Newspaper Page Text
IB, ! "J II I II" III' I Jplp ?EMI-WEEKLY ~~ TUESDAY MOItyiNG, AUGUST 23, 1859. VOLUME LYI.-NUMHElt The Richmond Enquirer, .iU, r? MI1.V. SEMMVEKKLT AND WEEKLY, jr SITCHIE. DUSNAYANT, TYLEB * WISE. TERMS: .v Piter. ?.ren d?il?r? per Riiuum. and at the ,.'s taken f>'r a shorter period than one . tv ?t*i-tVxKki.T. five dollar* per annum, uinl ;.<r six month*. payable iu advance. For the : . r annual, or six copies for $10, to be paid in, i.. When letter* containing money are . >! .)" iuit>t be <ji*t^red, or they will be at the .< iMj'.'tBra" An\ ii.ri.tvn Siikkt I* published monthly circulation it twenty thout leertiseucnts lr?'*:e 1 atcenta per line It Hank notes. ./ , .', at the risk of .v./uarif* ami Trfhuti> . srcf, exctedlng . irt chanted fw * udvertbemciits. .. i distance mint be accompanied with the ad . . : satisfactory references, to insure execution ... rn?: KKXOH OF VIKUIMA. V PROCLAMATION. ; mi tTh'V having been received by the Executive. >; tau Huron Mollolion, who is charged hy the ; a gra:. I jar j <>f the County Court of iiraMoii " : 'h larceny of a -lave, has escaped from justice, . cues' i tree; therefore I <io hereby offer a re' ' ... 't and lihy d.dlur* to any p.-tvju .? - Van Buren Mollohon. and i!e-. sr. ?f the said county of Braxton; ami 1 * rr-iuir- ?' officers of this Commonwealth, el . x i' "e-iuc*t the people generally to use .x.- t> procure the arrest of the aa'd SI. . , v ' > - hat he may he brought to justice. ,r. i as Coventor, ami under t.'.e Less :*? C inrnnr.woalth, a: Richmond, this . '.!>, : 4. f l?S?. HENRY A. WISE. jgfl Mrvi . of ttseComlh. , ; ?i" . . about tfiJ years old, about six feel si tin and legs, fair complexion and ' ; hearing, drops his head a little for? ...: s i.l throws Lis left h ml ami his ' - - c-.n-rally well dressed, auil has a sus, \ . ,n i issaid to be aruied with dirk, slung*..iria; steel knuckles. ... 1,11 MtTlTttMlK OF VIKUl.M.l, " I'lMfl.A.M.VriO.Y. .. v. ? . y has occurred lu the Judiciary'of y by the death of John W. Nash. .1 Judical Circuit, composed of the -c-. Diuwldd! -, Brunswick, Mecklen. ; \ tlov.ay. Amelia. Chesterfield, Powhu. , f Petersburg, therefore. In conformity to ; i-h of sa: 1 coutitlea, and tiie Sergeant of , . .-. (Ulre t to cause an election to he held : lay, tlie tint Joy of .-en!ember next, at -J by law, for a Judge of the Circuit ' . \ vacancy aforesaid. .?? :uv hand, a< Governor, and under , *nc i ..-.. no iwetlth. at Richmond, this _ . ' . I v" J. and in the rlth vear of realtli. HENRY A. WI0& i i i t r. 'i ikOK W Mrxroan, Secretary of the - - - July 00?etdo NOTICE. \ . :\\I. I *1 r :C4 v K*I l.\T 1> I! !,ii: STATE 13 Syr INTERESTED. : t y : >? Beard of PaMlc Works to call the - 2 I mtsrnal ln-i>~ ventetrts, in which the interest !. t the followiiig provision* of the ' *. \ I. chap ?*!. jec. ;k-. ; * I l?ir.? t .r? of every company iueor ?ke s wo k of !: terastl iraprorement, to the . tv. -r- is r~ : absiriptioa by the Board of - ill make "he fo:i * rt pert* to the Board, t \ > -:s.i'f i<;ie jv t- fr u "he completion of aueb ngthe i : f t c work, the whole t! expended in Its construction, with the riscf up r diture, the amount of tolls received . preceding year, the .1:1 Mini 'ipenees of the .. 1 the net; profits or loss; which report i ty 2 plat or map > '. th? work.and at the >- it tii-re.iftrr, a farmer cp-r:. showing the fic w rk. the amount a:id kit.Jsr: expenditures and v-nett pr<i|ite forsuch year. Whereapar . 1. 1 1'. e been prescribed by the Board of at' I made Itt.own to t'.e ccrapany, the report f ' r:u. In case of failure to make any such !av? the company ?h;?tl forfeit one tliousaad - ' .at--" e -:t ih r : >r sucn failure. i : ,i !, ;>?? - 1 Mir.-li 4. the reports . - .n the p.-- -?? "i: ' f the l>--ard of Public < "th day of October, In each year. res rde-d by the Hoard Can be hail npoa ?pr ? "Bee, In the ci'.v of Kichtno:i<l. TilOMAtf H. UKWITT, -JawtUtOct Sec'y Board of Public Work*. TliKlll KG ?r.\ AN9 JKH ELHV llvr tULISH.K EXT. "i * retu-ived trow Old sire-.: lo our new and com' .- uMlshmont.Xo. 16 ;; camore .-tree:, where 1 facilities, we are better prepared to furnish r every description of Military Goods, conPlumes. Pntupoons, Belts. .-words, hashes, > 1. e Army Regulation Hats. Military Buttons g* of every Tarlety. Guns, Pistols, Kit) vs. - :' utretnenti; also a larce and splendid stock of i -cks and Jewelry, Walkiug Cases, Fi-Litig v. Musical Instruments and Fancy Goods . :i of sportsmen anil military men are desired ' create/ Inducements than any other house In the ' CHARLES* LEONARD. -. tore street, sign of the ritle. tlsli and watch, ed a good gun-.ii iker. The he>l of wages July 6?crtiu 1A if"DO L Is \ llslulMlilD^ ' 'C'ti from th- subscriber, in Itoanoko eounty, I*, at mtthe2Stb June,a negroman, WILLIAM.? ut Greenville, in Augusta county; he is ,iM, block and over th-usual sire. Anion ? !. July, MAKCL".- and InAAC. Marcus is .- W :.,he-ter; waa sold In Richmond by T. I. liumaixe, a dark mulatto, about So years ' - d to be bald. Isaac is from about Farms ille, . y-?rs old, black, iredlum i!:v. .- fifty !> !'srs f?e each of *he negroes If d-llvr. rd to llec'or l>avi?, or Forty Hollars If se. i* 1 g-.t :..eio. ssl-m. Va. BM.VJ. DEYLT.LE. <<?\<11 MATIHIALSi. "f .- . d'l t t.on of Coach-Makers lo our lurgestock ' if i I n Materials, su-. it as ? ' -. * %iol T"mpere l French Head Springs -. i'4f. Taper and Common Iron Axels, assorted II i - assorted from 6 to '6 Inches ? ..assorted from 1 116 to3 inches i .- It::;,., a.?.rted from 1to 4 Inches -It -ory Shads, buggy. Fjlaev and Wagon - '. Wag ;n Bows aud Poles, pipe Boxes, Cole. .- nd Tire Holts. Malb-ahlc Castings, Fn" nd I irptliogs, Band and Lining Nails, ' as, ic., Ac. . p:. r prompt customers, ne are prepared ' ' * a" +T*" -it l.rlfSisa satis! PssgnbctfllllV lnv!t<? Mil cur stock before purchasing. WILLIAMS 4 ELMOTT. " ' i.J'i.o in Hardware and Coach Materials, 17, M?in - , I'l fhtnnnd, V* WHEAT r-^AJNTS, N L? CULTIVATORS, -' pl'Wed /' iftrrrx an J Sr?i/r ' y.:*ru WirW.'j. *' ' :-r. :!it ?alc uf a new'end cheep Fan Mill, vth safety trarr it,', and recommend as be . ii?c for the perfect cleaning uf WLeat. MY SEW PLOW 1 and tretcd against most other Plows, ; ' ' ter*al satisfaction. that ! propose is for- , ... ?r whs d-.'?'r--? it, ant) bind in.rselfto ( 1 ? , tv the fre!;-h* for rc'iming It. If It does , ,: e L. tter t', it: :.rty he has now in Use. x ~ .* le ' an-! of:. e a make. a lull sup: !' s. .f rv -iee, Loth right and left Land. ; ' 1' as. ,f <V?rj- site. of ' -7 site; *i,d the costings to evary Cn'ivstors, the Lest articles for o'-t 1 e-.-ry other article lu use for till . i h t-i ra'i in of my stock at No. S2 Main 1 i. s- charl-s llutel, lllclfnond, V*. P. II. STARKE. 'iiroitmlcK'^r" AI'EKS ANL) MOWKRS. k- Dilt'K OFFERS TO THE FARMERS OF ' > r^nia an<J North Caro ,..J e ^_r^--st. sy I - s-.,-'.oortler, through P"-t Office, K:ug William countjv 1 I "i w?r)-,ng Machine* are requeateu to i WILLI AM A. BRAXTON. j 'l.'iKISA VlttiaJl'i ~i ' * -iii up their bu-Ui-Ki at the termination < as j-reaper tfully Inform their friends and 1 ' no'. 4*iir? to enter into auy engage-! any lju?ine?* which cannot beclosed , ' T "II, however, continue to receive and I " ail produce '.hat tnay be consigned ] ,' intend* to continue the comraiatlon | ' " ep!ea?e?l to hear from ?ueh friend* a? may * !>' ? arrangement* for the future IAHRIS >. >? not yel detorinined whether he 1 "* ' at ". 'i n of cotnmisaion hMlam, but 4 ' * t '-en,ahi uld he determine todolt. *?. A. U. Ili i'BKDW AV, . 1 ~ O R N E Y 3 AT l_AW. - I Vij , ,;i t|lf Court* ?f f>itt?ylrati!aand j: iie?, and a!.*o the yuartet.'y and Supe ' tteeuut.ty i f lleury. 14 ? taylvaniaC. H., Ym. Feb ?cly AMERICAN GUANO." ,a'lt!{A.lNDDEAtEB9 IXGl'AXO. ? d to thia valuable Fertilizer, from . I' ' ; o tiie 14?. iflc Ocean, and In poasesalon ' a:.o Company, by a formal act of the j ' _ li.-nt rf thia Guano i* the pHOmMTB j '.',4 in a natural combination, that can^ , Htt t in a tinely divided condition, ao I - ?Wr can lie readily tar en up when applied I ' :-Vr? a lasting betiellt upon the aoil af f- .'... " harvest. ?L ' . , ' f uer?us farmers who have used it upon j i... " >, <?, and who report its tfrcli euua! to k... .. r "f"' P"'icularjy u'lii^lrd to Wheat, acid in ' uj and growthof Giu?s. J- *T Pia*?a.\T Placx. Nrwarc, N. J., I <.a- .. February id, 1S30. f f- # ?* *he American Guano Company : American Cuntio has but recently been ' . ." ' * our farmers know about the | 1 l.!? ','1 ''it'll. h> using two hundred or two t (-.cutis per acre of the American Guano, I !url>"t. the first year, twenty-live per ! ' more, besides benefitting the , ,P* ' , " !,;ivink the last season, much ex- I ' . ?* *' .'Jn torir. Wheat, Grass, Cucuta. s,: *'"? eiiual beneficial results, i ,-.l7 " l'u*no on r pr og Wheat, laid down Seed. The (irass Seed took finely, ' "*' *" harvested, every plant of the J' -1 '* result 1 never before obtained with t. "! "l!! barn-yard manure. f ' speclfully yours, , . STEALING ARMSTRONG. - . ^9U""0 as a fertilixer which has, ' v'J'';r:',r tu ,'le which It la ; '? (jceno Is dry, and In Us natural state I. 1 *y IMi or otherwise. J" v-T-.' f* * '**> pouuds, delivered In Depot or _ ' ' *? be supplied by this agency at New i FELIX U. CM ?, v Agent American Guano Company ; ? 'J v.. Blchtnond, Ta. I betwm Main aad Cary. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. m"f? s. s'k bo k IIO.VKDINU ANI? UVV SCHOOL FOH y o r X 6 LADI A" A'. I:i ?li*> city of Klt-ltiiiond. Tut: sksmon ok this scuuol will commesci on the first day ol October, ISM), nod end on the flu day of July, lsfi"'. ; All the brnuchc* of Female Education will bo taught ; Including the Modern Language*, Latin, Music and Draw I no?In all of which Department* competent Assistant ' have been employed. Particular attention will bo paid b j the manners of tee young ladle*, and every effort will b I made to give thctn the beat moral and Intellectual culture i Tkhvs?One half payable in advance?the balance on tin j loth February, I I Board ' Washing tf>i I Lights. I I English Tuition, higher branches. I Modern languages, each f I Latin tfl j Music, (Professor*' fee*,) use of instrument 1 , Primary Department 3' REFERENCES. I John Randolph Tucker. Klehmund. V a. l>r. l>. a. Tucker, Richmond, V*. j St. George Tucker, Ashlatul, Va. lion. It. M. T. Hunter, Loyds, Essex rauntv. Va. | Hon. James M. Mason, Winchester, \a. Iter. T. V. Moore, P. !>., Itlrhuiond, Vs. { Right Kev. l!L?ho|i Johns, Alexntnh Is, Vs. Rev. Charles U. Head, Richmond, Va. Hon. Ilenry A. Wise, Itlehmond, Vs. Judge II. li. Marshall, Charlotte Court House, Vs. j lie*. Jntucs K. Graham, Winchester, Va. Itev. Peyton Harrison, Cartersville, Va. Dr. Gessner llarrisou. University of Virginia, i Pr. James L. Cabell, University of Vircula. Pr. It. II. Cabell, Kiehuiond, Va. { Mr. It. T. Daniel, Kiehuiond, Va. , General A. a. Chajuuau, Union, Va. { Mr. Allan T. Capeiton, Union, Vs. Mr. Oliver lileme. Union, Va. Mr. John Kchois, Union, Vs. i For further information, address HUSKY L. BROOKE, I July It?otlstOct. Kiehuiond. Virginia. , niSS l' l.TX BOAKDINO AM) DAT st C It ts O I,. IX THE CITY <>F IIIC/IVoXI*. MISS PEG RAM will resume the duties of l.? r School ot the first Monday In October. She ?'li te allied bj eQivietit Teachers in each Department. M'nie llerand trll i be retained a* French governess. Latin, Mathematics and the Physical Sciences will bi ; taught by Professor Tiutunuttg llunKsmn, i. getitlectai i w..o?e Ingii attainments and successful experiem e in teach : lug, rmder hbn worthy of entire confidence. I Circulars, with full details, tuay he had on application ti I July I 1?ctf Mrs. J. W. PKGItAM. I.'tnten How OLD lio.nivo.v PKAIALK INSTITUTE CORNER OA' FRANKLIN AND FIFTH STREETS, RICHMOND. VA. ravins School for YOUNG LADIES will open on the 1st o j J. October, 1>M#, and close on the doth of June, In'*1. Thi J course of study will Include all the branches essential to I ; complete and polished education, and every facility atlor.led for thorough Instruction in each. The Pritieipa ' will be as-hied by an able and efficient corps uf teachers ' among whom are Kcv. Leo. Kosser, D. l> , Teaclicr of Mora ; Science; J. E. Shumate, Esq., Ancient Languages and Natu ; ra! Sciences; Horace Chase, Esq., Music; F. J. Fisher Painting; l?r. Bucliler, German; Misses M. E. Csricr am A. E. Delaplane for the English Department. Other teach ers of eminent ability will be secured by the opening of thi i Session. For terms and other information concerning thi School, see Circulars, o- address 'I. I? GAl.t.EMKK, Principal. Kiehuiond, Va. RsntBtxces?Rev. D. S. Doegt-tt, D. D , Rev. Wm. H ' Wheelwright, Her. James A. Duncan, Rev. W. W. ib niutt I Dr. l hos. Pollard, Hubert UMgway, Esq., N. A. Sturdivaut : Richmond; Kev, G. W. Carter, University Mississippi Rev. E. K. Wiley, President o; L\ and II. College, Vs. ; July Is?ctf ! Kii'ii viii.v DTII'L Li'inii. milC NEXT SK33IGN WILL ELGIN OCTOBER KIRS! A AND CLOSE JULY FIutT. The racuPy consists o KEV. ROBERT KYLAND, A. M? President a:id Professoi . of Moral Science. LEWIS TURNER, A. M., Tri fesscr of Mathematics am Astronomy. I GEORGE E. PALM Y, A. M , Professor of Latin ! guage ami Lilcraiut e. I I APKINS, A. M.,(substitute for Prof.0'> lev-..> Prcfesioi of Greek Languages and Literature. WILLIAM G. STRANGE, A. P., Professor of Chemistry and Natural Philosophy. Wll.l.l v.M MAUGHTON CilASE, A. M. Professor o Mod rn Languages and I.terature. A. U. sLoCGMB, A. M., Tutor cf the Academic Depart I ment. Mr. Wo. T. LtstieAv and Mr. A. Bancs, both skilful am obliging housekeepers. furnish excellent bard. Tkkws.?For Board and Fuel 13i<; pay able rue third or j the 1st of October, January aud Apr'.!. 1".* tuition, Roou Kent, Deposit and Pr.r.titig, gi7 ho; payable f Is.i on thi 1st of October, and #dh ou the loth of April. Day scholan 1 in the College proper pay <d for Room I'.ent; in the tcade ntlc Department *1 for Fuel. For further information ?ce catalogue, or apply to thi President or any of the Professors. Aug 'J?c-'m C LANS1U.1L. MATH EM ATHA L_A\D MlloIX AH V ACA UK MY, DANVILLE. VA. fTVHE undersigned, having entered into partnership, fot j A the purpose of conducting a school. In which will bi taught Ancient anJ Modern Languages, Mathematics, Mill' ' tary and all the usual English Branches, have the pleasure of announcing to their friends anil the public, that they . will open on the first MONDAY in fepteinhrr. i The easy acce*s to Danville, from all quarters, together : with the intelligence atul morality of Its clticetis, renders it , at onoe a favorite resort for young gentlemen desirous ol studying. It is the intention of the Principals to havetheii ; young men constantly under Their own charge, thereby rendeling assistance in, as w?|l us out of school. AH communications addressed to J. SIMPKIN3 JONE3, j Hampton, Vs.. or E. C. EDMONDS, Pledmout, Fauquier county, Va., until the las: of August, after that time to the Principals in Dauville, will receive prompt attention. K. C. KDMuNUS. V. M. I., > Wt . . J. PIMFKINS JUNE, A. I!., | 1 ' "' 'P*1'Rkitsknoes :?J. 8. Cary, A. M., ami Joseph Fegar Hampton, V*.; Faculty of V. >1. I.; W. II. Fowls anJ F. L, Smith, Alexandria, Va. Danville p .pers copy twice a week, i July )M?ctlstSept. ! ~FL( V.m.l TEU,\iK" mTITlTK. ~ FACULTY: KEY. p. 9. 1IEN50N, A. M , Principal, Natural Sciences and Moral Philosophy. I Miss ELIZA A. l'L'FFEIJ, French and Botany. Mia SUE V. WILLIAMS, Mathematics and Latin. I Miss MARY F. TAYLOR, Mathematics. I Miss MARY F. WILLIAMS, Natural Sciences and Belles Leltres. ML?s V. 111LD EM EISTER, Music and tierman. | The next session of this Institute will commence on the . FIRST WEDNESDAY In October, and continue nine i months. The Building* are spacious and attractive. The location , is unsurpassed fur healthfulness. The course of instruction | is comprehensive and thorough. The University method is adopted in the daily recitations and final examination for graduation. I At the lute Commence'; ent, a letter was presented to the ' Principal, subscribed hv all tlie patrons of the Institution ; who were present, from which we make the following ex ! trar t: "We are assured by all we have seen of yourself and the Institute, that it is, in all respects, all that parents and I guardians could desire; audthat the student who fails tn make progress under its fostering, would hardly be likely I to do much anywhere." Students coming by the Canal, will find a conveyance at Rretuo Bluff to take thcta to the Institute, fotir miles ills tant. Catalogues, containing full particulars, may be obtuin?cl by application *.? the Principal. Address "FORK UNION, Fluvanna," Aug 1#?cit W. BIIOCN, M. A., AV. AV. TEBBb .lN\Sf/? /A TE MIXCirALS. ULOO.H I'lKLU A C ,1 D K TI Y , i';- f Wr.-t uv ins L'MtaaSTY uk As. AV. W TK1115S, Instructor In Languages. I AY. LkKuY BROUN, M. A., Instructor In M&tematlcs. H. AV. Lt'CKETT, M A., Assistant In Languages and Mathematics. Ji-SEPH M. KKOUN, A*<d?tant in Mathematics and English. 11HE object of this Academy la to prepare students foi . the University of Virginia, or to Ot them for the dutiel I of life. The courie of construction embraces nil those subjects requbite for a preparation for any of the Academic Schools of the University, and the method, as far as prao'.I ticable. Is adapted to that pursued at that Instituti n. i The third sesidou will begin on the 1st September. The expenses are a year, payable s'-ml-annun)ly lu adi Vance. For Catalogues address either of the Principals, Ivy Depot, Albemarle county, Va June 8S?-ctlstOct ABERDKKN s< liool., KING AND QUEEN COUNTY, VIRtrlNIA. IT is the subscriber's design to open a SCHOOL FOR BOYS at Ms residence, la King and Queen county, the Sen| lion to commence 1st October next, and to terminate Hist July following, with the usual recess at Christmas. The course of instruction will be systematic and thorough, embracing the English Language, Anclen' Languages, the Modern Languages, French, Spanish and Italian, Mathematics. with its application to Lurid Surveying and Civil Engineering, and ibe Kleuieau of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry. The undersigned bus associated with him Mr. S. P. LATASK, of the University of Virginia, who ha? had several years' experience In teaching, and whose testimonials ol qualification are of a high character. The loc tion of the Pehoo! is proverbial for health fulness, and Its church advantages and refinement of society are unsurpassed In the flute. Aberdeen Is one mile distant from ft. Stephen's Church, a Post Ollicc on the stage road from Kichuiuud to | Tappabani.ock. ' Texas Hoard and Tuition In all the branches, and every necessary, except lights, f'JUO?payable oue-half 1st Jaa! uarc the other Xlut .lull j Post 6t2c(>^sL"s:^Ti.'V? Church. J. C. COUNCILL VlKGIMA MlUTAkY IXSTrTCtK, June 20, l?y.9. It gives 111? much ('leisure to recommend the Mule School under the charge of Mr. J. c. Counclll. Mr. Council) ft a distinguished graduate .f this Institution, m l dischurged | with gleet credit the duties of Assistant Professor of Mathematics for one year. lie has been engaged in teaching for aboat ten years, ami has given great satisfaction tc. those who have employed him, or who have been under his Instruction. 1 do with great confidence recommend his school. FKANCIS II. hMlTll, July IS?c'.r Super't V. M. I. BELLE U.WEN 1MSTITITE ALKXAXDltl A, VA. MISS K. TKB11S, Principal; Miss Uanbkr, A?-!str.nt lastructor In Knglish; Prof. Kngcibrccht, Vocal and Instrumental Music; Prof Polti, Languages?French, Latin, Italian, Ac., Drawing and Painting. This Institution will open for its second session the loth day of next September, and close the l.ut of June. A thorough and systematic course of study Is pursued, and every effort will be continued to maintain a high reputation and select character for the School. A corps of well-iiualified and experienced teachers are engaged for the coming session, and other assistant* will he employed a* the school Increases. It is the design of the Principal that this Institution shall possess every advaniage for the alUiuioeut of -? w flrslsshatri fsMn:*l?? education. ? (liuruiiKii auu _ The building, selected Mud purchased by the Principal for tli>- permanent establishment of the School, is lu a retired a in I healthy part of the city. It was erected expressly for a ilo.u.ling-School, and Is well-suited for that purpose, aarcxaxcts: The patrons of the School, Kt. Bev. Juo. Johns, I). C.; Res. i C. It. Dana; Itev. I?. T Sprig);: l?ev. J T. Johu-ton, Alexandria, \a.; Maj. 11. B. Tyler, Washington City; 0 M. Crutchtteld, Speaker of the House of delegates of Virginia; > John Seridun, E?q., Stafford, Va.; J. Kundoljili Tucker, Esq., I Itiehniond, Va.; .Vathanlel Tyler, Editor of the hlchuiond I Enquirer; !)r. K. A. Currie, Lancaster county, Va.; lie*. R. 11. Phillips, Virginia Female Institute; lion. J. \V. Tyler, I Warreuton. Va.; itev. U. A. Kiusolving. Mlddleburg, Va.; I (1, W. Lewis, OakUrove. Westmoreland county, Va. | For Circulars cootalnlng Tsraia, other references, 'tettl; mooials, he., address Miss E. TEBliS, i July 15?cini Alexandria. Va. / lOTTON VAltNS, NOR. 4 TO 12-For sale by I \J Aug. is JOHN N. GOLLON A SON. | SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCIIOOIj 1'Olt 1 BOYS AND YOUNG MKX, UV UEASNKR HARRISON, M. D? LL. D. ! riio OPEN SEPTEMBER FIRST next, ojf miles from ? J. Greenwood Depot l'n?t Office, Albemarle county, Vj. 5 Terms :?Tuition and board (.except light) for ten months, ' #'2>U?payable one half September 1st, and the other half .February 1st. Address the subscriber, until August 25th, at tho I'nlver8 1 oily of Virginia. UESSNER HARRISON. 'j July 22??:ut* ' Hit WOKi: (OLLKlGIi. ' j r OCATION?Salem, Roanoke county, Va., In one of the J Ju most beautiful, healthy and accessible sections of Vlr[I t k'iula. FACULTY: ^ Rev. D. F. Bktilk, D. D., President, and Professor of 1( .Mural and Intellectual Philosophy. 4 S. CsKs'is Wells, A. M., Professor of Mathematics and l Natural Philosophy. j Kev. W. 11. Ynxce, A. M., Professor of Ancient Langual { ges and l.iteraturr. Itev. 11. S. Osuorn, A. M., Professor of Natural Sciences. I J. (1. Frey, Assistant In Ancient Languages and Preparatory Department. * . Professor of Modern Languages and Tactics. | CoI'ksk?Full and thorough. I Expense*?Regular Tuition, Board, Room, Fuel, Ac., for 10 mouths, #110. liEuisxisoor Session?Last Wednesday In August, i For particulars address 1?. F. BETTLK, 1>. I'., Snlem, j Roanoke couutv, Va. S. C. WELLS, Sec. faculty. j "To be supplied. July lsw?im KIMiK HILL XI IIUOL. ~ I GUISKVS IMST UK KICK, CAROLINE COUNTY, VA. i'npunitory for tlw L'nirtmtuof Virginia. (C.&ARGES REDUCED.] milE fifth session of thin School will commence October A 1st and end July Slut following. The course Is that of Hie University of Virginia, comprising? I. English Branches?(iratnuiar, Elocutlou, Composition, Geography, Writing, Arithmetic. Ac. 'J. Latin and Greek and their History and Literature. h. French and Italian and their Literature. 4. A most comprehensive course of Mathematics, unite as " full as that of any College or Culversity of the United States. ft. Civil and Mechanical Engineering and the Theory aud Construction of the Steatu Engine, j 0. Drawing?Urnamcnta! and Mechanical?an ! Writing. f The advantages possessed hy this School In location, as I regards the health and morality of the neighborhood: in appointment, as in the excellent apparatus and capital buildr inga, gymuaslutn, bath honse. Ac.; In the experience and , success of the 1'rlnclpal, who has now been thirteen y. ars a . teacher, and the high testimonials of his Assistant, who was prevented by 111 health alone from taking his degree at the j last public day, aud will certainly get it In October; these, as w ell as the scrupulously moral and Christian tone of the School, all combine to recommend it to the attention of > parents uud guardians as having few equals and Lo superiors. CHARGES? lie rstt tekvs, for every thing except light". A detailed catalogue may be had by addressing Mr. ' ScHOoLUt, at Guiuey's, Caroline county, Virginia. He re' fers to? _ '' The Faculty of the University of Virginia; IV tensors ' ilartlett, Mahan and Church, of West Point; Prof. Cl.auvr; net, of Annapolis; Hon. J. 11. Tucker, Richmond; Huns. Ih ' C. Ucj arnrtte, and K, 11. Coleman, and T. N. Welch, of Caroline; lion. W. Newrton, Westmoreland ; K. H. Adams, * Esq., Alabama; Right Rev. lllshnp Meade, Revs. J F. Ilolf, * J. U. Coleman, 11. M. Wharton, W. l>. Thomas. W Fr'end, C. C. Ditting, J. A. llroaddcs, J. M. P. Atkinson. II. M. - N'elson, P. S. Mead-, Ksqrs., Dr. K. C. Randolph, Clarke; " J. C. Soutliull, Albemarle, Prof. Vcuable, Columbia, B.C.: Hon. F. W. Colstaau, Senate of Va. SAMUEL SCHOOLER, M. A. July52?ctOctl C. M. (illtliENS. HANOVKK ACADKfflV, VA. THE next .session of this School will roramcne- or, 'ho l?t day of October, ltl'J, and terminate on the k>;h .ley of July, Istifl. TERMS?f i.V> per session, exclusive of lights; lo be , paid on the l-t jf October?the remainJrr ca f.' 1st of * March. 1 INSTRUCTORS. r HILARY P. JONES. M. A., (L*. of Va.) l'atxctPAU \VM. M. FONTAINE, M. A , If. of Va.) ! DRAWING AND FAINTING. JOHN A. CaLVO of Richmond. Rkskiumk.?The Faculty of liie University of Mroinla; Prof. Wm. J. Martin, Chapel Hill, N. C.; Profs. Owen, and r Strange, Richmond College; Hon. J. M. Mason, Winchester; Judge Wm. J. Robertson, lion. S. F. Leake, it 11. Magru ' "ler, lisq,, AlbeQ trie: P. W. Coleman, Judge R. 11. Coleman, Caroline; Rev. H. Stripgfcllow, Charles Morris. Kdtr'tl ' Morris, W. C. Wick'.am, K?qs., Hanover; Wyndham Robertson, It. B. Ilaxall, Vt'iu. H. li.trail, Klein Robinson, J T. ' lirown, C. T. Worthain, J. 11. Chamberlayne, Ksus., Richtuond; James K. Marshall, Gray Carroll, Esq.,, Fauquier. * Having withdrawn from the Hanover Academy, I take great pleasure lu recommending my successor, Mr. 11. P. 1 J uses, to the confidence au I patrouage of the public. Mr. 1 Jones has hern associated with ra t, ir. the conduct of the Academy, for the lust threeyears. and I can therefore speak * knowingly of his qualifications as an In-tructor. He is a " geutleman, a scholar, anil, what is equally important, hat an uncommon aptitude for the management of nogs. Those ' who may decide to place th-ir sou. under hij charge, will. 1 feel confident, have no cause to regret my removal frou. the corps of instructors To the abilities of his Assistants, I can also give the raosl unqualifiedtestimony. LEWIS M. COLEMAN, Late Principal of Hanover Academe. cr Tor further particulars, address 11. 1\ JONES, Tayiorsvtlle. > July IS? ctlstOcl. Ilanover county. Va. IIHOO K L A N ?T5c7i uoij At CuiKswoof derot, album*kls occsttt, va. ; \VM. DINWIDD1E. m.a., Principal,') r JOHN C. DINWIPDIK, I JOHN Ml'KRAY, M. A., f lu"*u-> ?JAMES M. GAItNETT, M. A, rilllKobject of this School is to prepare young men fortlie , A University of Virginia, or for any college. All the instructors are graduates of the University, three of them with the degree of M. A., and the fourth a graduate In the schools of Latin, lireek, French. German, Spanish, and Moral Philosophy, and also an experienced teacher. The Principal has had ten years' experience in teaching, three in the successful conduct of hi* present school, and three as Assistant Instructor In the University in the schools of Mathematics and Ancient Languages. The 4th session commences on the 1st September next, and closes In the last week of the following June. Tkkm.-, exclusive of lights and towels, per session of ten months, payable $ I.'ion the 1st September, and iI20 on the 1st February. For catalogues, stating details, apply to the Principal a! Greenwood Depot, Albemarle county, Va. July 'J? ct It'll* Sept IVM. PI NWipDIE. M. A. SUNNY-SIDE SCHOOL, TWO MILE* FROM CHARLOTTESVILLE AND ONE FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, mm: second Session of my School will open on the first A Monday of September, and close the last of June. The subjects uf study may be embraced under the following heads . 1. English Language and Literature, g. Ancient Language and Literature. S. French Language and Liter:*'ure 4. Mathematics. ,'*. Natural Science. C. Mental and Moral Science, i Monthly Circulars, giving a correct exhibit of each stu* dent's scholarship and deportment, will be sent to parents and guardians. The fees for tuition, hoard, Ac., (washing excepted,) per term of five months, are #115, to be paid puactualjy in advance. I liC" F r further Inquiry, a tdr??s I WILLIAM CARROLL, A. M? i July 1!?c3m Charlottesville, Va. THE COLLEGE OF WILLIAM &. MAUI. fl111K uext session of thin Institution will commence on A the secoiid Wednesday of October next. The exercises will be resumed in the renewed college edifice. A I complete aparatus, on a large scale, of the latest and most approved construction, has already been ordered, which, 1 together with a well selected library, will be In rtadine?s for use by th** commencement ol the session. DEPARTMENTS. I. Latin and Latin Literature, and the Languages?Lliwix Taluixhuo, A.M., Professor. II. Greek and Greek Literature, and German?Kdwakh ,?. JnYNKs, A. M., Professor. III. Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, and EeihsI Lettres?Fine TiiTTHX, D. D., Professor. ! IV. History, Political Economy, and Constitutional l.sw ?llob'T J. Morrison, Professor, i V. Chemistry and Natural Philosophy?BiW. c K *VBLI., ! Professor. VI. Mathematics?Bv.vj. S. Kwixl, Professor: Tl *s. T. Ii. S.sttin, Adjunct Professor. For further information, addre.s, BENJ. F. EWELli, PrvsiJer.t, June |i*?ctiScp Williamsburg, Va. ? O .11 .11 mill r. n ,? U I., OK VERY VALL'AULK ItBAl, ESTATE IX THE COUNTY OF IIEXIUCO. TJI RSL'ANT to n decree of the Circuit Court of Henrico, MTlu the ease of Hutrheson v?. H>ttchc?on"? executor*anil I other*, the undersigned, as commissioner*, will sell at I'r.b! lie Auction, to the highest bldiler, on the premises, on I'lJII OA V,THE Wail HAT OF SEPTKMHKK, If fi'.r, if not, i the next fair day thereafter. commencing at 12 o'clock, M.t j the fellow In g very Tiilua>>|e Real Estate, situated on the i 1 Hecp linn Turnpike, about three mile* front the ci'v of I Richmond, lit-lrijj a portion of tlit preprrty of till !v .tap j broee Hutchison, to *!:; j 1st. A portion of the "ChantUIa" tract, lying on the Turnpike,'immediately opposite the homentead, containing I about VW acre*, upon which there .ire valuable ice* -s ] and an ire pond, jhls lat.d it lb a high slate of itrprove{ ineut. .'J. A tract calied 'Tendle'on." containing i 17 acr-s, ; lylnit on said road, about five and a-half r.tiles from the city i of Klchiiiun.t. ' Such an opportunity ! seldom prr-.ented to persons dej airioif to purchase real estate in the vicinity of Richmond. A tuap unit surrey can be seen at tbe ofiice of Jakxs .M. Tavlok k So*, In the city of Richmond. I'ersou* tlrsiritiK to make enquiry about the above property are referred to Messrs. j**. M. TaVLOa k 80s, or to either of the undersigned, one of whom i.llugfc M. llutche ou) resides near the premises. TERMSOne-third of the purchase money in cash, and the reildue In two equal instaiiuen s at one and two years from the day of sale, the credit payment* to be secured by negotiable notes, with the Interest added, and the title retained till tne whole of the purchase money Is paid and a conveyance directed b? the Court. Possession will be given in Mine to seed a crop of wheat, I and full possession of each tract will be delivered at the euu 01 w,e uictv,., j*?. i AMiX. D. HrTCIIKSON,} JOHN A. IIUTCHKSON, i cen-vls-l-neJ. II. YOUNG, Ionian toner . HUGH M. IllTCIIKSON, J Jsm&v M. T*ru? A Sox, Auctioneers. July 2.1?cw-lteidtds _ It IM V. KING WILLIAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA. IN accordance with the wishes of friends to whom this school is ln>lehte<l for oontlnued support for years past, the subscriber has decided to employ a teacher competent in every respect to take charge of the school and give instruction in the branches heretofore taught. The boarding department will lie under the direction of Mrs. lilts. School trill open 1st October, l Tkhvs, for ten months, payable half 1st January; balance close of session: Hoard, with every necessary, except light .flM 00 Tuition In English,Classics and Mathematics ho 00 Modern Languages, each extra id "0 Tactics taught if desired. For further Information address J. II. PITTS, Aug 13?c4t r.umford Academy. i " ?Ol AG LADIev AtADIinY OF THE VISITATION. FREDERICK CITY, MDTHE course of studies ?t this Institution telll be resumed on the first Monday In S.-pteroher. | Board and Tuition for the scholastic year with the French Language, if desired $100 00 Stationery, Washing. Mending, lied, Bedding, DocI tor's fee and Medicine 15 00 Music, Painting and Drawing, with the Latin, Italian,Spanish and German Languages, form extra charges. Pupils of all denominations are received at any time du j ring Hie year, paynoie omj irviu uaic vi cutrauce. Aug 8?cw4wj? HERRV TV IN EX, from low grade* to the floeit Imported. A Urge anortment now landing and for aale by 8ELDKN A MILLER, Augutt 19 Corner Pearl and Cary itrect*. SCHOOLS A.\D COLLEGES. U (.1 M V PE.HALG SKniKAIIY, AT STAUNTON. VA. JOHN II. TINSLKY, Principal. TDK next Session of thU Institution will commence on Monday, the 'JOth day of September, 1 <>9, ami close on | the last reck ill June following. | Ample arrangements have been made for a thorough sys| tem of cdueal'on. TBe course of study is comprehensive I anil practical, embracing all the branches, useful and ornamental, usually taught in female schools of the highest grade. The several department* arc filled bv competent and experienced assistant*. The public rooms have been recently supplied with Maps ami Chart*, of the hurst construction, and the I'hllosophienl and Chemical apparatu* enlarged a heavy expense. It la tin* purpose of tin Trustee* to avail thitno lv?.? o( all the educational improvement* of the day, and to place their Inatilution upou such a basis that it will furnish ad vantages for an accomplish-; i female education, equal to any that may he obtained elsewhere. Circular*, givingadditional Information, will bo*tnt upon application to the I'rincipat. Aug I'-'-C'a* KILOIM.HA FAfllLV SCHOOL, STAUNTON, VA., milK IH TtKS OF THIS SCHOOL WILL UK RKSCMED X ON TilCUSDAV. the d'.tth of September. It Is strictly a Family Hoarding School?the number of pupil' belli* limited to listen, and no day scholars received. There are still some vacancies. Hoard and KneU-lt Tuition, for *-.*?io-.i of niue months, ' fC-'oe. Music and Languages extra. Circular*, containing fuith*-r particulars, may be obtained I on application to MILS. HANSON", or j AugII?c!2t MISS MIKFKKV. Stamiton. Vu. .mSY CKRKK ACADK ? V, AUGUSTA COUNTY, VA. I milK next Annual Session of this Academr will comX nunc the III:ST MONDAY IN SlI'TEMHKK NEXT, | and close the if-Vh of June, i-od. The School is designed lobe preparatory to tbeCnlvcr| slty of Vlripiijia. All the Tv'S'.'liers arc Graduates of that | Institution. TKHM3?Uoarii and Tuition, Including every thing, Hi. For particulars Jre Catalogue. Address, Mossy Cre-k, Virginia. T. J. WHITE, June 1* -ctlOct Principal. \ JIKL1A 7\( ADK.TIV. ' fTTHE Twenty-Seventh Annual Session ?f thi* Institution I JL "ill open Oct. Is', InV.i, and close A'-tit, 1st. ISCo. I Terms, per session, exclusive of lights, t*.'tsi?t IM !' iy.v j hie Cel. 1st; f HM on March 1st. i for further particular;, sec Catalogue. I Direct, "Endure P O., Amelia county, Va." YVM. II. HARRISON. C-.t. xi sitv eK Vip.'.txia, June it, Is.". We believe the At i lla Academy, under the nixtivement I of Mr. W. 11. Harrison, t>u? of the best preparatoryschools la Virgin!*. UEfgNER IIAKR1SOX, JOHN 11. MINOR. JAMES I.. OA HE 1.1.. S. M Al.'I'IS, I Aug8 -?tf JAMr:s 1'. li'll.t'liMiO. C HI SA1' I1VK ii I ? ; "*1 ALE < O L LIM K. BETWEEN [HAMPTON AND OLD POINT ; flllUS ESTABLISH YIKNT JlAVIXIi BEEN PtRCHASKD | JL by individuals, chiefly residing in I' rtsin Ei. Norfolk I and the ai|jacent country will be maintained as a Hot class Institution. j The turning session will conitaeft on the first in ( October, under the supervision of trie Key. CHAS. A. KAY' MONO, who will '.svc associated with hint an able corps of ; Touchers. j The rates of Hoard and Tuition w::i rcr. tln unchanged. Per further particulars see future advertisement, or *<! ' dress KEY. THOMAS 111'ME; or MUSS W. AltMISTEAP. Est;., Portsmouth; er KEY. CI1AHI.ES A. JtAYMv.M), Hampton. Jnly 2>?cSt I I W "if | lll'AI I. lA'STnOCYoRS."" I OI!N B. CAKV, A. M., ph, Ancivr.: I asjsiajea I tl and Mathematics. ! FLEMING JAMES. Jr., A. M., Cnlrcrxity of Vlrgllilt, j Ancient Languages, Spanish and Italian. I WILLIAM E. CLTSIlAW, Virginia Military Institute, ! Mathematics, Tactics, and English. ] EDWARD HVKDICK, Music, French ami Gcrtras. 1 Mi.?s E. A. CLEVELAND. Female Department. ( The Exercises of this S--ho.,I begin on ti e Firm Mondiy i in October, ami continue ten months. Rott'd tl!phu extra' I and Tuition in Ancient Languages, Mathemid ?. Ac., t'J'.V, : per session, Modcru Languages, each ,r. i Music L*''1, ' extra. For Catalogues, or further information, .vldrrss the principal, Hampton, Virginia. Vug I?i'2tn ; Whig copy. I A 1.1. Ii(. Il l N V HIGH Xl'IIOIIL. i AT BLUE SOLPHCJR SPRINGS. VIRGINIA. WJ. MOKKI.-CTT, A M , Principal, so i Instructor in Mathematics anil Natural Science, j JOHN NEWTON SHEPHERD, lu,tr..rtor: As ent and ! Modern Language*. It. It. BEACH. A. B., Ituttuclirin "!*-ra! I'V'.'ct phe and i English. j Geo. W. IIimter, Steward. ! The Session will b-yin lit of October, an. el tc the las', i of June, 1>S". ' The Exercise* continue, without irttrraptlon. oa Salur' days, and there is tio intermission except on L'hii-'.tna* day. Expenses for Tuition and Board, Including every thing, except lights, fit1.1, payable one-half lit 0>P, balance J let It February. | Candidates for the Ministry of any Evangelical Denomination, who cone suitably reconnuended, r. reive tuition ' free. Sons of u,trusters pay half price for tuition. ' Hooks furnished, at the Springs, at Richmond prices. For Pamphlets, containing Lithograph of the place, 1 plan, Ac.. Ac. address W. J. MOIllUrETT, Principal. Aug 4?ctlUOct Blue -i.lphtir fptlnp P. O., Va. EPHibllPAh 111(111 SCHOOL OI'UIIOI| NIA, AT "HOWARD," THREE MILI A V.F-T OF ALEXANDRIA. Rev. joiin p. m gcirk, r.ect. r Jet s P. Mi'lictxH, Jr., Ancient l.attguttgirk art! Mathe! mailer. I John W'. MtTCitrt.L, English Branches, Prif,ct. V. C. S .1 spKtk, Modem Languages, Drawing and Pnlntlug. It. Jn km irkr. Mathematics att.i Natural Sciences. I II. C. SratltLlNu, Arteien! Languages. I F. BtCTXte-TKlX, Merle. The 19th session of this Institution will cotntnencr on I Wednesday the 1 Uh of September. Txkm.s?1 s5u for 1 "ttrd, tuition, lights, fue', mending and trashing, payable ""n: annually, in advance. Modern LnnAiiupou lir^wini*fifirl I'aintlriAf- it* ehnri?#?* IlKKKKKM. r.? . The BI*h??p? mid Clergy of the Diocese. The Profe5>ors cI the K*nlver?tily of Virginia. | For particular* seu catalogues. Add rest Rev. John P. McGuirc. Howard, u? ur Theological Seminary P. 0., Fair ax ' county, Vh." July a?cl 1st Oct. CHKSKTBK IKALK ACAOlfiHl', 11IIIS INSTITUTE hm been r*tah!Micd by a company . of gentlemen whom the undersigned represent, and Is : to cat "(1 at Chester, In the county of Chesterfi.ed, immediate: ly on the Railroad from ltlctifr.oud t . Petersburg, in a [ healthy and refined neighborhood. Its second acislon will commence on the FIRST IHY OF ; SI.ITEMHER next, and continue for 10 months without In! terruption. except for a few days at Christmas. ; The services of Mr. Ja hm M. Moon, who is a graduate ! of the ruiverslty of Virginia, and a lio e~:iduct"d the school during Itn first action with very irrtv *ati-fj?c:ten to its patrons, have been again secured, and it i- Intended tn be i a fir?t clii^ ! hool of preparation for ti.e Ctuvenfty, ur for useful and scientific pursuit. Board can be had at the place or r.lth pleasant families i In the neighborhood at th?* rate of *!"' for tin? ?t>?ioo, ! including light* and washing. Tuition in English Branches. |A0 " Latin, Greek and French earn 1 Fee payable half yearly In ndvanc*; and f.?r ferth-r In. formation address either of tee mi Jer*lg:i-d through the Chert or Po?l Office. \. li DRKWKY, HI NRY A. WINKRHE, DR. J NO. HOW LETT, J NO. A. COI.KMAN, Julyttil, 1W?gftweAdjn 0 PERDUE. Vjlis", AMI .HISS .niioirs PK.n.\LK 1*1 ACADEMY, near Cheater, wiii commence its next atxxlon October 1st, 1M>9, and continue till Juljr !?*, ISCfi. ; The loratlon I* remarkably healthful and eligible, and l? i very accernibltf, being near the Raiirvftd, bct^ert. Richmond ; on-, i ? The family and boarding department *11! be under the : chirii t( Mr'. Minor,irh>c ?no*r. character aid cxpe! rienrc are a sufllcieot guaranty <.f her'.Mhy and e(Sc'-ticy. I The Literary Urpar'ticnt will b?-under ihecliVRe of Mm ' Ada Byron Miner, aided by sist. rs *ci other e-vpetrnt Instructo-a. The course of stndies niit embrace eery branch of English, togethtr r. illi French, Latin, Mu?!e and Drawing, i Reference is c.nOdeinly made to all the former patrons of the school, and to a'l who have any kn* rlcdgr of iu ! character. Xo deduction made for Iom ?f, !r. crnea of 1 protracted illness. TERMS. Board, In. In uli < washing, lights, fuel, i. ., p?r session ol : nine month* ?180 lurtrueth.n la I'ngli.-L. for all ?vr 1! years of age, |t? ; Under S" Muric on Mart's, two lessons a week, an hour each. ., t'l I'lr.tio M , tiulur id I'te of Instrument 6 ; French and Utln each 20 To those who desire further particulars. Circulars *11! be sent. Cutstra, CutarttKrikLP Col'M*, Vs. Augu=t S?riba | HILTON MCHOOL. : rpilK TIUI1I) SESSION' OF MV SCHOOL established for ! i the btnetlt of ray earn sens, wid commence (he (Irst of I September next and close the last of June, leOo. I Si* or eight boys can tie arena modeled In addition to try I own, and enjoy e<iual privileges with thetn. | It trill be continued under the Instruction of Ctuauta 0. j Torso. Esq., a graduate of the University of Mrginla, and ; eminently Qualifled for the position. Ttccua?fiuu per session of ten Months, Including every thing?payable one-half at the commencement, tbe other at the close of the term. ItKrXKV.scia?The Faculty of the University of Virginia; Dr. It. Carver, Hanover; itr. Win. C. Warren, Edento -, X. C.; Win. M. Sutton, R. It. Ilaxall, letgan Waller, E*qs., Richmond; ilcv. I). B. lining, (iordomvlllc; Col. J. Willis, Col. G. Scott, Maj. J. 11. Lee, ttrange. (ior.POSSVIM-K. Aug. I'. '*50.?ytf JAS XEWMAN. UOINfAINIIO.n n' sc IIOOLT BOTETOURT COl NTV. VA. , gpilK subscriber wlllre-open his School on the 1st of Sep! I. tcmber next. The course nf study will comprise the I ordinary brancheit of an English education, together with j Mathematical, Natural l'hllottopliy, Latin, Greek, French, j German and Angto-s.txnn. i nese aiutur* viii ne laugrn "-i . a scale sufficiently extended to prepare pupils for the highest I classes in the University of Virginia, or in any of onr mlj leges, or to Qt then for the active pursuits of life. The ! numherof pupils will he limited to twenty-five. ! Tciws ?Two hundred and forty dollars per Session of 9.V | months, ending June 15th, lWJrt?one-half payable on the I 1st of September next, and one-half on the 15th of Jauuary, j 1SG0, New pupils will becharged from the date of enuring ! to the end of the session. These tortus include nil charges save for hooks, whiah will he furnished at Richmond prices. I No deduction for any cause save for protracted sickness. I Parents or guardians who wi/h further Information will ' direct their letters to WILLIAM K. i . ALT, j August 9?c8w Pattonshnrg, Hot, totirt CoBWty, Va. ; " VIRGINIA FE.HALE INSTITTTBs Staunton, Virginia. (frworporaltd by tht L*ffjsl<iturr, lst3.; REV. R. H. PHILLIPS, A. M., PaisctratAsslsted by a fulljyrpxof Professors and Female Teachers. THE 13th session will commence on tlie 9Sth September. A thorough education in the solid and ornamental branches may be pursued at this Institution, remote from unfavorable influences, and affording the best advantages for the healthy development of the physical constitution. For circular, with full Information, address the Principal. Tutus: For board, furnished ru m, fuel, light, washing, and tuition Id the English course l-'W for the annual session. Music, Languages, Drawing, Ac.,extra. Aug 19?C'im WHEAT FANS. ?I hare in store the Rockaway, Bamborough and Vanwisklo Wheat Fans. July 95??6l H. M. SMITH. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. ! i HKOOK1IILI. SCHOOL, -:x Vlil.1 JJOHTII or CHaHLOTFWVILLB AND TUK CJHVKR81TT Of VIRGINIA. CHARLES MINOR, M. I)., A. M., I'HINCICI'., i W*. It. A-c<?t, U'. hjert Rirt-", A M., C. Vs., Cuss. Minos, J*, j j Assistant*. , . ;-t|WF. Feminn hejclns, Sept. 1st, tsM, ends Jane 2.1th, ( | X IsCrt, divided into two term., ??!th two weeks re- | C7? at Christmas. rCP'L.TS ISCVif. i !. Enxlhh Lanpuai;*, j , Latin and (ireek l.&ngnar,'*? it. The Modern Languages, French UcrntLr, Spanish, ' j Italian, Anglo Faxon. j | I 4. Mathematics. | . !/. The Elements c: Sal. lTilloscphy, Chemistry ?nd j Moral Philosophy. Catalogues, showing the plan of the School, sent to those , , who desire it. I . I Truss? i'.'h"; to te paid half In advance?lit Sept., ami j , lit Frh. f-ariVMt OfMce and Depot, Charlottesville, Va. j iOrrukvcim.?The l'rofosorb anil Visitors of the L'nli ersl : ty of Vlr.'ini ,; lion. Win 0 Hives, Cohhain Depot, Alb . j \ Franklin .Minor, Esq.. (.'harloMenvllle; l.iettt. M. I'. Maury. | \ L". S Observatory, Washington; Kt. Ilev. John .'ohm, Alex- : i anilria, Va.; Charles T. I'ullnrd and S. T. Joiic.-., Ksqs., ' ' j Montgomery, Ala.; lion. C. '.'lay, Huntsviile, Ala. I July ??ctlSSepi ASnLAHD ACADK1SY. ' . rlllic second session of this School will commence on the < I M. first Monday in Hctnbor next. < N' pupil will be received under fourteen yean of age, or I uuh -e already well grounded in the rudiment! of au Ku- 1 i i-'lt-i. education. ' | Resides t! e usual Classical and Mathematical studies, a course of History will he taught, as thorough and ex'.eu- ' | sit e a? the length of the session will admit. I | 1 will he assisted, *.< heretofore, hy Mr. fit vp.ti's A. i Jos'Ks.of Xottoway, a Master of Arts of the Culversity of t Viritinia. [ TP litis ?Fir Tuition and Board, (light* excepted, ; one half payable in advance, and the residue at the dole ' j of the session. t I For further Information, address ST. (!. TCCKtll. I ! July 13?c2in Ashland, Hauover Co., Va. , VAWI'LLK FKiH A LKACADKM1'7 ' ' rniis: \>:\r session of rni.- school urn;ins on 1 i jl Tilt MUST monday ix SKPTFMUKK, t<9. ' FACULTY. . 1IEV. CEOIt'lF W. It AM K, l'nuicirat, Higher Department. ' ' Miis. MARY M. DAME Music. MI.*:1 KL'GKMA l\ ItlAOWi, I'linM-i,, Drawingand Km- | ' broidery. I * MIL* SMI All F. WAI'MOP, Middle Department. } 31 Iff LL'C'V C\ IMMK, Assistant in Aluo'ical Depart Lien t. ? * MIsS H. F. U ATKINS, Juvenile Department. I TKKVi Ton 4SNf .iL FMMON, PiY.tLLK OXk?UAljr t!l AliVi.VCT. k J Tuition In the Juvenile Department...... . .. $\M uu * Do. da. Middle Department HU U"! I Do. do. Higher Department SO UU Do do. Muaic on the Piano or Guitar 4o 1 j Do. do. Drawing IS Chi 1 Do. do. Painting in Oil Colors 40 >? ' Do. do. Painting la Water Colon 10 Oo ! Do. tl??. Grecian Painting tM Vo j D??. do. Needle Work itui Kin roidery IS V* D?*. Jo. Latin, French or Italian ! *> J | Use of Piano for practicing ., f? IMi > j Cotillncc-ut KxpeOSe i > li j Hoard, including teaching. *< ' I'M) 'N? f ! Thi<* Academy h.'u been In active operation since I-51. It u : !j under the control of a Hoard of fourteen Truitct). The ' ?vitein of Inrtruction U '.borough and exULsivc, und l? ! f^e'ed by the study cf the ties' Teat U'*ok?, Conversation , , and L? . 'urc?. with ? speriuienul lilus.ratfoM in lh" Natural Sciences Toe discipline is parental. The aim of the Teach* J er* it, no! onl> to Impart information. hit' to develop, ex- " I pasd ami discipline all the powers of thv oilnd, to rtflM tlic ( j sen*ihititic*. polish the manners, form conect habits oi thought and action, instil proper principles of action, and * j educate the xffectioiis; ;.d as to train a child to act faithful* I ly, honorably, and happily, her part i:i that state of life in 11 j whit h Providence n..4> place her. The success of the Teach- '' er.?,In their ai:n, during the last nine teen years, under the ^ i present, is evident, Croat the lii.l. position of the c ; pupils for character, refinement p.^J in ?'-f licence. la the '' course of Instruction, particular attcr/'on ? ? p ?id to o-jr , ; owtLlar.giiace, ?o that a child rcay learn to rea l, write and ; I converse properly. j The Natural Sciences, so iMe.n'isl *, :h- : nlshed edu- j *' ' ration ? f a lady, receive pr.- ?*nt n*. .-nG*!#. Tlics? I " , herself, &ud to thhik carefully correctly, to secure a spirit of Gbstrvaihiu a::-l inquiry, to five a rt?**irf f??r inf??r- 1 : uution and a lovr for study, ar??l to counteract the p? rni- w | clou* iuflueii the exciting and demoralizing litcrututc 8 to canstartly thrown in the w:?y of the youa#, that they *!.ou:! form constant branch of Academic learning.? . t one ud wDk this Acmdeny l? an rxtvotiri CHLMICAL l' LAUutSATOKV AND PHILOSOPHICAL APPAliATUS.? 11 ; Lecture* with Experiment* w ill be frequently given to !iu l?art instruction in these ?cLnc?s. The other departments pertaining t?? a complete Female Education will be under the coustunt r'lfjervLriou of tin* Principal. I The Hoarding Dcpartineut of the Principal Is coodtb*D*<l . on the family plan, ?o that th- pupil shall he deprived, a- 0 | little a*? po .tihle, of the ln?ui*ri<v of the h ?uie cirrK The f j u'gl.t study :* under the supervision ol on* of the Teachers, : hy whom a'^o the boarders are attended In their visits to the stores, ami t?> suitable public Lectures in town. They attend church with th; family, are not allowed to receive theeperUl attentions ol )uut?g men, nor to spend the night out of the h iUse unless called for by the parent. The prln- } clpal. knowing hat the iralnin; of y%j t*h for eternity, on ; the Uible plan, i* tbt training for usefulaets, honor f. : and happiness in thh world, ende tv? rs to have all hU p I family arraugeiaent? in accordance. o The Lncaiicn of the Academy Id a hea'ihy and acces- ?? i tiblc town, and a p ?od corpn of Teacher* give a^urance to p ' Parent t and Guardians, that their daughters, if sent here, li will hare :m onnortuiiltv for caininr a thorough SU'I SVste- h I Dlfttic Kllucn'.lul). 1 !J.<r"l"ur'.InT information can b- ol-sun.d on api>!!c\'.!oc o tu th* f'rinI>?nvill?, Va., July !0,1MS.?c-lwH MILITARY SCHOOL 5 WEST POINT, VIRGINIA. ,, W. WINSTON FONTAINE, Principal. tl rilHE Subscriber, (laic Principal of (Lc Cciitrcvlllc Acad- c JL 'my, Kiftj? A Queen, Virginia,) propones to open, on the iJ flr.?t MUND.Win October next, a L'his.tical, Mathematical and Military fl:h ml, it West Not, the eastern t-rminu* of ; the Richmond und Vnrk River Railroad. The .situation is j ' immediately on salt water, commanding a flue view of < | York river, and affording In the recently erected buildings f ' every advanUgu for hathlu;;. Tor health, beauty of scenery, few places in Eastern Virginia ran compare with I ji ! it. The of instruction will he preparatory to the | a I nlverxity ol Yiiglniu; embracing Chemistry, Natural Phi- j b lesophy. Mat hematic* and the Latin, Creek, French and j <j German Languages j e I The Principal. who has had cons! \rahle experience ti an Engineer, will give itbtrucllon in Practical Ch?l Engl* j .1 ncerinc and Surveying. Every Student will be required to ' \ I join the DrlllCliifi, uiilcn specially excused. i |. TERMS: | l, Board, per *e*?inn of t#*n month*. lights excepted) |!P? uj i I; Tuition in English Branches, Ancient Language.*! h and Matin .oatirs .. ... 5ft On y \ French and (i'-riuan, i,each) Ill ?> i1 1 Payments?one-half 1st of Uc'ober, and one-half 1st of March. 1 West Point i< acre?*ll?lc from Norfolk hy steamboat, and . ! will, hy the lrt of September, be connected with Richmond ! by n steamboat and railroad line. Y ; "For a Circular, with reference*, and fuller in format Ion. o address the subscriber, uti'il the *2olh of September, ' at "A-quinton. King William, Virginia;" after that date, a' . "A i-t Point, Virginia." I Au^ 15?CWtlOcl W. WINSTON FONTAINE. 11 I RLBLRK K'S HALL PKflALR " SCHOOL. c I rjlMK fecond Session of this School, which !s located Willi- * 1 in 1*11 h tntle 01 rrracnn s mi vcpoi, < irfcium ,.CM- i tml lliti! Itoa.l, will cnrtui'-nrif on the 1st of next Scptein- ! " her, in.'I close on the let of July following. j " Tkrm.i t-i.u rbsmnv or Tks Month? : hoard iri ! Tuition in nil the English branches for '' ten month* . |1S0 fiO 0 Music on the Piano, witli u*e of instrument ii.% no ll i French Language 1" no j Drawing and Painting, each 30 (hi 1 InOtn Ink and Crayon, each Si" . Embroidery j on 3 An accomplished and r?|>?nenced teacher will have J charge of thi< School. U Mv addrcas I? Frederick'* IIk 13, Louisa county, Va. July 1*J?ctl.MhSep KATIIAMEL W. HARRIS. | jkfi i;un?m:(i> at a i?i:u v. !* rtMlli institution, situated !'i a most healthy and agree*- I '< I hie neighborhood, twu ami a half mile* from the Fau- | qtsier Spring, free from the haunts of vice or dissipation, ! n will be opened on the flr-t Monday In September next, ami I c!o?r on the !*"' of June following. d Thecour?e of study *111 be thorough, comprising Latin, | Greek, Mathematics and other branches usually taught lu j d our best academies, In which young uirn are prepared for | : college or the hnalneaa of Lfe. j I Tents.?For hoaid and tuition payable one.half In I advance. CALKD I.L'KM.EV, I'rineipat. r For any further Information, nddresa the Principal, at | Jeflt-rsonton, Cu peper, Va. Aug IS?cStawHw h it. isADMKIs acadu1y, " . HALIFAX CO.. VA. i P;l R Poicras, Piincipal , Assistant. t OCATIOY?Five mile* from Clover Depot on the Rich- jj I j mnnd and Danville- Railroad, remarkably healthy, re- i ! aiutc Irom temptations to vice and convenient to churches, j ( scejrres TaIoht.? \ncient Language*. Modern Lan! Mathematics. Phvsic-il Science, History and Geog- | i raphy.' Length of S- ssioc, from Set October to Sit August. Tkimi.?Hoard and tuition, ten months, f'tid, psyable half ; ! silrance. Lights extra. Pup!!* conveyed from the depot without expense. Address the sub. either at Staunton, till JSch August, an J afterward.* ?t Mt. Laurel, Halifax county, V* Apply early. : ca-lulv !. - .'*? tr, _ PIKE POWERS. I thm collkob of n.iinn, ! f IIIIE Eighteenth Annual Seiaion begin* on the laal WednnX day (the gjth) of September. The varlctt* clasir* In ! the College, .ud in the lirmumar School, reiume their work ! promptly. New Students will he examined on Thursday, ! the'-Hth. JOIIN II. KtKKoOT, hector. Ac., July 26?lasrCt College of St. Jatne* P. <)., Md. ALIiX tMlitll KK.HtLK Nli.TIIN AH Y~, ' VI Itli INI A. I I ,f.l.lf& A'. HALLO WELL, Propriitor and Pri'icif -i' I fl'illE Twellth Annual Senlon of this school will commence I .1 ?n the I tth of next month, (September.I 1 Cirruhirs giving full particulars will be sent to any who j I may deilrr tfteci. Aug IS?rlt* A8HLAXD VKiALE 8BKINAB1* | HA.NljVEft CUCXTV, VA. ] riIHE third annua! arasion of this Institution will com* j A uience on the Si.l of September next, with a fullcorpa ] of experienced and accomplished teachers. Tor circular* j and other information, ad'trt** CII Alt EES P. STl'ART. Aug |S?eltr Ashland, Va. \riKGIM.l-IN CIIAXCEHY.?At rulca held for I the Circuit Cuiirt of Chesterfield county in the t clerk*9 office thereof, on the first Mouday in April, the ? day of ml?! month : Mary Ann Kcbecca, wife of a man called Williwn Ander- t son, otherwise called Jenks, who ?ue? by A. C. St-.w- , art, her f.tther and natural guardian Plaintiff, ' again*'. William Anderson, other wise called ? Jcnkn, Deft. | The plaintltThaving filed her bill, the object of which is to obtain a decree for a divorce, and to pr-nounce the said raatrinfc null and void, and the defendant not appearing; ] and it unnearinr bv nJlidavit that he is a non resident of this Slut?, it I- ordered that he appear here within one i month after due publication of this, and do what is uecessa- ; ry to pmtect hia Interest in this suit; that a copy of this or- , i der be published in one of the newspapers puMished In the city of Richmond once a week for four successive weeks. | and that another copy be posted at the front door of the j court house of this county on ttie first day of a term of the i County Court of said county. A copy?Teste, t Aug lf>?cwlw NATHAN II. COG BILL, D. C. NOTICE. 4 I-L persons having claims against the late Thus M. B. | J.X. Roy. dee'd, are informed that they may present them duly authenticated to me at Chelsea, near Richmond city, ! in Henrico county, Va., for settlement; and all persona in- , debied to the same are requested to make immediate payment, as it Is desirable to close the concerns of the estate as ' soon as possible. JAMK.S C. BUY, Adtnlnlstralor of T. M. B. Rot, deceased, j Aug 3?cwlw ; I i COTTON YAKNh? Beit quality "L'nloo Alius,'' for | J \J sale by L A 0. B. DAVENPORT, j VALIABLE FAKAIS FOR SALE. WOODSTOCK FOB SILK. INTENDING to remove to Richmond, | offer for ?i\!e, pri vately, niv farm, w.:ll known -i Woodstock. Woodstocl la situated about five tulles below Kirhn.ond, and U.s that ? mile from the York Hirer Kallroiiit, on the New Uridyl mad, adjoining the lands of l>r. John It. Oariiettaud others Tin. farm contain" 4tm acres; HW acrc-i of which are wo! timbered with oak and pine; about 1 facrei sr., Cblrkatomltiy low grounds, easily drained, and the remainder In arable high lands, in mi improving condition, producing well the cr?.pa usually cultivated iti this region, such as wheat, corn, oats, I ay. ?c. Tobacco is cultivated by several of my neighbors. Woodstock is one of the r-rost roniniandtng situation* Iti Kasteru Virginia. The residence being located on a beautiful emtueuce, command* * tine and lovely view of the surrounding country for .irour.d. The improvements ?ro all new. The dwelling which has been completed withit the last year, is a large t,vo rtory wood house, having irett built of the best material, and planned with an eje to taste, comfort and convenience, it contains seven large rooms; two large store romm and 3ve closets. The house > covered with tiu, and lias been recently painted externally and Internally, in the most modern style. There Is visa an office in the yard, with two rooms In It, The outmuses, such as kitchens, i|uaiteis, barns, stable.*. Ac., are ill new. The place abounds in springs, sufficiently convenient, of as b are rater as any In the Male. Besides an old tpple orchard, there is a young apple ami peach orchard in the place. The proximity ef this farm to Hlchiin-itd renders it particularly valuable au-l -Irslraol , and ! is setlorn that such a farm, combining all the abvaiita;p s and toiivemenccs, is olfereil in market. My sou-iii iar, Dr. lioyster, who resides on tlic premises, ?!il take pleasure in showing it to any one who may wish to tea it. The purchaser can Stave the privilege of see-ling a crop >f wheat f ill, an! full poso-.-stlou the 1st of January 1 Stilt. July d-cltn M A KY II. i'iUCH. ~ IsAJIID liAlsBs HAVING determined to remove to the county of Henrico, I shall sell, at public auction, on the premises, on lIKUNhrllAY, tl:c .'list day of Augu>!, if fair, II not, the text fair day, the J'ariti upon which 1 at present reside, ylng In the county of Prince lidward, upon the Appomattox iter, six tulles abovethc town of Kaltuville, and one ami a luarter tulle* from the water station upon tbe houib side -ailroad, and containing about ?tst acres. The imploreuetits are all new and in excellent condition, consisting of i two story > ranted Dwelliug, with six rooms, including ia-crieiit rooms, an Office In the yar-l, a Kitchen, Meatinusc. Icehouse, four excellent Nrgro Cabins, with plank ionra and brick chimneys, seven Tobacco lint (i t. a good jrvnary, Malde, Coin-house, Carriage and Huggy-house. There are gjni acres lit original f--re*t, well limbered, end mm so tn Inn acres ,.f rich cr-.-ek arid river H it land. I shall not pre a minute description of the farm. I uk !n?-*r desiring to purchase a good farm t*? \l?!t me, an i -ee ir?d examine for themselves. 1 h? an orchard of ehoi:e ruit tree* just beginning to bear. T<KM^.?Uue third cast, the baiaure In one and twoye ?ri; he purchaser executing bond*, with good *tcurlty, bearing titriot fromthv<!-y of sale. JuilN il. KMolir. jy Adiircn, "KwavSUt," Wm. N. Di?t9, Auct. Aug t?c!tn " LAM) IN i.OOl ilLAMI VuU NAlX " IULKKilVoffer for sale, privately, the truck of land on which I now reside, in the upper end of Hooch I and Co., lie forru-r residence cf Dr. 0. Coats, and containing two iundred and twenty-nine acres. It is n good location either or a physician or teacuer. Any one wishing to purchase i rc?pir?ti-d to make early application. July j; - h.* MAYO, M. P VAIsl A If i. A: rS i A'l h FOIC NALh. rVTKoffer fur gale privately a tract of 1 tod Ij log in the if county of Rockingham, N. C.. about twenty-ino 9llt*i al>o*.?: D.tnvfUe, Va., and three below Leaksviile, N. containing Fifteen Hundred and HMy-Nine mi rer. This sud extend* wi'hin a few hundred yaidsof Dan Kiver, rhlch !? navigable to Danville, and !; in the heart of a elcnrated section of country railed the "Meadows of itockughum.*' It lie* gently rolling, of a dark red color, and Is articuhtrly adapted to the production of the tinesl tubxcco aid * heat. About oue half of the tract I* in original for*t, heavily timbered, with an abundant suppiy of the best Unt land, end every part of it U w#.!l watered. 1!iu society is as good us any in the country. MethcdUt, ?aptis?, MpiscopHl and Presbyterian Church*.**1 xre ith coneuient, ami in the town of Lealsville, besides a large cotan factory there arc tall!*, theps and itur-ri of every *lecrintiou. hi add:t!*<a both c v.l and iron are found on ir, an it form ur* of the Leaksviile coal ID-Id* to which the last Leyislaure of North Carolina chartered :t railroad, aud which l'.hcut -i ".il?t will he built and thus open the mineral reuurccs of that country. TxHMrf.?Any reasonable time given to the purchaser? lie purchase money being satisfactorily soured, and the iterest promptly paid. Perseus wishing to hear mere cf liis land wilt .Mreji c.thrr cl the undesigned. JOHN T. CLARK, lalcott, P. t t, Charlotte Co , Va. W. 11. s*l Mi, June 21?ctf Cliver Dcp-)t, Halifax Co., Vn. M*. C.G. Tarry, Uvlng on tbeUnd, ?ill show It to any tie, or give any Information concerning it >KSIIIABLV LOCATED FAUIWOftf HVK HCNDKKl) AND M.XTY-FuUK AND A HALF AC it Li, IN TJIL COCNTIW OK ClIL^TKKKJfcLD AND I'liNV 11 AT AN, ON SWIFT CHEEK, ON lilt LINK OK TI1K RICHMOND AND DANMLLK RAILROAD, EIGHTEEN MILES KKOM RICHMOND, FOR SALE. VVT L are authorized to ?* 11 the above Farm. It ootalns n ucre*, of which, it i* estimated, ?cre* urit -riile creek and branch tlat, ard the remainder in oM held ioe. your.g oak, poplar, walnut and aMi. The buildings n the place cob?Ut of a framed house, with three rooms n the lower tluor, tad three attic rouius much out of reatr. a good giauary, with till pelt-* for tol?atfCo, a good O* acco liarn and a null hou?e convertible Into a tobacco ani, ?m<?ke house, crn bou-e, and three n-^ro cabins.? 'here i- also ou the place an ubutiduucc good timber ne and quarter mile* from a steam saw milr. and an zbun.iine of flrrt rate plant land. Mr. II. K. Kajfe, the renter of the land, will ffcotr It to per0ti3 H i-hliiK to view it. As I he owner reside* too remote from the farm to give it is penonal attention, he is anxious to sell, and will make lie t**rrus of payment remarkably liberal, pay one fourth ash; balance *t one, t?o aud three years, hearing interest roperly secured. For further particulars apply ! u?. UODDIN A AUPEKSOS, Augl?elm ABctlwwer*. OFPEK HON K. NFKINOS FOIt NAlff. I 111IS desirable Watering place and summer retreat, is . now olered for r :!r. Situated rts it l.?, wiilnn tr/o lilcsof the Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad, it can, with little additional expense, be tuude one o! tPit- most desirale Summer Kctreals In Eastern Virginia. As to Medicinal ualitiesnud virtue of the water, it ha* no superior if! East* rn Virginia. For the truth of this statement. I will refer i the name* of Edwin Scott, Mr. 1'. Scott. Dr. Win. ll.irri-on, ohn T. M'tien, of Sussex C. II , Henry Birdsonc, W illiam >ndrcw* and Waverlejr Station. There arc 6-lb acres of iad by oi l survey ; !K> or In iu.r?, with a lit'lc labor, will ling a flue rruji the coining year. About one half of I his ind is In original growth of Hue I'inc Timber. Anyone bo may wish to buy can Ki t a bargain. Cotne and sec for curself, ai 1 am determined to sell tit some [ rice. 'i y oat Office i? Surrv Court House. Vu. June S-Ctf J. n. W1LH01T. V.UI akli: VXHM roi? axL.K. 1111E undersigned oilers for rale Ids very valuable Farm, . situated on Clinch lilver, In the county of Taievreil. * miles trest of tliel'ourt llou>e,containing 1.2H0 acres f as good grass land as is in the blare, n large portion of Ideli is finely set in pots*, and can grace '.'." n rattle. It is Ituated in a good neighborhood, is finely watered and unrr excellent letice. It has on it cod meadows, and is finely adapted to corn, heat and other small grain, and it is believed that tobacco riuld be raised successfully. It has on it a good dwelling ml other necessary houses, and also a good mill site. Those wi-hing to purchase a eood .Stock farm would do ell to visit Tazewell, as there arc a number of desirable irms for sale in the county. The above,Farm can be purchased on'he most accommoatlng terms. Ilv paying a part of the mom y down, a credit f several years will be given for the balance by paving lie interest. For farther particulars apply to the undersigned a*. aZetre'.l Court House, Va. Aug2? cwUiu \VM. I,. IVATKINS |)H0.\0 llCK'K FAI.h t7(T I) K.VCEi will commence TIE.-'- 'ftvi'rfr'jiMi |i~- ?" FIllfT PAY.?TtKsOiT, Oef her^1 . '.h.?Swceprfakes for three ye trs o!?i colts and bhn-s, mde eats; |10'J entrance; #b" forieit. Closed 1st August, as illows: 1st. Gen. Thomas J. Greer.namesb. by Aoncxatioti. Is ilam by imported Tell. 2d. F. II. Hall names g. f. Faith, bv Childe Harold, her am Fidelity by I'riata. ?d. Fondren, M'li.i.imt k Co. name b. by Red Fye.her am unknown. 4th. David MeDarilcls namrs ch. f. Minna I.tmsr, by lo?ton. Jr.. her dam by imported Trustee. _ 3th. J. IV, I'. Srwby nam** f. Anil? btlHn, oy ?.n:njc nnotd, her dam liy Dostcn. 6th. l'bilo C. Iluoti name* ch. f. Pauline, liy Star Davis, ier -lam by Molimoth Eclipse. ?KCO.VD RACE?Sam* liar.?Sweepstake for three year* iM? that have not won a race; two tnlle heats; 115V entrance; '73 forfeit. Closed 1st of August a* follow* : l*t. X A T. W. Do-well name* ch. f. by tirif Edmeiideor, icrilam, Viritlniai'ayne, hv llarohl. id. Gen. Titos. J. Green name* g. t, Adiiie Currier, by ihallenfer, her .laiu by imported Tuuter. 3d. Calvin Green, naa:e? b. c. by Grif Edmnndron, hi* lam hy Priam. SECOND DAY?WcbStti'DaT,5th.?Tour mile post stake or four year olds; ll.ttthJ entrance; (*2*VJ forfeit; closed riili three subscribers, viz; Eotidren. Williams a Co., T. A f. W Dojaill, and Calvin Green. THIRD PAY?TucRsUaY. Oth.?Club puree; two mile iout?; A-".1'1. EOCKTIl DAY?Er.totl, 7th.?Club purse; three tuiie leats; $1'-*'. FIFTH DAY?Sstciipay.?Sweepstakef r three year old :"lti and fillies : two tulle heats; entrance; #!W forelt; close 1*1 August as follows: l*t Gen. Titos. J. Green name* Capt. James Wl'liarorna'* ill. f. Mary iilwius, by lied Eye, her dam by l'hil Drown. '2nd. V. 31. Hall nauies ?. f. Faith, by Childe Harold, he; lam Fidelity by Priam. :1J. David McDanhls name* ch. f Minna Leman, by Cos on, jr., her dam by impotted Trn*tee. d'.h. I'lillo C. Uush names ch. f. Pauline, by Star Davis, ivr dam by Monmouth Eclipse. 3th. Calvin Green names b. c.. by Grif Edmondses, hit Urn by Priam. SECOND HACK, PANIC DlV.-Sift|?t?keI?r tieo yeai dds; one mile; iod entrance; $iu forfeit; closed 1st ol Vugust, lV/d, rs fuliea* : 1st. K. M. IUU nam.j ch. f. fame, by Financier,her Usui Fidelity. 3d. Daeid McDuIc i names cli. f.,by Boston, jr., her daw y Urgent. 8?l. Calvin Green names Mr. Corbin's cb. f.. by Grif Edjon'lson, her ilam by Imported Cctu.?. Sweepstake to conic off first T CEP PA V In May, 1580. f?i hree year old Colo and Qllie*. the produce of mares thr.t tad not produced a winner up to l"t of May. IpoD; i'**> e.*v ranee; f'JSo forfeit; mile beau; cloaed 1st August, IN'/.', at 'olio as: 1st Gen. Thus. J. Green names f. Mi-s Tobacco Fly, by [led Fye, In r dam Fire Fly, by iniporled Priam. 2d. F. M. Hall natoes cti. c., by Heventte, his dam Fanny Fein, by lilencoe. 3d. K. A. Alston name* rb. c., by Highlander, Lis dart; Kitty I'uryear, by imported Anderby. 4th J. il. Barkley names b. c., Cuanee, by Katatv Shark, tin dam by Arcadia. 5th. Darid MvPaniels ch. f., hy Boston, Jr., hti 3aru by Regent. 6th. Calvin Green names Mr. Corbin's ch. f., by Grif KJ rondson, her dam by imported Cetua. Aug lfi?c3t CALVIN GHEES, Proprietor. nmnnnfiTn ffntrm o. hn Si\LJBmttD, nun u uu.,> 3IEKCIIAXTS, FOB THE SALE OF COTTON TARNS, OSNABCUUS, SI1EETIXC3 ajm SHIRTINGS. No. 152 CH4N1BERS STREET, NEW YORK. J one *2? c<m ' UILI.IA.n~U. JllLLEUj IfLlTE WITH AltX. TAWtKTT.j GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT FIR tbc aale of Tobacco, Wheat, Ac. Office |od 13tl itrect, oppoilt* Tobacco Exchtuje. f3F" Strict atustioa paid to Sllioz order*. Aog Id?dm j ^lichionfr fhqnirtr. Is ;| ::v ilircil'.f, t)L'NN\V.VNT, Tt'LKR A V. l-F. I ^ ' i n i:sdav ,'ioiimm., AVGVST 23. 1859 , n ! A 0LA5CE AT THE EUBOPEAN PBES3. cl If the state of the European press is to l?e ! >i ; taken as a faithful expression of the state of tl minds in those regions, we must go back to J" j the most wretched times of the history of the * I old continent to find a narnllcl to its confu- ... sion. Logic, consistency, firmness, discrimi- V j nation, practical view of affairs, were no more ' i absent front the Byzantine city besieged by the j j|c Mussulniens titan they seen; to be at litis mo- 0l j ment from the capitals of Europe, as ropre- Su sented by newspapers. It is more easy to be- i >S| j lieve that the public press has ceased, for a | while, to be the press of the public, than to j admit, ail at once, that whole nations have fallen I into that miserable impotcncy of not knowing in ; wit it to do, what to think, by what decision to I111 j stand, or even as a last resource in a hard case, | how to wait in cautious silence for an oppor- ! a tunitv of seizing upon those elements of the j th j question flint will enable them to emc-rgo from j ?" incertitude and darkness. Before the peace, from the first of January ; to tiic loth of July; from the day in which the ' ac Emperor of the French snubbed the illu-triuu- 1 an representative of hi- noble cousin the Emperor l'' of \nstria, up to the hour in which the two , Emperors were brought face to face and sud- ; dt n!y put aside f he sword for the pen, there were | two strong currents well marked in the public j opinion, as well as in the public press; one of J"' which may be said to have been flowing in the sl] r-:ir of the French army, and the other stream* j rit ing in the track of the Austrian host. ThatdouI ble current, however, which followed so faithful- j K'oimI ca <>Iawi.Ii' (Itfttiillor iif firo onil niitnr r ,, JTV, ...? ?. ...? ...... ...V ,-...... ,0, of smoke, as long as they were progressing, j in m?st positively refused to stop with them when ' '^e they came to r. stand still; and, instead of re- ' j.1' treating or disarming with their Imperial lead- 1 mj rr?, they actually keep up a war at blind man's art butf, in which friends and foes are indiscrinii- j natolv hit; and, if there is one among the ' ar< ' struTnriers whom chance or t>hrewdnes? has fa-! W ?... ' vorcd with a small ray of light, he is sure to j jm ; strike his friends moat hard. Tho pacific men j ly I of vesterdav have become the bellicose of to- 1 * ' i J,|f ; 'by. What! they say, is the war already fin- ,vj idled V And yet. scarcely had the first diplo- ail( inatic difficulties of the Italian question arisen, ' tin when thev were overwhelmed with alarm. A P" . . . . in. well furnished stock ol arguments was emptied out; France was manifesting anew lier old am-1 t[H bition; the Emperor was about to display his 'l'h colors, and, like a mailman, flourish a sword of ten three hundred thousand blades for the greater ! ex* hem-lit of his elorv; war was to be universal; l' " * . ' iso a quarter of a dozen of generations were to be j p0j devoured by the unjustifiable conflict; the hap- ' tre py men who were to enjoy the blessings of sm : peace had yet to be born: ? | '. ftpi euro pr.tJUit a'u iliee ronir. Xoi was that all, the people, the very nation for which that crusade was to be undertaken, ; wi were not worth the trouble of thinking of, stili j At less n lov< r.i money and life. The BlarkwooH I th< Magazine would inform us that the present Italian stock was degenerated and prostrated? |, superstition, rottenness and what w| not had spread front the South to the North of wr Italy, and it was an attempt to be counted, henceforth. among the great monuments of lot man fully and presumption, to undertake. the galvanizing of a corpse doomed to decay. M: The majority of the organs who held such w' high-colored language, have, in the course of! the la-t month, changed their opinions without l|n ; any transition. (_ > It is true that the Italomanii of most of vo the French papers has of late, turned a new , leaf, anil discovered, to their great confusion, 0 that poor Austria was not quite so black as they had made her. The Italians are not so interesting as they fancied they were. Some already '-nil them ungrateful; others argue that an they would not light, and that they refused to p( illustrate another, "Now, guards, at them" at pa Magenta, by any extraordinary display of t! valor. To the judgment of others, the j Italians proved to be stingy and rapacious '' guests, plucking their liberators of every fea ' thor in the shape of a ? ?, and that their rc- j pugnancc for lead was compensated by a strong ^ yearning for gold. They will pretend, more- 1 our. that they have liberated Italy and rem. ^ , dercd ht-r tlic mistress of her destiny, which is i not t: ue to the extent claimed by them. The : fate of the most unfortunate and most undo- ' 'u^ serving Venetia, gives the lie to such a boast, ; ^ and rivets the natnc of Napoleon to the sur- j name of impostor, even in an occurrence which , T0 is the most creditable to him, one in which, for I an the first time, truth and pledge were trampled I upon, only by half. When wc think of it, we : t0 have a mind to exclaim: "Yes, ungrateful pco- w< p!c, why don't you return thanks more, much ! more, for the harm he has not dono you, than for the good lie ministered unto you ? His power St for the fomer is pretty near unbounded?his W ability for the latter is restricted to tiie narrow- by est limits. You had your head in the tiger's jaws, and not only did he let you off, but he en bounced and skipped with you; had a nice piece an ol fun in his way; met with your great bully ; Pi thrashed him; snatched from him the twothirds of your stolen property, delivered it up ? ! to you, retired?and you complain!" If wc lay aside "the protracted metaphor sa ; we wiil find this to he the gist of the matter. the historical import of the war. It is not true , | that Austria, who loses three millions of sub- j jects, is, as sonic would have her to be, stronger j m than ever, and Piedmont who enriches herself in with Lombardy is not impoverished. An in- j | crease of territorj-, which benefits her in the I double shape of material and political interests, ?* which expands her boundaries amidst those | cc Italian populations from which she was to be pi 11 isolated by any new encroachment of Austria, ! an event that thus adds wealth and health to r ' whatever advantages she might previously enjoy, cannot be said to have ruined and enfeebled tr that State. This truth is obvious enough, but pi if we required any proof we might find it in the w following article which has attracted the alien- ' tion of the Piedmontesc journals. It appeared y, 1 in the Verona "Gazette," and as the article is ' ' t i-.i C ) all tho an- 11 ucaucu ^uauiciv ^UJ'VI uv, U mo.- - j thority of a "communicated" article: *' 1 ; "The sacrifice of Lombardy w zrcat, no l JI doubt, but we find consolation in the reflection j ar ! that what is momentarily ceded is not always 1 ( lost Influences change, fortune will not al- ,c' 1 j ways be against us. Sooner or later we shall , er ; cross the Mincio in order to reconquer the ni , tombs of the heroes of Somrna and Custoza? : _j r i that land soaked with our blood shall still be i ' ours. God promises it to us from the heavenly ! j regions, through the voice of the white-haired | itadetzky. Austria is obliged to make peace; I but wc must not forget that while she retains G j the quadrilateral of the fortresses, she may still b< j consider herself, in a miliuyy point of view, as > i the mistress of the whoie valley of the Po. She i only leaves the Lombards to the intemperance P' I of their political feelings?the end of the drama . j we shall see at another time." ' n< The leading articles of the Paris journals arc | er | not of any very great importance, and those I i) which aeem most worthy of notice are marked | P I by a tone of ill-nature rather unusual among : h< j the French cotemporaries. The "Univers" has j to long essay with the title < f "The Ilfi.,1 uti. in which <t . v. i, ? i! .. . . tn. on to that dreadful iustrun . ntof ?!--u i:< 11< n, ut touches in a discursive mat t.r . t nuttier of political fuels, more or ' .1;?e: 1 c* fleeted with the late v. ar I it.* .1 if onaught against the liberal |-.t ; h it tins is istomary with the r-iVi; t >v ,\. .. < n its de. writes as follows: I'he two v>uri aD, te L'nircn and the luh'*. u, i !, .,t tii?t ailed the peace with the lca.-irc*ft t.-i i . . una* jgin to change their th>t (.pUnni:-. I he 11- A aruontane organ think* that l-'ianci* Jo>eplt til dotthtless ninke large cmic< s*r n* ( > the enetians; that vat ion* reform* will he tlTcdI in the Duchies, and that the treaties ol Is 13 ?longer exist'' The 7/t(/ <* > U*.* 1 xpl e.t; accepted the peace without iv*erve and withit discretion; hut it may, tuvcittuh.**. he pposed, that this Dr. Pauglos*. of journaln, is Itegiuning to foresee some <i ll: olio ? igcr enough, v. hen it tui.ih* 11 has 01 K to press approbation, it hazard* critiitn, but then keeps silence. Iking be'ur to mute than to expose it.-0 It", ami preferring significance to dangers. The ihlt-i'a habitilly puts in practice the famous maxim, "tins the time to *ho?v ourselves, so let us hide." The London Press at large does nut exhibit much more interesting feature. Of cunsc c war with the pen holdirs that has j come i the heels of the war with the >.. re -btyot, finds us somewhat inditlm-nt. A in >xetc!, the London Times came on' strongly ainst his two>. so opposite it: en..rter to each other, the benevolent M Bright d the truculent invasion. They are, l<otl? of eui, smashed to pieces, intentious.y, milling arc. Sicj'trtutsenior, tchvaqite lit > '.r ictu. Coiiji'cit. Well aware of the harmless character of is defender of hers, England looks t> r a ire substantial protection in the shape <>f w fortifications und auniments in the rongholds of Gibraltar. The cilccls if the led gun in the French ordi 'incc, seem to he c cause of the addition of means el on at important station. We have already alluded to the projects of re iu entertained by the Euinirm m Austtia, the following extract ol a Huts eorrc?pi.nnt of the Independence Beige." We inn k 3 contemplated reforms tie sketched more .tinctly than they have l?vcn htrct<.|..rc, it iv be seen that relorins in mil tarv matters ; not lost sight of : "All the ptovincial councils of the mijire ; to be convoked simultaneously in order to swer a series ol questions on t:.i acu ! ! ans which thev may think n.ce?-ary in ihc ernal government of tb< S:a e, utid < -p? rialin tlic provincial organiz.ition. Contrary to ) usual practice, no programuic mil he given the proceedings ol the councils, hut tliey 11 have complete liherty in tt. n >1 !il* i itioi s J may make known openly ami sinei n-lv to r Emperor the wants and wishes i I tl e | olations. Such a project is uoilhy ?I ali tonnidation. As to a change hi the linatu inl item, and especially in toe mode ol i.e. | ing : public accounts, there is some lusitaiion. ere was some idea ol adopting the !'i i nch m ? a of accounts, which is acknowledg. u to he rellent, but it appears that the pro i,t >vsu has great similarity to that u-i>i in l'r.;ii- c, nothing has been ns yet die.did < u that int. The tinanciul emharrassinvnts m e exme, und there is a rumor a ia i;cai inea e wineu will veil lie liliU ULieie nr. mope . The experience of '.lie late war !n> piowd it sonic services of the army?tl, evinni ? iat and artillery, for instanc? are r.ot exa. twhat they should he. hn| octant i nor ins 11 be made, and I have r-.a.s?.n i<> know that LStrian officers are at pa sent in Ki??i md lor i purpose of fctud\in;; tin* F"^IUh .; a. m ...f Lillery, and examining the lun.ou At tnstiong nnons." It is said that some of the Austrian Ccner.ds 10 have taken a prominent part in the lust tr, have been either displaced ?.r Kiiim.oncd appear before a Conn Martial, tteneials rban and Claui-fiallas are lipniled among 'lers. If the news i< true, it will In* tin mo-t portant case ever brought before a Court irtial, in ancient or modern tim -. For we 11 seo half a dozen officers, m ibe inchest ides, called to justify tlu-ir deeds, or t,? pear iitiselves condemned; an 1 mi.-!i a sight paralleled, even in the limes in uhuffiihe 7/1 it if (lit Mill', puhlir, dining the Fi? ih b Kclution, had a walcblul eye on I > imoiii ie/. and ; associates, will be exhibited i' the sanctum old routine in Austria ! ??? - 1 -gr * " BOOKS ON OUB TABIC Wokks or Pascal, Vol. I. It cen'ains a at translation of bis Provincial Letters, with historical introduction and notes l>v the it. Thomas McCrei, precede! ?}* n life of iscal, a critical essay, and a biographical no:c. Select Works or Voltaire. Vol 1 conns, 1st. TheLife of Vol fa ire, by I ?r?I Broughi. 2d. Voltaire and Fredcri the Great, Lord Macanlay. 3d. Voltaire and the lurch, also by Lord Maeaulay. j:h. Charac and genius of Voltaire, by Carl) le. Oth. iltnirc's History cf Charles XII. Germany, by Madame l)e Stael. in two voarcs, with notes a? d appendices by 0. W. right, A. M. All the abore are edited hv ?>. W. Wright, iblished by Derby & Ja<!,son, New }ork, d for sale by Geo. M. West, Richtnnn !. Pascal. Voltaire and Madame Dc stael aro o well known, and the |> .sition of each t<>0 ;11 established in the opinion of the reading >rld to make any of ours necessary. From Daws to Dav I,i<jdt, or a Simple op.r or a Westers Home. By a Mini-let's ifc. Derby & Jackson, New York. For sale George M. West Campbell's Agriccluhe.?A Manual ofScitific and Practical Agriculture for the Sch> ol d for the Farm. By J. L. Campbell, A M , ofessor of Physical Science, Washington allege, Virginia: with numerous illustrations, iblished by Lindsay dc Bid kistnn. F> r le by George M. West, Richmond. From the well known chance r of Professor impbell, we have no doubt that he has fully et a want that has lonc' been especially Virginia. Pkesidenti.m. Candidates.?This is the title a new and somewhat interesting book, a py of which has beer, forwarded to by the jblishcr, A. 15. Bardie!;. New York. The nuior gives a brief biographical sketch of ?omc ' the prominent living politicians of the counv, beginning with Win. II. Seward, next Stolen A. Douglas, then Salmon P. Cliase. E lard Bates, Daniel S. Dickinson, J.ihn B.-il, >hn P. Hul<i Alexander LI. .Stephens, N. P. inks, Jos. Lane. .John McLean, II A. Wise, . M. T. Hunter, Henry Wilson, Jefferson I?ts, James L. Orr, John Minor Bolts. James II. amniond. IIowcll Cobb. John C. Breckinridge, id John C. Fremont. The book nl-o has a w extracts from some of tiie sketches. d<.!;ved at various times by t!:c gentlemen abovetnied. The whole work is embraced iu doO iges, large type, duodecimo volume. ? THE BASK OF WESTCIT. It will be seen by the proclamation of tbe overnor, in another column, that a large r.utuer of notes of this Bank has been issued withjt a sufficiency of gold and silver coin being rorided to redeem the ?amc, and that said ink has failed to redeem in coin some of said jtes when presented for payment The Govnor, therefore, in conformity with the law, -ohibits the bills or notes of the Bank from ;ing received in payment of any money duo the State.