Newspaper Page Text
[Vol. II.j l No. 70 I’mjicd fc«r HENRY RACE, and JAMES T. CALLFNJ>Er% Rf« ' ..__ . Kj * — RF.CO RDER; ™°*n, iind-piibtiftej every Wxdnbsdat Morning. SeWrriprion VW. MUrs ftr «*r'Kat iyEDNh„sr>s} r, November s> isok TO THE PUBLIC. \>ff AN Y gcnt\;*mcfc redding in ftutes north J *■ of t Lis have addrefled letters ro us, tojfend them the Recorder; and requeued we would tiamenny perfon inPhiladdphia,or New York, where they could fcitvl rheir luhfcrinticn nro ney. We take this opportunity of informing the public, that iVlr. T.evis, paper-maker, at Philadelphia, will receive any fuVcviption? Cent lor the Recorder, and Mr Coleman, prin ter of the N ew York Herald, at New York. TO SUBSCRIBERS. THK fubicrib'Ts' to “ The Recorder,” arc delircd to recollect, that the payments for this paper ftiould be regulai and prompt. We (hall not, at any future period of our editorial progrefs, be U Iling the public, in terms of de ploration, tint our fuhferihevs are indebted to us in four, (ix, or ten thoufand dollars- We pay a ftrict attention ro our fubfeription lift ; and a~ foon as we can convince ourfelvcs that a fubferiher is difpofed to fall behind in ins payments,* offhe goesy without delay. Do you think that the editors of rhis. paper are going to he fuch fimpjetorts as to have a par cel of twelve, nr fifteen hundred ragged, beg garly (ubfeription accounts, difperfed a!’ over the Hate, * f tv. o, (our, eight, or twelve dollars a head? Do you think, that \vc know fo little of common bufinefr, and of common fenfr. as lobe giving credit for two or three years at a ft ret clor even two months, to republi uu/.ciiN rn.ic rcmcmut r to > pay I the poftage of their letters, wherein they fo- i lieu us to put tlown their name-' ? Indeed, gen tlemen, as tlvAnayorof C u entry laid m queen Elizabeth f They have got the wrong f ig h\ the eni. You may depend upon it that no perfou exifts upon the furface o’* this rommon- 1 wealth, who fhaTl ever he hv * dollars ir. | debt to tha,Recorder, uniefsby the mod pe - culiar and fata! combination of incidents. Does any man of bufinefs fancy that we are going to fend money before hand to Phila «le) plu3^.to pay for paper, to wait three months for its arriv al; to pav every hodv in the houff in advance, for working it off, and then, to be giving three years credit, with a iaw-fuit at the end of it, to ionic worthy republican who refides live hundred miles to the v/eftvvard of the Blue-Ridge ? That is not the way, in vhich w* defign to do hufiiiefs. VVc Brail have no advertifemenrs afeertaining the fim plicily o'f our having accounts clifpcrftd all over tive Bate, to the amount of Ox, or eight, o> twelve thoufand dollars. Whenever a fuh feriber to 'l'he Recorder, knows himfdf to he behind hand, he muff not differ with the I po ft-mailer ol the county; he ntuft r.ot thing : that he feels an apoplc ■. v of lurptrft, if tiro paper does not come next uv.v; fur, be way reft ! affurccl, that we fliall pay tlic'ftricteft attention i to.the itdtc <»f payments and of defalcation ; ; and, as we arc obliged to pay for c cry thing ut advance, our fuhfcribcr?, rrav reft allured, ! that n:bo-y jhaVt he in out debt, if nve can help it. ' KOTE ** W c are fitisfied that this will very fcl-! d >hi be the cafe. Wc have not more than ; one fubferiber in forty, but what pays in ' advance, and allures us that he will continue ' to do fo, FALL GOODS. SAMUEL P. BRAD DICK, HAS juft received by the Ottavia, from Lon- i don, ;i very hatvjfom* aflortment, which he i will fell low, for Cafti c*r Produce. Richmond, Or/. 12tb IS'>2, ( 50 DOLLARS REWARD. j RUN aw ly from the Subfcriber in tS.i* ti*v, >n j May lafl, a Ncpro mru. n.imfd BAILOR. A Wwk rcmpIe*:o«, about Ttvtntv*S •< or S- m j ^ ear* nl<>, fV.r* Srtm flight, }•,, „ incrly belonged to thr ftlafo of ffoorrn Tor r», j h35 vorfc.vl tSt PJ« kf nirh’, trade. W-j» pur, j • bif«<j at T*ui4»e Sale, iaft r»pi»p?. Whoever feenre* th>: i Ml N grp, and lr |^e« h*ro • a Jail in this City, fbal) ha*, t He aho.e fe%v*ttl bv applying! ' William Kuleh r. THOMAS MOORE. Or/oher t$/b, |8 » tf BY THE LATE ARRIVALS ff’M MACKENZIE, & Co. I HAVE RECEIVED THEIR FALL GOODS. Ri.iu. tnd Sip’. 3Q/h. I '*.<) * ( H; ) j OcV ' rr z >:b l J0 Collars reward. SCHOONER, TRY/U „r v j it from k.ebn.oo* for VV* t (h of 2 (tty. i,,: t.5 rf ^ ^rthhran, on the r^.v^L vifs“r V" ? a Kcd iVur.k cTMrV OT B<** W*l», tviU, th£ nia<Tcr 0f <\t J" ' , ^cre ,ta chat iSgggsSEES? &t'2&jg~giXZ£i *grn. AddreL to ‘ P J paWer lG he* „ -!°HN TAYLOR, Norfolk. JOHN TAYLOR. ; , _ 03 notice. Vv 1 U;fo:,i “ •■» Wghcft bMifer, -A Dunkirk 3 ' ot jJuirl^j^l9Cn C'UatVi °n Mwndi>' the A TRACT of LAND adj i .£™g.,#-4j 1° K’?B Q-ucen Court Hou,a in ! Nils CV ka'n 8 •» Pond, contain nine Acr .'rf JHrftU lT * * !ft,» r>rr,r u- . , 1 L“0®* ruB«;nt'uUt front Mr iw m* ? Sh,iand to'\iart..pnny wo. Tb* t:> o ir'! • r'Vl • -C lold 0,1 3 crt ,i* «»f fix inoteli , '.?r ,r p,r‘Pn bGt,d with approved fee«ritv. rnj!». # 1 1 \'‘ fJl*1 d^tC :f mn punt!UtIJv d\[ C.,,.1 V J»n*e timv and place, will }% ,# ,IC tJJficr tVwrtcen or r4lr dri‘,,g °tr‘ ecn,*.ft,nK of Yien, a,,<j A’ niff ■»./ »«**„, 03 d is * *. ' 4/ ) He. B. CARTER. Ricii V r r r; i x ; x , In tile ! fign Court of Chancery for the moot! DilrriCt. littt.vecn Henry D nks Anti Nathaniel Ander&o, Robert Pcdlard." (iforgc W»niton and Thomas Stew ardfon, ON- the motion oi the p’ahtifr, the fecond day of Ocloner in the year of on. lord one! tfcoufrnd eight hundred and two. with ttte tdpfenV nr the defendant Nathaniel .\nd6rfon, by co**fel, <^>th refer the accounts between the plaintiff 3«v= t.7»t defend aw. totwc atfm commiffinerE, to he b imr, examined, fbted, fettled, aud to the court reported w ith any immeri.fpcciuHy iUt*d thought pertinent by himfelf, or requited bv ihe partes to he fo Gated, and wdereth, with the conic ot qf the parties, me crofe -o be finely heard at the next term, if that officer, in the mean time, (hall ftiue arui examine them, or, updn examination of the papers, a final decree can be made u nborn the re port. A copy, cette, PeterTifriky, c. r. Co-nni iflione r’s Office, Richmond, Oftober 20, 180S. f panics concerned, are dcfircti to take no f:ce, that \ ha\e appointed Monday the twentieth day of December neAt, fo - carrying into effect the wubio decretal order, upon which day, theii a tendance is required at rny office, with copies of the court paper; and their accounts ready i».r ex amination. William Hay, m. c. WANTED, A A * l. .1 ION, by a porion v*{n> profeifcj to 2.x understand the builnefs of a M1JLLRR. The advertiser is i native of th« Old Country. He Has been brtd to this, biilic.-C , and any appli cation on his accour.r, is hieS may he made at ibis olficc will receive a fuiuible amner. Richmond, Oct. xjth. I H ) :. TO BE SOU), FOR READY MONEY, L)l; R.Jv 1A NT to a decree of the Fed era* T\ *■ fH,rt ‘>f the Uni ted States, i .r the of V trgiuia, in a <u t bet,ween thr ; ecu tors of Hanbury*s,pl:uptjffs, and the truf fcc‘ gen. Nelton, ami others, defendants, a tract of land in t.*ie oiintyot Prince Wil ba.ix mi the waters of Hull Run, tontaming n > acres, now i. the occupirion of Mr> (»wynu; or fo much thereof as will be fofli cient t<* uiife thr fum of £. 259 with int^refl thereon from October j 797, and the colts & cxpences of this fale, which will take place at Gadfby's tavern, in the rown bf Afcxaxdria. on Saturday, the ftxth of November next. I hey above traft of land was .porrhafed In Peyton (Jwynn, depeafed under the laid de cree, and the puichafc jnoneyrot being whojlv paid, is again to be fold for the fatisfac^ion thereof, in conformity to fiid decree, and terms of original fait. 1). M. RANDOLPH L av M*rlhal, v. *>. "'t'hm,$>/' iti.'h ipf. {*^*0 FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. T HURSDAY S«‘n’ght flnved ifnjm a Smith's ! Shv>f- *ear the Court U<jj!c of Richmond a ‘ ■T W,.'*"!1 * «I‘Ori l^b fail, a I and | pvn hie Irft ioo*jMcr. Fit is *Wut twelve hauc1? | a>... at' half high, about fix vear» old. I will y',yr j tlic above regard to 10y ?crlon w),0 w)jj j,ri»,*/ i,,m . a> ci , Sciith as-J Vittsicr, next the Court H JUfe R'tnmontl. Of oarc lytS. \JC3. ^ 'ME5 LYNCH. “ favinf *f mne, f,r'< ti/u- is ever; mor< precious t> L money/’ FRANKLIN. 1 MATO'S toll bridge TH* ubl»cisrcfj)ct5Uully infotmed^ iv non I f ‘ ^‘PiCtc>y «»d permanently nniHied £(“7“^ w"hrt «■«•»•* and fubltantial Hnnd-Ru,!,; and w.ll, very (, hc f.lp. i u"d> * amps from one cud tu the other 10 that pafiemrers may pats it by rW» ov .W,th U‘e Safety, and moll un bounded confidence. When the vaft tmgnkudeof this undcrut nits unoi.rta king h}r4 fingJe individual; the chimerica jrntn \vhw>, jt was originally viewed hv iU> whms* Cam;-n i<mi• .r i *L.. ! . r y_ . , \ ..vac- wca: nv i n whole community; the i.mnenfc lum wind »t has coft ; the great Lugth of time (a perio l) 110 Icls than jj vears' vvlvieh it has tukei to bring it to its psdeiu Ihite of perfection *• ^an,tne importance of ittotbofc who travel north or iouth, and particularly ro the whole country fourhof James R.vcr, in br»;;£ *u£ thc‘r Produce to market, and coming to the [cat of government,are cunfidered, a confident hope and belief <$ entertained that it will meet *' j . and alw^ receivuniverfcl patronage and iupporticxdu^c of theft coofidcratioi, lLO^ >M\ iriejt points out this to I>c the cheapest, (and furciy it i, t).c mot\ agreeabee) mode of erofiing the river, for thy very final] d;tref*?»ce in the expense ot going by any othet conveyance, bears «o pro pqtfjpn to the certainty, and expedition ; vhl<J* execHcpt and ufcfid bridge aHmds j SAMUEL Jp|sTL^. i tf.uifm*aa, f •'rg;<t;at Sfpt. 4tb. JSOif. i iiR bubfcyyhcr lias latciv re- | I moved to thcHricic Huufe, appoint,- toCrouch’s : j I avern, and near to Proffirr and Moncurc’s Vendue Store. | I He proposes to pra&ife the Law >n the I High Court of Chanctiry.andDiftiia Coticts, | j and in the County and City Court.. which ate held in this city. HENRY HANKS| J khbnrand*AugnJl ] ^02. tf fVCT PUBLISH ft) AND K'd' s.Ul AT TH*S OFF ICR PF-tCF. TWO L ; -\ ko i'll R f! F.-T'F. NTf ////• CONDUCT or MERIWETHER JONES, JN ^ SERIES OI LETTERS, ADl/ilF.SiiU TO T JAMES. HF PUBLIC, CALLENDER. I MANY gentlemen, when fubfcribin.T to this paper, h ive enquired *or complete ter n* •the Recorder. Tb'-fc *rc not to he had But this little pnbiicar.m will, in fqtnr mea i hjce,ttjpply the want of *r. Befitfe* the i fei-en letters to Jar,.-, the Ja* 0f which has • mnir through cscry^ate, a/C every fe^ond newspaper in t!v union, the collection eon I M<ns many other artiefe*. Among theie ar.. Dtfercr £/ Jatca fiu-r- -Mr. Samuel Gobi j mar., No. J.-~J)efence of Timothy Pici/rin«_ ; J tittle more a bo fit republican erecnemy —with , a variety of fnwrll pieces. i : Subfi.ribsr, leaving hir prelent rm mb*trr m die co.rfe ut rn* ,.c I |»»nuc|f >vnh any wh , newd rranirc i?js ; tcrrirvs. I N B. T» prfrr*rt 'dll bc.tccrpo o. if.»r«i,or forced. lU&vwr, OS. jQ.h iw « l. G i t. F \. bu- lt*or . • , »brtf» m’11• iv «.. . 5SB D-KFJtJfCS ci? rn£ R ECO KEEK. WHEN Meriwether Jones firit co.\ji mtncci aft unprovoked, ^ foWy/ii political anti perianal attach, upoq the’ suitors oi this paper, it \yas exuccir-d ?l\aiwc ihouM be able to walk aloncr fide or mm, and to knock down . 7;vr'y nd ft hood, ns fait as it appeare d. Experience has proved the iftlkicir of f*1” expectation. Befibe., w * nad many ocher topicks to handle an * many other ulfctfea to chtilith^ known people would not give them ‘=lvrs t*ubfc of<ubfc--bftgkr t).r ;tecOr,f..r, merely to ice the ?>: p illu m <,'f , or fhc reprobation of 7>jh umics Ii W often tbun' Sccc&cv to neglect nis yelping, an i proceed ftraight fo; ward to the defection of more important culprits. Befidcs this Jones p’ ^ts twice a week ; and we but 0'*c.f’ He is liafp.ticded by a tribe of a‘Tit tun authors, while the orfar^l mat ferol this paper and cfpeculiy for the laft four months* has come, almoft ex* clufivcly, horn a fingie pen. Hence between the fuperior exterif of his root;/ and the fuperior number of hi* aid font * nc has fun on fo liift, that we have not been aide to overtake even one'half of his fictions. • ana which has been repeated by Jones in a rhouiand ih m,-s isrhat rhe Recorder has been bought by the federal party. Of tilts ,)oc$ oi cvnarn.ce .n$ been, pro-iiiccd.’ "fa cyr.ry number of cne Recorder, fucb freedoms are taken with the jcr*i iyi as jyra»durft ntrf, fi>r his ifk, rake with the republicans. This fact is meai to every body. Our currant'tie jtic h trial- both parties requite * <£rc$t'#4 ^ witching , ti*a» chore is not a prod»rylo>»s dtifcfctkt betweentiie moral characters (A the one and die other; that ibis prin ciple ought to be deeply imprcf&d Upon die peoples mnds chat implicit coni fiwciu.e.anJ .t defect of proper int urination, disperfed among chr citizens at'lame have been rhe caufc of very numerous misfurtnnes. In a wn r d, tfijs porn*r af ^nti what man of jjpafe tempt 10 tontracfec: pj thl; ;!# country can never expect to hove a proper go vernment, uniei? all it. measures are watched by the vigdunce of fulpicior!, and corrected . by cool’ and inteibovnf mitigation. When you will) tQgt.;on h .r/ebiiCK, you (Jo not your eyJvmd tlr '.ftwithout \yhtp or bruise, gy* vdieu ;1 body of men above fufpiei on take hokl of the public purfe, it is an hundred times more likely that they will priicr your nnn, y than that the Iu)rlc 1 wdl break your neck* We never Ipar of rhe over leer of a form, whom lus in ployer con»kl,c rs as abovi ^atjt^ieaion. When you want to make your km J. fcholar, pi a man of huimefo, yoydo not tell him tp act juft. as he vkufts. Bui what better isit? indeed It is a grcjtc deal wonl, to,tell f body of'ft: rcsmeB> tuac you have implicit confident ;n th' pu ity of their v nines, or die ipfecdtfr of their tak its. If you addreiBrd dud,, nonfrnfe i ♦ you, lbn at fehooi, or tl,r drrk at your dtfk, he cerMinfv would nor be much die better for it. cither your aitqrney, nor even your wife,can ai&iic be tnilted with inch a f-r,» t. Thc\:. petite of vanity is inutiedlc. To cram a perfonVs rar.' nth k-is commonly, the molt certain way t«> mnk»“ hun his biWiiK IV, t > rhmk hirnfelf if and to treat ois i . ,vrer wiUi cputem’.i I o overdnje him with d.ityxry jjjft J>ke throwing out tii* .UiUaft ,wy p, i under lull You vn " the jr.-rii*,. fwhor.nm pralfe, and, the vrf/i r| d • } '.r r*• n- i\ vri, r !l’ -■ f