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p .ff r. 1 Jv « *======== ^ : ” = "" constans ET lenis, ut res expostulet, esto. t^eblleked Weekly-** per Auik LYTTELTON W ADDELL,} Editors & Proprietors. _ _. -- — - ——- - --~x> ^"""^^STAUNTO^VA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1860>~ Nft m‘ STAUNTON SPECTATOR. TERMS. YV TUe"SPECTATOR”is publishedonceaweek, at Two Dollars a year, if paid in advance, or Two Dollars and Fifty Cents if delayed beyond the expira tion of the Hear No subscription wiIt be discontinued, ha at the option of the Editors, until allarrearages are P oral"All communications tothc ISditotsbymailmust be post-paid, or they will not be attended to. Jj. ADVERTISE VENTS of thirteen lines (or lessT) inserted three times for one dollar, °’‘* **£"*£ fioecents for cock subsequentconHnnance. L ,? tertisements in ths same proportion. Ahberaldiscount made to advertisersby the year. _ JOII\ B. WATTS, attorney at law. TtROM the liberal support heretofore extended to me as bK the Courts of Augusta Co 1 Yeel eneourazed to offer my professional services to the citizens of Rockingham, Highjaud, and Poeahontu. 1 'the first two, in their respective Quarter) idCm ■Suuerior Courts ; and to the other, in tin ir Circuit . perior Court only- Office io the Court room from the North end, on the East of the Court house square, in Staunton. Staunton, Feb 6, 1S50. ___ IRKfiRRSOR »• UCl.C, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. Po \CTISES in the various Courts of Augusia. j R.»kbrid». Bath and Highland. Prompt at- j Motion will be'givett to all business entrusted to '"office in the while building opposite the Court Hou“ neat door to John N. Ilendren-where he may always be found during business lours, except when professionally absent. May 2, 13^49.— __ JAMES H. SKINNER, £32 STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. PRACTISES in the Superiorand Inferior Courts of Augusta, the Superior Courts oi Uoi k" g ham, Rockbridge, and Albemarle, and ui the \J. b. ‘he Brick Row. May 2,1849.___ jj. THOMAS ALBERTSON* ATTORNEY AT LAW, WAYNESBORO', VA., PRACTICES in the Courts of Augusta. Albe marle and Nelson. Office in the room lately occupied by Col. George Baylor, where he may * found al all times, unless when absent on pro fessional business. Nov. 29, 1848.__ HoitVJtR CHRM&Tl.f.V, ATTORNEY AT IAWi STAUNTON, VA.. WILL attend the Court* o;fAuSusta, Rockbridge and the adjacent Counties. Staunton, Nov. 14, 1849. tf. ^ _ JOHN LEWIS COCHRAN, attorney AT LAW, WILL attend the Superior and Inferior Courts of Albemarle, Augusta, Nelson and Louisa. OfFICB IN Ch VRLOTTESV1LLE. September 5, 1849.—tf- ___ DR- A. T- I.AIRB, At the Virginia Hotel, STAUNTON, VA Jaauary 30, 1850.—tf. _j JOHN COMPTON.] [DAVID »• TURNER. j COMPTON Sc TURNER. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRV GOODS, No 35 Nassau Street, (Opposite the Post OiKce.) NSW VOKK. Dec. 26, I8t9.—6no. _ ' CLARK & WEST, IMPORTERS OF, AND JOBBERS IN CLOTHS, CASSIMKRKSL VESTINGS AND TAI LORS’ TRIMMINGS, 158, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. THE Merchants of Virginia are particularly invited to call and examine their stock. December 26, 1849.—6ni. ____ FRENCH AND ITALIAN. PROF. BLANKY, late of the College of St.j James, will give instructions in French, Ital- j ian and Music (Piano, Violin. Flute. &c.) I References.—Davis A. Kayser, Esq., Alex r Hall, Esq., Dr. F. T. Stribling, and Rev. K. II. Phillips. , $0" Rooms at the \ irgmia Hotel. Staunton, March 6, 1850.—lm. take motice. IN order to close the business of the Estate of the , late Alexander Hall, we will sell the balanceof | the Stock of goods at Cost, for Cash. I o any one ^mrchasing the entire Stock we will rent the ■-tore °°m’ ISAAC St ALEX. HALL, Adrn’rs. February 27, I860.—tf. _ , PaiBlsToils, and Dye-Stuffs. A LARGE supply of Paints, Oils, and Dye- j Stuffs, perfectly fresh, just received and lor We by . E. BERKELEY. Staunton, March 6, 1S50. i J^ardeu Seeds—Just received, a large and extensive variety of t resh Garden Seeds^trom the well-known Gardens ot Landreih and Kisley. WREN, HARPER &. KINNEY. Staunton, March 6, 1850. I JUST received a fresh supply of Coffee, Molas ses and best G. P. Tea. COWNE & BROOKE. January 23, 1850. LAMP OIL.—A very superior article just re ceived and for sale low by E. BERKELEY. Staunton, Feb. 27, 1850. BACON.—300 lbe. Prime Bacon, for sale by BROWN & FULKS. Oppos.te Morris & Goode s. Staunton. August^*), 1819._ FRESH Oranges and Cocoanuts, for sale by ° WM. MILLER. March 6, 1850. -----l PRIME Segars and Tobacco, of all qualities, just [ received and lor sale by W. MILLER. March 6, 1850. | STEEL BExVDS and Purse Trimmings of a) j kinds, for sale by T,rv,.,t,v ESKRIDGE & KINNEY. February 27, 1850. I LIPPlNOOTTi TAYLOR & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Clothing Warehouses. (I’/ic largest assortment in the United Slates,) New Warehouse, South-west corner of Fourth and Market Streets. Old Stand, 198 and 20ft Market Street, above Sixth, Philadelphia, YT THERE the largest assortment ofREADY-MADE VY ^CLOTHING can be found in this market. [heir stock is always full and complete, and they ure there- , fore always prepared, either in “Summer’s heat or | Winter’s cold” to supply every demand upon them. Their motto is Superior Goods,at fair prices, and they , would therefore respectfully solicit the Merchants of the Valley of Virginia to give themacallon their next trip to Philadelphia. December 19, 1849.—Cm. JOHN MACINTOSH. WM- F- "HITE. MACINTOSH & WHITE* ! Wholesale Ladies' Bool and Shoe Manufacturers, No. 1*. South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. M& W. are extensively engaged in the Manu . facture of LADIES, MISSES, AND CHIL DREN’S BOOTS AND SHOES in all their varie ties, and keep always on hand a full supply to answer the demands oftrade. They iuvite the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive stock, satisfied that at no other establishment of the kind in Philadel phia, can they suit themselves better, either as it re gards the quality of their Goods, or the terms upon which they are prepared and determined to sell them. Call and see them at their Old Stand, P»o. IS, South I Fourth Street, Philadelphia. December 19, 1849.—bin. (So So HaSWESs Mo. 3, South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Imixfrtcr ami Dealer, Wholsale <fc Retail, in Wines, Liquors and Sugars. CONSTANTLY on hand, a large and well assorted stock, which is offered in any quantities on moder ate terms, comprising ' Mederia, Sherry. Port, Lisbon, Sicily, Tencrill, Mul aga, Champagne,' Claret, Hock, SuUterne and Barsac Old Pale and Dark Cognac Brandies; Jamaica and St. Croix Rum ; Holland Gin; Irish, Scotch and Monon gahela Whiskies; Wine Bitters, (of very superior quality ;) London Brown Stout, and Scotch Ale; Li quors,' 4-c., and the finest brands of choice Havana Se gars. All orders promptly and carefully executed. December 19, 1849.—bra. JAMES E BROWN, | Wholesale and Retail Saddle and Tnmk Maker, | No. 30, South Fourth Street, between Market & Chest nut Slrccts, Philadelphia. THE attention of dealers and others is invited to his assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Saddlebags, Col lars, Whips, &c.—Also to his superior article of TRUNKS, viz: Sole Leather Trunks, Solid Leather Steel Spring Trunks, of lightweight; Riveted Iron Frame Trunks, Lady’s Dress Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Wood Trunks, of different qualities; Vuliccs, of vari ous style and prices; Velvet Tapestry and Brussels Carpet Bags, Enamelled Leather Bags, Lady s 1 rav elling Bags, Satchels, &c., &c., all of which he offers at low prices for Cash, or approved paper. Orders thankfully received, and promptly executed. December 19,1849 —Cm. WRIGHT &. KING — I Clothing Rooms. No. 13ft, Market st., above 4th, Philadelphia. | "YTTHERE at all times can be found a complete aud j YY extensive assortment of Ready-Made Clothing. | They specially invite the Merchants of the Valley : 0f Virginia to give them a call, promising to furnish the ■ , best articles in their line upon such terms as must com* j ni a nil and secure their patronage. They manufacture CLOTHING to order upon the shortest notice, and will be happy lo respond to all suitable calls from thecoun 1 try to that effect. I December 19, 1849. Hats, Caps. Ladies’ Rich Furs, Braver Bonnets, fcc. WILLIAM H. BEEBE <fc CO., 138 Chesnut St., Philadelphia Have on hand a large and superior assortment of FINE GOODS, in the greatest variety in their line oftrade, and offer them to Merchants and Dealers generally, at fair and moderate prices. They especial lv* solicit the atteution of the Merchants of the \ alley of* Virginia to their splendid Stock, and trust that on their visit to Philadelphia they will not fail to give them a call. Wm. H. Gardner, late of Richmond, Va.. is associated in the firm of W. H. Beebe & Co. and will take great pleasure in waiting on his V irgmia friends. December 19,1849. _ Pliila. Dry Goods Emporium* ECIIEL, RAIGUEL & Co., IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN j For«*ii;n A Domestic Dry Goods j | JVbu 128 and 130 M. 3d St., above West Side.1 KEEP at ull seasons a complete assortment of FOR- , E1GN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS on hand, a- | ! dapted to the trade of all sections of the country, and adequate to any demand that may be made upon them. They invite the attention of Southern dealers, and es I peciaily the Merchants of the Valley of \ irgmia to an examination of their Stock, satisfied that they will find it to their interest to deal with them. Deccinbei 19, 1849. WM. P. WIX.STACH, „Vo. 281 North Third Street, Philadelphia, Wholesale Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in j 1 Saddlers’ Hardware. Carriage and Harness Fur niture, Saddle and Carriage Trimmings, &C-, KEEPS constantly on hand, a rich and extensirc as sortment of SADDLERY HARDWARE, and j through the medium of their own home journal, invites the Merchants of the Valley of Virginia to call and see ; him before purchasing elsewhere. He offers his Goods at such prices as will not fail to please his customers.— Remember, his place of business is No. Lb 1-2 North Third Street, Philadelphia. December 19, 1849.—6m. To Southern anti Western Merchants, &c. SILVER Ware_Forks—Table, Medium, Dessert, Tea,Oyster, and Pickle. Spoons— 1 able, Dessert, Tea Gravy, Mustard aud Salt. Ladles—Soup, Oys ter ’Sau-e, Sugar aud Cream. Knives—Ice Cream, Fish, Cake, Butter, Fruit, Dessert. Tea Sets, of various patterns, plain to richly chased, | and of every variety of form. Odd pieces made to i match, and broken sets completed. Silver warranted Pitted and Britannia Ware, of latest patterns, con stantly ou hand and for sale at I WILSON’S Silver Ware Manufactory, S. W. corner 5th -»nd Cherry sis., Philadelphia. I December 19, ls49.—bon. £ RASMUS P. WOLFE. JESSE E. PEYTON. Wolfe & Peyton, Wholesale Dealers in Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods, No. 89, Market Street, Philadelphia. WE would respectfully call the attention of South ern Dealers to our well selected stock of Fo reign and Domestic Dry Goods. They have been pur- j chased for cash, and will be run off- to customers upon j the cheapest terms. We extend a special invitation to i the Merchants of Virginia to pay us a visit at our house, | No. 89 Market St., Philadelphia. Dec. 19, 1849 -bm. " | CONGRESS HALL. So sotsh£sw&ss7E9 No. 83 Chesnut St., k 27 South 'IhirdSt.,. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 19, 1849.—bm. LANDRETH’S Fresh Garden Seeds, just re-j ceived and for sale by E. BERKELEY. February 20, 1850. ; % POETRY, FOB THE SPECTATOR. MYSTERY. “Behold, lie is delicately served, for oftentimes, in solitary calmness, Some mental, fair Egeria smiles on her Numa’s wor ship.” *Tis strange, a Form all but divine, And yet with graces earth hath lent it, Should o’er my waking visions shine, And every dream I have present it. That oft a gentle Voice I hear, In tones by some kind impulse tauglit it, Breathing of rapture to my ear, As pure as if an angel brought it. That then an eye all heavenly bright, With mortal likeness still about It, Should shine as if the guiding light Of one, who would be lost without it. Whence is it, Music’s sweetest air Floats round ray mid-night watch to cheer it, While one soft harp is trembling there, As if some guardian saint were near it? Why does the cnrliest flower of spring Unfold , a* if her hand had reared it, To bloom for me, a precious thing, Her hand had touched, and thus endeared it ? And tell me why my path at morn, When graceful drops from Heaven bedew it, Gemming alike the rose and thorn, Appears as she hud just been through it ? Or why, when evening’s sky shines fair, I seek the loveliest orb within it, And fancy she is dwelling there. And fain would leave this world to win it? It is not Love; for Love could ne’er Exist where no “Sweet Hope” requites it; But spreads his wouton wings in air. And flies where promised bliss invites it. Nor Friendship; Friendship cannot bloom Unless when fostering cares surround it; Its fate were else an early tomb; Its meed what severed ties have found it. It is not Folly ; Folly’s dreatu, Inconstant as the spell that weaves it, Is but the ignis fatuus beam, Some giddy Cynthia, lights and leaves it. Call it not Fancy ; Fancy’s charm Varies with every mood and minute; Nor Fact; for when had actual form Such pure,etherial brightness in it? What is it then ? My questioned heart E’en to itself can ne’er define it; But, shape or shade, ’twill not dcpirt, Nor would I for the world resign it. W. MISCELLANY. JOH.V MIULS, THE jMORMOS. When the Mormons settled in Missouri, in 1833, 1 an enthusiastic young man named Mills, was their most popular and admired preacher. Indeed, so great was his fame, that whenever he held meet ! ings a crowd of the saints were sure to be present. A strong and violent mob of Lynchers was about ■ this time organized to put down the Mormons, un | der the command of Col. Turk—one of the most ' desperately dangerous men that Missouri, or in j truth, any other country, ever produced. Some of I the Mormons were tarred and feathered, some were : scourged with long knotty hicktuies, till they faint i ed from the excess of torture nnd the loss of blood ; j others wpre forcibly deprived of their property, and reduced in a day to the condition of beggars; while , others still shared a doom of more mercy, and were shot down on the prairies like so many wolves.— At last Turk resolved to take some of the conceit out of the young preacher, Mills, and he gave no j tice to his men accordingly. It was a dreadful cold night in mid winter, 1833, and although the sky was cloudless and the full moon shone out in all her splendor, the earth lay in all that pearly radiance, chill and dreary as a frozen tomb ; for a thick sheet of snow crusted its surface, and the north wind howled over it a dismal dirge. It was a night to drive even thieves and outlaws into barns and stables for shelter, and to keep hon est people by the blaze of their own roaring hearths. And yet, sirange to say, in a large log cabin, within three hundred yards of the Missouri river, then frozen from shore to shore, at least one hun dred people had assembled to hold a religious meet ing. They were Mormons, you may be sure. No fanatics of an old faith would have lurried out such a night; they must be fresh zealots, with some new idea, but at its birth, in their hearts, and flaming like a meteor in their imaginations, or they never could have ventured to face such an icy blast as that. The congregation included men and women, in about equal numbers, and many of the formei carried rifles, which they grasped with one hand even when kneeling down in prayer—such was the imminence of peril, either real or imagined, they deemed pending over them. The preacher, the enthusiast, Mills, had advanc ed to a thrilling head of his eloquent discourse, and was painting in terrible language the bitter perse cution which has ever followed the footsteps of all great reformers, since the beginning of time. Nev er before had he been half so animated or half so affecting. His blue eye gleamed like a star—his voice pealed like a trumpet, shrill as the wind which whistled over the house top; and his beard less lip seemed loaded with music. Tears, groans and wild shrieks, from the audience, proved the de spotic power of his eloquence. Suddenly, three rifles exploded in quick succes sion before the door; and three sentinels, shaking with terror, rushed into the room, crying out, “The mob! tho mob! Save yourselves from Col. Turk’s mob!’’ No person can depict the scene of dismay and confusion that ensued. The females screamed a loud, as if all hope had departed. Several of the men sprang oui of the windows, as if pursued by a legion of devils, while most of those who remained appeared slupified and totally powerless, either to escape or make ready for resistance. Indeed, there was little space allowed for preparation. In a few moments, a mob numbering hundreds, had surroun ded the building; and the muzzles of fifty cocked guns and pistols were thrust through the doors and windows. Still none within lifted a finger in de fence—fear seemed to have turned them into stone. Persecution had not hardened the “Latter Day Saints” into veterans; and the since-famous “Mor mon Legion” existed then only in the imagination of the Prophet. Presently the Lynchers, headed by the all-dread ed and gigantic Col. Turk, rushed in and began to beat ihe people with the iron ramrods of their guns, with very little distinction of mercy, as to age or sex. The cries of the poor sufferers swelled to a wail wilder than the howlingsof the wind without. x\t length old Turk roared— “Turn out the women, and seize the men ; and let us have the hickory switches and the tar and feathers!” And the drunken mob shouted, and hastened to execute the brutal mandate. Up to this time, young Mills had continued standing with the bible of their prophet in his hand, but unearthly pale and strangely excited, his teeth clenched, and his bright eye swimming in a halo of fire. Suddenly he made a bound for an adjacent window, and, notwithstanding more than twenty endeavored to seize him, effected his escape from the house. I “Chase him, shoot him, take him alive or dead!” cried Turk, in a transport of rage, setting the exam ple by commencing the pursuit himself. The flight of Mills was directed in a straight line for the river; and his marvellous agility added to the start he had first got, soon placed him some distance ahead. They fired both rifles and shot guns at him as he ran, but happily, without effect. When he came to the river side, lie stooped down and hastily fastened on a pair of skates, which he had carried in his pocket for the last few days, to be ready for any emergency ; and then, taking the ice, he skimmed over the frozen stream with the swiftness of the wind. “Has nobody a pair of skates?” shoe ted Turk, striking his forehead with a gesture of wrath and vexation. “I have,” said one, “but I shall certainly not try them on the ice such a night as this.” “Be quick—give them to me!” exclaimed Turk in a tone of fiery impatience. The skates were produced ; the eager Colonel tied them on ; and swearing a dreadful oath that he would bring back the preacher’s scalp, or leave his own, lie began the perilous chase. O! there is no daring like the courage inspired by the passion for revenge ! In th6 meanwhile, Mills had approached the far ther shore, when he discovered the startling appa rition of armed men on the bank. He knew at a glance what it meant. The mob, to prevent any of the Mormons from escaping, had stationed a guard beyond the river. He instantly turned his course down the stream, when a whole platoon let off their rifles, hut the distance \va9 too inconsider able. A hail of bullets rattled around him on the ice without injury. “I will foil the fiends yet,” he said to himself, and put forth all his speed. Mills flew away, when he became conscious that some one was pursuing. He slacked his velocity, and gradually wheeled a bout to obtain a view of his enemy. But the latter was still too remote fur an accurate survey, and the Mormon uttered aloud a mad prayer—“God grant me that it be Col. Turk, and I am willing to die!” On rushed the pursuer—on still on, like an ava lanche. The noise of the iron skates could be heard above the roar of the northern blast, and his dark form loomed in the glittering moonbeams, large in stature as a giant. As he drew nearer, the young preacher smiled venomously. He recognized the arch persecutor, Col. Turk, and he laughed out right, a laugh that rung over the frozen river like the. wild scoff of some demon, when he saw the o llter unsheath his gleaming knife. Mills then im mediately pulled his own from its scabbard, and startetl off, to avoid the coming shock, which might otherwise prove fatal, by the mere force of the col lision, to both. And then bpgan a series of rapid and cunning ev olutions to secure the advantage in this new mode of combat, the mo9t terrific ever conceived. They marked the smooth surface of the ice with circles, elipses, angles, squares, parallelograms, and almost every possible figure of plain geometry ; but each seemed a perfect skater, and could not find theoth er at fault, or take him unprepared. They passed repeatedly within three feet of each other, and made quick thrusts which pierced to the bone. And still the cold grew more intense, and the wrathful wind howled on, while their manoeuvresand flights some how carried them farther down the river, where the crustod ice was thinner, and cracked fearfully beneath their tread. Finally the Mormon took the desperate resolve to terminate the strife by sacrificing his own life to make sure of that of his foe at the snme time. In the following rush, he m longer turned aside to a void a direct collision, but frustrated the attempt of the Lyncher, to that end, by slightly swerving from a right line. * They met at full speed, and the shock was like that of the crash of adverse comets. At the mo ment of their fall, the quaking ice split beneath their weight, with a deafening roar, and the wild water, boiling and hissing like a hell, swallowed them forever—the persecutor and the victim, both vic tims now! But the river still rolled on its way to the sea ; the stars shone as bright «nd beautiful as of old in the morning of creation, when the angels of God chanted their birth song ; and the wrathful wind of winter howled on over the icy grave of the enemies now no more. Ready Wit.—Bartholomew Willard (called “Barty,” for short) was a queer customer, once very well known in the Northern part of Vermont, for his careless, vagabond habits, ready wit, and remarkable facility for extempore rhyming. Sit ting one day in a village store among a crowd of idlers who gathered about him on his arrival, the merchant asked Barty “why he always wore that shocking bad hat?” Barty replied it was simply because he was unable to buy a new one. “Come,” said the merchant, “make me a good rhyme on the old hat immediately—without stopping to think —and I’ll give you the best castor in the store.”— Whereupon Barty threw his old tile on the floor, and began :— There lie* my .old hat. And pray what of that?— ’Tis ns good as the rest of my raiment! If I buy me a better, Yon’ll make me your debtor. And send me to jail for the payment! The new hat was adjudged “by the unanimous vote of the house” to belong lo Barty, who wore it off in great triumph, 6aying that it was but a poor head that could not take care of itself! The Speed of Birds.—It is said that the speed of swallows, when emigrating, i9 not less than fifty miles an hour, so that when aided by the wind, they soon reach warmer latitudes. It has also been calculated that the swallow can fly at the rate of ninety-two miles an hour, and hawks, and several other tribes, one hundred and fifty miles an hour! Lome.—A gentleman asked a country clergy man for the use of his pulpit for a young divine, a relation of his. ‘I really do not know,’ said the clergyman, ‘how to refuse you ; but if the young man could preach belter than me, my congregation will be dissatisfied with me afterwards ; and if he should preach worse, I don’t think he’s fit to preach at all.’ 03- It has been rightly said by some right line descendant of Solomon, that woman was made of the rib out of the side of Adam ; not made of his head to top him—not out of his feet to be tramplpd upon by him—but out of his side, to be equal with him—under his arm, to be protected—and near his heart to be beloved. 03- Dr. Franklin had the following “notice,” stuck up in his printing office : All you who come this curious art to see, To handle any thing must cautious be ;— Lo, this advice we give to every stranger— Look on with welcome—but to touch there’s danger. 03- One of our exchanges informs us that a man was recently arrested in N. Hampshire on a charge of keeping his mouth open on Sunday. A true bill was found, as it is against the law in that state to keep a dram shop open on the Sabbath l 03- In a single century, four thousand millions of | i humanj)eings appear on the face of the earth, act ( their busy parts, and sink into its peaceful bosom, j THE test of affection. Mr. Archibald Stanthrope—a groggy sentimen talist, residing in Buckley street, Philadelphia— conceiving the harrowing suspicion that his wife was not as passionately fond ofhimasalady of good taste should be; and to put the matter to a lair trial,he hit on a little stratagem, which he put in practice the other day, with the result hereafter to be de tailed. He took a suit of clothes and composed an effigy of himself, by stuffing the garment with a quantity of straw, which had lately been discharged from an old bed. Having suspended the figure to a rafter in the garret, by mean9 of a piece of clothes line, he ensconsed himself behind a pile of rubbish in the same garret, to watch the effect. After a while, his little daughter came up after a jumping rope, mtd'caught theg.impse of the sus pended figure. She ran down the stairs screaming, •‘Oh, mother, daddy’s hung himself.” “Now for it,” thought Archibald, in ambuscade, —“we shall have a touching scene presently.” “Hung himself?” (he heard Mrs. Stanhope re peat, as she walked leisurely up stairs;) “he hasn’t got spunk enough for such a thing, or he would have done it long ago. Well, I do believe he has done it, however,” she continued, as she cametn view of Archibald’s straw representation. “Molly, (to the little girl.) I think he ought to be cut down.— You had better go into the kitchen and get a knife, my dear; but don’t go down too fast, or you might fall and hurt yourself. Stay—I forgot—there’s no knife in the kitchen sharp enough. You can go a ruund to Mr. Holmes,the shoemaker, in Sixth street, he’9 only two squares off, and ask him to lend us his paring knife ; tell him to whet it a little belore | he sends it. And, Molly, while you are in the neighborhood, you can call at your aunt Sukey’s and ask her how the baby is. And, Molly, you can stop at the grocery store, as you come hack,and get rne a pound of seven cent sugar. Poor Archy,” sighed Mrs. S., when her daughter had departed, “I hope we’ll get him cut down before the vital spark is cKa-tinct—for these buryings is very trou blesome and cost money. He wants to put an end to himself too ; and 1 think I ought to let him have his own way for once in his life; he used to sav that I was always crossing him. I wish he hadn l spoiled that “new clothes line, though—an old rope might have answered his purpose.” Here a voice, which sounded like that of the sup posed suicide, broke on Mrs. Stanhope’s soliloquy, with “You confounded old Jazebel, I’ll be the death ! of you.” v , . j j Mrs. S. thinking this must ofcourse be a ghostly I exclamation, uttered a wild scream, and attempted to escape down the narrow stair case. Archibald, starting from his place of concealment, gave chase. Mrs. S. stumbled midway on the flight of steps— and Mr. S., having just reached her and made a grasp at her dishevelled hair a9 it streamed back ward, the amiable partners were precipitated to the bottom together. Both were badly bruised .and the cries of the lady raised the neighborhood. Archibald was arrested far making a disturbance, and practising on the ten der sensibilities of his wife. He was recognized in $200, and jocularly proposed his suspended effigy ' as his security—but, “straw bail,” as he found, to his sorrow, is not acceptable under the administra J tion of Mayor Jones.—Pennsylvanian. j The Sea Serpent at the South.—A re ' markable marine monster was seen by Capi. Blan kenship, of the William Scabrook, and his passen ' gers, on the last trip of the Steamer from Charles ton to this city. When the steamer was coming down Port Royal Sound, at about six P. M., on Sunday, some six or seven miles inside the bar, several objects were descried about a mile distant, which were at first supposed to be flocks of ducks. An examination by the glass, however, revealed several lumps or elevations, which had an undu latory or changing motion. The steamer was then directed rewards this object, which lay near the point of land separating Beaufort from Broad river. The water was so shoal as the steamer went on that it was found necessary to cast the lead; but, when within forty or fifty feet of the monster-,, the sounding was four fathoms. While in this position Capt. Blankenship and his passengers had a very good view of the creature, whose size and appear ance were such as to inspire some of the passengers with alarm and apprehension. The monster was lying in the arc of a circle, his head parting the water by a gentle onward motion. No eyes nor mouth were visible, as the head was not elevated ; but the head itself, which appeared to be flattened, is stated to be some ten feet long, and from six to seven feet wide. From the head, for a distance of i some thirty feet, the body was depressed beneath the water; but at this distance a hump or elevation appeared, and another twenty-five feel trom the last. A distinctly round appearance was observed, and thegreatesi diameter is stated at some seven or eight feet? The boat approached the monster in such a j manner as nearly to form a chord to the arc de ' scribed by it, which circumstance gave a good stan dard of judgement as to the length. The concurrent testimony on this point is that it was not less than 120 feet long and probably not more than 140 feet. The noise made in arresting the mution of the boat, or the fact of its approach, caused the serpent (or whatever it must he called) to lower itself in the water and disappear. Before this a greater part of the body was easily seen and examined, the most of it depressed a little below the surface. Its dis appearance, the entire length descending at once, caused a sensible ripple on the surface. The steam er now left the spot, but the creature was again seen to rise and present a similar appearance a short time after the steamer moved off. Such are the particulars, a& far as we have been able to glean them from the testimony of several persons on hoard. We should have added that the color appeared to be of deep glossy brown, in which one passenger thought he'detected a tinge of some thing like a deep slate color.—Savannah Republi can, March 12Ih. Witchcraft and Superstition.—The Sliebone (Eng.) Journal tells the following almost incredible story : There is, in the neighborhood of ITenton and its vicinity, a population of about 200, in which it i9 asserted there are nineteen witches; and curious e nuugh it is to hear the different tales of the people,of the pranks played by this wonderful class of beings. Some of the inhabitants sit up by night, three or four together, for several nights following, using some peculiar charm, instructed, they say, by the wise man of the west. There they sit, praying to themselves, they must not hear each other speak, that the witches may no longer have powpr to scratch the children as they do by some invisible means; and about midnight they generally hear some un earthly noise. One person even attempted suicide un der fear, some say they are hag ridden, others dream wonderful dreams, and have cramps, all of which are attributed to the same cause. A woman asserts that she actually, at night, saw one of these mar vellous being9 come into her room three times. Passports.—Of late years the number of pass ports granted by the State Department a*. Wash ington lias vastly increased. Formerly the usual number issued from the Department amounted ”lo about fifteen hundred per annum ; during the past year, there have been issued aliout four thousand five hundred, being an increase beyond the usual number in former years of about two hundred per j cent. * AGRICULTURAL—SCIENTIFIC Bought manure* I have not time to notice many of theae. Tha value of wood ashes is familiar to every farmer.— Common salt is used as ari extirpator of weeds, and as making grass more palatable to stock, while, in combination with lime, it is highly recommended as an ingredient in the compost heap. But the por table manure most striking in its immediate effects, and which seems to me likely to be available on the poorer Soils, is guano, particularly the Peruvian.— This is rich in ammonia and phosphates, and is par ticularly valuable as a fall dressing for wheat. I have used it for the last five years, with signal suc cess, sowing it on the land prepared for wheat at the rate of 200 lbs. to the acre, and ploughing it in with the wheat. It has never failed to remunerate me amply ; and I am quite sure that it has added from 5 to 10 bushels of produce to the acre. 1 think it a capital manure for the succeeding crops of clo ver, and more permanent in its effects than is gen erally thought. In April, 1845,1 applied 350 Ibe. to an acre of growing wheat, the land being entire ly unimproved, and very poor. Of course it was applied as a top dressing, mixed, however, with plaster. The wheat was doubled in quantity, at least; fine clover succeeded it; and in two crops, one of corn, and the other of small grain, last year and the present, the effects are still apparent.— Sown at the rale of 400 lbs. to the acre, before breaking up for corn, and ploughed in immediately, where the soil was poor and thin, it has yielded more than nine barrels of corn to the acre. Otto of my neighbors has applied it successfully to corn in the hill, putting it in the crossing before planting, and covering it with earth before dropping the corn. The quantity used in this experiment was not more than 100 lbs. per acre ; and the product was increas ed as much as by an ordinary dressing of cow-pen manure. Corn, however, is a hungry feeder, and great exhauster; and guano, 1 think, is more advan tageously applied to wheat, in the way I have men tioned, when followed by clover. It is a capital ma nure for turnips, with or without bone dust. Th* old plan was to pen the cattle, for about two months, in a small inclosure intended for what is called th« turnip-patch, commonly not more than eight or tea square rods of land. Large quantities of manors were thus spent upon the improvement of the six teenth part of an acre, and for the production of wliat, in our climate, is an unimportant crop; for turnips are a sorry food for cattle, and injurious with milch cow*, since they spoil both cream and butter; and, as they will not resist the rigor of our winter?, they will not tarnish the improvement derived from them in England by field-feeding sheep. A common patch of turnips may be amply manured with one or tws dollars’ worth of guano, and thus the depositee of a large herd of cattle may be saved, at a time when they make the most and richest manure. OO* The Washington Unionots late date, in an article comparing the importance of Agriculture with other interests, says: “In every country agriculture is the great and transcendent fnlelest, employing more capital, mors persons, and sustaining more than all other Inter* ests combined. It is even 60 in Grpat Britain, where, it appears from a synoptical table added to ‘Sparkman’s Analysis of the Occupation* of the People,'that the following are the amounts of capi* tal employed in the various interests of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland : In agriculture, .£2,000,000,000 In manufactures, V12. Cotton, 24,500,000 Woolen, 16,500,000 Linen, 7,000,000 Silk, - 4,000,000 Lace, 2,000,000 Hose, 1,000,000 All other articles, 23,000,000 78,000,000 Mining interest, 28,723,000 Shipping Interest, 36,372,210 Thus in the United Kingdom eVen, agriculture is the great and paramount interest. It is in this and in every other country inhabited by civilieed man. It has been so from the beginning of time, and will be until it shall be no more. Agriculture, in every country, is the sulstratum and foundation of its wealth, commerce, and power. It was eie with nations of ancient times, and in the mediawal age of the world, and it is so now.” Remedy tor Bots.—A writer in the German town Ohio Gazette, recommends the following rem edy for the cure of bots in horses. Tobacco juice, that is, the water in which tobacco has been soak ed, is an improved remedy, and certain death to the bots. We know several instances of the efficacy of this treatment, and farmers whose horses are thu* afflicted can try it with safety. The tobacco, in order to obtain the juice very strong, may be boiled, or put in hot water. Editor North American Farmer. “When a horse has bots, it may often be known by his biting his sides; when he has many, Uiey often throw him into great pain, and he lays down, rolls, and if not cured soon, dies. When it is be lieved that a horse has the bots, by the above symp toms, give a pint of sweet milk, and one pint of molasses, well mixed together, and they will Jet go their hold on the horse, and feast on the milk and molasses. “In five minutes after you give the milk and mo lasses, give the horse ihree-fuurths of a pint of to bacco juice, strong enough to kill the bots; when it reaches the bots it kills them, as all will believe who have ever spit tobacco juice on a worm or oth er similar insect; the horse, in less than one hour, will have perfect rest, and no mistake, though no patent has been obtained. The writer would nut have it tried on an old, poor horso, for he would certainly recover, to the damage of his owner. If one worth curing is affected with bots, and the symptoms are severe, never stop for the milk and molasses, but in with the tobacco juice—this is the great kill-all.” _ Management or Hogs.—For the last four or five years, I have fattened spring pigs, believing them to be the most profitable. The way I manage is this: I take pigs about the middle of March, and when they are about one month old, I put them in a small lot contiguous to the house, so that I can feed them regularly on milk and Indian meal. I put the sows in good pasture, and turn them in with the pigs three times per day, until some time in July, when I turn the sows and pigs into my orchard, where they get the most of their living until Octo ber ; then I feed them on new corn until the first of December, when I put them in a tight pen, and feed them on corn-meal and mush until some time in January. When I kill them, they average fro/u two hundred and fifty to two hundred and seventy five pounds, and I am almost convinced that they are more profitable than wintered hogs weighing four hundred pounds; but 1 stand open to convis* tion. Perhaps some of your able correspondent* may convince me otherwise.— Correspondent of the Philadelphia Dollar Newspaper. 03* According to a Spanish journal, an invenwm has been accomplished to enable vessels, by pro** sure of the water, to navigate a?7 W a rate of four miles an hour. 1 he Minister of Ma rine has supplied funds to test the mventtun. ! CO- Iron was discovered by the burning of Mount (Ida, 1405 years B. C.