Newspaper Page Text
r* •# dv eraser. VIRGINIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1838, vm yty ■ Air* orr _ • *■***.'( > . ’ % • •UMCMMION to Umi 1>AIIY WHIG in CUy toto.irt i^.raTi&'uyssr ■wastc^a j^jsiSSjSL'Xii^SKssA. *£SZW~2?~~>'*«T B3-O«>«r.totoop Anoint AiHentmn «r, ch»rf«il (M for two nurrs, tod » lltotproportion for*tr«nl«.-cn,Miu of (rcottrleacth;** *•« Aitcllmirrio tad Urtlcty dtoiora, who Ui cttoryed SMf QMMT too Imlr.l.) lO-TU COJI NTHY WHIG U pwMtoltod Iwtt* a week, guawkya and Prldajra,) al In dottua per aunu.% payahla ro* ADTn-TTSINO—to a«M* a a*toi«, (or feta,) for f*a BrW huerliow, tod 00 cenU foraaeb aonitouaoce. W.u- V. . ■ ,W>NfWBe . WU MAlHi|<lV HM-mi the public leawtUv, that I have ou baud a co*u| son Mient i»f double ami single ~ wan _ _ Snifittif.THTSilOfllJiM received and opened, at th# tkurr.J o«m ef thoeq •IJPI’RB rB.wr a RBI i see Killetu of 44 aud AliftchbamU, with and wit**! rode; auikUrer, Keel and hriaaMouaijnir. The hlfk ftiiddeaervadrrputatUn «.f three Rliaa, la mi Actant, wa hope, to Induce purchaser* ta giro them an examination be snkfee tbeir selection TOmy: muhed to a tttjr CHINBHR MUIiRBRKIE9,*c. THR subscriber* have still on hand the firfluwing: Morus Multicaulis, the wood of which is lully matured, there having been no premature frosts on Long Island this mason; also 50,000 cutting* can be supplied. 40,000 Ingrafted Trees of the new Chinese Mulberry, with large thick leaves, re. maikable fir the quantity of nutrlcious matter this species being sufficiently hardy for the most northern latitudes, ami possessing .ill (he advan tages oQhe Min us MulUcaulia. These are from 3 to 6 feet ilHleight. 3,000 Hybrid Morns Multicaulis, wi*h Urge leaves, and M joints, anil 5 to «'» fret iu height. 35,000 Florence Mulberry, with enUre leaves, in whichj^olnt they differ from the common Whim Mulbei ry. Tuese are Imported direct from the best silk district of Frknce, arcl|to‘2| feet in height, and will be sold at very low r*tee. 60 lbs White lialUn Mulberry Seed. 1,0th) tbs. French Yellow and White Sugar Beet Seed Priced catalogues af Tree#, Uveeu House Plants, Dah lias, CUrgeu Seeds Ac. will be sent to every applicant. * WM. PRINCE A SONS. I Jnnran Caiden and Nurseries, Pushing, Feb. 14. Application* to *he subsetiber will receive pointed at fenUon. JAS. WINSTON, Agent, foil—If Richmond |OMK MANUFACTURK.-The subscriber re- j J spectfully invites the merchants and the pnbhc in gen eral to call at l»ta store, and examine thiee setts of Le.lgers aod Journals, manufactured at Iris Book - Binding Estab lishment. |fe feels a pride in aiving Hiathu esn, with «afe ty, challenge the production or aarrsa binding ll.iviug (fevotedconshlerahle atteuiion to the manufacture of Blank Books, as well as to every othei branch of lhk>lr Binding, he with conAdvnce assures the public tliat ail their wants can he furnished Wy him at as low prices ss by any Book-Bind ing Establishment In the IJ. States. Ills desire Is to give satisfaction and an impetus to home manufacture. > K D HANXAY, au 16 Bookseller, Book-Binder and Utatione . li/fUBIC FOR PIANO FORTK.—Received by IfX fIMITII A PALMER, Feb.—A further supply of Music j fcr the Pisno: uinang which are the latest compositiona of the most eminent composer», and many of the mosi admired Hongs, Waltzes, Marches and late fashionable Cotillions, with | figures The new musical publications received weekly, which reader# the assortment st alt times very desirable. On the Lake where droop'd the Willow, or long tune ago Here's a health to thee, Mary; sung by Mr Horn Oh! 'ti§ the melody, by Ciamner Ob! bring me showets of Roses, by A. Lee Rweet Robin The Gypsy's Wild Chaunt Tlia land of Dreams, by 8 Lnvei, Esq Yoq moon o'er the mountain, as sung by Md'lle Beriot Go, uiayest thou be happy There Is no home like my own The Archer Boy, as sung by Mias Love A tear shall tell him all TbeB^dtcn^Vow, b^Mr* II. Shelton “ fie oever said he loved t ' X£t The Invitation, a serenade from the Rpauiali ff I speak f o thee In Friendship's name El mu*! Inver's six popular songs, viz Angel's Whisper, May Dew, Fairy Boy, When and Where, Fimntalti and Flower, Ac. My Farther Land, (the admired Tyrolienne) Preuy Martin, the oyster girl Rose of Allentlals Bo gently o'er mo str«;.„K, frsxn La Bomnsinbuta ‘Twere vain to tell thee ail I feel Tyroll, my Father Land Through the wood, (Cavatina, Mr Horn, Xirtfs Britalof Andallo Vesper Bell Yon Abbey Boll so full and swelling.__fe 12 Fciifap auction dry OOODM. Febtuary 1st, IrtJM. i TYO. H, JENKINS will exhibit for sale this mot ntax rV following Geods, opening from very reduced prices for cash. Itw*! yards p!*in oUck Bilks, for ladies dresses, Ac. at the •itremc low price of .Kk,2i3tl, and 50c. Yard wide plain black HUks, at the unparalleled low prtco of 97Je, I00e, and 125c. Person* wishing cheap black Bilk Drones will find them to please. Calicoes—5000 yards Calicoes, good styles, at fid, 10c, I'Jjc and finer Bleached and unbleached Shirtings, 6J, 3, 10, 12| ctn, and finer qualities l4ncn cambric ILIks, at 35 els ami better IJoenCainbric st7s 6d. 10s6d, Ac. Cheap Hatii.em, from 37| tothe finest Bed ami negro Blankets Bargains In furniture Calicoes Elegant figured Silks and Hatlns, all rotors An extensive assortment of lace and muslin Capes and Collars In addition to the above, the subscriber has opened many bargains in fancy and staple articles of dress and house* keeping Goods, vix: Irish Linens, from .171 Cl# to the finest quality Imported Unen Sheetings, various widths Towellings,of different kinds—all of whicli, will hesoldat unusual low prices for caslh at K If. JENKIN8* fe I l.incn, Huple and Fancy Dry Goods Btore. PALL 01 PP1 i HOOTS, SHOKS. TRUNK 8. Ac. Ac. WHOLESALE ASl) RETAIL WE are receiving by different arrivals from Philadel phia, Nr w ffork and Boston,! general and well se lected assortment of Hoots, Hlioes, Trunks, Ac. Ac., suit able for Fall and Winter Hales, which are offered at wholesale and retail, at a small advance, and upon very acroniruu>Utmg terms. Country mere han Is and outers,are respectfully invited to call and examine. Amongst the assort me ill we offer the following, vix: Ladies'superior French morocco and khl Slippers no < K> iKf no warning no ho <lo teal akin do do Do (L lasting walking Btloea, French Tie* Do «h* gaiter Boats, lasting BHppcrs, all qualitlas flsnilcatcn's tin*calf and morocco Boots Do low priced calf and aeal akin do Do Ane calf «kin Btioea, different style* Do ealfskinoeer Hhoes Do Ane seal, ealf akin and morocco Pump* Miatea'Aue morocco, aral akin and kid Hlipuer* Do Ane leather and aeaJ akin lloota and Plto#o Men’a low priced line.I and Ikmiii I aewad and pefged Pro can* Iki do do do ilo flhoea D*» stout nnlrounil sewed and pegsed Ilmgana |)o do tin peefe I ruaar tt *k» |)o do Richinona made Brogans Do do sewed and Pegged warer Boot* Wmnen’a leather pegged and aeweilBlioea Do i|»» do do Boot a Bor's Ane calf akin Booteea andBhoea Do low priced aewed and pegged do do Do atout unbound <ln do Brogaua Do aewad and pegged Bool a I)o Riehrnofid made Brogana Children'* Ane leather puuHl.i and morocco Boots, Bho«* and Rhppera AMO, Wrapping and wrfttnff Paper, ahoc Brushea Alleante door Mata. Paate fllickiuf Bole Mather, hair Trunks, slme Thread D miLMNOTON it CO, aep 21 Manaion Ilona#i • ATTI Jf KTTR. KKRTUCKY IKAllll, " BI.ARKRTI, ftc WF!ha»*nn hand, and offer for Ml*, toi y cheap, tha following flood* Ruae, Whitney and point Rlankata l/iw priced mhMMng and An* Malilnatl* Ilo iln plain and striped Renlacky Jean* Koigllati, French and flrod* Nap M»rlno« Buper rtbad amt *lftp*d faaatmara* Htnc, blank, otla», gr**n. fahl*n and n(h*r colored Clollii Wht**, rad, graan and yellow Flannels Figured and plain flro da Nap folk* and Ratln* Rich (limed Shelleys and plain (Jaur* for Party Itrc*a*a, with an anti melly good aaaorimanl of tlooda for lha aaa am, which will tm disposed at at lha fowaal price a, fog aaah, or to punctual customers VAI.RNTINR A HRF.CDRN, Whii* Riiildings. )» It II *tr**t, Rime has lilt). AH. M ~N OARONUrR g*numa INDIAN Ha I SAM OF I.IVP.RWORT a an HOAHIIOIIND, prepared from aa Indian rec dpi, containing ih* rlrlu# of in Mlr*r»nt kind* of root* and herb* in each bolila; tha graa eat of all praparatton* *»*r illacorared in lha known world—rnf thn mraof CononmpHnna. CVsgAe, Cottlo, Spitting of Maori, Ifominf Couth, A •(Amu, lltfflrultu of Hrrathinf, In if Mania, Quinary, I’hthioir, Croup. Urtr Complaint, 0c. frigs m ciintw Topmant Imposition, ih* lah*l of each gannin* bnttln will b* aignod by lha proprlrlor of Ihl# valuahto m»dt«lna, M N flaamana I norer knaw an Inatanca where Ihla m*dlcln* Mlfodln gif mg relief In all Ihe abn»# mentioned complaints The aval of each bold* will b* a lamped, Mrs <laaa*aa'a INDIAN RAIXAM To b* ha<l genuine wholesale or retail nl I.VF.t I.. JOIINRTON * LrCMo •u II At fame# MeR.Moa'a Old Miami. Richmond. Va SMITH * FAI.MF.R hare |u*l r centred a farther supply of Tin Otty of Ihe Wuhan and Domeatle Manaar* of th« Turk*, by Mlaa Pardo* fhyloga amt Doing a of Ham RNr.k of Mtckrlll* Fourth F.t|M-rim#git oflJetng.or Using wtihout the Means Ualggl within tba Means Do ap to tha Means Do beyond tb* Means , _ A baa at Ifni aiktlon af tha Italy IBM*, email Mae and rory **^Rofa^lRlgW*tat, by Mr* R.J. Hale f ftlark-r Oatdaor Commercial Corraapomtanca, compile fag louar* Ad bnalnoaa, farms of Mila, maoteno, amount aim, ami an appendu, cnntatrtNvMaa to young tradom SWBTTKwssmarrf* _WSiL As a fair specimen. however, of the whole of them, ihe following teller la subjoined: „ .. . Richmond, Aug. 23d, 1837. Dr. Kuhl: Dear Air—This Is loceriily lliatl was afflicted with flatulenrr, Indigestion, soreness of stomach. an un natural appetite.nervous affections and general debility, for uuwards of ciglit years, sod frequently troubled whirs vrry hail bead ar lie,and my tulnd was unfit lor luialneas I liave time sner lime lost one half of the night’s real, o« rasihued hy wind in my stomiirh and twins attending il which none know but those ailliried with flatulence. Mv •ighl was also affected, and moderate aserclar was har'd lalrour to me I hail been taking medicines for sis or seven Tears, without effect, and my case appeared Incurable— Imt by the blessing of tbsl your medicine was ..tend er! to me, and 1 thd not take more than *3 worth of your Restorer of the Utoodand Meld Mine Ualsam, befotc I was roinph-tely C ured of the alnrv e mentioned afflictions. You may use tit's as yon please, for Ido plilv al afflicted,*e - . . J\MI> HR ANNAN. AU r.iounnnlcatlons mud Ire directed (post tiaui.) [o DR. RUIiL’fl Office, Richmoud, Va. AGENTS IN VIRGINIA. A. A. Krioehman, Richmond, opposite the Eagle Hotel Brown A Curling. Druggists, Petersburg Winkle A Kuml-ugh, Lynchburg Co*. James O. ItUkey, Orange Court House Edward McDowell, Bookseller, Fredericksburg Gilmore A »* atson, Damille Jonathan A Stout. Amherst Court House John \\ tnteliea l New Glasgow, Aiubeist county « 71; Adams, Hcoitsville, Albemai le county K. Watts. Charlottesville Harper, llardy A Co. Burlianan, Botetourt county C.T Cates, linings*on, Nelson county N. II Forbes, Bookarllfi, Poitsmoiith, George R. Barr, Abingdon. . . _ agent in MAaruAim: Joseph Camps, Baltimore. district or coi.msis: Wm. Lootma, Washington city Cook A Lcadbeiier, Druggists, Aleaandria. IN Tlta STATS OK NSW YORK Book sc llera, lft2 Nassau street, elly Robert Kelly, Newhnrg Jooeph Bogardus, Fiehkill Village, Duchess county. tO-Wholesale purehssera will he favovad with a dia jpunt of 26 psi cent. at DR KUHL'S Office, Richmond .Tr.'* l,M* a,uounl “>•**« be inmamilled by mail, (poa, -Id,) In current bank toils, or in a draft at tight, on Rich —__deA-ly * r ^*AT» AMO CAPS. - refurne ♦ rrnn' Worth, k rirlxens of RichiuonfTandlTi^ p'oWle**t^r* rally, that I have brought on with me aa spleivhd an assortment of lists and Cap* as l ran he purchased at the most celebrated fartnnr*. ail <*f * in< h m- bowhl l«*r Ukfe, ind selected by myself—among which nny he found Bupeiflue Can ola CHler Cap*, Spanish patterns Do Midland Heal, most splendid Do flue Beal, dark and light colors l>o fine Imitation Beal Do do Muskrat, latest sty le Do do Chinchilla, for small children Do do Clolh, do Do ib BeletCaps, men’s and boy’s Also, s large assortment of Caps suitable for factory hands, best finality, with a good assortment of blark and white wool Hats—all of wdurh will he sold on moderate lerina. G. W. DURBRKRRV, r!s KMf__ Agsiit. Main Btree ROYAL PARRISH baa again rouunenredlhe GRfM ER Y BUB1NFBH ^ N»«oekor Ilifl. in the imus* formerly oc copied by James P. Tyler, and « few doors below hia old stand, where he respectfully invites his former cummers and th* public generally, to give him a call, as he is deter mined to* sell on ae com moils ting terms. jail if Mi DOWKIdi A CO. Da a pass A Tailoro, base per sehr James Fisher, a large aasorimri.t ■ f Tea ant’s Bombazine Blocks; also, a large assortment of do’s. Batin Btoek*. plain sad bowed. fs 16 MOTICfC— NOTICE. Ts Farmers and Merchants i the are in the habit of rend ing their produce, ^c. Ay Iray of the James River t'unai to this market, and receiving in return Ay the same boat other go*.ds. TIIK undersigned Uke pleasure in announcing inthose who bare heretofore, as well aa those who may here* alter consign their produce to them, that they hare made eirangemenls with Messrs. Hill, Moore A Co. to receive end forward all kinds of produce whirh*m.iy he consigned to them. (Messrs. Ilil). Moore A Co have Just erected* large lumber house at Wcsthain. contiguous to the canal, in order to protect the produce from the inclemency nf the weather ) Persons consigning their produce to tbeii cate ">*y feat assured that nodel.ty Willhe Incurred in fettmg If to this market,** arrangements have been made »«> have regularly in attendance a sufficient quanity ol w igon* and drays to take It tuiinadlalely olf the boat* oh 12 F.LLM, EI.LETT A GO. MANN* JNPALIJHLKCOIIN REMEDY -Th* above article is offered to the public (after ample cape rience of iff beneficial effects) ass safe, * fficsclons anti certain cure for Coma. As a pioof dial the pmprlefor la himself foovincSd of Its efficacy, he invites those who are troubled with ('orris to try the remedy, and in rase of failure tl.c money shall be refunded J If EURTACE, Agent. N fl F.rv|u »efor Mann’s Corn Remedy tub |.1 G1RKAT IIAKfJAINn IN PUT Al the More F of Ra&r>. BaTI.T 4r Co , who are rum ifl«p.>siug of thetr entire atock, at and under the original cost, for cash Mori* day, 12th March, I*n8.--The following Goods ran he obtain ed of tin for much lr** than (heir value A good anaortniofit of Cloth* and f 'aaaiinerea ftetfineft* atideoaree woolen UimxIi A greal variety of lJn*n GfHMls.aueh aa Irlah Hherfinf*, Oatnaak Table Clothe, Towellings, Irish iJncne, Napkins, 4u. *r A large lot imperial Iterl Quilt* l»o do Frenrti printed ( atnhrira and Mualins Plain an»l colored Hilaa and Ratios Rich French worked Murlinand lace Capra ll'srk French Romhaxinea Rprlng and Hummer Prime, in great variety Flannel* and Blink el a, very low Htlk and cotton lloaiery Bleached Hhlrtinga .ind Hheetinga Hpring Ginghaina, Furniture Print* Indies and Gentlemen's Climb* Cotton Frlngee, iHmltlea, Ae. faidiea* Cofaetja French IJnen Grilling* Marseille* Veatlnga. Hf«»ek*, lloaoma amt Collar* Kentucky Jeane, with many other riestrshl* Honda, which we will now anil at ike moat reduced pne.ea for caah. Pure baser a will rarely meet with a better npfnrtti nlty of eupplyrng the naeteee, and we ifrdfe them to rail. mh If RKAI>. hmi \ a k. KPHijrci im v ooodr CHEAP DllY GOODS FOR CASH. TO MERCHANTS, FAMII.IER. AND OTHER* Rll. JF.NRIN* ho* romfnnnaad opanlng amua naw a Rprlng Honda. 41 Parkaga* now opanlng, f|«: '4)P« plain Rlark Rilka -anti>a of ,ary rich luatra al 3P ram*, 2* *1, 3a, 3a 9d, 1* Ad, and Anargooda I Paaa ,inall Agurad, ytrrl wida, Frrnrli Catlroaa, yrry rh*ap. Cidorad Muallnaand Jaronala ACaaaa Iriaii I Joan a, from 'JR cant* In Anar qualdlaa. Paranna warning good andrhaap lanana In any ifuanlky, by lha plara, I plara nr yard,can ba anpphrd ROaorda.l Rklrla-a lltlla domagad—2S ranla loon iln do In gnndordar al 2a 3.1, 3a. and Anar i|iiallti«t 2 dna M.raalll'a Rklrta, anifahta foi lha aaaaon, will ba aold off al 9a Hlaarbadand nnblaaehad Rhlrllngaal fi| ranla, A ranla and mhar aiylaa SR M.laa Cnilnn Otnahnrga, all prlcaa and rptallilat 10 Caaaa Riaaahad Nblrflnaa bird Nbanllnga, wkh many aary ebaap Honda from Anriinn, which will l>a Bold rhaap for Caah, al R II JF.NRIN*’ mil I > *’«|>lBand Fancy |>ry Onnd.and l.lnao *lora. iiiRnoi.irrioM. THE IVPannidablp har-lnfora aaiating undar ihr Arm •f Rbappard, Waflar* Unarlaa laihta day dla«ol«a<lby ■nuiiial r< narnt Tilt huafnaaa will ba rlnaad, rarly aa poaalbla, by Pbappard * rjuarlna WM V RIIF.PPARD, l/KI AN WAI.I.F.R, HENRY W QDaRI.RR. THE Riibanil.ara ha»a aaanrtaiad Ihrmaalraa In Po-pari* narahlp for’lhn pnrpnaa of rnniinulng lha Dr* Honda ■naloaoa. al O.a Ainuar aland nf Rbanpard, Waller 4 Quarlaa, undar lha alyla of RHEPPaRD * Ql<ARI F*, whara lha. aak a romlnuanaa of farora hy lha pnlalr. and partlrartarly by ibalr larmar frmnd*, hoping lo ba abla u> gtaaaurblnd icamenla aawfll Inauia aallafarllon aril 14—If l FMK.aH *Pk 11*(I linnllR. THE aubacrlbrr la raralalng ftirlhar rarlailaanf daalra bla Rprlng Honda, among inam, RaaMilul amall paiiarn Puma, far Chlldran and lodlaa Rnramaly baaiiilful Wro ila Odlar Franck Prtma Naw alyla Corilad blna block Rapa Rllk D<r Agurad 4n do Do do eolorad do Riipark.rjpialii/ India Palm, a rafg arRrla T?.,gRaav^ay|pc^ras~'~l ’IrtC‘7of «ah«r *"'«*•*»“• *«* - M M TtTU® C. RICK. " «. * HicHgoxp, yMD«mcK»wma and Brt-Jk. hgOyOMAC RAILROAD. 1 l .Trs***!»■ flntli Inst, like ears with the mall ami ' ' “-^V»lll learo Finderickshorg •t, they *111 contiaue Is lease JH the time appointed, eod a junction with the Louisa lottAvillk. WBKSKiK!: SZKSrriis0^, d alao srrit# aiClwrtoae* *lU bolh Richmond art.) Fre.le rtckahura at half past 10 o’clock, A M , on Tuesdays, Thunktayi iimI Htturdan 7 F«r« fiotn Richiunnd t«* Washington, $i> 00 D*» *lo Frcs1.>rick«hiirgto<’harli>tte«villo( 6 00 Do <lo Richmond to ,lo & fiti mil 22—2w 1VEW “HSWJUCT RBCRIVKD.—The subscriber has f,. ^ r'n i1"** «U«Uon of Muaic, among which are the following donga On the loike where droops the Willow Pretty Martau.tlie Oyster Girl Woodman Hpare iltstTiee | The Knl ht of the Karen Black Plume We have been Friends together, (by Russell) ' nung Abby Bell; I Loselhe Night Coins to me at Morning; the Blarney lasndof Prranm; I^Hjr Mine The l.*fhi of Othrr Days fatten Dear Fxnuv Mrct mein the Willow CSlcn a Health to the. Mary Yon Moon o’er the Mountain: Ivr Green, wtlli a great I number of Waltaes, Marches, Variations, Ac . „ P. H. TAYLOR, . m" |!»_Music Store, opposite the Banks T ,o„ “OK tu BPRIXQ GOODS, T AM Opening, this mot mag, a parcel of beautiful Spring X Goods,constating of 1 i London and Domestic Prtnlsof all kinds Painted Muslins (eery cheap) I I super Kr. neb Prints, at 2a 3d Children's *dk Hdkfe. Gentleineii'e Pocket IMkfa. Drillings, lor Pantaloons Block Lasting, fm do, Irish Linens, I.inen Whirling Tab e Diaper, table Datnask Marseilles Vestings, Ac . a'l of which will be sold cliesp.for caah. BRNJ. Ll.OYD BKLT, Agt. mh 22 ’ WARKANTCD fir.h and xmulne-growih of 1 SIT,for •ale wholeaale and retail. ’ ARTIClioKB—Globe ' ASPARAGUS—Giant oMfttltomc fill_Parta Six Week*; Yellow do; Refugee, I i!i*rV Lima Scarlet R.mnera HERTS—Early Blood Turnip; do fellow do; French Hujur; laOiif amt Man{p|aurif| HK(M*Ot I —Purple Capr ,.*:a*«r'r Oa Heart; do Baucraeai do Rufarloaf; Flat Tlutrh; Large; Br.get.; do ’ nMinm **xoy> nr*en fcurled do CAlilalF 1.0V\ KR-larlyinil laft* rKLKRY—White amt KcdHolr.l CRK4& - llreatl leave! ami Water CARROT—Iaonf Oranfr; HcArUri Horn; New Red Stud lev; Artringhatn Um* CORN-r Early Golden Sioux; do Tnaearora LETTUCE—Imperial Rug., loaf; Larue Green Head, Brown Dutch Early Curled Selesla; Ire I.KEK—Large Scotrh MELON-Gieeu Citron; Murray'* Pine Apple, Nutmeg Em Plant; Purple and While nasturtium— ONION—Milxer Skin; While Portugal; Yellow Dutch; Large Red; I’otaloc PARSNIP—IsxigRn noth French PA Rtf I.BY—Fine (*uilc>l PKPPKR — I.ugr Hr 11 *“*rte' Sho,tTo»’i Long Salmon; Rad SPINAfSt—Hound j SALSIFY— stfUASII—Early Summer Dud); Orange Watted; Striped Dell TOMATO—Large TURNIP—Early Flat Dutch; Reil Top; Ruta Bara PFLfrt—Mmgea, Extra Katly; Early Waahtngtnn; do Charlton; Bialiop’a Prolific; large While Marrowlai, Dwarf do; Dwarf Prolific: Blue Pruniati SWEET and POT IIF.KBS An aaaortaient FLOWER SEEDS and BULBOUS ROOTS. ja 31_ WILLIAM PALMER. ASPARaOUS. Glam. iirdcoi.i. Purple (.'ape White ilo BEANS lent l.lina Sioall ilo Roh Roy Red Marrow While Cramherry Cream colored do Black apecked Mohawk. BEETS, long likuid Karlv reilTurnip Do yel’ow ilo Prone h Sugar ilo Mangle Wurlgel. CAKRUT. long Orange Ion mu Earley Horn CABBAGE. Eatly York Do Sugar loaf Do Hattnraea lairge York Do Flat Dutch Do Drumhead Green curled Savoy Do Glnlte do Red Dutch (or pickling cauijplower. Early l-ale CEI.ERY. White golid Re,| ,lo CUCUMBER. Early Frame long Green Prickley EGO PI. A NT. I.arge Purple. ENDIVE Green Curled. SalaKy or Vegetable Oy SQUASH Early Buah Wintee. SPINACH. Round loaf For aale, by (ell (.'HEREIN. KAIL. Scotch Ska. LETTUCE. Superior Ice llrown Dutch White Coa French Valencia Cabbage llci.l. M A It it Hi AM. MELONS. Nutmeg Citron Camrlnpc Water NASTURTIUM. ONION, latrge Red Do Yellow Silrer skin. PARSLEY Curled. PARSNIP, lairgc Swelling. Earlr Warwick Do Framo Do Waahlnglon Do Charlton Hinhop dwf Prollflc Marrowfat (Irren Imperial llluii Pi urctaii. radish; long Scarlet Do Salmon l»o While Red Turnip While do Mark Spaniah White .In, RAPE or KAIL. A a OK. TOMATO. Large Red. TURNIP. Large white Norfolk For It Irate h Red Top V- How Awediah Hula llaga THYME. ALEXANDER l>UV»! OAKIIKk HKKIJ. JIJKT received, the following Darden dee,I, which are war ranted freah: AHI'aRADIIR—Oianl IIP. A NR Kidney Itwarf, or anap; A'allow Btgweek; Parly Mohawk: do China; Pnlr or Climbing; Rnleeune, egrellem green, or for anap; large I .lint; Hmall IJma IIKRT long Blond; Parly Turnip Mlood; ik. Yellow Tor nlu; Karly White Rearcky, Prench Yellow Huger; Mangle Wuruel BORHDOf.R, or KAIL—Oreen Curled Rrotrh; llrown I C urle,| l»R<r Oil — Purple Cape; Drangr't White Cape t "A lilt ADR- - Karly York; do Rugar l/utC do Batlerara, large York; do Drumhead 01 Bergen; do Pint Dttfr.h; Red Dutrh, for plrkllng; Dtaan Curled Raroy; Yellow do CARROT— Ernie Orange; Inng Red CRF.RR -Curled and Darden CUCUMBER Katly frame; EnagDreen. Rmall flherkln BOO PI,ANT,or Matonoaiaa large Purple F.NIMVR Orern Curled LRRR—large l-onilon _ , . LRTTrCR- Brown Dutch; Royal Cabbage; Berly White Btleala; Drumhead; Ira MBI.ON Dreen Onion* Nttlmeg;Cantelopo N AHTIlRTItlM large OKRA. ONION—large White; large Red PARRI.P.V Curled or Double PARRNIP—lemg Rwellmg PP.AW—Rliwe.-k .Parly Waahlnglrm,.to Frame, do Oolden llntapur, IWahop a Karl* Dwarf Prolific; Dwaif Marrowfat, Tall Marrowfkt; Blue Prnaalati RADtWH— P.arly Rrartat Rhort Top; long Kalnwur. Wlirta Turnip; Rarl ,k>; Yellow tin; lllark Rpenlehor Pall RAlJalFV, or VrgelaldeOyater MPINACII Round laated; Prlckley RODARII-Rarly Rua't TOMAMO—large Red TURNIP—Rarly Dutrh; White Olnhe; Red Top; Norfolk; Rpi!r«m,,hy",,er JOHN II BURTAOB, fa ; 3m lag dour altnea the Rail Tavern FUTtt K’g RCPKHIOH IIITima Pm f'hrimtr Three*. Chrirtur IHarrhen, Ityeereeia and AKrrw iimwiMf. The core* eflhcledbr Iheae Milora, In the complaint* for which tne/are aperidlf re commended. hne Indneed the anharrlliar to I'lhr them for the flratnme ptihhelr.ln order that their raloe mar he mere imetall? known, tinder a confident Italief that Ihey need onlr he known, In render them the mow popular and relnahle medtrlnn near nffhrrdtoihepnlj He flpon their mirlnate mlo« and wiperlnriip alone, he deWraalhWr general t.rtjueinn. Bo far aa he haa ronwilled I he faeakr, I he warm'W appinlrailoii haa been glren or Ihetn. Thop are almnle and Inner em, and map bin taken three rlmea a tlap, helhre meale.ln a aruie glaaa, with halm anti other tear, nr with water, half and half P>t aale only bp JOHN It BIIBTACR, tier, 31 Rlehnmntf Virginia —w»w ■gnm.; Werefeerf Ay KMtTH * PAt.MKH, M/A ATa-t* A Voyage Ronnd ihe Wotld, Inrlndtog an Rmbaeap to Muerai and Mam, In MT#,'# and IBT7, ha W B W Roar henherger. M II Burgeon, la tba United Mafea Karp tother of threo peara In Inn Pnrifle . Wand l.eighinn, or o poor In tho fVnnirp, hp Mar rill'" III, In three votnmeg Meawatri af Mr Walter Baott, bp J. O. Iwekhart, par 1 ith, Mb B ■ARDHari GOODS Nl UU IT Thomas a. host. ■p M ^ ^#Wddlyii..r«iM.,ir,wCh ^3nBKS(l «• fc* Vhwjoi ' -Mi!.-, *, ,i,„t..„ |||Hm| inttMTinl .i -******».0FW,*1111' h u r. ni'l Hw.t| etrberTJ ??«T&' Tro*cU*rawlefla*ito .c ure e.-ai* for UxSjSiueofcVlJftl®*^ "'*r '" r*"'n* •» g7^~M*^”c*toU»« fMM.aU. rr they will be thlrTT^. ,'''“hne, which witlaoeerr their «eat*. when gt^ejgjssBassas.iaai k££.v ;^“'!?Si“sa3sss! N. B.—The aubacrlhere Inl.irnl the Public, that the abort me ntton^l old Mail Una la aUUln •uccce.fut u„ "i P*rt urkwhlrh rlleiul, Bichmoad fotherMieavill*. (a t«c*ac uf nearly elatur mdea,)tsn»w reduced lo AW Mar. ihai they *„/ b>aile arrancemrnia lo acrownii.l, Ore entire mn between tlnee Iteu ptoces In one day eolyt but that Etlrlt mar be eannloyrd of them, to trarel pretty roiirit at the notion of theiroccupeiitt BOYD&. KIIMiimi Ea(le Hotel, B ehmond V».. *,rrh Btl. lfW. PASSAGE AND PAt)Rt TOBYLTIMtlKE BBU1IMSD. _ TheWereee an<l Pare between Wfhia^K\||j Httfiroorp, hr the •pent Maryland and Virginia fthnntmet Oompuny. Haiti. bore_ out I—la RKGl'LAK LINK OP PVCKKTU FOR NORFOLK, CITY POINT AND RICHMOND. ONKtoauil every Satin.lay. "uonliitely.' from ILatui — Six new Scliouiierauf the drat claaa, A I. Inauranee warranted at lowed rale*. WILLIAM ALLEN.I. l ook. Maaler. I <JI.Al>LMOIt.J tkaik, do OH A N li ISLAND.A Hroan, ,|o ESUITMAIIX.K t ook, do ANNAWAN,,,.I. Atkina, do HOWENA.....I. Voting, do Willi ea|ierienced mantel ■> and good |idota. To aail era. ly Saturday from L'eutral Wiiarf. Freiglii aimed and a|u|> ped free of e a prove, in caw llie venela thoiillnot arrive in time. For luiglil or nuiu,-, apply to tIKA.MIIALL A IIOWK. Nil. SI Lina wiiarf, STEVENS FISHER A Co No. as and 21 Central Wharf; ut to JAMES S. WILDER, New York Packet Otllre.hnadof LoafWiiarf. Agrnlt in \»r/oU - MeaaiW. SOL rTKR * HELL. Agrnlt in—Hcttn. JAMES FISIIEK A SON, WILLIAM ROWLETT. Bouton, November, IKI7. no 16 POIt NEW ORLEANS. --- The following \ «*«efe mill «niup<>«e the line of! Jy|\ packet* between tt<i« City and New Orlcau* for the 1 VbA£ entiling*«*!«»n:--*The bug*. ADBLAIDB. VIRGIN* IA.ORION. The Virginia will Mill on the lbh October, .nn.lthe other* | will! follow Inrauku tacrMfon, »»i wMcn tumiy nnilco will be given. ThoireoaeU are commanded by lurii expo- I »1rrre.1 in the trade, and tinornn-*• can he effected by them at ihelowcat rate* For Height or MOMg*** apply to sepl'J I.ANC’lftTBR, URNBY A 4*0 Tfco aubacribera keep con , auifljr on band a gicat variety of STOVES, via. Cooking. Frafkiin,coal andwood Sp'*e% will -h they offer on the inoat Ireaaunabl* ter*na. Alao, all kinda of Tin and Sheet lion work, done on tha abort cm no «*<•«»._no s-ticr_n. wkm.f.r. __ K. IIOWARD'A TIMPROVE/i CHEMICAL Ct.'iRIl>E SOAP. MR Soap |nmncasca virura and properties found IQ no other. It t« manufactured by a practical Chemist. By washing the face and h*n<la with this tinap every moraine, l! will uiakr the skin aa smooth and aa soft as silk. It re move* tan, pimple*. «uid blamiahea; ami those who hav« uaed it for shai ig give it the preierenceto all other kinds. It being msde of Chloride of Rods, makes it a very digin feeling article. If those who nr* aihn tcd with onecuuw breath would first wet a soft tooth brush,and iheupass it ovci ili(a R«*ap and rub the teeth apd gutu* therewith every UHiruing, it will cure the scurvy Itithe gums, and pievrni the teeth Non rotting and aching, |»r•serve Lho cuainel and cure the otTou vice l> rest Ii ■ a&Mrfe with ii oruventa Mire ears. aimfiZny cutaneous disofflPVVr Ii la believed that ahouhl the *>ody be well waahwl all over’1 with this Hnuimnre a week. It would pi oven! many ditc«m>« ' to which lhe human frame ia subjected. It haa proved to be the beat article In use for removing Crease, Paint, Tar, Sec. from Linen, Cotton and Woollen Goods. Ruffles and handkerchiefs, which have long Win brand became yellow, by being washed with this Hoap, will he. coine snow-white. HoirnrtCa Improved (?<imp<ntnH Fhnd Kgtrmrt of Snr •apartHa—for the'eure of Scrofula nr King s Evtl,Chronic Kin-uiimtifin, Ryphlllllc ynd Ji*ea.«* *. White Rweilmga, obstinate Eruption* ot the Skin, Ulcerous sores, Pam* in the Wine*, general debility, and all diseases re 'lulrmj the aid of alterative medicine* Admitted lo It llie uiohi acme, efficacious and convenient preiwtraikm of the kind in use. J. If KIHTACE | WE ire th'a day opening nor feeing supply of Oar den Heeds, frntmhu wHI knout) Establishment o*’ I l^ndreth. PhiUdelphta. whose Hredshavrgiven auchgene ral satisfaction in Virginia, of late yeg* The subscriber are authorized to wn rant thr genuineness and freshness of (he Keed*. as none We allowed to remain for salethat cannot be relied on. an* cam be recommended with confidence. The assortment ccnAists In partoflhofol lowing varieties, via: arparaguh AIM It IIOKE targe Globe ^ BEET—Long Blood Early Turnip, BwiaaChard, French BEaNH- targe Windsor, 911 Week a, Chinn White Red,I'r mberry, White Dutch, f-sndina or Htwrc llltoroi.l German Green*. Hcolch Kale CAIIUAGE Early York, tandreih'a targe York, Drum head. Flu Hutch, fir* cn Culled Havoy, Drumhead Havoy i Red Dutch CaRIIOT -tang Orange, Early llotn, Purple CAUIJFI.OWER Early CELERY- White police, R* | CREiM-Curleil CUCUMBER -tame Grrrn,Early Frame EGG PLANT 7 LEEK Early Flag taaved LETTUCE Ruvly Cabbage, large Curled India, Brown Hutch.Green I os, Isrley f'.irlnl MELON - Water, Citron and Nutmeg NAHTURTII'M 1 ONION Hilver Rkin.Rfrasbury PARR LEY-Cur In* I 7 PARHNO* raigri. e*ti«i«»r PEAR -Early Prime, Early Charlton, Blue Imperial, large assortment egtiected ' PEPPER--Cayenne, targe Rweet PUMPKIN RAHIHII -tang Hahnon, tang Mcarlet, While Turnip, White Hpanisli, Yellow Turnip RALHfPY RPINACfl- Round Ravoy, prickly Reeded Nf|llARfl— Ratty flush, tang Green, lima and Cocoa Nut roMATORH A* Ac POT AND HWKEI* HF.RRR HUgar. Corn, Golden Rut* and Whir Flint «to ^*0 lo he had of LYPLL, VOIfNRTON A I.Yflt, Who are the autbwTigerl Ngenta in Richtnon*!, fi»r the sale of tandrrth's ^warranted Garden Heeds, where at alllitnea mav be had a general assortment of the lieaf and purest ante lea In the Medlrine, Cbemieal and Drug line, recom mended to he of superior quality, an*i will be disposed of n very m.wlernte terms, wholesale or retail. Peraous ° ahing to purchase, are invited to rail a*. I. J. A L wja J MeK»I*W*Old Riand. Richmond. Va. hldtcK i/Aoiik. Tlir aitl.arrlhrr h», Inal rrrrti.d ..nir rbolrr rrt-.ilmg Ory Honda, among (firm. Superior Mark India Bailn,* ram arllcla lirmilfiiland . ntirolynrw alylr wnrkr.1 Mn.lin f'olT, Cftra llor finality hommrtf hnrdrfrdl’ambrlr II dkf, light fanry rnforrdnrrk Tlra nr Brarf, I/Mi* whllr Bilk Hfo.r, and Malta Bomr rnforrd and hlark nrtt Glnr.a an« MilU of nrw atylr 4n aaanrtinrn* •<! drdruhtr Thrrad l/>rr, Bkir t.lark Bilk Vrl.ri Bra* Italian rowing Bilk Mark Swat,*trial rariaiy of narrowrolorrdB.Hn Rdmnr fkhrr m e k and rap Rmnna of nrw atylr and grral brainy Mrw atylr, Mnnallnraand Batin Mrlprd Challtra AISO, Vary anprrtnr alylolirayytmdfr.rrd BhinJn* I .trim 0» pillow fair do Brat qnatlly Rua-la Iruh andflrrman Tlrklrnbnrg. M'd’r.T.n tinnna Bra* naakr btor and |r* (dark Nnmbaalnaa IfoCianr,. Vr||«, l.o,» lldkfa and Vrlla Work Ol.irr*, llnatrrr, wr .and nrw Hnmla rona'anllv ar riving. TIIO R PBIt'R In Anntrinw I a* V rndanf rntlmly nrw dylr and rrry broiKlfal Bilk Vrl.ri Vr.(,„, to |A STOTT, MIM RIMKWONTII. Ar M'.»rla, rninplrtr in 17 ,ol», P«*krr a rdillnn Brn*l’a Wnrka In 4/1 pa*ta *!'• Rdarworth-, Mn,rla,ro*nplr*a In 10 »ola Ifannali Miirr'a Wnrka. rnmptnr tn 7 rnla Riiflln'a Parmrra Rrglatrr, enmplrla. Thr atMwr for aalr |..w, by fa I* J W RAMROI.PH * CO MI/A14’ Thr follnwlm Mnalfi, WHh a ra»lo*y n* o*hrr nrw and nnpnlai idrrra. rrrrlrrd for oalr by J W BANIWH.PM * I’O llnnkarllrr,. nppoatln Mraara. Hub bar.tA (tardnrr'a — Happy ami, from raia I in frrr, If I aprak lo Ihrr In frtrndahip’a namr; hrm'a a hrahh tn Ihrr, Vary —a ballad a»n* by Mr Horn; lha Trow Qinrlilllra; a aalocilnnof nrw WaHa,a.arraagrd fn.m rrlabr >|r,l nparaa, and parilrnlarly adajdrd for ynnng pnptla. by C Mnnkr wr Kara hint and i.wrd fngalnai. llaa.dlra n( Maiaanrlp, fhrhahinf fl.r day* la fc-lrd; irna kn, r,n na’ar forgr* i Ml,'a aladyl ll.arr lann bon.r Ilka my fwani Virginia R. rla I >14 MOB. Wr ha.r |D« n #1 tan.i a. Aral rata Inalrningau, mad* by Aindan, Worcratrr a nimharp, no* atrrIUi for inn* and gal ah, by any mad* In lha Unit'd Sara, mb IS . J. W RANHOl.m* OO. a, a wad kmvtad Pianomada by Una,, *feo So S1TOkIIU£ ■WTCTIRISH POTA S*** Ju"* rceal*«.l «i ImdaU auiwrtor 'pantali HwMl Futaloaa, aery large, and not at all froatad DO buahela rary lloa lrtah*RuUe* which can be Lad at «4 canla, by taking 0 bual.ala v*»r auparlor broarn Sugara1**"’ P° <lo Lnar lie Uo da cruahad da rhaap Loaf Sngar Hoahrn and Pina Appla Charta Superior Pandly Phi r Superflna (|u Hiickwhral t|o Firkin Duuar, frail* and nice c offppar vartuiif prices H lihiU Molsaaes. part superior win#* of runout qualttira and nrtcea Mackerel No. I. in quarter and half barrels ®2 **° ,ul** and Whole d«! All )u-t received, and for sale, low,for enth. _WVATTA WHITE T"**? “J*'*' I - co*lr °* lhUcou«r, Spnug Meeting, ISM V»Tr»‘“*S,‘ 5" £& *,!‘l n»'- 3year. Ea'ranee #3m, u *i® Wi m ' hM,»-9 subscribers ami closed. rl>l,M then 3 vraraoltl, l j .uh er^L",*,7‘-, f0r,*‘U *"“• h—UR 1U suhwHberr and closed on tl,r laiof Jan. 1SW mr'S e Sr.C^"* ,,,d ,hp" 3 T'»ra old. En ^rau,' »U>i, t.rfeil gra),oar mile and repeal. to nan * amt oaa^ou ur beUnu tha 1st of April; 4 or more to make a race, nvw anunncclMraand many morn capccte J ’wvn^papfnc colts and SIHaa then 3 year* »M go. i . Tf , " **' In name and dot* an Or hefrre ihedth au I if fiber. U’1 ' h*“*’4 ur ,"or ‘lo ,u,l),e • '»ce, iJR .. *JTi! U1”*" make entries to the above open ^ “’.S"0*' w?'r ,olh* »’ibncrlher,.tearrt cloSn C°** °r B 7’ll,re *“'* ,l*u>’0,1 °r ihe "me of J 6. Sweepstake for colli and fillleathen 3yean.ohl, tailed | amt owned In the I ounheaof Essex and King A Queen. En- I trance *50, forfeit 25, unle beats; 7subscribers and ekwed. Tree Feb. tai, ^°"V7 "T,™’ ' TwVf.VAO 1401,4 “****•"« tiACKi, _ V17114. rMnaneoeeon die tounh Ti.aailay in Amll neat. over the Tree llill Course instead ol Broad Rm i eonnuue four da< a ' t . . o mf*T “AV-a Race a 1st A Rwrepalakc with colls and fillies, 3 years ol.L mile M,Vf i.T/^'iT irA*'’ hml( —closes on the first day of March, by which time colts must he named Hiihscrthnrs at e requested lo be paitrculir in (Ivina Hie sires and dama oruielrenliicaaawella* ib'scrilduf ihelr cults. Now sla aubscrilicra and more promised. 1 vv£:.b*C.r,J‘'r£-'Vm n"jA0"n * OnrMa, J P * W I_ W hlle.Julm M Boils, Win Eaton and Isham Puckett. •o' t ™ ,taf7 A "wee,saaka, mil* heaia, with cobs and fillies 3 year* old; entrance *130, forfeit HW-wilh the produce of mares that nrvei won a public race themselves .MS"'*? * "inn‘’r "vvrany pul.lie race ronsc up to the '" 'I1: •'•keolnmw Now eight subsenbera, ami cloaca on the lai of March. Iiy which lime enirlrain be mule. Subicrihcra-J lf Oliver, J.d.n 8 Corbin, Scale A WII Tir;^dii,Lpnc^r;rorx'ts,'o^ir'J M SECOND DAY—2 Races. Ul. A Swecpaiake, mile heals, nurture *300, forfeit lftV, Z ',ln', 3 V-ars ,.ld. and the suhacrthcra are bound In tuna aweepslake m ,he fall ovei ihr a,me cmirae al * , ■****'• Kt»ck uifiMmo—$.%*» entraorr, 1144RU iwu milo to to Hi. spring «*k*» mi ih* Isluf Apikl. a'race'* !"’ik rt,'P|,,nb«r—4 or more lo make a raco. Now Jn'mcril'Ti. Hubacribrra -Wu. Warm, Wm Ealon, laham Puckett, an«J several more nroiuiaitl. s s*' cl*'l''kc, mile lieaja.eiitrance • lOti, half lur.elt. Now 4 suhsc ■ flora arid closed TMiRit pay. J roprictor’a I’urac t-JCn. two mile heat, entrance *15. to FOURTH PAY. Jockey Club Purse (Jut, tlit.c mile heals,entrance *20. Any gentleman wishing in ribe lo any of ilia above rtakrs can direct Ilia entry In tne, at Kichmoml. le in ri.lr_ISIUM PUCKETT Writ FAIHFIKI.O HACKS 11.1. commence ou Ute Aral Tuesday in Mav.and con iinue lour <Uy*. First day—A prmfucc Stake. »5tV) entrance, lialf forfeit, mile ncata. 8i> subscribers, vlx, ’ oulr. A'lsina,ewerstfie produce uflniSir William luarc, ami rimolenti. U Wh*»*. produce of Melinda and flotiah. W...d‘ i " ,ltnrknnboruogh,Uia produce of ilic.Um ..f « eslwoo-l, an ITonoleon. 4. William Wynn, the prmluce„i Ufffilla, for that year. I John llftti. Aiuirfie nn-1 Holuh. Ton*In ** t'o^l,ln, of C.*raincncciucnt .in<i I s,^"‘r '*•! -A Putt Hiake lor Ihrcelyear obis, mile beau. *IU)entrance. p p. 3 Subscribers' 1. Jn P Corbin. 2 lsbaui Fiickct. 3. Richard A,lama Becnd llay-A sweepstakes fi.r 3 yearnuld, auto marea I that never w.wt nor produced a winner 15 Subscribers. MeJle ‘ *r ‘ (•olianna, .Uu> by 2. i II Oliver. Alfred**111 * Corb,n *men * b f* b7 diun by | 4. W illiam Williamson, a b. f. by Pauiunky, .l.un Bet ary Jones. ' * 5. J*s. r Corbin enters, br filly Redwing, by Tonaon. dam by Arab * 6. F. Nelson 7. r^msM TtAm#*' • b f. by mrpi tm » n ’bX^n2Tr*nrm''"Jw*"*fU • % t. Wm U. Talley, b. c. by Titnoleota, <Um by Charles 10 Ruling Vaughn, a eh. c by llottah, dam by Charles II. John Ileth, a b.filly by Fylde, dam by Arab, (Mr llirk’a ) I J- William K Johnson, b. c. by T< umu out of Richard Hampso i s bay inaie by diaries. 13. Carter II letloe, b. C by Andrew, dam lad; Field. 14 Edward J. Wilson, b. e. by l.uzlmrough, dam not known bv him. *?• Wnluiii McCargo, b. e. by Fylde, dam by Sir W tibaui Same Bay- A sweepstakes for 3 year ol>U, mile heats. •30 entrance, glfl)for feit—6 subacribera: 1 John S Corbin, a b c h> l.iizh<>r>ugh. dam by Virgini an. Die dam of Buccaneer, 'red by Mr Wi'Uaui Wickham 2 William I. VA’hlte, a cU c by ttoliab out of Phillip's 1 dam. j 3 Wm. B Talley, ch f bv Timoleon. dam by Virginian. 4 llenry Wilkinson, b f by Tarnedon, dam by Ha! 5 William McCargo eiders, b c by Fykle, dam. the dam of « harho,Carter Third Biy—Proprietor’* purse two mile lleais, , • Ift entrance. P»"inh l>-y -Jockey Club Purse #Si>\ Jr*t of discount, entrance $20. Also, a Sweepstake for 3 year olds, mile heals, $100 rn | (ranee, h. f. three or more to make a race—now 2 suhseri- i beis |o close on the first day of Broad Rock Meejing in \ April next Also, a handsome Pnlkey and Harness. $150 value, the I horses fo at art from *he of the (Quarter stretch-sub | scription depending on the nnmher of subscriber* The new quarter stretch *a exactly a 4th of a mile, Slid very 1 handsome i ill. PROPRII Ti »u JAMAICA Iil 9V«—3 hlidafine Jamaica Rutu, for sale, 1 by (* 7 DAVENPORT. AIJ.KN A CO 1/ IhKfiAR \\ field's pure Cider Vinegar, just v received and for sale, by wil>17 JOff^ WOMliyj MAI l( Kll bl„ A i**w B irieia mimI (tail n.ii i e|#, ,Nu. 2 and 3 Mackerel, Fall caiishf, for sale by jnmispram it a bon. R.M-I Ns tm boxes brine h It ii In 10 bbls Newark Cider, landing for sale, by DaVENPORI AIJ.KN 4k CO HI.RaCIIKD WINTER Oil lf» * - . i _PAVF.NPORT. AI.I.EN A CO JOl.fOK* .101. li.H 5,(11) ||»a oi Jules, daily ex j pected. Persona diaposedtn purchase wtP please cal I and do so l\s W | \'TON STABLE DIAPER, GIMvIIAM*, AC We a e in rset inf J. of one case 6, 8,9 and 10 4 Table lHaper, plaid an i I striped Binghams, 3 4 and I 4 fine French it. paint* d Mualinsand Prints. We have |eq a few of those beautiful green Chenelle HI,aw Is, at a very low price. V.J.EN | INK A HKKKPKN, inb 12 Wh te Buildings, II street. Hhorkoe IIH1. rAIlD -40 kegs Hindi field "" J 23 d<» Lynchburg«l. Just received, for “Kb/ JNO WOMBLE. mil (7 AI*K.-Ji llirrrli landing, and for rale nr mti W ____[I W TYI.ER. 11A Jf. dk) Italee In etore, and for rale hy V* l"L’ ” __u <V TVIER. ClARRlAliK A N il KARUUCIIK lliroucbe for oRF-k. ' two llnrara: one Carriage, made in Newark, and a an parlor article. Jtial received, for rule, hy mh 17 IUVI Npl ,11 i, Al l IN a ( o SIfOKu AM, BOOT!* Ml package#R gana and Hoota; landing direct from the iiianufaclorlea ram IHINir..', MONCtlRE * I II. lr|'|AIOTIIY UKKII -30buahelaTimothy Reed juai 1 raceired and p,r ralr. bf mh IB WORTHAM. MeORtIDER * CO nYhR A i.IC « Kilr.NI. ka of R MrdraHe f etnrtrt, (or aale mil JAR WINRTON. OARATOIIA VfATKII Oatipply from New York Richmond. I.YKI.I., JOIIRTHN A I.YEI.I* Ja 3V, Al Jamra M. KiMor a l)|d Riand OPERA AND DHKRHfTAPR Joat recelre.l, an addMion al atipply of lha ahnte arliclrr fall gentlemen and enH youraei'.. ,1,1 If W IIITERHF.HH Y, Agt YIKTIIOIIIar IIYAl.a HIIIIHg, a aTA her haa rrceirad ao aaanriioenl of Hymn II.,.. a a, In rartotrahtfidlnfa: alan. pockei Rihlaa with Hymn Rookaaf | laehed In them, |o,u,,d with mega, an,table for travelling mh ‘ H l>. SANXaY. HKIIRINUu too N INI , ,n Her , ringa; lor aale. hy I. WEBB A CD. /'BIMI.KH WHIRKEY A N n (JIN IB baVrale *. Igiri Whlakey; 10 Id,la Kye flirt, JilM reenred loraalr. mh 17 IAMBS WINBTOB. 1,'XTHA *111*1.1 NON A * r . , TV inti 17 ini, WOSnl BED CORDS AND I.BADINfl MNES alwaya nn hand ■ and lor aala, hy mh 17 JMO WOMRI.K. X OAF Hll.AII .A, 'll,-. ! , I, I ■ r I u I i ,,. 'I |, A V EN pf MIT. Al I F.N A ro |»OM IMA IT PI INTI NO. I , ... ar,d.. , pro X peace lo employ a pact of hla lime hr Portrait Painting Ilia leima will he low, and a aaiiefertory Itkeneae in all caaea guarantied lie may he earn al any lime al hla Rmre. near lha Bagla «"l»l L R dTRP.ETRR mh 91 MOHR RRAfTIPIT. ROOTS. FOUR package# nl Milaa' celebrated and heaullful dreaa Ronta, made In the mnet apendilaiyla andof baa fall Rkln My aaa»rlmanl M now much mnra eglanaira than aver heretidora Ilrmlainan can new h# Ailed wMhnm much lha haal and moat laahionehla Kyle, hy trailing ae nauel, on RAMI Kl PUTNEY, mh 91 Umlar lha Bagla Moral. pORTO RIf*0 aim AR ~ iThiuTa’ PVrtn lilM Rwgar X rarelrlng. and for aula, by mb* WdRTHAM, McflRUIlRR A f’O MERr 'ER PdTaTdEp BU bbf» M err a pr*T A i OEM. Juai rauataad, and for aala. mh Al JAMES FIRMER S SON. RNUfNR PRINITPH SMaRS^ M miRfwr tonal genuine and auparior Prm lp« Revere JmM receive* MMh,by Till. DREW, Agl WSL.-f11**1* irRIHO SOODI. • JM,h* ta* P“k"» "•» Tort, r«pe« b‘X0wV.f..^!"*-Tgrfr» P»T 0«*DA,«.| their Mi fioin N’» r,. o . iT* r,tk,"> *°" 00 l,^1' «r" P**® «^"SirKSIKS aiV^otloSd ^Uroicc. Kfr» «iip. r Cloths and Cssstuierea Lr ininau aii.| Flench t.'aaaiiuarsa, assorted colon gupw* blackT-^^h **|^k£S!>rfn?1 Bummer Oom., *e SSKasswass!®-® rr'JSTDTlmn,^ “"r*bi« English and It RES!? and auparflo.. French brown Uncn p;:,‘r:n,"n "r,"^ *••1 "*1**0* cSSEtfSmSt™* 'r'"1 ““ Thread ******'dp quality black Oru de Rhine bU^k 'lalUn l.nurlng andUro de Owl**, black and blue Rich figured assorted color* end plain Poult de 8ol PUh. .,".*iHl rh"»'* «•>'<>« ruin and figured assorted coljredfJro de Nap y:>■?£<•«*.aallo'and In^fc^^*" I Jdiea, black and whim plain and figured Mdk IIim# docolloo do IM hora..n» w i ‘".•n'1 »**>rted colored Bilk Oleyea uo norve akin, kid god pir k nick **., FrT“'o *■—*‘*^' Moahn.andLawns {?*• ■* , L *l° P»'“t».o*w patterns 1 Uin.eliecke.iin,|nedand worked fiwtse Muslins ICifi 4 Cambric anil Jaroret Mull, book and medium M ialina and Brotch Lawn* u t>w Pn<#4 medium and fine Calicoes i Rich Furniture and common jw Garment and furniture llimliy Thread Laces jj^SSroijSBBSftH rating Lacr * and Ediinra Ifauda««ine plnldairt striped Gingham? ,,nf* l*lstd and cotton flag II.Us Largs India do and Fengs* do *k° .tmlr* f**1 h4#*ah®^ ud brown Shirtings and ‘*MRi**f*i from bet* to finest quality and I 4 Apron Chicks and Bed Ticking Heavy colored striped cotton Goals for terrains P aM iTe’i *°'1 P','r*'",r* c*»Uon Oanaburea I laid and striped Domestic a, with a great variety, which are not .numerated above, all of which w|U be sold on very reasonable terms, by * VALENTINE * BREEDEN, . _ Whim Bulidmga, _•_H Htrerl.Bl.urkne llill. L*1 It K !•; N I (I PKKK, CljlIVKK Hill). 4kc. A.\ DING this morning. I GO bbls amgie Loaf Hugai, AD i C^r: 1® bushel* bed clean ^ hbtfa West India Molasses, for sale by _ 18 _ RALSTON * PI.KAHA NTH. B."l « "’ip'rl.r Newark CIDER, landing from arhr la m*7 CAYNOR, PILOT * CO. FlKlaD sKF.Ba._Si) bushels Closer BeetL l.ticrrn or French Closer Connecticut Field Pumpkin For -ale, by wh 16_T H. DREW. Agent BLAXCJOl'H, ~ T NFORMfid ?'r . " C- 1^TRAIIt WATCHMAKER. I k 0,1 . 1 r **•**••■ ®f Richmond and oiliers. that he I talon hand at his Store on Hlmrkoe llill, a few amp* abo»c Hie Theatre, al the Hign of ihe Wateh, a handsome assortment of fashionable lewder*, Ac ttncludmg «ol.l Ear Rings, •’inter Rings, Breant Pins, Hilv« r Hpoona,* Waiehea of ail kinds, Ci.ams, Keys, R»*ai Cologne, Fancy Htuju, Musical Boxes, •a. nIi * *«n«ra* sssoitineot of fancy articles, worthy the kUentbin of Geotlomm and Ladies, (-’locks, Watches! Mo slral R4>ies,snd ail kimls <»f Gold and dilvei work, Cstreful Z?1* °iM °°id inrtfrlw purchased at the highest iicea,or taken in eirliange for GiMvdb fe 2S if COUNTRY MKIU IIAXTS ■Winn u lai^c Slid spler.illil XS J •pnineui I.f liaiN and Capa of the latest / etjrie, all of which were made to order and / purchased for caah, enables me to ofTer ' L such inducements, both in quality ami pfb | A CCJ 1*'** ?uu find if to rour interest V t'» rail and examine for ymirkelees before I n\ risewiwr#- Among itajr assortment may ba found. Hi Johns superfine brush llata : tlo.lo do do Russia •tlV-V £* »* John Hunt A C«da. superfine bruah lists; do <lo Russia do. do do Hilk do; do do Drab Russia. lir«Md an 1 ineitmiii limns; do do black and drab fur Hats; . ° <lr*h fur d* • do do fine Hubs la do; do do «loallk do; R. Rage A Co'* drab Russia do; do do black silk «lo;t«>g ether wit ha large avsoriiunni of cloth and fur Caps of the latest style; ala**, boys* black sod drab Hals, troop er's Cans, etc ^ ' . mh C W DITSRKHV. Ag t PlANti FORTE* We have received Iroin the msnufsT tory of Htmlart. Worcester A Dunham, a Piano Forte possessing all the late irnptoveineuis. and finished in first rate style Three Piar** stand in high repute with every one wIm lias used them, and have been pronounced supe norio th<-j, n. r»hi> .,f Plane, now In u,e Wf Mihtofn th« following erruncai. from the celebrated Pianlata, C. E. Horn »h«w lb,i I roniblerlbr Pieno Forte, made l.y , ,’.rSe*,'r * l>l,n,'»ui. ronal lo any manufactured ill the Dnlted Hiates,and with confidence I recommend them to the notice of every one. N.w York. July 87,h. I«*. t'H*BU!8 * H°RN' The a bore Plan, a will be kept conaaanihr b>r .RANDOLPH 4t CO, c je fc war*«■ fe»WJe«» O the pound * *° in tn Mould t jn tlra—4, 6 and 8to the pound Patent Hpennaecti do Winter ami Spring Oil Hliot, all sages; blasting Powdei Kentucky Rirte do Tinners Oil Brandy,old Otard 4e Co; good Coguac and common duality Old and supsrinr Port Wine Cut Nails and Warehott-e Nails baf an I Havana Hugara Altnoiisand Raisins. For sale, l»y DAVENPORT. AI.I.EN Jr CO. mh 34 f l.w CROP iMip. jd RICO si OAild -2U hhda Potto K'co Sugars of prime quality. Receiving,and for n««*. hy ®h34 JOHN R. TR1P1 ETT A BON. r) I’DIMANN’rt Hl'DIMENTB Rudiments of * *ht l*atin Tongue, or ipUtnat.d easy Introduction to l^tir. Orsnjmar, wiCi useful Notes and Observations, twen Iv-eightgenuine • lition, for ertedatul improved by Win. Mann, m new edition. Just published, for sale, by sMii ii a palmer. BRANDY.—Otard1 Dtipey A l^>'« Brandy; for *ale, Dl NLf.'P. MON( I Kl O' I "*• OATS* OATfit Wi here tor sale Dock, a few hundred bushels of aupeiioi Oats, on board the schi Louisa, Captain Wilkins, and good measure given. n.h lo WYATT * WHITE. BACON, BACON - Jim. received 18,000 Its H.mth field Rerun Jlaitts, well prppeird and sal.pel red. Also, 1.1,UD lb« Baltimore cured Bacon, of very supe rior quality. JNO WOMBLB. mh 17 MORE NhW BOOK* w.w.1 Leighton, or a \ea» III Ihe Maiy ili-witt Lockliart’s Life of Bc«4t. alflh i»art A Voyage round the world, iuclndiug an etnhaaty toFigm, Muarst. Ac. by W. 8 W. Ruectieuhergrr, jus* received by tnii 1ft j w it \NDOLPil A CO. TIIL I.ADIKE* OAKLAND — The January and Fat»rusfy nutnhrrsaro received, am! ready for delivery to sub J W RANDOLPH \ CO U'iHhk i;\ i <| more Whiskey; also JO bids old do, of fine quality, I W »V! f VJiP VLAIBTRn * * l.l. VN I — I fill VM A S( »N 1 > R IM • 'IMIU M~i>L\rss|-;-4 |.(fl ,,„g tin iZr^of I Hi if M iji stir —HD hit Is prime New Orlrsm- Bugai; ID) hluls and 11, tierces prime New O leans MoUsae-s- for sale »»>« 17 LANCASTER, DEN BY f CO PROW AUCTION, IINJ N CAMBRIC* nod l.uicn Cambric Hkfa. J (ioo,l and r bran Hlsck Italian Lustring Colored dm* de Naples a* Is. Colored and Black Ho per Prllt de Hoi#. Caroline. Mushn. PI ml an 1 Plain Hwi-a Blue, lilack and Colored Broad Cloths, and many other desirable floods from Auction at the cheap cash store of _RNAPP A PRF- i r M i < if a i \ * pr mt k um wiiM« IIH Uncerteitiriwlv not otilf for frecklr*, bn? for pi i.tnoriil'pw, «unbitrn plinplee. rHn^N of lb* far* *n«l oflwr l*rofw»r«ry rutJinroti* »ff.nkon»>-rrrn for T*f for. If lie* been four*.I %a oico'lenf ruro The e«lo of tbit article waa enneianity Inrin,| will continue |o In rrf*w«w m li« inrilta .re imrir known Nnmerniie inwanree nf i'Wgreat cflleney hareromc nmlei iha prupffelor'e n-< lire,and he haa nn liewtiatmn in recommending it In tha pnbllr «» an eicrll, ni arliela. I. W iikhVi trmnu- Bow Toorn P»»ra —Thia Preparation la made from Ihe aame receipt aa Ihe role hraiad "Opiate pnnr lea dent'," “Cherry Paate." Ac.—nr Ilrlea in areal rtpOM in Kurnpr For glv|. g a peaily whiteneae In ihe Terih, atnpplng Ihe progrraa nf decay, liar.leningihe gnm«. and aweeirn'nglha breath II haa nn anprrlnr- an Innneem tail, ihallt miy hr uamlwHIamil lha lean rantlnn t. W fit ann'a Imoian ll»m lira- For miming red, light, nr gray llalr aheanilful blown nf let Mark, In eight nr ten honra. wllhnul aialningihe akin, nr Injuring the tenure of Ihe hair In lha leaet Tide Important dtemvrry la of as reeding taloe tmhoee who hare bar nine prematurely gray, nr ihonwiehing to change the r-lur Of thrir hair. Thr Indian Pye la warranted, In «>ne application, and with trry lilfle tfonhla, in color the hair a permanent hinwn or let htark,Minay liedealred. neiiilamrn a Whlakeraare dyid wlili equal faddy I. W. fii aww'a Itroian IIaid Oil, Title elegant anlete haa ihe per ullar quality nf gradually changing the color nf Ihe hair, from Ked nr llgtn, in a brown nr Mars, and pra rent lha hair (miniumlng grry—Malenfiraa a »nagl.mam ihr lian, wheaia and linprnrna lha genaril appearand - keapa It from rnmlng onl, ami ironrea n when that Re ing eety pleasantly perfnmed^i will he found aihnlrahla for lire, alng ihe hair in general, for which pnrpnaaH lean tenslrely uaed. Paaaun dealer Raa- For laying In draweie,wardrobes, 'n'!'* V' ramimmlralln* In atery thing ai-und them a delight fill parfnme. andelFarinally prerenlint Ihe ratafee I w lha modi Tide remblttailnn nf mtorlferoua flow era. la | neatly don-up in aallh bag. of rartoue rolnra, and forma i wi acceptable preaeni In a female frh nd I- lr r.i.auw*! flteooaeaooef'ooeoi’Mfi. eon eatrma — The »ifo“riher ,-(Ter« ihle Pnap In perfoel mogdence, ae I being equal,if nal enpeimr, In any ahanna F -an errr ol feiedlo the pubic The in,alien quantity on ilia hr nab, with harm or fold water, firm, im the Ace. a ilrh, per manent and emnlhem lather, entirely free from any lltlng annuitant, and lea ring the (nra sol and ptaasarn. ll la neally done ap ,n while ourared (are, aaawenag all lha pnrpoaaanf a sharing Ima. The shore valuable arilrlea are for aale by JOHN II allarkCB, Hniagiai, Main arreei, Richmond, and by many m the Hrugglal* and Perfnnierala Ihe (lulled fralis »P »_ IJCANK RIMIRS, CM 111 ad.i llokir MINI I J FRtnTRK.- Thnae who are dean •• nf enrnuraglag ham a Manufacture, will (I ml II in llialr IniaraM la forward thalr nrdaraio MATO, Manufacturer of all klnda of Blank dpeelmenafrom hit Bindery raw be teen In lha Pohlle CMkeaaofllwaCHy,an-lolhrrafh-ea ihrnugheoi tMRtaie wMahwtll beara rowqwnano with any aperintoaaaf Hooka erai yai m ib« nubM woltae _ 1^.4 ^ . _ r f. MAYO, mh*R wJk|Aiji||jjyilkatawil>afa»l. Uatai •^5 ui^£ii7. “°^wk' *>** m’*k- T«"P*«*. »*t ■ !*■ r l”~K*rt!r •■T"|p; roo»od bkp-d; Ion* da do; early WgafeE-Ka*— 2£x*srr.&s v*k; <*• »«*• Mnuo.; ,*. • irtunhrwd doos-hcrt; dofloi Dutch; do Bergen, do Bcotc I ; fl?'“ curled Saeoy; Chou do Milan; cucumber, early *r«en; Kale. Scotch ' p««* ke; white sueem. im. piad !7«?*o»bbo«e; Torklah, »*iy tar** man- n.7. i 7*" C"t®°1 *••*♦<1. Pine apple, Skill OMtuar*. do; Long Inland water pi l Jai ».7?*rJ/ *l 1T'r “>»: large white do “Utf-n M~g‘r y*C*rlrl: K>lb red. aalu^tT'% Vegeikll- Oyater SauAttH1 S*fi pn'-biy or fal huab; »*grui.|e marrow i'Sir-EoSS-Xongrl Wnnel. Ac IWOBRNK. or ErwwIi'CToaer Seed; Marge! Wurxcl do largo Connecticut Pumpkin do »or calo by ' -Ulh _THOMAS It DREW, Aeeut • 83,000 WORTH OP DR T OOOD»~ __ _ . AI mnd under enmt, for Cat A "?{* Uf® *'•'* of aIjtinting and »,nd i^>‘3*SK,tasr^x:.’:;.T^r. SsSSSfcJ'tJaLs'^ssss to about •lbw'r,limr‘*’^hll.,t“ pu atrlctie la adi]*,' ** ffm! co"*,l*“re. aaacit tbeir intention • i ? •dherc to tb« tbo«« ilrterininttiiio, of .•.'Trim* trace*m™ » “d.'*!* !^Pjrc,,“*'r' °ur •■wiui>n,i — ? ___RF-AU, BAVLY A CO ,eD, *fm7. : " CbftnirilR, Uf*’ Wood* I'siiitprv •»,; rl«' 9*K Window Gl... GlMiw.rT ie . wwJ £2t _ u uu Mil in irrmi. Nutmogo, Mur*. Indigo Caatie Soap, Clovea, Cinnamon, Cay cans Pepper Copperas, Rotten Stone Pot and Pearl Ashes, Starch Lk)novice Rail, hgwoo.i, Ralcratua, Fi* lUna, Alum JV>wdai*d Ginger and Root White Lead, dry and in oil Jamaica Ginger, Saltpetre Od Peppermint, and other essential oils Isinglass, Russia Sponge, coarae and flue Soda, for washing HnuflT. Maccaboy, Louil lard's, tfc-oirh, «lo. £f*»P Black, Hist k l.ertil Stauf htnn's Iftuie r*. Clialk Bup. earb Sods. Puny Saidlltx Pbwiteni, Hods da. 1 cast Powder*. Alcohol r»»tor Oil in bottle* Kpaom Baft*.F)0f,r Sulphur Ink, In bottles. Brimstone | Lustier Matches Hrltvsb Lustre | Olive Oil, in baskets and barrels toot! Bpirh, Turpentine ^ d°'! ,Jn*'*d- N«" , “i'TK‘ ‘;AN.KOt .S ARTIt I ES—Surgical l„Urmo„,. u«f F.niu a hrn, nor own importation. and warrant* *e»ulue, Apotltarariea^nd t oafectmner»’ (!Iim I'ur allure a«ne.l, ol .11 de«,iption.” vISTb” Jt, Fnbifrj, Roaua, T.-dh nrtiihc.! Powders Ac’ £DftLieArcN,2„r.A^f»:• SSteTT^SS'to." c“be ro,,n,, o,h-1»**>»• '•> •bipph^lHS" ,,r0’,,pl *,"‘n,t<,n Plid lo '-'-I,"f I!"1 TiiEIIKUAIl IHOM,—In anticipation of~r7h»* iliiwitif off the water of (hr. Canal, and coniieuueiiflv !£| FoT-,h* -ESSM? of III the X!.! 7k f hl“ ,r°"- rOUnd •'■d oquore, .Lid t v'n common uae, to which lie haal.idy r^.f. frs |U U*W ,t°ri* * supply of band Iron fretii £ to 6 inch, and hoop Iron fioin \ lo inch. I rewind *,*',rl"'cnt of Hw.dcs!, dlffe,,!B Rinds—all of which he offer. di.c.mM7,rc..H Pune,ual c,,"oln'r‘' mailing a liher.l 11111 l6~1»_JOHN N. GORDON HKAIJIMO room, attach Xj bl> TO THE VVIIIU OFFICE, MUSEUM BUILDING This room Iota now ticen in o|.eration nearly twelve months, and, although well attended by visitors.'attracted '*"■ journal, on Ita file., from ml part, of the Union. g» tuJ+tantUI .upport I. not snffi. tent,.! gu.ranteo tu AA he:) er this l. on account of the tittle 2iV!m*oVf|i* e,iMC,}cf imhe way of advertising, ora dt.po miloo on thepart of the community not to .uataln It. I. con t central. The flm It cannot be. from ita public lo«MtoS being cumiffuous to tlo- Post Office and Whiff office. which m(etitu. the iatci new.. The In' 1*11! “l* * U,H ly.b*t fro,n the Oct, that such an establish -" 'V'1'" <{f lp»* l*"P<»latloii amt httainesv would be h^ld.fa>U*P*‘>mhle. receive the liberal .aupport of their rKl(aiiH,pariicularly ofthe mereantilo portion. No room cutdd be more suitably wtspied to Ih. purpose, being large r'*1nr7',rm t-''1"' huainea. of the erty? and wt* .Mre' eiri-iLII1-,,,l!ci,<,b''wtob*d to«room ofthekInrl ,before Mated, it. prcaeiu encouragement la not .uffl ctent to sustain H, amt this ih lice ia lo cull Uu- aiiemioc ot the riuiena totha aubjeci forwith them i cat. the remedy lit. .b'aigne.l (should sufficient support he ottered) to place it in a more per,, anent condition, bv the tie rls„.i.f Subscript ions wiU bereeeivedatjhia uffica. m|, i 9ELL1MI OFF FOR CARH. ' T.,_ . Mondat, IOtm March, 1838. Vlm.M^ViTLnf* ISfil ***in •• f*mh)d thepnt.iie we. of { ranriu »r“< todur.ment. |„ the Way of DRY GOODS. anil in order to dispose of their dhk.V5‘P1T,Ur" P°**ib.c, purchasers are n..w teasi?a?3K± wSmsi, We since 1tr? ,i—VfA.uJ-“AYI-_Y ^M^our objeev wj I*^»!5*DI7 “"fibly gmnfied for the very liberal *■ I 4lJon>l® ronferrad upon him, bni Irate toailonr ihla utotfe of retu.nlug hla nevVr-to-be' olj‘, "ted ° !nkI «. l and<ualnv|lml!>I’l''*. h“Vh,‘ rWx*n* of Richmond at u“e Ie lHm, TTi I ht * now prepared (with a atoelt of Hn LmToI ' T lo “"j 'bint in the House Building ina, in a style (though he does not profess to hav. hlahr.itt. much ntAurhed will, the knuwl. ,tge ofVtrbileeV tire, designing. Ac ,) that shall net he surpassed br an. teriii * bMJiaa yet been done in or about this cky. and'him,u ‘® ? lhT°,“"> mn*r “oratu.n, regard c u'bfn'1 lh ‘lu*111.’ matetials and manner of I A. G. takes the responsibility of referring to the fob ,0?KflSMjr,"0f “*ery,"'nr”of his capacity Virginia <h>. CntTioHc Church, and Dwelling Hou.e of Adolph Dill. .1. fo,%..umob-ta,.e*h&TOOr,b,*.S'*,on rollccl mateti ala tor Building, lo be put up the ensuing year. 1 would suggest tu tny friends the probable »..v,„Tm “o f t, aku'g contraria before the country la inundated with Tteasitry notrn,aJia* Hiw better currency. I a ^ | no II tf 7 1 u [V|««9t lirtiuiu UUOIM.- I au.7„;r„i riceti.t ttirfo“lUrin*her •’“P'"'"1 uf “P““*,o* of R-4 Cotton Cambric, from 88c to 3s. 9d t-herke<l Muallnft, atwitet* Klch nihaII flfurc Lon<lun P int« Blifk and while do «'o Apron I’heckr, assorted Rleache.1 and unbleached Rhirtinga of all kind, lied Tirkinfs, tfewinjt Mlk l^rge sire cotton Handkerchiefs for Servant. wM u t2l,v"",Jr.9*Mta ranee ted in a few days, ail „f mtllhrtton.h* *° d for Pr,c*-* "hich ihallgtie mb 16 BENJ. l.l.OYII BELT. *. J7VALAJJCKTH.-KVANH a C*7 r**e ®«rr7. A-i Uin#d dial there ate l^nccUand other S,u£K a| Inairit tnetila iiiunufartnred InRhcfflcId with the* upon thorn. The American public are requeued t., take notice, that none are genuine without the addition of old Change, lemilnn, on all the Inatruuirnta Their lutm-ci* are intartal l. parked In their ahnp hilly.In pnrceUol four Tiieoiitiaenhera offer tor aalr. whnleaale nr retail, a *u„. ply of tlielr own Importation, which they warrant to be irii LYELL, JOHNSTON A I.YRU ai n nm411 MrHtlalca-'nold a,.m|. Richmond, Va . ”ld ,J">»vla. «l«li Evana dr Co t brand, token in MrhBiup for ni-w onr»._ fr !\V'** to.— All |#eraoiia Indebted In Heniy ParfiahTiiy V bUnoie,ototherwiae. ate hereby non fled, that I ail, alone aidhotired id receive the a .me. and if their reaper. live claim, are not II,imitated In a very abort time,I el,all be compelled in plarethein in the hand* of an officer tot caallc^li.m. ROVAI. PARISH. ,r 1_Hhnckoe Hill VJPKIWfi HHOICn A Mi BOOTH I' , . , ° od by trlir l.ea.ler from Pl.tladelphla, a |ari of my •prtng atock of Root. and Shoea, and will tcrclve by every packet from the North panly auppliea, which will tender my Block equrj In qualuyernt beauty to any mane .cm,, d In iIm VnMt* I liatr nui>« lot hr ro rliiNlon 10 iieo L° "Hul" ,rTr •**! I bar ran he uiami Awtmrd-ainnng I how now on their way, arc gentlemen', fine dreaa Hoot*, Mile*' manufacture, do line Navr or I n,on Hhoea; do Iwhtdr... n.trowatr.p Shoe.; Bae /rem Hlippara. A. Pumpa. tadlea' fine walking Shoe, i., kid Hlippera, and irony other kind, ''*opertor dkaBtr and latent atylr. inoa?mirabl^ af" Le' u Trunk*. made in the SJ? JJU*i** *’ r“"r' Trunk., made nt bridle I. a tner.anme eery largo, oflhe moat approved panerna new SJSt.undM rhefi,™,|?n|rcf'",n T " *" ,lm" « In>> '«___ SA N L EI. PUTNEY. e«ahll*hmem. fiiin and Fowling Apparaiua Store, a • ph mini arainnic tit of double ami ainglr barrel Unu* of my own Importation, and tor quality and rarlrtr, n»! to ho nrjualtedln Virginia, all being marie to my nttfere tor tlm Rlchmon.l inatkcl; alao juef receiving from Dm oorth a areal Tandy nf Fowling and Pithing Tackle, I wlcrv. ami Fancy nomla, aelcctcd by myaclf, wTilch, with mv preaenl Block on hand, makea my aaaortment eery ell, naive ami complete- all of which 1 am determine.) tc tell very low, '®r*. J.,<’•***' lh" ««*country lucnhania would do well lo give nm a rail before pure having elvewhete, aa I am determined to maka It to their advantage t„ do ah ** >* TltfiWA* TVRFR RICH Atm HKAI TIFI-I.. We have tccelved enme vety beautiful Honda for the whir h we mvita tholr atleauon Very rich Rriieacla Edging* and Inaertlnga BIjhonlown.Frewb WVniighl Inverting. Splendid real French work roll, rotta and Cane* Faoey Haute andCl ally Mandkeichtefa Preneb Cara brine and Rtahnp l.awr a Rich needle work SwiaaMualln* E'ch^plald and figured Monde Oaugea tor ftrraaa an I Wbite and enloareil Corvette Figured allk and Blonde fiaiiit Rcarfa f amlirle Fdginga and Ineertfriga A henntffol anaortmeni hghl eohmred Horae Rk.n Otovee Whim and black piala and wrought lace R igliah Hilk E<Sg A few pleeea very beaut,fill tore hud Prlnta, together with many other eety deairahle flood* '"I, IE I.ATHROP S VAW ftFI’RAI Hf liaPFR. an ream* nieiffum pruning; <iki tratna * •»»« "ewapaperda; HIS do do blue f,,r p.ckagca vTPdn do for Peat tlMee*, a Hi do do yellow tor hand-lulle. N»ip„ common can writing; MOifo aarond quality do; AS,to fit.e hot ptaaaed No I cap; l*» do common letter *1 VS to I An, SI l»rtwi. MR An aeennd ntmlhy da. ruled: Beg) do Bee Hnen foliar nof pre«*e<l; itnn do do blue wove do ,lo jw> d„ food cap ruled Alao, a vailaty nf other deaettMton* of Paper, auliable for printing, heokaetlerg, hand Idlle, Ac . aala,nh*v * 4^* "Franklin Manntortnrlng f'. mpant,' tor mh '* I>AVKNPi R I Al.I.FN A i ,, L^,EIFT» 1101.1. AMU HRTVAHR, OST, nomew here between Wm. R Pyle'. Wo.e. on Ntln Mreot, and the Tnll II >uee on May.i'a hr, ,, « roil nf Rank Notea. .mourning to between »>«l »i d • <i|) Afoa, a Ovoek nf Wgt M Atkiuann'a. pavahla to In, i»„ » S|A Sf, The above iaward will ha paid tor • ratura ofmid Motet and Cheek, to * 'EM W1NFRKE WIUJaNSON * CO.