Newspaper Page Text
Roily Richmond Whig •# Public •Advertiser* — — --------"* DEMOCRACY—THE CONSTITUTION—STATE RIGHTS. _BY PEE AS ANT* Sc ABBOTT. RICHMOND, Va. WEDNESDAY EVENINO, APRIL 3, 1833. VOL. IX—No 80 TERMS. 8«tc»imov to tho DAILY WHIG to City Subscriber* $6 a year, and for a shorter period, •t the rata of Jg a y**r, both payable in adviuce. When sent by mail #10 a year.—For one square (or leas.) one in. MTtion, 75 cants; two insertion* fill; three inaer. lions 91 17; and evvry succeeding insertion 33J cem* Thrice a week, first week 91 25, every succeed, ing weak 91. Teieot week, first insertion 75 cents; every succeeding insertion 50 cent*. Once a week, first insertion 75 cents, every succeeding insertion 50 cents, O* All advertisements are also inserted in the Cocurav Wnto. Transient advertisers must pay in advance. The number of insertion* of Advertisements must be noted on tho MS„or they will t>n inserted Until ordered to be slopped, and charged accord, iagly. 17" Orders to slop must also be in writing. Annual Advertisers are oharged 9*10 for two squ ires, ana :n that proportion for adverlismentsof greator long' n; except Auctioneer* and Lottery dealers, woo aro charged 9100, (paper inclu. tied)_„ O’The COUNTRY WHIG is published twice a week, (Tuesdays and Friday*,) at five dollars per annum, pnvable in advance. For AoveaTlsiuo—75 cents a tqutre, (or less.) for the first insertion, and 50 cen.s for each con. tinuance. JAMKS WINSTO COMMISSION MERCHANT, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. TTSUALLY bus on hand, and offers fur sale, U at wholesale prices, Smilhfield Bacon, Baltimore do. Brown Sugar, Refilled do. Spanish Hides, •"'os I Leather, Upper do. Harness iu. Beal Skins, Mackerel, Nett Herrings, Gross do. Madsira Wine, Malaga do. Claret, in boxes. Burgundy, do. ViTiegar, turner, Apples, Lamp Oil, Linseed do. Rice, Coffee, Cotton Yarn, Cotton Bagging, Raw Cotton, Tar. Meal .Seives, Cockle do. Corn Screens, Wheat Funs, Corn Shelters, Bottles, Chairs, assorted, Wehb's Segars, Lard, Butter, Family Flour, Manufactured Tobacco. B.rk Mills. Wrapping Paper, Straw do. Wood Ware, Plank, | Shingles, Clover Seed, N. Orleans and W. |. Molasses, Soap, Curled Hair, Mahogany Boards, Veneers, Barreled Pork, J'dca, Wrought Nails, Ploughs, Soali Cord, Stone War", Glazed do. Ac Ac. mar 13 more incw hooks. fllAI.ES of Militav Life, tccund series. By ih e JL author of the Sabaltarn. Lives and Exploits of Banditti and Robbers in •II parts of the world. Ily C. McFarlsne, Esq. Mexico: comprising its Geography, History, and Topogra, !iy, with maps and engravings. Lectures to Young Man: to which is added the Dudleiau Lecture, delivered May, 1830, at liar, vard University. By Win. Allen, D. D., President of Ilowdoin College. Russia: comprising its Geography, History and Topography, with maps and cngiavings. Biography of distinguished men. Received at SANXAY A STREETS Bookstore. mar 30 SANXAY A STREET HAVE received supplies of the following Books: Vivian Gray United Stutes Dispensatory Phillips, Curran, Grattan and Emmett's Speeches Dewed’s Aledicial Works Beni ham on Legislation Goodrich's Universal Geography Knowledge for the People Missionary Gaxclleer Keith on the Prophecies Douglass en the advancement of Society in knnwleilgo and religion Charming's Discourses Diiirt-an's Lectures The Comforter Altliels.J. uisr 30 \YNARI) A NOYES' INK POWDF.R, ITM for sale hy 'I HO M AS A. RUST, mr 38 At the sign of the Padlock. conn*, < <hiiin, < otiib*. mriCIIOLS A WILEY, have just received il Iro'm I’hitadclpliia, a very handsome anort (oenl of Combs, cmisiating of Shell luck Combs, Carved Combs, Braxillian tuck Combs, Nock and lung Combs, PufT and side Combs, Ivory and dressing Combs, And also a handsome assortment of eottnn and rug Fringes, which they would invite their friends to call and see, as they will sell very rktap. mar 33 IIA1IE*. A Handsome assortment of whitn and black wood, japanned, tinned and plated llamee, for sale hy THOMAS A. RUST, mr 18 Sign of the Padloek. MARTIN'S OLD WHISKEY. Barrels of this fine old Whiskey, landing ^^4 from the steamer Norfolk, for sale hy mar 37 ORifCME A MOSRY. miEW ORI.KANH SUGAR AND MOLAS IX SEA.—!>3 hhda Sugar, 99 lihda. Molasses, ru. reiving per brig Eliza, Perry, direct from New Or. leans, for sale by mar 27 —ta LEWIS WEBB A CO. PUST received, a handsome parcel of SPEC. TACLE Pi'Ll.IKS A BALANCE BALLS, for Passage Isamps, for sale by mr Ml THO. A. RUST. t'otTer amt Pimento. • ||| Bag* old Java Coffee, M do Porto Cabella do. 5 bags Pimento—landing from tla* aebr. Elmi ra, from Boston, for sale by mr 39 GR.EME A MOSBY. Tin, Lead, Brass and Copper. Jl'ST received an aaaortraent of Tin Plat#, Sheet Brava, Do. Copper, Do. Lead. JOHN S. SYDNOR, _niarj?6 Sifn of the Golden Broad Axe. flooring plank. 1 0*000 of fLANK, from 20 to 24 feet Ion*, for vale m«f 26_ JAS. WINSTON. REMOVAL. Tho Subscribers respectfully in. r«nn their friends and the public [onerslly, that they bare removed rom their old stand, to tho one next fl0ur Mr IXo«lrs Book More, and opposite Messrs. Grannies, Hun Sc Brothers—where they hae« on hand, a large and general assortment of Hal*. Capa, Sea* which they urter for sale low. , WALDRON St HENRY. K WDULPII Ml iUcCKEUIE HAVE just rece.ved and offer for sale* a freafa supply ol Psrinasan, ) Stilton, and > CHEESE, Old Et.glieh, S lUvana Preeerves, Olives, Nonpareil, Capers, do. Copenhagen Cherry Bnndy, Po. Snuff, Fresh Soda Biscuit, Pickled Onions, Currant Jelly, Goara do. Kirechenwa-oer, “Foret Moir" 1 »i|>o old Champaign Brandy, first quality, 1 do. Holland Swan Gin, very fine, mar 29 irnif/oip Glass. | A<| Half hoars New York Cylinder, 8*10, landing foreale, hy A mr29 DUNLOP. MONCURE St CO DEARBORN'S Patent Balances^. of all sizes, for sale by THOMAS A. RUST, mr 28 Sign of the Padlock TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. Stocks, Gloves, Hosiery, Linens, &c. At Wholesale or Retail, at Now York Prices. nil. JENKINS would invits the attention e of dealers and consumers of Dry Goods, lo his extensive assortment ol Bombasine, silk, satin, velvet and hair Stocks, LOO dozen ladies' and gentlemen's black and color, ed horse skin Gloves, 100 dozen cotton and silk Hose and Half Hose, many of them from Auction, anil very cheap, I cases Irish Linens, in full and half pieces, war. ranted bleach, 10 pieces Long Lawns cr Renting*, Damask Table Linens nnd TabloVioths, A large supply of Lace Edgings and plain Dobbi. net L ices, „ 20 cases and bales brown and bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Apron Check*. Ac, Ac. Hie above are now opening, and will bo sold at anusual low pries*. mr 28 Fa*»lka**«a«kt»le S|»riitft aildotltt, For Day and Fvening Dresses. Silks, Silk Goods, Painted Muslins, iJ-c. UII. JENKINS hns received, and it opening * by every arrival from Now Vork. addition, al supplies of tho newest and most JaskionaHe Fancy Dry (ioods. The following, imported under the new Tariff, will be sole! cheap— Best black and blue black Italian Luitrings, Gro de Swisi and Gro de Naps, Spring color*, colored Gro de Naples, Elegant watered and figured Silks, New Style fancy coloured French and London Muslins and Ginghams, Elegant fancy dress Hrlkfs , Needle worked Mualin Capea and Collars, of the newest designs, Thread and bobbinet Lire* and Edgings, Elegant bonnet and cap Ribbons, Linen sambric Hdkfs., Muslin Edgings and Inserting*, Ac. For sale, wholesale or retail, st mr 28 R. II. JENKINS’. Ur. George Rogers’Vegetable Pulmonic DETERGENT, Fur Consumptive, Asthmatic, aud Catarrhal Complaints. IjSVER since man emanated from tho hands of A nis Maker, ho has been a ptry to disease and a victim of death This ultimately ia tho fate of man; but self-preservation being the first law of nature, intelligent medical mon, fince the days of llippeeratca, have been indelatigably engaged not only to prerent but cure disease*; and their endea vours to promote this desirable object have been attended with great sure*** in most of the maladies which afflict the human race; still it is a lamenta ble fact, that the attempts of the Faculty to remove pulmonary affections, have too often proved abor. live. This consideration, with the prediepoeilion of the subscriber to pulmonary consumption, has induced him during the experience of thirty years in the field of medicine, to turn hi* attention more paiticularly to Consumptive, Asthmatic and Ca tarrhal complainte;and he haa now lie saiiefection to announce to the public, that ha has selected end compounded from thv vegetanle kingdom, a mild, yet efficacious medicine, denominated Rogers's Vegetable Pulmonic Delergou', which he confi demly asserts will remove the most obstinate cough, the percursor to a Consumption, end evon the Pulmonary Consumption itself, if taken io the in cipient stage* of the disease, and according to the direction accompanying the medicine. Tina de. deration he is wnrrsiued in making from tlie a*, severatio.i of* of respectable persons in the United States, now in the enjoyment of health, who hut for this medicine so a moan in the hand of the Crest Preserver of men, (fur lie works by means,) would probably he pining on beds of sick, ness, or reposing in the grave. OEORCE ROUERS. TV The Pulmome Vegetable Uotergenl ie pro. psseil by Dr. O. Roger* of New York. Hi* stand, ing aa a practitioner will do away the prejudice generally urged ageinat Patent Reinediea. For *a!eby M. L. DAT. _•*“ _ Market Square. HA Is AD OH*. 150, Reaketa Salad Oil, and 15 d*. Cestov Oil, juat received and for sate low hy my 36 J. U. EUSTACE. Ilarnegg and Sole Leather, aooo l*he. of superior sole Deqther, 301 Ins. of harries* do. Joet received and for sale wwr M_jam. WINSTON. Soap and Candles. finding from Schooner America, 200 Roxea Heap, "Jackson's approved 950 do. Candles, do. do. snd will be regularly supplied from lb* faetory, f«r ssle by mar 9S I.A NCasTER. HENRY A CO. Whigkey, Rum, itc. | O Hhd* superior rye Whiskey, 95 bbl* do. do do Old, 96 do. N. E. Rum. 95 do. No. 3 Mackrel, Jest received, and far sale by M. A. TRICE mer 99 Near Meyo’t Bridge WILLIAM M. HARRIS A CC., Commission •Tfere/usHts, OFFER for mI«. on accommodating terms, the following articles— 150 bills. No. 1 cut Herrings, 100 do. No. 1 gross do. 100 do. Oct. caught No. 3 Mackerel, 1632, 80 do. ftrpl. No. 9 and 3. 1831, 20 half do. No. 9, 1832, 20 bbis. Baltimore Whiskey, 10 do. Apple Brandy, 20 do. prime Northern Cider, 17 do. do. do. Cider Vinegar, 6 do. Peppermint Cordial, 14 do. old Peach Brandy, 5« do. Tar. 800 cask* Lime, 10 Mils. Loaf Sugar,, ? 100110 lbs. 8inithfield B^gjon, hog room)? 12000 do. Wastern 4§f middlings end squill. 5000 do Cod Fish. '< ISO bases Portland mould etfbdfce, 50 do. Muscatel Raisin*, 200 sacks Liverpool filled Salt, 90 bbla. primn N. O. Molassee, 500 bushels • *orn, 2<I0 do. seed Potatoes, Spanish Segars, parlous brands, 700U0 do. American manufacture, 50 bundles Northern Huy, 5 half pities pure Fr**ch Brandy, 5 pipes imitation do. do. * 9r- do do. do. 5 hlida. Whiskoy, 5 tierces Rica, 3 pipes Holland Gin, 5 half pipes Roussillon Wine, 4 qr. do. Port do. 500 Shaker Brooms, 50000 28 inch Jumper Shinkles, 25000 li*cl flooring Plank, 5000 do inch do. 20000 do. (janlcn Railing, 500 Cedar Post*, 1 lb. lumps, ' 4 lb. do. 4 lb. do. . Manufactured Tobacco. 1 lb. do. 112 lb. do. 2 handsome Northern Barouche*, ^ do. do. Top Padlar Waggons, Brown Sugar, in barrels. Salt Po re, in ki-gs. Flour, 6ic. &.e. inr 30 buttled cider. WE hare just received a supply of superior Newatk bottled CIDER, in quart and pint Buttles, for sals low. mr 29-«o_TOMPKINS ^ FISIIER. Flooring JPtank. 30,000 *cel ofl,arl Flooring, moat of which is •faxoniibls. 20.000 feet Garden Rsiling. just landed on the *u^ sslc on plraaing terms, by w»r Sb_'VM. M. HARRIS A CO. 81C.UL Hhd». Porto Rico Sugar, landing this ■R."" morning, for anl» hy mar 26 RALSTON A PLEASANTS. ('I OLD LEAF —Uy the pack or bonk, for sale 8T by SANXAY A STREET, mar 30 9 OOKIXG GLASSES —Wa have for sale low, a very haiidsunie assortment »f Mantel and Pier Glasses. SELDEN ObC'LELAXD. mar 30 " Satla Cracker*. 5DarrrU freali Sod* Cnckori, juat to hand, hy the Mihcent—and in store, a lot of small sized Bacon llama, very nice, for sale by mr 30__ E^ DAWS. Tounz Mi if son Tea. 1 9k (,hcsts Y.sjnj Hyson Tea, latest importa J9.M* lion, landing from on board the sloop Charlotte ASussii, from Philade'phia, for sale by mrJI0_GILEME A MOSBY. BLACKWOOD, the Metropolitan and the Foreign Quarterly Rieview, No. 3, is received and ready fur delivery, at SANXAY A STREET’S mr 30 Buok and Stationery Store. The Stride of Onnano. JUST publiOied, the Bride ofOssano, by a Vir ginian. Received and for sale by mar 30 SANXAY 6c STREET. ]|ffcMAlION'd GARDENING ia received by ivi. SANXAY 6c STREET, mar 30 STATIONERY.—The subscriber* haverec. iv ed an assortment of handsome Letter Stamps, Sand Boxes, Ink Stands, Ebony Rulers. Also, a general aaaoitmenl of Stationery, ftiar 30 SANXAY 6c STREET. SILVER PENS.—The aebscribera have just received a supply of Silver Pena of superior quality mar 30 _ SANXAY 6c STREET. Ladies' Lusting and Kid Slippers. JUST received, per tho Fairfield, a further supply ol Lasting ar.d Kid Slipppera, of the most fashionable style, by mr 30 GRANNISS, SON 6c BROTHERS. Cheap and Valunble Keudmtr. THE subscribers weuld inform the puhlid that it is in their power to afford a great vsrimy of valuable and amusing reading, at a low price, having been appointed agenle by the publishers for the following works: The Edinburgh Review, at f 5 par an. •• Quarterly do. 5 ** Blai-kwood, the Metropolitan, and Foreign Quarterly Reviews, all for 7 •• North American • do. 5 M American Jurist and Law M igaxine 5 “ Atheneimi, a journal «.* English Ia. leraluro and the Fine Arts, S •• Novell*'** Magasine, 5 *• Lidy's Bonk, 3 I’irley'* Magasine, I The Military and Naval Magatine, 5 mr -Ji_SANXAY 6k. STREET. Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Combs, <fcc. (JraniiiHKy Son 4* tt rot hern 1JAVK ju>t received e general assortment of 11 Hoots, Shoe*, Trunks, Comb*, 6lc. which ia suitable for the Spring trade. Their aasnrlment i* at all t>mes rendered complete, by weekly arrival* from the Northern £itie*. Country Merrhunt* and others, will find it for their interest to call and examine Incir Stock, aa they ar« diaputed In sell un the mu*t arcoiHinodaling term*. mr 97 Painted .tlnxlinn. I^ICIIOLS 6c WILEY havo received thia Hay iw from Auction, a very handtam i eaaoftmenl of French Painted Mo*lin, which in addition to their former stock of Muslin, make# their assort mant very good, end they will alen eay very cheap; to which they would iovite their fnende to call and *ee for themselvee. mr 3fi HOSIERY —We are now receiving, per eehr . Fairfield, and offer for sate, privately, 10 ca. sea Mack, white, elate colored, brawn, random end mixed Ifatr and Half Hoat. mr 98 01 KLOP, lONCMM 4 CO. kV\TAY A: NTKCKT maos'l' respectfully inlerni the publie that ITm they have diecominued their Circulating Libfwy._mr 33 Boston thrown (iln«s, OF all aitea, for sale at factory price*, at the aign if the Pad lock, by T. A. RUST mr 90 _ Malacca* Sword Canes. JUST received a *uat>ly of tlaganl Malaeea Sword Croat, by THO* TYREK FOR RENT, THE HOUSE ami LOT. at present occupied by Maj. Jeaec Sneed. It ie a dneireble reel, done* for ■ private family. Poaseeaion will tw given in n fnw dart. Maj. Snead will eliew the property to any one wishing to rent—and far tenna. apply to DAVID ANDERSON, mr 29 forwent, - V^!il|L The ««nement now necupied hv Rich. ||l|Bird H. Cunningham. Eaq. A tapir to mmmm r. a v. andeuson, co. mar #9 O io^r; N yesterday, betweeen my Stora and the Mention Houae, a Bunch of Kays, five in number. The finder will e«nler a favor hv leaving it at my Store. JOHN 8. SYDNOR. mr 27 __ Sugars, Window Glass und Soup. "■ Jllula St. Cmix Sugara, ftrvt chop, ' JIV la dn. — srap N O. do. W bases Sill) Window Glaaa, 50 do. Milderberge's No. 1 Soap, Juat received, for aale by, WADE W. WOOLDRIDGE. ! ’ mar 22 Market Bridge. SUGAR. “ JA Hhda. Porto Rico Sugar, landing thie TtvF morning, lor aale by mr 23 RALSTON A PLEASANTS. ~ COltDAttil MVANILLA and llcmp Cordnge, nf rarloua 1TV aixca and auperior quali y, f..r aale he THOMAS A. RUST, mr 29 Sign of the Padlock. HEDGE or Garden SHEARS, a auperior arti cle, for aale hy T. A. RUST, mr 29 • CIIAI Its. I AN DING frum m hr Lilavette—20 doxen A CHAIRS, ar.ortcd, vx: Rm king. Nuraing, PancV. Dining ami I'll Idrrn’a Chaira, for aale hy mar 29 LANCASTER. DEN BY A l O. Cognac Brandy and Grenada Rum. 3 Pipe* Cogmc Brandy, 17 half do. d». do. 6 hiids. old Grenada Rum, ALSO, 1 pi|ie Holland Gin, of superior flavor. The above liquors aia warranted pure as import, ed, and are lor sale un liberal term* bv mr 88_LANCASTER. DENIlY A C«>. Cheese, Snap', tfcc. Cask* of superior Chee*c, 4l) box.* Soap, nf good quality, 25 do. Bunrh Riii«ina, Just received, and for salu by M. A. TRICE, mar 29 Near Mayo's Bridge. “ CORDIAL. C® Barrels Pepneriniiil Cudial. of good quality P receiving this day from Baltimore, for aale low by \VM. M. HARRIS A A CO. mar 29 fjlNGLISI1 POTATOES.—A l.w Hampers id J the above article in good order, just received and for vale by M A. TRICE, mar 29Near .M a y o’r Bridge. Chrome Gieen, Putty and Whitening. 44|k/\ Lb*. Chroma Green, in caniaters, V 2 bids. Putty, in bladders, 1 barrel Whitening—landing from the *ehr. Fairfield, far aale by GILEME A MOSBY. ■» It :• —_ •_, WE have irmaining, about 200 bushel*'yel low Potatoes, which we will sell at a re. dueed price, if applied for this day, on board the achr Margaret, iu the Dock. mr 29_WM. M. HARRIS A Co. N. O. Sugars and Molasses. 'K Hilda, handsome dry N. O. Sugar, 20 do. do. Molasses, Receiving and for vale hy mr 29DAVID ANDERSON. BKU ISH INK l'OWDEK * * Walkdun’e British block and red Ink Pow. der, for salo by ’ T. A. RUST, n»r 88_Sign of the Padlock 1 IIS’ TOOLS.—Smilin’ Bellows, 83 to 36 ioa.. Mouse Hole, F»sior’a and Common An. Vila, Bright and Black Vines, Sledge end Hand llatiiinurt, Scrue Plates, Files. Ru»ps, Ac.. for sale at very low prices, by JOHN J. WERTH, no* 13 Sign of the Golden Key. SHIP STOHESl X*HE subscriber respectfully informs Ship Masters and Consignees, that lie is prepared to supply thorn with Stores at the loieeit cath priret, and that strict attention shall be given in packing goods and sending them to any y art of the city, free of sliirge. Ho lias on hand, a lot ef superior Spanish Cigars—Also, prime Chewing T banco._EZEKIEL DAWS. .Inditin'* Improved Ointment Made a ml aolii by ,ne mibscnbi r. _"»"jjO_H. C, McNKMAR A I ONE WARE.—A largo quantity of the a kcN bov« article, constantly on hand, nt the Fac. tory prices, by_JOHN. S. SYDNOR. Hutniiu ^cfinrs. tfj|| || fill Genuina Havana SEGARS, in half and quarter boxes, from 14 to 34 dollars per M.—for sale by j« >8_GRiCME A MOSnY. 0 RHENISH. Bordeaux, and Champaigne Hi WINES. (Geisenhaimer, riocklieinier, Marco, bronner, Kudes.ieirner (Mountain) Johanniaber. fr’ Dardeaux \ raiiillac. Chateaux, l^fitle, (Squam ’ j ll irt Sautornr,) 4H cases of tha> lut'ly colebralvd anchor brand Champaigne Wine. 60 boxes puiiimwder, imperial and young hyson Tea*— l.mdiag from the Hornet ar.d Charles, For tele by . UR^VIE A MOSBY. hujrtjnw h IMPKOVEII PATK %T STOVE, h’aling nparintntt »f any rlimtnimnt. ^IMIE Subscriber, Inventor and Patentee for the I. above very desirable STOVE, is prepared to execute all orders, at his Manufaelory, on E of Main Street, near the Market (louse, where apeci* mens car. be seen, and if economy in fuel, neat ne.anf ap|>earance and durability of materials and workmanship, are of any importance, they can be procored at ■ moderate price. JOHN DUN LEY. N. R. All persona are forwarned from infrln* ging llie above patent. _______ I* D. i k 14ii Linens, “ IN whole and half pieces, from 3s. 3d. per yard to extra superfine, warranted all Linen and grass bleach. Table lli.pere, rich Damask Table Clothe, and Damask N tpkins, Irish and Scotch Linen Sheetings, 5.4, 6.4 tnd 10-4 in width—for ssle at low prices si R. II. JENKINS'S f I,oien and Fancy Dry iRn COMB**, fBIIIF snbseribsr has jnet received a beautifii* JL assortment of French Caived Cotnlw, • vary pretty article. Alan, Plain Shell Tuck, Side and Curl Combs, fu» sale low, either at wholesale er rutail, by_JOHN SARVAY. . ju 85 ■ RAS | K Itl.ACK ING, of very superior quali ■ «y, and at an unoau lly low price, for sale by fc 15_JOHN t, SYDNOR. 4PR|N» tsOODH. WE aee receiving by every Packet from New York, Staple and Fancy DRY GOOD8, I which ws wiU sail at • small advance. . mar 93 B. I. A. F. KNAPP For Philadelphia, HgL/ Sloop JAS. W. CALDWELL. Matt*, master: having a part of liar •JHB^e»|o • ••gaged, will meet with de spatcii. For freight of the remainder, or passage, •pply to WM. ROWLETT, Sr. inr 89 (Kr CHEAP GOODS.-CO 'VB7ISIIINU and intending cer'ainly to close a* lira aale of our atock of GOODS, aa aoon aapoaaible, we hare reduced llie price of manyar ticloe much below prime cost, end have on haiid a variety of seasonable and desirable Good*, amongst which ero ("alicne*, Giughani*, Cambrics, Jaconet, mull and book Mualin, superfine worked and'plain Swis. Muslin, Bobbinctt Lace*, blsck, l»r», [auu, bandanna and flag lldkf*., merino and Cashmere Shawls, rich Damask, Furniture Dim:. <y, Furniture Calicoes, Thread C<pihrir, Linen*, Renting*, Diaper*, Sattinetls, Angola and Koncu Cawimare, Florentine*, and ulhrr Stout Goods for spring and summer wear, superfine mature chop Nankin, Umbrellas and Parasols, mean's castor, buck. Its. akin, heavy brown thread, and other Gloves, lace and muslin Cape*, Collar*. Robe*, Mandarin Crapes, apron and furniture Check, blearhed and brown 8hirtinge. Knitting Cotton and Worsted. Sewing Silk and Twist, Suddlar'* Silk, with a variety of other Good*, lu which the attention of purchaser* i* reqnes'ed. H. NEILSON Sl CO. N. B. Those indebted to us, will confer a favor by calling and settling their account*. Git at; ME &. MCJSBY, CommiHsion JMerchants, RICH MON D. VA„ Have on hand, and offer for sale, Hilda St Croix and N. Orlrana Sugars, part prime, 20 boxes wliitn Havana Sugar, 35 do. Inaf Sugar, various qualities, 25 hluls N. O. snd West India MoUeaes, lltrt bags green Rio Coffee, 30 do. best old Java do. 50 qr. chests and 6 lb. boxei G, Powder end Imperial Teas, 5 half cheats young hyson Tea, 2 do. hyson akin do. 5 pipe* Cognac Brandy, Scignelte brand, II half do. do, ils, 10 pipes pure Holland Gin, 50 bbls .Martin's old Rye Wlibkey, 25 bids Bmngardner's do. do. 10 do. Flack ,Y Son’* do. do. 30 lihds. Baltimore Whiskey, 50 bbls. do. do. 10 hlids. apple Brandy, 50 bbls. do. do. 45 do. N. E. Rum, 20 do. Baltimore Gin, III do. do. Cordial, 15 do. aweet Malaga Wine, 40 do. Marseilloa Madeira do. 10 India bbls. genome Madeira do., old, 50 whole and half baaketa Champaigne do. Port. Madeira and Sherry Wine, in cases of 2, 3. and 4 dot., 10 rases Rhenish and Bordeaux Wine, 100 1, 2, snd 5 gtllen Demijohns, a40000 genuine Havana Sugars, 300(10 cmiimun do. do. 60 whole and half tierces new Rice, 20 bags black Pepper, 10 do. Allspice, 10 do. Ginger, 100 boxes hert Soap, 100 do. common do. 350 do. Tallow Candles, various sites, 50 ksgs White Lead, 6 boxes ground VerJigris, to canisters, J* do* . 3U HUcik i d(nl| 5 hbls. Putty, in bladders, 230 teams Wrapping Paper, 200 do. large do. 50 cases black and drab Hats, some fine, 3 do. palm leaf do. do. We will receive end forward all goods that may be sent to our care. YT The Lynchburg Virginian, Staunton Spectx. •nr. and Charlottesville Advocate will inseit the above fur unu month, end forw ard their accounts, for payment, to GR.EME it .MOSBY. m» II COFFEE, SUGAR, &c. 1 Oft RjR" ^0<v croP Rio Coffee, 50 do. Cub. do. 20 hlids superior N. O. Sugars. 2.» chests young hyson and imperial Teas. 30 boxes llaisine, 10 bbls Filberts, 5 do. English Walnuts, 3 do. Palm Nuts, 2 bales Almonds, 3 bills Msplc Sugar, r 30 boxes Spanish Segars, 35 do. sperm and tallow Candles, 15 do turpentine Soap, 10 do. No. 1 Chocolate, 5U do. Window Glass, SO half bbla Mackerel, SO qr eaeke Malaga Wine, 100 casks Cut Nails, 5 tons American blistered Steel, 500 sacks Liverpool Sail, 5000 lbs Petersburg Cotton Ytrns. For sale by me 2___JOSHUA J. FRY. PIANO POUT US.' IN addition to Ins former large aiock, the sub. scribes Inis this day received per packet Fair, field, 5 splendid Piano Fortes, 1 Harmonic Cabi net— and -I .Square*. W. J. DAVIS, fr* ' 1 Main street, opposite Vn. Rank*. J» 4<irptnftrs. C tALL at JOHN S. .SYUNOR’8 Hardware ' Store, and examine a hit of the hast Bench PLANKS that ha* ever been ofTerd for sale in Richmond._ fa |5 PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL «’ IIE subscriber having at considerable expense prepared himself for llis shove business, and having procured the service* of the best artist in • list line now to be had in Amnrica, and relying for compensation on a generous public, offer* his service* lo japan and ornament in gold nr silver all articles, s* Waiter*, coffee end tea pots, urns, he. he., and In make them aa gooff as new one* upon very moderate term*. J »ll> DUN LEY. Twenty-live Hollars Reward. fWill give the above reward f 'r the delivery to me of my servant CHARLOTTE, who l*f\ my house in November last. She is a stout dark mulatto woman, about S3 years old, very likely, rather cant down countenance when spoken to, and easily not.fused. She ha* many relatives at Dr. Mushy’* of Goochland, and Mrs. Mary Mbs. by'* of Hanover—also a sister at lodge Carr's in I this city, as well as numerous other acquaintance*. I I think It qnilo probable she is still lurking shout I the city. _1LA VIP AN PERRON. Ja. VALUABLE STOCK OF U U I* 4J 44 44 !4S AT COST. flAIIK Copartnership of the subscriber* Having I expired r.n the let inat. by ite limitation, and being desirous to settle up their business a* soon ts possible, they offer their entire stork at prime rest, comprising a large and desirable as sortment of Staple and Faary Onads, lo which they invite the attention of wholesale end retail purchasers, as an opportunity so favorable for ob. taining their supplies rarely neenr*. II. NEILHON At, CO. N. B —To a person wishing to porches* the whole nr a large pert of tho stock, the term* world he accommodating, and the boose would he rented on a lease, or by the year, ja 39—ts Valuable City Properly for Sale, V Offer fot sal* privately, a valuable LOT ad ft joining the Factory of Samt. Sublet!, front, mg on E nr Main Street sevepty feel, and run. ning back on* hundred and eixty five feet.--For particulars anply to JNO. If. EUSTACE, fob 29—lOt I REMOVAL. I THE undersigned respecllully informs the La dies of Richmond, And the public in general, I ‘list he has ju.t removed his fancy and Confection I *ry store a few door* above Hie hanks, opposilo to j Mr. A. Bargamin, where ,hcy will find, a* hsrulo- ; a complete assorlnonl of Y'oyf. Hair if oik, and generally all other artielos in Ins line: fo 26. L. DI7HA1N. A Tho subscriber has juit received tbs following articles, »iz.—Oatmeal, Puri lied Oil, fur Watchmakers’ use, Dutch ^Bfl Metal, French Picture Varnish, Acid Le inon Drnps, Acid Rose do., genuine French Jujube Paste, Peppermint Loxcn. ges, English Hnrebound, Ginger, Teles, Pepper mint. Coltsfoot, Jujube, Paregoric, Clora, Cinna mon, Nutmeg, Gum Arabic, Anise, Fluted Lemon, and Squill Logenicrf neatly put up in small boxes. Worm Tea, and a general assortment nf /rrsA Me ■licinne. If. C. McNEMARA. B.UDW IN A KENT HAVE recently received the following season, able Dry Goods. 4 esses new etyle London Prints, lu do. low priced fancy do. •1 do. assorted cotton Hosiery, 1 do. long Lawns, 5 do. Cambrics, 3 do. Suciiem Pongees, 1 do. black Senahawa, Ladies black and white English Silk Hose, Ladies super light horse skin Gloves, Low priced corded Skirts, Rich gauze Bonnei Ribbons, • Fcnizios” best blue Silks, India and Laddlus do. assorted, Ac. All of which are offered at unusually lew prices. FLAXSEKD. A Fair price, in cash, will bo paid for a few U. thousand bushels clean Flaxseed. _lb _ M. L. DAY. Cltcup for Cash. JH. NASH intending positively to close his I e business a« early u« practicable, will sell suv | pari nf his valnsblu stock of Rooks, Stationary and Fancy Articles at prime cost, and in many in. stances under cost, for Cnih only. Hu is desirous of settling up his account* as early as possible, and will thank thosa indebted to him to call. mr !!j NAILS, CIDKIl, AND WHISKEY. fi rfM} Keg* Nails, -M "?er 2d barrels Newark Cider, 20 lihda Baltimore Whiskey, Just received, for sale by WADE W. WOOLDRIDGE. mar 32 Marks! Bridge JOHN S. SYDNOIl nAS just received, 12 dox. of those eelebra. ted RAZOUsi which have never been known to fail: prices 7o cent each, and if not approved may be returned apd the money will bo refunded. PLANTATION WAGGON.—A first rate : plantation or road WAGGON, for sale by j M. A. TRICE, | mar 12 Near Mayo’s Bridge. { Marseilles Wine. AJi Quarter Tips* Marseilles Maderim Wine, ' VJ> O land ng this Morning from Sclir Mary 1 and Elizabeth, fur sale bv mr le_G R.EME A MOSBY. Bargains in drygoods.—r. h. jen. KINS would invite the attention of those wishing new am! 'elegant STRING GOODS, to i examine those now opening front Now the York | Auatians. inarQO KtiOO Sticks Salt. rnillE Slim Ciroruc lias arrived, and her Cargo ' UL "f 3.IJ00 SACKS, of best Liverpool Factory | tilled SALT, will be rcieivng in the Dock in a f. \v days and told low, if taken frmn the Light 1 ers, by DAVID ANDERSON, Jr. | mar 19 * 'I'o <1'miters ttn(I others. T11K soiiscribers, agents for Jacob It.lder.iton, j Baltimore, offer tor (ale at factory pricus— ' | Meals Seives of all sites. It ddles lor coal, corn, 1 ' barley, ryo, oats, tl ix and clover seeds, wheat, I cockle, limn, sand, Ac. Woven Wire suitable for standing screens, mer chants mills, Ac. Ploin and fancy Wire Work, for sellar win [ do\v«, libraiics, Ac. Wire Safe* of most approved kind*. mar 18_LANCASTER, DENBY A CO. f K Ml E Subscribers have entered into * copartner .JL eliip under tlie firm of II. A W. MORTON,' for the transaction of a Grocery, Shipping, and Commission business, and Imps by a course of strict integrity and perseverance to entitle them •elves to a merited and lull share of public patronr age. HENRY MORTON. WILLIAM MORTON - Four doors fcbove the Columbian Hotel, Cary Street tie 6—Is PLANISHED TIN WATER PLATES, for salu at o sign of the i’ad-lnck by mr 1C_ T A RUST, [Irish Linens, Tulle Dinpcrs, and other Linen Goods. THIS SPRING’S IMPORTATION. RII. JENKINS ie now opening, in addition e to e large supply of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, 4 cates Iri*h Linens, at price! from 2* 3d per yd to very fine quality, 50 pieces Russia Diapers, Russia table Diapers, full 2 yards wide, en excel lent end cheap article. Birdseye Diapers, all qualitiee, tome of which are very fine. Rich damask table Linen*, Linen Cambrics and cambric lldkfs. All fresh Goods, and purchased this Spring. Persons wanting Lilian Goods, are desired to ex. amine thie supply, for sale by the piece, half piece, or yard, at R. II. JENKINS' mar 2tl Linen and Fancy Dry Good Store Tobucco Fixtures for Side. M tojrstsTisi of Presses, Screws, Bands, Bars, Sinkers, and every requisite for carrying on an exteneiva Manufactory, for sale together or erparutsly, by Gl! EME A MO.'llY. Ilntitltitl Sitittr*. WE have this day reeeivrd a lot of the above Segura, said to be very good, for sale by ma 7 _ WM. M. HARRIS A Co. I'l.AIN SHELL COMBS JUST received, an additional aoeortment of plain Shell Combs, some of very largo site, for aele low, by GRANNISS, SON A BROTHERS. ms 4 Sign of the Golden Comb NFKIXU f.OOOs. PIAI.DWIN A KENT, neve received by late ■ B arrival*, a variety of fresh Spring GOODS, which they offer at wholesale or retail upon ae. comodating terms. mar II TO THE LADIES. MR. CHARLES BOCREI, of Philadelphia, ha* consigned to me 4 of 500 pair of Is lMHft’ FRENCH SHOE*, I nf various description* Persons wishing tn purchase are requeeted to call and examine th"tn, ae they are here nnly for eight or ten date, at my Store, corner above the Bank*, and oppoeite to A. Bar. gamin. L. DOMAIN, mr 19 Pongee Handkerchiefs. Igbib P'ecee rich ecsrlet, eruneon and fan. t»qFlr ey Pongee lldkfs., I case real India Bandanna do., for sale low, by mr II BALDWIN A KENT. SPRING GOODS. THE subscribers have already in Store, be. tween 4 and 5U0 Packagei of dteirahl* nni* Goons, and they expect to receive very soon, large addi. tinnal supplies bath from their partner residing Hr New York, by the regulor packete arriving JrotA that city, and from ^England direct, by the tkipa 7 ally Ho and Madison, note due, and daily ex pected. I)y tho first of April thoy will probably have in vtoro from lj to 15UU 1‘ackagks, comprehending’ a lurgo and general sssortmciit of Goods iu their line, all of uhiclt, they take leave to assure both City oml Country Merchant*, trill be told by tkt package or piece, as low as similar gondu cap be bought any where in this country, the ternaa a»d other things bring er/ual. A more particular aa vortisrmeut will appear in tho course of a lort night—pot haps sooner. mar 13_F A J.S.JAMES & Co. ' f|>OR Sole, at my Depository on tne Dock, a most splendid assortment of BA KOVCf/RS >t diflercnl price* and pattorna—and I have madar tn engagement wish Mr, J. C. JJcdoubrrg of New Ark, to supply ine w tit COACHES $ SVLKEYS , which will make tuy assortment eipial to any in Jiia city. All the Carriages that I sell, are maiH jy tho moat cvlubrated Manufacturers in tha Uni. ;ed States, and warranted to stand six months in •own and twalvo months in the country—accident* ixccpted. 1 hato also on Irand, and shall constant. y beep STAGE TOES «J- C Alim ALL TV AG tiONS, all of which I wilt sell as low as they caw •so bought chew here, tor cash or town acceptances j* >3_ J. W. REEKS. run SAL 15, A Likely CTRL, about 1C or 17 year* old. She is, tor her age, a good seamstress, and well acquainted with Iioumo business generally. 1 will not sell her. except to acme gentleman in ilia city or it* neighborhood waiiliop one for hia own use. te 22 DAVID AN PERSON, jr. Tiu and Pewter Ware Manufactory, f IVIE subscriber takrs this nintl-.od of return. JL ing hi* llianks to hia enste. icrs genrrallv tor their liberal patronage, ami tiegs iravo to iniurm them that in consequence of new and more extend ed improvement* in hi* line, he is now enabled to off-r Tin ami Ten ter Waro of llie best materials and unexceptionable workmanship and patterns, at prices so umder tin that country merchants in par ticular, and the public generally, will tind it great, ly to their interest to give him a call, a* he is deter mined not to he undersold. JOHN DUN LEY. N. B. lie has constantly on hand a good assort ment of Top Waggon* and Carryalls, Buggy* and Barouches, which he will dUpoMt of upon very raasonahln terms. Cheese, Pepper fsuuce, Oiivcs and Capers. K. Cases fiesli Pme Apple Cheese, 99 5 do. do. Rcpixtr Sauce, S do. do. Olives, 6 do. do. Capers, Just received by the Sclir. Effort, for salo by WADE W. WOOLDRIDGE, mr I!*_ __ Market Bridge. . Fresh a net Elegant Mootls. fllAVE j u*l received from Birmingham and Sheffield, by thu ships Eagln and Napoleon, via New York, my Spring Supply of HARDWARE, Cutlery nil«l Saddlery. They consist, in part, of the following, vi*. rocket uud pen Knives of loo most superior quali ties, Robertson** Bator,, ivory handle Knives A JTurkn. in setts, Stag, buffalo* and bona handle Knives and Forks, Carvers, at various prices, A most splendid assortment of plated ft steel, snaf. fle# and .-urb Bill* and Stirrup Irons, s fins lot of plated Spurs, o, 11 9 »!••• Aw micu Iuiod Lock*, of tbe h*it furniture, 6 inch Mortice L> cks, do do. 6, 7, 8. 9, 10, II and 12 inch Stock Locks, line phite, 6, 7, t. 9, 10, 11 and 12 inch do do. fan. cy Key, aoinc very superior 5-8, 3-4, 7-d and 1 inch Screw Plates Sledge and hind Hammers, Tall and flat brass Candlesticks, Polished steel Snuffers, Plated and iron .Squares, 3 key'd iron and bra-'sj'dl Locks, 12 ao. do. do. do. do. Iron and brass Cupboard do. Iron and brass Chest do. A large stock of Tad do. 4c. 4c. With a variety of other desirable goods. Coun. try Merchants, and all dealer* in Hardware, aro particularly invited to »lep in. I would alao aay to •boa* who are in want of a fine Knife, or e line Razor, a pair of Stirrup Irons sr a Bridle Bill, to call in and examine for themselves: they can car. tamly l>e suited with some, if nnt all, at the Fancy Hardware and Loouing Glass Store of TIIEO. ROBERTSON rn!'- ^ Sign of thn Golden Anvil Ohl Samnirtt Hum. •>)4| Puncheons fma old Jamaica RUM, just Wv received per schr. lautlie, from Halifax, where it has been in the Kings'* Store, for nearly three years—for sale by jnr 13 __CIIAS. PALMER. ~ CHAMPAIGNE BRANDY, WE a.a in receipt per late Packet from New York, tf one pipe very superior Chain, paigne Brandy, and in store we offer for sale prim* West India Sugar*, Java Coffee, Small'* leaf Su gar of nil grades, and a general supply of Preserves, Cordials, Stock of Champaign* Wines, with ma ny other articles in our line. 'mar 15 TOMPKINS 4 FISHER MS1LL SAWS.—I case superior Mill Saws, ifl for salon! THOMAS A. REST'S. Snuffs, Tobacco, ffcc. fl 41 Doxen, Rappee, Scotch, Ji. MW Copenhagen, Natchitoches, Maasu. lapatain, Va. No. 9, and Tunquin Mix; lure, 300 dozen various sixe* fine cut Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, 75 case* Hiiuff Boxes, vim on • kind*, wel; suited to the country trade. For sal* by M. L. DAY, M irk ft Square. r/.i.vo roMTmu, Cl Elegant Piano fortes, manufactured by De 9 bon. A Slodart, for sale by no 7 t.ll EME A MOSBY. NICHOLS 6 WILEY. HAVE recently made enn.iderablo addition* to I heir Stock of DRY GOODS, aome of which, having been bought at price* much below their value, will be sold at vrar arotiran rairca; and all of which, will be sold a* low a* similar Goods, can l»« bought risen here Tl-’y in vita Ilia attention of their friend*, and all who vish bar gain*, to call and examine their present assortment! which consists in part of Black Italian Loatrmg, Do. Gro de Swiss, Do. Gro de Nap's, Superior black India Satins, very heaty, Do. do. Senchews and Sarsnelta, Kigurad and plain Merino Clothe, Merino and common Circassian*, Figured and plain Swiss Muslin, Jacnnetl and Mull do. Crape de I.yon, for dresaee, (cheap,) English, French and American Print*, end a large supply of DOMESTIC GOODS. fe II IIVMflOW UtnHH. 11 Half boxes 10x12, 8x10 and 12x14 ■ *9 Washington City Window GLASS, reco.vcd per Sreamer Pntomae, for aal* bv mar DU'NLOP, MONCURL A CO.