OCR Interpretation

The Daily state journal. [volume] (Alexandria, Va.) 1868-1874, June 08, 1871, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024670/1871-06-08/ed-1/seq-1/

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Tb* fast and elegant side-wheel steamer PALI
SADE, Captain Obis. Nilsom, will leave ber wharf
at Ro. ketta for King. Mill Wharf, on James river.
onTUBSBAYand SATURDAYS at 8 o'olock A.M.,
connecting with the 12 o'clock train at City Point
from Petersburg. Returning, will leave King. Mill
on WEDNESDAYS and MONDAYS, at 8 A. M.,
touching at all the regular landings each way.
Will leave her wharf at Rocketta for Binn's on
Chlckahominy, THURSDAYS at « o'clock A. M, con
necting at City Point with th* 7 o'clock train from
Peteraburg, touching at all th* regular landings on
Jamea river down to Dillard'. Wharf, and all regular
landing, on Chlckahominy. Returning, will leave
Blnn'. on FRIDAYS at 0 o'olock AM.
Freight received from 12 o'clock Monday, to 9
•"'•p* •*•• M.Tueadaya, and from 12 .'dock to 6 P.
M. Wednesday., and from 12 o'clock Fridays to 9 A.
M. Saturday..
, Jr*/*; ht f cr Ohlckahomlny will only be received from
12 o clock Wednesday, to 9 A. M. Tburadaya.
All freight to way landing, must be prepnf-.
ler further particular., apply to Captain on board,
or to GEORGE L. CURRIE, Agent,
at Cnaaii A Co.'s, corner leth and Cary streets.
my B—lm
•-.BIGHT AGENT, RICHMOND, VA., Jum 3,1871.
Attention is called to the change of time of arrival
and departure of train, on thia road on and after
JUNE 4m, 1871.
Jet—lw General Ticket and Freight Agent.
.___ 'WANTS.
Oreanbriar river; alao fifty bandy MEN, on
rock and attend to etone-niason. For particulars,
wage., Ac, Ac, apply at Mr. Mason's .tore, corner or
Seventeenth and Main .treet.
Jeß—tf JAMES L. OAPBTON, Agent.
TT housework. Apply to
Je*—tf 916 Main street.
WANTED.— Two email neat HOUSES are wanted,
and ownera of auch can find responsible, care
ful tenants by applying to THIS OFFICE.
MY BON ISAIAH left home last Monday (Hay
29th), and ha. not been home since; be some
time* call, himaelf Joaa, 1. about 12 years old, bright
complexion. Any on* knowing hi. whereabouts
will conler a livor by leaving Information at the
ST-ta Jcub-al ollice, or with hi. father,
In yard of No. 506 Franklin .treat, between Fifth
and Sixth. je u-:u-
A for th* Benefit of the Widow, and Orphan, of
the Southern Statea.
DIBTBIBPTION No. 370. EvmiKa Joaa 7.
M 68 69 76 77 93 13 48 69 64 86 12 26 18 10 46
DISTRIBUTION No. 371. MORtimo Jpsn 8
43 47 81 56 69 34 7t 85 8 48 14 «2
Witness my hand, at Richmond, Va., this Bth day
of June, 1871.
Manager.. Commluloner.
CERTIFICATES OF BAFFLE, can be purchased
Irom Capt. W. I. DABNBY, at tha Branch office, No
Eleventh atreet. on* door from Main.
Jutt published, in a waled envelope. Price 8 cent..
and Radical Cnre of Spermatorrhea or Beminal
w «*7 n ** 8 ' Involuntary' Emieaion., Sexual jDebility,
»nd Impedimenta to Marriage generally ; Nervoua
neeea. Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fit. ; Mental and
"P-el Incapacity, reaulting from Self Abuse, Ac,
by Boat J. CDLvaxwtLL, M. D., author of the "Green
Book," Ac.
Sent under seal, iv a plain envelope, to any addi.«
peetpaid, on receipt of cix cent., or two postage
.ump.by OHAB. ,I.C. KLINE* CO.,
127 Bowery, New York, Post Office box 4680.
je B—eodSm
oi tbia institution will commence OCTOBER 2n, witb I
greatly Improved facilities, and advantage or the
highest order, Insuring Ita alnd«nta a thorough
practical course of Ihe highest value.
For particular, addreaa
Je B—law4m a MORBIB NIfJOL, Pr«id*nt.
to confoim to HEDIIOTIOB OF DUTI-K, I
_j9" r * aeni for onr New Price List, and a Club torni
'■■I accompany It, containing full direction.—mak
t 8 •larg* saving to ronaumera and remunerative I
0 cl °b organisers.
~ . .. 31 and 33 Veaey atreel,
»i 14-4w N» s ygrt, Po*to_w Box 664*
Father Hyacinthe bas been heard
from, (says the New York Globe) since the
awful calamities which have befallen hia
beloved and beautiful Paris. He accounts
for the terrible demoralization of the peo
plo, and the fall of the French nation, as
the result of the negation of God. In this
hia viewa coincide with those heretofore |
advanced by The Globe, and by many of
the loading minds of this country. He
boldly says the Church failed in ita mission
"lt was too much occupied with dogmatic
questions, and too little with the instruc
tion of its flock," are his words. At the
head of the Church in Paris was Archbishop
Darboy, who is to be buried on Wednes
day, from the Cathedral of Notre Dame,
together with many of his clergy, who fell
before the fury of the faithless and unedu
cated mob. Does any one believe these
men would havo been killed, as so many of
their predecessors have been, if they had
paid more instruction to their flocks and to
the people of Paris 7
Tho Archbishop should have left no
stone unturned to the rebuking of sin in f
high places, to protesting against the pro
longed celebacy of the soldiers and tho
priests, and the legalized prostitution
of women. Father Hyacinthe is a
man of large views, with a heart
for the people, upon whom all civil
and social institutions rest. He says "the
nineteenth century is the age of the work
ingmen," and in co saying he utters a fun
damental truth, already recognized iv
this country by such men as Mr. Beech
er, Dr. Deems, Wendell Phillips, Governor
Geary, and many moro who might bo
named. In closing a recent communica
tion to the Gaulois, Father Hyacinthe elo
quently and truthfully says:
N'aris is in ashes. Tbe work-people have
rod, or say it is impossible for them to be
in or lore Him. Let the rulers, with
whole hearts and brains, consider the I
lem, and labor for the restoration of
cc to faith, prosperity and peace."
aye we any God in this country for
■be work-people of the coal regions, for
the poor working women of Boston, of this
ity ? Fortunately for us, New York is
ot yet in ashes. We have the lesson of
'aris before us.
i ...
The World's Fair.—The New York
Globe saya:
We are glad to notice the hearty tnao
ler in which the South is responding to
le invitation to take part in the great
Vorld'a Fair, to be held in Philadelphia in
876, the occasiou of our centenary anni
ersary. There is much pride and patri
ti»m in the sunny Southland yet, and we
are snre that portion of our country will
do what it can for the glory and advance
ment of the whole. Says the Now Or
leans Picayune of a recent date :
"So liberal an allowanoe of time has been
made that American mechanics, artists, man
ufacturers, and inventors will have no excuse
f"i Doing uuid,, ou- in «i lv particular. The exs
hibition ought to be a thorough panoramic
representation of the continent in all its fea.
tores, peculiarities, and capabilities."
There is really no reason for any jeal
ousy on the part of this city or State be
cause tho fair ia to be held in Philadelphia.
That city is by far the best place for it,
and she will, doubtless, do her whole duty
in the matter. The East and great West
cannot move too soon for their best in
— s ——.
Curiosities of Lifb.—Lay your linger
on your pulse, and know that at every
stroke some immortal passes to his Maker ;
some fellow-being crosses the river of
death ; and if we think of it, we may well
wonder that it should be so long before
our turn cornea. Half of all who live die
before aeventcen. Only one peraon in
ten thousand lives to be a hundred years
old, and but one in a hundred reaches
sixty. The married men live longer than
the single. Thero is one soldier to every
eight persons, and out of every thousand
born only ninety-five weddings take place.
If you take a thousand persons who bave
reached 70 years, they are of
Clergymen, orators, and public speakers 43
Farmers 40
Workmen !".'""!!„33
Soldiers !"!'.""!!.""""32
Lawyers !.\\\".'.'"'!.'.'.'.'.'.'".'." 29
Professors _ !".]"!. 26
Doctors .......]!!.1"."""24
I These statements aro very instructive,
trmers and workmen do not arrive at
>od old ago as often as the clergymen and
bers who perform no manual labor ; but
is is owing to neglect of the laws of
health in attention to proper habits of life
testing, drinking, sleeping, dress, and
per care of themselves after the work
the day is done. Theso farmers or
kmen eat a heavy supper of a sum
's day and sit arouud the doors in their
t sleeves ; and in their tired condition
weakoned circulation are easily chilled,
ng the foundation for diarrhata, bilious
colic, lung-fever, or consumption.— Hall's
Journal of Health.
The Memphis Ava'anche of Wednesday
says : "The caterpillars, of which mention
was made a few days since in the Ava
lanche of having stopped trains on the
Memphis and Tennessee railroad, still con
tinue to seriously interfere with traffic on
8t road. They are so uumerous that the
ght trains now only consist of from six
eight cars, instead of twenty-five or
ty as before, and yesterday ono of the
it powerful engines on the road was
stopped twice near Nonconnah creek,
Mississippi, while drawing a train of but
seven cara. They are in swams along the
line of that road and literally cover
I track, acting, when crushed upon
driving wheels of the engine, much
same as when the track has been
led by some vindictive and law defying
vidual. All through that section of
country trees have been stripped of
r foliage by these small but destructive
-ts, who have done irreparable damage
ie growing crops. Around tbe city
are in great numbers, and iv walking
ugh a wood but a short distance a per
son will get almost covered with them, as
they drop from the trees. Tho individual
whose words are not to Le gaii sajed—the
oldest inhabit tnt—avers that the'maoy
legged worms' have not been sa numerous
in this country for thirty-five years."
It is stated that, contrary to general ex
pectation, John P Hale is recovering bis
long impaired health, and bis friends ia
the political field once more.
,=== =
The Rebel Chler Reviewed.
[New Orleana Times.]
It is a great pity that thoughtless peo
pie in certain parts of the South will per
sist in calling out Mr. Jefferson Davis, and
badgering him for speeches. It ia also a
great misfortune that Mr. Davis will make
speeches like that reported from Georgia,
wherein the hope and confidence of the'
| volved in the Confederate struggle, are ex
pressed. Thero is no form of expression
which even so ingenious a rhetorician as
Mr. Davis can employ, of the idea here
shadowed forth, that will not be subject to
misconstruction and baleful distortion.
We, who know Mr. Davis, understand well
What is meant by his language—that
when he hopes to live long enough to wit
ness the resurrection of the principles in
which the Confederate movement origina
ted, he referred to his cherished and sin
cerely-held doctrine of Statesrighra, which
he has ever maintained with Jefferton
Madison, Monroe, and the other Republi
can fathers, as th_ cardinal idea of our po
litical system. This, Mr. Davis has always
thought, was the real issue in the late so
called "Rebellion," and with a great ma
jority of the Southern people he does not
admit that so plain and fundamental a
truth has been destroyed by the result of a
physical conflict and a preponderaoco of
[Pittsburg Dispatch.]
The speeches of Jeff. Davis at Augusta
aud Atlanta, Georgia, seem to us to com
mand more attention Irom the press thaD
their intrinsic merits deserve. The fact
that he is delivering speeches at the South,
and that these speeches have a tendency to
revive the old antagonisms of the South
toward the North, is worthy of some atten
tion—just as a Ku-Klux outrage is deserv
ing of notice. The Government made pre
cisely one mistake in its treatment of
Davis—it ought to havo tried him by
military commission, and have hung or
shut him within a week after his eap
tuie. Of course it will do little good
to arrest him now, as, even conld
he bo punished for his utterances,
it would only serve to render him
a martyr. The parade of martyrdom
now makes is simply disgusting. To
affirm, as he does, that the government
did its worst toward him, Is to utter a
falsehood. Of course his thought was
that tho disgrace put upon him was more
painful to bis proud spirit than execution
would have been. Few will believe it
He was shut up in a comfortable casemate,
daintily fed, and eventually turned loose
t'-out trial. A man who seeks to es
:apture by adopting woman's guise
so high-spirited as to be more
I by such treatment than he would
[Cincinnati Gazette.]
•c words are of solemn import. Wei
md them both to Republicans and
rats. They cannot be pooh-poohed
'erlooked. They come from the
teart of a man who ia still a power
land, a man who haa influence in
ratio councils, a man who ia the
nan of thousands npon thousands
ithern Democrats. Tliey are the
expression of his deepest and moat pro
found convictions, and the convictioua of
bis followers. We ask Northern men
how they like them ? How do you
like them, Republicans, who fought that
man and these doctrines for four long
years ? How do you like them, Demo
crats, who struggled side by side with the
Republicans in the ranks of the Union
army ? Is thia the man you wish to place
again in high power ? Are these Southern
Democrats who cheered Davis on, the men
by whose side you now wish to fight ? Do
not the speech and its reception by the au
dience, aud tbe remarks, too, of Mr. Hil
liard, show you how wide is the difference
between you and the men who are enrolled
under Democratic banners of the South ?
It is the virtual announcement of a Demo
cratic wing pledged to overthrow the
amendments, undo all tho war has settled,
repudiate the debt, and make a final at
tempt against the Union.
The Memphis Appeal calls on Jeff Da
vis not only to apeak, "but to apeak dia
tinctly, definitely and fully his whole
The Missouri Republican (Dem.) calU j
the reappearance of Jefferson Davis on the I
stomp "a stupendous anachronism." It [
certainly was a most infelicitous resurrec-
Massachusetts Mastufaotiibihg. News.—The
Cocheco has decided not to remove Its print
works from Dover. Tbe Dover city got-err.
ment has given the company some special
favors, among which If DUmftfsm* from taxa
tion for ten years of all the improvements made
in the next two years, and it is now proposed
to expend $1,000,000 at once in enlarging the
business of the Cooheco. In its present print
ing establishment at Dover, it now prints a
third more of cloth than it makes in its own
factories. The present capital of the Cocheco
is $1,000,000, with dividends payable in Jan
uary and July.
This ia the encouragement that manu
facturing meets in the live North. Would
il not pay this city to make the inquiry,
whether, if proper inducements were held
out, that some of the large manufacturing
establishments would remove to this city ?
Breadstuff Movements.—St. Louis
corn aud flour ia again seeking the river
routo to Europe via New Orleans. On the
31st ult. Ihe tow-boat Bee, with aeveral
barges, departed from St. Louis, a single
barge carrying 30,000 bushels, or one hun
dred car loads of bulk corn. The wheat
movement at Duiuth is growing to impor
tant proportion*. During the week prece
ding latest advices 50,000 bushels were re
ceived at the aiugle elevator of tho young
town. A second elevator is uuder con
struction. Prom Buffalo, N. V., the ex
ports of grain up to Juue Ist amount to
over 5,000,000 busheln, against a little
over 2,000,000 for tbe same time in 1870,
and a little over 3,000,000 for the same
time in 1869. On Monday last there were
at New York forty sailing vessels loading
wilh grain for European ports, each of
which will carry about 25,000 bushels.—
The exports of flour last week reach 29,635
barrels, and theexportsof wheat 576,120
... i
The New York Sorosis purposes to build
t Foreign Newt.
eral of the murdered clergy-
June 7.—The funeral ceremonies
rer the remains of the five cleri
cs of tho Commune were solemn
ressive. The church of Notre
is grandly arrayed. The central
the solemn pomp was agorgeon
c, containing the remains of th
op, surreu-ded by minor struc
itaining tbe corpses of Duvernay
Vladelaine ; Suset, grand vicar o
the diocese Becourt, and Sabater.
The coffin of the Archbishop was coy
ered with a pall of black velvet, embroider
ed and enriched with n massive cross. A
thousand tapers were burning in silver can
delabras and the incense vessels used were
also of silver. The floor was covered with
black cloth, and the pulpit was drapei
with black gauze dotted with silver start
The transepts (150 feet wide) wire
clouded in mourning drapery and every
statue was shrouded Bave those of the
Virgin and child and St. Denis, the first
bishop of Paris. In tho midst of all were
the charred remains of the bisbop's chain
and his half burned throne, which were
left as a memento of the crimes of tho
the new government.
Versailles, June B.—A motion for tha
prolongation of Thiers' term was to-day
postponed until after the supplemental
elections. It is authoritatively stated that
Thiers favors a republic
London, June B.—Jules Misre, the cele- I
brated French banker, is dead.
Berlin, June B.—The Czar of Russia and
his son Alexis arrived here last night.
They were receivod at the railway station
by the Emperor.
Tlie Flood In (Tew Orleana -iib-ldlng
Iv~i) Orleans, June B.—The water in
y has falling two inches in the past
C-four hours, and is now throo inches
Jiigh water mark. The "neutral
1" on Canal street is clear nearly to
me street. Besides the police and
T boats, there are hundreds of small
-.».v -ngaged in the passenger traffic as
thick around the neutral ground on Canal
street as vehicles at a race course, and the
boatmen are shouting for passengers like
cabmen. The boats are required to carry
lights, and after dark the spectacle is in
teresting. Five thousand loaves of bread,
and other articles in proportion, are distri
buted daily.
Weatern Sewa Bbljiivnck.
San Francisco, June B.—A tremendous
hurricane has occurred ,in the vicinity of
the Fejee Islands. Tbe brig Kentucky,
hence for Melbourne, foundered and all
were lost, including the Captain's wife.
There have been great floods in New
Sooth Walea. The yield of gold there is
Increasing, bnt a disease has appeared
among the sheep, killing them by thou-
a <p<
The Hebrew Riles.
Cincinnati, June B.—The Rabbinnlcal
Council has adopted a resolution providing
for a uniform reading from the Pentateuch
during three years, omitting antiquated
laws A resolution was adopted protest
ing against tbe establishment of a tiational
Rabbinnical office at Washington.
Tl»e New Hampshire Legislature.
Concord, N. H., June B.—The House, to
day, failed to elect a clerk. The Senate
merely met, and after cleoting a tempora
ry chairman, appointed a committee to
count the Senatorial votes.
Both parties are caucussiug to-day.
Tha National Typographical Union.
Baltimore, June B.—The National Typo
graphical Union has adopted a resolution
admitting pressman to membership.
New York Markets.
New York, June B—iVoon.—Flour a shade
firmer. Wheat firmer and quiet. Corn lc
better. Pork eteady at lo}/ a @U)4. Lard
quiet. Cotton nominal—Uplands 19%; Orleans
00 bales - Turpentine steady
at t6@t6*4. Rosin steady at 2 dVAGiI 65
Freights dull.
Gold lU»IHM. Money easy at three per
cent. Sterling-long 110}.; short 1105..
Uovernments and State bonds dull and steady.
Foreign Markets.
London, June 8, iVoon.—Consols, SU£(3l9l*i I
O. 8. bonds, 90%. The weather is fair, bnt
unfavorable for crops.
Liverpool, June 8, Nooti.— Cotton quiet and
S- , i»-~- J P Und, ' B >»@ Orleans, BK. Sales
! 20,000 bales, including 5,000 for eiport and
Pari*, June B.—Rentes closed at 63f. 4Bc.
$2 50 PER UAY - -$2 50 FKK DiV
; This new mid attractive HOTEL iv now open t..r
the accommodation of the travelling public.
Its location givea itpeculiar advantages. Situated
on Main street, near the I'oat-offico, Oustom-Hoiise
all of the Bauka, Tidegraph Offlcea, and moat of the
wholesale and retail hoiiaea of the city.
The houae ls_ew and newly furnished, aud Its ex
perienced proprietor promised that it ahall be first
claas In all of lis arraugeuieuts.
The TABLE shall have full advantage of this and
other marketa, the BAR supplied with CUOKIX LI
QUORS, and thewlue cellar with Ihe most'select
The LIVERY attached will aupply the finest toaini
at all timea. NORVELL COBB,
__________ Proprietor.
I A That on tbe 211 th day ol May 1871, a I
warrant fn bankruptcy was iasued against the
eatate ol Joaeph Browoley, of Kins k Queen couu
ty, aud State of Virginia, wbo baa bom adjudged a
bankrupt on hie own petition : — That the payment
of any debts, and the delivery ut auy property
belonging to aaid bankrupt, to him or lor bn
uae, aud tbo tranafer of any property by him, are
forbl,idea by law ; aud that a meeting of tho creditora
of aold bankrupt, to prove their debta, und choose
one or more oaaigneea uf bis eatate, will be held at a
Court of Bankruptcy, to be holdeu at Rlchmoud,
before W W Forbes, Esq , Regiater, ou the luth day
of Jnue, 1871, at 10 o'clock A. M.
je3—S'iw U. 8. Marshal.
IS" - "
_ Statea for the Western District of Virginia.
In the matter of Holtou L Muncy. bankrunt—
In bankruptcy.
_. T °- Whom '' May c "ncern :—The underaignod,
Wm Page, of Abingdon, Wnshiugton c'ty, Va., here
by gives notice of hia appointment oa assignee uf the
eatate of H-ilton L -urcy.of Blani county, Va
1 i said district, wlioJaos, on the l.'lth day of April]
1871, adjudged v baukrupt on his own petition I
by the Diatrict curt of -id distrl. t
I Dated Abta«don, \_, June VB7l. I
i Subscribers — Persona wishing the
JOCRNAL Isft early and regularly *_• their
r business or residences, by responsible ev
il please leave their orders with .lOHNBTON
EN, Newadealers, 91S Main Street.
EDWARDS' eowb depot, 229 East Broad
\timber Kacheatory Cue.
re glad to see, that for party purposes
lefeat the ends of justice, the follow.
s have not been suppressed ; but that
r e been thrown ont to the broad open
en all men may see and read for them-
Thls case is not the only one that will
or public comment, as there are others
come to light, whioh, if not fraudu
ve that appearance "to a man up a
in 1867, Samuel M. I'age, as esoheator
/emmonwe»lth, took possession of and
at certain houaes in the city belongine
tate of Fred. Harotb, of German de
io had died leaving no known heirs in
', he heard of a note for $1,000, e_e
• Confederate money by Harotb, in fa-
Braver, Esq., and bought itof brokers
it, for $79, and assigned it to A. W
vitbout recourse,
ecember, 1869, Bailey filed a petition,
in the hand writing of Page, alleging
c held the property as escheator and
it to proceed against it according to
the (Bailey) was the legal owner of
by virtue of an assignment for a val
msideration; that Haroth's personal
is exhausted ; and that the $1,000 was
still due the petitioner. Accompanying the
petition was the deed of trust to Saner, to ses
cure the note. Bailey, therefore, prayed the
court to enjoin Page from proceeding with the
escheat and to give him (the petitioner), jude-
Zfrit" ~ , 000 J be s_? "/Commo_w J ealt_
claim was allowed. This petition purported to
be sworn to by Bailey. ' *
"On the same day it was filed, Page an
swered in due form that he had taken steps to
escheat the property, but that when he had
commenced them he knew nothing of the deed
of trust—the houses and land having at that
time been in the county. He farther stated in
his answer that he believed Bailey, olaim to
pc just, and knew ot no reason why the plain
ill should not have the redress afforded by
law. All this was sworn to by Page, as was
the other by Bailey. On the same day that
the petition and answer were filed, an order
? P ro = ured for tb e payment of the
$1,000 ti Bailey. An injunction was granted
against Page as escheator, and one H. W. Hey
was appointed special commissioner to adver
tise the property, pay the costs of the suit, and
the debt alleged to be due Bailey in fall.
"Matters stood thus until May of the present
year, the commissioner in the meantime
strangely failing to carry out the order of the
court in any particular. Tbe sale took place,
however, on the 12th of last month, and Bailey
bought through a third party, but no money
or title had passed when the bill referred to in
tbe first paragraph was filed, so Holzapfel and
wile were not too late to recover tbeir proper
ty. They now charge that Page and Bailey
conspired to get the proceeds by a fraudulent
suit on the note, when Page was the real owner
thereof; that Page for four years rented the
property out for $16 a month and appropriated
the money ; that all the proceedings of escheat
are a nullity; that the small amount of Con
federate money due by Haroth to Braver haa
been paid eeveral times, and that the complain
ants are the lawful owners of the property "
Both Mr. Page and Mr. Bailey are promi
nently oonneoted as witnesses, and otherwise
with the Haunstein forgery case, in which •_-
Mayor Chahoon has figured so conspicuously.
What effect this case will have upon the testi
mony of Page against Chahoon, the future
alone can reveal. It has now the appearance
of becoming worthless.
The Celebration.—Every impediment
to the success of the celebration proposed by
the S. C. 8., has been removed, and we may
expect one of the largest crowds at the Fair
Grounds on tbe 4th of July next that ever as
sembled at tbat place, ft was feared at one
time tbat the movement might be defeated, in
consequence of tbe grounds having been en
gaged by the Old Dominion Lodge, Knights of
Pythias, for the purpose of having a tourna- I
ment, but at a meeting of the committee) of the
two Lodges last night the matter was amicably
adjusted by the union of Old Dominion Lodge
with the Southern Cross Brotherhood, the
Knights generously waiving all claim to a par
ticipation in the gate fees, and both parties
unanimously agreeing to appropriate the nett
proceeds of the celebratiqn lo the removal of
the Confederate dead from Gettysburg and Ar«
The Knights will continue their preparation!
for their tournament whicb will take place on
Ihe Fourth and will constitute a part of the
programme for Ihe celebration. It is under
stood that a number of Knights from distant
Lodges have entered the lists, and it is ex
pected that many of the Lodges from other
cities will be present in a body to attend tbe
tournament, and also the grand ball which
Old Dominion Lodge will give on that night.
We are requested by the chairman of Ihe
Committee of the S. C. B. to say that it is pos
sible some of the societies, _c, have failed to
receive invitations to appoint conference com
mittees. If so, it is hoped that none will feel
slighted, but will unite promptly in the move
ment, as it is one in which ail are alike inter-
IThe committees will meet at Covenant
Monday night next, at B*4 o'clock.
ueOfficers Violating Law.—Two
policemen, Mr. Clinton DePrlest and
1 John Disney, although sworn to keep I
tee and protect the private property of
lens against robbers, yesterday changed
ctics, by becoming robbers themselves,
linst the peace and dignity of the Com
tltb, took, stole and carried away, vie I
«, property which belonged to one of
ceful citizens. When policemen them
ike to robbing, what ara we to expect ?
roperty carried off was that of the per
young lady, resident of Ninth street,
me of our most (respectable ones, and
be of.'Buflicient beauty and intelligence
t the honesty of even a member of the
eservere." While they have shown a
ion to take private property, the
lady, partaking of the spirit of
as, has appropriated public proper
ough somewhat defaced by an
night of the Shears—and bas actual
ow, carried it beyond the limits of the
hich can only be recovered by a re
-1 from the Governor. His notarial
nenls being somewhat numerous, will,
Jt, prevent his attenlion for such a
f time, as to render an effort in that
1 fruitless,
rect description of the rogues tn the
* in possession of most of the police
tWa city, and if they should return we
doubt ihey will be immediately
ilated. We suggest tbat the mayor,
tely on the return of the captain, pro
i to a tnaj'ority, and condemn him to
id.cake and ice cream three times a
hirty days.
lwhtful Resort.—Some persons
' enough to condemn the habit of
n taking any recreation. We are
at class and believe there is a proper
ill things. Nothing adds more to the
if a city than the number of respect
riements it cou offer tho public. Ued
rd _ Ives, corner of Main and Eleventh
reds, offer in their Billiard Temple, th,
ilace where a gentleman can go and spend
n hour as free from ruwdyism as any place in
ie world They have a neat and well or>
ered establishment, where only gentlemen
nd themselves at home, and where many of
r first business men are in tbe habit of going,
c commend them and their place to public
vor as the bonbon establishment of its kind
the city. Tbe great billiard nuisance—
vhistllng—has been prohibited here, for which
h.y dam,, public tWi.
jm-n- —————_—___.
-oral Dilators
Same old fogy—The Whig.
Spreading itaelf-The Enquirer.
Gaining favor-Th. State Journal.
Grammatical still—The Diapatcb.
Strong acented—Apotheoary ttorea.
Soarce—Money in the city Treasury.
Loud mbuthed-The Con.ervative party. 1*
Failure—The ride of committee on street* I
upon 6th Inat. ■iro._
Angry—That same committee on atreet*.
Deapondent-Regiitrar., clerka and super.
aumeranes. ' I
Other evidence ia being added to the Chahoon
page, likely to affect hia bail-tj.
Th. Enquirer speaks of a "oloeely veiled"
lady being very handsome. How you know ?
!___-'.!__-*■ 'IT. Ci , rCUUr '•" I » ***•* Off
John s hand ; which, is the reason why John
ui r °Tu .'" ssow\ ow .*»'* in owpylng rooms at
Btrotber. Hotel. John i. th. man who,
"stepped aside" a few daya ago.
Jamea A. G'owardio haa been invited to de
liver his lecture on reconatruotion, in St. Louia.
We knew him when but a atripling. and there
was then immense fun in him. W. are aurs
it bas not grown less.
"You never tell the truth, air." "No air •
Ktry ; which you never do." W. heard*
oregoiog cuta pass between two promi
and influential Democrats tbis morning.
r a word would we have beard if our pol
3ad been known.
I are sorry to see Governor Walker mani
festing so deep an interest in tbe Capitol Me
morial Association, as it will likely do the en
terprise no good. Why, bless you, Walker ia
not by far the greateat man in the State I
To the State Central Executive
CoicmTTEE.—There ia a well-founded and pre
valent opinion amongat the Republicans of thia
-2 f?_ elsewhere in tbe State, that there
should be a meeting ofthe State Central Exec
utive Committee of the Republican party at an
We incline to the opinion that tbis commit
tee might take such action as would material
ly contribute to the benefit of the party. We
must have a convention at no distant day. Na
tional and local or State issues must be plainly
and sharply drawn. Many wrongs which haw
been perpetrated by the late Democratio Le_.
lslature now need ventilation. The people
Piformation; let. them hare it. We also
lany minor divisions and local disaen
ctsting in our own rank, should be and
c healed by judicious aotion; by direct
ntation ofthe people in convention. No
should be allowed, for out of thia haa
many evils that surround our.party to.
[We shall follow this with an editorial to
Chancery Court—Judge Fitzhuoh —
The following business bas been transacted in
Ibis court:
Ex parte Mrs. Roacoe B. Heath-order re
voking the powers of Samuel J. Harrison a*
executor of Ro.ooe B. Heath, deceased. P1...
--" ts p. q. j
In', executor fa. Burton and otbere I
i administrator v.. Carter and other.'
anz va. Cranz's guardian—decree re*
causea ton commissioner for inquiry
ort. Johnston and Williama, counsel.
r ts. Carredo's administrator and oth
tree confirming report of commissioner I
g sale ol residue of the real estate of
—i V. Catveao, deceased, and convey- I
anoea to purchasers at former aale. Steeer
p.q. - • I
Beckman, _c, vs. Kolbe's adm'r, Ac —
order for rule against Lewis Stern to ahow
c V" e "by property purchased by him at a
aale made under a former decree ahouid not be
retold at his coata and charges, he bavin?
failed to comply with the terms of aaid aale
t leasanta p. q. I
Tbeimer va. Booth and othera—deorae con
firming aale of trustee and appointing com mis
sioner to make conveyance of property upon
payment of purchase money. Cosby. Jaok.oo
* Turner, Bpilman, Keen, Ac, counsel.
Hustings Court.— ld. the case of Hen
ry Smith, who waa yesterday convicted and
aentenoed to the penitentiary for two yeata, tc
day made an application for a new trial which
was overruled, and upon motion of counsel,
until to-morrow was given to file a bill of ex
Jamea Leopard, who waa accuaed of burgla
ry, waa eentenoed to six montha imprisonment
in the city jail, the evidence being only auffl
cient to prove a miademeanor.
S. Blum, charged with misdemeanor, was
on trial when our reporter left the court.
Police Corßi'.-The following cases
were disposed of by Police Justice White this
morning :
..uifclS Pain ?'- colo " i > °P to answer for
unlawfully assaulting and striking a small col
w«dl,cLrged c nan,e ° f Ge ° rge W - H " rU >
ll»lt r, !. h r.iM i "v C _ lor _. d - Cl " ,rßed wi,h b <""in_ •
„ff.\-- Hvh FU , ber ' ™ w " oed »» d let
w.Jd"h"-ged cr * f ° r HrmaK S * rah Hi "'
Zack Pollard, colored, waa sent to jail for
sixty days for stealing one pair of boots, val
uea at *7, the property of Temple Jackson.
Excursionists.—Seven cars, filled with
____fi peo P'e> reached our city last night
about ten o'clock, from Washington, on a
pleasure trip. They came by the Richmond,
Fredericksburg and Potomac route, and were
HfiT_? P ,l me . d - by "I.! 1 br »" band . wh '<* "dded
life to the trip. This morning many of them
f-nttU eve-iY 1,10 " ChnrCb - Tb °y will '"
As some of our papers have been kind
enough to suggest that the recent strike here
of some of tbe colored laborers was probably
connected with the one at Washington, it fs
air to presume these are a part of the Wash
ington 'Commune," and that the object of
their visit is to Ku-Klux Richmond.
Mortuary Statistics—From Dr J
G. Cabell, President of the Board of Health!
«.'„ tZ r e°e'" d . lh c following atatiatics rela
tive to deatha during the present, year: Janu
.-i-TVi* * S ! C0 \ 0r ?? 78 ' total I 2«; February,
white 44 colored 54, total 98 ; March, white
50, colored 64, tota 114; April/white IS ml
£_v ?-i ,o, rr' L 8 M "* whit " s "'coloreVsl
total Ul. Total number of deaths up to tbe
Ist of June 610, of which 239 are whites and
-71 colored.
Gehmania Maennercmor.—The anni
versary celebration and pic-nic of thia associa
tion will take place at Hattorf'a garden on tbe
tb inst., and promises to be an affair of de
t amusement and pleasure. Those of our
rs who have ever attended a German
al need not be told tbat they are unsur
-1 in all that constitutes real health eivinir
enjoyment, and are always conducted in the
tbest manner. We are confident the com
slebration will equal any previous effort
r German fellow-citizena.
uthern Planter and Farmer —We
received the June number of thia excel I
niigaiine, which abounde in interesting
istructive article, in all ita department.,
tains also a map ol Burry oounty from
surveys by Washington and Lee University,
by Major Jed Hotcbkisa. The map is prefaced
witb a very interesting sketch of Surry county
from its formation in 1652-53 to the preaent
The tort session of the International
i ' nte , r J,n ai ?? Wi " be held in tbia city, ia
June, 1872. Our typos will no doubt properly
care lor its members on the occasion.
Consul of Peru.—President Grant haa
recognized Diego Masias as a consul of Peru,
at Richmond, Va. ' l
For Norfolk. — l'he steamer Sylvester
will resume ber regular trips to Norfolk to.
morrow at 6 A. M. aa usual. '
Tbe wife of policeman Jamea Lvle. died ib a '
morning about li o'elook.
Adnrtlsementa will be Inserted In the BVSM&O
JOURNAL at Ibe following rates, except legal ad
One aqnare, ana Insertion „ 1 ?j
Jjae square, two Imnrtlon _ i 25
2_J •Snare, three Insertions „„ 17,
S* •'""•i ■*■ I—.i-on. 3 oo
n_* ,<, **™ i 'welve Insertions M 66"
nU! _£-"• I°* am " ai - 10 00
j vis aqnare, two montha. v r>,
I on* aqnare, three months 2b fx>
_____ l u » rterl » and yearly Adverti.soi.
< -___ l . Arrangement, will be mode.
in f LRRIVAhs ~ Wb noto the follow
****** and Exchang,.-R W Smith, Phil
adelphia ; J A Carpenter, N V ; H B Hanson
w^ J t7 c ! 8 V 1 "- Jel P hi *' R ot>'t Shaw, d,;
.. D -•Z 1 "' v » i B F Evans, do ; W J Pui!
liam, „ 0 ; S T Adams, Charlotte ; B F New
canoe, Balto ; Mary L Newoance, do : J O
Jones, and wife. N6 • M M.tzg.r,V V , Col
_, .* rr ,- on ' J* I * W RearJ, Petersburg
P_-.-° » v ß ' L.! J r L ' on - Petersburg , aA'
£- c"'c"' ? V _.. MI .'J Jan 9 Culle "» do : Miss 8
I tnllen, do ; Miss Mollie Collen, do •G W Pal
m.r, Va ; John Magruder, Balto ; _ B Spra_
J 1 ", wife, child and servant, do ; Z Becker
J 8C ; Charles Trumbo, do ;J T Perrin, Va.
I _tmer,con Hotel.-T A Jacob. Va. ;S 8
__-____± ; t ll 3! , _»Jr_ ; ""• Crumpltr
and cHldren, Va.; W T Dickinson and 2 .on,
J*" ; W m H 2'"'' v »- ;T C Goode and wife
Koozville, Term.; J M Dillon, Va. : W _
Powell, Baltimore; J Benedict, White Sulphur
Springs; W Be ,N. V.;. R H Bowers V. -
Co. R _ Wither.'Wytb.vili. ; 8A Hol,B„:
timore, Md ; W G Friend, Charlotte, Va. : .
R Friend, do,; VV J Danne., Burkevill." Mr
Ba rd, Va.; RE Jordan, Halifax; X T Bl.son
Peteribarf; W A Anable, Henrico.
S ___h_l__flr__s ° w »'eox, Charles City;
Middleton and child V.; G W White, Albe
*-_?*_ ■ n C V i J ° hn A Wni '»k". TVenton,
M fJ| B 8 Byer., Augmta; George Harlan and
daughter, Va; M 5 H.rrell, Williamsburg,
\ a; Thomas A M 0.., do: S J Maupin, do; J M
Wilcox, Charles City; J A MeKennv Staun
ton; Maan Page, Brandon, Vl; BB Wright
„' £°£ n L » n >b, Charles City; Henry Miller
J * Waring and wile, and J D Andaa. wife
and two children, Savannah; R P Andae, Va-
A L Reed, Washington, D C; J H Daniel, Bel'-
w ? . Bo * d ' Washington, D C; W J
Be thu, W L Oliver Staunton; D C drayan
W-lfnf f' "i i Smith - * ""Bi V_nce HonUr!
Norfolk; A Vorea, wife and two children, N V
John Isounsbury Ashland; Eugene Loun.nury
kV ■ 1 » rB - lßr 'r. N J -' C w »" » Dd '*dy
£ ___* M Cor »«>» R*PR B; T N Tod-
Norfolk. '
The rain of yesterday evening was very re
freshing ; ;tbat of to-day, while seriously in
terfering with the ladie. and dry goods stores
bas rendered the atmosphere quite pleasant.
Slancbester Newa and Go.alp.
Impbovements.—The dwelling bonse of Mr
t. Morruett, on Perry street, near Twelfth, i.
nearly finished. Tbe house is of frame two
stories high, twenty-four feet front and thitty
two feet deep, with a handsome porch in front
Mr. Cbai. Blantoa ie Ihe contractor.
On Perry street, between Eleventh and
Twelfth street., Mr. Wm. Kidd ia having a
frame addition erected to his residence, with
a front of sixteen feet, two stories high. Mr
Chas. Moore has charge of this work.
Mr. Cbaa. Moore, contractor, ba. recentlr
finished a new frame tenement for Mr. William
Eastman, on Twelfth street above Perry two
stones high, eighteen feet front and twentv
four feet deep.
This morning a woman, professing to teach
the art of cutting dresses by measurement,
called npon Mr.. W. T. Moody, on Hull street
and aaked the privilege of ahowing her the plan.
After a few momenta explanation she demanded
the payment of two dollara for what she bad
done, or three dollara to complete the work.
Mra. M. not wishing to obtain the art, refused
to pay the amount demanded. Therefore tha
unknown offered some abusive and offensive
language. Mre. M., rather than be bothered,
offered to pay half of the amount demanded
™.i_.r" r* f <"»e<l- Tb. parly then left with
many threats.
This New C-iraOH.— The work on tbe Prea
bytenan charch, at the corner of Tenth and
1 oner Streets, ia progressing rapidly. It will
be of brick, fifty-two feet front on Tenth atreet,
and eighty feet; deep, two atoriea high, with a
steeple on the Tenth atreet front. The second
story will be used for church purposes, with a
1 'eoture and Sunday school ia the basement.
Mr. Wm. Gibson bas the contract for tbe wood
work, and Mr. James Hanaen the brick-laying.
■ a T " B _. D *"'>oaATio Convention.—Messrs R*
! s '. wll ! t * ll ,e»d »nd A. C. Jones have been ap
pointed delegates to the Demooratio conven.
tion to be held at Chester, June 10th et«C. A.
[ Jones and Henry Fitzgerald, who deolined to
** el Main and Bleveuth streets, keep the moat faib."
I .ualde Billiard Saloon In Richmond. Their tables
are all new, and everything connected with the es
tablishment ia first-class. Players are Informed that
whistling ia positively prohibited.
his .ervice. to all iv need of medical attention at
very moderate rates. Paya apodal attention to th*
o*—ee ot Ladiea and Children , and will guarantee
the cure of Rueumatlam and Neuralgia, by the ate
of Dis great remedy, "THE UNDOUBTED CURE "
which can be had fortt! 00 a box of any Drnggiet In
every section ot country. Persona at a distance cau
conault, free of charge, by letter, addreaaed to hia
office, 70S Grace atreet, Richmond, Va.
TIME IB MO.VEV._The old-timed axiom i. aptly
lllußtrated lv the uae of DOOLK.'S YBABT POW
DBR. It ia well known that the common procesa ot
ralalng dough ia a .low one, and often attended with
unfavorable resulta Irom the use of poor baker's
yeast, aud Improper he„t. With DOOLKY'S YEAST
POWDKR Ihe boat rolla, biocuita, ccrn-cakea, etc .
cau he made in tbo short space ol ten mtnutea, and
euooeas will certainly attend ite uae. Thia ia owlug
I to its purity, strength, and the care with which it it
j manufactured. DOOLEY k BROTHER, IB New
.treat, Now York, Propri.tore. For aale by all Gro-
I or any complaint peculiar to their aex, are guar
I anteed speedy relief by DR. BOTT, No. 731 Malu
street, Richmond, Va. Correspondence strictly con.
hdential. All lettera of inquiry answered free of
Medicines forwarded by mail or expre...
X", ins and attendance furnlehed when lequired
Ofßce houre from dtoiJ M., 2 to 0, and 7 to SIJ
evening Sundays, 3to4P. M.
EDWARDS, 2-29 Brood atreet, sella all kinds of
NEWSPAPERS aud MAGAZINES at publiahers'
price*, and delivers Ihe same at your residence or
I place of biialnoes without extra charge.
I Special attention paid lo the prompt and early de-
I livery of the Richmond and New York daily paper.
for the Hair la all that ia required ; purely vegetable
and highly perfumed, it soften., Improves aud bear.,
tlflea tho Hair, atrengthsu. the roots, and give. It a
riih, gloasy appearance. I r aale by all druggist.
I Price, '15 and 76 cents per bottle.
ER.—By ite aid gtove« cau be quickly and repeated
I ly cleaved and made oqual ro new; even when badly
I aotlod they can be readily restored. It la eoayof ap-
I pllootion and is perfectly free from any odor, for
I Ml* by druggiata and fancy good, dealers. Price :>
cant, a bottle.
I ia .trougly recount-ended a* th* beat dentifrice
j kuowu. It cleanse, and preserve* the teeth, harder.
I the gema, aweetena the breath; and, containing n.
acid or gritty aubatauco, la perfectly harmleaa, »nd
nan U need doily with great advantage gold by ol I
droftgian, Price, 26 and 60 cant. p*r bottle.
M tV; both ef Richmond. --u_— #
, J _' ! Uf S -" In Monchoate-. Jnn ■ Ttb, at the residence
1 .'- W . ? edr » r ''. *q, STEPHEN SMITH JONIB
I Ute Chief of Police, iv the 30th year of hie age.
I ■ 1 K _ I i. X L I, ' —In M * ci, J- 0B the»th of Jon* at 6
-.-__yJ_" * f " r * KM * l "ne«, Mra. BABAH h
HOKNNIOER—Juue 6th, at Kenilworth H*_rlco
s?"'[ tJr ( i''''•r much .ufferlDg HOR/tng, Infant ton *t

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