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$UnnUu%sttUUf AND VINDICATOR. Subscription $1.00 Per Year FRIDAY. JLLY 5. S.OCAL DEPARTMENT. ■ PERSONAL. isiting his parents here. Mrs. L. W. Foster and her two chil dren are visiting in Nelson county. Mrs. .lames Cross, an old resident of j West Augusta, is seriously ill. Mis. A. A. Eskridge has gone to P.-ru, Indiana, to visit relatives. Mbs Ellen Danner is spending some ime at Ocean View. Mr. J. J. Flavin's mother is quite sick at her home in Mt. Sidney. Miss MatticLang is visiting relatives n Indianapolis, lud. Mis. Clara Ilamrick and her two lit tle children arrived home last week from a visit torelatives in lowa. Mrs. P. B. Hoge, of Baltimore, after a visit to her daughter, Mrs. T. J. II irnian, has returned home. Mr. W. H. Watts, of Dooms, has been spending some time with his son, I Mrs. Edward Echols lias returned from an extended visit to her parents in Louisville, Ky. Mr. N. T. Cooke and Miss Maude Cooke, of Richmond, are visiting rela-1 lives in this city. Hon. .1. M. Quarles and Hon. A. C. Braxton spent Sunday at their home Miss Jessie Skeeu, of Covington, is the guest of Miss Katie Iloge on Kal orama street. Mrs. K. A. Dewiest and children, of Buena Vista, are visiting her mother Miss Lucy G. Kinney, who for the p ist session was principal of the St. Margaret's School, of Boise City, Ida- j ho, is at home for the summer. Cadet Chas. S, Roller, Jr., of Ft. De liance, son of I'rnf. Chas. S. Holler, graduated at the V M. I. last week, standing iit'tb. in a class of thirty one. You can now call up Kichmond and . get latest markets from your own tel ephone. Call nearest, Mutual Exchange for connections. Try it. •"> :>1 tf j Mrs. J. W. Arbuckle and children, who have been visiting Prof. C. E. Young's faiuily.left for their West Vir ginia home last week. Miss Edmonia Livick left last week for Buffalo, N. V., where she will spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. E. F. I Mr. C. Harry Haines, of New York, arrived in the city Saturday, having been called here by the critical illness ' of his father, Mr. C. E, Haines. Prof. H. St. Ceo. Tucker and ltev. Dr. Thorton Whaling, of Lexington, sailed Saturday for a six weeks' tonrl of Europe. The Circuit Court has decided thel appeal case of the local option election at Basic City, declaring that no elec tion had taken place. On Saturday Ben Johnson, colored, was tried in the county court for house breaking, and given six months in jail and fined $o. The court adjourned for the term. Rev. C. ."a. Lingamfelter and his fami ly arrived here last week from Elkins, W. Va.,and will make their home here. Mr. Liiigainfelter is the newly appoint ed evangelist of Lexington Presbytery. Mr. W. S. Cochran and wife, of Clif ton Forge, were in the county last week, having been called here by the death of Mrs. Cochran's brother, Mr. Jos. 11. Cieuimcr. Profs. W. A. Bowles, Cx. D. Euritt and Mrs. H. B. Wilson, of the Virginia School for the Deaf and the iilind, are attending the convention of deaf-mutes Miss Katie Eyler. who had been spending some time with her sister, Mrs. John 11. Wehn, left this week for her home at Waynesboro, l'eiin. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Wehn and her daughter Miss Bessie. Mr. S. 11. Arnall, of Waynesboro, representing the A. F. Mosby Nurseries Richmond, 4ias already sold for fall delivery over $1,000.00 worth of fruit trees in Hub country. Thus early in the season such large orders show eith er very line stock or an unusually good salesman, or both. Mr. Turner K. Ilackiuan, who for several years has been practicing law here, left lust week for his old home in Botetourt county to join his family. lie left there Monday for Oklahoma, where he will make his home in the fu- The annual convention of the Au gusta County Sunday School Associa tkm will be held in the Methodist church ii flreeovilie on Thursday and Friday, August r, ..„,( m. An attrac tive program will be prepared and son:e iiii.ed Sunday school workers will be pre en!. A young man, named Kineaid was felling a tree ;.! his home in Highland eonn'y las' week. The tree which was tanning, split in two throwing it. in a way unlooktMl for. He was caught under it, and his right leg was com pletely severed from the body and his left leg broken in two place. He was in a precarious condition at last ac count. Mr. John Burns, an old resident of Bilrketown, who has been sojourning in St. Louis for some years with his niece, Mrs. Quidor, was a caller at, this o'fi-e this week. He. is a staunch Dem ocrat and keeps fully posted on politics although 81 years of age. He is enjoy ing excellent health,save that he lias been troubled with a cancerous growth on bis face, which though painless here Monday evening last, after an i Bof ten days Florence and Bessie Craw- Ferrol, returned home Wed nesday evening last from Baltimore, where they were students the past session. I Mr. ('. S. Baker, of this city, accom- J panied by his brother from Winches ter, are spending a few days fishing COUNCIL MEETINGS. Turned Down—OlherOfflcers Elected. At 12 o'clock Monday a meeting of the city council was held for the an nual election of officers. There were eleven members present, Mr. Taylor being the only absentee. The follow ing officers were re elected: Supt. of Electric Light, J. S. Gabbert; Supt. of Water Works, Morgan Byrne; City Attorney, A C. Cordon; City Physic ian, Dr. C. T. Lewis; Police Justice, Jos. A. Glasgow; Overseer of Poor, J. R. Gregory; Matron of Alms House, Mrs. D. P. Brown; Collectorof Taxes, J. McD. McCue; Supt. of Streets, Geo. A. Hutcheson; Manager of Opera House, Shultz & Barkman; Janitor of Opera House, J. W. Vawter; Supt. of Park, Peyton Hutcheson; Board of Health, Drs. B. M. Atkinson, 11. H. Heukel and C. T. Lewis. When the election of police was call ed Mr. R. E. R. Nelson and Capt. Thos. § Hanson were accorded the privilege the floor and addressed the council regard to the chief of police. Mr. Nelson presented a petition signed by over 400 citizens asking that Capt. J. 11. Waters be retained as chief, (.'apt. Ranson followed with some remarks relating to the fidelity with which Capt. Waters had always discharged his duties, and saying that if the coun cil was going to make a change the people out to know on what ground it was made. Mr. Hughes, who was spokesman for the committee on police, said that he did not know of a single member that would make a charge against Capt. I Waters, but he thought the council was in a better position to know the needs of police protection than the ordinary citizen. Mr. Tarns moved that the matter be Irred until Tin slay night, but it k-oted down by a vote of 6 to 5, he election gone into, which re d as follows : Wm. M. Simpson, f; A. B. Ciine, John C. Fretwell, L. Newman and R. A. Hamilton. riJKSDAY NIIiUT'S MEETING, c regular monthly meeting of the council was held Tuesday night. Many petitions were presented to the body, among them were those of Mrs. F. L Partlow for water main on extension of Madison and ou Federal occupied by him for bis business house, granted. 11. Middlekauif for privi lege of using water motor, referred. Kennedy & Crawford to erect a frame ; wareroom on Greenville avenue, re- ■ ferred. Highland Park Golf Club for j rebate for rentof opera bouse, referred. There was considerable discussion ■ in regard to the, electiou of Chief of Police. Mr. Hughes stated that he' had supported Capt. Waters for the' position in the caucus, but with the ! rest of the minority was Yiound to sup- j port its action. He, in the absence of j the chairmain of the police committee ' put in nomination the names selected I by the caucus. Mr. Kilgalen stated that he had been j opposed to a caucus, but having gone j into it felt bound to abide by the result. I Mr. Stewart said he was ready to' prefer charges against Capt, Waters if his friends wanted It done. Mr. Hammond said he had been crit icised more than any other member,! having been charged with working I among the members for Capt. Waters i defeat. This he denied emphatically, I and called on the other members to state whether or not he had done so. . »i . Lexington Presbytery at Work Again. At a meeting of Lexington Presby tery on Friday, Dr. W. N. Scott wa received from Brazos Presbytery, Tex as, and after the usual examination enrolled. Dr. Geo. W. Finley and Dr. E. P. Palmer who had been associated with him before, the first in Virgini at the commencement of Dr. Scott's ministry, and the other some years later in Texas, took occasion to very cordially welcome him to this I'resby tery, where they would be together again, and as Dr. Palmer hoped, "for the rest of their lives." The following arrangements were then made for Dr. Scott's installation, to take place th third Sunday in July at 8 p. m. Dr. A. M. Eraser to preside, preach the the sermon and propound the consti tutional questions; Rev. J N. Vande venter to charge the people, and Dr. G. W. Finley to charge the pastor. Dr. E. P. Palmer was designated as alternate for either of them, and the commission was completed by adding two elders, Messrs. J. N. McFarland and T. C. Morton. Mr. K. (i. Reveley was examined on the full course of his Seminary educa tion, calls from Shemariali and Walk er's Creek churches placed in his hands and accepted by him. After the com pletion of his examination by preach ing a sermon before Presbytery, he will be ordained and installed. Rev. R. C. Gihnore offered his resig nation as pastor of the 3rd church and the congregation having concurred a was represented by Elder Bolen, who was present, his resignation was read Senator Kyle Dead. Senator James H. Kyle died Tues day afternoon. lie was stricken at his home at Aberdeen, South Dakota, about ten days ago. His trouble was of malarial origin, and resulted in a functional affection of the heart. For the Senate. To my fellow citizens : I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for re-uoui ination and re-election to the Senate! and respectfully request your support. I .Yours trvly, jun2B 4t John N. Opik. lie Flood Beyond Bluefield As Told by An Eye Witness. The following well written letter gives the most accurate and conserva tive account of the disastrous flood in the coal mining district of Southwest Virginia and West Virginia, that we have seen. The letter was delayed by the washedout railroads: Bramwell, W. Va., June 25.—N0 doubt sou have read through the col umns of the newspapers of the serious Hoods which visited us last Saturday and wrought such great damage to property throughout this section. All acrounts I have seen in the eastern papers are greatly exaggerated, and for this reason it occurred to me that yon would like to have a correct sum mary of the situation from one who has visited the Hooded district. To appreciate the Hood it would be necessary for me to give you an accu rate idea of the topography of this particular region. Owing to the lack of time I will not be able to give a very lengthy description, more than to say that west of here the little Elkhorn river flows between two parallel ranges of mountains, the base of one line being separated from the base of the other by scarcely 300 feet. On the sides are the coke ovens and collieries stretching along for tenor fifteen miles, the houses of the miners in many cases being situated in the bottom lands. It began raining last Saturday morning, the 22d, about 12 o'clock and it came down in torrents. Previous rains had already brought the moun tain streams above their normal height and by 8 o'clock the water had assum ed dangerous proportions, but still lit tle more than passing attention was paid the rapidly rising waters. But about 9 o'clock the storm came in the nature of a cloud burst and in a very few minutes the river leaped from inches to feet and then tore down the valley like a tidal wave, sweepiug everything before it. Before a great many of the unhappy miners and their families could escape from their shacks, the maddened waters spread over the bottoms, lifting houses from their foundations only to dash them I to pieces against the numerous iron iidges crossing the stream. Soo» --e tracks of the railroad company j re undermined and 90 pound steel Is were bent and twisted like wire, en the bridges of iron and masonry ye way before the great pressue of water and debris. In many instances cars loaded with coal and coke were Ihed from the tracks upon which r stood and some of them buried in I mud. Many coal tipples and coke ties were greatly damaged and 3 200 to 300 houses destroyed. It at first reported that the loss of would reach several hundred, but ink the number will not exceed 30 D. This is confined to the miners) their families. The devasted dis .is flooded with reporters from ' Y r ork and Philadelphia, who fly exaggerate the situation and c matters appear very much worse i they really are. One paper re ed 1,000 lives lost and made many r incorrect and misleading state ts. Norfolk & Western By. officials uate their loss at $1,000,000, and not too much, and the coal opera suffered to the extent of at least ,000. None escaped and all are aged from $2,000 to #.",0,000. I communication by rail and wire he west ends a few miles from The situation is being met in a ness like way and the railroad c hope to have trains moving by I irst of the coming week. They I have 4,000 men at work on the iged portion of the road and they sing everything within reach to he tracks in condition in order to dish communication along the line, c river got pretty high and dan is here at Bramwell, but our loss is comparatively small, and no lives were lost. The two railroad bridges were carried away, but the corpo ration bridges stood the strain and are left us. I understand the New York Journal has two car loads of provis-l ions on the way to the stricken dis tiict, but the operators of the field are amply able and willing to care for all suffering. Had the Hood not occurred in the day time the death list would undoubtedly have been appalling as I families would certainly have been caught and drowned in their houses during the night like rats in a trap, j 11. X. M.. Jr. Ibcrtson Announces nis Candidacy for the Senate, i Democrats of the county of An sta and the city of Staunton: rge number of my friends, both j city and county, having express ed a desire that I should become a can didate for the State Senate at the elec- Ko be held this fall, I have given atter mature consideration and hereby announce myself a can i, and respectfully ask for your rt. Fellow citizens, I have now passed middle age and I had never expected la. candidate for any office, but, I I will not be charged with vanity I say that there seems to be a on the part of a large number of ; that I should stand for the of- If It shall be your pleasure to confer this honor upon me, I shall dedicate my best efforts to the public service, and the only reward I shall ask or de sire, will be your approval. c The Mary Baldwin Seminary. The next session of this excellent seminary begins September sth. During the past session there were 225 students present from 27 States, and in every respect it was one of the most success ful in its history. Everyn moder ap pliauce for the comfort and conven ience of the students have been added. For catalogue and full information address Miss E. C. Weimar, Principal, or Mr. W. W. King, Business Mana ger. Didn't Marry For Money. The Boston man, who lately married a sickly rich vouns woman,is happy now.for he got Dr. King's New Life Pills, which re stored her to perfect health. Infallible lor Jaundice, biliousness, malaria, fever and ague, all liver and stomach trouble. Oentle but effective. Only 250 at B. F. Hughes, drug store. DEATHS DURING THE WEEK. Dr Darwiu Bashaw, after a lingering illness, died at his home near Craigs ville, aged about 72 years. Dr. Bashaw was a practitioner in the Craigsville neighborhood for many years and was probably as well known as any man in that section of the county. He is sur vived by six children, three sons and three daughters, all of whom were with him iv his last moments. The sons are Darwin, Jr., of Clifton Forge, W. L and Frank Bashaw, the daughters are Misses Ella, Meta and Angie. The fuueral took place on Tuesday after noon from his late residence, the ser vices being conducted by Rev. J. E. Ballou. Interment in the family grave yard. W. H. ItOSKJf. Mr. Wm. H. Rosen,an aged citizen of the county, died suddenly on Monday at the home of his son-inlaw, Mr. O. F. Wallace, in Craigsville. Deceased was well known and highly esteemed. He is survived by the following chil dren—Mrs. Thos. O'Donncll, Miss Eva and R. (J. Rosen, of this city; Mrs. O. F. Wallace, of Craigsville; Mrs. A. B. Cochran, of Middlebrook, and Mrs. Hunter, of near Richmond. The fu neral took place Tuesday at Craigs ville. MUS. M. E. PAYNE. Mrs. Mollie E. Payne died on Mon day afternoon at the home of her fath er, Mr. Geo. W. Hewitt, on South New street, after a Jong illness which she I bore patiently. She is survived by three small children. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon from her father's home, and the interment was in Thorn rose cemetery. OKO. W. HAMILTON. Mr. George W. Hamilton died at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning on his farm four miles east of this city on Chris tian's Creek, aged 55 years. Mr. Hamil ton had been in poor health for several months, but his friends and family did not apprehend a fatal termination of his illness. He was a good citizen and neighbor and a faithful friend. He is survived by his wife, and by one broth er, James H. Hamilton, and one sister, 'Mrs. Mary Root. WM, J. MOFFKTT. William J. Moffett, of Brownsburg, died Monday morning, aged (it) years. Of late years he farmed, but under Cleveland's administration was in the government employ, iv Washington. During the civil war he served as a member of the Fourth Virginia In fantry, Company H, and was noted for his gallantry. He was descended from the first families of Rockbridge county, and is survived by four children. With Oui Advertisers. A. E. Harnsberger offers some big Harvest Bargains. Read his ad. for prices, and call and see what he can do for you. Miller & Bradley have some startling figures for your consideration today. Their buyer has just returned from the eastern markets with an up to-date line of wash fabrics. The Jos. Branson property adver tised for sale by Messrs. Woodward, Hughes and Woodward, trustees, has been postponed until next Tuesday, July 9th, at 4 o'clock p. m. C. A. Ligbtner, of Lone Fountain, advertises some fine cows for sale. Frank Diehl makes special prices on watch repair work for the next 30 days. Hot Springs Hotel Burned. A telegram was received in this city Wednesday morning announcing the total destruction by lire of the large hotel at Hot Springs known as the '•Homestead." The fire occurred dur ing the night Tuesday and burned with great rapidity. Practically nothing was saved, all the furniture was lost, together with the clothing and baggage of the guests. The Home stead was one of the finest hotels in the south, and with its nine hundred rooms was certainly one of the largest. The building and furnishing weie heavily insured, but the money loss will nevertheless be heavy. There is little doubt but that the hotel will be rebuilt as the parties controlling it are a wealthy company. Seven Years In Bed. "Will wonders ever cease?" lnqnireUie friends of Mrs. S. Pease, of Lawrence, Kan. They kuew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven years on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostra tion and general debility; but, "Three bot tles ot Electric liitters enabled me to walk she writes, "and in three months 1 felt like a new person." Women suffering from Headache, backache, nervousness, sleep lessness, melancholy, Fainting and dizzy spells will find it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Only 50c. at B. f, Hughes' drug store. City Markets. Staunton, Va., July 2,1901. Coirecced ily J. A. I'auver a. Co., and the White star Mills. Gouutrl froducf; If lour—patent 4.i'5f^,.5u Family 8.75 a 4.0U Straight 8.55 a 3.75 Wheat— Ti to 78 Sggs a Butter U Chickens 7 Lrish Potatoes 50 Oats—shelled. @__ Kye.-- ■••• (10 Wool—unwashed 28 Wool-washed _n Lard 7„U C Bacon— country cured, new Hams Ilal2 Shoulders a _ lo Sides 9aio Corn 50 Cornmeal goq _o Mixed Hay 11X00 Timothy Hay -•— a 18.05 Clover Ha*- a 10.00 Itiltimor Live Stork Market June 27, 1901. Beef Cattle—Receipts of cattle for the week 1,588 head, against 2,454 last week. Only fair supply for this week. Top grades were disposed of at about steady prices and common and medium sold slow at a decline of about 10 cents from last week's prices. Fricesof beef cattlethis week rangedas follows: Few choice butcher steers, $5.25 to $5.60; good. $1.90 to $.-5.25; medium, $4.50 to $4 75; common, $4 00 to $4.50; cows, good to choice, 13.60 to $4.25; midi um to good, $2.00 to $3 40; bulls, good to choice, $3 75 to 84.25. Exports SS.EO to $5 75. Hogs—Receipts light. Market firm Quote, Westerns, $6,60 to $6.70; Western pigs, $6.50 t056.60; from other points, 10 to $6.30; roughs, $4.50 to 85.00, Sheep—Light supply; market slow at from $2 to $4 for common to prime. Lambs—Clipped, light supply and slow at $3 50 to $5.00 for common to best. Spring Lambs—Falo supply and firm at $5.00 to $6 50 for common to choice. Calves—Fair supply. Market firm at from $4 to $6.50 fpr common to choice. Fresh Cows—Liberal supply. Common tofair*2ooo to $32.50; good to choice from $37,50 to $55. iNcws Letter from Moffete's Creek. sffett's Creek, July I.—Thos. R. !e has sold his farm near here to rs. J. Frank Clemmer and Richard ihead. Consideration about $4,- Mr. and Mrs. Steele have return their home near Churchville. Miss Cora L. Smiley, one of the fac ulty of Woman's College, Frederick, Md., is spending a short vacation with {cuts, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. M. She will leave next week for I University. John A. Foil and daughter, of Newton, N. C, are visiting mers sister, Mrs. Thos. M. Stni ss W. A. Lantz, another sister with them, •s. Grier and Argyle Smiley and Wright, of Washington and iversity, are at home with their i for the vacation. V. Smiley, of the Virginia Mili stitute, has returned home for mer's vacation, d Wright having graduated at ire's Business College, has re lome. j Jallie Jones, of Waynesboro, s Jauie Cecil, of Brookwood, are visiting in the Brownsburg vicin ity. Miss Anna S. Ott, Miss Nannie Wright, and Walter E. Beard expect to attend the summer School of Meth ods in Staunton. Richard Hogshead has the champion heavy weight two year old colt, his weight being 1,340 lbs. Ijieorgie Bratton and her broth k, of Bath county, are visiting in this section, el McKee, an aged and highly id citizen, died at his residence re Wednesday last. The de ras about 88 years of age, he is Iby a wife and two sons. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Hilson. Raymond Jones being sick Sun day there was no preaching at St. Paul's German Reformed church. Wm. Moffett is very ill at his home near Brownsburg. The many friends and admirers of Hon. A. C. Braxton are very much gratified to see the prominent place that talented and fearless young patriot has taken in the debates and delibera tion of the Constitutional convention. We regret to see the Gubernatorial canvass assume such shape as to de bar Augusta's worthy candidate from the nomination. There is no purer patriot in the State of Virginia. Neith er could there be found a grander, truer, nobler tribune of the people that honest Ed. Echols. But since the people have decreed that the noniina- B Governor must go to another, ratified to know that it is to t fearless young orator and pa atesman A. J. Montague. The Convention. I It has been so warm in Richmond that the constitutional convention has had hard work, to get a quorum. The following resolutions are among those that have been presented to that body: General Ayers offered a resolution that no court or judge or other officer or board exercising the power of ap lient shall appoint to office or in any office or duty,any person to the judge or judges of the or other officers or members of 3h board, by allirmity or con nity within the degree of first lolution was offered by Mr. Gor ing the General Assembly abso wer to make a jury consist of m 12 men, and allowing a ver 3ught in by two thirds to stand, legislative committee unaui decided to recommend to the convention that the legislature meet once in each four years instead of cv ! cry two years, as at present; that the terms of members of the House of Delegates be four years instead of two, and that the members of the Senate serve eight years instead of four. It was further agreed to recommend that members of these bodies be ineligible Ir offices. Ifx. Vincent —Prohibiting the liquor within two miles of 58 or school houses unless by t of three fourths of the white ts of such church or school-1 r. Turubull, of Brunswick—Re voters from other States com /irglnia and desiring to exercise it of suffrage to furnish a certi f character when applying for ition. r. Braxton, of Augusta—Fran-' cliise propoi ition calling for $100 prop erty qualification, taxes to be paid six ' months prior to voting, and a poll tax of $3; an educational qualification, and eicludiug negroes of less than three quarters white blood from holding auy office, except that of colored school teachers. Voting by ballot is prescrib ed. Parlies desiring to vote on mat-, tars affecting local taxation shall own fIOO property in the town, district or county affected by such vote. By Mr. Hooker, of Patrick—Em powering boards of supervisors to levy a poll tax of 50 cents on each poll for, road purposes. | Ir. 0. U. A. Mm Court. A chancery suit has been instituted in Judge Lamb's court in Richmond by tlieStateCouncilof Virginia. Junior Order United American Mechanics, against the National Council, and the Btate Council, which was instituted at the Alexander meeting. March 2. It is alleged that unconstitutional laws have been enacted. The State Council wants the validity of the char-: ter grant 3d by tills State established,' and the defendants enjoined the use ' of the name and seal, and from attempt ing to carry out the objects of the or- j Marriage License. County Clerk llany Burnett has issued the following marriage licenses: To John T. Brown and Sadie Mc- Crary, to marry at Ladd on July 4th. To John Kisling and Alice A. Col ten, to marry at Montevideo, July 3rd. To Chester A. Cox and Myrtle A. Greaver, who were married in Staun ton July 2nd. To James B. Holloway and Amanda M. Sitlington, to be married at Clare, ' the date not fixed. YE REAL2IZE THE RESPONSIBILITY laid on opticians. We realize that the wrong glasses will ruin sight. We realize that the right glasses will strengthen the sight. Realizing these things, we couldn't be careless and inaccu rate. Indeed, we pride ourselves on our care and accuracy. A mistake would hurt us more than It would you. We are ready at any time to carefully examine the eyes free of charge. H. L. LANG, Graduate Optician, Staunton, Va. Blalr-Wlnston. R beautiful wedding took place at 9 ck last Thursday night at the ey Seminary, Waynesboro, when Mary Moore Winston became the bride of Mr. Hugh Mercer Blair, of Kville, Va. The decorations were and white and very beautiful. A el was formed of daisies and ever s. The bridal party entered to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march, beautifully rendered by Miss Johnson, of North Carolina. First came the ribbon-bearers, little Misses Tinsley, Antrim, Early and Coyner. Then followed little Miss Maria Sims bearing the wedding ring on a silver tray. The groom entered with his brother, Mr. S. S. Blair, of Culpeper. The maid-of-honor, Miss Helen Win ston, of Louisa, came next, elegantly attired in a white organdie gown, with trimmings of white satin and carrying a bouquet of white carnations and j maiden-hair ferns. The bride looked charming in a gown of white lansdowne, tulle veil, with orange blossoms. She carried a show er bouquet of bride's roses. The cere mony was performed by Rev. Daniel Blair, D. D., the father of the groom, assisted by Rev. Dr. A. R. Cocke. The bride is the attractive daughter of the I late Dr. J. B. Winston, for many years the head of Valley Seminary. Dr. Blair has just received the degree of I Ph. D., from the University of Virgin ia. Immediately after the ceremony a dainty collation was served, and Dr. and Mrs. Blair left for the home of the groom. After a stay of several weeks they will return to Waynesboro', where Dr. Blair will teach in the Val ley Seminary. The bridal presents were numerous and in exquisite taste. t .|,..| -» M.#1.»,1. — - - I ocnooi ot methods opened. The Summer School of Methods for the higher education of teachers, began its session here Monday night, with interesting public exercises in the opera house. Addresses of welcome were made by the superintendent of the Staunton schools, Prof. J. 11. Bader, and Mayor W. H. Landes. Mr. Bader introduced I Prof. E. C. Glass, of Lynchburg, who, in turn, introduced as members of the faculty twenty-eight instructors who will teach methods during the four weeks' course of tile 'school. Between three and four hundred pub lic school teachers from all over the State are registered. Of these, an over-1 whelming majority are women—a much larger proportion than the wo men teachers throughout the State bear to the men teachers, the women thereby appearing more progressive and prone to learn new ways. In addition to the school work, which will be conducted in the public school building, a handsome programme of entertaining lectures has been ar ranged to take place on different even ings, two each week in the opera house. These entertainments are lit erary treats and can be enjoyed at very small cost. Buena Vista Mention. Buena Vista has been quite dull for some time. The fourth will 1* cele brated with a ball game in the morn ing between a picked nine from the Kmill and a nine from the Big I mill, and a game in the after by the fats and leans, i furnace is making many needed s preparatory to going into blast. Miss Eva Hamilton, of Middlebrook, and Miss Wilson, of Mississippi, are the guests of Miss Mary Jordan. Dr. Rowe, of the Southern Seminary, was in town last weak. He is now iv Eastern Virginia in the interest of the school. A J. BURKHOLDER. D. V. S. 1 VKTEKINAKIAN, STAUNTON, VA. Special attention given to diseases of all domestic annuals. Country calls answered day or night. Fhones—Office. 49; resi dence, 245. may 3 3m THE OEFICIAIT Verbatim Report of the Virginia Constitu tional Convention can be found only in the RICHMOND DISPATCH. The think ing people of the Commonwealth cannot afford to miss any part of the delibera tions. The Dispatch prints the proceedings without charge to the State, wiird for word by contraot with the Convention. Send for the paper today. Subscription Price, Cash in advance—o months $;>; 3 months $1.50; 1 month 50c. | For Fresh Drugs, And everything in the Patent Medicine Line, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils and Glass, Call on B. F. HUGHS, Droffiisl, NO. 6 S. AUGUSTA ST. ENTIRELY NEW STOCK. Airs. Lizzie Ruckman, of Augusta, is here visiting relatives. Miss Anna M. Patterson, of Hnuters ville, is visising her aunt, Mrs. Aman da Campbell. Miss Lula and Mr. Marion Arm strong are visiting their sister, Mrs. John Mohler, of Angusta. The Durbin landlady who killed a man some time ago was tried at Mar llntoniaet week and acquitted. It was proven that the man was a bad charac ter and that she had committed the deed In self defence. The negro who assisted in the job was turned loose. Mrs. Paris Johnston, of Monterey, is on a visit to the home of her sister, Mrs. L. E Campbell, near Dnnmore, Mr. J. Ed. Arbogart, Highland's plucky little Sheriff, has gone to Char lottesville to undergo an operation for a nasal affection. He was accompanied j by Dr. Charles B. Fox, who is a native j of Albenrarle, and who will spend some time with relatives and friends. Kohn A. Womeldorf Dead. r Ridge, June 26.—Mr. John) eldorf died at his homeyester rnoon of appendicitis. He had been unwell for ten days, but his physi cian apprehended no danger until the day before his death. Mr. Womeldorf was 32 years of age, and was the fifth son of the late William T. Womeldorf. He was making a specialty of fruit raising and was one of the largest fruit growers in the county. lie leaves a widow, who was before her marriage Miss Bertha Lam. This is the first break by death iv a family of 12 chil dren. The funeral services took place this afternoon from the.Stone church, conducted by Rev. J. L. Mauze, pastor. Mr. Womeldorf was a member of the Old Stone church and an active worker in the church. His life has been spent in this county, except one year spent in California.—Rockbridge News. Have Heard Nothing of Him. James Hutcheson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hutcheson, of this city, who was with the U. S. army in Philippines and returned to this country and was mustered out in San Francisco on May 10, has not been heard from since that time. As he had written home regu larly his family are very uneasy about I him, fearing that he has met the fate of other soldiers who were mustered out, as several have been murdered for their money. Young Hutcheson had two years pay due him at the time he was mustered out of the army. His friends have been making dilligent search for him, but so far have heard nothing. Saves Two From Death. "Our little daughter had an almost fa tal attack of whooping cough and bron chitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland of Armonk, N. V., "but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had consumption in an advanced stage also used this wonderful medicine and to day she is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for coughs and colds 50c and tl.oo bottles guaranteed by U. F Hughes. Trial bottles free. Excursion to White Sulphur. On Thursday, July IS, there will be an excursion to White Sulphur Springs rnn under the auspices of the King's Daughters Hospital of this city. The fare for the round trip is $1.50. Train leaves here at 7:20 a. in., returning leaves White Sulphur at 5 p. m. cen tral time, which is 0 p. m. eastern time. Children between G and 12 years half fare. You can spend a delightful day and help a worthy cause by going on this excursion. A Fast Bicycle Rider Will often receive painful cuts, sprains or bruises from accidents. Bucklen's Ar nica Slave, will kill the pain and heal the injury. It's the cyclist's friend. Cures chafing, chapped hands, sore lips, burns, ulcers and piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 250. Try it. Sold by Hughes, Drug gist. 3_pj,\ \®m»\ : f l\\ |«V| Shoes to take your eye. LEADING STYIiKS — SUCH AS "Hanan," "Hesses," "Ralston Health" and "The Paris." 53.00. Best ever shown. fJAS. H. WOODWARD, 1 and Boy's Furnishing Goods, Hats and Shoes. 20 E. Main St. A Rich Harvest For The Farmer. Buy your Farm Machinery and Bug gies from Kknnkdy & Crawford, who carry the largest and best line of Machinery and Buggies j In the Valley. We sell the only side: delivery Rake and Hay-loader on the market. Hay stackers and rakes for same. Genuine Brown pivot-axle Rid ing Cultivator, best on the market. Also the Brown Walking Cultivators,; shovel plows, spring tooth harrows. A full line of Brown Wagons, the most reliable wagons ever Id in the county : J. 8. Kemps improved 20th Century Manure Spreader, the best on the mar ket. Hubkr engines and threshers, hay balers, &c. A full line of Buggies, Surrkys, Buck boards, etc., very low prices. Our buggies are the latest styles and all new—no old stock to dispose of. Call and see our goods before buying elsewhere. We can save you money. Kennedy & Crawford, GREENVILLE AVENUE. rjri'iioiicCHli ids. Stannton, V HERE'S FOR A PLUNGE! a ~ ii j, __________F dive below the watery deep ? How many of them have the nerve for it ? Very few. Almost every woman suffers from a, weakened condition of the mu cous membrane that lines her body and this saps her vitality and energy. She is filled with nervous terrors and does not find life worth living. She is told she has dyspepsia or "female weakness" when in reality nothing ails her but catarrh or in -flammation of the delicate lining of her organs. - She needs Pe-ru-na and nothing else. It is the only medicine nec essary to restore her strength. What's the use of dragging through Pf alive when Pe-ru-na will ack all hs pleasure? This c is a tonic for the whole Doay, and there is no doubt at all but that you need it, for it Is the one real cure forjdljroubles. Two Entertainments each week during Mi Mm Entertainments. Summer School of Methods. Miss Ida Benfey, of Boston, Reading from Great Novels. Monday and Tuesday, July Btb and 9th. Other attractions of the course—D. L Leftwitch in Songs and Negro Uialeot Stories. Prof. Henry L. Southwick, readings from Richelieu. Prof. C. W. Kent, of the University of Virginia, lecture, "Tennyson." Prof. Apgar, Trenton. N. J., lecture "Animal Ufa of the Sea." In addition to the above one ot the fol lowing renowned lecturers will be includ ed in the course—Dr. (iunsaulus of Cliiea go; S. H. Clark, of Chicago (iuj versify in ( „y rano delJergerac; Wendling, or Byron W. king. Course Tickets for entire aeries of En tertainments SUM. Single admission 25c. Ulhen you need spectacles or eye-glasses " buy them at H. H. BOLEN'S Jew elry Store. Colid gold, gold tilled and silver broach w es, rings and chains, a nice assort ment at FRANK DIEHL'S Jewelry Store Augu»ta St., 1 door S. of Main St. fall Street Gamin Ruins Its lulls, But the cheap prices in jewelry at 13. C. HARTMAN'S, 102 S. Au gusta St., Staunton, Va., will help them recoup their losses. He sells an excellent assortment of line Jewelry, such as Watches, Clocks, etc., that he has on hand. His specialty is repairing old wares of every description, and his prices on old and new work is as low as the low est. Go once to see him and you will surely go again. * iIH "\Kj B If Tod Want The Best fALL PAPER ! At honest prices, buy of ns. We have the most beautiful, artistic and care fully selected stock we have ever had. The prices are right. 3 Cents a Roll Up. ALBERT SHULTZ, Next National Valley Hank, STAUNTON, VA. RRV AM Wants you to rail Ul I I fill and see Ids stock of Lumber, Flooring, Siding and Ceiling. The nicest and best in the city. Alo POSTS, SHINGLES, LATHS, SASH, DOORS and BLINDS. And all kinds of LADDERS, STEP, FBUIT PICKERS and EXTEN TION—Iight, easy to handle, and awful convenient when your roof or chimney is on fire. You need one ! Don't wait! Buy now. South Lewis St., Stannton, Va. MUTUAL PHONE 89. Yours respeotfully, WM. 8. BRYAN, Mg'r.