a tint lime.
Mr. H \>n.\ a.ked nml obtained leave to introduce a
l.ill to incorporate tl.e Mamhall Hall cmnp.nv in the town
of W inch. «PT. Read a flr-t time
Mr JnNKS [in tin-absence of Mr H.\I,DWIN| a.ked
at. I obtained I nve to introduce a hill conerming the
hr»t Regiment ol Virginia Volunteer.. Read a fir«t
Mr I ARKS a.ked amt obtained leave to ii.trmluec a
hill lo im-reuae the rjti inlity of l.od a.illi.>rire.| to I*. held
hjul.c Kanawl.a foal Company. Read a lir«l time.
SOSTIIO leiraa l.l'vavic aafirit.
Mr IIITlitMiSiiN called up the hill for the i-uhli.l.
ni.-id of tin- Vortl.we.tern l.nnatie A.ylum.
M. SThKVROD withdrew hit amendment authoriting
the fiovernor loader! I he ait- lor the proposed a.vlum.
The i|'ie*tlon re- irre I upon Mr. CKEDiH’S amend..
lor the appointment o| 7 commiaaimier. from difT.-rei.t
portion. Of the State, to meet at the White Sulphur
Spiing., in the county of fJreenbrW, on tl.e (fill of Julj
i.vxt, for tin- p*irpo.e of Afdeetiog .aid .ite.
The amendment was adopted, after rpn.idernbleiliacit.
On motion of Mr. RK< JP.R, the hill «.< laid m thi
srrrt.rwicsT or ncaatnaa acr-ousta.
On motion of Mr. JOHSlfON, tlie Senate proree.led Ic
the eon.i<leratioo of the b II attUlorbdng guardian, to de
mind eompoiind interest, and allowing them time lo in
rest money lielonging to their ward*.
M-wra. A Mill.Kit SAfNDKRH and TA7.EWT.M. op
r«.-.-d, amt Meaara. .DHINMtX. CAMPBEM, and l,(KJA>
advocated the hill. The ipiertion wa- then put, jn.1 tb
hill paaaed.
rr-ro..nos nr wins.
M TAZF.VVKM, called up the hill 1'^.m>•* the 27ll
and Il2d .oetinn. of chapter 122 of the Cwlr of Virg.l.ti
corieerning blotted will.
Mr • AMI’HKI.I, offered an amendment by wav of rj
der, proyidiug that the prnvi-ioiA of llm *>•. shall not a|i
pl» •« '•.«■« oecnrring prertoostoitapawoige Mr. CAM I1
MEM, advocated the amendment, and Mr, IdNiAV op
poaed if. The atm-ndriteni was adopted.
The our-.tion recurring upon the ps.ange of tin- hill
Mr f A MPBEI.I, railed lor the avea an-l urn-..
The roll waacalled, ami ths hill rejected—aye. 111. no
antam aasa.
Mr. f IIA PM AS called up the hill to «, lahll.i. a brand
ol the Old Dominion hank .1 Prati.hotg, in Oih-a conutt
A prolonged debate ..I upon tl.e m-t.t. of the bill, am
Hn dly, on motion of Mr CHAPM AN, it was lai I uuun Ih
table. ,
an. is rar.ro
Uou.e hill providing lor the incorporation of eertal.
norsE or delegates. I
Mom.av, March loth, 1866. |
The House met at 10 o'clock, purauaul to adjourn
uient. *
truTK bill raaaao.
A hill from the Senate, amending the charter of 'he
Old Dominion coal mining and manufacturing coiupaur.
bill arroBtaB.
Mr. BARNES, from the committee of Propositions, Ac,
reported ■ bill to Incorporate the town ol Oration, m
Taylor county, which was advanced to iu eugruwe
thk rate muni sill.
The engroased bill to amend and re-enact the Hath and
goth sections ol chapter lt>8 ol the Code, relative to live
nsg■ oes, etc, was, on motion ol Mr. MALLORY. taken
The question tieiug on the passage of the bill, Mr. PAR
SONS, asked that the role should hr* recorder!.
The Houae refused to sustain the call lor the vraa and
nays, and the hill was then passed, with but few dimeu- I
ting voices. [The provisions ol this bill, in briel, are that
tree negroes migrating to, or voluntarily entering this
Stale, without authority ul law, are to forfeit their free
dotn, howl keepers employing free negroes ol another
State shall he liable to a tins of $.V>; the 17th section ol
chapter 117 ol the Code is repealed; emancipations ol
slaves to Ik* null ami void, unleae #13u he provided lor
the removal Irotu the Stole within twelve months; tree
negro convicts si the expiration of their term ’of im
prisonment in the Penitentiary, are to leave Uie State with
in thirty days, or forfeit their Ireedom, etc, etc.]
By Mr. BAKER—of citizens of Winchester for a repeal
or modification ol an act passed loth January, IS46 au
thorizmg the town of Winchester to subscribe to woiks ol
internal improvement.
By Mr. BV W AT LID*—of citizens of Frederick county
lorau extension ol the Winchester and Potomac Railroad
to .Slrasbury.
On motion ol Mr. GARNETT, the hill repo.ted from
the rmance committee, to divest the Board of Public
, or” t,,*• lK*",'r make loans, and to establish a
tuiii ° co""u'*io"*,r»* »« taken up lor cumudera
Mr.i,'ViLEV l'r”P<we,i » substitute for *Re hill, reorgani
zing the hnaneial (rowers of the said Board. "
Mr GARNETT briefly op|tuscd the sulrstitute, remark
ing that While the original hill aras not deeigned as au im
peachment ol the Board of Public Works, it was intended
as a curtailment ol its powers. || was admitted general
ly. that the Board had overstepped the liinita ol the ex
isting laws, and if there was anything which the people
ot the Commonwealth demand, it is a reform ol ihuac law
defining the powers of the Board.
Mr. NEWLllN briefly defended the Board of Public
" ,,rl“. »11'1 affirmed that the measures ami recommenda
tions which have emanated from the Committee ol Finan
ces eriuced a distrust of the power o! the people to go
vern themselves, or to select auitahle persons tor official
stations. ,
Mr SKDDON proposed to amend the original hill bv
providing for the ap|>ointinet!t. bv tlm •• commissioners ol
.»an.. Of » “ financial agent” wl.oae negotiation, arv to
bo burning.
Mr. .GARNETT objected to the amendment, as a dan
ger >u« suh-.ielegaliou of (towers.
Mr. FLOYD then obtained the floor, and addressed tlm
House lor upwards of two hours ill oppoailiou to llie prit
Mr. i»ARNKT T rvjrlitf.l at roiisi.J, rublo lengtli. I A
COlui«*n«o<| >kotrli of the debate in unavoidably deferred.]
Ml JOHNSTON was proceeding to speak on tile same
sut-jact, but yielded the floor lor an adjournment where
On motion ol Mr. PENDLETON, of Giles, the Speaker
vacated the Chair until 7 o’clock, I*. M.
RICHMOND. J|wch 10, 1««
OuctiL Rxu.kg*.—The receipt# of merchandlae *1111 continue
on a large .calc, and In a «hort time we be)tree that the merchant,
of thia city will be prepare-1 to fill tlie order* of country merchant,
to any extent. The aloclty of gou.lt already received are large, bat
to anticipation of a greatly Inereaeei rprlng trade. It I* the intention
of many of them Pi »urpa«, In extent and variety, llie a.virtmeni
of good, heretofore offered to U.e trnde. New bouie* hare c m
inenc.d boalnea* within the pad year, and thorn- of longer .landing
have L-on.idcrably extended their 0|mration«; and, .ueli will be tb
ca» from year to year, until there will be no ncccaglty or excuve. If
any exl.t now. for merrhauta from the Interior to go Nurth t„ make
their pureha*. • Since ou la.t, we have had another «r.-rr touch
°f »■<*<«. Til- atmo.phere to-day I. fro.ly In the extreme, but a
further interruption to biidnem by lee or .now, thl* mnin, l» n. t
•pprrh* ruled. We annex oar review of the markets :
i4T Th*M* tjuoiaHtm* r*prrs+nt u KoUmaU prie** In rill.
-moll ontrn, MjKrr r,i/#s ktic* to t-ejHiiJ.
TWUFOO-Urwr*. Wmfner 4 Watkfus report Tubau'u rotitln
us to rnmc In freely ; prices arc hifrtu-r. We ouotr —
|*oo*e luffs $4 \ <7b 6*4 . common leaf f6ukt>*. mitl.ll i.j
VW. m-l ♦;>. ft SR; fine l-aO’nt* |o lilid. 'I.m
uein lint., (light weight.,) *IRft6R. heavy w- igtu* for e,
l«.rt fi„e lug. *4P,t«R. Ie-af—common li'.’.iiTiTi
mi""l..g h Wj l rood ; fine ♦■J V&ll, a few e,,*^
hhd. have been vild at frieu »11 »»>.o1 t Tlie utier kind, w ar-e
.xml in t(>m>*I *l-iu«inl f«»r msnufa* *turin* pnrpos.-*
WficiT —The aewd hv the last steamer has advanced price*, and
imparted AtMllloiial firmness to the market, hui Ih* offer.mu **rr
•«‘»«ry Btuited. We quote at $1,70 a 1,76 per fmthrl , extra quality
Kl/>t« n»e out-ratlons In Flour continue on a limited scalo We
quo e fcxtra «i fwVj , Superfine $**^ a »4
Coax—The uiarki-t i* quiet. W,- cannot quote higher than 63
Coax Mkxl.—We quote at last week’, price., vl. Tu n. St) cm.
per MldMl.
OaM—Wt qm.tr at 46 a 60 cents.
Ilaieisr XX—We quote at tS cU.
Bao*. -Supplies canUnna to come forward freely, and we note a
-lltfl.i .u*. line since our lost. Onr quotation* for tire present «re for
soles loV*»-. shoulders 9c; hams lYrfcliqc.
*r* L**a*^r* OMUDhJ; Rio llRftlVR; Jaral5R
0. XhMB*— Since the aocretlon of .lock., price* hare declined
•omewhat. Wc quote Adamantine XT anil 80 : Mitchell.’pal 8"
and d-i : Manhattanvllle Pat. 87 ,R; Sperm 86 to ♦*; Talmw, Jack
on’s, |4\«.
Clovrr Snu» continues In active demand at $'X<p9W.
Cunox Yarn*—19 cents.
Fun—TIm market l* a*lequately supplied with U.e desirable de
scriptions, and we quota Mackerel, No. 8. #6^^7, m~tinin $6.
No Family Koe llerrtnirs in first hands. North Carolina iirrrlnir*
fro** retail 6J$. rut 7li&$.
Paarnir**- ~TJ t.» 46rents
Fi.aumcp— $1,96 for prime.
„ O '*—P'g #*'®84. Common Knglldi Bar* *80; Kngll.l
Refined fi'^fgl; Swede* 11646121., Tredegar and Armory 1H to ItH
American hammered #li»i P. Ini.
hW*' "tt11*"-* k-K* U46W<ttr, irfintei in pall*
Hina*—Hide*, dry, 7* to 8; do *ol|e<i 7*. Calf Skin* 87 w.
Ltx*—Btor* 1,60.
1. »»p—P,g F to 7if Bar 8.
Uxaaa-Clear white Pin* kwav. refund do 8»; merchantable !<
0-66 per M. Une inch yellow I'me Plank, 1 la 16; three -inarter do
*'<t 18; ! R dll Oft 14. IR do IHi&U, 2 do 18X616 Klinirii.g |-gx
FJAl, face inaaaure. Mcaulllug II((*I6 for heart and *ap; all heart U
ft8n, according Pi .lie. Uarih-n Kalla, heart and *ap, l.v,C|*c each
all heart I*ft86c. Shingle* 7,6n/fj,*/m per \| Weather Hoarding
18,616. Inch tlak Plonk 26ft:tn. Hutloiiwnod, t-4 inch r'ltiji
5 * Inch, ttn'ijifi Inch Cherry «*»; 6 * Poplar 2nft86 per M Hr.-*
old flooring, Virginia, -t, k>, Dreaaed flooring, Southern ;nig» t*,._
Sldngp-*, 12 Inch hunch. 1,6.1 p--r M , by the cargo flour liar
rel stave, and Heading 7,5*1 to s,iai per M-, In demand. Hoop Pole,
6eR* to 7,1X1 per M- v
Mot.A*ax*—There lot* kern no change In price*. We may quota
Nee ftrlexn* at t-'-dlM ct» , accrdlr-g to quantity purrhamf A
carg.i *»le of eevrral hundml hble. take* Ida. c tu-niorrow
N HV*—We quote at CattlR
PkkPvum OCAgo-Wi . i* nr* llkht, Ihoobh *rverkl . argoe, have
qrnre.1 will n llie O’Mt *eek |o.*t ail,, m ||>., tor ,1,-tiwwmr on
boat ur In depot t Mexican 88n to *6,
Pi t-ika -liinnp deliverable nil llie Dork ft for ground We alter
our tig re* t„ in,,**
Sfna The .lork* of refined Sugar* are ample for the preient
an.l we quote loaf, cruahril and powdered at the average of II i.kA
II .- New Orlean*. new crop. We quoie at Shoalu rent*
S*i r—-fl.Anattl in for "Worthington "
foHKtua - liondoii 9 )tt rent.
Ikiaaetic - On Nurthern cllle* *, [Ml ee.-t,
foaainx A* nearly all llie produce for Irana-Aflanlic counlrle* I*
now *ent ret Northern |.-.ri*, we note a dull buone.* i„ foreign
freight* l.a«t week llie *hl|. I(eri.|ii,e .,i|,*l f„r Hreiiian With ?o,i
lil.di of totiaec. and *tein*, l.y f.lwurd IV DeVo** A Co tin- Drat
aluioneiil of the kind l-.r *ev,-ral month*
IXiurci!- B-wtori, k-. centg yl hht 11» y hhd. loha. co, 85 cent*
|*-r whole, and I*', cent* f* I-,* tohaeeo. New y..rk. Ibl rent* V
hill #2,'*l #1 hhd tobacco, M cent* V whole, and 16', rt». U \ boa
tobacco Nothing doing Phlladelp-.la, 26 ,-t*. XI l,M Dig M i,*, i
tol.lt. CO. VII eel,I* r» whole .0,1 If. aJ I k„. 7*_ o T ""
**'■«'*»* V hW- ♦1 ♦* I'M. u.h«.v„, 16,.. ,,ur whole amt |gc, u i
ho* lobseeu *
[Wo compile, from Ihe M. Y. Economist, the following renew of
thr Hour ami (train market* for the |>ad week. Tlie l.ied eon>
mrrelal Inlelligenee, .bowing lire rife I „f th# foreign newa, bg llie
Africa will he found miter Ihe telegraphic head.]
Plen a—A rerg aetlr, demand, partlg •iierulallrr, hot lu-otlg for
the Kad and home trade, hat prevailed fur the low grade. of Km,,
and WeMern Plonr •litre ,„ir tad report, and will" light arrltata
more farnrahle private advice* from P.urope bg ihe Ihtlne, and Ihe
resumption Ilf Inlatid and rnuMWIsr narlgallott, price* are IT qm-an
|e*r hw, higher Ilian llie prerlon, rtirrenrg. The receipt,, n, we he*
fore Mated, h ire hero light, hot Hie dock In More I, fully' adequate
to the eliding demand, with more ItberaMe arriral. In proepeel -
Reporters hare pirtnnk aparlnglg, their lltnlta being much to low
lho«e of •*, ruTd. Kmt tiaiMvtioim for «l)ipii)#>n(« hiyr, inoniMP
'I iT’ee, horn retarded flood d-.crlptlon. are much wanted by
• rdf Hit Iwdrr *| inlltfr* »h**rr hu bren ■ K'xxl liHiiiirv.
amt at Improving pric e, »,th a llmlieil „ippty ntf.ru.g Tl.e ,|e
inaml haa to en pirn Ipally on P.aMern aeenunl, Ihnngh bnmr con
oiin rs liare partaken trrely nf g nn| 'anidr Plonr tlie do k li
greatly tonlniaheit. tint maiket c|„*os will, Increased Amines and
a fall demand, partly f..r ripert, f.,r nearly all .radea
l*onthern Ploor haa de tilled.ea|reeially Ihe lu* (railea, thr ripply
of which la fate The better tiranda am not plenty, but hare hern
Itl g ie| '!«n i a '"I for rhlpnrrnt to llie Wed Indies, Atntralia, Hoiilh
America, and the Ire*at trade, and af lire etna,, with iner«a«er| ar
rlrala, ,rel a deeluie In prleea in the Aouihrrn market, pricer Were
h asp and Irregular, do ing weak H*lea tor thr week, tAai hid.
cl,. u,gal|7 7 ii6K6*l4 for Miecul to liu,*d brand* Multimore, Ales'
andria, city M lie, and Howard street, and #4 MurrB.ikl lor favorite
tiranda Pair*, linnble Kura, f* AnrdiiM.
PatKirta of Kluiir from lira York to Torrtgn Porta for the week
I an ting dar h t, IkM, ronipartd with the corresponding week .,f
last gear
IW, |V«
BMj. Value Rlila. Value
T"'"' ,. »,7« AR.IIA K.M5 /m.k*I
Prcrlmialg .... KA.T7A PY-/.44* Hot,Ini T.7gv,*V4
HlmeJan I Inl^PH »-f.,444 AHA AM t,*6l,l«f
*l»n» 4 mm h Improved demand ta noticeable In Wheal since
our last for milling and eipnri, and with a reduced at,* k, eatltna
led at KA.iaar hudmla, hol lers are Itrmrr At the close, In the ab I
•eoee of nrther Kuropan ads,era hg the steamer now overdue, in I
, *' ',i"r "dll tlie high prices demanded, tran(artl»na were rcMrlcted
r,T.V. I' ■ "h an ui,ward r I,deneg rale. for dm week of
I *,«”"> hii«h*-|« ( ..mm*?* In Prim** VTt..t« 0*na(»Uh 11 *►,*. | u%
i'r \ ' *'Hj '*•*"" W-Marn H I. ft «*ftl 7n for Common to
I f'T "•’V* H '» l'».*l,VK<tl,ao, *.i Common Who.
Peiu'h*rn.^1.an lyatu Inferior dw . IAv and I/ear White Mivanurl
The market for Corn the raoM part nf III* week was dull, and mi
. ee. dull, and prices declined »q*4e, with nnlg a nmderale homed#
maod. but auha«.qiient to lli# rluae, with a more active inquire for
boom use the Kaat and report, together with moderate arrivals
r'r?YT.. . *"•**' portion of thr conrraalon, hut closing hear*
and dull, however. In the absence of further adeteea from Europe
and tear deposition to pore hat- at the rultn* drive* tale, of lAi Am
huahet. elomn* a. «7®«Ac for tY.afern Mind, 27«!iMU fcr Rm
th«rn Wfnfr and Yellow. Ronnd Yellow la nominal
Papurla „f tt lieaf from Mew York to foreign porta for the week
, end ng Marrh d, I afid, compared with tie corresponding week nf IqM
.|*Afl-- --I *64-,
_ mdi. v«lne Rash Value.
I . T,,t>> ;. MW Mil W.6H» 440 61*
Pre.ioo.lg . *H,l*i M.7M AM.4H4 I.*** ?,»
I lineri.fi I ... H *« «,*« 6 ;«„«6 IA4MA44
. f:iu':u:',c:'^.fr"'n Srm ,ro,;voJor'’rn p"-'« *«• th# weak «.
yea? H h *’ ''""P"-1 lb* eorrevpondlng week of la at
, «-IBM---ISM—_
Itaati. Vilnr Hut, V*lu#
^ To*al ... M.404 fC,Wf 61 •pV'i i
_. ._.. BtTbiea,. Murk 4, K M.
. . n . W>U ■®r“'"R *»• date, Shi,.para dU
tooaad lo hold uB and "ellata not much inclined to ofrarala Tl.o.a i.
Wr*l"*m" ,"c,lh*d '« •••" '“O' " odak*. f,.„, K„
TIT ,ul'/ * • "o»c a of But! bble. Ilowvd at ret at
trBA. City Mdla aud Ohio tmld at tha tame urlcwo, bul no -ale a
Wtla alm.Vhang, of ISO bM. OH, MUI. at ?J» UMk. TtaltewTurk
daap ikh aahlblta laaa Brwiliaaa * *“,k
Tran. I HD Kliaa fUK'a —Wa now Quote teUawa Tamil, bar
rat by th, uuanllly, al f,T» ; Katra do. S,4u Sale of Howard -tret
aad Ohio Kainlly a, 1*4,1.40 K»tr. do. *7.741** V bid
»H««r VI.,.,I ^ ,w, lo da) About B.UUP Uu atm I, off., ad Not
much .hipplug lUQUI.y Miller* pur. haw aparlngly IVe uoU aurna
*••<*« iwlma white at I .AVI A1.11. Choke, for f.mllr aiur
bbrUat ljbdl.il. Bad good to prime, IJfi^l.bi. *
Ini iHTuTT?* ""£** taBRtBBr About IB,tWr bu *hel. .tend, luclud
ln« *»W loft ore from yraterday, and %aiea of white nreaaur eiuant al
mi^d sTavt1 y**l',w **“ Wteamtemani aud weight 444*41 coula ;
M tf.V* rwtit* ; u to quality.
Ttrrurma Bow In Importer*' hand. Tha alocka bain
by daatera te Cary aruall. Rale at *41 >» *«« Iba. aad *4« M long
ih'.i. Th ■«*ru,,« «*P •*'k» tha otrauil.g o, J„|ga*
>*f‘Vru,tai. ha. c.umd an act.,a dumut.d Her other
cTir'hrm il kit a> A,r^S?' aud Meatcar. Th. two Br«
?i .* 1 ** t**h»» Ba , and iba latter at B w gro*. tou
by importen, and *7 from deatar^or A. A . A . M ; R gg.
Th. . ".‘T YO*K *»**«» MARKKT
Th. damaud during th. pan »ek ha. ben limited by th. light
°" '*“• ““***' '“f all daacrlptlou* holdre are „ry Bnn
W. copy from lh, monthly clrela, of T AH. Meaner ih. fm.
lowing elairatani of tlx .tuck la warahouea :
K, l*,5 a*. Total.
RI..A on hand Tab I, 11441,.ill * *S1 Md'
K«t T#B*l llucv . . 4\0 44
” a. .. fMMJ
Deii,Te'itl eiae.-;.;;;;;; ‘ft ».»«
Mock oil hand. Mar l,'.14 1.114 84* ~~
llo. do do '44 ,VVif 117 | J'*2
that tin-contract.for anpplylug Urn Trend, (loeammahl with Tob*.
co lor ih, Beat Hire yer. bad beau awardad. bul at n.^liVti " ui.
^ .**',fr1 *M‘* Ohio h«v« u »rt Iruiotml
IKIU* tli<|K«mon auultMkil to o|>*rat* until th* nr J, by 'th* r»r*t
IV? rhhrr*J * i?2rr*c“uf ,b» •'c*» *»> hhdV omi
«.d V hhd. \ irglnla—total 1V» hhda. •
Tha Journal uf March 4, aaya :
Tha rarmlpu bar, ben more llharal and lhae ha. barui a nnur
tloual, laciaeo In tha mica. We may from thle out look for'o ie.,
a. tire beMlncaa. Wa rrf.oln fr<mr ( ring tl,a rangaof quotetioua (..>
diff.-rant grades, until lire market g,-U f.irlr under War Tire .
Si ti'.' .Wlvk h*’'- HI hl.le, rta 1 hinl. . rip al »»i ami 4 .
*« M,d. M-nt.lW. 41 at :*,S.'».1B.,B.B.mB.10. l6.r<M«J4, u
■ ** *’ikM','W' 5 ».'*>f».IO and 1 hhd. .at,, at l*4U and
incite :.hr'i,,L^.ih,,!:r*r.,o'4,i’s: r:n
;.LV«;i :■ T •* -
t'attle tli* market i'ofilliiu*« Ar(tl *.
abawt B.a I head uBtrrrd yraterday al th. male lo of wkma ****
driven ..a, and Ih, balance (800 twadl ,«r m.l.i ti c„i bot‘. h.m'Ii
prlca. ranging fr,,« 1o 4A, on Ut, hoof. i y-H.
r,u- ^ *•- -,j«•JSi. W .Tri
Huu. -IVa have lo not. UiU wm k » furtho, alight decline |„ ||og.
Sale, ware made yraterday at Ura aralee at b.«V/*Jbi M n.i |n, ^
Slnoa ourla«t. Sheep h.re declined. Tim tpiouuoua
larday arc 4.r4Jbi ^ n.i B.., tha Utter flguro holng f«r prime“iu
„ . - Autkasnau. March I.
Hour, a firm- holder* art *7 rale. re,«,ru*l Wheat i.
arm .ale. of Wh.ta at ITH.I71 ct.; ra.1 IlkhJlfrl u! Corn U .laid,
—rm:.ll..h r from the car. al M.r4« caul* Sal,, of lr.,il*,,
ctm^QataBtoM c,nU. Oo,ar See.I V oOulO. Othar^IrtwlTui.
Bumnaa. .lightly luiprollug- money ,*.y.
Corn The market war more actlre .eaterdar^aatariftThim * ,
mired .me made al r.C.iM and of yellow at do ^ “**
Flow Very In ary arrival, by Ka.lroad-larger ■ -
There has recently been a downard tendency, bul tU artule^u «f7'
al I"«.e ,l,al Ibe following price. Family, 111, Katra. * 8. F »
v, . . , . ,_ . Faaaaaica.acao, March 8
Market languid. We quote white wheat 1 4u.ilSu. r. d I 4ouUi
Fi.iur—Lowland 8 5ftal So, mountain 8 OoriSIw, family 1 luli Corn
MONET, STOCK.4*, 4c.
The N. Y Journal «>f Cmnmncc uf FiIdajr evening .ay#
The market I* mure an.maunl to-day. *>. I Umtv it a more buoyant
lone or reding In cumnierrUI dr. U * Capital i* Mill trrr|y #g. r„,
au.1 ti e receipt* of meney from Ue interior have Increased wltMi
the la** lew «!./•. To-day ftO.OOO wu received frutu Chicago at lh^
Sub- Treasury. *
The atnk market opened etmugljr g| pii«e« considerably a hurt
U.O.C Of yewirrda) mnmliig, ami lhare la mure demand forlorn.
Foreign exchange la eery Arm at full quotation, : hill, al 81 dav.
on Imndon l(8l|idlfl8V< Furl, -Vll Vn,7.,l 7 1, ’
The .Kina to-day tr.uk out ISS.I4 81 tn aprcle. The Aram. hi
morrow will take out about half a mill on of dollar.
We notice ,ale. of Virginia .lira, on Friday, al ««' for Imwxdlale
delivery, and 85. buyer i»> day. . >r immxoiair
The Hwlt.morr American, of Xafurday. max, •
Tim irauvact'on In ler.n. tbi. week Include I,ut«i Nocihwextrrn
’ irgiuia Railroad bond, guaranteed hy the city of Hallimorr at 87
'"."'•lo guaranteed by Ihe Itall m. re and Ohio Railroad Company
p 1 ™ Baltimore and (Milo
Railroad 18«7 b..ml, at PtVfil** do. Is;.'. bond, at l7 . t,n.a.
do laan bond, al IS , I elm do 1115 bond, a. *4 *
Mor.ey continue, eaay. and ihe in .rkri ao lar a, we ran learn me
•ent. no new feaiurc.. Tl.e Bank- are doing m .M of the go.nl paper
oirered, and lift cla.a pa|mr ran be r,-a.Illy .|„p...„| of on tl.a .It.-el
j‘Jt^r Kor lo:%n* on C*M or *ort ditH the rate l* ,^.r
The it u ml f i uf land warrants i«*uet| .lur.i.g the mouth of February
Was si follow* #
-ivl !2! *crr w*r”nl* ra*kl"» 4l8,7«u acrea.
agio 'i. *Cr* ‘J® a7'*,1hie do.
o7 c! ®crr 'lo- Ju 8S8.»dd do.
*1 Oil wore *lo. do. l.fikJ do
44 40 acre do. du. |1fK To.
1 10 grrr do. do. lu j(1
* W.ho,e *,,lro,*rr of warrant* l#*u«*s! under the act of March M
IWW, I* ltlll^ahH. '
,K C. > r •- * meeting of the NATIVE aMEIII
CASS W.ll Irn held at New K nt Conrthonae, ou TIIUR8
Pallfil. i .'l8 h . 7 **•'"* «*»'•« rtay.) for the purpoae uf
ratifying the nominate.... rcc utly u.».le by the National Conren
"“I*'f'"’ " cruelty biped that erery Ameri
can In tl.. county may allend ihe meeting, and endorae. In the m.-l
EWdACK>»NVw,.;T:^^. M,I.I.AR|I FIM.Mt.KK
Al I I Itlk Ml riC'Ef—Bool*, 8h<es and llau.
urs at M o rhtrk this morning hy
|| ||||4 M DY,-• half pipes nf super l< >f
n*‘,n l» v v KNPORT. AI.I.KN A Co
Vr 1 (I 4 \ ILl \iii 1; 1 kit »i 1 > 1 v 1: Mt 11 11
( AI.I.F.U ••piciC ANtK’KV," J» milks N K., or Rirnvosii »->*
■ml* -The «tili#rrilM*r« arr authorised to sell th« truly valuable
Fern), r, .w ..w„r.| and occunlr.l by Mr Nsthl Matthew.; (who cm
template* removing farther South nrst Fall > It lie# <,n the m> a*l.w
hrl.lge road ft mtles N Y of Richmond, adjoining the lands o» MeMrs
•nd Davenport, and «dher#. and rontalns
• OV I 4 4 III.*#, i.f whit h atM>ut h tlf I* flue low ground* —
Tnerr are ata>ut «0 seres • lesre«! land, all of which l* In the vtrv
tilgheai Ma'e of liiiproVrnient, a* the present growing crop of wIm-mI
will MinW
The hnildingx on the place are all In good order, and are ample
for ll.e accoinm.elation of a Ivrg. family
The location I, remarkably be.ltby She neighborhood equal to
any in llenrico. Il I. *.1.1 to be the moat productive f*rut of It. -ire
In he county Pec..,, .lUpoxrd to examine llo- place are r,..p..
fully requeued lo call on the proprietor, Who will take aleaaure III
•howing ihe premiir*.
Taaua Igth oaxh. Imlan.e all,*, and » year., for bond, bearing
Interest, secured l»y 4 IruM dss«l.
Ftir further |iartl«<itlar«, apply to
■ ■1 OODDM k fcpFIRMin
Sit ill MARRIHA \%I> I * # in tif i psi and *i>ivr
ter c«*k«, ft»r *ale by
Blit II c *4i»:*.-»l..rklng Bird, Fnner fVinnry, Breeding
amE other ( age*. Bird Nr.!., II,rd l’v,l... „lr.i fllaw., Canary
»v*e*i Kre*h MtfK-k Ju*rreceived, fjt *afc luw by
QA 11* VI.III n PIFFlsa, p,« „
tw*r rylrrd. In go.al order, for «ale by
__ 1"H Broad ,t., Richmond, V,
\V l\r,:l). Hy A PIZZENI, a good Fancy Cake Maker
ww mnlO No lid Broad rtrret. Richmond
li t! os JAR, WINSTON.
1 IMk lisi » -inns, IN* ii«N Nil.
■ NFS w I IIA l.l I MtlKh I.ARl), for talc.
7. _ " o'- mi i.mr anil near i*a an •■in ■ mrja
»ilV, Ptl'aylvanta roun'y, V* , anil will i|* an hy prlr.lv «,|r ,.i,
liberal term!, pnaraalnn la b« drllverr.l Inwardr the rltiar of II,r
T.I perroni w(ailing I,, pur.ue the hualnri. of Kirmlnj anil M,r.
rAm, lltr v.nnblnrd, or omnrclnl with a Imurr of pnlillv entertain.
Ulent, I.r In tlinre ara-king a p'.a.ant country rrildence. „irl, an op
portunity I. rarely met with aa Iliac whlvt, hr now off. r.hr «lr
of this property
l>,..ri,*i,n :-!l r..n.la|. ,.f tiro Amutrnl nart firrofoarrea
arrra ..f laud, nr "Well ale.iil Ml are rlrared .lid In prieltn llrr ml
tlrailnn, ibr remainder In nrig.ual fnre.i, „f Dnr lul..,.. . and train
land, In llie heart .if II,e beat tidiaecu growing region of Virginia
TIm liiiprnrrfnenl. are new, ... .. i .„d comfortable, roo.l.tmg ,.f a
new and haiidanme franu l dwelling will, ala room., he i itihiliy .Hu
ale.l, will, a Merer falling well „f pure fre«.alone water In Ihr yard,
and all n. reaaary owt-h mar. Ain., a large and rnmmndlotu Bl.irr.'
irourr and two nral and naw IrueinenW, now necupird hy faun
i'"1 •r |*»r»‘v bda. Tin- bwallun la Immediately on
Ihr llinrnir and R.e ky Mount Turnpike, |a mile, from ftgnrlllr.lhe
termuiua „f Ihr HI. Iiln.ind and llanv.ll> Hadroad. and at I nr rr.rt
f, "* "f prlnelpal Ihmughfare fmn. Pdlaylvi, la In II. nrw C ml
llmim Aa a bu.inr.a plavr f..r mrrehand... , .. i,|ra nnyhe
formed from the fart IMI fr-n. W In |5 lhm.aa„d dollar, worth of
g. nela l«v y. ar liarr hrm ...Id here for aevrral year, alncr on a a.aall
al.wk Tilt amount In hr anl.l might hr Indeflnll. ly locrruaed hr
anfrl dml eapilal and ordinary r eel management 1 l,r twain, nf ihr
sidy |< ui»*xoptirin*Me
Ttawg :~Mjr pier furlnlg property la <«,*Ri, and payiurnlaac
eomm.et tilng I'eraona dralriug further Inf.irmatlun can rlait or ail
drraa Ihr aiihacrlhrr at Pwantotirllle, PiHayiranla rnnnlc, Va
mhlH-ctm JOHN „ HAIJ.
*. OaaMte Will Copy In tri weekly for one mnnit,
■ltd sent! Mil lo the mkirrllcr.
\’ I It f• I h I % 1‘OI.ITM'N. J. W HANIMII.PII wHI pub
▼ ll*h this -I *y, Mirrh |«Nh
A lllaiory of the p.dHlral Campaign In Virginia, with a Portrait
•r»d sketch of tl»e fgifr of ilitv. Wi«p Fries %'i .VI.
It Will be rent hy mail |mat paid to all who pay In adranrw.
[Jl.ttlrc from the lltAnlnfr.)
'It Is no! only • valuable kstd of reference and depository of
fsrts sn«l «rpimt*Mi f*.r the f>.-m<*raifc politic ion, Mil * most Inter
esllnp picture sod hist *rv of that erf. brated rampalffn ft tantalus
also an *pp« milt nmi|illlnf much d*»cumentary Information in re
fsrd to the prominent questions now before the people of the Colon "
[From the Kuqulrrr ]
“Tl.e history of one of Virginia's "»«*•! hriAiunt and flforWma ran.
psllfns, will he a most ieMrest.nf iml Valuable p*ii#/e mtrum for I#,
nun-rats and inti hue N.«Mnf«
l»r IfartiMcton has performed his task admirably and • very !>.•
nne rat should have a copy
cannot nini.nrTt.ana, .ragnqcaa aglow arcairoa a.wn.
n’ » » » * 1 ' a ITIIIT.
AH on hand a large aiaortmml ot lerat quality, and moat P»ah
kmgWr Rtylea. Qonehea, (Vac heap. Charrlotieea, Rar„u. baa,
o... .awav».Rtldr Brat T.q. Buggyr, and Buggy, with and wlitu.at
I hare atao at my tUpaiattory a large aaaortmrnt of Northern made
fi Z Ui T lV_ ">,>« approred makrra. ranging
f aTjji , O' ? '"p Bugrr. lotha Hm at order of cache.
Thuae In want of rarrlagea will Bod It lo their Intrrrat la rail and
UtTtariM.'*^ ** ' *m •" MI Ha moat rearm.
MMI.IMIO IlfgilTPS tit. ms
■ , >1 ei M F from ihr heal Havana and Onh. tohaoru
now Imported. Por quality and variety of algra and pattern! lo lhu e
pe, aona w.nimg ihr .run. ran b. found at low prlfra, C nJe kw
1 __ff'."._/lalMkKfAN
lt^'oon*t*r c~>,»r*. * *. « and « gal
r!,-t - " ’ "* S»tal«a Caw. Blngle and Ikmitdr
t)h .1 RrfrlgaraUirr. „f the mow npprurral palter. Por tal- |„w
Cn** •*'1- *y th* ataamar Porahonlaa rrcrlrlng (nr aioak
t at Churot, of all itgra, and pallerna, fur tale low ky
*hl8 _ W Main enr, IPih gi
M#*t Extraordinary Remedy Known.
DT'Tm-jTH 11 K K \ KAHN EXPERIENCE In the ..le of
h" Milled n« lhal there I. nothing known lo the rn.dl. al world,
which will .1 all compare with them, They arc Indued comforter. of
Uw aarnatf tmAAir.
It nay ho %mUl of them, without ftnr of cwtttrm4ktlow or | ,,t tw
U.C contrary, that If they arc applied at any u.n. previous u, the
a. tnal rlalnff of the breast. Ihay will promptly allay all Inlamatlon ,
ralir.a all pain and prerant the kraal from gathering, suAvn*-'
thrrmorr. It the bread should actually Mae bej,.rr the chdM Can he
had. the application and conaunt w,.,iU| of thru. will produce eueh
a comlltloa of the brraat aa to In wire the speediest possible Cure.
«*ery mother aliould keep them by bee. and fellow In u.slr nee the
direction., which always are lent with them, and our word for H, she
will arrer know what It to to Imre melon. euSrrtng will, her breimto.
. *Wr” * r*mltt«ucw of tl.tm, accompanied by HI cents worth of
potoaye .tampe, will asewre the prompt Iratumimlon by mall sf a pair
af them cloths to any part of tha United Sutra.
They are far aala caclaalecly by
4 QBAY, Wholesale and Retail A grata,
ITL _ „ 141 “%la •«*••». Richmond. Vfrgtnla.
%ar RnU direction, tor applying these Clothe, will accompany
thorn. _
*>'.f l‘* '* r»I‘IJ,y advancing, and merchants frotn the
muniry have began to vt.ll thio elty to make thrlr nurcb.llr _!
tak. no lltlto pleasure tu calling their alien lion to
Mann IV. one that la Inenlu.ble In all cllmkle. and at Ml mao.Hit
our that baa performed more retuaikablr , urea than an, other _s.r
discovered—«u. that can be taken by .n mndlttoil “J ££ 7nk
prrfrct safety and on, lhal .tan,la unrlrallrd for the cure of lira
p-pela.c Ida and Uuugha. Colic, Nervoua A gallons, general detail
ly. Ague and Kevee, and Nervous Headache. We allude lo BAKE M'H
CELEBRATED PREMIUM HITTItPS.. ,m,p.mrd enllrelioV Vc«,„7,J
Mbdaocea. and therefore rutlrrly free hum .11 mineral aub.len...
ttde l, all oiler f Clued lea hare failed, a .Ingle buttle has Urn known
l« core the worst Hysprp.ia. a. renttird m |,y the lair N„ P New
ch II. and fever.. ». .Heated by torn M. lirrgory. . f Henrico, and
od,ere—Nervoua Headache, a. .mined by N,an. II.,m ...re
own ellUrna aiuert. Who used II with great sucema during the ■„< v.
truce of the Chirr. In Rlehmond, m.d who Immediately clicked
a ol uprooted all ayni|H..|„. ||,al horrid diarsar. by II. ,r
II AHKtt'S PREMIUM BITTERS Indeed doub. If ,1“,, ^t,T.«
iliriivervtl a T<mk o# mi |»..w.r(ul ami vrt «o ■<*>11.11.* > .,.(uip
aa thr*d> Riikn. which are continually aiimlilalervii to clilMrm with
th* result. The Proprietor ..f tW«. li*tt«wa la auxfouato
ha»c ilium known tlminahout tho country, ami for thl« -_,n
|m. .hem lo Coun.ry Merchant, and o,h. ,. “y h? wb k "a
5 f*« *?. « Incited to try tbe'lhTTua
pm bnuC *f *h*lr "wr,,*' r”r “W •' u'* bdlowlog t.i«.... at in cu.
PtlKCKI.L, I. AllII A CO , and other.. In the ollv of lllrhn,,0.1. .. ,
Todd A Christian, ivtcchurg. V..; Hubkr Ik Jm,,.
4 T°y* Norfolk. Va.; tlarllrk A tlwalhniey. Port.un.uil, f?’
Dr. E~Camm, W iniamaburg, Ya.; Johnston A AVall.ce, Frederick^?
wnlLn'*' V-J' K_t*llum,4. Oo-. DanvUle, Va ; W heat A Chapllnr
'A ta ri",g. A n.; Tlajmat, Adam. A Uo . Snittbfleld, Va.; Illbh A Win.
Charlottesville, A a ; T. P. A J. B Eskridge. Staunton A*. Walter
II. Mtddletou, Earmvllle, Va.; W. II. Ijppltt. Wilmington N n*
cctl 4 p*’o Washington city; Caulev A Hatch, Baltimore*
*4q Rndckora A Miller, Ooclngton, Ky.; and from Druggist, gens*
Order, addreeaed to E BAKER,
“h4~4w _ Richmond, Ya.
SIIAA INI, M ild. EASY -Wet yoor .having brndi In
P-“»r on two or three drops
of 11.1.0 Ufa Thousand Flower.," rub the beard well and ll will
make a heautlfnl .oft lather much facilitating the operation of d,,.
ring. Price only Fifty Cents Frraitaia A Co., proprietor.
toll Imaa___Age.,,., and all Druggivta,
if A BE.Al TIFU1. UOMPLFXION may easily t.e acnulrrd
MAv-ela by u.ing the Thou^m t A..err ." It
will reinore fan, yilrnydea and f. erd'/ga from the akin, leaving it of a
toft and ro.eatr bn. We, . poUr on or ^ ‘ .J
wash the fare night aud nunrnlng. 1
— ._ Agents, amt all Druggists.
_ '.Er-1.1 tl.r It...,. ., V.n.rdo F.vnlng (laaette 1
jf^jj*-*4 FEKFl MED BKKATII.—What lady or gentleman
* Would remain under tl . curve of a disagreeable hreaih
when t.y u.lng the n of ,i fAou.oa.f AVoirrr." a. a detillfrire
woiiUI not only (ruder It .went hut leave the teeth white a. alaha.te,*
Many iwraonr do not k„„w then breath Uha.l, and the .utject 1. m>
ihr “Baliu" on you, toothbrush and wash th.- U*-th nightlod'nort*
m*. A fifty ccut boltH- will la«t a r^ar
f '* "tao<_Agents, and all Druggi*t«
I 4 o MAI.V HTHSKT. n M»-U
SPMlNtt I M i'Dirr AT ■ 0!Y, INflO.
•No. 1 li IN ail Si., Kichiiiond, la.,
iuiidiuhf:, n Ti.Rin ,on m
4 RR receiving hv .hip* •• Albert 0*11,tin." «Hlrral -
*» "ealeru," ••|oa,.r IVngtit" a,n| ■■ l'.,-t.
...d h auler, -• Atlantic" and “Africa," tl,e„ Spring
l,.MH,rtai,..ii ,.l Birmingham ami Sheffield n tin.
DARK, Cl TLKUY at.d GlfNS; tnd from nianufav'torlca to our u
country, a v, ry f.CI and complete aomrlm.nl A MU:le t \ .loops
.. le, I-<1 with great care, purrhaard upon the im.,t favor al-I, t,.,,„,
and embracing in client and variety a aleck w.,rthv the attodinn
""a/*i*ni n*1 "n f‘* l“*reh*wrs visiting our markt-t
Of <)ood« adapted fur lb. waa.*n. and In twavy articles purtit ular
ly, our stork Is unuaually full and cnmidvU- rl« .
Weeding ami llildug Hoc
tlraln, lira,,. Clover and HrsiuMr Scythe
Trace, log. Coll amt other Chain.
"eel—Ca.t. Double Shear, German au.l lUl.terrd
Hollow Rare—Pota, Ox in, Spl.lrra, A.
Ilorac Shoe,, Horae Nail,. Anrda, Vice., Ib-llowa, Ao.
File, lock« and lllnger. screw., Ac
A«l,, and spring,. Fry Pan, and Curry Comb.
I rn, I «M'k« t and Table Knlvea
B»*oi s. Bclaaora an l Shear*.
T.ifftlirr with all oth«*r article* usual In nur -
We re,met fully mild. . o.nUnuance of tt. patronage lltmT,||, he
rn,wed upon ua for a uu.ubwr of ye.,, ml, and a.mre M,r i,.m.
au I other, of our deU-rnilualtou lo aril aa low a, any regular h,.n,r
wlraicver, ai d that our hc.t effort, tiail be ua. d lo tfvrTHtbforttom
o „ u • a W. H A. DONNAN
N B -Particular and prompt attention given u, order. rotru.Ud
-. _ . ml,In
iJimBiiiri's PATF.vr »i.i.|.vi t im
, , * •R TIGHT CAN. Til. u.cful, Inge non, and clean CAN
having hern thoroughly toted I, offered to the public with thr mi 1
ranee that It can Im relied upon aa the moat perfectly airdlgtd Can l
n Dm market The top of Can I, drawn between ,h. Sl.„ Ji
the nut and aerew of the tnetallc cap forming a perfect). aW « »M
.. urn Of -a, or Aemgnt.and dV-fSmr wlthUe um.
imiitr of Mtlili-rlnff ths* cap to Ihr outaldr of thr can
rr.d!''r ‘i?'’|,""»,',;."'«,'*'u<|C'»b,,.n-, Whleb cannot effect the
fruit In tl.c Iva.t Kerry ran la warranted Sold hr all dealer, la
■he Country. Me Manufacturer and Agent for the city *f New
, , . , «IKO. HODOKTTS.lt* William St.
For right, tn man ufarlurr Br.nwhile'. Patent Can lu „u.er place*
apply to A. CONG hit A Co , Hi Broadway, New York
rahln—Im_ JP] ’’ W.org.
Ulilllt, kM>SIAIION|.u\.
4 '■«HBIS, Boniaoxu, to nn* reedylng hi,
Ill, .lock will embrace hi* tmial large and general a,,
which will ty odd .pon lerm.a.f.tr nnd a. KE3*SSk?
Uilncd in anv market
Book Binding In all Ifa branch** executed.
Blank Book, of every dewrlptlon o„ band and made lo order
Country Dealer, are Invited to examine hta .fork. ml.I
S'TIM KN FUR M.kI.I.. --
1 Farmer.' Hank Mock
Virginia Hank Stock
Virginia Rrgl.tered Bond., long and abort limy lo run
Virginia Coupon Bond., payable in New York
Kichiiutrid 1’ily Httf.ds
Norhdk City Coupon*, payable In Nrw York
f*-tmlHirg Cuy Cou|Kin«
ibtuthsltlr K H. Bonds, guaranteed l*y PrUnliwr i-ifr
Virginia arid Tenr>r«a«-e Hh!imJ Bond*. ‘*J »u..rtrfjj
Virginia tentral Mortgage Bond*
Mouths..I.* K. K Bonds, guaranty! by INWcnhorg
. a Richmond. Fr~lcr.ck.hurg ami PnhgMM- It B. Share.
n,,,*-,lw J BROWN. Jr.. Slock Broker
KKt.N, II t I.IKM'I N * ro. are offering great InJurv
loeni. to piirch.mr. of Winter Clothing. Determined lo
1 '"r,."1'' "ter Coat., Talma*. Toga*. Heavy Ca,,lmerr Coat. P.nl.
• nd Ve.t., Rich Velvet Vow. Ac , Ac . wr Invite th,~e la want to
call nn u., KKKN, BALDWIN A CO
5” *• M Main fttrrel.
F|Sft nt sen mi: UN rillCNDk. -Tl..r.king you for
* the getier.ni, appreciation that you have «o favourably he
.towel upon tne (during my vl.lt lo thi. city., hv v.mr liberal pa
Iron.go, I have only to .ay tt.at Ivy ronllnncd e.e,t'„„i. on mv p.rl
I hope iver to merit that kutd approhatlon .i d e. . ..uragement that
will place Uie In your eotlmalk.n a, aiamllng flr.l In my profeton
Very Re.peettully, yintro, Ac..
. Champion Card Writer.
Wow at the Kv.hange II,del lll(lj (f
I.AIM S|, f. V II 1,1 N SI I IIS. A V,„ tag ,nd conT
plep< ateorluie.il Jtt.l received, among width are mm* of Ih.
"'"V1'-e Z*£i
id. k, - F«tly llif.i.n Cucumber, e.r
i i I iT i* ‘'/’m T11 T'irkry Cucumfkrf. I.argt- H*W WXh
l o o n m * 'Lr",r ' ... K*''r n,. Itolrh ..a. ■
Knrly ii.rdrn Mon* Turin,.., Itak'a Hybrid Tiirwit*. ami .11 „,h*r ■
kl...|. f„r .air hy H. P. RKMPI.P., llru„t,t, ■
'"'ir'___ t*"Y Main atrrat H
»?*\?aunni.o kv»: wiiinhv.- " IS
■ • lit half plpra (Hard, llrnnraary, Piillwd Pri.wrika and A.
H**tffnett Brandy
20 rlfhlh ri«k< Imitation
M M>l* Iron Hound Mall and Rye Whisky.
",r staamer, for sal- hy
. *Vh7_ ratcmffk 4 r>oror,4w.
f|10 IIII 11 K • I I \ Ills %M> III IIIM IIS.-Wf H
for dHIvrrahU at abort notice, <»n the hath. bank
«sMSs» food. hard and well burnt brick for sal« on arromisidah
n»(f terms.
m,,T _ _ ratti.ippp. » nnrm.ARH.
€ "A1 M^,,« '*'• »**•. Al Thrpniomn.r Mi.it and oll.rr
* j I burn, ol ihr m .1 a: prurrd palirma, Painlrd Tub. In n-ata H
Keeler«, 4»- , for «ate |i>« l»y
n’l>* /IMMFRMA*
V\" »«>«• -OCA. Wall HrwV. rr„h |,.n, B
win w"Tu' ?.I II u.hra, Hand Ilruahra, and « A aad In km,«
Whit. Wash Hru«he«, fir «4|e low by ^^B
J""1 ___7IVMIFKMAV mm
|4V*‘* %• Il.T;’- Vl„l„l. Mi,(, data B
■ .V) W,am Farmer's Rink Ffo»k ^^B
_ n ii atapr y a rn
KHAO ,s .- ■
I"'’ <•'» Ppl' l PfAwtlM, To, aalr hy ^^B
JAM wivirriiv ^B
|,A 11II All ■ MIT Ili a). \ l..i,,».t, I,r,H._ ^B
l||. mu Yd -Ifrrl. Iirlw„*n Alain and Krankl n. ,n,nla.».In,rlyhi Si
pnnnia, will, kit t.rn and idhrr ..ill hn.iara I'aiank.l. in.widwi ^ShH
,lT.n A|.|dy lo ei a *"0
...... IAIRSOI H
»|YIIA ..parti,rf.I IIPirHI a AAllirF i. II,I.day dlaanlr-d ^^B
■ »y iniitiial rnnwnl TV n imr . f Ihw Ann will r. ua*d hy pllh
rr partnrr. In .Indln, up th. ho,l„,., ’ B
n>API> llparKR
Rkhmond. Frl.ruarr YTth.lAM, JOHN F^WHITR
/ll,.PA,,TY, ,,A,,,p. Tlirnnd,,. ,,, d a *1 HAITI.Y
w. n r ,nV° ,N K WI'»TF -f ll„ Arm ,|*«*,
White, Richmond, hive lld« lay form. I * , o |.ir roefehip under 'he BBHI
•tyte iid brio of Htl'll-T t Will r t tor il.r Miti.ne ...
mra TofUrrn rnMMtssfS firstsKS* in the hi* of New H
.h"?' ii.', 'Akrnihr Warrltruraw No M r-. a. dr.,1. whrre B
ll,• r will Ir- pr.par-d. and a-trr Ih, Aral d ,y .1 Al., BH
• an.iynmwnu ... R. O HAI'TIWP, ^^B
V ° * It I do rnd know when yon w.lff.i
.’i a d.i. • »(1 »,„v rKi \Km . „f,, IQ j jni
Al,.- a ,,„alllf a. , h.r. nr.w. .1 J .{rv' lf Bays
I, I,.,- .....rln.rnl ^^B
Trunk., .d 'h. .piallly Th-r wrrw lm,i,ht IV l„>t r,f January
l.rforr 'hr lair rl* . f IwalVr ar.,1 rnnarqwmly al'l hr ...Id ai Ih* BHH
fvrrnr, prlrra Amon, iVn, arr Trur k. „( -tlra .la. and miallly ^H9I
All In want will dr Wrll in rail and riamlnr for Ih'mwlr.. »i,,. . BH
la.,* an.| handann,- a... rln.*„l nf Trunk, at a. BB
*IK Hill. N„ P,r AI.H, .t,,„ B
a t'A* M A IN RTHFrr, l«r,,«Tt>. ,.r . apwiar
Prri ■ Aa, a,.« Vi nan Puna »an ^^^B
*'/ ’ T ~}‘ "*»* ,lr.r,|p,in„. ,...„ |„ (BE«B In'
I.f th-»r Fprlnf atork. emhraelny ev. rf arttrle u*n.,llr k-n« tm •» *-ir
,h<7 f#4l^''«f..|l» invite the attention n/ V rfml.,
N .rlh I arnllna and Trnnr.*, AT,, haul* rl.lllna Ihl, marl.I |m.
w:,.. • • Hj
f 0»n I u i ll Oil . 11,'email PI.rk A P.. . I Mmr'al
1, ' h-h. rmirr l Pl'Kl'HI I A f,f) A < 0
KrnmV., ut Main Mr**1
I i,|Vl * * n,l ' *' 1 Ola ^B
w n'Ri ri.i. i.apo * oo BBS
lb.»„lft# W Main rlrrrl
■ A •< It Oil.,— oil, fn* ..I- by
■_* , PPRrri.L, i add a oo , BB
M*f* w \|«ln Rtrert

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