Newspaper Page Text
I MARINE NEWS. FJsT t'K R1CU??>M>. At'til St' *. . ~ B~ j.7> ??T*K Till* !>*V *T 11 s, oVt"CK. I ARRIVED, ; ,l;ir eto*u, skinner, Ntsr York, inil.e .Dil 7 |!p1t; ietf, Kcone, Biltlmerr, nnl>o and paueu . p C!ty of IUchmou.1, Mltchoi:, PMladrlphia, In ! KioniSf*. * ic Creusfc.w, (no*,) Mumon, tli!t':uorc, in I , V r t S*?ln, Now York, wi.cur ! nn'vt2 Hunker, New York, guwo >:? ,m Itcunn. mlisp. ; p,;.\ ile. L'nt-ler, New York, ni tif. ' \ ork, Conlviil, Jam.i Klvor, lumber. :c i'-ihhjt, Hrlanr, Jaire* River, wheat. " '"i"" IMror. !;t R. JiKIDKOD, raufiivu, ??? - . ' ; -a,Sicily, York River, wheat. ibr*!, JeiicH, Baltimore. hone dust. i. r hlng, L(?hi Philadelphia. indrc. C ..?. Paris. Baltimore, lumber. ' m Franklin, Pcrvcw, j?u>?? Kiver, wheat. "\V t. Stsrgi.a, Scrlt, Ka*t?rn Shoie, corn and $ Triplet!. Prltehett. Baltimore, whe?t v \ P., Stamford. tn ballast. ' i' "|jra. Travel*. Pet?r?hurg, wheat. " " SAlLKls. . v rkt >? h, Vanish, New York, usjse and paaa;?oi>, l.efevre, down the river, light. ., Ih-ui.ia, down the river, light. ; i;? i.> Grace, Field*. down the river, llph*. - hiriorr, Smith, down the river, light. ' -<j 1' h at". Cook, down the river, light. it IKK OLII HOOKS ;v\PP!.!HS BOOK-T&r.h ANP BIXDKRY. ,\ I'll M'.SALI A. or the Civ!! Wf.-.ra of, ;Va:]uy the Ureal at J'-'i-tr C.rvar, " vela? ttnek an-l litifciiv. 1 ' : ii.e New Testathe \Vord> ami PI.' .;rring ln thoia .. * < <'.I-Uncttf eapt -.uc !. r-iitlon.? ' - .v?t?- t C'Cht Yc*r.a" Travels ati i !: . in \ r:h ImeriCM Indian C llecti :?, 1 vola ' . ; -y. Historical and Critical, the evl v.. -v, Queen of Scots, tl vols; London edition . 1.tte-* to! *rPaughter, tlic Com.tets do Gtlg. I .ion edition-?l ?. \ . y, >.-- ti e Moral lntlicncc of the Press; clr. I'r .'najte?30c. .dft.udure?#i . 1 ..- t'i.-vro'i l.etteri to several i Ida re--'." ! >' Mcluso'h, S Vol,; l.-.vle;i edlJtntnn, 2 vols? * !. An,* S3 ro TI1K SOUTHERN MERCHANTS, MARVLAND, VIRGINIA, m l SOUTH CAROLINA, AND GEORGIA, slse ??i Avvv York! THE INSTITUTION. RIBBON HOUSE! !2?. HAM92HS ST., ZSTSJ 3T OHK. JOHN FARRELL. B.sfnblisJiod in 1888. 1": SAtE '.BIGINATKD A NEW PRINCIPLE?a It .:s It; the RIBBON TK vh-reby we make ?? i V: , - i te an.; j- that of Crotvn xz nil ron cash: ms buy rrr. cash: ' Oh it*r r . :xi. rr.or.r. A?? uo aciinv jllor.rff.j tuarfcrl hi i'Lal:. Fluvnrj, * *' .h and ehi:! uv alike,"' a ad receive the > f: raoaey. : f> for rest iah.ta ribbons, all 'i :en:? tor pte-e. i No 4. K,'^ cents per piece. , N-. 'i. i'H . . 1 - . " I X".?. : I X?. !?. !,0;.Sf " * No. 1>'\ 41.4T , perpivrc. fancy ribbons, -all stylf*," -all : ALL QUALITIES," AT PRICKS DKFYINU i IPET1T10N, AND FOR CASK ONLY ! . ? .-..j-'.-ncmt is the CENTRE OF ATn-CTiON FOR BIB30NS Quick Salei, . and Good Value for Cash. touches! Rouches!! Rouches!! " vTlt'S AND PATTERNS, AT A SAVING OF M .. 1 NT. FROM CnrDIT PRICES. EXAMINE '."It SAMPLES AND L'E CONVINCED. !L0M> LACES, AC. . - ; these Goo'ls always lulL We Import and ? "nee Jor t'.ve per cent, adranei. Marked deeds in plain figure*. cTA >:tvm:;of-lO jinrwrtt. on Ihoso tvnm Croclit l'rica. :- a i* to make 'he RIbRON TRADE a, staple ' !'. ,? a? Domestic To do thi. we must 7 MILLION DOLLAR? WORTH P G0ODS PER "NO NORTH." "NO 1.7-*" V. t ,vliclt the p itrcnape o.' Merchant* In :. cf the L'nited States ami arc the .errant* o . '.e-rua ?;*.h their trade ar.d pttrunage. " TEI.ORAVI-I YOTTR ORDKH3. T rs IMPRESS DEPARTMENT l? now or. -i. ot.irrti ly Mull or otherwUe, executed with f :r?* \r. I tlbpaich, by K INSTITUTION, ash Ribbon House, JOHN FARRELL, 116. CHAMBERS ST., NEW YORK. *?<2a KILZiZOHS MUJ) OF IEII: IfffiMM JilllOOL-BOOKS, PUBLISHED nv A S. BARNES & BURR, JOHN STREET, I w:w VORK. : tf t ,<Uiioyu<i of their Publication* f j any part of t.' t U. States. a p rr Kr 2nt-a.-V 3>a t ' s fm r|"M.K\ T AMD AIIO.nATIC L| DENTIFRICE, ! S CLEANSING, beautifying and "Wing the teeth and gums. H he-.ant preparation combine the , ' * r?' l? c!-ar'inland astrlnjent properties A ' r."0 frtgr tot compound* enter Into i!? coin^K. ... *Lr !< !?*. admixture of any d?Meri'>m j'a-.r tnee* to tli? breath, arreat* the nrov. r- vr : trtar, neutralize* the accretion* ?al <: ir -..- totheti-e-bthe toest beautiful im L?r>;a* it etpecially <l:reet?d to r 1 "r: v.i'.fi. it!? an nr'Icle that 110 lady'* j tr at. AyaloV Carlea, thla I'owJer 1* a f 0 _.!> I N' X AVAXX?S K ?UTH W ASH, l;''AI.KK and important article is sub I ' - ** ">nt of ih? {rlij(li'.ful con^uuila ? a .-V:thv action of th? and a conae^^B - *- r <t ' ryhmcM of color. It Impart* a frm. '*-7 ?'''rr.4tic and pleasant, and la an infulla' >r k'unii ;i'e -..ft tt.d Irritable, or bleed /rr^tici <*r tl?e mourn cican j^h robjjijr uj???d iho miud of every of these orjrans ronfrl...* '' 'ttalthttii l pr^acrvutluQ tUao Is yeoerilly U'*NAVANT'S MOUTH WASH, en inflammation op thkoUmj. E 1 Tin: I I KK op SCROFULA. ? 1 I >R OFFENSIVE BKEATli. 9 r>K>KOSGlNES* ?>K THE (il'MH. ^B ?-> 'y!?TIIEtTUE 0F8CUKVY. I' 1 RiAI. INFLAMMATION OK THE CI MS. el' : yty mate or t?* fluids of ?i moutii. El ' RATI. IN OP THE GUMS OK CHILDREN. 3 /!, 'ol wiMtTlONOFTHE PALATE. Hfl- 5 Ct,:K * '* TIIIIUSII IS CHILDREN. hi;i"i>tcmepaction ok tue uvula. 1 * ! KE f)K TUP MOST OBSTINATE AND IX 1 .* '-ATK 1'lstASES OK TUE MOUTII. ^B . 11" UK<I after each :ne*l. It will prore .... ' l aatringeut. (* 1 Oi l tti!? an agreeable mouth waah after ^B ' f ?. ! doee, the unpleasant odor from : "4t 1 for thla r?H?h U a fair trial, which will . very oi,o of iu extraordinary efficacy disravn for which It la recommended. ^Bc; . * *:tl so Hrnsco, but la the result of care, i It it no?' olfered to the public at large, ., *'*?1 meet the wants of the alhlcted. KrcK'J ' ti-,'2?,* EO., Pharmaceutists and Druggists, '. H2' I'Aouver and Lombard all., Baltimore. r i r , . 71 order? colift be addreftd. * ,RiCbm0nd? b/ LaIBLST k ?011**01, - SCHOOL TEACHERS^ MONN. C. f. CABDIUOM, tto of tlie College Louiele-Urand, Parta, an J Hachi ller-te-U'tlrce; teach* csthe French Language and Literature?al?o, Latin, Greet and Malhematlca, uccordlug to any programme for exatnl nations |iu Universities. Moss. Pa??io?i haa acquired. In the llmlte of hli Intel I actual meaue. a thorough l'arl* acbolaralilp. lie wu there among the rWtidtiire of a dally political and literary pa ) per. He *a? elected a member of the Committee of th? i Pari* Pros. and President of a Debuting Club of Student*. . !!?? w?* trained tn rWutlnn hr u rmr,tfn\ Mtt**ndanee tr j Michelct and Saint Marc; Giruidin's liKllirn, at the C'l ' kye-de France and Sortioorr; Uultut'* Bpeeches at the i Cbambre de* Mpmc*; Berry ?r> ('leadings at the Palaisj de-Justlcc, etc. lie i? not less acquainted with the Ancient and Classical French Literature thau with the Modern one; J and with unity of the living authors he enjoyed frleudly i relations. j Richmond Post Office, box W>, and at Dr. Palmer's, Main j street, corner of Oth. | Rcra-.?*cs.a?tiov. Henry A. Wise: Judge A'. tV. Crump; . Jos. Mayo; P. II. Avlctt, Attornev at Law. J. 11. Tucker, I Attorney General; C 1. Uutherfoord; 0. Jennings Wise, Atj torney at Law; ! l'ucker;CoL G. II'. Muuford. A tig U-dCt _ VI. A lion ISA 1* I K, a French Teacher, who has . had several year.- xperlencs !u teaching, wishes to contract an engagement tor the ensuing Fall with one School, cvrKMKKCes: Lieutenant Colonel II. Graham, U. S. Army, Chicago; W. L. Newhen V, President of Galena and Chicago L'nlun Kailroad; Rev.K. 11. t'larkson, l?. 1)., Jas. Grant Wilson, Kdltor of Chicago "Record;" John L. Peyton, Esq. Staunton, Va.; Betr. II. Shirk, President Racine College, ITii,; John S. Read, Esq , Chicago. July 1?d.Yi. WA.Vri-lih ?A situation at the South as teacher In a school or filiate fatally, by a young man, a graduate of N.-te Icuh.uJ College, who has had experience I In teaching <hc Classics, Mathematics and Higher English Branches. Good references given. For terms address "Teacher;" Box -".To, Haverhill, Mast. July 80?cditvdt* VS1TI ATIOM WANTED, ? teacher In a private family, or as an assistant In a school, by oue has attended two Courses of Lectures .at the University ol Virgin!.;, and fe< h himself competent to Instruct In the following French, l.atin, Spanish, Mathematics. Address " L. T.," July 19?dt 18 b,-p Warreuton, Va. liDKATlON. ! A N experienced Teacher of Music, recently of Dolmar's J Institute, Westchester, Pennsylvania, desires an enI ngeiuent ill a School or College, to give Instruction on the Violin, Flute, Guitar, Piano, and Vocal Music. Good referI eace! given in regard to character and abilities, i Address, F. VAKNVCHF.IN'. j Aug. I*? lw Prof, of Music, l.ock Haven, Pa. goveilnevs. ! Vir \STED, by a young lady who Is well qualified, and iv V who speaks the French language fluently, a situation as GOVERN ESS in some private family. Address Miss C., care of T. Parkin* Scott, Esq., Baltimore, MJ. I Aug 19? ! \VANTtD.-A SITUATION AS IX'TOII. iu a family j vT resbling in the country, Isdevired by a gentleman who I lias had considerable experience In teaching. He Is quail! Bed to teach the usual English Branches, Mathematics and i Language s, und can give the best references. Ad Ircss "A. I It," box 1 Lynchburg. Vs. Jclv V9?;tf I VITIATION \V ANT EI)Ay 0 u I. c g-nth-man, >3 competent to teach Latin, Greek, Mathematics and the 1 _l O 1. ? .I ,? fop |flO I'll. I tiling session. I ALSO, u young lady, competent to Impart iuitructloii In i Latin, French and Music. I Address, JOHN !}. CAllY, A. M.,, ll .t; j.son j Academy. Ilatuplin. Va. Whig vopy. July 25?ctf VITIATIONS *.V AMKH-T.U yeung I idles, I >3 competent to teach Latin, French, Music, and all the I Engllih branches, desire situations to teach in private fatnij lie*. Highest testimonials given. For further information I address 0.ff. AKMI&TKAD,Klchmotid, \n.. or JNO. B. CARV, l'rin-ipal Hampton Academy. I Aug it.'?StrdAc* Hampton, Va. j ItrtNTIID,?A situation as Teacher In a school or I IT private family, by a college graduate, who has had considerable experience in teaching. I Address, stating salary, K. 0. Nti.lL. j Aug"?ci# Harrisonburg, Va. rilEACIlEll WANTED.?l~?dsh~ta employ, for A Hie ensuing year, a lady to teach my chlldrt n and live in ntv family. She must be able to teach French. Knglish and Music. Salary .'vh IVAT H. TYI.KK, Jr . M. 1?. July ,1't?ctf Hacu> I'. 0.. Va. j \ArANTHD.?A young man utf.lirtc I t? teach Latin, | IT elementary (ireek,and the ordinary brunches of an j Knglish education, desires a situation as tv teller. Address, I K. r. (L, Powhatan C. II., V*. Au^ co r t ridllAt HICK. ?A Lndy ?lin Imn li.'.'l uiuli experience | JL ia teaching French, Engli-li ..n t Mini-', a'-o 1" swing and Painting in water Cotorr. desires an appeuttmcnt Ir. i family or fchooi. lini good testimonials. Address Aug8ft?3t* Miss (i. V. .!.. : J, Y?. I Z . V t lllll. A GENTLEMAN !>. .*:r^p. a situation s? j.r;rw " Tutor, il principal or Assistant. He Is a a*" luale of one ol the T'ft German Universities, thorouxh oisclpiiaarian and experienced teacher of "he ancient and tao<i?:r.*. I which be speaks : the higher English branches. J' , Ac. Can litre the best Uratitnotiiats and references. A ;rc?? iter. t. A. MKSFEtlOLK, Yonkcrs, VVestchgater conr.ty, Sew Vorlt. August-.'?cudiia riitAdlblt.- A "t.Ttit!. man e.'ucats.fatlh' t'rgiuln A Military Institute t?.f wliicli Institution he a grad. uatei and the Uulver.ity of Virginia, who h i- had three i years experience in teaching, wiahc- to engage a situation In au Academy r pilvate -chnol. Addr-v stating -alary, Ac.) "II." Aujt 15?tUctl Waynesboro', Va. hOTHE. A YOl'XG MAN. a Virgiuiun by birth and .duration, beJ\ Ing an a. it., graduate of William ami Mary Colle|e. and who ha- hod threw years successful experience in te.iclw ing one cf th- best schools in Charles City ci anty, Virginia, desires to procure a situati on as Ts.u'llut, !:i * g ??1 school. Private family jape'- rtftrrt'1. Mould r.lso rather go .South. Satisfactory testimonials as to qualifications, moral and religious character will he given. Adtlrers, B. 11. J., liiirliauisviile, P. 0., August 9?ctf Near Ken'., county, Va. ~ EDUCATION. WANTED it situation as TKACIIEK, in an Aesderny or Private Family, by a College Graduate, who hat had conslderatde experience In teaching. Ciui instruct in j English, Latin, Oreex, Ma'herertlca, nod French. Address j ^staling salary.) K. C. N E A I., I August S?dt* Harrisonburg, Virginia, \VrAM'Eb.A gentleman who has b.-ori educated al *T the University of Virgi is, and who can produce intl-factory evidence of his anility to teach thoroughly tht Latin, (ireek, and ITcnch language. and Mathematics.? Or.e who lias had soiac experience would be greatly pre' ! ferrrd. A| piy to D. 8. Fa Kit A it, j Aug II?c:f At Palmyra, Va. SITIA'ilOM M VVI'ED.-liy i gentleman who ha- had considerable experience In teaching and heer Principal of an academy for several years, lie has taken a full course of lecture- at tlie University of Virginia, gra duated iu four of the scbools/and been distinguished in th< others. Testimonials will be given as to quailflcatiocs. Ac. Address A. B. C.. Hampton, Va. July IS?c'f. educationI I WISH to obtain the situation of Teacher In a prusll school or private family where 1 can have a few ad. vnncetl scholars. 1 propose to teach English, Latin, Greek and Mathematics, and, if desired, a class of beginners in French. For particulars consult my father Dr. C. M. Hubbard, Burnt Ordinary, James City county, Va., July 15?cwt'T 0. W. HUBBARD. A. II. """ SITUATION VVA.VriiO. ~ IDEM Kb a nuuutlou U ICKIICF, VOX . II. li? of testimonials relntlve to character and qualiilculi jM. am a college graduate with the title of A. B ; have taught here for some Mtue; hare bail several years experience m teacher. Address: G. f. M., Aug 9?cw;:t Mitchell's. Culpeper County, Vs. WANTED.?A young la'Iv wlsliea to Obtain a situs, tlon us Govt r it ess to siusll children, to teach th? I usual English branches. | The boulh preferred. AdJrers MARY, j Aug"?cwfw* Harper's ferry, Virginia \ WANTED-h3 k young lady, a situation In a school T v or family, to teach the usual English branches to I small children. Addrr?? Ilnxoou, Richmond Post Office. Aug 17??t _ TEA* IIElt.S WANTED. ! TYTANTKD?A gentleman of high tiuallflcatlons to (111 I " the Chair of Ancient Languages lit Marshall Uuircr. slty. Also, a gentleman to take chargoof the Primary Depart, moot. {SJTra: siult te-timoulals, state full particulars and ad. drees Cart. K. S. IIAbri, President Marshall University, Marshall, Texas. Aug 22? deodiclui \\r ANTED?Til IKT V- HVEUK FORTY M.(.KUh..1 vT 1 wi'h to buy the at>ove number of negroes, In fatal lies. for which a liberal prlre will be paid. Address Aug 22?cwl'.t* T. P. RAY, Grand Gulf, Miss. I.AUOICEltS WANTED, j YKTANTKI*, at Bellona Arsenal, several men and boys, j vf the latter no'younger than 12 yeara) as laborers.? Call on J. A. I'eBow, at the Northeastern House of the garrisou. Aug 12?6s B oOO?LA i>?~PAHTN KB WANTED. ~ A French l.ady thoroughly acquainted with the English and Gcnnua languages, having a capital of 5b", dr -! at.rtntfc.Mrt with another latlv bavitll the same aniounj, to commence a Millinery business in a healthv Southern State. Address M. L. 8CIINE1DRE. AuglG?It Frofe^sor of Languages, Norrletown, Pa. RICHMOND LIVE STOCK MARKET. THE undersigned having procured Die service* of K. 11. Crockett, for the purpose of telling Live Stock ! In the Richmond market, will, with Luther S. Irvine, ht lu the market on the lit day of September next, prepared to give tneir undivided attention t > all business entrusted to them, and feel confident, from their long experience, to be able to give entire satisfaction. Wc wiil tuakc liberal advancements on consignment*. JOHN CROrSE, Aug. 2u?ctf , L. S. IRVINE. NEW ILLUSTRATED LONDON PERIODICAL, "OXCK A. 'WEEK," CONDUCTED by the b.-st writers In Europe, and besutl fully Illustrated by the Er?t Artists. Peter?Ten cents each number?Four dollars a year. IyySoid by all Booksellers and News Agents. WILLMER &. ROGERS, Coasxa Naiumc Attn Libistt Stbsxts, | July SC?clm*d2*wlm SieW Vork. MRS". WINSLOW. AN EXPERIENCED Nl'MNK AND FE' ?JL. MALE PHYSICIAN, presents to the atteii'lon of mothers ller Qnmfcuiwri qyriip. WW I 1 va w ? . I OK C'llItiDHEM TKKTHIMi, ' i Which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softenI Ing the gum:,, reducing all lnllammallou?will allay ALL | PAIN and spasmodic action, and la Sure to Urgulalc tlie llowcla, ' Depend upon it, tautheis, it will give rest to youraclvea tod KeltelHiid Ilealtli to your Infanta. We have put up aiul aobl ?' this article for over tcu years, and Call Sat, IK court J* ns'KCK ami TKi'iu of It, what we nave never been able to p* ray of any other medicine ?M:\EI: WAS IT TAILED, ~ in a TIN OLE INSTANCE, TO EFFECT A CL'KE, when, liujcly used. Never did we know so instance of disxa'.is f faction by any one who used J it On the contrary, all arc X delighted with its operations, and apeak In terms of highest > omtnrndation of | its magical effects and roedi.a cal virtues. We speak lu ' this matter "whst wt o?V gyow," after ten years' exI rarlence, and pledge our re J5 pntation f,.r the fulOlmpnt of what we here declare. In ? almost every instance where the Infant is suffering Jj" from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in Ofleeu r1 or twenty minutes alter this Syrup Is administered. ? ? Tills valuable preparation 0 Is the prescription of one of 'the most EXPERIENCED Q and SKILLFUL NURSKi In ' New Efighiud. and has been -j used with KBVgjt r.MUKU atrcwo In THOUSANDS OF " CASES. It not only relieves the child from pain, but Invigo ' - - " ? 1- -1- ur?.l I rates the ttoraacn aim w...v. ... : gives tone an J energy to the > whole system. It will almost instantly relieve Gulfs' INGINTUEBOWELSAND | WIND COLIC, and over 3 come convulsions, which, 1 if not speedily remedied, end ^ In death. We believe It the , riwr us HcaaaT. mkmkiiy is H en* wost.n, In all cases of DYSENTERY AND DIAK CRIMEA IN CHILDREN, whvtlu-r It urlses from teeth ^ Ing or from any other cause. We would say to every too m ther wno has a child tuff rItigfrom any of the foregoing complaints, no strr lst roca raKjcoicao, sua the rwr r wes or ornaas, stand between your suffering child and the relief that will be SURE?yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE-to follow the use of this medicine If timely used. 1/ Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. X None genuine unless the fac simile of CURTIS k PER m KINS, New York, U ou ths outside wrapper. ty Price, only 25 cents per bottle. 0T Sold by Druggists throughout the world. Principal Offlce, No. 13 Cedar street. New York. [May 80?dlwly) \rtiSTABD.?Crosse k Blackwell's JJustard, lbs and 1" half It>a; Crone k Blackwell's Pick lea, vis: Blue skins, Oulons, Cbow Chow, Cauliflower and Plccalill, just reeeved per ship Southampton, direct from London, for tale by August % EDMOND, DAVENPORT k CO. ^SCHOOLS MP COLLEGES I i liXKCiriVKOFFKli. ( I BATON ROl'GK, LA., Mir 1U, lsi>9. ( AT a Klil'KNT nUK'riNti OF TI1K I . HOARD OH SLTtRVISOHS of lie S'at<- .Seminary of f Learning,held at Alexandria,!:! the Parish of liapldce, the i . following resolution wa? Adopted : ! 1 ( Hewlcttf, That the President of the Board, In Lis official | . capacity, advertise for applications from persons cornpi-- i I , teutto fill? K q , 1. A Professorship of Mathematics, Natural and Kxpcri- j 1; i mental Philosophy, with Artillery tactics: to which office . shall be attached a salary of twen'.y-flvo hundred <''.d!ars r per annum?t'dSuo. | e S. The office ofinstructor of English and Anclert Langua- | t ; ges: to which office shall be attached asalary of two thou- l sand dollars per unouni?(2,1100. 8. Instructor of Engineering, Architecture and Drawing: j o to which office shall be altarhcd a salary if twenty-live 1 hundred dollars per annum?dl'OO. j S 4. The office of Instructor of Chemistry, Geology and j f Minerolngy and of Infantry tactics; to which office shall V be attached a salary of twenty-five hundred dollars per on- ! g nutu? aiuu. 5. The office of Instructor of the Modern European Lan- i tl guages: to which office shall he attached a salary of two j d thousand dollars per annum?(4,000. _ j o From the Five Professors selected a Superintendent will l ti be chosen, who shall receive one thousand dollars?(l,i>00 I ?extra consideration la virtue thereof. , ? Furnished rooms to be provided to the Professors free of | charge. ^ In accordance with the foregoing resolution, notice Is I V hereby given to all such persons as may desire to present I themselves as competent to till the chain above enumerated, | to make application, accompanied with recommendations, i F etc., to me. at the Executive Office at Baton Ilouge, until the 20th day of July next, and after that time at Alex- ? amlrla, in'.lie Parish of Kapldes, until the 1st day of August, j .V 1-OJ; at which time and placi the selections will ho made > to <11! the -eiural Professorships, anil a Superintendent * . chosen. S The appointments thus made will take effect on Iht FIRST > , MONDAV OK JANUARY NK.YT. (IsOO.) at which time the S Institution will he opeued. ROBERT 0. tVlCKLlFFK. S ST. JOSHPH'S VCniLE V, c It 1 C II M 0 X 1). VIRGINIA, II cns/tivrsb o BY THE SISTERS OF CHARITY, t rillllf INSTITUTION will resume studies on the lint of F A September. F Bo?i:?kks?For Hoard, Tuition and use of He-1 and Bed- F, also, for Washing and Mending, pay. per annum, f 1JW, F paid, letui-annuuliy, in advance. There ii a charge of ttf K for doctor'* fee. F n*v Scuolah*?According to the (tranche* thej study, F pay frotn |l to per quarter in advance. For Mnttr, Fagavn and Ftiuaoiraay -There i* an extra F charge fo? Tuition and u?e of Instrument*. F Letter* addressed to the DIRECTRESS, or to Right Rev. F BISHOP M.'GILL, will meet with prompt attention. fy Pupils of any denomination received on condition of conforming to the general l''.?.ipl!nc of the Sclic-d. Aug IS? tf CLASSICAL AM* ? SOIiUfcHCIAL INSTI- p TL'TF, No. UT NORTH loin oTUEET, PI1ILA. , y THE undesigned, e graduate of the University at (lot- y tinges in Germany, and for twelve years a teacher in p the Untied States, proposes to talc a lew hoy* (not more i p than eight, 1 a-UHU.hrr* of ids family under his personal : p charge, and prepare then, either for business, or tor any clac* of any College or University of the U. States. As under his arrangements, a thorough and conscientious training in ail l.ranchea of a superior education, and ail the jj advantages ?f a home, will he combined, this establishment Is respectfully recommended to the attention of parents.? Fur mare particular information, .address I'r. OSWALD SF1 DKNST1CKKR, Principal. Mci'imrscts: Gov. Henry A. Wise, Virginia; Honja . in Gerhard, Esq., , ildla.; Rev. Ttieoph'l-s Stork, D. I).. Phila.; 1'rof. Cornelius J C. Felton, L. L. I?? Cambridge; Pr.-f. George Lane. I'aiu- [j hridgs; Peter llaiullt.'.n. Esq.. Motile; Theodore Sedgwick, Esq., U. S. District Attorney, New Votk. .. August ill?clftA w4t _ _ PRIVATi: SCHOOL FOR LIHLS. tl milE fourth t,s?ion of thewhnol tutnbhthrd in my fiuuily h X f??r the educntlon ?.f my daughter* will commence ou * the Is: of October ami continue ten month*. Studi.-*? En*- P lull, French aud Murio. The ?choo! will te limited t*? ki: ti inciUfiice of my own children. |9'?? per ie*??!on often months, for tuition end T' hoard, one Imlf |*ay*Me in Advance, the other cn the ftrst *' cf March. 0 Adrirettt, Col. S. 1USSETT FRENCH, Aug -ctlO Neiu Richmond. Vt. J* \^W?OCCXJaX^^ T11I3 Seminary of learning, instituted !'r the liberal * education o? ycucg ladies, was created * College pro- j per l>v (lip Legislature of Maryland, December session, 1 l?49, with authority to confer IVpcn. It already (alien rank with ouroldest Seminaries, ami enjoys a iibetrd pa- * trouage frotn '.he city of lt:?ltltu->re, and from t!ie Middle, * Southern ami Western States, boarder*, reside in the family of the President, l'hv aeo'iOin' liatlons have betn c increased, during the past year, by an additional story on the main building, and the erection ?l a new editice, Co fe- t ' long ami Ave stories high, with Library, Painting and , Heading Kootns, Chemical Hull, Hath Itonm-t, Ar. FABlLTV OK INSTItlCTIOX. S. C. IlKOOK.*, a. M., Professor of Ancient Languages. ' C. K. Hints, A M., Prof-??or of Mathematics and Natu- ' ral Science. * ' W. R. Mosaott, M. D? Profe'ror of Chemistry. . Mas. K. llsKKts, Preceptress?English Iiranr' -s, Ac. 1 Miss Ella C. Ukads, RellesLcttres and physiology. Miss Sarah E. Lraats, English branches and History. r ' Maoajjc , Resident French Teacher. Rev. Hit. A. (U'ISZHcro, Professor of German. M. Kmile Kbit, Professor of Hruvring and Painting. 1 M. Jolty, Professor of Instrumental Music. Miss Kllkn C. G'BsliiHT, Piano and Sltiging. Mas. Elizabeth A. Kkk'hl, Guitar and Harp, i Miss Eliza A. Cairns, Sup't Dottiestic Department. {.SfKor Catalogues, containing terms, Ac., address J i Aug. IS?cvAdlin N. C. IIKOOKS, President. BY THE COYEKNOll OP VlK(il.\U. , a proclamation. Yir herkaS, under autimrity vested in the Executive, by lM l?w, a commissioner Inns been appointed to inspect the books and examine into the proceedings of the Ha k of Weston, and has made report In part, and it evidently appearing that a large amount of circulation in notes pur- j porting to be notes of raid b?nk ban been issued, without gold and silver coin being provided ?u!l.cieutto redeem the 4 1 -auie, and that said liana has failed to redeem in such coin i some of said notes, when presented for payment: Now, 1 therefore, I. lltsKV A. Wist:. Governor of the Common- e wealth o' Virginia, do, in conformity with the provisions of t the law, hereby prohibit the said bills or notes purporting c t" have been issued by said bank to be received lit payment of any jnoney due to the State ; and all colli cling oll'n ers or the C'ominoDffeaitn arc required 10 taxr nonce ntrror. i ( ( In testimony whereof, J have subscribed la.v I I..S. nine, and caused the j??! of the State to he affixed I hereto, at Richmond, this 19th Jay of August, A. |i. | lSh9. and in the Mtli year of tiic Commonwealth. c Aug20-c8? HKNItV A. WISE. |, NOV ltE\V.\KD, ; RAX AWAY frma the subscribers, cn Thursday lilgl.t, the 14th instant, four likely Negro Men, named tV\LIE, 8AM, BOB ul 8AM. . " i tv VL1K w?? |>iirch??eil of II. 8. Robards, < f North C'iro- . lina, the 30th March; about 21 years of age ; Arc fret tea ' , or eleven inches high; likely; complexion very dark, and r tail:* free anil easy wheu spoken to. i SAM in about 29 years of age; five feet eight or nine [( Inch*-* legh; was purchased of (irorge I). I'aer, of Richuiok'1, the 14t!? of March, and was purchased by Mr, Pace ?j of Wiltiant June*, of Gloucester county, lit* is very likely j ^ and st >ut,atid of dark complexion, and has a scar from a ., cut on one of Ills lrga. HOI! is live feel seven Inches high; was purchased of 8. j A. It-geiuburg. of King and Queen county, the 1st of April; ; aged uout 3M year-; very black and stout; when he left, he I had a email scar on his face, caused from a boil not quite I well. j I SAM Is about five feet seven or eight inches high; of dark complexion; stout and well made; was purchased of Henry ' V. Morris for Mrs. K. It 1'iggot, of James City county, on | the 1st of April. Some few whip marks on his back. ; Stir ahove reward trill bt paid or the apprehension and delivery of the said negroes to us in Richmond, Va.; or f UK) C lor each negro, on his delivery or security In some jail, so that we can get Idm. Should -aid negroes be taken In Richmond or Henrico, f $'* ' only will be paid lor each. JONKS & SLAT Kit. Ricuuonp, April 16. 188B?dltcwtf c riKGINI A?IN~ V U AN CEUV.? in The "circu itCo urt Chesterfield county, on the day of , ISM, In * the case of Win. C. Barnes, Susan K. Barnes, Sarah floodwln, James R I'. Aorttl .1110 ArelUCI'lin, Ills wtif, hii<i om .-iieuieiuia llarnes, John S. lln-hon at "J I'arthetiia, his wife, who was " I'arthetiia Dames, I'laintifls <1 i Against . ^ Francis Goodwin, John it'Hiley sod Nancy, hit wife, ' formerly Nancy Goodwin, ami William Wilkinson, Defendants. Ona of the plaintiff's, Farah Goodwin, having departed i this life, intestate, since the last hearing of this cause, on the ru-.-tiou of the plaintiffs, surviving, It wa? ordered that ; this suit be revived In their names us a portion of the heirs | at law of the said Sarah Goodwin, dee'd.; and thereupon it was ordered that the absent defendants, Francis Goodwin, ami John lletsly, and Nancy, his wife, appear here wiihlti one month after due publication of this order, rind show cause, if any they can, why this suit should not be proceeded in in the names of the plaintiffs, ami to a final decree: that a copy of this order be published once a week for four successive weeks In one of the newspapers of the city 0 of Richmond, and another copy hereof ported at the trout n j door of the court house of this county on the first day of a * term of the county court of said county. J _Aug2-cwdw Teste, W. W.T. 000DIM.,Cllt. 1 \T im.IM.V?IN CHANCERY?At Rules held for the |i Circuit Court of Chesterfield county, hi the ClerkV office thereof, on the first Monday in July, 1W9, being the v Alh day of the said month' Thotnas V. Ilur;;->s, Plaintiff, Against David Ferguson and Louisa his wife, Tiberius 0. Jon-s, Ulyse Jones, Mary Archer,the helm am! personal represi ti- ' tatlvcs of Cincinnati!* and Tclemneus Jones, whose names are unknown. Jack Jones and Saii/his wife, I'eter Archer nnd Robertson, Infant child of Jr.cies Robert-oil and * Fidelia hit wife, iler'd, I>efendants. J Tlie plaintiff having heretofore filed his bill, and pro- ' ce?s having been executed, and the cause set for hear- ' ing, at to all the defendants except David Ferguson and Louisa his wife, and the process having been returned, no Inhabitant a* to thorn, and sn affidavit having been " made, that diligent enquiry, as to their residence, had been instituted without aucce?s. It Is ordered, that the said fl David Ferguson and I.ouisahls wife appear here within one !' month alter due publication of this order and do what Is 1' necessary to protect their Interest In this suit: the object of which is so obtain a decree for the sale of the laud of which I'eter Field Archer died seised, nnd a distribution of the j proceeds; that a copy or mm orner oe puiuisneu in one ui the newspapers of the city of Klchroond, once a week for four ?ucce??ive weeks, and another copy posted at the front door of the Court House of this county, on the first day of " a term of the county court of said county. A Copy?Teste: Aug 2-cwJw .NATHAN II. COOBILI.. I). C BtrrrNS db SIEO CllUKC'JI PUBLISHERS, f?00 rho?tnn? Street, Philadelphia, JJAVK NOW READY, ^ I j THE ORIGIN AND COMPILATION OF THK PRAYER J BOOK. With an Appendix containing various Historical facts and documents connected with our Liturgy. By the Rev. Wm. H. OJrnheirorr, l>. D. A new enlarged edition, dtuio. muslin, its cents; antique cloth, red edges, 1st cents. II. / SOPHIE KKANTZ; or, The Cot and the Castle. A Story v for ChHdien. By Surry Keens. Illustrated 40 crnts. p JSf"An admirably written book, portraying the loveliest , traits in childhood, "and aiming to correct the faults of the , young by a graphic picture of their consequence', and by ^ contrasting them with the great happiness resulting from a ^ good conscience and correct deportment. V III. j A CATALOGUE of editions of THK BOOK OE COMMON , PRAYER, published by Burus A t*ieg, with specimens of . the types used, description* of styles of binding and a list of prices. To which b added a select list of WORKS ON LI- ,! Tl'ttGY, BOOKS FOR CHURCHES AND SUNDAY J SCHOOLS, Ac., Ac. Sent by mail gnttuitotuJy, pre-paid. This phamphlet, prepared for the convenience of our dlstant customers, will enable them to judge at once by it of the atyle of Prayer book adapted to their wants, as well as 1 , by a personal inspection of our stock. ? 1Y. " THE HISTORY OF A POCKET PRAYER BOOK. By the Rev. Benjamin Dorr, D. D., rector of Christ Church, l'hila- ? dclphia. Fifth edition revised. Price SO cents. , Any of the above sent by mail pre-paid, by orders to . BURNS A SI EG. 1 EpUcopal Bookielleri, I j Anireet lC-riAcw6m Philadelphia. | i in. h. o. v. OTABD, DCPUT A CO., M. 8. 0. P. BRANDT, the eery t floret and oldeet Brandy Imported Into thle country exnreaalr for Medicinal purpoeee, Jait landed, and for ll!? I 'oT<Se. to suit purchAMrt, by SELDEN A MILLER, i Aaguit 16 Corner Pwrl * Cary itreete. SCHOOLS AND COLLEOES. 1H. LKPKH Villi'Mi SCHOOL. GRACE STREET, BETWEEN 1ST AN"I) EOL'SHEE, RICHMOND. VA. I^HK n'-xt ?c.. !93 of our School begins on the 'si dayof . Octotmr, 1 aud I riuiaa'.s* nu'.bo las'day of June, StiO. : Our Ion experience In teaching, and the very liberal pa ronage we have received fci so many years, have both en* I ibletl and encouraged uj to make Important luiproveuents i a our Institution. A course of Literature, comprising English, French, Her nan, Italian and Spanish classic* (the four last through the aedlum of the Frenchl has been successfully tried during he last seislon, and will be continued and enlarged hi His ' irxt. < We have engaged Mr. Edward C. Howard I" tuk- chare f 1 lie English part of this course, as well as the Rhetoric, li-tl, i.|aitlre? and First Reading classes of our Institution. : 1r. II. I* * gentlemau of the highest quallflcationi?and wo col confident that hli services will be duly appreciated.? Ve would earnestly recommend our Literature close m i > radtuUing pup! is. I The new hou.e which we hnve erected will greatly odd to ; lie courenlencc h. well as to the comfort of the Young I n- I i tes hoarding in our family. Two Young Ladles only will < : ccupy one room, except in cues wfci n three woul t dcrlre I i 0 occupy the mine chamber. i ' ICBEUT P. LKFEUVRE, A. SI., Principal, Natural Philosophy, Literature, Moral, j i and Slental Philosophy, French. . ril.LI.VM G. WILLIAMS, A. C., Vice Principal, Astronomy, Mathematics, Chemistry, I History, Latin. IDAVAKD C. HOWARD, Literature, Ithetorlc, Belles I.ettrcs i Heading. IRS. GRACE BENNETT, English Tranches, j IISSMaKY C. (?U It III IN, English Branches. ' , IISS ELI/.A BAKTLETT, English Branch... 1 VDAME L. V. BLANCIIETT, French Governess. I . KXUIt C.VRLOS-CAUDOItVEZ MKK A.Spanish and Italian. I \ I VDAME Sl.VRIF LSTV.VN, Vocal Music. , IGXOKIXA ANTOMKTIA ERISA, Yocnl Music. j * KiNOIUNA MARIETTA KitIIA, Piitno. j j OIIN A. CALYO, Drawing and Painting, j rn.LI.VM F., Piano, Organ,Sacred .Music. , . VV. rill LOW Piano. I ' I EN UICII SCHNEIDER, Harp. ? i. ERICSSON, (iultar. TERMS: , or Board ?W0 Ml } or Washing 20 on j or Light* .... 10 0s? or Fuel 10 0"; or English Tuition '. do 00 I ? or Modern Languages, each 2" (id , 1 or French, when stud!?d exclusively of the English Branches do 00 I or Latin t?' j or Literature 80 00 < , or Music on Piano, Guitar, Organ or Singing, far one le.seti tof an hour) a week 40 0" j . For two lessons <of an hour) a week Nl on i For three lessons (of an hour) a week 120 00 ! . For four le-sons (of an hour) a week Ib 'J "o ; For Sacred Music In class.... 9 1)0 : or the use of Piano lu no : . or Drawing, from Models .. . tfO 00 or Drawing, fr ..a Naturo 10 00 , r Painting In Water Colors.. t" , or Oil Painting 00 j . rimury Department, fur children under 11 year* of j " n*e CO 0" | " jyr-.\o extra diarprm. AH letter* to be a<ldr.wl to HUBEKT P. I.KEEBVKE, | r icliinonU. Va. July 85?cSdtf. j* RKIimMD VKJI.ILK NKMIA AKl'. \ I On timet-, btturtn Third and fourth Strut*. JUv. M. IUIOOK,D. U., I PMW|FAls i n A. M. DLPUY, A. M., f IK,*clfAls- , j A FEMINAKY forth** Education of Young Lai!!***, under A. the control of the above mentioned gentlemen, will \ e opened In the city of Itichtnnnd ou the lit J*y uf Octu- \ er, 1S5I. i Dr. 1I--JK will hare a Presidential supervision nf every \ [dug concede.! with th** Institution; and, while his other ngagemonts will not permit liiin to devoir much time to v i:e buslcos of actual instruction, he will b** present, day | y day, at the lectures uud recitations?will personally j 4 cquniut himself with the standing and proficiency ul the \ upIU, and ?lo all in hi> power iw promote their ifileil**c- j x jol and spiritual Improvement. I c Mr. Dituy will devote his whole time to the dir**d instruc- i ion of the Young Ladies committed to his car**. Those of hem who arc hotrdm will he treated as meiiibns of his v wn family, and every provision will he made for their per- \\ on.ll comfort, In health anil in sickness. This parental t barge is s*ssnined with .? due appreciation tf U*? . Iliiy. An ample &:: ! "mpctcnt corps cf assistants sill he try | j luyid in rv.iv dvp-.rtmcnt. The be t ma** err of French, j, Italiau, Music, Drawing and Painting. *iil he soured. (Jreat pains, will he taken to have pupil* in the Tench language i.?ughl, nut only to r*:*d and ? rile it c*?rectly, but ?p*.*ik it with facility. '2?? secure '.l is ndvan- , age, * French lady will reside with t* family. J A goo?i apparatus will he employed to illustrate the Truth* f Physical ycleuce, and to ii:?pr*.?- thetn on the memory. A frequent cause of the Indifferent pruficency in Music l* he want of time, and Inducement to /v.ref.*-.Mb* lessoi>p '' hith have been given by the Prcft snr. To oviatc this 1 vil, a Teacher of Music v*. ill he a member of the housi h^I l, * ud w:?| personally rspcHi/eudthepnpi's dnrin;* hours * Hotted to praclk c. * The Course of Study will comprise . !! that h .?** h.Ial to v t complete aud poli.-hi-d education, from the r.i<!!fflcMs of lie English tongue, to the higher branches of Mat hem a- ' : .*s. Mental and Mural Science, and Ancient Languages. 1 Written Examination* { undu-tcJ it* private; a ill be held * t convenient intervals, and always at the close ??f the ? ? *- ' ion; and at the completion of the whole course of studies, ' itniMhiait u'ti k?? <.r.... 11f. (i t(i ti?. voting lac!!? s whu have * ' reditably passed all the examinations. TCHIfs. loard for nine months 4"'"> Cashing and Lights 11,1 'uiiion ill Primary Department ' >> 'H' 'uitinn in ordinary Knglish Branches 40 tin 'ullion In advanced Knglieh Branches ho t>n Jodern and Anrieiil Language*?each '/<j "0 Ju"le?Vornl and Instrumental (1'lanu ami tJuitor) I cue le?i?n for oue hour per week IK' .'?< of Instrument 10 m> | One-half pay..hie on the 1 ->t day of Ortulicr, I '*?, .1 iJ I lie vmalader on the l.Vh of February, IsdO. A strict cointdi- j .are with thisrequirement must he Insisted upon. t Deduction will In made from the?e charges, in case- of i irotraoted sickness. I Money should also ho deposited to meet the contingent | xpens?sof a hoarder. t Boarders kill always accompany lite Principal to the t rerbyterhin Church on 'he Sabbath, unlets otherwise dl- t ected by the parent or guardian, In wiilch etit- ail proper j acUitics will be afforded, to enable them to attend the liurchcs preferred. t Dr. lingo will take pleasure in answering i.ry letters ol | n>|ulry witli regard to the School. < All business letters should be addressed to t July 1?hn A M. Dt'l'UV, KIclimond. V*. tn.ui( \i. t tii.i.ktai of viim;ima. ! hKSPtU.N OK 1Vi'j-'60. rUK nest Annual Course of Lectures will eonunence on , the that Monday In October, and coutlnne until the 1st . f March. ' Cit. Bbli Otes .s, M. P., I'li.'esfor of Kurgery. n r-. SI II ! - ,r..f and Practice ' fTtiliiViu/.' ! r It. Win roan, M. r>., Piofe??er of Materia Midi- I a andiierapeuti-s. A. K. I'mCoLAH, M. !>., Professor of Anatomy. 1.. S. Jxtnkh, M. |i.. Professor of Institutes of Medicine. j J.WKSlt. i'.iswav, M. II., Professor of Otntc'rirs, sc. .14MKS B. Mi Caw, M. !>., Professor of Chemistry. , Marion How aru, M. 1'., Demonstrator of Anatomy. Students will enjoy every facility for the acviisition of a ( oniplelr medical education. The advantage. of Iticlunucd i this respect li?v? liwo fully ImViI hy hii csp'Tlenc of ( wentv years. The supply of f;Mti-rl:,l for l's.CTJ'iL Ana- f imv i? ample, and ul a very trilling c?*. Clinical ivatntcio ; li given in the luflrrury connected riththe Colli, ip', ami under the same roof with the Lecture omo. Ttds Infirmary, which Is ill." the Marine 11 ospir jrtli port of Richmond, l? at all timer well filled with letiical and surgical cases, and numerous *t r.MCiL opensIONS arc performed in presence of the class. N'.udeits nlim < njoy the cliuical facilities atfordrd hv the Hi?!.a,on J Alms ' ou*e. I A PRIZE OP ONE IICNDRKO DOLLARS, offered hy Dr. i uuHis I?. WaRftCN, of Ner't. Carolina, will ho award, d for I he bet />*uy which may lie pri-a iited l-y nriy member i,| . b? trsilssllm (b?. i Pi.kc.?To L'hcIi Professor JIS ? Demomtratorof Anatomy JO Matriculation... f> > (iraduat'.on 'Jo ' Board may he obtained in Richmond, ti prices tanging rom fsi to ffi per week. Pur further Information, apply to L. .?. Joyxr3, M. D . July 4?ilAcZm D**an of the Faculty, Richmond, Yt, I SOI Til F.JIN FUJI A Lt: INSTITI TK. 1 OK.NKK I'P PlIIST AMI PR VNKI.IN STREETS?LINDEN ' ROW, RICHMOND. VA. ? 11111: TENTH 3E.-S10N OP THIS INSTIT1TI0N WILL c . commence on the first Monday in October, l5.*-9, and 5 lo*?? on tlie l*?t day of June, ]*>). Kvtry effort will br mailt* to mairdiln tb?* rcputaion ' nd dKLf.T c ll akacti:k of the vhofil. The facilities h*r?- offtrocJ f*>r V|u'r'n< the Modern l.anua$?? are aurpHU*?*d by those ? f no t*"hool in the Union, wo French ladle*, reared and dticated in FaHs, reside in ' fie family of thf Principal: and I: U mail* their : uty to 5pej.k French, habitually, rltb ti?r young ladles carding in the hou*". * The best master* of munlc r.'w employed, and jjrest at- 1 tnticn ilpa.ii 10 :m> ii'innni-.m. 1 NsTIll CTOhS: P 1.FK POWELL. A. M? Principal. TllOd. I*. DUDLEY, Jr.., A. SI., of Ih- University of Va. 1 M'LLK . *. VASSAS, French Department. MIS9 M. r. MAYO, 0. 1'EReICO, Italian, Spanish. DrAw'-i" si I painting. Dr.. BL'Clll.KK, German. F. 8KIIIEKT, Piano and Organ i M'l.LK L. I.ACV, Vocal Music. < II. SCHNEIDER, Harp. .1 J. W. KIXVR, Penmanship. ( This institution la well known to the P.ishrps end clergy i f the Episcopal Church lu Virginia, to t?'oiu reference is a mile, as to the Faculileh of the Virginia Military Institute, a nit William and Mary College, to Professors lltcdsoe and milh o! the i'liiverslty of Virginia, to I.. M. Coleman of lauover Academy, t" Fam'l Schooler of Edge Hill Acude\f, to the Her. Cliiii. 11. I!?*d, and Kvv. It. S. Doggett, j iichnjnn-1, \ a., and to the patrons "f tin- school. I For catalogue giving terms, co-jri- of studies, Ac., Ac., ^ ritli full list of pat reus, to which especial reference la made. < Address P. I.EE I'OWEI.I., Principal S. I". I., } July 'J - dAr.'-r. Boa Richmond, Va. UK II.HOAU FIHI VhE INSTITI'TK. * 11 HE sixth .Session will begin October ltd, l-.Yf, and end . the las', of June. l?ti" C> II. Wisitds, A. M., succeeds Rev. 11. Maxi.y, Jr., 1 3 President. Under his administration some Important lianges will te made, hut the grand objects for which the ' nitltnU' was founded, and which r.ow for five years It has n successfully carried out, v.'ill ever he kept in view. . I These are as follows: 1. To teach ererj/MiMp that should form apart of ayoung sdy'a most liberal education. If! To afford Instiaction suited to ?r?ry ,f,rp, of progress, i rom the first eletnen's to the highest point, in each branch, \ > which it may be desirable or possible for the pupil to | roceed. > I. To teach whatever is taught tfuroi yh'r ti,iJ trtll. t r.sctLTr : * c CHARLES n. WINSTON, A. M., (Univ. of Va.) Pre,id cat t nd Prof, of Moral Science and English Literature. Rev. J. I- BURROWS. l>. P., Evidences of Christianity. < JAMK8 1.P.HiII JONES. A. M? .Univ. of Va.) Mathetux- i lea and Language*. : R. A. LEWIS, M. P., Natural fhtl-nccs. Prof. F. EMION, lof Paris,i French. i N. II. Cl.AI'P, Principal of Musical Department, i O. A. ERICSSON, tiiiitar. , Drawing, Painting, ie. i JOHN W. REEVE, Penmanship. MlasP. P. Kutal and Miss S. S. Vsteyjixg will continue t o teach the English Branches In the Collegiate, and Miss axe 8. Stasakp. Mrs. Ay* K. Mxixoar. and Mi?s Mart C. ,a t h hoc, in tile Preparatory Department. Hume ansietarU rill tie appointed hereafter. ( The President will heer the recitation of all f/.e ela?f* ( >t regular Intervals, giving special attention to the Primary , uplls. I r raits: j , Per scss?lon of nine months, half payable in advance, Oc- , tobrr l.ltvVJ?remainder, February 14, 1 fob.) I Inglish Tuition In Preparatory Department ?10 PO ( 'rench In Preparatory Department 10 00 | inglisb Tuition in Collegiate Department fsi is? _ indent and Modern l.anguares, each 'JO 00 lusic on Piano, with Vocal Music,... 60 OU ittsic on (iuitar, " " ' 40 00 ?c of Instrument 5 'Hi 'ocal Music alone, (taken by all, in classes,) i 00 j rawing. Needle-work, or Greaian Tainting 2n 00 Ill-Pa niing.. 60 00 ! ( loard Including everything except washing 100 00 I . Vashing 20 00 J Mluister'j daughters will be received at a reduction of | DC-fourth, on all the above charges. gST"No extra cliarget. Pupils provide Books snd Bta- i . lonery at their own expense. In case of protracted sickest, a deduction will be made for absence. It will be noticed that the rates or boasd has axrx at- ! I iCCin from ftfdO to f ICO. No change Is contemplated in it* iitalltv. With anr ample accommedallont, U was thought i he rnluctlon could be afforded, and Shut It ought, were-1 j "ibiirders"*^ retarded u member* of the Prctldent't | i aiallv Money to meet their Incidental cxpenira ahould be leootltcd with blrn, and all I* ttere for them ?ent to hlacare. ( I pupil* tbould be prctent, if ponlble, on the n>UT oat 01 ; < ''etirVPor catalogue*. circular*, or farther Information, rd^eL CHARLES H. WINSTON, 11 * Prfiidoot of the Richmond Ptmftl* iLitltuttj July n-?M" Rlchmend, Va, i AUCTION SALES. ] A V A L I A II I. K fABJI AND PERSONAL PROPERTY IS THE COUNTY OP KINCi WILLIAM, FOR SALE AT AUCTION. A S Executor of Ottoman Slaughter, deceased, 1 shall. on i\. TUL'ltSbA V, THE FIRST HAY oK CEPTEMUKR, 1>VJ, el 12 o'clock, M., jffnir, if ti'.l, the next fair day thereafter, in t!i* prerrljngjJfcat Auction, ih*t Farm, known . isSpriugfleid, rl V county of King William, containing I'tie hundred ar.d forty-three acres, mure or I.>?s, lying withr t half mile of the Court-house, ?nd adjoining ttio Unit, of ?Ir. Ambrose Wliitr, Ilardisi Uulcpage, itntl other*.? I lie Farm .hounds with marl, and it veli-watorcd, having a | 1 -id rpriny In rnrl; nf the Held*, and Is conshlerad one I imniic till* >e<t high-landed estate. and neighborhoods In ' but par' of the country. It ! > deemed unnece?sary to give j < forth* r .. scrip*]. n < f the !a id improvement* ar.d advnn* r-te.t, pre .inning ti.o-c wisMngto purchase will examine for ,henr?elve*. Possession givi n to seed a crop of wheat, and j crb pone*i|nn onthe 1st January next. After the sate of the Farm, will be dd the stork, r. n- ; deling nf Horses, Mules, Cows, Sh-ep, lings, Fanning Ire.- j I.mints, Household and Kitchen Fnri.iture, Ac. Tr.riua n,c Farm, one-sixth cosh, the l* in four cjual Instalments, at 1,2, d and 4 years from j he day of .ale, with the Interct upon the deferred pay- ! uenls, payable annually, the purchaser executing bonds I elth satisfactory seciirr'y, ami ti deed of trust upon the I iroporty to secure the payment. For the personal pro- i eri.v, all sums under twenty dollars, cash; oitr twenty I lollars, twelve mouths credit, for bonds will, approved se* ! nHte l.esrif.. Use of I'ff" Mr. Reuben F. Jordan, the manager, wlU show the I Farm t'> tbo?? rldiing to parchroie. W.M. C. ALI.CN. Executor of 0:t man Slaughter, dee'd. a* g ij?c$fr . LOI ISA LAND ! Olt SAl/i-J. 11 HE undersigned offers (or ?!? privately the tract of . land on which the ILte llArv:ood Goodwin redded, ly- i ng in Use county of Louisa. adjolullig the lands of Dr. Keun, t . J. Thompson, ami other*. Mid containing about f'.M? ' icrr*. The tract hu* on it a dwelling, of good ??ie, needing j .oine repair* tu make it comfortuhle, Tobacco houses, Ac. t 1 has au ample supply of wood land; from to llMi'wcres I /f virgin oak land of prime quality: as nnodi more of large >id field pi lie, arid hc'.wi m 7.' and W acres of creek low ; ;round*,of excellent quality. Th" farm is admirably adapted to the growth of corn, vhrat and tobacco. It lies about equidistance from the \ntral and the James Ki\>r Caual,uhout 14 miles rom each, and within a f?*v mile." vf the proposed air line abroad from ftichmond ?o Charlotte* vl.le, for which a barter ha* already been obtained. Application for purchase may? -* to cither of the ;ndendgtied. If not sold prism* ly before the FIFTEENTH IK jiElTKMllKK, the land will, cn tliat day, he offered aldirly for sale, (?n the prvnS -. Tkmm* accommodating. J. M. GOODWIN, Aug 1ft?cida J. W. PENDLETON. PARRS HILL FOR SALE. Illll; Fl itS'ltl 15Elt li\ \ 1XG DETERMINED TO RK. MOVE, offer* for ttlchl*TRACT OF LAND, lying In i or. >uii!v Hiihln a mite of Willi.imsburg, containing about fI v r // c x b h /; b j V /; aw, U?o*il t'vo hundrod cleared, a good portion of lh< balance icavlly timbered, besides c rd road enough, alter leasing jtifBde&c) lor support, to pay for the form. This land its on Quvn's Creek, where wc Icr any produce may he I ipped to any market. ThU land adjoins tlie land. of II. T. ui" * and others?abounds in inarlot tkebrst quality, c< ncnient t j every field. Till.* IS A VEItV FERTILE FARM, ai d ! rapidly !m- 1 roving?having hern well marled is v? ry productive. It Is No a good stock farm, having a good portion of meadow ell drained, and marsh ?uf?ci*r.t forth" support of a large lumber of cattle and hogs. Till' DWELLING contain* six rooms a:?d n passage, and II necessary out-building*, including h good Ice-house.? *her^ are two shipping points?one a mile fr?m the barn. He Male and Female Academy In Williamsburg, mid VtlUam and Maty College, which I* helng rebuilt, render his a desirable residence for th* education of children, riie society is of the best order. There are three churches a Williatnaburg, Episcopal, Methodist aud baptist. It is rarely, so desirable a farm, posse-sing s?? many l ! jinMve* Is In market. Persons disposed to purchase are QVltcd to do so before the day of .saie, a^ a bargaiu will be old if early application be road*. If trot disputed of before 'HE TWELFTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER NEXT, it will podIve y b* sold at Public Auction on that day, (being James ,'lty t'uurtday,) before the Courthouse door in William*meg, if fair, if not, the first fair day thereafter. Terms of sale, .sue third cadi, balance in one and two ears with bond.* hearing Interest fiotu date of sah\ and a I?--J cf lru?l 'o vvvirt- ih<? d*-f'.TTr'l pHyuirlit.. Tlirpurwill Imve :!?. t'rivilrge of uridine u crop of M .ml fullpoi^mjon|t!v>:u <?t? the l?! *if January lust. K >r further infor:'.ni->ii, I refi-r i.. C??l. *J. Our'-*', -> aiiKM IV. t'mlii, Willlat irliiirf". .n<l t- k r>rm, llrluimnil, V*. My I'i'sH I WHIIaiusburx, Va. IK?VOW I.IPSCOMI'.K. VVI|llnm'l?:rc, V*. May I I?rwtdi rni vrivK'N mam: ok tiik i.oi Doi".\ AM' liKULIN IIIIIIK'K. t>Y virtu*? > f too deeds of trust 1 tcruti-il by the Lou- I douu ami Ileiliu L i ige Company, one of which hear* late on the "lay cf br- embtr, 1nV\ and ;. ? recorded in he Glcrk'* office of the Cdhii') Court of Loudoun county, rirghd*, at.d the other on the V*rh day (>f f??' ctabcr, IS.V, 1 nil it recorded !n tin? Laud records of Fred*rick county, l trylam!, the undt idgricd trustee 1:1 said deed* named, "'It. f: rtl.c purposes therein mentioned, pr* to sell, at uhlic Auction, to th- high- *t Mdd**r. for . ON TUTU* >\Y, Tin: ll'iit l?\Y OP N?#% Ltlliflli, about 1-' ' d'M'k, M., Irt fronted the Toll-lb -e, th Virginia iluiiinvnt the Itrid-**- of the said Company in the cnuuty f Lou ; .un. the IIKII>OK ocro** the Potomac Liver, beauging t?? the said Company, toyvther with : II If c real stat'- and other property .f the said Cot*.* ;.-i>. and ail the >rivi leges and rights appurfenan* thereto, or c-Mi-cted hrewiih, as fully as th** name mv onv?yt.d hy the sold Iced*of trust. The naht I'.ridgehas been receutiy built of he h**?t mats-rial* and in the most substantial manner ; it swell-located. connecting the Loudoun and flt-rUn Turndke road, Lou l^uo county, \ ircinia, with the town of llerin, on the Chcsupeake and Ohio Canal and the l'aitlraore nd Ohio Railroad, Frede rick county, Maryland. This sale resents a rare opportunity for a profitable investment. Augusts?cwtd* DAVlll H1X0X,Trustee. LtK l'ST UlLLit AKOLIM:. rOR^SALIC*. IN view of removing to tiic eoun'y 01 Hanover, I shall, on TIIUiUfltAV tiie 1st day of Pep!ember, I%?J, tit ]-j t'cloek, M.. sell at public ?.it/ti.u:, oti the prctahi*, the ^aluabh?TICACT OF L\Nl> on trbl h I non reside,situated n the county of Caroline, about ! " folic* V? f-t of the Court louse, (Howling Green.) o mib- ? from Guim-y's In-put, on he lUcliuiotid, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad, Jnilt* from Kederlcksburc, ami containing l.M ten*. giving hope In want of a productive farm and comfortable home 1 good opportunity -f supplying themselves with *u-h. The quality of the soil is w ell knowti, and needs no com iK-ndation in the neighborhood, being susceptible of the ;'u'he?t "tatc of improvement, and w producing good rropa of Wheat, Corn and 0?.ts; aod p trtleuUrly Tobacco, .'lover, ami the various glares thrive well. There are ihoul tSfd) acri- ?*f clear- I land, the balance timliered with )ak and Pine, the whole well vni ! ?-ed, and divided into six art*, four fields*, one standing pasture, and a meadow of Isirty acre* in Timothy and Clover; excellent springs and 'reams supplying every field. There is % good Apple and 'each Orchard, fr'-m early to fate. The improvement* rorisi^t of a comfortable I'*" lling lb?ti*t\ with seven rooms ib.jve and two in brisetncnt. Kitchen, Meat House, Ice 1 louse. Harn, ?t:ibb *. Corn Houses, Tobacco House** ami ' *crvant9* llou***, and all other ttut llnu?e5, and an excel I ent t?arder. Many advantag-s postc*>ed by thta Farm night he mentioned, ??ui supposing muse wiirrng :o pur- i base rill Tii* for themselves before the day of sale, If Is Itemed unnecessary. The term* are oro-thlrd of the purchase money rash, the alane* in ore and two >var>, to I?:,r Interest from the lay of pale, with deed of trust, or title retained until the rholeof tin* purchase money be paid. Mr Pi*?t Office i* Thornslmrg, KpoGylvanla ecunty. I will akcplefcMir*: In showing the prem's* s t?? persons wishing o purchase. KOP.EItT K. I.ITK. C irollne, '.I'Mi July, 1559. -ctf.'s* A VALI AIILi: FAKJ1 is Tin: roi xrv ui ci lpepek koksai.e. BSIANDV WINK I'trm, formerly the residence ?-f the Hon. Daniel l\ Slaughter. U offered for sale. It lie* rilhln a mile and n half of Mitchell's Station, on the Orange ind Alexandria Kail Koad, and six miles Kouth of Cul- j ieper Court House, and convenient to Church-* of all de- j jominations. Schools, Mill-. Ac. It contain* TIIKKK lit N- . Jl'.KU AND HKTV A cut:.*. The Uod I- of good red -oil, ! jibout one-fcnrUi of which If well Utnberc I. The buildings , :on?ist of a g??oJ ldVlil.LlN'li HOUSE anil as! necessary j >u'-housci, all of which are in the beat order. Person* wishing to purchase can Wru the term;, Ac., on i ipplicatlon to the Editor uf the Culpeper Observer, or the 1 lunjcrlber. living on the premise*. Augmt *J?cwHw LOO AN BRANDT. I LA>U COIl VILK, FIT I** III SO to go to the West, I offer for sale the tract of i T f Land on which I real tie, Ivlug In the county of Prince j Edward, on Fast Creek. miles from Prospect Depot on j hciouflislde railroad, d from Hampden Kidney College, i ind 12 from I nrmvlllc, containing hV? acres. This Land I* I n a high state of improvement and f? well adapted to the | growth of all ttrj crops usually made in this reel ion of j ountry, and I- one of the best in.proved placci in the ountry. The buildings are all new, having been erected j n the Ia*t8 or 1 y-arf, of the best materials and under my ? urn eye?and consist of a HANDSOME DWELLING, with | dne rooms conveniently arranged ; a large Kitchen, with wo rooms; Ice house, a Carriage-bouse, large enough for ' hrre carriages, Smokehouse, S:nh|< *, Tnbacro-bariis, two | f which are framed an I very lar,;r, and built in the lap: j liree years, nnd every neee-*ary hou^e on a farm. There ; .? a large proportion of wood land, both of original growth ind pine. There is every kind of fruit of the choicest va- I It tics, such as apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, n?e nrln-s, apricots, and a great variety of grapes. This Is j me of the roost beautiful and desirable resideucef in the J Itate, and wishing those desirous of purch iiing to view fur ! hcmselves, I ehall give r.o further description at present, I xcept to say that it Is as h utility as any place in the world. Feb. t?cwSm JAMK8 COBBSL PI SILK SAL1-; OF VALl'ABLK NB> ffKOFK. r \N lh? l.Vrit DAY OK neii wiinicmirrni ; Lf for sale, at public auction, for cash, nt tin- laic rcsi- j lence of Owen, ilrc'il, near the Orange Srpriiifra, in (range county, ten or twelve MKKI.Y .VKIiKOES, conrttt- ' rig 01 inert, hoy*, girls, ami one woman. Pale to commence j it 11 o'clock. A. M.. if fair, If not the next fair day thereiftcr. WILLIAM J. COOPER. AugflO?e*t.N Executor of Owen Cooper, dee'd. (AND FOK 8AI*K??The undersigned offer* kit J l.and for rate. There are near ffio acre* in the tract, t lien on Bird creek. In Goochland county, and It adapte I o the crops ntually cultivated In this section of the Plate. Die Improvement* comdtl of a comfortable Dwelling, with our rooms. ami ?uch other buildings as are neoe??ary for c arm of lliit sire. The location t* a healthy one, and po>ses?e? the u?ual so lal and religions advantage* of lids portion of the Mate. The land will bcaold altogether, or In parcels, a* It mar ic desired. But, if it is not sold before the 1st September, it will not t>e sold at all. Terus?One-third payable the 1st of January next, and he balance In lwoe<tual annual instalments thereafter. Augli?cwtlSep A. C. PACE. KOJI KALI-:, Oil EXCHANGE Edit TEXAN LAX US, A VAl.t'AUI.r and beautiful Farm, situated .19 mil-* I ?JL from Kiehmond, on one of tbe best railroads, In a I nost desirable neighborhood, and near a thriving Tillage, there there are churches, hotels, stores, a large depot, > iost-o3ice, telegraph office, 4tf. The tract contains (Jot) i icre*. e ?i under eultivatlou, uf which a T*nj Utrgr pro- , .or.'tou t'? li-rto?t hud of the best quality, and all well I trained. Tin. biljnre is In original wood,with,a small porion of second growth pine. Tids Land Is highly adapted to all the staples of the rountrv, ami abounds In water from the purest living luring* In every part of it. The Improvements are extender, mostly new, or lately repaired, end in good style. The location Is very hee.utifMl, perhaps not surpassed by naoy in this par of the State, and as healthy as any place n tlio world. This Farm U odered for sale privately, or would be exilian red in part lor land in Texas, suitably located. For further particulars, address "Enquirer Office," RichcomJ. Va. July it?c6m NO! XT GIBEON FOK SALE.- ~~ I WILL be cold, ot. th- TWKNTY .-Et LXTII OF S*KP- I >> TK.MBKR, laMi, that valuable Farm called MOt'NT [ ilDEON, the residence of the late Henry Hill, situated in ii? lower ti*n of Caroline county, three tailes from llano- | rcr Court llou.e nn-l the \ Irgtnia Central Kail Road I)i pot, I rontaiidng seven hundred and forty acres. Th'i land lj i *ell adapted to the growth of corn,wheat and tobacco; la * all watered tlhere being a never-failing spring la rach | Ifl'i). The situation is beautiful, overlooking a vast extent jf low lauds, with a view of the can, when running, for at | east two miles. A further description Is deemed unneces- j iary, as those wishing to purchase will eiamine for them- ' iclvcr. Mr. Jauier llill, livinjc ou the farm, will take plea- I aire in showing It to arty persou wishing to ?ee It. At the same time and place will be rc.ld valuable stock, | . nnsistlrg of Horse*. Mules, Cattle, Shesp and Hop, House- ; to'd and Kitchen Furniture, Plsntation L'tensils, Ac. All persoDs having claims aeainst the estate are requested o make them known to the subscriber, and those Indebted | o the estate will please settle their bills. The lertns of sal>- will be made known oa the day of sale, ' PllIMP SAML'RI., | Aug 10?cwtdi , Executor of Henry llill. dee'd | rivo HI NDUMD THOI'SAND ACItESOP WESTERN VIRGINIA LANDS FOR SALE. THE subscribers have for sate, as their own and as ' agents for other*, two hundred thousand acres of land ' - . ,1- f vn.i.u. Paretic couaties Of i ;li!i State. These lands are equal In fertility to any In the | State, and will be laid on accommodating terms to suit par- ( :ha-ers, and at Iodi credits. .. , . ... ! Thfe lands are located in the neighborhood of the Bin. i Snlphur Springs, where Mr. J. II. Bnead will be from 2oth | of May to lstof October, for the purpose of showing tnese t lands to any person desiring to examine them. ; Information can be obtained from J. H. Bnead, P. 0. Blue Sulphur Springs, Va., or Charlos *"bblns. 101 Broad ilregs, , Richmond, kSlkD k STSBBIMU . May 7?dicim. 1 ll'l'TIOS SALE:. spblng ifxijl< poj: This farm, containing fifteen si.ndked and FORTY ACRES. will be soi l public ?>n MONDAY, the *9th day of August next. if fair, il net. the next fair day. It Is located In Caroline county, la., 14 inlle* from Fredericksburg, and eight from Itowllug Green, a Hours).mg village and county seat. The Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac rail-road piUtt directly through the farm, alTordlng an opportunity of putting the crops in Richmond or Fredericksburg In ? few hours, in case of any advance In the markets. The Farm is cultivated upon the f* v * tic!-! system, and will produce twelve or tifteen hundred barrel* of cora to the field; and wheat, oatj and tobacco In proportion. The soil of tl>1* farm is of a three-fold character: 1*', Mattapoul bottom. I'd, tabic or Hat land; :>d, hill ?.r high land.? The bottom land cons lat.i of tit*) acres?J ft) acre* cleared. The timbered land h heavily set !n shite 04k, and has been pronounced by Northern limber-getter*, who have Inspected it, to be the best ship Umber in Virginia. The cleared land Is exceedingly fertile, and has upon a portion of St, at present, a nio?t luxuriant and plumbing crop of tobacco. This portion of the farm Is w?J| adapted to grass, and it Is confidently believed, that from $73 to ?100 pe r acre could be realized, from the present prb:?? of hay In Richmond. The table or fiat land consists of Too or r??i? acres of b autiful level land, extending along the railroad, ea-y to culti VHi* , HII.I pruum-iiiR u*c ?! BIA "urrcss QI com per acre.?The li:ll or high land cow:m of lliO aires of clenr>.'i! land, in goad heart, and a superior wheat eoll. The of the high Iftttd :h In oak, cedar and plug t! .i r. I!. Improvements arc upon the hill, and consist nf ,i comfortable overseer's hou?e, good cabins, granurle*, Ac. The location upon the 'sill fur a residence I* unsurpsmeu in F.utern Virgin! ?, :u regard* health and beauty of scenery. I*he view is grand and commanding. At the four of rh- hill ran he ir-n the steam car, hurrying along the beautiful vulhy of the Muttaponi, while upon the surrounding eminences be observed the elegant residences of neighboring furta*, and in the dUtsnc* the Jilue Khig-*, in all lit sublimity and grandeur. l!id?1**ni arc invited to'.asmill- the premiss before the day of sal**. Ma?One-fourth cak!. ; the balance In f-n*.*, u-o and three yean, bearing interct fr r:i ?!.ty of salt. Itouds, with peisonalsroiirit v, and tit *: retained until the whole a:.;- nut b paid. v M. IIUCLWakE. IIOUI.UKi: HUDGIS* Executor* of George T. Todd, dee'd. X. U.?This farm * ill be offered bnt us a unit. Should a salt* not be effected in this way, then the farm will he ?.?ld In two tracts. July jv IIICKOBY CSROYB FOR SAM). rpiIIS F inn containing *ix hundred an I thirty arre*. will JL he sold, at I'uhilc Auction,on \VKI)NKM?A Y,TilK ul-T Of AUG 1ST next. If fair, if not, the next fair day thereafter, on the promise*. It Is situated In Caro Inc county. Virginia, eight mil*** from Row-Hog Green. the county seat. The Klcliruond, Fredericksburg an I Potomac Railroad pas*** through oue end of the Farm. It U divided into five flelds, containing l'HI acres each, well-adapted to the growth of wheat, corn and tobrcco. The improvement* are alt goodtin* dwelling contains seven rooms, betide* a I airmen: of two rfttui; the outhouse*, such a: hams, stables, kitchens, quarters und lce-hou*c are alt in good condition. It i* deemed unnecessary to give a more extended description of the place, as those wishing to porch* trill dnobtl examine the Lands before the day of tV sale. The pur chaser can have t'sc benefit of seeding a crop of win at this fall, and fuii possession on the 1st ??f January, IsOd. Tunus?Uu- fourtli cash, the In one, two and three yean, hearing Interest from dxy cf s*!*\ Howls, tvltn persona! security, and title retained until the w ho!* artiO'-nt is paid. a. M. Htlt'hWaHF, 1I0ULDLK IILOGINS, hxorjtors of George T. Toddi, dec d. , y The Fredericksburg Recorder w ill please copy until Jay of sale. July ?C--ctd* MIDLBVILF* AT AUCTION* ON THE tfoTJft 1>A V OF Al'G 1ST, ut I o'clock, IV M.. if fair, if nut, the next fair day, i shall offer, at auc* linn, on the premises, ruy present residence, "Il'LlAVILD." riifs farm lies on the new Central road, within JJ>; miles ol the Richmond, and contains .If* acres, of Aitich ?l)OUt UK! ?r? cleared. Though the ??ll Is, for the most part a ?tiiT chty, and admirably adapted to wheat and tobacco, there Is a large portion of light laud, which produces the tliiest Tradables. T?*?*nc wUldng t?? combine a farm and iQbikc! far Jen, u* Inordinary udvantugt-s are offered. A plain dwelling, of fix rooms, recently repaired, a large new barn, with stn'de aud shed attached, a kitchen, dairy, smnk** hou>e, quart em, corn*huuse and *iu ice-house, tail in good order, i constitute the improvements. A new road, following its south and east boundary lines, and conhieilng the new Central wi?h the old Charles City road and the Osborne turnpike, adds greatly to the value and convenience of the place. Parties Interested may f*.e! assured that the talc wl'! be p. sitive. 1 purpose torell without reserve. I * hall be happy to show ih* premises. Tkkwsdrii'-third cash; the bnlanct* a! on* and two years front the lir?t lustalincnt, for negotiable notes, w ith interest sdded, and secure i by a truit d**t*d. J. H. SIDD. J iJ. M. T? yl??k L Sov, Auctioneers. Aug fi?ct?K fxi c itoiiv sam; or i,a.\i>. I N pursuance pf the last will and t?*itauient of Nelson ftile, dee'd., the undendgned, K: it rsofthe Mid de* .. dent, will, on the FIFTKIiNlJI DAY OF SKPTb'.MIIKJt nerJ, if fair. !f not, tlie next fair dry.) on the prcmisrt?, > li : puhilc auction, t?? the h!g!?*-*t i-hldtthe following real estate: 1st. T!?:?i desirable tract .if Land n:i which the decedent re id; ! : * 'he lltne of hUdea'h, lyingi:i county of Red* ford, adjoining th?* lauds of Mm tin I*. Ifiirks, .Moses IVnn, William i.. M'. ld. m*"| other-., and only live miles distant from tin Uiv Island lauding, on the Jani'-s Riv-r and Kannwh.a C:?*:al, t?? which place t ; -r* is a well graded roud.? I?y i old survey, this tr*c* ron*aius about 4W acres, from JiH* to iV*d of which ate cleared and lie in one contiguous hodv, and arc tr. a t* ?<>.| statu of cultivation. The balance U well timbered. This laud is well waferrd with fine Mpringv and never-faillnc streams, and is enclosed mostly with ch??nut rails. The soil U remark ably well adapted to the growth of gro'n na l all the gr?*Ris, At.out one hundreil acres are now in clover. The balance is very fertile, and I* . xccedl' luxur.unt In nil of its productions. Tin* improvements consist ei a mre-- aril commodious Dwcllin;; lloRiw, containing sonie -ighl f r ten rooms. good negro-cabin*. Ice-house, etc.: a garden, a larce orchard of choice fruit'. This land I* situated In a healthy, highly intelligent and moral neighborhood, and is, in every respect, one of the most desirable farms in Uedford county. Also, at the same lime and place, sriil be sold, by way of pul lie auction, tract No. 2. containing about live humired aires, lying two or three milts east of the above, and near ti e Nohusin. s< Mountain, (and only one or two miles fioui the James Kiver and Kanawha Canal, I and adjoining the latnls of Mtses l'?ati. .Mlcnjali Itavis, dee'd., Uilliam d. Sb-dd, and others. About x.1l" acres of this latid are ch art il; '.:.e residue in timber, the tiin-t of tvldch Is fine tobacco land. The most of this land lies well, and produces fine wheat and other grains; is well water? 1 and enclosed. It lies adjacent to a tine mountain rung*, and ? onM make a good grtring farm. The improvements cotisUt of a newly erected house with four rooms, and oilier necessary out houses, witii a small orchard, Ac. If necessary, to suit the convenience of purchasers, it will be divided Into two tracts. Tnaws.?A sutu sullicient to defray the expenses of sale will In- required in cash. For 'he residue of the purchase nu ney a credit of one, two and three years will begivi n? the pay mints to bear interest from the day of sale, bonds, witii good security, will be required, and the title retained as further security, until the whole ot the purchase money is paid. Possession to ?eed whratwil he given immediately after the day of sale, and full possession on the 1st day of December next. Persons wishing to sec the hinds before the day of sale are referred to Mr. Thomas N. Sale, who resides 0:1 tin tir-t tract, or to the undersigned, in Liberty, Va. JOHN VV., I.. A. SAI.K, Aug I?etd* ilxeciit'-rs of Nelson twit,dee'd. CHILHOWKE FOB SALE. 'I1IIK un n rsigtied Commissioner, appointed by a decr-eof JL the Circuit Court of t-myth County, in the r ise of It. K. an.l others against Itenjamin l'atter?on nod others, wilt, on Tl'KSDAY, TIIK l"TII DAV Of fiCIUISKK next, being the first day of the October term ol ."myth Counts Court, sell at the front ihv r -f tlic i-ourt-nniise of Muyih county. !SI Acres of Land. Including the celebrated CI III.llDtVKE Sl'hl'IICIt SI'UINO". unsurpassed In Medicinal i vlituc *-y any mineral w aiers In lite s*tate. These ttprliigs . have bail, from the earliest settlement of the country, great | celebrity: l ave effected many remarkable cures; have been much re-orted to by visitors whin arcunimvilatloiit ruuid be had, and we douht Hot would be resort is I to by hundreds and thousands if improv d as they should be.? Thcv are "itualed witldn about a mile of the V.rgiuia and Tennessee Kailroad, in the county of ."myth. In the Valley of the Middle-fork of llolstmi, in one of the most fertile and beautiful regions of the South-wi st. A railroad of easy .-.1 .h.u?-rut!,-mold L>r made aio'ir a level valley, ex- I (ending from lli? Virginia ami Tennessee Railroad tu the Springs. T!?? Spring Is bold and capable of supplying an) ti'linluT of visitors, ami the grounds ?rr handsome and afford beautiful alios for buildings for an extensive establishment! Capitalists are invited to examine the property: as an Investinrut or api-cnlalion i: presents great attractions. Tkkus Tlie sale to be on a credit of one. tun, three _ and four years, ws:h interest tliereon front and after the explratiouof one year. The purchaser to give bond and op proved security, ami the title retained till the purchase money is paid. ItKYKRhY fl. JOHNSON, JA.MKS VV. silKriKV, Aug *?ct-is t'omi.ii>iioners. TOR S.VLK, WARM STKINfiS REAL ESTATE, rjli r Proprietors, for the purpo-- r.f malting a division I of this lunst desirable anil valuable property, will sell It, wit-out reserve, on the KIItST KAY OF SEPTEMBER next. 1' Is situate-l at Hath Court House, in a beautiful and fertile valley, nn the main lending staye road, fifteen miles West of the Virginia Central Railroad, at .Milll-ero' Depot, and forty mile? Kast ef the WhiteSulphur Springs. The several t'racts of Land contain ah .ul .-,o"U acres, a great portion of which is rich, well watered, under good fencing, well set In clover and other eras es, and in a good state of cultivation. As a Stuck Farm, it Is of superior pisilly, has the advantage of an extensive mountain range. The huilJingi are nearly new. eoii-l-ting of a large and spacious Hotel, other hands-one, suitable buildings for the accommodation of about ami visitors. All the supplies of meats, grains, Ac., for the use of the hotel establishment, can he raised on the farm. Tkrsis n?'Sslx skk?One-fourth of the purchase tnnnejr In hand, or a negotiable ttoP: at 60 days, with interest added; the balance of the purchase money iu four eiptal annual payments, with Interest from 1st November, when possession will lie given: the purchaser giving bond and good security. <<K<?. MAVSK, I I>. (t. WISH. J-l'roprie'ers. July 1?ctds CM. C. FKANCISCO,) SALE OK YA Mill Mi LAND, STKA.TI ENGINE, Ac. PL'RSl'AN'T to the provisions contained In two deeds of conveyance, onr front John VV. Scott and Gabriella, his wife, the other from Francis W. Scott, both hearing date trjd December, l<ifi, and recorded iu the Clerk's othcc of the county of King and Queen, the undersigned, trustee in said deeds, for certain purposes therein specified, will proceed to sell at public auction at Ayiett's, iu the county of King William, on Fill DAY TIIK KITH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, a tract of land containing One Hundred and Twenty Acres and a fraction, situated on the river ill King anil Queen county, about a mile and a half from Ayiett's. This land Is of superior quality, and mostly lti original groatli, and has upon it a neat and comfortable dwelling house recently erected. There is also upon the land a Steam Fugine of twenty-four horse power, of excellent male and Iu perfect repair, and now attached to a grisi-uiill. which will be sold at the same time, either separately or with the land, as may be determined on the day of sale. The terms will he very accommodating and made known on the day of sale. Mr. Wm. I- Ladd, at Ayiett's, will take pleasure in showing the premises or in giving any information In regard thereto. July if?ctds J. V. CROWDER. Trustee, ?c. IIA NOV KK LAND FOR SA LE. fTI IIK subscriber, with the view of making arrangements JL to move to the State of Louisiana, will. 011 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER JTTII, 1-vt', at the hour of iff M., offer at nubile auction, on the premises, the Tract of Land on which he at present resides, known as SPRING GROVE, ithe former residence of Col. LarUn White(situated about I s udles above Richmond, and three miles wi-st of Ashland, containing ,VC{ acres. About one-half of this Tract is arable land, in good li.-af, as may be sreu by the growing crops rf Corn, Tobacco. Ac. The residue is in H'rod Timber. It Is well supplied with never failing springs and streams In every field, and Is divided by a creek which affords some thirty or forty acre, of pretty Meadow Land. ti? .-?r,.!it of a Dwelling House contain ing eight or tea room?, (basement Included,i a large llaru, Stables, Servants' Houses, Ac., most of which have becu repaired within the last Qveyears. There arc two beautiful anil never-falling springs within 73 yards o! the house. The Orchard affording quite a variety o( fruit, covers several acres. The purchaser will hare the privilege of sowing a crop Wheat, ami he can also have the whole or a portion of the (rowing crops, at valuation. Should a sale of this property he effect el prior to thr t.Uty specified above, <tut notirt trill It girtn of the same. Tinas, moderate and made known on the day of sale or on application to the subscriber. jy-.-hould a sale nof id tf'ct/d, this Parm will on the day above-mentioned, he rtntt'I out tor the year l?-?. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE, the subscriber will expose to sale, his Slock of Cattle, Mules, Sheep. Plantation utensils, Ac. Also, some 73 or 100 bushels of Wheat, several tucks of Oats, Koad Wagun, 10 Carts, and a variety of other articles. E. M. TOMKIES, August -.hi?ctds Ashland, Hanover county. WADS WORTH, TURNER 4c CO. HAVE Just received superior Virginia manufactured Palled Kerteyt. Also, Itlue and Black Mixed Satinets, tollable for servants and flelu hands, which will be sold a very low price*. Awtttl?in JEF FHKSS*DARiE Y 8AR,T.-i,0uo sacks, in prime order, afloat and tor tale by A of 20?6t |L A G. B. DAVENPORT. AUCTION SALES. ~~ I'lSlIC SALKOF LAM). ( iN r,r,::>' 'AV.TilKOTII OKSEITEMUKH, I *111 off<r?. ihe premise*, to the highest bidder, the ' '-tlen t >.n j reside, lying on Little Roanoke In 1 St .! i cunty, v.?., between the plun'stion* of Mrs. A. M. Lead anil Mr. tlenryr Carringlon, on the sjuth public ray! fr,.m Charlotte Court Dense to K>>>vlilr, wit hi ri two milcj of the former, and si* of t..e litt. r,. :>i ; containing about 4d'J acres, of which U no rich sl!-.:V 1.4ti?l. and lfc> at least, ? .. n n - I upland I. of fine quality, -li. growth uf toba':?!o, wheut, corr, ohN ?r,? r l|4 ; The plantation i? In good con- . .';j ti? . neut* are <xceHeiil, compriflu,; a r \ ' \V oris ami IihoMsorr.r <lwllln? hou?., j; ?/, .t. j hi: necessary out hou-os, most of. . , aL'j ,/p,,;,'.',. ! ?*oii4trttCt!on. *.>r *<I vantage* of iocatloa aa?! iririnrir j value, there U tot 8 more tligible place wf lu fa* iu the I count?. 1 Tho?e wishing such a ?ituat:nn are Invited t0 call on the 1 proprietor an?l view the premises. Term* win accoiai j'MlHiinp, to he lumie ktcwii */U the May of sale. I :ctUtSf DAVID COMFORT. ron.TiissioxEKV hale of SOUTHWESTERN VIRGINIA LAND \ru:iilSlA, iti the Circuit Court of Wythe county, at the Court House, on Tuesday July l-'lb, 1st?, i 1?AA ID SEXTON and Other*, 1 Complainant-, i r*. V In Chancery. , JO-KI'll K. KENT and Others, | Defendants. J j Till* cause came on this ! -11> day of July, 1>J9, to he ; heard by consent, upon the kill, answer, and exhibit,, upon ! enn-id-ration whereof. being of opinion that an early sale ! of the property in the bill mentioned will he to the Intelr?t of Thorns, J. Boyd and hlj creditors, and conforming as J J near a* may be to the spirit of the deeds of trust of March ' ' .'ah, and b-itig sa'IstVd that the tract of land given in | exchange for the Wythevillt Hotel property, named In the I I deed of May -"111,1 by the Messrs. Crockett*,1, of about ! optal t altf - with ,0 tnuch of sal 1 Wvtheville Hotel property 1 as could be sold under the deed of May, lafWi, and the court believing tharthe Crockett- should be protected In i their title and enjoyment of the said Wytheville Hotel pro* - property, and being further sat!slh.-d that a sale of the Oiles land could he made to iiio-t advantage In tuiall f.xims, and ! that the lands, adjacent to Wy tlicvllle and to the Wytheville ! Depot, weuld bilti|t the largest prices If ?old In lot,. as laid out on the man filed iu this cause, and the court . not Intending In this decree to Impair the rights or weaken I or change the liens of any of said Boyd', Creditor,, as i now they exist, doth adjudge, order au t decree, that Anj drew f. Fulton, Hubert C. Kent and Eli Davis, who are ' hereby appointed Commissioners for the purpose, after ad! vcrtising the time and place of sale for ninety days In route tie*.paper puhli-hed in Richmond and Wytheville, and at : the court house ot each of the respective counties In which t any of the property may He, and in such other mode as the Commissioners may deem best to give publicity to the ?ale, | n.-.y proceed to sell to the highest bidders, at such time, atci places as the Commissioner, think will best promote I the objects of tills proceeding, all the property In the I hill mentioned, on credits of one, two, three, four and : five year-, with Interest froin the day of sab-, taking I bonds tror.i tn- p nchasers with good security, payable 1 to tliem-elves as Couuansloner,~but the Wytheville lloI tel property Is no*, to be sold under this decree: ar.-l j the ComruWoners have authority to lav off the (ille, lands, i iu convenient farm,, and to sell said iarms separately, or ! to sell the whole of each tract together, as they may think j will produce the he-t price, and to sell the lands near Wytheville and the Wytheville Depot, !n lot, according to | the taup, or if the Commissioners deem It beat, they may unite two or more of ,a d lot, in one sale, and the Commit- ! s!otier, are to observe the following order of sale; 1st, the I land sold and conveyed by the Messrs. Crocketts to ?aid j Boyd; 2nd, the Odes land; f'-rd, the laud purcbaied by Said i Boyd fro'tt E. Brown; 4th, the Kttd purchased by 1 | -aid Boyd fr-.m tiuatavus A. Crockett; fob. the land pur- | j chased by said B.-yd U >in Cicurgc hiuutt, except that part j i lying ?<> nit of the Virginia and Tennessee Kallruad, 6th. j 1 the Drayton Spring,property; and lastly all other property | ! etnhraced in the said Deeds of Trust, except the Hotel near I I tin- Wytheville Input uud that part of the laud purchased j Irom is-s-rge Stuart, lylug ,outh of the Virginia and Teni never Railroad, and the personalty and furul'.urc connected with the su'd liotel, and the slave named tn the Deed, of March ftth, Ief?9, which property !, only to be ,old isi the event the other properly should not sell for enough to pay said Bnyit'* debts; but if the properly st.oulu not sell tor enough to "pay said Boyd's debt*, then !t may be ?o!d on the -am- term, mi the other property, except the slares. iviiicn may o** Miner ior casn, or uri nuoricrcaiig ad rue | Cniuiniisioiicr* n..iy dceu\ beat; and in selling the tuid ' Hold, furniture and binds, south of the Kail road, the 1 Commie-1 one: * sell the Hotel and let 0:1 which It b I situated, and furniture, : 11 together, or separately, *t> flicy inny deem bent: and until the &aid Hotel, furniture and | slaves arc sold, ^a!d fioyd is authorised to retain ItoMCSoiflQ and take the profits of them. It :c further ordered, that out of the proceeds of the *.tle any j debt 'vhich ;:mv l)e n lien f -r the purchase Money c?f : any part of the realty, shall be paid out of the I money first f.illiv^ due, arising from the sale of the pro- j perty upon which U i* a li-n, and the court being Informed ' :|:at the lien held by Koln-rt 1 taper is contingent, orders! neney- enough to satisfy i? to be retained until it Is surer- ! rained whether I* will be paid out of the fund mentioned in i hi* need of Trus\ After retting aside a fund for the Kaper deist, the Court further orders that the said Joseph K. Kent ! he paid neat the debt secured to him by the deed of the J*th May, !** ' ??, and t"e balance of the fund the Court will re tain for distribution uiuonjr all said lh?yd's Creditors, ?< cording to ihcir several rights, and will convene thrm all, that their right - may he fully ascertained; and for that pur- 1 pose, J inn * Trucks, who is hereby appointed a Coiuniisdoner and directed to t ike aQ account of said llnyd's debts, | and the priority ? ? Ids Creditors, and report the same to; the Court, together with any matter, specially slated, i 'lo .tight pertinent by himself, or required by either of the j parties to be stated?and an the said deeds of Trial of March oth, 1 authorise the Trustees to make priVtite 1 Iloyd, and it being demoted best for the benefit of raid ; Creditors to give 'aid CuiMtd.-jdarmr* the same authority, it ] h adjudged ordered a id decreed, that they be, and they ! ar.-, hereby authorized, to tnnkc private salts ot ?ald pro- I p?*r y. in parcels to suit purchasers, subject to the appro- ! val and control of tl.ii Court; and said CounnUilonvi* are i required to report from time to lime to this Court their pro- 2 ot.'diny*. And i* Is fully agreed, that neither said Boyd 1 nor any of his Creditors, w ho are parties to thL**u!t,or may com* in under the pro\Moiu of this decree, shall litigate tny further with Joseph F. Kent about his debt, aud that ' any -u!t. now pending for that purpose, shall be dismissed, j This ?* entered by tl.e consent of the parties here* j tr. A : ue copy from the record. Teste, JAMEd THICKS, C. C. j In purauan e of the forcgc'ug decree, the subscribers, . Comiriin-iuiiers appointed by said decree, will sell at public ' auction, hi the times and places, named below, the follow- j ing land . .el' ngiug to said 1 houiai J. Boyd, vis : On T1!1'K*UaY the'Jltli day of October next (during the 1 session "f the Federal Court,.' in front of the Court house i in the Town of Wythevllle In Wythe County, Virginia, one j tract, containing dJte acres, lying In said County of Wytlie, ' f> miles from Wythevllle ami b Ki tulles from Mack's Meadow a ! Hep -t on the \lrgh?l? and Tennessee Hall Hoad?being the 1 land purchos rd from 8. 8. A H. L Crockett, Cove Creek \ rur.s through It, and It is well supplied with water , I y b good springs?about two third* of the whole i tract i- cleared and mostly well set in grass. the res.due well limbered. It has a dwelling-house and necessary out- i homo i On MONDAY the I tth day of November next, In front of the e?ci;! house of (?il?-st untv, V* , two tracts, lying In he valbyof Wolf Creek In said County of Giles, I'd and lft utiles fr? in said com t house, and containing, one 8,818 acres and the other l,'*"b acres?each i artly cleared and in cultivation. and with some building* on thrtn. These lands are very fcrtib*, aud well adapted to the growth of grain, grass and folia* co. A well-graded turnpike road from liilr-s court I house to Taxewrll court houv.*, and connecting with a turn- \ (like road to Wytlievillo, and pairing through botli of these ! rract*, is being constructed. Each of there tracts will be I old separately in the whole, or will b?- divided into smaller ! farms, and so ??bl, ? ? suit purchasers, If thought best un the ; I.iy oi rur hiiuiuiuuuu mn w.. u. ... . | residing "n the larger Tui'l. or tu C.ipt. (iity I>. f'rrutb, Piles rt.urt house, or to Thomas J. Boyd at Wythevllle. Oo TIICKSDAV, the 17th day of November next, before the front door of V.'y die Court House In said TOWN OI' WVTIIEVILLE, said Boyd's one undivided half c-he other half being owned 1 by the subscriber hereto, K.i Davis) of a large tract of land, i lying in Wythe county?coreii:ig a part of llrushy and ! Walker's Mountains from Hie Stony fork of Keed Creek to j Smyth county line, and lits within a few miles of the said Kail lload?Is well timbered?cottilns vatuanle heds of' iron and coal?and t.-li of it lies well for cultivation?supposed to contain in th-. whole V'S.S.'iO acres, as shown by the I Revenue Books of the state. The title is believed to be in | disputable. Also at tii* saute time and place, the following two tracts j vii: our, containing about V> acres, h Ing on the south side [ of the Kali lioad, and on the Ualrlgh and U ray sou Turnpike, half a utile west of the WytheVille Depot?having a good dwelling house, partly brick and partly framed, and some out-buddings, with a good spring of water and brlek ' spring house in the yard?partly cleared ami partly Ingood ' timber?being a part of the land purchased from Thomas Wlun?the other of these two tracts, contalnlue 37 acres, j lying on tin; north side of lieed Creek, near Wythevllle and said Itaii Koad?mostly cleared?with a log dwelling house j and good s)>ting of water?being tin- land purchased froia bars' Kyle ami T. II. Shores. A' .* the same tltne and place, or on the grounds, will lie < id a large number of lots, or small parcels of land, lying within an ! adjacent to said town of Wytlieville and atound the Wythevllle Depot, and ou both sides and near to said Kail Uoad?surrounded by spacious streets, some well graiied and pave I. A map or plan of which may be | seen by applying to the Commissioners, or to said Boyd.? j If these tots and parcels of land, numbering several hundred altogether, cannot be sold on he day, named, the sale | of thein will be continued from day to day '.ill all are Sold. I Wytlieville is a towu on the VlltUIMA A-TENNESSEE RAIL ROAAD, with a population of 2009, or more, with wvll graded turn- ] j pike roads leading to and from it in all directions, and oc- j CUpies a nearly central position in South-western Virginia, j I Its elevation Is about if 100 feet above the city of Richmond, ! i U a place of considerable and rapidly growing trade, and lias a climate, f?r health and pleasant summer residence, j unsurpassed by any other locality iu the World. Also, will be soi l, on WKDSKSDAY, the'.'Sd day of So- | vctuber next, the Interest of said Boyd < being tlvr undivided sevenths* In the CRAY SON SULPHUR SPRINGS, And about .V)0 acres of land nnd furniture and fixtures attached?lying about <0 miles from Wythevllle, on New river, j in Carroll county- -a stream affording unlimited water power and the best of fresh water ti?h. This property is prepared to accommodate from It a1 to lfs? visitors. having at this time over 0" vi-itors. Its waters (srveral mineral springs n??r to each other) are White (sulphur. Chalybeate, Ac. Thrv have been resorted to for many years, and their wonderful ! curative properties render them among the most valuable I -r. ' ? . - ,....,..10. I I waters ot the ftaic. mere is ? rom >?<.r.n .... passing by these springs, from AVytheville to North Csmll ti*. There arc also valuable privileges connected with these ! springs which the purchasers cau avail themselves of, through a charter of Incorporation, passed by the Legislature of Virginia. March Wth, IsM, entitled, "An Act to incorporate the New Hirer At lute Sulphur Springs am! Mining and Manufacturing Company"?for the provisions of which relcrence is made to the Act Itself. Alio, will be sold, before the front door of the Court House, In Carroll county, Va.. on theh day ^December nest, ibeing court dav,i said Uoyd's Interest In the i>altos coiteu m/.ve. In said county. This Mine is sufficiently developed to prove the existence of an abundan c of ore of good <|U?lity. It U near the turnpike- road running from H y theviile to Hillsvllle and North Caroliaa, alo ut 24 tulles from M'ythevUle and five miles from Hillsville, and in the immediate vicinity of a Copper ."melting Establishment, now being erected by a company of gentlemen of tbe city of Ualtlmure. All the above property trill be sold on a credit of one, two, three, four and five years from the day of sale, with j Interest ou the whole from date?the purrhaser giving bond with approved security and a lien on the land retained.? I I'oMewinn of all will be given on the d?7 of sale, reserving to alt tenants and occupants s reasonable time to gather I and remove growing crops. I The Commissioners, being authorized by the foregoing | decree to sell any or all ol the aforesaid property, either j I publicly or privately?wo will receive proposals for the purj chase of the same frotn now until the day of tale. (liven under our hands this 21st day of July. 1 s'9. ELI DAVIS, l IL C. KENT, yComniietloners. ! AND. S. FULTON, ) i Anxious to aJord to said Commissioners ail the aid in ray ; power, 1 will promptly attend to any communication or a|- | i plication to tne at Wytheville Va.,for Information about any i of th*property r?feired to Id lb* forgoing octree , j of a ilk-. THOMAS J. HOVO. | | Juiy c3? ! TRACT-OF 1AND ()\ Dl\ HIVKH, IN Pittsylvania, run sale. I WILL sell publicly, In the town of Danville, on the EIGHTH HAY OK SEPTEMBER, IsM, a Tract of Land ; 1 lying on Dan P.iver, three tulles above Danville. The J j Tract contain* 6i? acret, li> of which are low grounds and i I 'ISO to :tOU acres are In wood*. The huildlngi consist of a | Dwelling with three room*, the u.ual out-huuses, an orer' ?eer'? house, aud Negro beuiee, stable, Corn Home and I Itarne. The Tract l? desirable to thoie who want a reali dence near the enterprising and fionrUhlug town of Danville. Persons wishing to purchase are invited to see the land before the -lay of sale. Any enquiries directed to me at Danville for information, or to D. A. Claiborne, Eaqr., at Scottsburg, Halifax, will be answered. Aug. IS?ctds THOS. D. CLAIBORNE. IH.NMOLlT10N.~r~ ON the 1st instant, 5!r. JOHN Q, \t INN retired from onr concern, the style of which will not be changed. Calling attenilon to hii Card, we can recommend him to to the patrooage of onr friends. J,,lv 8">?dim BREED EN A FOX. RMCH.HV.yU CITY niLLI FAMILY FLOCK.?'The subscriber* have for sals a very superior lot of New "Family Flonr," of their well-known brand, ground from choice White Wheat. "Extra Superfine" always on hand. A Of IS?dlw JOS. BSCMMri.I. t CO. BV U( M,?r, >!?%( ) tt i. *x ? .?.?.? . fc. srt/.ui, co;m;i: .\>t> .qolassls . . ,k M AUCTION. l.'N1 !'U', the ul?t tu-Iiiti', a* 11 o'clock, al err 0;, 'rf c ' w?rclio?cc at Kuckit:*, Ho *11! 1.0 "hi. * lov' ?-> Qiivrn, ?ay: j c*r?f ! :i Sbl* ' rtu l:'c" 6?nJ 10 ixility ^l', ijh.ii 11 'Ttda ^ AW, ""?ct importation. ... ... .. 4I0-I, 4 month* er?<5.t. 504 hags Kio Coffee, rtir e TKICMS-Under r? jios.r.T.i. ? for 4|)|>rov?il Bcgot!at!< pipi ' . f A,;: noMU.i" UV A. <WtlK\. AI < ovrnTY AT ri V I' C. SALF.OFGOVMi.vmiVx f i? -,'V. ? sUll TilK l". S. AKSLNLL. MASill V.. -u* es??.4 OS WEHNKSHAY, sKi lKMI KK Till, -vstl. proceed to sell, at A M.. r h plxce a variety of artfch-s, of which ti.uic In . 15 Iron CannuD, 0, i'.', et.d pwat. .ut 821 Halt's little. llair* CatMnrj C"" Maskets, bright, pcre'l'-l 't !" Mn*kets, bright, atfcied A' percusftioo ft" Musket., br.iw ft, ".lit ft- llitolt, till.I , " wit Artillery 11 arci'Si, s. gi? ..WS.Cw Musket all.I lUdf. H".:? ftftl Ramrods 20,t?>u ibt, scrap Ir -n SftO lbs. Strap st-rl 1 I d of Accoutrements 1 I"! Of Ctl'l To. U 1 Machine f. r planing iron 2 Ami a variety of o'd. , ird. >?. Terras: Caah. in specie. A. CHITS. Aug 2il?e"'lli!? Aucii'tiCftr, coMDtiixliu oi:i).vvM tTii.i.Lsr ILL he Sold, at auction, a' ftvi' >|. t. . a- . \?. on THURSDAY, the -t.'i -lay ol Sep'ea.ter, Urny ft Kifly pouml. r Iron tiuiis, 1 Eight Inch Mortar tlfuli) Set. of Artillery Harness ("btclxnj lead) ! "" IVrcuselou .Musk t$ "" Hilled Muskets 11" Mu*.etoaet:s ami C srbloex. And ?' veral lota ot Infantry a-d Uv?!:y Acecu'.'encotft, Tools, Ac. T?*a>?Cash, specie. A II. T>Yi", Aug l' Captali of OiduAtK-e. HV Ull'lilAMiA, Ifttt.i a t ?>., .s?? Fifty NKftiKotvv - h i>a?. .* i.? -c ck will be sold fat IUc1> Negriec* tilts cf S|?1 Boya and ttlrla, at.d Wutnei. ami t't.liern. Aug 21 mCKlSSsiN.IIII.1. * CO.. Auct? IIY PCLLIAM"A in ris vLt is,. I.lOIITh' M:CICOi:*.-?. will Iell,t:.'.s day, at :0 . o "clerk. forty likely Negrrej. Pl'Ll.lAM i r.KTT:-. Aac'i. An if '.'ft l nder Odd Fallow#' 'I jil, I mia . -/et UY XiEdOU iuVis, W i M~. On KEGUOE?.-TM* day. nt IO'CU. k, I *!1 sel *w\/ 2d likely negroes?Men, ! v*. <?li!>, Hnn?* an J Children UKcTOK DA\l>, Auct. Aug 2? B1 GODOIN A APPr.?Sft\f Airis. LAND FOR NALfc IN < Wa.MMtMI-LT> CUl'NTY, UN Til F MA\UII-!I : IT K N?IK I. 2l\ MILES DISTANT FltuM UICH.MoND / 10NTAINISG 4?Vi Acrt 1 oi good laud for AuoV.' lion. At tlit*rri|iirftt of fhr a Mt* ?r I >. i at Auction, 011 TI'K^DaY, !!: M\ill oF %i ITF ?.|;Klt, 1 "O'.', hi LJ o'clock 51.. upon the preu)ir*>, l.'ie t i.u. iv.aled <tn Above. Uo the south a!J- of the turn; :k* I the Tract cf 4?o acre*; producing K??'d . ? ! rn. Wh* t. T? e>ac?o, Ontf, tie. About teu thousand p ?un? of i< i.j,, > 11 i ,#t yeat. Wheat crop* Varying f(?iQ ur to t >-nt liWMSr?ii bushels - the place been uroln nr<>u -<r 11.4:. ire ra?*nt. There ?re two Iota ??f twm'v ? ? ?. *? h wdi n clover. A Dwelling Uou*e lit repair, pi.Ti n- #,) having ten room*; al?o a neat F? n: c i'??p <l' lit f * \ r i, with two pleasant rooms. A Yard;ind t# n?K- u t ! rt.clo?ed. A Well of pood wa'rr 1:1 the ynr.j, us- i ?i ts t tie *r il o Granary, Stable nud Servant II !? ? . ar. v*-r* ? ? iu* fortahle Houses, with good clthhiois .?.! win. *?. for thirty-five servants. All nut ? r . '.,1 fariuU g aii.i planting purposes, and t r.i m??';cc mi. tt. A small trail of to acre* of good land, Vavtnsr & fratne building with four rooius, and one or two hoLtocom* foi table for a email family. There I* a large <|uautlty of valu Able wood cr. the mi J land, about 14o or ITe? acres of original pi -win oak. ac , >n l 60 or To acres of a?rcond growth p.tie, t?l. rt, i? ? ry r?IT. Much may he carried to market on a turnpike wrh ..! toll. Person* desirous of buying theahov l.?..d, will *?II end examine the same, w.dch will he shown by my??. f or my Son, Chastalti Co-ke, Jr. Tskm*?One-fifth cM?|.; b;?Ia:i'*e m t\ ' *5 and CI monthr, bcarifiif Interest, n cured by a t.u*: ?t Ml \STAIN t t 1;r. Gbl'DIN A Al'PKKSON. Aucti on er? Ativ I j?old i tor's stALi*: or vim %m.n FA KM of 64dv .\t K!> IS 1 III^IFKI !l I 1' i?l MY UN J \.MKS HIYLK, Wot T i'i >ili.K> l hLoU IUC ; MOM). IN accordance vltntbe ln^t ai l ard StMamei f of th? la'e M. I'raVe, adlliitle>l to pronot In Cbe?te?h : t ' 'M.i.ty Court, I shall, m hi* Fvecut*?r, pr.?e? ?i > puMn auction, at the Fartri on Jnttivs Kivvr. ? i ?? 1 . ldatnV.M on which the testator residi d at li e tin r I , "ii WKDNESDAY, TllK SKYKNTII oi -hl'lI Mlti.r, I-iJt cotutnenclng at 11 o'clock. If fair. I' n* - il.- t \* the above Tract.of hand, called It IN b.^u ,ng ti u Imil a .I infui 1 it* 4*ilfttj?llilf itf til(>k .1. f* > hi l?n!l! ?.* . I e V . C f which about '.\Vt arc open land, and the halaioc :s coined % with growth of chestnut, hickory, oak an?t r .? . The quality of the land is similar to thaf in the vi. it.i \ nnd although the open land i- poor, yet thcie l? on the; i <. vcral pits of tnarl so convenient a* t ?xuat.e ;t to in prove the soil. IMag Immediately ?>u t- ? titer. tV j r of the farm can be easily and cheaply -rni to i;)-?r*tt, The cord wood on the place, in the ? ;i- n of v ittc i f *1 n neighbors, would, probably, pay the whole pun r nmy of the farm. Itesides au ohi mansion, t: ?tv I r o Ml/ been erected a large number of N?.o buii- ij i... jd.ipra Cue dwelling, (which, however, Is not cctr pl* ud,> ? l? ^re Stat Ic with shed to the name, an ov?i??*r'? hoi. . quai U??, Corn House, Ac. The in w bwcllir t? . - s. rr y u fine view of the place, but the I'.fy - i hi J.m.< nd nr d if ?j surrounding country for tnanv miles. f or the |-iicetb?t thla land may likely sell, I: IsCel.ev-J t > brnr.u- ai . dvantugetf. lir. John llov.!. ft. <?i. tU *<b. ?nlrg estate, will take pleasure in shenhn the land to the se who may desire to view it. Tkhws?One-fifth cash; balance x?t o. ! ? t.?! 24 m r.ths, for negotiable notes, Interest ad S .i m? .' t \ . t j. to. i.oMMN, I x'orof Aug 1.1?2awtds M i li. A i., dcusird. COT^iissiom.K'S MM;. BY virtue of a decree rut end n th. it of Mx?r !as*f In the cure of ( lciinemn? V. i b.l ?H I.V *i.d OfhtlS, pending in the Circuit Court oj t .t i ,ry it hul no no, I shall offer at I'uM'c Auction, ori the pi? nu-es. . n 11.? ? ;h instant, a trac' of land in IhnrU county, on t . W-vhutu I'lank Koad, four miles fr.'Di the corporation h # . uuiiilr>g about one hundred and one n? n ?, nvi ; w t tr.. j ? session of John Clehdenimt, >r. There mi. .1 m h I dwellinghouse and suitable out-hottse* m the pn n 1%< . Tk?iU?*.?Cashenou.h to cover :!? costs < f *!? * ;!Jb# required, and a credit of <5, 12 and 1*> m?n h? ?1 . t jj* n Ingti-tesur t uds,well endoi>#?l.or u,it. .tunit m i the title will he retained until ihepurchacc n.??r.? . .> , ..iu ,n full. August 22?tllw t#. W. r< mi i-?ionrr. VTwiTiinriu.a i7 7777.77 7 > he CITY OF RICHMONU, FCrt JiALfc. WE OFFfclt f?r sale, privat. Iy. th?- f- II >* i . | r? peiff, belonging Vj the estate cI trie l ite N. li L. r am, ct? Ceased. vU: No. 1.?A most de?lr.?ble residence at i}.,. \oitl .f>rt corner of Grace and A'lams atutts Ti.?- lot fn i r? . 5 ft ct on i?rnc?* street, and run* bat k nbout i4*> f?.*' t?? .hi u b v. The house Is ot brl.k, I ullt In the tie.f i . n.. . i t e i I rooms, with nil necctsary OuMP u*es al.<c.<.<l, iiciu .i.g K.tchen, StaMur. Carriage ll? u e, *<.. No 3.?A Ut fronting8D hrt ou a reel :nJ adjoining the above. No. 3.?A brick Unctn-nt on the Noith side of i read street, between First street an i iiio- k av?mi*-v nt |<r occupied by T. Moore, fronting about 2 \ feet? u k'r ud street, and running back about 14, f?e- t y p*\. .. |-. The House li two ntorles h j.h ami Ct'cd I?.r - itc;e a. d dwelling, with a good brick kitchen. Ac. No. 4.?A thick tenement ca broad street, r?i!,o!nirg So, 3, fronting about the same, two rtofi?? h^n, t running back tne full depth of the lot, ?.i\ ? : 1 fe>t.aLd for some years paid in the occupmrry *-4-AJ. V*4 4,? ??? k. Nos. 2>*udC?Two Vacant !.? *- ? n lire:* i ?tr??-t. riioin. ing the above, each fronting feet, an* iuw.lfi? batk about 14." feet to the alley. For terms, which w.U be liberal. '>pply to i(A?ii. %MI A r.ftoTnrp, Aug 13? dtttJctf C ifit'i y Oil) ?t t*. V ILCAM ? i: 1> II (HIILU tL .19 TIC FAHKIO. flllfK undersigned ha* now i:i rtnf, at wholesale only1 M. and Is daily receiving from his factoriv* in t. ? I'. ??;?* s, and frotn the best nwiiufactorh ? kit; qu;*n .*> ? ' f Shirred Elastic Fabrics, embracing t?M in ? ??in 'try, weaving, braiding, sewing, or h?.w. v. r uj ii< , if? nd i g *i| Cloths, Webs, Tapes, euspendet*. t?.irtei-. t m!?, ?c , Ac , and will grant License hum pi with ;*utb' o?U.?r. to manufacture or import ami sell the \ u.utr d i.u to r Elastic Fahrics. All stack ?ts?? p? I ?vea /' < ? </,.*/# *?f try nam*-?without which h" I* f tl.i* r.| t o > ? bo legally \ended in the I'nlted ."talcs durir g the iif.t.tueof Ooodyear's patent. 1IUICA< V. I*. L V, Principal Warehouse,33 Comtlundi rtreet, .V Augmt ShKiw cw^w PHILADELPHIA FALL TKADE9 1859. FKl\nS~LASiIhii7 CO. NETT CASH JOBBERS OP rOBKIOX ANU DOMESTIC T-*T=j v rtoons. NO. 1S5, MARK FT FTlif KT. I'III L.\ b K L I* III A. i *r a very Large Stock kept will lie on land durh g Fentember, October, November and December, 1659. August I!? ".Ito RIBBONS. MILINEKY k STRAW GOODS. Fall untl Winter, 1H'J. ARMSTIIOXG, C ATOII & CO,. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OK ill Ul:?I N.VET SILKr, nt.'J ratio Velvet*, I:u 1 ?<??. ??!? % Straw |lou?e:?, Flata, A<-? N? ?n I : fvii-, Haiti* more*treel, lUlli n.ure, Mil., offer * *t"cit uniuri ,t?*?d la the United Mates In variety an I cheapn* tyOrders solicited and prompt a:teiit?* f; 1 n. jy Terms, si a OiontlK, C per cent nil fur par fund*. Aug 1*???r" FOREIGN NEWSPAPERSI'Klil* 01CAI.S. WILLMER& ROGERS, 42, KASS.ll' STREET. SEW YORK CITY, CJ CPPLV all N'ew?paper?, Jbptlf* an I IVMinlr, I uoB lUlird lo Enicland. Ireland an>t rci tSai.d In ?.ii l..i> of ONE THOUSAND DIFFERENT Knr.icn N^a.j ?|e a I ami Periodical* now ready, and ?cat Iree, on *j plliaiiou. | July 'yd?cltntdJaa loi FANCY J! 00 OS. MiSiJI IHPOKTCU5 Wf A.*>u liL.i ? FH.ENOS, ENGLISH, GERMAN AND AMERICAN Fancy Goods, CombN, li uttoitH Uru*Ue*, GOLD A.\D S1LVLU HiT( tiLii, JEWELRY, AND S.1.1LL H .1It1 > CKNEIIALLV, NOS. 89 t 81, PARK PLACE i?o CHI R< H hrLItT, new Yontt. GEORGE CHAPMAN, JAME.-IIKE ROBERT f. LYUS. CUA*. 11 NuVtt, | GARDNER E. TCETtr, July2o-dia*c8aagw;in THE J\VEMTOX Or 'JHE AGE! I rilHF gvealt"! invention nf the age 1* that wt,lch Is a)U< hII td to all kinds of Clothing for n ni, wimtr, and chljdreo. by the DELANO LIFE-PUfcfr.UVI.\o COAT AND VEoT COMPANV, No. 2S< IlilUAl'U \V, NEW t oi'.K. I By the ate of tbil invention-- .l.i- li, let u? say, <r, /a#. Milt, is Incorporated with beau.ful Cat tug dr. the : fear of a death by drowning Is abrogated, under aD and I any circumstance*. ordera by mail promptly attended to. I Jane. lsWJ?dSat wai Amat PI.IIUH!!?We have a Lew iuj j y cf ; r Ui? U?ll & tp**r Iron 6 U'Yj"v ' *' | rs$T' cu&?c?muV?. .