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■ mi* j _ *”'■ ' ' 1 THE STAUNTON SPECTATOR. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1850. SPRING CAMPAIGN. (vy. We arc authorized to announce John L. Pey ton, E»q-, a* a candidate to represent the County of Augusta in the next House of Delegates of Virginia. {£>• We are authorized tone jounce John ‘D. ImBo ben. Esq., as a'candidate to represent the County cf Augusta in the next House of Delegates ol Virginia. $5* We are authorized to aim ouuce Maj Jas. TV Aet na, as a candidate to represent the County of Augusta in the next House of Detonates of Virginia £>- Wo are authorized to announce Alaj. J- M. Mc *Cpn, as a candidate to represent tin* County of Augusta in the next House of Delegates ol Virginia. 9T Wo are authorized to announce Chapman John ■ON, Esq , as a candidate to represent the County of Au gusta in the next House of Delegates of Virginia. JUDICIAL TESIRK. We shall continue to bring forward, from time to time, the opinions and arguments of distinguished jurists and statesmen,“upon this grave question, by way of contrast with 'Other opinions founded more upon desire than reason, and looking rather to change and chance than to principles tested by time and experience. The age in which we live is one of impulse and •xpeiiment, and in some respects, of progress in the proper sense of the term. A rushing, reckless spi rit sometimes reaches high attainments, and oflener bitter disappointments. Upon the smooth surface of a quiet lake, a bay may set the sails and guide the helm of his craft, because he reaches land upon any tack. When, however, capes are to be doubled ijpo* the heaving ocean, cool and skillful pilots, •oundings and log books, charts and compasses be come the only means of safety. As in physical, so iu things political. Some persons think, conscientiously no donbt, and others with an eye single to the “loaves and fishes,” that the perfection of the Judiciary con sists in periodical elections of the Judges; and that, retaining thetenureofgood behaviour,nothing would be gained by a direct vote and choice of the people. Upon the first point and in pursuance of the inti mation in the outset, we give at present some ex tracts from the elaborate arguments of Judges Wil •on and Story,-and the authors of the Federalist, Yix: Madison, Jay and Hamilton. Such names need no commendation from us. History has as signed them a place among the wisest and ablest defenders of hnman liberty and the rights of the people; and wo be the day when such authority shall go for naught. "Clear heads and honest hearts are essential to good Judges. As all controversies in the community respect ing life, liberty .reputation, and property, must be influ enced by their judgments; and as their judgments ought to be calculated not only to do justice, but also to give general satisfaction, to inspire general confidence, and to take even from disappointed suitors (for in every cause disappointment must fall on ouc side) the slight est pretence of complaint; they ought to be placed in such a situation, as not only to be, but likewise to ap pear superior to every extrinsic circumstance, which •an be supposed to hare the smallest operation upon their understandings or tbeir inclinations. In their salaries, and in their offices, they ought to be completely inde pendent : in other words, they should bo removed from the most distant apprehension of being affected in their judicial character and capacity, by any thing, except tbeir own behaviour and its consequences.”—Wilson's Law Lectures. "The standard of good behaviour, for the continuance m office of the Judicial Magistracy, is certainly one of the most valuable of the modern improvements in the practice of government. * * * As Irom the natural feebleness of the Judiciary, it is in continual jeopardy •f being overpowered, awed, or influenced by its co-or dinate branches; that as nothing can contribute so much to its firmness and independence, as permanency in of fice. this quality may, therefore, bo justly regarded as aa indispensable ingredient in its constitution ; and, in a great measure, as the citadel of the public justice and the public security.”—Federalist. "The independence of the Judges is equally requisite to guard the Constitution and the rights of individuals from tho effects of those ill-humours, which the arts of ( designing men, or the influence of particular conjunc tures, sometimes disseminate among the people them selves “, an-I which, though they speedily eivt; place to better information, and more deliberate reflection, have a tendency, in the meantime, to occasion dangerous in novations in the government, and serious oppressions of the minor party in the community.”—Story on the Constitution of U. S. "That inflexible and uniform adherence to the rights ef the Constiti tion, and of individuals, which wo per ceive to be indispensable in the Courts of Justice, can certainly not be expected from Judges who hold their offices by a temporary commission. Periodical appoint ments, however regulated, or by whomsoever made, would, In some way or other, be fatal to their necessa ry independence.”—Story. Justice has been represented in paintings aa blind, with scales in her hands, indicating thereby that in Judicial administration it is expedient to "know no man after the flesh.” A profound knowledge of human nature first conceived the idea, and a prac tical acquaintance with human affairs lod to the picture. Ultraista may Tant as they please, but these periodical elections of all Judicial officers, give both eyes and years quick in discerning the most potent influences at the polls, whether these influences may tell in wealth and power, as seek ing to contiol, or in the force of numbers as oppos ed to such control. In either case, from the known weakness and imperfection of man’s nature, justice would be endangered, and more probably resemble C-CSAk than Cesar’s wife. Upon the other point—that no benefits could re sult from an election of their Judges by the people, if the existing tenure remains as it is, we likewise dissent, and for the following reasons : 1st.—Because the Legislature having manifestly Ailed in repeated instances to make proper selec tions, and the people of the Districts having just grounds of complaint therefrom, the appointing pow er ought to be changed, if a belter can be had. 2.—Believing that none is safer tnan the people themselves, this change will effectually secure the appointment of each Judge within his intended ju risdictional limits, and one esteemed by the people t« honest, capable and firm. Having every induce ment to good selections, when attainable, we may Airly conclude that 6uch will be made; and incase failure, the blame is their own. 3d,_Should failures, however, occur, the people have the remedy in their own hands under the pre- | MOt tenure, as we shall proceed to show ; and in doing so, flatter ourselves, that full security for the people will bo made to appear on the one hand, and ^■needful responsibility of the Judges on the other. The tenure of good behaviour, as securing* the > independence of the Judiciary, would not havebeen j assailed, we presume, in Virginia, but for the'belief j that the existing constitutional provisions for im- I peachtnent and removal from office by a two-thirds j vote of the Legislature, for cause shown, had prov- , i ed ineffectual. Ardent reformers takeHhis ground at any rate, and assuming it as true, we trace the cause to that provision of the Constitution which makes the appointing and removing :[*>wer the same body. This we take to be a theoretical de fect, and one which may become, if it has not al ready, the source of practical judicial grievances.— There rs in small bodies having the power of con ferring office, a sympathy between the appointer anil appointee, besides a pride of consistency in Sticking up to;its own action and an unwillingness 'to admit error of action ; all which would naturally . chedk a resort to the pToper remedies in case of judi dicial malfeasance. Separate the appointing from ^ the removing power, anJ the alleged evils willdi3_ | appear, while the independence of the Judiciary j will be preserved. Let the people elect, and com- | plain, as they will, when things go wrong, and the power of removal may then be safely committed to the Legislative body as a disinterested tribunal. The process of the remedy will be such as fol lows : Whenever a Judge, from causes justi fying a removal from office, shall have rendered ! himself obnoxious to the people of his district gen | erally, they have nothing to do but elect such del egates to the General Assembly from the several | counties of the district, as will carryout their views I asd wishes. Should difiVrencesof opinion exist trp i on the necessity or propriety of the contemplated a ! motion from office, growing out of the sufficiency i of the causes and state of the facts, opposing candi dates for the Legislature, for and against removal, | would very soon test .public sentiment upon the questions in issue. Arriving at the proper Forum.the dolegates from the disaffected district would lead off upon the ques tion of removing the offending Judge, and from their : position and knowledge of facts, woitfd carry a | weight decisive of any proper case of removal. 4th.—The filling of vacancies from death, resig nation, Temoval from the district, or amotion from office, would as a matter of course belong to the people, as consequent upon their ipoWer of appoint ment. We submit it then, whether, by transfer ring this poWer of appointment from the Legisla ture to the people, positive good will not result— [ and thus by a single provision, spcnre both the re sponsibility and independence of the Judges. I OCh We xre pleased to find that the papers in the Valley, and indeed in the State generally, aTeeonr ing out in favor of a reform advocated by us more than a year ago. Instead «f writing anything new on the subject, we give the following from the Spectator of February 28lli, 1849c “Biennial Sessions of the Legislature.—The propriety of so changing the Scssious ofour Legislature as to require it to meet once in two years instead of an nually, has been repeatedly suggested and is *.6W Arged I by some of our exchanges. Several States have adopt- i | ed this plan, and we think it might be introduced in Virginia with great advantage. Under the present sys- j ! tem, the members of the Legislature assemble at Rich- j 1 mood on the first Monday in December each year, and 1 1 seem to feci iu duty bound to spend at least the winter 1 there. Their time must be occupied in some way. and ! consequently there is a great deal of meddling with what they properly have nothing to do, and much leg j islation that is worse than useless. Ami not only so, but all this time money is flowing out of the treusury of the Commonwealth iuto.the pockets of the members at the rate of about seven hundred dollars a day, or nearly sixty thousand dollars a session, supposing the session to continue ninety days. By having the sessions bien nial, every other year the State would save this amount, which, as no one doubts, could be most usefully expen ded in constructing roads of various kinds,and promoting other public improvements.” Foreign.—The condition of France is exciting much speculation at present among foreign journal ists. M. Lons Bonaparte, vain, frivolous, fickle, luxurious and extravagant—dazzled by a name and longing for a crown, is nut the inan to cherish re publican simplicity or to bqild up republican insti tutions. Socialism and Red-Republicanism nro rap idly advancing—great meetings are about to be held, and the President hesitates whether to pre vent or connive. The influence of such men as Cavaigkac, Lamokicjere and Changarnisr, whose intelleciual force far exceeds that of the Pre sident, and whose decision of character and firm ness of purpose are so well established in France, forms probably the chief safeguard against revolu tion and blood shed. A short time may decide : whether conservatism or socialism, intellect or pas sion, the spirit of freedom or that of the mob, shall settle the destinies of this strange people. Richmond Whjg.—The editors of this paper are sustaining that point of Constitutional reform which looks to the election of Slain Judges by the people, but are not prepared, as we infer from their editorial of March 20th, to change the tenure of good behaviour, unless for a term of years equiva- j lent thereto. We should be pleased to find so able a journal entering fully into the discussion now com- | menced. We have been prompted to this notice by a short article in the Enquirer (March 22d) under the head “Elective Judiciary,” in which this Ian j guage is used :—“We are glad that the Whig co- , operates with us in favor of this reform.” This, in view of the context, might lead to a construction ! which the Whig might not sanction. We should like to know if the Whig favor3 the Judicial Sys tem of Mississippi, as advocated by the Enquirer, j CO- Mr. Thomas Butler Kino is now engaged in preparing a Report on the resources of Califor nia and th6 legislation she needs. The rpport will embrace the question of a proper disposition of the mineral lands belonging to the U. States, as the most of them do. Whether these lands shall be sold, or leased, or retained by the government as a source of revenue, are matters of grave considers- j tion. In Russia, the gold minesof the Ural Moun- ■ tains have been committed to individual enterprise, 1 embracing the serfs of the mineral provinces, and the operation has proved highly advantageous to tfie government and the laborers. The Report of Mr. King will be looked for with great interest. Ohio and VrnGfim.-—•Some time ago, a free ne gro charged with crime in this State, escaped into Ohio. The Governor of Ohio1 refused to surrender him on the requisition of our Executive, und Gov. Floyd has recommended a system of non-inter course by way of bringing the fanatical inters and people of that State to a sense of right and jastice. This is an extreme measure which should only be resorted to when all other remedies fail. The thing complained of, however, is a growing evil,; and some remedy must be provided. (WThe I.ogislature adjourned mi Friday last.* MARCH COURT. An unusually large number of the citizens of the i County met together on the 1st day of the term, ! not only to commune with their Representatives just j returned from the Legislature, and to receive the announcements of candidates for the spring elec tion} but also to consider the recommendation of J the last Legislature to send Delegates to the Nash | ville Convention. It may be needless to add that ] the meeting was highly intelligent and respectable. As will be seen" by reference to the proceedings in another Column, the meeting declined, by an overwhelming majority, to have part or ldt in said Nashville Convention and for reasons net forth in | the preamble and resolutions. During the absence of the committee in prepar | ing the Resolutions, Speeches were made by the ’ Senator from the district, VVm. Kinney, Escj., and ‘ fromthe county delegatee, Messrs. Shkffey and McCur, the'former of whoa, declined offering for re-election. The committee of hine having resumed their | places in the meeting, majority and minority report* were presented of-five to four, the former sustained by Messrs. Stuart and Michik, and the latter by Messsrs. Skinner and IIarman,all uffhecommitiee, and the result was as above stated. After this special business 'had been disposed of ■ in addition to Maj. 3. M. McCtJE.who had announ ced himself in the fore .port of the day, four other candidates, all Whigs, announced themselves, viz: Major Jas. Walker, Jno. L. Peyton, John D. Im-do-ncn and •Chapman Johnson, EsqrB. *Py thin ‘time fhe day had b^en nearly cbrfsumed, and the assembly, which was still considerable, quietly separated. Convention Question in the West.—Oppo sition to the Convention bill in the Western part of the Stale seems to lie assuming a most determined form. The Parkersburg Gazette, Weston (Lewis Co.) Sentinel, and Kanawha Republican, have ta ken decided ground against it. At a public meet ing of the people of Kanawha County, recently held to consider the subject, t'he following resolu tions wero adopted : I. That the people of Wcitern Virgiuia did not aslc or desire, at the hands of the present General Assembly any law for the call of a Convention ; preferring to post pone any movement forlhat purpose, until after the cen sus directed by law to be taken dirring the present year has been completed ; and that this call for a Convcntiou comes from those who are hostile to equal representa tion, and who seek to harry it forward in advance of the arguments and demonstrations which that census will bring with it. II. That no basis of representation enn be consistent with the trae principle of u republican government, which docs not recognize « perfect equality of political rights in each and i-Yety member of the body politic, irrespective of the differences which way exist, in their individual fortunes. III. That in the construction of a state government we cannot consent to confer upon individual* a right of suf frage in proportion to their wealth, nor cun We re Cog nize and adopt the same principle, by yielding to the people of a particular district of the State a representa tion proportioned to their aggregate wealth. 1 ¥•. That the people of Western Virginia cannot vote for a Convention, as the same is to be constructed and organized under the Act of Assembly before referred to, without acknowledging their own political inferiority, and agreeing that tho money and property of one sec tion of the State shall be weighed against the freemen of the other. V'. That we will vote against the Convention provi ded for by the Act of Assembly aforesaid, and Will u*e all honorable means to defeat the same. Pot>ur ation of California.—The Address of the Senators and Representatives elect from the State of California to Congress, contains some inter esting items. It slates that the population of Cal ifornia. exclusive of Indians and Africans, is sup posed to have been, on the first day of January, 1849, as follows, viz :—Californians, 13,000; A merieans, 8.000; Foreigners, 5,000; Total, 20,000. From that time to the 11 th of April, the arrivals by sea at the different ports are believed to have ex ceeded 0,000, and the arrivals by I,and through Mexico are estimated at 2,000. The records of the Harbor-Master^ Office at San Francisco, show that from the 12th of April to the 31st December, the number of arrivals at that port were 29,009. In addition to these, it is believed that no less than 1 , 000 persons landed at oilier ports. Adding to these amounts the 3,000 sailors who have deserted from ships arriving in the country, and computing the whole overland immigration at 40,000, the follow ing totals result as the population of Calfurnia on the first day of January, I860, vi*; Americans, 76,069; Californians, 13,000; Foreigners 13,000; Total 107,069. Of the 36,269 persons who arriv ed at San Francisco from April 12th to December 31st, only 800 were females. Baltimore Weekly American.—This is one of the most valuable compendiums of news and prices current we have ever had the pleasure to re ceive. The editorial department is unsurpassed by any in point of interest, and the general arrange ment of the paper proves the efficiency of its wor thy proprietors for the arduous task of catering for the public taste.— Winchester Republican. We take pleasure in adding our testimony to the excellence of the American. As a political, com mercial and general news paper it is not surpassed by any journal In the Country. The editorials are always written with judgment and taste, and the sound moral influence of the paper is not the least of its merits. The weekly American is published at $2 per annum, the tri weekly $5. After the above was put in type wc received the prospectus published in another column. 1 he Weekly American may be seen at this office. Young Doctors.—The commencement exer cises of the Ilichmortd Medical ColJpge came offon Tuesday evening the 19th inst. The degree of Doctor of Medicine was conferred on twenty four young gentlemen—among the number, Messrs. Robert H. Robertson and Samuel Kenner ly, or., of this county. The latter received the prize of a gold medal awarded by the Faculty, for the best essay on a given medical subject, which was contended for by nearly one third of the grad uating class. Among the fate graduates of the Jefferson Med ical College of Philadelphia, are Messrs. S. M Dold, Edward L. GraWam, S. T. Chandler, John H. Hyde and George P. Ktle, of Rock bridge, and Samuel M. I'Ie^dren, of Augusta. 03* The trial of Prof. Webster, indicted for the imrrder of Dr. Geo. Parkman, was Commenced before the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, at Bos ton, on Tuesday, the 19th lust. The evidence so far as given in, is published at length in the Bal timore American. It is altogether of a ciTcumspn tial character, but unless explained by subsequent testimony, most fead to theeonviction ofthe unhap py prisoner. » Scientific Lectures.—We are rfqnested to state that Professor B. H. Benton will lecture on scientific subjects in this place, on next Monday and Tuesday nights. A friend who has had the pleas ure of hearing him, represents him to us as an affa. blc and intelligent gentleman, and his Lectures as well worth attending. ' " r '•< '• . . .. CONGRESS. Monday, March 18.— The Senate.—After the • presentation of petitions, the Senate resumed the Consideration of Mr. Clay’s resolutions, and Mr. Badger addiessed the Senate on the subject. He argued that a dissolution of the Union was possible in certain ‘contingencies, and therefore great care should be taken to guard agaitrst such contingencies. If the sentiments of the Senator from New York (Mr. Seward) were those of the Northern people, or any large portion of them,‘this Uriibn could not stand. House of Representatives.—Mr. Boyd, of Ky., presented the memorial and credentials of-the dele gates elect from California, and the Constitution of that State; which were ordered to lie on the table nnd be printed. The House then resolved itself into Committee of the Whole and resumed the con sideratioirof the bill to admit California as a Stale into the Union. Mr. Williams, of Term., spoke for an hour in discussion of the questions involved in the admission of California. Mr. Ca6ey fill lowed, and spoke, his hour. Mr. Giddings next obtained the floor, and made a personal reply to the recent speech of Mr. Winthrop. Tuesday.— The Senate.—Petitions were pre- I sented, embracing one by Mr. Clay for the exten sion of a patent right fur an improvement in biscuit baking. Mr. Badger continued and concluded his remarks. He was willing to withdraw objections to the admission of California, and that was a great concession. But he insisted upon an entire fulfil ment of Nothern obligation as to recapture of slaves, and the utter abandonment of the V\ ilmot proviso. Mr. Hale vindicated the North, and especially his own peculiar party, from ihe charge of agitation. House if RepresenhAives.—The Whitney rail road bill came up. Mr. Bowlin occupied the floor for an hour m opposition to the whole project of ce ding the lands to Mr. Whitney. He denounced the project as a magnificent scheme, demoralizing in its character—that it was brought before Congress in a spirit of reckless speculation. The House re solved itself into Committee of the Whole and took up the bill to supply deficiencies in the app'ropria- i tions for the service of the fiscal year ending 30th June, 1850, which was debated till the time of ad journment. Wednesday.— The Senate.—Mr. Hale contin ued Ins remarks in vindication of the North, after ; which the Senate resumed^the consideration of the i census bill, which was again discussed. House rf Representatives.—The House proceed , ed to the consideration of the resolution proposing to i print 5000 Copies extra of the Report in favor ui the bill granting land to Asa Whitney to construct a ; railroad to the Pacific. Mr. Robinson ofla.> re plied to the speech of Mr. Bowlm. He denred that ! this was a great demoralizing, speculating scheme, notwithstanding the denunciations ut that gentle man, and that he saw in it a “woolly horse” afiair. He concluded by saying that Mt. Whitney sought to effect a great National road to the Pacific, tor the great public good more than his personal advantage. Alter he concluded, the motion to print was laid on table, ayes 84 noes 53. The Deficiency Bill was further disc used in Committee of the Whole. Thursday.— The Semite.—Mr. Miller and Mr. | Seward presented petitions in favor of granting a | trial by jury to fflgitive slaves, The h^enftte re sumed the consideration of tho resolution offered by J Mr. Bradsbury, calling on the President for ehargps I against office-holders since the 4th of Marcli last. Mr. Smith addressed tho Senate at length in reply tn \ the speech made some time ago by Mr. Bradbury. ; and vindicated the President from the charge that he had procured his election by pledges which he had not regarded. House of Representatives.—The Deficiency Bill was vatiinisly amended in Committee of the W h^le. The Committee rose, at 4 o’clock, and the bjll to carry into eflVc ithe Convention between the United States and the Emperor of Brazil, was then read the third time and passed. Friday.— The Senate.—The bill granting a pension of $50 to the widow of General Worth was passed. Mr. Foote’s motion for a compromise Committee was taken tip. Mr. Dayton, of N. J., advocated | the admission of California, and agreed with Mr. j Webster alxint the construction of the’Texas reso- j lotions of Annexation. House of Representatives—The Deficiency ap- | propriatioii Bill was passed and the House adjourn ed to Monday. The Spring Elections.—The approach of (lie t Spring Elections admonishes the Whigs of Virgin- ; ia of the necessity of preparing themselves to vin- ; dirate their principles at the ballot-lxix. We go ; into the contest under the most cheering auspices. So far as federal affairs are concerned* the history of tho past year has been fruitful ot events to satis fy us of the wisdom and goodness of the whig cause and the priceless value of that spirit of conservatism hy which it is eminently distinguished. In the af fairs of our State, the course of the dominant party has taught us the necessity of Whig ascendency to | the preservation of the ancient republican principles ' of Virginia. A system of proscription has been com- ! menced at the capital, which cannot receive the \ sanction of the people of this commonwealth. Tho system is not only in violation of their ancient usa- j ges. but the interests of the State, which cannot but; i suffer by the practice of changing auditors, treasur- i ers. Sic, with every change of power front one par-; ty to ihp other. We fnmiy believe that by proper unity and eXer- \ tion on the part of the Whigs, we can carry the ' State in the Spring. Butevery thing depends on the j Whigs themselves. If personal ambition be allow ed to interfere with devotion to the cause, we must ! again lose the State, and tho Democracy will claim | their triumph as a popular sanction of the system of proscription. Let the Whigs of Virginia hear this in mind. Let them adopt it as a motto, “Prin- j ciples, not men.” Let ttlf be discarded from this contest, and the only rivalry be which shall go far thest in making sacrifices for tho common cause.— No man deserves to be considered a Whig, who can i for a moment permit private considerations to con- ; ; flict with public duly. Whigs of Virginia, in un I ion is your strength. Unite and Triumph ! Divide , and be Defeated ! The choice is in your hands.— | Richmond Republican. For the Bovs.—Every day or two a party of urchins come into ouroflice to beg for old papers to S make kites. For their special benefit we insert the following from the New York Tribune : Kile*.—These being the days of high winds and high kites, we suirsest toour young friends the idea | of trying their artistic skill in making their kites into the form of living things. It is rather too bad that our boys should be behind the Heathenish | Chineso in this respect: hut they are, nevertheless. ■ A missionary in that country says, “The sky is a ! universal flutter of kites. I counted this afternoon from my window ninety-three, which were flown at various heights with great skill. Some repre- '■ sented hawks, and admirably imitated their manten- , vres in the air, poisiiio themselves, and sailing ar.d , darting;gaudy butterflies floated around and drag ons formed of a long succession of circular kites, With a fierce head, flew around the sky. The ma jority were of merely faneifol shapes. Loud noises like a wind instrument could be heard from them. The most amusing form was that of a huge fish, as k swam through the blue above, moving its tail and fins with a ludicrously natural effect. Those like animals, are also flown in pairs and made to fight.” Now boys try your Yankee ingenuity, and let the celestials know that you are up to the age with something in the wind worth looking at. Increase op real Estate.—The Vicksburg Whig estimates the increased value of real estate in | the counties bordering on the Vicks! nrg and Jackson Railroad, in round numbers from $700,000 to $9, 008,000, in ten years—and the increase of mer ! ehandise sold, from $000,000, to $2,300,000, and : the amount of money loaned at interest rising from ; $19,000 to $1,600,000. These estimates, says the Whig, are rfi'nstly ta ken from the Auditors report, and are published to 6how the value of Railroads (a the country through : which they pass. ANTI-POLYGAMY PROVISO l' We suggest whether the facts contained in the Chicago Democrat do not afford a chance for some aspiring Congressmen to outshine Wilmot: “Do the Mormons allow Polygamy?—The reports circulating in the newspapers that the Mor mons at Deseret allow polygamy, and permit the most liceniiuuspractices, is announced by the Wash ; ington Union as totally false and without the slight est foundation. 'It may be a story gotten up to prej 1 udice the chances of Deseret for admission to the ! Union.”—BuJJ'alo Courier. j ‘4l is nevertheless true, although the Union de nies it. They do not openly avow the doctrine of i a plurality of wives but men of influence have the ; privilege of what is called ‘ensealing,’ by which ! they have as many spiritual wives as they want.— : One of Smith’s brothers (George, we think,) while at Council Bluff, boasted that he had thirty, and referred to the records of ilte church as evidence. “Though the wives are spiritual, it nevertheless turns out, hy some accident or other, they have children.”— Chicago Democrat. We have no doubt the Democrat i6 right. A vnrv respectable gentleman of V irginia, wno visited Njuvoo in its palmy days, told us that the illustri ous Joe offered him a dozen wives if hewduW take up his abode among ihe Saints. Our triend Was a modest and moderate man, although a bacheldr, and positively declined the proposal. Polygamy, we think, therefore, is a “fixed fact” of Mormonism. Now, we submit that, instead ot applying the Wilmot Proviso, or any such nonsensical abstrac tion, to Dpseret, Congress should adopt the prac tical measure of an Anti-Polygamy Proviso. Even the most fanatical of the nonslavehulding States treat Polygamy as a greater crime than slavery.— They send a man to the Penitentiary, in every State of the Union, who has more than one wife. Shall we permit Deseret to sustain this abominable “domestic institution?” This is not an abstraction —this is not a mere spiritual thing, as the cunning dogs pretend. On the contrary it is a real, Sub stantial, flesh and blood affair. We commend this subject to those aged members of tire Senate who became so frolicsome and facetious when discussing the question of the Grand Turk’s Seraglio. T hey need not cross the waters to find a harem. Amer ican Mahometanism, with its houri of all colors, is in full blast upjn our shores. We therefore propose that an Anti-Polygamy Proviso be applied to Deseret. The South and the North should unite in putting down this “peculiar ( institution” of the Mormons.— Rich. Republican, j Legislative Clothing.—It is well known that in attctent limes, salaries, rations, &.C., were man aged somewhat differently than at present. YY e recollect seeing in the records of Bridgewater, that it was made the interesting question of a town meet ing—“whether the schoolmaster should be provid ed with ft new suit of clothes.” The following] scrap is going the rounds relative to Marblehead,in ] this State. It appears that many years ago, when it was smaller than at present, a member was elec ted to the General court. “His circumstances,how ever, beifig Slender, like those of his townsmen, it was resolved lliat the lou-n should furnish him with a suit of clothes. Accordingly he w ent to ‘Busting,’ rigged out in complete long logs, making a great j sensation as may he supposed. But unfrrtunalely | the member died before another election, and con sequently the ‘legislative stuff,’ reverted nearly new to the town. To save expense, it was then resolved that the new candidate, in addition to his other quali fications, should he capable of filling the ‘town suit’ of clothesjand that the ceremony should he preced ed by a‘trying on’of the long togs. But the wags of Boston got wtml of this proceeding, and it Itecame a standing joke in theSta'e House, when Marble head was announced, to cry out: ‘Here cnines tlm Marblehead suit of clothes—wonder w bo’s in cm!” — Cld Colony Reporter. MEtHOirist Conference.—We extract the following from the list of ap|>oiniment8 made at the late annual Conference of the M. R. Church. The next Conference Vvill l>e Yield in Winchester : Rockingham District.—A. A. Reese, P. F..— Staunton, Thomas M. Reese ; Rockingham. Sam’l Register. C. C. Cronin ; F.ast Rockingham-, John W. Kelly. Isaac Gibson ; Augusta, Thomas Hil debrand, YV. F. Speake; Churchvillp. Philip Res corl; Highland, Jacob Montgomery ; Deerfield. J. Lloyd, H. J. Bland ; Franklin, James M. Clark, M. L. Hawley; Moorfield. T. H. Bnsey, James Hunter ; South Branch, Maybury Golieen, S. R. Griffith ; YY’oodstork, Robert Smith, G. \\\ Bouse; Front Royal, J. McK. Reiley, Elijah Merchant; North River, to he supplied;J. YV. Hedges. Agent. Lcwishlirg District.—F,. R. Veitch, P. E.— Lewisburg Station, Fielder Israel; LewieborgCir cuit, YVm. M. Metninger, J.N. Davis. Greenbri er, Jas. N. Eakin. Monroe, Thos. F. McClure. Covington, Jos. T. Phelps, \\r. G. Steele. Lex ington, YV. L.Spoiiswood, J. YV. YVofie. Fimastle, John L. Gilbert. Mason L. YV’. Chesney, Joseph Spriggs, sup. New Castle, John YV. Start. Salem, j. H. YVaugh. Christianshurg, Joshua M. Gran din, Jacksonville, Noah Schlosser. S weet Springs, Adam Bland—Huntersville, E. G. Jamieson. The Charleston papers slate that the sea-monster recently seen in Port Rnyil Sound, near that city, has appeared in the neighborhood of Beaufort, S. C., and that an expedition tocapture him has been fitt ed out at that place. This expedition consisted of a flat.mounting a six pounder,furnished with twelve rounds of grape, canister and fixed shot, with three boats, well manned, and ns many more as a reserve. A letter to the Courier says that the monster had made his way up Whale creek to within a few miles of Beaufort, and had been pursued for several miles ; along the banks of the stream, the party in pursuit at times corning very near to him. ’1 he report ofj Capt. Blakenshipof the steamer William Seabrook, and his passengers, is folly confirmed as to the; length, color and “humps” of the leviathan. A letter of later date to the Charleston Courier,! states that the supposed sea serpent was snbsequer.t- j |y found to be a school of four whales—one large and three small. _ Southern Colony in California.—The fol-1 lowing appears in the advertising columns of the Mississipnian, and we copy it as a matter of gener al interest. California.— The Southern Slave Co/ont/—Citi zens ot the Slaves States desirous of emigrating to California with their slave property, are requested to send their names, number of slaves, and period of contemplated departure to the address of “Southern Slave Colony,” Jackson, Mississippi. All letters, to meet with attention, must be post paid. It is the desire of the friends of this enterpise to settle in the richest mining and agricultural portions of California, and to secure uninterrupted enjoy ment of slave properly. It is estimated that by the first of May next, the members of the Slave Colony will amount t,o about five thousand, and the Slaves to about ten thousand. The mode of affecting or ganization, &.c., will be privately transmitted to ac tual members._ (JO A Washington letter in the Philadelphia In quirer says— The rumors as to the contemplated movement upon Cuba, are merely a rehash of those stated some months ago. There is no doubt but what active pre parations have been going on during the whole win ter. and I know that leading Southern men have been in communication with Gen. Lopez and Other Cuban patriots. The information in the possession of the Government is to the effect, that the men who are to take part in the insurrection, intend fo ship from the different ports of the United States as laborers on the contemplated Nicaragua Canal and rendezvous somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico. The arms, See., to be smuggled out of the country in other vessels. CO The President has issued ah order to the Secretary of War, directing that the foil uniform now worn in the army, a blue dress c'oAt with <vhft6 buff linings, band-box hat, &c.,8tc., stialf thrown aside, and the nndress frock now wofh shall be the ! full uniform, with the addition’ of epauleNs* sash, &c., &.c., the removal of whtefr rtrmliwan andress ' uniform. The coat worn by fhe privates is substi i tnled by a sack. Agricultural College—The Report of the Commissioner* appointed by the Governor of the i State of New York to mature a plan for an agri cultural college and experimental farm In that State Contains some valuable information in regard to that institution, iis objects and management. The cost of the first establishment of the college, including the purchase of a farm ofSOO acres, is computed at ! $93,000, and the annual expenses of the institution, i itTs estimated, would he 'about $13,000—the form i to be cultivated Hy ftlelxbor of the scholars, whe are to be employed four hotfrs a day in practical ag riculture, in 311 its varimls branchy. Among the studies enumerated in the Report a/fc the laying out the farm and garden in various modes, adapted n> circumstances; the setting out of plants j and trees; grafting, budding, printing, 'transplant- ’ | ingbrtd rearing of fruit trees'; thedffferent manners of fencing grounds ; 'with the relative advantages and cost of each; the variousrjnalitidsof forest trees, in reference to fencing and building purposes; the best mode df breeding fcnd feeding stock; the com parative advantages of the various breeds; how to discover defects, and the way to remedy or eradi 1 cate them; the proper time to sell produce; and how to put it in market; the manner of keeping farm accounts; and, in short, a lull course of in struction as to the management of a farm. The branches df education to be pursued at the school are natural philosophy, practical chemistry, particularly as ‘applicable to the analysis of soilfc and manures; geology arid mineralogy, botany ana horticulture, mathematics, engineering and practi cal surveying, the principles of rural legislation1, and the veterinary aVt. The annual expense fur each scholar admitted 16 lie one hundred dollars, which will include tuition', hoard, washing, fuel and lights. A bill has been reported in fhe State Legislature to carry the plan into effect, and the board of trus tees are to meet at Albany, in June next, to take measures for the purchase of the land.—'B. Amer. An Invention—Tlte Cincinnati Times men tions that a M r. Sellers of that city, formerly of Phil adelphia, has completed an invention which “wifi simplify and revoluiionize the whole science of en gineering/’ The following is the only account df the invention yet pu’bltehed-: The machine, we believe, has no name yet, hut we learn combmes fhe operation of the perambulatot with that of the pentagraph, giving profile lines of plats, surveys, and measuring distances. By trund ling it over a tract of country, a more accurate sur vey for a rail road can be made rhan by any other method ; and at least fifteen miles per day mapped with correctness— altitudes, depression, and space. It can also be used on out streets’, thus dispensing with the service of an engibee’r. Tiie Mexican Boundary.—The treaty with Mexico provides that from the junction of the riveV Gila with the Colorado, the boundary shall be a straight line extending to a point on the Pacific, on* marine league doe South from the southernmost point of the port of San Diego. As the general course of the Colorado is southerly-, ft \vafc natural ly supposed that below said junction it would fall en tirely within Mexican territory. But the surveyf recently made by the Joint Commission appointed to run the Treaty line, show that for nearly seven miles below the junction, both banks of the rivet fall within American territory, including the best military position in-the vicinity. A fair specimeTi of Mexican luck.—JY*. Y.Jour. Com. The New Orleans Bulletin of the 1 lilt inst.,has the following paragraph— Our readers will recollect that in the account df the recent dreadful catastrophe on the Mobile river, in the bunting of the Orlitre St. John-, it was staled that the carpenter of the boat, who had on board three negroes belonging to himself and liis brother jumped with the negroes into the yawl boot and cut htf adrift, thus depriving the passengers and crew- of the only means of escape; and causing- the terrible loss of life that followed. This wretch name was Robert McCaw, was met a few days afterwards nt Cahawha.and immediately kill ed by the pilot nf tlie Orline St. John. We havfc nut learned the particulars. fit}- A recent letter from Jamaica slates that the poverty and industrial prostration of that island arc almost incredible. It says that since 1832, out of the six hundred and fifty-three sugar estates then in cultivation, more than one hundred and fifty have been abandoned and the works broken up. This has thrown out of cultivation over 200,000 acres of rich land, which, in 1832, gave employment to a bout 30,000 laborers, and yielded over 15,000 hogs heads of sugar, and over 6,000 puncheons of rum. During the same period over five coffee planta tions have been abandoned and thfeir works broken up. This threw out of cultivation over 200,000 acres more of land, which in 1832, required the la bor of over 30,000 men. Distressing Occurrence.—We are pained to announce that on yesterday morning about 10 o’ clock, a horse attached to a butcher’s wagon at tbe Old Market, became frightened, broke aft ay from the boy who was driving, and dashing wildly up Main street, bolted upon the pavement near Market Bridge, and ran over Mrs. Fiances Regnauit of this city, and a servant woman, who were both in stantly killed, ( ,, . „ , By this sad and sudden death of Mrs. Regnaplt, a large family is deprived of a fond and attentive parent, and the community of a worthy and charit able lady.—R. Whig. 0t>-The N. Y. Journal of Commerce mentions that a chain of gold, of a value exceeding $400,purd as it came from the mines, is about to be presented to the Hon. Daniel Webster, having been forward ed for that purpose by Mr. George W. Eggleston, of San Francisco, at which place it was manufac^ lured. It is intended as an acknowledgment of Mr; Webster’s eminent success in the cause of the Un ion of the States. The Journal says of it: It is, indeed, emblematic of that strong chain, forged by our ancestors, which Mr. Webster has done more than any other man living to rivet and strengthen, which binds together this grea^confed eracy of States into one united republic,—so solid it is, so strong, so massive. Among the memorials recently presented to Utd U. S. Senate, is one from Dr. J. H. Pultfe, of Cin cinnati, who proposes the construction of a telegraph to connect the old world with the new, and asW such action by Congress as may contribute to the realisation of his project. The route proposed is a-' cross'the continent tosomfe point in California; thenctf along the coast to Bhering’s straits ; thence arros* those straits, and through Northern Asia and Eu^ rope, to St. Petersburgh, and the western cities or Europe. New mouth for the Mississippi.—’Phi peo-' pie of Louisiana are thinking seriously of opfenitlg* month to the Mississippi into Lake Ponchhrtain,haclc of New Orleans. It is believed that it would relieve the river of its floods, and prevent any euch imibltf overflows as that of last year. In a commercial poinf of view the point is also commended. R would o-' pen a direct comitiounicalion with the Gulf and At-' lantic States, and render the troublesome, lealoufl/ and expensive navigation of the Mississippi use less. _ Admission ot California.—1 he N. O.fJulle tin says, that of the members who formed the Con' vention which lately adopted the constitution of California, seventy-one from the slave States, antf forty-eight from the rest of the world. 1 he exclu sion of slavery having been by an urranttnoas vote/ savs the Bulletin, is pretty convincingevidence tha» even fhode from slave-holding States considor th* country entirely tin3ttitable for the institution. A letter in the New Orleans Picayune Stales that many of the public records of Louisian* have beert materially damaged, and rendered perfectly useles* in case of reference, by the TaTavre Vi* a Sect, the same as that described by Humboldt an J other travellers in S<»mh and Mexico. Th® Recorder of the Parish of Carroll, Louisiana,write* fhat the entire acts of 1837, 1838, 1839 and up «</ 1841, are destroyed.