Newspaper Page Text
(}Ch Wo understand that Nazarita Division No. 183, S. of T., was opened in Middlobrodk on Sat unlay last, by D. G. W. I*. Tiios. II. Black burn and oilier members oi Charily Division No. G, of this place. The good cnufco is progressing. TE l\1 PER A N C E N OTI C E. £BS?"*The next Anneal mneting of tho “Coun ty Union,” will be held at Middlebrouk, the 1st Saturday in December, at 11 o’clock, A. M. It la desirable to have a lull delegation, as ullicers are to be elected for the next year. S. K. TAYLOR, Scc’ry. Nov. 15, 1848. MAIIKIEI), On tbr 9thinsl.,by the Rev. A. I’. LutfJen. Mr Samuel Stovkk, .ir., to Mis* Mahv Ann Wiskman — all of this county. On the same day, l>y the »amc, Mr. Wm. B. Spitlbr, to Miss Mahoabkt ArEHr art—hll of this county. On Thursday the 2nd iimt., by tho Kev. Stephen Smith, Mr. J BVFERBOX Park, of Hampshire, to Mis* Uardaba S. Da vis, of Highland county, Va. Ou Sunday the Oth iust .by tho Kev. Jubu T. Tabler, Mr. Samuel H Swcahinokn, of Mouterey, to AJri. Fanny Stall,—all of Highland county, Va. OBITUARY. DIED, in thia place, on Thursday last, Mrs. M’Nal ty, wife of Mr. Patrick .H’.Nally. DIED, iu Churclirilla, on tho ICth instant, Adam IIbndukn . son of John G. and EvaliSc It. Stover, axed B months, 3 weeks and 5 day*. ° DIED, in thi* place, on Wednesday morning last, Mr. Jamu Willson, at an advanced ago. The de ceased Ji ad been bliud for many yours. ~~ NOTICE. JVAYINH relinquished tny connexion with tho Spectator Ofltce, those who have accounts to ■ettlo with me, will find nte for the present, until ‘other arrangements aro made, at my residence in Staunton. Distant subscribers, who know thent •elves to be indebted, will please remit by mail „ KEN I ON HARPER. Staunton, Nov. 22, IS 18. l-AiiYc’a WYyHc OVY FOR HOUSES. THIS is the best remedy in the world for the variou* affections to which this nuimnl is liable, y ir.: Swell ed Joints, Sprains, Cut*. Saddle Collar Call*, Hite of Insect* and Snake*, Scratches, Polevil, and Fistula. Below I will give a few certificates from the man} hundreds that could be secured where this invaluable preparation has been used. No man lias tried it but klnt speaks in t le highest praise of it. Wonderful Cure produced Lij IAitle't White Cil for Horxex! Thi* is to fcertfiy, that I had a Horse bitten six year* •go by u snake. On each succeeding year the place broke out in a running sore. Last spring 1 annointed it ^rith Little m W kite Oil and it effected n perfect cure. * * .0 “ad another horse Vvliicli had been for some time afflicted with swinney. This was cured by the use of the same remedy. '1 herelore 1 leel fullv authorised to recommend it iu such case* as safe end certain..' DANIEL SWITZER. Augusta County, V*., June 10, 1847. Augusta Co., Va., June 11, 1817. I had a Horse with galls on each shoulder of the size rf«y two hand*. He was entirely cured by Little’s .White Oil tor Horses, though 1 used him every day While the euro was in progress. I hare been u wagon er for forty years, and have never before met with a remedy so complete and effectual in rase* ofthu kind _ SMITH BATEMAN. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail at JOHN H. HAHT’S Drug Store, Scottsvilie, Albemarle county, A a., and by A. S. IlAl.L, Staunton. None genuine but those signed by THEO. W. LITTLE, ou tlieout S.oe wrapper. Staunton, Nov. 22, 1849._2m. VALLEY TURNPIKE COMPANY. flTMIE President and Directors of tin; Valley Turn pike Company will meet at Now Market on the 30th inst., at which time ono or two Superin tendents will lx; appointed to superintend the Val ley Turnpike. Applicants fur the office, unknown to the Board should he well recommended, Ixith as regards their general business habits and qualifica tions to fill the office. In as much as the Board cn tortains the idea of dividing the Superintending of tho read, and appointing two Superintendents in stead of one, it may be well to state the portion of the road, and compensation allotted to each, viz : From Winchester to New Market 49 miles, at the rates of $375 par annum; from New, Market, to Staunton, 43 miles, $225 ; and if not divided $l>00 to a competent Superintendent for supervising the Whole line of 92 miles. JOHN W RICE, Nov. 22, 1848.—2w. Pres. V. T. Co. PUBLIC SALE. ^ML7ILL lie sold, in the Town of Wayncsborough, for cash, on Friday the 22d day of Decem ber next, the undivided half of *1 MFousrs attd JB F.o/s, on the Back Street, in said Town;—also, Ihe undi vided halt of 21 ACRES of Land adjacent thereto, It being one half of the real property formerly own ed by John Gregory, dec’d., and was left to his wife by his last will, recorded in the Clerk’s Office ©f the County of Augusta. P. A. CLARKE, lor tho Legatees. Nov. 22, 1848.—tds. PUKM.av s, a f s:. "W V\ ILL sell at public auction, to the highest bid ■*, der, on the 4th Monday of this month, (27th,) • likely Negro Woman, who is an excellent rook. A credit of three months will he L’ivrn. the pur chaser cxocuting IkhuI with approved security. ^ .IDS. JAMISON, Auctioneer. Staunton, Nov. 22, 1848.—Iw. Overseers of the Poor for An?ustn County IVII'I' please take notice that their next rrgtt * ’ Jar meeting will he held at the Virginia Ho tel, in Staunton, on the first Monday in D. cemlier next. All persons having business with the Board or# requested to attend. E. SI RIBLING, c. o. p. Nov. 22, 1848.—id in. ^Augusta County Court Clerk'g Office, To Hit: 2$$2Fi&.£l*2,0 rpAKF.N up by Maj. Thomas Clarke, of Fish ,, ersville, a BROWZJT SYTilHE, about fifteen hands high, with a star in the forehead, some white over the right nostril, and the right hind foot white, up to the paster joint; supposed to he four years old. Appraised to $<50. (An extract from the records.) Teste, WILLIAM D. TROUT, d. c. a. c. Nov. 22, 1848 —3t. J/LLGAN I DRESS GOODS.—Nowopenanr rr ,< v or inspection, a large supply of all tin various ktnds now worn and for sale at low rates from I2J to $1 ,/5 cents. Staunton, Nov. 22, 1848. 1111 E & C0' IF f.ady-made cyyrSim ~\ui&gud nrt hand, at New York prices. v WHITE ft CO Nov. 22, 1848. LtVKNG GLASSVS AND WAITKRS . o/" s"pp,v of W««n *nd Toilet Glasses, a fr»m Z,cents to $10 each, and splendid Waiters. Nov. 22. 1848. WHITE & CO. summsu® & aiiLBiiiiis. Ncvr S\orc uwi\ Yrcs\\ Gooi\s. r|811E subscribers have this day received and now ■*■ opening a very largo and beautiful supply of Fall and Winter Wood*, lately purchased in the Northern Cities at very re duced prices, and to which they beg leave to call the attention of their friends, and the public goner- j ally. Their stock coMnsts oY every variety of Maple, 1 a'ncy and Domestic Dry G^vds, Bools, Shoes, Hals, Caps, Hardware, Quecnswarc, Dye Stuffs, Groceries, fyc., fyc., all of which they offer at as low prices as they can be had by retail, in any market in Yitginia. for cash, or the usual credit to punctual payer*, or for coun try produce at fair prices. YVe respectfully solicit the luvor of a call from all, we ore anxious to exhibit our goods at all times, being satisfied that they will speak for themselves. WM. G. STERRETT, SAME. E. CLARKE. Corner opposite the Post Office. Staunton, Nov. 22, 18-18. TVisso\v\t\ou of PaYUYfcvs\Y\\\. r|111L partnership heretofore existing lietwoen _ ‘he suhscritiers under the firm of Aluon't*. Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All per sons indebted to the abovo finii, are requested to come forward and settle their accounts, and all hav ing claims against the concern, will present them to R. A. Aluun, for settlement. ROBERT A. AfOON, JOHN WEIR. Alidway, Aug. Co., Nov. 0, 1818. N. B.— Having purchased the interest of Air. Weir in the above concern, and wishing to close up the business at Alidway, all persons indebted to me individually, or to llio concern of Aloon St. Co., will ph ase come find settle their accounts promptly, and thereby save the additional cost attending the collection by an officer. R. A. MOON. Alidway, Nov. 22, 18-18.—-lw. xorlcVaT ABOUND, by the suliscribcr, tin Tuesday the 11th of November, 1818, n Pocket-Book, con taining a considerable quantity of money, Which tlie owner can gel by paying fur this notice, and call ing upon me and proving property. My residence is near Bridgewater, Rockingham roomy, Va. ISAAC BAKER. Nov. 22, 1818.—3t. JYR. A1’LANE’S LIVEU PILLS!—'This groat -* remedy for diseases of the liver, is of much older date than its introduction to the public. Its discoverer, one of the first physicians in this coun try, used it lor years in his practice, before lie ever announced it to the world. The existence of so many qttack remedies, heralded as possessing the most marvelous qualities for Realing all'diseases, disgusted an accomplished and well educated phy sycian, who naturally felt some dread of being con founded with the crowd of pretenders to the medi cal art, whose nostrums were paraded in every newspaper nS sovereign remedies for all the ills that flesh is heir to. The representations of those to whom his pills had given relief, however, and the urgent Solicitations hy physicians with whom he had associated in his practice, and \vholiad witness ed the wonderful cures effected by his remedy, at length induced him to make it public. Prepared for the Proprietor and sold wholesale and retail by J. KIDD &. CO., ' No. 00, Wood street, Pittsburg. Pa. rui sale alMi liy r} 01 Kit tfj (_« -V • / ■0/#iYV» Staunton. lra. Cry- N. B.—Purchasers will please he particular and inquire for “.Dr. .M'Inane's l.irrr Pills,’' ahri take no oilier. Nov. 22, 1818. T\R. M’LANK’S WORM REMEDY !—M'- j i Lane’s Vermifuge lias long been admitted to be the best medicine ever discovered for expelling worms from children. The following certificate speaks volumes in its favor : “Makrngo, Wavne Co., N. Y. } .Line 23d, 1847. J" “I certify that I have used M’Lane’s Vermifuge, ’ and found it all that it is recommended to he, and l have sold it. and have in all cases Found it to be an effectual cure. VYM. S. FANC11EE.’’ Prepared for the Proprietor and sold wholesale and retail by J. KIDD &. CO. No. 00, Wood street. Pjtlshnpr, Pa. For sale also by ESKIUDGE CUSI1LVG, Staunton, Va. N. B—Parch asors will please he particular and inquire for “Dr. ,/W’Dane's JVorm Specific, or Vermifuge.” and take nothing else. Nor. 22, 1848. EDW A III) DOOLEyTtaImbT AT THE SHIT (IF THE LAMB, MAIN S I REET, , WESPRCTFt LLY infirms his friends and j **’ the public that he has received the FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS, j and is prepared to make to order any garment that ! may be entrusted to him. lie will endeavor, by executing his work in a neat and substantial man ner, nnd according to the most approved style, to merit a share of the public patronage. He returns his thanks to those who have here tofore favored him with their custom, and hopes, by diligent attention to business, to merit and re ceive a continuance of their support. Staunton, Sept. 13, 1848. INHUMATION WANTED. JOSEPH A. RICHISON, ttr.d itisane person, " escaped from the Western Asylum on the I 1th of October last, nnd nftn diligent seaieh was made j for him, p.o tidings have as yet been received in re I gard to him. lie is small in stature, complexion j dark, hair dark and ryes Mark. Jlis delusions are such as t<> render him timid, and cause him to a void the highways and public places. His family reside in Caroline county, Va., and are painfully anxious in reference to him. Any information di; rieted to the S»pcrintendant'~of the Western Asy lum, or to Dr. Tims. L. Scott. Rutber Glen, Car oline. will he thankfully received. 0O- Editors throughout the State will promote the cause of humanity by inserting tins notice in their respective papers. Nov. 14, 1848. CHARLES II. HALL, (Corner opposite the Hank, Staunton, Va.,) MANl'fACTL'RBS AND KCEl’K TOR SALE, Saddles, Dritllrs, Cnrriitcc nnd Wncon llnrnm, Trunks, Ynliecs, Carpet Rnjrs, &f, J ^ FM LI) inform those who are in want of Such j articles, that I have on hand a good assortment , i of the chore, made of the best material and in the neatest style, and will st lion as pood terms ns they enn be bought elsewhere. I will be prepared to make to order, at tlm shortest notice, all articles in my line. Give me a call at the Corner opposite ; the Bank. C. II. BAM,. Staunton, Nov. 15, 1848.—tf. V. T. CHURCHMAN, Jf, ft, | QFFERS bis professional services to the Citi __ 7/r,f|s of Greenville and vicinity. 1 BBF"Officf. in Greenville Hotel, (B. F. Gra ham s,) where bo may at all times Is; found, tiniest professionally engaged. I November, 13,1848. Democrat copy. t> It. t O W N M l{ .X l» ’ h courocNu RXTitrr or Sarsaparilla. WONDER AND I’.I.KSSINC. OF Till’. ACE. . Crrnl N|»riii]' Ntimitirr .ISnlifinr. 7’Atr Pitract is pal up. in Quart P.ittlrs; it is its times cheaper pleasanter, anil warranted supers vr to any sold ft cures disease tritium* ram purging, sickening or debili tating the Patient. The free! heamv anil superiority of this HsrMptrilll cVor a?1 other mrdtri.i*\ i*. while at er.i licste* disease, it iiiripmtei the body. h i" one of the very 1 *st RPKINfS AND 8HMMKK MKI>lCl\’K5t Ever known; it not only purifies the whole system b ml stl eugthrn* the person. Imt it ci*Ltes lire, pur# til I rich V»ood ; ^ |« power possessed l»y no other ine diem* Ami in this lie* the rrsod srrrct of it* won derftil lurcru. It hat performed within the lest Kvte years more then l<HI INNI cures »»f sever* caves of dis eases; st least I5.IMJ0 weir consider'd incwrMlde. It has saved the lives of more than 5,000 rhildieu the two‘past letjoni. 10,000 esiara of Ocnrnsl ttetlilily ns4 vrMtt of* Nfftotts Fnt rgy. Dr. Townsend’s Karsttpnrilla jnviporntes the whole ays tain permanently. To thorn who have lout their imiscu .ntrerimgy by.the effect* of medicine or indiscretion coin mitted in youth or the excessive indulgence of th* pae sions. ami Inoiiglit on l»y physical prostration of the nervous system, lassitude, wmit of emhitiou, filiating sensations, premature decay and decline hnMrning to wards that fntnl disease Consumption, can be entirely restored by this pleasant remedy. This Harsapatila it far supeiioi to any Invt^oriifiate t’ordiat. As it renews mid inviyoiales the system, gives activi ty to the limbs, mid strength to the muscular system in a most extraordinary <le»ren. (rnitsiini|itiAii Cured. Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption ran is cured. Bronchitis. Consumption. I.ivcr Complaint, Colds, Catarrh, Coughs Asthma. Spitlinf Blood. Soreness in the Chest, Hectic Flush, Wight *treals. i)ijficult or Profuse He pectoral inn. Pans in the Side, Ac., hare been uua cun be cured. ft|>ilCSaitf Bllood. West York, April 3A 1847. D*. TotrwsKND.—I verily believe your Sarsaparilla has hcen the means, through Vrovdienm. of sat tug my life. I have for anvpiul years Itttd u bad Cough. It lie- | same worse end worse. At Inst I raised large quail j titles ofblnmf, hnd night aw cuts, and nm greatly tlrhili tated ami reduced, and did not expect to live. I have only used jour Sarsaparilla n short time, ami there has n wonderful change been wrought in me. . I mil now able to walk nil over the city. I raise no Mood am] my Cough has left me. You can wcfl imagine Vunt 1 am tHaukftU Ibr these results Your obedient servant, \YM It IJSSKI.I., 65 Catbariue tt (Pfitinlr 12r«lirlsi*« t)r. ToAuMild's ^ersiYpni iU.n Is a. sdveroige Abd »per»1y cure for incipient Consumption, Barrenness, Prolapsus Uteri or Falling of (he Wotiili, Coativmiess IMm, I.encor rlora or While*, obstructed or difficult Mmintruutioii, Incontinence of Urine, or involuntary discharge thereof, mid foi the generil prostration of the system—no mat ter whethei the result of inherent ciu-e or causes produc ed l»y irregularity, illness or ecrtdeilt. Nothing can lm more surprising than it* invigoruting effects on the hu man frame. iVninm of all weakness and lassitude, from takiug it at once become robust mid full of energy under its influence. It immediately counteracts the nerveless pass of the female frame, which is the great cause of Barrenness. It will not he expected of us, in case* of *o delicate a nature, to exhiWt certificates of cures performed but we can assure tin* afflicted. Hint hundred* of cases have been reported to u* Thousands of cases where I fnmitie* have lloeii without children, after iisiibr t few ftol tlci of tins invaluable medicine, have been blessed with 6u«s. healthy offspring. To flntlicrs find flfirricd f.ndics. This Fxtrart of Sarraparilln lie" linen expressly pre paied in reference to Icinale complaint". No lein.ile who n*a VciaSnn l<* suppost) site i* approachingthat critical pe riod, '• The turn of life," should neglect to i,«.ke it, as it is a certain preventive for any of the numerous and horrible diaemtcs to which females arc subject nt this time of life. This period may be delayed fur tev«ral yearn by uninq this medicine. Nor i* it less valuable for tho*e WUo are approaching womanhood, as it is Calculated to Resist natffre by qilickeiriVig the blood end invigorating the system. Indeed, this medicine it Ulh'H'U•be . firrni lUcsainu fo Itlolhrr* A Children# it is the Mticsi and moat ctTectual mcdiclfle for pu rilying tV.e system, and relieving the sufferings attend ant upon child-birth ever discovered. It strengthens both the mother ami child, prevent* pain and disease, •lscraa.tea aiUI enriches the food, those who have used it, think it is indispensable. It is highly useful both before and aftar confinement. a* it prevents diseases at teudunt upon childbirth—in Cosliv eness, Files. frumps, Swelling of the Feet, Despondency, Heartburn, Vomiting, ruin in the Back and Loins, False Pams, Hemorrhage, and in regulating (lie secretions ami eipmli/.iiig the cir culation it ha* no equal. The great beauty of this mo dicine is, it in always safe, and the innst delicate use it most successfully, very few ca"cs require any othor me dicine, in soimi u little Castor Oil, or Magnesia, it useful Exercise in the open air, ami light food with t'ii* medi cine, will always on*u»e a **fo and easy confinement. Bennfr find YYenlfli. Cosmetics, Chalk, and a variety of preparations gener ally in use, alien applied to the face, very soon spoil it of its beauty. They close the pores of the skin and check the circulation, which, when palure is not thwarted by die* tase or powder, dr the skin indumed by the alkalies used in tn»nps, beautifies it* ow n production in the ‘hu man face Divine," ns well as in liic garden of rich and de licately tinted and variegated flowers. A free, active #n»l healthy circulation of the fluids or the coursing of the pure, rich blood to the extremities, i* that which paints the countenance in the most cxq'iisite beauty, it is that which imparts the indescribable shades and Cashes of loveliness that ali admire, hut none can del rril»e. This beauty is the offspring of raturc—not of powder or tuajr If there is not a free and healthy circu lation. there i* no beauty. If the lady in fair as driven • now, if she paint, ami use cosmetics, ami the Idood Is thick, cold end impure, she is not beautiful. If alia be brown or yellow, ami there is pure and active hlood. it fcives s rlHi hlndin to the chot-k*. ami a hrilliaa' y to their eyes that is luscinatilig. This is why the southern, nml especially the Spanish Indies, are so much uuiiiircd. I•«•!•*>* in llic north who take hut little efercise <»r ere confiued in ghuc room*, or have spoiled their complexion I»t the application of dele terious mixtures, if they wish to regain elasticity or step, buoy nut spirits, sparkling eve* and beautiful com plexions. they should use Dr. Tow nsend'* Sarsaparilla. Thousand# who linvn tried It are more th.iu satisfied, nre I delighted. Ladies of ovury Million crowd our office Unify. iSetiri- to tin* l.ndirs. Tho«r ihn! • .hil;*t-• Dr. Town-end # Sarsaparilla. have Invnrinbly called their ?tuff* n gr *ot Henttdy far Females Ac., Ac., and have copied our bill* and ci»*eubit's which relates to (lie compl.iiuts of women, word for word— other men who put up medicine, have, since the great •uncos* of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla hi complaint* m riilent to females, rccoininended theirs nlthough previously they did not. A number of those mixtures, Tills, Ac., •re injurious to females. n« they aggravate disease, and undermine the constitution. Ur. Townsend's is the only and be»t remedy for the numerous female complaint*—it rarely, if ever fail* of effecting a permanent cure. It can he taken be the most delb ate female*, in any cate, or b> those expecting to become mot hers, with the greatest auvnutages, as it prepare* the system and prevents pnm or danger, am) sticngihcii* both uiutlisr and child. Be careful to get the genuine. Hrrofuln I'nrrd# This certificate con dtisively proves fhtt this flsrstpt. flftn perfect control over the most ohefiuata disease* of the Blood. Three persons c tired it! one house is unpre cedented. Opinion* of fliyaiciRti*. Dr. Townsend is almo-l ilady receiving orders from Physicians in dilferent parts of the Union. Tins is to certify that we, the undersigned, Physician* of the l!ity of Ail any. have hi numeious cases prescribed Ur. Townsend** Sarsaparilla, aid believe it to ha out of the mo»t valuable preparations In tii** market. II P. rUMNH. M. D J WILNO.W >1 V. K. II. BKIHtiS M. U. Albdhy, April, 1347. P. E. F.L.tILN DOB F, M. I) €'A V'l'KONT# Owing to the great success am! immense sale of Hr Townsend’* Sarsaparilla, a number of nfef» who err re formerly our Agents. have commenced mnkitfg Survnpji rilla Extract*. Elixir* f’xir.e is of Yellow Dork A r. They generally put it up i»i foe same {hoped hot lie*, and some of them have stolen and copied our Advertisement*, they art? only wortiflcs* imitations, ritd should be avoided. P/Mefpal hib c. !2r. yi-i.TfiN Afreet. £«m Buihlir^, N. V.; ,ttid I*/ *»f» i:.v ,»ri.i. *»»..! Dri .-gut* ; i.d i hunts I generally t.110114 limit tne I • •»?<:«»* s. V\ e.t Indies snd the ("amid »« For ralr by Or. F.. HF.KK F.I.F.V, Staunton, V*. NoTcinbcr, 22, 1SI8. WANTED, fFO hire for the next year, a Woman vr!m is ra ■* palilr* of nook in". washing. fce., for a family , of ofdinnfj' size. For one of really good capacity j and nnincu mire rod. a liberal price is offered. Apply at this ofiire. Staunton. Nov. 15, 1848.—Gw, fl^UKNCII WIU,OW CASKETS.— A huge assortment for (ij cents, to ♦1.50. Nov. 15, 1848. WHITE fe CO. nAbTJMORE RIVETED TIN-WARE.— i Every variety of this article, very cheap, and I warranted a superior arlielc. | Nov. 15, 1*4*. WHITE k CO. Stand back Gentlemen and let the fluid pass. General Taylor lias beaten Deicis Cass t WUgrfflSlB G3<BX3)IE>go r|M IK subscriber lias just received u fresh lot of * WINTER GOODS, purchased in lliu Rich mond and Haiti more maritcu. Being a late purchase, he can atford to sell very low. CATALOGUE. Blue, Black and Invisible Cloths ; Ca^simeres, Cassinelts, Sntiinetts, Beaverteens, Kentucky Jeans, l.insies, (Cloaking, Blankets, Comforts, Al paecas, Winter Prints, Flannels, Cheeks, Ging hams, Oregon Plaids. Cashmerells,Shawls,Cotton Cloths, of every description. Diaper Towels, Linen Tallin Cloths. &.<•. 1n short almost every thing suitable for the Winter Season. Also, a lot of Hardware, Chopping Axes, warranted, at $1,25, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Cast Steel, Nails, Cutle ry, &.C., SiC. —ALSO— A fine article of Silk Hats, Caps. Umbrellas, B >o5s, Shoes, Cotton Yarns, Violins, Flutes, Fifes. Win dow Glass, dices**, ’l’ea, Alspice, Popper, Ginger, Saltpeter, Sdt, Sole Leather, and Liquors of vari ous kinds, front Claret Wine, to Champaign Bran dy,.Ale and Porter, and r. large lot of fresh GRO CF.RIF.S, Coffees, Rio, Laguira, Java, Js.e., fresh Mackerel and Shad, all of which lie will sell cheap for cash, or to punctual customers on a very short credit. Call and ere. at No. 5, nearly opposite the Virginia Hotel. I). M. HUFFMAN. Staunton, Nov.-15, 1S18. "AUCTION sa T isnr jUBscgsros {m&xstsmsQ IJl RSU-AN r to the last will and testament of ■- the title J. W. Beers, dec’d we, as Executor and Executrix, will proceed to sell at Brooksville, on IVednesday the <’>th day of December, to the highest bidder, all the personal property belonging to the late J. W. Beers’ estate, consisting of 25 Bedsteads, 25 Feather Beds. 25 hair and moss Matt resses, Brussels and Ingrain Cnr|ir:s. 1 Sofa. I Sideboard, Oil cloth Cupels, and a large quantity of useful and ornamental Furniture, Kitch en Furniture, Farming Utensils, See. Also.7 head of Horses, 20 head of Cattle, among wliieh are i vomo very superior Milch Cows, 40 head of Sheep, I 1 Riding Carriage, I Buggy, I Carryall, 1 Wag gon and Gear, 400 barrels of Corn, crop of Hay, Oats, and many other articles. The sale will commence on the day abovestited, at 10 o’clock, unless the weather should he unfavor able; in that event it will take place the next fair day, and continue from day to day, until all is sold. TERMS.—On all sums of $ I (land tinder, cash ; all over that amount a credit -of 9 months will he given, the purchaser giving bond with approved personal security. WILLIAM BEERS, Ex’r. SARAH GAMBLE. Ex’x. of the late J. W. Beers, dec’d. Brooksville, Nov. 8, 18 IS.—uh. Make Room for White’s Falrnt COOKING-STOVE. THE subscriber having purchased the exclusive light ot thii unriValled Cooking-Stove for the State of Virginia, i« now prepared to lurriish to the citizens of Augusta anil adjacent counties the above article, war ranted to stand, being manufactured at my own works in \\ iiichestcr, of the best materials. This Stove is a decided improvement on the Hathaway. In the first place it takes onc-thini less fuel;Snd, requires loss draft, and far surpasses the Hathaway in hiking corn bread. It is only necessary for persons in want to try the Stove in order to be convinced of i's superiority over any o ther Cooking Stove now in use. The subscriber in vites the owner of n Hathaway Stove to test the quality of this Stove. Numbers of certificates could be furnish ed, if heccstary, ol its taking the place of the far-famed ... J, hnu'ainw-ff&rrtltr r.Lt*' tof’arty other than the White, and can with confidence recommend this Stove to the public. Persons wishing to buy, or take on trial, the above Stove, ran be supplied at Mr. Slri tler’s Store iu Staunton, or at Mrs. Pollock’s Hotel, Harrisonburg. GEO. W. GINN. | November S, 1S4S.—3m. Ya\usMc Vun err* V ro^crly FOR REST. ; npHF. snlwcriber wishes to rent his very VALU j ABLE 1’AY P.R N STAND, in Jennings’ , Gap, Augusta County, Va. 'I’lio House is large and conveniently arranged, connected with which, is stahliug for 28 Horses, and all necessary out buildings, Ice house, Wagon-house, Src. Build ings all entirely new. Possession given r.t any time. The person renting, will he required togive , a guaranty that the house will he well kept. WASHINGTON M. DUDLEY. | Nov. 8, 1848.—3w*. SuAe.w or SWtwcvV l^HOM my stable, on the night of the 27th of last month, a JET BLACK 7.VIARE, with a star in the forehead, about 15' hands high, four years old. She was raised and owned until recently by Mr. Yates, who has been residing upon the farm of Dr. llal.l. on the South Iliver, above Waynesborough. If strayed she may bo in the neighborhood of Dr. Hall’s farm. Any person who will deliver her tome on the South Iliver, two miles from Mi, Meridian, shrtll be liberally com pensated. JOHN WEAST'. November 15, 18-13.—3t. COTTON YARNS. AAfEare now selling at reduced prices, iho lies! Cotton Yarns, colored Carpel Cotton Yarns, Candle Wick, Wrapping Twine and Buena Vista : Cotton Baitings. \\ HITE CO. ! Staunton, Nov. 8. IS 18. kWlLiSo A LARGE assortment ol’elegant Shawls,square “ *- and I mg. embroidered and plain, for sale cheap, at from 75 cents to $12 (H). WHITE & CO. Ncv. 8, 1848. I 0 A VP. now iii store. n'id for sale. 500 lhs. prime * ■ Bacon, No. I Mackerel, Dried Peaches, Bees war. and 1 Ton superior Iron assorted. ! Staunton, Nov. 15, 1843. n. copy. i AS HOES AND BOOTS.—Now open and ready ! >-7 for sale at low prices, ,m the lowest terms, a most extensive assortment. WHITE fc CO. j Nov. I.’i, 1818. j fififNA, GLASS & QUEENSWARE.—W« j have now open ready f ,r inspection, a large ns ^ softment of now styles and patterns, unusually Lw. . WHITE fk. CO. i Statmton, Nov. 15, 1818. OATS, CAPS AND MUFF s. Jnsf oprtied i and lor sale c/,rr/y>, an extensive supply, of all I pric«s 'M to $|u. WHITE is. CO. I Nov. 15, 184«. m.\!*b’,y EUY variety of Northern and Country Lilt *-J seys, for sale low. WHI TE &. CO. Nov. 8. 1843. VN EXCELLENT COOK.— Inquire nt this office. Staunton, Nov. 15, 1848._tf. KlROOMSf Tubs and Buckets, and Sugar Box cs. a full supply on hand and for sale cheap. WHITE fk CO. Staunton. Nov. I, lsj«. AUGUSTA SAVINGS’ BANK. HPIIIS Istitution lieing now fully organised is ready lo receive deposited, and to pay interest I on llio same, at tbe rate of two per centum por an num where the depoeiles are withdrawn in four mouths, four percent per annum in ease the dejsw ites remain longer Utah four and less than Lvelve mouths, and five per cent for twelve months and longer. 'I'lie Directory meets regularly on Tucs dnyat do’clock, I’. M. in each week. Notes offered for ditaritmt must ho left with the Treasurer on Tuesday before the Board meets. Stockholders arc notified to pay to the Treasurer ten dollars on carh share at once. The weekly contributions aro to be paid overy Tuesday—25 cents on each share. By order of the Board. BKNJ. CRAWFORD, Pres’t. Uorkrt Co#fcv» 'I’roasurcr. Nov. 1,184*—Gw. BOOTS&SHOES. A LARGE supply just received, which will be sold low for cash. Purchasers will find it to their interest to call. (JCL’I he subscriber is also receiving a fine assort- | mentof Hats, to wliich lie invites tiie attention of his friends and the public. WILLIAM CRAIG, . Agent for S. J amksom St Co. Staunton, Nov. 1, 1848. Sc, YiOODEi .71 McDowell's Corner, Near the Tost Office, STAUNTON, UA., 1AEALERS in alt kinds of Country Produce, keep constantly on hand a large slock of SALT,.Nil I.S, COTTON YARN, FLOUll CORNMEAL, GRAIN, fyc., together with a general assortment. of GROCE RIES. ALSO.— A large stock of Cheap Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, and will at all times allow j the highest market prices for Country Produce. Staunton, Nov. 1, 1818. | Democrat copy 4w., NEW GOODS, At KZCIRmtiS’N Corner, .NEAR THE POST OFFICE, STAUNTON, YA. fl ¥ ORRIS &. GOODE, aro now receiving their j supply of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. | embracing every variety of Goods suitable to the [ season. Their Slock both of DRY GOODS and j GROCERIES, is now largo and complete. Duly appreciating the kindnessof their friends and customers and returning their sincere thanks for the i very liberal patronage they have received, they re- . spectfully solicit a call from all who want cheap J Goods, as they are determined to sell as low and ; give as good bargiins as any similar establishment in the place. Staunton, Nov. 1, 184S. [ Democrat copy 4w. • \)rv\£s, MedvcYues, V v\\. \y, Y?a\vUs tvut\ A)$c SVuYYs. jK’SKRIDGE &. CUSHING, have just reeeiv “ J ed their Fall Supply of the above, together with a small dock of Fancy Articles, Perfumer}’, which they offer to the public on reasonable terms. H’hile Lend Pure and No. 1 (in Oil,) Linseed Oil, Sp'ls Turpentine, Litharge, Chrome Green, (in Oil,) do. Yellow, do. Prtiss. Blue, do. Lamp Black, do. Paris do. Fen.Jled do.for hearths. AND ALL OTHER PAINTS IN COM MON USE. Call at the Sign of the Golden Mortar. Staunton, Nov. 1, 18-18. It 1VE A’ TEJEWS. ~ ¥^XT, Logwood, Alum, Blue Slone, Copperas, Oil Vitriol, Mur Tin., lied Wood, and Log Wood, (Ground and Chipped.) for sale by ESKRIDGE & CUSHING, j Staunton, Nov. 1, 1818. New Yw\\ aut\ Wn\lcr lioo^sJ ! "ClO^ r5'di»F undersigned has just opened so entire new ■*■ and substantial stock of 2>i*y fnooris, KooJs, Siiites, E3ats,! Cajw. (tiicensnai'Ci li£;ar<i- . ware, Grom'ics. A embracing all the useful articles in daily demand, and of such variety and prices as to render them attractive to dealers. Prime extra and No. 1 White f end, Flaxseed, TVinners’ and clarified \VliaIc Oils, alt of which will bn offered at very low prices for rash, or in exchange for all kinds of country produce. THOMAS STRIDF.U. Adjoining Valley Hotel. Staunton, Nov. J. M){\\ 0cloibev, IP,Ye). j Cloths, Cassi’ncres, and Vestings, At the Skin ok the ST.»n>tn Umbhci.u. j I^RKSII lot of!- rench. and F.nglish Black Cloth, j Do. do. Olive Green, very handsome and | cheap. Do. do. Olive Brown, do, do. Pilot and Beaver Cloths, front ,VOc toper yard. 1) ir Skin nnd Fancy Cus?irriern». a great variety. ILack V el ve.t,Satin and Fancy \ estinosall kinds and prices. COWNF Sc 1)F.AKINS. Staunton. Nov. I, 18-JP. SECOND SUPPLY. Alsms A. Kaiser I I 1 rr<^>ved a second supply of I * *• Jennie Lind Nett Handkerchiefs, Sky Blue French Del.aines, Steel Bends and Clasj>s, Purse Twist, B. It Ribands, Heavy Tweod's Fiilled, Cloths and many other goods. ! Staunton. Nor. I. It 18. OY ST FillS \ OY S VVAVS \ R | A\ ING mrkle permanent arrangements at the North, OY STF.IIS can he had daily rluring the season, at the store of the suliscriber by the Can or half Can. lower than they have been ever sold for in this market. B. F. EVANS. Nov. J, 1848. Opposite Spectator Oflicc. Democrat copy1. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. VI fE arc large dealers in these goods, and invite ** atlrnt on to oUr clock of Knives and Forks, Pocket and Pen Knives, liarors. Locks, Stirrup Irons, Bridle Bits. 'Trace Chains, Log Chains, Best Warranted Axes, Cutting Knives, Mill Saws, Sifters. Coffee Mills, Spades and Shovels, Pilch Forks, &c., very low WHITE &. CO. Staunton, Nov. I, fS'*55. JUST received, on /looney, n large supply of TOW NS F N D’S 8 A K S A P A RI i.L A E. BERKELEY. * Staunton. Nov. P. 1848. A VUU.SU SUPPLY OP Conlfeclionarics, CJrocorie#, A r. | ^IMIE subscriber lias just roturnrcl from the North. : with a large and select Slock of Goods in Iris line, consisting of IT0NFKC1 IONARY, FRUITS, NUTS AND TOYS, CF ALL KINDS, which he will dispose of at wholesale and retail at extremely low prices to punctual customers. In cnr» neetion with the above business, he has also added a well laid in stock ol‘6'iI(/C£fii'£«St which will lie sold as low as they ran be had any the Valley. His Bakery is now in full operation where Parties. Weddings, See., will be supplied on the shortest notice. B. F. EVANS. Nov. 1, 1818. Opposite Spectator O'flico. Democrat copy. Drugs, Alrtliciiirs nnd Fuiiry Articles. 'r\ rJMlF. subscriber is now receiving his Fall supply of DRUGS, MED? (’INTIS and a variety of FANCY AR r'v.J TICl.ES, including many ether, gen ;Vc. '. 0 nine GERMAN COLOGNE, Bay Rum, Glen’s Shaving Compound. •;•*]( Motto St Transparent Wafers, &.c’., &e. ; ! Also WINTERSl RAINED LAMP jLl OIL and LINSEED OIL—all of ---which will be sold on accommodating terms. K. BERKELEY. October 25, 1848. [Dem. copy. FROM the subscriber oil Monday night last, * small tin box, with a brass lock,containing ruy free papers, several accounts, and about two dollars in money. Any information which will lead to tho discovery of the thief, and the restoration of my property will be thankfully received. AARON SHOVELLER. Staunton, Nov. 1, Is'13. EI:£IMZ(DI£ JAYNES’ EXPECTORANT, do. Carminu tiVa Balsam, do. Vermifuge, do. Hair Dye. Cherry Pectoral, (a new article) Wisiar’s Bala. Cherry, Townsend's Sarsajiarilla, t^c. Also a large supplv of Columbian Ink, in boltUs large and small, for sale by ESKRIDGE & CUSIHNG. Staunton, Nov. 1, 1818. Y iv\vvw\Ac Cow\m\s\uyc l/ands UFCDia 81M£o B WILL proceed to sell on the premises, on the ® 1st day of March. 1810, to the highest bidder, a valuable TRACT OF LAND, la'o the proper ty of Janies Ilughart, dec’d., lying in the county of Bath, on the Cowpasture river and free Turn j>ikc road, twelve miles oast of the Warm Springs, The tr^et contains between :*<»0 and 400 Aacs, and has un it a good Dwelling House and Barn with oil ter necessary buildings. Also, three ollie? Dwelling Houses on Oiflejent parts of the place._ A large )Kirtion of the land is River liottom—fine lor corn, wlreat awl oats,—and hai on it a fine su gar orchard, ar.j a tolerable apple orchard. Tim terms of Koto will he one-third of the purchase money down, or within 31) days; the balance in two annual instalments, secured by bond and good security. Any person wishing to examine tha land, w ill be show n it by Mr. Ewin Ilughart, who resides on the land. A good tight and all ncceeaV ry attention will be given 1 »V ANDREW STEWART. Adtit’or. of James Ilughart, dec'd. Nov. 1, 1818. T V\ ILL likewise offer for sale at the same timel * the Farm on which I reside, two miles further up the river, containing 400 acres, possessing like advantages too numerous to mention, asariy persons wishing to purchase will examine fur themselves. | Terms will lie accommodating. ANDREW STEWART. | Nov. 1,1843. OO* The Valley Star please copy and send ae: count to the Spectator Office where payment will be made. A. S. O C T O ES R E* 1 8, 1 8 4 8 . TIIE LATEST SUPPLY OF T?cA\ an A W’rntcv Goo As* Call nt Hip sign of Uic Stripe’, lliiibrelUi* STATJNTGtV, VJk. fc, i^isiisasysa ^ '*'*'* '*' * invite the attention of llieii menus and tlio public to the examination of tlieir new and iatge stock of #W/I Vit'V UVMcr EZr/J Goocfs, coinpri* iunr almost every variety of STAPLE and 1’ A>.(COOUS suited for this market, and not | l<’. he surpassed for style and cheapness by any in the. Valley of v irginia. ALSO—A large and general assortment of Gro ceries. Qurensware, Hoots, Shoes, lints and Capa N. H.—For particulars please sue small adver tiseinrnts. C. U, D Staunton, October IS, ISIS. Highland County Cowl, October Term, 1848. HN the matter of .lames Wiley ’a nuncupative ® Will, at the relation of Srtyrilhia Wilson. The summons awarded in this case, at the An gust Term of this Court, having been returned by the Sherilf of this County, that Hilbert Wiley whom it is said is the Father and heir at Law o! the said James Wiley, dec’d., is “no inhabitant of the Commonwealth of \ irginia,’’ and that lie “line no known agent in this County, or this State, Upon whom this '■ominous ean lie served p’nnd it appear ing to the satisfaction of tho Court. that the »ai</ James Wiley departed this life without lawful is sue. and that the said R ihert Wiley his Father, in no inhabitant of this Commonwealth: It in there fefc ordered that at the next February Torrnof this Court, tho Court will proceed to hc'tr such evidence as may J<e addueed in support ,T said nuncupative Will—n! jo any that may he olTercd in!or thereto—and it is further ordered tint a ropy of this order In forthwith inserted in the Staunton Specla-. i lor once a week for four successive weeks, in orih r | that anv disposed to opp.ise said nuncupative Will [ may have tin opp lftunity so to do. A Copy—Tesie, A. STETIIENSON, Jr., Clerk. | Nov. 1, 1818.—4w. I^OR the cheapest Jl.'l'J'H, (V)/\S, JiOOTS ■QJVfl ft it OHS, call at the Baltimore V,loth ing Depot, kept in the corner mom of the Viroini.V II'del by FRANK k CO. Oct. 25.— 4m. SELLERS COUGH SVRlI’.- Just rrcciv etl another supply of (he n'»ove popular remedy i for Coughs, Colds. Ur. Also, Sellers’ LIVER TILLS nod VfctiMl PUGE. E. HEHKELEY. 1 Am*. 23, 18-»8 . _’_ 'ITrrhio bhirtn <nul ffraptrr*. (p hand an assortment of Lambs’ >>ebl, Men no and Silk Shirts and Drawn*?, at New York ^lUTE&CO. Nov. 8, 1848. V* t rtfif rtft; w, A MEM riFUE assortment of G1//.V,?,7 Xfi qunn.ysn.dfi/:. at e green & Co’s. StatfMon/ fVf. 25. S.go of the Fla/