OCR Interpretation

Richmond daily Whig. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1842-1861, March 28, 1861, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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I'.ll H'DAl nOKMNU, HiARCM SS, 1861.
iin mi■ iarwtnn
ygfT Ltturt ph UuMntn n uM l* addrmti to tAe“S‘titorr/
A* Whig”
At. i vrittrl" n ><*« •« rf tUptper trUi 11*4 puH*>U
, 7’... .« ,a rn't fi nj outfto t> b* tnoH-H Until,
I u , ,, uo.-.o* <Uj"irlrl >■’> hut rtf
, ) r- 'it ■»«artdtirjtit JUpwiM*p*rtiMwrwIX
a. in*. I anUrt.itt to rtlurH rt , UJ cotnmHnii'ittwm.
futlou Mate* l»»iu«M ra»r.
\\\ fiaJ the Ivdlowing paragraph in a late number of
the Hunt**ille I Ala.) lnd,pmient:
• U .-*» ,le< r> -or <.w, and the most sad forebodings for
i i:c, wear.- fore:- I to announce that our sister
4. . p ile—ce h»« resolved Lot to call even a Coaven
eint e prea Merisi*. Her Lrgiaiaftua
n op Stf the f.>!It; of *u'o>rttin<j .'A* tfiustion of
. Htn.n or no <'ontenttvi to the joipn'or *ott. Thou*
• • id- uj a thousand- of her people—arid «e speak with
i ii -rc-pevl of the intelligence of the State—d‘d oot
1. ,hU not km ir whether there wo* a necessity lor
caliiug a Convention or rot."
The Louisville Journo! remarks that that paragraph
breathes the true spirit of s-ccivionUm, its real eeeer.ee
. 1 .|. i.iu-ss. nee, the whole thing Ooiied Jo*a to a half
!. E.ervwl re the -.-ce -ion leader* recogoita the
I acd Hie da: iter of s.ibmi dug their purpose to the
v oi the pe«.;')e. T ey hold that the people do not
c« and cannot know what i< tweewary and proper,
and what is uiartit*. They repudiate the people as an
,ge i* iu the coBsumm-tt-.v of political schemea. T ry
trample tinder foot with utter fveru the great principle
th at ha* ever been regarded as consututieg the whole
|. - sard a good portion of the superstructure of our
American iusuteti- t.*. They are at this moment pro
-p ' a vile tyrat tty, carrying cut an atrocious despo
that should excite the scorn and abhorrence of t c
Itir-*>8 oi freedom everywhere. A'd can they di'tor
t\ selves that otir people upon the border, who ha-e
Vr.d aa opportunity of occupying a high ai d advantage*
v ■ standpoint lor w t’.xv.-itig their doing*, will tamely
bo* their neck* to so d-gradu«; a~d detestable a twur*
^pi akiug Out.
We think that our Southern L-gblators will ha-.?
tb-ir bands full in reconciling the opposition that L:;s
b. n evinced by their people, to the summary c >ur.- •
t'u-'v hare pursu 1 in “ drumming and Stiag them out
of the l*aion,” without th. ir consent, aud in arrogatir g
to th-.vnselves poweia that were no: conferred up«e,
th :n. The Natchez Mus.) Cvt.rttr speaks in terms o!
indignant comment thus
- VVe sav agaiu that the people are sovereign. In our
©pinion they have not h«en a lowed to ratify ti e Seces
sion urdica. ce. T eir L gisiauire has not ordered the
aldi .ioutl utes. They have not been counseled a< to
th - ipp i.utuieuT of their iu ers. The Constitution ta.!.:
lor .<•:i: • • - l. • ' rt e red their assent; and we t *
: ■vi> that ao uol- v u,r South may acquiesce iu is ni e
lo her rig taand mtsn - a than the allowing
i„ ie aaa to ts-ume th.-irre.4 onrible control of h*r
It m tv ue that the tipression of such aoatimenu is
i- a 1-,-i.v.s. 1 i iv tpp- «r -o to some. Wo never, tow
,.»• r4 >„ lo. ip d to : 1 'r i t those who weigh word*
; rip- lit- , v's -i !e. W- try to be right.
T «i >», the re -or J of t’: ugh: • tad words for !-f
i* a ve.trs back oiiuo’ S* obit: rated, even it trie: Js
i#..; vt rget, or f >• s trv to conceal it. 1 -taa-s,
:.;u. as it m iv l*c. i: will ombre obi,.pit, detruc
tin.i, or rclsei^hle spite.
>juie (her a., w > ei'her will n- ' or cannot perc-'ro
. • d -’h.r ion be'we- • t!-- ace- pt.vr.ee of in accomplish
« 1 th. • .id ih be: !;t..-. of the mode, the manner a .-l
. - v r .mvut of ins a - em; '.^hi.i.‘tit. ll .-nve they s - j
tio vu our who wid not praise th--i 1 t-r, as refusing t.» •
;’>• ti" For ou • ives we accept th» revoSutio- ;
;t ac j. - e -. - i - r— . wi - : ortt ; • Sj it ra C
! : r v ; but the mo: i y account, w-.- are j —
• ti d iu our dts tpprovj vt m.' 1 vrtc wi i wbi-.b it a ■ *
b oig itab ; the r etivi -> cl i's ori^.u.v.ors aud t -
• v^oiottn ti*. to coa rol i' of n- a who p e .’ed it — |
',Y - c..a,; nri her irr . th-* •>.* pie’s r‘gh nor in- j
J.i ■ ia jny sp.'c it adm:r» ion tor J if. -vy
W , si-©, h. 1 the foil wi: paragraph in the No: h
1 V i-niM of tiic - : c! j' .r.
•<»i at-: -iro'" I " * in ru her petti--'ly s-g.
• :h-it ii the* .it<:r oi iLc Ab.bumiia is no ai'.isfi t
, , i . • >vi- : :■ j! . i • new fetb-ruev he* b id t.’l
i.-r ; i-.-1 it. It all were t • b-••■*-.' whotta di-»Vi tied, *«
• ,r th- bll* — w I 1 .ii- to leave «m •!.: WOT'.,
for :h V Wf>i.l htv ■ t-v ;• Oi: w‘ o:n they could HU ■->
reiv l>r srlf-rwect a. I arc wk tble ft-t, and wl '
it .s ... > we k-aw not, t 'he ub>tan::.il, pf1 -ica. :or -*
of . i: *rv — l - ii ; i- •.- :. ii.:: i WOii. : g PI- t:,
r \ v. :. , 's - v- — * ’lit It: itilg 1 -.
tfteir k',u.i" 1 «:*•, WC : \ n the b-.i:;ni! g cp a -d to ;
t ie ordi. . 'tii >.sie , and are Ucctnirg daily u-rc
..I - . si ► . For a * •. v v. i . -
: liosce, b aa .h -v wateb the further lb V :
i iin:.- be 1 a., - - Wo:.! J
a', tl m i' 1 : n', t IS ' It "«.«*• «
. v. tl • N- • • :o • e teedei mercy of l •-*
. oi. * That waoli ’ i too cruti."
na-i.irbusitu IV.-KUiil tibrrli Kill.
•v1,.. ;; j 'Uiii,i : the pr'..-ions c-' ivk it L> called t’ e
• r 1 i d !urtv law,’ wl h h p.i-vCil the Senate of 41 *
o ' etts lust wci'Il w us ordered to a third reading io
t . II. ,i llepr* -u i’ v'ivts tt that Sac a few d.-ys
. , v a v o of “I to ■ The ltoston .fomna', iu re
j to this :iew a^i, of the I nal |WL»'age of whic'u it
ius no doubt, -at-:
* J » «» • OVOU* * of *•“' ' ! s lt'* • .*
.u . . *U'i T* •• cus-ciy of th« rutted&*t*« > r
. .1 vf the fugitive is u.v.iupatrcd, the but o>t min. tut is*
, . ct\ i-- lb*- ci'-i n t*l the con.iitui.oaal ng *i*. a
* . |,( , v \* ** cornu . Miy is not deprived 01 t *
. • V whit a'.war. .~ht toe-, din a well-:, guUt.i itii
11 , T' s 1|.'t.s ii ,: hers. L iu’o uu-pues'ijoii. d
wish tbc* Fc.l.-rnH; i'-erntuenta- dh-r -i."T Sta.es
, i* i (kmate an i !oooffrn «u ;''i:r..ug wtityc.. . t
■ in M l th • i i/i 1. of aU outer powers un-t^r
..r»o: • t m ol t; .verc«te.u aid dwnut
• ct il <■ -tu c acknowledgment in return, not i.trli. -
,or c sikc, bn* o; a cou.it of the common good.
IVaBtrs City, March ;i3, l'"i.
r, !hi K-l-i-r >.f if,? MTt.y
j ; <t» s.iv in your :» a: issue that I Will not he a t
for re-e lectio:! to a - iu ^ " s.aturo at t c
cr g election, owu g to Iwass of he-Ui..
james m win-coit.
i s <^kxri~:i rgow Missorni.—The lion. Wallo P.
-,V.~au,' tie n.m U. S. S.-.i-or from Mi aouri, U a
ij . I : ri- t> 'V.n J ah1 -oil. of Uarti ait count., \ t,
»; co’ii'ty t'ie sou wn Itoru m ISIS. Tne IVanty
,..v » IV:tot mis he is a .-If-rna 1* man. In early life he
Si Lt a t»c. ou of Li' vi ne *. * labor.r o !*•■» ;a'h* >
far 'a • rt.on is a clerk iu It country S’OIV. .~Ul»
, It U> *• :i ed l»w »t Ciatksbure, Vi; eroigra*. d
t . Mi.-oiiri whin ah >ut ii Years of age. mid during ! e
M-v • •'i war Cl -cd »* t pr.v -.to hi Col. Douipha:'»
c ,.. .. m 1 command S • • . :> ! c ! is been a m n*
t r «' the V -ouri I.- • »<“. D •* cl Attorney, Cr*
i Penan Gang i^M
>v l\ S. Senator, for six ycuv.
r , Xk,a»..V P;tr t,i the Slat, pu’dishw a long
tl wi nabrMi L Virginia French, nsA aigaeA
i yr. Hes.IT t\iv, Ml. Sigoun.. t, Mrs Terhu-c,
irion Hal land," Mis. Ro'C Vertuer Johusoc, a-,.1
er distinguished ladies, which was written to be pr •
S', l o the rou ies-ov! Co ivetiueti. It h » stroug and
•1. i-Lt ai peal for the fnion, but U um ConTeuUcn
,w ao: he. *, it was of corns • never presented
Myxt no IT Wi»Kt>TO».-\Ve laarn Ihu «i meeting
w-*u.:d *t Warrentnw on Monday night, wu.cb was »<!
■tres-el Sr Mr. J V! Marr, one of the delegs-es from
Ki-.i) her to the State Convention. *»d Col. Scruggs-t.e
' i.tt-r gentleman in a strong recewsioQ speech. CoL L.
K Etatham, of KtppahaLno. k. was uoimuaigd for he
Sei »•••, aud M.s.r*. Childs and Kmebetoe, he
pre-wrt delegates, tor the Hun * of Delegate., by ihr
A rran went into a ruin bole latety in Pittsfield, Mass ,
tar a gls..ofcN *p whr.-ky. and was giveu *o'phur»c acid
n U.is- Xe The pt 'unetor. who thought he had atk-.d bl'
ru n »*urv, mni ei n Vt4 «a'i!uou»» bnttW
•. .• 'sj i y *.(ii bi. ci .iomf'Bt lart ajipeartd for ano ii
»r g'i.-. of th* name kind *Tt wa« lf»s best he eter
drank ; it k*pt hnu drunk f.tr tkrre «•.*'*
Ti c Norfolk hsy /i «l says that by Utc advices fi'®
t'ol. Maun, it appears that the mammoth steamship Great
K.'tern will anchor la Hampton Koads in one or two
w sks. Son »»1 only remain there a short time, and then
leave for Charleston, S. C , whence she comes again to
the Koi fs _ _
J’a' »ic Nxw*—It i« said that startling new* has been
received at Washington as to the met and means cm
(.'oved to raise a revobr.ion on our Pacific coast. Well
known Democrat* are prominent in the movement, and
:na nv armv and navy officer* of Southern birth areanxi
oc w a mex the State* ou the Wew*coart to the South.ru
Confederacy. _
Vieuiaia ArrouraisTS. Dr. Tho*. H. kiaber. of
Fa-nu .r countv, is d«ubtle*a to be the new l. tv Mar
r.al or the Eta tern District of Virginia; a-id A. Judo»n
Crxue E u . of R-cumoud, to be the new Dt-lrKt Attor
ney of the seme tT. S. judicial distric*.— tPathingten
Ti (8DiT, March 26, 1861.
The Convention assembled at U) o’clock, A. M.
Vraver bv Rev. Dr. Jeter, of the Baptist Church.
mr gogqm’s rRorosmoN.
Mr. ECHOLS presented a petition from citia-ns of i
Monroe county, in favor of the adoption, by the Conveu
rior.. of the Secession Ordinance presented by Mr. Oooaix. ^
Laid upou the table.
Mr MILLER presented a report of the proceedings of <
a meeting hi id in Botetourt county, which was read, aud ]
referred to the Committee on Federal Relations.
nor a or meeting. . 1
Mr. TURNER, ot Jackson, submitted the following
resolution, which, on his motion, was laid upon the table
for the present: __, ... r
A‘-» That after ti d»v, until olharwiie ordered, the Con
V- .til u v.,i a*e»bf. at i 1 -.Vi., k, A. M . aud at M •• « 1
.ill g. lit Committee of tl. Waols, and emtinue lu aesakn until ,
3 oVloct, P M . at which i me a re> en ahall be t»k«n "-"* * 1
cV.i1* VI, wL, n the Gooventl .a «U again meet la Comailitee
of Uie Whole.
The Couvetrion theu resolved itstlf into a Committee
of t e Whole, on the report of the Committee on Fede
ral Relations—Mr. Price in the chair.
Mr PRESTON, of Montgomery, then took the floor
aud ad Jr* seed the Commiiteo in support ot the report of
• Con ti on Fedentl Relations. [His speech wiU
be published iu the ll’Uj, in full, hereafter.]
Mr. NELSON, of CUrk, loliowed in a speech on the
sitme side, but before concluding hss remarks, the hour
of recess arrived.
[afternoon session ]
The Convention re-ass< mbled at 4 o clock.
Mr. NELSON resumed aud concluded his argument in
ftvor f the adoption of the report of the Committee on
Federal Relations.
Mr. WILSON, of Harrison, followed in a general re
view of the ai - ms of the North, and in
t Avor cf making a Huai effort to obtain guarantees against
further aggression.
Mr HALL, of Wetzel, then proposed to amend .he re
port of the Committee by striking out all after the pre
amble, and inserting the Constitution cl the Confede
rate States.
Mr. WISE called for the reading of the proposition.
Mr. CLEM FINS moved to dispense aith the reading.
Mr. WISE instated upon his demand.
Mr. CLEMEN’S re mocked that it was for the purpose of
Vfr. \v 1SF. declared fcat the imputation was unfound
€* J.
■ on read the Constitution of the Con
.riy three <,-wrier* of au
i hour. .
M- FISHER call 1 rtiention to dit'i urics or inconsis
g lh p» podti mof the gen
| -I,until front W. / !, and ate r expatiating upon the ue
,., rot mures as «o i;j, in the event
ol l rtuOC . u of the Ut n, bring beck the Cotton
-•i - p.ove-l tint. the Committee rise. The motion was
ry- It'RNER, of Jacks »n, thu took the lloor, and
■ ‘ \ ns. He declared Lis opposition to the
i, i - S u- i , nfereuce and slated that the mode ot
’ ...» p: i,.vi)r< 1 was for the Convention to
1 ldo-> in T. ,i iu the shape of amendments to the
i ... . i i , > :.d a Cornu.isuionwr to each of the
w i. stru ■ - to submit said eUmmImi lot
1 " t-r i- v’i > i, •• 1 .1 it be not ratified on or
, .r,at Virgnia will resume hersover
He entor -e I h i. views at some length, and
, . . .. u . hk' hi designed leeflbr. Mr. T.
'* .-t a mettoa for the Committee to rise, which
. rv i. the g ntleman fiom Wo ze! to
. ■* ... 1! fia-l y assented but ob
#. * i ' , . • .u:i V.. gl ., "an ^
: > WU.« 1 dc«4ed i» «*»
4>i lav.4 ''•'. whcr. lit on « •*
Mr FI UK.; moved that the ‘TcmmlUoe caM
0,1 f ,r •h V. .. 1 I • »;•» which w,T0 Oi 1 '«’»•»
: t, and determined in the negative J®*®
Mr. H ALL then ■ I * use the subject ot
K, i. r ' K U iocs, som* length, yielding the lioor
; » ir« f. r u,...:o::< for the > oiumitteo to ruv, which wore
•,... .tiv d. At . :• some time, he again yielded the ti »or
r i '• J Hr. W1SK,
.. ,.j tv V. •.* and I) 1 • caving bees ordered the motion
w t* r.j X- ■•}—} - 1 bd.
Mr tlaLL i> - •:•).hs r. ; .ike, and made several at*
.. ..... a u: Caiiii.ii tee, which elicited
culls of “order” Lorn various members.
Mr SUKFFKV a ; e»> 1 to Mr Huai. to suspend his
I- m t1 k - m d alio v 1 e vote to be taken.
. . td only- asked the <
led toeverj > n o .. A re
t. a! ; 1.0 Id; ..gjr.ivc.1 by the action of the
Mr TF ..Ni.'v re. " • : the motion for the Committee
I a td nays. II e q i sstton
w .< • 3 . . dcu ! I in til • tivgiti.c—yeas 32, uays 5t»
Mr. li'LL : c : l be would proceed to uwoi:-< the
,, , ; ■ , v yi r.tl ot t.is Cotifedera.e states, j
L'Ut vie d1. ■ ’ l ti .or tv ...
Mr. (-• it,i)E. Ot Mecklenburg, wlio renewed the motion
to rise. Fbe yeas and in<
i ; ;■ r. .1 w .- caiu called resulting—ye«s i
1 ut»v. . —uot u q-ioruin. ..
. . • Gh dr,and Mr. SBEIFBI,
• , Mr.
j, , ,) • ;; c Ocmii.ili.ee h-u in>cu because ot
t ■ a’ nee u . 0. ail.
Mr .1 ai U. •. ,. . . . -Tied of the Bouse.
'••• '. . ;■ Ai.l. .Ni‘ mo . ; su #•; juimimut, and Mr.
i^ , y< u*.:,ilu y-wih.-h we.eord r
i '1 .o i, : .ii» - Was thru put, and decided in the nt j
M i'ON'R U> it red L * i Uo*i: » rrsolution :
j• f j * u 1 c ?■ H-- i an j/*.a I • ; tol n.# i'ri*
. j,r i ; tac I’jnvtction »Uah b-riJclVtd
ueoaCo ...... M , . I
,[ \ | , Krt re--- tv .; ipiCrtna of ord<r.
. t -• the j.. of order
should be ivdeesd to writing.
IT;«Nr... a .td tor me ru.e requiring mm to con:*
. ci ' e m ■■ id.
* >:? i ,*■; ..*> :c»d 3*r. CeJtun’i re olution. atuar.d
t • 11.
y . fu.N ,»l» i.*e t .cd m ^ ...'et neat.
Mr. B ilt'N moved an uojour mem.
hi i .... un'S r i-fda p> ut of older, vis Uiak the
to i mas not in order.
•; L. i‘: a- it*;, an it- v no-1 tiut the motion
* ,,r, . r .• it., it-.' dc.i-ion Mr. L LFMENd itp
Ue \ 1« - d—yeasS,nays :.. Mr.
‘t i.h j 1.1c:. Cih.d iiic' pi r .iOas ',u • o. , which bus
' F ■- ) «iilk ki. , . . .
. . c:i W ; on the edcp':o: oi the resolution,
.. vote resu ed—yeas Tl,
Mr. FLi r. moved ti;-*. ,,r. UttANt have leave to r.
! i-crd his *»Me.
• ;.;ei : • ions. ipucJliui:.- in o. i.r, etc., the
“ . __-2 Mr. l*u ■). He agreed to,and Hr.
voted app . i g tobe present I
M •. CliE'aBNS raovea : —' t- e C.iuveu'.ii u resolve it
lf ,, .. Gom ni• .: ‘he Whole. Agreed to (at ten
.. .4, nays 1. .
. . . ■ i re ,■> i s m'jja Uciu- i
i ;,.0 Vtuulc, Mr. I’HKK iu the cUir.
• '1 i, t jk t .*-■ liouf, a:.d couij-uined of the
' > c *■ • .--law‘ to him i»y the Committee,
, and di
I rgeta i to nm • hia aaul
lit .• ... •. • •• - finally taken,
! v i resulted—Yc*-’■ •*, nt»> i"
•!* iu. ' uad at 1 • *y o'clock the U*u ,
| vatioaa joa.-4.itl.
Wti'tNoT, March th, 18*51.
. \ M
.. v , . t; .. ( M. V. .. ■ * i!. - lljpt'Ht Cnurch.
i,. f,. 0( , . irfic;d, pr>-. ..t'd a report of the
. . ..: a ... •!» kcM at C , 'ter, iu raid county,
, ‘'r ^ ,-v ,.cu to th» (louiniitlce on Fctie
u . oticr.-a some time since by Mr. Wit
ad by Mr. IC K
,\ C. it, Ol J.vclkSttl.
T!, t’ov.vaiiuu r.eu icsolrcd its* 11 into aCommittee
... e v. • V .< 1 : li Vl.L in :Lcui.r.
y. j i .;SKK, ot CACKsCt!. submitted the- following ax
, ;;ul0 j„r u... icpoit ol the tJcu.nuttce on FcGeial
u, ., h*vlcx w'chd-awn from tbe iedera! I aku isd
. A . . t;, .. vernal.nt, • hai be- oxercecwary
\i • .1 U»* er.ion In ;-r present federal Guo a, to ybtgir.
, “‘“j '..v w' w'. f ».jeaaiucD(4tJVi.e©on»*.luilJU#f the L'tdted
.' A‘ * . , " y. bv"1. .'«r of the Cod*U:«U-p, Afrl an
W rjdvi -1 ;; .M territory of the Unlud state*, and mii»t
l , r t .t l hv the tbltr.-l Gove imeut
: ; B , - • r«Ui.. *Mc acttnbr Ion c f tein.tory n
V r ulB.f t e senator* la Co-gre** from IhesUve
.. . ■ li.-g IttM iball oe ivi n-e I
■ With a View t ■ 4«: le tlir vexed >| it»--lon “f ,he territorle* It
... , v. ,. .. , t ry o; the fnlied 6«xtee, now htll o.
, ..r » . ...I v t-.*ve N -chef •! degree* SO minute* North
; :u •» proh.11 ef.xnd In »ti the tenltory of the Cnind
■ 14 r« n-w i»li r: rvaf er acquired South of said line A’ricun
4v -V I. tecogulr d «* ex .ting, nnd thaw receive ue nccewwry
... ,i, pc.-.y from Hi-various department* of the Gov
*th"oa . a -*r I t«n* to tVU«UA-». duties Import* nrd
mean* u u*ry to into* revenue for th* wp
l of it. Gemr.-1 Gov-rnmeut, n concurrent yot. of a oiiiorlty
,t. * -ji Cvugre.-* from the •Uveht-ld.ng xoJ non-cluv.
*i i line Mute-. *h*U be rcnxired. —
T* n. • if t ... it sy the cltiien* of tb! »ever»lStAtet with
eve* i i u -k ■ t e Mate* »nd ternton
l II Tf.t rvuJ.t •: • f fu iti •• »l»Vi», xndln c*»e tf thy r l«n»
! by v.oeu. r -r.f'vcd* on, eciaier.t n by tbe Ge lerxl G ove-n
■it to th • owner »ad C-ctf-i *bnll provide (or II* retmbareo
«. 3t by «y.Lg*ul' ' cr ;.g x tx* UpOu the State, cliy, or lOuoty
l ,'.i Co crcai 4 » . a-it xbolUh or ln:*rrrrewllh »'»Tery. ••
f now cci*.* ini. tf.;-- t of O. lumbbe; nor chtll It at’ «r In
v«, With tixver, In wf tfehlvlr*. b, who.eU»« It Ir or may
. ovfd - i-c r r. ’ UcA - „ *
4 i, Tb. w ' old.r * from peroenx who wee ln»boleor In p*rtof
I i . A.'rfc«n r c .the elr«Uvefr«:i til»e »nd-be itgn'-c*. holdvlhoe,
1 *c ihtt l^rdl, huiAT<rrtiorUl or ianldpil.
Hh C TW-M '• > ATe DO power t.i nboUili »Uvery In p!*c-*
U de-the rir u* , louidiolf a of the Kcder.l O yernment. *nd
. • within the 11 !•» o' M»tee Ci;-' pern.il tbe holding ufilXTM.
I h. T * ts iiapo.Ut'.i of elcve* freas ft reign countries Into
l'aiiet4'*v«'«iih«llb«forvvtrpr(ihlblt <1
, . lu. 1 air < ii a 1 thTtf no power to interfere wtti. ,h<
tt.AVd trAdd «*»iwrr?i U>e ^twiaa
I • f j. t :,g AnsendmenU thAll not be »ubjeCbto re
U or kja ntija 11 >. i w^s the conArut of All tic UtAiea of the
jn'a Inord.r that xmendmenw *« the Ccocuu-len of the United
B *ie*,-c«rr*in. nu. .li cl toe forego ne ■ 4g*<ttl°*» *4.ell be *u^
•/, l. ;> C le Of the .ever* dUte* now in th- fcuwtl
i '_, „ tf.r-r v‘rio> .1 oe rtj'ctlon therefore
V. i -'C!wii. c > v-r. ,-n w,M nppolLl one Commi-lon-r
/.r... irf, 4 ... | w,0 shxij he llUtlUCtcd to »ub
l.i .» h Of ih- U 1, inVews. nm) If not, to
« It. . tfc- UgUl-ime. Of «-■ I*- Tib.
IX-G JV-ruor* of »udSU-e», the »f • h ^ IxvixJitvr-c
*'*' .'*1- but be npprored
tfZi liu.lr^Co-.TTn.low.of.ddateW.oDcr bArntto
h-cv io ,’C- brr n.d, that taeo an »f Jlbxno. to tbelefcct
t-. Uc»ied „ vhe taUswing reno utloa, *hall go lute op -ration on t. -
Uilrd *■• nd«v in Uclobe- oexc
i; 4. „t rtmt tin- r.iovetitloa » >• adept in trdlanaco
I->* ui VJ * r.ctenf tlrgulx the power* heretofore deleyiMO oy
er to User- -rnl <• vrrnment, to tike t fleet on the 3d Moadav
In OrU^tr nut l: cut th* Aoen linent» ln«it'AteJ !fi the foregoing
ijlte ii* ore not upproveO by the *ever*l Stale* of tb* IJh^oo on
ce 4 li>c Me grot M'c.1.) in October out
//».i . • I, Tbai the >*i i amendment* aud o’dinanre be lubrnil
t <11 • th* peo| le of Ui * Slat* at the next general election for their
approval or reitettoa.
The nmeudoteut «a* rejected—yeas, 87; nays, S'.*.
Th* firs’ resolution reported by th* Committee *»i
hen read, a* follow*:
« reecIreJ. etc . That the SUtee which composed the t’nlted
l*ww ot America wh.ri the Federal Conatilatloo wat foimsd, were
(dependent •overelgntiea, etc.
Mr. MONTAGUE moved to amend the resolution by
iserting the words “and still are” alter tho word
sovereignties.” „
The proposition was discussed at length by Messrs.
lONTAUUE, WISE, and BRUCE, in support thereof,
lid Messrs CONRAD, of Frederick, SCOTT, of Fau
ArLaND, and Others, in opposition.
Mr. WISE was occupying the floor, in reply to Mr.
4ACFARLAND, when the hour of recess arrived.
afternoon session.
The Convention re-assembled at 4 o’clock.
Mr. WISE resumed his argument designed to demon
itnte that the Commonwealth of Virginia has never
urted with her sovereignty, lie closed with tho follow
ug remarks:
As far as I am concerned I mean to wait a reasonable
•,me and long. 1 mean to briug down pretensions and
•Uims of right as far as safety and honor permit me.—
I mean to go along with you, according to the Constitu
;ion, according to law, according to State and Federal
(tatutes, to guide, guard, and regulate us all in our de
liberations, in our results, in our fi'ial action. But after
i reasonable time has passed, or, when our demauds are
brought down so low that I could not even prefer them
with self-respect; then, if no other man in the Common
wealth raises the flsg of Revolution, / will, as high
idoft as I can make it tlauut in Heaven’s air. “If that
be treason, make the most of it.”
The discussion of the question of State Sovereignty
was continued by Messrs. Macfarland and Wise, until
after C o’clock, when
Mr. SLA WELL proposed to amend the amendment by
adding the word “sovereign,” which was accepted by Mr.
Montague. Mr. S., then addressed the Convention in
advocacy of the amendment.
Mr SCOTT, of Powhatan, then obtained the floor, but
yi lded it to Mr. JOHNSON, on whose motion the Com
mittee rose.
Mr. CARLILE submitted tho lollowing resolution:
/£«• lrr>l That debate In Committee of tf«* Whole on reports of
r leral Relation* tliall terminate on Monday
next, at 12 0 clock, M. , , „ „
The resolution was advocated by Messrs. I arks,
Cosr.ii', of Frederick, and Jackson, and oppos 'd by
Messrs. Johnson, Wool's, Mallory, of Brunswick, Bar
hoik, of Culpeper, Wise, Blakey and Harvie.
Th -question was then put, aud decided in the nega
tive—bv the following vote
Ye»- -Meier*. Armatror g. Ait..n, Baylor, Berl'n. Boyce, Brown,
Buri'-'t Bu-ley, Byrne, Carllle, Carter . B Conrad, K k O.-nrad,
C- 'it' x.Cd'lle, O.tkiiu, D.irraan, Uultny, Culy, French,
y. (ill. »ii , Cray, A Hall, F B Hall, Kaymond, liege. Hot
l*|.,v Hubbard, Hugh'* Hu'!, Jackson, P 0 Jobuton, K lby,
Itw'e’M.-l in..* Mctirew. M.N-II, Mocfarlanl, Marshall, Mart,
Mtalln M I't-ra, "dcBelt, Moore, 't rick, Osbu-n, Park*. Fendte
i- n> ’ Pf'.-c Pi: eti, IV U Scott, Sharp, Citlington, 8;.urlo-.k, All
H Si nart, C S SI - irt, 8.’.m! i rs, Turr, T lyloe, WhilBel I, Wickham,
V ^ , Y ’ tjrtsrs Jamey, (Preeldent.k Airbler. Baldwin. A M It- r
B ow, Jr Bolnean, B Boyd, Branch, Bre t,Cl% -
,-T Oamub.'ll, ClotmbllH, Chepru-in. OilLn.n, Conn, U U Cox,
y . i, yish-i FI u-m-v, Fnrl.c , Oarland, tlr.ihsm, (iravely, ore
-v <i, (■ . .U\ Jr..T F Good*. 0 Hall, L8 Hall. Hammond,
l'*iri II ■ Hunt, a, I»brl, MJJ hn* n Kent.lawton, Le k.',
0 K Ml ry. J U Mallory, May-, M..l;r, Mint •car klorns
rton -.e'dett. Nelson. Pr.- ton, Randolph, Rlci.ardioa, Blvee,
r . .- ill Sea* ill, Bh< r*y, Slaughter, Speed, 8 kp'ee Strange,
M therl ! , Th .rnton, Tredaay, K H Turner, Tyler, Waller, Mil
Hu n-", Wbe. Woodj—70.
Oa motion of Mr. FORBES, the Convention adjourn
WsfiNE-iiur, March 27, 18i>l.
The Senate was called to order at 10 o’clock, Mr.
Johnson in the Chair. . ,
House bill to iuc-.rporate the Patrick Springs remale
College was taken up and passed.
House bill constitu'ing part of the Ohio river a lawful
i tak tnd passed
House bill incorporating the Piedmont Land aud Im
nrovement company was passed.
House bill to repeal an a t passed April 2nd, ls>JS, *n
Ii!led an aet requiring the banks of the Commonwealth
to resume specie pay mrut, was par *d.
Hou-. till to incorporate the Monongahcla Savings
r ii k, in the count, of Monongalia, was pa.1.
House bill to annud ami rr-«...„'t an act passed March
.... l -r,M . ■ titled “an act to incorporate the “nob Turn
i to trip m v, in the countv of Washington, and mtor
poritiog i’,. i-Mnedon and Tennessee Turnpike Compa
ny.” was pa°ped. .
’ s.-na'c bill, with House atuendtuent, iw -..propmte a
sc i; n -cesirv to pay fur the preparation and publication
ot the tfccouil edition pi the Code ot \ irgmia, was taken
Qn, a t the House amendment »aaco« enrred in.
Rot - • b !1 tmei dii „ the $ 1 set tion o| an aet guthor*
’ the Hank of th*- Valley in Virginia to eeUblnh a
brunch in the city ot Richmond, was p--"<-d.
ffl red by Mr. BRANNON on a prefed
. Iayt concerning the max : tturo ol arms at the A:
morv, was adopt- d. _ t ,
Mr. JOHNSON c.tlhd uphis joint resolution gtvirg'o
CoT. Aug-- W. McDonald exclusive right to publi-h
c rtu.it: of the document; brought by him from Eng
land. .
Mr. NKF.SON moved to struts out the w.,ru “ejclu
- This motion was nj cted, aud the resolution was
then adopb t - Ayes 2I, r.ocs 7.
House bid for th voluntary enslavement of free re
gra«.s with-ut cou.p-u .tion to the CanimonAca't’a, was
tvken uo aLd passed.
if:, motion of Mr. NE-tSON, Senate biU to suspendth»
l.-. v': - of tii • tex* of th • St i c on the W h «ling end
Re : ■ : It*-:.: Comp .n v for mx years, was tikeu up.
Mr. DAY opp • d the b I.
V STUALT ai. ! Mi . bli ANSON advocate-1 the LiT,
and • ■ - • *27. noes :.
Ot. on of Mr. NELSON, House bill to incorporate
ip, and varit us
amendments offer* i by the Sonata Committee having
been adopted, the- S mate u«y *urt.« d.
Wi-.-.M .*., March 27. IMl.
The Si-eakkr cal! 1 ti:-.- House to ord rat 1.> o’clock.
T e bill imposing uxe« lor me support of govern
n.- n . with c: i tain Bincndun nts suggested by the Senate,
O i mo'io.’. of ."Ir. RAYMOND, t< ferred to the Cora
l< prhued r'oug with the bi 1
K. i. itr t id nle-.i y 'he State’s interest in 556 acres
ot i-.'i, in Hanover, to ,. H. YaUaferto, “a-4 passed.
Ai.j.ylrti,..- Superintendent-of the Staunton and Dark
creburg road” to provide for a special election in the
town of Marion, ia the co-.:ty of Smythe.
Mr. It Arte ELL, bom a Special C..c:l itiee, reported a
0(:. Ui g $25,0 - u. build th<
p. W< st n Vu inia Lunatic Asyimn.
Hoo-o bill iucre.»*ing the Salary of the Prosccu'ing
Ai'.oriiiv in the Circuit Court ot tthio county to f.
>• n pissed.
X , G'uti.jii w.,i adopted author 7.it g the Auditor o!
n. i.l'.. * /. t- • . iit'ni t!».* i.inxi, nt th»» surt'Ln ri o!
!« \V,nst:m, 1:1*0 L'l'i-ri'l of Richmond, «o as to re
i dr:' only one b.ilf of the ins:J...ett, due January 1st,
i's*l, w be j'ivid, and the residue, Januu7 M. 1 - ;
iu.ii ■' • second upon the 1st ol January, IsO: . Provided
ih it the airangei ?•« nt ua!l not be made until the sureties
and jo iucipals .-hull, in vritiug, ps-sut to the terms ot
tlji- ie olut or.
The b 1 iv rucd'ng .1 -uni of money j-nid by ttie county
of Middlesex fur n let of weigh;* end measures, was
Thu !>!•! appropriating *—— a-* may 1 e necessary, un
der the dir-, vt.o.’i r/the Governor, for tl> removing o!
il: r e ar s ul <>' !•• ii! IU.17 L* 1 from the Cemetery of
1*. M N',.litin,:, K- •,, it: the Island of C mberlat d,
1; 'Ti , t.i the public grout.ol the Virginia (Military
institute ul 1. x ng'uu, at.d lor erecting over them a suit
l.'e mo uui '.t. » s called up by llr. M< GAMANT, and
the blanl: was filied with n2,"hii.
Hr. CiiANiv expre-.uri iiis opposition to the s -beme
because proof was wanting that i:.e remeins of Gjuerjl
i.. > wore iu the spot itidicatid ; if the parties rent for
theta wi .. go obtain the remains of another, Yiiginia
would be payit g honors to worthless dust.
Mr. McCCE, as Chairioau of the Special Committee,
appointed to eLquire into the expediency of dranging
e <• st'in of management of tie l’eni'.wutixry, reported
r '.ill which was read a lir-t time. He made a brief ei
i liuatiou of the biil, and craved the indulgence of the
11 oi: ■; lor i's crude ar,d per/’aj'r Imperfect character, in
consequ' .ce of the short time allowed lor Uif tnyestiga
m . The bill proposes to give to the Governor antbo
ii‘v to issue t'M'd proposals to contractors, to lease t-.C
Penitentiary and the CuUgiot labor, and to recognize no
bid that will not exempt the -ce from all expense, iu
supporting the institution. The lesscq bceomcg the tsar
dm, and assumes all the duties of the pr sent superiu
te dent. The cfilue of storekeeper as wellassnp liuton
den*, is abolished, and the laorins 011 hand arc required 'o
be sold. There is precedent for leasing (lie institution, in
the fact that perhaps half the States rent out theirs and
some of them tealize heavy profits Irom the sura paid,
«s reut. A saving to Virciuia of from thirty to seventy
live thousand dollars will be realized by this change.
Hr. MARTI!’, of Henry, ottered the following Union
resolutions, which on his motion were read by the Clerk:
1. ft. t, That, Iu iheoplD u of ti's General Assembly. there
lj a* present u < a '»tj ia»e cause to Impe Virginia to dii “lve her
connection with ll.e I «Jrral Cl,Ion, tut r.nthc roi trarj the C 'jI'I
labor tor such an ac,uaiinenl of the eiUtloir il illcclti s at nil! te
cure the ptac# anil protect the rights and I,|u cllty of a 1 the flutes.
1 fit Thai it ab a*I i.e tLe ilu'jr • f n.e comm ss:oncrs and
nSotrs, »h" shall be appointed a-ccruio* ia la;r to superintend
and eoDduet elections for the General Assemble al the .next al 'C
lion In the in nth of May, to open a separate poll to take the sense
of the quill tied voter* upon the ques'lon of remalntoR in the Fctie
•»1 Uni >n. In order to aacertaiu the sense of .he laid voter, there
, >0E, Ce J*! J officer* shall cause to 1 «• kept a separate pi II. with
two tolumi s, Uie .os to be headed ' For remilnlr* In the Union,
with proper 0 ,1*.t I utloiisi xuA-,''i.e»‘§l1’ and 'he Other “For fi frees
s n;" and the uamea of those Who vote for the former shall he
written under the tormer headlDK, and those who $ot- for tile lat
,u ,njer the la'ter hesdi-.it. " hen t - said effi-er* me.t, -J
pruvi.ie.i by U «• In the ele .Hons for members of the l.eneral Al
1 mb.y h id at t*.- sauie l jne, they shall asi-ertalo and makerefu n
of tne number of persons voUnt for each i ropoa lion; they Bhall
deliver the said poll books to'he ciera of C,lr espeellve counties
and corporatl ns, to be preserved In his office, an.< w-al* forthwith
l, ,ji.nl.' A e-riOcate, contui log the ngfreyate vote for each p"0
pos tloo, to Iks Governor Upon the receipt thereof, the Governor
atall ascertain tin reiw'4 end make prnclama'inn thereof, and
hall alio transmit a copy oi h's iwvdimatlon, containing the said
aggrerate vote, to the Convention for tLeirtr* s?t»a*lon.
On the conclusion of the reading, Mr. MAitTiis p?id '
Mr. Fi’Kaksk, I heard with pleasure tbe remarks mxde
by he geutuning from Mud'son on ye-ti relay, that the
fact that this Legieiatuse voifld adjourn finally on Mon
day next, was now a foregone ctuik!usion: and I have
no doob; that the intelligence will be gladly received by
ocr constiiueu * iu pvery part cf this Commonwealth,
u hose every interest is borm. dpwn and oppressed by the
political jin] 1 oxiuerciul paralyas, wstli tyhich the whole
country is afflicted. J was not in my seat on ye»tc,-d«y
when the gentleman from Ring Wiliam, Mr. Tomlin,
subtnii'ed a preamble and resolutions, touching our Fed
eral Kj’ut on-. Had I been here, I should have moved
their iudenmte ^uatpoaement, as I am now, and have
been opposed to any action upon those subjects, by this
body, durirg the scssiou of the Oouventioc, who have
leoe'atly been elected for the express purpose of con
sidering ami adjusting all such questions. For which
reasons I shall oppe«e every effort to take up, (or con
■ld«r»il*n, the reaoluiloBi submitted by the gentleman
from King William; but, should the House decide other
wise I wish to oiler the resolutions, which, at the pro;«r i
time', I shall propose as a substitute for those submited .
by that gentleman. I move, for the present, that tie i
resolutions be laid npou the table and printed. i
Senate bill amending the Pilot laws in regard to the 1
Potomac River, was taken up, on motion of Mr. McKEN
ZIE, and passed. 1
Senate bill incorporating the James River Hoot, Shoe ]
and Leather Manufacturing Company was called up, on 1
motion of Mr. FRIEND, and passed.
Senate bill for the better government of the town of
Danville, was called up by Mr. KEEN, and passed. '
The appropriation bill was called up, on motion of Mr.
UAYMOSD, and sundry amendments thereto haviog
been adopted, it was ordered to its engrossment.
After the passage of sundry unimportant bills, the
House adjourned at 2 o’clock till half-past seven.
The Speaker resumed the Chair pursuant to adjourn
hills fasskh,
Authorizing County Courts to establish water courses,
lawful fences within their respective limits; incorpora
ting tiie Tobacco Savings’ Bank of Richmond city ; au
thorizing the Board of Public Works to estimate and re
port losses sustained by W. W. King; authorizing the
trustees of Easter’s Meeting-House in Morgan county to
sell and convey the same ; amending an act concerning
committees of insane persons.
On motion of Mr. PHELPS, Senate bill “amending
the 1st sec. of chap. 149 of the Code, relative to the
limitation of suits, so as to limit the right to make an
entry or bring an action to recover land west of the Al
iighany mountains,” wa3 taken up. Tho question being
o:i its "passage it was advocated by Messrs. PiiKt.es,
McCauant, Knotts, Crank, Holdwat, Aldkrson, Uokk
man, and opposed by Messrs. Smith, of K , and Cackr
ton. After a long debate the bill was passed.
On motion, the House adjourned.
Washington, March 20.
William nitkey, the newly appointed secretary of the
8jpate, was sworn in, and euteied upon his duties.
The Senate then took up the Douglas resolution, and
Mr. Breckinridge proceeded to address that body. He
had some doubts at first with regard to voting for the re
solution, but being desirous of learning the policy of the
Administration, he had concluded to sus'a ;j tt. Lie could
uot see where or in what puticular the Republican pi rty
h id abandoned the principles of tho Chicago platform.—
The extreme Southern States had not discovered it, the
B-rder States had faded to secure any compromise, and
even the party itself could uo*. tell wherein they had
sn-riticcd the least of their principles.
Tr.e complaint which had sundered the Union was, that
the property of one-half ol th>- Union could not obtain
protection. There was not a Senator on lire other ei.Jc
who would agree to give the Sbuth un equal share of the
territories. They could not cure existing evils by trying
n> deceive themseives or others as to the true issue.—
Ti ey have been sitting since the 4 th oi March, looking
at a dismembered country, at the consolidated power ol
the Southern Confederacy, and at t!-c discontents in the
Border States, but no word of conciliation or arrange
ment came from the other side.
Unless in a short time the Northern people agree to
give the South her equality, they would either drift into
civil strife or have to enter into a treaty with the sece
ded States. The adoption of the Crittenden resolutions
at the last session would have retained all the Southern
States except South Carolina, hut unless in six months
the demands of the border States wore met, the trouble
would end in war. or settle itself by the withdrawal of
State after Slate from the Federal Union.
lie believed the constitution of the Confederate States
wia in accordance with the true spirit of the original in
.-trument, and that at no distant day that might be the
larger Confederacy. He thought it strange that after a
session of three weeks during a crisis like this, the Pre-si
dent had communicated to no nu mber of the Seuate
the nature of hia policy. He appealed to Senators on
the other side to express their views, and not sit silent
and allow the country to drift into civil war. They on
the democratic side were powerless. Whatever was done
should con v from the r* publicans.
Mr. Douglas said he intended no arraignment of the
motives or conduct of the Senator from Ketnucky. He
st i; contended that under the bill organizing territories
a' the last pession, the p 'oph- of the South had the right
to enter the territmies. The Republicans had abandoned
the Wilraot Proviso and adopt d hi* doctrine of non-in
terveniion, which he had aJvocated for so many years —
The Southern S,at°j now in the Union had therefore no
inst ctuse of complaint. He was therefore- apprised that
the Senator from Kentucky had denied his (Douglas’; po
si ion*. and had contended that tin- R-p iMicaus had not
yielded one iou of their oHectionable views.
lie (Mr. Br-'ikinridge) had stated the terms upon which
aloi e the horaei States would remain in the Union, and
•it n Pii-t there wx* no hiq, * ol their getting those terras.
Oi hi» part, he held that b -mucky bt}d <;{! the justice
and equality sb- iiad ev'-r demanded, und the Senator
hv! not undertik n to dispror • tils assertion- In fact,
tin South tad all south of :’.7 degrees, inst ad of M. 3'i,
a i!alf ad-gee more than proposed iu the Crittenden
-ropo-itions. If the S u-ator’i view was correct that the
• gion dei l i th . • * on lor all lime f« r
( ill - Territories, then th* v were ali open to the South.
If the :esti-ja h_<J t? be decided by the court, a* it
m:ght hereafter arise in t: e dineuxt T'-rritori-s, tbea
tliev w ere pledge 1 to abide by such decision. He re ter
med tl -.' the republicans Led a iiidoncd ti:e dOo'.iiuc of
; rohibftioo of sjevery by Oougre.--1, and that the South
should be e mi-died- ’’The ueiutcr frea Kentucky had
gut more ijiaa he Qr h«’ loiate bad *1 minded, and
s ould be content. U*’ should go to Jy mtuoky and t-. 11
his peopl i that the South bad eq lalitv aud justice, and
urgt. h< r to adhere to the Union. He de.naniiud of eve
ry Union man that this fact should bi proclaim -1 to the
p’oplc of the South, to cairn their apprehensions and
ibJue their frenzy. Th • Senator should tel! his p»< pic
fir-t that they hid assurance that their right* would
■ . , 'ii t
an amendment I . I. ; 1- 1 to the cocsti i
g t . > Sut More
over, ho could siy that Mr. Lincoln, in h -. i.xugural,
h.id.'by advociti; g a faithful cx-.i utioa of the fugitive'
. ■ . . -v '- —
He was • o ap'd. f-.r the b 'puuhcan p .riv, 1- .t it was
undeniable that i'm had abandoned tln jr W Imot provi
<o vi-'ws. Territorial govi inrueuta had now been estab
li-’r.e 1 over every iuch cl Tet ii orv iu the Uni id S’ates,
and tl.etc »».- nothing to which to nfp!y prohibition.
Mr. Breckinridge denied that he bad committed any
ertor in statiug the position of the rep iblican party.—
j He wc.'ld not charge the S. uttor from Illinois with any
intention to nua* e,.u ent him, but li* hud endeavored to
draw from his speech the improper inference that he fa
vored immediate accession, lie d.d say thm, the now
dominant party had not yielded their dlstiecfive views,
ami if 111) I, iit’.-.! that party were to remain dominant,
he would ! uve litii bore of the Union. They could not
sire the Union by trying to pcixido the people of th
South ttiat ti,.j iiad that which they kuow ihey di 1 no
have, and that the doaiwm party had aLmdone-I .1- w*
which they had rot ala- 'oucii. >1- wf;l' not charge
the S uator from Illinois whir seekii g to it Jure hi.u |« r
snually or to deceive his people, but such might be the
' 11c would admit that the Presid -nt of the United Stitt a
had leccgui'jd the duty of Cergregs or the States to fr>
vide for tin* rcr.«iiuo;i vf fugitives from i »W\ aud to that
limited extent lie uiit hi be a'-> to rt t<>;'nixe the 1 gei'iv
tf slay* rV in the Staua where it r isted. but i.o ua<l sub
scribed toUrn ifoey-iw- ' it freedom was tin fcatm.il ecu■
tirioti of ti e Territories, wi w;*t tipikuer Uo.ip-fe.- nor
a Territorial I* gisi uure coni 1 legalise its ejistgune there.
These pial . declarations, wt..c1i hid never been rcrauicd,
were worth mere th m ail the itigen o.ts twistings of the
S. -nator fr«nn Illinois. With sujb facts before him he
l„ ••*• would tel! his people that their rights were to
The reason the k -punheaus Jid 'tot <*nply the Wiimot
proviso to the territorial bill last r-esooi* »nj becri'*c
they had not the power, and, moreover, felt secure of 4ne
territories then otguiixid. They knew that tbo whole
Caohit-.ery of the territorial governments would be with
■hem, the t':o;.Je"t appointing tlie Judges ando'her of
: c r . Vet, ii, the face of a.I this, *he Senator from Illi
nois per.-is ted in urging him to u-il the people of tl<n
tucky that tb y uever stool in a belter position as to the
security of t};eir rights. He could t ot say this truthful
ly, nor lei! tie people ti.ut the It puhl cans hail abandon
ed their views, y/hen he kn-'y to the coutrsry.
llr. iioughi i responded a' some length, repeating, how
ever, that which he »aid in his previous.speeches.
The Senate then went into ekeculii’g session, and af
terwards adjourned.
Tnx Wkai.tii or the Nop.th asi» Povkett at tub
Soi th—The liepu lienu journals ami thetr allies ere
c nsiantly hurp eg on the absurd idea that the great In: k
of the substantial «e:illb of the country is at the North,
j ix i,j that the South i comparatively poor, and mainly de
• r coder.t upon ttie tot-ncr- They .-ecu to forget that the
| North lives almost altogether i.y l.;.- commerce, which is
always liable to sud-len ebangda'and ^epiessmos, rod tha'
alien preytrated, ruin aud bankruptcy rapidly ensue.—
Tha N V i . that it.is new
seriously endangered, mid dropping for the time its riui
cile ot the South, it sounds the alarm in view of the ef
fect of the Morrill tariff in the following strain :
“As things now are, the firosjxcte for the commerce of
th e city are so discouraging as to coll forth out too*
cry of alarm from all classes ot our citizens, h or wo
! ye by commerce, and by commerce nitb the whole
j world. Take that from us, aud every industry, every
t ude suffer*." H or h, il-.ft < O’, ct confined to the limits of
the city, or of the §>late, of which A the ornament and
eupport. There is hardly au iboa establishment o'a coal
mine in Pennnylvania, or a ioom in Massachusetts, o. a
forge in New Jersey, that does not leel the pulsation of
its artetiat blood flowing direutiy foon. the grc&f heart of
the metropolis. If that becomes torpid, wee ui the ex
tremities. A numbness will come over them which no
warmth of protection cau remove."
While New York is thus frightened, the South is rapid
ly lucreaeLg h->r commerce, and her productions, such
as cotton, corn, tobavcc, w'-eat, rice, pork, Ac., are year
ly addiug to her substantial wealth 1Ud "nduring pros
, jerity.
Dkath or a a K, Esiirfs is PhidaiiElphu— An ex
Empress dii d in Philadelphia ia.t sroe|c. We refer to
Madame Haute de Yturbide, widow of the form*r Em.
peror *>f M-Xico. She had resided in Philadelphia ‘ince
the execution of her distinguished husband, in 1821. by
the Mexican government, from which she received a pen
sion, tbu’ enabling her to educate ber family liberally —
She is s id to have b-en a most exemplary woman and a
Jevoted mother. She leaves several diughters aud a
3on, V7b0 lua*y poounied an ofiniil position in Mexico.—
Tier funeral took pla&een jiitpr^ay Jast at Saint Joseph’s
(Catholic) church. There vote none ol tha ninjfei of
the noble lady, who once wore a crown, to follow hot re j
maips to tue jrave. A few geuilenun ot Philadelphia,
whtg> social position Lad brought them into intimate re
iitions with the family in past tiu»-*s, vore in atterdance.
T. ieVerviotg were ef the simplest, nr at uno?Uui*tiouj
Xkf * NT4 D—1,1100 buihdg ngnnil- *1*0,5,000 Ibx IwiMX,
by JOHN W. Ci ARLMK, Aeclh-esrr, *3 ,
inhlj Mark*! Place, JTraokila lurevt.
An official order has been issued which tlnilly dlspoa
s ol the subject of tho evacuation of Fort Sumter. Mttj.
Lndcrson has been ordered to Newport (Ky.) Barracks,
a superintendent of the western department of the ar
ny. As this is an official order, the evacuation of Fort
lumfer may be considered a 1 Axed fact."
Captain John Willis, ot Vicksburg, has signiAed his in
ention to present $1.0<H) to each of tho volunteer com
tanlea in that city which tendered their services to the
State of Mississippi.
Reports from Montgomery state that by the 1st of
April tbcro will be Avc thousand troops of the Southern
Confederacy concentrated around Pensacola. The New
Means Delta says it is believed iu New Orleans “that the
lute troops would be called into active service at Pen
tacola, and that the volunteer troops would be detailed
us an army of reserve, while the independent companies
ind battalions would be ordered to the local posts, now
indcr command of the State. We are not at present au
;horized to speak in detail on this sufjact, though we are
n possession of the facts."
A new regiment of three hundred men enrolled at
New Orleans for service at Pensacola is commanded by
"apt. Alfred Coppens, who served in the fifty-third regi
ment of the infantry of the line of France, and acquired
t high reputation. The officers of the regiment arc al
ready enrolled. Its system, drill and uniform will be that
af the regular French Zouaves, and their comnuuds will
he given in the French language.
A letter dated Pensacola, March ltvh, says:
“Fort Pickens u in a state of admirable defence—the
guns glisten in the sun, as a warning monitor not to ap
proach it on a fostile mission. Lieutenant Slommcr, with
his gartison, is able, not oulv to repulse all attacks, but
as Pickens commands all the forts and batteries iu the
hands of the State troops, he is also able to silence thtm
in an incredibly short space of lime."
We also see" it stated that nil the ships of the home
squadron arc out of provisions. Only for the energy and
enterprise of Captain Adams, of the Sabine, they wou’d
have had to leave Florida altogether. Since the vessels
arrived at Pensacola, not a line had been received from
the Navy Department. The steamer can get no wood and
water. A “smuggler from Pensacola" was selling water
at four cents a gallon. The officers and crews o! the en
tire fleet are told off, to land at a signal from IJeutenant
Richard Jfildretb, of New York, the well known histo
rian, has been selected hj the President for the consulate
»t Tripoli. His health has been very bad of late, and be
iesires to try upon it the • ft'-ct of that climate.
A Dksial—We are requested by Mr. IJ. C. Crook to
j. nv the statement published, that lie intended to resign
the position of Mail Acent on the Orange and Alexandria
Railroad—Alexandria Uazette.
Ink Mission to Bolivia.—The President has detorm-1
ned to appoint the Hon D. K. Carter, of Ohio, Minister
Resident to Bolivia, ami Mr. C. has signified bis accep
tance of the position.
A New Cadet from Louisiana.—The President has
■Deferred a West Point Cadet s appointment upon Henry
Yeager, of La , to fill a vacancy iu the Military Academy
roni that State.
rHC annual meeting of the Stockholder* ofth- Rank of the Com
monwealth will he held at their Hanking House, la the city of
II I lined, on WEDNESDAY, the 10th day <f Apill
mhtt-eotd __J. B MORTON. Cashier,
vamjaui.i: niLi.i.\u i»kopi;ktv
ilHF Cndenlgne.1, under a deed of trust from Joseph Btummrll,
offer for tale the valuable Wills on ihe loath ride of Jamea
ilv-r, opposite ti tl • city of Bi bmond In the town of Mancbea
er, known as _ _ _
The Mill* contain ten (10) pair 4.V feet F each Burr Stone*, and
til theirs hlDerv for Lotting anil othir pu'po*. * are of the Lest
nodern m»k ■ The Mills are capable of turning out from 40s> to
190 barrel* r.f fliur per rtl.ra They a e propelled by ar. -iDple
gsterpower fr. 'n the river, which never fall*, and the water
rl a, It ,re OVl robot ■ I . feet dlamater They are lo-ated at the
,-:td of tide *st;r. with elevators h r receiving wheat from the
■Iv-r and shipping tl .ur fr.ra the Mil s.
The property is, II red at private *ale; and pe-soas dei'.ring to
nirckase may obtain fuither Inf rmatii n bv api Itlng to
Ricemnnd, Va , March 24,1'51—d2m_
I \ AT.4,— •.:■ b lies Oats, for sale b »
l | K0RKRT.4 ft MELI.RV,
mh2S— 31 C rner Oary *nd 13th Streets.
(T I'M Alt ABIC -9 bales Gum Arabic, far sale bT
C trot Btreeia.
3 by maiud t- _ A. E MOORK, A>t,
LtOrSTSY CURED 1IAW4 —A few nice < ne« oil hand and for
J gale by [tnhil] _ A. E. MO >I«E, Agt
Dried APPLES, for sk'e by
mbits_A. F- MOORE, Agt.
ni TARS — . beautUui ,ri'.c!e of 0. and Pa,-to Rln Brown Su
k'i,t. and RcStcd do, for uile by the mail, at
■ -. A _• *.
C‘tnAP.3 —A few thoua»-d supeibr Cigars, for sale at a low
J price, by [ah-.-] A. E. MOORE, Agt.
“ Sole Leather,
Cndon Yarn*,
H f- y Fuse,
Tanners’ "II,
N V Run:.
V.’.it'tn Whlskr,
C-otc 1 *.,
Hai.j, A-i. For sale , y
mh*5 ' * 0 P DAVENPORT
JkOUDV.B.—Maine and Blastlrg. 2.(0u kegs f,.r tale by
{ <J8_, 1 A i, 11 "AVrN_ OUT.
s lURPOWOBBr-lu icau.l ffea and D
'T lag, K Mu h. i.n l Indian Rill ■ t.i .'k-„< and c-s. i for sale
1 H B l)V. I.M'OBT
lJTK.IM i Ltidiil'lfl) A, MGtlt. - ■ •
*> |- r.. .V • I ft " H DAVENPORT.
PO 1 A’fUEk.-1 hive on hand and dally receiving Jersey
Wb'ir M-rccr Early,
Ilcev Eye*, do
D.kcm in'* do and
Pcae’t Blow Potstor, alts
Ew.et P t to .-ee l.
Beans and Bls-k Eyed Pea*.
Wi'h a ; ~»rti assortment of Family Oro.erlrj aR low for ca*h.
PAMPd ’N J"NE«, Agent.
nl,L " -••rr of M in and 3th.
rAfi DHETH'k (IlHIHIJI EiWt'UN.—A large pply
Jnll.es Garden Seels juit m e.v't.
J. I*. DUVAL, D-cggist,
nh-y4 Main an I lu ll street!.
Is) KKG8 BvUth*cip'en Fata!)/ LAUD In st-re ami fur tale
| LOT of J ilU0 11 Bn i i uni j u*< ON, constating
1 if reasti and bhoiiljer*, In store and for isle by
vr| in KINF S7IOKING ItUIAt <’f»-In Barrels—
V ’n lot , lb and M ,b. packsget. E rsilehy
' I CO., Droggtfta
1>1>1AN CJlttLAt stCl'E—A sur. ur . >r Agui and
Fever, *C. Vorialiby -
mbit __ _ Druggist*.
I il LVRHUED COKN S TAKCK—Tor making Pud
,...i P «*, Cuttardv Won Man, *c. Kept for sale by
nu U Cl. 'Vf.ts AH® XXa| . BatMn* put
I plus. Eorsaeuy DO. LA CO,
nh'(a_ ____
f|Vt>4>i'l* SfitlNMfiS -Of every ciyle and , ja!lty, may be
' j
; .( , ; e.
j$FXJ \(V. Ac 1.0 ,
21 y Jfat!unor» uii'ut, Ifdihmort,
MILLINERY am* straw qoodb ok all descriptions.
m>KY would ran t arvtruti* au* ntlon ts tl.eir extensive stock
JL of blr**w llor.n t«. Fists, Shaker Ho*.il* and al! the now Fancy
fn.jpC, 0< th ■ p esent season, ar.d w II guarantee their prices to be
. lV t’le vooi's cm be purchased in the New England market.
txt.u*,vt, i sro tin rt of llcnnets, Caps and Ruches—
new nat'eriis
Iff Order* punctua ly filled._tchtd—kttwjw
TttaistTtv Dkpirvuk.'t.
'hire!. k2, l«Gt
UEALED i'HOIdOSALS /H, he mce'.ed v.ll.ls Depart
m»nt unH Ti ‘t'ehdfli nooft cf TU*c lay, the ... <ixE °f A;r 1
UNITED ETATE8, to be lnued under the act of Congress of the
S*h February last.
Th < st* • t rill h *ar Interest at the rate of six rcr cent, per an
lyfibl sera . .• on the ft**' days of January and July
in eaeh year anj will be rcimb .rsaule :n twenty years from the
first dav of January 1< r.
T> e prr pssa’s sh-nl I be end rsed on the envelope*, "proposals
*0. Loan of 1*41," *n 1 be adilr-ssed to the “Secretary <*f -.he
Tre eu y. Washing1*,n. D. CP’ Tney wlil be opened and decided
at the time above 3*a*eJ.
Nodi rcan be accented foi ar.v frarlla oi on . thousand dal
lars; no* will any c.:r r be c nslucrecl uni*** on* per centum cf Us
amount h di p niiteil with a ,i *po*lt*ry of the United Htoto*. inhjei t
to the order cf til . tary f the Treasury. The certificate if
su ti deposit must aecs.rpany each pro; cssl All otUrJ fo*sti*es
under this no'.’c muit be uncomll'lon il. and contain no r ferenee
to any r ther • ff. r. The < ifer* must state the su *i oflered fer eat h
hundred do.l rs of the St'Ck.
;1 dders ior this n ck, whose oST.-rs shsll he ac e ited, must dc
p i»il .** aasc.nt C'-red and ace pted with the Tr asiirer < f the
Unite! 8.ate*, or With the As **■* in; T--* ,*urtr at Boston, New York,
I‘ Had* Iph'o, and Ft l.oul»r*,r with th* Depositary tt Clnelnnati,
on or b«fore the Gf.eenth ‘lay of April next. btuul. any s rc.s«
J it tl 'il.-, *!• sire t * deposit at any ether pdlnt, iris request to that
ell'ccl srt 1 be duly co>*»ldepe*J.
Upon the receipt fit this ueoortmytii of certificate* of ileposiie
grim the Dep sit r'e* ahev* tn-n'loned, certificate* Ot IrjerlheJ
stout *i;t he is u I to the sjcccsful bid !*r» or Utelr er»lgt.s In »u*n^
cf ore ihouar.u, nv*. thouaan', and ten thousand dollar’, 'l U«$ii
option Ir.scrlbeii •-oct* so ji.j will pa-ry Inter* st Torn the d&r<*
of the dept site of tl e money as ab*,ve st ••eu, »*,d uill ()? frans
ferrabi- on th* books of the Treasury, agree .-.My to file rtgiilstixns
cf the Dtp r.meet.
Should any tuceessful hldderde*lre certificates of stock with enu
»oni of the semi-annual Inter**', t ereon attvhel to each cerilfi
*h*.v will be i*«u"d in sums of one thousand dollars each, w th
attach i. coupont forint •*;'.* om the 1st day of July next; and
such ootrpon stork Instead of being trau-*'.-. i cM-» on the book* ol
the Treasury, msy b* asttgned and transfer*, d by t.;e taere u.
Gvsrv of »uch certificate*. The Inte til on *u*h coupon stock
from )he date of • le dep site of the money ther, fjr unt.I the fif'd
4 iy of yufV trill bcpulB on ;hat dey to th* a-rep'-ed hi filer or hi.
i*itorney. hy th* dip isllary will* whom ybeunuuipal re: deposit !*'
Ti e t*i.ii.nl.-i»-y fiepn* le tl one per centum required lieu* ah
bidders un ler ill's n Uc. wijf fee Included In the final deposit* b|
principal by successful bidders, ami will be greeted fo be iiumedj
a'ely returned to unsuccessful bidders. is s*. CliiSR,
mh'Jfi—dtdwtd Secretary of the Treaaury.
Where for mor* than twenty yean first claaa Good* hay* beet
■old at right pri***«.
ZW~ RememberJrt
They Warrant every article they aell, and offer at fill time* the
"A Vforii loii.e Wl*el"
nol« _- kinjt. tAVT»7N a wn.LlAMM.
WE HAVE IX NTOKE AXD Oflier for Sale
on a* favorable terma a* the article can be Imported fer, if
Iv package* Of, X aid H pipe*) of pure and best quality FRENCH
BRANDY, of our own importation,
apg AI.VBY A T.tMfViWB
-| »r i \ B BLN. OLD RYE WHISKY, of superior quality, in
1OU Itor. find for Ml* by (f«l»] M. JONES.
viroiku mail AOEirrs-APPonrTMMrr-TM
[Special dispatch to the Evening Post]
Washisdto*, March ‘Aft.—The mail agent* recently
appointed in Virginia are (o be removed, in consequence
ol their nr popularity among the people of tbe Bute.—
The Pie«d»nt will appoint new men in tbeir pieces.
It i* stated that T. T. Coombs, of Ohio, will be ap
pointed United States District Attorney for tbe District
of Columbia.
There arc indications at the Treasury Department this
morning, that the new loan will be taken at par.
On Wednejday, lfl'h March, by the Rev. 1 PrVerkin. Mr*. B. w.
BTItltBT, of thla city, to Mr. O. 8. HARPKR, of Pilnce Edward
county. ____
On Wednesday, the 27ih loat, MtRY, daughter of 0. Y. and
Louisa Urrsee, aged two months and Un days.
The frl n e and ar.|UaluUnree rf the f smile are rrapeetfully lo
oted to attend h r funeral, from her father's residence, this
(Tt.ursd ty) a.Sernoon at dX o’clock.
7HV ONLY DYE.Iveranattisd
THE ONLY DYE.Sworn to be polsooleM
TBE ORLY DYE .for a living brown
TtdtC ONLY DYE.For a perfect black
FHE ONLY DYE... . That defies detection
TUE ONLY LYE. That la lnatantaneon*
and the
For all who dealre to bare the color of their hair changed with
s-f t», cert ilnty and r.'p’.dtty. to any shade they may desire. Man
ufactured by J . CHKJaTAlcORO, 6 Astor House, New York. e< Id
everywhere, and applied by all Hair Prraaera. mbl8—diwlm
In these trc ubled and perilous time#, when our fellow country
men arc so wrapt up In excitement of the Present, that all the
praceful, and fratern'ilng Influences cf the Nation's Imuostai
peer are!*1 dan/ernf betrg neglected, until to late f r them to
ssve the Union, the whole coun’ry roust acknowledge tin vital
Importance of each a glorious and thrilling memorial of OurYia
amu as
which carrlei the fascinated reader back ts the patriotic day*
when the Virginia Rllh men and the New Enrland Minute-Men
Itood ahauld.-r to thoulder In that terilhle atruggle from which
we omergf d a free, happy and I'mtku Gallon. ' Thl*
la the very euei.ee o| all that li entrancing, thrilling, and pat
riotic In National Romance, and In the name of iti au hor,
1> a guarantee of Its general ityle.
The fl.it chapter! of “STRONG STIVE” appeanln
roil APRIL 6TH.
/ lit • Mass es' inperior Cobntry Cored Hams,
,5 do * oo do Middling!,
11/1 do do do ShouLera;
Just received and for sale by
n-! : _Hpgt*f4HWs
IlLOl/'K.— i'I.bii Rivanna Superfin* Hour,
i' 12.1 do do Extra do
JM do City Mills Super. do
lies do do Extra do
2!0 do M .ktna do do
ft I do Fine do
Received and for *el'by [mh27J HUNT A JAME1.
11 hhds Vodo Rico 1
2* do New Orleam I
ft • tc* eh Ice Muicovado ) Sugar
fill hhi! Cip b af I
2i» do Powdered
I'i ; i1 ’* Prli ie Porto Rica Mc.i sei
841') |
2 Chest v y tuperior Gunpowder Tea
75 bhla me Turn Se. S Mackerel
I and ng for lale by
WANTE7D, In large .|a»ntltlei, Ber. Wax. Flai Seed and
•iwwafr tr Bark, by JNO. W. GARLICK,
mh27 Druggist, Richmond.
/ 1KFNNHAW * »N*1NHl'*.-We hut an assort
V7 men of Crenshaw*! C,Sf‘n-*re lluslneaa Suite for ths Spring
- j. n. to w’ Ich we aak attention,
( H.N 11H1NG GOOD*, alndt(applyofdnttnert
’ Furnishi.-g <> ods and Frier Dreia artlclea, In iter* and for
siie I y n-r27 K* KN. II U.DW1X A WILLIAMS.
I Ir.vlted t-i exanlne our Hock of Surgical Ictrumen’* Medi
cine Che-ts, Saddle Hags, P icket Cirri, Truxae! and Medl.cl
Wart.] and Appara'.oS, a. k(«f r great Induce eat* and ltaue
none but the best, (rent ui '.labllit. merit
Ilk AyF A HaKER'd Manufacturing,
Ph rmveutDl and Druggi-ti,
rahl2 166 Main Street, cor. abnv« the P. O.
(Branch of the Baltimore Uouie,)
103 Corner Nlulii mnl 14tli or Feurl Nlrretis
0/ "t
Alio a large ftock of CHEAP CLOTHING, adapted to Servant*'
Wear, to which we Invite the ipedc.l ntteollon of
i'ohu.cu Manu.act.irer* and laruvetf.
or 10 _
k chafed, March 42. 1-dl. |
N OTI^R TO SUiPPEKS. Thla Company till hern
ooctally no III I bv the aath ri le* of theSuithvn Confed
era. y, l at on ant after 10 DAY, dull, a will be collected on every
I r territory, ll will, therefore, te nece.aary
Hi i a wiilten Invoice-of the content* of every package, duly
iirii.n to be'o - a Jua'Ice of the Peace, thall acrot"ratv every
p i k gs -cut by Express. ADAMS F XPKEHS CO.,
mt,2o-1W __J F GIWS-'N, Agent
1M>8. RI'HI"«T“AUK- 1801
Hats, Caps and. Straw Q-oodSi
No, 1«T Mila BTa»a7, (orvofiT* FxcHASua Bah,)
Rl'hniorut, Co,,
Hxve re»4y and arc now offering to the Merchant* of Virginia,
North < arolina and Tennessee, at price* to suit the times, a com
p cte sloe’- of Spring aod Pcmrerti orfs, which for vxrltty and
style oanrfo; be exc-iod. Bu/e:* will do web to give us a call be
fore purchasing then ere
mb.83 _ZLLr.TT A wnBIQBt
Thia most delicious and appcilslsg Sauce,
Invented by the rer.owutd ‘‘Scran," for
the London Reform Club, la, since his de
cease, manufactured by the well known
hncae of Caosoi A Blaoxweix, Loudon,
from the original recipe. It Is the favor
ite Sauce In England, an j on Lie Conti
nent, with a high and growing reputation
among American Epicures, and li much ap
proved of a* a tl.isr.Uat U U.s appetltg
and aid to digestion,
"We recommend our correspondent to try Moas. Bcraa’a new
Bon entitled the “Sultana Sauce." It U made after the TurkUh
recipe; Its flavor If excellent, and it affords considerable aid In ea
sts of snow a*d wxiC DtoxsTio*."— T\* LanctL.
' Plouant and Spicy, worthy the genius of Boyer.”— 06
**>'«e.\ -
“A most vajnihle adjunct to glsh, Fjetn anq Fowl, kui should
kive a place on every table.”—2 .hil.
Bale Agents for the IfrJted Stales.
OARDr.hU o. JVtlJS, eu Fulton kt, Mew Tosk,
and BRAY A 1IAYS3,84 CoraUll, fcoAioo.
! For Sate by tj.cccrs and Fruit Dealers everywhere
JalT—Stawiv _ ___
H*»* od h*nd • l»»e« stock of CLOTHING, such M
Cried UcSVv. D.erte_sy
Moscow Beaver- do..
Eng hsh Whitney do.
Drab Beaver Garraeka
bta g Petersham' d?.‘
Hi rer kU’eed t,». 8-lqg
Grey Casa do.
Vrjvcteer. ilaollng Bpltj
hikes »nd Biowq Ffettoh (Jms Build
Blaek and Faney Oass Pants
/ancy and Black Bilk Vesta
BiieV aad f»nrj Velvet Vest*
Bhlrts, Collars, oocks and Tie*
{ky^cTotjAgTctdi^Tn'i erntrung.
For Bargains caU on DARUOOTT, HARRIS A GO.,
nolfl ___« i JAB Main Street.
hjlCB.—SO casjts new Rlcs. strictly prime quality, direct from
It CharieafvD, ju*t lax Jed, ana for .air by '
B*W)*¥ a milt.rr,
JaW Oor. Pearl and Oar# streets.
1O0 U*L^ BWI|‘9 °(Wo(>‘1’, NVrth c»r»Un‘ Family Rot Her
80 half kbit of *orth tiarohna Family Shad
6 bhla of Wood's N. 0. Family Oat Herrings
lbso! Mountain Buckwheat
90 bags Ernst Buckwheat
10 tubs of superior Fre*h Butter
10 chests of do Green and Gun Powder Teas
Baking Powders
Cteerrs A Tenl'na family L.rd]
Queen 01 y Hants .
Family Flour
B»led Hay, Bran, Brownttuff, Ships;.?
Clean Oats and Corn, Ac., for tala l^ '
•«& Oor, Broad m4 TIE AM seta, opposUs Mm Tfcsatrw
utfcfiaji egu ~u4har ^MMIM refir13. _
n \ I TIIOW %« R « Hll \ T| . |
9 »•< f.rorakly kMBntoaur clila- i, will >. .,*.4 '
U the rn.aln* April elect! .0, u th. p.opl.'a ch..tea Mr H|(,u
ITkDLE of th. dlf rf Rlcbmord itulnefi ram mar rot u,.„j
Ihot M»|. Martian i. w-ll Pr lb. dbrliuy. •ftp,
»f High Cunaiable, »fid If elected, Bill attend to U. duHe, ,
shire Bits untiring Induitry. We hop. hljfrier,da util• urtlMm
ie,yea In h'a bahaif.
r^>i «* E m i» e 1 t r ir i. l v
n uuc. mj.-lf a candidal, for ra electron u ,k .
nffir'e oI CITY COLLECTOR. "
tnliil t-le* _ Jt'Ul'g A HOVOM
»^.i kini-mth 1,1,1 jjT
nounea mi*.If a candidate for rerlr-t n u ,,
mli'l -(dt* _ TUOMA* IT. ErOLEY.
MTV POOK-IIOI si:. I e, ,
W'-Jr fully annnmce my.elf te, 'Jr. ». .,f th. ,.
hlch-r r.nit «• a Can lldat-for the SL'PEKINTl ,I>INt;r Of TUB
CITY BOOK HcL’dE, at ihc aniulng Apr! o
tnM8-tSdAprtl RICHARD RyINg
Wr^SnCITV HOI sell-Tb« (oKwitg p*r.
loni sill b. iiipport.il for the Cl'y O'nnrl]
P»*cht R dtimi, Gm W R**t,xrw
Jana* M. Tayi/jb, Tin *. Siuanu,
Bib.ft -Me Orci. K. OWlMWHEA
R. K. R.
Rirw4T*8 Ready Rujrr ernquer* r*,n *rrr#* fvrer, suMo?*
ipatmi restores suspend* -I anlmstioo, and la. he r>r»Iy stir ulaM in
existence that repels it th- o».t*-t all attack* f d’aesA#, »p - t ,tl
time to pr- v*nt the return of th- t*«rox>l n Mr mr ms f ,
Rrirulatloc Pill*. The preat cbj rt .f pr'm.ry n.-dle«t'■ « .0
■Ml the first shock of a disorder with a pofhfkl a •- • . t
Inflorn p, and thus f rrun' | r« stratlon. If t i« vital power ,r\0
s’ltUln-d until ihs «*au c of »teknes« Is run ved ay p:rf**p,e r.f
the bow Is, an 1 an eqo iHu'Iod r.f th dr cation, a « ur- t« ?,r.
tala. This *ran<i object l« wo- pl.stied by U t Read* lUlitf, «hkh
•inald tit ere for r *!«*< s he at hand to meet »mer» • n •*.-«
Badwat’s Rioui atino Fills emptr the oh»4njcte<l i «.|« ,<•>
out pa o, a't »pec,flc-ly op< n the liver, and at once pu Ify slI
n uriiii ti e blood *r«J re tore the equ-Phrlutu of th • dr-11 r r. _
With* ut risk of tve after-eorsr«|Berice* nf ( *i oei, Blc- p||if ./
cine. Polmh nr Iron. th#y at o re exp-I ail *aorbid rr.alter’ u ,n
th-*ypt*‘rr and recruit Its energies artlnr as a porfttlv*, a!t,r%
tire ar d stoma* hie. In these effect* vegetab « m-dlcail n > «* <ta
perfect triumph.
Ha* art,did it. 1 by It* curei tl.« theory of Ir ,nftt, tt. i dlicaMat—
it erAdlcat-k licr-.diUiy Tl.roat and Long d'».*i.» and -c. t, ,
and la Hi. Ditcral »r,d Inejatlble (ntMotg ty iht llrut al.lt•(. p. I
duett Running Horgg, Built. Ah rg-M, C»n«- Salt I!* rutr Kry.'p.
rlaa, Ear C impla'n'a, PnlyphuaIn the Ntwr '.'I ■•••a of the VI'.,mb,
Turnon, Carhunclra, a d alt rir ,|ct,- ratarna ’Itt.mi .-ti
In th- hot rrgiona of C-nlral and South Ac erica • ad.ay'a R,
orating l!ci,'v-nt perf ,tm I the reoat n,! Aril • mg > l
ay, Uuriilr.g b rca, Ejrpl l.l'L- S r.«, N„ Iir pay, ttptl I- 4,
C incert in thr Mr ,;th, E»r Kr>«, R M,-ii|h, »• lu .t .imalt
caa.i of A than. H alfor la ‘m-ncdUla rcl|«f. Tubcrclia la iha
Throat and Lucgi It rtpldl/ carra
ghnntd be g'Baya kept In tht I, ca. In a,! r*a-i of nil I n at
tackaof pain klckneB* ’ r prallbn 111 cpt 1>-;,lca. R till break up
the dlfcMe anil alf,ir,l lagtaif DgUBi grid -oirf'irt. In i ■„ •
Worm*. Sore Thro-.!, A t, Radwa '• Ready R-l ef ana Immedtatety.
Radway • Reint'llet are gold by Druggita veryBh re
mhla-dcBtm RADMAY A CO YA Jrhn ftre.t S. Y.
Usuallv cautioUH, ilifre i« (freat CMilii!' nc:e to U- |>Lafd io
raiiU Tilt
“There iiomi to be no eieuae for tldn or g'»y Hair, now that
the celebrated I>iB!tacl« Ha a Raot ,*it;i* can be
r»ow tot
"When people can protect their llalr from the UU tale mtrki of
age; when tin y ran luxuriate In gl >*ay blarg lock! at au advanced
period of their live*; when white and gray Hair ran he turnc . to
a beautiful black or auburn, when lfalr ea-. J,e . .cde l< gnwepo#
bald heada; when all thl* can be'lone. It ran 1 doaoylarm to
tell wl.at will dolt. flKIMHTRE.tY’a HAIR RESTORATIVE ,m
dolt. Thfa Pair Rratcratlve 1*, beyond peradvrntare, the brat
tiling of the kind ever invented The fac' In our port Ron in
regard to thla wonderful preparation, warrant u* In unqualifiedly
recommending IL"
raoM THI
ST. LOt 6* Hhl'l III.Ii'AN,
"Many of our Brat c!tl» ene In 8». Loula a-e ipeaklng In glowlcg
term* of thla a llele.”
from tub
“Thlalncomparab'v eieell»nt preparation for the R. Vcratlcn ef
Orav lla'r to tu original color, tv preaerv- Hair fr n f«; mg it,
and to cure baldnr** * on aal- at Hoeapbre A Hrewn'i In thla
cltv. The evidence that thla Re*t iraUve lx no humbug l» eonelu- *
alve Teatimoniaia to that effect may be fo .nd In almcat every pa
per In the country."
ggow TUB
“Leave <*yei a'one, and uje only lome trluMt RnioraUve, Hke
Helmalrtet’a Inimitable "
Bold everywhire—Pr'.ee SOo. and |1 per brt-|»
W. E. HAGaN A CO., P' prielora, Troy, N T.
Pi.'Hgg A Bbupparc, Agent*. ItC—dlwSa
PHiU HLiid, fcHI PTIONfl,
SI Mil It\ OH TAN.
Thla FlorAnt P.-cpnrw;i i r»r r* the Hln r f, ai d f > m
pxrttrg to R a M%*ble I. rlr.v. It H r..-Hc I and - -fr i' r» . a ■
piled to 'he 'Arc aber eipoeure to il.-iun, and Wi u rl?
r-.'.-l (0 the Sting of It ■> M .
eotupc*, r..n. The c-etce.* of a bo,'I- might lie taken allhw.t
h*-m to< appUenti m wry ntjht/jr 4 uni, triU ii it lit
War.* nut oj flmpit*.
Bold every where • rrice Fi^y *?er. i* all tile.
W. El HAGAN A CO., Pripr.etora, Troy. V. V.
PifltRR SmPFARn, Agent*. _ ! _ f«6—dAwfia
The effect of purging with BRASDRT't'S PILLS la to riMare
the health, no matter froQ whtt c*u«e It mag he luff-ilrg Th-y
tike out a I Impurlti. * f om the ry»tcm ; ^r,d th y l.AVe the lame
power of t ij.ulal in over m'acs, p jiaou-u. vapor of decayed ter •
tael-*, rr 'udi-ed any p-lioncua xha'atloiw breathed by mao wl.il
v r. In fac , If he blood l. puDo ed, ;• Inn. re, an 1 loaitt
Blood reau *a In dltemic. *
thoc.h innocent ai t • y»t they are ■ apabl* of purt'vtrg tit
blood and curing ddunb b>, th-y cur - all kind of fever*, ail
axthmac, catarrh* coHlvene** and painful afftrt'o *ofev ry kind
Price kS centa per h.z. Bcld by a 1 rei| ectab'e deaVr In Crdt
Cine*. it1 IP— diwlm
SPRING STOCK of DRE"1 GOODS, bun. ht at the recent auc' n
•aba to N-w V .rk, many of them a l vf the r value, c o p;|.
log a Mhe r.rw fa tl 'a 111 D.'eia G>-'nl", h. i, Baregr, ‘r.,1,1. J». ■
net*. Mnzamt'qu a t'htille*, P< nlli a, Ac A'*., a f.i •• k -f
alaple Good* for Fa- ill.ea and Plan eii.tr which we auulj Invite
the »ftntion of all Ihoae In w ,nt
' •
L. Ml* . i.ASTKE,Cl the .. •». '.uailtj, lanutr.i' ;.i * e l*< a a:
(,.r»»le by [■ hrt I A G n. DATES! H
I ENGLISH DAIKk CHEEPE.-200 b.x.r for aa'e by
i'j mi,20 1 A G. H. DAVESPOIT.
or THR
HEW YORK falFIJ n>UMHi: !«.,
JANt'.tRV lDT, 1 11.
Amoun* of A«jrl«, Jttjjary 1*t. I vO'.$1,167,1$$ M
Amount of Premium*. I nd '** nt*,
and P 11 y Prevecelved during
1S6*I .<06 ’*71 a
Ax , .nt reCc.Y.. In Irx.l f . M.-oi
cbOJreu > . ... b(*7 ku
Amount of lntere»t received and
ace-cod... 1W.1C6 8U
Amount of R.nU r.cc.ved a: I ac
crued.. 7,-dll «1— b »«5
»2.3;:,iik ci
D* r.l RdSME.td
Paid fur I.w««csby Dtaifi. . t-" r»S
Paid for iarreodcred acd caocclkil
Pol c'.ea. . •• ^ :**1 W
P»l l for Tax**. # iU
Paid for Intel fit oa DivUtn*!* anti
Annuity. . w9
Pal-I fo. ^'a lea and F»-ea to P* >§1
cUdi and Trua’ee* .. IV 019 67
P I I for Fruiting n.atsuuery, Adver
t'slug, Ofllca Ujitcid, Express
Charges. . * M* 43
Paid for Ocmoiuaioni, MeM.ul Ex
inti jdi »• agcb 'es, Postug. s,
. lartsuges, aC. . 21 i •'
liedfcctlohi In *alu“ af deal dilate,
being in lieu «f rent of otb e , I r«
*nd 114 Broadway.. 4,iS» V»— *'1,114'*
$i.(m4.is: m
Cash In Banks . 6I.5S0 03
lures ed In se*url"I'» creat'dnrn.er
the Laws of the State of N York,
and «f the Cnlted Pi ites. ... *<*1/09 54
Rajl Estate rwn>d by the Comrany H 442 V3
iai.de.idM rt ajes drawl g * per
cent tntsrest.»»•■"*?
P e .ium Note Yon existing pollcUs
Rawing titrrert..3
Quarter'; and >emf • annual pre- • .
. mlnms due s.lsequent tj J tnuary
t, 1-gl..:22 414 74
iDtercnt a.cc.ed u. to January 1,
.f.. S.*II 3
Kents do do do do 2 ILd 1).
Pretn'uina on Policies In hands of
A8e0°... .. »2.0*»«M
'ahe Trvt’etlitie ip:Lre4 tbestiol Set!;* PIvMrtid ef ..14
TV rSRCKht, on all ponies for 'll vh. . t.-.m of lit ■■••••
f.uce, ah.ph we-c Q iued twelve rronlhi prior to J ious'J Hi.*
Thry hayaslao dl/eeled tf' r'd. opti •> 'n ea-h of ■' »! •• *
ylated In Ibeyfs-S Kid, 1b47, IS*-, and lt-W,on r.nda3«rthe a'
Monday In Msroh. to thoso holi ng , rtlg.t'yi. °J; " • rt."' \
lion »t (ba Men,. (sScr; and ti. se h.,rlrg it Ju »il fc« al *,a
•1,0 istno upon tl.alr notes st S'ttiyi'i' -i of nail premium
The Board of Truilets in tr. t il.tL blste,'. b An-uil !• K
a ruing i lie s:tu-*t on of the C< n-pauy rn ihe Brit day ( * n»sry.
1(31, by ulilch It will be i- en that the accumclailcns have r*
upss'ds of Two llllllors of Dollars 411 of Its asse s are s ruieiy
InV.Sled, ylel Hog alarge an J eonstant’y Incrratl. g t-T* 0
Is gratifying to tn‘W that the sutject rf l.l'c lrsvn-t e in '■
Ing, from year to year, more genr-al and /tv r ible attrt >• '• * ,
that Its !n*l jenee ts more rapidly t it u ling e». r ef* ry s
,o»u.r; S'dt i y t'k et! e ore t Is sar-lm J. sa 1 *’e.e
M ad*aot»g.iA'e appreciated a d .1 principle ur u.»e !
greater will be the iromlter of th .se Who will 'Velrto p*r.lC|P»<
Q*S benefit- ofs . safe ahd juHelous s..lbTcs»me -,
The Tt uatces haws for a e nalderabte It - e had under - T-'• j
LOB,, pf^n for t|. • gradual rgdc* ;*t'.. u of jl.ld. • .s, a jj-r"'
p-rpdse of liaurtratlcjg »uc|i a s; bi, I'sre co ,'u- I t
tfjnl'the poym it cf Inlet es*. u: J la l.cu if... of to *•'<■; '
gcrlp di'lden I • (8*1 pere-.nt upon a. f a lot's In Irt , »'• I “
Were 1st*. *1 *w*l. • rtor.t's j. lor to J. aary 1st, 1*3. atl j **’
|n esst* Ob d.uiaod, an I upousiirrer.ogf of ti g • rip, the oi‘1
of y '»•< ISM, T, b, atd t). an I sl.sru erdlt hav b-c * , *"
allow th • amount thereef In reducin'* of LCt-s at t’e next 'ca*
al ol police* It la the deslcu of the Tru te.s to extendtlll j'*'
tea t j all outita'd'ng d;rlden*ls a* s- on as the n-rn-t J ‘
tangeme' ts csn be made, and wflcl will probably Is slth.t
B.st .igty dv-a. wb«n they will a-lt’af their •policy beli'ri »o
ag'n I* r,. the Contemplated pi*- wb’ hth- Trustet. y e- -
ball, »e will inuet the approval of sil’potUes Li'era-teJ ti.'teLa. “
It will enable th -m to realise darl-gWethe peoflta aHsfr.,- J.
their Ineeatment, and where ere *1 a ate be- n g »e». gr-dnally w
tyiure the notes »filch are now ebar<'d sgalnn * I* ir -’'f ,
MOBRIB gKASKLl*. preaid
Pt.INot PREaMAN, Act..vry. *
WM If tth>R8, CgyhHr.
JauxaT! CnNWiV, M
&uar. T. CoLa ttit, M. D., t kx40*b*ts.
WORI'I *114 W YATT, Acents,
■ fflfl fr ’ 4 J Main Ht-ert. M ho. n*^
CHEAP ijiurRAMCKa-Urntort
Patent V*r4 ProcfTaff s Ihaurc mut> mtffe*” "j
co«* th*n IntarHr.ee Pollclet, and la>» many year* puror—
Cannot aSord to be without them w e have a good ms-t ta
f ^NOWUEdAWAUh.R^g;^^
Life acd Ptre Ingoraney. |
Hanrl ig's Eire and Ilurglat Proof Rafea,
Mach'ue Belting, (Leather and Rubber)
Museely'f Church and other Bells,
Dealers In Cotton and Lla4n Twine*,
^e* _
Adamantine candle*.- soo toxn bet brand*, fc*■<*'*'*
mhlb t AO B HaVE***"^—
fev* sHs“

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