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, Welnvlte Inspection of j Our Subscription List, by j Advertisers, and assure them thatthey wlllf md It the largest of any paper j PubllshedlnthlsCity. WEINBERG 9tsstgifs§ &H*pa*|, I Every day demontrates the supremacy ot Weinberg Clothing Co.'s slyles as leaders in MEN'S Ltt-OB Mi-late Cliim I If it's bought at Weinberg Clothing Co.'s I lie re is no question in the minds of the well dressed man of the correctness of the style, quality and finish It must be perfection in every detail or you would not find it here, and most of all we will not allow a disappointed •ustomer; we insist upon making everything satisfactory to you. You have never seen such a variete of exclusive styles, and here you'll find the Long Full Overcoat—with or without Yoke; a swell garment for swell Iressers. The West End—for young men >nly. 'Kerseys, Beavers, Meltons, Vicunas, Jhincillas, Cheviots and unfinished worsteds Boys' and CHlflren's Clothing; in all Grades ana Styles. WEINBERG Clothing Co., Clothiers, Tailors and Furnishers. 5 South Augusta St., STAUNTON, VA, Next to AiiEsta National Bank. g" :■ . g .. ; "| Always Bought AYegetablePreparationforAs- ] g similatinglhcFoodandßegula-rS °r\ „ M tag the Stomachs andßowels of JJeaiS tHe £, \ I signature /%¥ Promotes DigeslioivCheerCul- M %f |p ness and Rest.Contains neither nf Wi\.f\%f Opium.Morphine nor Mineral "■*■ #|\ \M _\ \\ \ W Jka/KofOItinrSSKUELPITCH£R | l# \ Pumpkin Seed-' . a J(a • Rixkeiu Satis - I tIFh & § 91 —use Seed * \ &. a fll n r ' - Dwxmwit - ) S % 3 ia •» 9 13 rS? CtiltialuaeSoda * 1 IBlil i > I / R W&wJV«j*- I :'[ O S. ChmKed.lugar { .{!■ J*i S J* lOOi—mt /Tuiot: / ff\\ —S* II Q f VS AIS IS *V H Aperiecl Remedy forConslipa i I 1 1/ Tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea jj I 14/ « ** Worms .(Convulsions .Feverish- % F «-t »* ''Hull** ness and Loss of Sleep. \J IU S U¥ U i Facsimile Sifinoiure op ' , NEW YORK, j j! I 1111 l| BUO S & EXACT COPr OF WRAPPER. Si l| EH §1 S!" ££! I M**S ' THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. J. J. fIURPHY, i DEALER IN i \ PURE AID UMABULTERATED UQDORS! j Handle all the Different Brands of AuerustaCoun !y Whiskies from Three to Eight Years Old. ,V HANDLER OF P. BEARD WHISKY IN THE CITY OR COUNQa Have also on hand different brands of fine Old Wilson and Monti llo, Pennsylvania tiray, Melvale, and other fine brands. Special at ntion given to all orders. Having on hand a large quantity of Whiskies and Wines, we will fer to the trade special inducements. We handle Port and Sherry r family use which we will sell at $1.00 per gallon. Also Bottled Beer, Scotch Ale and London Porter. Our $2 a gallon Whiskey you will find pure and good No. 3 South New Street, Staunton, Va, Uliulillilll iilllilUiniilillillll.liii.llliillillilllllHililluiul.llil nil an li linn ii ii A Valuable Rockbridge County Farm For Sale. i'he undersigned offer for sale a tract of high grade land on Hays Creek, in Rock ' iilge county, containing about 345 acres me land for all kinds of grass and grain !:iiorovements consist of a large and sub ■antial brick residence and usual out "'Hidings, orchard, &o. Convenient to • Us, schools and churches For further •ticulars aud terms, apply tn. J. P. MOORE, ,1 H. MOORE nr TAUt, M. PENICK, Commissioners. nav22 4t Lexington, Va. iHI Bvtdatm r,.. VINDICATOR. P Q* VOL. 80. STAUNTON, VA , FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13,1901. ft NO. 50. ■ j __ i . _gfe_ Cl-in=... . ai.J bnuiilies the ball, j a-., a lllxurinnt grow.ll. | wEi'j J: i-vt r rails to HrrAore Gra*'l Unir to i:* rouihrul Color. 1 rN.<NIV|J----*H TOBACCO SPIT I and SMOKE ———~———- —— Your Lifeaway! You can be cured of any form of tobacco using easily, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor by taking MOTO-BAC, that makes weak men strong Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over SOO.OOO cured. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book let and advice FREE. Address STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicago or New York. 437 I ROOSEVELT'S PLAN. To Build Up A Roosevelt Machine. Many Believe. sident Roosevelt, according to j ilief of many politicians in Wash l, is seeking by appointments to up a Roobevelt machine in the ry, which will be powerful enough minate him for President in the ' next Republican national convention. The President realizes that the real ma chine of the party is against him; that Senator Hanna is not his political ■1; that Senator Piatt forced him the ticket as the vice piesidentia date in order to get him out of New York politics, where he was a dis turbing factor for the Republican or ganization. Therefore, in the matter of appointments, it would not be in the nature of Roosevelt to turn to hi 8 enemies, and he is breaking away from the machine with a rapidity that is at once startling and unusual. The wishes of four National Republi can Committeemen in as many South. era States have already been turned down. It is generally the case that a national committeeman receives great consideration at tlie White House, but under the Roosevelt administrataion thus far this has not been the rule The President is headstrong, and is going to have his own way about things. His appointments have been in the nature of surprises for some of the older party leaders, aud the only way they can figure out the actions of the new President is that he is trying to build up a machine of his own in or der to secure a nomination for the presidency. There is now pending a bitter fight between Secretary Hitch cock and National Committeeman Kerens, of Missouri, for the political mastery in that State. It is stated in the best-informed circles that Kerens will be given the worst end of the pro position, and if this be true, Roosevelt will have slapped live national com. mitteemen iv the face already. Pre sident Roosevelt has his own way about doing things, and he does not hestate to carry out what he thinks should be done, even though it be against the advice of the wisest politicians in the Republican party.—Wash. Cor. Rich mond Dispatch. How Are Your Kidney* r Dr. Hobbs' Sparaeus Pills cure all kidney ills. Sam ple free. Add. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N. Y. «tnapfr<swi VOWS MADE AT THE ALTAR. Strange Obligations Men and Women Have Made at Marriage. Ironoclasts insist that love is but a species of lunacy, and if one takes note of the foolish vows some people make upon the eve of their entry into the marital state he is half convinced that the judgment is a correct one. As one instance may be mentioned the vow registered by a Prussian bridegroom to the effect that if his bride perished within the first five years after their union he would destroy his own lite. This terrible oath wag faithfully ob served, for the unfortunate lady, hap pening to succumb after the birth of her second child, the husband blew out iiis brains directly after the sad news reached his ear. Less tragic was the vow made by a young Polish mechanic* residing in Warsaw, though the oath in question was certainly touched with much folly. He swore that on each anniversary of the wedding day he would drink him self into a state of complete intoxica tion, and it may be added that he kept his word to the letter. Unfortunately, however, he did not reserve the dis" sipation named for the .anniversary alone, and in consequence of his dis solute habits his wife claimed and ob tamed a separation. A middle-aged resident of Minnea polis made an exceedingly benevolent vow on the eve of h's marriage to a charming San Francisco girl. He de dared that as each anniversary of the wedding day came round he would dis tribute 1,000 dinners to the deserving poor of the city. This resolve was rigidly adhered to and the poverty stricken denizens of the place benefited accordingly. A young Kentucky girl of amazing beauty, who had been forced into mar riage with an aged speculator whom she heartily disliked, vowed that after marriage she would never look upon her face in a mirror, seeing that it was her facial charms which had brought about the loathed union. For six years she faithfully observed the vow, until the death of her husband canceled the extraordinary oath. There are some women who seem to be perennially youthful. The grown daughters are companions as well as children, and the color in the mother's cheeks, the brightness iv her eyes, the roundness of her form, all speak of abounding health. What is her secret? She is at the middle age of life when so many women are worn, wasted and faded, and yet time has only ripened her charms. The secret of this ma tronly health and beauty may be told in the brief phrase, Dr. Tierce's Fa vorite Prescription. Thegeneral health of woman is so intimately related to ■ the local health of the delicate woman, ly organs, that where these are diseas ed, the whole body must suffer. "Fa vorite Prescription" dries the debili tating drains, heals ulceration and in flammation, cures female weakness, and imparts to the delicate female or , gans natural vigor and vitality. Wo men who have lost their health and their beauty have been made "robust and rosy checked" by the use of this marvelous mediciue. CASTOniA. Bears the j? The Kind You Have Always Bought FOE OF THE SAN JOSE SCALE. Beetle Found in China Which Will Vaa Pest. The officials of the Agricultural De partment, including Secretary Wilson, are much gratified to know that they have, after many years of effort, dis covered a sure remedy for the ravages of the troublesome little San Jose scale, au insect which has donemucb damage to fruit trees in all parts ot the coun try, and that there will soon be under acclimatization and propagation in this country a lady bird beetle, imported from China, which, it is declared, de vours the San Jose scale in great num bers and thereby checks its devasta tions. Some years ago there wap located in Australia a parasite which lives on a certain scale that infests the fruit trees of that country, and someof these bet ties were brought to the United States and placed in orchards containing the San Jose scale. The taste of the bugs, however, proved very capricious, for they would not eat the San Jose scale at all, and pined and died for* want of their accustomed Australian diet. Thus one hope of the fruit growers wa 8 blasted, and they resorted again in the spraying of trees with chemicals to kill the pesky little insects—an efficaci ous but very expensive method. Dr. L. C. Howard, Chief of the Divi sion of Entomology of the Agricultural Department, continued his investiga tions, trying to locate the country from which the San Jose scales were first imported into the United States, be lieving that when he found the insect on its native heath he would find there also its mortal enemy. About a year ago he made up his mind that the scale came originally from Japan, and he accordingly sent Dr. C. L. Marlett, As. sistant Chief of the Division of Ento j mology, to that country to make inves- Dr. MBrlett proceeded to Japan, and after five months' work discoved the San Jose scale there, but no insect that devoured it. He became convinced that the scale had been imported to Japan from the United States,and that the original habitat of the mite was in China. . From Japan he went to the Celestial country, and worJ has just b3en re. ceived from bim there that on the sun ny slopes of the fruit-growing country south of the Great Wall he has located the San Jose scale in the ancestral home, and that living with it he found the lady bird, which eats it so rapa ciously that the damage it has time to do the fruit trees amounts to compara tively little. Dr. Marlett is quite sure that he has located the original home of the scale and its natural enemy, for the reason that they were found where nothing but native Chinese fruits were ever grown, and where no foreigD fruits were ever imported. Dr. Marlett is now on his way home from the East with a plenteous supply of the little beetles, which may be the means of saving American fruit grow ers millions of dollars. Bears the Tnß Kinil You Have Alwa y s Bought A MODERN FAIRY. Or Else [the Stories About Her Are In Some Respects Inaccurate. The name, at any rare, has at last been discovered of the mysterious and beautiful lady who, as recorded in the Express a week or so ago, has lately been making her home on the seashore in a lonely spot on the Argyllshire coast. She is Miss Margaret Mac- Dougal. But at that point information ceases. Young and singularly attrac tive, with great masses of brown hair worn loose over her shoulders or light ly tied with a piece of ribbon, she has been residing on tbe Ardmaddy beach at high water mark without shelter and without food of any kind save shellfish. She sleeps on the grass and declines all offers of food, clothing or money. The most extraordinary stories are current about the fair un known, of which the following—suppli ed by a local correspondent—are a fair sample: I "When at leisure," the correspond-! ent says, "she knits and knits, and tbe ball of worsted never seems to decrease in size. She talks English and Gaelic fluently, and even converses in several other languages, to suit the person talking to her. She has been photo graphed several times, but none of the photographs seem alike, and she does not appear to everybody the same. "To some she appears to be about twenty-four years of age and to others about double that age. She gives her Dame as Margaret MacDougal, but nothing is known as to where she comes from. Ardmaddy, where she resides, Ims been always famous as the rendezvous of fairies. Nearly are Dun na-teine and Creag an Fharaldh, places famous as the hauuts of those spirits that influence men for good or ill. To this place, it is believed, she retires at night. There s;e gets news of all that will transpire the following day. She has a thorough kuowledge of the Scrip tures aud has a great hatred of the clergy."—London Daily Express. They Work While You Sleep. While your mind and body rest Cas carets Candy Cathartic repair your , digestion, your liver, your bowels, put them in perfect order. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. Winter Excursion Rates. Effective Oct. 15, 1901, excursion ' rates are ou sale by the Southern Ry. to all principal winter resorts of the gouth and Southwest. Ask any ageut Southern Ry. for full information. SNOW PREDICTED FOR THE HOLIDAYS . , Hicks' Prognostications for the Month of December. Our storm diagram for December in dicates many winter storms and rough weather, especially for the first two weeks in the month. The Venus brace lasts until about the 12th. tbe mercury period extends to the 14th. the Decem ber solatice begins about the 12th, and tbe Jupiter perturbation is still in force. A continuation of stormy weather is quite probable through the reactionary center about the 6th and 7th. The temperature will react to some warm er on these dates and as we enter the Vulcan period extending from the Bth to tbe 14th. Especially will a marked change to wa> mer be noted about new moon on the 10th. The barometer will (nil at the same time, and during Wed nesday, the 11th, to Saturday, the loth, another blizzardous sweep of rain, snow and sleet, driven by high winds and followed by a great cold wave, may be reasonably counted on. The next change to storm conditions will be cen tral on the 16th, 17th and 18th. This reactionary will also bring its quota of winter storms—first rainy and warmer, with possible lightning and thunder southward, but turning to snow west and north. All through these winter solatice storms, dangerous blizzards are highly probable, and very cold waves and high northwesterly winds will come as sequels to tbe regular storm periods. The shortest days and longest nights will be about tbe 21st to 25th. The probabilities of heavy winter storms are very great, say about Sunday 22d, to Thursday 26th. These storms will culminate in general and heavy rains in the south but about tbe time of the full moon, which is on Christmas day, sweeping snow storms will visit the western, northern and central parts of the country. On and touching the 29th and 30th, the regular reactions from anti-storm conditions will take place, bringing a change to warmer, cloudiness and more snow. The year will go out with these disturbances disappearing to the oast and cold, fair weather following up from the west and north. There is no lack of the* Christmas spirit in the December number of The Ladies' Journal. Among the stories that go to fill this largest number of the magazine ever issued are: "The Baby Behind the Curtain," by Eliza beth McCracken; "Christmas Eve on Lonesome," by John Fox, Jr., the Kentucky author; "How the First Let ter was Written," by Rudyard Kipling, and the first part of an amusing story of Western ways called "The Russells in Chicago." "The People Who Help Santa Ulaus" are told about; the Rev. David M. Steele relates some pathetic stories of the New York poor, and El liott Flower delightfully describes "The Linrields' Christmas Dinner." The second room of the "Bradley House," the library, is shown in detail. Mr. Bok'a editorial is headed "Per sonal," and that it is. There is a charming Christmas play for children, and a double page of college girls' pic tures, which shows groups of students from almost every well-known girls' school in tne country. This is the first installment of The Journal's great "picture story "of "What a Girl Does at College." The regular departments are most ably presented by their re spective editors, and the holiday cover is tbe work of Thomas Mitchell Peirce. By The Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia. Oue Dollar a year; ten cents a copy. More Than Satisfied. "I hope," said the drummer, "you were quite satisfied with my report for the past month." "Well," replied the head of the firm, "there was oue part of it that really ex ceeded our expectations." "And what was that?" "Your expense bill."—Catholic Standard. Her Opportunity. Kate—Well, I got my revenge on Laura, after all. Alice—How so? Kate—She let me trim a hat for her. —Somerville (Mass ) Journal, *—•»—a»» Dined and Whined. Hoax—Kloseman tells me he dined and wined you yesterday. Joax—Hub! He dined me after a fashion, and then whined about the amount of the bill.—Philadelphia Re cord. The Christmas Nunber of Scribner's Magazine is espesially notable for charming fiction and novel and effec tive art features. The old-fashioned Christmas story does not prevail, but in its place has come the story of bright and cheerful social phases, del icate sentiment, wit and humor. The best work of the best writers is used in these special numbers rather than Christman tales written to order. In this number appear such authors as Thomas Nelson Page, F. Hopkinson Smith, William Henry Bishop and Arthur Cosslett Smith. Artistically this Christmas number contains many effective features.*-* Maxfleld Parrish. who has a place of his own among artists as a designer in color, furnishes the beautiful Christmas cover and in addition the frontispiece (printed in color) and other illustrations in black and white to accompany one of the stories. Educate four Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. I 10c. 25c. IfC.C.C. fail, druggists refund money. I Sons Unlike Fathers. Columbus, the discoverer of America, was the son of a weaver. Cervantes, the illustrious Spanish author, was born of an ancient but re duced family. He early entered.mili. tary service and served as a common soldier. Terence, the Celebrated Roman dra matist, was at one time a slave. Homer, most illustrious of poets, was at one time a beggar. The Greek poet, Heisod, was a farm er's son. Demosthenes, the most celebrated orator of antiquity, was a cotter's son. The great English preacher, George Whitfield, was the son of an innkeeper of Gloucester. Thomas Wolsey, the English Cardi nal and statesman, was a batcher's son. Dr. Thomas Bishop, of Durham, was the son of a beggar. Joseph Hall, Bishop of Norwich and theological writer, was a farmer's son. Virgil, the great Latin epic poet, was the son of a potter. Horace was a shopkeeper's son. The English lexicographer, Dr. Sam uel Johnson, was the son of a book dealer. Robert Burns, the Scotch poet, was a plowman at Ayrshire. William Shakespeare, "the chief lit. erary glory of England" was a yoeman's son. The celeberatediAmerican engineer, Robert Fulton, was at one time a jew eler's apprentice. Daniel Webster was the" son of a small farmer. From tbe most humble origin Thur low Weed became one of the leading journalists of the United States and a great political leader. William Cullen Bryant was the son of a physician. Andrew Jackson was born at Wax saw settlement, South Carolina. While the future President was still a mere child his father died, and the family was left in reduced circumstances on a half-cleared farm In a new settlement. Abraham Lincoln was the son of a poor farmer. Thomas Jefferson, the writer of the Declaration of Independence, was a planter's son. William E. Gladstone, "the grand old man," was a merchant's son. — ——— «t 4JB» *■ — . . — CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Haw Always Bought Bears the /**T» <*- signature of %mm£fJEJWmmkm\ Opening of Winter Tourist Season. The Southern Railway, which oper ates its own lines over the entire South and forms the important link in the great highway of travel between the North and South, Florida, Cuba, Mex ico, the Pacific Coast and Central America, announces for the winter of 1901 and 1902 the most superb service ever offered. Its splendid regular ser vice will be augmented by the South ern Palm Limited, a magnificent Pull man train, which will be operated be tween New York and St. Augustine, Florida. nov 1 2mos CABI-ORIA. Bears the __ITtl91 Ttl9 Kinl - _ jjg Al *">* tm sl Signature fJP * " of HICH A DOG Kick a dog and he bites you 're bites yon and you kick him fiie more you kick the ir.o: ■c bites and the more he bil lie more you kick. L.. • nakes the other worse. A thin body makes t >lood. Thin blood make hin body. Each makes tl ither worse. If there is go:, o be a cliange the help nui ome from outside. Scott's Emulsion is the riglv >elp. It breaks up such a combination. First it sets the tomach right. Then it en iches the blood. That strengthens the body and it begins to grow new flesh. A strong body makes rich blood and rich blood makes a strong body. Each makes the other better. This is the way Scott's Emulsion puts the thin body on its feet. Now it can jet along by itself. No need of medicine. This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott's Emulsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle. Send for trie sample- SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St,. New York. i|gs "WHIZ If WALK A MILE" Is a laconic definition of a toboggan ride. It's quick work going down the slide, but it's a long climb back to the starting point. It is very much that way with health; it is quickly lost and slowly regained. When the first symptoms of failing health ap pear, proper care may prevent the descent to utter weakness and debil ity. Usually the complication of dis orders known as general debility has its origin in a dis eased condition of the stomach and other organs of di gestion and nutri tion. These diseases are perfectly cured by the use of Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery. It cures through the stomach disorders which have their or igin in a diseased condition of the There is no alco hol in the "Discovery," neither opium, cocaine nor other narcotic. "I was all ran down; had no strength; had sharp darting pains all through ne; head and back ache every day," writes Mrs. Prank Cas well, of Salamanca, N. Y. "I was alas troubled with a distressed feeling In the stomaah and pain in front of the hip bones. 1 had a sevare cough and it nearly killed me too aw a long breath, I was so sore through my lun^s. W I wrote to Dr. Pierce, telling any symptoms as near as I could. He sent me a very kind letter, advising me to try bis medicines, which I did, and before I had taken them a week I ■was decidedly better. I took two bottles of the ' Golden Medical Discovery' and two of the ' Fa vorite Prescription,' and am sure I never felt better in my life than when I quit taking them." Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets are a cure for biliousness. iwiii^ii!l4^jn» y^ti'tH/ti/tiihiOtiiMjf/A w_m Hffl InnlinTl ■ »■ i Ulcers or RinmiiniEeg Sores need not become a fixture upon your body. If they do it is your fault, for MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT will thoroughly, quickly and perma nently cure these afflictions. There is no guess work about it; if this lin iment is used a cure will follow. YDII nflN'T ICNfIU/ how quickly a burn or scald can l«>riirfd IUU UVn I riflUn until you have treated it with Mexican Mustang Liniment. As a flesh healer it stands at the very top. ,_, i i I llHinj i •jnammn Snwjsnni hb.ijwk jo arwoq v si sneddßq jtrappoit rro I!,'l],v\ IH.A l(l|.U ,»Al,'l( 1-1 pUU Apll!U{ ——— - - -. ~ .. f* XiaA v uaisiisip mjju s-aaui iCnuaiibojj jepu eqi 13 3H In V N 0 PILLS SSB£l IkAv or and banish "pains MW of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVKUS" to girls at . KWy womanhood, aiding 1 development of organs and body Na known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm—life ißn becomes a pleasure. $1 .OO PEK BOX BY MAIL. Sold ' -ISgaEII? by druggists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio, For Balet by HOCSHEAP BROS. & CO. Stauntan, Va. " •Hi* I W 1901, PAIiii&WIRTER I Men's, Boy' and Children's Fashionable CLOTHING! All tie Novelties for tbe Fall and Winter Season. Our Line this season is larger than ever before, and we are able to give better goods for the same money than in any previous year. We carry in stock Suits that will fit you whether you take a Regular, Slim or Stout Size—we have them. OUR OVERCOAT DEPARTMENT You will find all the latest YOKE ULSTERS and DRESS OVERCOATS. We have paid special attehtion to our depart ment in PANTS, FURNISHING GOODS and HATS. Come to us if you want good value. No. 9 South Augusta St., STAUNTON, VA. Oar readers will find correct Schedule! of the i three great railroads of the State regularly published I In this paper—the C. iO., j the N. & W. and the j Southern. | „..............-.....„...............£ l"o Merchants!! Twenty Tons of Candy ■ Stick, and French Mixtures, ions, Cream and Chocolate barrels, pails and boxes, varieties of peDny goods. New Nuts, Raisins, Figs, Currents, Dates, Citron, &c. IERB AND CAKES In 35 lb boxes Fresh every week. i lemons, bananas, grape Ui OAK LOTS, c are headquarters for everythln in the above line, and if you want new an fresh goods at the lowest prices, send i I orders tbat they may be filled sati * before the Xmas rush. >ne 354. Yours respectfully, Humphreys & Timberlake, Suecessosr to W. W. Tlmberlake A Co Main St., Staunton, Va. ■22 4t Money to Lend. *7,000 ::..,.'OO *5,000 #1,250 12,700 11,000 $2,500 | 500 ig loans of above amounts at regnla rates are desired. Correspondence solicited McILHANY & HILLEA.RY, il 63m Real Estate, Loans and Insuran: FOR Q&l C —A. second-hand Engint run onLL. Separator, Haj Baler and Saw-Mill, at a bargain, call on V. 1.. HOOVER, novß Bt* Valley Mills, Va. 4 __k