Newspaper Page Text
“"THURSTON'S FOUNTAIN HOTEL, (formkrlt beltzhoover’s,) Head of Light, near Baltimore Street, Baltimore. ■ . PI^HE increased patronage of this I°nff f&tablish -*• ed and popular Hotel, under the manage ment of its present Proprietor,has inspired him with further energy and determination, and no e'xpense or attention of his or that of his Assistants will be spared, to maintain with the patronsof the “h oun tain” the reputation it held all over the country in its ‘‘palmiest days” of fie/fzhoot'er’sconduclorship. To increase its former attractions and comforts, during the past season, the Hotel has undergone many changes, the Proprietor having made heavy outlays in introducing some of the bc«t and latest Improvements—which together with its central po sition, being located in the very heart of the bust nesss portion ofthe city, and near the centre of Bal timore Street, and within a tew minutes walk ic all the Depots and Steamboat Landings, it invites the Merchant, the Farmer, the Artizan, as well as the Man of Pleasuse to make the Fountain 1u> tcl his home during his sojourn in Baltimore, THE LADIES’ DEPAUT3IEM’, Containing Private Parlors, Saloons. Reception Rooms, ordinary, and extensive suites of large and airy Chambers, tilted up in a style and elegance that cannot fail to give satisfaction and com hut. Porters are attached to the “Fountain, "ho may be recognized by the Badges on their flats, and are always in attendance at the different De pots and Steamboat Landings, who will receive Checks, take charge of Baggage and convey it to the Hotel. PHIXEAS THURSTON. Proprietor. Baltimore, March 13, 1850.—lm. Valuable Property tor Sale. VIRGINIA At a Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery held for Augusta County, at the Court House, on Monday June the doth, *810, r%t. . , Thomas J. Michte. acting Executor of Michael Garber, doc’d.—Plaintiff, against William A. Menzies and Elizabeth his wife, and others—Defendants. This cause came on this day to be heard, on the Bill, the answer of Sarah J. Harman. M. G. Har man, William H. Garber, Ann C. Garber, A. M. Garber, C. Garber, H. H. Robertson, and Caroline E. his wife, and of J. C. Michie, A. N. Michie, Sarah J. Mic hie, Benjamin F. Michie, Thomas J. Michie, Henry B. Michie, and Margaret R. G. Michie, minors, by Nicholas C. Kinney iheirguar dian ad litem, also the answer of Albert J. Garber and the exhibits and order of publication duly exe cuted against the absent defendants, WiiliaiuA. Menzies and Elizabeth his wife, Alexander M. Gar ber, and Michael C. Garber, and was argued by Counsel. On consideration whereof the Court is of opinion, that it would be best for all concerned, that the Real Estate of the testator Michael Gar ber, should be sold—It is therefore adjudged, order ed and decreed, that Thomas J. Michie the Exec utor of the said Garber, be and he is hereby appoint ed a Commissioner, whose doty it shall be after having tirst advertised the lime and place of sale in the Newspapers published in the town ofStaun ton, and also in some Newspaper published in the City of Richmond for at least six weeks, to proceed to sell the Real Estate of said M. Garber, dec’J., situated in the Town of Staunton and elsewhere in thn County of Augusta, to the highest bidder, at public auction, on the following terms, viz: One sixth of the purchaso money to be paid in hand, and the balance in five eipial semi annual instalments, the purchaser to give bond with approved security for the deterred payments, and a lien to be retained on tho property sold as additional security; and the saiii Commissioner is at liberty it he thinks the sale will be promoted thereby, to divide the property into such parcels as may best suit the purchasers, aud report his proceedings to this Court for its sanc tion or disapproval Extract, Teste, CHAP. J. KINNEY, d. c. IN obedience to the foregoing order, the under signed a Commissioner appointed lor that pur pose, will on the 3Uth day ot April, 1850, expose to Public Sale, in the Town of Staunton, in front of the Virginia Hotel, that well known and valua ble Tavern Property in the said Town—called the Bell Tavern. The Lot is large with a stream of water running through it, and the Rail Road also passes through it. " The rear of the Lot after laying off enough ground with the buildings for all Tavern purjjoses, will be divided into smaller lots to suit purchasers. This laveru Lot trouts about eighty feet on the public street, and is the most con venient site to the llail Hoad Depot, that can be selected for a Tavern. The buildings are large and chiefly of Brick, sufficient for the accommodation at once of many guests and boarders. Before the day of sale convenient building lots for Store-houses and Lumber-houses will be laid off on both sides ot the Rail Road track, and sold separately. Also a large Lot on the hill back of the Tavern, will be sold separately, suitable for pasture or cultivation. Will be so hi, also, at the same time and place, a valuable out lot, containing about two acres, about one mile from Staunton, on the right hand of the Parkersburg road ; also another lot of about two a cres, on the°Jentiings’ Gap road, and another lot of about twenty Acres, partly cleared, on the Augusta Springs road. The terms of sale will be those stated in the fore guing unler. T„og. j. MICHIE> C„m. March 6, 1850.—tds. gy The Republican Vindicator. Richmond Republican and Richmond Enquirer will pleas» in sert this advertisement, the two latter, twice a week till day of sale and forward their accounts to the Spectator office for payment. VIRGINIA :—At Rules held in the Clerk’s Of fice of the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for Augusta County, March the 4th, 1850, Robert Dunlap—Plaintiff, AGAINST James Dunlap, Nelson Dunlap and Alexander Crawford—Defendants. The Defendants, James Dunlap and Nelson Dunlap, not having entered their appearance and (riven security, according to the act of Assembly and the Rules of this Court, and it appearing by satisfactory evidence that they are not inhabitants of this Commonwealth : It is ordered, that til said Defendants do appear here on the first Mon.^ y in May next and answer the bill of the Plaiutifi ; and that a copy of this order be forthwith inserted in some newspaper printed in Staunton, for two months successively, and posted at the front door of lire Court-house. A Copy—Teste. C. M. LOVING, d. c. March 13. 1859.—2m. _ PUBLIC SALE. AS Executors of the late John Mtcrs. dec’d., we will offer for sale on Saturday the 6th day of April next, to the highost bidder, two valuable LOTS Or LAND, containing about eleven A cres. These Lots adjoin the lands of Christian Cline. David Myers and Solomon Peters. TERMS.—One halfm hand and the balance in six months, the purchaser giving bond with approv ed security. Sale to commence at 2 o’clock P. M. CHRISTIAN CLINE, JACOB MYERS. Executors. New Hope, March 13, 1850.—4t. SUGAR, COFFEE, SALT, Scc. 1 AA B AGS low Coffee; 100 do. dark urecn Rio, lOU jtj hhds. new crop New Orleans Sugar, 30 bbb». new crop N* O. Molasses, 300 Saeks G. A. Salt, 10 bhls. Water, .Soda and Sugar Crackers, re ceived and for sale by . vvt.0 WOOD &. DANNER. Winchester Depot, Feb. 6, 1850. m IN QUART BOTTLES. For the removal and permanent cure of all Diseases arising from an impure state of the blood or habit of the sijstem, viz.: Scrofula or King’s Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cu i taneous Eruptions» Pimples, or Pustules ou the taco, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring norm or Toter, Scald Head, Enlargement anil pain of the Bones and Joints, Si-bborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Symptoms, Sciatica, or Lumbago ; and diseases arising from an in judicious use of Mercury, Aoitites or Dropsy, Expo sure or imprudence in life ; also, Chronic Cotwutntional Disorders, &c. This Medicine has acquired a very extended and es tablished reputation wherever it has been used, based entirely on its own merits, which its superior efficacy has alone sustained. The unfortunate v icum of hered itary disease, with swollen glands,contracted sinews, i and bones half carious, has been restored to healt h and I vigor. The scrofulous patient, covered with ulcers, loathsome to himself and his attendants, has been made whole. Hundreds of persons, who had groaned hope lessly for years under cutaneous and glandular disor ders, chronic rheumatism, and many other complaints springing from a derangement of the secretive organs and the circulation, have been raised as it wore from the rack of disease, and now, with regenerated consti tutions, gladly testify to the cfiicacy ot this inestimable P"‘tRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION.” The attention of the reader is called to the following astonishing cure, effected by the use of Sands’ Sarsa r*l'n'iis is to certify that I have a colored woman who has been afflicted for the last live years with Scrofula, and all the remedies I used had no effect in arresting ! the progress of the complaint; on the contrary, she con stantly grew worse; and alter expending between §70 and §80 with physicians, besides using other popular remedies without success, till the disease had eaten a way the cartilage of her nose, made its appearance on various parts ot her body, and had finally commenced its ravages in the roof of her mouth. In this dreadful situation, with the prospect of death staring her in the face, 1 stated her case to Dr. Disos way, the apent for Sands* Sarsaparilla in Newbern, y. C by whom I was advised to use that article ; and to my surprise and that of my neighbors, to whom her case was kuown, after using four and a half bottles she was restored to perfect health, and that in the space ot three weeks, and was able to work in two weeks from the lime she commenced taking it. In witness of the truth of this statement, I have here i “W *'“x"‘ ^ "““josEPH McCOT!llEB.“"'p. Mouth of Ncuse River, Cravou co., N. C. SORE THROAT. : (. The following is an extract from a letter received i from Mrs. Bevan, who had been afflicted several years with Scrofulous Ulcers, Dyspepsia, &c, and recently ; an aff ection of the throat and clu st Jiaileijtbtug, l-a, Dec 13, l84o. Messrs A B & D Sands : Before I commenced using your Sarsaparilla, my suffering were almost past ex pression ; my throat was completely ulcerated, I had a dreadful cough, and there were frequently weeks to gether that I could not speak above a whisper; and be sides, the inflamation Iroiu my throat extended to my head, so that uiv hearing was very much impaired. At tcr taking the Sarsaparilla a short time, my health im proved, and my throat is now well; I am as free from cou»h and tightness of the chest as ever 1 was, and can hear quite distinctly. My throat has been well about three months, the cure ofwhich has been eltected en tirely by the use of your Sarsaparilla. Your friend; LOUISA R BEVAN. The following testimonial to the value of the Sarsa parilla, is from the Rev Luther Wright, aged 76 years, Congregational Minister, residing at Woburn. * Woburn, Muss, March 30th, 1846. Messrs. Sands; Gentlemen—From what I have ex perienced, and from the information I have recently re ceived from a number of persons of high respectability who have used your Sarsaparilla, I have not the least doubt but that it is a most valuable medicine, and that the numerous certificates you have received of its effi cacy arc fully sustained by experience, and although its reputation and utility are very extensive, and stand in no need of my humble efforts to increase them, I want all who are afflicted by disease to become acquainted with the efficacy and power of your valuable medicine. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A B & D SANDS. Druggists and Chemists. 100 Fulton street, corner of William New York. Sold also by Druggists generally throughout the United States and Canadas.— I’nce §1 per Bottle ; six Bottles for §5. Agent in Staunton, Dr. E. BERKELEY . Feb. 13, 1800. To Phvfcicians, Hrnggiits and Country Merchants. DR J N. Keeler and Bro. most respectfully solicit attention to their fresh slock of English, t, 1 Herman and American Drags, Medicine*, Chemical*, i Paints, Oils, Dye Stairs, Glassware, Perfumery, Patent j Medicines, &c. Having opened a new Store No. 294 ! MarketSt. with a full supply of Fresh Drugs ami Med I icincs. we respectfully solicit Country dealers to exam I ine ourstock before purchasing elsewhere, promising one i and all who may feel disposed to extend to us theirpa : tronaee, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medicines, ou ' as liberal terms as any other house in the City, and to 1 faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and I with dispatch. ,_. . One of the proprietors being a regular physician at fords ample guarantee of the genuine quality ol all arti cles sold at their establishment, i Wc especially invitedruggistsandcountry merchants, who mav wish to become igcnts for Dr. heeler s Cele brated Family Medicines, (standard and popularreme ; die*.) to forward their address. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respectfully remain, ..ggggn ^ RRO.. Wholesale Druggists, N- Kttceun ^ Ma,ket strcet, Philadelphia. September 19,1849.—Iy» LIGHT! LIGHT! 1 GAL’S. BURNING FLUIDS—The -4UtP dieajjest and most brilliant Light in use. We would recommend it on many accounts to the public.—200 gal’s. Lamp Oil, warranted pare ; 1 300 ll»s. Sperm and Adamantine Candles of sttperi i or quality, just received and for sale by 1 ESKRIDGE & KINNEY, Next door to B. Crawford s. Staunton, Feb. 27, 1830. Bibles find Testaments. __ ; rpHE Augusta County Bible Sociely has a full I A supply°of Bibles and Testaments at the Book S Store of Mr. R. Cowan, in Staunton, where they i can be purchased at the lowest prices. March 13, 1850. HJ. & W. B. CRAW FORD, have in store • and offer for sale. 110 bhls. Fresh Ground Superfine and Family Flour, of various and most approved brands; 4 bbls. Pure Cider Vinegar, war ranted ; A lot of well cured Bacon ; 2 firkins h am ily Lard, and a lot of Venison llams. Staunton, March 13,1850. I rpEAMSTERS, AHOY .'—Wanted irnmediate A ly, hauling to Scottsvillo, for whieh a liberal i price will be given. Enquire of | H. J. 8c W. B. CRAWFORD. March 13, 1850. _ _ FRESH GREEN TEAS.—One Chest Extra Fine Gun Powder 'lVa; f Chest Extra l'ine : Garden Gun Powder Tea; of late importation arid t >f 5ale b/ H. J. & W. B. CRAWFORD. March 13, 1850. fJ'RESH ARRIVALS—Received thisday Fresh •T Figs, Raisins, Almonds, Prunes, Sec., for sale low by the box or pound by E. M. CUSHING, Agent, j March 13, 1850. # j THE PEOPLE HAVE CALLED, Jlad I. Paul and T. Burke haqe answered, ! establishing, at reduced » and fair Tates, A DAY ! LIGHT ACCOMMODA ! TION STAGE, from Winchester to Staunton, in I 4 hours less time than the mail has usually made, i They are thankful for patronage received and the i many expressions of kind feelings on their behalf, j and now in turn must call and depend upon the peo 1 pie to sustain them, promising to run on as lcngas ! wanted, notwithstanding we are threatened with ' extermination, and vengeance is declared against the Union Hotel, of Winchester, while ever a coach is running from her, from whence they think said Coaoh -emanated. True, it has, mainly I because the Coaches of Farish. Peyton, Kemp &. Co., were frequently forbidden to take passengers from said House, ordering them to their office and starting place. Ye who have long wanted th'e accommodation Staor«, give us proof of your works. Call at the Union, Winchester,and McClung’s, Staunton, en joy comfort and plenty at .reasonable rates, and take j seats in Coaches from Winchester every Monday, | Wednesday & Friday, from Staunton, Tuesday, Thursday St Saturday. Fare through $4.' ! ISAAC PAUL, THOMAS BURKE. | January 30, 1850.—tf. 0^"'ISAAC PAUL, Proprietor from Win i chester to New Market. THOMAS BURKE, Proprietor from ! New Market to Staunton. ! TYic V)uletahave taken HoW&a&l -=>«#«>«► _ ! 'piIESE are the times in which men look for the I doings of the world and general information, to the Press” which is, by the-by, the true path-finder j for business men, as well as those who wish to make every Penny count most for themselves. 1 his be ing the order of the day, the undersigned wish to keep with the current, and at the same time give the reader a good hint which path to travel to make his money count most. A few good reasons will i satisfy the reader at once why it is that they can i and will sell any gentleman a suit of Ready made I Clothing, frurn the commonest every day suit, to a fine Sunday and superfine wedding suit, cheaper than any other establishment. In the first place, then, they are able to sell cheaper than other establishments, because they are well acquainted with their business. They buy and sell for Cash, , and know when and where and how to purchase 'their goods. “Goods well bought are half sold Kven if they bad no advantages over any one in their line of business, they can still undersell them, because they require no large profits to make up for I a r^e expenses. They attend to their business them selves, and therefore incur but small exposes, com-1 paratively speaking, in carrying on the same. They sell their Goods for Cash, and therefore require no laro-e profits to make up for loss sustained by credit salos No one will doubt that the Cash system, j together with small profits, is the best modeoi deal I inir and most advantageous to the purchaser. If ' anv one doubts this, he will be convinced of its truth by calling at theCLOIHING AND VA RIETY STORE, Corner of the Virginia Hotel, ! where he will find a largo assortment of all kinds 1 of Rpady-made Clothing, for Men and Boys’wear, such as Cloaks, Over-Coats, Frock, Sack, Business and Dress Coats, Pants and Vests of all descrip tions, Woollen Under shirts and Drawers, all kinds ! of Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Caps and I lats, together with some fancy articles, all of which they will with pleasure exhibit for ex amination to those who call upon them. rl heir pri-, 1 ces are such as will salify every one that this is the place to buy Fall and Winter Clothing. The sub scribers take this occasion to tender to the public their thanks for the liberal patronage which they have thus far received, and respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. FRANK & CO., Corner Room. Virginia Hotel Buildings. Staunton, Oct. 10, 1849.—3m. MiJMlt U If VI /i to S TO 1C to. rpHE Subscriber lias on hand, and is receiving JL frequent additions to a very expensive Stock of Goods in his line, which he offers at very moderate prices. He invites the attention of mechanics, buil ders and Farmers to the extent and variety with the cheapness of his stock, consisting in part of Locks for doors of various kinds, very low, locks for Cupboards, Sills, Chests, Closets, I ad, &.c. I lincres ofiron and brassjall kindsandsizes. Screws, Nails. Brads, Tacks, Bolts, &c. I lardware, from ordinary to the most superior kinds ; Tenent, Key hole,Compass, Web and Fellow Saws; Mill, Cross cut, and Circular Saws. Knives and Forks, Ivory, j in sets of 51 ps. ; also a large variety by the dozen; Pen, Pocket, Butcher, Carver, and Shoe Knives* Silver plated, German, Briilannia and Iron Spoons, Scissors and Shears ; Razors and Strops. Chopping, Broad and Hand Axes; Hatchets, Hammers, Au gers, Braces and bits, and Bits separately. Brass and Iron Andirons ; Shovels and Tongs ; Candle sticks Shovels, Spades and Forks; Steel of all kinds,’ Rod and Square rolled iron in various sizes. Carryall tire, Eliptic Springs and Axles, Trsse and Halter Chains. Blacksmith Bellows, Anvils, and Hammars; Jack-screws; Screw-plates; Stir rups, Bits, Saddlery of various kinds; Pistols,Guns, &.c ’ Together with a great variety of articles too ' numerous to mention. * G. E. PRICE. Staunton, January 23, 1350. NOTICE—CASK STORE. rplIE undersigned, desirous of enlarging his bu 1 siness, will offer his entire stock of WELL SELECTED GOODS, after the 15th inst.,at greatly reduced prices, kor cash and cash only—at whiclt lime he is deter mined to close his Books. All persons having open accounts with him, are respectfully and earnestly requested to call as early i as possible and close them by Bonds or otherwise. Me is in hopes that his old customers will continue to deal with him. as he is determined to make it to their interest as well as to the interest of all to do so. W'e WILLIAM KYLE. Staunton, Jan. 16, 1850.—tf. NOTICE. rpME subscribers having formed a Partnership I under the style and firm of Ragland & Hooe, for the purpose of doing a Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Business in the town of Scotls vifle, respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. They are prepared to transact business of this character as favorably and with as much prompt ness and despatch as any house m the place, and pledge themselves to spare no efforts to render sat isfaction to their patrons. They are prepared to furnish Salt, Plaster and Groceries of every 1 description, «t ihe lowest rye®'^ RAGLAND, THOS. I*. HOGE. :j Scottsville, Jan. 9, 1850.__ The Latest style of Hats and Caps. J’ UST opened, every variety of Hats and Caps of a superior quality; Hats from $1 to »5;Caps from 25 cts., 50 cts., 75 cts., $1, $1 25, $1 50, to 1 ! the finest Otter for $6 50J; also, Perl Water goof, Santa Fe, Rough and Ready and Glazed Hats, i Northwestern, Black and Brown, Men and Boy 8 oh^ap indeed. CM -JP-Jt. 1 Staunton, Nov. 14, 1849. it. ! “aNDSTXI* THEY GORIEI” BARE & STERRETT have just received by express from Philadelphia, a lot of GAbbl 1 MERES AND VESTINGS of the latest agony. , | Alsu, a fresh supply of Oyer Coat Cloths suitable , ’ for the present season, all of which will be made i up in the latest style, and on terms that cannot fail | tf> please. ' j Staunton, "Dec. 12, 1349. MRS. LEROY P. DANGERFIELD purpo ses opening near the Warm Springs, Bath County, Yra.,a School for the Education of young Ladies. AM the usual English Branches will be taught, togethef with French, and Music on the Guitar. Particular attention will be given to the domestic instruction of young Ladies. Terms for board, and tuition in the English Branches, will be $100 per session of ten months—payable, $50 in ad vance, the balance at the end of the session.^ This includes all expenses excepting Books and Station ary, which -parents and guardians are expected to furnish. For French and Music, an extra charge of$!0each, will be made. The School will be under the immediate supervision of Mrs. D. and young Ladies will be treated as membersof her own family. The location is healthy and accessible, being mid way between the Warm and Hot Springs—Daily Stages passing the dooT during the Summer season and Tri- weekly in the Winter—so that parents or guardians may see their children or wards, in case ofsickness, without delay. The School will com mence about tbe 10th of September and continue until the 10th of July, makhtg July and August the vacation months. She begs leave to make the following references— Rev. T. T. Casteeman, Staunton. Col. A. S. Gray, Harrisonburg. Gen. S. H. Lewis, Port Republic. Mr. G. G., Principal of the Rappahannock Academy. Dr. Arch. P. Strother, Bath Court-house. August 15, 1849.—tf. JEWELRY, &c., AT O.VE DOOR EAST OF M. CUSHING’S. rpHF. subscriber has just received frem Philadel A phia and Baltimore, a large and well selected STOCK OF JEWELRY, Consisting of fine and plain Gold and Silver atchcs, Breastpins, Finger Rings; Gold, Silver and Gilt Buckles; Ear Rings, Bracelets, Slides, Collar Buttons, Studs, fine Gold Guard and Fob Chains, Lockets, Gold and Silver Spectacles, Gold and Silver Thim- j hies, fine Gold Watch Keys, Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Pens, Pen and Pocket Knives, Port Monaic, Souvcnirb, Silver ami other Case®, Silver Tuck Combs, ^ Darts, Coral, Pocket-Books, Purses, a new article of Percussion Caps, Pistols, Steel and Gilt Fob Chains, Pencil Points, Scissors, Shields, Goggles,Shawl Pins; a lar»r assortment of Silver Wnre, consisting in part of Butler Knives, Tea and Tnble Spoons, Forks, Mu®s, Fruit Baskets, Candlesticks, Castors, Tea and Coffee Setts Girondoles, Can-*, Whips. Clocks, and all oth er articles usually kept in the best Jewelry Stores. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry carefully repaired and warranted. 1 DAVID S. BEAR. Staunton, Nov. 7, 1849. _ FRESII ARRIVAL OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac., AT ONE DOOR WEST OF M. CUSHING’S. THE undersigned has just returned from Phila delphia with a lat*e and elegant assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, and other articles in his line, which will be sold lower than ever, and to which he invites the alien- j tiun of his friends and the public generally. His stock consists in part of fine Gold and Silver Watch- i t-g ; Gold Neck, Fob and Vest Chains ; Ear and Fin- I gcr Rings, Breastpins, Miniature Cases,Gold andSil- i ver Pencils and Pens, Lockcjs, Bracelets, Clasps, Kevs, Studs, Slides. &c. Also, Silver Table, Des- j seri and Tea Spoons ; Sugar Tongs, Butter Knives, I Salt Spoons, Spectacles, Thermometers. Magnets, Microscopes, Spy Glasses, Penknives, Perfumery, i Fancy Articles, ike., &c. . • ngr Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired ; and warranted. GEORGE B. WRIGlIl. j Staunton, Nov. 7, 1849. j Stock Transportation on the Louisa Rail-road ri^HE owners of Slock are hereby notified that provision is made for receiving of Stock on the Cars at Shadwell Mills, to be transported from : thence to the place called the Junction on the Rich- j niond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Rail-road, on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening, j It would he well for Drivers of Stock to write | on to Mr. Edward J. Timberlake, Depot Agent at i Shadwell, where there is a Post Office, (letters to be post-paid) for a day or two at least previously to j the arrival of the Stock, giving notice of the time I when the Slock is expected to arrive at Shadwell, j with the number of head and descriptions of Stock, j C. R. MASON. | Superintendent Transportation Louisa R. R. November 7, 1849.—tf. 1 W A YNESBOROUGH MESSRS. WHITE Sc CO., are now receiving and opening in Waynesborough, a large and carefully selected slock of Drugs, Med icines, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs ,and all the Patent Remedies of the age. The necessity and convenience of such an establishment to the citizens and those residing in the vicinity of \\ aynesboro’, must be manifest to everyone. We, therefore, hope that by keeping A Full Assortment, Selling loro and strict attention to business to be amply sustained by i the public. A. S.. WHITE &- CO., Next door below John VV'ayt, Esq. | Norember 28, 1849.____ SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES. ; ^ BOXES, Thick sole for Men j . 3 do., Kip ar.d Calf do.; 2 do., Youth and Boys, cheap ; 2 do., Water proof, double sole, for Men ; 1 do., Cork Sole; 3 do., Coarse Brogans for servants, all sizes; 2 do., Fine Calf and Kip Shoes, do., do.; 2 do., Buffalo and Gum Over-shoes for Men and Boys, and every thing necessary to keep you warm and dry ir> winter. Call quick and make a selection, opposite the Post Office, on Main Street, ! where you can always get the best bargains. | D. xM. HUFFMAN. Staunton, Nov. 14, 1849._ Clothing at Reduced Prices TlfE invite the attention of the public to-our ▼ ▼ WINTER STOCK OF CLOTHING, which we desire to self off, in order to make room 1 for a new stock of Spring Goods. We have on hand Servant’s Coats, as low as $2 OQ—and all other sorts of Clothing which we have considerably re * duced in price. Caff and see, and convince you-rselves of the fact, that you can buy of the undersigned cheaper than any where else. WALDEAUR & POLLITZ. Staunton, Jan. 16, 1850. _ NEWBOOKS* MEMOIRS of William Wirt. by J. P. Kenne dy, a new and revised edition, at half the price of the first edition; The Mechanic’s Text Book and Engineer’s Pocket Guide; The Ameri can House-Carpenter; Benjamin’s Architect'; Ray’s Algebra, part first; Parke’s Arithmetic; Day’s Al gebra; Bo I Hurt’s Greek Reader; Methodist Hymn Books, revised edition; Scott’s Family Bible; Web ster’s Quarto Dictionary ; Johnston’s Natural Phi losophy ; LeBrun’s Telemaque; Gillie’s Greece; Kev to Davie’s Algebra; &c.,&.c., just received and for sale by ROBERT COWAN, I Staunton, Jan. 30, 1850. LIGHT! LIGHT!! LIGHT!!! WE have just received a beautiful assortment of ETHERIAL OIL I AMPS, and will al ways keep on hand the very firs* quality of Etheriaf Oil. WREN, HARPER !>' KINNEY. Staunton, Feb. 6, 1850. POWDER.—30 Kegs Rock Powder; 15 do. Rifle do.; for sale low by WOOD Sc DANNER. Winchester Depot, Feb. 6, 1850. Plantation and Mills for sale. I OFFER for sale a Tract of Land lying on the South Fork of Rockfish River, in Nelson Coun ty, adjoining the lands of James Woods, Esq., Mr. Samuel Woods and others, containing by old i Purvey between FIVE AND SIX HUNDRED ACRES, a considerable portion of which is Rockfish low grounds and branch flats. I he balance is all ara ble high land of good quality—indeed is very su perior. The low grounds and branch flats fine meadow land. There is on the tract an ample supply of timber, and one or two very desirable rock quarries. The improvements consist of a Mill, propelled by Rockfish river, built in modern style, with cast iron machinery, and two pair of stone*—the base ! ment story of stone; a good Saw Mill, good framed ! Barn, Corn Houses, Stables, Tobacco Houses, Ne i trro Houses with brrek chimneys, a small dwelling house, I lco House and other necessary out* houses, arrd an 1 ! Apple Orchard of excellent Winter fruit. Rockfish Valley is situated at the Eastern base ' of the Blue Ridge Mountain, is a high and roman tic country, alike remarkable for its beauty, health fulness and fertility : and the tract now offered for sale has long been regarded among the most desira ble in that section of country. It is distant from ! Howardsville on James River, and the Canal, a : bout eighteen miles; from the contemplated Depot i 0n the^Railroad now in progress from Charlottes ' ville, across the Blue Ridge, to Staunton, only : eight or ten miles; twenty miles from the Univer ! sj|y of Virginia, and about fifteen from Staunton. 1 The terms will be made to accommodate the pur chaser, and a good baigain may be had by early ap plication to James M. Harris, Esq., who resides on the land. He may also be addressed by letter, di ,e«ed ,o Grunfiad, November 28, 1849.—tf. , Valuable Real Estate iu Market. (OFFER for sale my Tract of Land, lying and being in Augusta County, three miles South of Mt. Solon, and one and a half miles North of Par- j nassus—bounded on the East by the Warm Springs | I and Harrisonburg Turnpike road. This Tract contains something upwards of 270 | Acres, of as good Land as any in the Cpunty of | Augusta, and is substantially and comfortably im- 1 proved, having on it a commodious DWELLING i HOUSE, good Barn, and other necessary build- | ings. There are upwards of 100 ACRES of this i Tract cleared, enclosed and in a high strtfe of culti vation—a spring of lime-stone water nearthe dwel- J ling house, and an Orchard of as good fruit as any j in the County. I will sell this Land on accommodating terms as regards the payments—and I think I can give pos- . session to a purchaser on the 1st of April next, so far as to enable him to pul in a Spring crop. If this Land is not sold before the 31st day of May next, I will on that day offer it for sale to the highest bidder on the premises. If 1 sell before that day the public shall be duly notified thereof; * 1 ARMSTRONG RANKIN. January 'G, 1850.—ids. Rockingham Register insert until sale, and forward account to this office for collection. AUGUSTA LAND FOR SALE. rpHF. tract of Land belonging to the Estate of Ra A chel. Logan, dec’d., is in market. The Land is situated on the head waters of Christian’s Creek, half mile N. E. from Greenville, and eleven miles S. VV. from Staunton, on the Western or Cross Keys Road leading from Greenville to Staunton. The Tract contains 208 Acres, of which about 160 Acres are cleared and in cultivation, the bal ance is well timbered.. This Landis of a good nudity, and is well watered. There are some nine j or ten Acres of excellent Meadow, and fully as l much more could be made with a little labor. 1 he Buildings are a comfortable double LOG I10LSE, j containing eight rooms, a Kitchen, with a good 1 Spring convenient; good Barntand oilier necessary j out-houses. This is considered to lie one amongst ' the best Tracts of Land in this part of ihe County, j The Land will be sold in parcels or in a body to' 1 suit the conveniences of purchasers. The title is j i unquestionable. . I TERMS.—One-third of the purchase money in ! hand_one-third in twelve months—one-third in two years. The title will be retained until the j bonds mature and payment is made. Persons wish ! ing to buy Land will do well to look at this before j purchasing elsewhere. Joseph A. Logsti or Y\ m. M. Logan will lake pleasure in showing the Land to any one who may wish to purchase. OCJ- Applications to purchase to be made to Jos. A. Logan. „ ROBERT LOGAN, WM. M. LOGAN, JOS. A. LOGAN, Executors of Rachel Logan, dec’d. March 6, I860.—4t. gjfgr Rockingham Register copy three times. LAND FOR SALE IN AUGUSTA. MY Land is still in Market. On account of the bad weather on the 4th of December, 1 did j not offer my Land on that day, but now propose selling a small FARM lying on both sides of the [ main road leadingfrum Staunton to Greenville, and half a mile above G. M. Cochran’s Mill, contain ing upwards of 100 Acres, with a good site for water-power machinery. 1 he Land is productive, well watered and well timbered. Any person wish ing to purchase, will be shown the Land by Archi bald A. McPheters, in the neighborhciod, or John Rumels, who resides on the place. Terms to suit the purchaser, and possession given of the whole any day. GEORGE HUDSON, j February 27, 1850.—117A. gjjgy* Rockingham Register copy. VIRGINIAAt rules held in the Clerk’s Of fice of the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for Augusta County, Monday the 4th day of February, 1850. Anson P. Norton, Morris Owen and Alexander C. Norton, late partners in trade under the style and ; firm of Norton, Owen Sc Co.—Plaintiff!*, AGAINST Henry I. Deal and Henry Swoope late partners in trade under the style and firm of Deal & Swoope and Peter Swoope—Defendants, IN CHANCERY. The Defendants Henry I. Deal and Henry | Swoope, late partners as aforesaid not having enter- j ed their appearance and given security, according to the act of Assembly, and the Rules of this Court, and it appearing by satisfactory exidence that they are not inhabitants of this Commonwealth : It is ordered, that the said Defendants do appear at the Clerks Office of the said Court, on the first Mon day in May next, and answer thebill ofthe plaintiff and that a copy be forthwith inserted in some news paper published in Staunton, for two months suc cessively, and posted at the front door of the Court house. A Copv—Teste, CHAP. J. KINNEY, d. c February 13, 1850.—2m.__ To Land Buyers. A NY one wishing to bny a Tract of 430 A* ORES of good Land, well improved, with in 6 miles of Staunton, having npon it a Mill, Saw mill, &.C., and water power for any sort of mach'wr • ery, will find it to his advantage to confer with J. D. IMBODEN. 03- Address Staun'on, Va.,‘for particulars. ' November 14, 1849.—Gm. FOR SALE OR RENT, A VALUABLE HOUSE and Lot in New Hope^ The Lot contains about three Acres amMne mohsc .» a good two-story Brick Building. Th«» « also on the lot a good Barn, Gran ery fnIn«,nr houses—also a well of good waf«?r* Apply to J no . Barger, Esq„ residing in SHAFER. I January 9, 1850.—6m*. •TYm* Establishment* * COACH JiIANYSY ACTORY. THE undersigned having bought the interest of James Maksteller, in the concern of Har dy &., beg leave to inform the pub lic, that they have increased their Stock, and will continue to manufacture all kinds or Work in their line—such as Chariotees, Rockaways, Phaetons, and Buggies, in the most fashionable style, of the best materials) and on terms to suit the purchaser. EspecialRt- . tention given to all kinds of repairing. From the specimens of work sent from our shop, we flatter ourselves to have given satisfaction, and wirti a de* termination to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed, the undersigned pledge themselves to renewed efforts to please.-** Shop near the Bank. HARDY & BROTHERS. May 16, 1849. THRESHING MACHINES. -:u: — * FOR the construction of all kinds of Machinery.) we have & Shop near to our Carriage Manu factory, where we are prepared to build threshino machines and to do all other work appertaining to Machinist! HARDY fc BROTHERS. Staunton, May 1G, 1849.—tf. ~B00T~ANH SHOE FACTORY. -b FRESH ARRIVALS. AM. SIMPSON returns his sincere thank* * to his friends and' the public generally for their patronage, and hopes by a strict attention to business and a willingness to please, to merit a con tinuance of the same. He has just returned from Baltimore and Philadelphia, where he has purchas ed a handsome stock of materials fur the manufae of BOOTS AND SHOES, of every description; Fretfch Calfskins, a very superior article for Roots; French and Italian Lastings, fur Ladies’ Gaiters; Moroccos and Kid of all descriptions, for Ladies, Misses and Children’s wear; also Cork Ssles, for Ladies’ Winter Shoes; all ofwhieh will be made to order at the shortest notice and in the neatest style. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. fgy~ Ladies’ White Kid Shoes made to order, for Weddings and Parties, at a short notice. Staunlon, Oct. 24, 1849. Rockingham Register copy three months. BARE kSTERRETT, Merchant Tailors. GRATEFLL to their friend* and the public for the liberal patronage they have received, would re spectfully announce that they have j«*t received the finest stock of CLOTHS, CASS1MERES AND VESTINGS, ever broaght to this market, and which having been purchased in Philadelphia, by one of the firm, ou advan tageous terms, they are now prepared to make into ev ery variety of garment for gcullemtn’s wear, at the shortest notice. They have also received the FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS for 1849, and feel warranted in saying, froaa their experience in business, that all work executed by them will be done in the neatest and most fashionable st vie. N. B.—Babe & Stebbbtt hare purchased in the Northern Market, a handsome variety of READY-MADE CLOTHING-, of all kinds, which they will.sell at prices which cannot fail to please, and the workmanship will be warranted. ALSO—Shibts. Bosoms, Cbavats, Sl-sfendebs, &c., &c. Call and sec at the Brick building above the Virginia Hotel. ' Staunton, Oct. 17, 1819. FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. rPHE undersigned take this method of informing * their friends and tlio public generally that they have just received the Fall ami Winter Fashions and are now prepared to make work in the mosl fashionable style for the season. They have remov ed to the frame building one door above Rob’t Cow an’s Book Store, w here they will be ready to attend to all orders punctually. All work entrusted t»> them will be executed in the neatest manner and watranted to give satisfaction. ! Qcy- Country Produce and Wood taken in ex ! change for work. W. J. & i. G. POTTER. I Staunton, Sept. 19, 1849. O’REAIl Si TANQJJAUY, BEG leave, most rcjpetcfally, to tender their thanks to their friends and the public, generally, for (he very liberal patronage they have received since tbfcy have been in bniriness,—and they take tbi* method of informing the public that they have received the Fall and Winter Fashions, and arc prepared to exeente, to order, all work that may be entrusted to their hands. If a desire to please, and a determination on their part, to make good and sub stantial work, will give any claim to patronage, the public may rest assured that no pants will be spared to> deserve a conntiuuancc ol the custom they have hereto fore received. Staunton, Oct. 17, 1849. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE subscriber* have now received their full stock of TOBACCO, SNUFFS AND SEGARS, whiefc added to their slock of home manufacture, enables tkeas to oiler inducements to purchasers to deal with fleas.— The choicest brands ot'i’objpco will so* be found a* their establishment, together with every description of , Segars, both imported and home made. No pains or i expense will be spared to render every satisfaction U» ' those bestowing their custom on their establishment.— ' Merchants and others will find it to their interest to ex— ' amine oar stock before purchasing elsewhere. ! C. T. COCHRAN It CO Stannton, Oct. 17, 1849. LAMPS yL AMPS 1! 1ATE are just receiving and always-keep oft han/^ * » a full supply and assortment of Lamps, (soma* beautiful styles) for burning Oil,Lard and Burning: Fluid. Housekeepers are solicited to examine our stock. ESKRIDGE & K!?N^YL Next door to B. Crawford’fc Staunton, Feb. 20,1850. RHW BOOKS. SKETCHES of Virginia, Historical and Bio ~ graphical, by the Rev. YVm. H. Foote, D. D. 5 Life of Mahomet, by Washington Irving; Tbe Queen’s Necklace, by Dumas jSartain’s Magazine «* February, * "“"“tCo(vAN. - gtaanton', Feb. 13, 1850. BAR IRON AND STEEL.—6 Tons assorted ham’d Iron; 6 do. do. Rolled do.; 1 do. A. B Blister Steel; 1 do. Sheet Iron; 2 do. Round and Square Iron. For sale by ^ WOOD 8c DANNER Winchester Depot/ Feb. 6, 1850. Tanners, fish and sperm oil.—10 bbls. best Tanners’ Oil 5 1 hhd. Fish Oil; I ! bbl. Sperm Oil, for sale by ! r WOOD & DANNER Winchcster Depot, Feb. 6S 1850