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i i ■ ■ . ,__ 9 tote Ifliwwl y.(im» ■' - ■-• *■ ' .' —.■■*-■■■-*— < ;*■■* THURSDAY EVE'a. DEC. 5, 1872. Mark Twnlu on Good Utile linn. The man lives in Philadelphia who, when young and poor, entered a bank, and says he, '"Please, sir, don't you want a boy?" And the stately personage said, "No, little boy,. I don't want a little boy.'' The littlo boy, whose heart was too full for utter ance, chewing a piece of licorice stick he had bought with a cent stolen from his good and pious aunt, with sobs plainly au dible and with great globules of water roll ing down his cheeks, glided silently down the marble steps of tbe bank. Bending his noble form, the bank man dodged behind a door, for he thought the little boy was going to shy a stone at him. But tb» boy picked up something, nnd stuck it in his poor, but rasged jacket. " Come here, little boy;" and tho little boy did come here. And the bank man said, "Lo, what pickest thou up ?" And he answered and replied, "A pin." And the bank man said, "Little boy, are you Ci V" And he said he was. And the _ man said, "How do you vote—ex cuse me—do you go to Sunday-school?" And he said he did. Then the bank man took down a pen made of pure gold and flowing with pure ink, and wrote on a piece of paper "St. Peter," and Asked the little boy what it stood for.and ho said, "Salt Pe ter." Then the bank man said it meant Saint Peter. The little boy said, "Oh!" Then the bank man took tho little boy to hia bosom, and the little boy said "Oh!" again, for he squeezed him. Then the bank man took the little boy into partner ship, and gave him half the proQts and all the capital, and he married the bank man's daughter, and now nil he has is all his, and all his own, too, STORY OF ANOTHER GOOD MTTLK BOY. My uncle told mo this little story, and I spent six weeks picking up pins in front of a bank. I expected the bank man would call me in and say, "Little boy are you good?" and I was going to say "Yes;" and when he asked me what "St. John" stood for, I was going to say " Salt John." But I guess the bank man wasn't anxious to have a partner, and I guess the daugh ter was a son, for one day he said to »o, "Little boy, what's that you' « picking up?" Says "I, awful moekly, "Pins." Says he, "Let's see'em?" And he took 'em, and I took off my cap, all ready to go in the bank, and becomo a partner, and marry his daughter. But I didn't got an invitation. He said, "Those pins belong to the bank, and it I catch you hanging around heie any more I'll set tho dog on you I" Then I left, and the mean old cuss ! kept the pins. Such is life as I find it.— I Mark Twain. -*- _ _ Ferests and Fruit-Growing. Fruit has become a necessary of life—a j great variety of fruit indeed, and a great! deal of it j and this will become more and I more the case with the increase of intelli- j gence and thrift. The great abundance of | most kinds of fruit for the last two or three years may cause us to feel a security, which is.not well grounded, with regard to the conditions of climate necessary to the unfailing production of fruit. Only within a few years past have there been seasons when the fruit-crop was very light, and not _t all adequate to the demand. Ono of the causes of this is the capriciousness of the seasons, and this capriciousness, I be lieve, is becoming constantly greater as tbe j country grows older. An inquiry, then, of much scientific in- j terest, and of great material importance, j has reference to what may be tho cause of \ this increasing uncertainty of the fruit crop. In the early settlement of the coun- i try, it was easy to grow peaches, even in localities where growing peaches now sel dom gladden the eye. In Ohio between the parallels of 40 * and 41 °, for exam ple, peach-buds were seldom injured by winter or spring frosts, and th«j crop was abundant almost every year when the coun try was "new." For tho last twenty-five years peaches miss oftcner than they hit, and in many ports this has told so fearfully against the enterprise of production that . scarcely a peach treo is now to be seen. The clearing of the country had made this change. The continued clearing of the country will increase the mischief still more. The growing of peaches and of most other fruits will be driven, as indeed it already has been, to special localities and special soils. It ij now for suoh localities to look out in time and preserve as i'ua as possible the favorable conditions they now have, and if possible to increase them.— /. Staid Patterson, in Popular Science Monthly. tTIRGIMAi -In the Clerk's ofllce of, the V Chancery Court of tlm City of Richmond, November _»th, 1872 : Annie Swarm, who sties by Robert V. Davis, .her nest friend—Plaintiff, Aim James Swarm—Defendant. IN CHANCERY. Tbe oteject of this suit ie to obtain a divorce a i vinculo matrimonii. And nffldavit having been j made and filed that the defendant l- a non-re.i- i dent of this State, Is ts ordered that he do ap | pear here wlibin one month after due publication i ot this Order, and do what Is necessary to pro- I teet his Interest In this suit. A Copy—Teste: BENJ. H. BERRY, Clerk. !iow_B_ s Wish, p. q. To Jiasa SwA-ie:—Take notice thai on the ?7th day of December, 1872, between the hours of | 9 A. M. and 9 P. M., at the office of Howar' s j Wise, No. 3 Qoddtn Hall, corner of B*nl_ and i Eleventh streets, In the city of Richmond I shall ' proceed to take the depositions of Robert V j Davis and others, to be read In evtdence in a suit . now pending in th Chancery Oonrt of the city | of Biehmoiid, in which 1, suing by Robert \. } Davis, my next friend, am plaititifl- ami you are t defendant. And If for any cause said depositions should not be commenced on that il-iy, or being commenced should not be concluded, the same will be continued from day to day, or from time to time until the same are concluded. ANNIE SWANN, by HoWAar. k Wins, her Counsel. no 80—lawdw ___ 4592 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI TED STATES &r the Eastern District of Vir ginia. In the matter of Charles E. -fount, br.nk ivipt—in bankruptcy. To Whom It May Concern—The undersigned, John 8. i owler. of Alexandria co ty, Va , hereby gives notice of his appointment us assignee ol the estate of Charles E.Mount, of Loudoun county »_d district, who was on the Slat day of October, A. 11., 1(72, adjudged a bankrupt on his own pet-Uon by the' District Court of eoiel district. Dated Alexandria, November 28,1872. JOHN S. FOWLER, no 50—Saw Assignee. TN THjTdISTKIOT COURT Ol- Tile. CSH. 1 TKD STATES for the Eastern District of Virginia. In the matter of Robert Wilson, bankrupt— la bankrup' cy. To Whom It May Concern—The nnderslgned, Shepherd Brown, of Nor'olk city and State ot Virginia, hereby gives notice of hi. appointment as assignee of the estate of Robert Wilson, of Grafton, York county in said dlstrlst, and who was to-wlt, on the 9th day of October, A. D., 1872, adjudged a bankrupt upon tlie peti tion of himself, by tbe District Conrt of the Uni ted Stales, for said district Dated] Norfolk, the 22d Nov'ber, A. D., I*7. SHEPHERD BROWN, no 28—M3w« Assign co. 4'»3 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNl ted States for the Eastern District of Vir ginia. In tha matter of John P. Bowles, bankrupt —In bankruptcy. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The undersigned, Wm. H. Allderdice, of Rich mond city and State of Virgnlia, hereby give* notice of his appointment as a_.igiteeof the estate of John P. Bowles, of Hanover county, in said district, whu was on the 30 h day of October, A. D., 1872, adjudged a bankrupt on hie own petition by the District court of said district. Dated at Felchmond, Nov. 20,1872. WM H. ALLIiERDICE, no 2&— M,tw Assignee. t-l 1 WILL PAY IOR 6 COPIES OF THE 11 SEMI-WEEKLY STATE JOURNAL r one year. . m ,n ' ■ 'il'i ...I ■■■ . ■.-,-. -, -— __ PROSPECTUS. ' VIRGINIA STATE JOURNAL i : FOR 1573. i B 8 I THE CHEAPEST AUD THE BEST. a I i Three Editions : I unit, I -iK-ALWRERLI'. > AifD WEEKLY. 6 ) I CIRCULATION AS GREAT AS ANY POLITIOAL FAPBB PUBLISHED I IN THK STATB. i NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR 1878. ONE MONTH GRATIS! I - .pecimeo ««plei ef either Edition sent : free open appUeatl»_u i CLUB RATES : DAILY, ! 6 c-oplo. (and 1 copy tree) I year *r2J M . For sli or three mouths, in same proper- * tion. SEMI-WEEKLY, [ . copies (and 1 copy free) 1 year til 60 10 coplee(and 1 copy Dally free)l year.. 2- 00 , For six or three months. In same prooor- ' tion. WEEKLY, 6 copiesfand 1 copy ft-ee)l year............... .* 8 00 10 copies (and 1 copy Semi-Weekly) 10 00 20 copies (and 1 copy Dally free)l year 80 00 For six or three months, la same propo«» . tion. * I THE SEMI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY SENT j \ FREE FOE REMAINDER OF 18T3 TO ALL NEW SUBSijRIBEBS ; FOR I**73. i ( I ' j REMITTANCES SHOULD BE MADE BY : CHECK, POSTOFFICE ORDER OB REGHSTERED LETTKB, AND BE 1 j ADDEESSED TO c STATE JOURNAL, Richmond. Va. c -11 ... ,-. , ', 'li ■' , I , ~,., .'IE--! ; _ BASKB. Tj*eREEDMA*VS SAVINOS AND TRC-T COMPANY, ' CHABTEBED BY CONGBESS 18« a. Tests Stk_-T, bbtitesk M„ia abo lU.s ' STBB-TS. I j DEPOSITS OF FrVE CENTS AND UPWABD3 I BEOEIVED. INTEBEST COMPOUNDED TO JULY AND " JANUABY al the rata of blz per cent, per annnm. 19"Open dally from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M., and on SATUEDAYS from . A M. to 8 P. M. OHABI.ES SPENOEB, liih 30—ti Oashler. j — . ■ ,yu/ ' g' '' ' ) I Liii,'-" INSTAI-LMEHT STORE. i j riiiii: ciitiiiii.M, : INSTALLMENT HOUSE. j MM Mil. SraitßT, BicaMOSD, Yiaeiii-. teesnm _ I offer for sale tlie following geoda tor cash, or - by weekly or monthly payments. For cheap ness, quality, and variety, second to none in the . market; for accommodation, surpassing aay: 2,000 Lithograph and _ teel Engravings; Chro mos, newest In the market; Oil Paintings; I Looking-Olasees, In great variety; Photograph Frames, large assortment. Frames of all de- - scrlptlona made at tbe shortest notice. A largo stock of Picture and Looking-Olasa Mouldings - always on hand, sold cheap, by the foot or man- s ufaetured. Special contracts made tor large orders and dealer.. Clocks, Bibles, Window- - Shades, Carpets, Rugs, Matting, Oil Cloths, Walnut Estenslon Tables, and other goods. Parties in want of any of the above articles ■' will consult their own Interest by giving me a ' call before purchasing elsewhere. Z i an 'lb— 3m WILLIAM DAFFRON. ( ! riIHK KIKTV-FOURTH VOLUME! 1 FOR I.TH. ' Taa In-n»T_-T_ii g PHRENOLOOIOAL JOUBNAL, ; k FAMILY MAGAZINE. PHBENOLOOY—The Brain and Ite Fniio- ! " j tions; Location of the Organs, with direeuons | ' for culture and training, and tbe relatione of ; j Mind and Body described. ' PHYSIOGNOMY, or th "Signs of Character, wlili Illustrations, and bow to Head them," Is a special feature. j ETHNOLOGY, or The Natural History of Man, . illustrated, will be given. PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY-Tbe Or- . ganlzatlon, structure and function, of tbe hu man body, with tbe laws of life and health. What we should eat and drink, how clothed, and how to exercise, sleep and live, In Laccordance with hygienic principles. PORTRAITS, sketches and biographies of ' leading men and women In all departments oi ' life, are special features. « PARENTS, TEACHERS AND OTHEKS..-A» 1 a guide in educating and training Children, this | magazine ha_ no superior. Much general information on the leadlug topics . i of the day Is given, and no etlbrts are spared to . make this the most interesting and Instructive, ! I as well as the Iki". Pictorial Family Maga-in" I ever published. ESTABLISHED—Tag Jo.ait__ has rea-be. j lis Mih Volume. It has steadily Increased. < J favor during the many years It has been pI. lulled, and was never more popular than now. TEEMS—Monthly, at »3 a year. In advance. ' Single numbers, 30 cents. Clubs often or more, ; tl each, and an extra copy to Agent. We are offering the meet liberal Premiums. Enclose 16 cents for a single number, with new Pictorial Poster and Prospectus, and a complete List of Premiums. Address 8.8. WELLS, Publisher, no io—diwt I 888 Broadway, New York. .- z ■ , ~ ' —l:— . u-_x \| t \*.o\ HILL NURSERIES. A large stock of finH-elass Fruit and Ornamen tal Trees for sale. Apple Trees from two to four years old. *lfl per 100; per 1 $00 (USO. One . year old, ti 00 per 100 ; per I.OUO ♦*). Peach , f Trees from SX to » feet, per 110, HO ; per 1,000, r $60. Standard Pear from two to four years, per r 100,140, fifty cents each. Dwarf Pear, two and ;, three years, per 100, *M ; per dozen, t$ 80. _ Also a Urge stock of SMALL FRUITS, Ac. Send tor a cat alogu* and address D. O. MUNSON, Falls Church, Fairf_Jt County, Va. no fl—6m E d_ C WILL PAY FOR 0 COPIES OF THE _ «t> WEEKLY STATE JOURNAL until Ist January, 1874. CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1 p i ... — i-"T_-_r_ AUCTIONEERS. ! It. K. WEI-IGER, lciK. Main street, opposite ■MM—lee. : 11. McCORMICK, 14H Main street. See adver tisement. ; COOK * LACGMTON, corner Governor and Franklin streets. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. W. J. STICKLE, (Agent for Dr. Bly's patents,) 814 Main street, nut to Jonas-- office. B____ERIES. THOMAS E. GILL, No. 630 Broad street. RICHARD ADAM, Twelfth street, 67« Broad, and lAM Main street. I. D. BRIGGS, 7(i7 Main and 420 Broad street. ~BANEsT RICHMOND BANKING AND IWIRI-CI: COMPANY, 1202 Main street-John B. Davis, President; M. S. tlnarles, Cashier. PLANTERS' NATIONAL, No. 1200 Main street. President, John B. Davie; LCashier, W. H. Canaries. FIRST NATIONAL, Isaac Davenport, Jr., Pre sident, S. A. Glover, Oash'r, 1104 Main street. BILLPOSTER. WILLIAM AOOLPHUS, Nos. 10 and 12 Law Building. :: :.. '-. ~—•:_ . ,—test: BITTERS. _ MULL'S STOMACH BITTERS, the Great Ap petizer nnd Strengthening Tonic. Sold every where. Try it.. BOOKS, STATIONERY & BIND BT WILLIAM A. EDWARDS, No. Sul F.ast Broad street. I. W. RANDOLPH A ENGLISH, 1318 Main street. *__ ' B. W. GILLIS, 91.X Main Street. • I BOOTS, SHOESIiND TBXTSKS. " {. H. BOSCHEN A SON, 809 Broad street. , Complete stock of their own manufacture always on hand. HELLER A CO., No. 817 Broad street. » BOTTLING ESTABLISHMENT. WILLIAM EC-*3R, bottler of I*orter, Ale, ' Lager beer, Ac ' 'o. 910 Main street. ' LOUIS J. BOSSIEVX, No. 1412 Mali, street, keeps the largest, best, and cheapest stock of ' confectioneries south of Philadelphia. Agent fur Athobs's Mikcb Meat. j D. COLUMBUS, 91.4 Broad street. First pre minm at Virginia State Fair. | : WM. M. ALLEN, 611 Marshall street. . E. CURRANT, 903 Main street. * JDIGAR ' WHITLOCK A ABRAM, No. 1446 Main street. . C. H. BROWN, No. 100, corner of Ninth and Franklin streets. • F. LEIBERMUTH, comer Fifth and Broad, manufacturer of the flne3t brands. "Prin cipe" and "Plantation" cigars specialities. A complete stock of pipes and smokers' articles always on hand. * C. C. SALAMONE, 80S Broad street. 1 : JULIUS KRAKKK, sign of the Bed Post, 1.17 . Main street. , BALTIMORE CLOTHING HOUSE, (H. S. Kaufman,) 1409 Main street. J. R. F. BURROUGHS, office and yard Seventh and Main. See advertisement. BENJAMIN COTTRELL, office and yard cor- < ncr Ninth and Bank streets. raTDHEDS. " I E. M. GARNeTT—Shaffer's building loth and Main streets, also eoUcitor of claim- against , the United States. DENTOTST - """ | DR. JOHN(H> WAYTA- SON, 104 Ninth street, near Franklin. See advertisement. 1 TAYLOR BROS., 1110 Main Street. See ad vertißement. DRY-aOODS. ( L. LICHTENSTEIN, 170S and 1707 Franklin street. » LEVY BROTHERS, 1218 nnd 121. Main Btreet. keep the largest, cheapest, and best assorted . stock of dry-goods lv the State. » *oraaAJto jcmßmr~^2 1. B. McKENNEY, Marshall street, between ' Fourth and Fifth. > E. KING, Sr., 730 Main, between Seventh and Eighth streets. —Si ■•■ "» -■———■ - GROCTRIgS. SCHMIDT A MILLER, 600 and 50_ Fifth aiid Broad. J. J^RSTT^^JDEAJLEiIIS. ARTHUR ROONEY, warerooms 20 Governor ' street, and 1207 Franklin street. GROCERS AJ?B JUaUOR7DE__LERS. ] THOMAS BALMER A CO., 6U Main Street. THOMAS JACKSON, No. 32(1 Sixth street, " between Broad and Marshall. E. M. GRANT A CO., 602 Broad street, between Sixth and Seventh. j S. SUTHERLAND, dealer in sportsmen's goods, 1403 Main street. ' SIMPSON A BHO., Hlb»Moin, between Four- I teenth and Fifteenth streets. "hats, caps.'furs, &c. A. A. ALLEN, 1316 Main street. » -"- .'■■.. ■ . v.. .f — I HOTELS. AMERICAN—NorveII Cobb, Proprietor—corner • Twelfth and Main streets. hcwibyownsHn.o goods. E. CURRANT, 903 Main street. * W. J. ANDERSON, Nos. 82. Main and 208 Broad street. PIES AND MARINE. JOHN 11. CLAIBORNE A Co., Agents-, llui Main street. LIVERPOOL A LONDON A GLOBE, Daven port k Co. agents, 1104 Main street (2d floor.) RICHMOND BANKING AND INSURANCE I CO., ISO 2 Midn street. See advertisement. ! THOS. M.ALFRIE-iDASON.GeneralAgeiits, i M-2 Main street. See advertisement. * ! MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY O. VIK- I GINIA, Tenth and Bank streets. " j CONTINENTAL OF NEW YORK—Thama. S. Armlsteace, agent—llls Main street. lifb. LM_ ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, Virginia Department office 1014 Main street. See ad vertisement. MUTUAL LIFE (N. Y.)-John 11. Claiborne, agent, litis Main street. PIEDMONr AND ARLINGTON—Home office 92- -bin s-.reet. * BROOKLYN (N. Y.)—Thos. M. Alfriend A Son Agents—9o2 Main street. See advertisement. « UNIVERSAL LIFE (N. Y.)—L. W. Rose, Agent, 1113 Main street * RICHMOND ARCHITECTURAL IRON AND STOVE COMPANY, 1000 Cary street. • VABIETY IBON WORKS, J. D. Br»wns. Pro prietor, 908 and 907 Bank street. ST, .._.,.._. .■' I. _-.'■— ■___.--: JOHN 11. TYLER tc CO., 1107 Maiu street LIQUOR DEAI_ERS— " J. E. LirSOOMBE A CO.'B celebrated Rye WhlsWiw, 1310 Franklin street. • WILLIAM ELLISON, 1430 Main street, kseps constantly an hand a large stock of Bye and Bourbon Wlii&toys, Imported and Domestic fh-udles, Glti, Bum, Wines, Ac. * f CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY LIVERY STABLE. c W. H. SUTHERLAND, Eighth street, between Franklin and Main. •- JAMES S. MORRISON, 1319 Franklin, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth street*.!AT.. VALENTINE'S MEAT JUICE, Ira W. Blunt, Agent, 21 Thirteenth street. ' Hugo * MunoAiiNWiiuiuuiTß. C. F. JOHNSTON, 918 Main street. NEWSDE__l___aß. ' WILLIAM A.-DWARDB, No. SOl East Broad street, sells newspapers at New York price*. . C. F JOHNSTON, 918 Mom street. See adver tisement. : PAPER HANOEBS * UPHOLSTERS. ' BOOTH, -PENCE «T Ce., Tenth street, be tween Main and Bank. PHYSICIANS. JOE. V. HOBSON, M. D., Homeopathlst. Besl dence and office 411 Grace street, corner of Fifth. Dr. M. A. RUST, office aud residence Second between Main and Cory streets. DB. A. S. McRAE, office 1212 Main street, resi dence No. 1310 Ross st. PICTURES AND MIRROR S. WM. DAFFRON, 1438 Main street. See adver tisement. Mummo, ErrEA_f& QAifiifnxQ DANIEL O'DONNELL, No. 818 Broad street. W. J. ANDERSON, Nos. 836 Main and 806 Broad streets. nttEA_TESTATE AGENTS."" W. B. ROBINS, No. 111. Main street. SMITH A PETERSON, Marshall Hall, cornor Tenth and Bank street. See advertisement. E. A. J. CLOPTON, Eleventh street, between Main and Bank. JAMES T. SUTTON, State .To_rs_i. Building, 912 X Main street. See advertisement. JAS. L. APPERSON, (since 1868,) No. 1016 Main ' and Eleventh streets. " RESTAURANTS " j SCAMMELL'S ALL-NIGHT HOUSE AND STEAMED OYSTER SALOON, 818 Ninth street, near Broad. _ &o. J. L. WHITTAKER, 1317 Cary Street.' "* SASH, BLIND AND DOOR FACTORY! SAM'L G. FLOURNOY, 1419 Cary street. See advertisement. ~ SElNE~T_^__D,"l_S__Mkor" L. LICHTENSTEIN, 1708 nnd 1707 Franklin , iii rtwyt. *__ UNION BANK OF RICHMOND. I.Davenport, Jr., Prest., Jas. Miller, Cash'r, l'tol Main street. i NATIONAL FREEDMEiVS HAVINGS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, 10 north Tenth ' street, Chas. Spencer, Cashier. See advertlse ment. "STON ANDh6pSE-__NT_RST~" VV. L. MONTAGUE, No. 8 South Tenth street. D. H. I'VLE, Tenth street, between Main and . Bank. ' ! SlNGEß—Shaffer k Strong agents for Virginia , and North Carolina—9l3 Main street. See ad- ■ vertisement. WHEELER A WILSON—O. L. Railway gen- ' eral agent—lool Main streets * I WILLCOX A GlßßS—James E. A. Gibbs, Pro- ' prietor—Ninth and Bank streets. See adver- I tiseinent. GROVER A BAKER—Sewing Miichlno Go's | Improved Elastic and Lock-Stich Sewing Machines, at 901 Broad street. HOWE IMPROVED--J. F. McKenney, Agent— 823 Main street. The latest In modern im provements. See advertisement. WEED'S-Wm. Lockhnrt, agent—739 Main corner Eighth street. ~. . I STEAIffi COITEE ANdIpICE MILLS. , VIRGINIA STEAM COFFEE"AND SPICE ] MILLS.—W. B. Hersmon k Co. have removed to No. 910 north side Cary street. Coifees roasted j dally, and drug., spices, beans, kc, ground , for grocers, druggists and tobacconists ! OLD DOMINION MILLS, corner Eighth and Main. Coffees roasted daily for hotels, grocers, ; and private thmltles, at SOcentsper 100 pounds, i See advertisement Virginia Tea and Coffee Stor ■ | i ' R. H. MAURY A CO., offico 1014 Main street. * : DAVENPORT A CO., 1101 Main street (2d floor.) SIGH: AND HplraE~PAS^^3 W. A. WYATT, ! 7C. Grace Strsbt, , de 22 All work shall be promptly attended to. ST6*raS__ND TIN-WARE. W. J. ANDERSON, Nos. 825 Main and 206 Broad streets. WILSON A WEST, 1117 Main street. j JOHN H. ROSE, (sueec-sor to Rose k Day,) No. 1810 Main street. j TEPK-C HAHPFAOTOBY. ' TRUNK MANUFACTORY, James Knotts, proprietor, 016 Main street, under C. Wendllu ger's. .__ TAlLOßS—Merchant^ JOHN LATOUCRE, 917 Main street. 11. L. SALOMON'SKY, No. 6 South Fourteenth street. B. BEECHER. No. ii South Fourteenth street. WM. HOLT RICHARUSON A CO., No. 10 Fourteenth street, opposite Exchange Hotel. TYPE _*OUNDERS. 11. L. PELOUZE A CO., Franklin, between Twelfth and Thirteejth streets. See adver tisement. * .— —- i - 1 | 'i B_s—CSß—3 -c— rTSEFUL FACTS VVOBTII KNOWING ! THURSTON'S IVORY PEARL TOOTH-POW DER will keep the teeth clean, sound, and white. Price 25 and to cents per bottle. THOMPSON'S POMADE OPTIME will oteanae soften, beautify, and strengthen tbe hair. Price 26 and 60 cents per bottle. JO UV EN'S INODOROUS KID GLOVE CLEANER will restore soiled gloves to their Pristine beauty and nsefulnees. I*rlco 26 cent, per bottle. SHERMAN'S COUGH LOZENOES will give Immediate relief, and certainly cure a cough. Price 26 cents par box. SHERMAN'S WORM LOZENGES will expel all wormß, and are lueaeant to the taste. Price 26 cents per t>__ ' WEI-LS' MACHINE-SPREAD 3TP.ENGTH ENING PLASTERS, whenever a pl__ie- Is needed, are wi rivaled. Price 10, 26, and SO cents each. ! CHINESE TOOTH-ACHE DROPS will Instant ly relieve this most di-tressiug malady. I'rice t ' 26 cunt* per bottle. BEXFOKD'S MEDICATED GINGERBREAD NUTS FOB WORMS are ivadlly eaten by children, and ore efficacious. Price 26 cents per box. s All for sale by drnggisls, kc. F. O. WELLS _ CO., Wholesale Agents, [ ja SO—diwly No. 192 Fulton street. N. V. ■ —— „;,7 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES for the Eastern District of Virginia. In the matter of Edwin L. Dobyns, bankrupt l —In bankruptcy. To Wbom It May Concern—Tbe undersigned' Robert M. Mayo, of Westmoreland county, V;_, * and Wm. Flegenhelmer, of Richmond city, Va., hereby give notice of their appointment as as ; signee. of the estate of E. L. Dobynjn, of Lancaster county, In said district, and who was to-wit, on the 231h day of September, A. D. 1872, adjudged a bankrupt upon the lietition uf i himself, by the District Court of the Unite* States for said district. Dated Ricbmonde the 2d day of Nov»m_er,lS72. WM. FLEGENHEIMER, • 80. M. MAYO, no 2—SSw AssLgieeg. 9 ~ . niie. .p.ew .mm "■»*Nt -1 ffll p. WILL PAY POR 6 COPIES OF THK I *|>0 WEEKLY STATE JOURNAL .until Ist *»«ar ,im. BANKRUPT NOTICES. "ieoi " " ci'lll •> IS TO GIVE NOTICE—That on tile A Btb day of Nov. A. D., 1872, a warrant In bankruptcy was Issued out of the District Conrt of the United States for the Eastern Dis trict of Virginia, against the estate ot H. W. Dalmey, of Richmond city and State of Virginia, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition: That the payment of any dobts, and the deliv ery of any property belonging to said bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any proiierty by him, are forbidden by law; That A meeting of tbe creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one or more assignees of hi. estate, will be held at a court of bankruptcy, to be holden at the Beglster's office, Riohmoud, Virginia, before W. W. Forbes, Esq, Register, on the day of Decem ber, A. D. 1872, nt 10 o'olock A. M. DAVID B. PARKER, np 28—Ta-w U. S. Marshal. *em THIS IS TO GIVE ««o lii i: Thai en the 12th day of Nov'ber, A. D. 1872, a warrant In bankruptcy was Issued against the estate of Henry A. Llgon, of Mecklenburg county and State of Virginia, who has been adjndged a bankrupt on Ills own petition : That the pay ment of any debts, nnd the delivery of any pro perty belonging to said bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law : That a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and choose one or more assignees of his estate, will bo held at a court of bankruptcy, to be holden nt tlie Beglster's office, Richmond, Va., before W. W. Forbes, Esq , Register, on the 12th dnv ef December, A. D. 1872, at luo'ciock A.M. DAVID B. PARKER, no 26—Tu2w U. S. Marshal. 48on 'I'llis IS TO GIVE NOTICE—That on the A Sth day of November, A. D. 1572, a warrant In bankruptcy was Issued against the estate of Chas. 11. Brimmer, of pr. Edward co. and State of Virginia, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition:—That the payment of any debts, ana the delivery of any property belong ing to said bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbid den by law : That a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and choose one or mc. assignees of his estate, will be held nt a court of bankruptcy, to be holden at Rich mond, before W. W. Forbee, Esq., Register, on the 2d day of December, A. D. 1872, at 10 o'clock A M DAVID D. PARKER, no 19—Tn-W U. B. Marshal. 40). rpHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE—That on I JL tlie loth day of Nov. 1872, a warrant In bankruptcy was Issued ont of the District Court of the United States for tbe Eastern i District of Virginia, against the estate of i John J. Clarke, of Charles city county and c State of Virginia, who hew been ad- I Judged a bankrupt on his own petition: c that the payment of any debts, and tbe deli very of any property belonging to said bank rupt, to him or tor nis nse, and tbe transfer of any proiierty by him, are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of said bank- ' rupt, to prove their debts and choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a court of bankruptcy, to be holden at the Regis ter's office, Richmond, Va., before W. W. Forbes, Esq., Register, on the 18th, day of December, A. D. 1872, at lv o'clook A. M. DAVID B. PARKER, no 29—F2w U. S. Marshal. ' 4«12 THIS IS TO GIVE: NOTICE—That on the l'Mi day of Nov. 1872, a warrant In bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the Uni ted States for the Eastern District of Virginia against the estate of O. H. Meade, of Bruns wick county and State of Virginia, who ' has been adjudged a bankrupt on bis own petl- ' tion; that tho payment of any debts, and thedeliv- I cry of any property belonging to said bankrupt, to < him or for his use, and the transfer of any c property by him, are forbidden by law; that i a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one or more assign- ' ees of bis estate, will be held at a court of bank- i ruptcy, to bo holden at the Register's office, 1 Richmond, Virginia, before W. W. Forbes, ' Eeq., Register, on the 12th day cf Dec'r, A. D. 1 1872, at 10 o'clock A. St. I DAVID B. PABKEB, no 26—Tu2w U. S. Marshal. ' THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE—That on the ■ 14th day of Nov. A. D. 1872, a warrant in < bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court ' of the United States for the Eastern District of Virginia, against the estate of Charles Edwards, of Isle of Wight co. and State of Virginia, who J has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own peti tion i that the payment of any debts, and the I delivery of any property belonging to said bank- I rupt, to him or for his use. and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law : that ' a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to ' prove their debts and choose one or more assl- ' gnees of his estate, will bo held at a court of J bankrnptcy, to be holden at No. 26 Bank street, I Norfolk, Virginia, before Benjamin B. Foster, Esq., Register, on tho 2d day of December, A. I). 1872, at 12 o'clock M. JOHN W. FARRELL, Deputy Marshal as Messenger. ' no 20—W2W ' 4604 THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE—That on Ihe 12th day of Nov., 7 872, a warrant lv bank ruptcy was issued out o the District Conrt of the i United States for the E_ tern District oi Virginia, , against the estate of Thomas J. Love, of . Mecklenburg county and State of Virginia, who \ has been adjudged a banlcrupt on his own peti tion ; that the payment of any debts, and the de- ( livery of any proiierty belonging to said bankrupt , lo him for his übo, and the transfer of any pro perty by him, are forbidden by law; that a meet ing of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one or more Assignees of , his estate, will be held at a court of bankrnptcy, , to be holden at the Register's office, Richmond, . Virginia, before W. W. Forbes, Esq., , Register, on tho 12th day of A. D. , 1872, at 10 o'clock A.M. ,_, i DAVID B.PJHRKER. no 20—Tn2w U. s. Marshal. ■1-j ---riMUS IS TO GIVE NOTICE—That en Uie i 116 th day of Nov. A. D., 1872, a warrant In : bankruptcy was Issued out of the Di_irictcou_t of the United States for the Eastern District of Virginia, against the estate of Stephen Shepherd, of Prince Edward county end Stale of Va., who tms been adjudged a bankrupt on his own pett- ■ tion f That the payment of any debts, and the I delivery of any property belonging to said bank- j rupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law; — ; That a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt to prove tnelr debts and choose one or more as signees of his estate, will be held at a Court of bankruptcy, to be holden at the Eegister's office, Richmond Virginia, before W. W. Forbes, , Esq., Register, on the 12th day of Dec'r, A. D. - 1672, at 10 o'clock A. M. ' DAVID B. PABKEB. no 29—F2w U. S. Marshal. 4530 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI TED STATES for the Eastern Dislrict of Virginia. In the matter •of Abuer B. Walker, bank rupt—in bankruptcy. I At Richmond, Va., tlds 19th day of Nov'ber, 1872. i TO WHOM IT MAY' CONCERN: Please take notice, that a petition has been pre- , sented to tbe Hon. John C. Underwood, judtie of said District Court, in Bankruptcy, by .lacob Colin, assignee of the estate olf said bank rupt, to sell the real eetate belonging to said ' bankrupt, free from all liens and eiicm_br_iicee thereon. This Is to give notice to all persons Interested thatlti the terms of said petition an order has been Issued by tlie Judge aforesaid, for all per soiis who may be Interested In said estate, to ap pear before Register W. W. Forbes, at his office In the city of Richmond, ou the loth day of December, 1872, at 10 o'clock A. M., and show cause, If any they have, why such order should not bo granted. JACOB COHN. de 2~S2w Assignee. 4«iil TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI -1 TED STATES for tho E-_t«rn District ol Yirgnia. In the matter of George T. Broad, bankrupt —In bankruptcy. To Whom it May Concern—The undersigned, ! Wm. H. Allderdioe, of Richmond oity, Virginia, hereDy give notice of Ids appointment as assi gnee of the estate of George T. of Prince Edward co. lo said district, who was, on the 2d day of September A.D. 1.72, adjudged a bankrupt ou his own petmou by tlie District Oonrt ol said district. Dated at Richmond, November 12. 187_. WM. H. ALLDERDICE, no IJ—FSw Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THK UNI TED STATES for the Eastern Dtetrict ol Virginia. lv the matter ef Charles T. Cabler, bankrupt —In bankruptcy. To Whom it May Concern—The nnderslgned, A. L. B. Fould, of Norfolk county, Virginia, hereby gives notlceofhis appointment as assiguee of the estate of Chas. T. Cabler, of Norfolk county In said district, who was, on the 16th day of Oct., 1872, adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition by the District Court of said district. Dated at Norfolk, 16th day of November, 1872. A. L. B. FOULD, no 20— Assignee 4658 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI TED STATES for tho Eastern District of Vir ginia. In tbe matter of Norman Q. Coleman, bank rupt—in bankruptcy. To Whom it May Concern —The undersigned, O. H. Wendllnger, of Richmond, Va., hereby gives notico olbis appointment as assignee ot tbe estale of Norman Q. Coleman, of the connty of Amelia in said district, who was, on the id day of October, A. D. 1872, adjudged a bank rupt on his own petition by tbe District Court of dald district. Dated Hlchmond, November 7,1871 C. H. WENDLINGER, i no B—Filw Assiguee. BOOKS, dm. f A GENTS WANTED FOR THK GREAT INOUSTRIBS OF THE UNITED STATES 1300 pages and 600 engravings, printed In Engh !i and German. Written by 20 eminent an- j thors, including John B. Gough, Hon. Leon Case, Edward Howland, Rev. E. Edwin j Hail, Philip Ripley, Albert Brisbane, Horace Greeley, _ . B. Perkins, etc., etc. This work Is ..complete history of nil branches I of Industry, processes of manufacture, etc., iv all ages, it is a complete enclyclopedla ol arts and mnnunictiires, and Is the most entertain ing and valuable work of information on sub- . jectsot general interest ever offered to the pub- ' lie. It is adapted to the wonts of the Merchant, 1 Manufacturer, Mechanic, Farmer, Student and ' Inventor, and sells to both old and young of all ' classes. The book Is sold by agents, who are < making large sales In all parts of the rountry. ( It Is offered at the low price of |3 60, and Is the < cheapest book ever sold by subscription. No I family should be without a copy Wo wast 1 agents In every town In the United States, and ( no agent can fail to do well with this book. Our t terms are liberal. We give our agents the ex- i clußlve right of territory. One of our agents sold ISS copies In eight days, another sold 383 In two weeks. Our agent lv Hartford sold 597 In j one week. Specimens of the work sent to agents i on receipt of stamp. For circulars and terms to t agenti nddre.s the publishers. 1 KNOTS UNITED. , OR WAYS AND BY-WAYS IN THE l HIDDEN LIFE OF AMERICAN DETECTIVES. We want agents for this book. It discloses all ' the mysteries of the Detective System. It is a • record for the past 20 years of the most skillful detectives of this country, In which the crafts of " bank robbers, thieves, pickpockets, lottery men, * counterfeit money dealers, and swindlers of all ' classes, are exposed and brought to justice. Price (12.75. Send for circulars and terms to I agents. WE PUBLISH THE BEST I DICTIONARY OP THE BIBLE } IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, ! BY WM, SMITH, LL D. • | It is written by 70 of tho most distinguished 1 divines In Europe and America, and Is tbe only I edition published In this country condensed by 1 Dr. Smith's own hand. It Is Illustrated with t over 126 steel and wood engravings. It contains s every name In the Bible of Importance, and Is a t book needed by every Christian liunlly. It Is • printed In double column, in one iarge octavo t volume. Price *3.60. ' We want agents for these works in all cities c and towns in the country. Wo pay large com missions and give exclusive territory. For cir culars and terms address the publishers. San „ Sle copies of any of our books sent to any ad- L ress on receipt of price. « J B. BURR k HYDE, Publisher*. " Hartford, Conn., Chicago, 111 , oc 17—lv Cincinnati. Ohio. » ■■ —i ■ (1 SCRIBNER S MONTHLY. 1 c A SERIAL STORY BY Da HOLLAND. I I NEW STORY BY BAKE HOLM. « A LONG STOHY FROM BKET HARTK. * BRILLIANT ARRAY OF CONTRIBUTORS, t CLARENCE COOK ON FURNITURE ' AND DECORATION. « B. H. STODDABD ON AUTHORS. « EXTRAORDINARY "TsD-CEHEYf-S TO NEW SUBSCRIBER. I 600 Pages for $1.00! tc, kQ. { The Publishers of Scbibnbk'b Mosthct, in t their Prospectus just Issued, promise for the en r suing year a more brilliant array of contribu tors, and an Increase In the variety and beauty t ol Its Illustrations, already conceded by llie 1 critics to be "finer than any to/UcJi have hitherto I appeared in any American MatHisine." c Dr. Holland, tbe Editor, will write the serial I story of the year, which will be autobiographical tf iv form, and will be Illustrated by Miss Hailoc-k. It i* entitled ABTHUR BONN-CASTLE, and will deal with some of tbe most difficult pro- , blema of American Life. It will be commenced t In the November number. J" There will b? a new story by Saxb Hot-, ~ THE ONE LEGGED DANCERS. " Be it II ah in, the best writer of short stories now living, will contribute a characteristic story, tl entitled THE EPIC OF FIDDLETOWN. which " will be Illustrated by Sheppard. ~ B H. S*-o_D-BD will write a series of enter taining papers about Authors, their Personal Characteristics, Home Life, Families, Friends, JJ Whims, and Ways. A series of PORTRAITS J 3 OF LIVING AMERICAN WRITERS, U nb-o ' ( promised. " C-AXE.CB Cook will write about FURNITURE " AND THE DECORATION OF AMERICAN P HOMES. These papers will be eminently prac- 8 tical as well as artistic, and will be illustrated with designs and sketches by numerous artists T in addition to those which the writer himself ~ will furnish. ~ Among those who will contribute are : }' Hans Andersen, Bryant, Bushnell, Eggleston, ' Fronde, Higginson, Bishop Huntington, Brete lltirte, John Hay, H. H. Macdonald, Mitchell, Miss Phelps, Stedman, Stockton, Stoddard, r Celia Tha_ter, Warner, Wilkin;i>on, Mrs. Whit- n ney, besides a host ef others. n The ( control and direction of the U Magazine will remain in the hands of Dr. Hot.- h la.d, who willcontliine to write "THETOFIOS <*- OF THE TIME." which tho New York Jade- a pendent says "are more widely quoted than any b similar papers in any American Magazine." Watsok Oii.dbr will write "THE OLD t CABINET i" as hitherto. Prof. Joint C. Dba- f pee conducts the department of "NATURE AND SCIENCE." The department.-, of "HOME t. AND SOCIETY" and "CULTURE AND PRO- £ GRESS," will engage the contributions of more 1 than a score of penß on both sides of the Atlan- F tic. Tho ITiifcAwivin and Rejtedor says : "Scrib- P ner's Monthly for September Is better than » usual, which Indicates a needless waste of cdi- J torial brains and Publisher's money, for the J Magazine was good enough before] 1 ' And yet J tbe Publishers promise to make it still better for » the coming year I ! I The subscription price Is $1.00 a year, with £ .peclal rales to clergymen, teachers, unci post- I' masters. Tbe following | v EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS, f are offered to new subscribers : c For $5.00 the Publishers will send, or any i Bookseller or Newsdealer will supply, the Mag azine for one year, aud twelve numbers of Vols. . 111. and IV., containing the -.ginning ol' Mrs. ' Ollphant's Serial, "At His Gates j" for $7.60, the J Magaxino for one j-car, and the 24 back uumbers .' from the beginning ; for $10.60, the Magazine lor | one year, and the 24 backnumbers bound (4v01a.) j ]: charges on bound vols. paid. This will give j * nearly 6.000 pages of the choicest reading, with | ' the finest illustrations, for <sl. ..mi, or nearly :m ■ , I'ages for a dollar ! and will enable every sub- J , scriber to obtain the series from the flrst. Special terms to Dealers, Clergymen, and I . Teachers. SCRIBNER & CO.. . no 7 6.'i4 Broadway, N. Y. ! ITIOUTIIEHN PLANTER AND FARMER. ' 1 »_» SUBSCRIPTION *2 PER ANNUM. ■ A FIILST-RATE ADVERTISING MEDIUM, j ' This old and well-established journal has re- j cently changed bands, aud will be conducted ! J with renewed vigor. It will number among iu> \ contributors some of tbe ABLEST WRITERS J IN THK COUNTRY npon all subjects kindred ' to agriculture. Tbe ditfereu t dejeartmeuts of the journal—Agricultural, Horticultural, Mechiuii- . col. Household, kc— will each be conducted with i , a view to make it tbe most I ' VALUABLE AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL INTHISCOUNTR-. Every former should take it, and no one who Who has recently moved iuto the State can atford to be without it, as it contains the experience of the most practical and saccesaTul farmers and planter*. As an advertising medium It has nosaperior In ' the South, having a large circulation amongst the most substantial farmers and bnslcess men I < ; Insurance companies, bankers, machinists, fertl* ? ! Uzlng companies, nurserymen, seedmen, com- ; I mission merchants, kc, who wish to reach the ] \ best class of people In tbe country, will find It to - i their interest to advertise In this journal. ! It will be made-d to subscribers on the flrst day ' ; of each month at 42 per annum In advance. Specimen copies will be sent on ajtpltcation- All business communications to be addressed JOHN W. RISON, Editor and Proprietor. ! Oißce No. 2 Columbian Block, corner of Tblr- : leenth and Cary streets. dm B—tf 4BS. INTHE DISTK ICT COURT OF THE UNI TED STATES for tlie E.-tero District oi Vir- : ginia. In tbe matter of A. W. Trabue, bank l npt—lu bankruptcy. To Whom it May Concern—The undersigned R. 1). Ward, of Richmond city, Virginia, hereby gives notice of bin appointment as assi gnee of tbe estate of A. W. Trabue, of the enmity of Henrico, lv Bald district, who was, on the 2lth day of October, A D. 1872, adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition by the District Court of said district. Dated Richmond, November 20,1872. R. D. WARD, no 26—Tn3w Assignee. «KH IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES for the Eastern District or Virginia. In the matter of R, A. Belfleld, bankrupt —in bankruptcy. To Whom tt May Concern—The undersigned, W. W. Douglass, of Richmond county, Vn., nnd Wm. Flegenhelmer, of Richmond cliy, Virginia, hereby give notice of their appointment, as as signees of the estate of R. A. Belfleld, of Richmond county In said district, who was, ou the 6th day of September, 1»72, adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition by tbe District I Court of said district. Dated Eichmond, November 2d, 1872. WM. FLEGEM-EIMEB, W. W. DOUGLASS, CO B—S3W Asalgneea. «_ X, WILL PAY FOR SIX COPIES OF THE I $0 WEEKLY STATE JOURNAL uuili Ist I January, 1874. I MEDICAL, i | \H JOHNSTON, Of TWI BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAI. OFFICE, 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET From his extensive practice In tho great Hofpt tale of Europe and the- flrst In this country, vis ( England, France, Philadelphia and elsewhere, con offer the most certain, speedy and effectual remedy in tho world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Stricture. Affectlons of the Kidneys and Bladder, li.viilm * tary Discharges, to potency. General Deblllqr Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spu 1-« Confusion or Ideas, I*_Jpltation of the Hear. Timidity, Trembling!", Dimness of Sight or or Giddiness, Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin. Affection of the Langs. Stomach or Bo* • els—these terrible disorders arising from tbe So* ttary Habits of Youth—those secret aud solitary practices more fatal to their victims than tins song of Syrens to the Mariner of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rete" deriiig marriages, 4c. Impossible. YOUNG MEN. Especially who have become tho victims of Solitude vice, that dreadful and destructiveha»l< which annually sweepe to an untimely gravel thousands of Young Men of tbe most talent and brilliant Intellect who m iiciit otherwtsii have entranced listening Senates with thethiu: ders of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyree, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, or ganic debilities, deformation, kc, speedily cored. He who places himself under tlie care of Dr. J may religiously conllde on his honor as a gentleman and confldentty rely upon his skill ft* a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS. immediately cured and fall vigor restored. This dreadful disease—which renders Hie mise rable and marriage impossible—is the peualt.y paid by tho victims of imin-oper Indulgencies. Young person* are too apt to commit excess** from not being aware of the dreadful oonsi quences that may ensue. Now, who that undei - stands tlie subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation Is lost sooner by those fall ing into Improper habits than by the prudent t Besides being deprived of the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious aud destruc tive symptoms to both bendy and miud arise. Tl c system becomes deranged, the physical aud men tal functions weakened, lo<- of procreatlve pow er, nervous Irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility, a wasting ol the frame, coughs, consumption, de cay and death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined iv health by unlearned proi.n ers who keep them trifling month after month, taking poisonous and injurious corapounds, shouin apply immediately. DR*. JOHNSTON, Members of tho Royal College of Surgeons, Lot don, gradnate from one of the most eminent Col leges In the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent la the hospitals o t London, Parle, Philadelphia and elsewhere, ba; effected some cf the moot astonishing cure." that were ever known ; many troubled with rtni: lng In tlie bead and years when a-deop, great nervouess, being alarmed at sudden sound-, bastifiiliiss, with froqueut blushing, attended sometimes with a derangement ef tbe mind, wera cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injured themselves by Improper Indulgencles and solita ry habit, which ruin both body and mind, unfit ting them foi either bnshiess, study, society, or marriage. These are some of tlie cad and melancholy ef fects produced by early habits of youtb viz : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains Ul the Ilea d, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Pow er, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Func tions. General Debility, Symptoms cf Coneunip- MENTALLY. The fearful effects on tbe mind ore much io be dreaded. Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideivi Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, A versfon to Society, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timid ity, *c, are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons of all ages can now Judge what Is tbe cause of their decliuuig health, loosing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous, and emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of co-sumptk-o. YOUNG MEN who liave Injured themselves by a certain pruo- Uce Indulged hi when alone—a habit frequently learned from evil companions or at school, the effects of which a-o nightly felt, even when asleep, and, if not cured, renders marriage im possible, and destroys both mind and body should apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of i.v country, tlie pride of his parents, should be suatched from all prospects and enjoyments cf life by the e.n_©e;a»_ce of deviating from the path of nature and lre__lging In a certain secret habit. Such persons,, before co_i-i_pl » fill MABBIAGE. reflect that a sound mind and body are tbe moot necessary requisites to promote connubial hapl ness; Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, tlie pro»i>tc-. hourly darkens to the view, the mind becomi-e ---shadowed with despair and filled with the mel ancholy reflection that the happiiie.i.-, of becomes blighted with your own. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds be lias Imbibed the eee-de of this painful disease, it too often happens that an ill timed sense of shame or dread of discovery d« ters him from applying to those, who, froraedi. cation and respoctabdlty, can alone befriend him. He ti--!ls iuto the ban-is of ignorant and designing pretenders, who. Incapable of caring, filch Ms pecuniary substance, keep him trifling rnomli after month, or as long as the smallest fee can le obtained, and with despair leave him with ruined health to sigh over his galling disappointment, or by the use of that deadly poleon Mercury, hnstefl the constitutional symptons of the terrible cite ease, buoli as Affection of the Head, Threat Nose, Skin, etc., progressing with frightful rapid ity till death puts a period to ids dreadful .nil. • Ing by sending him to lhat undiscovered country from whose bonm. no traveller returns. To such, thereftire, lh-. Johnston odc-i. tbe most certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy 'v the world. OFFICE, 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a fe» doors from the corner. Fall not to observe the name and number. MB~No letters received unless post-paid acd containing a stamp to be used on the reply. Per sons writing should state age, and send portion of adverts ..ment describing symptoms. The.. ,irs so many Paltry, Designing and Worthless Importers advertising themselves as Physicians, trilling with and ruining tbe health of all who unfortunately fall Into their power, that Dr. Johnston deems it necessary to say es pecially to those unacquainted with his reputa tion, that his Credentials or Diplomas always bang In tils office. ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The many thousands cured at this Institution within the last eighteen years, and the r.ume rous Surgical Operations performed by Dr. John ston, witnessed by the reporters of the "Snn" and many other pupeis, notice of which appeared again and again before the public, besides bin standing as a gentleman of elm nil for and respo. slblllty, le a sufficloient guarantee to the aflUete-. SKIN DISEASES SPEEDn.Y CirRED. je o—Uni * rpilE NEW YORK HYGIENIC INSTITUTE 13 AND 15 LA.GHT ST., NEW YORK CITY. A. L. WOOD, M. D. I-Isioiaii. The cbjecU of tblc Institution, which has i«_.i, \lu successful operation for more than twenty ! years, are two-told, viz: 1. The Trentmout and Cure of the Sic*, wilh I out poisoning them, by Hygienic agencies alone- S. To furnish a pleasant, genial Husk to friend > ' of Hygiene throughout the world, whenever they ! visit this city. _. CURtf DEPARTMENT. I 1 Thousands of invalids have been successfully ■ tre-ted at this metiiutlou during the past twenty years, and its fame Is known wherever tbe Eng lish language ts spoken. Its appliance* tor the ' treatment ot disease witliout the use of poifonr ; oue drug, are the nimf extensive _ndc_mplM»ol . any Institute in America. Th-'v comprise Ihe , el ; ehinted TURKISH BATHS, ELECTRIC BATHS, VAPOR BATHS, SWEDISH MOVEMENT CURE, MACHINE VIBRATION, the varied and extensive resources of ta* WATER CURE, LIFTING CI "RE, MAGNETISM, | Heolthftil Food, a Pleasant Heme, etc.' lax attention Is given to the treatment ol.tu Imm CHRONIC DISEASE. esp*.tally of Rheumatism, Gout, Dyspepsia, Constipation, ; Torpidity of the Liver, Weale Lungs, and Incipient Consumption, Paralyelr, Poor Circulation, General Debility, Curvature oi the Spine, Scrofula, Diseases of the Skin, Ute rine Weaknesses and Displacements, Sperma torrhea, etc. Any one wishing further Information should should -end for a circular, containing further par ticulars, terms, eu\, which will be sent tree by ret urn' mail. " BOABDINO DEPARTMENT. We are open at all hours oi the day and for the reeeption'of boarders and pn urate Ota location Is convenient of accees from the rallicarl i deieuts and steamboat landings, and to the ba_l ! new part of the city. Street care pass near tbe I doors to all parts of the city, making It a very convenient stopping place for per-ous visiting the city on boetne-s or pleasure. Onr table Is sup piled with the best kinds ol food, healthfully prepared, and plenty of It. In these respect* ft is tnieqoaled. I Come *nd see, and lead bow to live heoiui : folly t« home. Terms iwiJiin»t_e. I mm WOOfi * BOLBBQGK. • ai-d-ir< Prov-Mor*.