rvoi. in •. I •'•’<>• 57.1 RECORDE R ; Or, LADY’s AND GENTLEMAN’S MISCELLANY • Printed by HENRY PACE, and JAMES T. CAJLLENDFR ' vTnCTCC -— * ----— 1_1-_1_ND? VtRrrlN,A’ and publifhcd every Wednesday Morning. Subfcription Two Dollars rer Z7ru^ -~---..._ ft'XDNESPstr. AUGUST 4-, 1802. --1 TO THE SENATE OF VIRGINIA. 'T'HE late Clerk of your Home, (who no -*■ doubt would have merited a continuance cf favor) being dead; it becomes neccflary ©n the enfuing Seflion to appoint fome other perfon to that poll. 1 therefore tender my ferv and pronnle a due and prompt dif chargc of official funftions, as far as can be effected by the mod unremitted afliduitv and attention. JOHN ARCHER ROBERTSON.* Richmond, /‘fugu/t Ath, i802. [v ] f - FOR SALE, A Eighty affive NEGRO BO7', About. 20 years of age; has been accuflom ed to wait in the houfe, and take care of hoi - fes; he can drive a carriage; price 350 Dol lars cafh. For further particulars, enquire of ihe Printers. Richmond) July 2S. tf A FEW COPIES OF HYMNS, fey THE REV. E. CLAY. TO SE SO.LD Jit this Office) and at Pumphrey’s Stationer^ Richmond. Sports of the TURF. *T£> be run for, the firft Thurfday in No /*• vember, i3o3, at Surrv Court Houle, a Furfe of 30J3cllars each, free for any Colt then rifing 1 hreeYears old, carrying a catch, Mile Heats, half forfeit. Any gentleman entering a Colt may be at liberty of changing the fame, before the cio fingof the Subfcription; which will be kept open until the ift. of November, ,802. N. E. I en Colts are already entered gentlemen at a diftance, and others who wilh to become fubferibers, wili be admitted, if direffed by letter. D. PRICE. Surry Court Houfe. July IS, 1 SO?. MISS R O B B I N S, Lately from London, PROPOSES to open in Richmond, A BOARDING SCHOOL For the reception of Young Ladies. Her • education, Ihe flatters herfelf, has been fuch as ;o render he r adequate to the undertaking. I hofe young Ladies who mnv he confided to her tuition, will be intruded' in the Er.g lifn and French languagcs,Writmgand Arith metic, with every other ufctul and polite nc complifliment.—Particular care will he paid to the.r morals,and every requisite attention w:ll ho given them. The moft approved matters for Mu fie, Dancing, &c. will be engaged. Pcrfons defirous of being further informed of the advertifer are requeued to apply to the Rev. Mr. Buchanan, Mr. William Hay, or meffrs. McMurdoand Fifner. Richmond, July 28/h. GENUINE PORT csf SHERRY WINE Dy the Pipe Ihgjhead, Quarter Cajk% or Gallon, Bordeux Claret in Boxes of 3 Derm each. A few Dozen of Black, White* -id coloured Silk Stockings. White and coloured Kid Glove*. French Silks of different colours. *40 pieces of Hanging P*per of the mott eh gant patterns. Pott Paper by the Ream, - too Kegs of Derby White Lead/ And a few Hogfheads ofMolafTes For Sale by • JOHN FOSTER. K" mono1, July | 0T If22. f$t.] for sale, A Capital Young Horfe, C-ucuiatcd to make at? elcrant o addle, Chair, of, other Carriage a ? Horse. ypply at toe office of the Recorder. Richmond, July l4th, 1802: ^ fVyfX.TER POTTER Book Binder & Stationer OPPOSITE Mc/Trs. Ml TGHELL & GARDNER'S Mail Street Richmond. 'TW th~ 1‘berty of informing Ids i bnend'.', and the Public ir general, that f,5. .as commenced the above Bufinefs, and ^-C,ts tlle Patronage of £hofe who may think proper to employ him. Merchants account Books ruled to anv pattern, and Book Binding of ever■. dufcrina tion executed with accuracy and difpatch | ALSO A cdnftant Supply of Stationary. June '2d, 1 802. ! .. JAMES LTNCII, \ Horfe Sheer & Farrier. FROM DUBLIN, \"™ks *° his Friends and ' 1,. -I' " a:'iheir encouragement,fipce he Lom*neaced buhnefs, and hopes, by his : affiuuity, to have a continuance of thc;r fa fVlUrS;, takes this method of informing to thl P as ?“;ved f,°,n Manchester Cnurt H rY Ric"Mond» below the Vherc CW!V™d John Taylor’s, -j:rLj y have the.r Hor/es ne'-Ui W ’ e topped, &e. in the a. teft and moft approved manner. Low ‘ ■fcJver>' Difeale in Horses treated r,nt A ^attention; which fhali f>e war - ranted under fpecial contradf, ALL KINi>S OF SMITH WORK & reduced Prises. fo- Frt°rdSt3l,LMnd wholoion,, food ' V‘ L J cb"‘aP nf*ar the Smith Shop. Richmond June Zjtb 1803. «u.>rr- ___ — — — —- ■■ --CTv >"--‘i;*> CONCERNING DR. READ'S CASE. . ^?on *3* of June left, we publiflicil "1 ms paper, feme remarks relating to thecae ! ff.?r;.R ,,J> ofNorfolk. According to “he 6c- therein ilk-dyed, it appeared that Dr Wc^a fome of the pcrfo,.'. who wle c™,nee win : Sfc * 1 h5v° ofFercJ ri'hcr con. wa‘ .d wrS '1naft,0ns- Thefe h**« not appeared. vV e therefore conclude that our iratenuent war, correif. r0’:lo^:.n2 cxtr^s from the before ..tnwionco publication r.rc r ^^Ir nr.’.rr, i r confide ration , Since,te.Sltf a! fubferihersto the Rccorderlof Lff^ ' OT°"witbc °':r l>rcfcnt obfervati OliS, Wit..out the hcip Of thole cxtra&s. * ) ____ I f “ Thf ?r?T' CO,'rt ha» j«« finilhed it* 1 . fc*°"- ' Die public cu. iolityhas ; p -n much excited V ,he expefled trial of : ’^common vealth's profccution again)! Dr.; .John ... Read, of Norfolk, The nrofe-! cution v. '.s founded upon an accufation, which , *ms exhibited agaloft Dr. Read, about two, years ago. He was nccufedof havine com-I ! nutted to the jail of Norfolk, id havii -■ af-I ; terwards delivered to Mr. Hamilton, the Bri-! ; J'fh consul, n fiilor named H;:-/h Jones, who! ; bad ben on: of the mutineers'on board of the' . Kriti/h fnr».-:rc Hcrmione. Jt was further; i ahedged, fh.'t Jones was fent by Hamilton to) | the WefMmJier , v/hr-rc he was tried, con-1 1 detuned, and#cxecuted. A complaint, emi>ra~! ' ;di theb f hi rig-, was made to governor I | Monroe, by Richard Kvers Dee, of Norfolk. ! The governor and council font Mr. George | Hay to Norfolk, to enquire mto, and maicc a i teport of th- facK '1 his trip coff the cpm I monwealth about ion pounds. Mr. Hay v.as r/ometim-at Norf.,ik ; he took many affida Oj rod cnc.ofed them to the governor and council, ar •.ompani 'd by -» letter, in which t appc.srfd that b- conceived t}»r frets to be cfJ i tebhfhed. It appears that governor Monroe tv.is of this Opinion; becaufe,at the fucceeding icJi-.nn, he fo Rated it to theaffembly, in his or r.cai communication.” u ft appears that the teftimc>ny qfone Bran nan, the jailor, was chiefly relied upon by Mr. May. Brannan, at one time, cxprcfsly denied that the rails had happened ; at anothi r he laid that he believed they had happened. His teftimony is therefore contradiiftoi y. But Bra man s teftimony Roppofcd by the affida v!t of one Coils, who, at the time when the fa£l is laid to have happened, a£led as the af fillant to Brannan. Colls’s affidavit is to the fc Mowing eR'ecl; that Brannan, at the time , t.i.ucLd to, was not only very lick, but was | ueiirious; that he (Colls) kept the keys, the I hnok>, ar.d tranfadted all the duties of the-jail. He received a ! prifoners, and kept a regular account of the names and caufcs of commit ment, in every cafe. He declares lolemniy, ih.tt no man by the name cf Kuph Toxics w^s committee to prifon by Dr. Read, or any i ^^ierP?fa°n- . T"his affidavit is confirmed by t Ti. Boyce, ferjeant of the borough of Nor ' ''' i‘‘° fays* that he was interroga- 1 | ted by Mr. George Hay, upon the fubjecl, | and that he informed Mr. Hav, that no fuch mai; had been in jail. It ^ moft Bkely, if y-olis^s affidavit had been taken, at.d reported *r»r the others, that neither J~'i" Read nor the afTemhly, would have Rid any further trouble upon the bufmefs. T Rs ca.e was to have been tried at the ciuon ot the general court, which is juft row over. Dr. Read came with his witneffes, pre pared ana anxious for his nial. T he trial has been pdltpofted by the attorney-general, at a vci-y great ocpence to Dr. Read, and a ftill greater to the commonwealth.” i v<- that d! clamour and trou vie, origmarcu "in feme rattling of o. ; Seth I r olrer, one cj our Norfolk republicans, who ! S«c?«a private- houfe in Norfolk, with the , Br.t.*n cf>nfjl, Dr. Read, Capt. Truxton,and otl'frs* . 'v ^en a*l parries were well freighted j Wlt-' wine> Read was afked, what had becorm i o. one o’ the mutmeerSjV ho nad been delivered to him by Capt. Truxton ? D Read /we red that he had gone to hell, where all Jack JiCiniurels ought to go, alluding to one Of-J borne, who had died in jail. On the next dav, rotter told fbmething tofone Starke, who told fomething to RichaTd E. Lee, the accufer, wrote fomething to the governor , butir appears, that the circumffance alluded to departed from the ufual mode of proceed ing, in cafes, where offence -re commit!. J agaiuft the peace and dignity or the common- ! wealth. . Ij.ifead of directing an enquiry and ! prolecution to be jnftituted by the ntrprncvfor ! the t the dif trift attorney, went -n perfon, at iwo differ ent times to Suffolk, for the foie ?ad avowed purpofc of conducting the profecution Unon one of tbefe occafions, the populace were row fed to fued a vindictive Spirit, that Dr. Read found ,t neccffary, for his perfon*l fafetv, to ? cave .he piace. T„is, added n> the violent I threats, which the adjacent people were in :he • r:a‘Vt ur mak‘ng> «nduced the doc for to offer a I petition to the general court, fjr. ‘ prayed, that the tr ial might he at Richmond. I ,.h's W3S °PP<*J by the aitornev-jer.tr,,t I with great earn^ftnefs. ' & I Atthelart term of the general court, when Dr. Read was ready, and his ronne ' d, i PT a tr}aI’ U w”'s P^ftponed, became Seth t oltcr, one of the pcrfims who had be n fum moiled as a witncfs,did not attend. rf |1C tX pence of the poftponeinem to Dr. Read, cor id not :e 'eis than two hundred dollars. There was a c oud of witnciles for the commonwealth's io that the expence to the p; blic luuft have be n as much. F roin the courfe Which this prolecution has U-cn, and feems likely to tala , th • public will fukain alofsjofat Ieaft two thoufimd dollars: '” ’ probably, coil Dr. Read ah >ur as murti I he commonwealth’.; money might have hern employed, in digging and cu -.ring fome yards ot the new canal, which, it ;s exported, L,; r ,c r'Jt ai0J‘g the bottom rt the old one. 1 he preceding ftatement o: farts, and the let ter of Seth I'oiter, which is now publiffced in Mis paper, afeertain very death , that there never was any caufe, either for t’-.» profecu l?°n*i °r ^1e /ma^e^ clamour n*rr.inft Dr* • ■ ■ i\ . ..... who were the tnoft confpicuous at the'begin arc quarrelling with each other Nay, wc have heard that r. challenge has be»n re ceived by one of them. This barrens, no doubt, from the unwillingnefs in either party, to bear the public odium, which threat..v> to ic-tt.c upon the pt Ton who is melt o-xirtt • While Richard Jl vers Lee, the rej] !f?,?bk .'CCuier, and both I'ofter, the w-i'ncis, ,.u. ,, tvith each other for the honor of haviul 1 rometheus of old, msdt a man; that i\ for having created a Hugh Junes, 'rom thefu r c* or the glimmerings of their own infuriated cr mukgnant minds; while this matchleft LIE I hovers in equipoife oyer them ; tiv> executive councd, and the gentleman whom they f*nt , Norfolk, may i'ettle or qu... • -J aifo, far the h0, j nor of having purfued a fyftem of injuftice and oppreflion. Their proceedings had a tend.'; cy to fink into ruin, a refpertable citizen, whofc only crime, as far 35 v. e can trace it, ap pears to have been. . end ardent hi 10 jeaeralijiii. - < b fi e the bla »e * n lies, . ogiit be told m a very few words. I* jr\ the power of the perfons who have been men ■ ;o led, t give the information, if tr . y will I. they do not tell rc, we mav conclude that they dai e not. Vv e do not know whether Air. ] lay was to c.ko ..is one hundred pounds, ns a folicitor in cc.iali of the executive council, t:» at left and rcpoi t only the teftimony, whh h was necefia - ry tc-ud the prolhcution, or, whether he was employed as a public rrjiftior.ary. in the let-' - . caie, it was his duty to have colltsfled eve— 1Y th ng " inch be could, upon fcoih lities, and iu ha1- c reported tiie truth, the ’whole truth, an-j nothing but the truth. From our igno* iar»cc in this jefpedt, we cannot with prot. ; ic ty, make an accufatuin again# him, at this t:aic,..h his having fuppreiied the teftimony or vv iiiini,-. Coils. Mr. Hay, as a lawyer. 11 ur fuir.g the cuft/»m of h:S profeilion, war. oouiid to act according to his inftrunions, .mu u imune in -rcn arid views ol fiss em ployw,::. We very much incline to bcJkvc, iii.u nir. rT.*y wenuunot have committed him °.v -h/ou "i.ce to h r: «.i mentions; and that he would have accepted of idence in Dr. Read’s favour, w- i as . gajnft him, if iUCii had bcco i mil.-iioiioiis of \lie executive Count ! r. Hay felt himlelf to he but as a fir.gie min, refponftb!.- to Ins feliow-citiwens ror nis condu i; w hereas, the eight memberr °* the execuov .* count i, found themfeives rc fpon< ly that they were care i: S vhc, d-y did. The reft of their com)u«9: i*. i ties t *ir» iuppolition. What do you think: yf giving forty-three dollars for mending the bJr *¥ vr th,c f't,-ake‘ of the fenatc, of I aft abcmhly r No ! begging his honour’s pardon --it was o nlytbeleg of his CHAfR ! This nnanen phecnofrnenon excited a fmall dcbatc; ■ i tie ' ommitree, who were appointed toex am ne »ha accounts laid before the la