OCR Interpretation

Richmond enquirer. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1815-1867, December 19, 1835, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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—-——MtWCMMMQJl'MP, i’llffV/.VM,
- - - ____ ^
S IH KIt.IV, IH t l .UKl.Mt It*. IKW- VOI^MH XXXll.-Wo. or.
iKT * »e biMUUiKKK i« pub lulled twice a week, generally, ana
tliff* time* a week (luring the nex'ion of the Stale l^ogiitlatuio,—
Price, the same a* heretofore, Five Dollar* |H*r annum, payable in tul
vitnco. Note* of chartered, 4pocie-paying bank* (only) will b«* re
ceived in payment. Tlio K.litor* will guuiuutcc the *afety of roniit
t"U tlioitt by mail; tlio postage of till letters being paid by the writer*.
9Cr paper will be iliseontiuueJ, but at the discretion of tlio
huitoM, until all arrearages have been pui<l up.
iO* Whoever will guarantee the payment of nino papers, shall
have the tenth gratis.
Wr One * |uare, or lo**, Hr*t insertion, 7r>cout*; each continuance,
f»0 cent* No advertisement iiiMcrtcd, until it litis either been paid for
of :mnmod by some poison in tbi* citv or it* environs.
rilO THE PUBLIC.—lluving bought out the con
H- cern of Powell .V Atkinson, I would adopt this
method of informing my friends and acquaintances in
the country, that 1 shall continue the Grocery and Com
mission business at the old stand adjoining, and in fuel
under the roof of the Columbian Hotel. Ail that 1 think
it necessary to say to them is, that 1 shall keep a good
and general assortment of Groceries, which 1 hope To be
able at all times to sell os low as similar goods can be had
in this market; and to those who entrust their crops to
me for sale, and negroes to hire, &c., 1 promise them to
use everv effort to promote their interest.
Junior partner of the late firm of Powell <£- Atkinson.
19»_ _ 07—2aw3w
The great national monument to a,'*
Memory uj It us/iington.— Collectors are now re
ceiving contributions in all the States of the Uuioii, for
erecting the above Monument, and in some of them, to a
large amount—and this, the native Stntcof Washington,
it m believed will also give liberal proof of her gratitude
towards her noble Son, provided a fair opportunity is af
forded her citizens to do so.—The assistant collectors are
therefore earnestly requested to be diligent and prompt,
in affording the opportunity desired, by waiting on each
individual in liis collection distiict, and receiving tile
liberal contributions fie or she may be willin'? to make.
WILSON ALLEN, Collector for Pa.
December 19. (i7_
NOTICE.—1 wish to hire for the next year, some 3
or 4 first-rate -Men Servants, such as have been
used to house business, &.c —Also a man Cook, who can
come well recommended.—For such, a liberal price will
be given. Any person's having such servants, will
oblige the undersigned by addressing him a line.
Eagle Hotel, Charlottesville, Va., Dec. 1!>. <i7—3t
entertaining feelings of the deepest interest for the
continued prosperity ot the Patrick Henry Academy,
and observing with pride and delight its increasing pa
tronage, has, at the instance of the Trustees, associated
with himself in the management of the Academy, the
Rev. William Perkins. The exalted character for intel
ligence and piety which Mr. Perkins bears,and his quali
fications as a scholar, added to his experience as a Teach
er, will give to the Academy advantages which it has en
joyed at no previous period, and secure to every pupil
in all the branches of education, equal attention nnd in
struction. JOS. P. GODFREY.
The subscribers having associated themselves in the
management ot the Patrick Henry Academy, announce
to the public the commencement of the exercises of the
next year, on the 15th January, 183G.
1 lie course of instruction in the ancient languages,
together with the sciences, is as extensive ns in any si
inilar school in the Stale. The subscribers pledge them
selves that no pains will be spared to render the pupil
entirely familiar with any branch of education which
may be the subject of his attention. With the ancient
languages, and the sciences, ancient history and geogra
phy will be strictly attended to. Adams and Potter are
the text books in Roman and Greek antiquities.
The first principles of education, so generally neglected
in our schools, (writing and aiillunetic,) will, in no in
stance, be omitted.
The extensive and suitable arrangements of the Aca
demy, for the purposes of study, are too well known to
require any remark. And the public are generally ac
quainted with its other peculiar and rarely surpassed
Arrangements are now making to furnish the Acade
my with a general collection oi the latest and most im
proved maps, and also a pair of globes. The foundation
for a library is also laid, by furnishing the Academy with
books lor general reference ; with all the commentators
upon the ancient languages, and the lexicons, and dic
tionaries, the prices of which, generally deprive our youth
of the use of them.
The regular examination will commence at the expi
ration of each session, and be conducted so as to attest
the proficiency of the school.
Extensive arrangements have been made through the
neighborhood, for boarding in the most respectable fami
Hoarding, including washing, lodging, candles, and
lire-wood, per session offive months.*;{() 0()
Tuition—Ancient Languages and the Sciences, 12 fit)
Kn^lish,. JO 0()
t ne subscriber will be prepared to accommodate board
ers in Ins family, and will regularly enlarge his esta
iHisliment for their future accommodation.
I he 1 rustces, whose duty it was made at the establish
merit of the Patrick Henry Academy, to uttend to the
execution of all the rules and regulations for the govern
ment of the Institution, nnd to be present at the public
examinations, will, in every instance, promptly attend to
the same, and make such a report as the cuse may re
tfl the trustees.
"■ ' ’ 07—w3w
MiKUhH rOK SALK.—Will bo sold, to the hiirli
. o 'i91 b“,d‘'r- cash, at the Bell Tavern, in the City
of Richmond, on Wednesday the 30lh inst., at 12 o'clock,
Jl lair, otherwise the next fuir day, four likely Negroes,
belonging to the orphans of John Hogg, dec’d, late of
Hanover county, consisting of a woman, who is n first
rate cook, washer, and ironor, without incumbrance ; two
house girls, one about 15, the oilier 20 years of age; and
a mulatto boy about 15 years old. For the character and
«|u;ilmentions of the cook, washer, and ironcr, informa
|",n can 1,0 obtained of Mr. Tho. Talley, who has had
lier several j’cars. Mr. R. G. Scott, who hires the younger
V» m ®ir *’ ca? give iiiforinntioii about her. Mr. Ro.
I New, who hires the other girl, can give her character
and qualifications. The hoy lives with the subscriber,
who will take pleasure in being called upon for informa
tion respecting him. JOS. STARK B, Com'r,
n Wer « Decree of the County Court of Henrico.
Dec- *7-_ 66—ids
I~AND~TOR SALK.—The subscriber offers forsnle,
^4 hia I ract of Land, lyincr in the county of King
William, being that portion of the Grove Tract, adjoin
ing the estate of John F. Page, dec'd., called Marshall's,
containing 400 acres, a great portion of which is well
timbered, and offers a line situation for building, there
being no improvement upon it. This tract will he sold
publicly, on Ihe premises, on the 23d inst., if not dispos
ed of privately, previous to the day of sale. A further
description of the Land is deemed unnecessary—it being
sowell known, and expected that those desiring it, will
examine for themselves.
Terms will be made known on the day of sale.
December 16. 65— 4t»
jUXECUTOR'B and Administrator's sale—Bloodsd
-ILi Stock, ifC.—The subscriber will sell by public sue.
tion to the highest bidder, at the residence of the late
Richard Morris, Ksq., on Taylor's Creek, in the upper
end of Hanover county, seven miles west of Gnodall's
Tavern, on ihe 6th day of January next, the following
fine blooded Stock, viz: *
1. Montebello, c. Ii. by Tariff, 5 years old
2. Kitty Clover, c m by do. 0 do. do.
3. Lady I elfish,s in. by Randolph's Janus, 4 years old;
both of the mares now in fonl by Hotspur.
4 b. eolt by Carolinian, two years old
6 b. filly by Black Warrior, two years old
6. b. filly by do. two years old
7 b. colt by Autocrat, foaled Inst spring
P. b. filly by Bl ack Warrior, foaled lust spring; and also
• number of Cattle, a portable Threshing Machine, two
Wagons, many plantation utensils, about 200 barrels of
Corn, and the greater part of the household and kitchen
turn,lure used by Mr and Mrs. Morris in their lives.
The horses, mares and colts are all well bred, most of
them thorough bred—their pedigrees will be exhibited,
however, on the day of sale.
l erms—-Cash for all sums not exceeding ten dollars,
«nd a credit of nine months for nil sums above ten dol
lar*. Bond, with satisfactory security or the cash, will
we required before any article sold, will be delivered.
r.ierutorof /tirhnrd Morris, elec., and administrator of
Mrs. Mary W Morris. J
Deo. 15. ... . .
__ _____ w—Ids
j%JOTirR._A petition will he presented~lo the next
lion at WiHU "r? °fV:r*Lni"' P,af,n* a precinct elec
rumT, Iu.lVT ,rwm •Tavern, in the lower ■cction of
C umberland county. [46- J October 9.
ALL OF LOTS in the Totcn of St. Joseph, Post
►31 voned.—The sale of Lots in the town of St. Jo
seph has been postponed till the 18th of January next,
when they will tuke pluce on the same terms as those
heretofore advertised. ROUT. BEVERIDGE,
Pres t. Lake HirnuoS,- St. Joseph's Canal Company.
St. Joseph, W. 1. loth Nov., 1835.
N. B. 1 he papers that inserted the original advertise
ment, will continue to do so till the 10th Junuary, and
also the above postponement immediately under it.—
1 liey will confer a favor by citing the public attention
to the same, mi an editorial article.
Pec’ Cl—HOJ
TBkTKGKOhS IOR SALE.— Pursuant to a Decree of
1. w the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery
lor the county of Halifax, the undersigned, appointed a
Commissioner for that purpose, will, on the 28th day of
December next, (that being Court day,) at Halifax Court
house, expose to sule, at public auction, for rcudy money,
twelve likely negroes, belonging to the estate of the late
Robert Read, dec'd. JAMES MEALEY, Deputy
for John K. Linn, Sheriff of Halifax.
December 1. (JO_8t
scriber otters for sale his tract of Land, lying in the
: 0o»n>y ‘>f Chesterfield, eight miles above Richmond, and
! within a halt mile of James River, containing 550 acres,
I about equal portions of cleared and woodland. This
r arm has been so improved by careful management and
I the use of clover and plaster, that nearly the whole of it
| now produces clover kindly. About 20 acres are good
creek meadow, a part of which is in herd's grass
. and produces line crops. The wood has just been
cleared away from 50 acres of good tobacco land, which
may be brought into cultivation with very little labor._
I he wood land is valuable from its contiguity to
the River, and the facility with which the wood can be
carried to Richmond. The wood is worth 80 cents
per cord us it stands on the land, and contracts for the
sale of several hundred cords nt that price annually, can
now be made. The improvements are nearly new. and
sufficient for the comfortublc accommodation of a fami
ly. The situation is healthy and the water fine. During
my absence, applications may be uddressed to my bro
ther, Col. I’eter F. Smith, of Manchester, (who is fully
empowered to sell and convey the land,) or to my Mana
ger, Mr. I hnmas Cheatham, upon the premises, who
will show the land to persons disposed to purchase it.
* • S. I wish also to sell 8fi acres of land, upon most
of which the wood is standing, lying within three and a
half miles of Manchester, ndjoining the lands of Mr.
Green Hall, Mr. Fisher and others. J. S.
°gt- 20-_ 48—tf
M 1AKUL.1NK LAN 1) FOR SALE—By virtue of
Bie last Will and Testament of Humphrey Sale,
deceased, of Caroline county, Virginia, the subscriber
will offer to the highest bidder, on the premises, on Mon
day, the 4th day of January, 183<>, or the next fair day
thereafter, a Tract of Land, in the county aforesaid, si
tuated on Beverly Run, and estimated to contain 850
acres, more or less. I his laud will be sold on a credit of
12 months, the purchaser giving bond with approved se
curity, and a Deed of Trust to secure the punctual pay
ment of the purchase money. This is umong the most
desirable Forest Farms in Caroline county. There is a
commodious two-story dwelling house upon it—a spring
ot the coldest and purest water, perfectly convenient to
the mansion house—and a very lurge orchard of the best
selected kinds of apples, with other conveniences. The
situation is uncommonly healthy, being entirely exempt
from atmospheric causes that produce the bilious disease's
ot our climate. 1 he soil of this farm is well adapted
to the growth of the usual stuples: corn, wheat and to
bacco. A further description of the Land is deemed un
necessary, as it is presumed any person desirous of buy
ing will view it, and judge for themselves.
Mr. William Duling, adjoining, will shew the Land
to any person wishing to purchuse. The subscriber will
make such title only as is vested in him, us the Adminis
trator, with the Will annexed, of Humphrey Sule, dec’d.,
which right, lie believes unquestionable.
JAMES W. BlJllWEEE, ,'ldiniuistrator,
With the Will annexed, of II. Sale, dec'd.
Caroline co., Vu., December 1. (U)_tds
mjOTlCB.—All persons indebted to the late concern
of Wm. Ford Co., or to the Estate of William
Ford, are requested to • , 'TO lorwa-d and settle with
Messrs. Fores A Woodson, (office on Cary street,) who
are duly authorized to receive all debts due to the said
concern and said Estate, and grant receipts for the same.
And all persons who have claims against the said con
cern and Estate, are requested to present them, without
delay, to Messrs. Fords A Woodson, for settlement.
bAMULL FORD, Surviving Partner
of IVtn. Ford Co.,and Executor of Hrm Ford, dec’d.
0* The serious loss our house has met with in the
death of our partner, Wm. Ford, will make no altera
tion in the style of our fu m, or in our business. We
are now prepared to grant every accommodation to our
friends as heretofore, and hope to give satisfaction to
those who may trust their business to our enre and ma
nagement. We are also to prepnred to make liberal ad
vances on produce sent to us for sale by our friends, par
ticularly Tobacco, Colton, Flour nnd Wheat.
Commission .Merchants.
Richmond, December 10. (>3—12t
The Steamboats Columbus and Pocahontas, to
and from Norfolk and Baltimore, will commence on
Monday, the 7th December, to run only twice a week;
leaving Baltimore and Norfolk every Monday and Thurs
day morning, at 10 o'clock; and on and after Thurs
day, the 7th January, 1830, they will run only once a
week, leaving Baltimore every Thursday, and Norfolk
every Mondny morning, at 10 o’clock. Should the na
vigation of the Patapsco be interrupted by ice, the pas
sengers will be landed at Annapolis, as formerly.
'1'iie Patrick Henry will leave Norfolk every Tuesday
®nd Friday morning, for Richmond, and return every
Suudny and Wednesday.
Passage and fare to Norfolk $(’>. All baggage at the
risk of the owners. JAMES FERG1JSSON, Jlgent.
Baltimore, December 4. ' _tf
. of Delaware, for Now Castle County, of the Sep
tember Term, 1835:
Robert White, Administrator of 'j
Sophia A. Laurence and others, [ jjjjj ^
John Goodwin & John Bullock. )
And now, to wit, this 19th day of September, A. D.
183:'.: On motion of James A. Bayard, of Counsel for
the Complainants, and affidavit made to the satisfaction
of the Court, that John Goodwin, one of the defendants
named in the above cause, is out of tho Stale of Dela
ware, and resides in the State of Virginia:—It is order
ed by the Chancellor, that the said John Goodwin do
appear in this Court, to the said suit, on Monday, the
fifteenth day of February, A. D. 18315, otherwise the Bill
of Complaint will lx; taken pro confcsso:—And it is
further ordered, that a copy of this Order shall, within
thirty days, be published in the Richmond Enquirer, a
Newspaper published semi-weekly in the State of Vir
ginia, and in the Delnware Gazette, and American
Watchman, a Newspaper published in the City of Wil
mington, and he continued in snid papers for the space
of three months next after its first publication; and also
a copy of said Order shall within thirty days be posted
up in the office of the Register of the Court of Chance
ry for New Castle County, and at the Court House door
at New Castle, in said county.
AVic Castle County, *s.
I do certify that the foregoing is truly copied from the
Record—In testimony whereof I hnve hereunto set
my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at New
Castla, the 24th day of September, A. I>. 1836.
JOHN GORDON, /frg'r in Chiinrrnj.
‘ ft 46 3m
IKON STORE.— We have in store a large and well
. selected assortment of Iron, to which we are daily
| adding by receipts per almost every pneket—and offer nt
; very low prices, 300 tons, of the following description,
1 viz:
FLAT—English, Swedes, Country and Ulster, almost
every size.
ROUND—English, Swedes and Ulster, from 1-4 to4 di
SQUARE English, Swedes and Ulster, from 1-4 to 4
OVAL—7-8 oval Ulster Iron,
Box, hand, sheet, hoop and plating Iron,
Nnil Hods, spike rods, axlelree moulds for conch-makers,
Crow Bars.
j 3 tons best American blistered Steel,
1-4 do. do. English do. (IL stamp,)
3 do, spring steel, from 1-2 to 2 1-2
1-2 do. Sanderson & Bros, best Cast Steel, of the usual
variety of sizes.
4 do. Palmer Mould Boards, from No. 1 to 3 1-2.
AXES—Simmons fir Beers' make.
Nov. 3, 52—HF
® ® NEGROES FOR SALE.—Will be sold, to the
tTl, bidder, ut the late residence of Captain
llillery Moseley, dee d, in the lower end of Charlotte
county, Va., on Saturday, the IMRh day of December,
lcO.., twenty-two likely Negtoea—amongst them, a first
rate man house servant and carriage driver, a blacksmith,
a good cook and weaver; the balance, men, women,
o«ys, and girls. Terms, lij months’ credit.
Doc.18. [64—U]_ Executors.
ICol»iimon\ Practice, Vol. !4.
Eastern District of Virginia, to wit:
BE it remembered, that on the eleventh day of Sep
tember, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hun
dred mid thirty-five, Cos wav Roiiinson, of the said Dis
trict, hath deposited in thisotlice, the title of a Book, the
title of \ylnch, is in the following words, to wit: “The
1ructice in the Courts of Law and Equity in Y'irginia. by
Conwav Rob'nson. Volume II. Containing Practice in
amts in Equity . Richmond. Printed by Samuel She,,herd,
and wold by Hohert / Smith. 1895"—The right whereof!
lie claims as author, in conformity to the Act of Con
gress entitled, “an Act to amend the sevcrul Acts re
specting copy rights."
_,r. lj EN RY GIBSON, Clerk of the District.
O’ t he following extract from Mr. Robinson's Pre
lace to ins Second Volume, will give some idea of its
“ The consideration that under the judicial system of
I irgtiua, (_ hancery causes must often be decided with
out the benefit of Libraries, and u desire to make the vo
lume useful beyond the limits of the State, have together
induced me to give greater scope toil than ils name im
ports. It is in truth, a treatise upon the principles of
equity as well as the practice, and will prove, I think, a j
convenient book ot reference t<> the practising lawyers
in any portion of the Union. In it will be found the
Itrginta Statutes and Decisions, such Adjudications in
the Chancery of England and Ireland ns it seemed pro
per to mention on account of their importance, or of the
recent date at which they were made, uud most of the
Equity Decisions in the United Stairs. The jYcw York
Reporters, Carnes, Johnson, Cotccn, Windell, Hopkins
ami / aige, are cited nearly as often us those of Virginia.
r requent reference is made to the Decisions of the Su
preme Court of the United States in Dallas, Crunch,
IIheaton and Peters, to those of Mr. Justice Story in Ma
son, and to the Decisions of South Carolina in flay, Dc
saussure ami McCord—and occasionally citations are
made from the Pennsylvania Cases in Yates, Binnetj and '
Hairle, and from the Massachusetts Reports, including in |
the latter name not only those so culled, but ten volumes
of Mr. Pickering
I ho Second Volume of Robinson's Practice, contains
. " PafP’8> with a table of Contents and tuble of Cases
cited, comprising 48 pages, and a complete Index to both
volumes, embracing tiOl> pages more, making altogether
(>.)(> pages. It is now in the Binder's hands,and will be
for sale at the store of the subscriber, in Richmond, in
10 or 1“ days. Price of the Volume, $G 50 els.
September 18. [30—U'J ROBERT I. SMITH.
f Land Offick, Va., December 7, 1835.
. conformity to an Act entitled “an Act, to reduce
into one act the several acts concerning Escheutors,”
pussed on the 6th day of January, 1819, 1 do hereby
make known to all whom it may concern, that it appears
bv the certificate of the Esclieator for the county of
Northumberland, dated the 20th day of November, 1835,
auu received into the Land Oilice, that by inquisition
f.1!, ° . cc found on the day and year last aforesaid, the
following Lands, lute the property of James Still, dec'd.,
huve duly escheated to this Commonwealth, viz: one
1 ract of 93 acres, more or less, and one of 5 acres, more
or less; and both in the Parish of Lower St. Stephens, in
Northumberland county. \V. SELDEN
_gjcie,nbfr H [62—18t] Register Und Ojfice.
I^OK REN I OR SALE, the old and valuable Ta
vern stand, at New Kent Court-house. The ad
vantages of this stand are, that it is the site of the Coun
ty and .superior Court—is just half way between Wil
liamsburg and Richmond. There is Land sufficient at
tuclied to it to work six hands. The crop is about four
barrels, ot corn to the acre. There is a sufficiency of
land ot fine quahty in wood, to make a good Farm, inde
pendent ot the i avern part—on this, u sufficiency of
tobacco or cotton might he made to pay for the land in a
few years. 1 here is on this land line shell marl, which
could be used to great advantage. Any person wishing
to lent or purchase, will be pleased to apply to the sub
scriber in Williamsburg, or to Mr. G. P. Crump of
Richmond, who is authorised to sell or rent
°ct 9-_ 45—tf
RUNAWAYS.—Ran away from Mr. Robert Payne,
on the night of the fifth inst., in the upper edge of
Buckingham county, two Negro fellows, A«mu. w and
Jim. Andrew was purchased by Mr. Payne of Peter
G. Cosby, in Richmond; he is said to be about twenty
hyc years of age, five feet eight or ten inches high, and
wil probably weigh about 165 pounds; ho is a brown
mulatto, straight and well made, with no marks or senrs
recollected; he had small whiskers, and has a gap in his
upper or under teeth; he wore a white fur hat when he
v:*r,t*‘y of clothing.—Jim was purchased
ol Walter Ilenly, near Urbanna, in .Middlesex county,
and is about 19 years old; he is very black, and about
tho height of Andrew, a stout, course made fellow, and
will weigh 185 or 90 pounds; his nose is very much
sunk between the eyes, and is very broad at the end; he
had an old pair of jean pantaloons, and a pair of coarse
linen ditto, and an old jean round-about, and a chip hat.
We are informed that Andrew has a wife in P. Edward
county, and may be lurking about in that county. VVe
have no idea that Jim will leave him. Any person that
will deliver them to us, in this place, or secure them in
any Jail in this Stutc, so that we can get them, shall be
handsomely rewarded, nnd nil necessary expences paid
KicJimond, June IG. 10_
Cl I.NLRAL AGKNCY.—'I'lie subscriber lias been.
R for a number of years, nnd is st ill engaged in the
business of a General Jlgent, in the. City of Richmond, for
the collection of claims of every description—receiving
subscriptions to periodical papers, renting out, receiving
the rents, and selling real property, hiring out negroes,
collecting their hires, and disposing of them nt public or
private sale, Ac., Ac. For bis ability and inclination to
perform, with fidelity and dispatch, whatever business
may be entrusted to him, he refers to the citizens of
Richmond generally, and particularly to the following
gentlemen, viz: b
Joseph Tate, Mayor, Messrs Joseph Marx &. Son,
Ritchie A Cook, Pleasants A Abbott, Fleming A Joseph
f James, Lewis Webb A Co., J. A ». Cosby A Co
Lancaster, Dcnby A Co., Peter J. Chevnllie A Co
Crump A Ligon, Kustnce A. Temple, James Rawlings,
Charles Kills, Richard Anderson, and Win. H. Fitzwhvl
son. J
.. on Governor Street, nearly opposite the
ioslOlhce PHILIP M. TABB.
IN. li. Applicants from the country, to hire their ser
vants in town, would consult their interest l»y giving the
i nformation on or before the 2T»tli day of December, and
by sending the servants to me, on or before that dale
or ns soon ns practicable thereafter. P, M T '
Richmond, Nov. 20. 57_jjt
mrOTlCK. I wish to employ a Teacher, for next
‘ year, to take charge of Spring-Grove Academy
near my residence, with abilities sufficient to prepare
the scholars for the University. Any gentleman ucsiriug
the situation, will please address me, at Hayesvillc Post
Office, Franklin County, N. Carolina, and I will make
known to him the terms. JOHN D. HAWKINS
Not- 80._ 57—fit
COW, Ac.,— Now exhibiting at the Museum —
Lxiul>ilir>n every evening. Doors open at a quarter be
fore 7 orloek. F.xlnbition to commence at half pas*
seven o’clock precisely, j j> The front seals exclusive
ly appropriated for children.*{J) Admittance 50 cent/.
Children under twelve years of nge half price. Tick
ets can be had at the Book Store of Mr. C. Hall, and at
the Museum.
December 12. i\-l —
I^abm "bank of Virginia Tbeannoai
meeting of the Stockholders, for the election of
Directors for the Bunk, and for the Offices of Discount
and Deposite, will be held on Wednesday the fith of
January. WM. N10K F’.H VIS, Cashier.
Pec- I- GO —2nwld
M 1ARPKTIN08 AND RUGS. - We have received
on consignment, by the ship Grace, from Liverpool,
and offer for sale, Brussels, Three-ply, Kidderminster,
and Venitian Carpetings- Rruesels, W ilton. Tufted, and
other Rugs. JA(*UF',LIN TAYLOR A CO.
Richmond, Nov. 27. 5fl—2nwGt
BRITISH DRY GOODS, per rhiy T M i.r llo ' from
Liverpool.—Our importation of Fall British Dry
Good* has arrived at City Point, (James River,) and wifi
bo in store and opened in a day or two. More will be
said of it anon. V. A J. S. JAMFiS A CO.,
8cPt. L [34-tfJ Market Bridge.
LOAN OK $2H,l)00.— In pursuance of an Or*
* <*»>unce authorizing a Linn for the City of Rich
mond, passed 'Jth Deetnilier, 1885. I aliali otter for sale,
to Uie highest bidder, at the Merchants’ Coflee House,
on Wednezday the :lOtl* inst. at the hour of 12 o'clock,
twkxtv-biout thousand DOLLabs of City Stock, bear
ing an interest ol live per cent, per annum, payable ijuar
,* r_J[ear!y• a"^ redeemable on the 1st day of January,
I8.>4i No bid will be received at less tliun par, nor for'u
smaller sum than five hundred dollars, or a fractional port
ol ouc hundred dollars.
, WM. P. SHEPPARD, Chamberlain.
December 12. 04—td
M^A sold on Wednesday,the2Sd of December, at Wil
knisonville, near Bevill s Bridge, in the upper end of
Chesterfield county, the tract of land on which Mrs. Sa- I
ra ' Rowlett latel) resided, containing about 5U0acres —
Also, 12 or 15 Negroes, among which arc some good
1 it hands; und all the Personal Estate of which Mrs.
Rowlett died seized. The land will be sold upon one,
two and three years' credit—the'Negroes for cash—the
balance ol the property will be sold on a credit, which
will be mode known on the dav of sale. The above
l.and lies immediately in the neighborhood of Wilkin
sonville, adjoining Edward Anderson, Win. Blankin
ship and others; and will be shown by James Rowlclt or
Dr. Stringer.
i AJ) Per,o>>» having claims against the Estate of the
ate 1 elor Rowlett, dec’d., arc hereby notified to present
them lor payment, on or before the flay of sale.
n •. ^ . S- WOOLDRIDGE,
,,eV UJ Jvr Ihos. hnney, late Sheriff of Chesterfield,
»ntl as such adnir. of 1‘tlcr Rowlett, dec'd.
December 17.
tV.,, * ’ 'RO ini a .—At a Circuit Superior
Court of I .aw nnd Chancery, held for Janies City
jgjg1*/ and C'ly of Williamsburg, the 30lh of October,
John Marshall, Daniel Call, and George Fisher, Ex
ecutors of John Buchanan, dcc'd, Plaintiffs
against ’
Benia min Harrison, Richard Anderson, Robert Stan
*rdj. !I Nelson, Thomas M. Nelson, John Minge,
Collier II Minge, and Wm. Minge, Executors of John
Mmge, dec d, Mary W. Nelson, and others, Dells
I lie death of the plaintiff, John Marshall, is sugoest
ed also as to the defendant, Wm. Allen, by his death,
and ol the defendant, Wm. B. Page, in liis own right
and as Executor of Wm. Byrd, dee d; and it appears
that the same has been duly revived againt Griffin Or
gam, Executor of William Allen, dee d, and against
John E. Page, one of the Executors of Wm. Byrd Page
and Administrator dc bonis nont with the will annexed)
ol VV rn. Byrd, dec'd ; and it appearing that the suhprena
awarded in this cause has been executed on all the de
fendants, except those hereinafter mentioned, to have
filed answers more than four months since the said suh
prena has been executed on them, nnd they still failing to
jile their answers—On motion of the plaintiffs, their'bill
is taken for confessed, against the said defendants; and
thereupon, the cause came on to be heard on the bill
answers of the defendants, Benjamin Harrison, Richard
Anderson, Robert Slanard, the President, Directors, and
Company of the Rank of the United Stales, Abby Nel
son, Ann R. Nelson, Mary, Richard, and Win. Allen,
replications thereto, and exhibits—was argued by coun
sel : On consideration whereof, the Court doth adjudge
order nnd decree, that Nathaniel Nelson, Thomas M.’
Nelson, surviving Trustees under the deed of the 13th
day of May, 1828, or such of them as may be now liv
ing. be, and they are hereby, appointed Commissioners,
who nre directed to advertise, and sell at public sale, for
cash, at the Eagle Tavern, in the City of Richmond, on
sixty days’ previous notice, in some newspaper published
in the City of Richmond, the two lots of Land, in the
hill and proceedings mentioned, belonging to Benjamin
Harrison; also, at the same time anil place, and on the
same notice, all the Lands of the said Benjamin Harri
son, in the counties of Kanawha and Muson, mentioned
in the said deed of the 13th of May, 1828, or such part
or portions of said property as may be necessary to pay
and satisfy the sum of twelve hundred nnd sixty-five
pounds, eleven shillings, with interest on one thousand
pounds, part thereof, from the eighth day of January one
thousand eight hundred nnd twenty-six, till paid", nnd
eight dollars, 8f> cents costs of the suit at law, due to the
plaintiffs, nnd the costs of this suit: That the said Trus
tees apply the proceeds to the satisfaction of the said
debt interest, and costs, and report their proceedings to
the Court. And if the property herein directed to be
sold shall prove to be insufficient to pay and satisfy tho
principal, interest, nnd costs of the plaintiffs’ demand as
aforesaid, then and in that case, the defendants. Robert
Stnnard and Richard A nderson, Trustees under the deed
of the 17th August, l«2f», are directed to sell the real
and personal Estate, conveyed by that deed, or such por
tions thereof as inny be necessnry, on the terms pre
scribed by tlie said deed ; nnd out of the proceeds there
of, pay to tin* President, Directors and Company of the
Bunk of the United States, the balance of their debt and
interest, secured by the said deed, and which may re
main unpaid; nnd that they then pay to the plaintiffs 1
out of the proceeds of the property so directed to be sold!
the balance of their debt, interest, and costs, after de
ducting the nett proceeds of what may be applied to that
debt, under the first sule hereby directed ; and that they
report to this Court, rn order to a final decree 3
A Copy—Teste,_JAMES CABANISS,c. c.
Pursuant to the directions of the foregoing decree, we
Ure undersigned Commissioners, will, on the 18th day of
February, 183(5, before the front door of the Eagle Hotel
rn the city of Richmond, proceed to sell at public anc'
tion, for ready money, the two Lots of Land lyino in tho
eily of Richmond, mentioned in the above decree the
location, boundaries and oescription of which will he
more particularly given upon the day of, and at the time
ot, sale: And also at the same time and place, and upon
the same terms, wc shall proceed to sell all the Lands of
the aforesaid Benjamin Harrison, lying in the counties of
Mason and Kanhawa, mentioned in the above decree or
so much thereof as may be necessary to pay and satisfy
the sum mentioned in the decree. These lands are sup
posed to contain 5000 acres or upwards thereof, and are
believed to be very valuable, and will be more prrticu
larly described upon the day of the sale thereof
THOMAS M. NELSON < Loilxm'^mrs.
_’ * 4&—td
AIK \( III,K VV A N I 1,1) A young HMn,qtnli.
tied to teach the various branches of the English
language, who wishes to devote a part of his time to
study is wanted to take charge of n smnil school in the
neighborhood ol Richmond. This school will consist of
twelve or fifteen scholars, nnd will be worth a hundred
and fifty, or two hundred dollars.—letters directed to J
Richmond, will be attended to.
December 17. _ C<5-2nw2w
BOHN W BTEVEN80N, .Ittomn, ol w hu 15.
c*,<?d himself at Vicksburg in the State of Missis
s.ppi—He will practise in the Courts of Hinds, Warren,
and Madison, and the Supreme Court at Jarkson—\ny
information in regard to the entry and sales of land, will
l»e punctually attended to, and all business confided to
him will meet with prompt attention.
Vicksburg, Nov. 20. (g;_jrjj
A LADY wishes to obtain a situation, ns teacher in
Jr a private family, She is qualified te give instruc- I
lion in English, music, A-c. For further particulars ad- !
dress to F. G. E-, Portsmouth, Va.
P*c <7_/_ (5G—3t
Virginia oil stone.—a constant supply of .
this article, so important to the users of edged tools
is constantly kept on Imnd by
Dec. 17. (jjft 3t) O. V. RAYMOND.
I^NSIKAYED from my Son's waggon, in the City
J of Richmond, near the Old Market-hoose, about
the 28(|t of November last, a roan Colt, with a halter on
it. This colt will lie four years old the next Spring, nnd
is in foal, and had a tong tail. It was shod before, a short
time before it left the waggon. I will give five dollars
reward, to any one who will deliver it to me, near Dun
kirk, in the county of King nnd Queen, and all reasonable
expenres paid; or they will deliver the said colt to Mr.
i VVren, of the City of Richmond, who will pay (ho
reward. WM. MANN.
December 17. (ki—2t
111EW HOARDING HOU8E.cn Shock™ Hitt]— Mrs
JL1 Wills respectfully informs her friends and the pub
lic, that she has opened n BOARDING HOUSE on
Shorkoe Hill, within a convenient distance of the Ca
pitol, and in a pleasant and eligible situation. The house
opposite Mr Warwick's new building, on the corner
of .»th and G streets, and is very commodious and well
arranged for hoarders. Mrs. Wills appeals with some
confidence to the patronage of her friends, on account
of the care with which she has made her arrangements
and her determination to nse her most indefatigable eff.
forts to render her house an agreeable and pleasant place
of sojourn She can accommodate from twelve to four
teen Members of the I/egislature, and a few transient
E WILLAgent.
December I. (w -
Tweiity-ioiirtli ('oiiglfMNlitfiieili
Accompanying the President's Message, at the ope ning of
thejirst session of the twenty fourth. Congress.
P«>»T-OrricK Dkpahtmknt, 1st Dec., 1835.
MO the President of the United 'states :
Siu;—During the year ending 30lli June, 18:15, the
post routes ol the United Slates covered about one hun
dred und twelve thousand seven hundred and seventy
four miles.
In daily and less frequent Irip9, the mails were carried
on these routes about 25,809,480 miles, viz:
10,8/4,050 miles in four-horse post-coaches, and
two-horse- stages,
7,81/ ,973 miles on horses and in sulkeys,
900,951) “ in steamboats,
270,504 “ in Rail road cars,
flic number of post offices on tlic 30tb June last, was
ten thousand seven hundred und seventy, being an in
crease ol fifty lour within the preceding year.
The system upon which the hooks of the Department
have always been kept, precludes an exact statement of
live revenue and expenditure which have accrued within
any given period. The following is believed to approxi
niate nearly to the actual income and accruing responsi
bilities, for the two last fiscal years, viz :
Gross revenue for the year ending 3mh
June, 1834."- $2,e23,74fl 34
Compensation to Postmas
, ,ers. $897,317 29
Incidental expenses . 87,744 27
Transportation of the mails, 1,925,543 52
Total expenditure. $2,9B0,dO5 08
Balance against the Department,. $86,655 74
Gross revenue for the year ending 30th
June, 1835. $2,993,550 GO.
Compensation to Poslinns
, $945,417 84
Incidental expenses, . 92 924 92
Transportation of the mails, 1,7I!)|007 32
Total expenditure, . 2,757,350 08
Balance in favor ofthe Department, .... $23fi,2*Xi 58
In the first part of the year lr*35, additional allowances \
were authorized, aa is alleged, amounting, on the first of
.*Iay last, to about $15/,0110, which have since been sus
peniled, and do not enter into the foregoing statement.
. finally admitted, tliey will reduce the balance in favor
ol the Department that year to about $70,000.
I he old books will be closed when all the pecuniary
transactions of the Deportment, prior to first of July
Inst, are brought upon them. Statements made out from
these books, uml other data, show the condition of the
Department on that day, to have been about as follows
viz: ’
Due toContractorsand others $792,381 92
Due to Hanks 272,000 00
Whole debt of the Department $1,064,381 92
Amount due to the Depart*
. $1,128,319 29
Deduct for bad and doubt
ful debts. 131,327 3(5
Debt esteemed to be good $906,991 93
Cash on hand . 43,689 40
Whole available means $1,040,681 33
Ualancc of debt over available means on
1st July last . 23,700 59
I! the suspended allowance* be added 157,000 60
It will make the debt exceed the avail
able means on first July last. $180,700 59
The accounts of the Postmasters for the quarter end
ing 30th September last, have been so far examined ns
to show, satisfactorily, that the increase of gross revenue
over that ot the corresponding quarter of last year is
about twelve per cent. The annual snvino* in the recent
letting of contracts, was about $30,000. ^Predicated on
an average increase of revenue throughout the current
fiscal year of ten per cent., and on n saving of $25 000 '
when the contracts recently let shall be executed with
necessary alterations, an estimate of the gross revenue
and accruing responsibilities lor the year endnnr 30th
June, lH.lt), indicates the following results, viz*
Gross revenue for Hip year ending 30lh of
June, 1830: ..... $3,292,692 00
Compensation to postmns
, 10 r,8- * • * $1,039,958 00
Incidental expenses, - - 70.000 00
i ransportation of the mails, 1,706,507 00
Total expenditures, - . . 2,316,465 00'
Ualancc in favor of the Dfpnrtment, $170,227 00
Although the whole of this turn mny not be available
on account ol the usual losses and defalcations, it is not
doubted, that, aided by collections of outstanding bal
ances, it will be sufficient to pay off the debts of the De
partment, arid leave a considerable amount applicable to
an extension of mail accommodations.
When the undersigned took charge of this Depart
ment, his attention was immediately called to the condi
tion or its finances; but it was soon found that no satis
factory account of its debts or its means could, within
any short period, be obtained from its books, it was on
ly perceived, from current incidents and detached ac
counts, that the unsatisfied demands of contractors from
every quarter of the country, wire daily accumulating*
Hat there was a debt of near $300,000 due to Hanks;
tliat the outstanding acceptances of the Treasurer ex
ceeded $390,000; that a considerable portion of the reve
nue of some of the large offices, for the present calender
y°ar* had been anticipated by drafts discounted in
Hanks, which they had been instructed to pay at maturi
ty, that additional allowances had been recently author*
ized to a considerable amount; that to provide the means
to meet Hie demands on the Department at Washington
created by the system of acceptances, upwards of two'
t housand of the most considerable post offices had been
directed todeposite their income in baiks; and that these
means proving insufficient, the Department was subject,
cd to continual embarrassment* in devising ways and
means to meet its engagement*. At Hie same time, it
was believed on all hands, that the current revenue of
the Department considerably exceeded its current expen
diture, and that the aggregate of debt was in progress of
diminution. In this state of tilings, it was deemed expe
dient to make an effort to extricate Hi* Department from
its embarrassments. The measures resorted to for that
purpose, were ns follows, vis;
I. A suspension of all recent allowances from the ere*
dit of the contractors.
... n ri-iuaat to accept or pny uny drafts drawn on the I
Department, except by special arrangement.
3. 'I lie application of the income of the current rpiarter
to the payment of that quarter's expenses, the surplus
only to be applied to the payment of pre-existing claims.
4. I he introduction of a system wfiish should effects
more prompt collection nnd application of the current in
conio of the il4?parltnet>t.
The allowances suspended, amounted to about one
hundred nnd filty-seven thousand dollars. Without re
ference to their merits, it was believed that a preference
ought to be given toother claims in making payments.
The discontinuance of acceptances was essential to
enable the Department to command its means A reve- i
nue arises wlwtc v»-r the mails are carried, and it would '■
seem obviously appropriate, as well as convenient, that !
the services of contractors should be paid for in the sec
tions of country Where they are rendered, nnd ns far as
practicable, out of the income which they produce. Hut
the practice of suffering the contractors to draw for their
p.iy, subjected the Department to the inconvenience of
collecting its fund* Grom rhe post offices throughout the
Union, and transferring them to Washington to meet
the drafts. I he slow iie.-s and uncertainly of (his opera*
tion made It an insufficient reliance to meet its accept
ances, produced the necessity of looking elsewhere fur
the means, and rendered it difficult to manage its finances
with any convenience or roguJority.
Hy paying the expenses of tin- current quarter at its
close, and announcing a determination to pay in like
manner at the close of each succeeding one, applying
only the surplus to the discharge of former debts, it was
believed that the credit of the Department would im
mediately lie elevated, and thenceforward sustained.
Orders to deposit in banks, and drafts on postmasters
in favor of contractors, constituted the system of collec
tion found in operation. Upwards of two thousand jwst
offices had orders to deposit nnd upwards of eight thou
sand were instructed to retain their postages until drawn
upon. Many of the deposit offices were dilatory, and
defalcation among them was not uncommon. Many of
the other offices were not drawn upon for several quar
ters, on account of the smallness of their income, or other
circumstances. The necessities of the Department com
pelled it to draw on the more productive offices at the end
of each quarter, before their accounts could be adjusted-,
i LedforU,|draft* l,rcdicat,d «" estimate*, could not
I urlv ■ VXaCt 6Ut" "* l,Bnd- To “void tbe danger of a
Tr L.co,,*r‘l,*enc® of drawing for too much, the
urn-ill 1 |f Kene.rB"y,drcw for l*io little, thereby leaving
cons"± ‘r°’.,n. "1l lb° draft offic« a>8°- There were,
th in *i i ba a?,C011 remaining in the linnds of more
V thousand postmasters, which, though general.
!y s. nlT. amounterl ... the agereeale to k large sum.
it jiurpose of promptly bringing into action the
X' - T ^^rti.u-m, Ot the end of each quarter, the
undereigned divided the offices into three classes. The
t],ouC a8“».ca* ed “ Collection Offices" are upwards of nine
lien in *! ,nu.",ber- 1 postmasters of this class have
m. s?i. n"CU*id !° pay> on demand, at the close of each
quarter, the whole amount due to the Department on nc
. the postages of that quarter, to the contractors
C nu^j^ul-*0 ,,M*' 8 nl°ng their respective routes, and
forward their receipts to the Department. The con
i ,ifwr iv,,nrti!r<,t,uU^d l° ,urward acknowledgments, set
ting lor 111 the whole hinounl received from each and all
IZ P°s"'a»t.T., and to report forthwith every postmaster
tU„ t Puyr »nd his reasons therefor, if known to
lem. Io secure promptness and fidelity on the part of
Vhe contractors, they ure permitted to collect only from
ZoZ7r^T.\°,H auf,PV ‘''em about seventy
-in- nV,?^ 4 ,.p,f M°art*fl/ ' ompeusslion, and they
tilt I, .r°r,|*en t,at l'Je11ba,a»cc will not be paid them un
til tin y shall have collected from every office on their
fnl ?|r u"' >y rt;i>orlinl? delinquent postmasters,
in fluft for Me *»’ ‘ni *™ "«>
fij1}® “co"d class, called “ Depositing Offices,” about
nosit the?^d and hfty, ,nun,ber, are instructed to do
posit their income in banks quarterly, monthly, orweek
la’"f 'nff t0.lts 11,11011,1‘- This class embraces all tho
le,»Ih . . d olbera which c«» as conveniently
coi sh ernhle »/'ay Con,,acto'8> filler with the most
nlu. ll ° hcV“ ",tenor loulc*, which yield a aur
>rnr iicvcuu<*. «"d w hose proceeds cannot be used in pay
>ng the contractors who supply them. *
hundred and CaUe,| “ Dra^ Offices,” about two
n. “entTo band|.fifty nU",ber» embrace those not conve
uent to banks, wiiosc proceeds cannot be paid over to
tS al lh° ClT of tbe garter, without danger of
whlliwiF ^overpaid, but may generally be drawn lhr, in
whole or in jiart, to pay the Balances due, after giving
the contractors credit fGr all their collections. * b
jkftnr • i%A . j cwnir»cioru induce* them promptly,
SrtH dir, J pU’,h ll,eir collectiona, nnd ri
Dosiiwl omT - , l)ur,nf tbe 80I»P time, the De
K'iigh??on. “r,C p aC"!g funds tl,e banks—
W?!d ' COnlrac.lor " acknowledgment lor moneys col
due or m rVai’t h'fS°,ccounl1is c*“mined. If the balance
morw oi i lfw,! ’ ca,.k bc,l>a'd >*y drafts, on one or
more ol the Draft Ofhces, it is done; nnd that which can
enlbTnk. * 'argCd' 18 pa,d ^ ciu?t;k Wk 8°,nc «>»veni
berii f.iMv*^anl,c'Patpd- &om these measures hnvo
been fully realized. On the first July last, payments on
claims accruing prior U> tl» preceding qua, terfwcro aug
pended, and all the energies of th» Pay Clerks were dc
voled to paying the debts of that quarter. These pay.
menu were completed on the lUth day of August, leaving
a considerable amount of funds in bank.C The pay?
men! "the'"']} Ji‘l>U WaH lhe*lrc,un,pd- that mo
ment the Department was disembarrassed. In no in
«S t£ w^tAndi Wn,Cnt °f a"y bce“ rtfllSLd
l.v?inr!lie 1,rs-°.f °C!oDer ,us'1’ tbe new aystem of col
lection came into action. Encournged by its favorable
operation, and finding the funds of the Department in
aok to exceed $140,000, the undersigned, on the 18th
debts'^^"llald>,>n^h* dfr,e,Ctcd lhe P^""-'"t of the bank
Th^u^Ku^^vr.t?.10*07-304 3s
°t%t 2Z l;;- v„v „> *
postages accruing before the Jst of July.
about the sum of..J0<) «;<)j
Out of postages accruing since '
the 1st July, tire sum of 187,080 14
--- $507,077 48
Old debt remaining unpaid on this day,
a °Ut ... $407,304 44
Of this debt, about $205,000 is due to banks and the
balance to contractors and others ’
The statements of the amount of debt, and the omount
paid out ol postages accruing prior to the 1st of July are
ru fS ,‘IM,ed r ^ ‘‘Xkkct> bullbpy d<> not very material
ly from the actual amounts. y
lhe result of these operations is :
, J, ”kt “,C .Cla^"of contructors and others against the
l J rt|nent, arising within the quarter ending ,10th June
!££*” b“" *“'■ exception .W!,r
That the claims arising within the quarter ending 30lh
d^Ktr.s.,,;*v' ^ -r" - ‘I*/ -«J
eignty six. dollars of Hie pre-existing debt have been
P That thf ?°S!?!?e8|aCC,r,,mg since ^dlh June last;
I hat the funds in bank on this day, are seventy-three
thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven doling
voml1 I°f n,‘ u,,,,ount of lhe old debt so far be
yond the available surplus of the last quarter leaving a
large sum on hand, will create no surpruewhenit is
recollected, that,.in addition to thnl surplus, the Depart
ment has been able to avail itself of a considerable
amount stopped from contractors, on account of over
payments and a still larger sum arising from the de
posites ol the weekly and monthly Depositing Offices
oil account of the current quarter. * ’
I lie debt of the Department, except that portion of it
which is due to hanks, and the suspended allowances is
now perfectly manageable, nnd cannot hereafter embar
$205,000PCr:,UOnS* r,*° bank debt is reduced to about
The following statement of the quarterly income and
wlfirh .hrC °h 1'? Department, for the last two years,
whirh, though not accurate, may be relied upon lor all
practical purposes, will more fully show the rogrei of
WTtasr ‘nd “■ •*-»■« ■'BJCZ
(Jru.* Itovo- Expend!!*™ EweiTof Execs, of’
1833 — nU°- _ K,»sao.. Expenditure
Kepi’r 30 $657,919 SO $746,096 1ft
1>«C. 31 720.2,19 27 747 444 m $110,865 27
1834. ’ ' 717,410 09 97,906 515
March 31 799,600 51 699,*5 86 *30.394 65
Juno 30 718,696 00 717,8X7 00 ’ *«, 00
Hepl’f.ai 715,973 03 703,491 75 91,778 *
Isilf, 701,407* 93*015 96
March 31 763,491 47 089,659 66 89 841 81
_Juno_30 760,016 s-j 671,705 59 I* 311 93
A* it has already been ascertained from examinations
\IW'tbat revenue of tl»e last quarter exceeds
that of th« corresponding quarter of the last year about
twelve per cent., it may be safely stated, tbat the surplus
of revenue over expenditure, for that ouarter Will hi
about # I *>0,000; and that there was, on the 30th’ Septom
7tl.e8 D° ““rl,,ua «f«vxilable means over the whole debt
ot the Department, amounting to nboet *100 000 It i.
Confidently expected thnt this surplus win be increased
nt tVi'e l'n'l ‘f.1?* curr,l‘"1 quarter, to about *990,000; and!
i /i n a nexl <l,,nrt<‘r> to about $340,000. Tl.o
old debts duo to contractors and others, are now paid as
fast ns they are presented and can be adjusted; ami the
accumulation ot funds, notwithstanding these payments
is so considerable os to justify « belief thal •10fi000
the remaining bank debt may be paid in January next
and the balance in April, * exi,
w.?h*ih7d/tl’?'gn7 P.r°',",,ro ^ presenting you
with the data wluch justify this anticipation ilc is
happy to ™y,t||at so far from needing any pecuniary aid
from, the 1 reasury, the Department may bepresented to
( bngress before (he termination of their approaching
session, substantially free fro,,, debt, will, a ch ar annual
surplus exceeding $400,000 applicable to the establish
men. of new mail routes, and the improvement of old
ones, bven should the suspended allowances be finslly
, 7 b,'anfe, °/ lhr boo',, of **»*• Impertinent has not
been effected for about twenty years. After a full con
sideration of the subject, it whs deemed, expedient to close
'in"1.’ ’V" “ n,’w (M“l rr"'° ,bc **» of July, |H35_
Ihe balances of accounts urn not carried forward from
Ihe old books to the new, hut all collections made of mo
neys due before that day, are credited to an account
headed ^rrruraprs, on Hie new books ; and all pay
ments made on debts contracted prioy to thnt day are
charged to the same account. Thnt account, when clos
ed, will show the exact amount of debt and of available
means at the commencement of the present fiscal yctr ;
tacts Which cannot lie sooner ascertained with exactitude
In keeping the. new books an attempt is making,
| tbr,”'Jfb tbfl agency of Gcfcerni Accounts, to show ape
, cifieally from what sources the revenue of the Depart
mrnl i» derived, and to what piirpr#*r« it i*Applied. The
accruing revenue ie credited to liener*! Accounts,
headed, “/w/rr Pestagrt,' u Newspapers and Paraph
let, and “Jiaea.’ ihe expenditures are charged to
Ueneral Accounts, headed, “ ( irmptntalion nf P o times •
, Urt> '* Transportation of tht Mailt, ' “ Ship, Slraajditm
anil IVn,j l.filers. "Wrnppivi Paper,

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