Newspaper Page Text
--1,11 j- ... n " .'JUy* Soardingy Lodgingir En tertainment. . 'T'HP. subscriber is now keeping a boaring house * in the commodious & conveniently situated liouselaiely occupied by Major James Gibbon, on the main street, opposite to Harris’s brick build. ’ ings, where she will accommodate ladies and gen lie men by the dayj week, month, quarter or year, with genteel boarilj lodging and entertainment. Ho cxrttions shall be wanting op her parti to give utisfaci. jn to those who will favor her with their •omna^. Anna Byrd. Richmond, Angus' 3, 1808._*f WAN TUI) lO PURCHASE, 10 or 15 Young Negroes. Enquire of *he Printer. November 30 1808* tf Penicentiary Store. SHOES the Manufacture of the Penitenti. arv have been lately REDUCED, consider, ■bly below their former prices. D. J. BURR, Agent. 10th Mav. 1808. tf FOR sale; ^ JA. On private contraA, the fine, tu high bred running horse 8SEE doctor, Lite t*ve property »f Doftor A T. Dixon, out of Rill B x. by Pant'doen A'so, A FIl.I.Y, 3 I years old, by Ptecipi ate, out of the same mare, / of the best and pyrett blood in Virginia. DoAor was by Rl»> nr lJay, >siu high health and perfeA ly sound, six year; old, a beautiful hav and 15 bands high. This ho- w has proved his bottom and speed tn many trials, having fmm three years old bern successful except in two instances, which accident prevented. The filly is untried, but she would be highly valuable to a gentleman whose wish i. iv raise from a good stock. Ap ply ta John Tyler. Green Wav, R.’pt fi, 1308. tf MAI i R ESSES OF AI.I. SIZES AND KINDS, MADE and repaired, agreeably to order, In the large wooden 'niuw opposite the Old City Tavern, tw o squaics isdow the market bridge, RicnmomL J. S. Pleasants. May 31. 1808_tf_ Notice. tlfII,I. 1IE SOI.I) on tlio premises, on W Wednesday tho 15th day of February neat, liic Glebe Lands, Lute hi the occupancy of be Rev. Matthew Murray, dec. on a credit of twelve months., the purchaser giving bond with approved secu rity. By order of the Overseers of the Poor. John Winn. fr. Clk. Av'rm-,rl' December 13th, 1808. 3 w Just -received at this ojfice. Part 2d of vol. 9th—oi No. 18 of for. Rees' New Cyclopedia. *m* Subscribers to the above work, are requested to «pply for their books. 11?" Subscription still open.______ Deserier. D^SF.RTED from the servxe of the Uaired Stater.,on the 6th inst. a p«i\a<t in the 5th Regiment of infan’ry. named Daniel L. Brad* ley, 19 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, dark complexion, haele eyes, and dark li*ir.-—He was born in Charles City county, Virginia* and is a farmer by profession. The said Bradley had on at the tine of his desertion, the uniform of , the U.ti'ed States Light Infantry. , A reward of ten dollars will he given to any ptrsr.n who will dc'iver the said deserter to me, or to any officer in the service of the U. States. EDWARD DILLARD,Capt, 5th U- S. Rcg’u Infantry. Noveml>er 23. 1808 tf. Wanted, on Hire THE NEXT year, A Man and a Woman servant— he man must be welt acquainted with house business ge nerally, anti the management of h »rscv— the woman a good cock—both must come well re •ommer.dcd for honesty and sobiiety Enquire of fhr Pi inter. Noti ce is hereby given j TO all persons having c'stims againjt the es tat• of WILLIAM HAdT,d<c.thatthey must be btongH* f *rward for r.eti lenient previous lo the 12th d*/ of January ncx>, properly att«s. ted i all those indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, or suits 'Will be brought in discrimina’.ely —rhe above notice wil! be plead in bar again* *. (IditMuent creditor*, bv M A d Y HAUT, Adm’x. Blchmood, Dee 1808. Itn 1 ‘ r | hlR'.'ib b r having removed to the hou kts, 1 I on Sh’c' * Hill, formerly occupied by M a j. William I>■* Val, in » very ag/ccablr pa-t of the city, and COmigirms to toe Oapi'ol, is p-eptired and deai'ous of taking from 15 to 2U Members of the Aascm'.ily as Ivsrd w* dating the ensuing tes ■ion. The greatest attention will be paid to their accomrnnda'ir n. N. B. Ha has for sale three or four likely young N gro##, two of whom arc likely young men. H. Puryear. N©sren>her 50, 18l>8. _ if THR Snbscribcr having furnished himse'f with an e'.cg tn» assortment of mountains and ©♦her materidsi W.g* leave to inlotm the pub lic that h* has commenced the Cabinet Making Business, upon an ntrnsive scale in the hotre near Shoc koe bridge, neat d.v-r »o Samuel Pleasants, Jr’s, printing office, where he wi I keep a constant •uppty of furniture for sale upon reasonable terms—and whete furnime .in hrs line will be marie u,»©n the shortest notice, and in the moat n .proved fashions, or upon any medel which r*-y be direc ed. Tae s-iim fiber will *Im, keep t-t l-snd, a constant snpp'r of Fancy anti Wind tor CH AlllS ol ai descriptions, for sale upon t* i on4Me terms. Cst M PERRY. J ■ ’imend. November 28th, 180H. (tf ) J,. B. Coach and Sign Painting, done at Ins t‘.r p on the shortest notice and in th.- very best . aoner Bills of Lading l;or sale at the Office of lU Ar^as* I XJST PUBLISHED, T MAMU'EL P LK 4 S A ST'S, JUS. HICUMOSD, THE SECOND VOLUME OK Till itelu^cD Cotie, Containing 500 pages super-royal octavo, bound to match the first vol.—Price to subscribers 8 non.subscri bers 8 6.) BEING COLLECTION or ALL SUCI1 ACTS or m General Assembly or VIRGINIA Of a public and permanent nature as have passed since the session o 1801 : TO WHICH ARK ADDED APPENDICES, CONTAINING A compilation of the several laws for the establishment of the J. tines river, Pot tw in ic, Appomattox and Dismal Swamp Ca nal Companies, Laws concerning the Northern Neck, Titles of acts authorising the establishment of Turnpike Roads, and the erection ol Toll Bridges, A compilation of the several acts concern ing the Mutual Assurance Society against Fire on Buildings, Acts aud resolutions of a general nature, which were omitted in the revisals of 1794, and 1803, Laws concerning waste and unappropriated lands on the eastern and western waters, Laws establishing ferries, Laws concerning the public guard, Titles of private and local acts—And A table of fines, forfeitures, penalties and .iimritcim-mi j >ulii its arc to the use of t lie common wealth ; such as go l > wards lessening the county levy ; such asbclong<o individuals; and such as are appropriated to any particular object. jrvma-.'WJS With a comfit Index to the whole. Published pursuant to ah act of the General Assembly of Virginia, passed the seventh day of January, one thousand eight hun dred and seven._ One Thousand Pounds WANTED, FOR the inure*! of which, a plantation of .500 -. ri-s of valuable land will be given, until >he money is refunded. Neatly 100 are rich low grounds, now in cultivation, lying on navigable water, the imptovements new and very good, in a healthy and desirable country. Enquire of the Printer. September R 1R08. »f Gerard Banks, TTF.RETOFORE the F.ditnr of the Virjrin 1:1 Ian, lias opened a SCRIVENER’S OF FICE in the house immediately opposite the Market. Writing of every description will be executed with correctness. Besides the on on I instrhnienis which may be required, he of fers to draw Bills of injunction, Sic. at a mode ate price. JlTs r FffBLlSHED, ~ AS'D FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE., Mr. GILES’ SPEECH, DELIVERED IN SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, ox Thursday, the2i/h of A'ovrniber, 1R08, on the resolution of Mr, llillhouse, to re„ fieal the Embargo Laws. JUST published; ^ And for sale At/*?. Pleasants, Richmond, THE GEN TLEMAN’S Pocket Remembrancer, FOR IMF YEAR 1809, CONTAINING analuiafiek, ruled pages for memorandums and cosh accounts, govern ment of the Untied States, executive, legisla tive and judiciary^ federal courts of law, de partments of the federal government, territo rial government of ike U J>. patents., inter course. with foreign nations, diplomatic depart mint, ministers, consuls, fcc. from foreign [Anv ers to the U. 8. nary, marine corps, navy-yard ut Washington, post-office establishment, emus. duties on inijtoi Lalinns, drawbacks, boun ties, custom-house of Philadelphia, wardens the |Mirt, officers of the customs of tlie U. light-houses, tables, h.-. Sec. The Ladies’ Pocket-Book Contains a view anti description of the natural bridge in Virginia an almanack, ruled pages for memorandums and cash account*, select pieces in prose and poetry, new and celebrated songs, and several useful tAbies. The above bonks are ncutl} bound in read lea thee with pockets. # Notice f"W“^ HE Man ester Turnpike Company de I sirous to encourage the use of Broad B Wheels upon the Turnpike, offer a pre mium of fifty dollars each, for tbe first ten wag gons employed in tbe carriage of coal, which shall so u«e wheel*, having the tyre thereof, at least four inches in breadth, or upwards, for the apace •ftwelve months. Such as may be disposed to receive the pre mium h> rrby offered, arc requested to give in timation Thereof at the office of the subscriber. JAMBS BRANDER, Cik. December 2 >lh. 1808. 4w Negroes for Sale. BY virtue of a deed of trust executed to us by Mr. WillUm Wilburne, on the 21st d of May last, for the purpose of se curing unto Mr. Colin M*Kae, the sum of *190 10*. llrf which debt has been assign, ed by autd M‘R .e, to Mr. John Gilchrist, of the town of Manchester, we shall, at Powhatan Courthouse, on Friday the 20th Jauutry, 1809, proceed to SELL, The following Slaves, Vi* i David, Billy, \nthony and Frank, or so many or them as will he sufficient to raise the said sum of * 190 10*. \\<l. with into, rest from the 2Jh Inst, and all costs incur red by carrying the same Into effect. WILLIAM MOSELEY, > 7Vu*. JOHN HAHKiNS, 5 fee*. December 30, 1804. tds , BY virtue or a deed of tmm executed to me by Pleasant Y ounghusband, dec. ] bearing date on the iTuhdav of March last., and duly recorded v, the coart oi‘ Henrico county on the s»x,>. day of June, wil/^ BE sold, Tothe person r/ho takes the same for the shortest per'n/4, and pay two thousand dol. lars, with legal interest thereon from the first day of April, one thousand eight hun dred and seven, and the costs of executing the Iras'., that Brick Tenement, On the South side of the Main Street, ad joining the lot of ground sold by the said Younghusband to Joseph Marx, and exten ding from the said Main Street back to the alley which extends through the square, it being the lower tenement of those two be longmg to the said Younghushand’s estate, under the same right. The sale will take place on the premises, on Monday the sixth day of February next, at the hour of 12 o’clock, and the lease executed to the pur chaser on the payment of the said sum of money, by WILLIAM MARSHALL, T rustee. ^January 5th, 1809._2m Knmford Academy. rHE same branches of Literature and Science, will be taught at this Semi, ary, the present year, that has bcenhere ofore—and the terms of board and tuition Fill also continue the sime, viz. £30 for tile first, including wishing—and £ 10 for lie 1 liter, each to be paid quarterly in ad vance. Capt. John Fox will act as steward, and the subscriber and his assistant, as teach crs. CHILES TERRELL. King William county,? January 1, 1809. y j(JST RECEIVED AMD FOR SALK AT S. PLcASANTS’ BOOK - STORE, RICHMOND, J A...I ...hi./.. ..f .1. . _. - J DU. TISSOT’S Gout and Rheumatic Drops, AND DR. TABB’S Nature's Restorative Balsamic Cordial. The certificates attached to the bills which inclose each bottle of the above medicine, are from characters of respectability, on whose testimony the fullest confidence may be placed by those who labor under com. plamts of the Gout, Rheumatism, Stc. also those of consumptive habits, general debi lity of the nerves and various o* ner com. plaints incident to the huimu body. T3CJRSU\N P to a deed of trust executed *• to the subscribers, by John Hendrick, jun. for the purpose of securing the pay ment of a sum ot money therein expressed, due Thomas Perkinso.i, WILL RESOLD, ! for readv money, at Painville, in the coun. j ty of Amelia, to the highest bidder, on 1 Tuesday the 17th January next, | The following Slaves, : to wit: Lucy, Lewis, Dicy, Polly and Pey. ton, or as many of said slaves as will be . sufficient to discharge the debt mentioned in deed, together with the interest and 1 cost accruing. PETER RISON, V7r«i. ANDERSON H JONES, 5 ters. Amelia, Dec. 31, 1808. 3 § M u si c. JO HA J. A B t: Tic HO MU Y, HAVING returned f<*o n his tour to the Northward, begs leave to acquaint his . friends and the public, that he still continues teaching in this city, on the Pimm, Violin and G'Uttar. He likewise tunes instruments as formerly, and respectfully solicits the favor of their patronage. Applications at Messrs. Prichard St Adams, Mr. Pleasants, and Messrs. Fitzwhyisouii and Potter’s will he duly attended to. Richmond, Dec 23ili, 1808. N. B. Mr. Aberc-omby could •'mveniently attend three or four pupils in Manchester. THE FAMOUS IMPORTED MORSE GOUTY, It’S (Imported by Robert Rives, Esq ) whose co is are run ning in England with such distinguished success, will stand the ensuing season at Buckingham courthouse. The terms and the races his get won in England, in the present and last year, will be made known in due time. ARCHIBALD BRANCH. ^December 1808* w3 $ — *rm ne for ixem THE KNSUINr; VKAR, THAT WKLLRNOWN TAVERN The White Chimnies, I N Caroline county, situate on thr main »tagc road Attached to the tavetn is a convenient state house—>thc stand for a merchant excellent. ‘ or term; apply to Richard Bridge*, near aaid tm vern, <>r to J ihn Ujsher in Richmond. July 27,tWW._ „afkf Virginia : At a C.airt held for Halifax county, on Mon day the 26th day of December, 1808. John Wimbish, Plaintiff.^ 3 aminst \ o Ciardner Mayes and V § puty sheriff for Thomas Watkins, • 5 Sheriff of Halifax, Defendant*. J ^ *pHE defendant Gardner Mayes, nothav. enlere l his appearance and g ven se curity according to the act of assembly and the rules of this court, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that he is not an inhabitant of this state ; on the motion of the plaint ffby his counsel. It it ordered, that the said defendant, Mayes, do appear here on the fourth Monday in Mirch next, and answer the plaintiff’s hill j that a co py of this order be forthwith inserted in some one of the newspaper* published in the city of Richmond for two months sue. ccssivety, and posted at the front door of the courthouse i f this county. A copy—Teste SAM DEL W1 LLIA DC. IT C. New Law Books. The 8th vol. of East’s Reports, and the *th vol. of Espinasse’* Report* arejutt recciv-J and for aalc by i>. PloManM. 1 BY virtue of A deed of trust, executed by Edwin Land to the subscribers, da ted the 24th October, 1807, and recorded in Amelia aeurt, for the put pose of securing I the payment of the seve ral sums of money therein expressed, due Thomas Perkinsnn, WILL BE SOLD, for ready money, to the highest bidder, on Thursday the 19th Ja* nuary next, on the premises, a certain Tract or parcel of Land, Lying in the county of Amelia, containing by estimation 190 acres, more or less, and bounded by the lands of John S. Booker, John Sudbury, James Townes, jun. and Eli zabeth Belsher, or so much of the said la:.d as will be sufficient to discharge the said debts and interest, and the cost incurred by carrying the said trust into execution. JOSHUA CHAFFIN, 7 7iuz PETER RISON, 3 tret. Amelia, Dec. 31, 1808. w3'.f _ Deligh fill task ! to roar the tender thought, To teach the young idea how to shoot. To pour the fresh instruction o’er the mind, i To brea he the enlivening spirit, and to fix, The generous purpose in the glowing br« asS. Thomson. EDUCATION. THE subscriber intends opening a School on Monday the 13th day ot February,* at the house of Mrs Goodwin, and neart..e Baptist meeting house in Richmond, where he will teach English Grammar, Latin, Arithmetic, and the rudiments of useful learning in general. The school shall be first opened for three months only, and shall close by a public examination and exhibi tion of the improvement of the scholars.— The first term Is thus limited, that all per sons interested in the institution, may have a fair opportunity to form an estimate of his talents and industry, in discharging the im portant trust assigned him. Although he will not engage to excel, nor even to equal the respectable teachers al ready in this city, to whom he wishes the greatest possible success ; yet, should he be so fortunate as to obtain youth of genius, united with diligence in their studies, he ii.merit imiiiscu mm ne win grattty tne most ardent expectations of those who ho nor him with the tuition of their children, and as his reputation and future prospects are involved in the undertaking, they may bo very confident, that he will strive to do his best. H-s terms may be known by ap plication to Mrs Goodwin. JACOB GRIGG. Richmond, Dec. 8, 1808. w3t * The commencement is deferred until that period, on account of a journey the subscriber has to the Western country, winch, to him, is of great consequence. FOR SALE, The Tenement on which the subscriber lives, situated on Clturch»Hill, within about one mile of Rich mond Market, containing two and a half acres of Land, well enclosed and highly improved. The buildings consist of a large and well con s true ted D welling. HoHse, Laundry, Kitchen. Dairy, Smoke House, 2 Storie*, brick Office Coach House., Bari^ Stable, and Ice House. * All these building* are in complete order for the accommodation of a large and genteel fam ily.. who may have easy access to all the advan tages of the citj^ and live as retired as they could wish. JOHN ELLIS. November 25. wtf. | Royster be Bohannan, Have For Sale, at their Store near the Marke , Bridge, Richmond, A GENKR \L ASSORTMENT OF Groceries, -among which aub Brown Sugar in hhde I Whiskey by the bblj oi and bbls tierce Loaf Sugar, in do French Brandy Bcm Green ColTite '"*ab by the Sack Imperial, and A quantity of excellent Young Hyson TEAS, Lard by the firkin Chocolate, by the box A large assortment of Pimento Iran Castings, every I’cpper description , Ginger An u'.soi tment of Slom Rice Ware Mtmard Qjieen’s Ware W. 1 Rum Soap and Candles by lam&ica do box N. F.npf and do l.eiper’t Snuff Molas-** by hhd Writing Paper —Sherry and Malaga Wrapping do Wino I Decanters Holland and Country b Tumblers Gin II Wine Glasses Spanish Segars by box H Leading Lines I or retail || Bed Coids. he tic he sal i* Vs * nniwkn* nf /uW/.. o.iIaI.. ___ dioa* to merits— which they aril, tell low for cstli, country produce, or approved paper in town. Icr It it en*neuly requested that there who have long ttaadinge accounts, will settle them im mediately, as no longer indulgence can be gi ven THIS LT.YY IS PUBLI4HKD, ~ And may be had at Jacob Johnson's book, •lore, adjoining the Market Bridge, FART 3, OF VOL. I, OF HENING AND MUNFORD’S REPORTS, cowTAiftitra The Decisions of the Supreme Court of A[> peals of Virginia, at the October Term, 1507, and completing the first volume. At the same place may be had the said volume (of 656 pages) elegantly bound, in calf. Price t* subscribers ft 5—to nom-subecri* hers ft • tf~ The size of the volume having far exceeded the limits at first contemplated, (which were 500 pages only) the authors have besn induced to furnish it to subscrl* bera at the al>ove price, which is consider* ably less, in proportion, than that mention* ed in the firo*ftectu$. Gentlemen who take these Reports in numbers, will be permitted to return them at any time within six months, and receive a volume, for which numbers they will be allowed the original cost in part payment for the volume. Richmond, Oct. 39, 1808. wtf Fifa & Casa Executions, soie ui thit afice. NICHOLAS HALL\M, (nha:y ms sir.tx tarurn.) la in U> uriy expeciaunn oi aturi'ic ,Vy ,,f Best IVriwU-lphi,, • Which will be continued, and for vtV, o.» ai ly good lor mi at ber-tofon. Wax uud fair Calf rtki,)S First quality Cossack boot legs do. do. Long, three quar-") ter and half, draft, culf C sk»n and Coi,iovan, do. j Calf and Cordovan roundings > and binding skins j Bridle and soal leather, Ike. 8tc Boots and Shoes. Nails of all kinds. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OR WELL CHOSEN GROCERIES. ^7* Boots and Shoes made to measures at short notice, and rips mended gratia. A law thousand rot. qf Hams and Middling BACON. The above articles may be had low for cash, produce, or approved paper at short credit. Penitentiary Stored THE subscriber, Agent for the Penitentiary, offers for asle the followingartlclea, the m*L nufheture of that in stitution, at very low prloetf *t whole ttfe and retail. CUT HAILS. Wholesale prices Retail prices* 13 cents. 14 cents per 16' 4 12 1-2 131-2 * 12 13 6 111-2 12 1-2 8 101-3 11 1-2 10 10 11 12 10 11 20 10 11 Slating rails 111-2 12 1-2 CUT BK ADS. 8d9 10 cents, 11 cents frerdb 10 9 1-2 10 1-2 12 Do. Do. 20 Do. Do. SPRIGS, 3 0 cts. p. lb. 30 perms 4 22 1-3 67 8 17 84 WROUOHT NAILS anH BR Ar»t>. Octy 13 14 per lb. 8 12 1-2 13 1-3 10 13 13 12 11 1-3 12 1.2 30 11 12 SO 11 13 Spikes of ail size* same nrice&s 30dv. n.W, Uro&d and narrow Ax«s, Hatchets. Hoes, Plough Shares and Coulters, Hinges, Wedges, Ham mers, Fenders, Traces and Stretchers, Tin Ware. tfc. is‘e. boots and Shoes. Fair tops, back straps, $ 9 Ditto g Saw arrows, 7 Half Boots, s Plantation and light fine shoes, 10t6 « 11# Do. second, & third qualities, 7*6 a 9# Negro shoes (strong) 6« a S# Girls do. 4* a 4# Boys do. 2*9 a 6*5 Childrens’ shoetees, 3# a 4sS Fire Buckets R 4? „ g 5 per pair Bridles, Sursingles, Whip thongs, Spur lea thers, Iiaine strings, Back Bands, Lcad *nK» Garden, Hambro and Fishing lines. Any of the above articles made to order* left at the Penitentiary Store, second door above the Eagle Tavern, D. J. BURR April 26, 1808. (2awlm lawtf) !t7* 1 he Shoes are reduced much below the former firice. To Rent, AND possession given immediately^ a neat small brick dwelling house on the Chuuk Hih_ near Mr. Samuel Adams’s wnh an acre 01 land attached for a garden t this house con tains two rooms be'ow, and a close' large enough lor a bed, table and two or three chair*, two rooms above and a small closet ; two rooms underneath^ with a fire place in each, one used as a kitchen^ the other a-, a servant’s room t there are aito two ther apartments adjoining the k’rchcn, one used as a dairy, the other as a m«mt cellar; there is also on the lot, a very ex. r.ellen «m 'ke hou'e. No sirua'ion can be more desirable for a small family., near two excellent spring!, and commanding a beautiful view of the city. Manchetter, the fa'ls and as far down nr river at tne eye can reach, wnn a rich, lux. urian-j agricultural tcenery in front. It may be had for one two or three years j tor terms ap~ p'y to the R*’vM John Rl|i», or Mr. Thomas Hants, living near the premises Dec T2 h ;808 lawtf. JUS r PUBLISHED, And for bale at S. Pleasant*’ Office, THK History of Episcopacy, IN FOUR PARTS, From it* rite to the firevtnt flay. 1st. It* rise and progress In the Church of Rome. * 2d. A *hort account of Its proceedings in the Church of England. 3d. The ris»- and progress of the Methoa dists in F.urope. 4th. The rise and progress of Episcopacy among the Methodists in America. BV WILLIAM GUIRF.Y, Munster of the Gospel. *»* SulHcribers are requested to send for their copies. Just received from Philadelphia, a few co» pics of the celebrated Pamphlet, entitled, . A VIEW or tiie Rights and Wrongs, Power and Policy Or THt UNITED STATES OF AMERIC A. Saul, Saul, why fienecutett thou me t HV CHARLES JARED 1NGKRSOLL. Wirt’s Speeches. 117" Thu Editor of the Argus has la’ely ** pitblndied the SPEECHES of WILLIAM WIRT, F.jq, on the trial of Col. AARON BURR, and \ othurt.—With a portrait by St. Memin.* |