Newspaper Page Text
I:' I' . mjijchmond^ Friday, Angnst 10. ? j THE URE.iT WESTERS. ~~ I I T:.-v W'n ?" calculate the return of the steamboats 1 ?.,... b.nriind. a!rimet with as much regularity as the as c .. n'ry rfo the eclipses The average of the trip of the v Wervm is about M days?But ??r the gales she v f,,-mtered for -I davs she might have reached her pott 1 c : :t dav? soaner the >. \ ork Star says? 1 * . jie ??s 11 days. 15 hours, from Bristol, which port c It at * o clerk, on the evening of the 2J9t | 1 I. < j pilot, we learn. ??tf Sandy Hook the night before , her passage mav be said to have been juu 14 v She came up to the city in fine style, and passed ' , - Bitte'v. and took h-r customary station on the East a r <- The day was beautiful, and many were already 1 ;-ir way t >tho Battery, with the almost certain assu- 8 lr:tcc that she w?c'd "*in !'nt day. ln the Bay, she f ft as cheered br the R -bert L Stevens, which, with c I.vne 3(1) paM'Pff-r*. was on an excursion to Brown 8 v-nt. in the osier harbor This welcome was warntlv c turned hp the ra?engers on board the Great Western ' amount to Itlhn the cabin alone, among wlmrn are 1 ' M* P"?-' Mr fi,?t M,o C I i?f v.?lll'?!| ml i..... ...... , . y. icws. ,'s!? Mid. Vpslris.) Mr. May wood. She has j 'ro ,)-ns<? number of letters, the postage of which is ' \ "j:e.l at $2e?d0. Also crowded with freight. The ! money alone is Computed at near $30,000.? j facts, with the punctuality with which she has i ~rfarmed her five voyages over the ocean, each within ! I f n-r: >d of fifteen days or less, seem to have settled j ' , usrvely 10 ,th? minds of ail with whom we have ! .-rersed, the triumphant success of steam navigation j j.- n* superior ciiaracter of this noble vessel, which j ? ri xt perpetual honor on Old England Not less, j s'-.'jst.on having cordially co-operated,and now ! resolved than ever to go hand and hand, and head ' j; head, with our mother country in an enterprise I ?:ich establishes a new epoch in commerce, and may 1 ,rrulu'i?nae entirely the plans upon which all our fo r gn intercourse hare been conducted Indeed, it is - possible, to forelel the mighty results of steam power, i fme of which, more astounding than those to which we !;5V:' reached, mav be much nearer at hand than is imagin>: The Great Western is truly a gallant ship. We learn .n*. she showed itconclusively ot? this last passage, hav:rg encountered four clays, a very heavy gale, which she i vised through "like a thing of life."?But for this, ! wr.;:h must have impeded her passage to some three or ! " ur miles an hour, she would have come over in cltrrn j c,;7,.? ? She went out to Lngland in less tlisn thirteen I c r. of course, she is the herald of her own arrival both ! and here, as other craft might see her going across; I n.t a^'ie can bring us news of her coming.?The Sirius ; red out to England in a little more than 15 days Let- ! us written at ;New York, July l.and sent by the Sirius, | f answered by the Great Western, that is, an interring- j ? n of thirtyJict days for a reciprocal correspondence j fvryd on over a space of tiUOO miles!?The Great . Western Steam Ship Company, impressed with the con- j vcuon of the success o| their enterprise, have increased j tie capita! from JCtioU.OhO to one million sterling " The Great Western Company have already ordered ! ; - immediate building of three large and splendid steam j i? ps. to run between Cork and New York in conjunc- j s n with the British Queen; they are to be christened, i j r" dn:t. Great Britain, and United States. The k-"el ; { the President has already been laid ; she is to measure ii ti" tons.?The stupendous steam ship British Queen, i t v commanded by Cspt Roberts, late of the Sirius, ; osjrrived at fort Glasgow and gone into dock to re- 1 ?' her machinery She was towed to Plymouth, from . Guiesend, by the Vulture steamer. At Plymouth she i r.oeon herself under sail, and even then beat every J t -g on the channel, even the mnallest craft. The 5ni:?ori steair.. r then towed her into dock. The top of j - annt-l, or chimney of this boat, just reached to the up o' the paddle box of the British Queen It is thought v;?t she will not be ready to come, over as soon as was ^ isnonnced, and that the Tiger, meanwhile, will take her "There is nothing of any political news brought by ' rr* Great Western half as interesting as herself and the -::nof information she furnishes respecting the onward ! pr-Tress of steam navigation. I he army in Canada is not to be augmented. The c - nation festivals continue, and Marshal Soult is still ; ;-e lion of London. Mr Throop, American Charge to >tp|es, and Com. Perry of the Navy, (and Doctor Mci ju'ey of Baltimore,) have been presented to the Qceen \ .-'oria. These items are nothing to the following: . .Sn Van Buren the son of the President, is feted in common ? - Duke il? Nemours, Prir.ce Esterhmy, Pnnce .Schwanrentr-;. lae Dckes of Oilmelia, Wellington, and others. At the (,-? i cciertsioieeot to the Ambassador* at Uu'ltihall, hy the cor: v London, John is set down union* the very cnosoo few s:-r.jni bawl ?< the L?ufa .Mayor." ^ t < Bennett (in his letter from LiverpooLSOlh July.) says: I have been over all England and Scotland, i have ivn inquiring in every quarter as to this question, and irvn the widest and best information 1 can find, the crops v. ornerutlu be an average, and in many places oeer an :z"aj>e li this turn out to be the fact, as 1 think it will, will be si-en that the manufacturers will find good mar- I sets. sod c nsequently become keen purchasers of our j staple (Cot'on ) The stock on hand here is greater by i I A' WO bales than it was at this period last year, but the -.neons up to the earne time are still greater, being 300,- ! 1 beyond those of last year. The prices also are bet- j by 10 to 15 per cent than they were at this time last year "?"The principal holders of cotton here at present, , ire? follows: [ Humphries & Oiddle, about 125,000 bales Ir.wn&to, 120 000 ! Binng Brothers, 55 000 D-nnistcn. (a Scotch house.) 50,000 j "The whole stock on hand is larger than 1 have pretiooily staled?some eay it reaches 500,000 bales. The Ilrswns are the principal sellers?the other houses hold- i :r.g on as much ss possible. We do not believe here tint the United Slates' Bank, and the Southern Banks, , ?n resume epecie payments simultaneously. The agent ; i the Mobile Bank here savs very confidently, that 'the \ Southern banks cannot resume till next crop ' A con- | ] ..nuance ol the partial suspension in the South at least, j I pre vent the tail of cotton here, lilt the next crops of h-'gland come into play, and the internal trade, as well ! : ;.ie foreign, force the manufacturers to pay the prices j c. the brokers. Humphries and Biddle will make large i pnhts by their commissions?the bank vrill lose. The ; br-?n? will come out of the late revulsion, stronger j and better than ever. Oat of protee'ed paper to the j i : cunt of 7'H) 0(H) pounds, returned to New York by the B'owna in l-vt?. they will not lose 50,000 pounds. 1 am ' S-ad ol it, for ihey are a highly respectable house, and j rrwr gave ihemselves such airs as the three W.'g in IL t.d -n Hereafter the American trade in cotton will ; i* controlled by the three U. ??the B.dd.ea. the Barings | and the Browns Tiie day of the three W.a is p j anu e^tie forever. _ , . . i The supemburdsnce of money in Fng an creasing The Bank of Kngland lias $3,000.00 1 ' . nails. waiting for investment. If the corn crops o c. ontrv ?:id the United States be only full this )e ' trade vi ill revive a*ion;slnnjjly? and probably otton m y j :.<e m price, althnq-rh 1 could not predict it positive y. j Toe Pans Correspondent of the New York Courier & Enquirer writes on the 17th July : "In the mean tim?| litis fine country improves daily in appearance. A tnag runcent season fa little too hot, however.) hassuccee e ( . ne the most inclement, and bids fair to bless t e mtib tanta with a splendid harvest,and a vintage unrtv .-'.Curing manv years Railroads and steam nav'? , ' on are the hobbies of the day, and are m ac p . rwi any extent that the moat sanguine cou V-<<J practicable in France. ?or are banking ' merits i-? in favor. Several new ^ : companies have been formed-and a be"er D-tblic iirosperily?the revenue for the first six - -' ths of the present year shows a large comparative , (ten millions nf Iranc. or two uiillton. of ' -raT over those for the corresponding periods of l:r,.nd 1^7. and this,' Courner Franc... of f'Cay.Sn the presence of those phantoms which M. I j L%v>f?eup, Minister of f inance,conju P A--?*wg totE* 'the crisis in the U- Stales was any thing but ?tn While, however, he was pronouncing , I the tunmt ?T?u>n of the American banks, the latter ] I w,,"e Pr?p?nng to modify the new regime of circulation, I Ac 1 be truth ?.i f,.ar that M Lacave Laplague Bpoke n"t ignoranily, but M a financier who stops at no mode i '-r which to promote at,d ,uajn his ends; and this asser t. r. was one of tho*. ,nt.nn8 which cannot be defended. t 1 "(Jen. Case has returned to his post from London, v *{i?re at the coronation of Queen Victoria he figured c I * tii a hcsl of oilier diplomatists. Among those who as- t ?-'-d at it was one, however, whose appearance 8t the i I 2- i:?li Court will surprise his countrymen in the U. S. I ^-an Gen. Corbet, on* of the four Irishmen arrested in c liruiburgh some 3U or *10 years since and delivered up to i I the British Government, by whom they would have been c I hut for the vigorous measures and threats of d retaliation uken and threatened by Napoleon, then firat I ?f Vranee. The other three were Napper Tan- ri f' '"^l ^artliulomew Black well (both dead) and Mar- ? T-y Morris?now a Colonei-aa Corbet is a Major Ge- o itral in the French service." "HsvRt, July !-._ in the political world nothing new, ? ' * Br nee de Joinville, whose arrival at Brest has been x Ji'ady made known, is expected here to morrow, via f t.!?ib<>urg Jh? march of troops to the Belgian fron- d >r eont",ues. and eight regiroenta are mentioned as g '^r orders for that point. The required ceaaion of the c *-'-*?mbourg and Limbourg by Leopold meeu with fl V:eoP^iti?n in these provinces, and in the event ot mterference,our government is resolved not to ,v p*'n unawares. The acceptance of the 24 articlea g '..v'?:;ra 18 >'el wrapt in doubt ' ^?n'ueur publishes the law authorizing the rait- I . ..'oin Havre to Paris; also one from Paris to Orleans, b --arivther from Lille to Dunkirk." 0 Scenes in London! U It is astonishing, that if Mr. Stevenson's appearance y it the coronation "showed a degree of vulgarity which v ia? been the vnitersnl talk of the Unlink Metropolis," a h* Correspondent of the JV. Y Nncs should have been b h'* only person to give it currency. The London Cor- tj ^.' pondeot of the Charleston Courier speaks in a very d lifferent strain. He says: w "No wonder that the English people should be enthu- o liastic in thrir applause at such an exciting moment, tr vhen even Americans found themselves carried away h >v the force of their feelings, and joining in the cheers T vhich so enthusiastically greeted the youthful Queen w in her way to and from the Abbey. The establishment ci if the American Minister, if of a less gorgeous andim- a losing appearance than those of the representatives of g nany of the crowned heads of Europe, was nevertheless n n perfect keeping with the unostentatious and repubican habits of our countrymen. Mr. Stevenson and ei lis lady, who rode in one of these carriages, were acompanied by Mr. Van Buren, son of the President, V vliilst his Secretaries and attaches occupied another. If w ?e might judge from the cheering of the people whilst fr he procession was passing, we should say that the at )uchessof Kent, the mother of the Queen, and her un- P1 le, the Duke of Sussex, were the most popular of the c< loyal Family. if "The illuminations on the night of the Coronation, S vere indeed upon a splendid scale?and until a very tr ste hour of the night, the entire population of the city P rid its vicinity appeared to be in motion to witness P1 hem. Carriages of all descriptions were in requisition, w md as high as ten guineas were paid for the use of one 9t or the night. The west end of the town shone moat if onspicuouslv in this tribute to the auspicious occasion, ilthnughGuild Hall,the Banks,the East India House,and ti ither public buildings in the City, presented some of the nost splendid Of those at the west end, that of the Count b Sebastiani, the French Minister, in Manchester Square, ind that of Marshal Soult, the Special Ambassador, in ? Portland Place, were the most beautiful Our Minis- I. er, Mr. Stevenson, who resides immediately opposite f< he Marshal, in Portland Piace. had a colossal En- p rle, grasping in its talons the olive brancli and the b urows, and bearing the national motto, '? Plurilius 1 L'ntrrn,' with large irradiated letters V. R on either 6ide n ? these brilliantly lighted with gas, produced a very fine effect. Not to be behind the rest, the inmates of :he House where we lodged, (mostly Americans) which o it* Hi uir niiuiruiaic y.'ciijiiy ui mc uujvv, tinu tau^ru a ;j transparency to be executed, representing Britannia on ~ the one hand, supporting the British standard, with the ( Goddess of Liberty on the other, sustaining that of the United States, and both supporting a laurel wreath, in ^ the centre of which were the letters V. R and upon a j scroll below, the words - Peace. Plenty and Prosperity.' " j The Editor of the New York Herald repeats the idle story about Mr. John Van Bureri's mission?and the ^ Baltimore Chronicle repeats after the Herald. He as- ? serts it as "an absolute fact that young Van Buren I ^ arrived here on a congratulatory mission to the young , Queen on her approaching coronation," A,c., Ac? I ( "It seems, however, that young John's mission, not being ^ authorized by the Laws and Constitution of the United , ( States, is kept a secret here. This matter has been ful- j ly explained to the Queen's court, and John figures in j the newspapers, balls. &c., principally on his own respon- j sibility. On tlie evening of the ball, the beautiful Queen | , exprassed a wi?h to talk to liiin, and John, 1 ain told, ac- ; j quitted himself very well, and made a great impression j on her Majesty." The Albany Argus contradicted the whole fable.some j t time ago?and we since understand from the beet au- j thority, that Mr John Van Buren has gone to England j on so me professional business, connected with the claim i of Mr. Clark, 0} New York ?But the press will conti- j r nue to bubble and draw on the Fancy, instead of fuels, j t CURSORY SKETCHES. j , The N. Y. Star gives us one of its airy speculations , on the South. It denies, that there has been "either di- , rectly or indirectly any intercourse with Mr. Van Buren, 4l (and Mr. Calhoun,)or that there is any personal or politi- , r;i! iinf'erstanCinu hp! wren 1 hem " X- r Sn fur we hnve ' . no doubt, the Star if? in the right ?It proceeds to say, that "Mr Calhoun considers Mr. V B's case as hopeless," <V:c ! And then comes the gist of the plot: "It is probable that Mr. Calhoun designs to take advantage of Mr. Van Buren's forlorn position by pushing Southern interests as they are called, and concentrating the power of the South for the succession, joined to what Mr. V Buren's is supposed to command in the North, taking V. B s Sub Treasury or divorce scheme, which, not from political, but commercial objects, is rather popular in the South " j If such be Mr Calhoun's calculation, we agree with the j Star, that events "will prove its utter fallacy "?But the j Star is mistaken in supposing that Virginia, N Carolina, die.,&c., are going for a "Southern President." As the J sign" now are, the Republicans of the South will go again v for Mr. V B?and that they will be convinced of the necessity of uniting their ranks in his favor?The Star as- j c serts, that Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, n Connecticut, N. York, N. Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, t Kentucky,Tennessee,Oiiio, lndianaand Mississippi will s not vote for him, and we inay confidently add Pennsylva- nia." This is the Wliig cant?and the only difference be- t tween the Star and the other presses is, that itspeaks with t more reckless audacity, than the rest of them. What they c wish to consider ns probable, the Star affirms as certain g They all count without their host. The last Madisoni- j and appeals to us also in the same key. It piediotn, that Mr V. Baren can nevercarry N. York again,nor lVnnsyl- f, rania,&c., nor Maine,Connecticut,N Jersey, Louisiana, j, and even ventures to include the Old Dominion. We smile at litis last suggestion. We do not hesitate to say, r that Mr. Van Buren will carry Virginia, against tiie | Whig Candidate, and the N. Bank, any day?nod we r doubt any man s sagacity or information which makes ? Buch idle calculations. I The Star and the Madieonian so far pull together, that 0 th<?y are both opposed to Mr. Van Buren. The apparent j difference at present between them is, that the Star goes f for a Whig candidate?but the Mad soiiian affects to per- j Boade us, "to bring forward a new candidate, *ho has i 0 never committed himseif to the abominable doctrines of r the Loco Focos," &c , &c. W ill the Madisonian be ' ? pleased to point out the Republican candidate who is as 1 c strong as Mr Van Buren* We know no such man?To g call for any other candidate is. therefore, ridiculous. The v issue is to be between Clay with the National Bank, and ' | Van Buren without it?And upon tins issue, we are as sure as that there is a sun in the Heavens, that the Madi- ' f sonian will cn operate with the N Y- Times and pprhaps n the Cincinnati Republican, in supporting Mr. C. To this ^ complexion they will probably coine at last?and how- I r ver the Madisonian,and the Star,arid the Whig presses, j ^ may seem to differ at present; however the former may j talk of its distinct political organization, or of its new ), candidate, the probability is, that "however nice is the a line which severs them" atfpresent, they will at last be c round in the same ranks, contending for Henry Clay, as s President of the U S. c As for what the Madisonian says of us, we have for a r some time "bowed in submission" to a separation between j as"which csnnot be avoided." It has carried its opposi- v Lion to the Sub Treasury so far, as to denounce Mr V B , d and declare war against him We on the other hand, have (, i^en the precipice on which the Madisonian stands, and j d from which it is rapidly falling into the abyss of Whigisrn. 1 n We differ vrith Mr. V. B on the Sub Treasury; but ad ; o bere in every respect to the ground of the Special Deposi'.e I i which we have taken from the delivery of hi* Extra Me*- i r rags. We have opposed the Sub Treasury, (the only rn- i n portant question on which we have differed with the ; j. Administration ) We still go for the Special Depnsite [ g system?-On this point, we hive nut "given in (our) ad- j b lesion to the powers that be."?But with this exception, j v we have supported Mr. Van Buren?and will not fall ? nto the arms of the Whigs, Clay and the National i o Bank?but avoiding all further di.-sension, which may j d irise from the starling of a "A'tie Candidate," will at j ii empt to keep our party together, that we may contribute i r; Lo defeat Mr. Clay and the monstrous Institution, of j, which he has become the champion. j n The Madisonian pursues ostensibly a different policy. tl [f it runs a third candidate, it will nltimately join the 1 Whig Party, which wedeem the most probable; or by tak- a ng votes enough from Mr V. Buren, indirectly assist to c ?l?r? Mr CIpiv?nr. if it does select a third candidate 1 u md should adhere to him, and he should obtain a few d Electoral votes, throw the election into the H of R , to n which the friends of Mr. Clay are "no'hing loath " ti The Alexandria Gazette does not display its usual jus- c ice or liberality, when it speaks of our mystifying mat- ; M :ers?and still less when it says, we are "on the side of j q ('nicer." What would the Gazette have us to do? It ! |Y lays we will go for the Administration, Sub Treasury or tt aot?and that we ought to let our former "Conservative ! v Tiends see (otir) hands and know (our) game " Where j ft a the mystification we have practised? We tell the a uonservativpji?we have told tliera so from the begin- I p ling of the chapter?we are against the Sub-Treasury? j iut we will not go for a third Candidate: that we op- j joae this measure of Mr. Van Buren only; and that we ! will not raise an opposition, which, by defeating him, tl Kill secure the election of a Whig, and the establish- j1 nent of a National Bank?What mystery is there in all '' his? Would the Gazette have us to join it, in running j n n Mr. Clay ? in establishing a National Bank? Is this | Cl vhat the Gazette would call Refojjn? We say over and j tf iver again, that if the issue be between Mr. Clay and \ e: he Bank?and Mr. V. B and the Sub-Treasury, we go 31 inhesilatingly for the latter?not because we wish to be P 'on the 6ide of Power;" but because upon ourownprin- *' tiplea, we can never swallow Mr. Clay or the Bank? s< nuch lesa Mr. Clay asn the Bank. Would the Gazette v >n its part, abandon Mr. Clay, because it happened to P lifier in one respect from him? b "We heard it intimated thiitthey (the President's manners) were itht-r eo/d when ".Mr. V. B." received the Enquirer. Possibly,"tlie | , weet little fi-llow" had beard that the best in.thod of making a dog r t> come to you is to throw a stone at hiin, and he was perhaps acting tc n the same principle on ibul occasion."?Rtthmond M kig. ^ g The ^hig is true to its vocation?But the intimation, tI vhich it circulates, is not correct. We never found Mr. f. B. more cordial. The possible inference, therefore, || vhich it drawa, is as true as its premises?The Presilent "cordial" to the Enquirer? Ah ! then he intended ri eduction. This is possibly the next ground the Whig 3l nay aeaume.?But who cares for such commentators? w The Drought?and the Corn Crop. | Papers in different parts of the country continue to '' ;ive gloomy descriptions of the Corn Crop ?The "Char- w ottesville Republican" of Wednesday last stales, that " hey had been lately vhited by a copious shower in A I- '3 ernarle, but adds, "we have had since a second edition P f the hot weather, that preceded the shower-?Monday u w ?sl was, we believe as hot a day as we have had thlu I ear; it being court day, we had an opportunity of con- h ersing with the Farmers from all parts of the county, o nd the complaint is general with th'-in that there will w e but a small crop of corn made this year in this vicini- a f. Several informed us that there had not been such a ll rought since the year ISOG; that year, like the present, 'as distinguished for its intense heat and drought, hut p ne shower of rain fell in the couse of the whole sum- w ler. This year rain fell the first week in June, and we w ave since had none of any consequence until Inst week. bi here is every appearance thai the dry arid arid weather T ill continue, and all of us in this region despair of the n >rn crop. A bountiful Providence has supplied us with bi rich and an abundant harvest of wheal, and other small n rain, which will prevent lite people from wanting the ecesaaries of life." The Cenlreville (Md ) Tillies statea, that "ourexperi- h ace o ten years' farming, gives us no parallel to the pre- ai nt season, either as regards its dryness, or great heat. w fitltin the past or present week, we have conversed n ith persons from various parts of the Eastern Shore, I* um Delaware, and Irom Pennsylvania, and it has been hi i dry iri those places as it Ins been with us. Our pa- P' frs from Washington, Frederick, Kent nnd Talbot j 1 sunties, Maryland, complain of the dryness of the wea- s' ler, and the failing of the corn crop. Worcester and omerset counties, on the Eastern Slmre, and the dis- " ict along Magothy.on the Western Shore, are the only P laces in the State, it is probable, that have not been Cl arched up. We had some rain on Tuesday night, f hich will assist the latter corn should it continue sea- nahle? all foiwardcorn has been irretrievably injured. " lot little corn will be told front litis shore next year." " The Kent Bugle says, that " a very large portion of ? lis crop is past all benefit, let the present month he as " 'asonable as it possibly could be, under the most favor- 11 le circumstances " " The Charleston Courier publishes a letter from Aiken, 11 f the 1st inst, which says, thai "The country between h Charleston and Aiken, along the line of rail-road, is suf- J' 'ring greatly from drought?lite growing corn in many J1 laces is almost parched up. Cotton, of course, looks " etler, ns it loves sunshine more than shower or shade. " "he drought has also extended to this place, where it has P lot rained for several weeks." j ^ .YOUTH CJ1ROLLY.1 ELECT!OX. j f Ten counties voted for the Governor and Legislature, j t n Thursday, the 2Glh ult.?8 counties on Thursday, the f a d inst ?and all the oilier counties, with the exception j ( f Sampson, (which votes tc day.) gave their votes yes- ? erdav- Of the eighteen counties, we liava received j etiirttfl from only ten, viz: Edgecombe, Pin. Beaufort, ,, rVashington, Franklin, Granville, (in part.) Warren, Co- ( s nmbus and Wayne?in which Dudley has a majority of ! j ,348 over Branch. Dudley (the Whig candidate) is ' r irohahly re elected by a smart majority?But his success j rives no accurate exponent of the Whig majority in the ( state.?Governor Branch was not brought out till the ' ; levenlh hour; and alter the V. B parly had seemed c n abandon thp contest, and the principal V B paper in , a he Slate had deprecated anv opposition to the re-elec- ] % _C rt..^l.._ U...I,!.. I<l> I...' unlit K.KOnllv mil ll? l/UUjrjf, lirpiuru, t'l-in,.. Miu uhim i>v< | iclonged to the ranks of the Opposition; ond many of j hp Van Buren men will scarcely vote lor him. Returns have been received Ironi 51 counties only, for j numbers of the Legislature. The Whig* have earned : ! Commoners in Pi It and 1 in Johns'on ?And they had . ?st 1 in Granville, and ihree in Halifax (Governor j {ranch's county ) The Republicans had a majority of i ibout'J <>n joint vote in the last Legislature. A lew lays will put us in possession of the final results. SILK CULTL'RE. ~~ \t> lav the following interesting article before our i paders?for the purpo?e of calling their attention again ! 0 the production of Silk: ' An acre of land planted with the Morus Mullicau- i ' lis, will give sufficient food for n million of stilt worms I 1 ?these will prodtice a million of cocoons?three thou j ' sand cocoons will make one pound *>f raw s>lk, con*e ' quently one million of cocoons will make 15553 ! *<? lbs : ' of raw silk; this raw silk is worth $4 per lit; therefore 1 an acre of land devoted to the production of silk must j ' produce to its ownpr .s'l.3;54. From this, of course, 1 must he deducted the expense of interest on tiie va ' lue of the land, the purchase and planting of the Mul j 1 berry trees, the properly attending to the soil, the ne- 1 1 cessary care of worms during the spinning season, 1 the reeling of the silk, Arc. One-hall the gross value . ' will meet all expenses, and m*ke liberal provision for 1 any pecuniary contingency ?thus leaving to the culti1 vator a clear profit upon an acre rr land of " [i'hiiadcipltta Saturday C<iurier, Ju'ij '2S, 1:3:5. ] .Imusing .inrrdott! The following is from a N Orleans slip of the Gist uly. The presence of mind, which it indicates, id vortli v of a hero : j " Mirscci.ous FsfArr?As the half past five o'clock a :ars from Orrollon were passing Ilertsville yesterday |, fternoon, a black hoy was riding on horseback near to f he track. When the engine came near the horse, lie , y tumbled and threw the boy on the middle of the track -but too late to stop the engine : and strange to relate, i _ he whole train passed over him without injuring him in v he least. He jumped up, scratched his bend, and rx- f laimed, " i ou can t Kill urn nigger anjftow, Master In- h [inc." j, f o/t v iik F^vqvinrrt. I ask a brief apace, in a column of the Enquirer, for a ?? observation* in connection with those I made in the inquirer of the 31st of July. j , In that note of the will be perceived that he , ( egsrris the question of choice between a United H'aUg ' lank and the Sub-Treasury scheme, as being one which r solves itself into the comparative dinners of the sooner f retting rid of the one or the othei of them, in case of v he adoption of either; and, of course, that he is strenu- t iusly opposed to the adoption of either. ' s Exclude a U S Bank and the Sub Treasury scheme * rotn the range of selecting a fit scheme for the conduct ng of the Federal finances, and the question arises, irhal ( rt the su mettled eiltcrneit/res lift, from which to make a lioicer They are ''the Special Deposit* system," and j the (icncrul Deposite system," and in either, a using of j tale banks Choosing between these, which, if liiP ^ igns of the times be consulted, are the alternatives of vhich one must be elected, the writer would prefer the a atter. ; a I have no disposition to find fiult,or to magnify the j bulls found, with the suggested scheme ofspecial deposites f the national revenue, in selected State banks. Hut 1 j( ipg leave to make a single reflection on it. Of all the j nanv forms in which this special scheme has been f irought forth, there is but one in which it could be made o work at nil. much less work well That is this: Col- , pet the Federal revenues in convertible State hank notes, c nd at short periods, say of CO days, con vert the amount of j ollected notes into specie, and place it on special drpoite with the selected Slate hanks This manner of ape- f lal is true, would he practicable, if. indeed, esncc'.able State hanks would tinder'ake the service ? f so, it would yet he objectionable in three respects, to ' vit: 1st. It has for its foundation a want of confi- ^ !? ?? ? Onrl Fenm fit* rrinmcnl lljO frtllprfPf] nofPK shlll l-liur. ...... - s ie converted into specie, and this be put on special lepnsite, the commercial community will be deprived f the use of the revpnue raised from commerce; and ^ ;.-d In the event of a suspension of specie payments, Ins manner of special deposileg would enable the Kede- ' al Government to fare betipr than the State Govern- j rients, being depositors of the State funds in the same nstitutions; and le-lter than the citizens of any given itate or of other Slates, who may be the holder* of th* ^ arik's notes, at the time of its suspending, iiefore I rould adopt any system, which, in any event, would ! ive an exclusive advantage to the Federal Government j ver the States, all using the same institutions, I wou'd , 1 ispute every inch of ground, and if forced at last tore- j (| real, the last intrtnchment of S'nte Rights and of the j ights of the citizen, should he the assailed and (otter | ng citadel, from which, till I found in it a grave, I would | lake war on the unequal system, giving advantage to ^ lie Federal Government. r' A word as to the general deposite system. Has it had ; |7 fair trial ? No intelligent man will say it has. who re- | ollects, as all do, that a vigorous and unrelenting war ; ? as waged on it, from the time of ''the removal of the j c eposites." till the banks suspended in May, Jcl37, by i *" ie whole Whig party. And notwithstanding the ex- j aordinary difficulties this genpral deposite system en- \ ountered, preventing a fair trial, even those of the De- j ? tocratic Republican party, who now support the Sub- ' * 'reasury scheme, did, till the Prrsidenl delivered his i lessage at the extra session, proclaim from the house I " >ps, that the Stale bank dpposite system had not only | rorked well, but had done wonders. The most clearjoted horse will sometimes stumble in a stumpy road; j nd if he be a good one, his owner would he ;oolish to ; P art with him on that account. "PUOLIUS. FOR THE EXQUIRF.R. : < The Hon John Taliaferro nl buine?lroaUy?cunsUtu- \ V lunally at home ! JS'o election now on which to exprcise H is consummate skill, but hisown?none to be indulged ' t at the gross and palpable neglect of public duty?Mo! j n nthing like this to rxprnd Ins per day upon, or to f ill foith Ins manly personal revenge. He has enough 0 > do, and more th?n he can do, to allay the consuming ! cl x"itement and just indignation certainly existing here, j f' nd the fixed and spirited determination to resent at the ; N oils next Spring, his delinquency in public duty, so fully ! [town by his leaving his seat in Congress, (when repre- I S nting six other counties besides the one in which he j n oted.) to give in the late election in that countv, both a p ersonal and party vote; and not only to suffVrage himself, ut to use his influence to settle tiie e!-ctiori against", as an be dpinon3trated, the preferred individual by the onnty. of tiie two who were before Ihem as candidates le is a 'cute politician He knows when to suit his dress ) the occasion?where to wear the suit of thread bare ressy drab, or superfine biack ? in what part of the dis si ict to distribute his Revere fishhooks, and in what part C i play off his quackery in medicine?when to be in form ir ie most pious of the pious, and when in reality to play si ie gallant exquisite. A'l his arts will now be display C d?fie will be put up, (from every thing i can under- tl and.) to all that be knows, and that is no little; for tl bilsl he lias not one single commanding trait of charac- tl r, it will be admitted on the other hand that for hurni tf ating persuasion and low intrigue, he has not in this ]< ride world a superior Well may it exclaim?Quo le li cam rultus mutorUcm protea nodo? Of his situation he c i aware, and is reported to be quite restless and onhap s| y?although at home but a few days, he is trying to get o p a fish fry on the Potomac, and a squirrel barbicue on d be Rappahannock ; nne within a mile and a half of his | lome and the other five. He will doubtless draw with- | ut slint upon his inexhaustible fund of duplicity, and ! rill, as he should do, commence to cure the complaint t home, which it is believed exists to an extent beyond tie reach of medicine. 1 have seen generally and talked fieely with the|peole of what is called the upper end of the cnuniy, from rhich *lti votes were given at ihe l.'le election, 3d of 'hich were given In Mr Hone, and of which 3d. it is eheved, if the election could take place to day, Mr. 'aliaferro would get but I This vole, heretofore, or early the whole ol it, (save but in one instance) has pen given to him. 1 ain told, loo, that the disease cares with it in other parts of the county still stronger fmptoma of denlli. I have heard of several individuals who invariably ?ve supported him, (and among them, two of the oldest ad highly respectable men of the county,) all of whom f ould have voted tor him alter our regular election, who j ow declare they never will support htm again; acknow j t'ge that they have seen their error, and will no longer ' t dupes ol his management?no longer suffer him to I nur upon them the honey of his exiiaustless store? [ 'hey mean to tel! him lie is too sweet to be honest?loo j rvile to be independent?too par'izan to do justice? >o timid and self devoted to stand forth against the fatal I Ungues of the day; and that these times require in our j uhlic agents all the high attributes of our nature. It is ' I'rtainly true, that many individuals who never voted | gainst him before, have now taken ground in opposition -have kindled into open and bold resistance. He will nd it beyond even his Talleyrand like ductility, to re- i mve the settled reseutment ol a people who complain f bis neglect of public duty?who consider themselves ijured by an unwarrantable use of lime, which was ol his, bill theirs; and that time, t?>o, employed in atending our election, not only to vote himself, but to | se li:s influence upon others, fie will find, from the , igh and manly bearing ol the people upon this sub- j el, more necessary than ever to exert all of ins I'ro- j eus like qualifications. He will doubtless have at his i eck and call the political scavengers, the subaltern Iticers, the pimps of the aristocracy, and the money- ; mwer. This power in our lute election worked inira!es, and will likely do it again; for, in th-ee days, all livine and human affairs, virtue, fame and honor, "obey lie alluring influence of rich'-s " Yes, unfortunately. ! lie spirit of venality in these d.iys seems to have loosened \ II the bonds of society?of high and lofty dealing, wlie- j her political or personal. Theseus, by means of a clue j if thread, furnished by Ariadne, penetrated the Cretan : _,nbyrin'.h and killed the Minotaur Mr. Tiliaferm, by j , thrr.nd "f go'd, furnished by those interested in fits j urctss in the pending election, to the end 'bat lliey may I Ave the glorious pleasure of sacrificing him at the sueleeding one, may temporarily relieve himself fr?m the ust odium? extricate himself from the labyrinth n which he is involved. fJutlel ine tell htm, that those .ho now use this power in his behalf, will prov-- in the ! 'ird as false as h?II; will only use it now, to secure i better chance for another, (he cannot fail to know I vhom I mean.) at a subsequent election, fie has but j ?oe more Democrat to beat, and then the Whigs ?the | iability leading the way. and their long train of depend j nu following after, will inform him,"we have long rerarded you as an incubus upon the district To say ! milling or oilier thing*, you aie too little identified with j :s hi ?!urc proptrhj in he uur agent i;i the national cnun- | als. und your conduct in the late Congress proves the ! oundness of thin objection. "You forestalled our movpnicnts?ob'rudeil yourself! mnn us some six or eight years ag i. and with a view to j mid the party together, we have continued to nuke the j acrifice of our preference; fir the truth in, we prefer j itiy one of our parly to you : but now as the Democrats j rc willing to get rid of you upon our own terms, (and f he beats Dr. G , I trust in God tins will be the case.) j ve will shew you the real estimate in which we have j ver held yon." Then your Colonel and your Col ipe| , Mr. and Mr. , (all aspirants for one lung or another?for if not allowed to pull before, they vill pull behind?if you will not make drawing room i ervants of them, they will perforin the culinary duties ?clean the knives and bake the bread.) with their train i if servile instruments, which their wealth, or in some f the cases, the pompous show of it, has, and vviil still ontinue to command, will speak a language of triimph int opposition to him Hut let this be the state of b.nos. and who can d. ubt but tint be would be beat wo to one in the district.' lie would then be made sen- | itde of Ins real standing with his party?and will be j aade sensible, too, of I he scorn and indignation against , iin (at lea^l at liorne) by the opposite one. .Mr. Cdilor, it should be made known to tbp District I -truiupetted forth ? that in John Taliaferro, the dignity | f a nieinbe r of Congress has been depraved anil vitiated | i>to the low and contemptible office of partizan action, j rj secure the laitlicr snpp.irt of a party tiial be knows ; re tired of him. and from winch he has fur some time j inked, and well may have locked, for his descend m j mm tlie high place which lie has negatively filled fur ears. i 1 say, then, freemen, expel from your public councils ! -at ntice e*pe! from your service, without any ulterior 1 iews, such as I have hinted at, (and may hereafter more | ul'y explain.) tins "knight "f industry "?'his man, who as lived fir uU years, by ingeniuous and persevering j ililica! fraud. CHOl'A.NK. ! King iicnrgr. co . ITili July, "33. WASH I .NT/'I OS~COU N'J Y r V! RGINIA T-aii. Road Mtunr. ? On Monday, the 23d instant, I ring the 1st day of the July Court.) a respectable por- j ion of the prople of Washington munly, resolved themelv s into a meeting, for the ptirp-se of taking into onsid'-raiion the propriety of Constructing a Railroad ; roni the Tennessee line, connecting litis South western ' fitii the Eastern section of the State Whereupon, on ' he motion of John N. Humes. Esq , Captain Francis j mith was unanimously appointed Chairman, and Con mlly F Trigg, Esq , Secretary. The object of the meeting hiving been explained, on j he motion of Mr Hume*, a Committed, consisting of j n gentlemen, to wit: John .\ IJ nines, Esq . Col. Win Ivors, Gen i* C. Johnston, J. W. Larnpkin, Frnf T. \ I Jettcks, and Dr N. Snead, were appointed by the Jliair, to draft resolutions expressive of ttie sense of the riveting; who, alter a few minutes' retirement, r-tirrned nd repn.ted the following, which v.ete unanimously d opted: 1st Whereas, it is believed that the inliabi'anls of this ! art of Virginia have not hitherto made known their j eelings on the subject of Internal improvement? Utsufnd. That it is the duty as well as the right, of i ach individual in Washington coumy respectfully to j ssert to the honorable Assernnly of Virginia, the vital inportance to the State at large, and to this section of j nunlry, of a Road connecting it w ith Eastern Virginia, i Ls marl.') and commerce. 2d. lirsoletd, as the sense of this meeting, Thatarail- i oad fro in the Tennessee line, connecting Ibis South- j restern section Willi the Eastern section of Virginia, ! aade by the Stale as the representative of the interest* f her whole population, is the improvement called Inr ; v our situation and circumstances, to develop# the re urce.snnd to furthpr the interests, alike of b?tfo tbsse i-oiiiiiis. and of our tieloved Siateat large. 3d Jiesulrrd, That a CnnimiMee of parsons c nominated by the t'ljasr. I" draft. a* soon as may be, j to the honorable Legislature upon this sub- j ct, expressing the wants, i!ip wishes and the rights of: lie citizens of this part of our common State. 4th Ht.solctd, That a Committee of ersons be appointed by the Chair to circulate, forth with, ! lie memorial mentioned in the foregoing resolution, for ignature by the inhabitants of Washington county, and j take proper measures to bring the same directly and ; fiectively before the Legislature at its next session i ">th [{ sxireil. That the Committee appointed under ' lie lid resolution be hereby constituted a Committee ot 'orrespondenee with the inhabitants of such counties as my may deem advisable to forward them copies of the t roceedinga of this meeting, and of the memorial, and to quest them to co operate, hy petition or otherwise in loving the Legislature upon the subject. And that this ' 'oinrriittee endeavor respectfully to enlist the Kditors ; f newspapers throughout Virginia in this great cause * I If!), flrsolred, That facts and she experience of all hales, where it has been aiternpted, tiave proved the tier inefficiency of the Joint Stock system, so called, ! 'Iiich leads to a wasteful cxpendituip. without a prospect : f return ? that the rich success of N. York arid Pennplvania amply proves the advantage of a system of in- j mat imoiuvement on State account, and that Virginia i filled upon In adopt the latter system. 7th. litsuiztd. That the interest of our State requires lat ali?> should become the sole owner of the James .iver and Kanawha River Improvement, so called, by urchase of the interests of the stockholders. The blank in the ,'5d resolution was filled up by splinting the following persons :?J. N. Humes, Esq., ren P. C Johnston. Mr. John VV Lampkin, Capl Jno. V. Stevens, Col. Samuel E. Goodson and Professor T. ,. Jencks. The blank in the 4:h resolution was filled with the amp# of B R Johnson. Esq , James VV. ShefFey, Esq., r Daniel Trigg. VV. Y. C. White, Esq , Col. Win. yars, Jonathan King. Esq., John VV. Prise, Jacob Merhant, Esq., Paiker Smith. Esq . Capt. Joseph Miller, I lev. Junes King, Col. R B Edinondson, Col. Thomas IcCnllonh and Capt W m Buchanan. On motiun, liesolrcil. That the Editors of the Virginia talesman, Fincastle* Democrat, Lynchburg Virginian nd Richmond city papers be requested to publish the rocetdings of this meeting FRANCIS SMITH, Chairman. | Co.ty.tli.r F. Trigg, Secretary. ' All our fcelinz* and ivisbci are nlfmlv cirneitiy and deeply en- , lied ill livlislf of ibis enterprise.?t.nqwrcr. Extraordinary Electrical Phenomena?A most i ngular appearance in the heavens is described in the tarrollton, (Miss ,) Enquirer, as having been witnessed i that neighborhood on the night of the 20th ult. For i tme time previous there had been an excessive drought. | In that night about S o'clock, the air became clouded, | ie clouds running generally South, and for two hours lere was a conlinuui discharge of electricity all around ( ie horizon. "During this incessant corruscalion," says ie Enquirer, "there shot from the pointed clouds a brilant voilev of sparks.exceedingly bright. Some falling rwards thp earth; others running in a zigzag course, rossing nearly the whole finniment. These luminous narks shot forth sometimes largely and singly, and at lber6 branching out in every direction in the most splenid arborescent manner. W'e are told, for we did not witness it, that the scene was one of the most gorgeot is and beautiful ever witnessed. The whole atmovphpr e appeared uncommonly charged with the electric fluid-the radiant flashes assumed s'linelirnea the form of wave s of light, rolling with velocity athwart the heavens, an d are said to have been painful to the eye from their fre quency. These sparks, which were vividly brilliant, resembled larwe balls of tire, suddenly struck with a hammer, and flying about in the most fantastic manner. Others have compared them to the sparks sometimes produced by the blow pipe on metal heated to intensity." [ Ptnntulzunian. mm ,, . |, mms _ ? pinsnifin ^ marriages. .Married, by tliu Rev. Llr (,'ockrnn, on Wednesday, the lit inst., A. L). Di< xtNsu.v, Esq., to Miss Frasckj Jajib,daughterol'Jessu Alich&ux, Esq , ail 01' I'rmee Ed waul. DEATHS. Departed this life, on thn 20th of July last, at har residence, in the county of I'rioce Edward, Mrs. M*nv Wxisias, consort of t'npt. irnucl Watkins, aged si\ty-ono years?.Mrs. V\ stkins was afflicted for six month* will, a hemorrhage of the lungs, and it* concomitants, which she bore with uncommon patience and resignation She was a lady of amiable qualities,universally respected and beloved. For u number of years, she enjoyed a hope of accept a I: iv with her Maker, and adorned her profession as a member ol the liaptist I'hutch. Iter last days were Iter best. When the closing scene of life drew near, sho expressed her entire willingness to depart, in a full prospect ol a gloriuus.oiunortaliiy The ';,<l moments ol her earthly existence were devoted to Almighty God, in behalf of her ntTeclionate husband. In the death of Mrs. Watkins, her husband ami relatives have sustained a loan Ike xrurld eanu.'l repair. To the numerous friends of the deceased, we would say, Weep not for her. In the judgment of all, shu is at rest, "Blessed aie the dead that die in the Lord." Died, at her residence near Gallatin, Mississippi, on the 1 Oth Jul-., Mrs. Suss* Tesitlc BttttsLEY, wife of Mr. Edwin Burnley, and daughter of .Major Joseph (Jwathinoy, dee'd, of King William County, Va., aged 31 yen rs. After an illness of six days with bilious lever, Mrs. II. was cut olF in the bloom of health and tho midst of usefuln* s, leaving three daughters, loo young to he conscious ol ill-- seventy of their loss. Iter numerous friends and re111;v,-a in their grief luive comfort in the assurance of her happit,c?s uniting th" kindred spir.fs, \vills w hum she -eemcd !o hold converse for soinc hours h- fore dissolution. "Art they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister to them who shall he hei'S cf salvation?" Mic an liurnMu and consistent member of the Baptist Church. Died, on i he 30th Ju!v, IS3^, Mr. OstsicL Mive*.after an iil nevs of I,vo weeks, at the residence of Robert Shtw, Esq , mar Bucking! im I tnirihouse.?Air. Miner by profession sves a Dentist, and wtis taken ill while on a professional trip in this neighborhood, of ly pit us fever, lie recrl veil the on remit ted services of two physicians of Int choice, ami III" kindest attention ?f Mr. fbaw an I his family* tfT ' be Editors of the VV lug wilttpju.i*,> copy the above. ?-1 ??- ___ markets?Thursday, . 'lu^ust 0, l*2s. Tobacco?The demand very active, and prices fully "a. p-r hundred higher than last week?the continuance of dry weather has an enhancing influence on prices. Fi.ocr?Demand limited?old 1 si?new ?7 1-2 a 7 15-1. Wheat?The current price ?1 25. 15\cwei.i.f Smith & Jones. Whoiesalk Ftttcii. Wheat?Front waggons transient parcels 120 to 125 | cents?lor superior lots, a fraction more is given?large ' quantities coining sold by contract?no new contracts i linking. ('iiftb ?^i!?'C fit T~? nor Itncltol O.its? DM would lirinjv if in market 4o cerils. Ki.nfn??7 3 ?! in 7 1 2. cottoh?10 1 2 lo II cents. SAI.T??2 25 to 2 50. H ekiiiso* ?iNew. $5 to 1 2. I? >>" ? Swedes ?100 to 105 per ten?English 100 to , 105 ? Tredegar 10*1 to 110. Sri-el?American Mistered ?130 tn 110. \voa r11a m . Met;ituui:a <1 c:o. August 5, 1939. Mr Martin IJiltrr of Louisa, sold his crop of 'i'obac- I co to day l"r the following prices G htub at ?13 00 10 hli'ls at ill 00 5 hhds. nt 5 50 I Sill's ij' Tuhacco nt Sr.uhrook's Warelvnirt. .luo. 'i, ! ~3^ ' .Mr James T. Medley's (of ilihlax) crop ot' 5 Illido. j ? 3 a'. ?11 ? 1 at ?11 25?1 at ?2 50 j AMKS RIVER AMI KANAWHA CO.MI'ANV.-At a ?tate.t I ?' monthly meeting ol' the Frenidvnl and Director* of the J.inie- j Itiv*rani! K mnwti i 'ampuny, held in liie city of Richmond,on Wed- ; nr*d*y, ic'h July, Icjc : /fouled, I hv :he mocMioI !er?ofllte Jam>j River.ind Kanawha ; (Ntmp.iny, including the Mate, be, and they nre horthy n i|uirrd to : pay into (! limb of V irnma or one of it i t#rarc!.o?. in nd<iition to J Uie rc>|iiisiiioii? li'Tctol'me made) littcen doliari per-bare on each c lime of held by llicin in mid Company in in.lalnieat*, as lul- ! low*: five riollnrjpor vhare on ot before the 25th day of November i nett. Five dollar! pet ?hare on or before the 25th day ol January next. i Five dull*re p-t si. ire on or lief ire tun 25'h du.. of .Marco next. IJv order of li.o ('resident and Dir*'tor?, IV. K. IMH ITENDKN, S'crrtary. N. R. Thi instalments that have been catleJ for, including the , above, ur" as follow* : l?t uistainiar.t $1 per ?l;?re, paiJ at lime of in'm-rihinj. 21 do, 2 <!o. due 30lii June, !-?,5 3d do. fi do. du- 25til Nov., J."3ft 4:h do. f> do. dun 25tli Feb., JKW j .Vh Ho. ti do. dun 25lh May, ISII'i i to h do. f, do. dun 25th July, lNtli ' Till do. ft do. dun A?tli Sept., lell'l j Pill do. ft do. dun 2.1 til Nov., J"'ti? j ft It du. ft do. dun 25 h Jen., le'X Ituh do. 5 do. dun25ili .M?y, lei!7 i 11 til do. ft do. ? dun 25th July, 1S37 J IJtli do. 6 do. riueOftth F-p., Irft? I'.nil do. ft du. due'Z>h Nov., IPII7 | I4i!i do. ft do. duc2ftibJan., 1KVJ | iftih du. 5 du. du. 25tli March, I-3S ; I'ith do. ft do. due 25th .May, J.-IM j 17r h do. ft do. dun 25th Julv, Irtlo I l?'b do. 5 do. dun2ft||i Sept., J?3d | 12th do. 5 do. due2ftih Nov., Ir.'W 2U'h do. 5 do. doe 2"uh J in , l"3ft ! 21?t do. ft do. due 25:h March, I?32 iU;. 12 2T?-v-lw | II arias and l -j> night Rfstnrnl 5 YORK papi r ? itn, tha* ; reiueuy therefor h to he hail of Dr. : 1 liiria, nl IVihle' ew. Fa. It prove* nil'-rni il the aiTlirtion i? raimed hv refvooi ivonkn us tlia remedy give* liealtn and strength to tie: whole nervuut i sv ?!>-ni. Xiih'?according to the Dottm*' pr.ictic* principles? / /'luit much ef thr art of Physic . J Can fists , ( in kiinirin? tch'n net to girt it, ; TV" rc<i',i*!i ,n it brought n! o it uitnuut givingany phvdr; without ; giving any medicine; a* hath been expurn ne il in ihc Khitor'a own ; family, a? well ?' in the f mules of many of hit neighbors also? therefore, and in part n-ltirn f ir such great benefits received ?? , m-k? tin? above <ii.omii lor the good ol utrr citiz' n? in similar I distress. i'or a fee of ? "*. assistance m sent for one for a fee of ?10, ! nssietancc it ten! i or i- nr or fire persons n.oit?as at time* neighbor" may want?pi r mail, frc of pn-tago. Ami hi I'ltreother sii.'1-.nes*, besides dibl'tirc* anil Inssofeye light, happening, help is n i t lor such sickness, without nny charge. i .V fi.?It nny not be impmpi-r to n'ate, that iluricg the time pco- 1 pie arc lit" assistance. at. I learning how to help themselves, to restore ami reenter their hearing, tln-ir eye sight ur.rt their health i ogam?they can follow their cn?tn n?ry busincts, am] can live as ; usual. [}i-ttiimj Aug iu ! "jSn^XECUTOIt'S SALE?Pursuant to tlie Inst will | and testament of Willintii Hansbrmiol), deceased, I late of Culpeprr county, Virginia. 1 shall offer for sale, j at public auction, to the highest bidder, npon a credit of j one, two, and lliree years, the real estate of the testator j in Virginia, consisling of three tracts of land, to wit: Onp Iract of about !('() acres, of very fine South west mountain land, called the "Lodge," in Orange county, about five nities not I beast ol the courthouse; to which j will he ridded, if the purchaser should wish to have it. j .1 lot of fifty acfa of woodland, heavily timbered, about three miles distant, in the county of Culpeper. One ; oiher tram of land, of about S"it2 acres, embracing the I mansion houoe of the testator. on the l^.ri|>id Amu river, j in Cnlpopcr county, of which 'i'?> acres arc in woodland; ' and (he other t'acl. of about CU7 acres, upon which An- t drew Peyton, an emancipated servant of the (eslator, re- i aides, of which 160 acres arc in timber; and, if the pur- j chaser of the Orange land should not pi"ct to take the ,"i) acre lot of woodland above mentioned, thai lot will be i attached to and sold witb the above named 607acre tract, ; to which it a<lpun3 The purchasers to give bonds, with j satisfactory security, and a deed of trust upon the land, j to secure the payment of the bonds These tracts of land will be sold by the lump, accord- j ing to the several pla's made out by William Slaughter, I Sr., surveyor of Culpeper county. The plats can he | seen at any time, by calling upon me or Mr John Whar j ton, the manager of the estate Mr. Wharton will also ' show the land and boundary lines. 1 believe the testa ! tor died seized and possessed of a good fee simple title j to these tracts of land; but as it i? my intention to wind up my administration and distribute the a.-nets as quick as possible, without incurring future responsibility, 1 will convey with special warranty only 1 deem it un- ] necessary to say much about the land, as I presume no per- ' son will buy without .having fust viewed it. I will, how- j ever, remark, by way of stimulation to inquiry, that I know of no lands in market tvhsch rfFer as strong in 1 ducetnenls to purchasers, whether fanners or graziers, as L. _ ? J,. Tlioff , ,u lartita an/I ...nil a I.. .. I. rl I n t|m /-111 lure of grain and gras3 There are three verv fine mer- | chant mill* upon the liver, within short distances. to wit: j Raccoon Ford nulls. Willis's mills, and Peyton's mills, \ within from three to five miles, from which the Swift Run Cap turnpike passes. The neighborhood is a wealthy ' one, affording intelligent and agreeable society. After selling the land, 1 shall proceed to sell, in the same manner, about thirty five very likely negro men, J women, and children, from eighteen to twenty head of I horses, four or five yoke of woi k njeo. near one hundred 1 head of other cattle, front one hundred and twenty to one handled and filty sheep, about one hundred hogs, 1 household and kitchen furniture, plantation utensils, j wheat threshing machine, crop of corn, rye. oats, hay, ' and fodder, upon a credit of twelve months for all sums amounting to a much as$10; the purchaser giving bond, ; with satiefactory security, bearing interest from the dale; j but, if punctually paid, the interest will be remitted; under tiiat sum, cash will be required. The sale will be rnide at the mansion house farm of tlie testator, in the county of Culpeper, commencing on j Thursday, the 27th day of September, at noon, begin- i ning with the traclofland in Orange, called the "Lodge," j and will be continued from day to day, until finished | Persons indebted to the es'ate are respectfully inform- j ed that, in discharging my duties under lh? will, it will ' be necessary for me to hare every dollar that it due to the estate by the 1st of October next, and, therefore, ( unless they come forward immediately and make payment, their bonds must be put in suit. RICHARD H. FIELD. Lreculor of ll'm Hansbrougk, deed. IVM. G. ALL F.N, Crur. Aug 10 27?wtds PRINTING INK?Just received at this Office, a supply of Johnson Al Durant's Winter A'eics Ink' which will be sold for 25 cents per pound, fox Cash. A Single Man, acquainted with the duties of a mans* gerof a farm, on which eight hands are employed, who can come satisfactorily recommended, may hear of immediate employment on application to the Editor ? The farm is not more than nine inilea front Richmond. August 10. ld:)d. 27?it To Farmers and Consumers generally. "1TB7E have just received and fur sale, at the lowest V w prices lor cash or town paper, the following articles : Bacoa? 20,000 lbs. good and sound Bacon, hog round. 5,0(10 lbs. superior quaiity, small sizo Smithfield, do. do. 10;I)U0 lbs. extra middlings, heavy and fat, expressly for laborers?they are sound and well cured. 5 000 extra hams, canvassed. CasntES?best sperm and tallow Candles. Co>tex?old Java, Laguayra, Green, Rio and St. Domtngo Coffees. Cotton Yarns?of ail factories in the State. Fjsji?Mackerel, No. 1 and No. 2, Herrings of superior quality. Sco^rj?iJvat St. Croix, Porto Rico and New Orleans Sugars. Loat Sugar for families; Lump Sugar for Taverns, &c. Crushed Sugar, a meat beautiful article for preserving, etc.; this sugar is entirely free from specks. Texs?Eexl Gunpowder, said by the beat judges to be of the very finest quality. 2d quality Gunpowder do; Imperial do; Younj llyson do. and Black Tea. Wires?Old Madeira; Sicily do ; .Malaga, and Port do. And always un hand a largesupply of Salt, Iron,Steel, Lime, Hay, Family and Superfine Flnur, &o , ?Vc. Aug 10 [27?w'iw} WYATT At WHITE. "g N CHANCERY?^ViaciKia ?In Amelia County B Superior Court of Law and Chancery, April Term, ltSW. Moses Overton, adin'r, with t'. e will annexed of Rho -da Beadle, deed., Complainant, against Alex. B. Walthall, adin'r, with tne will annexed of Sylvia Sayre, dee'd, and administrator de bonis non of Jui'l M<itlley,'dec'd, John P Boiling, sheriff of Amelia, and administrator of Nathaniel M. Mottley, dee'd, Parskill Mottley and Miranda S E M , his wife, Joel P. Thurstun, 1'auiina R Thurston,James Ni. Thurston, John K, Thurston,and Paschal H. Thurston, Hefts. On motion of Alex. B Walthall, leave is given him to file Ins annwer, and litis cause this day coming on to be heard, on the bill, the answer of the said Walthall, and tin-exhibits filed; and the defendants, Parskill Mottley and Miranda S H M , his .vile, Joel 1*. Thurston, Paulina R Thurston, Jas. N. Thuislon, John R. Thurston. and Paschal H. Thurston, being out of this Commonwealth. and against whom the plainlifi" appears to _S. perior Court of Law and Cluncery. April Term, lelkf. Robert Cousins, Jr., end Saliy his wife, late Sally Allen, i'laiotifls; against Alexander Allen end Matthew Allen,executors of Daniel Allen, dee d., Defendants. This day this cause came on to be heard upon the papers filed, and was argued by counsel; on consideration whereof, the court doth order and decree, that the Defendants render before the Commissioner of this court, an account of their administration on the estate of their testator, Daniel Allen, dec d . and also an account of the crop of wh^at mentioned in this bill, and made on the plantation of said testator in the year 1e32: and that said Commissioner slate and settle said acconrrts and report to court, and with any matter required by either party to be specially stated, or deemed pertinent by himself tobe a la ltd. A Copy?Teste, E G. LEIGH, D. C. The parties interested in the settlement ordered by the preceding decree, are hereby notified, that 1 base appointed Thursday, the 11th day of October next, for the commencement of the settlement of the account, on which day they are requested to attend at my office, at D?nnisville, in Amelia County, at 10 o'clock, A. M., with such accounts, vouchers and other papers aa they intend to file. FABIUS LAVYSO.N, Com. August 2, 1838. 27?w4w S*op the. Thief! KTOLEV from my stable, oo Tuesday nijrhr, th?3Ist of Jute, a GKKV II' HISE, eight or nine years old last Spring?live feet one or iwo inches high ? miej remarkably well?ha? several amall ipou bare on llie back, from the scald of tint saddle?never has worked in any gear?his a ton- tail?is very round bodied, compact and well formed?1? very skittish when travelling and also of strangers when tied or in the stable?shod all round when taken? o-w shoes behind, and shoes smartly worn before. I will giro t'Xtnly dollars reward for the abosc d<-?-rihid Mora* and apprehension of the thief, or ten duliart for th llorse a lone, delivered to me, living io the upper end of Hanovercounly, on the road leading frout Richmond to Louisa Court house* 1 HOS. J. JOHNSON, Aug 7 J56-w3w? mve procpeuro in ine inooe prescribed bjr law ogainit ebsent defendants, and they still tailing to appear?On (notion of the plaintiff, by counae!,lhe court doth take the plaintiff 's bill tor confessed as to those defendants; and the di fendanl, John 1' Dolling, having failed to answer the complainant's bill, and four months from the tiling thereof, and the nervice of the eubpama on him havingexpired, the court doth order, that the bill be taken for confessed as to him. And the court further orders, that the commissioner report to tne court the balance appearing to be due on the penal bill executed the rbt March 1 ri*>, by Nathaniel M. Mint'. > Rhoda Beadles, mentioned in the complainant* bill, after allowing the credits thereon endorsed, together with those admitted by the complainant in his bill, and such oilier credits aa it may be justly entitled to. with such remarks as may bo deemed pertinent: That he also report to this court, the amount of moneys in the hands of Alex B. Walthall, arising from the hires ol the negroes of the estot? of Joel Motiley, dee d,conveyed by Nathaniel M. Mottley, dec d, to Sylvia Sayre, and by her re conveyed to Parskill Motiley in trust for N. M. Motiley, from the tune the same came into lus, the said Walthall's hands, until the death of the said Mot (ley. A Copy?Teste, JOHN TOWNES LEIGH, Clerk. The parties interested in the preceding decree aid hereby noltlied, that 1 have apoointfd Monday, the Clh day of October next, to make the statement and accountby the said decree directed, on which day they are requested to attend at my ollice. at Oennisville, Amelia county, at I'd o'clock, A. M , prepared to tile such papers as will enable me to comply fully with the requisiI:oh of the decree. FAiliLS LAWSON, Cum. August 2. I KM. 2??wlw IN t.llANCMKY? Vik .ima ?In Ameliacounty Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery, Aprii Term, 18fc: William Chieves, Willie Cltieres, Burwell Eldridge and Mary his wife, formerly Chieves, Brazil Jefferson and barah Ins wile, formerly Sarah Chieves, Complainants: against Flenry Chieves, Reuben Mvrick nnd Mary his wife, formerly Chieves, the said Reuben and Mary in their own right, and the said Mary, executrix of John ChieveGy deceased, Defendants. This cause came on this day to be heard on the papers formerly read, in the county court of Amelia, (whence it has been removed to litis court) and was argued by counsel?On consideration whereof, the court, without deciding at this time any of the matters involved in this suit, doth adjudge, order, and decree that Henry H bouthail, late Sheriff of Amelia, and as such, administrator r/' Lotus mm with the will annexed of John Chieves. dee d , do lay before the Commissioner of this ' court, an account of his administration of the estate of the said John Chieves, and lite cuid Commissioner is hereby directed to pxanur.e, s'ate and settle the ranse, with any matter deemed pertinrm by himself, or required by the parties to be specially stated, and make reportthereof to this court. A Copy?Teste, E. G. LEIGH, i). c. The parties interested in the settlement of account directed by the preceding decree, are hereby notified that 1 have appointed Tuesday, the ninth day of October next, f"r its commencement, on which day they will please attend at my office at Dennieville, in the county of Amelia,at 10 o'clock, A M , with such vouchers and other papers they may intend to file. FAB! US LAWSON, Com. August 2.183d. 2??w4w g.N CHANCERY ? Virginia.? In Amelia County jX Vvircuu oupenur v^uurv ui hiw ai:u vnancery, nprii Term. Dorcas Woodward, formerly Dorcas Allen, Complainant: spins'. Alexander Allen in his own right and administrator of William A. Allen, VVut. A , Stephen, Ann, Martha, Elizabeth and Alexander Allen, children cr aaid Alexander Allen, Elisabeth Cousins in Irer own right end administratrix of John C Cousins, dec , Patty Allen, Martha Allen and Thos. W. Webster, sheriff arid administrator of Thos. Woodward, dec., Defendants. Upon tin* motion of the plaintiff, John G. Jefferson is assigned guardian ad litem for the defendants, Sophia, Ann, Martha, Elizabeth and Alexander Allen, infant children of Martha Allen, dec ; and thereupon the said infams unit the said Th< man W. VVi hater, sheriff and administrator o? Thos Woodward, dec., filed their answers, and by consent of parties, the cause csme on to be heard upon the bill and answer and exhibits filed, and was argued by counsel; upon consideration whereof,, the court doth adjudge, order and decree, that the defendants, Alexander Allen and Martha Allen, render an account belure the commissioner of this court, of the hires and prnfiisot the slates in the bill mentioned,since the same have been in their possession, and that said commissioner report the same to court, with any matter deemed pertinent by himself, or which may be required by the parlies to be apecally stated. EG. LEIGH, D. C. The pirlips interested in the account ordered by the preceding decree, are hereby notified that 1 have appointed Wednesday-, the tomb day of October next, for it* settlement, on wh'ch dey they are requested to attend at my office, at Dennisvil'e, in the county of Amelia, at It) o'clock, A. M , with the necessary statement and such other papers as it mar be necessary to file. FAS 1 US LAWSON, Com. August 2, Is32. ii7? w4wr TTN CHANCERY?Vikoima.? in Amelia County So