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Welavlte Inspection of Our Subscription List, by Advertisers, and assure them thatthey willflnd It the largest of any paper Published in this City. GFT #•■ POST ED On what's being worn by particular men and good dressers this spring; we will fake pride and pleasure in showing you through our fashion emporium for fsf *iIiiiiiU4iUUt4HUUiiUUUUUU4IUUiIUiiUUUUiiUUUkIiUIiUUUUU *H|£ I ffetvs, Boys & Children's Wear. 8 ty and variety of the fabrics and the fine fin ish of the garments is way beyond the reach of the usual clothing store. If you have spare time you might look around before you see our stock, but if your time is valuable, you'd here the well well man and boys were, and you have the assurance that you get your moncv s worth or your money back. Weinberg Clothing Co., The Reliable Clothiers and Furnishers, No. 5 South Augusta Street. Next to Augusta National Bank, The Kind You Have Always Bought, ami which lias I>ce?i in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of jryfl i - and has been Etuwle under his per- BOnal -"'U'crvision since i< s infancy. '«XO* l 6'K ADowno one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups, It is Pleasant. Et contains neither Opium, Morphine nor oilier Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee, it. destroys Worms ;!!><! allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Whul Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Jfc assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach am<\ Bowel. 1 ;, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Til p. I Yap Xlava JUwqtto Rniirilif lib Miiu lull lldVo Alndjo MMglli in Use For Over 30 Years. THE COMPANY, 11 MR»RMAV STfitFT, NEW YORK CITY. NOTICE! Southern Stove Works, RICHMOND, VA, COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA, ESTABLISHED 1838. The Sixty-rmirlli Session will Commence October Ist, 1901. Department of Medicine, four years course, fees $05 per session. Department of Dentistry, three " " " $05 per session. Department of Pharmacy, two " " " SCO per session. No extras for Laboratory Work or Dissections. For further particulars and catalogue, address CHRISTOPHER TOMPKINS, M. D., Dean, jun 11-'Jin Richmond, Va. VOL.BO. NOTICE ! Hon't be humhugrd into buying a cheap John Cook Stove. Far better that you consider the matter and buy the eld tried and true FITZ LEE COOK. K;-ep your money at home and encourage home industries. All kinds of medium and cheap furniture at lowest cash prices. H. E, LOVING, Staunton, Va. Stotttitim $&} ffotdaUr. VINDICATOR. II THE SUN TOOK A SUMMER VACATION. No Warm Weather At All in the Year lean ana European data represent it as having been phenomenal in almost. every particular. In New England the year went by the name of eighteen -hundred and- j starve to-death, and the summer months are known in history as "the cold summer of 1810," so remarkable was the temperature. Ke sun's rays seemed to he destitute at, and ali nature waß clad in a hue. Men and women were tened and imagined that the fire in the sun was being rapidly extin-, guished, and that the world would soon come to end. Ministers took the phenomena for the text of their sermons, and p.-eudo scientitie men talked of things they know not of, while the fanatics took advantage of the occasion to form re ligious organizations. The winter of 1815-15 was very cold in Europe, but comparatively mild in this country, and did not in any way indicate the severe weather that soon prevailed. Even the almanacs were silent, and although the usual indications "about now look out for cold weather," or "this is a good time for snow," were lered in the regular portions of the ks devoted to the winter predic ts, those used for chronicling the isanter months had no such alarm warnings, anuary was mild, so much so that for days the people allowed their lires Rout, as artificial heart made the ngs uncomfortably warm. This ,ut weather was broken by a : cold snap in February, but this imperature passed in a few days, warmer condition, similar to the month previous, set in. March "came in like a lion, but went out like a lamb." There was nothing Mual in the climatic conditions of lonth which differed from those generally found in this windy season, April was the advance guard of this strange freak of temperature. The early days were warm and bright, but as the month drew to a close the cold increased until it ended in ice and snow and a very low temperature. To those who delighted in balmy May days and loved to watch the bud ding flowers, the May of 181G was a bitter disappointment. True, buds came, but so did the frost, and in one night laid all vegetation a blackened waste. Corn was killed, and the fields had to be made ready for another planting, but the people's astonishment was complete when they found ice formed to the thickness of half an inch in the June, 'the month of roses," was this year a month of ice and desola tion. The "oldest inhabitant was sur prised, for never before bad the ther mometer sunk so low in the tube in these latitudes in the last month of spring. Frost, ice and snow were common Almost every green thing that had K advantage of a few warm days r elop was killed, and various of fruit were nearly all dcs One day the beautiful snow fell to a lof ten inches in Vermont, seven in Maine and three inches in cbusetts and Central New York. I ters were beginning to tie inter , People were undecided whether id the summer in the South or seashore and mountains. One c latter resorts were desirable, c next would decide in favor of I rmer, but, on the whole, the ;rn clime was preferred, was accompanied by frost and nd those who celebrated the glorious Fourth, "not wisely but too t found an abundance of ice for immediate use the next I ?. It was not very thick, not lan one sixteenth of an inch, 7as ice, aud it caused the good it New England, New York and ctions of J'enasyhania to look That month Indian corn was destroyed in all but the most favored localities, and but a small quantity I escaped. Surely August would put an end to siieh cold weather, but the fanners as well as hotel proprietors were doomed to disappointment. The midsummer month was, if possible, more cheerless than the days already passed. Ice formed even thicker than it had done | the month before, and corn was so I badly frozen that it was cut for fodder, and almost every green plant in this) Iry as well as in Europe was era received from England stated lie year lJSlfi would be remember the generation then living as a l which there was no summer. it little corn ripened in the unex posed States was worth almost its in silver, and fnrmers were I led to provide themselves with •own in 1815 for the seed they the spring of 1817 This seed :ost so much, being difficult to in at (5 per bushel, ast month of summer was ush bright and warm, and for two weeks the now almost frozen people began to thaw out. It was the mildest lier of the year, but just as the itants got fairly to appreciate it >reas and Jack Frost oame along 'hitened and hardened everyth their path, the liith ice formed a quarter of •h thick, ana winter clothing, nid been laid away for a few] was again brought forth and] Staunton, V». I round shivering humanity. 1 time the people had gheu les of again seeing the flowers hearing the birds sing, and prepare for 8 hard winter. r kept np the reputation of its ] ors, as there was scarcely a the thermometer registered an SO decrees ;ior was alsi extremely cold ung was good the first week mill, but. strange to relate, r was the mildest and most de mouth of the entire year Hon which led many people ■ that the seasons had chang se this cold spell sant bread stuffs to an unheard of price, and it was impossible to obtain for table use many of the common vegetables, as they were required for ._.... J Flour sold in lslT, in the cities, for] #13 per barrel, and the average price of wheat in England wi>s 97 shillings 1816. Ehase's Great Ambition. i of "The Dashing Kate Her Great Ambition," Is liam Perrine in the Ladies' rial. Born in IS4O, she ear exhibit a masterful spirit, itics, and to dream of the in store for her when her ion P. Chase, was proposed te for the Presidency in am in 1800. When he was Cabinet position he had 1 three times, and it was jat he was about to make y his fourth wife. But the c had made up her mind should step in between her ler, and one day when the he was made so keenly to was an intruder that the lance was blighted, and aed a widower. Kate's brilliant marriage /illiatn Sprague, of Rhode j till cherished the ambition her installed in the White vas most gracious to those kely to be influential in helping her to advance his interests. When he was appointed Chief Justice she saw in it only a scheme to head off his Presidential aspirations forever, and said, half jocosely, half reproach ingly, to Senator Sumner, who had voted for the appointment: "'And you, too, Mr. Charles Sumner, in this busi ness of shelving papa! But never mind, I will defeat you all t" ' In 1868 she nearly succeeded in get ting the Democratic National conven tion to carry out her wishes. It was in session in Tammany Hall, Naw York ' city, and she kept in communication with it by messengers, waiting anx- j iously for the moment when it was be lieved her father would carry all by storm. On the fourth day the moment seemed to have arrived, and her heart i leaped with joy. But the expected i stampede did not come, and the impa tient daughter was almost moved to go herself to Tammany Hall. Indeed, there were afterward some politicians who observed that it she could have gone among the delegates on the floor, she might have been able at the crucial point to have swung the convention to the Chief Justice. Instead, Horatio I Seymour was nominated; and Kate Sprague that night was the most un happy woman in the laud. j Keep Your Bowels Strong. Constipation or diarrhoea when your bowels are out of order. Cas carets Candy Cathartic will make them act naturally. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. Will Constitution be Submitted to Vote? Should the Constitutional Conven tion so determine, it can adopt a new Constitution, take a recess, submit it to the voters, and if it fails of ratliica tiou before the people, the convention can re assemble, amend the Constitu tion it has adopted and promulgate It as the Constitution, and no law iv the laud will decide otherwise. ] That is the opinion of several of the leading men in the hotly, who quote the decision in Kentucky, which State I adopted a new Constitution, submit ted it to the voters, it was approved,; and the convention reassembled and then amended the Constitution which the voters had approved. A railroad j company appealed the case and took the matter before the Supreme Court, J which unauimously held that the con vention was the people and could do whatever it liked and either submit it to the voters or promulgate the instru-1 nieut as the Constitution of the State. It is not unlikely that the conven-! tion will keep the pledge made by the Democratic convention at Norfolk and submit the question to the voters though some of the members thiuk it would be better to adopt the Constitu tion and then proclaim it as the organic law of the State, thus removing it en tirely from politics.—lliclnnond News. CASTOHIA. Bears the Ttl9 Kind You Have Always Bought Virginia Summer Normal Schools, season 1901. Account of above OCM sion the Southern Railway will Bel tickets to points at which meetings will be held at greatly reduced rates. For detail information call on Southern Railway Agents. may 24 4t Value Received •'Kitty, did you have a good time at the matinee ?" "Oh, lovely; It was a beautiful play —I cried right straight through the whole thing."—Detroit Free Press. STAUNTON, VA., FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1901. Titus Describes His Remarkable Exploit on Walls ofPekin. Calvin Titus says that the most mag niticent exhibition of nerve he saw dur ing the Chinese troubles was by some American infantrymen. One afternoon on the march to Pekin pome of the thirsty soldiers saw a well off to one side of the line. They straggled along toward it, but as each nan approached he was shot down by a concealed Chi- j nese sharpshooters, until five were either dead or badly wounded. Still) the men pressed on toward the well in apparent indifference to the bullets of tn? sharpshooter, and with increased determination to get water for them selves and comrades. Finally the sharpshooter was discovered and killed "ftyeiieofthem7 " To the Newton Republican Mr. Titus has told in a modest manner how it happened that he was first to scale th t Pekin wall. We quote from the Republican's article as follows: •'The officers, in a little group by themselves, were discussing the possi bility of scaling the wall. Titus, act ing as orderly for one them, was stand ing near, and he asked for permission to make the attempt. Colonel Dag gett eyed him closely and asked if he thought he could do it. Titus replied that he would like to try. The Colo nel told him he might make the attempt Ihe wished, Throwing aside his rifle, tux advanced to the wall. Dirt had en thrown up from a road close to c wall and had been piled against it. lis shortened the distance to the top the wall to 25 feet. The wall was ide of large bricks, and the as ;eut s made by digging the hands and t into the crevices where the mortar 1 fallen out. The deed was fraught th extreme peril, there being con stant danger of a misstep, a loose brick and a fall to the ground below, Chi nese soldiers might open fire on him from above at any minute, and it seem ed very probable that he would reach the top only to be made a prisoner by the Chinese there. His comrades below watched him with breathless interest, 'ittle thinking that a deed was being performed which would be heralded throughout the length and breadth of the country. The top was reached and the young hero found himself on the enemy's fortifications—the first for eigner on the walls of Pekin since the trouble began. A reconnoissance re led to him that the Chinese were her down the wall and were busy ring down a leaden hall on troops to right. Titus, who was not seen by enemy, called to the men below ; ail was right and the adjutant cmubed up the wall. A string was let down and a rilie hauled up with it, to be used for defensive purposes, if nee-1 essary. others followed the example set, and soon a goodly number had gain- I Pointed Paragraphs, work of the police judge is line i poor genalogical tree that bears es. od memory is one that enables to forget unpleasant things, cc is the safest course for a man it when he can't trust himself. A good many actresses seem to favor I lingagements and short marriages, ay a man who is open to convic janages to escape it by hanging iry. :he age of sweet sixteen a woman's i are several lengths ahead of a your own thinking if you don't find the thoughts of other people satis factory. If, in proportion to his size, a man had muscles like a Ilea, he could kick a book agent seven miles. | Every time a man does a charitable act some vinegar visaged misanthrope is ready to swear he has an ax to grind. The proprietor of a small country store displays a card in his window bearing the following inscription: 'Hams and cigars, smoked and an- Educate Yonr Bowels With Cascnreta. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c. 86c. It C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Ec Housewife to Try. ; ig food fresh for late coni ng the dish in a pan of 1 keeping the food closely a lid. ig a large clam shell for se-pans or pots in which nilk has been boiled. I g tea, coffee and spices in I ed jar if the llavor is to! etained. S a little salt in the water ;tiug is washed, ng tlie burnt tips of the nth a piece of tissue paper ig to keep them in good tid polish off the chimneys! impled newspaper. Try keeping barrel raised a few inches from the iloor to prevent Try making a good polisher and er two parts of crude oil to one part of National Convention, Epworth League, San Francisco, Ual., July 18 and 21, 1901. Account of above the Southern Railway will sell tickets to San Francisco, Cal., at greatly reduced rates; tickets to be sold July sth to 12tb, inclusive; final limit August 31st, 1901. Call on Southern Railway Agents for detailed information. may 24-4t AMERICAN HEROISM IN CHINA. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Conscience as a New Religion I>r Spectator: rolus Vulpes, of Sampson, your Sy, has' a column long article on science" in the Cincinnati Week qnirerof June UOtti. He takes the id that conscience is not a true , but that brain and Bible are. urse, he denies that conscience is ling like the will of Cod to man, as Count Tolstoi has just said it ill the leading Sunday papers of mntry. *toi also says: "Let each one fulfil ut confused and adulterated argu that which each day his Consci ommandshim, and he will rec ) the truth of the Gospel: 'If c wish to do Cod's will, he will i recognize whether my doctrine comes from Cod, or whether I speak of my own accord.' This is the point. Con science calls for no argument—it speaks, it gives peace upon obedience, and the religious duty is done." Cardinal Gibbons has delivered a whole sermon on Conscience. In part, hesajs: "What is the greatest need of our times J Is it churches? They are necessary for the dissemination of Christian truth. Is it schools ? They are most important., indeed; for they mean an ability to earn a living to the individual. Is it hospitals or asylums ! They are necessary and most useful in the alleviation of the sick. But none of these is the most important neces sity of the age. What the times need is sturdy manhood, which will be per sistent in the carrying out of the die tales of Conscience in social, political, and religious life. The times need men who will follow their Conscience rather than expediency, principles rather than popularity. * * The man who follows his Conscience has but one master—Cod, and he will enjoy the lib erty and glory of the kingdom of Cod." The Congregationalist editor of the New York Independent, William Hayes Ward, says of the above: '-It is an ad mirable statement of what I believe. Thousands of leading thinkers, writers aud Christians are seeing that Consci ence must be the new religion of th day. Even Ingersoll said the age need ed "more Conscience." Frajtcis B. Livesey. Sykesville, Md. Found $30,000 in bold A special from Statesboro, Ga., to the Morning News says: "W. W. Brannen, of this place. Is $30,000 better off to-day than he was two days ago. He is a farmer. Some I months ago he was in Savannah, and 1 out of curiosity visited a clairvoyant land hall his fortune told. The fort une-teller informed him with much impressiveness that he would shortly discover gold on his farm. He laughed at the idea. "Later he dreamed about the gold for several nights, and after a time consented to allow a hypnotist to put one of his small children, a girl of tender years, under his spell. The child described a pot of gold at the end of an old mill dam. Mr. lirannen ■began to dig and at the end of weeks had an excavation big en for the foundation of a modern Yesterday morning he struck an old iron pot. On uncovering it he found it contained about $30,000 in gold coins of dates anterior to the civil war. There is no indication of the person who buried it." Easier Said Than Done. "I wish I had that man where I could get at him," said the young wo man. "What man V" asked the elderly wo man. "The one that advertised how to get rid of rough, red hands—for a dollar." "You sent the dollar ?" "Yes, and what do you think the hateful thing BeutV" "1 haye no idea.'' "He said the eask-st way was to pay off the rough red hands and hire polite white ones. "—lndianapolis Press. OASTORIA. Bean the The Kind You Have Always Bought Rigbt Up-to-Date Abe Chinwhiskers (at the l'an-Amer ican)—Say ! is this here Plaiaance bet ter in the Midway at the Chicagy world fairY Fakir—ls il ? .Say ! they only had an ordinary fat woman and living skele ton and such like at tbp fair, while we've got a wild fat woman from IJorneo, a three legged living skeleton, and a two-headed bearded tody I — iirooklyn Eagle. This Day of Prophets. "That long haired man who has been addressing the crowds on the streets says he is the reincarnation of the prophet Balaam," announced the star boarder. "Probably he is only the reincarna tion of the assistant, that, talked to Balaam,'' suggested the frivolous young man at the end of the table. — Baltimore American. loathing Then the baby Is most like ly nervous, and fretful, and doesn't gain in weight. Scott's Emulsion is the best food and medicine for teething babies. They gain from the start. Send for a free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, .',1)9415 I'carl Street, New York. 501. and Ji.oo; all druggists. NO. 27. Women are vastly more patient than men. It is scarcely believable that a woman, suffering past all telling, can I attend to business, and bend and stoop | with n back whose ache is agony. And beyond all this she smiles as she bends ami stoops about her customer. A man might swallow down an oath or keep back a groan, but his face would be like a thundercloud, and his voice scarcely disguise his irritation. For women who suffer from backache, hearing-down pains, or other pains due to womauly diseases, there is no other med icine equal to Dr. Pierces Favorite Pre scription. It regulates the womanly functions, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. There is no alcohol in '< Favorite Pre scription" and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. A vegetable preparation, it cannot dis agree with the weakest condition. I wish your medicine writes Mrs. Fulton (hank you for the good cines have done me." Mac Brown, of Canton Ilia. "I was troubled female weakness and ed with several different tors. They did not help me; indeed. I got 411 the time. I had ul ation and displacement the I sul \l m\^m\^L as ever. It has Seen "most two years and I hay* had no return of the trouble My friend* tell me I don't look as though I ever was sick.» • Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation and its causes. TOBACCO SPIT ___/WIN I and SMO KB ~ YourLlfeawayt You can be cured of any form of tobacco using easily be made well, strong-, magnetic full of new life and vigor by taking NO-TO-BAC. tnat makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 500.000 cured. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book- It* «M KWa PREE. Address STERLING JU2MEDY CO., Chicago or New York? 437 JON'T throw yodr money away, ____■ ___B__,^^______i_r^^&^HL > v C You have been paying big dental bills long enough. We challenge any dentist in the State to surpass our work; and guarantee satisfaction or money refunded. Only the most experienced dentists em ployed. Call and be convinced. Baltimore Dental Association, CROWLK BUIIDING.- OUK PRICES : The very best bet of Teeth (guaran teed for 10 years) ... $850 Second Grade Set of Teeth,' , .6 00 Gold Fillings 1 up Amalgam Filling, ... 50 Porcelan Crown, ... 3 00 Gold Crown (22k) .... 5 00 Bridge work.per tooth, . . 500 Extracting 25 All work guaranteed or your money back. Expert operators In charge. J. J. fIURPHY, PURE AND UNADULTERATED LIQUORS! Handle all the Differentßrandsof AuaustaCour - ty Whiskies from Three to Eight Years Old. ONLY HANDLER OP D. BEARD WHISKY IN THE CITY OR OOUN9 V Have also on hand different brands of fine Old Wilson and Monti cello, Pennsylvania Gray, Melvale, and other fine brands. Special a tention given to all orders. Having on hand a large quantity of Whiskies and Wines, we *ll! offer to the trade special inducements. We handle Port and Sherry for family use which we will sell at $ 1.00 per gallon. Also Bottled Beer, Scotch Ale and London Porter. Our $2 a gallon Whiskey you will find pure and good No. 3 South New Street, Staunton, Va- ffeBARTR'SJII That goods are often different from what they're advertised, Many a victim, when too late, has sadly realized; Yet to deception of this sort man is clearly liable Unless the store he buys of is like this store —Reliable. To anything except the truth our name we have never signed. We sell good clothing only, for we handle no other kind; And since we cut our prices down our customers declare That clothing at such low prices cannot be bought elsewheif 111-Fitting Clothes which make the wearer look like "Before" in a medicine advertisement. of that sort are conspicuous here by their absence. CLOTHES CLOTHES We Only Handle the Best and Most Reliable We Not Only Sell Full Suits, but Odd Pants and a Full Line of Furnishing Goods and Hats. JOS. L. BARTH & CO., CLOTHIERS, No. 9 South Augusta St., STAUNTON, VA. correct Schedules of 'b#! three great railroads of the State regularly published In this pnper—the C. & 0., the N. & W. and the Southern. OIL TO BURN. Coal<ill,(iaanllue. Kerosene and the unia lirated DUSTLESS OIL, Ollrtellvered promptly In and near SltutJ ton.aud eaeli custouierfurnlHliedfreti ■ with a live Ballon r'araL'ou oil can, the and moal couveulent oil can made. Si va all waste from evaporation and leakage. STAUNTON SAFETY Oil CO HUGH C. BRAXTON, Pre 125 South. AuKustaatr- . t I Mutual,ss3. PHONES: | Bell, 3D. nov KMyr RRYAN vvan,s j° u i '■•»» Ul I I and see his stock of Lumber, Flooring, Siding and Ceiling. The nicest and best In the city. Also POSTS, SHINGLES. LATHS, SASH, DOORS and BLINDS. And all kinds ot LADDERS, STEP, FRUIT PICKERS and EXT TlON—light, easy to handle, and aw.'ul ! convenient when your roof or oliim is on fire. You need one ! Don't wait! ; i now. South Lewis St., Staunton, Va. MUTUAL PHONE 59. Yours respectfully, WM. S. BRYAN, Mg'i Buggies, Phaetons, Carriages Spring Wagons, and all Pleasure Vehicles, With or without RUBBER TIRES. Vehicles made to order, and all reps., work done promptly and and at sin»U cost. Tbe Celebrated Easy Mm, Noiseless. Hard Mber Tires can be quickly placed on any v»heels, la everything our factory hasthelateststyl*s and is striotly up-to-date. J. M. Hardy's Son, At the Old Stand. Main & Market St: STAUNTON, VA. which lose their shape. Clothing.