KECEPTIONS BY PRESIDENT JOHNSON. ADIHESH BY THE BK1TISH lf*B VSRAPOR. Sir Frederick W. A. Bruce wo-aon Thursday ‘a,r0 doted to tie Present by the Acting Secretary of S!8,e' and presented his credentials Envoy Extraordinary aai Vin'-ter Plenipotentiary >of her Btitannir Ma e-iy to th:» Government. SirFm^nck made the follow ing remarks up >a the occasion . j Mr President—it is with dfeep and aincete coujern that 1 ua'> * !■» accompany official act with expre^ aiona of condo"en’c." oi*-S tturJay last the ceremony tha- t ilsc- place to-d iyf was to h v.i bet n performed, bu’. the gracioni intentions of the late lamentef President ere G,rest tiled *uy events which have plunged tun* country in c -ostentation and affliction, and w hich will call forth/In Great Britain feelings of horror osweb as Of pr>fc,iin ] sympathy. i , it b e o.nei. therefore, my duty, sir. t > present the e t*r fronts my S jvereign. of which I am tin bearer, to you. as President of tb > United States, and It la with pleasure thJat I convev th< assurances of regard and go td will which h »r M >jesty entertains to ards yon sir. a-Presi (bint of the United S.ates. I am further cirected to ex p |e-s her Ma:*-st)'s friendly disposition towards the grest na Jon of which you ar; Chief Magistrate, and her Lea ty go.wi w slies for its pc »ce. prosperity and welfare. . Majesty has nothing more at heart than to concili a*" those relations of amity and good .understanding •which have so long and so happily existed between the two kindred nations of the Uu t d.States and Great Br tiin, and t is in that spirit that I am directed to perform the d:-t e* of the important and honorable post confided to me. Prnitme. sir. to soy that it shall be the object of mv earn-st endeavors to carry out my instructions faith, ft] ly n this respect, and to express the hope, sir that you will favor tbly consider my attempts to merit your appro batio.u. ia i to give elect to the friendly intentions of the kfueeu and of her Majesty's Government. I hove the hon >" to pla-c in your hands the letter of credence <• in fidel to me by her Majesty. To which President Johu.-on replied ■wir Frederick W. A. Bruce—The cordial and friendly sentiments which yon have expressed on the part Of her H-ttnn.c Majesty give me great pleasure. Greut Britain s i 1 the Gni ed '-.ate- by tlm extended and variedi forms of c mtnerev be1 ween them, the contiguity <*i portions ui their possessions, and the similarity of their language and law*. ere drawn into constant and intmate infer course. At the same time they are from the same causes exposed to frequent occasions of misunderstanding only to be corrected by mutual forbearance. So eag-rly are the i»eople of the two countries engaged, throughout’ almost the whole world, in the pursuit of sin: Ur commercial enterprises, accompanied Dy national rivalries and Jmlousies. that at tiret sight it would almost *eein that tbe two Governments must be enemies, or at l>est cold and calculating friends. So devoted are the two nations throughout all their danu in. and even in their most remote terr tory and co. lonial possession*, to the prinoiples of civil rights and constitutional liberty, that, on the other lianl. the »n perfi-rial o ..-.-ver might erroneously count upou a con tin e-d con —rt of action and sympathy, amounting to an a I'ance betw.en them. Each is charged with the develo men! of the progress of the human race, and each ia iw sphere is subject to difficulties and trials not par —T* united in by the other. The interests of civilization and ol humauitv require that Iae two should befriend?. 1 have always known ami accounted as a fact honorable to both countries that the Queen ot England is a sincere and honest well wisher to the United States. 1 have been equally frank and explicit in the opinion that the friendship of the United States towards Great Britain ia enjoined by nil considerations of interest and of sentiment affecting the character of both. You will therefore be accepted as a Minister frieudly and w dl disposed to the maintenance qf pc»ce and the hon >r of both countries. You will dnd myself and all mv associates acting in accordance with the same en lightened policy and consistent sentiments, and so I am sure that it will not occur in your case that either vourseit <*r this Government wdl ever h ive cause to re gret that such an important rilationship existed at Mich a time. • P'.IX.'ENTATIOS OF THE BJP1.0MATIC COKT-. Shortly after the ree ption of Sir Frederick Bruce the various members of the Diplomatic body were presented to the Acting Secretary of State. As the Dean of that body. Bann Von tterolt, the Prussian Minister,address ed the President as follows Mr. President—Wie reprasentativea or foreign nations ha.- *s».-moled hire to express to yonr Excellency u,ejr f-lia-s »*• tho dep’ora’ili evjnts of which they have been witne.ies—to oi wi -hn al-o which you kindlv offer for w'.tve *nd prosperity of the Lmted state-, and for arpcroui! health and happiness, are gratefully re C*rour '.ojcs for *he early restoration of peace in this euaairy are cordially reciprocated by m\ and you may be assur'd that I will lejve nothing undone'towards p-esj.-v;ns those relations of friendship whkh now for tan it;ly exist betwoeu the United states and all for eign Po -rent._’ Hos. John M-.sor Botts.—The Richmond H'M,t c: the I9thin«t., c >ntain« a'call, signed by a large number «i gentlemen, a-king the Hon. Joh’n Mi 6or Sr.tts to at once repair to that city. The call doe- not express the reason why they desire his p-esence, but we presume it is in view of the re. organization of the State. Since the commence ment of the rebellion Mr. Botts have several times been within the Federal line-; and has often been soiic'ted by the highest dignitaries of the State to take part in its reorganization. So far, he ha? re. fused to ’aka any part in the matter, and we ap preh-'od he will still continue to do s« until mat ter- assime a more qiiet state. — Alexandria oJ*r nad. Tcrio-sFact.-U Is curious that the third instance 01 the succession of a > ice President to the vacant ebair o: th- President is marked, as were the two former in stances, by the fact that the vacancy occur* in the very pa:t of the term ot ofneo. Prwident H*rri*c;i wjt Wiiuguraled March 4, 1941, and died April 4 cf the same yea*, on- month after his inauguration. President Tay lor «1< -aaugu’ated eight years later, March 4 1940,-.rid a-e-i Ju / '1. of the name year, about feu- mini's eft-r tr.W -:u - a*’.ne. President Ldacola was inaugurated for r -v t-qi cm March 4 !fl«& and w*3 killed Apr!! , lew than two months artar the comm -a~eme^'. of Vbft t-o of :fl'e WANTED. _ INFORMATION WANTED—Of my son JAMES w SHIELDS, Jk., 16 years of ago, dark hair and cy ■* and light complexion. Left Roanoke College, San-m Va.. on Thursday the 13th inst. for hiehraond on foot. From description was seen last Thursday, on the Three ('hop road, about lortv miles fr->m Richmond, neat Faria'u’s tavern, foot tore and tired. Any inform , tion ot him, or any expense he may assume or a liberal reward will be paid by hi* anxious father, on Main, betweeu mth and 20th stieets. ap2S—2t*JAS, W. SHI El. 1*. nvitX| || W ANTED.—Wanted for fy a small place two mile* from the city, a WHITE MAN accustomed to farming or gardening, a COLO RED WOMAN to ni ls cows and assist in the garden, and a I) >Y to mind cow*. Also, a go ld WasI3ER and HOUSE SERVANT. Those that come wei! re.oramended, can fhid a good and permanent home. Apply at _ apfc-3 ♦236 HROAT) STREET Wunteil so Kent —A »mall House or toree or fourRoim*. located between 6th and 12th. either side of Bro»1 street Will rent out a House with eight Urge and sever*! snnll rooms, and will sell part of tfie Furniture in the home. It is well suited for a boarding liou*e convenient to the business part of the citv. Ap ply to tIBUBsSA WILLIAMS. ap25—3t _Auctioneers. WANTED—To employ a WHITE NURSE. To one well recommended liberal wages will lie paid. Apply to Mrs. L ANCASTER, ap25—3t 7th between CUv and Leigh street*. WANTED.— V yonng LADY, acquainted in ti e city, to canvass. Address K. S. K., Whig Office. Giving addre**. up 25—21 ITTANTEDt—A Good Cook Washer and Froner, in i W small tam ly. Work light. Apply to Win. K. Tanner, CUv St., 21 door above Foushee -St.; or B. II. Rhode*. Wh ? nfl-e. ai»23—3 \ * rANTtFd— A GOOD NL'KSK and CHaMBKRmAiD, t V white or colored, white preferred, can obtain « .situation at Mr W*. Nutt's, on Clay, between 2d and 3d streets. A permanent home and good wages paid. up25—2f VITANTED.-A ROY TO FtfcD A PRESS, Aj W ply at the Whig Job Office. ap25 DWELLIN’ 1 WANTED.—A • ottig» or other residence, four or live rooms, situated within a tew blocks ot the Capitol Square, with gas and water on the premises, is wanted by the advertiser. Apply by letter to "J. G. ' Whig odb *»l■ 27 4t WAiMTiSD— At W.’s.No. 153 Broad street. all kind* of LONG HAIR, for which the highest price will be paid. All Binds of HAIR WORK made to order. ap23—4t* WA.1TKU-A good WOMAN COOK at Genera Weitsei'* Headoaarters. Aoulvst Jeflerson Davie loose corner 12th and Olsv streets. Richmond Va. a;>lu _ — . ■ ————^ PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, MAILED FREE OF POSTAGE, • To all Tarts •/ the Country, LESS THAN CITY PRICES. ALBUMS FOR THE PEOPLE. THE ARMY AND THE NAVY. V ■ i )!;K«iO» ordering will obtain the most approved L Album*, rich Turkey Morocco Ornaments. Chased Edges aad beautiful Clasps. ■.Portraits of Generals and Statesmen at ten cents each. Photograph Album, morocco, 30 portraits, 62 Ot Photograph Album, morocco, 40 portraits, 2 2c Photograph Album morocco, 50 portraits, 2 7c •Photograph Albums, morocco, 50 views, extra size, 4 0C •Photo. Album, turkey mo., extra gilt. pictures, 5 00 •Photo. Album, turkey mor., alto relief. 50 views, 6 00 Photograph Album, morocco, oblong, 80 views, 6 5( Photo. Album, turkev mor.. oblong relief, 100 views, 6 7E •Photo, do., mor., relief and gold, oblong, 100 views. 8 Bf NEW QUARTO, FOUR VIEWS ON PAGE. Potograph Album, morocco, 160 views, 7 50 •Photograph Album, turkey morocco, in relief and gold, unique, fall ornaments, 1«0 pictures, 9 (a •Photograph Album, turkey morocco, in relief and gold, unique, full ornaments. 200 views, 12 0» Those marked H have Frenoh ornaments or rests and chased edges. The cheapost and best ma la. tjr postmartcr* and others forming Club*, or renaittin. to the amount of Twenty Dollars, will have a Four Do! lar Album tent gratis; or for a fifty dollar order, A! bum* to the ahnunt of ten dollars will bo sent gratis. WILLIAM W. HARDING, Manufa’turer of Albums and Publisher of Family and Pulpit Bibles, and the Philadelphia • Inquirer, No 326 Chosnut 8L, PhilSdflphia . * eodMWAS BUTTON * GRANT, A union and Coimatl«Mion .Herchaato, No. 238 Main 8t., I Opposite the Spotsioood Hotel, Richmond,) Will give their individual attention to the sale of al kinds of Merchandise and Furniture also County Pso duce. Having ample mcoramodationa and long expe rience in the business, hope to be able to give satisfactioi to all patrons. Consignments respectfully solicited. Oar house will he opened on MONDAY, the 17th, O' the reception of goods. apl6—thny _BURTON A GRANT, GORHAM A MINOR, Girocor* anil ConunNelon Merckuits, Main street, near Ninth (Spotswood Block), OFFER FOR SALK VERY CHEAP, for cash 100 barrel i Extra Superfine Flour 50 barrels Mason's superior Crackers and Ckfces 25 barrels Coffee Sugar 2,000 pounds choice Bacon Sides 1,000 peuns Family Cured Haras 50 kegs Fresh Goshen Butter 25 kegs Pitkled Pigs' Feet 10 kegs Pickled Tripe 10 kegs Nails, assorted 50 boxes choice Goshen Cheese 35 boxes Adamantine Candles 35 boxes Mould Candles 75 cases Sardines. Pickles and Mu.staid 60 case* Baltimore canned Oyster* aud Peaches 10 cases Baltimore canned Lobsters 20 M “Henry flay" and other brands Cigars 600 pounds I*ea Nat Candy Gold and bilver taken at current rates, sn2f>—4>* NOTICE to the Mtorkholdem or the Virginia Fire and Marine In*n ranre Compuny : A General Meeting of the Stockholders of the Virginia Fire and Mai4nr Insurance Company will be held on MONDAY next, let May, « N.iLf: OR ER UANUK. FOR IT VACANT l.OTS ON MAIN STREET, MY ST iHE V.VD DWELLING. WITH BAKEHOUSE ATTACHED. Desiroks 01 a change of business, 1 offer for sale or ex 'bange, for Lots on Main street, the above well known property, now doing a large business, having supplied ibout one-third the trade of Richmond for the past three years. It offers unusn*! inducements for a man of enterprise. The store and dwelling, which is built of brick, fronts on Sixth street Port Mayo, and contsins six rooms above cellar. The Bakehouse, which is at tached, contains four rooms: is convenient and well •onstructed. all being built since the war begun. ALSO. Seventy-five VACANT LOTS contiguous to the above for sale. Address bv letter through the post office, or apply to me on the premises. ,i,ar,_tw-TIMOTHY KERSK. I''OR HEN F— The RICHMOND HOUSE, situated in the heart of the city, at the corner of Governor and Rons streets. It is adapted by situation and con strnrtion for a first-class hotel or boarding-house. It has thirty-one rotmj. besides clouts halls, kitchens. Ac. Abo KOUB ST ’RES fronting on Governur street suitable for light business. Apply t* —:it GRUBBS.* W|f,i,l VM^. Auctioneers. F'AKll TOM KENT, A AO F AR tll.NG UTENSILS AND STOCK FOR SALE.—We offer for rent, forthe balance of the year, the FARM formerly Hen Anderson’s, near the Hungary Water Station, on the Richmond and Fredericksburg road, seven miles from Richmond. The Farm i* in good order snd well enclos'd. Ihere is a crop of Rye. Potatoes. Ac., and preparation for a Corn cron. The improvements are s nost excellent Dwelling, with six Urge rooms, an t all ■ uccessarv i.uf buildirgs in g od repair, with Orchard I Vc.. well watered and healthy. The owner will sell -om- Stock. Hogs. Cows. Ac., and the Plantation Uten -ils. coasi.-ting of the ostial variety. For teinir-. Ac., apply to »,>.j2-at (.RUBBS A WILLIAMS, I''OK FEN T.—Two most desirable ROOMS tor business * purposes over the store corner of Fourth and Broad streets occapi d byMr. M. Mit ledofler. with wide passage entrance. Apply to E. V. BREEDEN, at the rooms, or ,-oruer of Grace and Fourth streets. apio—3t* fMMt RK.HT.—Two UNFURNISHED ROOMS, on 1 the third floor, suitable for lodgings for gentlemen need to apply. J. H. SHCRMAN. ap23—3t* Corner Main and Seventeenth street*. IM K^INIIED ROOM FOR BEAT,— _T A ROOM comfortably furnished with attendance can be secured by applying on 2d, between Clay and Leigh streets, West side, 2d house in Warwick's Row.— Reference given and required. ap26—2t* I''OR SALE.—ONE NEW FRAMED HOUSE, U.\20 * feet, with doors, windows, and 600 feet of shelving, complete. Can be put up in a few hours. One Spring Dray nearly new. 18 WM. E. BURTON. _jt No. 8 Main St. lli lLUl.lii xom FOR LLA»£. » large numf)er of BUILDING LOTS, being among j\ the most valuable in the burnt district oi the city, for lease, from five to twenty years, situated as follows: Ou Main street, opposite the Spotswood Hotel. On Main street both aide*, between llth and 12th On Main street both sides, between 13th and Uth ^m'uth street, between Main and Franklin streets. On 13th street, letween Main and Cary street* On 13th street, between Cary street and Gallego Mills. On corner of 12th and Franklin streets opposite the rtite Court House. on north .-ide Basin Bank, between 10th and llth On*s'onth s:de Basin Bank, between 10th and llth i «tn'cts* On 8th street, between Main and Franklin streets. On north side of the canal, between Gth and 7th street*. On south do d° d° ' 110 On Bankstieet. between 9th and 10th street* To persons who are willing t j pat up good buildings, the lease *n many of the above iota can be had for 20 lear* and those wishing to obtain lots in the very best business portion ol the city have now a line opportunity of doing so. JAS. M. lAdLOR, Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer ao2.V- 4t Office corner Marshall and 8th streets. rpin; V4MAIILE UROI'AO OK THE I Adhth West Comoro* main and llth wired* tor louao for Ion year*. Also, ollior Valuable l.ol« for lease for same ix-riod. on main and on Hank tttrectN. i am authorized to lease out for ten years the truly val uable property located a* above, on which recently stood :he Bank of the Commonwealth and other build ings. The lot front* sixty feet, run* back eighty-live fagt* Also, the lot on the south side of Main, between 14th and 16th streets, on which stood the store recently oc cupied by Mr. John Thompson—twenty four feqt by one hundred and ten feet. . _ . Also, the valuable lot at the south east corner ol Hank and 11th streets, on which stood the building recently occupied ss the Post Office Department—eighty-four by forty-three feet. ... . ... Plans will be drawn in a few days, shuw.n.g the n:ad of buildings to be erected on said lot- by th* several lessee* Apply to GODDIN. ap24—3t_ _ OKLi.< T < LASelCAl. ^ ENGLISH SCHOOL. Maia street, between 5th and 6th. R H L TIGHE. A. ..Principal. The exercise* of this School will be resumed on « EP NE8DA V n»xt. the 26th. A punctual attendance is re | guested. _ • uo, \ STORE and PWHLLING HOUSE for rent. *1*0. r, H. L. TIGHE. M# a street Opposite Second Baptist Chsrcb. ap'da——_____ NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER will ron'iouc the CommUsiou Bu siness. HU office ma7 be found for the present at hie re.-iden,e. Broad street betw en IM anjMith sta. an24---3t* Produce Commission Mere hant. ron SALE. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Bed* and Mnftree*e*. Bedsteads. Tables. f4»ir*. Wardrobes. Bureau* Carpel*. Looking GIa**e*. (Has* Press. Bookoase Store*, and .undry article*. Apply on the soutn side Broad St. between second and Third street* first brick house up _- ap36—ot* rpHE NEW SKIRT fOB ««• a rcidllfli Itroohoh '’If ji*l. Hi. Uivi 1 *At. ,3 in p-$r * Of *> *U IV)i2^ *%ll U) iwO .0 "il*? Ctr* ■ li."«{ -ml pw.-ticn.ort- erar/ Honda/ at-u »0 U— Oiurd—--1X Of etftbl esoeWmeiTan U a«on xo I . -1w> d - Wh stood Bo vrd and ro^ma. K so. two f r-Uh d ivo-^ae'rar rent wKh w of kitcA. a ^'V at onm tt eel, second house fra* Aay M*- * j OFFICIAL. _ Okttci or tbb Pbovoht Marshal Gbnbral ) Department or Virginia, > Rlohmond, V».. April 21. 1S66. ) Several paroled officers of the Army of Northern Vir ginia having signified their desire to go abroad to Eu rope or elsewhere, and for the present all permit* to such officer* to pass through the loyal States having beeo suspended, they are informed that passports and passage to Halifax will bo furnished them on application at tha office of the I*rovost Marshal General of this Depart ment. By order of Major Genet's! E. 0. C. Okp. M. R. PATRICK. ap 24 Provoat Marshal General. ■ WAR DEPARTMENT. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, April 19. 1866. General Okdibb) * No. 71. . $ I. By direction of the President, the Department of Virginia, and such parts of North Carolina as may not be occupied by the command of Major General .Sher man, and including the Army of the Potomac, will con stitute tbt Military Division of the James. II. Major-General H..W. Halleck. United State* Army, is assigned to the command of the Military Division of _ the James. III. General Orders No. 65, current series, is hereby revoked. By order of the Secretary of War. (Signed) E. D. TOWNSEND. Assistant Adjutant General Official copy J. C. Shki.ton, Ass’t Adj’t Gen’l Headquarter* Military Division of the James, April 22, IsfiSfc. »p 3* HEADQ’RS MILITARY DINTN OF THE JAMES.) Richmond. Va„ April 22. 1866. $ General Orders) No. 1. $ I. In compliance with General Order* No. 71. War Department, dated Adjutant General's Office. Washing ington. April 19, current series. Major General H. W. Halleck assumes .command of the Military Division wl ieb embraces the Department of Virginia, the Army of the Potomac, and such parts of North Carolina as may not be occupied by the command of Major General Sherman. II. The following stall officers of the Division are an nounced : Brevet Brigadier General J. C. Kelton, Adjutant Gen eral. Il l-- r» n II’_ A Utntanl HnnAral Colonel George Thom, Chief of Engineer*. By order of Major General Halleck. ap24• J, C. KELTON, A. A. 0. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF VA..) ABMV OK THE JAMES, > Richmond. Va.. April 23, 1866. > NOTICE TO MECHANICS. If among the paroled prisoners of the Confederate army there are any mechanics who desire to remove to the North, with their families, with a view to ob mining employment, they will, upon taking the oath of allegiance, be furnished transportation to Philadelphia. New York or Boston, as they may desire. Offices will be opened in each of the four diatricta ol the city, where persons desiring to take advantage of thia offer can register their names, occupation and the city to which they deaire to be sent, and where tickets for tram portation will be given them. When a sufficient nnm her are registered, boats will be provided for their trans portation and the day of sailing duly advertised in the city papers. Only the wives and children of the applicants will be allowed to accompany them. Colored mechanics will be allowed the benefit of this offer. By order of Major General Obd. ED. W. SMITH, ap24—tf_ Assistant Adjutant General. HEAD’QRS DEPARTMENT OF VIRGINIA.) ARMY OF THE JAMES. [ Richmovd. Va.. April 21,1H66. y GENERAL ORDERS,) • No 46. ) 1. Brigadier General F. T. Dent. U. S. Vole., having reported for duty to the I>ep»rtment Commander, w hereby assigned to duty as Military Commander of the City of Rishmond. und will command all troops within t)u. city. . 2. The troops to be stationed in Richmond will consist of the 34th Mass. Vols. the 20th N. Y. Vols., and a fur ther detail, to be made by Brigadier General Devena, from the troops under his command, to be equal in strength to two good regiments, with full compliment of officers. This detail will t>e permanent, and will be in lieu of the daily detail of four hundred men for the District Provost Marshals, ordered by General Orders, No. 42. current series, from these Headquarters. i. General Dent will famish to the Provost Marshal General, and the District Provost Marshals, such fletmls as mav be necessary. 4. The troops stationed in Richmond, by virtue of tbls order, will be pro* ided with'suitable quarters at such points as Brigadier General tent shall designate. All orders and parts of orders, confiicting herewith, are hereby revoked. ED. W. SMITH. , Assistant Adjutant Genera1 - . Official Kd. W. Smith Asaiatunt Ad;ntant General. apfld HEADQUARTERS military- commander,* Richmond, VV, April 32, t GtNKR At. OODXR8. * No. 1. i In conformity with General Orders No 46, Headquar ters Department of Virginia, of April 01. 1S66, the un designed hereby assume* command of the city of Rich mond and at! troops stationed within ita limit*. • .\11 returns and reports will be made to these Head quarter*, and all deta.U for duty in the c.ty will be made from the same. ; •. • The following officers are announced tu> oe the staff of the Military Commander, and will be obeyed and re spected accordingly: Firat Lieutenant Wm. H. Powrit, 4tli U. inUatry A, D. C.. A. A. A. G. First Lieutenant H. S Mernfl. 4 A G Capt, A. J. Cook, A. C. H. F. T DENT. ap‘24—tf Brig. Gen U. a Vols. com'dj. FDR SALE. FOGB HaNDSCME WHITK OAIC DK i’S f .-s*Jr ft to crder jifthing m my line. aOKN 1SAV ia, , Vaier !• of Wh* Bonding. Katraaee oo Fraohlia street.