Newspaper Page Text
EDUCATION. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he will continue his ^Schooi. at his house in the lower end of Albemarle county, where he teaches the (V reck and Latin languages, the Jinglish ^language Grammatically, Composition, and the Rudiments of the Mathematicks. His price for boarding and tuition, where •Scholars find their own beds and furniture, is twenty-eight pounds for ten months, one third in advance, the balance at the expi ration of the term—Two months of the year, May and October, are allowed as va cation. Where washing and mending are done, his price is thirty-two pounds, terms ns above—For tuition alone his price is eight pounds ; one half in advance, the ba . lance at the end of six months, f Parents who place their children under his instruction, may rest assured, that pur 'cular attention will he paid to their mo fjjp/s, and every assistance afforded to pro mote their learning. To accommodate parents who feel dis bosed to educate their daughters, I would poard six or eight little girls. JAMES G. WADDIL October 7th, 1806. 2m NOTICE. THE PARTNERSHIP OP Macmurdo & Fisher, WILL terminate with the ."1st day of December next. The affairs of the company, after that period, will remain in 1 the hands of Charles J. Macmurdo for set tlement. CHARLES J. MACMURDO. ! GEORGE FISHER. Richmond, Nov. It, 1806. tlJan*. N O T I C E. ’’THE price of.TUCKER’a BL ACK STONE afer the first of January, 1807, will be twenty two dollars and fifty cents. The sub scribers to that work who have not yet taken their copies, will not after that time be entitled to the sub'cription terms. Philadelphia. July. 1800. tlst Jan Richmond Old School. THE subscribers take the liberty to inform their friends, and the public generally, that their School will be continued the ensuing year, and r 'll be open for the reception of1 Pupils, on uonday the fifth of January, at 1 their School room, on the back-street, near the Conrt-house and immediately below Col. Adams’. Terms of Tuition, for Hea ding, Writing, See. £ 5 per ann. Reading and Writing, with Arithmetic, English • Grammar and Geography, or any one of the last mentioned branches of education £ 6 per ann. to be paid quarterly, and one dollar entrance with each Scholar, to de fray the expense of fuel. Hours of atten dance as usual, and until eleven o’clock on Saturdays for the Grammar and Geogra phy classes. Eliza llichcrdson. Willi tun Richardson, Jr. Richmond, Dec. 1st, 1806. tlJan M‘CAY and COWAN, HAVE just received by the. late a rivals from London, a large and fashionable assortment of \V ATCHES, with a variety of articles of JEWELLERY and SILVER WORK—Al. to, an assortment of WATCH MAKERS' TOOLS anti MATERIALS—which with their former stock, renders their assortment very ge. neral—a'.l of which they oiler at the lowest pri ces. for cash. Richmond. O&ober 9th. 1806. tf A.\ DUE W JAMIESON'S Alexandria Crackers. \JO IV landing, a consignment hi/ Mr.' 1 Jamieson, direct from the Bakery o/’j his “far famed excellent CRACKERS/' in barrels, half barrels and kegs. Also Superfine PILOT BREAD. And for sale (at the bakery price in Alex andria, and charges) at the store lately occupied oij jMcssrs. Cranberry and Nan ctfck, by JAMES SMITH, Who has in store low priced Blur, sack list Cloth, and assorted EJLA.YjYEI.S, which he will sell u bargain. Aiso IN DIA PIECE (100DS very cheap. Richmond, Dec. 1, 1806, tf For Sale, A LIKELY NEGRO M \N, who is well acquainted with the Tanning and Cur rying business. Apply to Henry Garrett, •sq. of the House of Delegates, or to ROBERT YANCEY. Yanceyviile, Nov. 27th, 1806. 4w NOTICE. ALL persons that have any just claims against the estate of Francis Pier, dec. of the county of Prince Edward, are re-i quested to come forward and make it known to tne- as quick as possible—and all per- , sons that are indebted to the said estate are requested to come forward and make immediate payment, as the si tuatinn of the legatees is such that they cannot give any Indulgence. ISHAM RICE, Ex'r. Oct A FOR SALE. TIIF. TENEMENT where I now reside, and possession given immediately. J. PtfS’N. • clover 9ill, 1896. tf The Subscriber, THINKS proper to give notice, he has re sumed the practice of the law, and purpo- | j»?'* regular attendance in the Court of Ap-' peals, the Federal Court, and the High j Court of Chancery, holden in the city of' Rirhmon 1, (to which'place lie is now pre paring to remove his residence.) Due atten tion will be paid to such business as may ffc committed to his care. WILLIAM COWAN. Lancnburg, Nor. li.- rf . I iO U n A Valuable Fartn for sale. BEING desirous to remove to the state. of Kentucky, I will sell the farm on which 1 now live, containing by estimation three hundred and fifty acres of valuable L AND, lying in Hanover county, on Chick ahomony river, adjoining the land of Gen. Marshall and Daniel Trucheart, Esq. and within nine miles of the city of Richmond. It is probable that a new road will be short ly opened to cross Chickahomony opposite to the said land, which will reduce the dis tance to only five miles and a half to the said City. There is upon this Farm a com- ! invidious and convenient d welling house, with all other necessary out houses, and a new Ice-house, built upon the best construction, near a very fine spring ; a handsome Yard, ami Garden neatly inclosed with sawed pai ljnSl* young Apple orchard, containing “50 trees, and a Reach orchard, containing 1200 trees, all just beginning to bear ; they were well selected, at great trouble and ex pense, from the best nurseries in the state, and arc handsomely planted and inclosed. This farm is laid off into three fields, and is well adopted to the culture of Indian corn, Wheat and other small grain, and a part of the land will bring prime Tobacco. I will also sell one half of the Grist-mill, known by the name of White’s mill, adjoin ing the said Farm. The mill-pond and Chickahomony afford as many fine fresh water fish throughout-the vear as any situa tion in the state, and wild fowl in their sea son, all of which may he procured with ve ry little trouble. Should I meet with a pur chaser between thisand the last of January next, I will at that time give possession. There are forty bushels of wheat well put in this fall on the farm. WILLIAM WHITE. 25th November, 180(*. lm FOR SALE. THE LOT & HOUSES where _ on John Hamilton, Esq tin British Consul resides: on it arc a three story Dwelling House, an Office ami Kitchen, and other necessary Hou ses for family us;; a Weil of good Water, newly fitted and a Garden lately pailed in, a Ware Mouse and Celia*- under it; the remains of a Wharf, which will make a rood foundation to : build on ; with all the privileges of lots situa:cd ! on the river, of extending a wharf Also,271 1*2 Acres of well timbered LAND, with r good Fishery on Willoughby’s 15av, ta king in tbs mau'h and part of Mason’s Creek, where -he bf-st of Oysters and Fish can be con veniently taken A:so, a LOT in SmithfielJ. between Mrs. I’unli? s and Captain i odd’s lots.—For term? apply to hos. Newton. August 2. ' tf Thirty Dollars Reward. T\ESERTED front this place, on the 14th ,, ,n,sJ; jaMES LOWNES, a soldier of 1 the public guard, about 28 years of age 1 b\e feet 7 or 8 incites high, fair complex- i inn, with red hair and large whiskers, with blue eyes. It is unknown where he will go, as be is very fond of spirits. Any person taking up said deserter and bringing him to tlm place, and delivering him to me, or cither of the officers of the said guard, shall receive the cihovc reward. ALEX. QUA WRIER, C. P. G- 1 N. B. All masters of vessels are for wurned from carrying him out of this place. Richmond, Nov. 18th, 1S06. - J WHEREAS some time past, I purcha- - ' * sed a piece of land in Goochland coun ty, of one William Lovell, for which I gave him two bonds, one for eighteen pounds, < payable the 25th day of December, one j thousand eight hundred and eight, the o- < tlicr bond for 27 pounds, payable the 25th r>i December, one thousand eight hundred 1 and twelve, and as the said Lovell has gone away without making me a right to the said i land agreeable to bargain, I do forewarn all person or persons in trading for the above ww.ivi.,, , , Uu mu inicnu to pay 1 them unless I get a right agreeable to bar gain. Wm. SHEPPARD. 9th November, 1806. tf SELLING off CHEAP. M. If K M Y K R S, TN TENDING to decline the retail busi *• ness, offer for sale, at reduced prices, the whole or any part of their present stock of DRY GOODS, Consising of a variety of useful and fashi onable articles, to wit: Irish Linens, Flanders* Sheetings, Ozna burgs, Hessian’s Long-Lawns; Linen and Cotton Cambricks; Superfine and second Broad Cloths and Casimers ; Blankets, Coatings and Flannels; Bennett’s & Fan cy Cords and Velvets; Swans Downs and Mole-skins ; rich figur’d Satins ; Silver Mrtslins ; Sarcenets ; Italian Lutestrings; Cotton and Silk Chambrays of very hand some patterns; a few Silk Pelisses; Gloves and Hosiery; elegant Plumes; Wreaths and fancy Ilead-Ornamcnts ; a hadsomc assortment of Ribbons; TaWe-Cloths and Napkins in sets ; 3-4 7-4 St 10 4 Diapers ; a few sets of Chit^a in boxes of 40 pieces ; sets < f Cut-Glass Decanters, Wine St Tum blers ; Glass-Bowls, Spice-Bottlcs, Hall Lamp;#, See. See. They have on hand and will continue to keep, as usual, a complete assortment of DUTCH BOLTimi CLOTHE. Those who buy with cash will be allowed a very liberal discount which will be cncrcascd according to the augmentation of the amwunt of their purchase at any one time. On sum's of consequence, a credit, ifrequired, will be given of three to six months ; the purcha ser giving approved negotiable paper. Richmond, 9th Dec. 1805. * tf A General Assortment of BLANK, CYPHERING, WRITING* amt MEMORANDUM BOOKtt, far safe at rki* o4Ler Advertisement. A LIST of 22 Hogsheads of 7 0 BAC CO, which have been deposited in Shoe Aroe IVarehouse over two years. 7'hcy will therefore be sold at April llenrico : ourt next, if not claimed before that time ; viz : Aro MK. Ao. 348 134 1147, Spring Inspcc. 131 1118 do. do. T S 588 196 1460 do. do. 1098 125 1631 do. do. C. T 11 165 1200 do. do. 1566 165 1191 do. do. TV 7' 1896 110 1410 Cannon's do. No MK 184 182 1328 do. do. R l 926 118 1607 Lynch's do. TV L 1913 123 1327 " do. do. TV S TV 1773 155 1457 do. do. 1433 140 1706 Martin's do. TV P 205 146 1232 Horsley's do. not full. .Vo MK 256 116 1257 Henderson’s do. 442 185 1077 do. do. 780 137 13C0 Nicholas's do. 561 132 1156 Deane's do. Id 917 158 1242 do. do. M IT 109 124 1497 Randol fill’s do. S T 750 136 1207 Lynch's do. TV C 1212 150 1310 Rivanna do. 1213 149 1455 do. do. A TO SB Y is* YO U.\ G, Inspectors. Dec. 10, 1S06. 3 w TO RENT, THE BRICK HOUSE, at the Falling Gar den, at present occupied by S. Pleasants jr— Possession may be ba4 by 'he iast of this month Enquire of the •uik-eriber, near the premises. JAMES LOWNES. 10th Month, 3d 1*06. tf. “ Discoveries of Lf.icfs axu ms PvR Tr ix Louisiana.” A fresh supply of the above interesting work is just received and for sale, at this office. October 2'J. if I.. \Ve?vC^, MEKCHAN V TAYLOR, Digs leave to inform his friends and the * public in general, that he has just recei ved a large supply of Ctorus, Casimt.R s, S if a ns no if ns , and Silk Stockings, which he now offers for sale at reduced Richmoud, Dec 15, 1306. ATegrocs for Side. Ti r virtue of a deed of trust executed to the J subscriber by Richardson Harris, to se cure the payment of a debt therein men tioned, due from said Harris to the estate af Thomasferyers, dec. will he BOLD, to the highest bidder, for ready money, at the house of Haley Cole, near the Coal mines n the county of Chesterfield, on Thursday :hc first of January, 1807, the following SLAVES, viz. Charles, 1’hillisaud Annaky, >r so many thereof as will be sufficient to satisfy the debt mentioned in the said deed >f trust. The above named Charles is an excellent waterman, about 36 years of age ; Phillis and Annaky are urrJeV 21. Wn.HAH Trabuk, Trustee. Dec. 12, 1306. 3t ___—__ WILL HE SOLD, To the highest bidder, for cash, at A env Krvt Courthouse, on the \9thof Jifnu irV next, hi/ virtue of a deed of trust from Benedict Crump, executed to me to secure he payment of a sum of money due to Robert Christian, which has been transfer •rdto Thomas Claiborne, the TRACT of EA.YD whereon the said Crump now ires, containing by estimation 376 acres, /'/joining the lands of John Adams, James Davis, Francis Ferguson and others_ 4l*o, the TRACT of LA A I) whereon he said Crump’s mill stands, including taid mill, containing by estimation 348 a rcs, and bounded by the lands of John Wuddill, dec. Edwin Poindexter and c hers.— Likewise the fallow'./-g SLAVES, J‘Z. Ruche/ am! her two children Jid nur.d and George, Charlotte, Judith, Du 'id, Jenny and Violet, or so much of said, property as will be sufficient to discharge he debt mentioned in the deed. Tin: TKusr&E. 1JCC. 13, JhUO. frfs WIIjTj bc S0,J l)' at •/iuc/ /OJV, on ' f the premises on the 10/// day ofJanua ~y next, if fair,otherwise the next fair day, MT LAND, Tn Hanover county,situated on Chickaho stony river, 12 miles from the city of Rich nond, and Jive miles above the Pfradow bridges ; containing 344 acres. On this 'and is a dwelling house 44feet hr/ JO, a cite hen, negro houses, stahles, and a gruna nj, all in good repair. It is deemed needless 'o speak of the advantages resulting from / farm so convenient to market, as this nust be obvious to every one ; or to give i description of the soil’, ns it is presumed hat no one will purchase without first •tewing the premises—Suffice it to'sau, hr re is no land on said river more fertile, lor any situation more agreeable. The rrms will be made known on the day hr atlr. -v PFTF.R CRUTCHFIELD. December 11//;, 1800. /,/** A BARGAIN MAY BP. HAD IN A Chariot, liar,tess and Pair of lix cchcnt Horses. Enquire of the pr'rrer. Richmond, Aujust 2, 1806. tf LAND FOR SALE, j THE subscribe! being anxious to remove to the western country, will sell on very moderate ternm, two valuable tracts of LAND, lying it the county of Halifax, one tract lying on Han river, eight miles above Irvine s ferry, containing about 540 acres, JO of which are Low Grounds of the best quality, with cosvenicnt houses for the ac* J “ommodatlonof» family. Also a tract on fUrch’s creek, containing 770 acres, with ■ louses fit only {or negroes and an overseer, j P.ach plantation Ins cleared land sufficient ! ;o work 5 or 6 hands to advantage. CHARLES BANKER. Dec. 10, 1806. 6t* T DESIGN the ensuing year, with the aid of a qualified teacher, to attempt the Tuition ol 15 Females—Gismmar, Geography & Arithme tic will be taught. Stria attention will also b*' paid to the composition of the Scholars, nor will their morals lie neglerted. The price will be £2C each scholar finding her own bed—1-Gih of’the price to be paid in advance. Gerard Banka. Goochland, 27th Sept. 1806. tf JUST PUBLISHED, 1 Br Sauuel Pleasants, Jus. and for 1 sale by the gross, dozen, or single, at his Printing-Office and Book-Store, Rich mond ; The Virginia Almanack, for The tear of our lord, 1807; Being the tided after Bissextile or Leap Year i I Adapted to the Latitude and Meridian of Kich I tnond Calculated by B EJVJAMIJ* BATES, Of Hammer county, Virginia. Containing, besides the astronomical catcnla'ia ons. officers of Government, mtmb*rs of the Senate and House of Delegates, times of hol ding the superior & county Courts throughout the state, list of roads, iic. &c. 8cc a great vari ety of useful and entertaining matter *»* Great allowance made to wholesale pur. hasers, September I3th, 1806. Marshal's Sales. Bv virtue of a decree of the Court of the United States for the fifth circuit in the Virginia district, pronounced at the May term, 1806. John Somervill, Pit. against David Ross, Deft. X/W’ILL be sold to the highest bidder, for ’ ’ ready money, so much of a TR ACT of LAND, lying on James River, in the county of Chesterfield, and commonly call ed and known by the name of the Falls Plan tation, as will raise the sum of seven hun dred and twenty-Six dollars and thirty seven cents, and the costs. The sale will •>e had on the premises on the 20th Day of January 1807. JOSEPH SCOTT, m. v. d. IVc T? Yil/’E the subscribers, Judges of the Ge ’ ’ neral Court, have pursuant to law al lotted the Judges of the respective District Courts as follow : Richard Parker and R - bert White, jr. esquires, to the Districts of I Winchester, Hardy and Monongalia court house ; Paul Carrington, jr. and Francis T. Brooke, esquires, to the I/ist-.*cts of i Richmond, Petersburg, Brunswick court - I house and SufToil: ; Edmund Winston and i William Nelson, jr. esquires, to the Dis ! »ricts of Prince-Edward courthouse, Frank ! lin,. Washington courthouse, and the Sweet ! Spring:, in Botetourt county ; Joseph Pren kis and John Tyler, esquires, to the Dis tricts of Northumberland, King 8c Qu*en, Williamsburg and Accomack courthouses. —And Archibald Stuart and Hugh Holmes, esquires, to Staunton, Charlottesville, Fre dericksburg and Haymarkct districts at the •ext succeeding terms thereof. Witness our hands and seals this fifteenth t ay of November, one thousand eight hun dred and six. John, Tyler, (seal*) H 'm. j\elson, jr- (seal.) Robert JfTuVr, jr. (seal.) Paul Carrington fr. (seal.) Arch'd Stuart, (seal.) Francis T. llrooke, (seal.) Hugh Holmes. (seal.) Published by order of the Judges. _ Wilson Allen, c. c. c. just pom.t\t,Kn, and tor salb at this office, . A PAMpm.RT, CotainingSketches of the History of France and England—And an account of Nafo i.ron Bon af Am«,Emperorof France, from his birth to the battle of Austerlitz—price.”* April 2‘J> 1205. tf matt;* asses! , Gan br had on very short notice, MAT* TRASSSES of all sizes & kinds, agreeably to order, ••• the corner house, same square, below Mr. Jos Darmsdatt’s, near the market. ana ncxi aoor ro Mr Jacob Johnson's | book store.—Also, BEDS furnisher!, and old 1 mattrasset worked over. Jno. S. Pleasants. une 5, 1806. the first day of January next, at the late Dwelling-House of Mrs. .Ann Woodson, dec. in the county of Powhatan, i A ILL BF, SOLD, Heven on Kioitf Likely Negroes, Consisting of Men, Women, Roys & Girls —At the same time and place will also be ! SOLD, a variety of HOUSEHOLD & I K ITU HEX FtJRXTTUR E—Stock of Cattle and Sheep; among the Household ! Furniture are some very fine Feather Beds. —Twelve months credit, wilf he given for I all sums above ten dollars, all sums under, 1 cash will be expected—Bonds with approv- j ed security will be required, to bear inter est from the date if not punctually paid. NATIIl. SF.LDEN, ExY. Powhatan, Nov. 1, 1806. wtds ‘To TTCTET , BY virtue of a deed of trust, a parrel of j choice NEGROI’.’S consisting of ten i Men, that have been accustomed to live in I the upper country, and as likely as any in the commonwealth, will be offered for Sale to tl*c highest bidder, to satisfy a debt due Carter Page, esq. by the Messieurs Deane’s, at Cumberland courthouse, on Monday the ‘JGth of January next, (being court day ;) a crediiof twelve months will be allowed, the purchasers giving bond and approved secu rity. It is agreed bv the parties that tho subscriber shall act for the trustee. SAMUEL TAYLOR, Jr. Nov. 17, lfc06. wtds rPHE Subscriber has accommodations' A for twenty-five gentlemen of the Le gislature. He lias .also stabling for as ma ny horses. * ALF.X’R. QUARRIER. Uichmeud, Oct. lfth, 180$. rf Private Academy. DURING the ensuing year the Ilcv. G\ H. DEVENISII will resume and pur sue the professional instruction of youth, at the Sweet Springs. The extreme healthi ness of the situation, the cheapness of boa ru ing, the total exclusion from every oppor tunity or incitement to dissipation, and the singular advantage it enjoys of being visit ed by .a number of literary characters, ca pable of inspecting and superintending its management, render this among the most e ligible situations in Virginia for an institution v of this nature, and are among the principal reasons which have induced him to make choice of thb most delightful and advanta geous place, as the seat of his seminary. His course of instruction will be divisible into two parts: 1 he first will comprehend English Grammar, Geography with the use of the Terestrial Globe and Maps, E locution, Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Eu clid’s Elements. The greatest attention will also be paid to the study of the dead languages, where it may be the desire of parents or guardians. The second part will comprehend Logic, Political Economy, His tory, Composition and Ethic3. It is his most anxious wish that a majority'of his pupils may fie composed of boys from nine to fifteen years of age, who will be continu ed under his direction till they shall com plete the course. _ Under these circumstances he flatters himself it would be in his power to render permanent and substantial services, and to inspire his pupils with a love of virtue, knowledge and predilection for manly, use ful and honorable sentiments and pursuits, which would exert a predominant influence over their future happiness and usefulness, in life. He wishes to rccicve from 20 to 25 pu pils. His charge for tuition will he 10 dol lars per quarter, paid in advance, for boys under 15 years of age, and 12 1-2 dollars per quarter, paid in advance, for boys be yond that age. 11 is charge for board, wash ing, candles and fire (the fees of tuition not included) will be 20 dollars per quarter, paid in advance, for boys under 15 years of age, and 22 1 -2 dollars per quarter, paid in advance, for boys after that age. Each boarder must furnish his own bed, or be subjected to an additional charee of 7 dol Jars per annum, payable as above, in case of having it furnished.—Parents who may wish to place their children Under his di rection will please make application to Messrs. George and Robert Turner, Richmond, or to the subscriber at the Sweet Springs. G. H. DEVEN1SH. N. B. THE Academy will go into opc» ration the first Monday in February, 1807. The hours of public tuition in this seminary, will be from 9 o’clock every morning (Sun days excepted) till 1 o’clock, and again from 3 till .5 o’clock in the afternoor. No vacations that can possibly be avoided w ill be permitted, Mr. 1). conceiving them e qually injurious to the morals of the teach ers and pupils. Sweet Springs, Not. 22, 1806. wSt YV. H A i .i H T, Upholsterer and Paper FROM NEW-YORK; ESPECTFULLY informs the inhabit * * tants of Richmond and its vicinity, that he has taken a house in the main-streeC nearly opposite the Old City Tavern, where be lias for Sale, a large and elegant assort ment °f the following Upholstering articles, viz. 5000 pieces of French, English, Dutch and American Paper-lmngings, with tiegant. Borders to suit; Fringes, Tossels, Cords, Bed-laces and Curtain-bindings of dif ferent colors and qualities ; Snplius, Set tees, Easy-chairs ; Hair, Moss and Flock Mattresses ; likewise, a large and fashion able assortment of MAHO G A jYY FUR .Y1TUR F., made by the best and most ap proved workmen in New-York, viz. Side boards, Bed-steads of different kinds, Din ing-tables, with and without ends ; Card fables, Portable Desks, Sattin-wood ladies* writing-tables, Foot-stools, Wash-hand stands, Butlers’travs. Secretaries with ami without Book-cases, Letter-case , with ta bles, Knife-boxes and Music-cases, with a number of other articles too tedious to men tion. Bed and Window Curtains made in tho most fashionable stvlc. W HAIGHT, flatters himself that his knowledge in the above business, and tho constant supplies which he shall receive, will entitle him to the patronage of a ge nerous public. All the above articles will tie disposed L)f on the lowest terms, for cash or negoti able notes. Live Geese Fcnthers, and Horse-hair, bought and sold. , Richmond, November Xd, 1306. wSiri I/EMA'Ci & MUjVFORU's Verm Reports, A T1F. now in the press, and the first niim ^ her, will certainly be ready for deli very before the rising of the General As sembly ; after which time, the subscripti on will be closed, and the price to non-sub scribers increased one fourth. Richmond, 3d Dec. 1806. w4t rp a k F. N u/t by Samuel IV. Venable, at his 1 plantation near Prince Edward court house, a IIARHO IV, about a year old, his color is mostly white, but has a number of black spots } he is marked with a crop in the l,ft car, and a slit and undrrkecl in the right. Appraised to twenty-three shil lings. ip itt FOR SALK AYS. PLkASANYs’ ROOK SYORFf HENIMG's New Virginia Justice, Containing the Duties of a Justice of Peace, itc. together with a variety of useful pre cedents, adapted to die laws now in force Also, forms of conveyancing, such cjs deeds of bargain and sale, 1- v ,c a;!g r.. lease, mortgage, trust, «,c.