vt'Sfl'ZijF, u rMidToca of w«. a - *!*j' * ^l°‘"*vr»*' *■*>•» - “Moon. PImm.1, j*, •*!• *eated._ _ _ te»— aodllh* ALHKNAIILK MILITARY INSTITUTE. T«« ref*Ur (WbrU.ij MftM fHh •rptomilwr an « end* ftih The kMlUifllnem of Uif kMMloa nainM b- *icalled,41 a«|Uol lo«a by iif ti Um *kol« country, aa an •iperl*B« w»u» a laefa School Kara for rear*, haa elearlr aa«aHt«tird ^(Vroaa orltovov.- Kuiuaa, Anrloal aod Modern Languagrr, and Tb# Principal haa oo-orad Ih# aarrV-ra of Mr Joka II Tabor I aba, a aa*Wr af an* of ik# tlattrrnlp of Viryinla. and aa lootraa lor of Orook la that loatiiuilon loot tom ion Ha will alao a* uiV tod. If urcrooarp, by Mr. i. I D'Alfonrr. a forrlpnar nffnal report aoe* a»d oamroa aa a Kaekaa, and who tpoako Booatlp, non of iha Mnd.ro lonyii.gr*. naawiao. Palming and Inetrom-ntal Maalr, map alto bt loarrad horo from oonpoioal loarhoro al anoall ritra rharvao Military in atrarilna will only ba glrrn lo fhoar who** parmu drolrr It, and WIH am ha allowed lo lalorfor# la lb* loan with lh« rognlar aradom to eoaraa. Tho Principal hating determined to IHalt hi* naabrr to tn goo* bop*. oorly •pplrruooo, areooopool.d bf oall.fonu.ry lootlMonlaJo, aro d’Ofrod. OH«anti |IIS par loraioft month*. porohlo la adtanr*. TMo rborgr rnabrocro board. Tut ion. Pa.l and Light Poo Ol.color*, conialalag full Information, uddrroo JRO. B. RTtiNOB, A M , o.l» dAnil Orl_P. O. OharUHUoollVo. nrv. ‘Piraiiiii A mis Hour ittiiactivr BTO ■ OP PALL AHI> WINTER DAT HOUDN. ATOP roroloibg do ip, at tba anted Barg.la Puiporloui, oon** roo.lr-d la a Him t**i<; a trraooadnao otork af Bod aad Boowaaia' luatm. bnaghl I* panic Hmo*. and WHI to mid at a owiall adoanoo os Bio Brat *0*1; a fa I otseB af How**k#*w<.g Hondo ail qaalHio* aad ,<0100* Alto, oapoti.-t fagrsln aad Thro* Pip Oarpotb, bow do etgno . ad putbrao, baad* a* oar.*tp nf Buga, at ooow rodaiad pr'rao , Hoot ora, all grad**, aad a amend 11 r oak af ■ahootder'eo, Camhrtr, nd Mama. Hoar*I*chad and Plata Linen Hdkfo, An , An. Oall oooa Aid as tb* no ran loo af tb* araaon a< in* ahraprot haw** ta Ibo ottp. ALPBBO MOAM, aBT _* If nata gWaat. SriNfMkf.b’OOKR MMOOI. HOOKA 11 l«1im Main ttroat ArgLI.BM-Oon.ly *. Now Tnfk, Wmotor, M PH IA ANU IIIHHBK MJTHAMATIOB-IHoiW, Ao IIOTIONAIIM WiMorb a-.d Walker**, and Wnrortta'a Mo WfUMf. HBOHK t PHIM Miirhrif. f>ln*r. .«<***>. Bto-kharid'o. PRIIdJRuPlIT—/*orfrr Ml— Awf/I. ,Union,*,Ar OOMPlHHtinN AND AHATiAIO - QiuiionOoo. Brook Roll, Blair, Ao., Ae. RirrORIM - A ranof y, rahrarlsg Hoc dr \h, Ptanonb, A. aft P ■ PRIOR hl'TT WMr—fc Sraise fmoh if non lam Hotter, for aal* ay ~ 1 W. PIPE, apt _ No. I IST Ann ijnoaa ni b Bb^k a M.uil No | Hereto*. b* bbt* No • and S Maraarol—*w aala bp WM WALLAOR ADM A, . *•'* _ _ Onrnrr Prarl and Oarp *ts._ mTMW ftfbft l*a, WBCNB trootgbu. ALPABTl MO ABA I* IT rtalolof nw. »f Utr handsnara Droa Onrdo star *»« la u"**’'f .. N* *atNoo ibo an ..non af ih« adlo* ta ba w* I ootortaM AR bo ao*o to a rail bo loo, p«„l.*a«, ao ho I* oaad .'oaf that h* aaa pioaa* all that will Most him with a r*P. .. ALPBBD MOURN, **" « Mala ttraat. N£ W8 BY TELEORAPH. ARRIVAL OK TBi ARABIA. , I***! IWpt. 3f. The vUaiu.hlp Arabia baa a rWmlaffSaudy Hook, with Liverpool data.*, th. Is. (XMtMtRI'l AL. bail -iTJEirl U* -1'* ,or “*• "" 8*,ntl ITT? . IT:0uu.t!>r »P««utaUa., and 'J.uno lor nporc Tb ™ k»l uloard Dim and steady. liruker* at there u a r^r* oi . B-sp, ,,w * Oo., u7i b\ 14, but IM laltai wa* luirrl, maintained Oil... ’ *'1*4’ U^U**** Kale 1 l *J. Uh dlmg U IBd. floor ... dull .ml nominally urn-hanged Hlg aud >aya K ha* doclm.dl.on tba week. Corn , * ***** ba** d«rcW«l lo 6d lo l*utk Woo alivhil lommr and iu good JfiiiAnd. The bullion in lliM (Unk of F!r ilind hid incwticd COOO Oi)0. CotMuJi «n« V7 M lo 1*7 I id. HIM ■I.LANKH t. Thn accounts •! Ike AUauilo Csblo from Volenti* wtr dweworm* n# t •bnrtw kind decline*! lo £380. Tha Loodo Tknio« think* (hero rim (wo furtum iu tl«« i'sbU lira 4b# abrupt divp water, between two aud three bundle TlX* li** lb* *hor® Tl,e bare been auld aa lo. The ■ leaner Hammonia eiploded her magemne eoo alter leaving Hamburg, and waa compelled to put 'back Ki»e paaaeogera ware iijured. ARRIVAL OK TUK PU1N0K ALUKRT. Nuw Toaa, Kept. 2*. The tteamablp Priocu A'be. arrired bare lo day. The list ol the panengrrs nr* Irom the Auatria la correct, with tba addition ol 8 P« teraoa and K. Thom p-on. Tba M.-aiuvblpe Alp. and Arlal, Irom Canada bad ai Heed out. Sever.I ol tbs paneogera by tba Prinea Albert, loclu ding M.aara. Roean, ol Richmond, and Berra, oI Uackri. sack. New Jersey, give viatrmenU of the diravrrr to tb Au.tria, diffe.ll g not vuh.Uiili.lly Irom tha previous ar count. Mr. lVteraoo. a Suede, eaya tb . capuin was ih, Bnl to jump overboard ; no engineer or oIBcer wav lo be lound, and u«v quently nil dlvHplins was at an end. Mr Rouen Hr. In. I.iber waa In a boat whan it aa. cut Iron the davit*, and 1*11 out, but altrrwvrda supported him*. I • lib an o*r. Alter Uir boat right, d, hi* lather caugb bold al (ha stern, but, nhaavted, fell over aud wo tlKTS* -L'T,rrr„’S^r* sJzzr ssur— * THK HANDICAP RACK. Niw Vo«. Sept 2„ —At the K.rhiou mere* the bar dkrap rede ol twuand a b.lf miles, wav won by Duo Joai — lima lour miuutaa and thirty-ata seconds. Niohwla did not atari. THK CAULK! Tsibitt IUt, Rapt. ‘id.—Thais wars a* aignala yeutai day. Tba eh etricai indications aru unchanged. TUB MAiKrnt. N»w Tun, S*t>l 89 0-tUon Arm, ■»>•• of tho lav b%l«o - *1 I sate, white »1 Jtvaw Oorn Moady-mtlad TO^TV, ;rllo »4 rpte Ty pooUof M- lo urn. B.xtn and Blcr Mmtiposs, Sept 9 Hoar dull aad UDohanff.d Bad vSai IIKSMc. ohte II n'0*» Ohio quite—»h U HAc, prlloa 91, Oro -u'lM and Hat it Store (Ira aoJ uchaopd. HEIiDEN * mUXEB, CORNER OF PEARL A CARY STREETS, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. IMPORTKItS AN DIALERS IN FINK OLD WIN EB, BRANDIBS, LlgCORS, Ac . Ac., UATB now In More a full assortment of Goods In thstr ltne, I which they tovite lbs aUsnUoa of thsir frlsuJs and the UaJ guo* rally Their »lack const** • la part, via : Brandies—Otard, Dupuy A Oa.. various vintage*, ioc lading lAslr f O F brand, lb* finest la pur tad . Hnnassrj, Bnkarock, Flos Caatillon, A. AcIgntU. J J Dupay. Bdgar. Ac. Ac Ac. Madeira Wloss—Black bjru’s Old Baacrv*, Bluody. Oliveira. Re serve Old Aooih Ardv ; also, medium and law grade* Madeira Fart W > net - Cork burn’s Old Crown, Sundsrmau's afaotce and var old. pure Juice Burgundy sad Oeaf, OriMl.'d, Granulated and Powdered Harare Laguayra, Bio, Mocha. Java and Cape Ocffj** Orleans. Cuba and Porto Rico Molasses Fur* Older Vinegar Bp«»ni and Adamantine Candles Brown and Fancy Soaps Bptces of all kinds Liverpool(and Or. and Alum Halt Oot t on*' ar us and dsr,>*Nmp1 dandle Wmk , Cotton and fl> mp Twins Teas, various •jaalittrs, Or**o and HU. k M*mp and Oot.on Ploug • Lines; Bod Cords Wrapping Paper, var o *s alt •* Swede’s 1 Amcrlrsn Hamm* red Vlron English aod AawU ia Boll d ( English and Aw ertran rrd Stesl Cast, Hl»*s r aryd tier man d< Broad Plough Iron. 7 to It Inch Oval, half oval and naif rc4jod Iron Amer.nan, English and Russia .*lu«l Iran Band and Hoop Iron Nail RbMs, Amcr can aod SwuJ*'s Retard Harm Shim Iron Horss Ikon and Horse Shoe Nalls Tin Plat* ; Pig and Bar Ttu Sheet Kmc ; Spelter aod Spelter Solder Sheathing . Hrstlers' and Bar Copper Shot, and Bar L ad Around, Wagon aod Oort Bogs* McOormick and Palmer Mould Boards Woodeu Bucket Handles Bucket Ears sod B>v«ts, lonrd and block _Tin Piatce, varl' os Pars BWT Pariienlar atienti- n given In the sale of Wbbat, Fugs an OoWBTST PnuPtfQS generally. a»SA NTOKEK A HIV KN, W U O I. K H A I. K UKIIOKKB. BiOHMOND. Vi., OVVCB BOB 8AI.B— Hhd, V. K w>d Muscat.,In Puffin •■■> l>k.l loaf, crushed Mil coffer Puffin 6*1 I'M* II >Trromeui Jara Ooffm &*•> biff. Kk, and Liffuaj ra ilo *6 qr biff* Mucha do Is hefft lioda »•*> l*« White lead aod Ziu IMa* .tec. 8ol. Uaiter 1<»« krff, Ball., aborted lunff boics AAaraaff tin, Can.lla, IS*, down Buchrte 1*0*1 re.id. Wrapp up Vapor MO boar, french Ola... aoMrted 1*8 rasas Bias and stvh Uoorte* 6 tens Amcr can Ml tersd Bterl tfl bar. Pepper 80 do Allaplc, WUh A larf. Mpplf of Olhrr artlclaa asuallp foaod la a pm store ooK NEW KRtlKDIKX MYroPHnurmra or limb, HTPOPHORPHITR OP IRON, MYPOPHORPMITI OP DOHA. DOURLR IIYPOPHOBPHITBB OP LIMB A BOD H I'OPIIOPPMITBOP AMM NIA, BYPOPHOAPMITB OP POTAMA, HTPOPIIORPHOKHR ACID, oompoundiybupoptbb bypopiio phitrp, 0I.T0BBOI.B OP TUB HTPOPnOBPH raa. AII the Abort propArailtna, moot of which ha or Am on h lyhly r commended by br. OherckMN M apeoiBr nmriM In Iho nn confirmed OoneampUon, wa t.aaa for anlo In nil uoanllllee. A Wo Ooorpr thd »yrop of Iho rhoapheiae of Lima. Ir.o, Roda Aa Pmama, or Oh ami cel Pood, now riianelrily oood na a n air III tonic lo rhrowlo dtoao*ra, dyepepeta, Ac. Paiotniaaiu nf P.iiaaan, na nnrd by Dr Olrdwood aa both a d odoraal and eerharotW. and aaafal aim la diaMiee. PyrnphoaphaLa af (ran and Brain, aa hifMy rarommoadrd aa Wi.lr. w It lab W raally a mlalatorad. d.-er oal prodiaoa fauna lo ll dlcMIre i rpil, and la rapidly abaorbrd Tim abora ara hr aala by LAIDLtT A ROBINSON. pharmaorollral OhrmlaW, a*1® __ f*A Abd franklin Meet* a. Blcbmond. nYSPRPBM, aa thnwo by Iba eUlemaal af tbt board Imolih of Nro Y ort, rsaood iho doakh of Td porrooa, owl of Bl doaiba Id om wmk.awd III draiba by roaaompOoa.tndocad ky l>y pupate. Aa N la a wall ailaatad farl, that Dyeuepeia it lha artpa iba eoferlat af a I art. portion of thaw who die of eooawmptlow. bornmaa Urn doty nf arrry m>* to oaa iwrb praraottona afainat. ai ram alma far Dyaprpma. aa minor aad rrportaora bar* ptaard h far* kirn, an 1 which hara rrnrrd In be aMcaclooa Of IhW abaca lar I. Dr. WILLI A MR' INTI DTSPBPTIO BUIIK,la norroMralb af which road Iba fullawlaf leetlm .ay : _ , _ iwly lit, 1»«». Da I. WiUiaaa: Dear BIT - Aa I think that a pwbtta aabnnwladrmanl of Ib* yrw baorAi I bar* rooolrad fram the oaa of poor mad Irina, w Mt n 4ua lo yoa, bat may ba owe Cal an athart, I taw out a It. for acaar yrara I auBrred tram Dytpepota, which Inaraoacd la aach a* earn, ikai my heoHh and ronatilalinn aara rapidly ainkiay andar N. waa compelled m raatnet myaalf lo iba moat almpta food, awl on that I could not dlfeot. I tall a lorn of rtreo.lh, dtatnrtlnaUoa la a memo, and (na yea hara H la yowr edrtrttatmtwe) a fnteraf Walti of dtprtsMon arid tadeaartbaMo wranoeat. fa Iba yaar 1MI, baa laaAima ot».ora kwh recnmo.ondettan of ynwr Anil Opmuptia Mill I penawrad aad aard ll with tba moat i appy .bp, eater iw la a atioe, laaawoe aard woarlnaaa fradaahy paired away, aad my epp the retarded. wtrtrh I rnaM (ratify olih Impmnlty Tea yaora ba' mw afapaed. aad my MiUeaaa la the rorallao pnwara nf ym madletfia bat nf nnoeae inrraaaad. far N completely aarad am wk. I failed ta abtaln raimf from any other moron Tory rosportfbiiy. yowr*. AbNtR Bl MBS, a __ Market aod Math atraata. Nf BIN »P MRADB A BABBE. BpIB—HDMtlBW 'Uin >""•» FfWa Nn I Col Harrlnye, t*N^F l«n heir da do da Mai h la Thranaatoa I lorn SO do Tar, la nod ardar, BA da Tanner*' Oil, for aala by _(mil) RPOTTP, H » RTBT B 00. CHIB IP V|| ktu, UIMP RII.MR. Brrrlrlny Ik / mneniof, a larya lot af plaid Bllka, wMeb I w II aril • I iba r *»■ mala brw prior af M oeola par yard- tertt dnabio. I inrlla tl •Adme la partleal r ta celt and aaa Bmm baton they ar* all (om ALPBBD MfYRNB. NW_lljlaiaa root AI.AMdiE LOT Ol «. I > i. H A *1 a. i kaaajaat r relied a larya lot of dealraide (Hntbaaaa. which I am eellli •• •**< rrata, wnrib td .an All iboaa la seal nf a cheap HI.,, Ham dr aaa, mw W Iba eneeptad Hot. AI.PBPD MnRMI. « Mala elraat « .%« Itl’WPI !'«•’ vi pm lAft ABA m » to lr| T1NR OtNDLBB, la plain and renew raara, hy earn by »alf_ I AO R irtTBMPort. WHI f I MM M 4 top , IftM t ANTN.MM A h to, A Babbard'e R the dream m lha beat article la nao. it ratali Na remUUeto aod will wat fan P r ea*a in Una and baya W PBTBRNON, Draft mt. pal* Rameaeer ta AWtaadar Pwrtl. HPRRIYN’t PATKAT I B( A Rf PIHN RAPP ORB THOfMtRII lr.il i tap a .tread tar praef that Ik Itoiletu nf my me of ' Nrrrlaf'i Paeawi Obaeoctan Petal'' bar rear bee* teat my* i by Bra. TWrmyhl? BrROI II PBOfl Ba PM are mad* by Memra Rerr'ay A Ita , with Pnwnaa Para I.CAe, eat awa af whirl baa rear let* rnbbrB. BRlkWLM B WAl.POBD. Ayaaie, ■MB __________________ ■« *n»l * WRAPFfBD PAPI'R. I i> n team* 'ar,. end err* kraklp IPSA B M BB1MBBI B 00. HLACRBKBRI nn YNIYY , br In raid*. tar eaW I MBBDt B RARBB Ovmlet., | ml IM R. W coraer MatB aRd 1B»b atraata. NANUR or THKMBIOIIIKTItB t AT J. W. AAjriHll.ru'A WOJCBTOBB AJtO BJAPBAT, I 1*1 mam mnr-ten im, im. [• T ------ (WTimoa u .. ••••-»» u '• ! .«# M __.;_ • • - n _at i H _ MAKINK NRWH. n POST OP BlOHMOHD.HarT. vbTimil * aiHAlldiiii UhtM. int vim at ,itYun ABUVBD. ; “y1* P»IM-»T. Bocklond. tlm*. Brl Jg(„. j * On. »M AKral Boy, thwahnarr. J>»,| ,11 lamia,. 0. Wol hall ^•cbr alloahaU, Arcularoa. Hoe.<11, B.Malend. t.ma, A 1 •chr Uuooa Belaharjr, Oalo'a, Main., laahcr, Whitlock A Am. . . _ . _ HAII.kO. Be. Br'g Boaella. Halarca. Noilwlk, In load for Ba-hodnaa 1 da« **•'». Dnrlaon. Nurlalk, l« load Inc Boiko • r!*r i',OM Pp*,k< v«" Pan. down the gtrar, I (hi. ■ A On ,,*“**, MoahlngU.n, Annapwlla, mod W. D. Onl<|olU r Behc Mott Ana Ooaat, Bo rgti. down Do rlrar, light. 1 ————— KICII no.Tllk TIIIMTKIi. i , ADNAILAOO^.Lcaaaaa ond Moaofnrg. k'werth night of lha Twang Am rtcen Tioga.laa, I ML BJHIN BOOTH. TIIUWDAT BVgNIBQ, Bapt. Sath. ISM. WUI bo porlvrmaJ, lha tclahralad pin/ of tha I ■ HO* CHUT. •*» Btword Mortimer .Mr. t4w o ^ ^ Tambov r IM lUnce . H M gut* Penn, i,r T« ooDdi«k«tUi Wukipnrv'iOoiordi «f KATHAHIIE AMI FETBrClO. . Mr Fdwla Book. I>tr *»f I 'ijBWkU Dupuf. In Um IV|I DUPUY'8 ? NSW i'KRFIJAiH, ? i l +»urp4tu*i in Fragrance J ^ /'fitMMnry, If * And SlainUpB im iu km—lUme* 3 * KISS-ME-QUICK | I IMaUllod from fragrant Tullpa. * i x. Dtrpxry, ckwist, » ., j_*°* itnmavt_z For tha m nhara IHana at kaa lark. HUS-MB-gUK.lt POMA0B PITH THB HAUL ■ 1SAMB QC10K BAOHBL BOB THB BUBHAU. HUB MB MOIOK SOAP BOB THB TOILBT. Ob«T. Howard A Hunger, New Tor*. Behl-ff.lltn Brae . A Co., - Jiwte T Meiwell, “ » 0 Write A Oo , « | J. W. Nercraee A Oo.. Beaten u.| New Tor*. I Jell—FAW4- Sold rrerr where. ' Timni ft «;o7, * NO. 550 UROADWAY, NEW YORK, Aon ounce that they hare ••cured the cnUra ’ ATLAHTIC TELK6RAFH SUBMARINE CABLE j New on board the (1. N. VTEATC I'UIVATE NUUARA. IN order la place It witMn the rraeh ol ml claaare. and that rrrry family In the United Mates may poieree a oioclaen of this " wonderful mrcha nloul runoeity, they propose to rut Iho Cable into * pwoua of Cur Incbet lu length, and mount them acuity wl-h breia Mam. Each lace will ba accompanied with n copyrighted fne .Imtle rrr ' lllrate Of ‘ CYRUS W. FIELD. ESQ.. hat II to cwt from the yeoetoe coble. Twenty ml Ire of K Karr been * ectoa'ly eubra-rred and taken op from the bottom nr the ocean — r Thto will be Sret sold in prre eely the e ndltton In which the great Oebte now Hot in the bed of the Atlantic, e Orders will be render* from dealer- and altlere foe wot leer Ihan llhl t-lrcce at u time, at per hundred. Retail price ft ty crate each. Th - Coble wll a’eo he eold la ih, roodKIou In which It same'ram the N Mere. In lengths of 40 feet and oeer, el ett, emu per led. . Pmeller quantities a $1 per fool Rncn older mu » be ac omp pled by lha money, la fundi currant lo New Tork.ue It will not be pore blc lo open ncconute. , CAUTION. . IF Attention la rrapcctfally lawitcd lo the full wing latter from 1 Cl 111 S \V. FIELD, FM(. Yoi K, A Um* il.h, ISf* Mti*n TIFFANY A OO —(Irnll nro : At y ur rp'iucst, sod lo justice lu j»«, 1 SSI UasiiH lo stole thsi 1 dlsposr.1 of Ihe entire bs loner of the Ail Antic Cable, on ihe U B. • ram fr gate “ Niagara,” * lo your firm and ihaiif any other party Halms to li »vr any poru.n i there' It aiusi eilh-r h v* hero pr«artir-d fro* y«J% or fro* thr | 1 «*elt spectra* >• *hlch were dMr hU(H r-o hoard lirfore the uable was laid, to which co t the qaanlity 11 wo total, lo L- worthy of ao . lice Tbsrs Is a p*c«t»ar fotcrtst attached lo tbs Cable which yco havr bought - twenty Use af l wrre actual y so merged in the ocesn aid recovered, while through alt of U the c reirto rig- ala «rrc bring ti loses Ills 1 daring the whole cf Ihe lime meupied la laying lbs ca b's. 1 Of (w*ur s aoy q lactlty of ralJr eub« m m, ufa-Mured In lugionil. h and many ep cire.ui hare been c*'r> t:iol#d in thh r ••untry, but in few, »f any of ihr*-. tuorhes the peculiar value which IhscoM par* eha-«1 by you p'i«wi, from the fart tnat they were pari acJ par cel of Uas ca* Is wfilch Is now anutlly laid. I remain,g-nliemra, V. ry Uialy yoar friend. Rawlu. _ CVIU -J W FIFI.n. mm.i ioin i.ian nsnn u:, BUCKIN'tll AM. VA. f |V1K Fall Session of ILis Institution Will open oo the t?ud of grp JLrTi i rA,iLTY .. J. J. hen, AM, Fr of. of Math-mat :ra and AnrWot Laoru*r«-s iiMin 1’ia.r, Fmf of Modrrii leiniuigei an«l llutk. Mr*. ■ a. huat, A«*t«taijt in Frro. h m l Miuic. M'»sjA. A Oooo, lo*lr u.'lrrt* lu Ornamental braise ties, aid Awli* -, Assistant lu Mostc Tt RMM per s»osu>n. due lo advsocc : Board, iorlodlug furl, lights auel washing. ...|«0 Oil UgibbAruiciha.. . .... Id (m> IaSIAU or liffrk, or both .. 7fWl Bwltro Unfuifot, each....*[* . 2 a,. Moth- oo than.» or Ouilar.....* ... Use af Piaoo .l l.llllllllll'.llll * £ Vnaai Maatc no aatga Drawing, dlffcr.ut hind, of Tainting end different kluli of Ncwdle Work, al usual > ha»g-i Among ihr many advantage* Ihe luatUut* %0..rd» lo young ladles wishing to obtain a thorough rdurateoo. may he mentioned the fact, that two of the Professors and their famllt**, and also all the Assist loMiiwie. aud eat at Urn same table w.U. the young ladlaa. This orroBgrmeul enables the students w obiata s i in Ihs.r studies wheoserr Uadal, so I teruies proper aitrolivO to tlecii manners, o mf.ut and well b« tog Pupils coming by ih* James n»«r cods’, will he met at New Can loo with suitable conveyance#. k#y sriilag lo that *F-ot to the Pr*i deaf of thr lustlta r Those c..mlog by th« rtoulhsldc fcailr. s I. %|'| ’’ r:™#'.™rc.rb,?V7“BUm"r*^ ^•r,u For farther tofuroiailoa, address rn.4-A.ealm JN0 0 BLAORWBLL, _*•’ _ Orarel Hill, Va. _ FKHIAI.R M-'HOm,. n*N«T ROIHNPO* per-p-e a to •qwn.. n Ihe #r»t MONDAY la October, In e r.ry rleretnt room eb-.re H-r Hrcemore Thorah twetur. Ro-n.. a rCMALB HCHOOI., to wh.eh will be Ih.-r.-ugMy taught the urwel brsuebe. of K, gtt.h, the Latin nnA Trench Ian *ue«re, aad Mimic on Ihe Plano. The l«rme, |.V- per eeeelon of ole. months, will be r.qolred, Ihe cne l-elf In edren e the oiler ,t tt„ mwid aoflha moon Hi. dnugi-.e. who bn. hM wrara.' Jenra* etperieo. . In tenchli g. will her. Chug* af Urn IfaMcal IhmiiamL al an additional price o-#4*i the eeaalon. ’ H. R •• acquelntnoie In Rid,mood, le quite UmUed, hut he gut ter. hlmmir. that en erperlcDce in femnle unchlur la Norfolk a- d the lower country, will eo.ure thr entire eattefacUon of thee, pho mey patron at his InalHutlon. He • xprate lo be In Richmond the lest week In 0.1. moa'.h. but In the Interim, be rufcre, fur further purUcatere to tile friend, Trof. H. J. Oh lulu. He Woult uleo refer, most reepeciluliy, to the following guotla _ JUDOB IALLTBrRTf>N, Pk. Ww. If. OWATTfMIT 7 Gor. JNO M UghGORT, Pi THOB J. aV tNS, - F- N ATLBTT, heq , N AT. B. HILL, Trq . Pa BAT. KBLTUhD, l.twle HILL gru and vm. W. HIKUUK, J. II 4 RT, lh« Da UORT 1YNR, (firm of D«o4rMft 6 Mart ) »«lO-tUw*g l* MOKK Til tR 500,000 KOTTI.U ROL0 IN THR u Nrw England Mates in One Year. Tilt RRPTORATIVRof Prof. J. WOOD tor rmtorn I ha'r per. feeilr and permeneollp hea nreer pet had • n»»l. Volume •Her eoluma mlpht be , rm from all p.rta of the w, rid end from ► *fce moat lotelllpen: In prr.ea that It It a ptrfrrl /.V4.renr in. ibooph some map oi*.r Iw r par d in the waps af damp It; knl raarp i- one wlU admit tbal a bane-Ifel brad of heir, either la man or wo. n mew, lamwrb la ba drelred, end there are ao means that shoeM he lafl entered to o* sin re.h W coo tl deration ~ HVomfo'r J,Innvrlt. Philadelphia. I* _ Core «mp Ohio, Ne». II, I*04. P 0.1. RnOfllOO-Oeala: Aa I hare been rnpaped in settle* tl poor Hw'r Re stern, lee the tart season tar one of pc er locel apeete '* tR M Hackln.cn) and berlnp eapmienred the ben. • tat • P ets rj I H orprelf, I • on Id Ilka t« obtain an epenrp for the (Hate of Ohio cr o pnma Rtalatn the W.st, rboeld poe wish to make meb ao trranpe >- weal, as I am sooetorsd its , la rs Miap rparsf <•> 4 fa Ms fn< • tf! ntafe* flrr rreterdmp Me h*tir. I k>tr Mrs rnpaped In the !• lire* boarosas tor saatrai pears, and baas eold aaetons prepare, r. rations tar the hair, bet bees fron t nothin* the' rasters* the seere 1 tier ,rrfant, r laetpoeatea the aae >P aa wet I aa poses, hath, rude ► eone,need thel prae ret ratlaa la what pow reprmeel It Iw ha. I '* would Ilka to rnatfa lo the sola »f H, for I am miHRed n moat mil Tears truly, I. T. ITOCRNtN. Wmist. Man Pstr. A.IMU. PROP. O t WOOD A OO - ft rota : Marine reelieH the pood t&.mt of poor Hair Restorative, f sM to state, that Undine me hair prawlwp IMn. as writ as prap, I was Indoead, from what I re d asid heard, lo Irp the article prepared bp pwa, to promote Its prow h end rhsnps tl* sotae a* it was In pnwth, hath af whlrh it has rCrrtsd sewplsdety In tha operation I haas treed soaelp three hotII a Tears Ar. JaM« PRANCIP O. J WOOD A 00, Propratora, Alt Rrnadwsp. Nrw York, (hi thapreat Nrw Tort Wire Raltinp R tehHahment.) and 114 Market threat, PI. Lamia, Ma. - And sold hp all food f>rap*1ota. is tha Oanalne Hair Reatoratlvr aan ha had al tha folio wine pi some PCR0R1.L, 1.4 fill A 90. a DUVAL A NORTON IP. PRTRRAOM, anti) -dAwRa __________ _ ls»«iM HUNT. The Tenement oa Rank etreal, ad ■ Jot-In* the two tenement* ooreplrd hy Mr. Harwood, M b oowtaie'er* too room*, kitchen, « ml and waod reRars Oa. JH, < and water an 'he pram Hea. dpptp lo b «I4 I f JOHN OkVW* liYHH HP.NT,-t Rrtrb Ooiwpr (aeitokie for a email . tr faml y 1 e.-memtee rnaen or aiph, mm. in ore order, ** . nearly 'mi-aite tha Oitp P|relap, on Nth etreer * nt. Rtfai ■ Apptp I" MR D.IVR a OO | "l.tlTHKK ABB RI’BRKK RRI.TIBM," MfB LKATHBB, > HIT AM Mil Brt, ROSE kr. • RV NOWI.RN 4 WALPORI*, N, tl Pmn sort, aril the ahoaa ■m. naroerl arte ei PtOtalRV paiORR. and warrant tbam. RawNIDR and ROUND SRI.TH rnrnon d on abort nottea HIM» RNOWlrAR A Wtl PtiRD . UTIM Rt kt»M Ndk W_ • IV Va Plata Alorh fame. Riser tl .rare-teed R. a da P Va IVnlrel Rarlrawd Wot.da * Manemnt flap Ra lr -ad Road, Per aula bp hMDRRR, NITTON A On , RN ________ tachaape and it ek Rrotras A I INI It viOaPR hea tha cheapen Riark Put. for (i, aver Pare. Ctall at d l.m* fc.r p • wise If t I.PRPD MORRR, *H__ d'Mara street. P4-MI VI tN NO. I til ANII, R.iamdtla 0 - oanl. Oal eltmd PItstsr, Para R R Rem, Rie,. Aral P.i an.l Rntar Of, i Odin* Taras; tar seta bp I I. A H R DAVRHRORT. | ——p^^ses— JJW CARDS, “W A u CIL ltu,l>rff j . , CAWKIBC * j- ■»'*»■« n..,_ , l.«W FAHTIFKHf •*■ ATIMO UirM nwll Italdu.n «K*rt HkMlgM w# brreoftrr |.»»rHrF law to Jkll the Unirte h*«4 in UK Ox UK au4 aajtla .f AUt B. It (TtArr A F*rttcdi*r .iirniUm *n W ip'v*n I* ih» (Wkmn, . Cl.iua . *"• Kuxr Partnur will ah, naaia,i( akKad *** <*„.» c.,art, »r la>k*>HMK ul RMkkrkQa. A«d Uk U url at Ap<*.l. u u.. •" ALEX, tf » ATI’kET •uuotoo. Am »|. |*ML_, v ,tm 10.11 a BOOLDIR, ATTOItSKVN AJT LAD, CUAKLOTTK ootrt uojbr, VIRGINIA •fcriu-OkariMU, Fllkua IdaarJ. lafiullMa. MxkWnbart mt Luoaukurg.___ ).*—lj HKNHV T. PABHIMI. ATTORBET ft LAW. MU practice to Um C q-'jr and Circuit OovB • OtntoUikl torato**.. Prince Rriwasd Ltd Pewhalna. Addroes. Omii»«flai»4 O. W. Ya__ Jet7-|y JTBIO H 1**0 a HKO \% !M, ATTORNEY /fUtW.Rj^ • Moan. Y4 , arlll practice in the Charts of the elt )« 0f Richmond Petorsbur*. and of the eauatios of Ururtoo nod hcotertUld. 0®ee en Main street, oppoolte the Antrlsaa HoU f*-ty_ nivin j. \MH)i)iiNk ATTORNEY AT LAW AN«» NOTARY PI ILIO. Afese Oiefna, ooooJjr, It. ptAOTIPtt regularly la all the Court • of iMtlr toa Ouasber ■ " land, Fluvanna and UtbemarU. All I sitoen «trwotod to him ril he promptly attended to. Poet New n%oue. Iieehlnffham, Ya aihAD—If tmr.^1. HF.URVi ATTORN BY AT URatl«4 R. ▼ ▼ Omrte ef OharloUe. Prtooo Edward and Ha lax. ^Post Odtce. Charlotte C. H . Ya. apl7—1y Jab. r. lab. jaji. ulaaantr LRR * PLEAKARTBi ATTORNEYS AT LAf, OTA BUCK PUBLIC, AND OC MM llWl ON BRA Cf DBIDP Ac.. LT practice to all the Courts held la tho city of s the ooantles of (P'ooMtad, Heniioo and Haaowr ORm oa 11th street, third door from Ma t |a4—ly K ■»WB#IA«»b«iswaili >B|(iV fHiaplrtfilt TunfcMn and Hamas, aM Uddwees PHteyteuala Oourthoase. Ya. o«A--1t* HIGH A It DSON & CO. DUAL KXCI.USIVKI.T IN, And keep for sole la qeeatilloe to suit porchamra. at their VAUEU00M8, BO. 85 WHS STREET, RICHMOND, VA , ALL BINDS UP CARPETINGS, Floor Oil Cloth*, I ('urlnin C«od«, SMS*, Hula, | Window Miudo*. Table Oil Cloths riAiio am* taui.c corn*, Ac. We will birr n&dt to order cakpi:t«, oil m oths, V IKDOW CURTAINS ASD S H A I> K S. 11^ Art now prrparrd to rtTrr to oar Vlrnda eartomm an I rr bajrr.g, rrallj. for U..a PAL./4 HI'AlHIXf Ibt lorgta. tommrut ol all Uw OOODI rmbrvrd la var CARD bon. tool »r bon rnr b.4 no rihibilk o at aao Uw. Whuu be • ytoorr toMtlfol. Ibt vtrlely lo qoo'ny it oaru pourd, aad am.r torn Imparted by norarltti, aat.tr tft ratal fkvoraMt clr •mMoooat. 4tract from Ibt mat.uf.rlarrrt In Rrglaad. aod to. tried rRh rorr from Ibt tort fart rtr, la 'tr. coantry. wt frrl |art fird la arianrg that wt Alt anil trill trll Ihrm at at law prVtt at rood, I t alia* ipial'ly, of tit’ tr Rngltaf rr Arntriroa aanaftriorr, ran * parchttrd al atry hoaw la tto On.trd Rtatrt Wt card tally latltt all baytn and TlaU rt to Ibt city to rxamlat •' »'to« RICHARDSON 4 OO , at’S - df tided «___Afl Halo ttrr-k. h ■ c ii n o in % oek c r DVEP.POOL AND LONDON Fire aud Life lusurancf tompiuj. OAMTAL «I 0.01'0,0. lO I *VSS RAI.F MU LION »LLA *M {*> VSHTSH INTHK IT ST A Try. rUE UALtUTYorras shah ten* hi>k*$ vshmitro The rerroae of the Co -puny L*.ABA ANNUALLY. The iomfiit is therefore vrepurrd to m-r* see th le—nl h.iburto Ukeo 0 eoeir*pt»o(table rUki They will issue Poi.-lss for Lom or Dam F* by »isa on hq tiding*, Merchandise. Huusebuld Furniture. Ac , K , on UbtnU Urtns IwruKi rr Farrs Title Company will ma*e Inmrance agaluat low of Bon by Finn •a s u*f an J moot liberal principle PUIATISO f ML*Cl ML Floating Poleles la In-uf MasruaJiiusa. when In cne or any amher of *n>aM*. or on the wbabvu a*.d on board ship* in p»»rt. ranted. In addition to (hr ordinary mode of Insurance, this 0. mnany Is wet PERMANENT PUl IClIQi. on payment ef tbs Assetl pr*. ulunit. Hfoperty Is Uvenrrforth »-rm»nm«iy iusur« d. By lh«t flan s same* of nearly rojrry ;>er ttnl is i Sscie I . (U.e tom l or «T*1 will In the coarte of Ahem years am. unt to the wh.-le of thr IrpoAli;) the risk and toeontealmor of r>r.i»ib a re avutded. T»»* *otlcy ran be cane«da4 at any u.oe at the risk of U.e h Uler, U«> 'rtahia Uriug leiorned Ls« fire p r oral. CIU* F WOBTHAM.) a R W. WTATt, f Alftofc |T“ OFleo Cor the present M Main otrrel g|.|f WAN « I'll -T psrnAost a I.ABT i* MAID One p met •tag Ur neossary a*.» P. r out bATtng any eurh to Jit •ou of prtraUly, will da well to call on KAWUUOIA hoiladat. •vl . tf _C--ri r Mala a* J Ihb «*.r.«-i«. KM II 4N b II llq gk.skral agent and ooi.i.KcrroB. 11TH.I. ia future derm» t.U wfwde «U»e »0 the colloettnn ft' lirrnfi lfi® the* Nnrtnerto enW He h’a* fren rrirtkt T 'Idrty years in this burin, ss. and i- r..nfi lent that be ran sire sa:i7 ’UC«-..n to iln.su the may mplny him. Richmond, July »u., laba. l»1t»—«m .of as ai>« nr iro, vm.i.f’k m ■ *«•»« «mi,v ril.lSU Bl.ARlMHO A!tl» DAT HClfOOL -Th., Ic.liu.i.o on,blur. |-e ul.tr adt atogrl <„r (to » tpti.iti.a nf Ihr Pr-nch loo laif-’ tt.d O Ibnroof*. oar. of In^.u.n .n in 'ogbrii. Voat* lo **P T,V*TW» •— doaototbrlr ttau- .,-l^.to.y to Prrwrh. wHt to rod rUtrd to tor u pa pit. or portor b.or.Jtta AVr.ml.rt (tt.ot irna. ,04 rrlrtrorrt trot no tp) licotluo to Uo'Unr IPOOTfl.lJC lfSllt »tt'nut tt. WiPaAHpbto._ trlg-roWlw—.■ t on] III I II KM, III 1*1*. 011 . & C.-WM. RRAto,M cr*na Alton, kttpt c n.ttutly cn h.oJ, I.Ka rriflteloll * mj*. Hot. tn.l Itpprr U-otht.; frri.rh tnd Am, rictu Half Htlot; lloinr... Hfe.rilag, blo-k ond fa r Hrult Lrothrr Lo lit. tod trrnto’ Mnracrtn; Hll.dlog tad Llolog IMU Root rtr, t-\ VoroUli; No.lt, Torkt, Ccrrlrr'a Too:., OH, 11 Jr,t Ac,, All nf wf leb will to tr.14 o. A trry tmoll Ad,tort no .to crtglool loti, for OAHU, or to ( unctool <'U»u>.otrt no tto utu ,1 crtdlt ttW-tt_ THR LIVER IN VIGOR A TOR! l-RKPARKD HV DK. »AN*)RD, C’oiupoiindrd rnlinlv from GFMS. Iwi'wpor THK HK-iT rr KflATI VK ANn LIVKIt MKUICINC n..w b, f-r. tl, public. U.«t act. aa a (M'VirliV, aa.ier, milder, bod effectual than any olhar medicine iluwd ll la not only a lYiM-rrffc, but a Urar remedy, actlrff flrat n the /tree, in Heel iu morbid n.alter, then oa the aW-mnch and booele lo carry off ihai ma ter, lima ace. mpl,ahlry two tat paws tffhrtially, with, ol any of Ibe painful fee! nga expert.oced In the oprrati oa of m at <'„, tk.,r. lira It strrnffthrus ihe ayNem ol U,c aame l me that II paraca It; and whan loam cally In mod.rau d..ae», will crenyU.cn and boild It ap with uduouxI rapidity Tl,e I-rraa la one of tho • prtnrtpa rrg.Utora of the haman h.My . and wh.n It p-rfo -ma Its foretime well. I hr power* nl the atalem are Ml fnly darr'oped Thetf-sawci le almost et.llr.ly dependent mu. on the eailtj action ul Iha /Avar lor the p-vper perform w ance of -e ruaeUont; when U-c ■ic-nach Is st f.oli.lhr b- w.ls p- are at anil, anJ the whole ayaietoeuff rs In roaaeqasnrw H of ooe organ—Iha lieaa— baatog ccaa.d lo do iu duty. f-r a. diaeaaea of U.at or gan, ona ol the proprietor! ^0 baa mane It Mr aiody. n a practice ol more loan tarcnly 'f year*, t, Cod tome remedy •her.with to c. unicracl the M many d-ranaameote to whirl, It la liable. SM To prove that iMa remedy It A a I la-1 bond .any perron Irom bit I with Liaia Con- rum. In ao y of lu lorma, baa but to try a bottle, ard — couv-c*. jo la r-rn n The## Ouroa remove all morbid or bad manor from Ihe system, supplying In Ibclr W place a beallbg (1 -o of bile, ,to>lfforallnf the e*»wnch- MW ranamg food to ,l,ffc.t well, rvairriao ana au«-o. a giving tU* flT A few kutiaa carat ^ Dmlir, by tirlliog iha -baorhents. Wt taks pleaanee In rornm- W | tn.nd'bg this medV-fae aa a Ireaanuae foe favaa sun Ao»ff, flout far an lad nil Tirana of a Bn ^ bta Tiro It operate* sithorrlainiy, and tfioaaands ,p ore wli't-g lo leatlfw lo lu ssoderfol rlrtooa. ^Af/ *cV> a.a U nra ffWag Uafr aa Htlmowe teaSlmony to fts Vlr Wn/rv In Me enoe.fl •rUh Me /asdpocahae, arai.f aoiWtse lath lopaahar. __JHK S.ivrit mif.oimnn S A NCIfNTIfl > MtplOAI. IHitoOYffRT. nod u dally working area, almost loo wr-ai lo be belle a-1 ll care, aa If by maple aarZ K* * M /lorn* fi+my *nrf •'•do* ftvt th«a mm* ferfO* m rae-rid lo rare an. kind of leas. Complaint, farm Ihe worst fonnrffoe of />*.;*/-.< i to a ram moo //eo-f.rc Ae, all af which are h# *mmlt of » | rrn r*tca min rwm murrxm. Pb. BANfORft. Proprietor, AM teom»*sf. Ntw Tark.and ra ad-d b, all Or, gg u. fioM oU. f.» Timer A Wlaslon, Adi, S k.y, and Torre,t l-odd S Rwl,mond,Ta. )fit - dtuiftdvIVfti FAIei, PIPOHTtTIOIS, |NAN. AKMHTKONO, CATOK & .. IMPORTRRg AND joBBRNII OB Ribbons, nillinrrj, Silk Woods, |t» Slras Bonnets, WO. **1 II l| riainHC C.TR 1S T. «<**«»< Cdaaiaa a*» oisnaaa or a area. HAI.TIMORKc rtor dock will he foaod ane^sali I la Warlela, ailenl and rbama mm r«m A ftoniKs (stfV-tf,) "»•« of t« nr l^W~d,|R4*»ftn ll** IS. J « W» N, Tilt arriHHI PHYSICIAN, dtnmrered ■ W while lo the Bad Indieo. a r-nain ear. Ibr C osawpltoo. ta b oa, Nroorh.i.a, roogi.s DMi, aid Oenean D.twang Tho remedy yae -It-ooarrwd by h«m ohea l-la only idilM, a daopl-ier, war givao m lo die Hla child waa farad, »hd la sow aha# and well lard woe of hen.filling h. fe.-.w manats hr will send la Umee who wish I. the reelpe ocmkaln'n Ml dlr«ri ana for makiag and adng this »»• dy, Aos, oo rwreipt of Iholt namaa Add fees. o r BROWN, . .. , „ , , ■» I* Brand asaewl, Jramy 0M». ■ i. snT dAwAmN. |a • r) nthNOI I TIII1 n R Oromi t ' ueu nod hair'oeeer. wax, ►» moanal ranaanw, diaoa red oo ihe laa Inea.nl Th. hoMoeeo of lie Srm will he aosiksd by ». R (Nop. Richmond. Ta , Rrpfsmher Alb, 1AM. W.T It. Tl.nl> TON NIP roatiooe ih. boo near cf ArehHeel ■> • and Rng-neet, at lie t Mrs oecspu.l ky Oh.pt.-o and cramp, I,. IS* or-ctalrw, Maiai slreof, Rirhm..od Ts , and d,rt Me pro bm-nol asa aloes u his founds sod the pok ll. generally. asIB-W ———— HHICiTHUf. T witw Rcnooi. ■■ of Kim >111 RAM'S 'warding >M Day Irbonl ■.!». -* - | ,**'* “** *'*• MORD4T Is October. u4 bUI caeaunae V f*"“ *"• w ep*ted In ante the reboot worthy la all m. 1 mmu ef tbe fenaroue anaeara«.mi at .akb U baa b u.rrto racal , *£*'w’ •" roAAe'J •»» aaeb department. and the maT*Ullrluaa *" w“*h "tooual u> a l.b.ral fa ^ ■“'•‘•n IttRoarr. win rKdtt ep-ctnl attention. jT" I“‘r" •*•••• u realne la Mra rryraa'i fani'y ^ . T",y ' * W "OQ«h ‘•••Wd,, «f the PreOuh i L ,*2* *• t*e«-ed Mr the beort. ef young la ' “ "" “ ^ ***— »“"*■« *• »>£•-» ■ OlrraUre. containing fall penirulare, may be had aa ima dlntr Mla2!f!J?a« Mr*. J. W PrURAM. ec t— dbet dp_ linden lh,mra SELECT ! CLAKNICAL AilD ENtiMMI ICIIOOL. i inrrrrri jm rot muio paintino anddrawino OR lha Ir.t day of October a. it I intend rnlog a Rrlrct Claw- ' •J hi And Baglteh A h ml. la oh lob aw he teacbt all or any of ■ “>• Ml m. ng branch- . . Wreck. /c.Wa, r-meV «.«. brry. WrofrapAf. Jf.ifteeaoMei. lami oif tee emeul JTnntieA jTll*" * * *“ ate. a# the dtMee ty of pi ne nrlet end proper ee aok't’h •' fw* .m be IMUedU *». J®*, ®* •ot4#* chATg# fur luitrtcttoB la »H*t • Prvnrh tr Pra# r% . a. of lha Orruo by ih* A«v Mr. Horen. and the R-gbefi aad Mathrmett... by tally rompeteol < J**-"” Hrtvmte Woom oltl tl * bw r **n. and private rluvM l°TTl i.i ,00°! WdS tM, Beoeck „ eomblo « P rinme l . i i ,4,*T",<* *n<’ °**.'*« In 'ha PeMr.i , li bhder the naperrietoa of Proimeor * bnetei 2j fU& »>" w laajht, oj I herd .crme. Or.-be. rapjn < Tlmroeegh Bam bod Piu by Profeeur Ana*. Otiltar. Me- * iodeon and all orchedrnl tnitrumeou by Prufeeennal peach- 1 "h Apemtal atWotloo .11 be paid In leered toe el ainale. and ‘ iw^olh'oJUTi* hr01 r,’T“pf» *9'> >" c**enat or Racial lea in « rherjoeh uam Voral or I ieteamrotal Moetr, a annlkalna The Puim,,H« •»* !+wicp.dl ImTldw oj'd Zr?. 1 I'a. of Mr. ALaaau reeiaa, necIMed by Mr. I T Pi.nee. of Prilled I l S£**2T^Jn. "tlard lo thia City, .p^imeo. Of .hoi, tmeoi can ' ?T_**T9 ** ***• 'neutiela. Lasdeeapc aa I portrait Pennine and , 'T7T d'e*yptMbI .id b. laaght pntaie y. or in clean™ , g u 'hem-m- lo eft „r any of th, t!U.'hb' !*“** T1 ®* >*or<1h* *“ »f»>~g lidl* a bn Intend to dr rot. il.rmerleei u. teer hlnf Will. Urn i. pr—loo teal an Iteati u Uor..wlmt. Umtraetion in the aeoet general rar ebee of Ana and ! l!jW—T* rS.h* h*!® ** W*-*r*W fk>™ taachere of eatcbllel cd rape ellon. .Ill pr-re beoeAe'al to the rlelng generation th. patronace of an etdlgbteLed public la eolle tat. 1 11 yywWHoM Mil br left et the Inult.taon Mala. Bht.aca 1 »th and loth eeeeeu. Dr. Hadni'i Deaml OtBca. Z/^ 'r O-da lcilkM directed. to lb, anderewped. ^ < bpdge. Re r Mr. Kepl.r, Rar. Dr. barren, if on. vrw-ffr*rA: wrn w « _*.4-4 IW M. M. to. TK.HI7H AFLtCT JM IIOOI. f •* BOYS .. rntntUn v'r^ «/^r* TH. Richmond, V*. ”■ SKhmuN cf lh\% Sehuo! tpvos on MON. Day, itm SdtA of iwpumbrr, 18V9, with vrrry vlr^ctovv for y** *h or Dvsvlnr ra-h. yy _ _ _ _ t*sr»t cruar : R. H. L Ti .ao, A. M., Principal -Greek. Latin, «n#ll*\ Writing and A nil. ra Ur. Mr. OsWd Hiiimici. (graduate from os* of tie first CoDew-v of Germany.) i* r« easagr 1 as Aesi-tonl o Mathematics, Natural PK io^-phy, ChemlM y. German at.J Drawing Mr. Jos. Mk'waox). French and Spanish r«r!.hcd lfair edara'lon. >od Kv, lor then th* wtr.rHJim . r maud laetrecuee, i.'-orur*. menial ill, ■l»lloc, and correct moral ira-olof. ar* Ijr.lrd to make *ar!» .at II ■■ ■- H. L. noil*. * mT acl«—dim_—ripe* pal. J. II. III.VI'ORO'N ENGLISH, CLASSICAL* MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL _Srrcnth atnwt, bdwna Claj an] MarrtmlU H* exerctae, of thl* School wUI tx rreomed oo Mon Jar, grp 'ember ?7ih With increased faculties for InUracfon. and by gtrlct and uni. vtded attention to hu pro eeaion. the Prirc‘pal thinks that he can *Wh Mel* tnrorrih# accurate and than ugh preparation of hoy* r^a.«r for the Lniversilf or any of oar College*, or for business par E^ecial attention is bestowed upon the Rnglish !>. part me at, TERM*, Pa*ab> qa*r .c. ly in advance : English branches .. no l*at n and Mathematics. 30 i 0 Latin Greek and Mathematics.*.. go 00 Ma-lrm i-anguogts. (by Pr..f ldi..n )r«rh RO IW IT Application may be made to the onj-rbigr.-d at Messrs Bigir>rd A Porter’s Ware-rooms, corner Pranklrn and 134i streets *•11—d Act 1*0_ _ j R RIWPQgn fik. I.FFl:OVR|b« vrii Mif , ~ OGaKka Os CSIC? AND POCPMEC 8TREKT3. RICHMOND, va. TflP nest session of oar 8.ho* t Uf.si the 1st of October and ends the 1st of July, 1*&9 A sareessful rgpenenre In tear' mg. fer twenty three years, to rether w»ih a eorp* of well qualified and experienced asoistaots.en -cm-ar** o* In th* belief that i sr School will he f..«r*d deserving of die very liber i patron ago heretofore hesteWed No pains are spared In render It folly equal. In ail JdpariaruU, to the boat Insulation* of oar eoar.try. French is ihe Wr-rnarc ft the faro !y. For th# beoeAt of yna-t* ladiea who have Aoished their reguar -diarse of stodlc*. and who wiah tn earry on rurth«r choir mmiai trope© ve*u-nt, there will b- a class in l>'.lrs Le tires and Literature reclt ne te'«v a week. Price of tin Mon |8n for t‘e whole se* slan. and f!3 tn papi s who take other SaJ.s* T*e greatest eCorts wd> he made i« r.-tder i' is both taferevtlng and Improving. In lb# Primary Department P*-och wiU be LougM to the UlUc ch'Mrvo orally, withon* any charge. FAOfTLTT.— Hubert P t*efebrre. A M. Principal. Wm Q Wiltfoms. t R. Vice Pr.nctpol Mrs O. Bcnne.i. Ma If ary C Gordon. Mus Kitoa Bartlett. Madam- I, branch**, Mrs M nan T*jU, Madam Harie Rbtv n.Joha A Caly.-, C W Tr How, Wm P Grahaa, H-crtcb *T ..is., M m fine Ariieo'et** aMarietta *e%»a, from Italy. For Board, •*», for Washing, For lights, . | Far Kagtlah Tuition, g,, F.ir Modem Language*. aaeh Far Freerli, wlk-ii stadtad c ados'vely of Ihe FnglUb branch* s. 4* F w Latiu, ^ For Must*- on Piano. Harp. Guitar, Orraa, or Btng.ug* F4r one ta-sow (of aa bwari a week, Pdr two luasnos («# an bar) a wrrA, . F.»c direr kso-bs (of an hour) a week, tp, Far four less, ns (of an Laser) a week, 141 For the use of pian », * For Drawing, frusn Mo.|rb, Fr,r Drawn g, fron* Nature, For Patnift’f in Water Ooiors, Far 0U Painting, frtmary DeparUaent—for CS Idren under 11 years of age. For fortbtr pariM ulars, apply to uwuinsnaa wv a . # . I1UBFRT P I.KFFBVRE. RRFKRKNCIW-The P-Irons 0t the BcVol; Right R. v It ,!.,.r Meadr. Va; Rigfd kev Bist-op R«i>oU. Georgia, Right R-e Htoi-n R?wUT i'igR rhl ?.r£"Uh9' A’absma. R-v \| D Hoge, D D, JfTT T,*torr’1 11 V. R"r R Gudr releer #, Va, th. Clergy of the foba in, Qbarth m Virginia. w 1 have several of my pupils tn place as tear* ere. Persons by an *12 >rc*r* ••rvi. osof ompetcat InstrarUir*. au3-,tb..Vq»_H P L. KKIF OAI4 ACADC1Y. URUNnWICK COUNTY FWYaE Mil Sees on wi | opru the first Monday In October acd ■ * *•* D*t Friday la the f<4lowmg July. Tim coarse of study will b* thorough and disci line Arm. 7 ° TKRMM: For board, foclodlng evervtMng sgrept | gbm. giro For tuitioo In Olas. •• and Mathematics %, For 'union to advanced Rngli-h branches . 4„ For tu lion In primary KoglUh Kronebeu .. *, Th. bowio* d-varu»«..,l| b, th* rh,r*» of L), j H. Wlnfraw. W *»»«, In fh* ala*nr< of the Pnm-ipal. all coinwiui,,ca nolle*, conveyoueeu will inert pupils at Blacks and Wh i*« jnm i Side Railroad (aoialrU O) APO. L DIBBL R KK IIHOIDI CS I i.E I.ISTITI'TE. ’l'H* rru< IVaaino will Maann October In, 145- and rioae | the lost TVur»lay In June, 1V«F. I ?f.'■ «l>*reneral i»mt, do do Mr N II CLa«r will c«ni*m*a to W the FHne«ual o/tlia Muaic Do. P*,,***l» A*l will be tidfl by Oocb AMtitABii aa DAI bo Drr.i fa I _ Ratlablc pr TMon will he made f..e loatracttou In palntioy. draw *• “a „„_ Half parable to A4vaw«,Oet. lot. the remainder feb. 1Mb. twff’Wh Ta'tim In Preparatory OeyartAnl. $0m French tn Preparatory Dopartmont. . Id Knytieh TwtUon tn Cottrf'A** Deportment.. ftp Anriant anl Modern l^riuaf**, ea«h fit Marie co Piano or Oat tar. . ft# (T«o of Io*nc .77.. . a# Beard inctnJmf er*ry Ih'of escavt waahiny .. .. f#p T<* art? farther W formation apply in B MABI.V.Jo. Fmdeat, R F I. ■2* IM. i: III! I M IfOOl .**TTt« neii otwaioa thlafaboo r4 winoommenca on ihe lot of Owtobar. and terminal* on the 01m Jnly NiBaewlov RatyacU toucht — Anrloot and Modem Unf** iw and Maihemauaa. Thera ora tap urm (*f flea mowUh* ancb| lo the aoaaioo. Tamm. b»r awrytblaf wrapt Hgf.'i; f ’ B *er t*m. Addcean, br 4atailed rataloya*. PAM*1. 0CIIOO1.RR M A., Onin#y*» p 0 ,r*rol»cc oantf, Ta Raraaaa. m Tha Facnity.dtha I’n repatif of Vieyv,ta, F W Ooleman, R B Hmih R 0 .%anar>t. Btehroowd; J. It Tactrr, Win chnatrr, W |( R dwno4, Mrl •»* W:U*Ti«hbw Newton, Wrttmoaa tan I. 11 M. Rob.noon. N (V. II M Nwl. 0 Clarke maffl—if JIR. MIIOOI., kka.nki.in syi AUK, BALTIMORE, MO TB* twenty rlyMA unnenl tcatton will tonnnrt Monday. R*w leather kih. IA6A. the a 'eunla# a enjoyed hy thin Bchool are rr-h at lo enable re woe lad. ttooMa.n a lb* reach. prart'eal and An abed ednati-n Papllt may t>- «•**** at any Hire darloy l>e —*.1 -n, and are an dee the imaied at.', are of Ihe Principal eh, dr* t,* lo them Ma Whole Hoe and ailenllen. aeilMod by rgH Oowipetenl PeoTt aor. and Tear he,a P r ratal, cure eonta nloy naeBewlara and lenwa, eowrae of tin die., board. Ac , apply lo or addnwa R RIIOflRR II A R*a a Y. Prlnc'pal. aota da«a Or rare of Pavetle an I Carte .on a* a . BaH.mor*. r.nur.uii.i. ai iiool, PRIRpmiW, HRW JARtRY. Tina *rbool 1a adapted to ib.rte who daalee heir area to hnee n awrtf.l preparation for eeiaeyr, or Hr n hwai .ro* I f*. Yho I rooah Inatrn.-li.o m gleea In Rn*llah. Ma'heioal.e*. Ancl.nl and ! M elee laoywaeea. hr T«* Inatrwclrra aim. not ..wly to hae# thelf I pwpita lh..e.myhl* maater 'aoda.oentdl prtacIpl a. bwt lo form thou i a Mia of th.ngb* *W»i w.ll render fa tare and hiyaer atiamwien.a rap’d nod tart fayalanaattoa. (V,mp.,aiu..o. and debate, are pear toed tw lb# Rdy. h II L’tef|,| Roc-eta. which embeneea all lb* patptla of lb la Reboot Poe pnrtkralora, leer, a Ac , a.I.I.eua Re, J AM RR J. II tl M,oe ___ , la« JAMMi P. MCttllM, RRlA *nt1Hf,«tat|_Principal a. ■ inana eir#«i ha ho01., imhnpk itr pro Aft tad ■ tYra rtkitt* Tub twelfth arneion of ihH reboot w.11 commoner on lb* I at day of October, l®*«. a. d clear oa ,h* let . f Jwty, lrtt« | The Baiacl Rrlrne.aaod Matbcmatiea wilt he taoRM ay Mr Hu rmirw. a aeniiemao »f drw reed repwlaUe* ant eyper coe* Mr Miraaanw.il hare rhary* af the Breech. Mr Hnwe.ann will con Ha. or label* P. tnttpal ef Ibe Mrtale Orpaflfnent. TRRMR Pot Boar I !h* entire arm <* . law nn M-yhee Toyllah baanehc* pi pa Pttmnry h.aaehea . yn mi Lanywayea eat. pi W | laeawiny nad Palwaiay Aim Maali a, uw art dial . | _AUCTION KAI.ksl "_Z U TIIlfc'MAtl. ' ' 1 Br2'*'*r w• W«L1*, Am * nr. JPI.K1DIHAI Ml K lip TMin RIWIIIL V a°?°? \rVZ2n- »**««“ DRY i OOR oKrEl 7i*7 »"»nON —On WPDNMuaT Ml' iha « h OtiArr. at tv 1 M P Ike l***t Iterk* ’ *—*?.—7 ‘• I'll* 'H/ *1 •a-tla*. MliMi,, hMy 7'."“***; L l*7 *>« d*. Ac . A* . MAkl. 11*! of\k* *■* * eUr»ctlee ml.* »« aad* u tl.le r». n , **■! . -_u* ! **!**'• ®N® I® IA* AM V. tin*. ad p rehanlt dealr.n* In tap It .ktacl.M .Mi d do p.U l. a’.,-ad tk. onttaacd .eery dty antil ke photo Mock to wld Nold b» cider of Powhatan Roberta. I* . Yepeto. and ptihoel TJJJ*- BRRkY W tlHAR!.** ----.-- _ Aortfcmrrf. k»Y I1FNR7 W Qtv%RLH, AmcLmm^r _ I*® 1ft<» Ma n ®t'P»| Of IIM A, A\|k ielOl IIIIA _n, ; NOHD4Y. the 4 b OrtobMC, %t 14 I’cJvik, F. H . | « ui * aad Ll^rOKeH, MorfUu to iq tTH. 8II OCR AND HATi a lakto tor tbe Hll end Wider eal «. Unitor |1I4, caab , $100 aad atar, I month* credit foe >iT«T*d PM*r' *• $ O. I. DAVRNP RT. -- ____tacuoMiia JURUKATT^I Mi ll-Will be t Id. at the Tret.ear “ IfJP Week*. oa PRIDAT, the Ipr October, at 1« a'elork to u ‘.tt'V^?i>e,!‘a2T ” J°*" • PW-’ir. PTATION RT IROIill.4'1 b*r*e-r*p*r, callable lor c cap-mil oaNl-aMa ot I mi nee, or tor a factory ’ r TThia Rnctoe fca. Wee art It t (old toll*. aad la pop I. rood oekln« condition, bcelr < been jam ee.rhaotod cad Ibommhlr re •■red. Pith nrp pi**fimoLd,peonnaneed on tb* 1RJ> May. lWd.in ttacaesof Mitchell I will MU ARttaM H*cbe«, An , p*. ar tother of a*, eh all proceed 1 telL •• natoic eact cn. on lb* preminm, oa M^P|>AT. lh«Adi On .deer, ItYt. at 41* o'clock. P M , If f*,r, |f not. the pent fair day w>* la the oarapaaeg af Mr A A Hughe* and Ma Mini fruatlot «i the neeth aide of Gear. -met MS, feet. ranulrg Swt os tha raw in* of Sih I'rret about 1ST fort t aa allra, out harms thrrroa a erge br.rfc da. riwg an.t-fee lmprne eeiu. Tr# pr-prrtj will br rtil'r* ar »para>> [x. a. to aril . IT . buUd a( lot at lb. cornet 1 it map lx determined oa at tha hour of ,*l* tuaaa— 1 VhcaW; haiaa a at 4 b, li and II month*. f *r nrgott* 4e noire !n'»rre« aid'd, eet e'aot. r Ip x.l winl, and Utlu retained II the aho - nexhex m-ratp be paid. Tlx am hr ihU p.ar to be awl bp the purebaeera The forrpolrp real ratal* la jaatlp retarded ae among th* molt 4e Irau* In thla cup lor a prieala reaidtccr. W. GOODIN. JlMM LYONS, JHO. G. WILLI A VS, G nuliiioDen. tW Fair ao ejected by Corots A Arrwtoi, A a-lx. Wtt-dUl BY JMO. A. LAM'AFTB t A FOB. Af«:T10M 941.1 ©»• RMM K.- WLI be sold at cur «*ee. FATCRDAY. tho 2nd rf O tobrr next, at IS o'clock. 4 f ore# of ru k ia tho Jxinri K »«r Haqi'ectericg fluapur. oa a redit of 90 dxyt. He ntdwr of ih# Adm't of Cktr. II Hamilton, dt A Co . Apr*#. I, 9 -dActdx BYJULLlAW A IIICTTB AwttXMan. \ II I It I . xt thw action nf r.MeCDb of Fulham A Bell*, c NEGRO rLx\ ► u%au«.i • klANDA, uo a^rount «.f uh* m c tuav ciKKorm PcidaUv, * iwr - * * > vaaamm** aels—cAO ____ AanVa. WH I* RE MILD AT Til A: AI C TIO* EOOMA of Pulhxfc A fWtla, on Frx* k Ic Street, in U*r Cuy of Kick w tomernu* E,*R(tER/E<^ pmrch%9rr% are rsneeded to i»ct the octnr. of Lex A Fcccxe* ere xpoo tbe Wr*tppr~% JLabtL W'*/*/»er ‘in*l A ttU. Lax A I'xxxiaw will proceed acatr.pt any or# lofrinp ng, eft' er by Bxcofadu'tnc or vrndins Fnurloaa axocr. and >xve l-atrurird u*rlf e >rre«poo MsiM them »f AOf lofrUlfmtUU. S»»4e W»,4rtt!f Af«aU for th« UoK»l SUUi JOHN DUNOAN A SONS, 405 too4WAf.N*v You. A Morfc 4l«-4Tt l« r.cre. Alto, order* rscrlfe I *or direct chip. aer»t >roa K«>rlai.d • •19-en«1yt [*an B OERQAV E ’ S 1QLLANB BITTERS. TH* aumona niUHKD RKMSDY BOR DYSPSPSrA, DISF.ISE OF THE KIDXETS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF A NX' KIND, FEVER AND AGUE. AM IK. tarlon* MRIIoti ronbqtoal *pna ■ illprtoil ITARjICN OH I. I V R N , *ooh a, Indbortion, Acidity of IK. Ik< marl . Col 'ky Taint. Htan lota. Lota of App. III., Ihrtp ■■ b n. y. Co-ilytnMi. RMpd tnd IN rad io. Bibo in all Horroo*. Rh. ant b. and Nou.a’.ir tT-il ri. n ■ *» la aaBtroa* lattaeo* prorod Utpliy hrn.A lal, and la oth«n rf„ nl a bednl eoyt TKU b • partly rrotahtr cooipnaad, propped on ffrlptly trio* II«« printipbo, if*p lHr ainrfi of thr cttohrobd Holland pr**bo tor, RorrKoro horaub of ito port! tattoo* la M >« o*lh# Burnpo. an Rtaioa. nr latrodb-Uoa >nlo thr t’nlbd Blaltt aaa ’Mmdo.l a.Ti rtpo-'afly br thott pf oar f»'hor**nd trailtrod Sort and thorr ot.i th* faoa of I hit Blahty oaantry. Mrotin. afth real taro** am.r< IhrUi. 1 nna rS o It to thr Aabrioan pah'b, Innaio. that tta ml) aoadoff d modb'nal , rt tt a a*, h* ar local .rod I- It par'ba arly roroBiaondrd t« Ih.,** prrtno, bhoao onnt'l'o Hon, mot hart hton Kapabod hr Ih roatlaanat at* of ard-nl .afrit, or Othor fern, of dioaipatma. Oonooally tattantanonoa i* of of, II Rod* it* way dirortl. to ihr bat of lib, thrlthn, and no'*tr Mr., roort nrrt* rtbln« op th# draep*n« rplrii, and. la fart, lofutaf at a hoaith and t .nr o lit ,y, i ,n ROTICR-Whntrrr tiporialo Rod IMo a htoorar* alii hr ditap pnintod . hat to th* .VI, I and lo* opiritad. » am pro*. ■ a (rabbi arowatir redial. patMtaod of bnfatar rrbrdtal propot lira. C Al Tins S Thr irroai papalartfy of thlr drilrhibl Aroint hat mdattd man] IB Hatton*, ahtrh thr puMb thnald patrd trtm.l paroKhrlnd hr ool porno, ltd to ha. aaylMfiff otto am It yoa hto. (Iron Ihbrhtrr' Holland Rd'rra a lair Irtal Oat haul* am roar taro m hob la 1**14, .aport* r it la to all that* laMatn at %W Bed at Rl par hofib, or at hotlbr br RA, hy Iho mb Pro pramr*, PRtfttRld BROS, fa , R 0* , Maon'artarln. T» t,tt rooibbaad Oh oat PHbha-., fa. )olt 4***4* in Bor tab i* Itfoiail hy DOT* R CO. w prrrrRAoj., B. JllHHHTOb A HO, ntrpR* * IPTHRM, i RL • IR, WtR.lb« . PSA SCR, Hll.ldtPAItOH A fOHRSTOH, S 1 PfCOT. Rod fVarrltb ronoralty thmarhoat th* (.'..Nod Malta. \H SOISMf Ti % b. **>n m -» . _ _ 1 *1 » Ubi, s^r«a «Kuji» iTsnW ££"*• __.___ *>■•*» O Matt. ROYAL BA VAN A LOTTERY.™” <*»*•*» fleorrof if 0»ko, win uk* pim M »,nll. a- * *• TlEtDiV, ■t'l’T’R l«TH. | 8834,000!! •OATto IUMUO M OSDlBAAMk. CAPITA I ■■'■■■ •» ifDi M B Mr ml dltroaot ■Uls *f the Rich so a ! On 7 Btaki I»kf at mt A drown* w.n kr forward . Ooaaonfaotl.r., fcidTMMl 10 DOS mODKIOUBZ,<«»WOt » Sort. OhuM.D, A. 0,) uui U» w.h .r A puak*..?)} p. ,r-"J o --irtf GHBftT JLBMJcriM in TnR . r"°* or SAT! ASD BOOTS.—Proa It “ s par Mat. miM Bp kaptaa ha J M_ as. TBOST, Ooli.Mu Hotel Baltiu. KolaakJa Hat af Boa qoaliip. lis D« tunoi qatWltT.AA.oo. tuhmji. A-S H»u.m£r£! daUBkla Rrwod ImU. AIM; Oo£m.. «Jj!L •ojrta AA »; nar Ooitaklo tirad Shore, AP IA. J. H- ANTHONY hM bxaJ* imnnumi biU. ua^p'z* “■e * •*>*• J^h,. JJ SfNI Ns wHh 1 heniisme mt MbauaitAj 0W«Ja> bt*4 BOOT, which h, will Mil el the aa MJJM* >•» frit* of THUS DOLLAJU ASD - ■ —___ 4aT ttatkb HHI£Lk. T®,"J1' “»!«»«• an* isaamm SSAA^-lra err oow oaenohctartaf lasnft rrooeb Terklt • *f ■*f binary to la 1rMa. We mo iT m ipTiii in ri wfc*« a, will ftrmrti Short end prtaetpal Oar far. werrotifad to to . e.rtal. awaal of work, ihu plat lo hat Ur SW, %t>d If It s*a no* mm op to tar Icon, Iba S hort oat tfaat fa ho tdlaarU fa 1* M aka mm of the pu/rhoaer. twwar. o.,m 7.7. SBATU t BTBTAMPOM. ooooo. riwthaattf. rrtaoo OMrpo eoaaty. M*. lONVRT RA1KD Affsni, Rir* annA. Vt »r»SL 4Acl7 TUB ho flora or lASrn. ATRBIwlll berMlter Bo ooodortot la IB. nomo af AASrSL A TUB A AOS, S. w Atm hot o| unt dap Bom Otalifat oo o panaor. AAML'AL ATUA Alohmood. Is Joo-p. MBA. nun ri, .IlKt-.W dfc TON, GENERAL COMMISSION & I0IWA1MM MERl HANTS, CORNER OF CARY A VIRGINIA STS, >»1—dAely HOUVimiy T>. 7.000 mi'lf.fi PIWMIPPI MNDA .•i" "" " PALI—A* rumor of ltrh«H lodtracD. «£?-“« -.torn., ta, th. II™ B«u.n 4, of n„L£i o»Sr “er ne*1- W ANDFIAON la H»bm n4. An# A. 1*Sd — dArlfWve Vi»rot«r PA PERUANVMGR ' ABO UPHOLSTERY. THI >uteer1btr la row In receipt of a 'ms^r and compM« unort. »*»* #r food* la hw I a«. n*t>rar«w« — frmh ard ImntfB PLAIN, T>FCOfcATl«« and GILT PiMi. HANGING*, with Borfrr* to match, acd lha Larnot Rvylma la imi tation or Wood *ad Karate. Window 00MN1CU ; Ca-iain BAND* and PIN* - BroraUl do itn iHlalof WorsUd Iteaawk. Lara and Mu-1 n Ct'KTAlNd Taa •**. Taaorl Loopo. Oimv> Cocdo. Pctur* Tamila air. Gold and Ye *«t. Plain aad L*adacape WINDOW SHAD I* of the lateat pal erna. ▼elTK Tapattrj &ru**»!» Tapratry, Tbrae Ply. Inarain and Vo LlnnBTAl\P*^M *1lh *COi “d MA™ of toudmm.^ylZ,; Floor OIL CLOTUS, wh.ch will be cot to «t Boom, and __r-r ter t!! !^'"Ul'>n' : *1*0’ “ of handle me OIL CLOTHS Oa hand, and made le> order. Pair. S' u-k, Moaa and larm MAT. TMMnt, FEATHER SAW. LOrvGFB rte Itepcrh^glnglip. hntetenng and all outer wort to my liar, will he rkr-uled with --11 neaa and despatch, In city or country, oo farorabtr Ursa .. WM A WAI.TBM, —_No, ltd Main atreet. eoracr ol IStb. iAA « OOOOM. r W L. BOLT. MEMPHIS TOBACCO AGENCY. GOGG1N & HOLT, AGENT* FOR THE SALE OF MASl'FACTl'RED TOBACCO, ooaana of uaib am tm*m mam, tet 4Mm_ MBMPBld. TBNNPBPBI. AMERICAN WATCHEB. APPLETON, TRACY a Co , WAI.TIIAW. HAM., Tl AMI FAtTIR FBa OF PATENT M.VLK WATUIFJ. -WTUUKpuprr u.r Watcha* a, e made by tbe a:4 of aew an,I ortgt ■ t.al machinery, rxprmt'y '*ru‘g- rd to aware, uciA nnirr fMMof U> vend U %o tbm Inli—iT any addr*« clU^r tb« Pr«n teal nr U.« EmiJciaI Phfr.ctea. LOMU WOKTHV'I pen omo r_.OA.TAW H A BRANDY. BM BRANDY i »• hern ■Insfirtird for Mr.raj /tart tlnm IlM HS»* JCloarf tha Oiravn Quri that ad rd.n* addltiaaal rnd.Dc or ik. pr>«r*aa *1 lartuai *r trrprta. tad indaaary, and of par anility u> prod act artlaln at hoc. rS..j to Ikoaa Mad. kp to? oik.r n.laB Th» OHIO CATAWBA BBAHOT BM Mlf *o**U M ax CM. Iko hoM laport*d •niUn. la partly an.) f tour It I* la fed iko koal llaaiDi mm. Tkl* mumii )• r*»* mrrdraiad by tko cud. of oar aod dUttnro<*h*d analytic I iVokk Tko warn of praa »»io»t kao low Bern Ml la ikla wawtrp, tad •ha lalrodarMon of an tribal* «f o h quality a. to i»poro»do ika Ml* and aaa nf Iko*. *11. aiapniifa kttk.no Ml ndr* th* c a in* af BrinAy. ran noIf k* ri*«rdrd a pel pakN* (aod Tha OA TAWBa BRAOPY poaMM*. a'l Iktrad luIWo T. *. rn ■■■!«, Par :«a*or la Alt*. Dotal, 136 Main Mfwrt, era** af Ifch, Rl<*hMM’n4 Yg Haa hr** appoiaird Bala A#»M »>* Hrlomf and tlrlattp.’ ahara f.»'*ri and eastern*** wilt pitta* forward tkttr okn By nrt/ff *NKR. CtKtTOM R OF., REOTLAR «IROVpES4LE DIMVrERS BOOTS SHOES. LEATHER HITS. TRIMS, PARER, he # nAYf n *»0fY »M Wktih« Vkro4«,to %h\th tMy lattlr ti.« at UoU*o nt Ihr pftBioiry Mr r<*han%a *f V»rf mi, Wor»h 0arol • Tiuntw" iM lnt» fey. aoJ tha Traid f«nwraJly, r t; >•*0 im Inftt# inf Am % Jo Wats 4*<«» N« Lfi(W •»y» f a Vraa •n l fr*n*S P»»f ffe'na >«W Jo Mororoo *0*1 JM*» l.tatag^tiaa TS M mFM ThrtoJ. 4" rrodm lOfl# 1'tiBi Wrapptrf Fiptr hOM Jo WrtHag Jo 17VI Trank* Al*o. pair SinUUnt Wim of tM r own mivMlir*, mhtoh arc v«rv»eoJ to M ih# f#*y Mat TV»t larva •«— fe »f gwJi, tM mM niffiiiTf ♦ r+r tn th t mart»t, Wine par- ha*rtf a>m..ot rlvotarfy for ca«h. trfflNr »f Ik* I trad tad aao dc rak . rtark. af Nf AIIY.HAnr I IOTHI1U Ik** ka** i*r* had. Thar pooda ar. Mka*far*ar>d auk p*.ai nara. »lpr-.*tf fa* If* r*t»M trad*, and r»**y arttrt* w.rraa'rd. and *01 in cl at law at ik* tea* *—■.•• ran k* k a*ki iiawiur. - Tk«ir dc* rrni-ii af Bn* ran. .Im*o Otc-Onala. a.rkr and fro. hr . An* pda. da . Bn* .talk dn ; kaa*y mskalr do . da Bra **M do. Whnnap Ar., Aaa Bonne Holla, a I* band, Oast. PtaM and »**i all**-, d» draka, (*** laiard. bras* and Mark. r>all. Ana tad goad. I wrthr* with a* iMrrtm.nl af P*.u as < Vo, shirk fnr ***','* a ad pris* ar* Hard la has. . Aa* P**nak Pal**. Yea, af th* n**e panama «nd amt r>*nt* am>, a la*p* am nw»a« af ah I* tad marts* Bklrt* . Paaap (Brh •• MV.OO rare* *n d which *• a HI Ml oa Ik* amt rr.uri.SI* m*m. OaB a* DABRAOtm. HABBIB t OOt, I. lit Hals Marat, *■« _ _Ancraarr* M tPcchaat. WitMpai B 6a ■ kf finYU.. I. 6 HOWB ha. rmwwd bp CBM e »Br~ i am at*** Warm Paata* la Hi* ta*v* sad *.Qa m arm* m ra ap tier, ar* Mr*.I, * ’.w Ann fVa*> PraahMa, and CM*1. If aaeaplad Bp Msfard B Porlrr, aim kr a*atd k* Mad a M Is M* kt* frlrodt and 'k* pa MV (. neatly Marlw *a __ (ted ik. *rr*tr*a if tks Inl wnrlman. k, '.prrpar.d i* .•cats war* af an blndt la M* Ilk*, la Ikr kaal Myla tad aa dbs •ka*a*M n«tlrr. n. kap*a kp jnapbm tad *urau> a l> awdt a caiiawna* M ikM pairs*.(• k.mauY.n as Bk..MI| !■>,*. A ap Hi* Oaantry piaada mad Be w*n I* oa I aa kMB k the mat *« Writ awrakkbw P 0 MOW* ' ' " ___r».».**n, krai ’ V*W »«HAB«k KBTHA BA BAM-ibI .P at"! A^ 9 » H p * K? , a ♦Fit HHWB. HIHMHOt I.BUt. iMIliHh ,wrtr k«aB (bMI iAMPP WfkdW W.