Newspaper Page Text
TRANSPORTATION On the Winchester and Potomac Kail Road, The)President and Directors of the Company have established the follow', iog rates of travel and transportation be tween Winchester and Harper’s Ferry : tare through, with a reasonable allow ance or baggage for passengers set down or taken up at the Depot, on the Island of Virginius, near the Poto $ I 50 ** or any intermediate distance, per mile, G pjDOWNWARD TRADE. Toll for transportation from the Depot at Winchester, and delivery at the end of Wager’s bridge on Hie Maryland aide oi the Potomac, for Hour, per barrel, jg Wheat per bushei, 5 Corn and Corn-meal, Rye and Rve- ! meal, per bushel, * 41 Oats, 3 Bar Iron, Blooms, Pig Ironand Cast ings, per ton, $1 80 All other commodities, per ton per mile, * G Transportation to and from any interme-1 diate Depots, the same proportional rates* with the above. ASCENDING TRADE. Transportation from the place on the Maryland side of the Potomac above mentioned, to Winchester, Plaistqf, per ton, $1 75 Salt, per bushel, g Fish, per barrel, 30 Merchandize, and all other eommodi- 1 ties, per hundred pounds, 11 And to and from any intermediate De pots, the above proportionate rates. Tht above rates include all charges incident to transportation, to and from other companies. There w ill be a small additional charge made at the different Depot*, for receiving and forwarding— about 2 cent* on a barrel of Flour, and a similar rate for other commodities. By order of the Board, JOHN BRUCE, Prbsident. Winchester, April 7, I83ti. C^The road is now ready for trans portation. TRAVELLING’ ON TliE Winchester $• Potomac Rail Road. Tk* cars leave the Depot at Win- J chaster at 7 o’clock in the morning— Will pass Stevenson's at half past 7, •vhcre passengers can be taken up or set down. Thompson’s depot at 10 min. past 8. Cameron’s do. at half past 8. Charlestown about 9—and Halltown half past 9. Arriving at Harper’s Ferry in time for; passengers to take the morning cars to Baltimore. RETURNING. They leave Harper’s Farry at 4 o’ clock in the afternoon, Arrive at Halltown at half past 4> At Charlestown about 5, Cameron’s 15 minutes past 5, Thompson’s about half past 5, Stevenson’s about 6 o’clock—and Reach Winchfester about 7 o’clock in the evening. JOHN BRUCE, j Winchester, April 7, 1830. SWANN TAVERN, WOODSTOCK, Va. The subscriber has leased (lie large white house, nearly opposite Mr. Jacob Reamer’s, in Woodstock, and is now prepared to accommodate travellers and 1 others in the best style. The bouse lias j -recently undergone a thorough repair, | and is now' in complete order ; and his stabling is inferior to none in the State. In short, his cstal lishment possesses eve ry thing accessary to rentier the sojourn j of the traveller comfortable and agreea ble. The subscriber flatters himself that from bis long experience as a Tavern keeper in Strasburg ancf Battletown, lie , will be able to give general satisfaction j to those who may favor him with a call.. A share ot public patronage is respect fully invited. HENRY SWANN. Woodstock, July 28, 1836.—6m REMOVAL. I have removed my Store to the Rouse occupied for some lime past as the County Clerk’s Office, one door below Benj. Crawford’s, Esq. and opposite the Printing Office. JOHN B. GARRETT. Staunton, Oct. 20, 1830. .Annual General Meeting of the New Shenandoah Company. The annual general meeting of the New Shenandoah Company will be held at the house of Mrs. Graham, in Port Republic, on the loth day of November next. Shareholders are respectfully in vited to be punctual in their attendance. S. H. LEWIS, Treat r. N. S. C. Oct. U, 1836. _ 9 NOW IS THE TIME. Thk proprietors beg leave to iuforra the public that from the continued suc cess they meet with in the sale of their tickets, they have further assurauces that they will be enabled to draw their f-oltery some time this fall—and expect shortly to aunouuce the day of drawing. REAL dr. PERSONAL PROPERTY By Lottery. To be disposed of under the superin tendence of the Trustees appointed by an act of the General Assembly of Ma ryland. passed at December session, 1834 —to authorize Henry Shafer, George Shafer, and II. I. Shafer, to distribute their Estate by lot. — | THIS property it situated in the village «f Fimkalotcn in Washington county, on the National Turnpike leading from Haiti more to Wheeling and distant two miles from Hagerstown, being in tho centre ot one of the most populous, wealthy and thriving counties in the State of Maryland. The Mills are upon the waters ol the An tietam, and driven by said stream (with am ple water power) and which is very constant and never failing. *1 he advantages attached to those mills arc numerous, being in one ol the most produc tive counties in the stuto for wheat and all kinds of gram, wool, &c. being distant only G miles from Williamsport, outlie Cliesu peake and Ohio Canal, and near Hagerstown, with a Turnpike road leading to noth pla ces,) one ol tho best wheat markets in llie state, where large quantities of grain find a market from Pennsylvania, &c. J'lie propo sed Kail Koad contemplated from Chambers burg and passing thro’ Hagerstown, to inter- ; sect the Baltimore and Ohio Kail Koad at! Weaverton on tho Potomac, will pass veiy near to this place. There it not much doubt but that the Anlietam will be mnde navaga ble, so as to intersect tl.e Chesapeake anil Ohio Canal at tho Anlietam Iron Works— ns then is now a lock at this place, built by the Potomac Company, which will boat from the waters ot the dam to the water below it. . .^.he Lots of Ground are situated in and ad joining Funks town, t>eing many of them valuable building lota, and in a very high state el cultivation. The Mansion House is a large and com modious dwelling, celebrated for the flower and fruit garden attached to it. The Property waa valued by Commission era appointed by tho Legialature. 'The prizea in this lottery are subject to no dis count the prizes that may he drawn will be delivered alter forty days subsequent (o the drawing, if demanded within twelve mouths from its date. T he title to this property ia unquestiona bly- A plat of the real estate ia deposited with the Trustees. PRICE OF A TICKET—10 DOLLARS. SCHEME. Arranged and Valued by the Commissioners appointed by the Legislature of Maryland. 1 prize valued at 833,333 1 do do 16,000 1 do do 6,667 1 do do 2,667 1 do do 1,067 2 do do 667 each 1,334 1 do do 600 1 Jo do 400 G do do 300 each 1,800 1 do do 330 3 do do 267 each 801 1 do do 250 1 do do 234 1 do do 187 1 do do 157 13 do do 134 each 1,742 1 do do 113 2 do do 100 each 200 With other prizes making together 408 prizes amounting to $80,310. ^ his Lottery will lie drawn upon the plan of the old Maty land Lotteries, under the di rection ol the Trustees appointed by the Le gislature. In this Lottery any one disposed to risk the small sum of $10—may venture without »ny scruples. It is not a scheme of specula- 1 lion, but simply to relieve the proprietors ot j the lute Antietam Woollen Factory which wasdestroyed by fire—and the chances are at good if not belter than the monied Lotter ies. i Who would not risk the sum of $10 for such valuable property ? Nothing venture, nothing win—delays are dangerous—send on the cash and you shall have the prizes. For tickets address GEO. SHAFER, Agent. Fur.ks-town, Md. September 20. VIRGINIA. At Rules held in the Clark’s Office of the Circuit Superior Court ol Law and Chancery for Augusta county, Sep tember the 5th, 183G— John Barger, and Jacob, William, Jane Ann, Dorcas, Washington, James, Ira, and Thomas Barger, infants under the age of 21 years, by James J. Cullen, their next friend, plaintiffs—against John Deal, Executor of John Huffmire, deceased, Anna Margaret Vockeradt, Maria Elizabeth Winder. John God field Winder, Yorick Huffmire, E lizabeth Barger, Nancy Barger, ami John Barger, sen. defendants. The defendants Anna Margaret Vock eradl, Maria Elizabeth Winder, and , ^ orick Huffmire, not hating entered their appearance and given security ac cording to the act of Assembly, and the Rules of this Court, and it appearing by satisfactory evidence that they are not inhabitants of this Commonwealth : It , is ordered, that the said defendants do j appear here on the first day of the next I 3 erm, (10th of Nov.) and answer the bill of the plaintiffs ; and that a copy of this order be forthwith inserted in rhe Staunton Spectator for two months suc ; cessively, and posted at the front door of the Court-house of Augusta cobuty. A copy—Teste, 42] I-— Cash yiren for Rays AT THIS OFFICE. Virginia : At rule* held in the Clerk’s Office *f the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chan cery, for the county of Augusta, on Mon day the 5lb day of September, 188b. Hugh Harvey McDowell, George Blake more, Geo. Messcrsmilh, David Andrews and Samuel Lambert, plaintiffs, against Margaret Miller, widow, and Henry Miller, John Miller,Samuel Miller, William Mil ler, James Miller, Elizabeth McDowell, wife of Hugh Harvey McDowell, Samuel Miller, Jeremiah Miller, Frances Miller Mary Miller, & Robert Miller, (children & heirs of Robert Miller, dec’d, wjio was one of the heirs of Samuel Miller, dec’d,) all infants under the age of 21 years,Charles Cameron Francisco, infant heir of Nancy Francisco, late Millrr, «>mj oi the heirs oi the said Samuel Miller, dec’d, Margaret Cameron, infant child of Margaret Came ron, dec’d, late Miller, one of the heirsof the said Samuel Miller, dec’d, and the said Hugh Harvey McDowell and Henry Miller, as Administrators of the said Sam •<■‘1 Miller, dec’d, defendants, IN CHANCERY. The defendants, Samuel Miller, William M iller, and Samuel M iller, Jeremiah M iller, 1* ranees Miller, Mary Miller, and Robert Miller, infant children and heirs of Robert Miller, dec’d, who was one of the heirsof Samuel M iller, dec’d. not having entered their appearance and given security accord ing to the act of Assembly, and the rules of this Court, and it appearing by satisfactory evidence, that (hey are not inhabitants of this country : It is ordered, that the said defend ants do appear hero on the first day of the next term, (10th nl Nov’r.) and answer the hill of the plaintiffs, and that a copy of this order fie forthwith inserted in some newspa I per printed in Staunton, for eight weeks suc cessively, and posted at the front door of the court house of Augusta county. A Copy—Teste, ‘2] N. C. KINNEY, c. c. VIRGINIA: At rules held in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Superior Co*rt of Law and Chan cery for the county ol Augusta, on the 5(h day of Sept 183b. Thomas Atkinson, plaintiff, against George K. Holloway in hit own right and as Administrator of Edmund B. Hollo way, dec’d, Edmund Birchett and Martha his wife, and others, defendants. 1 he defendant, George k. Holloway, not having entered his appearance and given se curity according to (he act of Assembly, and tha rules of this Court, and it ap|>earing by satisfactory evidence that he it not an inhab itant of this commonwealth: It is ordered, that the said George K. Iloiloway do appear here on the first day of the next term, (Nov. 10th,) and answer the amended bill of the plaintiff, and that a copy of this order be published for two months successively, in the Staunton Spectntor, and, posted at the front door ol the couit house of Augusta county. A Copy—Teste, 42] N. C. KINNEY, c. c. VIRGINIA, to wit: At a County Court of Augusta, held at the court-house of said county on the day of August, in the year 1S36. Walter 11. Kemp and Catherine hie wife, Catherine Gloninger, Joseph Haller and William Gibbons, trustees lor ssid Catha rine Kemp, plaintiffs, against Abner Campbell, administrator of Jonathan Helfenstein, dec’d, Mary Helfenstein,wid ow and relict of Jonathan Helfenstein, dec’d, Abner Campbell and Catharine E. his wife, late Catherine E. Heltenstein, Zuchariah G. Simmons and Louisa C. his wife, late Louisa C. Helfenstein, Ann C. Heltenstein, Albert G. Heltenstein, Eliza Helfenstein, Caroline M. Helfenstein, Jonathan S. Helfenstein, Cyrus G. Hel fensleiii and Charles J. Heltenstein, heirs and representatives of Jonathan Ilelfen* stein, dec’ll, defendants. IN CHANCERY. The dcfeiulauts not having entered their appearance and given security according to the act of Assembly, and the rules of this j Court , and it appearing to the satisfaction of : the Court that they are not inhabitants of j this Commonwealth : It is ordered, that they ; do appear here on the lourth Monday in No , vember next, and answer the plaintiffs’ bill, I “nd that a copy ol (Ids order be forthwith in serted in some newspaper published in the : town of Staunton, for two months succes* Jsively, aud posted at the front door of the i court house of this county. A Copy—Teste, ! -12] JEFFERSON KINNEY, Cl’k. I VIRGINIA: At rules held in the Clerk’s Office of (ho Circuit Superior Court ol Law and Chan cery for Augusta county, September the 3th, 1936. George Rankin, James Rankin, William Gibson and Polly his wife, Adam Grove and Ann his wife, heirs and representatives id Isaac Rankin, dee'd, and Joseph Ran kin, plaintiffs, against William W. Donaghe in his own right and ns administrator dt bonis non of Hugh Donaghe, dec’d, James Donaghe, Sarah Wood, late Donaghe, heirs and legal rep resentatives of said Hugh Donaghe, dec’d, -- heirs and legal representa tives of Hugh M. Donaghe, dec’d, John Nich'd and Elizabeth his wife, James Campbell and Margaret his wife, Robert A. Denson and Sarah his wife, John Cour se)’ and PoRy bis wife, John Donaghe and Thomas Donaghe, heirs and legal"repre sentatives ol John Donaghe, dec’d, de fendants. The defendants,-- heirs and legaf rrpresrrrbitfTes of Hugh M. Donaghe, dec’ll, and James Donaghe, nvrf having en tered their appearance and given security according to the act of Assembly, and the rules of this Court, and it appearing by sat isfactory evidence, that they are not inhabit ant* of this commonwealth: Jt is ordered, that they appear her? on the 1st day of the next term, (10th of November,) and an swer the supplemental bill of the plaintiffs, and that a copy of thhrorder he forthwith in serted in the newspaper printed in Staunton, for two months successively, and posted at the front door of the court bouse of Augusta county. A Copy—Teste, ■•2] N. C. KINNEY,c. c. John B. Garrett Has Just received, together with a great vaiiety of Medicines, the follow ing articles:— English Preston Salts Crucibles, in cut glass bottles, Grain Heights, “ “ ** with caps, Loco Foco Matches American “ “ Hair Brushes, Soaps,a great variety Hair Powder, Metalic shaving Boxes Powder Puffs, Razors, Odoriferous'd, Razor Straps, Court Plaster, /nk Stands, 7\ceezers, Pocket Books, Saponaceous Comp'd Snuff Boxes, Bear's Oil, Cimibs, _ Black Sand, Fancy Hals, Leads forever points, Matches, Paint Boxes, Cologne IVater, Pencil Cases, Florida “ I Food Pencils, English Tapers, Mouth Glass, i Dentist Cases, Lemon Dryns, Silver Spring IMncets Tooth Brusfics, Thumb Lancets, Fancy Sealing IFax, " ** ' Cases Beading Lamps, Scarificators, jAxmp C7iinineys, $-c. Surgeons' Pocket cases HEIFER’S TEATS. I was requested by several Physicians (o procure the above : they are highly j recommended, especially to young mo ther’s. I have also Breast Pipes on a i new and admirable plan, with gum elas ■ tic tub«6. I READING LAMPS. These Lamps are getting into very general use. They emit a brilliant j light, but are so constructed by means of 'a shade, as to protect ihe eyes from its effects. A Tierce of Lamp Oil, Very superior, winter strained, just received. LONDON PORTER, i Received and for sale by JOHN B. GARRETT. Staunton, June 2, 1820. HARDWARE. ’ j THOMAS &. CO. (late Thomas & i Georoe,) continue the importation of ' Hardware, Brass-ware, Cutlery and Saddlcny, in all tlieir varieties, at the old stand, j Baltimore stieet, Baltimore. They • have also on hand a general assortment of American manufactured articles iu the j Hardware line. I By the late arrivals ftoni Liverpool ! they have received an extensive and well selected stock of fresh Goods, which 1 renders their assortment complete. CORN MILLS. THOMAS &, CO. (late Thomas &. George,) have received by the recent arrivals, a large assortment of the above article. Also, Cotton Hoes, Bright Traces, Hai.ter Chains, 4c , which they ofler lor sale on their usual terms. VIRGINIA, to wit: I At rules held in Ihe Cleik’s Oflico of iho County Court of Augusta, on Monday the 5th day of Soptemher, in the year 1836. j Caleb Griffith, plaintiff, against John N«w, defendant. IN CHANCERY. The defendant not haring entered his ap pearance and given security according to the act ot Assembly, and the rules of this Court, j and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that he is not an inhabitant? of this Common wealth : It ordered, that the said defendant do appear here on the fourth Mon day in November next, and answer ihe plaintiff’s hill, and that a copy of this order he forthwith inserted in some newspaper published in the town of Slaunlon, for two months successively, and posted at the front door of the court-house of this county. A Copy—Teste, 42] JEFFERSON KINNEY, Cl’k. VIRGINIA. At Rules held in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for the county of. Augusta, on Monday the 5th day of Septem ber, 1830— ! Abraham Hanna, plaintiff*—against John New, defendant. IN CHANCERY. The defendant not having entered his appearance, and given security accord ' ing to the act of Assembly, and (he Rules jof this Court, and it appearing by satis factory evidence that he is not an in habitant of this country : It is ordered, that the said defendant do appear here . on the first day of the next Term ( H)th jof Nov.) and answer the Bill of (he plaintiff*; and that a copy of this order be forthw ith inserted in some newspaper 1 printed in Staunton, lor eight weeks' suc jcessively, and posted at the front door of the Court-house of Augusta county. A copy—Teste, 12] NICH’S C. KINNEY, c. c. The Bell Tavern FOR RENT. The subscriber \Wsfies I6 rent his Tav ern. Immediate possession will begrven, and the terms accommodating. M. GARBER. Staunton, April 21, >836. — tf Alt. persons indebted to the subscriber for the Spectator, advertising, or job printing, are respect fully requested to make payment—or cb*se their accounts hv note. Those who know themselves to be indebted will confer a favour by embracing opportuni ties afforded in their visits (O’town to set tle their accounts, as it will save him much (rouble and expense. KENTON HARPER. June 23, 1836, 1 4 THE WAYNESBORO’ Female Seminary. Tuts Institution will be re-oprned on the 21st of November. The expendi ture for board, washing lodging iu my family, per sessiou. will be $40. The same accommodations may be had in several respectable families, in this place, on the same terms. Tuitiou fees as heretofore. JAMES C. WILLSON. Waytiesbsro’, Oct. 25, 1836.—4t N. B. It i> wished, where conveni ent, that one-third of the board &.c. be paid iu advance. J. C. W. Kalorama Seminary. Tiif, Eleventh Session of this Institu tion 'rill commence on the 1st of No vember, and close on the last day of March next. M. SHEFFEY. Staunton, Oet. 20, 1836.—3l Journeymen Tailors. The subscribers are anxious to em ploy two Journeymen Tailors, who are first rate workmen, to whom regular em ploy meut will be given. __ LUCAS & EAGON. Staunton. Oct. 20, 1S30. Six Cents Reward. Ra n away from tire subscriber, living | iu Waynesborotigh, Augusta county, Virginia, on Friday the 20th of Septem ber, an indented apprentice to the Har ness and Saddle making business, named CHARLES WATTS. The above r$ ward w ill be given for the apprehension of said apprentice, but neither thanks uor charges paid. JOHN LONG. October 20, 1630.—-3t* Ground Plaster Can at all times be had at the Waynes borotigh Plaster Mill, in exchange for unground. JAMES M. HELMS. Waynesboro’, Oct. G, 1&3G.—3ui* FINAL. NOTICE. All persons indebted to the subscri ber either by bond or book account, are respectfully requested to make payment as soon as possible.— Iu no ease can in dulgence be extended beyond the fiist of January next. JOHN C. SOWERS. Staunton, Sept. 1, 1S3G. Overseers of the Poor. The next meeting of the Overseers of the Poor, will be held at the Bell Tav ern, in Staunton, on Monday the 14th of next month. Collectors, and others, having business with the Board, are re quired to attend. By order of the President, W. H. TAPP, c o p. October 27, 1836. VIRGINIA SCRIVENER: Being a collection of forms of Bonds, Con tracts, Conveyancing, and other Instru ments of Writing, carefully selected from (he most approved authors, and accompa nied by plain and well established explan atory rules of law,—to which are prefixed the Constitution of the United States, and { the attended Constitution ol Virginia. For Salk at this Offick. VIRGINIA. At Rules held in the Clerk’s Ofliee of the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for the county of Augusta, on Monday the Oth day of Septeni • her, 1830— James P. Erskinc, Otho W. Echelber- j ger, and Alexander McDonald, mer chants trading under the firm of Ers kine, Eclielbefger & Co. plaintiffs— against Daniel Bfewet, defendant. IN CHANCERY. The defendant not having entered his appeorauce and given security accord ing (o the net erf Assembly, and (be Rules of this Court, and it appealing by satis factory evidence that be is not an in habitant of this country : It is ordered, that (he said defendant do appear here on (he first day of the next Term, (10th of Nov.) and answer the bill of the plaintiffs ; and that a copy of this order be forthwith inserted in some newspa i per printed in Staunton, for eight weeks successively, and posted at the front door of the Court-house of Augusta county. A copy—Teste, 1-2} N VCD’S C. KINNEY, c c. FOR SALE, A NEAT j\ew Rarouclic, which may be used with either one or two horses. Enquire at this Office. August H, 1830. BLANKS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. | Deeds of Trust, Deeds of Bargain-and Sale, Bonds for sales, and single ditto. Constables', Sheriffs’, and Clerks’ Blanks, Apprentices’ Indentures, Bills ol Sale lor Negroes, Pension Blanks See. Sec. PUBLIC SALE. W ill b« sold to the highest bidder, on Wednesday the 9ih of November next, it fair,or the first fair day thereafter, where I now live, uear Mount Sidney ’ on twelve months’ credit, a quantity of Household Furniture, viz : Bureaus, Secretaries #nd Book Cases. Sideboard and China Press, S*fa, Settee, Piano, Bedsteads, &e. &c. iom« Farming Utensils, a Morse-Cart, an eiV cellent Barouche and Harness, several fine young Horses, &c. one Negro WV-' man, about forty years old, u bo is ai? excellent Cook, Washer, Ironer, Milker, 3rc. ; she is unwilling to go to town, am? 1 have enough without her. Also, on a* credit of one. two or three years, mv fine" blooded STALLION, a beautiful bav^ rising six years old, sixteen bands high, black legs, mane and tail, by the much admiied Shakspeare ; pedigree, &,c. at «*le. * E. MAY. Augusta county, Oct. 13, 1S3G. VENDUE. The subscribers will offer for sale, on’ the first day of the Superior Court next for the County of Augusta, at the late residence of Joseph Cowan, deceased, in the town of Staunton, One Negro Man, one Bol and a Woman.—Also, a Ilorse, 2 milch Cows, and 2 yearlings. 3 he slaves will be sold for cash, and for the other property a credit of nine' mouths will be given, the purchasers giving bond and approved security. They will also offer for sale, on the' 3th Monday iu November next, at the' Store-house lately occupied by the said Cowan, in the said loan, a very large and well selected assortment of MERCH AN DISK. 3 lie sale will continue from day to' day until all shall be disposed of.—Nine months’ credit will be given for all pur chases exceeding five dollars, the pur chasers giving bond with appioved se curity. In the mean time we will sell at a re ry reasonable advance for cash, to per sons wishing to purchase by the quanti ty or by retail. JOHN COWAN, ANDW. B. CO WAN, Oct. 20, 1S3G. Adm'rt. Valuable Land rOR SAXE, BEING desirous of removing to the South-West, I will sell the Farm on which I now reside, on Back creek, three miles North of Middlcbiook, and tcu miles West of Staunton, containing .333 Acres, 33»e soil is naturally not inferior to any upland in the county, and is well adapt ed to the cultivation of wheat, rye and corn. 33»e improvements are a Ow elling-House, Barn, llUML *nd other necessary out houses. 3 he Land is well watered, having seve ral never failing springs, aud Back creek runs through the centre • f it. About two hundred acres of said farm is clear ed, and in it good state of cultivation— the greater part well set in clover. This Land is well worth the attention of those w ishing to purchase, as it is rare such a tract of land is in market. 'The woodland is of similar quality to that which is cleared, aud of the finest growth of timber in our country. A particular description is deemed unnecessary, as those wishing to purchase will view the premises. SAMUEL X. KERR. P* S.—As the subscriber is determin ed to sell, a great bargain may be had. S. X. K. July 21—tf. Valuable Farm FOB. SALE Tub Farm belonging to the heirs of M A Til b w Bi.air, deceased, is offered for sale privately. 3'tris Farm lirs in Augusta county, about eight miles from Staunton, on the road leading to llarri sonbnrg via Miller’s Iron Works, and 1 contains about 300 »‘Mci’CS, every a ere of which is arable, and lies well for . cultivation ; about one-half cleared and' i in fine order; the other heavily tim bered land. I here is a sufficiency o9 meadow land on it fora farm of thcsiac,, aud several nercr failing springs, so sit uated as to afford water in nearly every field. The improvements- are tolerable.* I The neighborhood around it is healthy and agreeable. As it is presumed that any one dis-- J posed to purchase wHI view it and judge ior himself, a* further description is- i deemed unnecessary ; but I w ill just add, that faking into*view every advantage ibis Farm possesses, it is seldom that it«r equal is-in this-delightful county, offer- * ed for safe. I The land wiW be shown to any one (fesirou* of vsewing it, by Dr. Wm. R. Blair, whose residence is adjoining, op by Mathew Blair, of Staunton, by whom the terms will be made known. Possession wifi be given immediately. T. R. BLAIR, Ks'r of M. filair, dec’d. August i, 1S3G.—tf