Newspaper Page Text
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23 IS9O Loea! Department. Phil Knnpp. Optician, will remain in Staunton until thc2B'.b. court day. . . -o- ♦- — Clinnce ior a Rargaln. New Domestic -sewing Machine Cheap. Those wishing a bargain iv a new Domestic Sewing Machine should Ball at the Spectator ofne . This machine is just from the factory and has never leen used. The owner having no use for it will sell it cheap for cash, A bar gain can be had. Nothing equals the bucmss of A. B. 0. Rem edies. Try it aud you will bo convinc3d. Valuable Lands for Sale.—We Invite at tention to the advertisement of the sale of valuable lands by Thomae D. RausoD, Com missioner. These lands are desirable and the terms are eaßy. furUsbin-j a good opportunity for a safe and profitable Investment. Victor Pain Balm will euro the worst caso o cramp colic, cholera morbus, or diarrhrea In 10 minutes. Ask for it. Try it. . —o— ♦ — Miss Mary B. Shipley an InsanePatienj. —Misi Mary Bebeooa Shipley, wbo was arrest ed, es More stated, iv Philadelphia some weeks ago for shop-lilting, has been adjudged insane, and has been placed for treatment in the private hospital of Dr. J. S. Conrad ol St. Denis. Md., near the Relay House about nine miles from Baltimore. Entitled to tlie Best. All are entitled to tbe best that their money will buy, so every family eh*uld Lave at once a bottle of the best family remedy. Syrup ot Figs, to cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in 50e and $1.00 bottles by all ending druggists. Staunton school Girls in Washington City.—The Washington correspondent of the Alex. Gazette, under date of the I6th inst.. says:— "The beautiful aud accomplished young ladles or the Weolyan Female Institute at Staneton. Va.,0l which Dr. Harris, a brother of Judge John T. Harris, is principal, are now the guests of the Metropolitan Hotel. They went to Mt. Vernon to-day on the steamer Corcoran Their presence added greatly to the attractions of that place." s> s» ♦ — For nearly a half century Ayor's Cherry Pectoral bas been the most popular cough rem edy In the world. Tbe constantly increasing demand for this remedy proves it to bo tbe very best specific lor cold3,coughs, and all dis eases of the throat and lungs. * . . Glee and Banjo Clubs —The University of Virginia ulee and Banjo Clubs gave an enter tainment in the Opera-Houso last Friday night, which was much enjoyed as was evi denced by the frequent and rap'uious applause on the parlor the audience. F.very piece, vocal and instrumental, was encored. ♦ —«. —♦ She Suffer ii for 20 Years My wife has suffered for fliteen 7ears from cong stlou and painful menstruation. Afttr using three bottles of Bradfield's Female Keg ulator she is now able to do her house work and go Where sho pleases. J. W. Davis, Moravian Falls, N. C Write to Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.., for further particulars. Sold by all drug gists. » ■» s. Salsofthe Bear L'thia-Spfung Prop erty.—Mr. Henry A. Bear, one of the teachers in the D D, A B.lnstitution, bos sold bis property a few miles below Elkton in Rockingham county,lncluding the Bpar Lilhln Bp-int, for S10,(.00, lo Mes:-rs. Kemp & Co., of Roanoke. t'tls-ap I»«i>. rs. Newspapers, besides the reading matter tbey contain, are valuable fur many ot .er purp. ses in the family,—for putting under carpets, cleaning lamps and windows.polishing stoves starting fires, iSc-aud at the price we sell them—2s cents per hundred—are the cheapest things tbat can be bought. At this low price we will .'urnish good, un elipped papers. Call at the Spectator office and get one or more hundred befare they are all sold. * s> ♦ Leg Beoken—Ou Saturday last, whilst Mr. J. H. Harris, who lives near Fisucrsville. was feeding his horse in Thornburg's stable, in this city, his horse kicked at another horse and struck Mr. Harris ou Ihe left leg.breaking It between the knee and ankle. Dr. F. L.Hen kel lendtred necessary surgical attention. . —<»— . Workca Uke a Cnarni. Bradfleid's Female Regulator worked like a oharm; Improvement been wonderful; cannot express my gratitude. Wish every lady afflict ed would try it. I know it would cure them. Mrs. Lcla A. Long, Spring Grove, Fla„ Write the Bradfleld Regulator Company, A tlanta, Ga,, for further particulars. Sold by all druggists. New Companies Organized—The James River Cement Co., at Balcony Falls has been organized with Asher Harman, jr., as P.esi dent, and Messrs. W. H. H. Lynn, and Alex. and Lewis Harman as Directors. The Montrose Land and Improvement Co., Of which Mr, J. Howard Way t, of this city, is President, has its principal office at Buena Vista. Among the Directors are P. A, Baylor and J. F. LaDdes, of this city. «—*.—s> ■ Make Your Ueiuuns—Capt. Crowder, the Commissioner of the Revenue, has left blanks with all persons liable, upon which to m.ike returns of persona! property, but many nave failed to do co. They are now reminded of the matter aud ho hopes there will be no longer delay. 1 .—.»—s. Facts Worth Knowing. In ail diseases of the nasal mucous mem brans the remedy used must be non-Irritating Tbe medical profession bas been slow to learn this. Nothing satisfactory can be accomplish ed with douches, snuffs; powders or syringes, because they are all irritating, do not thor oughly ri-fcli the afl' cted surfaces and should be abandoned a* worse than failures. A mul titude of persons who had for years borne ail the worry and pain that catarrh cau Inflict, testify to the radical cures wrought by Ely's Cream Bulm. For tbe delicate and ag. d aud all In whom the vital current is impoverished aud sluggish Sarsaparilla is the very best tonic. It restoies tbe wasted tissues, and imp.iris to ttie system surprising tslasticy and vigor. Prtee $1. "Worth 85 a bottle. New MABKt.T Post-office.—On last Wed nesd.y. air, John 11. Wtekes, having made known his commlHslon, took charge . f tbe postoffieeat New -'ark-.-', Vu., iv piaje of Mr. Lemuel Znkie, who bas been in charge ot it lor li.c putt soventi-tii yi ;.vs, uud w..0 was re moved so. e:y lor political reasons, 'ine-sinae day,l he oihce was totbfl rooms form erly occupied by Ivl -ssis. Calvert i Henkle, at torneys-at miv, and Mr. V, ill Boiler Irom tbe postnrlice at Harrisonburg, Va., was present duri. g the day, instructing Mr. vVickes in his new duties.—Siieuamioah Valley. * : A Peculiar Ueath, -Oa Monday last, the Ulh install t. Miss X b'cca (link c, daughter ol the 'ale .nines Stable, of Failing spring Dis trict, died u.'der cireu.nsi..iuoes peculiarly dis tressing. It seems that, soma week; ago poi son had been put out for rats,and about ten or twelve days before her drain, Miss Hinkle gathered up tlie poison that tiic rats had not consumed t.ogi ther with tbe debris intermixed with the poison, and threw it ou the Are. She inhaled *he Inmes arising from the burning poisonous refuse, and was immediately taken LIU and in spue of ail Ecedical assistance.rupid jLf grew worse until death came to her relief. She was about 23 s ears old. aod was a most es timable young lady. Sue was a nieco o' 'Squire John Lapps, of thi ß place.— Greenbrier (W. Va,) Independent. ' —♦ s> . Fortunuie Cljicagoaus. In the Feb. llth drawing of The Louisiana Btate Lottery two citizens drew cash p-izes which havo made them wealthy. 11. A. fiui bord, 3S Metropolitan Block, is one of tbe lucky citizens. To a Traveler representative Mr. Hulburd said: "I held oue-qtui ter of tick et Wo 10,919 which drew the third capital prize *ol X 1,0 0. The cash, 812,600 was promptly re eelved by ma tbrourh the American Exurein Co." Messrs. diaries Kosminski A bank era at 104 Washington '-t., collected for a cua tomer through tbe state National Bant of N<-w OrtsMM, one twentieth of ticket No. 61 SBS t v i : m hetlnt ouplta! prta- af-tSOO.OOfiin Chlcifffa (111.) Arkansas Trustier, Hmcu 15. Baldwin District F .ir Association. ' TRIBUTE iF RFSPECT TO TBE LATE MR. T'*IIN ! LINCOLN, VICS--PRE«IDENT, FROM ROCKING HAM—MEETING OF TBE BOARD OF DIRECTORS — ARRANGING FOR THE ANNUAL EXHIBIT—A TRADES' DISPLAY AND LIVELY INTEREST. The Board uf Dinctors of the Baldwin Dis trict Fair Association were in session tbe 17th instant perfecting arrangements for toe an Dual exhibit commencing Sept. 30th and con tinuing October 1, 2 and 3. Present, M. Ers kine Miller, President, and J. W. Churchman. M F (jilkeson.S. W. Byeis, H. A. 8. Hamil ton, Jno. W. Todd, Jno. D. Crowle, J. Alex ander Bumgardner, and Q. Julian Pratt. Thedeuth ol VICE-PRESIDENT JOHN LINCOLN, of Rockingham, which occurred since the last meeting ot the Board was communicated, aud thereupon the following tribute r.f respect was adopted :— Whemeas. since the last meeting of the Board of Directors of the Baldwin District Fair Association, a valued member of the same, Mr. Jolin Lincoln, the vice-Presid.'-nt, from Rockingham county, has been removed by death, herefore be it Rcaolved, Ist, That this Roard realizes in the death of Mr. Lincoln a great loss to this insli , tution nnd to the community. 2. That we have realized throughout his service the value that attaches to one so well qualified, so faithful and untiring in zealous effort* ior the public good. 3. Tiiat this testimonial be entend on the records, an* a copy of tlie same be transmitted totl..' iamilyofour deceased friend and fel low laborer. The vacancy occasioned by Ihe il-sili of Mr. Lincoln, vtoe-President, was flile-j by the ap pointment of DR. S. P. H. MILLER, cf Eiktou, Rockingham county. The premium list as it has existed was In the main adopted for the next exhibition. Of special Importance there is opr-n to all the counties in the district, except Augusta, a pre mlum of $100 for tho bast GENERAL DISPLAY of resources in agriculture, horticulture, and minerals. The Judges to make the award will be tbe members of the Board from Augusta county vvl.icti does not. compete for it. Animals for sweep-slakes ehali In all in stances bejudged by a committee not inter, ested In the classes. THE TRADES' DISPLAY. The first day of the Fair was selected for the Trades' Display, and the Secretary was di rected to communicate with the City Council and Chamber of Commerce offering the co operation of the Fair. Expert Judges will be appointed by the President. The B. D. F. Association becomes a member of the American Trotting Association. No gambling nor the sale of intoxicating or malt liquors, will be allowed. Mr. Jno. W. Churchman was appointed to tike charge of the gates and admission regula tion, with authority to appoint his associates Mr. J. Alex. Bumgardner was appointed Chief Marshal. The Rockb.ldge Fair occurs the week berore, and the Woodstock and Lynchburg Fairs the week after this one. ..—*~-«. WKOI)III(,§. There was a petty wedding at Kaloranaa.the homeofthe bride's motner, yesterday morn ing at S o'clock,when Mr. Charles K. Hoge and Htas Sallie K. Bayly, daughter of Mrs E. B Baylv, were united in marriage. The parlors were iiark"n"(i and festooned with evergreens and beautiful flowers The arch between the parlors was wreathed with rotes of many hues and a .lobe design, enriched with similar or n -mentation,was suspended over the place on which the pair declared their vows. Electric lights peered through the rich floral decora tions that were thus themorebrillianUn effect. Attending the couples wera sir Wm. Hoge. nf Kentucky, a bro'ner and b-ist man of the groom, and Mes-rs. Walter Hoge. W. W. Mc Gufiln, W B. Wayt, Charles Waiters. Kennith MeOoy. Thornton Terry and Edward Echols. Rev. D. K. McFarland, D. D.. was the officia tins minister Mr. and Mrs. Hoge breakfasted with a num brr of their friends and then leil at 9 a. m. ior Washington, Cincinnati, Louisville, Frank fort, Ky. Ac. This morning, at 9 o'clock, at the Bapti-t Church, the pastor, Kev.Dr.Jas Nelson officia ting, Mr.John Stott and Miss Rosa E.Harman, daughter of Mr. I.R. Harman, will be married. Attending the bride will he Miss Jauette Bur nette. who will accompany her to the alt-r, and Mr .Alfred Jaffa, his best man will accom pany the groom. Tlie ushers will be Messrs. Walter Hoge, James H. Woodward, Rubert Sutherland and Ernest Harman. Mr. and Mrs. Stott will leave immediately for a trip through the north. Cards are out for the marriage of Mr. J. Ad dison Cooke, Secretary of the Equity Life As sociation Company of this city, to Miss Mary Lewis, daughter of Dr. J.Julius Sams, of Balti more. The wedding will take place in that city Wednesday evening, the 30th instant, at the Church of the Holy Trinity. Dr. W. 8. Gordon of Richmond, will be the groom's best man. After the marriage they will spend some time In the North and arrive at Staunton about the loth of May. City Council—ln Called Session.—The Council was in called session on the evening of the ISth instant to pass upon the tar-bill lor Iho coming year and other purposes. The re port of the Finance committee in submitting the bill makes the most satisfactory statement of the financial condition of the city. The tax-bill of last year was adopted. Representatives ol the United States Express Company were present to present the inequal ity of the specifics tax ct $175. levied upon that business. After soma consultation it was gen eraiiy that the matter would be taknn ap hereafter and adjusted upon a per c?nt on the business of the company liable to taxa tion. The Engine-House on New, between Main and Frederick streets, was designated as tbe voting-place for the second Ward precinct. 4» SB—. SINGULAB FKEAK OF THE WEATHES.—The N. Y. Ileratd reports daily the maximum and minimum temperature ot the day before. The Herald of Monday reported that the minimum temperature was in Maine and Vermont, but the decrees giv<?n show thai it wns colder hero oa Saturday night and Sun day morning than it was in either Maine or Vermont. In thos3 States the mercury, as re potted, was several degrees above freezing, whilst here thin ice in palls of water was form ed, and some who negl.'.cterl to protect their tomato plants iv hot-beds, had the misfortune to have them killed. F»«rso2*.:l*. Gov. Fleming, of Wont Virginia, haa appoint ed Mr. W. A.. MtvPorale, a native of Rock b-idge oountv, but now a resident of Charleston, -V. Va.. an with the rank of Col onel On the Ist efthls month, the oity cianoll o' the city hi Utah, elected Hon. .Samuel A. Mer ritt, a native of this county, as counsel for that oity at a salary of »,000 per annum, 'le la a p.on ofthe late J.,hu vierritt, and a brother of Mr. Chris. G. Merritt. We are indebted to Rev.Job Turner fur Kan sasCliy rapers-the "Eveni-'g Niws" of the mh.and the "Kansas City Times," ofthe 19th of April. lodge Grattan, who has been presidingin tbe otty court of Roanoke , during tbe absence of Rober-son from Indisposition, returned home yesterday, ♦ s> » "STriK Dhaijt of Mrs. Dunskore.—Mrs, Dnnsmi r , wife of Prof J. G. Dursmore, Prin cipal uf Dnnsmore's C.-imraercial snri I;usinea s College or this ( Ity, died on Sat.ur-'ay, the 19th inst , aft- r several weeks illness. The funera] was from f.h. residence on West Main -ttreet at II o'clock Monday, Ri-v. Dr. fames Nelson, of •lie Baptist Church, officiating. The burial was in t hornvnse Cemetery. Sbe leaves seven chlldre -. tiln.-es ranging from a few weeks to sixteen years. The bereaved husband and children have tlie sincere sympathy of the whole commnnity In their loss of a devoted i' tie and mother. , c « 1 On Court Day-Aprii. 2S—Toe Ladies Aid "ocie y of Trinity chuiph will serve dinner and cupper in the Tarns Building opposite Y. JI C. A. Dinner will besia promptly at 1' o' V V aud V pleaso copy. Salvation Oil routs and banishes all bodily pain Instantly, and costs only 23 can Is. A bull ir, i china shop is out of place, but, a brittle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in the china Coast la In place. For croup, bronchitis, Rore i chest and colds it Is a prompt and efficacious i remedy. -t -r- —•> Phil. tin»-is>, M'siicl*", will remain iv Stauutoa until tho 28it. ccuruday. —STAUNTON SPECTATOR AND GENERAL ADVERTISER.— BASIC CITT, ITS BRIGHT FUTURE—FUKtJACE. CAR WORT'S ANDOTHERINDJSTRIESINCODRSEOF RAPID CONSTRUCTION-STOCK ON THE JUMP. I was at this new city on yesterday, and found it al! astir and moving rapidly forward. Few towns have start! d with such v solid and sure foundation lor a, manufacturing city. Its flrst sale of lots will not be made on tho mere promise of Industries, but upon industries al ready secured and located nnd in course of construction The Basic City Car Work 3 Co., with a capital of 5250,000, has commenced tho erection of its buildings and will pres; the work forward with ali possible speed until its works are iv operation, Mr. \V. P, Uoger, of Lebanon, Pa., has been imployed by tho Cur Works ("o. for its superintendent. This enter prise will bring ab rut 40;) skilled workmen.— The furnace has been let to contract a'ld work has commenced. This enterprise will brlni at least 150 woikmon to work at the A piper mill, two blind, sash and hnildlß ; ma terial factories and other smaller Industries have been secured and looted. Tufsa e.iU'r prises already secured Insure a, population of several thousand,aad places Basic City on a safe footing. A fine hotel planned by William Polndesten architect, of Washington city, tha samo archi tect who remodi.led Orover Cleveland's country house is ab..tit to be let to contract.— Tbe plans end specifications are in tte bands of builders aad work will begin cm us con struction iv a tew d'jy.-i. I am told thai negotiation.* »r* r*ow pending for a large ma chine tho;-, mi rI pi mt, cigar faotorj aod Industries. Xniapiaee presents at .:-...- urmi a scene of wonderful activity and progress for a town that was started only so short a time ago. Its location as lo transportation by rail. Is one of the very best. Its town site lands en compass the junction of the Chesapeake and Ohio and the Shenandoah Valley railroids, which furnish to Basic City direci communi cation with tho ocean, the Northern cities, the South and the West It Is located in the heart of a district ol country as rich in minerals as any in the world. Coal ami coke are In eaey haulaud limestone is at hand. It is located on a fast-flowing river and the water of the town is pure freestone, well suited for manu facturing purposes. The healthfulness of this section of the State, and particularly of this locality is noted. It Is free from the malaria of the South and is safely protected by the mountains from tho tornadoes of the West. In the opinion of your correspondent a more beautiful and better located spot wis never selected for a town and this seems to be the opinion of all who view it. stock has risen rapidly in price in the past row days and is in demand. The terms of sale lam informed are X cash and balance In 0,12. and 18 months, all of tho deferred instalments being payable in stock of the Company at par, SIOO, at option of purchaser, I predict for this new town a great future. The BocUbrKlse In Mines. The present view which may be taken of the tin mines on Irish Creek in Rockbridge coun ts is the most, encouraging for a future value for that interest which has been so long and so otten tlie subject of enquiry. A citizen of Bos ton proposed to pay into court, to the credit of the pending suit $3,00.) In ca«U, and file a guar antee of responsibility for 59.000 additional. For this, he was to have the right to take pos session of the property aud work It two years, and if, at the end of that time, he was satisfied with the property, he would purchase it at $200,900. the 512.0.X) already in possession of the Court to be a part of the payment on purchase, oiherwlsn all of it would revert to the com pany. Th* party proposing as above, has complied, and now, under authority of the Court is at libeny to proceed with the develop ment. The best evidence of bis confidence is the large amount of machinery which he is now placing in position at the mines. He has methodically Investigated the matter step by step, and makes this heavy expenditure in testing the value of the mines. His manner of procedure and the endorsement of a strong trust-company of Boston, clearly indicates substantial business, if the ore is valuable, and of that he and his backers seem to have no doubt. I; on Bridges is* liuel'britice. In the levy of this year the Board of Super visors of Rockbridge have provided lor the building of two elegant iron bridges in that couuty—one over the South River at Old Buena Vista Furnaie, two and half miles north of the town, tbe other over tbe Cow Pasture River at Goshen. Professor David C Humphries, of Ike Chair of Applied Mathe matics, of Washington it Lee University is the engineer for the coi structiou of both of them. Monday, the Commissioners of the one at Old Buena Vista, with Professor Humphries, located the one at that point, and, to day, be i with his associates for the one at Goshen, will proceed to accomplish that part of tbe pre liminary work there. The Commissioners of both expect J,o hive In hand the bids before the June term of the Court (Ist Monday) with their reports, after which the contracts will be made, and it is supposed that by the first of September both will ho completed. The Caperton Suit.—At a special term of Monroe Circuit Court, held at Lewisbnrg on Aprll llth and 15th. the sale of the 80 000 acres of land in Nicholas and adjacent counties, in the suit of Caperton's Adra'r vs. Capertou's heirs, to Johnson N. Camden, was confirmed. Moneys in hands of Commissioners stliesGnr don and Caperton were ordered to be distribu ted as fol lows : To Jsckson Guy, substituted trustee SiO.OOS; to H.II. Marshall and a!s. Com missioners in Grant's Adm'r vs. Maury S.c ,in Chancery Court of Richmond, £3.215 ;to credi tors of A. T. Caperton. deed, whose debts have been allowed, 128.661; to John Williams' Ad ministrators, 35,297 ; to J. FT. Snead's Ex'or, $"•96.50; to Charles steobins' Executrix, {596.50. And these causes are referred to G. W. Hutch inson, special commissioner.—Atoiroe (W.Va.) TTcrrx'/onan. »—s) —> A Fire in an Ancient Kentucky Town.— Louisville, Ky., April 21.—A Are broke out at Harrolshura late last night and destroyed moat of the business portion of the town. The Opera House, Bedwltz restaurant, Matheuy A Polet's dry goods store, tl D. Wood's confectioner*, the Western Union Telegraph office and a number of other buildings were completely de stroyed. It is supposed thnr. the Opera House was set on fire by small boys. The lo*s will reach $'00,000 or {150,000. At 1:15 o'clock this morning word was leceived tuft the fl.-e was unl*r control, having burned all within its reach. No definite news can be learned of the Are, but it ia reported that half the town Is burned. Sale of City Property.—W. J. Perry A Co., real estate agents, iiave sold to Sumpter B. sublett ihe dwelling on Church St occupied hy Prof. W. W Robertson for the sum o> {2 50a, and the vacant lot King between this property and lbs Baptist parson-ne for 81 li(0. I.iicklMtl No!■ Tnra Tfcelr Jlenslls. TWO WISE YIIUKO CLKIIK-i WHO WON 515,000 IN TUE LOUISIANA STATE LOTTEBY, Henry Hudson and Harry Kuotts, two young clerks in C. D Kenny's tea store, 500 N. Gay St., furnish an interesting instance ot ihe fact that a stroke of good fortune does not al ways tarn tne heads of those who profit by it A couple of weeks ago th»y drew SIS 800 in the Louisiana State Lottery and have already io celved the money. Instead of celebrating their g,,od fortune by giving np their places and pioeePdtng to "enjoy lite " us so many persons do under similar circumstanc s. tlie. put their money in bank, aud are wonting just as hard at selling tt-a as they did before they be came bloate i eapltartate. A News repoiter sow Mr. Hudson this morning at his puce of business. "Ilav- you received your money vei?" inquired the reporter. "Ye-," the reply. "We learned if our good luck March 12, the day after the drawing and we placed our coupon in the bunds oithe Adams Exprei-s Company for collection, I leli you it made me leel like a new man when I handled my half of it, and my friend wis just as hai>py as I was. "Both oi us made up our minds to hold ou to our heads aod not let our good fortune run away with as, so we deposited the money In bank the eamedtay. Ii is there to Slay, tor a wbile nt least, as b»y friend and 1 don't intend to give up our placesjust. yet. •ft only cost me 50 cents to get that £7.500 and it happened In Ibis way,' continued Mr. Hud son. • Jly friend aud I bad Invested a dollar, or fifty cents apiece, elgnt times without getting anything, aud we began to feel like dropping thelhiug In faot, we came very close to not buying a ttckol this mouth. 'We have not struck anything yet;'paid my friend, 'but still fifty cents apiece isn't much. We wou't miss It even If we don't get anything.' 'I thought I would likely spend the money for something else, anyhow,so I said all right, and we sent one dollar and eof, one twentieth tics.t. '-ii. 5132. which won 5300,000, of which we received 915,000, t he one twentieth part. It is said tbat another iialtimorea.n drew 815 000 iv the last month's drawing ofthe lot tery, which was collected through the Frankr lln'Bank of this city. Atthe bank the officers refused to say anything about tbe matter.— j Baltimore News. March i*7th. Female* should use A. B.C.Tonic. It Is a specino for their special diseases. Greenville. white sand fok manufacture of glass— purchase of mineral land—accident to miss mary filson—a "live merchant" — prospectivf. marriage of a baptist minis" ter—soldiers going to richmond—farm ers' alliance—public schools-spelling bee—pkksonals-corn, wheat, fruit gardening—baptist parsonage. Greenville. April 2lsl, ISOO. Last week there was a party of gentlemen In this neighborhood loosing for deposits of white sand suitable for the manufacture of glassware. I understand they found a good prospect on 'Mr. GeorgeO. Hawpe'srarm, and on a lot be longing to the Messrs. Cullen, both on the 8. V. R. It., near Greenville Station. Messrs. R. F. Larewaud William Patrick are also prospect ing for the sama on tne lands of Messrs. Larow anu Newton. From what I can learn, there is no doubt that there is a large quantity or the white !'iud on the above mentioned pn.perties. We hope it may bo found so, and we will, iv tho near future, have a "boom" in and near Gre.'i.vlllc. Mr. Joseph Peltor, of the Black Rock Iron ore mines, has purchased tho land belonging to Mr. Satdy Holbert, adjoining tbe Black Rock mines. Joels a pushing fellow, and we wish him much success. Miss Mary Pilson, daughter of Mr. M. W. Pil son, w.ts very seriously injured by a fall from her borse, oue day last week. lam giad to say boo is iotprdviirrr. Mr. John H. Co-ik, one of our live merchants, is now In ITaitioii.i: laying in his summer r.up plyofgoodV. lie wiß, also, bring i.»ck With him a lady from Messrs. Armstroag, Cater A Co's to conduct tbe millinery department of his business, "Johnnie,". as he is familiarly called, ia very popular with tne people, and is doing a thriving business. Miss sall'e Clark, his sister, accompanied him to Baltimore. Cards are out for the marriage of Ray. C. G ".ferryman, pastor or the Greenville Baptist church, to Mrs. Lottie Carter Parsons, of Balti more, at the St Michael and All-Angels' Pro testant Episcopal Cuurch, Baltimore, on the 30th inst. Th're are a great many of the old soldiers talking of going to Richmond to the unveiling of the statue or our beloved and gallant leader, Robert E, Lee, on the 29th of May. There has been a Farmers' Alliance formed here with George W Shields, as President, J. Kan. Smith, Secretary, and M. L. Llgbtner, Treasurer. Theio were 10 applications for membership at their last meeting The public school, T. A Browniee Principal, will close next week. We only got a live months'session here on account of tbe burn ing of the school house several months' since. Miss Alice G Larew's school, at the Pines' Chapel, closed a six months' session this week. We have a very interesting spelling bee here, which meets every Friday night. Sometimes there are as many as forty spellers on the floor atone time. The house is always crowded with spectators. Mrs. M. L. Smith, wife of John B Smith, ex pects to make a vHit to her relatives and friends in Hanover county during the coming week. Capt. C. G. Merritt, who has been confined to his bed for the last three weeks, with LaGrippe, is now convalescent, and Is In hopes he wiil be able lo a good day's fishing with his old friend Dr. T. Van L. Davis some day in the near future. The farmers are now very bus-/ preparing tbeir corn-land. No corn planted yet In thi3 neighborhood. W heat is loo:: ing flue. Some few fields have been Injured by a small bug. We iiad a ver/ heavy frost Saturday night, and I am fearful that, what fruit was left, was lnjur.-d by it. Considerable garden ing has been done, but we are at least two or three weeks later than last year. The Baptist congregation has not yet pur chased a parsonage They will ren. for a short, time until they can suit themselves in a place to buy. M. E. S. ."iZimll-: hrunk Keivs. April 191b,1599. Mrs. Jacob Bowman, mother of Mr. Jas. aud Jacob Biwmau, died at her home rear here last Tnursday at an a ivanced age. Mrs. Bow man had a rnralyt.icstroko not long since from which she never recovered. She was a sister of Messrs. Wililara and David Clemmer. Mrs. Bowman has been a very consistent member of ihe Lutheran ebarch for many yenrs aud M 3 patiently awaiting the summons wheu it came. She has gone to a land where partings are over, and whore she will meet tboss who have gone on before tor. Mrs Bowra-irt pos sessed many amiable traits of character, and was greatly beloved by her many friends, aod acquaintances. She was interred today at St John's cemetery by t'e side of her honored uu'-;band, who had preceded her many years ago. A very large concourse of relatives and friends attended the burial. Our village was enlivened last Friday by two colore! men, Baldwin and Alex. Green. Green smut Baldwin in the head, lace, and breast with a shot gun loaded with small shot. Rocks and axes wore finally used, and Green was very much worsted Indeed. A little too much of this "Mirer eye" whiskey of which the towns and country are so full, serms to have caused it Our speaial policeman was again in Staunton and at this writing no arrests bave beea made. Mr. John Manly is 'heoflieer, and is a fearless man, and never shirks Ms duty, but lie has to bo away from h,,me so much tha? he cannot serve the town every time he is needed. The appointment has been made a long tiaao, and he has missed all the rows by being in Staunton every time oneoccurred.The passage of that, rpeclr.t police bli by t:te Legis. ialure was a very poo. thing anyhow. It was only done for the benefit of a few—not castiuy any reflections on the men who fill tho places, as they are not the parties re'erred to It re minds one a trood deal of the great peddlers' lie use-tax bill passe,*, a few years ago. If a man 1': not able ti run a four-horse store, be shall not be allowed to run aone horse B.ore or peddle. Lots of Justice toward the poor in it, and does not savor at all of monouly. Mr. John Rowe residing near Tabor chur.-'h, has a daughter-ruo has gone to school every session seven years and has never missed a day from any cause. This is hard to beat. Constable David Du'l was in this place last Friday and the evil ilo*rs began to think be ivas after some of them; bur, he had only called on Smith, the blacksmith, aud had his grub hoe r.harpened, anu their apprehension was soon relieved, for he got on his big gray horse and was soon gone. We are glad to note the fact that our little gab from time to time interests the readers of the Spectator arouud here We hope they will all subscribe for it aad thus gftfc all tbe news first-handed. Smith, the blacksmith, worked all night last. Friday night in order to havo a customer's work ready ior bim next day. M.F Fix has taken the contract for removing the bricks, &c, of the house that burned for Mr. J. s MeOorkle not long since. He ex pects lo Qula'.i he-ore odd weather sets in nest fall. Miss Fannie Baker, of Stannton, is vlltttnt the i imily of Mr.J lines Me torkle of this place She i 1; ". ve-y beautiful young lady and acnom pushed. She Is a dauj-ater of Mr. Tip Baker. Koxbury Mt. Solon oiew-H. MT Solon, April 21, '9). Mr. Samuel Buffer, who lived on North Rtv er,near here, died, aged about sixty years. He leaves a devoted wife anil oue child. His death has rest a gloom over the community were he live:! He was ore ofthe few men who attend ed to his own business and let other people's business alone; honest aud upright in all hi.-, dealings, and a christian iv whom was no hypoericy. Thirty-four railroad carts passed up tlie Warm spriug turnpike a few days ago—their destination not known. Solon. Death of John M Rhxrode.—John tt.Bex rode, of Hightown,Highland county, Va„ died at liis res denee on the 15th instant. Deceased hod been in ill-health for three or four ye*rs, and, as is frequently the case, the end came wheu It was little expected by the people generally. He leaves surviving him two sous aud two daughters—all married. Mr Rexrode served his county faithfully and efficiently ia the capacities of constable, dep uty sheriffand sheriff; aavmg been elected to the latter office for two successive the years 1853 and iSOO. * * * * The funeral took place from the residence cf the deceased on the 17ih instant. Rev. R. S. Cunuingham coniluctiug the funeral services. —Highland Recorder. --♦ —«—s- Public squares are a great blessing to the community. We can ss/y the same thing fo. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup: It is the best remedy for the cure oral! is babyhood has to en counter. Price only 25 cents. If yonr bowels are cosi ive take a dose of lax adoit, we knowornobn'.er inedlorae. Price" cent*;. Buena Vista News. Tbe following paragraphs from the i j Buena Vista Adto-.ile of tbe 18* loat :— Qualified.— City Treasurer W P. Ir win, has given bind iv the sum of $5,000, and the same havim* been approved, he Nas regularly entered uprtn tha discharge of of ficial duties. Another Bank.—J. E. B. Stunt, Esq , Caßhier of the Buena Vista Investment, Building and Banking Company, is in town arranging for the opening of the banking institution of this company on the Ist of May. Tho bank wttl be iv the earner store of tbe company's building, corner of Syca more aveDua end Twenty-first street. A Good Sale op Lots.—Last week Messrs. Moore, MoClure i!e McDonald sold thirty-six lots to Jas. R. Jordan, E-q., of the Southwest Virginia Building Associa tion. This company now own a largo num ber of lots hei'p, and will at OOCB OOSMBBOOO building on t em. Indications point to the building of sev eral hundred houses here during toe sain mer. There ia a growing daily demand for ti em. There ia not now a vacant home In town, and a Large nutnbar of families are ready to move ia as so in as they oan get houses. Building, Light and Water Company. —It will be remembered, tha - . a? tha *i >.t meeting of tbe stockholders of the Buena Vista Co., held in February, resolution was adopter! employing o iun<e' to i-v-s':- -'-".?« ihe legality of tii '• .-;'•■ of the B-mrd "f Directors in granting certain rights and franchises to this company, organized large ly from the Directors of the Buena Vista Co. The matter was reforred to Maj T. C. Elder, a very distinguished member of the S'annton bar.for investiga.ion aud decision. Maj. Elder's reoort w>s presented at the last meeting of the Directors Be stated that, transactions of both the Board and the Water and L'gh f Commi'tee we r o perfeotly vaod, business like and fair. Nobody fam itiar with this transaction supposed at any time tbat thoro had been aty crookedness in it; bnt the investiga'ion was a proper one, and the result cannot foil to be both satisfactory and gratifying to every stock holder. ♦ s> ♦ [Correspondence of the N. C. Presbyterian ] Our Church Union io Augusta Co., Va., has just been bereaved of its pastor, the Rev. J W L'fferty, by his transfor to an other charge. As ba is a son of North Car olina, it may interest you to know some thing of his first brief pastorate of two and a half years. The dissolution took effect on last Sabbath, the 9th inst. The usual formal resolutions on such an event, ordi narily pass away into foigetfulness. But in this case there exists an abiding interest and lovo thac shall oont ; nue and be perfect ed in the world to came. As a preacher, he has been clear, sound, aud forcible, in his expositions of the Word of God; faith ful in rightly dividing it and applying its teachings to the conscience as to the inner and outward life. As a pastor, he has been diligent in attending to the spiritual interests of each individual, atd the same teuder, sympathizing friend alike of tha humblest in the community as to the most conspicuous, And iv the administration of these duties of his office, his life has manifested that his greit aim was to be assimilated in all thing* to the example of our Divine Redeemer. Tho earlier period in this church's history itsstate was very peaceful; but for some years it has had sore trials, and its present condition of peace and advancement is au attestation of the ble33ing of God npin the work of his serv.aut which we fail hope and pray may not he obliterated by tha evil one More could ba said, bur, we send t.he3o few words es a sincere and just tribute. A Woodstock Boy Perpetrates a Good Thick —Last week a lit le boy of Wood3tock, a natural born biorner, perpe trated a good trick, which aroused the citi sens of tha good old town, avid made them a great dis covery that had "millions iv it." The Woodstock Virginian says: — ' Q site an exctercDnt prevailed among some of our people a few diys since, ocr tbe discovery of coal oil ooziug mtofa little embankment io tha southern part of this place. For a Utile while the air was so fail if booms that they fairly clashed against each other, and the owners of lots ia th »•; neighborhood alreidy sa.w tbem selves residing in palatial homes, eating pie at every meal, while trotters that could do the turn on the sunny side of thirty stood in their stables in long row 3. Bat every thing fell back into the old rata and all these bright visions marched "over the hills and far away,"when it was found that, the great oil fiald was ciused by a b iy, and a sharp rascal at that, digging a bole ia tha grounu and pouring the cmteuts of hi 3 mother's oil can iuto it." The Caperton Williams Case.—ln re feronca to ihe Ciperton-Williims suit de eilt-d in the Circuit Court of Greenbrier county on the 14th instant the Greenbrier Independent save:— "The question raided by the petition of A. G Williams as to the val dtty ot the sale made snmo yeais ago by Carterton's execu tor' to J. N. Ciinden, having bsen com promised, wa.3 no lougir before the Court Tho controverted question in the caaa, and to which the argument, in the naio, was directed, was whe'her, tinder the contracts made in 18-tS, between John Williams and A. T. Caperton, the estate of John Wil liams is now entitled to oue-third of the gross or one-third of the net proceeds of the sale made to Camden, the amount involved bemg about $15,000, with one-third of which Williams' estate would have to ba charged in case tbe Court should hold that he was entitled to one thiid of the net pro ceeds only. Taxes, costs, &}., paid by Cap erton, whilst he held the lands, made this difference of ab >'r.t $15,000 betweon the gross and net proceeds of the sale." The court decided that Williams was en titled to one-third of the gross proceeds. The case was theu referred to a commia sioner for a further account adjusting the rights of the parties. A Dastardly Outrage. MR. JOSEPH "WILLIAMS IS WAYLAID NEAR OTTEII HILL AMD EMASCULATED. Bedford city, April 18.—The report of a dastardly outrage reached here lata yes terday evening, committed near Otter Hill a- d upon 'he person of Joseph Williams. It seems that Mr. Witiiams waa on bis way f-om his homo on the farm of Sir. Julius H. Walker to an adjoining place to feed s-mie stock, and while passing through a piece of woods three negroes overpowered him, and without, any provocation emasculated him. The uegtoe3 made their escape, leaving their victim to suffer in tbe road. The friends and neighbors of Mr. Wiiliam3 are searching for the unknown fiends, bat up t this time they have not besu arrested. Dr. Biker, of this place, was called to see Mr. Williams, uud thinks he will recover. Run Over and Killed.—A special to the Lynch. Advance, dated Roaaoke, April 19 h, says:— 'John S. Wartzer, au employe:! at the Bine Ridge Iron mines, while afeniptiog to board a moving coal train on the narrow gauge yesterday cv ning, was ruu over and had both lags so b idly taash.d that anrpu tation waa thought necessary aud D.-3 Pedigo and Simple, of this oity, were tolo gr.'-pbed for and before they SnrWed the man breathed his last. He was a young man of sober and industrious habt's and has been doing business for the c imoiuy for sometime. His native borne is iv Peansy'v nia." «—*> > The outrage of seating tho Republican Senatorial candidates from Montana by the United States Senate is only another straw on the camel's back. Tne people see more and more clearly every day that the Re publican patty t3 without conscience and without compunction. N nh'ug is too radical, noth eg too audacious ti bu done I fo- partisan purposes. The country blushes for those who cannot blush lor thsmaelves. Tbe Republican Benatß is a mere party ma. Nation seeking t > perpetrate Its ■i*d jHift'e., '"rf.-il r .:ndm* r L , FINANCIAL A;M COMMERCIAL riiii**: fsspi>itrs. ——— Shout Sellino ou Options on Wheat. : —Some years ago when illegitimtite trading la bteidstaffi and provisioos was more dis cussed than has bsts the ess-* of lite, w3 embraced the opportunity to present the vfewi of the conservative and experienced observers of such matters, especially us to tha effect producsd n ;t ouly at tao scats of trade aud commerce, bat also as it concern ed the iatetiof producer and miller. Very ofte-i our formers have realized tha sing.: lar foot, that the demand for wheat wis ac tive without tha leiat agination raspeeii:!>r an ad ranee in price?, but oould not, trace (be cause for taob a re-att. Most general ly it, Uas hyea supposed Mitt options t ent ers had the effect only of spasmodic imv,, raonta or cessation of activity in prices c .n --troQing the real as wall a* tha option ot marginal ttutaacttaM wh ; c'* did aot move a pi md f'ftha commodity represented, but that result was only far a season. Ths great Mioneap .lit miller, Mr. C- ; ; l-' A. Pillsb-iry, writes a letter to Bcidstrtefs whioh appears in that journal of the 12' h lis -.:•!, i.i it pr.j-o ■ -- s HBe oa*s viaws aud shows tbat disasters will coutin ua in after years to follow tha reprehensible mode whicb has baen practiced. It sterns to U3 that our producers of grain, who have a surplus lo sell, should have the oopo'tunity of reading the views and conclusions of one who doubtless is better prepared to investigate this question of trade thau any other man, —especially as bis cj-iciusio is, deeply oonsern not only the future of their toil, bat r.ises the ques tion as to the extent of tima our agricultur al industry is to exist under the influences that have so deeply wronged it. To the Editor of Brads/reefs. Sia—l believe that the system which has come so generally into use in the last four or Aye yeiirs, of selling grata short, is more re sponsible for the present low prices or wheat than all other causes combined. My reasons for believing this are based on both theory and observation. The .heory on which I believe it is, that future sailing was first established an a raean3 through which a party could absolutely sell for future delivery wheat he had on hand or had contracted for; that lately, however, the mania for short selling has so increased that probably 99 per cent of the short sales are not made against actual wheat, but are made by parties who b9lleve tbey can make money by depressing the market by selling for future df. iivery. There may he a sufficient number of people who believe In wheat, and ara willing and financially able lo buy ail the legitimate su plus of wheat at fair prices, but when they are cal,ed upon to buy millions of bushels Cf wheat which does not exist and to put up mar gins on the same they thro»v up their hands in disgust, aud down go the markets. Thus It in terferes to t'ua detrimont or the naturai laws of supply nnd demand. Now as to observation: I think no oue will claim that tha crop? ol wheat for the last five years have been excessive, Tais is proven by the following facts: It is well known that almoit every miller, both lv Europe and America, and every flour dealer and baker used to carry Inr-te stocks of grain and flour. If any of these parties now carry slockd of grain and flour to any extent beyond their present and actual needs It is the exception and not the rule. It is well knoivn that the amount ofwheatin sight la less to-day than it has been for many yeirs, and when you take into consideration the fid that Bu-siii. Austria, Australia and South Ameriaa had very much lighter crops ta in usual, and no country in the world hud a very much heavier crop than usual, it must be evident that tho stocks of wheat in farmers' uanda, or the invisible supply as It la termed, must be lighter than usual. It Is well known thut the visible supply or amount afloat is smaller than usual ta dealers' and millers' hands. If we admit tha above facts, that the stocss of wheat and flour are smaller than they used tobe, and tbat tha visible aud invisible supply is smaller thau usu il, it follows of course that the consumption during the last Aye year 3 hai been larger than tha production. All statisticians substantially agree as to the following facts: First, That the amount of wheat raised dur ing the last five years haa not been as large as was raised during the five years previous, and S ciud, That the consumption of wheat during the Sanaa time haa baen much larger. In the meanwhile prices bave baen ruling much lower. There 1. no question In my mind that ehort-salllui is largely responsible for rhis condition of affairs. It usad to ba a com mon thing fir grain dealers and millers to buy their stocks of wheat when the farmers were parting with their crop very rapidly, just after harvest.aad carry tha s.ame over until the m-xt soring or pummer, and this was almost always done at a profit,, lint since this short-selling mania has struck almost, every speculator In the country the man who do ,s this thing is sure to lose money Of course there will bo an end to this sima'.ime, but the question is whether the farmer will not be about wiped out before this relief comes. When it does come ir. is likely to. b9 rapid and violent. In the raeanwblla I cannot escape tbe conclusion that, short sailing is now aad has baen for the last five years the cauae of the ostremeiy low prices that we have scan from time to time. Chas. A. Pii.lsbohy. Minneapolis', Minn., April 5. Itauaton VXas-lcots. Spectator Office. Staunton. Va., April 22, iSSO. Finishing up the sowing of oats and grass seed anil the planting of corn, as well as the general activity on the farniß, has restricted to some extent the delivery of wheat and other products usually marketed at this season oj the year. The upward tendency of wheat during the past two weeks has been maintained, and we quote good wheat higher now than It has been duringthe season. The circumstances govern ing our own market, though a small one com pared with larger centers of trade, is about tho same as these which govern other markets. There are two causes which have stimulated prices and that may continue to hold good, and, if so, will cause a advance during the balance of the season. One cause Is the need of mii'ers everywhere for good wheat, aud Ihe generally accepted opin io; et the parti .1 failure of the growing winter wheat In its maturity. Tho advance, however wat rnpi.i, and characteristic of other depart ments of trade in which short or margin soil ing is practiced. Why prices should have ruled so low for many months pant when tbe supplies of the world were known to be short, and the demand of the purchasing countries more urgent than previously, was a problem which was hard to solve, and now that the long dtlayed reaction h-'S come to pass, Its permanency may bo established In Increased growth anil firmness. We quote good wheat to-day trorn 86 to SS cents. There appears to be a better feeling in some of tho loading markets for hay, but only for prime quality. I7ie-<*t:Gfr*fion* or* wfiotesale. not'rteail.] fonulrj i*ras.:iice. Bi.iON—country cured. Hams _ ™ ioc Shoulders _ _.....„ _..... _...6c sides i e Bass RTU 20t»2Se Suttj-.k _„ .;.l«c Coun— 6380 Oo&H Hi- \L 55c Klour—Patent ?5.69 •' '" extra 55'.75@3.'90 Country—Family M.OO Kitra . ... CUM Superfine _ _ 53.25 FEAI iEHS - -™ 50c I.ARB — ~'Ac Oats—shelled 22©25 c Potatoes—lrish -lOgoOc Bra - *!c Taimw- - >■— - - — *0 Vinegar—pure apple- 16c WHBAT. - 86@88c '■Vool—unwashed..—..— ■■ sjim «... ..28c Groceries, etc. Bacon—country, see country produce. ■-Vi-siern, csnvas nams 13@14c *« .* long clear cldes 6c ■• ; ' sbortelearsidos o@6'4c ■ '. bellies - 65|0 i Oandlf-s—adamantine. »..' -..- (Sisy Paraffine wrx - ~,--;-"'f! c Chefsb — .lOVtailc fSoiC - •' M»J?V<e OOFFKB-Rio l»|2So Lagnavro - J,]£g. ............... .2f(a2B -/Jb \ aJOTfl»l....j""." J '.~,T»',r~, - . mi i --»—!**■ Cotton Yarns—¥ bunch 92< li'ish—Mackerel..... _...Jl2roJ2o.Ct ■ POSE—sp 1,000 feet , N..W<aS7.ol .' V/e .tarn —Tr.... !>hs,,and tubs__s?i@6 1 4c !ou&a*ißg—3yro;>° vk^iuc Sew SOuroOc j Porto ri'oe ..— ..._ 25@32c Vci-t India „ .-ii>fa4oC j iv.wos..- -H;:'..i, '-. .'. ••'..-, Ti iv kej.. ;s.dfl 4 " 52.73 si '• 51.50 :',. ... . :. He;; 52.15 i>iv.::.i, ■: k■--. 33.00 itt'Ji: .. sU@>7c riALT ?1.4O«)1.60 Hpicits—Popper, grain „ l.'<@2Jc ground lie Allspice, grain I2e " ground „ Jjc Scoak— cut loaf. ...~ _ 70.( h-anulated. „ „ - 6%ta.6y 2 Powdered 7i^c Standard a - 6%c :'i;fc- • 6>4c ►W ... S^s&riJ-a Cooi-non... 5.- Tsa—l'iKCK 50M75C BieaßCutt nt lap ia 50c , 'powder !W.i9oc it»i. Hanmr, a.iii.<?, A-r. Hay—Timothy, •* ion *9.00.«9..W Ml*< I •»• .MOO Cover, js ton _...._ root) Plaster—Ground, ji ton „ „„, Lime—is bane! {i.rfl tfrLL FiiEß-ji ton 118.00 il'iis-• -on — SIB.OO a'laisK*-;! fruit*. APPI.SS— 'I ti> i::ias V doi fif, TuiiATOca—Blb 85<a&0 OOBN.—ZIb _ 75(^80 PnAeHKi-l* " '• 1.75@52.00 -' l.Otiwil.s© '-.SSlStils. riMOTHV „ r1.75i32.00 Clover 53.50<a,.50 Orchitr-i ' -ra-. si.'Jf. ■ (Irani J1.00({»1.2u e....iii.«,r. .:... -tie n . ;..,.- s%«s u rtod, m.50, 515.00.517.50 Common $14.00«B15.0I Fencing—Common „ 514.00G8 16.00 Sap 513.50rai4.00 Joists, as to lengths and sizes $14.00<ai6.00 Flgobing—heart.™ Sap, _.r25.00<a30.00 Laths, 3 1.000 „ Shingles ......... J3.75@4.50 liJii'ii, 9.ontber, ilc Hides— v et salted - — „....s@6c Dry saltoi _ Se Dry hint „ llrailp Green _ ssa«c Leather—Rough leather _. 'JHl,*ft'£<e City finished harness leather 2S@SOc Country finished harness leather 2SQ3Oe Hemlock sole lOffl'iir Tasseb's Oil - » _...45<a50c iron, '.J* el, NallN, etc. Iron—rolled, ~f> lh „ 2)^c Hammered 5c Stpip.l—Cast „ M 12c Natls, ? kei; 52.20 Hobse shoes, 9 teg „ J4.25 Barbed Wire „4J£c Grind Stones, t» It, „ ljjo SHOT—V has: of 25 th „ „ 1.50 I-ltjiiovs. V.'lnex, etc. Whiskey- „ Sl„ r ioffi.3.oli Brandy—Apple _ J2.00ia5.00 Porter and Ale. ■ uoi „ __.._ _52.25 Baltimore Has IHaa> narket, Aurll 17 Beef Cattle.—Prices of Beef tattle ranged as follows: Best t»4 62J4 «4 SO Generally rated first quality 4 25 @4 62^ Medium or good fair quality _ 350 HJ4 00 Ordinary thin Stoers, Oxen and Cows 200 @3 25 Values were generally considered full y a e lower than last week. Trade was slow, closing very dull. Milch Cows 8'20a25 per head for common to fair, MaK for fair to good.and $40 to 5C for good to extra. Fairly good market. Veal Calves 3'ialc per H>, and trade slow. Sheep and Lambs—There bas been a fair trade 'his week. Clipped Sheep per lb, and wool per lb gro3s. Fail Lambs saG'<;c, and Spring I.ambs 7a9c per lb gross. Monday, April 21, U9O. Swine.—The number of the receipts this week is nearly the as that of last week. There is little or no difference in their quality. Trade has been fairly active lv all the yards, nnd quotations raui** as they did last week, fully as many selling at or near our top flgureß as then. We quote good Western Hogs at OaO cts lb net, near-by cts, and rough Hogs at 4?ras cts. Receipts 01 Hogs this week 7521 head. New York April 21.—Beeves—Receipts today G3OO. Market higher; ordinary to good Steers soldnt4 lOaSo 00 and Bulls and dry Cows at I SOaS3 50 per 100 lbs. Expirts 090 Beeves and 2100 quarters of Beef. Calves—Kecelpts 4SOO-, mirketm.aa.d : Veatssoidat3 O)aS5 50 per 100 lbs, and Western Calves at 3aS5 75 per 100 Iba. Sheep and Limbs—Kecelots 4,000; market steady; Sheep sold at 6 OOaS7 10 per 108 Eis, and yearling Lambs at 7 OOaSS 00 per 100 E>3, and Sprtng Laraoa 5 OOaSi each. Hogs—Receipts 12,700; martret. was nominally steady for live Hogs at 4 40aSl 00 per 100 fts. mv'imond T.lsa mail* SSnrket, April 3] Receipts: 15! head of 'cattle, 48 sheep, 3;!3 hogs. Kales:'ls2 head of cattle, 48 shesp, 3)3 hogs. Prices: Cattle—Beat, 9y£»S%e. gross; a few extra fine higher; medium to good, 3'}4&%'S. gross; com mon to fair, gross. Shei-'p—-5.0n gross. Hogs—sa6K"- net. gross. offlftT ■ r,rqval:; ;..»j I; I; UUI Absolutely Pure. A Cream o*_ UtirtsH baking piwder. Highest o'mi levenlng strength —U. S Government Re port, August, 1889. April 19-ly '1 -\ I ■?■>' •{ I -v o- EM Lewis—Gordon —|o Staunton, April 1(1, IS9O, hy Rev. W. (J, Hullihen. r.t th» resldencp of Mr. -V. C Gorlnn. brother of tho hrlile, Dr. Ktchrtrd. tl L»wis. of Kaleigb, N. C, to Miss Mary Long O iriiorj, daughter of the late Geo. L. Gordon, of Mbarnarle. ntTMPHREY—Mc ;*u3L\Nn.— \pril 16th, 1599, in this city, by T>v. J T iVIIIUms, Mr. T. A. tiaruphrev unit Kiss Maria Susan, daughtor of Hugh G. McLHuslauil, or Miildlo Iltver district. Obituaries are charged for at adverti.tng rat Notices of deaths published gratuitously, RnsKNEEKOEu.-On tho I2tl: instant, at Mt- Jackson, Shenandoah county, of paralysis Mr. John Rospnberger, aged about 75 years. ' Millek.—On tho lOto Initt. near Tenth Legion, llo<*kingh m county, at the residence of Mr. J. M. Uradford, her son-in-law, Mrs. Fanny P. Miller, aged 89 years, widow of Klder Mil ler, of Wiltulugton, Delaware, to which place her remains were taken to be placed in a vauit beside her husband who died many years ap:o. Stonbk.— \t her residence, near Glenwood, Ror-Kbrldge county, April 17th, Mrs. M. A. Stoner, at. an advanced age. She was one of the best acd most favorably known ladles of that county, who spent her life lv doing good. Died March 29th; IS9O. near Sprint? Hill, Au gusta county, Va., Mr Josaph A. Leeper. Mr, Leeper was born in Hardy county, Dec 29th, 1822, he was consequently G7 years and 3 months old. His parents were Wm. Leeper and Jane Blackford He was raised by his grandfather the late Benjaraia Blacaford, on the Hawks bill, near Luray. In early manhood he came to Augusta coun ty, wbere the remainder of his life was spent. During the war ne was a faithful soldier, re spected byjjis companions in aims. Several years prior to the war, he married Miss S rah Redrosn aad Rettled soon after on a part of the Spltler farm, which he purchased and on which he resided until his death. Mr. Leeper's avocation brought him in acquaint ance and association with many families in his neighborhood and in different, parts of the county. Such was his faithfulness in the d!s charge Of his undertakings—his gentlemanly demeanour, that he always won the respect and regard of tho>e for he worked. As a neighbor, friend and father, Mr. Deeper will be long remembered—uone were more consid erate of the duties of these relations than he. A most affectionate husband aod parent. Ev er reaiy to minister to the necessities of neighbor-*; to assist the poor or nurse the sick. Most kindly and tenderly was he watched over by his family and neighbors during his protracted and painful illness. His sickness was of months duration, his sufferings at times Intense, but ho never murmured or repined, bearing all as tbe will of Iltru in whom he trusted. He was burled on 30th, at Union Church, of which he was a member. ThecrowdPd church and sympathising con gregation witnessed totheaflection with which ne was regarded in ».hec immunity. He loaves h bereaved widow, son and nephew of hi* wife to whom he occupied the place of parent, and a devoted sister and other relatives to whom the loss is irreparable, but who have the com fort of believing that their loss is his eternal R. C. W. THOS. C. ELDEK. riTZHUQH ELDER. TtTEW RE 11, ESTATE AGESCT. Tbos. C. Elder and Fltzhugh Elder have en tered Into a partnership lor conducting tho business of a REAL ESTATE AGESTOY at 103 South Augusta St ,(the law offiies of Thos.C Elder) under the firm name of Thos. C Elder A Son. Real estate of all town aud oountry, bought and sold on a moderate commission. Fai ming lands will not be neglected The loug experience of the senior member in the reh! estate business aud the promise of tbe junior to devote all his en-rgies to the busl i. nese, are t Ii) inducements offered to the pub lic for a share of t". , ,axe. THOS.C. ELOER, fitshjgh eldbr, aprll 3 _ AXXOrStEJIE.VTS MAYOR. To the Voters of the City of Staunton : I respecfully announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Mayor of yonr city. Alex. H. Fpltz. mar2J-Wi I announce myself a candiddate for the Hat. ORALTYOf tho city of Staunton, and respect fully solicit the votes of my fellow citizen*, promising a faithful discharge of Its duties. mar li)-tde*-cpc W. H. H. LYNN. CITY SERGEANT. To the Voters of Staunton : I respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election as City Sergeant, and solicit your votes. ... LOOAN TrRNIK. feb 25 tde To the Voters of the City of Staunton : I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the ofHce of City Sergeant, and solicit your votes, mar s—tde Thos. A. Dawsow. To the Voters of the City of Staunton : I hereby announce myself a candidate for City sergeant—a position I held for twelve years to the Bat.isfaatlon of the people. I re spectfully solicit the support or my friends ea ptclally and the voters generally. Respectfully. mar 12—tde* W. D. RUNNELS. COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY. In response to a call published In the Staun ton Spectator, and at the solicitation of nu merous iriends, I respectfully announce my self a candi late for the office of Common wealth's Attorney for tue City of Staunton apr 2—tde Richard S. Kkb. Having been informed by Mr. A. C. Braxton that he will not a-aln he a candidate for tha offlce of ( omnaonwe-ilth's Attorney of the oity. I renpectfully announcs myself a candidate for tuatolticeat the May election, subject to tbe action of the Democratic party, and promise If elected, a conscientious and faithful discharge of Its duties to the best of my ability Staunton. Va., Jan. 10, '90. A. C. Gordon. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for.Commonwealth's Attorney of the City ot Staunton at toe coming May election. , o, .a „ Thos. C. Kinnky. jan 22—tde—Vin and Vir copy. Oar Very Best People Confirm our statement when we say that Dr. Acker's English Remedy is in every way superior to any and .all other prepara tions for the throat rtcd lungs. In whooping cough and croup, it is magic and relieves at once. We yon a snmple bottle free. Remember, this remedy is sold under a positive guarantor-.—For sale by Philip T. Allen, Staunton, Va. —' * m » No Not Suffer Any Longer. Knowing that a cough can be checked ia a day, and tbe flrst stages of consumption broken in a week, we hereby guarantee Dr. Acker's English Cough Remedy, and will refund the money to all who buy, take it aa per directions, and do not find our state ments correct. For sale by Philip T. Al len, Staunton, Va. Both the method and results when Syrup of Fig 3ia taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts fently yet promptly on tlie Kidneys, <iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of ita kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and §1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist vho may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute." CALIFORNIA FIG SYR'fp CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOUISVILLE. KY. HEW YORK. ILY, mar2o-ly dry goods, ma* ffjm* h* books, GROCERIES, pCI 111"* PAPEKS ' HARDWARE, WmmW M W %-W li NOVELTIES. Eastern Avenue, BALTIMOKIE, - - MD. And lie will furnish you the exact cost of any article youjmay need, and you will save money by it. deciu-6m % '.'. "■'.':■- i •-.. wiralion*. \\ I rative, ] \&s'iWSj£ Toata ? Fill BLOOD 1 —AND SKIN!) i -J. Jr. C. Chemical Co., ( l r" Richmond, ra.: i 1 t Having for a long time suffered I, t from the effects of a horrible blood s \ trouble,antlafterresortingtomedical J| S skill and ether i-ftnedivstcithou* bene- l £ /if, I!ri«l".'l. /». C. ITlaiMll—_" I j 1 kov> fcec» entirely restored, and it |l J affords me pleasure to attest its vir- t 1 t:<es. It isevidently avery great tonte ij J and alterative, and I recommend any I ) suffering Jrom Hoed trouble, to try it. J C J</iJ If. Cari/ «., Richmond, Va. ? > SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, i S Troatiso on Blood ana Skin Diseases p ) by mail free. Address J j I B. 0. GHEMB6AL CO., ?£7S. l2Jh ST., RICHMOND, VA<! tue mm mm hem it 1 — r. W.TODD, President and i);^ mmm^m % M. F. UUJCESON, Vie!^'re^ mmmmmmmmmm J S. HAMILTON' STEWART BOWLI\A the McLaughlir. ( ,S to ciintivtfl to plannSH plans of the ShenandoM vV .re fences M_Thls it »;■ AND rV^ 8 V 9 r U