OCR Interpretation

Richmond enquirer. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1815-1867, November 18, 1845, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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[ From the Columbian. Magazine. J
The following ballad is founded, in part, upon
a thrilling story of the West, related by Mr. Cooper,
the novelist.
The shades ofevening closed around
The boundless prairies or the West,
As, grouped in sadness on the ground,
A band of pilgrims leaned to rest.
Upon the tangled weeds were laid
The mother and her youngest born,
Whoslept, while others watch'd and pray'd,
Aud thus the weary night went on.
Thick darkness shrouded earth and sky,
When on the whispering winds there came
The Tetan's wild and thrilling cry,
And heaven was pierced with shafts of flams!
The sun seem'd rising through the haze,
But with an aspect dread and dire !
The very air appeared to blaze !
Oh God! the prairie was on fire !
Around the centre of the plain
A belt of flame retreat denied,
And, like a furnace glow'dthe train
That wall'd them in on every side!
And onward roll'd the torrent wild !
Wreathes of dense smoke obscured the sky!
The mother knell andpress'd her child,
And all?save one?shrieked out "we die I"
"Not so !" be cried?"help?clear the sedge?
Strip bare a circle to ihe land!"
That done, be hastened to its edge,
And grasped a rifle in his hand;
Dried weeds he held beside the pan,
Which kindled, at a flash, ihe mass !
" Now fir tight fire !" he said, as ran
The Jorked flames among the grasa !
On three sides now the torrent flew,
But on the fourth no more it raved;
Then large and broad the circle grew,
And thus the pilgrim band were saved.
The flames receded far and wide?
The i.other had not pray'd in vain
God had the Tetan's arts defied !
His scythe of fire had swept the plain.
At a meeting of the people of Cumberland
held at their Court-house, on Monday the 37th
day of October to consider the expediency ol the
call of a Convention to alter the Constitution of
the State-Capt. John Miller was elected Chair
man, and James M.Austin and John T. Thorn
ten appointed Secretaiies.
On motion, the Chair appointed the following
committee to draft resolutions 'or the
tionofthe meeting: John W. ? ?l ?on.He ^
Irving, Codrington Carr.ngton, Col. \Nm.Wil
mn John C. page, James Blanton, Wo. B.
Cro'wder, Wm. M. Thornton J. H.Davis Valen
tine parrish, and Edward 1. Carnngton. The
Committee reported to the meeting the following
preamble and resolutions, which, having been
read, were adopted by almost an unanimous vote.
The history of every free people demonstrates
the fact that dangers from limtf to tune arise to |
menace their political and civil rights. Happy
is that people whose vigilance discovers the peril
nils inception, and whose firmness opposes to it
prompt an<i resolute action. Fatal ever to the in
terests of freedom are insensibility and supine^
ness when great changes, pregnant with astin
and momentous consequences, are sought to be
made in afiairs ol government. Impressed with
these truths, we, the people of Cumberland, a
part of that ancient community ol Virgmia, that,
first of all the communities on earth, taught men
hoi" win their rights, and then how to establish
and perpetuate them by good government, hav e a.
sembled to-day to declare in viewof thesirenuous
efforts which are now making to call a StaieCon
vention to change the Constitution, our solemn
conviction, that the Commonwealth is in danger,
and to urge upon our brethren of Eastern \ ir?i
nia the necessity of adopting vigorous measures
lor her rescue. Our existence as a free pe<>
nle is menaced. Our highest constitutional rig.ifc
are threatened and invaded. Our proportion o
the sovereignty of the State is claimed at our
hands and we are commanded to surrender it to
that portion of the people of Virginia who resit-e
on the West side of (the Blue Ridge of moun
tains. The floor of a Convention is sought as
the arena in which is to be fought the battle which
shall decide, whether we shall any longer govern
ourselves, or whether we shall hereafter be gov
erned by Western Virginia. This is not disguis
ed by those who agitate and clamor for a Con
vention. The public meetings in the \V est, their
newspapers, the writings of i heir essayists, boldly
transferred by some ot them to our own prints,
and what is worse than all, ihe efforts ot some ol
their coadjutors heie in the East, all attest the fact,
that a rJiange of thx basis of representation is the
great object ol ihose who desire a Convention.?
They wish the team re ol compromise, which ba
ses representation in the Legislature on property
and white numbers combined, stricken out ol the
Constitution, and representation founded wholly
on white numbers. The undeniable, the antici
pated, nay, the desired effect of that change, will
be to deprive ihe East of the majority ot '22, (twen
ty-two) which she now has in the House ot De
legate*, and to place her in an actual minority in
that body. This is the governing motive for call
ing a Convention, and if one be called, nothing will
be considered by the agitators as effected unless this
change be wrought in the frame-work of the Con
stitution. The great struggle between the Last
and the Wes: will be upon that point; a struggle
with us of life and death. All other proposed al
terations of the Constitution that now may seem
to some among us of importance, will be lost sight
of will be utterly forgotten. The man ol the East
who wishes a Convention to restrict voters from
voting out of the county of their residence will, in
the stern and dreadtul conflict that will ensue on
this question of representation, cease to remember
his frivolous objection to the Constitution, or, it u
should recur to bis wind, it will be with keen re
morse, that for the purpose of effecting an *|neDd"
ment in so uniinportaut a regard, he lent his aid
to a measure fraught with such direful results to
the great interests of his native land. Those who
have othersmall objections to the Constitution, ana
who are desirous of going into a Convention to
have them remedied, should first ask themselves
whether, for the hope ol effecting or even for the
certainty of effecting their desired changes, they
are willin* to incur the great hazard of being com
pelled to surrender to the West the enure con rol
of the government, and of course of themselves
and their property. It *em? <hat.? C0Pent re?sotn
and indeed the only reason with some East
ern men tor sustaining the call of a Conven
tion, is the belief whu-h has been industrious
ly impressed on their minds, that it W5'?
certainly take place. >'ow, men of the East,
the Convention will certainly not be called
unless yoc will that it shall be called. This
very Constitution which you are asked to dis
caid endows you with the power ol protect
ing yourselves against the aggressions of the
Wesi; and, indeed, therefore it is that ihe West is
so solicitous to pull down this barrier. 1 ou can
defeat the West in this call of a Convention, if
you will make known to your delegates in the
Legislature,that you do not wish them to vote for
a law to take the vote ol the people on the ques
tion ol a call of the Convention. The Constitu
tion has armed you with power in the Legisla
tu^e to project yourselves against danger, whether
from an ordinary law, or one preliminary to the
call of a Convention. Employ your legitimate
majority, then, of S2, and vote down the bill to
take the vote. Encourage and sustain your dele
gates in that course. Tell them to pay no regard
to the clamor that might be raised against them
for being unwilling to refer the question ofaCon
vcuiion to the people. For you and your dele
gates both know very well, that to rcler by law
the question ot a Convention to the people,
amounts to this, and nothing less, to wit. to reler
it to the people of Western Virginia; for all of us
on this side the Ridge might vote against it, and
yet it would be carried, as there are more ichiles
* over on that side than in the East You would
thus, by referring the question to the people, per
mit the West to have at once the betiefit of that
very principle of white numbers not known to the
Constitution, and which they in truth want a Con
vention to obtain! Shall we be so weak as that,
or shall we stand on our constitutional grounds,
and defeat this scheme of a Convention, in the (
only theatre in which it can be deteaied, viz: in
the Legislature 1 ..... .i
The East now has, and should have the majon
ty in the Legislature. It owns much more than
two-thirds the property of the State, and pays
more than two-thirds the taxes raised in the State.
It was unquestionably the doctrine ol our
forefathers of the Revolution, that representa
tion and taxation should go together?that the
former should be in proportion to the latter. They
never said that representation should be founded
on \c\Ue numbers, but that it should be based on
taxation, or at least on numbers and property
combined. The principle that representation
and taxation should go together, brought on the
American Revolution, ana was established by it.
Now, if this be true, the West, instead of being
entitled to more delegates than she now has, ac
tually at this time has more than her proportion.
8he does not pay one-third of the revenue of the
State, and yet she has more, much more than one
third of the delegation in the lower House. The
whole number of delegates is 134, of whieh the
West has 56, whereas she would have by this rule
but 45 and by the mixed basis but 51. Again,
the principle that representation ought to be based
nn nrorxrtvalong with white numbers, lies at the
v^fbnndation of the Federal Constitution, re
presentation in Congress being in proportion to
Uil? and slaves, five slaves having as much re
presentation as three white men. Shall we aban
don the principle that slaves are to be e?ct'der
ed as one of the elements of representation t If
we do abandon it, will we not with our own hands
^givjng the first blow to our greatest safeguard in
the federal Constitution 1 IIow K ns could we i
expect it to be respected by the Northern people |
alter we had repudiated it ourselves 1 It i- not |
surprising, that our Western brethren should not
wish slaves to form any part ol the basis ol rep
resentation in the Legislative, when the fact is
staled that the county ol Cumberland contained
last vear (1844) more taxable slaves (slaves above
12 year# old) than thirty ol the counties in
Western Virginia! Yes, actually- more than
the counties ol Barbour, Braxton. Brooke, Car
roll, Fayette, Jackson, Lewis. Logan, Marion, ?
Marshall, Mercer, Morgan, Nicholas, Preston,
Ritchie, Taylor, Tyler, Wayne, fecott, Cabell,
Floyd, Gilesi Graven, Harrison, Lee Monon
galia, Ohio, Pocahontas, Randolph and Wood j
?all ol these counties together having on
ly 3,653 taxable slaves whilst the county of
Cumberland alone contains 3,Slb-being 1M
more than these thirty counties. Here, then,
see the whole secret of Western opposition to
that feature of our Constitution which bases and
apportions representation on white "umbers and
tlaies combined. The fixed numbers assumed
in the Constiiution as the proper
from each of the lour great sections ol lie . ? ,
operate the same result (nearly) as an adher
ence to the principle of federalI numbers ac
cording to which represea ation in Congress is
apportioned. Now, the very same reason which
induces the people ol the Northern State, i
desire to strike out of the Federal Constitution
that principle which apportions representation in
Congress to white numbers and slaves, (five
slaves rating as ihree white men in increasing
our representation) causes our Western brethren
to seek to introduce into the Constitution the ba
sis of white numbers alone. It is the ascendan
cy in the State, the control of the Legislature, f*?r
which they struggle. And it is a very observa
ble, a very striking lact, for ihe consideration ot
the East, that the Western people, in their agita
tion and discussion of this Convention question,
(that is, of this subject of representation, tor it is
all one and the same with them,) seem to associ
ate with it the question of the appropriation of mo
ney to roads and other works ol internal improve
ment among themselves! Why, what does that
mean ? Ah, "therebv hangs a tale." 11 you, men
of the East,donotsee the connexion between these
two topics of Convention and appropriation ol
money to Western toads, your more *?gac ous
brethren of the West perceive that they arc- Kin
dred subjects, and in due course of tinie. il they
succeed in theirschemes, will make you discover
i and feel the connexion. Then they will take some
i notice ol the tact that slaves are about 7 (seven)
times more numerous with you than with them;
and if they do not now think they are propei
subjects to enter as an element in ihe basis ot re
presentation, will they not be apt at least to think j
tbey are a proper subject for taxation? For eve- j
ry dollar that vbu, the poor master of many slaves, ,
will pay, the Western people will pay only one-sev- j
enth of a dollar. Would there be no temptation, ?
then, to tax vou through your slaves? Agiin? |
al-er the money shall have been raised bv taxa
tion, what will the Western majority in the Le
gislature do with it? Spend it among yourselves?
If they do, they will falsify what tbey are now
saying, for they say note they will take as much
of it as'thev want to make their roads. Now, the
probability is, they are quite in earnest in their
declarations of the use they will make of the
power they hope so soon to have. Look at the
number of bills brought forward almost annually
in the Legislature, by Western men, lor appro
priating money to their works. See the great ex
citement now prevailing among them on the sub
ject of Internal Improvement. Give them, ihen,
the command of the resouicesol the State, and
can any man doubt that heavy taxes would be
laid, and large appropriations made for their be
nefit? If all the West wanted was justice, she
would now be satisfied and quiet, instead of being
in her present altitude of assault upon our con
stitutional rights. Let the history of the taxa
tion and appropriations of the State be submitted
to a candid world, and we fear not the result, con
fident as we are that it will appear that the de
mands of justice have been exceeded, and that
the course of the East towards the West lias been
magnanimous and liberal. We will then say to out
Western brethien, that we have no laitherconces
sions lo make to them in the political distribution
of the powers of the State?we yielded to them as
much as we could, consistently with our own
salety, in the last Convention?that we are not
conscious ofanv oppression, injustice,or illibera
lity from ourselves towards them, and that as we
think the superior magnitude of our burdens and
stake in the government entitle us to a control
ling influence in its councils, we must decline the
modest request they make of us to go into Con
vention with thcin in order that they may wrest
from us our legitimate supremacy in the Stale.?
So long as we are true to ourselves, we will never
yield the mixed basis of representation. Our
salety, nay, justice,so plainly requires it, (bateven
if we were not sustained by the authority of the
Federal Government, and the example of many
of our sister States, we could not surrender it ?
We may fortify ourselves, however, in our con
victions of the propriety of adhering to the mixed j
basis, by referring to the conduced other Slates.
We will find many most respectable example*
which do not recognise white numbers alone as
the true foundation of representation, but federal
numbers in some instances, and in others, the
amount of taxes paid to the State by the several
constituent bodies. Let us see: our sister and
neighbor State, North Carolina, in her amended
constitution ot 1836, incorporated the following
provision: "The House of Commons, (similar to
our House ol Delegates,) shall be composed ol
12(1 Representatives, biennially chosen bv ballot,
to be elected by counties, according to their
federal population; that is, according to their re
spective numbers, which shall be determined by
adding to the whole number of Irec ptrsons, in
cluding those hound to service fora teim of years
and excluding Indians not taxed, thnr-fiftxs of
all other perstnis."
And, faithful to the true principles of represen
tative government, we further perceive North
Carolina declaring, that in the election ol mem
bers of the Senate, the amount oi taxes paid by
the several districts shall constitute the basis of
apportionment and representation. Here, then,
the doctrine for which wexontend?that property,
or taxes, the exponent of^operty, should enter as
an element in the basis ol representation? is re
cognized in it6 fullest extent. Again, in the
amended Constitution of South Carolina of 1808,
we find this clause: "The House of Represen
tatives shnll consist ol 124 members to be ap
portioned among the several elective districts of
the State, according tothehumberoficMe inhabi
tants contained and the amount of all taxes raisad
by the Legislature, whether, direct or indirect, or
of whatever species, paid in each',' Ac. Here the
old doctrine ol the Revolution?the doctrine of our
great forefathers, and that which ever has been
the doctrine of Virginia, is adopted and made he
ground-work ol the government, to wit: that
rep esentation and taxation should go togeth
er. Again, Georgia apportions and bases re
presentation in her House ot Delegates on
white numbers, "and three-fifths of all ihe
people ol color." See ihe seventh section of her
Constitution. Again, by the Constitution of
Maryland, as amended in 1837, representa
tion in the House of Delegates is based on fede
ral numbers?that is, on white persons and
three-fifths of the slave population.?Seethe 10th
section. Is there, then, anything novel in our
maintaining the mixed basis of representation ?
Does it not characterise the constitutions of our
sister States all around us ? Is there any reason,
peculiar to ourown case, why we should reject it?
On the contrary, are there not stronger considera
tions with us, inducing an adherence to it, than
with any State in the American Confederacy? ?
Are we not as a people less homogeneous in our
population, interests, sentiments, than any other
people in the Union ? Do we not in truth consti
tute, unfortunately, two almost distinct communi
ties ? Can any man deny this? And is not ihe
bulk of the property of the State, especially of
one kind, and that though not the most productive,
the most convenient to tax, found in one of these
great sections? Is it not clear, then, that it the
mixed basis of representation be abandoned, if
property be not represented, the section ol the
Slate not having the property, and not paying the
taxes, will control the property-holding and the
tax-paying section? Would m i this be a viola
tion ol all just political principle, and being in
our case voluntary, would it not be an act of the
most egregious folly the world ever saw??
Being, then, unwilling to take any step that
would endanger the sheet anchor ol our safety, we
R>solve That we are opposed to the call of a
Convention to alter the Constitution of ihe State:
That we are opposed to the passage of an act of
the Legislature lo take the vote of the people on
the call of a Convention :
That, in our opinion, if the Eastem counties
will make effort against the call ol a Convention,
by a prompt and decided expression of their sen
timents, the scheme ot a Convention will be de
feated : ?
That ihe people of ihe East are bound by ev<*
ry consideration which can actuate men whoap
| preciate the rights that have come down to them
from their ancestors, and by every obligation
which can rest on them to transmit them unim
paired to their own posterity, to arouse themselves
and grapple at once with the danger which me
naces them:
That we request the Richmond Whig and En
quirer, the Times, the Petersburg pajters, and
the Norfolk and Lynchburg papers, and all the
other papers in ihe Slate, to publish thess pro
On motion, it was
Resolved, That these proceedings be signed by
the Chairman and Secretaries of this meeting,
and forwarded by them to the Richmond papers.
The meeting tlien adjourned.
Signed, JOHN MILLER, Chairman.
Jno TAThornton, } s<rcrelarifs
Delaware College, at Newark, in the State of De
laware, has been adopted by Presbyterian Svnods
of Pennsylvania and Virginia, and measures
were adopted at the last meetings of these ecclesi
astical bodies to raise money to increase its funds,
and promote its interests.
Satnrday Morning, NoTember 15,1845.
"I have ventured.
Like little wanton hoys. thai ?wim on bladder*,
Thin many summers on a ?ea or glory,
nut far beyond my depth ; tny high I; o?r Prde
Al lengih broke under mr, Slid now has Irtt
Weary, and old with service, to the mercy (
Of a rude stream that must forever lnde lite.
The Milledgeville "Federal Union' graphi
cally comments upon the conduct of the W ig
"King Caucus" of Georgia, in shoving from his
stool Mr. J. M. Berrien. It is lull of instructive
lessons, and exposes the weakness ol any party,
that u ill abandon its old principles, in order to
sprinkle incense in the slavish cause of ma"
worship. The success of Henry Clay wouh
have sanctified all the wild acts and speeches ol
Mr. Berrien in his favor. I3uttl?e defeat o i e
great Kentucky Idol has pulled down many a
strong man of the Whig party-and Mr. Berrien,
by whose name t .e Whigs once swore, is now
whistled down the wind, as the unskiliul or un
fortunate helmsman who wrecked the ship:
"Tiif. Georgia Whig Srip STRANLDE?r7u-HE
Pilot Throws Overboard.?When the >\ higs
i;f Georgia nominated Henry Clav as their can
didate lor the Presidency, and allied themselves
with hi- friends at the Noith and West the great
! mass of the people did not comprehend the re
sults of this movement. They honestly but blind
Iv followed their leaders. When warned by their
Democratic friends, that in espousing the cause
of heir c ieftain, they must espouse his princi
ples? prinrit les which they had ever condemned,
thev first contended that Mr. Clay himself had
abandoned his heresies, but afterwards admitted
that it was right to change when convinced ol er
ror, and ultimately, with unwonted zeal, joined in
; the chorus,
" 'Hurra, hurra, tlie Whlen are rtxin,
Hurra for Clay and Frelinghuynen.'
"Their file-leader, their Magnus Apollo, was
: ihe Hon. John McPherson Berrien, tie boldly
i proclaimed the sentiments of iheir chieftain, and
the welkin rang with their echoes to the thunders
| (,f his eloquence. lie led them to the battle-field,
determined with them to conquer or with them to
fall. Thev mutually confided in each other. But
the battle was lost.' Where now is John Mc
Pherson Berrienl For obey ing the commands of
his party, he has been proscribed.
" 'But yesterday the word of t'??ar micht
Have stood against the world; now lied he there
And none jo poor to do him reverence.'
"At a caucus on Thursday night last, of the
Whig members of our Legislature, convened for
the purpose ol nominating a Senator, it was pro
posed to nominate Mr. Berrien by acclamation.
Objections being made, it was agreed to ballot lor
the nominee, when, behold 1 the vote stood for
Judge Dotighetiy 54, Judge Berrien 23, and Judge
Dawson 2?(8 absent.)
"Judge Berrien, abandoned by his party, has
promptly and honorably abandoned his seat in
Congress. His resignation is now in the hands
of the Executive.
" We have long ceased to have any confidence
in the political integrity of the leaders of the Whig
Party of Georgia, but we were not prepared lor
such an exhibition as that which has just been
made by them. To repair their ruined lortunes,
they have laid upon the altar ' Ihe noblest Roman
of ihetn all.' His only fault has been, that he,
more boldly than they, sustained the principles of
the idol, at whose shrine all paid their willing
homage. To reinstate themselves in the confi
dence of the people, they have thrown overboard,
from iheir shattered and crazy barque, the pilot
that has directed it through many a troubled
storm. What new name will they now assume 1
What will be the principles they will nowavow?
If their barque escape the rocks on which it is now
stranded, whither will it direct its course 1"
Most truly d?es the Milledgeville correspon
dent of the Augusta Constitutionalist pourtray the
tottering condition of Georgia Whiggery:
"The Whig party is now in a most ridiculous
and critical position. It is on the eve of disrup
tion, and it will require skilful whipping in to
prevent disorganization.
"Such must be the fate of all parties that ad
here for party effect to one set of opinions, when
half the members secretly believe in exactly the
But a large portion of the Georgia Whigs, who
have staked their pretensions upon the success of
Mr. Berrien, will not tamely submit to the out
rage upon their rights. The Savannah Repub
lican mutters indignation?and, in the following
sentences, indicates an intention to spurn the rod
of party and to push forward another candidate
in place ol "the managers' " ticket:
"The question is anxiously asked, what course
will the triends of Judge Berrien pursue? Deep
ly a- they regret the result, their feelings will not
be vented in factious opposition to the course
which the managers at Milledgeville have seen
fit to adopt. They wish to preserve the unity of
the party unbroken, and this, it would seem from
the deep feeling already manifested, con only be
done hy bringing forward a new name. We will
not say that Georgia 'has many a worthier son
than he;' hut the man:le of Berrien should tall up
on one, whose shoulders are not only worthy to
hear r, but who is above the suspicion of having
engaged in arm intrigue for the jnirposc of sup
planting Mm."
The Union publishes a despatch to the Navy
Department, from Commodore Jos. Smith, of the
i U.S. Frigate Cumberland, just arrived at Boston,
from ihe Mediterranean. We extract an account
of the forced reception of our Consul, Thomas
N. Carr, Esq., at Tangier. It had been intimated,
! that objections would be raised against his offi
I cial acknowledgment by the authorities of Tan
giers, and public curiosity has been directed to
i the result. It seems, that the spirited conduct of
| Commodore Smith has caused our flag to be re
' spected, and the rights of our government to be
vindicated. We doubt whether ? '.iplsmatic histo
; ry can produce a more singular specimen of cap
j tious objections, in the beginning, and ol final
I surrender to the influence of the American cha
! racier. The whole proceeding does honor to the
I gallant Commodore. His perseverance and skill
? deserve all credit. The nations of the world will
j see, that our officers are not to be trifled with.?
I We arc curious to know, what secret reasons
there were against the reception of Mr. Carr,
! who was once Consul at the same port. Rumor
! states that Mr. Mullowney, the removed Consul,
i had infused into ihe minds ol the authorities ol
: Tangier a prejudice against Mr. Carr?but this
, we know nothing ol. The denouement will be in
| tcresting:
"At Gibraltar Hound Mr. Consul Carr, wait
I ing; and there I learned (and, indeed. I had seen
, it s'ated in the French papers) that objections
i would be made to the reception of Mr. Carr by the
; authorities of Tangier. That there would be a
| difficulty, I was well aware; and, therefore
i thought it proper to make a demonstration of
j force, and ordered the Plymouth to accompany
! me. Mr.Carrand lady embarked in the Cumber
land on the evening of the 14th October, and on
the 15th we arrived at Tangier. The ship was
, visited by the Captain ofthe port, with the drago
| man to the United States Consulate, and an inter
i preter. By the dragoman Mr. Carr received a
j letter from the bashaw, in answer to one received
i from him from Gibraltar, by which I learned
| there was no doubt but objections would be made
I to Mr. Carr's reception. The Captain of the
[ port informed me he wasdirected to say, the usual
i salutes to the Emperor's flag would be returned;
! but I had determined not to salute until thediffi
j culty with Mr. Carr was settled, and, therefore, I
immediately addressed a note to the bashaw, an
nexed, and numbered 1; sent it by the dragoman,
j and sent, also, the Spanish interpreter to wait lor
i and convey to me, his reply. The interpreter re
( turned with only a verbal answer, that the bashaw
could not receive Mr. Carr as Consul, until an
answer to a despatch from the Emperor should
have been received by the Government ol the
United States, which despatch had been lorwarded
by the French Consul at Tangier, Ihrough the
French Minister at Washington; but that Mr. Carr
could land, and that he would be happy to exchange
salutes with the American flag, &c. On the morn
ing of the 16th I landed, with Mr. Carr, and at 9
o'clock sent the dragoman to the bashaw, with my
compliments, toask for an interview. The drag
oman returned and informed me his excellency
would receive me at 1 o'clock that day. I sent
the dragoman back, to say to his excellency that
he would very much oblige me if he could, with
out too much inconvenience, give me an audi
ence at an earlier hour; and I received in an
swer that he would receive me then. I proceeded
to the palace in company with Mr. Carr, Cap
tain Henry, and ihe interpreters. After waitin<*
for some time, we were ushered into the presence
of his excellency; and after having gone ihrough
the usual salutations; I said I regreted exceeding
ly that any objections should be made to the
proper reception of Mr. Carr as consul, and thai
1 also regretted thai I did not feel authorized to
exchange salutes while be refused to receive an
officer duly commissioned from the United States,
whom 1 bad been ordered io conduct to the
empire of Morocco. I begged to know if any
charges had been alleged against Mr. Carr
and if so, whai they were. The bashaw replied
that no chatges existed against Mr. Carr
that his Majesty the Emperor had coramn.
nicated with the President of the United States
on the subject, and tbat Mr. Carr could not
be received as Consul until an answer should
be received from 'he ?r?|4^protected, but
Mr. Carr could land ^ he
would not receive the hon could not |
had his ord^ iron, the Empew,?w ?,e
depart them. 1 r*P ' ^ unUsual, that the Ernpe
very singular an official |.JO?iooa
ror should ieluse to rece ^ United States, I
ry from the govern"1" ^ ^ ordered t0
without stating wb), ma . that there
bring thisgentleman to his ^ ^ for ,he
he was with his comm'ss , y states, and
Emperor from the ^ingofficially received,
that 1 must insist upon hu g bashaw said
. Alter some furthers anlf?Zu'l that he could
he would receive bin. ^ consul, ?honofS
, hoist his flag at t^.^"S uld no, be tendered. I
due on such occasions co carr's being re
said 1 could not consent to Mr. ?;?" ? jt
ceived, except in a proper^cceive him, I should j
were determined not so toi Slatel! and report
proceed immediately.to the ?menl_'a9 it would i
my Proceedings to the go until the j
be impossible for 1 ^ were received;
answer tothe Emperor's iespatcnes wail ;
! and I thought it likely * to them.
io hear from Mr. Carr uewre t bashaw
After some further c ^i?at'c that I could
said, if I would S1" jd despatches, and the
not wait for a repl> toSf."J ? L wouid receive
consul would atfix his seal ,
him. 1 said I would doi so; iand then U
agreed lhat 1 should P 1 ^ shou)d ^
lute with tweniy-t-ne g"nn> ? O?ciock I should
returned gun lor gun; lh?t, der a'9a,ute of
leave the sh.p with he ?nJelurnt.cl on landing;
13 guns, which should oe re_ . .
and Ihen, with the usual d ,|ie
?,y leave, slepped (numbered
1**1 means pre-eni, *">'* .?? Ih^ president
a.) !""" r.? h?Z'e .ill. a ??'"
maybe informed. I >eni President to the
which Mr. Ca.r broug Mfiyn the Preside*^
Emperor, repaired on lefl ,hge ship with
were returned, and a o C J under a salute
Mr. Carr, and some olthe otnee, ^ we
ol 13 guns proceeded to the lan J, relurnC(J
approached the shore, the wf met a?
! from the batiery. At the land B 0ffiCers.
i the consuls in uniform, and the bas
1 reUioWlb^rd", ??.?}?? *?
1 different consuls, to the door of the u. .
I late. Every thing being completfd ac < n
Mr Carr's wishes, 1 took niv leave and pro
1 ceeded on board. Mr. Carr informed me be
should write immediately to the blale P
men., presuming .he British mails wouldbeihe
most expeditious opportunity, sent atit
Commander Henrv, and that n'=ht - ^
way, and proceeded to 'his place. 1 ? , .
intention to have touched at Cadiz, bin 1 fui
should be subject to quarantine there.
The citizens of Petersburg assembled on W ed
nesdav, the Mayor (James B. Cogbill) in .he
chair, and Lewis Mabry, secretary. Thev re
solved, "that we do consider it incumbent on the
Commonwealth of Virginia to provide for the
I population such a system of Common Schools as
shall make the blessings ol education universally
accessible to them; and that, by no other means
could she more effectually promote her advance
ment and prosperity; and that so intimately do
we consider this sul.jcct to be connected with all
her best interests, that it can longer be neg
lected only with the most injurious results. ?
They request their "respected delegate to the Le
gislature to use his influence to promote the adop
tion of any suitable system which may be pre
sented for the consideration of that body." i he
Education Convention was approved of and the
iollowing delegates appointed: Rev. John Ley.
burn, Wm. Robertson, Hubert R. Collier, R. K.
Meade, Geeo. W. Boiling, Thomas Wallace,
Wm. Maghce, Daniel Lvon, Thomas Branchi
John D. Kelley, John Rowlet!, James B. Cogbill
j and Lewis Mabry.
We understand that the Education meeting at
Sharon, King William County, was well attend
ed A number of ladies lent their smiles to the
occasion. P. V. Daniel, Jr., Esq., Major Fon
taine, Wm. Sizcr, Esq., and Bartley Hill, Esq.,
addressed the audience. The best spirit was evin
ced in behalf of a gene.al extension of Educa
tion. A Committee was appointed to prepa.e an
Address to fhe People of King William, and to
obtain signatures to a memorial to the Legis
lature. It is of great moment fo have these me
morials widely circulated through the counties,
and signed by the people, in order to appeal forci
blv to the Legislature. Where this can be done,
we would warmly urge it upon the frietidsof Edu
cation to "circulate the documents."
*-y A bill has leen reported ?? 'he lower
House ol the Tennessee Legi->*i?re, to charter
a Company to construct a railroad from Nash
ville to Chattanooga. The Nashville Lnion
Sne ks warmly of the prospects of an early com
pletion of this grand enterprise-it being under
stood lhat capitalists in South Carolina, Georgia
and Tennessee were ready to put forth all their
energies iti its behalf. The only danger to be ap
prehended, is the preference giver, by many South
ern inen to the rouie through North Alabama to
Metnphis-which, should it be immediately com
menced, may postpone ihe successful prosecution
of the projcct f rom Chattanooga to Nashville.
AH around us works of improvement are go
ing on. Why should Virginia sit "all the day
A correspondent of the Journal of Commerce,
writing from Mexico, l8ih October, makes the
following remarks. The Editor says, the letter is
from " a very respectable source, arid may doubt
less be relied upon
" 1 send this to VeraCrnz, in theexpectation or
its finding an earlier conveyance, it being proba
ble that some man nf war will be sailing with dis
patches for Washinglon. The recent overtures
from thence are likely fo lead to the resumption
of diplomatic negotiations; and as a better spirit
is becoming apparenl here, respecting the points
at issue, 1 trust all will be arranged without an
appeal to arms."
The beautiful Eclipse on Thursday nigh! took
us by surprise. The weather bas been so charm
ing, lhat we had no occasion to consult the Al
manac for "signs," and hence the first intimation
of ibe phenomenon we derived from the darken
ed face of the Moon herself. It was almost a to
tal eclipse, a very narrow rim of light appearing
on ihe lower edge of the Moon. The shadow
passed ofi about half-past 9. Though the shrotid
! ed Queen ol Night threw a cold and melancholy
! light on the ground, it did noi,asfaras we saw,
, affect, in ihe least, the minds or feeling* of our
? fellow-citizens. There was as much joyous laugh
I teror brooding discontent, as if there had really
been no eclipse. Very few persons, in these days
i of steam, are subject to "skyey influences."
Appointments ly the Governor of Virginia.
Jthn H. Watson and Christopher Gawcy, both
I of St. Louis, Commissioners for the State ol Mis
j souri, to tako depositions, acknowledgments ol
I deeds, &c.
James W. Taylor, of Cincinnati, Commission
: er for Ohio; and
! William Garrett, of Tuscaloosa, Commission
j cr for Alabama.
i C. B. Northrop, of Charleston, Commission
er lor the State of South Carolina, to take depo
sitions, acknowledgements of deeds.. &c.
Pe:er Oliver and Abraham Jackeon, Jr.?both
of Boston?Commissioners for Massachusetts.
fj'The Convention of Colleges will assemble
in this city on the second Monday in December.
Arrangements for the place and [hour of meet
ing w ill be announced in time.
NaTit,.?The United Slates frigate Columbia
and brig Dolphin?the former for Brazil, and
ihe latter lor the Coast of Africa?sailed Jrom
Norfolk on Tuesday last for their respective sta
Tmi: Population ok New York.?The Alba
ny Evening Journal publishes an abstract of the
official returns of the late census, made up from
those in the office of the Secretary of State, with
the exception ol the population of New York city,
which is supplied from the newspapers. Total
population 2,000,374. In 1840 it was 2,429,436
Increase in 5 years, 170,938.
Important Arrest.?A real cut throat incen
diary and burglar (an entire stranger in this city)
says the National Intelligencer, was arrested
here last Saturday morning, between three and
four o'clock, by two of the Auxiliary Guards.?
He was fully committed after examination on
lour charges of burglary, and burglary and arson.
The prisoner, who appears to be about 30 years
of age, said his name is William Dowlan, and
that he is from Bath county, Virginia. This,
however, is probably untrue, as his dialect ap
pears to be that of an Enelishman. He is about
five feet seven inches high, and has had. hit throat
cut very ilttply. -ike windpipe having lqcn dimided,
and hartttg nov a small opening in it through,
which, the xcind pasm.
We find in Hunt's Merchants' Magazine for J
November, a comparative tabular statement of .
the Tobacco trade ol Virginia for the last ten ,
years, showing the exports, inspections and ,
stocks, for each year respectively, ending 30th
September, prepared by Charles F. Osborne,Esq ,
of this City. The exports for the last year, it
will be perceived, are the smallest of any of the ,
years mentioned, and less than any previous year ,
since the termination of the war in 1813. We
find it impossible to insert the table complete,
showing the markets to which all the shipments
were made; but the exportto France and the Me
diterranean, is greatly more than last year, and to
Bremen, Holland and Antwerp, much lefs. To j
Great Britain, although the export last year was
very moderate, this year it is again diminished,
and not a cargo has been sent forward to Cowes, ;
and a market. Of the G,525 hogsheads exported
to Great Britain this year, 4,300 hogsheads were ,
stemmed tobacco, of which 1,500 hogsheads were ;
made from Western leaf, and 1,000 hogs eads
from the leaf of the crops inspected in 1843 and !
1844, leaving only 1,800 hogsheads of stemmed
tobacco, made from the leaf of the crop inspected
this year. The number of hhds. tobacco inspect
ed this year is5I,l 13 hhds.; of these, about 3,500
hbds. were Western tobacco, and 2,500 hhds. re
prised, and re-inspected tobacco. Deducting these
i G,000 hhds. from the quantity returned, it gives the
| yield of the crop grown in 1844, about 45,000
; hhds., which is nearly correct. In our opinion,
! very little remains in the hands of planters.?
j 'Our stock," says Mr. O., "is composed chiefly
? of inferior lugs and leal. Comparatively, there
1 is but little good or fine tobacco remaining on the
market. Shippers hold but a small portion of
the siock. The manufacturers, it is believed,
hold more than usual at (his season, as the crop
was particularly well suited to theirdeman.l; but
the bulk of the tobacco now remaining in the
: warehouses, is of the crops of 1843 and 1844,
i and generally of very inferior quality, and held
by speculators. The growing crop is variously
| estimated. We think 40,000 hhds. may be cal
; ciliated upon, and the quality as good as the ave
rage of tne crops of Virginia. From the best
| information that we can obtain, the crop of lo
ll bacco made in the Western Stales will not exceed
: 70,000 hhds. Some estimates are far be low this."
' The following table exhibits the total inspections
! in Virginia, in each year, from 1835 to 1815,
I the quantity exported, and the stock left on hand
| on the 1st of October of each year, and like
j wise the quantities of stems shipped during the
j same period:
j v Inspected Total Exports. Stock,
j ars" Tobacco. Tobacco. Stems. Tobacco,
j 1833, 47.520 25,871 2,251 15,801
! 1836, 45 415 29,722 3,186 14,024
i 1MT7, 3G.291 18,1)91 4,332 10,473
1838, 44,815 20,828 2,030 12,397
1839, 28,502 18,729 4,031 4,890
1840, T.8.I8G 27,195 2,189 13,829
1841, 50,141 34,442 G.074 8,719
1812, 52,156 32,765 3,245 11,100 I
1813, 50,788 30,230 2.000 13,420
1844, 45,886 20 491 2,687 14,363
1815, 51,113 17,704 3,182 22,050
For the Enquirer.
Messrs. Editors: I observe that the names of j
several gentlemen have been presented to the at- j
tentioti of the approaching Legislature, through
the medium of your paper, by iheir respective .
friends, as fit and proper persons to preside over ;
that body?all well and peculiarly qualified, of
j course, to discharge the duties of that office. 1
j beg leave to add to the list the name of William |
O. Goode of Mecklenburg; and, without mean
j ing to disparage or impair the claims of others, I
j feel warranted in saying, that Mr. Goode is emi- j
nenily qualified, in every respect, to discharge the
duties of the oliice in a courteous and efficient !
manner. He is bland and affable in his manner-, !
dignified and easy in his deportment, and would, !
in my humble opinion, discharge the duties of
Speaker with ability and prompt decision. Mr. i
Goode has served many years as a member of
the General Assembly, and is perfectly conver- ;
sani and familiar with the general routine of Le- j
gislative business. Besides, Mr. Goode's name
was used on a former occasion by the Democra
tic party for that office, when three was no pro- j
bability of success?a circumstance that ou?h!, 1
I think, at least to add something to claims, they j
being equai in other respects. Mr. G. has also '
served for several years as a member of Con
gress, and, therefore, it is fair to presume, is a
very respectable Parliamentarian. For reason.*
and c- nsiderations above referred to, 1 hope the
members of the ensuing Legislature will, in se
lecting their presiding officer, duly consider and
weigh the claims and pretensions of William O.
A single remark in regard to the selection of
an individual to fill the vacancy occasioned by
the expiration ol the term of Win. C. Ilives,
E?q., as Senator in the Congress of the United
.States from Virginia. I know no man within
the limits of the Stale, who I think would fill the
station with more dignity and ability, than G. C.
Dromgoole ol Brunswick. But Mr. D. is so
well and so favorably known, not only in Virgi
nia, his native State, but throughout the broad
limits of the Union, as a sound, able and efficient
politician and constitutional lawyer, that it would
be supererogation toenter intoany detail in regard
to his qualifications. A CITIZEN.
Raleioh and Gaston Rail-Road.?On the
subject of (he sale of this Road, the last Raleigh
Register says:
Governor Graham has returned from his ex
amination of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road.
He was accompanied to Gasion by the Public
Treasurer, by George W. Mordeca*, Esq., the
temporary President of the Company, John D.
Hawkins, Esq., of Franklin, one of the Directors,
and Mr. Hollster, Superintendent of the Road.
We are gratified to learn, that the Governor
found the road, excepting the section between Ra
leigh and Forestviile, on which workmen are
now operating, in much better condition than he
had expected; and that after a personal survey of
almost the entire track, and the depots, aqueducts,
and noble bridges of the Company, and on the in
spections of the reports of its income lor the past
two years, made to the Court of Equity of Wake,
hedetermined, without hesitation, as the Agent
and Representative of the Slate, at the sale of ihe
Company's property, to be made on the 29th of
December next, to bid the mizimvm amount pre
scribed in the act of the General Assembly at the
last session, viz: 300,000 dollars, and the interest
accru?d thereon since the Bonds of this amount,
endorsed by the Stale, were issued?which will
be in all about 381,000 dollars.
We are truly glad to find that such a result has
been obtained, altera careful examination by ihe
highes'officer of the State, upon his official ;e
sponsibilitv, with a view to exercise the discre
tion vested in him by the Legislature, so thatam
i pie justice may be done to the public; but in the
mode least injurious to the Stockholders, who
| have sustained so great a lois in this enterprise.
The course adopted by the Governor in form
j inp and making known before hand, his deter mi
j nation upon this subject, seems to us in the high
I est degree proper. Whilst it is calculated to en
hanced price of a Road, to the advantage both ;
of the State and stock-holder, it gives notice to j
those who may desire to compete in the purchase, j
so as to enable them to make arrangements lor |
raising capital, and giving security for the large
sum involved in the purchase upon the terms re
quired by la w?arrangements which it is obvi
ous, from the limited means of individuals among
us, could not be made without a reasonable time
for preparation.
Oiiegon, &c.?A letter from Washington tothe
New York Commercial says:
"There is no belief in well informed circles here
1 that any new propositions in regard to the Oregon
negotiation, or any particularly important des
patches, have been received since the arrival of
the Great Britain. So far as I have any means
of judging, the course of the Executive is fixed on
this question. He is expected to reiterate the de
claration made in his inaugural, and to recom
mend that Congress sustain the position he then
? assumed by the most decisive action."
Naval.?The U. S. frigate Cumberland, Capt.
Breese, bearing the broad pennant of Commodore
i Joseph Smith, from the Mediterranean station,
' arrived in Nantasket Roads on Saturday evening,
, and came up to the city of Roston on Sunday
! forenoon, about half-past 11 o'clock, in fine style.
| The Boston Advertiser says she left Gibraltar on
i the 15th ult., and Tangier, Africa, (whither she
! conveyed Mr. Carr, the U. S. Consul,) on the
! evening of the 17th ult. She has been absent two
i years, and brings as passengers, surgeon J.
j Vaughan Smith, and passed assistant surgeon J.
Howard Smith.
The Cumberland left at Tangier U.S. corvette
Plymouth, Commander Henry, all well, to sail
lor Brazil in a few days.
Important Decision.?It has recently been set
tled by the Treasury Department, that Congrega
tions of Churches are associations for Philoso
phical and Literary purposes; and that their ap
paratus (which term is defined to mean "thing*
provided as means to some ends," including ma
terials for building and furnishing an edifice,)
may be imported, free of duty, under the fifth di
vision of the ninth section of the Tariff.
[.V. y. Jtrur. Com.
Death or Wm. C. Woodbridge.?We regret
lo learn that William C. Woodbridge, author of
the Modern School Geography, and member of the
Geographical Societies of Paris, Frankfort and
Berlin, died at Boston on Sunday last, aged 60.
Died yesterday morning. of 1
Rc?iiu- Hi owe h , eldest son of c?!onel . . 1H
Blgg-r, in ihe 21s: y ear of III. age. No pen cando j s
tire loins Epitaph ; no tonsil* can "peak /' 'ff^nd*
tues His f..nnly, and a numerous circle of frleno ,
will cherish in fond remembrnnre the memory ol
wlio now rests Willi the silent dead.
Died in Richmond, on Thuisday, November 13th, Mrs.
Maiuma, wife of Mr- James Allen, in her JlMi >ear.
Died in full triumph of the Christian faith, 81
aldenee' in Lim.sio. e, Alabama, on Monday, 2Tth of
Octob", Major 1... - ?s M<cli*, .n the 77th year of hi
Died on the 25th September, near Cainlen, Arkansw,
An,?im n? Il.tr, aped about:? yearn, f. rmeily of South
nmploiT couniy, Virg Delias left a wife and two
children to mourn his loss
Died, on the 7tb in-Uiit, in the 93d year of lierage,
Mrs Elizaiikth Watson, relict ol Ilie lale Major Jas.
Wulson, of the Green Spiing#, Louisa count).
Died at her residence, in Columbus. Miwl?*lpp|, on
Tiic-day 2*1 li October, at nine ? c'?c*;. V,
Mart h \ K. Hcms,hues. wife of Dr. IV. W Humphries,
in tl.e-J7th >ear of her age. afier a l'n?enn|j ~
She I.as lef. a husband, and four children of tender
vears a numerous connexion, and an extrusive circle
ol friend*, to grieve nnd mourn her departure. In ihe
soring lime of life, adorned whb all thai could give
gmce and heauly In the person, delicacy and attraction
to the mind, site emigrated ten years ago wllh her
widowed mother. Mrs. Gregory , and family, from \ ir
ginia, to the State of Mississippi.
Died at Indian Banks, his late residence, In Richmond
county Virginia, on the morning of Sunday, thetWth
of October, Thomas Uostms. fcsq.. aged about B6 years.
Mr D ibyns for many years had been the subject ol great
bodily sufferings. So frequently, however, had he been
raided from the verge of the grave, and such was the
.narked improvement for some months past in his physi
cal strength, ihat his friends little dreamed when he re
tired to .est, Saturday nuht, that his ?oul would awake
lo enter upon an- eternal, in?tead of another temporal
Sahbaih. But, in the dispensation of Grid, he is gone
gone to reap the reward of the faithful, we trust, sinre
for the last twelve year.-it was his desire, as evinced by
a union with the Baptist Chu.cli, "so to Uveas lie .night
wish lo have lived when he came to die. " In the char
acter of our deceased friend, there was nuch that might
be held up as worthy of imitation. Thrown upon the
world at his earliest boyhood, a child of poverty, with
few or no friends of influence to counsel or lo aid, with
a rare energy, guided by a vigorous mind, rigidly studious
habits, and an exalted regard for virtue, he at once en
tered upon that pathway, which conducted him success
fully lo usefulness, independence of fortune, and high
rus -etlability. Whilst the tear of sympathy is the only
balm man can pour into ihs wounded bosoms of the
aged widow, orphaned daughter, and numerous other
rel ilivei let us hope that the chastening we now mourn
may ultimately prove j 'yeu*, and that when our depart
ed triend ami ourselves ineeti'gain it may be in glor).
{?/- Whig and Religious Herald please copy I..
Jt>.tir. Mehces, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John II. Gilmer, died at her lather's, in Albemarle, on
Saturday, the Bth November, aged three years, six
months and six days. The "rise bud" has, indeed,
been "lorn from the parent stein;" hut it has only been
transplanted in a happier and brighter clime, where no
nipping frost can deface its beanty.no blight can de
stroy Its fragrance. Jennie, while with us, was as love
ly * child as ever gladdened the hearts of affectionate pa
rents? she is, low, a bright little teruyh in Heaven?and
w hilt- her almost heart-broken parents must sorrow for
the dead,yet, let them remember, that although they
have a child less on earlli, they have oaf among the
bright hosts in Heaven. F.
$y The Whig will pleusc copy.
Died, on the 21st of October, al the residence of
Mourning Johnston, in Essex county, Mrs Mastha
Joh.isto*. in the 53d year uf her age?much be'oved and
la men U-d by all who knew her. Knowing ihe iui( os-i
hilitv of doing her justice, it is with reluctance we offer
the following tribute to her amiable qualities. Besides
being a bright ornament to her Church, si e might also
he called a true emblem of piety ; she was highly es
teemed, and resptcted but only by her own family, hut
by the whole community ; and her virtuous character
proved that love and reaped were never mure suitably
bestowed Hint upon this highly deserving lady, who was
ever clothed In the Christian's brightest robe, (holy sub
mission.) and whose example it is to he hoped will be
imitated by her family, who will ever remember her
with feelings of fond regret, and over whom she has
long watched with nil eye of almost jealous tenderness,
rearing them in the nurture and admonition ofihe I,oid
No one can deny her right to ihe following lines :
" Jesus could make her dying bed
As soft as downy pillows are,
While oil his breast she leaned her head
And breathed her life out gently there. "
Died, on the 15th of ihe -ime month, at the same re
sidence. Miss Ei.izaiieiii J Bus**, youngest daughter
of James Burke, in the 4th yoarof her age. leaving be
hind her an indulging father and atferiionale kindred
lo mourn her departed spiiil. Suffice it lo say, that her
youth and her Inmcence were a true passport to the
Kingdom of Heaven. A Fkiksd.
$y Religious Herald will please copy.
Ala Coil 11 held for the county ol Powhatan. at the
Coin! house theieof, oil Monday, lilt' 3d day of Novem
ber, '8i5: _ ,
A preamble and resolutions having been offered by
John W. Na?h, K?i|., on behalf of the Members oflhe
Bar. and Officers of the Court, e.xpiessive of their high
lespect for Ihe roemo.y of Thomas Miller, Esq.. late
the presiding Ju-lice of the Court, and of regret lor his
ln-s, the same was. by the Court, ordered lo be entered
of record, and a.eaa follows?10 wit:
44 At h meeting oflhe Members* of the Bar, and the Of
lirers of the. County Court of Powhatan, held in the
C erk's Office of said county, on the 3d day of Novem
ber, 1845. Hie following preamble and resolutions were
unanimously adopted :
"Whereas, intelligence having been received by us
this morning, that Thomas Mille*, of Powhatan, late
presiding Justice of the County Court, and a distinguish
ed citizen of the county of Powhatan, departed this life,
at his residence, on yesterday morning; and the Mem
bers of Ihe Bar and the Officers cf the Court, wishing to
manifest iheir respect for the memory of the deceased.
both as a private citizen and a public officer, have una
? Imously adopted the follow ing le-oluwoiis :
"1st. KrtaIrrd, Thai we have heard with sincere and
lllli'ffected pam ihe melancholy intelligence of the death
of Thomas Mnler, Enquire, one of the oldest and most
valuable citizens ol*our county, and whose usefulness in
prnate life, and ability and integrity ma magistrate,
are acknowledged by all.
"2nd. Htiolnnl, As a testimony of ou. respect Tor the
memory of the deceased, the Members of 'he Bar and
the Officers of ihe Couniy Court ol jfowitaian w nt w ear
the usual badge of mourning on ihe .left arm lor the
.pare of thirty days; ai d that permission be asked of
the County Court lo spread the loregolng preamble and
resolutions on the records of the Courl
"3rd. Resolccd. also, That a copy of the foregoing pre
amble and resolutions te communicated to the afflicted
widow of the deceased, and also published in the two
leading newspapers in the city of Richmond."
And the Court doth hereby declare its concurrence in
(lie fpitiiiiieiiti exprewed m the rfso!uticnsi. The de
ceased was for many years a member of this Courl : ?
His worth as a man, his usefulness a- a Magistrate, were
known and appreciated by all; and ifiH Court h unv\il
ling lo allow this occasion to pass, without entering on
ihe minutes of the Court this testimony of their sen*"
of his high merit, and their regrel for Ins loss; and they
further order, that ihe Clerk ol this Court send lo ihe
family of the deceased a copy of this order, and thatnno
ther copy he sent along with the resolutions aforesaid
r,,r pUb"C-'t'o"- A r""y~TNVM. P. DANCE, C.
THE exercises of this Instlliilion will be cuiilinued
the ensuing year, under its present instructress, }
Miss I. Webb?rommendng on the 15th January, and
terminating the 15th December?allowing the month of
Augustas vacation. The number of pupils will be li- I
mited, positively, to sixteen. There are, as yet, a few
Terms, perscholasilc year, piyiUe semi-annually in
advance. *'2?
Music, with use of Piano, 30
French, 10
Address?Hanovsr Courl house.
tict."K?c?4w* JN'fl. H TOD.
Executor'* Sale,
IN obedience to the will of George Co*, deceased, I
shall, as Executor, proceed to sell, at put lie auction, |
on the Q5lh day of November next, all ti e lands of ;
which the said Cog died seized, consisting of two |
Tracts in the couniy of Chesterfield?one Trot t called ;
Kingsland, lying Immediately on James River, tenor 1
fifteen miles distant, by water, from the City of Rich
niond, containing about twelve hundred and sixly
acres, about seven hundtsd acres of which are In culti
vation, the rest now standing, part In original fore-i, of
Pine. Oak, Cheeuul, 4tc.?the other ill Old-field Pines,
suitable for steamboat wood, about a mile from the
river ; of the open laud, about three hundred acres are I
In river low ground, and reclaimed swamp, of inex
haustible fertility, and under a high and strong em
bankment, except a smaM par.; the rest of ihe cleared
I.,ml lies well, and is susceptible of ihe highest im
prn\ement. This land is well adapted lo the growth of I
Corn, Wheat, Tobacco, and Clover; in fact, all Ihe
crops ral-ed in our pari of the Stale, particularly
Wheat and Clover; on one part of this Kami, Iheie !s a ?
Dwelling House with six looms, and near U a spring of ;
excellent waler; and, oil another part, a I-rained Uwel
ling, nearly new, with four rooms, ar.d a well ol water I
in the yard; there are a sufficient number ot Barns, I
Stables, and other houses, for the accommodation of a j
large number of negroes and horses, and lor securing ,
thecrrps. This Tract may, if thought best, be divided
to suit purchasers
One oth.r Tract, called Boiling's, lying about one
mile West of the former Tract, immediately on the
Manchester and Petersburg Turnpike, within half a
mile of the Half-way House, and running back nearly
to the Waler Station; at which plare, the cats of the
Richmond and Peter-burg Rai road slop, and within a
short distance of the Junction of the Clover Hill Rail
road. This Tract is the one on which the said Cox re
sided, and contains about three hundred and sevrnly
livc acres, about lifly acres of which are cleared, and
the rest in original forest and pines of ihe second
growth, mostly the latter, and wiihin one mile of the
railroad; on llns Tracl there is a large two-story Dwel
ling, built of the best brick, and finished in a hand
| some style; there is a large passage on the upper floor,
and two on the lower, and the basement stoiy divided 1
I as the other; also, three large and handsome porticos.
There are also two other Brick Buildings, two stories
high, built for a kitchen and laundry; also, a large
1 Framed Stable, and a Carriage house large enough for
, four carriages; also, a good Dairy. Meat house, Ice
house, and nil other necessary buildings, all of which
' have been erecled within the I ist ten yean; ihe Yard
! and Garden are neatly enclosed witb paiiings and sawed
! railings; there are also two excellent Wells, one near
the {-table, and the other in the Yaid, and near the
Kitchen, both of which are neatly fixed wllh good
homes This place is only ten miles distant Iron
Richmond and Petersburg, and lixfroin the county seal.
The land of this Tract lies well, and is suiceptible of
the highest improvement.
These lands from iheir |s?s lion on the river, where ves
sels and sleamboa's pass const-mily and regnlarlv.afford
a communication wiih Richmond. Petersburg, Norfoll,
; and Hie Northern Cities. There Is a good landing,
where the produce of ihe Farm can be taken off 'he
Railroad and Turnpike afford laciliti-s which are sei
I doin met with; Iheir nearness to the two principal (owns
! in lite State, and in an intelligent, pious, and agreea >
neighbothood, are inducements to purchasers, wiiien aie
i but seldom brought into inaikel. ..j?i H.i. Fall
Ou the Kingsland Tract there will be seeded this fall
: ?boutSOS bushels of Wheat. : ^ ,h
Persons w i?hing to examine theJa P d Charles
I day of sale, are referred lo the Reverend Cliaries
Friend, or Mr. Isham Dyer. Ilvmg on the Kingsland
r??_ _ _. j . _ I if-ij mr PHwlfd SU11ill? Of UCOrW '.?? Ore
1 ract.and to polling's Tract,or tomyaelf, living a
I from the Ferry of the Richmond and Oa
! e^^^^Vop^lU side of the river.
I Immediately after tbe sale of the lands, I shall pro
ceed To the Furnilute, consisting of Mahogany
1 Chairs Sofas, Tab'es, fcc., all of excellent quality;
a lot of excellent Carp, la and Beds; the Kitchen
j i;ten<||s of every kind ; the Plantation Tools of
i every kind and description ; llie Crops of every
Kind' raised on the Faitn this year; among which.
' there will be about eight hundred bariels of^ Corn,
abcul forty thousand pounds of Sheaf Oats, Fodder,
Shucks. Ac. ; all the Stock, consisting of Horses,
Mules. Oxen and Cows and Hogs. ,
The sale will commence at II o'clock on the Boiling s
Tract, and continue, from day to day, until completed.
Terms for the sale of the lands will be very accommo
dating, and made known on the day of sale, and, for ine
other property, a ciedit of six months will be given o
all sums over ten dollars, the pu?hasers givmg bond
and approved security. " ,5 ? ii,
Oct. 7?cSewtSfchNov. Executor of Oeorfe Cox.
fjURSCANT to the provisions of a Dead ol"l r<;,<
1. executed by John A. Sheppard to the siilocre r>
bearing date the 3d of March, Is34, and recorded u, ? '
Clerk's Offic? of Henrico Comity Court, *ve ;?
ceed to sell, to thr highest bidder, r,n the premls.-.'
cash, on MOND AY', the i dd- y of December, Ie4",
: Tract of l.and whereon the said John A. Sheppar.I t
| resides. lying in the county of Henrico, on Chickahi ?
i ny Swamp, and containing 215j acre', adjoining
land* of Lyddall How let, deceased, and John Shepp*..
The title to the said I.aiid it believed to be md.sp ita:.,
; hut we shall convey only such title at it vested in u^,,
| virtue of <aid trust deed
ALFRED WINSTON, | l,u,tr '
Sept. 23?cw3m
THE subscriber intends opening a School, at bn ?.
Midence, thi! ensuing year, and would be clad ,
get six or eight pupils to board in his family. Tne
ation Is hi allhy, and of ea-y ncces-, being *? i:hin Uivr
hundred yards of the Richmond and Viederickfti..
Uailroad, fourteen mile* Ironi the former pl.ice. ||P ]
hail several ) ears' experience in leaching, an.! p'ei!lM
himself to u?e every effort tor the advanctmei.11,1 1 ?
pupils coinm'ltr d to his chnrge, and to p?y -cri, 1 nn,.
tion to ilieir hraltu, comfort, and moral depoittneni -
The School will commence the I5ih of Jatntarv r.,>
UI..I l.ro.i..nl.O.. llih "f - '
additional sum of Jlo. One half of the above sun , ?
be required on the 1st July, and His re.uiue m it- t
of the scholastic year. c"'
Address- Gocdall's P. O., Hanover.
n . a. fETtR W. BROWN
llaiMver, Oct. 29, IwV?cwtJan.l
' IIIIK subscriber desire* to sell tneTr rt ?c | ^,,4
1 which he resides, lyini; on the lireen M> 11,hiii. ;i.
the county of Albemarle, about ten mile- from <r
ville, and seventeen froin Charlnltesvil e, j u.ii
Tucker Coles, Dr. Charles Cocke, arid oiien-, ai.j . ?"
taming about ?7I acres, about onr-ha ( cl?ired, and 1 .
good stale of cultivation. A considerable portn.11, t ?
wood land, as well as the cleareil, is of su|ierii r mh> ? t
tobacco, and the whole is well adapted to tram, a (...
ticular description of this land u deemed uiitierr.-j... j
will only add, that those desirins to purchase g.*.,) t,. ;
in a healthy and agreeable netthi'olhiK'd, w I,uP
examine it A crop of wheat has he<-n seeded on ji ?
Wnd, and every operation connected iherewnh. . i;: (
state of forwardness for a crop next year. The i,.a;
are all comfortable, and in good repair A great t,irg ,"tl
may be had if early application be made. <11 b> 1 ??
ot December. Possession will tie given at 1 liroin .
Oct. 2??CHiiw WSI. 8. DABM.V
I'uhlic Sale of Lowland .\Vi'/??.<, iri'.houl
in Amelia ('mintv.
IN pursuance of a decree of the Circuit Sup-?
- Court of I.aw and Cnanceiy, 1', r'h* 1 outity ot
; lia, pronounced .11 the October lerm, Ici.S:
We, the undersigned, trustees to a cert ,111 IV.
Trust fioni Thomas K. Jeter, will oil Tiie?da?. tin
day of November next, expose 10 sale |Ublnl>. ?? i
highest bidder,on t'le prenrses. tint valuable Fun.
Amelia, called Wane Oak; it being n *v freed from.,
contingent dower claim, ilie title will be god 11 >
i tains 1,300 acres. 375 of w hich is heavily timbered, al
[ GO acres of low grounds; some valuable improved
The dwelling is ?uprrior, with all necessary oul-huu -
suited 10 such a Kami.
Tkbms : Twelve months credit will be given '
purchaser, 011 his giving bond w:th g.iod setunt<. a:
the title retained until trie w hole ot the purchase ri?. r, ,
he paid. Posse.-?ion will be given ta reed sina.i gra.i
and full possescion theliist day of January, l"ii
On the 2Cth of November. Ir45, ?n Hie preuiit.,
Jetersville, we shall also ?ell to the highest biddeit r
| lol of laud, including the Ti bacco Kai tory. ai d all r
huildiiKs attached to ilie same, on the same term- V
at Amelia Court Mouse, 011 the 3Slh day of Deien -
next, ten valuable Negroes, consisting of a ^
Wagoner,'Joe,j a good Cook woman, a Cliainberin ? .
and Sempstress, and six likely U")? and tiirls. 'I
Negroes will be sold for ca.-h.
Nov. 4?cwtw TILMON I!. JI.'ll'R.
R ANA WAV from the subscriber, re.iding near l.i: ? r
ty llill P O.. Newberry District. S. C ,<>n lie .-J .;
July, a Mulatto llov, named WII.I.IAM, II? or I'J
old, spar? made,3 f(*et 9 inches high, no visile leaikj
that I know ot. He was rai.ed by John Davis, of All.,
marie county, Virginia, Hiid will try to get there, ?'> 1
some of liis family live there Any information re-... 1
Ing said boy will be thankfully received by the siihv i
N. B.?He may alter his name, and say he belongs in
someone in Virginia. W. >1.
Aug. 19? cwIJui
|N pursuance of n dei ree of tue Circuit Superior C01 it
* of Aliiemarle county, pronounced at llle Ociob-i
term, I^i4, in the case of Daiiieihc vs. llnniMlle. <s 1
I will oiler tor sale, at utihlic auction, on the 1 r> mi-,?,
oil THI'RSDAV, the 27th day of Noveniher, IS?. li s
Tract of Land called Entleld, the present resl(!ei . e o!'
Mrs. Sarah W. Ii.-.rneille, lying within one and a ?|ti.v.
ter miles of Scoiuville, in said county, font lining l~
acres. The conveniences thai this and has over tl.e
most of land now in maikot render 11 vei) valunlne
Only $100 of the purchase money will lie teijuiK il 111
hand, the balance III one. iwoand three yruts. I wl.l
tliow the laud to any person vn-hing to buy before i|.e
day of sale. AUSTIN M. APPLlSC,
Oct 28?cwtds Commissioner.
I OFFER for sale my Land in the county of Loirs*, hi
1 the Folk Creek neighborhood, adjoining the lands 11
A. (5. Goodwin, Capt. Perkins, H. T. Winston uiki
others, containing between four and six hundred arte*
mostly in original forest, and heavily limbered Willi an
abundance of the best heart pine, poplar, Le. It is con
fidently believed that the timber would seM fuiniiri
than is asked for the land A Saw Mill might be eren
ed upon the premises al very litlle exp?*ii?e. though ihev
is 001* at Vaneryville, lint lar oil'. Tile nliove latoi 1
adapted 10 all the crops grown in that section of ?ou:i
try. particularly wheat and tobacco.
Any person wishing to purchase can asr, rtn:n It,'
terms. Ate ?which will be ao nmmod it rig?by addre -
ing me a letter, directed to Fredeilcksiuir*. or by en
quiring of in) brother, adjoining the land, u I10 w ill stn w
it to anv one wishing to see it.
Sept. 30?cwtf JOHN GOODWIN.
ILL he pant for the apprehension and del-very if
my Negro Man EDWARD, who run awa> In .N
veinher, IB4-I. He is between 35 and 3d years old, st. i.t
and muscular, and in stature rather lower than ordinary
H- ha* a dark, smuuth skin, wnh a foil bushy lieio! t
hair, and good countenance. He carried w i'h linn a
Roundabout and Pantaloons ol Grey Cassinet, some
what worn. I piirclused linn in Richmond, about lot.r
years ago. of a Mr. Thomas Wi liams, who brougfi
iiiin from Washington City, to which place heeapn-svi!
a desire to return,and in ihe nelghbortiood of wnvfi 1 e
was raised, and has relations, lie has no don 't pr
cured free papers, and is probably passing by 'lie n
of BOWMAN: and I have some reason tosupp s-t^st
he escaped from ilie counly by the aid of the boats run
ntng Banister and Roanoke Rivers.
Mount Liurel, Halifax, Virginia, Nov. ll-cwio?*
A PETITION will be presented to the next General
Assembly of Virginia, praying for a change ol 1 ?*
place of holding a separate or precinct election, imw c.
rected 10 be h'ld hy law it New Markrl, in I lie county
of Henric", Ironi the said place. New Market, to v
House now owned by, and ilie residence of, Steplo n 0
Sweeney,and now occupied by htm as a Tavern, and
commonly called Sweeney's, in the lower end ol il>e
said county, and thai the separate or precinct elecimn
may hen-after be held al Ihe said last mentioned plait,
instead of at New Market, as now directed b> law.
M*>? Cinittis o?' Hi*airo Col sir.
Nov. 4?cw4w _
IN CHANCERY?Viiio.iru At Rules, held in t!>
Clerk's Ctfice of the Circuit Superior Court ot l.sw
and Chancery for King Wliiiam county, at the Court
House, sn Monday, the 1st day of September, !?'?' :
Ann King, F.H-ha Meredith, Roliert (?. Kendall, a !
Elizabeth his wife, Robert E , Altaians, William ? ?
Snmur I Meredith, Jasper Row, and S-iah his wile, K'
ward K. Meredith, Jome- 'I Meredith, and John
Meredith?the three last of whom are infants moter " t
age nf twenty one years, and sue by their next friel
the said Elisha Meredith?Hubert Davis, Bailey In* ?
Selim Maughterand Etuvline his wife, Martin, John !: ,
and William T Lipscomb?the two last of whom *
infants under twenty-one years of age,and sue f>y th'it
next fiiend, William B. Lipscomb, PlaintiW? ?
Lewi* Litilepage, administrator of John Meredith,
deceased, Moody Blood and Olymphia his wile. Wash
ington P. Mann and Mmy his wife, Susan Piigni wn1"?
of Reuben Dugar, deceased, David A I.acy and 1 'athi
rine his wife, Ella F. Dugar, Reuben A.. John I
Leonidns L., Pocahontas and Jattie. B L?cv?the i .'i
five infants, under twenty-one years, unil children i t
Elixnbeth l.acv. now deceased, late the wile of Jnliti I'
Lacy, and James White, IWeiidants.
Th? defendants, Miwdy Blinid nnd Washit.gti ? P.
Mann and Mary his wife, not having entered their \
pearance an I given security, according to the a'l ?!
Assembly and Ihe rules of this Cnuit. and il appeal H i
bv satisfactory evidence that they are no? inhabitants
of this Common wealth, it is ordered, Ih it the saul
fendants do ap|?-ar hereon th>- litst day if lh? in*'
term, and answer the hill of the plaintiff-*, 'si.it Ilia' 1
copy of this order be forthwith inserted in some new
piper published 111 the city wf Rirhiuoiid, and contimo ?!
for two months successively, and another ?opv pofi-1
at the front doorof the Court-house ofllns county.
Sept. 19?cw2iii J. O. POLLXRD, D.I .
IN CHANCERY?Viaoim*:?At rules taken in lite
Clerk's Office of ihe t.'ircuit Superior Court of J.a*?
and Chancery of Prince Edward county, the titli ca) ol
October. ItM.I:
Robert It Co'e und William T. Ballow, Pla!nli/T? :
Granville Nunnally and Ephralm Nuiinailv,
Defendants :
The defendants not having entered thnr up|>esrii.r*
and given security, according to an act of tlie Gem rsi
Assembly and the rules of thi? Court, and it sppearn i
thatlliey'are not inhabitants of tilts Stale, oil the in"
tion of Ihe plaintiffs, by Counsel, it is entered at ru '?
aforesaid, and accordingly orderrd, that the said of t"
mils do appear at rules to be taken in the Clerk's "n"'
aforesaid on Ihe lirst Monday In January next and n
Kiverthe plaintiff's bill; and that a copv of ibis order >?'
forthwith inserted in soma one of th? public newspape
printed in the city of Richmond for two months succe.
sively, and also posted at the front d' or of ihe Coor ?
house of this county. A AM C C
Oct. l4-cw3m h. J- W'WHHAM, t t
IN CHANCERY.?Vrac'M*i?In Hanover County
Mary^'lunciVsfwidow and relict of Francis Muncis,
s ta Plain' "
johifli'Brown, administrator of Francis
deceased. Taliaferro Davis and LaviniaC his w
Mary M. Muncus, John M. Muncus, Ellen i- ' '
George W. Siockdell and Judith A E hi' wl''*? '''
l.'osby and Maria his v/ife, James K. Hardy at"'
his wife, Itufus B. Muncus, Robert Alexander I ,! j
and Mury Ann Duncan, Ihe last of whom ts an .1L
under the age of twenty-one years, by John D. >? ?' '
ber guardian ad litem, lis-fena*? ?"* ?
This cause came on this day, again, by consen "
parlies now before Ihe Court, 10 be heard oil tBe l?.
formerly read, aad was argued by Counsel and It.
suggested, that no insertion of the order of p 1 ?
herein entered on the Md of July last has
any newspajntr, and there is not now time to
insertion before the October term of this '
Court floih ihrtrfore ord.r, '',at; "?!'/'l,? i:.
Alexander Duncan, ?hall, on or beloic th? first d*y
... 11...'gas
enter their appearance, answer U?? pMirHirT- (
?,aecuriiv. aeoording to the act of Assembly i"
cases made and provlded lh^^rt wiiMake
tiff's bill for confessed, and proceed to "c,r* |y ln.
thereof, a copy of this order having been p a(l.f
serteii for eight weeks at the Utut in some ^w-|. I^
Iron and Salt.
TON'S well assotied cotmtrr Iron. ^
100 wcksGronndAlutn^M^ "1 ?
Ott f8l0W th< Bel1 ar"?

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