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ftbe Xextngton <Sa3ette VOL. 108, NO. 31 LEXINGTON. VIRGINIA. WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1912 $1.00 PER YEA* A MEDICAL JOURNAL RAPS HOBBLE SKIRTS Declares That Dress a Menace to Feminine Modesty American Medicine, devoted to the interests of the medical profes? sion, rips tue far famed hobble skirt to shreds in its current issue. De? daring that the hobble has no ar? tistic charm, tbe editor proceeds to consider the skirt from a moral, physical, medical, fashionable and physiological standpoint, and as? sures womankind that from none of these lights is it to be considered as fit. It might hiern that,, the hobble skirt was frivolously outside tbe perview of a learned publication, but no: "The subject falls well within the scope of a scientific medical journal since tbere can be no question but that human apparel?of the female particularly ?reflects to a marked degree the manners and morals of people as well as periods. Clothing and dress have al ways exerted a po? tent influence on the problems of every-day life." American Medicine goes on to say that we havel long passed the stage where we wore clothing simply for attainment of physical comfort. "Alas, the features of female dress which have served legitimate pur? pose as long as tii-y have not trans? gressed the bounds of decency and modesty, have for some time been tending to an accentuation and ex? aggeration of certain details tbat are disgusting to every decent instinct. The serious side vof the subject is presented, howevever, in this thoughtful consideration of the whole tendency of modern fashion: "Sui ely it cannot be that our girls and young women are losing their moral sense or lowering their standards of virtue?" says the the writer of tbe article, and he an? swers the question. "No, it is not this?yet. At present the disgust? ing and depraved methods and style of dress that are so deserving of criticism are attributable solely to a desire that so many ycung girls and women have of being up to-date, to be just a little more dar? ing or 'risque' then their associates. Thoughtlessly they adopt extremes and give no consideration to the spectacles 01 freaks they become. "The gret>t evils of present-day styles of feminine dress are, there? fore, the wrong impression they give of gcod pure girls, the invita? tion they let innocent women offer to insult and attack, and finally their indisputable tendency to low t r or destroy ideals of womanly modesty and self respect?which, after all, are just about the best armor tbat virtue and chastity ever had, or ever will have." Miss Helen Gould Enters Defense of Bachelor Maids When the Elev. Klmer V. Huffner, just resigned as pastor of the First Christian Church of Grand Junc? tion, Col., delivered a sermon re? cently advocating the exile of old maids to a barren' island as waste humanity, he anticipated local re? sentment, possibly, but hardly ex? pected to (ind himsef at issue with Miss Helen Gould, of New York, Miss Gould's letter follows: "Glancing over a Denver paper, 1 notice an item concerning your ser mon on 'Love, Courtship and Mar? riage,' one part of which I especial ly notice, saying that old bachelors and bachelor maids should be isolat ed on an island, so they could no hinder the progressof civilization. I doootkcow why you made this state ment, but I feel that,it is a great in justice to the bachelor maids of oui country. There are, 1 admit, manv man-haters in the world, but a gras manv bachelor maids are not li vin j alone because they so choose, bu because they have been unabl* to find a suite ole companion. "I must admit that I am speak ing from the standpoint of tbe bache lor maid. I feel tbat such person as myself are not hindering thi progress of civilization, but advanc ing it. If I had found a sultabl helpmate 1 might have spent rn; money in a different way and for i reason which might not have don as much gOO^ ?* ?* has." NO LONGER AN EXPERIMENT Agricultural Bulletin Treats of Growing Alfalfa Hon. G. VV. Koiner, the Commis? sioner of Agriculture, is sending out a large issue of the Agriculture Bulletin. In addition to tbe usual analysis of fertilizers, which they are reporting, tbe Bulletin discusses the important subject of Growing Al fal fa, which sets forth tbe fact that 4 OOO acres in Virginia are in culti? vation this year, which will yield practically 16,000 tons of alfalfa hay. There are a few farms in every sec? tion of the State that are beginning to grow this valuable plant. It is no longer an experiment. Experi? ment stations have shown tout an acre of good alfalfa contains fertil? izer ingredients that would cost on the market, in tbe shape of fertilizer, at least $65.00. This Bulletin also gives a nnmber of experiments which have been made by the National Government feeding alfalfa in comparison with other hay feeds, which shows also, that when corn is fed with al? falfa in the right proportions, a sav? ing of about 50 per cent, is realized; that is, tbe ration which includes alfalfa couts only 13 cents daily, and the other ration, which includes oats and other feeds is 18 cents and 20 cents per day. A valuable articlo on twig blight in the orchard is contained in this Bulletin also, and since the blight has been so widespread in the State this year, it furnishes some valua? ble suggestion on how to control this serious trouble to the fruit growers. Carroll Man Hunt Cost the State About $11,000 Chief William LI. Baldwin of the Baldwin Felts Detective Agency, Roanoke, has stated that as so much that is untrue bad been published concerning the cost to the State for the services of his agency in bunt? ing down and capturiug tbe Allens in Carroll county, and for the efforts made in an endeavor to capture Sidna Allen and Wesley Edwards, still at large, that he would like to say that tbe whole amount due his agency for services rendered, in? cluding tbe captures, the hunt, the guarding of prisoners and their transportation on railroads and across country to and from Wythe vile, would not exceed $11,000. Over 60,000 circulars were sem out advertising the outlaws, anc considering everything, the ebie of the detective agency declare: tbat they have made less money oi this case than on any ever befor* bandied by them. Mr. Baldwin bas been in confer ence with Governor Mann in regarc to the bill and there is not tin slightest difference of opinion o friction betwen them. He says the hunt for Sidna Aller and Wesley Edwards has not beei relinquished, nor will it be unles they are captured soon. Mt. Carmel Church Christian Observer: Mt. Carme Church, Lexington Presbytery, wa organised the 15th of July, seventy five years ago, with tbirty-seve members, one of whom was the lat Hon. Cyrus Hall McCormick c Chicago. The first minister i charge was Rev. James Paine, wh served the church twenty years giving it one-third of his time a first, and later, one-half. Durin this time, the session received 14 members. Rev. William Pinkertci as stated supply,took charge of thi chuich and Fairfield in 1858. I 1866, he became the first pastor i Mt. Cat mel giving it all his timi and continued until his death i March, 1875. Under bis ministr 202 members were added. Ti present pastorate of Rev. A. 1 Hamilton began the first of Noveu ber, 187o. Sinoe tbat date, SOU. mea bers have been received. The "Old Dutch Treat." gotte u-> by tbe Ladias's Home Missie ociety of tbe Methodist churoh i Harrisonburg,'which was held i the banquet hall of the Mason building Thursday and Fridt nights, was a decided success every particular, the proceed amounting to about $400 for the tv nights. BRYAN WILL FOLLOW TRAIL OFJOSEVELT Nebraskan to Harass Bull Moose In Campaign IS LATEST PLAN OF LEADERS Little Attention Will Be Paid to President Taft The leading question as to what is to become ot William Jennings Bryan in the Democratic National Campaign has been seemingly ans? wered when close political advisers ot Governor Wilson let it be known that Bryan's assignment for the campaign will be to worry and ha? rass tbe "Bull Moose" candidate and to follow him with a goading bevy of question marks into every debatable State. The assignment of Bryan to take care of Colonel Roosevelt is regard? ed as a happy one in which the Ne? braskan will take great joy. It is known that Bryan bas always re? garded Roosevelt as a trespasser upon Democratic preserves, and tbe Wilson forces expect him to make a brave showing as a defender of his party's right to carry out in office the things for which Bryan stood long before Colonel Roosevelt de? cided that, he too, would take them up. In order to prepare Mr. Bryan for his excursions alone: tbe "Bull Moose" trail. Governor Wilson will hold a conference with him at Sea Girt shortly after the speech of ac? ceptance is delivered on August 7. Mr. Bryan has bean invited to aSea Girt and to be prepared to remain for two or three days. So far no political visitor has been asked to stay over night at the "Little Whitaj ! House." and Bryan's visit ia this respect will be unique. Bryan will urge, according to the present plan of campaign sketched out for him, tbat Colonel Roosevelt tell just why George W. Perkins is contributing so largely to his cam? paign; just wby the Colonel did so little with tbe tariff in his seven years in office; just bow the Tennes? see Coal and Iron deal came about, and how it came that the .Steel Trust maintained so persistently its status as a "good trust." He will urge that every item in tbe "Bull Moose" party's progran? has long been Democratic doctrine with the exception of the womat suffrage idea and the judicial recall Governor Wilson's part in tht program making it Mr. Bryan': chief duty to care for the "Bul Moose" party calls for bis comin* into direct clashes with Roosevel as little as possible. Governo Wilson wishes to make only a iev set speeches during tbe campaigi and to rest his case upon his view of public questions, rather than oi personalities. Oddly enough, the Democrat! leaders are counting upon the ser vices of La Follette to be of grea importance to them. They do nc expect r.a Follette to declare an ope allegiance to the Wilson cause. Th word brought by National Commit leeman Davis from Wisconsin i that La Follette prefers to stay reg ular in tiie Republican party an tight out the issues from within. But in some informal manner i has been understood that La Follett will camp close upon tbe "Bu Moose" trail and will take the fiel as often as Colonel Roosevelt take the field. He will not fight Roost velt as a Wilson adherent, but as Republican Progressive, who ha no faith in tbe Roosevelt brand ( progressiveism. La Follette, a most as much as Bryan, is bein relied on to carty tbe fight to tb "Bull Moose'' and teach him, i Senator Gore expressed it, "ho mucQ better a weapon the soiinita is than the bludgeon." A man in Illinois asked to ba sei to the penitentiary in the hope i curing himself of the drug babi and he was given three years. Ai other mao in Illinois asked to r main in tba United States Senat* fi three years more and kia reque was denied, all of which goes show how queer some people are. CLAUDE ALLEN 10 GO to mm CHAIR Jury Brought in Verdict After Hour and Half PRISONER FULLY BROKE DOWN Friel Allen's Trial to Begin on August 14th Claude Swanson Allen, one of the Carroll county outlaws who oe March 14th shot up the court at Hillsville. was Saturday found guil? ty of murder in the first degree for the killing of Commonwealth's At? torney William M. Foster. At a former trial he was found guilty of murder in tbe second degree for the killing of Judge Thornton L. Mas? sie, and his first trial resulted in a hung jury. He is the second of the Allen clan tn be found guilty of first degree murder, the other being his father. Floyd Allen. While the jury was considering its verdict, Victor and Friel Allen and Sidna Edwards were brought from the jail in order that a motion might be made for achangeof venire. On uotion of the Common weal tn a venire of 75 from Bedford couiitv was ordered summoned for the next trial. Tbe Commonwealth also moved that the three remaining cases be consolidated, but this the defense would not agree to unless the Com? monwealth would elect the indict meut on which they would try the case and dismiss the other indict? ments. This tlie Commonwealth re? fused to do, and it was then decided that tbe case of Friel Allen would be next taken up. He will be tried on tbe indictment charging the murder of Wu*. M. Foster, which is the one on which his uncle and cousin have been found guilty of first degree murder. The trial will begin August 14th at Wytheville, where tbe other trials were held. The jury, after retiring to their room at 2:30, were out an.hour and a half. When they slowly filed back into the courtroom and took their seats the foreman announced that they had agreed upon a verdict of murder in first degree as charged in the indictment. The defense moved to have the jury polled, which was done. When tbe verdict was announced the prisoner's fiance, who sat by his side, broke down and sobbed aloud. Tbe prisoner also wept, it being the first time during the long, trying days that he showed tbe least emotion. And he was not alone tears flowed freely down the cheeks of all the members of his family several of the jurors and of man j ladies among the spectators. Three more members of the Aller clan are in jail awaiting trial and opinion is that they will mee the same fate as have the two whi have been tried. Tao more, Sidui Allen and Wesley Edwards,are stil at large, but from the evidence ii the ease just ended it will not taki the Commonwealth a great while t< prove a clear case ofimurder agains them when they are caught. Sentence has not been passed up on either Floyd or Claude Allen, ai they will be used in the other trial as witnesses for the defense. Sensational Suit Is Compromised Announcement has been made C the compromise of tbe suit of Dr. 1 T. Fauntleroy against Lou G. Bow man, which gave promise of berni one of the most sensational suit ever heard in Staunton. By the compromise it is said tha Bowman paid Dr. Fauntleroy th sum of $4,500, and also paid ail cour costs. Dr. Fauntleroy had sue Mr. Bowman, who is one of Staut ton's best known and most wealth young business men, for $25,00( charging that Bow.nan had aliec ated Mrs. Fautleroy's affection* Mrs. Fauntleroy is at Reno. Nevadi suing for a divorce; Dr. Fauntlero is, and has been for the last tc yerrs, a hopeless cripple and a pi tient at tba King's Daughters' Ho: pital in Staunton. A man is so Mirari be always tel J more tbaa he knows, and a girl 10 j so much smarter she never tails a sh*) knows. STRATEGY DEFEATED BOSSISM William Jennings Bryan Master of The Situation The following report commenting on the Democratic Convention in Baltimore appeared in a recent is? sue of the Cincinnati Enquirer: If any person pretending to the possession of knowledge gives it out oraculary that in the late fracas at Baltimore, Md., William Jennings Bryan was run over by a steam roller, and his tail feathers pulled out or lost bis hold on tbe party, bet him one million dollars in peonies that he is full brother to the monkey of the jungles. It is t.uie, possibly, that William lost the consideration and respect or certain politicians whose little game he blocked hum beautifully, but it is not true that he lost anything else. And do not let any one, however high his brow may be, get away with the story that the bosses ran the convention. That is one nf Hon. Theodore B volt's hallucinations. His winning was s-imple enough in its methods. He appealed lo Ibe great mass of the DtMDOoratifl voters outside the convention, whiie tut; leaders of the opposition wereoper ating the thousand delegates with in the hall. Reduced to ordinary arthmetic, he offset this thousand with the six millions and a ball voters. His tactics were bound to win in tue end if he could ga suflicient time. Enmeshed in their own foolish al*vices. they gave him auore time than he needed. T \ay seemed to forget there was avich a thing as the magnetic telegraph or the daily newspaper in existent--. The limit of their lield of operation was the city of Baltimore. His ex* tended from ocean to ocean and from Canada to Mexico. To begin with, ho knew every card they held in their banda arben the game began, and thev weren't aware of what ho was holding. They thought he was a candidate fair president?and he let them think so! To smoke him out they put ti i> Judge Alton II. Parker for chair man and chuckled. The Nebraskan sought out a private room and did a Highland fling in exceedi: g great joy. He had them. Reappearing ? Hil ! a face that resembled that of an un I der taker at a $500 funeral, he ap? peared to be very much concerned for the safety of the republic. Each boss,bossletand bossikin was j watching the other so that there shouldn't be any advantage gained in hopping across the line. So all at once, on the forty-sixth ballot.Mr. Bryan, calmly fanning himself with an evening newspaper, watched with twinkling eyes the who'.d herd bolting through the gap in the fence he had opened. All the power of the bosses, all their tricks and all their money had resulted in naught One man with gumption and sand had whipped the entire gang. And that man laughed at them. Washington and Lee Law Graduates A dispatch sent out from Rich? mond a few days ago says? For some reason which remains a mystery to President Boatwrigh and the law faculty of Richmond College, every graduate from thi law school ot that institution wit', the exception of one, failed to maka the State Board examination held a Roanoke last month. Only one o the thirteen who received degrea* was granted license to practice. While the percentage of failurei among the graduates of tho othei State institutions was by no mean! so high, it was large enough to at s ! tract comment. Washington ant Lee, which for years boasted tha 1 every one of its graduates make thi e State Board, was disappointed ii 1! seven degree men who failed to muki ^ j the required average. Of a class o ' thirty-six from the University o >' Virginia, twelve failed at Roanoke '? I Of the total number of 112 from al the colleges, fifty two. or scarceh half of those who took the examina tion were granted license. The pa- a rs report that in Mon treal, Canuada, recentlv ;*i funeral were held in one day, the inajorif of the ile.u ii; caused hy the ho weather. Eighty of the dead wer children. A horse fell dead in th funeral procession owing to iii heat. VOLUNTEER FIREMEN TO ASSEMBLE NEXT MONTH Roanoke Making Preparations for State Association Roanoke Times has the following to say about the meeting of Virginia fire fighters: Just about one month remains be? fore the Virginia State Firemen's Association will come to Roanoke to holds its annual convention. The association will be in session Au? gust 28th and 29tb. The local committees are working hard making arrangements for the entertainment of the firemen,and in? dications are tbat the attendance be unusually large. lt has been decided that the offi? cial headquartes of the officers of the Virginia association, wh.ln in Roanoke, will beat the Shenandoah hotel. The committee of intertainmet,t and decoration, headed by J. T. Ea? gleby, has decided to have erected a triumphal arch. The locatioo has been selected and will be announced iater. The structure will spau i ie street at the intersection of t *o '' thoroughfares and will be lighted with electric bulbs at night.beanng 1 the inscription, "Welcome."' The badges to be used at the <? in? vention have boen ordered. 1 -ie officers badges ure to be unusually at tract; vt*. Those aro for the ofl and delegates to tiie con von ti ia. Special badges have been ordered for members ul tins local commit: Five hundred souvenir badges have been ordered for the use of those who participate intheparadt. Handsome lithographs lsx-4 io., done in black and white showing a picture of Mill Mountain and the Incline and ths sky line of Roanoke, have been sent out, Oo thia lithograph appears tba* list of prizes which have been offer. ?d. The total amount of these is #400. Independent of i he big day parade Thursday that m^ .i the Roanoke tire department will give a night parade, of which fireworks, red lights and music will Oe oig parts. Wednesday and Thursday night a street carnival will be held for the benefit of the young people attend? ing the convention. What Is a Pr. gressive ? Following is W. lian Jennings Bryan's definition of a "Progrts sive" A Progressive is one who is mov? ing forward. Recognizing the im? perfection that pertains to the han? diwork of man a Progressive is seeking to make improvement in present conditions wherever im? provement is possible. As the : trend is more and more toward pop I ular government, the Progressive I is, of course, going in that direc? tion. He has faith in both the right i of the people to self-government and 1 in their capacity for self-go ve rn j mont. He believes that a govern? ment is secure and strong in pro? portion as it draws its authority ' from the people and is responsive to the will of the people. Tbe Progressive favors justico in government and believe this can only be secuied through the appli? cation in all departments of the goverament of the Jeffersonian doc? trine of equal rights to all. It fol? lows that to be a Progressive, one must be in a position to do his own thinking. No one cnn be expected to go forward if bo must ask per? mission of the beneficiaries of privi? lege and favorite ism. A Progres? sive, in other words, is a free man whose sympathies are with the peo? ple and who has the intelligence to sae what needs to bo dune and the courage to do it. Taft and Wilson to Meet The first campaign meeting of tl?vernor Wilson of New Jersey, 1 and Provident avail is tu take place i at Atlantic City at the Amarioan "Hoad Congress between September 30th and Octo er 6th. The respec? tive candidates of the Democratic ? | and Republican parties have both y .consented to address the Ameri t: can Road Cong raaf, ami whilai ihe o addresses of the two men will be non e | political there is great interest in e the manner in which, they will greet leach other.