.1.... ■ "■ ■ WEDNESDAY EVKN'G, AUG. 30,1571. Annua! Meeting «l' the Wooriiawn Formers* I luti, of Mount Vernon Township, I'nirl'av loiniiy. Va. To the Editor of ihe State Journal : The club met, pursuant to adjournment, on tho grounds of Daniel P. Smith, Esq., August 27th, 1871. President Gillingham in tho chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and, after being amended, approved. At roll call eighteen meniliers were pre sent. The "Critical Committee," alter examin ing tho premises of our host, reported— "We find the young clover looking quite well, considering the drought it has had to endure. Corn next to the road is not look ing as well as that farther hack. The pas ture field", which has been in grass for seven years and afforded yearly a great deal of feed, lias become somewhat overrun with briars and bushes (mostly the former); for these your committee would recom mend extermination, by cutting this month and plowing this fall for corn next year. We would also recommend the imme diate cutting of all briars and bushes in the piece of new ground. "We found a small, but thrifty young orchard of peach and apple, and planted in corn, which is looking very fine, being planted quite late. In passing over the premises, we find some little difficulty in getting through tho bars. We would sur liest that gates be put where the bars are mostly used. We notice considerable post and slat fence, but think there are not slats enough on to keep out his neighbors' hogs, but presume this is owing to the scarcity of timber on his farm. "The stock all looking well, especially the swine, which includes a very fine sow, with throe shoats to correspond. The Ituildings all nearly new, and in good .order—not over large, but well built'and convenient. The recent painting of the luitisc is a good idea, and we presume he will follow it by white-washing all of the out-buildings, thereby improving the ap pearance awl enhancing the value of the place." Moved and carried that the reports of standing committees be laid over until next meeting. The election of officers being in order,- it wits moved that the present officers be con tinued for the ensuing year; carried. They are as follows : Chalkley Gillingham, president; T. Shepherd Wright, secretary ; Walter 11. Cox, assistant secretary ; and Viotbert F. Roberts, treasurer. Moved that the secretary be authorized to «dd to the list of delegatus to the Pomo logieal fair any names of members of this club that choose to attend, and furnish the delegation with proper credentials. A formal announcement, was made that the wife of our brother member, Charles tßallinger, was deceased. On motion, a committee of three was appointed to witli 4r»iv and prepare suitable resolutions, ex pressing the heartfelt sympathy of this club for our bereaved brother member. The chair appointed Messrs. 11. F. Roberts, N. H. Pierson, and Theron Thompson. "While .the above named committee were out the e>'fii er caught General Sherman unawares at Sal Jtoga, and elicited from him his opinions on various political questions. We copy the following extract from tlie re porters account of the interview : "I see Parker has resigned," "Yes ; we've liad so many di»lwn«st com missioners that Congress resolved in *U>\> the frauds, and they corked up the liaiiftii j bureau so tight that poor Parker had no- ; ithing to do but now and then sign his name ;and frank envelopes for the department." "They say he is rich." ■".Not a bit of it," said the general, in «ii">nanily. Parker has never made one cent out i>f his office. His record is as pure as snow. "Your friend.! were a little disappointed when you refused' to have your name used Presidentially," I remarked. "No, not my friemfc. They want me to stay where 1 am. General of the army for life is better than President. Grant regrets that he ever left the .'innv now, and so do I, except that he has doiie od vvi»'l< W President." "Do you think it policy to elect Giant j sigain?" ■".Of course I do. Why not? He kn.'WS the rones now—he has become acquainted with the duties —acquainted with thousands of public men, and ten thousand good-for nothing White House bummers who would do nothing but hara-ss a new President tor the first year. He has just got where he can tell a good man (d sight. Humbug men always get the best credentials ; every Congressman signs their recommendation at sight, and many of them deceive a new President. These party frauds are now pretty much played out, and Grant is en abled to deal squarely with true men. Ex perience and acquaintance is the stock in trade of a good President." "Who will run in '72 ?" | "There's no question in my mi—d," said ithe general, enthusiastically. "I'll bet on Grant against the field—two to one." "Who will run against him V" "There won't anybody run; but, not be ing a politician, I can't guess for a moment who will "be nominated." "Hancock?" "Well, he may beteinpted to run. Han cock, you know, dislikes Grant personally, and it would be an immense triumph for him to get where he could rank him. — Grant never showed any dislike to Han cock. He went more than half-way U> conciliate him more than a year ago ; but there is a clique in Washington, a social clique, which manipulates Hancock and keeps up the feud. Women have more to do with it than men." "What do you think of the lvu-Ivlux .bill ?" " Good bill, sir! It has already stopped ■a good many outrages. The fact that the President has power to send troops into any State to quell disturbances, in its, It', is enough to frighten the disturbers of the public peace." " But John Quincy Adams says the bill 'is an absolute surrender of the principle of free government —placing in the Presi dent's hands the power, through that ami the election bill, to raise himself to the empire.' " "All stuff! How ridiculous to talk about a 'man raising himself to the empire' iii this country! Sucli a man, after de claring for the empire, might hold a regi ment of soldiers in the White-House yard for just one day, and then the people would put him in the Potomac river. \Y hy, they shut up Napoleon at Strashourg, and ducked him in tho sea at Boulogne for just such nonsense." '.'Adams calls tho Ku-Klux hill Grant's negro policy." I remarked. "All humbug again! It is simply a law making it possible to arrest and disperse unlawful gangs of rascals, black or white, in any of the Southern Slates —to imprison them, and try and punish them, (irant don't have anynegro, nor German nor Irish policy. His policy is to protect all citizens; remain at peace, economize and try and pay the debt. All this stuH'and talk about imperialism in America is a libel on the good sense of the people, and Adams ought to have too much good sense to talk such foolishness." I v. '1 —J I I "I. „ MRS. E. I*. DANIEES' " STOOKINd SUSPENDER AND PROTECTOR ° COMBINED, FOR r-ADIKS, * AND SUSPENDER FOR OHH..DREN. Fust-v-netl and Adjustpd with llurklcs* thus dolnu away with all I.'mature*., Hntfons and If niton-Hole*-. Hooka and Pins. 1 tl I* Ilio only article thug combined, fastened and n ndjiisted, for thi.s pnfpOfc- in the market. AU im ilations are infringement* on the patent granted A ml: mm _Ath, ISM, and -Aill he po treated by Mrs, a Daniels' counsel. o r Thin article need* no recmnmendrfton. for it re* cmnmewlx itself to e.cenj laity who Keen it, being the v most simple, etoiihj atljusteit, aiul prefect fir itx ukc t ever Introduced into the. markit. d II AI) physicians recommend ils use, and one i wliiw name is known und respected ou Ihmli sides \< of tlift ocean, buys and giveaway large uumbers ( of them to his patients, declaring; that most var- j icosc veins, weak and crippled limbs can be traced p directly to the stopping of the emulation in the lower limbs, (and consequently |n the whole sys- 1: tern,) caused by the old ligature or gaiter. Ii made entirely of elastic It never etrtllgfl i or wrinkles like is as Hat and biuoolb a after wearing for mouths as when Hist used, and t yields with every motion, thus giving entire eatse j to tbe wearer. i t THE PROTECTOR AJ-ONE IS WORTH THE PRIO'E OF THE WHOI.E ARTICEE. t 11 It is unnecessary to remove theitOcUnga from g the suspender except to change, and it is really li less trouble thau the old fashioned elastic. It p ki'i'p-s the stoekintf]H'ii'eelly smooth without tear- n m;: it, and docs noi injure the limb. < lore should i be taken that the whole article is large enough i not lo feel uncomfortable. * ti All orders or inquiries should be addressed to t HERBERT DANIELS, I ii.i Clarendon street, Boston, Mass. c au li;~ri&wU __ 'j_ MARSHALS | 868—Admiral tf. UNITED STATES OF AMEKHIA— I District of Virginia, **.' Tlin Qallego Mill* M;iuiil'iiii'tui'inir Company vs. tlie scliooner "Uunvdui'," In .'uliiliralLy, in :i cause of contract. Whc nttit, a libel lias tici-n illed in thfi llistrict . Conrl of tlie United States lor tlie Eastern Dis- | —let of Virginia, mi the liiilli of August, 1871. liy The (lalleiio Mills Manufacturing Company, n- p bellant, against the schooner "l.'orredor:" In a cause of action, civil ami maritime, and , praying process may issue against said schooner "Corredor," her tackle,&c, aud lhat said schoon er, her tackle, kc, may be condemned and sold to pay such judgment, with cosUs, charges and expenses. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the monition y tinder the seal of the said Court, to me directed i and delivered, Ido hereby give public notice lo | all persons claiming the said schooner "Corre- i dor," her tacklu, kc, or in any manner interested j therein, that they be, and appear before the said \ llistrict Court, to lie held at the court-room in Hie , Custom.House, ill the city of liichmoud, in and i for the Eastern llistrict of Virginia, on tlm l.'.th > day of September, 1871, ilt 11 o'clock in the fore noon of that day, (provided the same shall be a day of jurisdiction, otherwise, on tho next tkxy of jurisdiction thereafter,) Ihen and there lo inter- , pose their claims and make their allegations in that behalf. Hated the 2otll day of August, 1871. IIAVIDH. FAIUCEH, U. S. Marshal. J I'iiiE & MiiKV, Proctors forl.ibelliuit. J _au av—tAuKw! { ail 28-iOt U. S. Marshal, j TAISYKHT <<»11Kt"< V >E THE UNITED | 1 for the Eastern DUtrlot of Virginia. To all whom it may concern, arreting: Notice is hereby fciven, That, on the 12th day of August, 1871, two ('•) stills, one 1 worm, live (ti) acres of land and distillery building thereon, claimed ami owned by Thudileiis A. Kudisel ,vi Culpeper county, and valued at ♦.TOO, were seized , by Hie Marshal of tlie United Klutes for said dis trict as forfeited to the use of tlie United States, , and the same is libeled and pnMMUfed In this ; Court In the name of tlie Uuilod Slates, for con demnation for the causes in the said libel set , forth, and that said cause will stand l.r trial at , the courtroom in Ihe city of Richmond, ou the , Ist day of September, 1871, next, when and where , •ill persons are warned to appear to show cause ( why condemnation should not be decrei d, and to ( intenene for their Interests. , Hated Angust.ilth, .87 A . viintpAui . Ku au 19—Hit U. S. Marshal. 21is—K ev. DISTRICT lOUHT OE THE UNITED STATES for the Eastern District ot \. ir ginia. „ ~ To all whom it may concern, Ureeling : Notice is hereby given. That, on the null day of August, 1871. twelve vials of cologne and ex tract*, .laiiui'il by Purcell, Oil., valued ill ♦12; sixty-flve (li.T) Ixittles of ls'iluines and pow ili ,'is, claimed by John W. Rison, viilued al »:m. i.tmnlortn (17) bottles mustard auiltlfty-llin-e (fig) bottle* Worcestershire sauce,claimed by Alcmui der llai 1, valued at titr, eleven (11) lints of ex tracts potna——l and cologne, claimed by Joseph Killdevaler, valued at ♦H; twelve (12) Isjlll.s unit vials of extracts and iKiliunes, claimed by John R annual, valued at Mo; Blue («) vials aud jars vi extracts, ikiiuiul.s and hair —il, claimed by 1 invisli Thomiu>,valuedal*7—were wiiseil by the Mirshal of Hie United Slates fur said District as lorfeiled to the use of the United Stales, anil l|,e same is libeled and prosecuted in this court iv Ihe name of the United Stat**, !"■' condeiniiaiion tor ihe cause., iii the »ald label set lorth, and lhat ...ml ,:„,„■ v. ill iiiiui.l for trial at ihe court-room iv the cil y ol Richmond, oil Ihe Ist day ol Sept., IBTI, next, when and where all persons are « ained to appear to show cause why condemna tion should not be decreed, and to intervene ftir l lien-interests. • Haled August 111, 1871. DAVID H PARKER, 1 null—Hit IJ. S. Marshal. IIMIi: liEMIINE I.bUIVS mid ulher luc 1 ported Handkerchief Exliacls, Soaps, Pow ders, Herman Earlna, Cologne, *c. 1.. WAIiNER k CO., llitiggists, 1 Sixth and lli-0.-iC streets GIFT CONCERT. $1, 00 0 ,'() 00 . BY ACTHORITV OF A SPEC IAL ACT OF the Legislature of Kentucky, of March 13, 1871, the Trustees of the Public Library of Ken tucky will give a tl II A N D GIFT CONCERT AT LOUISVILLE, KY., On TUESDAY, October 31, IS7I, Under the direction of the best, musical talent 100,000 Tickets of Admission, tin each, cttrrrii cy; half tickets, t*>: quarter tickets, tl! —I. Each ticket, will consist of four quarters —value. ♦2.60 each. The holder is entitled lo admission to the Concert and to the amount of gift award ed to it or its traction. Tickets number from 1 to 100,000. THE CITIZENS' BANK OF KENTUCKY IS TREASURER All moneys arising from the sale of ticket* will t be deposited with the Citizens' Bank, subject only to the order of the President and Treasurer of the Library, countersigned by the Ilusiness Maun- | ger. During the Coueei-t, ihe sum of $uV,0,000 IN (i111:l:\llAChS Will In' dislribllled by lot to the holders of tickets , in the following GUTS, V—: , One lira ml Sifter. $1011,000 One e~—*4Sifter. .10,000 OneGiftof ♦20,000 One Gift of tl 1,000 OneGiftof 20,000 OneGiftof 10,000 OneGiftof. lo.non OneGiftof. u.ooo OneGiftof IN.IKKI OneGiftof s.OOO J OneGiftof 17,000 OneGiftof. 7,000 ' OneGiftof. 1(1,000 OneGiftof (1,000 ' OneGiftof lfl,iion OneGiftof, ,'i,ooo i OneGiftof. 1 |,(HN) OneGiftof t.ooo ' OneGiftof. 111,000 OneGiftof. It.tKKI ' OneGiftof 12,000 OneGiftof. 2,000 i Ten Gifts of |IjtllO each tio.ooo f Fifteen Gifts of ♦two each 13,M0 Eighteen Gift* of tWOeach 14,.ki0 ■ Twenty (lifts of tit*) each 14,(K10 Twenty-five Gifts of ♦(;(>(> each ... 18,090 Thirty Gifts of t.UKI each Ui.OIKI Forty Gifts of 1100 each 16,0011 " Forty-live (lifts of ♦.'WO each 13,800 Fifty Gifts of tSOO each 111,0011 t 44M Gifts of tlin each 44,WH1 I r ' 721 Gilis in all ♦,T;jn,iK)o t ( After iiaying all the expenses of the enterprise *, and making the distribution ot the Gift*, the bal- « iiii.e of the proceed* arising from the sate of 1 tickets will be appropriated to llie establishment, of a FREE I.IHIIARY IN LOUISVILLE, TO BE CALLED THE PUBLIC LIIIRARY OF KENTUCKY. The Concert nnd Distribution will take place nn- , der the immediate .supervision of the Trustees mentioned iv Ihe act ofincoi'|Hiration. The trustees will be assisted by well-known and eminent citizens of Kentucky, who have c ...nseiited lo be present at ths concert, and tosli peiiiileiid the drawing and distribution of gifts. . The holders ol tickets to which gifts are award ed will be paid on presentation of them or their traction, Rt Urn oilice in Louisville, Ihe second . day after drawing aud every business day for «ix month* thereafter, and may be sent direct or ( through any Hank or Express company for col lection. All orders accompanied by Drafts, Posl Oilice Money Orders, or Greenbacks, will be , promptly attended to and liekets reinrued by mail, registered or expressed, as ile.-iiiil. j Tickets are like Oreenbackß—good only to Hie holder. . ftSTHuycrs will Hole thai then, are only one hundred thousand tickets instead of two hundred thousand, us in ihe Sun Francisco Gift Concert, , and that there is tSo,Qoomore distributed. Isold that and made the awards iv four mouths and ( paid tlSs.iKto to ticket bolder* from Nov. 2nd to li'ith, 1870, and turned over t!2,ooo to the Secre tary due tickets mil presented. , It will be particularly noticed that il is a mat ter Of lmpoSfllbllfty for any one lo know what numbers draw gills, as.it is'not known what Ihe gift,ol any number drawn from Ihe lirst wheel will i be, until the sealed box, with amount of the gilt plainly prill led, is taken Irom llle olher wheel and opened iv full view of tlie audience, therefore the larger gifts may not conic out until towards the last, or in the middle of the drawing. The 1100,000 gift ill the San Francisco Gift Concert, under the management of C. it. PETERS, was 1 the 900 th number drawn, and was awarded and paid to a gentlemanim New Orleans. 721 Gifts is all thai ran be drawn iv one day. r sVtrThe Numbers and Gifts ate drawn by blind children from S to 14 years of age. The Drawing will be extensively published, and parties ordering Tickets will have printed j lists sent them. Parlies forming Clubs and de siring Information will please address this office. 11 Tickets lor *10(); M Tickets, £35.1; 5(5 Tick-" ■ els, tjwOO; 1 til Tickets, $1000. The undersigned,lale principal business manager ot the very suei-essful Mercantile Library Gift Concert at San Francisco, California, has been ap pointed agcul and manager of the Gilt Concert ' in aid of the Public Library of Kentucky. The drawing will take place iv public, and 1 everything will be done to satisfy buyers of ticket* Hiat their interests will be as well pro tected as if they personally superintended the ] entire ali'air. MANNER OF DRAWING. Tliere will be two glass wheels. One wheel will contain 100*000 numbers, plainly printed on leather tags. The other wheel will contain 721 boxes, each containing a gift. One tag or num ber will be drawn from tike 100,000 wheel, and the lirst box drawn from the second or 721 Ixix wheel will contain a gift, neatly printed and sealed up, and tlie gift, so drawn from the second wheel will be the gift of the tag fleet drawn, whether tloo, ' tl.noo, or tloo,ooo, as announced. I 1,:.ti1 Tickets Disposed «!' iv July. To insure ticket holders, the public are assured that it only 2.1,000 tickets are soltl only 2,1,000 numbers go in the large wheel, the 721 Gills i awarded, but diminished pro rata. In case 80, --000 tickets only are soltl, only numbers 1 lo 80,000 go in the large'wheel, and the 721 gifts diminished one-half; and in case only SB,mni liekets are sold the entire 721 gifts will be paid in full—it being Intended that no unsold tickets shall participate. The Manager has already paid into Hie Citizens Bank 190,000 toward* defraying the expenses, and does not deiiend on sales of tickets to pay his ex [M'tises of printing, advertising, kc Tlie public are invited to tlie utmost scrutiny as to the relia- t bllity of the entire atlair. 1 Persons desirous of aciing as agents for tho sale of tickets in any city iv the Uniu-d States or Can adas, in I. lies t HAS. R. PETERS, , Manager, Louisville, Kr, OFFICE, 120 Main street, Johnson's Block. It. T. durrett, President, W. N. 11A1.UEMAN, Vice President. M. w. CLUSKY, Secretary. CITIZENS' HANK, Treasurer, an 17—eodlm BANKRUPT NOTICES. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE I M TEI) STATES, tot-Ihe 1 lis I rict of Virginia, . In the matter of A. .1. Lucas, bankrupt—in ' bankruptcy. Notice is hereby given lllat tl general meeting ' of the creditors of A. .1. Lucas, liankrupl, will be ' held on the Sth day uf September, 1871, at 10 o'clock A M, before 11. O. Gibbons, Esq., regis- ' ter in bankruptcy, at Abingdon, Va., for the pur- ' pose* named in the 271 h and 2sth sections of the bankrupt act of March 2d, 18(17. Clli'isiiansburg, Va., August Is, 1871. C. B -» .1. GARDNER, 111 l 19—S2t Assignees, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI TED STATES for the Eastern Dislricl of Vir ginia. In the matter of Williamson Kelly, of liruns wick, bankrupt—iv bankruptcy. Eastern District of VUginia, ss : Notice is hereby given that a general meeting of the creditors of ihesaid Williamson Kelly, bank rupt, for the purposeof declaring a dividend, will be held at. Richmond, at the office of w. W. Forbes, register In bankruptcy, iv said district, on Wednesday, the Oth day of Sept., 1871. at 10 o clink A. illi'., In accordance with the provisions of Hie 27th and 2M.h sections of the bankruptcy act. of March 2d, ISU7. Dated at Lawrenceville, Aitgui-I, 1871. E. R. TURNHULL, an 24—Th2w Assignee. — 101—Invol IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF "THE UNITED STATES lor tbe Eastern District of Virginia. In ihe mailer of 11. M. (J.tiurles, Rec'r, vs. W. S. Griffin, individually, and as one of Hie linn of L. Harvey k Co., bankrupt—in bankruptcy. At Richmond, on the 24th day ol August, 1871. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : Please to lake notice hereby, thai a petit ion has been, lowit : on the 24th day ol Aug., 1871, tiled in said Dislrict Court by W. S. Grilliu, of —iehiiiond city, iv said district, who lias lieen heretofore duly declared bankrupt upon Ihe pe'ilioili of his creditors under the ml of Congress entitled "Au act to establish a more iiuilorin system of bankruptcy throughout the United Slates," approved March 2d, 1887, for a discharge nnd certilieatc thereof, from all his debis and other claims provable under said act, asm that tlie (jtliday of Septem'r, 1871, at mo'clk A. M., before W, W. Forbes, one of the Registers of said court iv bankruptcy, at lus oilice in Rich mond, In said district, is Hie lime and place as \ signed for Ihe hearing ol the same; when ami where you may attend ami show cause, if any you have, why Hie prayer ol tbe said petition should not he granted. You are also hereby notified, that —le SOOOnd ami third meetings of the creditor* Of the said bankrupt will lw held at ihe same time and place. W. W. FORBES, Register iv Bankruptcy for ■ an 2S—Msw 3d Cong'l Dist. of Va. HATPIN- PAI'ER may be hud al this OFFICE. SUMMER RESORTS. SW EET CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, (OLD RED SWEET,) ALLEGHANY COUNTY, VA , will be opened for t>.e reception of visitors on the IMb of this month. Board, *:* per day; *0O per month. THOS. KINNIREY, je 28—2w Proprietor. ■TO-IUTH SULPHUR SPRINGS. I OREENnRIER, WEST YIROIN-A. These Springs, famous for their alterative wa- j ters and fashionable jwUronage, will be open on 1 the Ist of JUNE. They afford accommodation 1 for 2,000 persons. < The Springs are 2.000 feet above tide-water, and ' the climate in which they are situated in always < COOL and INYIOORATING, affording entire < relief from prostrating summer heat. < Professor Rosen be rger's excellent band will be I iv attendance, to enliven the lawns and ball-room. I Masquerade and fancy balls during the season, * as heretofore. t An extensive livery will be kept at very mode- • rate charges* Chauuks—t3 per day and $75 per month of 1 thirty days ; children under ten years of age, and If colon-d servants, half price; white servants, ac- 1 cording to accommodations. t my 12—eod2m GEO. L. PEYTON A CO. t , . I HOTEL. j 1 This desirable and beautiful summer resort, ft Ranted on the summit of the Blue Ridge Monn- _ tain, on the line of Ihe Chesapeake and Ohio rail- _ road, one mile from Afton depot, Albemarle * county, commanding a full view of the surround ing country, has been enlarged and thoroughly „ refitted, and will be open on tho Ist of JUNE. J Hoard—Per month, s)40; per week, «>ia; per v day, #2. Children under tl years, and colored ■, servants, half-price, TheCHALYHKATH SPRING* are eqmd to any in tlid State. B Coaches will run dally to aud Vrom the ilepot. \ je 15—3 m JNO. W. IU LLA lilt. j WEST END nOTRL, LONO BRANCH. N. ■ J., (formerly Stetson Hones.) Jnst relit- | ted ; open June hHh; motlern In structure and ii first-class In every respect. Will he undm- the I management of James Sykes, of Wlllard's, h Washington, and Peter Gardner, now of the t: Gilsey House, New York, formerly of the New s York Hotel. Applications for rooms, Ac., received t; at the hotel, or by Mr. Gartbter,at Gilsey House, c N. Y. SYKES, GARDNER & CO., t je I ."»—tSl Proprietors. _ v 1—; c NEW PUBLICATIONS. DAPI'LETOSi tc CO., t: NOS. 549 AND Ml BROADWAY, •'' SBW VOSK, Have just published: KKAfIMKNTS Ok' FOR UlfSOlßtf- , 'III'IU PEOPLE. Hj JohnTyiiiliill. PSoe * NI»EL IIARTKAM'S IDEAL. A Novi'l. Hy J Flori'tiL'o Wilfonl. Prico otic, TIIKPIIYSI(!AI, KIUHTrf AMD Dutiks. Hy Will. Allen Butler. Cloth. Price tl. \ GAHRIELLE ANDRE. An Historical No>el. J Paper covers. Bvo, 6lt cents. ON THE GENESIS OF SPECIES. BySt. Geo- l Mivait, F. R. S. 1 vol., I'J.mo. With illuntra. tions. Price *1 75. , MUSINGS OVER THE CHRISTIAN YEAR J AND LYRA INNOCENTUM. By Charlotte J Mary Yonffe. Ivol., thick 12ino. I;tl path's . Price H, " DAISY CHAIN ; Ok, ASPIRATIONS. Th* 8d of a new .edition of Miss Tonge's novel. 2 , vols., 12mo. Illustrated. *2. THE DESCENT OF MAN, AND S-I.EC- " TIONS IN RELATION TO SEX. By Chas. l Darwin. With illustrations, 2 vol*. Price _t VKRA;Or, THE RUSSIAN PRINCESS AND { THE ENGI.ISH EARI,. 1 vol..Hro. Paper J covers. Price 4t) cents. THE REYEI.ATIONS OF JOHN; with -Notes J Critical, Explanatory and Practical. Hy Rev. 1 Henry (Bowles, D. 1». Ivol.. 12mo. Cloth— 8 Price $1 f>(). HEARTSEASE. A Novel. Hy the author of "The J Heir of Rcdelylle." A now illustrated cdi- , tion. 2 vols. Price $'J. l THEKECOYERY OF JERUSALEM; An Ac- } count of the liecent Excavation and Discov- f cries in tho Holy City. By Capt. Wilsos, R. l E., and Capt. Warren, R. E. With an Intro ductory chapter by Dean Stanley, Cloth. Svo. Fifty illustrations. Price #3 fin. ! THE HEIR OF REDCLYFFE. 1 vols, lftao. J 1 Illustrated. $2. WESTWARD BY RAIL: The New Route lo the * East. RyF. W. Rae. 1 vol., 12rao. Cloth.- " SdOpaifes. . Price *2. } LIFE AND NATURE UNDER THE TROPICS; l Or, Sketches of Travels among the Andes and on the Orinoco, Rio Negro and Ama/ons. By ' H. N. and P. Y. N. Meyers. 1 "vol., 12_wo. J With illustrations. Price $2. ' BODY" AND MIND : An Inquiry iato their Con nection and Mutual Influence, especially is \ reference to Mental Disorders. By Henry * Maudsley, M. D. 1 vol., l__uo. Cloth. Price ' *1. FIFTEEN YEAIiS: A Picture from the Last ' Century. Hy Talvi. 1 vol, l2mo. Clolh. J Price *l fit*. THE POISON OF ASPS. A Novelette. By Flo rence Marryatt. 1 vol, Svo. Paper covers. ' Priec 30 cents. j LAYSERMONS.ADDRESSESANDRETIEWS By Thomas Henry Hurley, LL. D. 1 vol, ! 12mo, 390 pages. Price 41 70. OTHER WORLDS THAN OURS. The Plurali- J ity of Worlds Studied under tho Light of Re cent Researches, With numerous illustra- * tions. By Richard A. Proctor. 1 vol, 12ino. Price *2 M. . , WHAT TO READ AND HOW TO READ. Being J Classified Lists of Choice Reading. By Chas. * 11. Moore. 1 vol, 12mo. Paper covers. Price ' fin cent*; cloth 7o cents. ' i JBfTEHhrr of the above sest free, by mail, to ] any address in the United States, oa receipt of * the pride. je 13 —ly , , „ ] JUST PUBLISHED: ] A NEW BOOK BY MARION MART*AND. J i iiMJIi.N HSNSB IX 'I'HK llol'SKllcl.ll. A MANU AL OF PRACTICAL HOUSEWIFERY , BY MARION II AU I. AM' j Aulhot of * Alone," "Hidden Path" "Nemesis," ! , etc. , One Vol. 12mo, Oi.oth. Price, il.f». The great popularity achieved by Marion Har laud as a writer of Action will insure a most cor dial reception for this volume. It is a summary of many years' practical experience in her own home; ami her "Fellow Housekeepers, North, East, South, aud West," will every where welcome it aa a hand-book of Domestic Economy and a guide to proper nmnagement of their own homes. It la written wilh that ease only acquired by long practice ;is a wriler, and the work throughout is inspired by that purpose which has bees the > uniform aim and the secret of the success of all of Marion Harlaud's writ-Ufa —to show the dignity of needful labor, and the Iteanty, grace, and saercdin-ss of what is culled "Common Life," as it is developed in our American homers. HISTORICAL NOVELS 11V IvIiCKMAJ-N-i.HATIUAN. TH B BLOCK A DE. AN EPISODE OF TUB FAU, OF 'rilß FIRST 'FRENCH KJ-I'IRR. Pbom thk French of MM. Eecxhann-Chatrian, WITH FOUR ILLUSTRATIONS, INCLUDING PORTRAITS OF THE AUTHORS. In stifl'paper covers, 60 cts.; iv cloth, DO cts. The scene of this novel, one of the most power ful ever written by these joint authors, is laid iv Phalsburg, one of the French strongholds, which recent momentous events ltaveagain mad.- prom inent. Like nil the other stories of the series,this is life-like, spirited, and graphic in its description, thrillitig in incident, ami perfectly pure in tone. CRITICISM OF THE LONIH>N PRESS. "This is another of the wottderful photogruphu' pictures of war which have made MM. Et'ck maun-Chatrian i-:o fatuous. These writers have a singular skill in lighting on those details which bring a thing closer home to one than pages of powerful wriiing."— Lotulon Spectator, By the same authors, uniform with the above In style and price: MADAMETHERESE j or.THE VOLUNTEERS of '!*2. With live full-page JMnttV. THE CONSCRIPT. A Story of the Freuoh War oflsJ3. With eight full-page illustrations. WATERLOO. A Sequel to ths Conscript of 1813. With six full-page illustrations. These books*Brnt bff mail on receipt of the pries hy the pttblinh**rs, CHARLES SCRIBNER'AUO., jelA—lm No. 664 Broadway, N. Y. I /ALU PAPERS--!!, any quantity -far tale a VJ THIS OFFICE. MEDICAL. OK THK BALTIMORE LOOK hospital, ' OFFICE, 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET j From his •lttttafrt practice in the great Hospl- 1 tals of Europe and the first in this country, viz: England, Frame, Philadelphia and elsewhere, J can offer the most certain, speedy iiml «*tr»'fiu.tl li remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE* I* Weakness of the Hack or Limbs, Strictures, v Affections of the Kidney* and Bladder, Invol an- d tary Discharges, Im potency, Oenernl Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirit*?, 1 Confusion of HMI, Palpitation of the Heart, d Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or ■ or Oiddiness, Diseases of the Head, Throat, NOM or Skin, Affection of tin* Lungs, Stomach or JJuw pls—those terrible disorders arising from the Sol- U itary Habits of Youth—those secret and solitary I practices more fatal to their victims than the d Syrens to the Mariner of (Jlyues, bligluing thejr most brilliant hoites or anticipations, ren- b iiering marriages, Sic. impossible. 1. YOVTSQ MEN, V Especially, who have become the victims of Solitude Vice, that dreadful aud destructive habit T. which annually sweeps to an untimely grnvi* a thousand* of Young Men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intellect., who might otherwise h have entranced listening Senates with the thiui- it :lers of eloquence, or waked to eostacy the living l lyree, may call with full confidence. MARKIAUE, * Married Person*, or Young Men contemplating p marriage, being aware of physical weakness, or ganic debilities, deformation, Ac , speedily fldred. I He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. ft nay religiously confide on hi- 4 * honor as a ■cnili'iii.'iu ami confidently rely upon his skill as a S ,>hysiclan. li ORGANIC WEAKNESS I; mmedititcly enred and full vigor restored. JM This dreadful disease—which renders life mlse •afole and marriage im|K>ssitile—is the peuaUy m xiid by ihe victims of Improper Indulgence*, ill Ifoung portions are too npt to commit excesses 'ram not being aware of tlm draadfnl cones piencos that may ensue. Now, Who that under- ~ stands tho subject, will nreteml to deny that tbe "j Dower of procreation is lost voonnr by those fall- * ug into improper habits than by the prudent? !te«idew being deprived of the pleasures of multhy offspring, the most terious and deslruc- p ivo symptoms to both Iwdy and mind arise. The " ly-tem becomes deranged,the physical and men al functions weakened, loss of procroaiive pow i r, nervous Irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of .ho heart, indigestion, constitutional debility, a ,J wasting of the frame, coughs, consumption, de lay and death. "J A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. * Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten- * •rs who keep them trilling month after month. aking poisonous and injurious compounds, should !l tpply immodiately. DR. JOHNSTON, * Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon lon, graduate from one of the most eminent Col- v* l eges iv the United Stales, and the greater part n whoso life has been ais-nt in the hospital* of '° Umdott, Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has '"• »fTectod some of the most astonishing cores S: .hat were ever known ; many troubled with ring tig in the head and ears when asleep, great * lervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, Kishfulness, wilh frequent blushing, attended lometimes with a derangement of the mind, wen- *' aired immediately. " TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. .T. addresses all those who ha\e injured '* hemselvesby Improper indulgoncies and soliia •y habits, which ruin both body and mind, unlit- ■' ing them for either business, study, society, or narriage. These are some of the sad ami melancholy of c Vets produced by early habits of youth, vi/: * Weakness of the Hack and Limbs. Pains in the I Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss Of Muscular Pow r, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspep-ia, Nervous ~ Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Fuhc- J ions, General Debility, Symptoms of Cousump ioa. a MENTALLY. J The fearful effects on the mind are much to be , v Ireaded. Loss of Memory, Confusion of ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion ~ ■o Society, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timid .* ty, Ac, are some of tlie evils produced. rf| Thousands of persons of all Dries can now jndj-e ' Arhat is the cause of their declining health, loot-ing .heir vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous, and ~ •macialed, having a singular appearance about ' .ho eyes, cough and symptoms ot consumption. . YOUNG MEN " ,vho have injured themselves by a certain prac- _, ice indulged in when alone—a habit frequently s earned from evil companions or a} school, the "' jffeets of which are nightly felt, even whan isleep, and, if not cured, renders marriage im possible, and destroys both miud and body— should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his xmntry, tin* pride of his parents, should be matched from all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature aud indulging in a certain secret tiabit. Such persons, must, before contcinpla- ~i ting J MARRIAOE, reflect that a sound mind and body are the most tecessary requisites to promote connubial hapi- S less; indeed, without these, the journey through ife becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect Hourly darkens to the view, the mind becomes A diadowed with despair aud tilled with Ihe niel mcholy reflection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with your own. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this B painful disease, it too often happens that an ill- *' timed sense of shame or dread of discovery tie- V ters him from applying to those, who, from edu- *" cation and respectability, can alone befriend him. a He falls into the hands of ignorant aud designing '' pretenders, who, incapable of curing, filch his d pecuniary substance, keep him trilling month ■ after month, or as long as the smallest tee can bo I obtained, and wilh despair leave him with ruined r health to sigh over his galling disappointment, or •' by the use of that deadly poison Mercury, hasten * the constitutional symptons of the terrible dls- ' ea*e, such as Alfectioit of tho Head, Throat, 1 Nose, Skin, etc., progressing with frightful rapid- o ity till death puts a period to his dreadful sutler- I* ing by sending him to that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveller returns. To such, therefore, Dr. Johnston oilers the most certain, sjteedy, pleasant and elleetual remedy in * the world. OFFICE, 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, Left hand side goiug from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe the m name and number. • l ; <_TNo letters received unless post-paid and a containing a stamp to be nsed on the reply. Per sons writing should state age, and send portion of advertisement describing symptoms. There art* so many Paltry, Designing and I Worthless irajiosters advertising themselves as Physicians, trifling with aud ruining the health of all who unfortunately fall into their power p ( | that Dr. Johnston deems it necessary to say es- j pecially to those unacquainted with bis reputa- { . tion, that his Credentials or Diplomas always * ; hang in his oilice. :, ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The many thousands cured at this institution '. within the last eighteen years, aud the nume rous Surgical Operations performed by Dr. John btou, witnessed by the reporters of the "Sun" and many other papers, notice of which appeared ' again and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of characterand respon- * slbUlty, is a sufflcicient guarantee to the atllicled. ' SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. , ja-8-ly c V¥a >HOOD: 1 HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED! ? Just published, in a pealed envelope. Price (j {' cents. ALEirrUREON THE NATURAL TREAT- I 1 MENT, and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhea or J Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sex- j ual Debility, and InqH.'diments to Marriage gene rally ; Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Pysical Incapacity, result ] ing from Self-Abuse, _c, by Hoii't .1. Cut.VIE- . wbi.i., M. !»., author of the "tireen Hook," _c. ' "A liOON TO THOUSAND OF SUFFERERS.I' Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two - iiostage statute, by CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Howery, New York, Post Oilice box i 6&6. je B—eodSm8 —eodSm BUTLER'S UALSAMH: MIXTURE is not ft thing of yesterday, got up to gull the mi wary and put money in the pebhets of the pro- j pnetors. It has stood the test of lime. Having J been in the market over thirty years, its very - name will recall lo many who are now the re speclod heads of families, the halcyon days of ' their youth, with all its joys ami sorrows; it is ' still the same; iufallablo tit its oi>eratiou; a s|>e- ' ciflc remedy lor youthful Indiscretion and folly; < a true friend. It is for sale by all druggists — Price, ti iter bottle. dfl 14—ly SAVINGS BANK. liBMOVAX. TO NEW BAWKJNU K«OMS, NO. 10 NOItTH TENTH STREET, Iletwwn Main and Hank Streets. NATIONAL FREEMEN s SAYINtIS AND i TKCSr COMPANY. CHARTERED HYCONORESS, MARCH, ISdfl. DEPOSITS received and PAYMENTS made daily (excejiting holidays) front v A. M. to -l p. M.,aud on Saturday Evenings from B to s o'chwk. INTEREST at the rite of six percent iM-ran unm declared and compounded in March, July and November, on all sums of Fl\"E (6) DOLLARS and upwards. Ihqtostts received of FIA'E CENTS and up wards. CHARLES SPENCER. feb 1— ti Cashier. A IX THE TYPE WITH Willi H THIS PAPER IS PRINTED, was cast at the omtdry of H. L. PELOI IZE k CO„ je 16—deod-tw.m Richmond, Va. - * RAILROADS. Ru inuiMi \MUt\>viii.i i;\ii limn On and after .Tiily._!>th, 1871, COIN*J WTSST : Trnin No. U (Through PMWItfcWl) l_*V« Hit h mood daily (except Sunday) at 4:(l.'> A. AI.; leavi* Danville at 11:112 A. M.; arrives a 1 * ireeii;d>oro' at l.v_ IV M. Trnin No. 0 (Lynchburg Pawenger) leaven Kichmond daily at Bfti A. M.; arrives at I*ynch burg at A I*. IM." Tram No. i:t ( Freight and Accontmorlalion) leaves Kichmond at &M P. M.; arrive-* ai HurkeH rlUe at 9.M P. M., it»pping at all way station* daily (Sundaya esevpted.) Train i\o. 11 (Through M:til and ExpTWM)t—rV P. M.j leaves Ihmville daily at tft:4_ IV IM.; arrives at < Jreensboro' daily at 1:12 A.M. lluliVi} KAST : Train No* 14 (Through Mail and Kxpronn) leaves (Jrcensboro' daily at H&Q P. M.; h-aves l>anville daily at 10:13 I*. M.; airivesat Kichmond daily at. r.:14 A. M. I Train No. b (Through Passenger) leaves G/lveu"- Iwit.' daily (except Sunda.ys)at 11;U5 A. M.J leaver Dam Merit I:*!7P. M.; arrives aL Kichmond at s:2_ 1 P. M, 'l miii No. 10 (Lynchburg PaAsenger) b-aves Lynchburg dally at 8:90 A, M.; leaves Hurkeville ai I P. M.j arrives at Richmond at 4 P. M. Train Sio. 3 (Kreight and Accommi-*taiitni) leaves Uurkevilleal i::n» A, M.; arrives at Kich mond at S;4fl A. M., stopping at all way _ta tions daily (Sundays excepted!) Trains Noe, 9 and II connect at <*}rcen,sboi*o' ] with Trains on North (Carolina ruiliiiad for all ] jioiiits South, 1 Train No, 0 connects at llurlteville with c Train ou Atlantic, Misstssiftpt and Ohio railroad for all points Souihwest and South, i Tlllfonill TIOKBTS load points South and Southwest can be procured al the ticket oilice iv : Kichmond, and of R, V. WAI*KKK, Agent of Al- 1 lan tic, Mississipi'i and Ohio railroad, No, l;i2a Main street, Kichmond 1 Papers lhat have arrangements to advertise the l •choctnle of this company will please print as above, .1011-N If. MAt'MUKIM), 1 Genera] Ticket and freight Agent. ] T, M. U. TAMeQTT, Kng'r and Sup't. att _4 1871. 1871. ; SPMMKR AKKANtIKMKNT. SCHEDULE KK'HMONP, b'EEUERIOICS HUKO ANl> POTOMAC KOIJTE, (KUNtt INTO EFFECT JUNE 7, IS7I. THROUGH TKAINS leave dopOt, corner . Byrd nnd Eighth streete, as ibllows : The DAY TRAIN daily at S:2O A. M. Arrives ' In Washington at 12:10, Baltimore (except on . Sundays) ai 8:1.1, Philadelphia at ti.\?>, aud New l York at lli:-0 p. M. THE SAME PAY- * The NIOIITTRA IN daily (except on Sundays) atS:4A P. M. Tbe DAY Til-UN ttnivea In Kichmond at 2:17 ' P. M. The Nit HIT TWAIN arrives in I'ichmond T (Mondays excepted at S:80 A. M. The ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, for Mil ford leaves Kroad--.trcet Depot daily (Sundays excepted) at 4:50 P. M. Arrives in Kichmond at 8:42 A.M. FREIGHT TRAINS leave Kichmond on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS al 6:4.1 P. M. t THROUGH TICKETS andTHKOI < ill RAG- . GAGE Checks to all the principal points In the j North, East and West. COMPANY'S OFFICE, cottier 61 I'.r.iad ami Eighth streets. • TICKET OFFICE, corner Bynl and Eighth streets. .f. 11. GENTRY, General Ticket Agfeflt; E. T. li. MYflita. General SuperintetMleiit. /dii:s.\i'i;AKi: ami ohio raiikovd. On aud alter THURSDAY, .rune Ist, PASSEN- j GER TRAINS leave Ricbinoud (Sunday ex- j cepled) as follows : 1:90 A. M.—MAIL TRAIN for White Sulphur ! Springs connecting at Gordonsville with Orange, J Alexandria and Manassas train for Washington j and North, aud Lynchburg aud South. ;i::Wi P. M.—ACCOMODATION TRAIN for Gordonsville, except on Saturday, on which day il leaves at fi P. M. This train connects at p. m., and arrive at Harrisburg at 7 p. m. Eastward, leave Harrisburg at6:Soft. m; pass Rtrasbnrg at 9.20 a. m., arri\e at Alexiuulria at I.M p. m. and at Washington in time for connect ing with the :t p.m. train from Washington toUal liniore. Good connections, by comfortable coaches, are made to Fairfax Court House from Fairfax sta tion; to Middleburg from Plains; to Uppervillo from Piedmont, ami to Staunton Ctom Harrison burg. Elegaiit sleeping cars are run daily between New York aud Lynchburg, wilhoiit change. Also, cars through between HaUimoru ar.d Lynchburg, avoiding the inconvenience of trans fer in Washington. Through tickets and baggage cheeked to till prominent points. .1. M. KROAPUS, mil 7—tf \ ii-ueral Ticket Agent. ■yiT AMII.VM'ON AND OHIO RAILROAD. SPRING SCHEDULE. REG INN ING MARCH 80, 1871. TWO Trains daily (except Sundays) between Alexandria and Hamilton. Leave Alexandria al s:4O A. M. and 0 P. M. Arrive at Hamilton at, 10108 A.M. and 7:20 P. M. Leave Hamilton at 0:00 A. M. ami 12:10 P. M. Arrive at Alexandria at 1:00 A. M. and 2t34 P. M. Th*\H:4o A. M. train from Alexandria and 1_:16 I*. M. train from Hamilton, connect at Hamilton wilh Kemp's Daily Lino of Coaches lor Purcell ville, Snicltorsville, Rerryville anil Winchester; ftlso, with Reamer's Lino of Coaches, which leave Lees burg daily lor Aldie aud Middh-bni'g. Annual liekets, sixty dollars ; connnutath v tickets (35 trips*) at2)_ ceuis per mile, R li. lIAVENNER, je \:, General Ticket Aj-ent. PURE ICE. xjoHi iii:k\ he. \Veb:i\e ronliactcd for a full supply of the OKLEHEATED KENNBEO IHVER ItlE, am! are reci-miif-; from the aUive river ICE twenty inches In thickness, clear as crystal, ami bard 08 Hint, superior to any ICE coming into tills market (not excepting the Ko.-tonlee). We are the only dealers in ibis city receiving this CELEBRATED ICE, so universally known as Ihe PUREST and REST iv the countrj We are pr.-paied ai all times to furnish ICE ol the above quality by the QftTgo, Canal Roat or ('ai load; and we give spe.ial attention on all occasions lo the packing and shipping of the same. ('iiy oustomerfl famished oq the mewl reasona ble ternis. McGOWAN k LAMPKIN, No. IMI Cary street, Richmond, Va. ie_!-tf riMIE MATE JOURNAL is an excellent ml- X. vcrtising meilium. Try il and see. STEAMSHIPS j*j _\\Beiii:i) ri, f. /__gg_j IX)BJAIi_SANDC-aCI-iHOHIN*O-Y_-S Tho fk*t SlMlplccnntfiflp-wlipi'lsti'niiutPALl- SAllK.t 'apt. <'n.\.. Nki.phik, will Irnvp her wharf, at llockptti*, (Powliat.in Nti'.imbnat I '<>ni;>:ui\'-. «h«'il,) for Kiiiß's Mill ami (Jrovn wliarvi-n on TI'KSDAVK anil SATURDAYS, at 6 o'clock A M., connecting with tin- 7 o'clock train at Cm Point lor Psternburg. Betaamine, will limm- Grove wharf and Kinc;'. Milton WEDNESDAYS ami MONDAYS at 7 o'clock A. M., touching at all the regular Inmltngi each way. Will lcavp her wharf at ltocketu for Ilinn'* on Chick—hominy, on THITHSDAYS at 6 A. M., connettrng at City Point with the 7 o'clock train from Ptluißtm |, toucllinir at nil the regitlm' liiiuliiijfs on James river down to Dillant's Wharf, ami all n-trnl:u' landing" on Cliii kuil,loml ny. Heiiirnine:, will leave Ilinn's on KJtIDAYS at « o'clock A, M. Freight n-i-ilveil dully. Freight for Chickah'oniiny received on Wed nesday*. All freight* lo way landing iiiiint be pi. |iiiiil. For further particular., apply to Captain on boanl, or to WM. P. BEETT, Agent, an 8.1 at Powhatan Steamboat Kluilx. _1«)H NEW YOItK.--Ol.il 1M»- ZiSirt. r MINION STEAMSHIP rtiH-____ PANY. __—-—» The ■lilcndul new aide-wheel Steamship* ISAAC BELL, AEIIEMAUI.E, SAKATOOA, HATTEKAS and NIAIIARA leave New York Norfolk, City Point and Xi, Iniionil every TOEB DAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at 1 o'clock P. M. These uliips are entirely new, and were hiiilt expftCMto for this route. They have njilemlid saloonn ami utale-rooins, and tlie accomniodttlioii* and attention are in, ptumtd, Qooda shipped hy thi* line are landed regu larly at New York," on the Company's covered pier, S7 North fiver, within furty-eijiht hours. Insui-aiiee ert'ectcd when ordered, al v iiujk tkii ur o»» ruK cut. tit the oilice ol this com pany. Freight* forjioinlslieyond NewYorh foi-\vai-di-,l With dispatch, and no charge made, pxecepi ac tual expn—MM incurred. W£! ' For further information apply to JOHN W. WYATT, Ag, nt, ja I—tf No. 3 Governor street. IIUIISSIA MKAVlMtll' AKU PACKET COMPANY. 3___-B The (team*—ip GEOKGE U. UPTON leave* New York every SATURDAY; leaves Richmond every TUESDAY. The steamship WILLIAM P. CLYDE leave* New York every TUESDAY; leaves Richmond every FRIDAY. Freight receivitl daily. I.'lose connei'tious mtule with *learners for a Southern aud Eastern jiorts. D. J. BURR, President. W*shixuto* k Co., Agent*, Richmond, A'a. Pier lii North river. New York. ajil NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TT*-MITCeMB*B REMEDY I OK ASTHMA. FOR ASTHMA, HOSECOi.D, HAY FEVER, el, "Nothing so successful."—T. Mur<-.1.r, Drug gist, Hoston. Recommended hv Dr. O. W. Holmes. 11 always relieves. JOS. HUUNETT k CU., 1 lus on. lVljisg. Sold by all druggists. TTT ILSONI'OI.I.EUE FOR YOl N<; I,A 111 IS A (lording llrsl-class educational advantage.-, will u|K'ii its next term on Wednesday, September ft. Terms moderate. For catalogue, adore** Rei .1 W. \VIGHTMAN L Chamlsrsl,uig, I'a VIIKiIM A FEMALE INSTITUTE, STAUNTON, VA., Is one of the largest KIK.ST-CI.ASS institutions in the Sou—l. Tliere are EIGHT SCHOOLS, muter Iweniy-two officers. Pupils from every Southern Stale. Special lulvantages iv MI sit. Buildings and Qroundt art spaciom and ilty.mt. For circulars of -15 pases, address Kr.v.K. It PHILLIPS, Principal. A NEW ERA IN MASHIMi ! LABOR, TIME, CLOTHES AND FUEL SAVED II V TH| l' S X 0 F WARFIELD'S COLD WATER SELP-WASHING SOAP. SEMI FOR CIRCULAR AND PRK.'E LIST. JIIBMT4 WA.M'ltli. WILSON, LOCEWtIOD, KVKKKTT k 00., ,'il Mi'kuav S'ra**! 1 , Nmv Y'liiiK. Sole Agents for the States ol'Virgini*, North and South Carolina. Georgia and Fioridii. DR . COLLINS' PAINLEh- CUKE FOR THE OPHTM HABIT. DR.OOLLINS ' A N T I .) O T E KnaWa* the patient to discouti ■ the use of Opium In any form, at once, without pain or in convenience, aud without any interruption of or dinary business, it rebuild* the broken coiislitu tion and restores Hie nervous eiieie.ii-.-. DISCOVERED IN IS*. i it.; ii.m.v rJL i.vi.ess i-i-Ki-; ttviii: nis- avaaßn. TIIERI A X I : AND THEIR LAST DOSE. A Iwok of over Km pages, containing lei ters of FITZHUGH LUDLOW, the well-known tetter of G. AT., ex|>osiugthe intrigues of HARPER'S MAI I AZINE and LUDLOW, and a lull descrip tion of the Antidote, sent frw to any address Address, DR. SAMUEL 11. COLLINS, , Lajiortr, Indiana. A HEATS, REAM THIS! WE WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY OF *30 PER WEEK and Kxpei—ee, or allow a huge, commission to sell our new and wonderful in\ tui tions. Address M. WAGNER i CO., Mar-iall. MichL ' $30. ******* ~s3o. Agents t'M) per week to sell our gl-eat and vain hie discoveries. 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