k . .♦ “THE UNION, THE CONSTITUTION, AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS” YQI j NO. (!!•. RICHMOND, VA., FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 23, 1865. PRICE: FIVE CENTS. \ RICHMOND WHIG. TERMS P4m■ nt R«q. ikkd in Advance. t _m Persona desiring to subscribe to tbe Richmond Whio. can do so upon the following terms OMfMI.I1AW) Bix months ... 7.00 Three months... •> 00 Persons In the city desiring to take the Whio regularly, can do so by leaving their name and residence at the Whio OrricR. when their names will be eu* .red on the Carrier's list for delivery. In all an.o cases, settle with the Carrier. ADVERTISEMENTS will he made at the rate of sbvsntt fits cents per square of Fight lines in -pace, and lor each line beyond the space of one square, ten cents additional. For leas than Eight lines in space, the tame as one square wlU be charged. Notice ol Religious Meetings, of Funerals, Marriage* and Deaths fifty cents a square. The above will be the regular charges lor a!' Advertisements and Subscriptions to this fled time. Cash will be our terms, and we shall endeavor to maka our urlce* compare lavorably with auy ___ paper in tbe Union. Price of SinolmCofv Five cents. News Agents and Boys will be charged #3 per 100 copies All letter* on busiues* sent to this office should be addressed to the Proprietor of the Whio All other communication should be addressed to the Editor. All communications sent to this olhee mast he Accompanied tty real name and add-c-a ol the writer, or they will not be considered. All personal communications will t>e charged lor, llm same as advertisements, and must be ac companied with the m^ney to insure their in sertion. Remittances should be cent by- Express expen se* Pa id, or, il sent by mail at the risk ot tiiose aending the same. Smith, Branham. A Co.. N*. J7 Pearl street, are the only authorized -veents in New York city to receive and c >IU* t for advertisements and sub scriptions for the Wh n». E\I*KK>*» COUPAIIIM. SOUTHERN EXPRESS COM !, OFFICE Corner ol' ffluin un«I l»ih Ml*. rpHE SOUTHERN EXPRESSCOMPAMY have opened communication TO STAUNTON And all pointa on the Yirginis Central Railroad . ala-- Danville, Lynchb'g audpoint;, beyond; South to lireensboro. Raleigh. Charlotte, and by Wagon — Train to Columbia. S. C. and Vueu-ta, Oa. runnei ting at Richmou-1 with the Adam* and H.rmlpn Fxurt-a, CaniuliiM. an,I are l-rebared to forward s FREIGHT, MONEY, AND VALUABLES, Safety and promptly. je7—lm (O-PAKTM HMIII* NOTICES (O-rtKfUiKMIl Tilt uaJerdKUvJ ha**- s'.-wlal*-,! thews.-lr-' lor the purjo'e nt i lujucliuc a 0fc-\ t KAl. Al * Uo,\ AM> COM Mlaalu.M hl sl.Ntss. lor the -ale . I M iihalidue, P reduce, Ll»tuof* auO Fired,aud hav.* laDu lh** iw-< lar*,* and spacious teueiueul' ou F'raukllu street, between Ulti mil) Dili where they d.-Mgh keepiu : always ou head a varied a»- rtiueui, to wtuili they tutlte the al teutiob of the public They Will give strict personal attention to all coh aiauiheuls aud Uiake liberal advances up->u !be same The style of the Dru, is Jo- Bmiumii A' Couaigulheuls solicited. Jus bill JlkEt, JAM. B l'»\ Is. J«t- - tut N- M LtL STEANBOATk, Ar. niTED NT ATEN At All. I.I*K. THE ONLY LINK CONVEYING THE GREAT THROUGH MAIL. X&’H' LIXK. ttleiimrrs for Htilliiuorv, AurfulU, Mid Huial uuil < ill ■*oimt, eon ■«vtil*K with the Mtailrouvl ilk Hulliiuurr for Pbittdelphia aad Aew fork Alsu, with thv Petersburg and tiiy •* o i •• a Kuad going aud ruuiing. THE ae» and elegantly furnisheJ steamers, CITY POINT ( apt 1 allot, and DICTATOR, Captain Dearmg. will letve Haskins aud Bridg ford's wharvea, at Rockett* nearly opposite K. O. Haakina' Store, daily at t> o'clock. A. M., connect ing at Old Point, lor Baltimore, with the splen didly furnished Steamer* GEORGE I.KAKY. (‘apt. Blakeman, and JAMES T. BKADY.Capt. LauJi*. arriving in Baltimore next morning in time for the Eaateru and Western train*. Fare to City Point <1 l»t I Fare to Baltimore |s iki De Old Point 3 lh> Do Philadelphia II 6*i • Do Norfolk 3 »*'| Do New York lo »4) j y State Room* and Meals Extra. Carriages will convey Passengers front the Steamers in Baltimore to the l*epot fklk of Cflaaok. rf- Baggage checked through to Ballituore. * Philadelphia and New York, aud Freight re cetved lor all the above points uu the James • River and Baltimore. These 'teamen touch at * * Jamestown and Wilson's Landing going aud retnrning. For particular*, apply to HAsKINS A BRIDG FORI), A edits, at Rockett*. Or to the Captains on the Steamers. A. W. SHAW, General Sup't, Baltimore. L. W. FREEMAN, Passenger Ag'L Richmond. C. W. POULSON, je 13—im General Passenger Ag t Balt. Tilt: THAI lOKR ATl» VIM G1NIA STEAMSHIP COMPANY have on the route between New York and Richmond two Una ship*. via the YAZOO, Capt. Cored, aud the CREOLE. Capt, Tuompson, lotting New ~ York aiternatel*every Wednesday and Saturday at 13 o clock M.. ami Richmond every Iuesday and Saturday at H o'clock A. M. Paaaage to New York, including meals and state loom accommodation* only glo. Excursion titkeu for round trip, good tor one week. id&. Ttcketa secured either at my office in Ludlam A * Wataon'a warehouse, or ot> hoard the ships. Paaaeogen will be taken to the ships by the •team tender Port Royal, from Ludlam A Wat •on's wharves, Rocietti Freights solicited each way. COLOHELDEMKOM * AMERICAN UNION Patent Portable Buildings, * Collages for the Seaside, the Mountains, the farm or plantation. Offices, Warehouses and Baildinga of any size or style made in sections under this Patent, convenient for transportation nnd can be quickly set up by people ot ordiuary talent without nsiug nails or screws. They are SIMPLE. NEAT AND SUBSTANTIAL. • Cottage* coat FA*i. S'AiO iJlu, |3uu and np wards, packed ready for shipment. A plain Cottage. 13*16 leet, can be loaded on a two horse lumber wagon, weighs about two thon •and pound*. and coats F37b delivered at the railway depot in Patterson. N. J. Thia system of Portable Building is acknow ledged to be the best in world, and is very con » senient for persons wishing to make temporary • residence. Ac., being qnlckly set np, and can be i taken down nnd set op again without loss or damage to the materials. The system can also be used in the erection of buildings for peiurn nance either plain or in style most elaborate.— Splendid .Sail fancy bSild.ng*. • Hash## Blinds. Doors and other prepared Banding Materials of the best quality ran be furnished to order. * ' kj-tkbbb-cash.^i For prices of Portable Building* or Materials MBd plan or description, nnd for Patent Rights or arrangements for Agencies address A. DEMKOli, West Street hieam Werh*, rny 11—Uyt5* PATERSON. N. J. -I INSURANCE. Life Insurance Notice ! THE INI TIAL BENEFIT 1'OMPANV ljBBSONS holding policies in this company 1 will please call on li.VOWliKN A WAI.I’ORO, At the Store of C. D. Yale A Co.. Uoternor Slrrel. The prosperity of this company is unparalleled. It is payiug the insuredaunual dividend ol Filly per Cent. It issued in 1N64 7,093 policies. It issues NON FOUFE1TINU Policies, by which the policy se cures u just return at death, whether the premi ums paid be many or few. The uew principles adopted by this company are very important to those wiihtng insurance. je3l—St KNOWLES A WAI.FORI*. FIRE INSURANCE. I Hi: I RIO* FIRE nil KAM I: tORPA.TV, OF BALTIMORE. ART ILL INftl'RE property in Itlchinoud and W vicinity, against loss or damage by tile, on as favorable terms as other good aud solvent companies. The following ia a list of the Directors, all of whom are well known to many ot the Merchants of Richmond as men of means and of good stand ing : Chauncy Brooks, William Chestnut, Thomas Y. Canby, Simon Parkhurst, William Bridges, John C. Bridges James O. Spear, William K. Penta, Joseph Matthews, John Turnbull, Jr., John G. Hewes, John E. Hurst. John Coates, President Otis Steak, Secretary. Having been appointed Agent of the above Company, 1 am prepared to i-sue Policies, and solicit from my friends a share of tt.eir patrouage. Claims will have my personal attention. Office ION, Main street, over Mitchell A Tyler’s, je 16—tl WILLIAM WILLIS. Jit. Agt Citizens’ Fire Insurance Co., NEW YORK. I* COR FOR ATE IV IH3«. Capital, - 300,00© oo Mrserve, ... 313,337 93 Assets, .... 313,337 93 JAMES M. McLEAN. • President. rmVARliA Wrl TilS • . Secretary. DAN L BURNETT, • - Vice President. tniKTi BARNEY 4 BROOKE. Dona An’s Building, Governor Street with R H. Maury 4 Co. CH4S. G. B a knit. Boar. T. Bkookk late Secretary of the Rich mond Eire Association.my 30—tf RELIEF FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. hi Wall Ml. (() K U A XI Z k It 1 8 5 5.) CAPITAL..*900,000 00 KCAEKte,.110,619 73 A HALT V.*310.619 73 JAMES H. PINKNEY, President, WM E CKAKY', Secretary, J URKKN PEARSON, Vice-Brest. A <1 K N T S. BAKNEY .* BROOKE, Donuau’a Hnildiug, Oovernur Street >'dee with K H. Maury At Co. I HAKLKS il BARNEY? ROB 1' T BKooKE, late Secretary of the Richmond Eire Association. mvJI- tin Irving FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW-YORk, No. Si W«U Htroot. CAPITAL,.*9003100 00 KLMLKYE.. 76.791 99 A SALT V,.*976,791 99 MASON THOMSON, President, MARTIN L CROWELL, Secretary A li K X T S. BAKNEY A BROoKE, li >uuau a Building, (Jovernor St , with K H. Maury A Co. CHARLES U. BAKNEY, RoBT. T BROOKE, Late Secretary u{ the Richmond Fire AmoclA lion. )el--lui 7.: A. ( H AITERN, INSURANCE AGENT. Office corner of Main and Seventh streets. jeI3-tjl. HAMAK1 * KKOOkli, INSURANCE AGENTS, Office with R. H. MAURY A CO., Donnan’a Building. CUAS. G. BARNEY,! Governor St., II. S. BROOKE, S Richmond, Va. mygo—3m MIHII.AAII FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OK BALTIMORE, indurated in 1868, with a cult capital of fJItyMU, with a large surplus, have established an agency in Richmond, with the reliable and well unalilied Agents or J. 11. MONTAGUE A WHITAI.L, 231 Main street, where parties in Richmond wishing to make a sale insurance against fire can apply. TH08 E. BAMBLETON, President. References to John Hopkins or any respectable Banker or Merchant in Baltimore. This company solicits busiuess in the city of Richmond, and all losses or damage by tire will he promptly settled either in greenbacks or in gold by MONTAGUE A WHITALL, A'gts, my 111 tJuSth_231 Main sts. iVm mani e ro.MPk.n or the STATE OF VIRGINIA, Office ever Mllrhel 4c Tyler’s, NO. IOH MAIN STREET. T'HIS COMPANY haa yet a good capital left ■ from the the late wreck, and have resumed business at their new OBre, No. 10S Main Street, first tloor above Mttchel A Tyler’s store. The old friends of the Company and 'be public are requested to call on them lor lu. j ranee oa heretofore. Policy holder* are hereby notified to bring their policies promptly to the olliee of the Company and have them endorsed good for proper amounts in current funds. JOHN L. BACON. President. Wu. H. Chkiotian, Secretary. Richmond, May 6th. 1866.—3m pHE NEW SKIRT FOR 1865. A wonderful invention for ladies. Unqaestlon ably superior to all, others. Don’t fail to read the advertisement in the Ricumond Whio, containing fall particular*, hvmv Monday morning. apt l—«vdesM6m N^fOTlCE—I hereby give notice that all bnsl 1N uest relations, of ev try kind whatsoever, be tween JOHN STABLER and the undersigned, have ceased. je 8-3Uw3w^_ROBERT T._B()WNE._ RO» Al. HAVANA LOTTE■!. Prizes paid in gold. Information furnish ed. Highest rates paid for doubloons nnd all kinds of gold and silver. TAYLOR A CO., Bankers. myl8—6m Mo. 16 Wall street. W. Y. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. N. A. STURDIVANT, Attorney at Law, Office Southside Franklin, between 6tb and 7th Streets; 4th door above corner of 7th. jefi— im_ J. S. MICHARD. DENTIST. OFFICE. «CS Mala, between 7 th aid Mtk M tree us my IS—2m HHHnO.IU, Ta. ni; CIIAKI.ES MACOILL. FORMERLY OF HAUKKS towu MJ . bavin# sesumed lh« practice ol bis pro fession, way be found at ht* Olttce. on fourth, between Ur ace and Broad Sts., or at Mrs. Courtney’s Boarding Mouse, corner of Oth and Main Sts._iuyil--lin DK. JOHN 1RAHONW* Ntrgeoa Denllsl, (for mauy year* associated with Dr. John U. Wayt) would respectfnlly Inform his old patrons, and all others who may need his ser vices, that in consequence of the destruction of his office by the great fire, he haa opened an ol fice at his residence on Fourth street, between Broad and Marshall, where he can be found at all hours. Artificial Teeth inserted on gold, silver and vulcanite. The highoat price paid for old Hold Plate. _my30— dl2m Dental notm'E- u. w. jones,sur geon Dentist. Uaving had his office destroyed by the late fire, announces to hi* former patrons aud all others desiring his professional services, that he ha* opened an office on Alain street, two door* from corner of Sixth opposite the Arlington House. Is now prepared gently and thoroughly to fill, cleanse, extract, and regulate the natural teeth, and to iusert artificial ones, from one to a full set. on the gold or vulcanite plate. myl6— 3m CO.TI.TIISSION .TIERCIIANTS, Ac. C. P. A J. H. WORD, Tobacco uni tienrrnl Comm Is kiun NcrchnaU, Corner Feventh aud Canal Sts, Richmond, Va., HAVE for sale, on consignment, a large lot of Manufactured Tobacco, in pounds, half pounds, lives and tens of the best manufactures ot Virginia and North Carolina. Also, on consignment, superior Did Whisky, Braudies and Wines. DU Port, Sherry and Ala deira in casks, and Claret in cases, very supe rior; all of which will be sold low to close con signments. Country merchants aud the city trade are In vited to give us a call. All kinds of Couutry Prodace received on con signment, and our personal attention given to all busluess intrusted to our care. Goods received on storage at reasonable rates. |s9 i-odtw i ■ p. a j. h. word. STORAGE AND COMMISSION. Having leased the large and commodious warehouse <>u I'srv street, between ittli suit 25tb streets, opposite the York River Railroad Depot. 1 have staple rooui tor the STORAGE of all kinds ol Produce, Tobacco, Irou, halt, Ac MTHarticular attention paid to coosiijumeuts. MaT Alt business eutrusted to the House will receive prompt atteuliou. GEO. f. DAWSON. jeJ-lui FA HI AN, HI AN A FtKKEIJ., Genersd Commission Merchants, No. 14, 15th Street, Advances made on consignments to our frauds in New York and Boston. je7-6tu ' mOKMIN A BALUttn, |M Hnnotcr Nlrcrl, Hullimore, COMMISSION MARCIIA NTS, t|>OR the sale of Cotton Yarns, Or.uaburgs, Sheeting and Shirting, Fulled anil Plaid Liudseys, Domestic, Cotton and Woolen Goods gout rally. ALSO. Particular attention paid to the sale of Cotton. Liberal cash advances made on goods in hand. We promise to our consignors prompt sales at highest market price*. Refer to any of the Banks and dry goods job bing merchants of Baltimore; also H. L. Kent, and E. B. Bentley, Richmond Va.; Hill, War ren A Co. and Mcllwain, Son a Co., Petersburg, Va. je6—3m CLAIBOKNE BARKSDALE1, (Formbelt Williams A Baebbdalb,) TOBACCO AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT. OM< e ut Cltriisilaaa, Lea A Co., No. MM Mats* Nlreet, Kichmoad, Va. Solicits consignments. Orders promptly at tended to. my 37- 2m REWARDS. ^i)AiU\ KF.WAKO.—More than two Til'vW thirds of the Bonds which were lost or stolen from Exchange Bank, after the tire 3d April, have been returned, and due proportion of the above reward paid for them. There are still outstanding, as listed below, which the public are warned against trading for. as payment Las been stopped; and all parties intowhcse hands they may come, or who may obtain tny knowl edge of them, are earnestly reqnsted to assist In returning them, and receive not only the due pro portion of reward, but the thanks of the owner. JNO. STEWART, Brook HIM, othce Franklia street, between 7th and bth. Messrs. Maury A Co., Messrs. Lancaster A Co., Mr. (. has. Purcell. Brokers; aud Messra. Ba con ft Baakerville, Merchant*, will have the kindness to act for me in my absence from town. City of bt. Louta, 16 Bonds of ttOUO, with cou pons, Nos. 136 138. Uo, 141; Nos. 46. 47. 48, 49, 419, 420, 421, 423, 426, 480, 481, 482. City Memphis, 2 Bonds of I10U0, with coupons, Nos. 663, 670. Virginia aud Tennessee Railroad. 8 of $1(4)0 each, Nos. 338,437, 438, 473, 474,197, 661, 101. Virginia Central Railroad. 4 Bonds of $.(M>0, with coupons, Nos. 966, 966. 967. 108. Richmond and York River Railroad, 13 of $1000, with coupons, No*. 39, 42, 278, 284,310,380, 381, 132, 149, 263. 268, 273, 333. , Orange and Alexandria. 2 Bonds of $1000, with coupons. Nos. 166, 833. City Lynchbnrg, 6 Bonds of$1000, with coupons, Nos. 13. 14 17, 19, 228, And various Certificates Registered Ronds and Share* in name of Norman Stewart. Jno. Stew art, Daniel K. Stewart, and Trustees Isabella Stewart. Cf*Pctersburg Express and I.vnchburg Vir ginian pleaae Insert twice a week for two months, and send bill to Whig office. my26—MftThlm_ lV| | |AA KKIV IKI) is offered for the ®JwUUV recovery of .the coupon bonds listed below, and proportionately for any portion thereof. They were enclosed, with other papers, In two glass jars, and were stolen in Amelia coun ty on tbe day or night of the 22d of April laat, it is believed, by a negro boy and two women. Tbe public are hereby warned against trading for them, as payment will be stopped Two bonds of the Chesapetke an 1 Ohio Canal Company of $1,000 each, No* 289, 290, in f*vor of Wm. B. Blair. Or two bonds of tbe State of Virginia, for the benefit of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Com pany, No* 289, *9.), in favor of Wm. B. Blair. Twelve bonds of the like kind for $500 each. No. 226, 228 to 236 inclusive and 291, 292. Five bonds of the State of Virginia of 11.000 each, No* 2,332. 7J076, 11,167,11.366, 11,448. Upon the delivery of the bonds to Lewis K. Haute, Esq., of Amelia county, or John D. Blair, of the city of Richmond. ;he above reward will be paid by JUBT.rH C. BLAIR, my 8—2aw3w ~ 1««$ V—DRAKE'S UNRIVALLED l, A STATION BITTERS for sale, whole sale, by TARDY ft WILLIAMS, je 1—la io, 8, Main Street. BANKS, BROKERS, Ac. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MM'll MONO. HAMILTON Q. KANT, President. NATHANIEL AUGUST, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Franklin Stearns, Charles Palmer, Horace L. Kent. Wellington Goddln, H. G. Fant, Wui. L. Hodge, John K. White, Thomas McCormick. U. S. DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE GOVERNMENT. AGENTS FOR THE U. P. 7-J*0 LOAN. A CONSTANT SUPPLY OF NOTES KEPT ON HAND. THIS HANK will receive DEPOSITS, and give prompt attention to the accountsol' business men and firms. Furnish Exchange and make collections on all the principal cities in the United States aud Eu rope. Advances made on Foreign Hills of Exchange, Gold, Virginia and North Carolina Coupon Honds, and all Securities having a marketable value in Northern citiea. COLD \NI) UNCUKRKNT MONEY BOUGHT AND SOLD. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, i Orrtci or ConrTHOi.t.ER or the Currency,> Washington, May 3d. 1866, ) WHEREAS, by satislactory evidence present ed to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the First National Hank of Rich mond, lu the City of Richmond in the county of Henrico and State of Virginia, Iwh been duly or ganized under and accenting to the requirements of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to pro vide a National Currency, secured by u pledge of Uuited States bonds, and to provide for the circulation ami redemption thereof,” approved Jone 3,1864, and has complied with all the pro visions of said Act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Hanking un der said Act: Now, therefore, I, Freeman Clarke, Comptrol ler of the Currency, do hereby certify that the First National Hank of Richmond, in the City of Klchmond, in the county of Henrico amt State of Virginia, is authorized to commence the bald ness of Hanking underthe Act aforesaid. In Testimony Whereof, witness my liana and teal of office, this third day of May. 1866. [L. a] FREEMAN CLARKE, Comptroller of the Currency. jel9—dim NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK OF RICHMOND, A. VANCE BROWN, - - President. S. B. SMITH, .... Cashier. DIRECTORS. Isaac Davenport. S. C. Robinson. W. B. Jones, S. R. Adams, Wm. Beers, B. B. Smith, Oscar King, H M. Ranney, A. Vance Brown. VALENTINE'S BUILDING, * Corner 9th and Broad streets. Agent for the United States Seven-th irtyLoun. rpUlS Bank will receive deposits, discount local X nnd inland bills auduotes, deal in all classes of Government securities. Foreign aud Domestic Exchange. Gold and Southern State Coupon Bonds and Bank Notes,on favorable terms ; make collections on tbe principal cities of tbe United States and Europe. Will cheerfully furnish all information in re gard to Government loans. Treasury Department, i Office of Comptroller of tiie Ourukncv,> Washington, May 16th, 1865, ) Whi'eeas, by satisfactory evidence presented to tbe undersigned, It has been made to appear that the Natioual Exchange Bunk of Richmond, Va., in the City of Richmond, in the connty of Henrico and State of Virginia, has been duly or ganised under and according to tbe requirements ol tbe Act of Congress entitled “ An Act to pro vide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the cir culation and redemption thereof,” approved June 3, 1H64, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking under said Act: Now. therefore, 1, Freeman Clatkc, Comptrol ler of the Currency, do hereby certify tluvt the National Exchange Bauk of Richmond, Va.,ln the City of Richmond, in the county of Henrico and State of Virginia, is authorized to commence the business of Bankiug under the act aforesaid. In testimony whereof witness my hand aud seal of ottice, this 10th day of May, 1866. (L. S.] FREEMAN CLARKE, jel2—2m Comptroller of the Currency. THE National Bank of Virginia, AT RICHMOND. Capital, - Hall' Hlllloa. United States Custom House—Entrance on Rank street. 8. T. Suit, President, Geo. T. Mat, Vice-President, John B. Morton, Cashier. niRKCTOKS Lewis D Crenshaw, (Mias. T. Wortham A. F. Harvey, R. O. Noltiag, Hi uben Ragland, David Corrie, John B. Morton, 8. T. Suit, John M. Lamb, Chas. Gallagher, Geo. W. Gilliam, Robt. W. Hughes. Geo. V. May. Government Depositary and Financial Agent of Jay Cooke A Co. for the U. 8. 7-30 Loan aud Exchange on Europe and all the Northern cities bought aud sold at the lowest rates. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, J Office of Comptroller of the Cl’Rkekcy;> W ashinuton, May 9th, I860. ) WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence pre sented to the undersigned it has been made ... «1,a t >l.n NTti t iftna I I! .1 it If #tf Vit-ffini 1 ft I Richmond, Va., in the City of Richmond in the county of Henrico and State of Virginia, hue been duly organized under and according to the requirement* of the Act of Congress entity d “An Act to provide a N Uionul Currency, secured by a pledge of Uuited States bonds, aud to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," approv ed June 3, 1864, aud has complied with all tho provisions of said Act required to be complied with before commencing the husiuesa of Uaukiug under said Act: Now, therefore, I. Freeman Claike, Comptrol ler of the Currency, do hereby certify that the National Bank of Virginia, of Richmond, Va., in the City of Richmond, in the county of Henri co and State of Virginia, is authorised to com mence the business of Ranking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof witness my hand and aeal o' office, this uiuth day of May, I860. (L. 8.J FREEMAN CLARKE, Comptroller of the Currency. TREASURY OF THE UNITED STATES,! Division of National. Banks, > Washinuton. May 9, 1865.) It Is hereby certliled that the National Rank of Virginia, of Richmond, Va., a Banking Associa tion organized under the Act "To provide a Na tional Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof." approved June 3, 1864, having complied with the requirements of section 45 of said Act, and with the regulations of this Department made In pursuance thereof, ha* this day been designated as a Depositary of Public Moneys, except receipts from Customs, and by virtne of snen designation will also be employed aa a Financial Agent of the Covernmcnt. F. E. SPINNER, my 16—2m Treasurer U. S. MO A PM, CA.VDLEIi. .T- C. HULL'S SON, (Formerly W. Hull A Son.) NEW YORK, Begs to offer above GOODS of his manufacture and now for sale by TARDY A WILLIAMS, Richmond, Va. mylff—6m WASH'* ADVERTISEMENTS* national claim agency. DANIELS & SHERWOOD, AUTHORIZED MILITARY AND NAVAL AUE.NTN, 341 Pcuu. Aveuue, cor. of 7tb St., aud 34 Peon. Av. (Opposite State Department), WASHINGTON, D. C. .1. Reams, 11. L. Sherwood, iMlt (tip/. V. S. A. J LaU Q. M. V. H. A. We would inform all MILITARY OFFICERS, wheth er in or out of the service, that we have had large ex peii. nce lu the SETTLEMENT OF THE ACCOUNTS OF OFFICERS with the Government, and have aperfect knowledge of what is required aud accented In every given case We procure Certldcnlea of Non-indebted ue»s. and send them to Officers, so that they may get their pay lu their oivu District, when mustered out of the service, or collect their pay here for Ihein, if pre Jerred. lu the latter case, I lie drafts are obtained from the U. S. Treasury, aud made payable to the order of the officer, so there is little or uo danger ot loss. We settle all classes ot Army aud Navy accounts, collect back pay, Bounty, Pension aud Prize money, with promptness and despatch. We also give special alltjulioo to the claims of all loyal citizeus, for property takeu or destroyed by the army, collect or purchase Guarteriuasler’s vouchers, usd pi «ent< claim* before Ibe Court of Claims. We require no advance lee, aud all information given free of charge, our ordinary Ke ger settling Oncers’ Ac counts is f 35, payable upon the settlement of the ac count. Kckkhksi ea.---Hon. Alex. Ramsey, Senator from Minnesota; lluu. K. E. Feutou, Governor ot N.Y; Mai General Pope; Hon. R. V. Whaley, M. C., West VI rginm' niy-’4--e.)d3m WILLARD’S HOTEL, . Washington, D. C. Ml REM, CHADWICK A CO., I’roprielom, (LATE OF GIRARD ROUSE, PHiLAitiLrniA.) [ ap36—eodljr ] H A M M A C K * S K ENT AUK ANT, (\nnrt of li/A nr eft and Pinna tirrnur, ii'tmiufon. D. * . This la « u<* the must Complete, Aral clan* RF«TAr ram thi-sido of New York To officers of the Army und a .ivy it offers pec uliar inducements, a* their meals can be furnish*i »t all hours during the day or night, aud al the abort*- l UotlCe. My larder - h *« 11 always defy competition. I u regard l • iii > I** 1 ^ iiid l.iiuf.i -.ii . ii- . . *.n Id^tv Ihutthi-y were selected by oue of the beat judges in wttnniUKiuij. luy.’j'-i'uUJiu I til HITT IIOI ML'. C . V . W I L L A It D , Corner ol* I' na«l I If h Mix,, WASHINGTON, I). C. my23—3mcod__ WILLIAM S. TEEL, (Successor to Hiulou & Teel,) Merchant and Military Tailor, AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, No. SM Pc mi Avenue, (uuder Metropolitan Hotel,) WASHINGTON, D will keep constantly ou hand a lull assorlmcul, vie Foreign aud Domestic t.'loths, loatiun’, C.'as«imeres, Vestings, choice assortment of Furui'liiug Goods, emhraclug the latest novelties, (jot—luteodj .1. MARKRITER, 4!6 Vevriilli street, (near Odd Fellows Hall,) WASHINGTON. D. C\, h BALER iu PAPER HANGINGS, WINDOW SHADES, OVAL PICTURE FRAMES, I’ll TUBE ( OKI) aud TASSELs, PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, Ac. Terms cash orders punctually executed iu city or country. jel--eodliu CHAM. Is. MH KHOODACO., 331 PENN’A AVENUE, WASHINGTON, 0. C. DEALERS IN Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, AND WnoLK.SAI.lt AGENTS FOR LOCl< wood’s CLOTH-LINED PAPCIC COLLAKM. 5j-Orders sent by mail promptly executed. my23— eodSin ~CLIFTON 1IELLEN, Late Paymaster U. S. Navy, A T T ORNKY I'or I lie l*roMe4-iiliou of C laims BEFORE THE Departments of the Government. Particular attention given to PRIZE CASES. Office—No. 29,4 1-3 Street, Uasliinglon City, IF. C. Defer to—Pint National Hank, Kichniond, Vir ginia. jel2—lm .1- P. HARTHOLOVV WholeBalo and Detail Dealer in II A II I) W ARE AND Agricultural Implements. 55M, 7th Street, but. Penn. Avenue and Canal YVawliiuirlon, IF. C. We are now making preparations for owning a Hranili ISlabllsIiim-ul in Dichmond. __je7—ly_ JOHN It ELVANS & CO., DEALERS IN IIAKDWARGAAD HETAI.S. 1J- office and Store No. 309 Pennsylvania Ave nus. between 9th and 10th Streets. jj- Warehonses Nos. 301,303, 306 C. Street, and 87 and 85 Louisiana Avenue, Washington, D, C. I,. H. Horn ns, f J. U. Elvans, > C. B. Pearson, j my 8—3m. YYYmmekman & CO., Mo. 5,‘I0 Seventh Street, between I.oiiisiuna Avenue and 1> St., ea«t «ttde, Washington, D. C. SOFAB. CHAIRS. ■*arlor Meta, Chamber Nett, AND Dreeing Bureaus* Hair, husk, excelsior ami spring MATTRESSES constantly on hand and made to order, wholesale and retail, and aold at prices that cannot fall to give satisfaction. tj“ All orders promptly tilled. Furniture pack ed and rIiIpi>ed on the most reasonable terms. myH-6m A CURE GUARANTEED.-The skillful phy sician, Dr. E. FISRBLATT, office No. 364 r. street, between llth and 12tli streets, Wash ington. I). C„ has discovered the most certain, sneedy, and only effectual relief In tho world. Weakness in the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Af fections of the Kidney and Bladder, Impotency, Involuntary Discharges, General Debility, Ner vousness, Dyspepsia, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart. Timidity, Trem bling. Dimness of Sight, Diseases of the Head, Throat, NoseorSkiu.allLiverAfl’ections, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels; those terrible Disorders arising Iron Solitary Habits of Youth, Secret aud Solitary Practice, rendering Marriage, Ac., im possible Particular attention paid to all affections of the Heart, LungB. Rheumatism and Chronic Af fections, as well as all Diseases of Imprudence, no matter of how long standing. From his lengthy practice in the science of Medicine, he is enabled to offer himself to the public as being the only Doctor in Washington capable of affording speedy relief. Persons at a distance can be treated by mail, by directing a few linen to Box 517 Post Office, Washington, I). C„ stating complaint or dis ease. Offi'e No. 364 K street, between Uth and 12!h streets, Washington D. C. my29 LIMHEH, LIME, BRICKS, HAIR and NAILS, For tale at the lowest market price, by H. 8. THOMPSON A CO., je 9—lm on Dock, bet, 17th and 18th ate. • RICHMOND WHIG. FRIDAY MORNING.JUNE 23, 18G5. PEN PICTURE OF THE LEADER OF THE FRENCH CONSTITUTIONAL QUESTION. [Paris Correspondence London Times.] One day in the early part of the summer of 1K46, M. Thiers was seeu in a box of the ball ring of Madrid, which probably he then visited for the first time. He was accompanied by two or three of hia countrymen, one of whom was the military attache to the French embassy in that capital. From his manner and conversation, he seemed to be struck with a spectacle which for him probably had all the charm of novelty—the picturesque costumes of the attendants the quaint ceremonial, the vast multitude, composed of ail classes, from the highest to the lowest, from the grandee to the majo; the noise, the wit. the re partees of the Madrid manolas. tnd all the pride, »and circumstance of the Tauro-machia o the utmost advantage. Hut when the ground was cleared, the key dropped by the chief magistrate, who presided, into the cap of the matador, and the bull, a magnificent ani mal, bounded Into the ring, and stood gazing with dilated eye on the shooting multitude, tearing up the dust and lashing himself into lury, and preparing to rush at the hotseman. who, with long lance In hand stood be fore him; the picture was perfect, and M. Thiers could not help sharing the admiration which it called forth. This Moon changed. When the first act was over—that is, when the first bull was killed—lie felt as every one does whom habit has not hardened to the sight. He expressed to those near him his horror of the saDguinary sport, and ol the cruelty with which bull and horses were treated, and the danger to which the* fighters were exposed, all the more senseless, he added, as bull-fighting did not makeHpaniards more valiant in the field. Ills arguments weie unanswerable, and as they were expressed as M. Thiers only cau express them, they apparently made a strong im* pression on his auditors. This impression lastsd during the interval between the first and second act,but no longer; for at the next display of force, by the second bull in killing his horse out right at the very lirst blow, or of mill by the picador in planting ins lanceneau tun tnreo inches iu his shoulder, and the shouts which hail ed it, the new-made converts to humanity aposta tized, and they applauded and shouted like the most hardened amateurs. They, indeed, admitted the truth of all that M. Thiers said, bnt the old habit was too strong for them, aud his eioqueuce left no trace behind. During the • liree hours that M. Thiers spoke the other day in the Legislative Corps on a sub ject so dry as the Budget, you might have heard a feather drop. All, friends and foes, deputies and strangers, government commissioners aud opposition, hung upon his words ; they could no more speak or move than if they were under the spelt of the enchanter. The last time bnt one that he addressed the house was upon the address, and the impression lie made was far from favor able. He advocated an Austrian alliance as in dispenssble to France: he scouted the idea of un united Italy, and as, tn his famous historical ro mance ou the empire, he justified his hero in most if not all of what he did and blamed those who resisted him, so he thought that the division of the Peninsula into petty states was just aud proper, because it favored the policy of France. In the debate on the finances, a day or two ago, it was quite different. He seemed to carry every body with him, and at the close of his speech an observant eye might drtect even the very occu| ants of the official benches beguiled into forgetfulness and joining in the gen eral applanse, though they may have anx iously turned round to nee whether anybody caught then in flagrante. M. Thiera rarely at tains the liigheat (light of what is called oratory. He either does not care to do ao or cannot do ao. There is nothin? iolty, or emphatic, or paaalon ate.or declamatory in him. Ilia words, his tone and manner are thoso used in ordinary converse, and are admirably suited to every-day questions like the present. He has wit athii fingers' ends, and gklvanizea even arithmetic with it. His comparison of the ordinary and extraordinary budgets to the overladen ship obliged to transfer a part of her cargo to a smaller vessel alongside, aud then lighten herself to get into pirt; and hla division ol the financial comedy into live acta.were worthy of Beaumarchais. H. Thiers may not be eloquent in the ordinary sense of llie word; hia force is in what the French call causerie, bnt it is a causerie ol which one can never hear enough, so replete is it with life, ao voluble, sparkling, varied by historical allusions, always appropriate, and anecdotes marvellously to the point. Hia voice, shrill, slightly uasal, and Southern in acccent, penetrates every corner of the chamber. There is nothing em phatic or theatrical in his gesture. He now and then button*, up his coat and folds his arena, unbottons aud throws it back from his (fliest, or loans familiarly on his desk, with his chin rest ing on his hand. He hardly ever refers to a note. No French speaker I have ever heard has more appearance of sincerity and conviction than M. Thiers. The quality of supreme self-confidence which SIdoey Smith ascribed to a celebrated Kngiish statesman still living, seems especially to apply to M. Thiera. A well-known writer, no friend of-liis, put this, some twenty or thirty years ago, in a strung manner. “ Propose to M. Thiers,” said Simon: “The command of an army, and he will not re fuse it; and I declare I am not quite sore that he would not win battles. I swear to you that I have heard with my own ears general officers so in fatuated with him as to declare they would will ingly serve under his orders.” And of his power of persuasion “Another time he will go right np to Soult. and have the hardihood to tell him that he did not evacuate Genoa with hia army by the French gate, hut by the Italian gate; aud if Soult hap pened to be woueded at the battle of Salamanca he will maintain, which the Chamber applaud*, that it was in hia left leg, aud not in hia right, aa Soult himself thought up to that moment, and he will prove it so clearly that the old General, to he sure of the fact, involuntarily puts his flngef into the wounu._ From the Petersburg News. CLEMENT C. CLAY. In a close casemate wltbin the hot wall of an exposed fortification, cut off from all iutercourae with the outer world debarred from all commu nication witb a large circle of friends, and chief among them her whose highest ambition is to be thought worthy of the honored and honorable uame she bean, without |>en or paper, or any ap pliance or convenience of civilized life, with no companions save two armed men who are wear ing a pathway on the yielding tluor of the cell, as with unpitying eyes they keep nubroken watch over their charge, stands to-day as noble a soul as ever tenanted a human form—a modest, chival rous, upright, gallant gentlemau—Clement C. Clay, of Alabama. When the President, uuder information which, no doubt, was conceived by him to warrant the charge, published to the world bis suspicions of Mr. Clay's complicity in the assassination of Mr. Lincoln, the charge-ex cited only a smile on the lip of any who knew him. They would aa toon have suspected den. Lee of duplicity, or Benja min F. Butler ol magnanimity. Mr. Clay heard of it while stopping in the coun try many miles out of the path or the moving forces, and might easily have made his escape, but no such purpose ever crossed his mind. With the promptness of conscious innocence, he wait ed lor no detectives or hunters of blood money, but at once reported himself to the nearest Uni ted States officer, by a note claiming only that lie should at once be put upon his trial, and con fronted with kis accusers. Since that time more than a month has elapsed. He has been tried, elaborately is he not to be contronted with his accusers 1 ror weeks on weeks tne Star Chamber has been trylug lnm, and filling the public ear with a catalogue of falsehoods, amusingl.' beadej " Testimony," whose object it is in part to taint hia name and imperil hia life, yet be is not allowed to approach these perjurers by a nearer interval than that which aeparates Fortress Monroe from Washing ton—he bsi no counsel—he examines no wit n eases—he cross-examines no perjurers—he ia furnished with no copy of the indictment even, and it is reserved for a friend of fair play in a foreign country to point out to the world the In rftnyot the instrument by which thie judicial murder is sought to be consummated. A detailed account of conversations held by Mr. Clay with the witness (Meritt) in last February, turns out, by the evidence of this foreign editor, who glvee dates and refers to public registers for confirma tion, not only to be false, but impossible, Mr. Clay not haviDg been in the city where the con versations are said to have taken place, either in February, or in January, or in Mnrcb, or in April last. With the peculiar constitution of the Court which, under pretenc* of trying the murderer of the President Is arraigning the Southern people, no one expects either the proceeding or the re sult* of lawful investigations, least of all when as is unfortunately the case In this Instance, they undertake to Institute inquiries iuto the guilt of the unarraigned aui the absent, bat we appeal from this extraordinary tribunal to the candor, humanity and love of justice of a free people — Powerless now to demand his rights, and scorn ing to beg a favor, it is the duty of all who feel and deplore the injustice that Is done this trne son of the South to make the claim for him. If there is the faintest shadow of excnae for the charge against him, let him be at once tried. The Courta are open, the witnesses in Washing ton, the accused in prison. The Government ought to desire a speedy trial—the accused ur gently demands it. if he should die lu his dnngeon before trial, if will be au ineffaceable blot upon our country and our time. Men will remember how. under the very guns of the Fortress where he is conflnej, and not many mouth* ago, an international dif ( Acuity with brazil was avoided by one of those occurrence* which politician* call happy acci dents, but which God aud just men regard aa fla gitious crimes. TRAIN THROWN OfT THE TRACK-LOSS OP LIFE. Nashvilh, June I9tb.—The Press sayslbat Saturday morning’s northward train on the Huntsville Railroad, was thrown off the track near Decatnr, killing Ave men. and breaking the leg of a lady named Mrs. Hoffmaster. THE WHEREABOUTS OP TOOMBS. Nsshvilli, Jane 19.—The Pres* says that Rob ert Toombs, who was reported to have commit ted suicide, has escaped with Breckinridge to Cuba. NORTHERN ADVEKTVSEU’TS JOSEPH W. DAVIS. [EMTAMLINHEO 1864.] BANKER. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND BOLD. U. S. SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. XT' Mr. WM. F. DAVIS attend** tbe Boston Brokers' Board. Bank, Uailroad, Manufacturing and Copper Stocks bought on commission. Col* lections remitted for on the day of payment. JOSEPH tV. DAVIS, jel3— eod3m No. 36 State street, Boston. 4SUTH* 8(ff, Wholesale Grocer* AND LI4IIJOR MERCHANTS, 33 CHKAPSIDB, Hnltlmore, Maryland. mj30 DRUID HITTERS is a pure and In vigorating tonic, very palatable aod highly medicinal, having the most wonderful effect upon alt diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, such aa Dyspepsia, Week's tomach, Loss of Appetit*, Indigestion, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Fever and Ague. Losa of Sleep, Depression of Spirits. And all those diseases pertaining to a weak and impaired constitution. Try them' They will build you up and restore health and vigor to the whole system. They ere perfectly harmless in their composition,being purely vegetable, and can be used by the most delicate of either sex with charmiug eflect. J. SMITH A SON, Wholesale agents, 35 Cheapside. • Baltimore, MJ. For sale by all Grocers, Druggists. Hotels and Restanrants. _•_my 30—3awtAl OhtTmi^taT ’ TREES.—A splendid stork under cultiva tion for coining Tall. Dwarf Trees a speciality, and grown largely. Orders entered as received and forwarded promptly in the planting season. Descriptive catalogue mailed to applicants. Address EDWARD J. EVANS A 00.. je7—eodl2t* Central Nurseries, York, Pa. K. L. UEKK, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Halter, thecae, Lard, Klour, Provision*, Ac.,, Ko. S South Calvert St.--near Kalla. St., BALTIMORE. Mb. Orders filled at lowest market rate*._)e»- lm Vulcan Works. Baltimore. THE undersigned are prepared to till order.) for MACHINERY, BOILERS, Ac., At abort no tice. They have unrivalled facilities upon the water for repairing SAamers or Shipping Machi nery. Various sizes Stationary Engines always on hand. HAZI.EHDBST A CO.. H. B. Hazlehurst. > late Mutray A Hazlehnrst. U/ n t IA Oil—.'im MISCELLANEOUS. VIRGINIA land a g e n c y. The undersigned hare «»Ubli»bed in the City of Richmond an Agency for Iho SALK AND RENTING OP LAND IN EASTERN VIR Having been long engaged ae practitioners of Law in the Court* of the State, aud well and egtenslvelr ac quainted with the people ol the Eastern part of It, lte 60il, productions, and social condition, they h ore it in their power lo extend facilities to those who may wish to aettle or invest capital here. By mean* of Agent* employed In the several Counties, they will be able to afford accurate information a* to the quality and situa tion of Lands, the state of Titles, Ac , and will giro their personal supervision to the affairs of the Agency . The Climate, boil. *aJ accessibility by water-courses and railroads, of the Lands of Eastern Virginia, offer unrivalled attractions to settlers, while the transition from the former lo a uew system of labor must neces sarily bring into market, either for sale or lease, large bodies of VALUABLE LANDS, in some of the most desirable parts of the country An Agency, such as they have undertaken, is believed to he a public necessity, aud they hope, by diligent atten tion toall Interests confided to them, wo meet tl* re- - quiremeuta. office on Franklin St., Id door below Exchange H'tsl. H L. BROOKE, myll--lm_K. T. DANIEL. NOTItK. SALE OF ARMY MULES. QlJABTXBMASTSa (jKNKBAI.'S OFFICE ) Washington. D. C., May 28, 1866. $ MANY THOUSANDS OF MULES are being disposed of at public tale, at Washington. The aaiea will continue until the number of animal* ii reduced in proportion to the reduction of the armieff, now going on rapidly. There are in the armlea of the Potomac, of the Tennessee, and of Georgia, probably FOUR THOUSAND OF THE FINEST SIX-MULE TEAMS IN THB WORLD. Many of them were bought in the beginning of the war. as young inn lea. accompanied the armies in all their marches and camps, and are thorough v broken, hardened by exercise. gentle and familiar, from being no long surrounded by the aoldlera. The whole South is stripped of farming stock, and tl e North aiao has suffered from the drain of animals, taken to supply the arnies. Theae animal* are sold at public auction: THEY WILL NOT BRING ANYTHING LIKE THEIR T&UE VALUE, aad such opportunities for farmere to get working animal* to atock their farms, and for drovers and dealers in stock to make good speculations by parchasing them and disposing of them in the South, will never occnr again. M. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster General, je9—W9th Brevet Major Genual,