Newspaper Page Text
(Evening State journal Mo. 0 'A\i 'lain street. Atlclimond, Va Offlcl;»l l'aper for the Government METROROI.OOICAI. OB9KRVA TIOJV*" report to the Secretary of War for the year 1870, gives tbe outline of the system of meteorological observations and reports adopted by the Signal Bureau, "for the benefit of commerce," as provided for in tho joint resolution of Congress, passed these words : "Be it resolved by tho Senato and House of I Hepresentatives of the United States of Amer- | ica in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be and he is hereby authorized and re quired to provide for taking meteorological observations at the military stations in the in terior of tho continent, and at other points in the States and Territories of the United States, and for Riving notice on the northern lakes and on the seacoast by magnetic telegraph and marine signals of the approach and force of storms." Nearly all the large cities iv the United | Territories have been designated as stations | for tho taking of observations. Certain cilic3 are.designated as distributing centres, to which all the reperts are sent, and from there telegraphed over the country. At each station there is to be a bulletin board giving tho stato of the weather in all sections of the Union at a given hour. The bulletins are also to bo published in the daily newspapers, aud in the course of time will, no doubt, form an indispensable paragraph in the commercial columns. The merchant, for instance, who has wool, or pork, or salt, or any other article of commerce whbh .may bo affected by wind or rain, heat or cold, lying on tho wharves at Chicago, or crossing the prairies iv open cars, will naturally feel some in terest ir. tho state of the weather at those particular points. If, perchance, he has a vessel on Lake Erie, he will be exceedingly anxious to know the direction and force of tho wind at Ciovcland or Buffalo. If he has a cotton plantation in the South, frosts, rains aud floods becomo to him as much a , matter of tender solicitude as the ruling j prices of the staple product. j And even to those who aro not merchants, and havo uo pecuniary investments in which profit and loss depend on the wind"* and the temperature, it will afford some J satisfaction to know the particular kind ol j itppiness. If it be cold, or wet, or gl o »f, there will le a sort of melancholy atisfaclion in sympathizing with him or mr in their discomforts. But tho greatest utility of the system i and that for which it was principally de vised, is to give notice of the approach of torms. The ship captain who reads on he bulletin board a dispatch dated at Cheyenne an hour before to the effect that a great hurricane is moving eastward at he rate of fifty ruile3 an hour, will not put o sea if ho is a prudent man, but will re nain in port till the storm has passed.— There is scarcely a department of industry in which this information will not be use ful. Thouuhappy man who took off tbe roof from bis house on a fine morning only to see the floors and ceilings deluged with water before evening, would have escaped bis misfortunes if he had been advised by a telegram from Wheeling that a rain storm was moving east. Sow ing, and reaping, and making bay, and mauy other agricultural operations, will be made to depeud on tho character of the day that is to follow, as indicated by tho meteorological reports. Tho farmer Will soon learn to consult the newspapers for advice, rather than the "signs" and the weather prophets. That credulity, or it might be called superstition, which ha 3in all ages attached a certain value to indica tions which the experience of every indi vidual has shown to be utterly unreliable, will yield to the unerring demonstrations of science. \ Those who live near the sea-coast will, of course, only be apprised of such storms as approach from tbe West, but it will not be many years before tho system will be made to embrace the whole globo, and there will be telegraphic bulletins, if not from the fabled Cave of Eolus, the homo of tho winds, certainly from points in all the great cycles around which they sweep. General Myer says : "The time may come when European, Asiatic and American groups will interchange reports by means of the deep sea cables. The idea of a world-wide system of telegraphic weather is not as chimerical to-day as was thirty years ago the workings of tbe electric tele- All this magnificent scheme is to be operated by soldiers—not officers, but en listed meu who draw the pay aud rations of sergeants, corporals and privates. The privilege of enlisting for thia branch of the service was, by order of the Secretary of War, made the subjsct of competition. Each applicant is required to pass a j thorough examination, after which, if he structiou iv meteorology, and taught the use of instruments, after which ho is as menof limited means have enlisted in the service for the purpose of acquiring a scientific education. Each station has been equipped with a barometer, a thermome ter, a hygrometer (to measure the moisture of ' the atmosphere,) an anemometer (to measure the forco of the wind,) an anemo- Bcope (to tell the direction of tho wind,) and a pluriauieter (to measure the fall of rain.) The reports embrace all the me teorological conditions indicated by these instruments. As our readers have been already advised, Norfolk has been made ( one of the stations for observation. iiy Look • LAtjgnion, Auctioneer*. __\. 0F ftun ACRES OF LAND IN CULI'KPKR COUNTY. I AND LOT AT WE>T POINT, AT AUOTUN. In compliance with a decree of tlio United States )ißtrict Court for tho District of Virginia, of August 1,1809, in the matter of John Taj lor, bankrupt, will Bel!, at auction, on Wednesday, the 26th day of Jan'y, 1871, at 12 o'clock M., In front of the Uuited States Court louse, In the city of Richmond, A TRACf OF LAND, in the county of Culpeper, coutatning GtK) acres. A 1.30, A LOT in the town or Went Point, Klok William county, at the torn*inn? of Richmond aud York Riv er railroad. Further description of thia properly will he given ou day of sale. TERMS—One-third cash; tbe balance on a credit ol six and twelve nr.onth-j, tbe purchaser to give en- I dorsed notes, interest added, for the deterred pay ments, the title to be retained by the assignee until raid notes are paid. LEWIS E. IIIQRY, de 29—TAM3w Assignee. k By Cook & Laughton, Auctioneer. A SSIGNEE'S SALE 250 ACRES OF LAND IN KINO AND QUERN In compiiauco with a decree of tho United States District Conrt for tho District of Virginia, of August 31st. 18U9, in the matter of C. 11. Williams,bankrupt, I will sell, at auction, ou Wednesday, the 25th day of Jan'y, 1871, at 12 o'clock M., in front of the United Status Court- House, in tho city o* Richmond, A TRACT OF LAND, in King and Queen connty, on which said Williams resides, containing 260 acres, with DWELLING and necessary out houses. A full description of this property will be given on day of sale. TERMS—One-third cash; the balance on a credit of six and twelve months, the purchaser to give en : dorsed notes for tho deterred the title to be retailed by the assignee until said notes are paid. 1 LEWiS E. HIGBY. de 29—TAM3w Assignee. Ry Cook A Laughton, Auctioneers. A SSIGNEE'S SALE TWO TRACTS OF LAND IN DINWIDDIE COUNTY, | la compliance with a decreo of the United Statea District Court for the District of Virginia, of August i 31st, 1869, in the matter of William Bishop, bank rupt, I will sell, at auction, ou Wednesday, the 25th day of Jan'y, 187 li at. 12 o'clock M. ( in front of tha United Statts Court- House, in the city of Richmond, A TRACT OF LAND, iv Diuwiddie county, containing 218 acres. ALSO, A TRACT OF LAND, containing 60 acres, adjoining the above. Furthe- description cf this property will he given on day of sale. TERMS—One-third cash ; tho balance on a credit of six and twelve mouths, tho purchaser to give en dorsed notes, interest added, tor the deferred pay ments, the title to bo retained by the assignee until said notes are paid. LEWIS X HIGBY, de 29-T&MSw Assignee. By Ccok & Liughton, Auctioneers. A SSIGNEE'S SALE j LANDS IN PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY, AT AUCTION. in compiiauet* H/.fi <• ce".:eooi* (liv PtottWt grqwba j District court for the district of Virginia, of August 31st, 1869, ia tho matter of D.M. Gee, bankrupt, I will sell at auction, on Wednesday, the 25th day of Jan'y, 1871, at 12 o'clock M., in front of tho United States Court* House, in the city of Richmond, i A TRACT OF LAND, I in Prince George county, containing 242 acres, hoing \ apart of ''Shell Bauks 1 ' farm. an UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN A TRACT OF LAND, Ire county,known as "Wails." ption ot this property will bo given i-thiid cash ; ihe balance on a credit elvo months, iho purchasers to give I interest added, lor ihe deferred pay to be retained by the assignee until aid. LEWIS E. HIGBY, ff Assignee >k A Laughton, Auctioneers. E'S SALE OF RES OF LAND IN KING AND QUEEN COUNTY, ;o with a decree of tho United States j for the district of Virginia, of August ie matter ol" James W. Garrett, bauk- I at auction, on the 25th day of Jan'y, 1871, ~ in front of the United States Court* ity of Richmond, A TRACT OF LAND, unty of King and Queen, containing h improvements thereon. iption of this property will be given e-third ca&h ; the balance on a credit ■ elve months, the purchaser to give interest added, for the deferred pay* sto bo retained by tbe assignee until !>afd. LEWIS K. HIGBY, >k & Laughton, Auctioneers. iE'S SALE OF 1 FARM OF 425 ACRES IN NOR LAND COUNTY, AT AUCTION. :e with a decree of the Uuited States for the Listrict of Virginia, of August c matter of Joseph 11. Edward, bank -1 at auction, on the 25th day of Jan'y, 1871, ~ in front of tho United States Court ity of Richmend, ERY VALUABLE FARM, inrt of Northumberland county, con- j stion of this properly will be given on o third cuhh; the balanco on a credit Ive mouths, the purchaser to give en nterest added, for the deferred pay ito be retaited by tbe assignee until >aid. LEWIS E. HIGBY, ok A Laughton, Auctioneers. SE'S SALE . LAND IN ALBEMARLE COCNIY AT AUCTION. M with a doc roe of the United States I for tbo District of Virginia, of Decern* I , in the matter of James H. Wood, 11 sell at auction, on , the 25th day of Jan'y, 1871, L in front of the United States Court ityof Richmond, A TRACT OF LAND, onnty, about twelve miles from Char- j taining n a dwelling, with necessary out* iption of this prorerty will be given B-thir.i cftrih ; the balance ou a credit ht months, the purchaser to giveen nterest added, for the deferred pay o to be retained by the assignee until laid. LRWIH E. HIGBY, w Assignee. 10k & Laughton, Auctioneers. LAND IN GREENVILLE COUNTY, o with a decree of the United States for the District of Virginia, of August ho matter of Joseph Hubbard, bank lat auction, ou the 25th day of Jan'y, 1871, ~ io front of tho Uu<lcd Stales Court ity of Richmond, A TRACT OF LAND, ounty, about seven miles from Hicks] ption of this properly will be given _* TERMS—One-third cash ; the balanco on a credit of Mix and twelve months, the purchaser to . ive en dorsed notes, interest added, for the d ferred pay- •j uook * _*_ug_iun, Aucioooor*. AoHIOHIF.'B BALE __ or 11 ACRES OF LAND, IN HENRICO COUNTY, NKAR RICHMOND, AT AUCTION, In comp'iance with a decree of tho Unltetl Statea District court for lliu district of Virginia, of Auguat 31st, 1869, in the matter of Richard Moore, bank rupt, 1 will aell at auction, on WEDNESDAY, THE 18tb DAY OF JANUARY.IB7I, at 12 o'clock M., in front of the United Statea Oourt- Houae, in the city of Richmond, A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING 11 ACRES, lying in Henrico county, near the city of Rich—ond. wiili improvement* thereon. Full description of thia property will be given on j day of Bale. TERMS—One-third caah ; tho balance on acrellt of alx mid and twelve months, the purchaser to give notea, interest adletl, for the deferred payments, th* title to bo retained by the Aaaignoo until said notea •repaid. LEWIS E. HICIBY, de 28—WAE3w Aaaignee. By Cook A Laughton, Auctioneers. A SSIONKE'g BALE __ OF TWO TRACTS OF LAND, IN DINWIDDIE AND CIIKSTERFIED COUNTIES, AT AUCTION. In compliance with a decree of the United Btalea District Court for tho District of Virginia, of August 31st, 1869, In the matter of William E. Bhortt, bankrupt, I will Bill lit auction, on WEDNESDAY, THE ISthDAY OF JANUARY, I<-71, at 12 o'clock M , in front of the United State* Court- Honße, in the city ot Richmond, A TRACT CONTAINING 100 ACRES, lying on Hatcher's Run, in the county of Diawiddie. ALSO, A TRACT OI 1H AORBB, on the court house road, in Chi sterfield county, about live mile* from Petersburg. Full description of thia property will be given on TERMS—One-third caah ; tho balance on a credit of alx and twelve montlia, the purchaser to give notes, interest added, for the deferred payments, the I title to bo retained by the Assignee until aaid notea are paid. LEWIS E. HIGBY, d*_—WASiiw Assign**. Dy Cook A Laughton, Auctioneer*. ASSIGNEE'S SALE 1\- OF 25 ACRES OF LAND, IN. RICHMOND COUNTY, AT AUCTION. Iv compliance wiih a decreo of tho United States District. ourt for the district of Virginia, of Auguat 31at, 18G9, in tho matter of James Rock, bankrupt, I will sell at auction, on WEtNESPAY.TIIE IBth DAY OF JANUARY, 1871, at 12 o'clock M., lv front of tho United State* Court- House, iv the city of Richmond, A TRACT OF LAND containing 25 acres, in Richmond county, with a email dwelling thereon. Further description ::t this property will be given ou da* >f sale. Ttlt>.'3—One third cash ; Ihe balance on a credit of aix and twolve months, the purchaser to give j notes, interest added, for tbo deferred payments, the j title to be retamo I ly the Aasiguee until aaid notea I are pain". LEWI3 E. HIGBY. de 28—WAS3w Aseignoe. By Cook A I.aughtou, Auctioneers. ASSIGNEE '8 BALE X_ OF 6 TEACfS OF LAND, IN CUMBERLAND COUNTY, AT AUCTION. In compliunco with a decree of the Uuited State* District court f r the district of Virgin'a. of August I Slat, 1869. in the matter of William Washington Jones, oanKrupt, i win veil ac auction, on WEDNESDAY,THE 18iu DAY OF JANUARY,'B7I, iat 12 o'clock M., In front of tho U nltea states f„„ , v I j nouse, iv the city ol' Richmond, tho following tracts 1 of land lying in Cumberland county : I ONE TRACT OF FIFTY-SIX ACRES, ■' " FORTY ACRES, •' " " SIXTY ACRES, - " FIFTY-SIX ACRES, " " " SEVENTEEN ACRES. " " " ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY FOUR ACRFB. Full description of the above tracts will be given I I ou day of sale. TKKMS —One-third a sli; the balance on a credit of aix and twelvo months, the purchaser to give I votes, interest added, for the deferred payments, tbo title toberetaiued by the Assignee unil raid notea are paid. LIIVVIS _ lIIGBY, de 28—WAS3w Aaaignee. j Ey Cook A Laughtcn. Auctioneer*. ASBIGNEE'SSALE i __ or I TWO TRACTS OF LAND IN DINWIDDIE COUNT- - , AT AUCTION. In compliance with a decreo cf tho United State* I I District Court, for the District of Virginia, of August Slat, 1869, in the matter of Robert W. Hall, bank ; rupt, I will sell at au-tion, on WEONESDAY,THE 18th DAY OF JANUARY, 1971, at 12 o'clock _~ in front of the United States Court- House, in the city of Richmond, A TRACT OF LAND, containing 201 ACRES, near Fo d's Depot, iv I in. widdie county. ALSO, A TRACT OF 172 ACRES, adjoiuing the above. Full dsscriptlon of this properly will be given en day eif sale. TERMS—One-third cash ; tho balance on a credit of six and twelve months, the purchaser to give notea, interest addud, for iho deferred payment*, the title to be retained by tho ussiguoe until aaid notea are paid. i de_—WAß3w LEWIS E. HIGBY, Aaaignee. By Cook A Laughton, Auctioneers. ! A SSIGNSE'S SALE ' __ cp TWO VALUABLE FARMS, IN MIDDLESEX AND KING AND QUEEN COUNTIES, AT AUCTION. In compliance with a decree of the United States District court for the district of Virginia, of August 3Ut, 1869, in the matter of Robert Daniel, Jr., bank rupt, I will aell at auction, on WEDNESDAY, THE ISjh DAY OF JANUARY, 1871, at 12 o'clock M., in front of the United State* Court- Homo, iv the city of Richmond, Iho following tract* of laud: A FARM OF 160 ACRES, in Middlesex county, known as the "Island." ALSO, A FARM, (number of acrts not known,) iv King and Queen county, known as "Hickory Hill." Full description of these tracts will bo given on day of sale. TERMS—Ono-thlrd cosh; the balance on a credit of aix and twelve months, the purchaser to give notes, interest added, for ihe deferred payinonta, the title to bo retained by tho Aasiguee uutil.laid notes aro paid. LEWI* E. HIGBY, de 28—WASiiw AMignee^ By Cook A Laughton, Auctioneer*. ASSIGNEE' 3 BALK __ OF VALUABLE FARM OF 498U ACRES, IN THE i COUNTIUS OF RICa.MOND AND WESTMORELAND, AT AUCTION. In compliance with a decree of tho United Statea District court for the district ol Virginia, of August 31st, 1809, in Ihe matter of William N. Ward, bank| rupt, 1 will sell at auction.on [ WEDNESDAY, TUB ISthDAY OF JANUARY, 1871, at 12 o'clock M., in front of the United States Court- House, in the city of Richmond, that truly valuable FARM, CONTAINING ACRES, ] known aa "Bladeusfleld," in the conntiea of Rkh iuoii.l and Westmoreland. A fnll description of which will b» given on the day tf aale. TERMS—Ono-thlrd cash; the balance on a crodit of aix and twe-ve months, tho purchaser to give notes, interest added, for tho deferred payment*, the title to be retained by the Aasienoo until aaid notea ur.paid. LEWIS E. HIGBY, do 2 J —SAW3w Amignee. HOTBLS. Q POTOWOO- -WT_L,~ Kiel—nond, Virginia, Thia FIRST-CLASS, POPULAR and FABHHJ.NA Bl.l'l IIOTEL, the only one located on the Mutn street of tho city, has been leased by tho undersigned, ana will be refnruiahed and put in complete order right *"**' ITS LOCATION. It la within one square of the Capitol, Cueloni iluuae, Poetoffice, Theatia, Ac, Ac, and wlthiu t*o auiicres of the Richmond and Fredericksburg rail road depot, aud the great Southern rout sii via Peters burg and Danville. The travelling puolle are oor dU AE-¥uKiß V M HOME AT THE and the proprietor* pledge thomaelvee to mac. n ror the fhture what it ho* been for the past Aye year* THK LEADING HOTEL OF RICHMOND. | A_- telegraph Office In veatibule. Office ol th* Southern and Adam* Kxpresa Companies In ">' B; Cook A Liu*hton, Auctioneer*. A iilUK't'l SA I. B __ ONE ACRE OP LAND IK BRUNSWICK COUNTY, AT AUCTION. In compliance with a decree of the United State* I Diatrlct Court for the diatrlct of Virginia, of Auguat Slat, 1869, in the matter of John 8. Thomaa, bank rupt, 1 will Bell at auction, on THURSDAY, TUB 12TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1871, at 13 o'clock M., In front of the United Statea Court- I Hon**, In ths city of Richmond, ONB ACRE OF LAND, 'n Brunswick county, thirteen mile* wrat of th* Court-lluuse, with improvements, partlcolaia of which will he given on day of mil*. TKRM3. —One third caah; th. balance on a credit of aix and twelve month*, the purchaser to give notea, interest added, for the deferred payment*, the t>ft> to be retained by the Aaaignee until said note* ar.p»:d. LEWIS B. IIIOBY, i a* _-ThATBw Assignee. By Cook A Laughton, Auctioneers. ASBIGNBE'SSALE _V 0* 98 ACRBS OF LAND, IN FLUVANNA COUNTY, „ AT AUCTION. Iv compliance with a decree of the United Statea ! Diatrlct Court, for the Dißtrict of Virginia, of An- ! gns" Slat, 186<>, in tbe matter of B. F. Children, bankrupt, I will sell at auction, on WEDNESDAY, THE 18th DAY OF JANUARY, 1871, at 12 o'clock M., in front of the United State* Court- Ilonae, in the city of Richmond, A TRACT OF LAND, containing US ACRBS, lying ln the connty of Flu vanna, full particulars of which will be given on day of sale. TERMS—One-third cash ; the balanco on a credit of i-ia and twelve innntha, the purchaaer to *lv* note, Interest added, for the deferred payment*, tbe j title to he retained by tho aßsigueo until said note* i "da-.4B—WAS3w LEWIS B. HIQ BY, Aaaignee. By Cook A Laughton, Auctioneers. A SSIGNEE'S SALE xV — \U)4 ACRES OF LAND, IN DINWIDDIE I COUNTY, AT AUCTION, nice with a decree of Iho United Sta es rt, for the District of Virginia, of Augnst l the matter ol' William li. Brown, bank .'■!! at auction, on IV, THE 18th DAY OF JANUARY, 1871, M., In front of the United State* Oonrt e city of Richmond, A TRACT OF LAND, i connty, containing ACREB. [ption of thia property will be given on i One-third cash ; the balance on a credit twelve uionthe, the purchaser to give at added, for the deferred payments, the staiued by tho aaaignee until said notes tß3w LBWI3 E. HIGBY, Assignee. '.-. \ A Liughton, Auctioneer*. 3NEE'SSALE or )F LAND, IN KINO A QUEEN COUNTY, AT AUCTION. : ance with a decreo of the United Statos j t tor the district of Virginia, of August : the matter of 0. R. Finch, bankrupt, I auction, on IV, TH X ISTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1871' M., ln front of tho United States Conrt e city of Richmond, A TRACT OF LAND DO acres, with dwelling end usual out »on, ljing in King MM Queen county, n's storo. ption of tho above will be givon on day )ne third cash; the balance on a credit twelve months, the purchaser to give ,-! added, for the deferred payments, the ..i.,..i i, 7 ii... 1.-'jum Laaid notee I i.bwis c. Himrr, \ iS3w Assignee. ' — ' I ft Laughton, Auctioneers. OF OF LAND IN DINWIDDIF. COUNTY, AT AUCTION, ance with a decree of the United State* I irt for the district of Virginia, of Auguat I n the matter of R. W. Williamson, bank sell at auction, on ay, the 25th of day Jan'y, 1871, k M., in Iront of tho United State* Court he city of Richmond, | A TRACT OF LAND, | ty of Dinwiddie, containing 125 acre*. ption of thia property will be given on -One-third cash ; tho balance on a credit twelve months, the purchaaer to give en ;ee, interest added, for the deferred pay- | title to bo retained by the assignee until | lie paid. LBWIS E. HIGBY, tM3w Aaaignee. I y Cook & Laughton, Auctloneera. JNEE'S SALE OF BD INTEREST IN TANYARD AND : TTAOHED, IN BRUNSWICK COUNTY, \ liance with a decree of the Unitod Statea mrt for the District of Virginia, of August in the matter of J. Ravenacroft Jonea, 1 will sell, at auction, on lay, the 25th day of Jan'y, 1871, ;k M., ln front of the United Statea Court the city of Richmond, AN UNDIVIDED INTEREST, third in a TANYARD, with 23 acre* of ached, near Lawrenceville, in Brunswick ption of this property will be given on day -One-third cash; tha balanea on a credit \ twelve niontta, the purchaser to give on- | tos, interest added, for the deferred pay i title to be retained by the assignee until are paid. LEWIS E. HIGBY, &M3w Aa*l»ne». I ly Cock * Laughton, Auctioneers. SINEE'S SALE \ NTEREST IN 307 ACRES OF LAND, ! IN ESSEX COUNTY, j .liance with a decree of the United State* inrt, for the district of Virginia, of August in the matter of Richard 11. Warring, I will sell at auction, on j iay, tho 25th day of Jan'y, 1871, ;k M., in front of the Unitid States Court" the city of Richmond, TUB LIFE INTEREST I 11. Warring in .___ OF LAND, CONTAINING 307 ACRES, ie Rappahannock River, in the county of i adjoining the lands of Robert P. and Warring, John Atkin, and others, ascription of the above property will be :ay of Bale. -One-third cash ; the balanco on a credit twelve months, the purchaser to give en -08, interest added, lor the deferred pay title to ho retained by the assignee until are paid. LEWIS B. HIGBY, By Cook 4 Langhton, Auctioneer*. ; A SSIGNEE'S SALE VALUABLE FARM OF 800 ACRBS, IN BRUNSWICK COUNTY, AT AUCTION. Ib compliance with a decree of the United States District Court, for the district of Virginia, of Augnst Ist, 1809, In the matter of Charles Gibbon, bank upt, I will sell at auction, on Vednesday, the 25th day of Jan'y, 1871, 112 o'clock M., In front or the United Statoa Court ouae, in the city of Richmond, THE VALUABLE TRACT OF 880 ACRBS, n which aaid Charlea Gibbon reaidea, lying In the ounty of Brunswick, having thereon a DWELLING, with uoceaaary out-houaea. A lull aeacription of this property will be given n day cf aale. .... JIL TBKMS One third cash ; the balance on a credit f aix and twelve montha, the purchaser to give en i orsed notes, interest added, tor the deferred pay ments tho title to be rotainod by the assignee until _d note, are paid. LEWIS B. HIGBY. da 29—TftMSw Assignee^ AS SI 0 N Btl I ALB _ °* CHOSIB IN ACTION. By authority of the United Statea District court fur the Third District of Virginia, In the matter of N. J. B. Wbitlock, a will aell at public auction, on Monday, Jan'y 16th, 187 l,(being court day) at 12 o'clock M., at Tappahannock, Essex county Virginia, all the NOTES AND ACCOUNTS, or other evidences of indebtedness to tho estate of the above named bankrupt. By Cook A Laughton, Auctioneers. A B 8 I Q N E R ' S~A L B BEVaRAL TRACTS OF LAND IN NEW KENT S COUNTY, AT AUCTION. In compliance with a derrt. of the I'nlted Stat** I Diatrlct court for the diatrlct of Virginia, of Ausnat Slat, 18«», in the matter ot Thomns Q. Gilliam, bank rupt, I will cell at auition, on THURSDAY, THE 12tu DAY OF JANUARY.IB7I, at 12 o'clock M , In front of the United Bt*teeConrl- Uouse, In the city of Richmond, the following pro perty la New Kent county : A FARM CONTAINING 400 ACRBS WITn IM PROVKMENTf. A SMALL FARM OF 100 ACRBB. a*ar N«w Kant Court-Hous*. A SMALL FARM WITH IMPROVEMENTS on aktch Jeremy Chandler reside*. ALbO, ONE-FIFTn INTEREST IN A FARM on which Jrhn 8. Gilliam.reside*. All neceaeary particulars of these various tract* will be obta'ned before day of sale. TERMS—Ouo-third caah ; the balance on a credit of aix and twelie mouths, tho purchaser to give notes, iutcreat added, for the deferred payment*, the title to he retained by the Aaaignee lint I aaid note* .repaid. LKWIH E HIGBY, de 22— ThAT3w Asalgne*. By Cook & Laughton, Auctloneera. A 8 SIGNEB'S SALE LAND IN DINWIDDIE COUNTY, AT AUCTION. In oompliance with a decree of the United States, District Court for the district of Virginia, of August I 31st, 1869, In tho matter of P. H. Valden, bankrupt, I will soil at auction, on THURSDAY, TUB 12th DAY OF JANUARY, 1871, Kl2 o'clock M., iv front of the United State* Onrt ouse, in the city of Richmond A FARM CONTAINING &_ ACRES, n Dinwidciio county, near Ford's Depot. ALSO, ONE UNDIVIDED HALF INTEREST I.f 01 ACRES nuim-iroved, iv aamo county. Full i'cs criptionof thia property given on day of j ■ale. TERMS— One-third cash ; the balance on a credit of six and twelve months, the purchaser to give I notes, interest added, for the deferred payments, the itle to be retained by the Assignee until said notes LEWIS E. IIIOBY, de _--Tb&T3w Assignee. By Cook ft Laughton, Auctioneers. ASSIGNEE'S SALE 410 ACRES OF LAND IN SUSSEX COUNTY, I AT AUCTION, In compliance with a decree of the United Statea Distr:ct Court for the District of Virginia, of August I 17th, 18G9, in tho matter of C. E.Cogbill, bankrupt, 1 I will sell at auction on THURSDAY, THE 12th, DAY OF JANUARY, 1871, at 12 o'clock M., in front of the United Statoa Conrt- Hotlse in the c : .ly of liichinond A TRACT OF LAND, near Nottoway river in "us*eX_KH_ty, containing 410 acres. Full description of this property will he given on I day of sale. T EKM3 — Oue-third cash ; tho balance on a credit of six and twelve mootca, the purchaser to givo votes, interest a Mcd, for the deferred payments, the title to be retained by the Assignee uutil said notes LEWIS B. HKtBY, Assignee. By Cook & Laughton, aVUililnn*.— A SSIGNEE AND TRUbTEE'S SALE. VALUABLE LANDS IN CAROLINE COUNTY, I AT AUCTION. i By authority ofthe United States District Court I for the district of Virginia, in tho matter of Gray Boulware, bankrupt, we will t*H at au:tien, on | THURSDAY, THE 12th DAY OF JANUARY, 1871, at 12 o'clock M., in front ef tho United Statea Cus tom-House, io the city of Richmond, the following | j A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING 750 ACRES, situate in Caroline county, ne:,r Bowling Green. A full description of this propel ty will be gireu on j TERMS —Cnt-th!_ cash ; ths balance on a credit of alx and twelve months, the purchaser to give notes, interest added, for the deterred payments, the title to be retained by the Assignee until said notes are paid. ] LEWIB E. HIGBY, Aaaignee. de _—Th4T»w JOHN L. MARXE, Trustee. i By Cook ft Laughton, Auctloneera. A SSIGNEE'S SALE I 287 ACRES OF LAND i IN GLOUCESTER, COUNTY, | Iv compliance with a decroe of the United Statea Diatriet Conrt fur the District of Virginia, of Au- Ktut 17th, 1809, in the matter of F. Shackleford, bankrupt, I will sell at auction, on THURSDAY, THE 12th DAY OF JANUARY, 1871 at 12 o'clock M., in front of the United States Court- Houae, in the city of Richmond, a TRACT OF LAND, near Bellamy's Church, In the collntyjof Gloucester , containing 287 acres, a lull description of which will I he made on day of sale. TERMS- One-third cash ; tho balanco ou a crodit of six and twelve months, the purchaaer to give notoa, interest added, lor the deferred payments, the title to be retained by tho assignee until aaid notos are paid, de 22—Th4T3w LEWIS E. HIGBY, Assignee." By Cook ft Laughton, Auctioneers. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF 160 ACRBS OF LAND, IN FLUVANNA COUATY. AT AUCTION. In compliance with a decree of the United Statea District Court, for the District of Virginia, of Au guat 31at, 1569, in the matter of William H. Turuer, bankrupt, I will sell at auction, on THURSDAY, THE 12th DAY OF JANUARY, 1871, at 12 o'clock M., in front of the Unitod States Court- House, in the city of Richmond, a TRACT OF LAND, j in Fluvanna ceunty, on the Three Chopped Road, known aa 'PARRISH'S OLD TAVERN," contain ing 160 acres. Full description of lilts property will bo given on day of Bale. TERMS—ODe-third cash ; the balance on a crodit of six and twelve months, the purchaser to give notes for the deferred payments, with interest from day of tale, the title to be retained by the a&sigueo until aaid notea are paid. de 22—Th4T3» LEWIS B. HIGBY, Assignee By Cook & Laughton, Auctioneers'. ASSIGNEE'S SALE or FARM OF 109 ACRES, IN CAROLINE COUNTY AT AUCTION. In compliance with a docree of the Uuited State District Court, for tho Dißtrlct of Virginia, of Nov 23 1810, In the matter of William C. Moncure, bank rupt, I will sell at auction, ou THURSDAY, THE 12th DAY OF JANUARY, 1871 at 12 o'clock M., in front of the Uuited States Cour House, in the city of Richmond, a TUACT OF LAND, containing 100 acres, Bituated near Chesterfield St tion, on the Richmond and Fredericksburg Railroad in the county of Caroline. Tho above sale will be made subject to the dowe interest of hia mother, who ia a widow 01 yeara oil TERMS—One-third cash ; the balance on a credi of four aud eight months, the purchaaer to giv notea, interest added, for the deferred payments, th title to be retained by the assignee until said note* are paid j oo 22—ThAT3w LEWIS B. HIGBY, Assignee By Cook ft Laughton, Auctioneers. AS S IG N E E'S SALE, or 15 ACRES OF LAND NEAR RICHMOND, VA. AT AUCTION. In compliance with a decreo of the United State Diatriet court for the district ot Virginia, ol Decern ber 16th, 1870, in the matter of H. R. Cionie, bank rupt, I will sell at auction, ou THURSDAY, THE 12th DAY OF JANUARY, 187 at 12 o'clock M., In front of the United Statea Court- Houbo, in the city of Richmond, ATRAOTOF LAND CONTAINING 15 ACRBS, being in the county of Ileurlco, on the Brook Turn pike, and adjoining the lands cf Liltlur Irvln, M Tyodall and othera. The high state of improvement and proximity t Richmond, rendera this a very desirable tract TERMS—One-third cash; the balance on a cred of four and clghtmontha.the purchaser togive note interest added, for the deferred payments, tho title to be retained by the Aaaignee until _<d» *<- »*«• U,WIS * m A?.^... By K. II- Valentine, AncUoM**- A SBIGNEE'S BALB ■ 100 FL'RNITURF, *6., foffhe'dl'tHct'of Virginia, in the matter of Arnold At 11 o'clock A. M., Cary atrreL tne°entire stock 'of machinery, tool", 4c, I .mbracing In part 1 One BIGHT-HORSE STATIONERY ENGINE A'SD HOI I.F.R, in complete order. One FOX LATHE, Cvery valuable:.) Four IRON LATHES LINE SHAFTING, PULLEYS, 4C. rOKGES, ANVILS, VICKB.AC. I.I'ASS FOUNDRY fixti;r»s. Lot VALUABLE PATTERNS. COPPKSMITH'S TOOLS, GAS PIPINO, OFFICB FURNITURE, 40. A rare opportunity Is offered to parties engaged In the ahovo business. TERMS—AH snina under $100, CASH; from $1' 0 to $200. aixty days; over $300, ninety days, with aoi.rovcd endorsed notea. de 27—10t WM. H ALLDERDICE, Assignee. "By Grnbbß 4 Williams, Auctioneers. IUDICIAL SALE J cr TWO VERY VALUABLE KIT'S OF GROUND IN THE CITY OF RICHMOND. ON THE NORTH SIDE OF CARY, BETWEEN FOUR TEENTH AND FIFTEENTH STREETS. In complianco wiih an order of the United State* Di«trict Court, eu'.ered iv re "Cauthorn vs. Powell, Allen ft Braner," bankrupts, wo will soil upon the TUESDAY, HIE 3D DAY JANUARY, 1871, at 12 o'clock M , TWO VERY VALUABLE LOTS Of GROUND, situated as above, opposite tho store of Mrasra. A. Y. Stokea 4 Co. They front about 31 feet each and rnn back about 12 to en alley, and upon them staude anise brick walls with irdh fronts and a considerable quantity of building materials. The location la in the centre of the heaviest busi neaa part of the cl"y. Convenient to the various rallroa 1 depots and to il'h'l'Tijc. TERMS—Expense! of sale and oae third in c_h, residue at six and twelve months for negotiable notes with interest added and title retained by the court uutil the notea are paid. (i UORGK L. CHRISTIAN, Assignee. A. D. WILLIAMS, Trustee. ■ dec 12-Blaw3w - — — By Grubbs A Williams, Auctloneeia. A SSIONEE'S BALE __ or TWO TRACTS OF LAND IN CAROLINE COUNTY AT AUCTION. By virtue of an order of the District Court of the United States in re Cauthorn vb. Powell, Allen 4 Brauor, in bankruptcy, tho undersigned will sell at auction, at Bowling Green, in Oaroliuo county, on MONDAY, THE OTII DAY OF JANUARY, 1871, (that being court-day,) at 12 o'clock M, the FARM formerly owned by John R. Allen, called Oak Ridge, two miles from Bowling Green, containing ! 300 ACRES. It has upon it n large brick dwelling, with the necc*- Bary out building?, aud is a beautilul place. i ALSO, i A TRACT OF 87J-4ACRES, adjoining the above, and I la a part of Oak Ridge. It lies on the west aide of the old stage load, one mile from Bowling Green. TERMS—Cash for expenses of sale and one-third of tho purchaso money ; balance at Bix and twelve months, for negotiable notes, interest added, and j title retained until tho notes are ?aid. GEORGE L. CHRISTIAN, Assignee ot Powell, Allen A Brauor. WM. JOSIAH LEAUE, de 12—M3w Substituted Trustee. By Grubba & Williams, Auctiontera. i TRUSTEE'S SALE or JRICK STORE, ON EAST SIDE STREET, NEAR TO MAIN, C AUCTION, tt order of the District Court of ado in ro John Wade vs. R. Can ned will soil, Rt auction, upon 16th JANUARY, 1871, property above described, now ill.-he;; I & CO. 20 by 33 feet and runs back to tide. tcated iv Iho heart of the busi . leash; balance at six and twolve ilh interest added, and titlo re -8 are paid. . A. HUTCHESON, Assignee, .A. CLAIBURNE, Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF. NO WILLIAM COUNTY. Ii a decree of the United Stitea the District of Virginia, oi De- Iho matter of Young I. Clements, ill, at auction,on [■: 23D OF JANUARY, 1871, ay, at 1 o'clock P. M., at King TRACT OF LAND conveyed t.y inta and wife to Edward Cbris- Prosidout and Masters, or Pro ge of William and Mary, in Vir recorded, iv the clerk's office of ry, containing soveu hundred and ods and seven poles (707 acres, 2 me being bounded as per said tho said county of King William, f cash ; the balance on a credit of iths, tho purchaser to givu notea , and the title to be retained nn vse money shall have been paid ; its to bear interest at 8 per ecu- j ill be sod ln pircels if purchas further particulars address the . MONTAGUE, Trustee, P. 0., King and Queen county.' . MOUMTCASTLE, Assignee, ' Enfleld, King Willißm county. 1 S SALE OF F LAND LYING UPON AND 3. R. R. IN LOUISA COUNTY, j iT AUCTION, th a decree of the United States the' District ot Virginia, of Sep i the matter of William G. Rich will sell, at auction, on IE 18th DAY OF JAN'Y, 1871, front of the United Stales Court f Richmond, tho iullowlug REAL l 5D HALF or 400 acres. ORB LOTS at Frederick Hall. 1 acros at Frederics: Hall. KD SEVENTH of 176 acre* KD THIRD cf 115 acrei. f tho above tracts will he given I I rd cash ; the balance on a credit months, tho purchaser to give d, fur the deferred payments, title I ' the purchase money is paid —___?'.____' M " Aaaignee. S SALE cree of the District Court of the mdersignod will sell, at Willianis >urt-House, at 12 o'clock M DAY OF JANUARY, 1871, TS OF LAND lately bo!o»ging to bankrupt, containing D AND FIFTY-EIGHT AKn i IS OF LAND, more or less ifflcient to pay expenses of Bale of selling the laud- thoiisijue. irs, to be secured by bond will h interest; title reserved with JAMES IMIUBBAKD Assignee of R. c] Taylor HO MA«JHIM_ S , " D it; Durab.litv and Penuki-tt its Work confirms it. u '* m ' ACUINE SOLD SO MANY. nor crowd sales. The M_l •- --s merits. Call aud examl™! REPAIRED. SHAFFER ft BTRONO, Sea SkE red, a magnificent lot of 1 VISITING PUim,sKS_|-„ 8H "WBKAI. '"' J*FIO_ TW> IV T "* -""awT j VALUABLE FARM OF 700 ACRBS OF LAND AT AUCTION. In compliance with ft decree of the United State. District Court for tho Diatrlct of Virginia, or Decem ber 16th, 1870, ln the matter of JAMES B. MAL LORY, Jr., bankrupt, I will sell at auction, on WEDNESDAY, IIthDAY OF JANUARY, 1871, at 12 o'clock M., In front r f the United States Court- Hoiese, in the city of Richmond,that VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, CONTAINING 700 ACRES, situated od Mehcrrin River, in the county oi Bruniwick, with comfortable dwelling und oulhou**. tb FnTd'eaci Iption of this property will be glv.n en I day of aale. TERMS—One-third cash ; the balance on a credit of aix and twelve months, the purchaser to glv. endoraed notea, with interest at aix PJ' '•{"• {' °» day of aale, for tho do'.rrod pajinents.^the, title to b. ntained by the e^^ A ZTsHmck, de 17—S4W3W Aailgne*. By E. H. Valentine, Auctioneer, A SSIGNEE'S SALE VALUABLE FARM OF 702 ACRES OF LAND, AT ;auction. In compliance with a decreo of the Unted State* District Court for the District ot Virginia, er Decent ber 16th, 1870, jn the matter of JOSEPH i. DUvAL, bankiupt, I will sell at auction, on WEDNESDAY, lITH DAY OF JANUARY, 1871, .t 12 o'clock M., in front of the United States Conrt- Uouse in the city of Richmond, that VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, CONTAINING 7C2 ACRES, aituatcd in the counties of L*uisa and aoochland, Va., near Haydeiiavlllo, with comfortable dwelling * .nd'outhoußes thereon. A full description of this property will be givou on the day of aale. TERMS—One-third cash; the balance ou a credit of six and twelve months, tho pnrchasor to give en dorsed notes, with interest at six pur cent, trom day of sale, and tho title to be retained by tho assignee de 17—S4W3w Assignee. By E. 11. Valentine, Auctioneer. A SSIGNEE'S SALE A <" A VALUABLE FARM OF 300 ACRE 3, IN GOOCHLAND COUNTY, VA., AT AUCTION. In compliance with a decree of tho Uuited States District Court for the District of Virginia, of Decem ber llitb, 1870, In the matter of N. B. RICHARDSON, bankrupt, I will Bell at auction, on WEDNESDAY, Urn DAY OF JANUARY, 1871, at 12 o'clock M , in front of the United Slates Court, House, In the city of Richmond, that VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, CONTAINING 3CO ACRES, situated iv tho county of Goochland, on north side of White Hall Road, with dwelling and outhouses thereon. .„ , . A full description ol this property will be given on the day ot sale. TERMS—One-third cash ; the balance ou a credit i ol fcix and tweWo mouths, the purchaser to give en-; doreed notes, for the deferred payments, with in terest at aix per cent, per annum, the title to be re tained bY the assignee until said notes are paid. I WM. 11. ALLDERDICE, j de 17—84W3w Assignee. By B. Hi Valoutino, Auctioneer. . ASSIGNEE'S SALE VALEALB FARM OF 656 ACRES OF LAND, | AT AUCTION. Cn compliance with a decree of the Unitod Statea District Court, for tho District of Virginia, of Decem ber 16th, 1870, in the matier of A. B. CROWEDK, bankrupt, 1 will tell at auction, on WEDNESDAY, lITH DAY OF JANUARY, 1871, at 12 o'clock M, In front of the Unitod Statea Courl- Ilouse in tho city of Richmond, th it VALUABLE TRACT OF LVND, CONTAINING 565 ACRES, siiuate-d in tho county of Mecklenburg, Va. A full description of this property will bo given Cn the day of sale. TERMS .—One-third cash; tho balance on a credit of aix and twelve mouths, the purchaser to give endorsed uuies with interest at aix per cent, from dayofiulo, for tho deferred paymenta, tho title to be retained by tho assignee until the said notes i WM. H. ALLDERDICE, de 17—84W3w Aaaignee. By E. 11. Valentine, Auctioneer. ASSIGNEE'S SALE TWO VALUABLE FARMS OF 731 ACRES OF LAND AT AUCTION. In compliance with a decreo of the United State* District Court for the District of Virginia, of Decem ber 10, 1870, in the matter cf Benjamin F. Harri boo, bankrupt, I will sell at auction, ou WEDNESDAY, 11th OF JANUARY, 1871, at 12 o'clock M., in front of the United States Court- House, iv the city ot'llichmond, that VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING CSK) ACRES, situated near Ncwvillo Church, county, Va. ALSO, a email tract of 41 ACRES, situated near the above in Iho eouutv of Sussex. ALSO, a LIFE INTEREST in 20 ACRES, situated near Waverly Depot, In tho county of Sussex, Full description of these properties will he given ou the day of sale. TERMS—Ono-third cash ; the balance on a credit of six and twelve monthe, tho purchaser to giv. endorsed notes, with interest at 0 por cent, from day of Bale, for the de'erred payments, the title to be retained by the assigneo until aaid notea aro paid. By E. 11. Valoutino, Auc'ioneor. ASSIGNEE'S SALE VALUABLE FARMING LAN J3 AT AUCTION. In compliance with a decree of fee United State* Diatriet Courtaforthe District ol Virginia of Decem ber 16th, 1870, In the matter of Samuel a. Greshaa, bankrupt, I will soil, at auction, ou WEDNESDAY, lITH OF JANUARY, 1871, at 12 o'clock M., in front of the UoHed States Couit nouse, in tho city of Richmond, the followirE valuable tracts of land, rii i 190 ACRES, la King and Queen county, now in tho occupancy cf James Fogg, Bb<i. 79J ACRES,! me county, in occupancy of P. C. Hall, Ban;. 403 AORES, a iuuio county, i occupancy of R. W. Goode, Esq 4 AORESOFLiND, with improvements thereon, iv the town of New town, King aud Queen county, now iv the occupancy of S. Lovenstein, Esq.', A full description of these farms will be given on day of sale. Si— One- third cash ; ihe balance on a credit 1 twelve months, the purchaser to give en otes, with intei est at six per cent, of sale, for the deferred payment*, the title _.„ In- the assignee until aaid notea ar. paid. WM.H. ALLDERDICE, de 17—S&W3w Aasigaee. By E. H. Valentino, Auctioi.oar. ASSIGN E E'S BALE — or *. VALUABLE FARM OF 015 ACRE 3OF I AND AT AUCTION. In compliance with a decreo of the United Stale. Mstrict Court for the District of Virginia, of Decern >er 16,1870, in the matte- of George H. Tolcr, Bank rupt, I will sell at auction on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11th, 1871, a, 12 o'clock, M , in front of the United Status Custom ouse, iv the city of Richmond, that ALUABLB TRACT OF LAND ONTAINING 645 ACRES, situated iv the county of Goochland about 18 miles northwest of the court-house, with a small dvvelliug nd cuthuildluga thertou. Full description of this property will bo given on <lay of Bale. TERMS— One-third cash ; the balance on a credit f aix and twolve months, the purchaser to give ndorsed notes, with interest at six per cent from ay of sale, for the deferred paymenta, the title to 't- retained by the assignee until aaid notes are paid. A REMAIN UOiibE POWDER,-,,-uiiuers n'a Cou /_ diti-ui Powders, Fontze'B 11. r. i: and l.'.atle Pow dersKolckerbocker Hoof Ointment, '1 obiuß' Horse