Newspaper Page Text
FKOFKBPTONAI.. RICHARD S. KER, HUGH H. KERK, Commonwealth's Attorney for Augusta County. KEK & KERB, Attorneys-at-Law—4 Law Building, Staunton, Va. WH. LANDFS, • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Staunton, V a 11 No. 2, Court Housa Square, aug 9-tt HENRY W. HOLT, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, Staunton, Va. B. KENNEDY, • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 10 Lawyer'" Kow~ Staunton, Va. Special attention given to collections and cbancerv practice. Jan K-tt LAW OFFICB OF J. A. ALEXANDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. No. B Lawyer's Row. A C. BRAXTON " ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR. Ojtficb:—Rooms 13,13, IT, Masonic TemjOe. Jan 18. '9S-tf JK. rxsuuv, • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Sooond Floor, Masonic Temple,; Mutual Phone. Staunton, va. Lan A L. V. H PETTON. hbhbebt j. taylor. PEYTON & TAYLOR.S ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 10 Barristers' Row. T> E.R.NELSON, Attorney-at-Law and Commissioner Chancery. OFFICE: No. 10 LAWYERS' ROW, Jan4-M STAUNTON, VA. CAETKB muiIOX, H. H. WATT. Com. Atty. for City of Staunton. BRAXTON & WAYT, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA'V, No. 23 S. Aueusta St., Offices—2 and 3. Stauuton, Va HAKKT H. ULKA.SH.. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office—Room S Masonic Temple.; jan « Staunton, Va. JAHEB BUMSAKDNBB, JT. L. BUKOARDNEB. RUDOLPH BUUOABDMB J., J. L., & R. BUMGAEDNER ATTORNEYS AND COU NSELLORB AT LA W Prompt attention given to all legal busi ness entrusted to our bands. rOS. A. GLASGOW, V ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ; No. 8 Barristers Row, STAUNTON, VA. auglO-tf T M. QUARLE3, »J. LAWYER. Law unices In Masonic Temple, STAUNTON, VA. HUGH G.KICHELBERGER, ATORNKY-AT-LAW' Btaunnton,V Drs. G. A.&A H. Sprinkel, DENTISTS, 108 W. MAIN STREET. Modern methods. Crown and bridge work. FIR F I NFET Graduate of Toronto Un. r. J. Iltrr, Veterinary College, Toronto, Canada. VETKEI.UIIV SUKUEON. Has fitted up a Veterinary Hospital on Central Avenue, with padded box stalls and all modern conveniences. All animals left in his care will receive the best attention. Calls promptly ans wered both in the city or county day or night. . I Hospital and Office, 492. FHONES. f Residence, 492. dec 15-2 m COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE tStaunton, Va.. Dec. 29,1899. A. S. Dayis, etc. vs. Minnie I. Harner, et als. All pereons interested in the above styled chancery cause will Take Notice, that in pursuance of a decree of the circuit couit of Auausta county entered in said cause Dec. 9, 1809,1 shall at my office in Staunton, Va., on Saturday, February 10th, 1900, proceed to take, state and settle the follow ing aocounts: Ist. Of the real estate owned in Virginia by the linn of J. A. Davis & Son. 2nd. A. settlement of the partnership ac counts of said firm. 3rd. A settlement of the estate of J. A. Davis, dec'd, and whether there are any unpaid taxes thereon. 4th. A distribution of said estate in Vir ginia among the parties entitled thereto. sth. Any other matters deemed perti nent, etc. R. E. R. NELSON, Commissioner in Chancery. Patrick & Gordon, p. Q.jan 5-4t g^-^y^. SOUTHERN Railway Schedule in effect Dec. 10,1899, For the South and Southwest. i N0.9. j No. 55L\0.33.|N0.37 Lv Staun CSOtIO 20 am 1106 am l23opmH-230pm ArChar. '• | ll4sag)rt22opni|4Uspm I 405pm liV Char. So. 12 05pmj*2OOpmJB54ami*150am Ar Lynch, " ! 17 pm! 3 48pm| 2 45am| 3 42am Ar Danville" 445 pml 5 41pm 4 33am| 5 40am Ar Greens. " 125 pm 7 10pm 5 45am; 7 (Cam ar Raleigh " 2 45 any 2 45am110 45amHI)45am ArSallsb'y "j7 59pm; 8 24pm' 6 55ani "06am ArChat'ga" 17 40 am; 7 40ain ! 1135pnill36pm Ar Charl'te " 933 pm 945 pm 8 Mami 9 25am ArColumb'" 120 am 1126 am! ArAuiru'ta" 800 am 2 50pm! arSv'naSltyP 6 loamj.iaopm Ar Jax'ville"! 9 23am17 40pm: AJAtla'aSKyi I 510 urn] 355pm Ar Mo'tgawp, llOSOam 9 20pm ArN.O.,L&N 1 | 810pml 7 40am I llSjaml 10 00pm No.9.—Dally—Local for Charlotte and In termediate Stations, with connection for Harrisonburg daily, and Staunton daily ex cept Sunday. No. 35.—Dally—United States Fast Mail through Pullman Sleepers to Jackson ville, via Savannah; to Atlanta, aid New Orleans.connecttug at Salisbury with sleep er for Ashevllle. Knoiyille, Chattanooga, and Memphis and at. Charlotte for Augusta; and at Columbia with sleeper for Charles ton. Also at Charlotte with sleeper for At lanta. Dining Car service. No. 33.—New Yokk and Florida Express —Carrying Pullman Buffet Sleeping-cars New York to Augus'a.with cnnneetiu i for Aiken; also to Port Tampa, Fla., via Colum bia, Savannah and Jacksonville. Through coach to Jacksonville. Dining car service. No. 33.—"Washington and Chattanooga Limited via Lynchburg." witn Pullman Buf fet Sleeping-cars for Memphis and Now Or leans through Bristol. Through coach from Washington to Memphis. Parlor and Observation car between Radford, Va.. and Attalla, Ala. Cafe car service. No.37.—Dally—Washington and Southwest ern Vestibuled Limited, through Pullman Sleepers to Asheville.Hot Sprinss and Nash ville, via Salisbury and Chattanooga; to New Orleans, via Montgomery and Mobile to Mem Dhls, via Atlanta and Birmingham Pullman Observation and Library Sleeping car to Atlanta. Dining Car service. Sunset Personally conducted tourist ■xcuksion on this train every Monday Wednesday aud Friday, from Washington to San Francisco without Changs. Trains from Staunton by Chesapeake and Ohio Railway connect in Union Station at Charlottesville with Southern Ky.trains HAKRISONBUKG TO WASHINGTON. tN0.14 No. I tNo.l3i*No.9 36 AM PM PM PM 5:48 12:30 Lv. Staunton Ar 325 «45 *3 35 " Harrisonb'rf " 930 215 717 122 " New Market" 849 133 730 441 " Kc. Jackson" 834 117 744 I 458 " Edinburg " 813 100 753 511 " Woodstock " 808 12 49 820 548 " Stra3burg " 737 1217 PM 842 613 " Riverton " 718 1152 852 6 2,1 " Front Koyal" 707 1140 10 50 8 25| " Manassas " SOS 930 1135 9 251 " Alexandria •• 453 828 PM AM r l2oonl "9 i'.iArWashinirtonLv 401 «HOl tDally except Sumiav. "Daily. Immediate connection In Union Depot at ■Washington for and from Baltimore, Pnil adelphla and New York. Fran'* S.Gannon,3dVlce-Prost & Gen. Man tr <.i"»»fc." 7'"" ->j *-— Miserable, Unhappy Woman Suffering Heedlessly When DR. GREENE'S NERVURA Blood and Nerve Remedy WILL MAKE HER WELL. Poor woman, with her delicate body and unstrung nerves. Life Is hard on her The world Is heavy and It drags her over Its rough roads regardless of the jars and shocks which tear her nerves and sap her life and beauty. And how she endures I jKtftf&A |Mk\ Poets have sung of it —clergymen praised it—the ft world gained by it. But it is wrong, we say. BSSlSlSßß^^^vKr""^" /s wrong to suffer needlessly —to drag ''JSS&SBcf through life listless, weak, melancholy, use- ttlrWsSSr wUHfc- *°MlffflßlN tsss and uninteresting. If there were no "<«Biy?k r-1 ■° r - Circene's Ker\>ura blood and nerve rem- ~U *«S§lpiL_ cdv. it would be different. 4'Mfe, llj [ But there Is llt is ready to add old tlmt \ grace and spring to your feet, to Hghx M \ those dull eyes with sparkle and bring fc—t Hi W/ M'tfKvJ \ \ a dainty pink to those sallow cheeks. V/lßa f/' //)\M\ \ ) doubt about It. mfih "■■'*> ■ ll\l/WeL\.\ \ Set your blood tingling and tighten up H£r~t .Wi3Baa— your nerves with a ssfe, sure rem- BRJ JVS ~~— PJ\\ edy. What Dr. Oreene's Ncr- v^'^s^- *^" a * as done for others Jt will ** ft,r Jo " — enrich your '•*•'% t&Vc)sFs / Wood — strengthen your / 6 " erves ' increase your ap- / And It is Just as good for men J I bs it is for women — makes amm m \ .'-jS* 5 '*""" /00jt a/jd /Cc/ WC// ' i t^^^lS ß v=!a * Mrs. Caroline Chandler, Conecri,SJ.E.,as,ys: 'jßj. / 'Tor years I iKid trouble -with m> stomach and \fcr\W t. »'• BEjL have consulted physicians and sought In various ways to find H relief/ In addition to my stomach difficulty, I suffered a great IB deal with pains in my Wk. and general weakness of the >«/* system TueurstreliefwMchlobtataedwasthroughtbeuse of Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, and I have continued to »« the remedy ««MT«I felt it necessary to do so. I look upon Dr. Greene's Nervura as a valuable medicine, and take pleasure In recommending it to others." . Dr. Greene, 86 West 14th St., New York City, Is the most successful specialist in curing nervous and chronic diseases. He has remedies for all forms of disease, and offers to give free consultation and advice, personally or by letter. Toucantellor write your troubles to Dr. Greene, for all communica. tlons are confidential and letters are answered in plain, sealed envelopes. ■ i l WHOLEY & MURPHY PIE AND UNADULTERATED LIQUORS! Handle all the Different Brandsof ty Whiskies from Three to Eight Years Old. ONLY HANDLERS OF D. BEARD WHISKY IN THE CITY OR COUNT V Have also on hand different brands of fine Old Wilson and Montis cello, Pennsylvania Gray, Melvale, and other fine brands. Special at tention given to all orders. Having on hand a large quantity of Whiskies and Wines, -we will offer to the trade special inducements. We handle Port and Sherry for family use which we will gull at $1.00 per gallon.; Also Bottled Beer, Scotch Ale and Londori Porter. Our $2 a gallon Whiskey you will find pure and good No. 3 South New Street, Staunton, Va, 2 AUaiuiAmiiii>.iUiimiitmiiuiiiJt.uiituiiii«tiiiuuiMiMi''- UiUUUMattOaUHE MOTTS PENNYROYAL PILLS of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVERS" to girls at womanhood, aiding- development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm —life becomes a pleasure. $3.00 PER BOX RY MAIL. Sold by druggists, DR. MOTTO CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. For Sale by Hogshead, Hanger & Co. THOROaSRNESS . , i One of the causes of tbe growth of our business is the care we ' give to so-called minor details. We do not consider them of ' minor importance. We believe in handling a job of printing ' properly, attending to all the points thoroughly. Wheth- ' er it is the proportion of the sheet, the size and style of the type or the blank margin, al! of these points, and a great many others ( are necessary to give the finished production the appearance that i has made our work the standard for this section. I The Stone Printing arcrf Wlanufacturing Company. ! EDW. L. STONE, President. * 110,112 and 114 N. Jefferson St. ROANOKE, VA. < & Ohio By, IN aWJTBCI OCT. 3S, 1809. KADIBUUXD. Trains leave Staunton as follows: 3:OU A. M. Dally. F. F. V. Limn nd for Wash ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Richmond, Old Point Comfort and Norfolk. Dining Car 1U.56 A. M.—Daily, Express for Washington Baltimore, Philadelpuia, New York, Richmond, Old Point Com fort and Norfolk. Dining car to Washington. 2:30 P. M., Except Sunday, Express :or Rich mond. 10:20 A. M. —Ar. 8,45., Except Sunday. Local passengei for Gordonsvilie. WESTBOUSH.; 4:23 A. M. Daily, F. f. V. Limited for Clncln nati, Louisville, St. Louis, Chicago West and Southwest. Dining Car. 7:08 P.M. Cincinnati and St. Louis Specia! Cincinnati. Indianapolis, St. Louis Chicago. West and Southwest Dining Car. 3:88 P. M. Except Sunday. Day Express to Clifton Forge. For further information apply or address James Ker Jr., Pass and Ticket Agent Staunton. Va. GEO. W.STEVENS, H.W . FULLER. General Manager. (Jen lFsss. A«t Apple, Peach, Pear, Plnm and Cherry Trees, Giape Vines, and Strawhßrry Plants. In fact everything the fruit grower needs can be found at our nurseries. All first-class stock in every respect, and free from disease. Write and get our prices before placin? your order elsewhere, as we will sare you money. WHEELER BROS., 0. K. NURSERIES, CROZH, VA. sep 29-tf ' FOR SALE! I want to sell FOUR t.l) ACRES or Land lyiag between tbe National Cemetery and the Chesapeake & Ohio railway, near .Staun ton. It lays welt and would make a nice garden for any one desiring toongatre in that businet.B. I will sell by tbe acre or as a whole as it rn?y suit the purchaser. MICHEAI. MeALEErt, Executor 01 Patrick Finn, dec'd. Oct 27-tf in KKI> ami Oolt'l metallic boxes, seilcd *tjK v*tb bloerit.bon. Tokeno other. Kef-mo I*l Sftvy Pong***""* .SnbatUut]on» and lmltii- |"/ — ifr tlnnn* Buy of your DrofpiM, or wod 4<-. i-j ||» y ■•mbus fcr Ptirtfcvlnr** TeattxnGiilslA STAUNTON SPECTATOR AND VINDICATOR. They overcome Weak ness, irregularity and omissions, increase vig or and banish "pains CURES THE COUGH. A pleasant, never-failing remedy for throat and lung diseases. Sellers' Imperial Cough Syrup Is absolutely free from spirituous or other harmful ingredients. A prompt, positive cure for coughs, colds, hoarseness, influ enza, whooping cough. Overs million bottles fold in the last few years attest! ts popularity. W. J. GILMORE CO. ~ fl . . . prrrsßUHG,pa. At all Druggists. 25c and 50c. PILES! PILES! PILES! Dr. Williams'lndian Pita Ointtnenv will cure Blind, Bleeding, Ulcerated and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tu mors, allays the itching as once, acts as a poultice, gives instant relief. Dr Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared only for piles and itching of the private parts, and nothing else. Every box is guaranteed. Sold by druggists, sent by mail, for 50e and $3 per box. Williams M'f 'g Co.. Prop's, Cleveland, Ohio. vs James D. Coiner's Heirs. All parties interested in the above styled cause now pending in the circuit court for the county of Augusta lake No tice. that pursuant, to a decree of s>Ud court entered in said cause Dec. 11, 1890, r shall at my office in Staunton, Va., ou ' February 17, 1900, proceed to ascertain anct leport: 1. What interest the widow and heirs nt-law of .James D. Coiner, dec'd, Lave in the real estate ol taut decedent, And if the partition and sale in the bill mentioned is tairto all parties in interest. 2. What are the interests of the widow and heirs atlaw of said decedent in his personal estate. ;s. What is tbeoutstandinirindebtednes.s ol said decedent including any unpaid 4 The transactions of Jos. D. Carr and Eugene 0. Coiner, administrators of said decedent, with tbe estate iv their hands. 5. Any other matters deemed pertinent »<*• HENRY W.^HOLT, THE ABSENT-MINBEB BEGGAR. BY RTJDYARD KIPLING. When you've shouted "Rule Britannia"—when you've sung "God Save the Queen"— When you've finished killing Kruger with your mouth- Will you kindly drop a shilling in my little tambourine For a gentleman in kharki ordered South ? He's an absent minded beggar and his weaknesses are great— But we and Paul must take him as we find him— He is out on active service, wiping something off a slate— And he left a lot o' littile things behind him ! Duke's son—cook's son—son of a hundred kings— (Fifty thousand horse and foot going to Table Bay '.) Each of 'em doing his country's work (and who's to look after their things?) Pass the hat for your credit's sake and pay ! pay ! pay ! There are girls he married secret, asking no permission to. For he knew he wouldn't get it if he did. There is gas and coal »nd vittles and the house-rent falling due, Aud it's more than rather likely there's a kid. There are girls he walked with casual. They'll be sorry now he's gone For an absent minded beggar they will Hod him; But it ain't the time for sermons with the winter coming on— We must help the girl that Tommy's left behind bim. Cook's son—Duke's son—son of a belted Earl- Son of a Lambeth publican—it's all the same today ! Each of 'em doing his country's work (aud who's to look after the girls ? Pass the hat for your creditor's sake, and pay ! pay! pay ! There are families by the thousand, far too proud to beg or speak, And they'll put their sticks and bedding up the spout, And they'll live on half o' nothing paid 'em punctual once a week. For the man that earns the wage is ordered out. He's an absent-minded beggar, but he heard his country call, And his regiment didn't need to semi to find him; He chucked his job and joined it. So tbe job before ns all Is to keep the home that Tommy's left behind him ! Duke's job—cook'B job—gardner. baronet, groom- Mews or palace or paper shop—there's some one gam away ! Each of 'em doing his country's work (and whose to look after the room V) Pass the hat for your credit's sake, and pay ! pay ! pay ! Let us mtnage so as later we can look him in the face, And tell him—what he'd very much prefer- That while he saved the Empire his employer paved his place, And his mates (that's you and me) looked out for her. He's an absent-minded beggar, and he may forget it all. But we do not want his kiddies to remind him That we sent 'em to the work-house while their daddy hammered Paul, So we"ll help the homes our Tommy's left behind him ! Cook's home—Duke's home—home of a millionaire, (Fifty thousand horse and loot going to Table Bay !) Each of 'em doing his country's work (and what have you to spare?) Pass the bat for your credit's sake, and pay ! pay ! pay ! Consistency is a Jewel. Back in 1888 Wm. McKinley, then a member of the House of Representa tives, attacked the then Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Fairchild. for hav ing distributed among banks without interest fully $59,000,000 of surplus money, that, as he put it, ought to be in the Treasury, and he charged, with particular eloquence and indignation, that the President of lhe United States and his administration were solely responsible for the congested condition of the Treasury and the alarm that existed about the currency situation. So indignant, indeed, was Congress man McKinley concerning this outrage that in the Republican convention of 1888, he, as chairman of the committee on resolutions, saw that into the plat form was put a denunciation of 'The Democratic policy of loaning the gov ernment moneys without interest to pet banks.' It is estimated that before the distri bution of money to banks now begun is completed, there will be $129,000,000 thus deposited in pet banks without interest, which they will loan out at from 6 to 10 per cent. This is the policy which the successful McKinley adopts, and is exactly the policy which the McKinley struggling upward to ward eminence denounced in 1888. Bad Blood—Cure Free. Bad Blood causes eating sores, tu mors, ulcers, cancer, are all curable by B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm), vvhich is made es pecially to cure all terrible blood dis eases. Persistent sores, blood and skin blemishes, scrofula, that resist other treatments, arequickly cured by B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). Skin eruptions, pimples, red. itching ecze ma, scales, blisters, boils, carbun cles, blotches, catarrah, rheuma-j tism, etc., are all due to bad blood, and I hence easily cured by B. B. B. Syphi- j litic blood poison (producing mucous patches, eruptions, falling hair), liter ally driven from the system and cure made by B. B. B. (Botan ic Blood Balm), in one to five months. B. B. B. does nut contain vegetable or mineral poison. One bottle will test it in any case. For sale by druggists everywere. Large bottles $1, six for $5. Write for free sample bottle of B. B. 8., which will be sent by return mail. When you write, describe symptoms, and person al free medical advice will be given. Address Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta, Ga aug 3 ly OASTOH.XA. Bears the y? lhB *■ Vm Alwa -' S NP Crumpacker s Blow at the South The usual Congressional ass has put in appearance. Representative Cium packer, of Indiana, has brought forth a measure to cut down the quota of Southerti Congressmen. In other words, to benefit the Republican party Representative Crumpacker has evolv ed the brilliant scheme of depriving the Southern negroes of representation in Congress. The excuse given by Mr. Crumpacker for this is that many of the negroes cannot comply with State requirements regarding voters. The negroes were deliberately enfranchised by the Republican party for the pur pose of outvoting the Democrats in the South aud to retaiu Republican power in tb.' South. Are the negroes more ignorant now than in 1896? Why does not the brilliant Mr. Crumpacker rooie forward with a sc'ieme tor re hiring the Congressional representa tion of his State or of Massachusetts, i.v the ground that there are thou -niids of men in both States unable to fulfill the requirements exacted of volts f Mr. Criuupackei'.s scheme is n deliberate attempt t> pen-eeu:e the South and will be recognized as such i>y every man, white or colored, from Virginia to Texas. It will not work.— '"cars tfc» Tha Kind You Have Always Bought .-■■"-■ n —? —— Humor in Congress. Representative Allen, of Mississippi, must look to bis laurels. There is a new humorist in Congress. The dis covery is Cushman, of Washington, whose wit is keen, whose sense of the < ridiculous is acute, and who tells a good story in a delightful fashion Cushman is tall and lank, of Abe Lin coln style of architecture with legs sc thin that he himself says that he has often been arrested for being without visible means of support. Another quaint expression is that he was once so poverty-stricken that he sewed buckshot in his summer coat Co make it heavy enough for winter wear. He bubbles over with original sayings and he utters them in a spontaneous, unconscious way that adds to their effectiveness. Mr, Cushman is put down in the C'onc>essioiialDirectory as a Congress man at-large, his State being without definite Congressional districts. This reminds him of a story. He was once approaching a town where be was billed to make a speech aud stopped at a house on the outskirts of the town to get a drink of water. He met the farmer's wife at the well. " is the political sentiment around here?" askedCushniao. "I dunno," said the woman, "I don't go to political meetings. They say there is a Congressman at large, and I think the safest thing for me to do is to stay at home." —Washington Post. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of (jux&ffictfi< Rev. Dr. Wm. A. Guerry, now chap lain at Suwanee University, Term., has been called by the vestry of St. Paul's church, Richmoad, to become rector of that church. Our job printing is the tat. i Hiwe You ! Heard i oi it? I You may have heard j about SCOTT'S EMULSION I and have a vague notion, | that it is cod-liver oil with I its bad taste and smell and \ > all its other repulsive fea-! | tures. It is cod-liver oil, the " ; purest and the best in the' i world, but made so palata-, | b!e that almost everybody < , can take it. Nearly all) > children like it and ask for i ! more. { SCOTT'S j EMULSION j looks like cream; it nour- \ ishes the wasted body of J the baby, child or adult \ better than cream or any % other food in existence. It! bears about the same rela- 1 tion to other emulsions that f cream does to milk. If you J have had any experience) with other so-called "just as < good" preparations, you! will find that this is a fact. , The hypophosphites that are J combined with the cod-liver oil! give additional value to it because j they tone up the nervous system, and impart strength to the whole i body. S _-„__5 oc - * ni ♦•■<». »M druggists. ■ SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists? New York* X • ■ .■- - /.'." HENCH & DROMGOLD'SI > Wm SAWMILL tHO ENGINES A wonderful improvement In Friction Feeds and GU-lEnck. Buck motion of Carriage;* times as fast as any other in the market. Friction Clutch Feed, ' causing >••• the feed gearing to stand still while back- I Ins:; great savin* in power and wear. Cata* losrue and price* free. Also Sprin* Harrow*, C'dltiTators, Corn Planters, Snellen*, etc. Mention this paper. HIiNC'U *fc DUOMGOI.D, iUfra., York, Pa, A STRIKING PIECE —OF— Private Legislation! The Schedule of Prices at Bowling, Spotts & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, STAUNTON, VA. Without ilread f eouipetition they still onVi to their fripnds a stock composed of «verj irtiole iueident to that of Kerelinnrllsf-. mar M DR. T. T. FAHRLEBOY, M. A, DM Graduated University of Maryland. DENTIST. 115 E. Hala street. - - - - STAOiTON, VA. Urown and Bridge work a specialty. All work guaranteed for Aye .Tears. Plates made ot gold, silver, porcelain, cel luloid and rubber. Modern methods, Im proved appliances, pain saving devices. Painless extractions. Mutual pbone 407. Racket Store!- No. 6 East Main Street, A. E. HARNESBERGER, - - - Proprietor. Twenty-five Departments—Everything in the Dry Goods and Clothing Line. Thousands are taking advantage of the great bargains we are selling. Are you one of the number? Our cash system of buying and selling enables us to sell goods at less than most merchants This is illustrated by the cash purchase of the BURKE & COMPANY'S STOCK, j which we bought at one-half what the goods cost wholesale If you have any regard for economy it will pay you to trade with us. The success we are having proves the public apprecia tion of our efforts as to bargain giving. Domestic Goods. Heavy weight Outing at 6c, worth 8 Best quality Apron Check 5c Grey half wool Skirting Flannel 10c, worth 15c. Heavy weight Cassimere 19c, worth 25c. Eiderdown at 18c, worth 25c All wool Baqueing2oc, worth 35c All the bhst band Prints 5a Extra heavy Canton Flannel Be, worth 10c Ladies' Ribbed Vests 10c, worth 18c Corsets—all the best makes—B. &U. and H, & S., Sonnette, fttftSe, worth $1 Cloaks and Capes! is the universal opinion of every one that has seen the vast line of Capes and Cloaks now on sale at our store that they are the handsomest line every seen here. They are going, and going fast. The prices make them go. There are none too poor to buy at such prices as we quote you here. Three dozen good full sized Capes 89c each. Three dozen good full sized Capes, trimmed in fur, $1.20 each. Two dozen good full sized Capes, trimmed in fur and braid, $1.25. And better class Capes cheaper than ever before presented. We have purchased the Witz, Burke & Co.'B stock, a class of Capes and Cloaks that are unsurpassed, which we now offer at 50c on the dollar. A good Cloak for $2.20. Have you ever heard of such prices duplicated? No is the univereal reply. Clothing If you appreciate a saving of your money it will pay you to look our stock over in this line. Boy's three piece vest suits for small boys from 3 to 7 years, trimmed with fancy braids, at $1 to $1.50, worth $1.50 to $2. Boy's double breasted from 75c to £2.50; the best values to be had in the city. Largeboy's suits from S2 50 to $5 Men's suits at $2.75; better at $3.50. Men's all wool suits at $5 and $6. Black suits, imported, clay worsted $7.50, worth $10. A. E. HARNESBERGER, Proprietor, NOTICE. lickiQi Potatoes and Onions, Wholesale and Retail, —AT— J, A. Fauver & Cos. Ofl Wesiai Hans! The best flam on the market. No doubt about It. Don't forget the name. —AT— J. A. Fauver & Cos. Best Western Oats and all kinds of Feed, —AT- J. A. Fauver & Cos.. 33 & 35 S. Augusta St., Staunton. Va. Mutual Phone 25. Hides Wanted. Feeding Cattle for Sale We have 42 cattle, all steers, at our farm at Mossy Creek, in this county, four sale. The 2 year-olds, ot which there are 22, will weigh about 800 lbs; the 3-year-olds, of which there are 20, will weigh about 1,100 lbs. For prices see R B. Hamilton, on the farm, or address the undersigned at Staunton. Va. nevl7tf R. S. & W.A.TURK. THE! Dress Goods. Five hundred pieces Dress Goods bought from Witz, Burke & Co. at 50 cents on the dollar. Bargains that you will appreciate. Wool mixed Dress Goods, all the latest shades, at 12 jo, worth 20c. Fancy styles at 25c, worth 50c. Black Goods, Fancy Mohairs, at 40 cents, worth 75c. All wool Brocades, solid, new colors 25c, worth 65c. Black 55 inch Ladies' Cloth, all wool, 50c, worth 90. All wool Black Surge at 50c, 45 inch 45 inch Storm Serge 25c, worth 40c. Velvets and Silks all less than whole sale cost prices. Millinery. In this department we endeavor to please the tadies, and are satisfied we can do so far beyond their most san guine expectations. Head apparel can make woman homely or beautiful. Why disfigure yourself with something out of style. We have just received the largest and most complete line of Shapes. Birds and Tips that has ever been presented to the admiring eyes of the ladies of the city aud county. Now this is not mere talk, but genuine facts. Our §2 00 Velvet Pattern Hats are a dream. And our $3 and S3 50 hat is simply magnificent. Now do not delay; as tbe season ad vances our stock deminishes, and the ladies that would receive the best bar gains must come at once. We have just purchased the entire sample line of a leading Baltimore house—Shapes, Trimmed Oolf Hats, Sailors, Feathers. Tips. Fancy Mil linery of all kinds at 50 per cent off. Yon can buy tin's clas-s of goods from us cheaper than other merchants pny. Come aud be convinced. Furniture The extraordinary success we have been having with the sale of Furni ture low prices explain the secret. We will give you more for your money i than you can buy elsewhere. To con vince you give us a call wher, you want anything in this lino. Three piece solid value suits $8.50 worth 11.00. Three piece solid oak suits 10.00, worth 12.00. And extra heavy 3 piece suit, 24x30 mirror, at 19.00, worth 25.00. Extra golden, oak finished. 3 piece suit, fancy mirror on dresser and stand, at 25 00, worth 30.00; a bargain. Separate beds at 1.50, 175. 2.00 and 2 75, oak finish. Iron beds at all prices. Chairs, Tables, Sideboards, etc., in fact everything in the Furniture line at the lowest prices. C COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, J Staunton. Va., Jan 4,1801. Ne!ia V. Pates, V 8 Webley Pates, tt als. All parties interested in the abore styled cause now pending in tbe circuit court for the county of Augusta Take No tice, that pursuant to a decree of said court entered in said cause Nov. 15, 1899, 1 shall at my office in Staunton, Va., ou February 16,1900, proceed to ascertain and report : 1. The real estate of which M. C. Pates died seized, tbe nature and condition of the title thereto, its fee simple and annual rental value, the liens binding the same in the order of their legal priority and delin quent taxes thereon, if any. 2. Whether or not it is practicable to partition tbe same in kind among those en titled thereto. 3. Whether or not the paper purporting to be the will of Margaret (J.Pate* probat ed July 24, 18,9, is in fact her will or is null and void. 4. The transactions of Hnlst Glenn, adm'r. ot M. C. Pates, deceased. 5. Any other matters deemed pertinent, etc. HENRY W. HOLT, Commissioner in Chancery. Curry & Glenn, p q.jan 12-4t Reliable persona of a mechanical or Inventive mind desiring a trip to the Paris Exposition, with good salary and expenses paid, should write The patent KECUItD. Baltimore, Mil. CEO.A.NEWHAM CARPENTER. Shop opposite City Fire Department, STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. All work executed with neatness and dis patch. Job Work a Specialty. Your Work Solicited. 4S-lUOTUAI. PHONE 405. China Goods. By long experience and untireing efforts, we are able to cut the prices in this department lower than ever before Our friends who may wish to buy Din ner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, or in fact any article in this department may do so at a cost never dreamed of by the patronieing few cut price*: Good Royal Iron Stone China plates 2oc and 35c per set. Good Royal Iron Stone China cups and saucers 35c per set. Good heavy glass tumblers 10c set Good glass stand lamp 18c each Handsome decorated lamps, big sell ers, $1 to $1.25. Good Iron Stone China meat Dishes 9c up. Good Iron Stone China vegetable dishes 9c up. 6 Good Iron Stone China bowlß 9c up. 10 piece Toilet Sets artistically deco rated in gold and three colors, $3.75, worth $6. T ' Salt and peper shakers 4c each { And the best 100 piece under glazed warranted first class China Dinner Sets for the unheard of small price of apU.oO. ao s n„ PieCe tea Sets are now selling at VB.HL Shoe In our shoe department we have bargains that have never before been offered to the Staunton public and the surrounding counties. Our sample Shoes, which are widely known throughout tbe district, are now on hand. The first that come always get the pick and of course re ceive the best bargains. Come at once, delays are poverty makers r*\ ea ] 1^ eayy B rain Bhoe s. 80 cents. Ladies heavy calf shoes, SO cents fine dongola shoes, 90 cents. Boy's buff boots, $1. Men's fine buff boots, $1.50. Men's heavy brogan shoes, 80 cents. Men's heavy stitchdown, $1.15. Fine shoes from $1.50 to $3. Misses' and boy's shoes are lower than ever before, while chilrren's shoes are going at a song. Don't delay, but come at once. ««■*• Cook Stoves! * £ he Ml 4 9 00k stov <* made, guaran -5? mBS. Mt prices- No * 7 - 91 " Sewing Machines. Sewing Machines made by Standard Sewing Machine Co. at $18.50. Equal to any $50 machine made. Guaran teed for five years.