OCR Interpretation

Richmond enquirer. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1815-1867, May 09, 1828, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024735/1828-05-09/ed-1/seq-1/

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jy f ' C..4 4UUtc.ll u •.unlliiii« iw- gcuersily
■ ail three limes a week uuriug the semun uf the Bli« Legists
tat*.—Price, the tame as beielufor-t, Five Dcllart per annum,
payable iu ailvaace. Nolo of '-bartered, specie-paying banks
louly) still be received in payment. The Editors will eiiaran
lec the safely of rcoiitliug ibeis by aaail;tbi poitage el alllel
tiis being pan1, by the snilert.
J3T No paper will be disc atimied (but a the {iteration of
ha Editois.1 until all arrearages have be»n paid up.
UP Whoever will guv antes the payment of uiue papers
shall have the tenth QUAT18.
•ar one U|iia-t, OK LE33—Kirs t*usertioo76 cents—each
coxtiuuance, 50 cents
•#* Me aoveiliss iuen inserted, until it has either been paid
er, or assumed hi some i-ri.un >u this cits , or its rnsiroui.
ALL NEILS ON lias lecrivril a large ami general
tisviluieut of Staple ami Fancy Goods; among wlti-rb
are Niter inn, Grecian plaid, and (alley calicoes; Ui e. ian plaid,
lain Xnsit
tfavarni'i, and fancy striped ginghams; walked lnd pis
and Swiss luuslim;tamlioied and plain honk and mull tiiutliiis;
cambric and jaconet muslius; rich worked mutiin robes, blk.;
^Italian lu.'i.tugs; black and coloied Grot de Naples', Iudia and
1‘yeuch satins', plaid striped and plain Vnege; hlacs L cnlurcd
‘ Italian nets; silk and cotton bosieiy; holitum t lace, and rich
worked muslin pelerines, rapes and coliais; black and white
bobbioet lace veils and hdkis ; English and Krenrli thread
Tycee and edgings; London cloths, i-assluiu.es X vcstiuct; lush
Lneoj, sheetings and damask; ■/nahurgs and ticklenhuigs;
brown and bleached shillings and domestic plaids—with a
variety of other desirable good., which will be sold at the
lowest prices.
may 2. 115-tf
ThS now receiving by the Tilly-lL-, dit ect, Eff.iit, .V other
wA- Paekets fioui New Yoik and Philadelphia, bis tjpiuig
supply of Goods, consisting in pari of t
Blue, hlk.,gieen, brown and uiixt supeifine clotbs
Blue, blk , drab and unxl caisirueres
Blue, blk. and gieen ladies cloths for gentlemens’ wear
I.ondon blk. and wkite hats, and silk uiahieUas
White, buff, and fashionable piiuled M.si-eilles vesting
Laities* and gentlemens* white, brown, blk., mint, cotton
and silk hosiery of every dejciiptiuu, and warranted
Blk. besuhazets, Circassians and tastings
French drills, nsnkeecs and cotton cawimerrs
fijacdui ills, union mixtures and stripes
.lackourt, mull,honk, and olhei utuslins
(i-4, 5 4 and 4-4 cotton auJ lineu camhi ic, aud cambric
Furniture, cambric and habit dimity
Z.ineu, cotton, and other furniture and apron checks
Linen end cotton hedticking and bindings
A full assortment of calicoes, ginghams &c colored muslins;
new aud haudronic patterns
Plain anil tigured Gro de Nap and other silks
iialian lutestring, sarsiiets auk smehews
Cotton and silk cravats and hdks.
Belt*, b< nnet, love and other ribbands
Brown, bleached and colored domestics
*tl Cates 4-4 end 7-8 Irish linens, sheetings, Hollands and
20 Hales German oznaburgs, tickleubtirgs and burlaps
Waldron’s pimie auJ double prime wheat and grass
scythes; the Dst a very superior article
Shai pe’« steel mounted runs)
A1I u inch he ofi'trs at wholesale or retail, on reasonable
'Vnril 22.
11-2 «!•
.'Trust Siule of J\tgroes.
vitiiicnf a Dead of Tiu/I titculnl lo ms by Francis
O. Markham, (o satisfy certain purposes contained in
iaid deed, l abnll uiVer lor rale,to the highest bidder,for cash,
«t Amelia courshouse, on tile 4th Thursday in May next, the
following propelty, *u. S(rph»-n,Li hty, William,Sam,Koheila
and Moses. Also, a lull sell of IJIarksuiilli’s fools. I will only
convet such title as is mre.ted in me as trustee.
VftYJ^lLL ne sold, at Tree tint, uujlie 2J ilav of the Rac.es,
yfaf » 'me first chop Stock horses — ..He stud,7 ye.ira old,now
recovering liuiu the distemper, which | rt vented list standing
this Spring', one stud Colt, 3 years old this S|ii mg, h> yiigm
ian; two fiileys, one 4, and the other IS yeaia old, of line stuck,
and now in training, and ot cood promise—and it h pioliahle
that I shall offer my rnsre Oieeping Kale, now in foid by A
rab. The Pedigrees ot these Horses, and lh» Tei ms nl s>l',
will hr made known *:u the day. JAS. J. HARRISON.
Mas 2. _ H5-3t
J*roposaUfor publishing in the City nf PhUattcl
fthia, Tetirwylvania,THE PRACTICAL FAR
MER’S MAGAZINE, On Agricvltvral k
Literary Gazette.
9T|^iIK I'AllUblt'fi MAGAZINE is designed to contain
els luformatiuii drawn (torn Authentic Sources,relative Hi
P(he imprnveu.ent and management of lemarLahlr Farms,
r sources of-manure, number and kn. I of Sloek, tanning uteu
ads,labourers,dnilirs,Air.; Agricultural Iwpirfvt merits; drawings
and descriptions of Useful Invention!; critical notices and
reviews if sucli puhlications aa may tend t ■ the interests of
the Husbandman; improvements in the hree,i ot Domestic An*
imals; accounts ofauch Foreign At Domestic trees,shrnhs,vinrs,
plant*, seeds and graios, as ar e considered n-cesury or useful
t»r suhsirtf nee, comfort or m n •merit, »ith Information rela
tive to then tieatipent, growth, requisite kinds nf soil, Ate.; and
in short, whatever may tend to increase the product ol the
Sod, and advance the Rural Economy the country.
* Insettmnwill always he given to such Reports, Addresses
and Papers, a. may he couiinuuicated lor publication, by the
several Agrirultural Societies of thu and otl.tr states.
A Land Register will enntain as far ar prarticihle, a list of
farms, which are now,or may hereafter he, For Sale,account
nf their size, siturtioa, quality, and such other particulars as
Stay be deemed Useful.
(space will he affuided for the Solid ami Sterling Realities
Of £iteraturevlhe useful arlt-and sciences, Chemistry, Natu
ral History and Philosophy, Biography and Travels, slate of
the Ma- kits in the principal Sea Porta, Arc. Arc.
The Fanner's Magaziue will h# published Semi-Monthly;
the price is t?o, payable, cither at the trine of subscribing, or
^ou receipt of the first miitlber. Tliat Form and Sice lias been
“aifbpted, which i? deemed most convenient fot binding, while
the quatUyot the paper, the beauty of the type (entirety nrui )
anil the grneral execution of the win Ir, will be such, as it it
hoped, willleileci credit on the I’uh Iilieis, and C/rmfy its
Xy Address fpo<t paid] Th >ii,as C. Clarke, acent for the
VropHetor*. Philadelphia— or to Clturchill J. Seldtn
Kichmond, Va.
may 2. 1 hfj — ftt
ALL persona having claims against the estate of Anthony
ft. Tliointrin, dec. by bond, note, or open aecnuat, serfl
make them known lo inr without delay; and all peiront
indebted to tne same, will please make immediate payment, as
tio longer indulgence cao be gi anted.
Adm’r ol d. /I. Tlerntsn, dee.
April 15. 110 —if
k iv juju' ur v iin* ui.
THE New Map of V»rginiafcoinpiled from actual sut.ey*.
umii*i the authority of the Slat-*, if u«»w published, ar.a
May be oMame.thv prisons detirviii of procuring if«on applica
ion In Wiu. II. Hichartlsvb, at tbeCapilol, in lU City «»f llicli
This w.»rk, * fleeted hy (he labour of many year#, and at a
gieat erst of csre ami money, has nerri,|irrhipi,heen *uip4«*
ed in variety ami accuracy of detail, or in beauty and elegance
ftf fUi'utinti, It reflects the highest credit o* the science air’
•kill of (be perron* i turned lately concerned in its publication,
and iruit prove highly gratifying and ijieful to the public. Th«*
Legislature have authorised the sale of 260 Copies only of this
M«»p, on the Urge scale of five miles to the inch; and the Exe
cutive, with file view of nMkiiig the sale as extensive and rapid
at possible, have directed the copies to be dtsp-rscd j( at the
n.oderat« price >y( $20.
Under these circumsfaritre, it n probable that peraoru who
•ball not make early •ppilfaliou, will be* unahie to obtain a
Copy of this beautiful amf valuable woik.
Au«u*t 3. ^5 —If
. A Map of Virginia, reduced from the nine Sheet Map of
Oit Slalty according ic the provisioni of an act of the Genera/
Assembly, pasted ‘*/A March, lfi#7. if also published, and
entry he obtained on application at above .* Trice pet copy.
Copies of both Maps, in a convenient portable form, ft uy be
obtained if preferred
Deo. 22,\%fl. r»«
Jl valuable Mill for Salt.
TOHMLL be sold to (he highest bidder, r.n the prrm»«rs, nn
\w Monday the id of June next, my inxnufa (tiring Mill,
( will, ,00acres of land attached^ si lulled on the Mechanics
vill»* road lo Newra«f|e#at about equal distance between I'a
munky and Obickahomir.y rivers, and within II miles A
Richmond. Th* Mill thus situated,i* iinmediitely surrounded
ny a grain country of both com and wheat, winch will readily
hr appreciate*! by a peivou wishing to purchase. The stream is
never failing) the mill house 3 story and capacious; and (he
ftriangemeuts within if, a* to ii« machinery and gear, upon the
most approved plan. H<»r manufacturing and gent, this mil!
is highly esteemed »n its neighborhood. Term?; oae thud rash,
• ud two equal annual payments fir the balance.
_Hanover,April Iff. ill
/ i J a
WAS committed to the Jail of IVestmorefand county, on
the )$t day of February last* a negro man named John,
irko calls himself John Hoy John is between 50 If SO ye art
nf cases, without any visible marie discoversd —of dark com*
pltrion. and is about K feet (0 inches high; and says he is the
property of Henry ArfiAt$ alias Sills, a speculator, who pur
chested him in the city of Richmond, some 2 or t years sinre.
to which vtar.e he xcat taken, f rom ftiohmond count 7 In/ Mr \
Oto (J. Si others head, and told there to said Sills The '>wncr
If re y netted to ro*ne forward prov^property, p y ch* ~c <
(ate him away, or Ac icilt be dr alt 1 nth as fh• !• • divert
H M M. If ALKKU, Jnttof
IfVifmoreland r m, -
April 2b. 1 fl ri ..
THk Pop’i.AH W>hV:~:r
TIOMK ri’AOT, distant fl miles from L\ »»• hh
u • from the fur*ipikM road, containing 1(171 5 1 rts.
"**• cleared, is s!il! for sale. The imp ■ve-..*f»ts coo
craHe At valuaioe. ifRANOlS t I’l'KS*
iuarcb '6 " jj-wtl
Funeral Expenses Reduced. |
IN ci'Duqufnce ol (be times, 1 stuli couimue (u deduct ,
one-tluui from li»e former *nc«* of Gotti rs of eveiy tie- j
»ci i| tiou, with the siuie deduction fmui the hire of a went I* u- I
nt i al Heat sc,with geulle Horses; all ol winch will h* fumiilml
at thexhoite*! notice.
7'Af ifco ti d«i/y manufacturing C Ailty KT t'UJi
tfll'UjxE mf cvery description, whit li will be • •hl 'ow
c.i»U, rouoti v |<r jiluci, 01 satisfactory iKiK'h filiSultiHiio'i,
Bureau*, 5tcre(a:l«», llookcatti, Wanliunei, dining, lea, and ,
card Tahir*, woik, wash •n»*l candle btar.de, cat ved and plain
mahog i|»v and maple high and low post UvilitrUtll, SiiIm,
Courbet and easy Cbam, rolled ban and rn-.ss Maine****,
with evtiy uihei article of Cabinet Furniture; alis a ki.«h
• iipply of mahogany for Carpenters and cahmrt uiak« hu St.
Uoiiiingo mahogany hoard* at from 15 t» 215 cti. per («.* !,
liunauias mahogany boards from 10 to locn. per foot, with
hand-tailing, newefc, plank, piuinrls, l^ps, and veneris, hair
cloth, copal varnish, and all cl hi r mater rtfs'tu the Cabinet lim ,
with a good assortment of Venetian Blind*, and a litv new «md
2d hand Foite Pianos. UEOUliE HENUKEE,
Opposite the Alert bants’cVtiee ll«us«,
Alain stieet, Utceumml
May 2. 115—wftf
ALL pet sons imvii| open a.end blMiU I K«bt
lit II. dec. late Saddltr of the city »»f Richmond, »r •
i rquesled to call on the suctcribrr for settle in tail- A> it I
expccted that a refeirnre to the hooks will olteu be requn* d,
1 have had them posted, and I aui u«w irady to mak* settle
u ents. Although it is denrahlt that a antedy clo»e o
the administration should be made, vet 1 -hail give a • i «*»*».*•
hie time to these who may tad in dent to the estate, upon then
gn hut bond for the pay in rot thereof. All those indebted by
bonds and notes, are informed, that the claims again:! tin
t*tata are veiy urgently pressed, and that, theiefoie, I
am compelled to require t hem to utnke immediate payment.
All persons failing t * call hi a reasonable time, may expect I
that legal steps will be taken for Ui- collection theieof. All j
person* having claur.s against the estate, are requested to pre- I
sent them, properly and legally authenticated; that I may hr j
apprised «»l the *tti»unt Jut, to enable me t«» make arrange* j
meu(i for their liquidation. My ofiice i* ns the City Had, ;
where the 11 mki and papers will he kept and where 1 shall
gcueiaUy attend Itoui 10 to 3 o'clock.
W. U. WREN, Berg*t of _C K. -
and Adin’oi »<l Held li*li, d*«*.
Pec. « Cl —(I
$30“/*'e VvJlSiT.
ASAWAY fioui the subscriber about the latter end •*!
Nov. 1827, 3 uegio fellow*, fwo ol them named 6am
Tin y ar*» both about 23 or 25 years of age. 1 l.e smallest Sam
is about 5 U 5 ins. high, with a scar on hts forehecd, stout
made, and «»f Indian complexion, ami louud visage. Theothei
Sam is about 5 ft 7 ins. high, slcuilcr'aiade, long face, rather
of h light complexion. The other fellow named John, about
23 year* old, 5 ft. 5 ms. high, veiy much scored with the whip,
ami patti« ulatlv his right thigh. When lie left here, be had |
a large butcher** knife* and will likely mike use of it in Ins ’
defence, as lie has resisted before; and it is likely he will dis
I own his master’s mine. I will give $30 reward to any pet sou -
i who will lodge them safe in any Jail, or deliver them up I" ]
m* in Clioster district,S. C. or $10 l«»r either of them.
Rocky *1 uint Works. Match 11. 100—D.U>*
r 1 • i • I land
JL lledtoid county, situated on the iioilham! south luik* > \
Goose Creek, and mi the main mad leading fioui Lyuchhii'g i
j to Fmcaslle, 12 miles west ot Liheity, and adjoining Uai 1
j Buford. It contains about 1 *00 acres, of winch 800 aie un- ;
i cleared The part which is uncleared, except a very *fnai» I
! pot limit is excellent tobacco land Of the cleared land, 150 ]
acres aielow grounds of Ihe first quality, and the remaino* i ;
remarkably hue high land. Tllis is oue of Ihe best trail* ot
land in the upper country, being well adapted to the rulliva*
Iron of tobacco and ail kinds «*l g<mn ; it lies remarkably well .
and is veiy free from stone; it divided it would unite two very
handsome tracts, which shall be done, if those y'ho wish to
purchase wish it Peisuiis wishing to pm chase may apply t
the subfciiber residing in the mighhorhood of New Loudon,
oi to C;apt. Buford, rcsidiug iirai the tract. WM. IRVINE
Jan. 13 73—*f
4 JWBY, dfiiruua of ohtatiiioE a siiiiatrou mi a J*Vm»l»* 8*m
inary, nr a pnvate family, a- Teacher, aim one who can
laodiicr i»ti«l’a((«'ry l^itiiiioiiiMti a< in n«t*iificat.on*, ^.r. may
he heatdnl by a JdiessiUj; a hue to Al- C. iMMihurg, Va
(po#l paid )
F-b 21. 93
pursuance i.| a deciteof (l». superior vouit of ch*..
vk ty lor the Rich in »nd Deduct, pi onuun<*ed on tli. 27
day -i Feb IJ’27, iu the • aiM ot iluhimi vr.McU.at 1 Urook
vi. M Hat*, an.i m pursuance ol an order of said emu, u.» r •
in the same ',ase.«, ot* the Fouith day uf February. 1828,|
l shall, no ii»t Twentieth day uf May, 182$, at the ft oul ,
"dour* uf Bowrll’s tavern, in the (.»*•». id Wtemburg,. T«r i .
. sale, to the highest bidder, at public auction, 7% ar;esuf Ai
clie.s* Hill tiact ot laud, heretofote sold (o II. 11 ixall—aim *12 \
. 'tries of the same tract of laud heretofore sold to Thomas K
. Garey, but not paid for—win h land In*, in the coucty of Cher* ,
, terfield. Alio, ru like maimer, on ih* 2l«t ay ol the same •
‘ month, on the pr • ffn f«»i «a e,4*50 acres of land, ly- !
• ng in the county •>< Prince Ororjge, if n^ng the land convey- j
ed by Kdwanl A. K* eland, lo J.»hu MrR.it , ilrr. in Ins |»f». j
time, by two drr.ls bearing date the 24th N»v. ISO'J - which !
deeds air i reunit'd in ibr mint of pt ince G * or ge « nuuty — L 1
on the 24fh day of the same month, l shall, at the limit «!«•«•( j
of ihr E»g!r 11-itH. in the city ui lln buioiul, #n like manner. t
1 lifer for sale y.5.*3 at.J 3*4 «« »(■» ol laud, hrlonging to the **
fate of Johu 3‘cltar, dec. I,iu; tn the State ol & lucky, m •
the ci unite* « I Madnon and Lincoln, suit ptrncipallv on tin j
wafers ol Goott Creek; and 52 shares of Manchester Tun. |
, pike Stock. Terms of sales— ra-li. %
J. OUKUllANT,m.i.r.c.r. -I.
tn one <•* In- D. f nf it s |
Apt tl 18. Ill — id«
ADMIJS'is 1!RATOR'8 jV027C ?h.
A T.L prisons having nanus agmnsLthe < »tut» of Gaiter B .
-^V iltrkelv, dec., late of Bain Kims, in the county of Mu* j
j dltsex, arc hereby reriufsted to prestut then: for aifju'lnieot j
. properly authenticated ; and all persons indebted t > (he es- |
itstr will plea*. In make payment. VVM. NOLAND
Jap. 12. 70—if Ad'uir of a»ter B. Derkely, dec. j
itive will jiuialr m i nlormity With
• vJa, the provisions uf ihe 3 section of the act conn rums ;
the Anno* y, hereto snntxrd —44 And be »l further rjiact'd, :
that the Executive b$ authorised required !«• ruc^rlatu upoi.
what term* the AtMorj liuiftiingi I^and attached thereto, !
• can he lolil, exchanged nr (noil lot a trim ol yrin, k < on - j
munirate In the next ialieral A«i* mh|y the result ol then
, enquiry ” By orrln of the Kx- mlivo
hxe»ulive r*epirtn*rnt,
13 h flarch, 10i3.
Match | |.
101 _tf
Trust Sate of A'cgroca.
f > Y virtue of a deed of hut exe i trd hy Charles Irvine of
Jl> Ou* kin^lisitf ci ttnly, to ft n.dolph Kl.irr iaoo and Krk<n
I'a«e, l ^aritm dale lk»*' 2d day of A/Ay, I62X and of ierupt
in ihe office of the county yforeiiiil,! shall, on the 26th day i f
May its xt, (that hews; Court day, f«»r C’ttu her tao-i county) at
Cumberland rotitthouse, for cash, sell to the Inched in
dsr,st# public aurtmof K'gldcen or Twenty vafttshle ne
grofi— amunr th* iu it an •*. ellent man eo k, and a very f»w»
shoemaker. The title to the above negroes t- good, but 1 •ball
sell only such title as n ws!*d in me by the d**rd.
NXLbON PAGF, acting Irttdee.
April IB. IU —(4«#
N. B. Peculiar circnnj tanres have rendered •! expedient to
change llte time and place of the tb <ve sile The is!- will
fake place at Bnckwghnin ootpthotise, on the 24 M >ndav mi
June—at which time and place, th* pr» perty will eertninfy he
s ld without reset ve. NELSON l* AttK. T. imi# e.
/.Hllf. lOWtiii*! ni.ftnn I’l |iHMV» to Hie ««1, . It
salelh* Tutt rt <( I’nncr Edward • onitlioiitr
uaiion for al'vrtn, «* • n la I to any in the Slat». There ts
nii othr,' f. i.je ol nil' ll i.nin< n( at the place; ami, it is i i, r,,
Main Southern Klsgc It'ail, fiutn W 'lnnjlnu In tie. i gia. Km
health ami convenience, no sititaliun ran excel if. The Iniild- !
inn are in rxretlrnl *« pair, lar ge anil commodious; ont-lroilsrr
i,l ev fly description; good letter, a good garden, and rvriy '
other ennveoiene* which is nrsewary fin nidi anestaMishinrqf. !
Tin suhacriber will aril, triili the Tavern, 50 acres ol wood j
land, lying at a veiy •In,it dalnWr from the tavern, and ii
r.odm; an abundant supply if woo l, fur the u«r of the |'iae,. |
j Tim rtatdiraie large and m good repair. As a pim.ha, > I
Would first eiew ll.»■ p,enures, any fmlhrr drscii|dion n dren. j
I edunnecessary. Tciin* will he of the ini .I act unin.idafing
. hind. JOflS I’KAHHON
Fef> 12. *r»-3ni
. j, Al.f, HfcliSO.N lia, received a handsame assortment of
fl * Oiec..ri'i'laid an I fancy striped ginghams, Navarine,
Greeiao and other fancy talirnei of the'latest style, .Swiss j
tnr.ll.honk k jsrWonvt muslins,Mach Jc eolofrrf Oros dr Maple,
silks, hatrge ami other fanry bsn kerchieft., hlack 4c inixl j
last tugs & prunella, Plorentiner, Pittsburg cords, hV ilmingion
tlrires, and stool plaids, loi servants’ wear, German nrahurgs
andtir kl'nhnrgs, Scotch ortuhings and dowlas —wish a Urge
ssiorlment ol domealir goods,(brown and bleacbadj furnituie
and «pion checks, fcc
April I. inn_tf
A valuable VI ant at inn for Sate
* 11IJE Subscriber offkri for tale hit Plantation in the county
I of Hanover, lying o"n t'Mckahominp Swamm. containing
4K0 acres; it it I I l milts from the city of Richmond; the
MechanictvWe Turnpike pauses through it. There are m ere '
than acres which have nev< r hec\ rfenred\ the timber on it
is considered equal, if not superior, to any in thi9 section of
country. There art >•*) acres of excellent Meetdow band To j
suit n piirrheurrf that part lying below the Turnpike mould r
eparatelydisposed of There 0 a Saw Wilt within half a j
mile, which would he a great advantage to any one wishing i
o get up the timber.or baPd d further description b drer
edunnecessary, ns those dttiremi of vesting capita! in land. \
wilt view ii, Joshua Starrs,living on thf > farm. • ./
shewii at any ttmfi application to he ena> e^itbim. or
A*,,,,'!! tf 9
Freeh Dry Goods.
K "|T»r f ,f safe on o n ir>n«t l.rin.,
tit fresh srasooabf* Diy (io-id'. tin
sml general tssoTlinai't of Sitirles, pafir
in- easoit. aud (he trade ■( l plac-,
ur'ii an we hays ,y. hefif t-rrna
• Is Cjiialiiyo— Out entire st.icll Will be
few days, w‘,«n i mere particular
appear. If< fc t
may 2. 115—if Ivr
shout 5<V) ps-kse • I
'Uprising a rp .|. < J
alamy welt adarf
Maikrtb-r -re.
ALL |*« i . on* iud*hteJ to the < slate oI John Kirhaidso
tCi. o| the county cl Hauover, air rrqiit'itiu Co make
iuiinetliat^ piynent: And thus** bavin* claim* ega»u?l the
«a*de«*,i. « i f>r*'«ent tli« mi f«». mljuitiiirul hefuie the first day
of January 1823, or this wii! he pleaded in **a* «<t a i*cov«ty
August 3l._SH—wif K W. SroTT,.i.,ii.,r
i.unutii- tju>fitt{ti Wuftumst'U/
NOTlUku hereby given that all In* cull-iut hi* • ostilytio’ :
are ommiiei,ami that no mote patient tv ill be received
until rorne oi the said cells sre vacant; turn ticcof which wi| ;
he given. IJ\ order of t lie Com t of D«re«|**s.
Mav * - l him n
, N M ihIi) the I'Jih nht.it 11 o’clo k, will h« sold, at
v/ Merchant’s Cl'ffee « u«e, in the City «d Rirlitu^n* •
foliu\iio| Slocks, belonging to an KsUle—l50Shai**ol i
im-ts'Uank S(*>tk,20 Shires of Virginia Uti.k Slot i, and
Shaie* «»t U. 6. Dank, foi cash. JA8 II. LV*Nt II
may 2. 115—3' 115 -31
jpv N Tuesday, the 13th of May, i wul niVei l*»i sale at
s^ WiK n, th* balance of furniture, corn, Ate. belong ng to
the E*fate of Anne Raudolph, of. W ill ou. St* mouths ct eJil
|ouh*nds with approved srcu’ityj will hr given Ail persons
having claims against said Estate, are request • to leave the
imount and dignity of the debts.at Mi. Jam* s Shiphatd’s,where
[ Will call tor them. WM. BERKELEY. A dm r
Ai ril 4 ItRi —• ilmAklsiviii'Miiy
WAf. AP CUE RY—Draper & Taylor,
(Successor to Bradley, APCray Sf Co.)
UAS irnioved Iron; t«j*u m i) •jatid, c*on» i *»f 12th in the
Ead comet vf 13th and Mini streets, in tilt* tenement
ItUly occupied by Dr. Cbatles X. Ahiahain, and nearly oppo
irts the EagU Hotel, where lie will coutiuue to keep constant*
ly, a complete assortment of
Cloths, Cassiineres, Vesting,
And every nthei arcic.lv i»» his lute which hr will sell is low
».« ran be purchased elsewhere. It* has ju«t received his
.‘bid a handsome assortment of Spring and Stun
, rner Goods.
Gentlemen who may purchase their goods elsewhere, can
hav» them uiadt and trimmed in thr best manuer,aj lierctofo e.
A pm I 25. 113-It
HY virtue of a trust deed ex* cut# d to the subscriber hy the
bt« Richard Hughes,on the SM tlsvot Ocl* I82R, and |
which rlrerl n of record m the clerk'* olji r of thr county !
couil of rowhatan,will he sold upon the prrn*i«es,to the high- ?
e»l bidder, for cash, on Friday the 3th day of May neat,if lair,
if n..t, on the next tair day, that valuable tra« t of land lying in ;
Ponhatnu county, commonly called 4 Mkr t|ii’*,' vrhei con the :
aid Richard Hughes lately resided, supposed to contain ab ut j
583 aero—or so much of the said Ian i.with thr improvement? j
thermo, as will be suficicut to raise the balance of principal i
m«»n y and interest due on the said trust deed, and all in* ex- j
peusiM of sale. Such title only wdl hr waira*tteil to th* put
• baser, as is vested in the subscriber l»v lh* tan.' deed.
SAM’L TAYLOR, trustee
April 9. ____|t)7 -III
TIIE Co-Partnership of Motley, It vine U Co. ai Pti kiotoii.
villr, ami of Irvine, Montague At Motley, at llruD'wuk j
r« uithouse, were dissolved by consent, on lh** 1st d«> of Jan. i
l«26, and not on lb* 4th Nov. 1 8*;b‘, a? stated by Nathaniel |
M'dlry. in the Enquirer of the 18ih mst.; at which time fist *
Jsn 1..6Jtlie books and accounts belonging to the him of j
Mot It y, li vine Co. were in the possession id Mi. M t!ey. |
•»'*v 2. SAM’L lit VINK
J 11 r- it.’l Ui
OVER (In Nottoway Count, will c*iu.tnrnre -id We.inn
dav (lie 2blh day uf May mxl and continue f> days:
!•' l'iy a KweepsUkei, lm 3 y«-ira ill! coll* and filieyi,inile '
lieaU, — rnlianrr, 7 sublet ihers ai.it rh.se , yix Win. 11. '
Johnson, Jam* » J I[#iri«nn, II. I’. Todd, Win. 1’. Eggleston, !
Win. M Wul, lit my ill. Cl»y, Uftun Etliuuudton.
2il Day the Propnetoi’s Purse, wmlli fnuu $150 In §200,
wiltiout our innt —eiiti auce — distance discretionaly with
(he dull.
Sd Day (he Jocks v Club Pune, worth $300, nett ir.nney,
hiniE up. rntiauce $20— distance .bsrritmuaiy with the Club.
The Proprietor .rill he nupared lo entertain hit friends in
the Ke*t nit.mer. The iiititlbets of the Club are i equeitej tu !
convene the lUy preceding the fi d l iy’s/Lire, An the pur.
• 'use «f oigai.izing tUe Club, and for the frart-a# tuui i.i other
'• "Iter.. fjAM’L II. JETKH. p piiet.r.
Am II 2*i. - ll5_tM»*20
A IT/>Ttj.sf, seitsnse, to the higheit biddct, on Sntureinv the
f Hist tf t/ny near#. ,f fait, is hcrusin the ext fur titty.
Sunday t xoepted, onthe premises. atrnctof -and conveyed to
me by Dad. IsrauvUle Vruddock by a Deed of Trust, to sr
cure the ynymenl cyadebt therein mentioned, containing by
estimation bi%etrrrs or ihertuhoult - Anton it excellent ui I*
itrov«f«-i,f» oiiiu«im.i/ « i»'» lint y house with 4 . iso is be
low and is par mgr -R rooms above with an unsasiiss por/ieu
and porches, nn q/Ju-.e. kitchen laundry, and other convenient
houses i a the yard —alto a comm nlioa- granary anil stablrt, j
and other improvements convenient to a farm i*i gaud repair. I
It is rep i tr nieil that more than one half of this trad of land '
is uncleared and ofgo.nl 7 < n/rt; for I'ahaeeo. is commodb '
ausly situated fa- a profs .anal man ,i iv He fame y or one *
who may choose to keep entertainment, being contiguous to
lhr main Sta.e flood 2 miles South of l/a/if sx rowthouse,
and so eilanted that i'may be converted with convenience
lo public purposes or a private re treat, at may be prefer
red. AH who wish to view the premises, at e referee l to Descr.
C laido.k, residing on the premises Terms-, bond \ approved
Security and a tlerdnf t us I to secure the paymen s o e half
pa\able in I - mo o I AI and the bnlunre in . years. The title
11 be!>-red unquestionable but as 'Trustee, I shall only convey
such IHto as is vested in me by the dttel Pod. Crueldo k i, to .
retails possession unlit the tbthday of Dec next
The aberve Sale meets my approbestinn nr,d ro -I rur re arc
UUAfiyil.LH < HAD Dm A
_Apr il 15. IIU rzti My
ty V vn tile uf 0 de# rl nl 1 list r*n i, r. : < silh r- |l ets |,y I
y '‘I ■ ir j. Hardin A Elizabeth hi. wife, bearing dale (he 15th !
ofNuv. I lilts ail-l ol ittord in the rieilt’ ifi 1 |
futility rouil.for the pu pin'euf securing the sum of about 2600 !
dolls, a I a him e n..w due to Wi tl.eiilon Shr fun, w« shall, on 1
Satuiduy Hie lPfh ay of April neat,at 1 he It 1 k Tave .,,i„ the
conn'y .,f Aheimrle [..ear lb- iiiemife*} p .null., sell, . !
cash, Iliat valuable Trad of Land c oilaiuing about 500 acres, 1
lying on Mrrhaiiii river, ami on h ,tli side# „f the Stage Hunt
from dial lottesville I j Staunt.-n, 10 units above the ..
p • ■■••• Then M 1 n II I# tract ol land .# const Ir? able qu snlity
0 li'sl rate |uw groiinds^i^ excellent Timothy Mia uw ul ».
bunt 15 acres, air • a gouiroi.haid. The other nnpioveoits s !
are a good dwelling h mse, with other in. cssrry out house-} j
bi ll, tnharco houses iff ■ A more paitii'ulir description ul tins
valuable Uacl id land. 11 deem- l Unnecessary at tills truie, as |
Ih'sie di-pissrit to ptitchase, Will likely view it befme the sa # .
Il has haen rented the present y«ar fur S.'.O dolls. m money. I
The purchaser will have the privilege ol sieding on (lie plan. !
lain-11 by the lit of Oi t. and lull possession giveu on the 2 Hi I
Uei. AUbu’tb# terms il the trust de»d rri|ui re that the Ihmt j
•hail he sold lor cash, (he Imslcss cape, 1 tj he millions.d
l give time 011 al , except ahout the sum ul I 00 dulls, which '
will be 1 squired in haod The balance will be divided min |
instalments ol 1000 dol!r. annually, with iulerert from Mie dale, '
on the wh le, until dis. hurged II o.| and security,with .idted’ i
of Host outlie land, will be required of to- p uchnii r, to sr
f *11 e tbe payu-isfil.'. Il is expei led tlint the ether c editors, I
who hold Inns on the .anir Itarl of laud, will consent, on (he :
d»y »•I" *I'*e a libeial credit fur the b.linn .,f the pm- i
ch.tse money, alter satisfy log ibe claim uf the raid Bheltmi.
Acting astiu*tre«, we mil convey to the piirehaser such Idle
voiy, as is vested in us I y said ti 11st.
M It; A I All WOODS. I Ti m
WILLI A *1 WOOD-, j tics ;
Te The above sale il poilpontil nn'il Kri.lai the 0th day i f
May next, at which time U will ponlively lake plate, if (j,#
day is fair, if Duf, the next fair d«y.
.Micajah IVtwds, ) Trtis
ll'ni. Woods, 5 ioc«,
I ID —Ills
£20 HKWAk'D.' “
ANA WAY from (hr tulMCrlhet, livin< in Albemarle
vsjv, County,V«.on th« 30th of Dereioher lad, a mulatto man
h» the name ,,| Ail»ij lir i< about ti leetlnj.. aliaiahl made
r«*thrr tiddler, of a • Ity rubor, larr iratrow, |i|ra<atil
fiiinu nance, *prake fulr, hat vny l.u,r frrl,(iay about 12
me lira in Irncth) and liar no one o, h ,,, J, ^ t' ar,occa>ioued
•’.* » VVh»n hr Irfi home, he hid on a black fut hat, a
pair of lai »«l •lioei, a pur of <11 ik coloured r if in. (i piulalangi;
!'»• •* '» ptobahle he ha< chained hi. cl ihiln hrforc (hi* time*
il ia pofibl# that he may have a pi The abuv-rewaid w,11
If del.vrr h.n. In me, or »rcf»te
he ijiven to any pere-an who
hun in some .fail an lhal I n«l him agann Kliouhl any p'Mon
lake hiui up and lod^e hun in Jail, or h.ai of any tuck Tellnw
alieady in Jail,l u<mi(,I |hank •lieni (..write In iimyiiil direct
then letter In .Veto I urir, Albemarle rniiofy, V n port paid
_ iouv wEin.
M3 in
■uhs.:ribcr> in (ne
(|*jlIh parlnetahip eai.tiug between the
VA Mercantile (Imiiiru, •( Oharlulle ce*'thouee, under the
fimi ol A chilla! Vtuglin JiCo. windiemlved on Ibe titiml.
hy limitation All perenia indebted to the concern, are
te^iterltd |/. rome forward, h .elite fficir ircounli aa ape ill)
a* powihle. Thai, hiving claim*, will apply to Archibald
V*ul,)iu, who i* aulhoi i*ed lo l.tlfr the hit,,ne«t of lh* concern.
AROIHUALO VAL’HHAN will continue in. lit.*...a,* a|
the came place, on h>. ,/Wii account, and on the u*ml leituiln
punctual rn.fotnerv.
Apt ■ * l n r. _|2.»
Jfilitary SI aula r Is ..Mas onir Ranncrilf TTjiron*,
Signs, tfc.
TKf* on ti, mi and in mWcitui •
ran factor* man c, • .
o h: o it a i: ic. v u / <:t>tt,
Knnry P^iitlcr,
.'V. IV. Coma >>f .Market ff Charles St.
U ft into *, \|i .
Ar r i! I *>. I f0 «
SaOPMCRV, ll Al!t»MS, ftc.
a » fcS T At »ommoN rnff»V v* ?**!»•• ’ sirfrlUy, iuvh At ?f*.
" * br f«»l* «f hy the tl- *. «*»> j ti*. f nrftafkO S* ui*.
mTiltt||«|ri) bd<f, Ifs'liff ItAvrllirtf, liunk'.* «
•***•« *** •»!«! rstt collet*.
A ftijrplv ol the cb«r9 Sfftclri far r»lr «*l Phib
i*Hm pi ict f, ?. At .s. <;03i;y
Ap;.l 1. )0u«*.2tiir)
Richmond Race*—over the Tree Hill Course,
• .**», ‘i‘ ' fu *•« utual on the TuesJat iu31«>,
vf *0111, .mil Cwiiliour 5 div«.
^ HI 1/AY.
■wo »wcep»tnkea for colt* an I li*li*p, 3 year* i»)tl, mile Sitilf,
cntiaucc ii> Hi (h produce •Uk»J$lOO, half lorleit. Subsirt
1 11. M. Cunainghaio, cuteis the produce of Det Bounce,hy ^
V»: tiin.m.
2 John 1 . Cccke cu(c(j (be piusiura uf Dui/iri). Ly Six i
Cli.ii In.
\ f "*,|IU *'htl,llan rn‘*f* the produce of Sunn, by Su (
4 W.SelJen (Ulna lb* produce of Lstly Tuluian.by Sir |
Uh u1'*"*er* *he produce of Reality, by Su
C Ju. J. Han iron cnteis (lie produce of Favor ite, l»y Vir- J
- J If.HH, r.lul Jiv.
A^poil stake, mile Leals, entrance S^O, half forfeit. Sub
1 Win. U Johnson
2 J a-. J. liai ruuu
3 Win. Wynne
4 Ueo I). Garrison [dead]
5 Clui hi C. Grave.
2.1 Day's Late.
Pinpiietoi’s Pulse, 2 foils- heals, ?>o >0, e-nlianr.e (j|| j,
3d Day’s Hue.
Jockey Cluh Tune, 4 mile li-*'<, $|(XK), entrance D. 23.
4(h Jisv’s U.ice.
Toil Slake, a liable lirat,4 units out D 430, cnli ance 1). GO.
Suhrri ibeis :
Win. II. Johnson
Jar. J. Haiiisou
JllO. Millie
Jae. M Srhlen ^still opeii)
Slh Day’s Kart,tin:, umuiy oi ibr hinrlit of Jno.Syilie.
i\ swrepiLku for all acts, unit heats, be.t 3 iu 5, enhance
U. 2J aped uutil o o’i luck, the evening pi tctdinr the it*'e.
Tneubrcfihrl le»l, justiSeil in i rina king, that li om lire
uuiuher of fine horses n-w in training, anione the in Sally
Walkct, 2E• i«l, Bs tsy Hansonr, Silly Hop,, M> dley. Itr.i
Muni k, l*iunipatnr, Niger,4-,-. fee I geilirr wilhMir num
ber I fine colls that will ke theh first appenianre (M.
the ’port cannot fsil to be interesting. The siihirn
l»«r has hern at gnat pains ami sapeoce in preparing this
course since I he last season,having covered S-4ths t.l il wilha
lino > ft mil, which, he thinks, La. made it ..nr •( the h,-i
Courssshc has ever sesn, either for training or racing on It.
will be prepaierl, as lirieiofoie, to • nierlain the Rt, , r4 |,„
House, ns well as some oilier geiit'euieii wins may i.relei hen c
n« a» the « «’UTf•*.
The m.elii.gs of the club will hr at (tie- Tree IIill Home at
II o'clurk, preceding each day . jock-y cluh tttcr.
_ J hi. bfcXDKN, Piopiieim.
-N. It. I he Treasm er earnestly solicits, (hat . arli :neUibrt
will pay, or 1-aUielo be pan!, hia sohs. ipt.on by the day ol
tlih j>jck«*y 1 iul» Aice} ul hHicm time h<* 14 r.oinptljpd to pul ur*
th.- puise. J. M. SiLLDiiiN, Jr. ‘
Af*rill5. HO—tl
r,,r * of the IM*-r*li*is 15 InUlIigrnrcr, and uf th*
Nation »J lr tfllit* iifrt will please ...jhluii the abuvr 4 tin ej,
* rw*1 »l tli* n ari nuts (u hi« . fjj
zo ilit .acinous oj me 1'rotestaut
Church of Virginia:—
H n t Am.uni Gunn, lilt..n •*! In* I'rulrnjuit Kjmi p,,i
* 'lint eh "f Yiifiiiia, w|l h. held in the Imrn ol Veltis
busg, oil Thun,lay til. 16il> of .Mj> uni.
va_. ___ iii—h
• Ml K^HIKG to II. uustnt t'l nlU 1 be Sii'e ser iTa7u,~iil i.i~
5 oil »t,,p lo ill'Sou(b, 1 bl”» npi'Ollllnl Win. E. lit <.,1|).„I.
V Win Glml oii n,y atlimies in feci, Is, a i |..| Hiiiincth.il
A|-iil 15. 11(| —11
JlhfiL KSiVifk.
*lk island iok sat.r.
% GHEKAHLYi Die II I iVili V f • ,amei l ol Di .Inn,*.
S~M- H. Gi lisiu.Hr . duly rccuriN in (lie ultra’s O.li
l‘t er.hm g, the nnutoi, mil . flVi to (lie highest bidder, on
*5 ednead*j>, tins IHh ol lone n<-xt, the lunei inoieiv C/i
li/'t'iil. — Thi» invaluable E-tale, n ai’ualed un .1 am"-* llivs-i,
.ii Uuoclilauil CIO Illy, about 40 ludes ah >ec Kicliui mil,and'
u.llmi I«.| ||.|,.| III Uaileiavdle. Il c o.sisls, by nhl -ur»ey.
• •i 515 iron.f ext empty rich lose ground., winch ate intsv
ii. Hie m. tl pr .lnriivi: .isle of cultivation. Kveiy part „i the
land is amide,Ja pailiclarly adapted lo Ihe growth <>' i.dit. o,
sen. >1 At . o n. Tue soil is oi lire ricli-sC I I entirely mi
h.riMihie. s-vertloe-e rd» ICC <-hoii.» tnve Imelv loin e
rclni,sn.| (hi buildings ate fully n.leipiate ib'ierim tln>
crop*. I Is un.-en non f til.ly, great hcalihiners, and nnintr.
I .It advantages, tender n ih,- must valuable fai m, w |,ir% ha*
been in Ine marks! Versons desirous of dTstrng caprisl ih
tf''•»1‘l'*s »rert.pie.|e,l to exainme Ih. crops, ffc. p],. V’/m.
S !•' sv er, I he manager, wiil take gresl pleas,,,e in .iitwiHg
ine pi iiitaiK,!, to any penile man who sti|| rml ,t will, that m
rn. ■ a 1 e will take place on the premises. The terms ai e of
Die til,..I iccminn daring chancier :—The purchaser (J„ rt.
urn r l.on' %.<>,000 of the money, during 'he life oltne t
of the d, re.- tal,by paying Die interest thereon »e„.i-an„u,||,;
and a rtf h• r deniise, « Imtlier credit, for that an, unit, will be
allotted, nf I, . it 3 years, in the aaiue uiannn —the r# «i lue
l,r »'•,l* ""hr»- annual uislal.ucijs Appruvso hoi, >, wuh
negotiable noter, for the inleie.l, and a deed ol fust m, the
Y*“.r"’ur* l*«yinenls, will be regime Fosse.,ion w,||
!-e g.v.n the 1st of Jan 1 R2?. will, the r„„|ese or seedn.c
whea* in xt (all. Hi* title is unquestionable. -
Ai file snn.e place, lime end l.rms, will also be tolil a high
luio plantation, < sile.1 Tuggles, containing woo acres of g,,..,|
Isur. 11 i, nmoedialely upposile lo Klk Island, u, Q..,,, hland
"'a ..
partis - consent to >rIIlbs piopertv on atredu ,'f i 2au’l 3
y.Ais. with inlriesl (loin (be dale—anil, in it.a, case, bond with
' v"! b^lkhhal security! and a died of lioat on ihe laud will
or rrquireds
Ft let si, mg, may 6. 1 m—id.
Z. TjvJj fur saI7e7 —
i M,E lanslI heretoloi. aslveitise.l for sale, lying in (be lo.se,
l end i,i Amelia county, railed Mill Grove, i, sli I ter
’ lie. rue nhole tiact Cimtaina about 3000 anes, an I lie. rm
Ih- Appomattox, lid mure thru* 25 miles frmn Fel*rsbui c 4:
dll Iron llirhui-n-l. II nid previously . ,|j pnra,ely ,| will
set up at public auction, on lb a 2d Thuisd i, ,f M, v
when 1 will attend I iep irrd, to rause ill,, hr'laid nfT ,., |„|.
to tilt pm c ha is . if lilt while tract cannot he sold logtth',
line-foil,Ih of the puishasc in,him will h, rsrpnred t<, h osid
in cash; an I for Ihe residue, Ihe terms will bo acco„tt„.
Co i*i»rs liH-t-i• —or, if 1 tth ca^ti rannol Sr olitftinrd.i( tvt I
1,1 l^f( •houU «.uf he .old r
will be < fleiedf..r lease. The idle is usqueitiuiiahle.
Tbs Editor of (h» O',I r> ,aiir,„n, F, le,il,,o g, ,,,11 .
iriretl ills above until the <( ‘alt. 'p T. MILES
The above sale n un,vjl.I .My postunned until t'h. lib if.,
dsv in Jim- ».«•, whtj* Mil eitkinly lake place „„ (he „.
b v. teiir.-. Mr. G .kmaiiN ravetn, nrr«r Che yr* ini.r«
, . ,T i Til08 T CHLKS.
Kirhmond, y n. i,« . ,
1 li' *• I L/■: (>/<’ D
i iyfv'r!"c ‘ Vr »•■>« -denied h, a. Wwiinn u
I » LoOM4 Anil till w.fr, tn Ihr Mibietiher, hrarinr ,utr ih.
nil. day <y I rn m4,aud duly ,},, ll.» rink*
Of.,rhl»".l r. Ultly r -IlfI, I (hall nit lh> 28Ui .1 ,y Aj.,,, „„x,
«*« It* PrraiiiM.at Wiilm.iviil., in Ihr ...<i . -i ,
unltr Tlin. K01.I...I K... 1 .. n.. . . ' ' A..' « •'■'Mai.il,
a hti H"a ’> i^nv;. .dV.n
finer il In n il,In (hr hiahrtt biddrr.al aiiciinr f,,r • ’
of lainl.rn, rr r.r I >.,ral|r,l VV: U. ...V. 11 - and
at j >iiiin^ li.r land* « f Jttlm Hh*linn fir* Mirv T | _ , 1 ,
lln.ly anrl J'.hnUtt,,, Of,In i„ ran* t|,n
.'.if from J..fcn b. W.iHonln Win Mrrrdilh.wiib ,hr nl,*,/
Ilifrfon, and Ihr rrprnrrt r,f r*rr„lin« (hr tt„.| T)
Mih.rnhrr will rniifrv (hr litlr ml, H him „ 1 L V
lirvrd In I » .nr..I in .11 _AT . ,f'. II fh !• hf.
Ii. vr,l lt.hr aontl j„ ,|| re.prcl.. Tl.'r build",™,’ ar.
11 :n„:n ***j‘»- '—>'<•
'» h* « onr, and I .* ..,hn,i.ed
t^ill certainly Ub* place. \VM. MU f Ju V . *
Thr .1. .v«,al*. hy.,lir ton.r nt tflhti,,;;"'!..
poUponr.l until Friday ih* l»ii!, ,|„y „f S?,r ”,'"-1?'wh’ h
e*"«in'y '-k* ... Irr,„. iVyr'*^"^^
WM. MlttEfc, T>u,lr"
Jf- PETTUS, Comb-M a n tr r a c ttj r r n
l*K\y floor# !>• low tht ITtu..,, Ilotrf, M i u Him i u/l
-i*i> tunt.tl V*. r*..,r*ir..ll. ...r.. , . ’" o Huh
■ .* wt-MMV IMP rillI |„|ri \l . If .
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in* si,
f he Democratic Press, published in Philadel
phia by Mr. John Birins, after intimating, on the
yoth u!t., that 1 was concerned in writing or pub
lishing a certain pamphlet which was alluded to
by Mr. Everett, in his speech on Mr. Chilton’s.re
solutions, adds as follows:
“ Can he have gentlemanly feeling, and lionora
•'!« sentiments, who would go with the ladies of
his l.imily, to pay court to a woman whom he had
published as a pimp, a very bawd, front one end of
the Union to the other; vet thus has Knstcll Jarvis
done to Mrs. Attains; ami after he had done it, he
condescended “ to honor” the pimp »o far as to '
introduce his wife! Would a gentleman have done
1 never had any concern, either directly or in
directly, in conqiosing, writing or publishing such
pamphlet, and I never read a syllable ol it, ex- j
ccpting an extract that appeared not long since, in
the Boston Statesman. 1 also say that, I never
wrote, published or publicly uttered a single word
disrespectful to lire character of Mrs.- Adams or
any female ol her family.
I am not astonished by the attempts of certain
politicians, to magnify a private quarrel into an
affair ot great public importance; nor by the nu
merous and wicked falsehoods by which they have
endeavored to loiestall public opinion. These
falsehoods shall be noticed in due time and in a
pi -per manner. But, to the charge of having
abused Mrs. Adams or any other lady, a falsehood
more malignant, if possible, than the rest, l feel
bound to give a prompt and unnualified contradic
Washington, May 3, 132S.
The interest which a great many of our friends
and patrons have in the claims for deported slaves,
now depending before the Gommissioncrs, at this
time sitting in Washington, has made it our duty,
to endeavor to obtain satisfactory information upon
the proceedings of that Board. The particulars,
which are subjoined, are derived from a source
which we consider as entitled to confidence, and
asstich wt* submit them.
in January last, the Board after having finally
decided a number of eases, and examined many
others, adjourned to meet on the hint Monday in
\ ery shortly alter tue adjournment, the depart
ure of the Commissioners, and of the Claimants
ami Agents for the Chesapeake, or Maryland ami
Virginia claims, certain oilier < laimants, by them
selves or their Agents, to ~uil their own views,
und to promote their own int test* ■ xelusivcly, and
at the expense of the Virginia and Maryland
Claimant;, contrived to get a hill intioduced into
tiio Senate to extend the time lor the duration ol
the Commission until the first of next December,
the duration of the Commission, by the Act of
Congress now in force, being to expire with tin*
present session'of Congress.
It was not possible from the hill itself, to di cover
what was the object it had in viow; it was sup
pored very naluraily that the bill bad been intro
duced into the Senate at tier instance of the Coin
inissioners, or oi those C'hiimanls whose claims
were undecided, and, it is believed, that under
such impression*, the !• II passed the Senate eaily
in March, ami was sent to the House of Repre
V* hen the bill got to the House, I bo subject
became better understo -I; it was referred to a
Committee, who promptly reported against it.—
Prom that lime until our l,.st advices horn Wash
ington, as late as Saturday evening, the bill had
not been acted upon in tlie Mouse, though many
attempts were math; to have it taken up, but the
discussion of the Tat ill, precluded all oilier bu-i
The Commissioners went on with their business,
until a lew weeks since, when they suspended
their proceedings, in the ilaily expectation that the
bill before the Mouse would be taken up ami de
On Pliday la g, the Commissioners addressed a
letter to the Chairman of the Committee to whom
the bill bad been referred; in this letter the ma
jority ol tiie Commissioners declared that an ex
tension ol time was not requisite for Claimants,
whose claims had been allowed, (-ami it was tliSl
description ot Claimants only who wanted an ex
tension of time,) but that a shott time would bo
required, beyond the present tension of Congress
in order to close their proceeding®.
It is. therefore, probable, that by this time the
Commissioners have resumed their proceedings,
and will decide claims, now depending, on the
evidence before them, and that the bill from the
Senate will be amended to as to meet the views of
a majority of the Hoard.
This subj-ct lias excited some feeling, and been
the means of eliciting iiiucTi talent in argument on
both spies, in which Mr. Wirl, on behalf of the
Chesapeake Claimants, has displayed gieut zeal
a:tJ ability, and deserves the gratitude of those
Claimants in the tnosl ample manner.
[ATinJolk Herald.
N a*'Itii.i<x, April 18.— We understand that
the dead body of a loan wnw recently lourtd on an
inland in tho Oliio near the mouth of *:ho Tennessee
rivor, which, from an examination of tin; pocket
book and papers about it, i* confidently b< Sieved
to be the corpse of our lute fcllow-citiv.cn, Nelson
Patteson. I he melancholy fate of this misguided
anil unlortunab imm, lurnislies a most impressive
slid salutary lesson. A lew weeks since, he was
found in our gayest social circles, was cordially
taken !>y the hand ami uminpocied of a mean or
dishonorable act. Suddenly ho is det< . fted in re
pea ted bets of for fiery, ho disappears and it fount
only a lib-less corpse! Mr. l’aitcson was not hard
ened by crime. He probably had no intention to de
li ami, tint hoped and confidently expected to take
dp *dl bis foig-d paper. In a moment c pressure
from pe cuniary embnrra* mirnt lie committed his
first fatal error, and finding himself able by a re
petition of similar acts, to escape detection and to
obtain temporary ieli< f, he went on plunging deep
er and deeper into crime, until an explosion sud
denly arrested him in liis mad carreer, and awak
ening fiom lus delusion, in a fit of desperation lie
destroyed his life. The principal source of nil his
guilt & misery and ultimate ruin is, we understand,
to he found at the gaminjj; table. Had Mr. Matte
son applied him o If with diligence to liis profession
or lo any laudable pursuit for which ho w as com
petent, ho was surrounded by fiiends able and wil
ling to encourage and assist him, and be might
have been sure of a competent support w ith a re
spectable standing in society. Mul be resorted
to gambling, to trick, and at length to forgery—and
his ruin was inevitable. We sincerely mourn his
inclancholocy fate. Me tv as gentlemanly in his
deportment,social and lively in iiis dispo-itkfti, a
plcsant companion, of in-inuating manners, loqua
cious and often humorous. The estimation in
which ho was held may ho inferred from the (act,
that lie was appointed to the responsible stations of
Secretary of the I'exa* Association, and Secretary
of the ’arkson Corre ponding Committee in fids
place. The latter circumstance has induced ‘om<>
party editors and newspaper writers, hnnrnp rly
wc think, to notice his fall iu terms of levity, if
no'of exultation. It surely cannot afford can
for triumph over political Opponent*, that nr. indi
vidual in whom they place confidence, subsequent- j
ly pioved l.imsclf unworthy ol It V - area I lit -1
ble to ho deceived; and ala-! how few arc pr-* f
against temptation' TTie deluded, guilty Pat(.-on
is now as much condemned by Id- jtolltiral fiiends as
by anv of'he opposite party, and there t* no more
gfoumTlor exultation over them on acrr.untof th»-ii
tnif&ppri'hen Ion of hi, rfiuractor, than -r simlhir
exultation over those unfortunate individuals, who,
reposing confidence in his integrity, have suffered
severe pecuniary losses by his misconduct. His
mistaken friends are in both instances, deserving
ot sympathy rather than of derision, and the mag
nanimous and high-minded would, under sucFi eic
cuinstances, »com to insult them. [Manner.
Tuesday, Aprii. 21),
Tlie Speaker laid before the House the following,
communication; which was read, and laid oil thu
Department of War, Jlpril 28I&.IS2P.
Sir: in compliance with a resolution ot the
House of Representatives of the Sd instant, di
recting me to lay be lore the House, in obcdienca
to a resolution passed the 19th of December,
a statement shewing the amount deemed nccessU!0 /
to be expended in the execution and complcffou
of each woik ot internal Improvement specified
in the report made on the itliof March, 1828, pur
porting to be a compliance with the resolution a
loresaid; and, also, the amount detuned necessary
to complete such other works of Internal Improve
ment as have been examined or aurveyed since
the schedule annexed to the report aforesaid, Was
made out, and not embraced therein, I have the hon
our to pro -sent, herewith, a letter from the Chief
Engineer, accompanied by a statement containing
the information called for by the resolution of the
•id instant, above stated, so *far as the same has
been practicable, from the reports and returns
made to the Engineer Department.
I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully,
your obedient servant,
Hon. Andrew Stevenson
•>p easier oj the J louse aj Representatives.
Engineer Department, Jlpril 2Hth, 182S.
Sih: In obedience to your direction to furnish
tiie information called for by the resolution of the
House-ol Representatives of the 3d Instant, di
recting the Secretary of War to lay before the
House in obedience to a resolution passed iho
lUth of December, 1820, a statement, shewing thn
amount deemed necessary to be expended in the
execution and completion of each work of Inter
nal Improvement, specified in the report uiade.011
t!m hit of March, 1828, purporting to be in com
pliance with the resolution aib’-'isaid; and, also, fo
statu the amount deemed necessary to complete
such other works ol Internal Improvement as have
keen examined or surveyed siuce the schedule
annexed to the report aforesaid was made out, ami
not embraced therein,” I have the honor to pre
svnt, herewith, a statement containing a list ol tlio
different works ot Internal Imjirovvtmunt, eoni
pri-ing nmtes for roads and canals, attempts to
improve the navigation of rivers, lakes, creeks, Si.
bays, Si to protect coasts &. islands, that have been
undertaken or projected, by the Federal Govern
ment within ihu different States and Territories,
from the year 1824 to 1S28, inclusive; shev.iug
how many works, ami ot what kinds, have bet a
undertaken or projected within each Slate and
'J orritory within that time; the amount intended
or deemed necessary to bo expended in the exe
cution of each woik, so far as the same has been
estimated,” and the time which each will pjo
bably require for its completion, as far as practi
cable, horn the information in possession of ti.is
i:i making this communication, I heg leave
to say that the statement prepared in this Depart
ment, and intended to be an answer to the ft* so
lution ol the House of Representatives, of the 19th*
ot December, 1820, anil submitted on the 4th ok
A. arch last, w as prepared under the impression
iIojI tiie object of the resolution was to obtain
in«orma*ion as to tho cost of survey** and improve
ments which had been made, and the amount*
deemed necessary to be expended in completing
such works and such surveys_ns were then under
operation, the estimates for executing the works
projected, having been already, at different times
presented to Congress.
I have the honor lobe, sir, very rcspecffullv,
jour obedient servant,
-Mnj- Veil. Chit/Engineer.
Hon. James IJarboeh,
Htertiary of 11'or.
" AsHistiTux, May 8.—The Senate yetfert'hiv,
was occupied the g.eater part of the day until
nearly six o’clock, in the discussion of the motion
ol Mr. Smith of Mil. to recede from the nmend
inents made by the Senate, and disagreed to by ihu
House of Representatives to the bill making appro
priations for Internal Improvements, which a
incndnicnts limited the sum appropriated for sur
veys to those objects already commenced. Hr.
Smith of Mil. (Chairman ot tho Committee of Fi
nancujon rc|>oiting the bill w ith the disagreements
faid: ’
j\ir. i res'dcnt, m reporting to the Senate lire
di: agreement of the House ot Representatives, to
the third and fifth amendment* of the Senate, to tho
hill making appropriations for Internal Improvc
mants, and referred to the C ommittcc on Finance,
l ih sire to stale, that the opinion of the Committee,
of the propriety ol the amendment, remains un
changed; hot us the item to whiah the thin! an.l
principal amendment relates is iiicorjioraTed in a
hill providing for other objects deemed of iimue
mate urgency and great importance to (he public
service, which might he materially prejudiced,acid
fin illy defeated at this late period of 'the session,
by adhering to the amendment and prolongin '
the disagreement between the two Houses, they
do not desire to incur those risks, or to produce
the delay incident to a renewed and protracted fli's
cm «ion.
from these cun«i lerafions 1 report the lull to the
bemte, and no*v move that the Senate recede
Ir.im their amemlm nt, and concur in the dlsagrcc
inent ot the House of Representative*.
The motion to recede was advocated by Messrs.
•Johnston c f I,on., an.i Webster, at considerable
length, and opposed in an aide and powerful argu
ment by Mr. M I.ane, and also by Mr. Smith o£ S.
- Mr. Ihn'onon this question addressed tin. Sen
ate at length, and gave his reasons why he should
i vote in favor of the motion, not, as lie said, becaum
ho believed the nmendjnent unwise, hut because
he w ished to retain a chatico of having a survey
made, which he deemed not only of national im
portance, hut of the (i I most importance to the Statu
l lie represented.
till the question lining taken,the Senate refused
j to recede by the following vote:
.. Barnard, Marlon, Mafomah.
I Bell, Lcuton. lionligny, Ch.imbcrs, Chase, Karri
son, Hendricks, Joimson of Ky. Johnston of Lou.
j Rune, Marks, NoMe, ItohhiTis, ftuggles, Se vmour,
I SHtbee, Smith of Aid. Thomas Webster, W’illey—
Nays—Befricn, Branch, Chandler, Cobb, f>ick
er^on, Iv-'ton, Kliis. Foot. I Jayne. King,McKinley.
McLanc, Macon, I’arris, Rklgely . Rowan, Sanford,
1 S-T“*'*well, Tyler, Van Ihiren, White,
William*, Woodbury—21.
On motion of Mr. McLono, tho .-cnato insisted
on the amendment.
1 lie Senate then adjourned over to Monday fle.tf,
- „ ,, _ (fl'rtfh. Tc'rftraph.
,n V,e Homo ot Representatives, yesterday,
*|r. Livingston reported a bill lor the punishment
of contraventions of (he lifrh article of (lie treaty
hc'wer., tier, -’tales and Russia, febi<h was
twice read, and after being slightly amended, wr< i
ordered to .1 thirl r. a>ling to-morrow. The rcso'u.
■on off- od by Mr. Stuu urt on 'fhaudstv u l.ritu

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