Newspaper Page Text
* ^EM f WE KklS^DiTI ON. ~ 1'li I DA Y MOK.MNC;, OCTOBEK 28, 1*50. VOLUME LYE-NOBER 43. - The Richmond Enquirer, lt;i? DAILY. SEMI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY. ! . ' Bv'c;lCSIE. DUXNAVANT, TYLER a WISE. TERMS: j i PaftB. !> dollar* per iouwb, nail ac the t\ j.'iUwif taken for a shorter period than one fl %' . t * ' >?'*1 Wkkkia, ftve dollars per atm .tu, and ' , , - *.\ months, payable In advance, for th? ,"v >, r annuui. or six copies :??r $10, to be paid in* ?~ U|?v , \ ?i vance. When letters containing money are ' ? n * v most be rtglnitix f, rtl ey **Si; be the * rent. ,J j. . > K3iQCiaia*,ADvtawiH(iSaBBrbipobttshed monthly rirculati ?a U twenty thou* \ Ivertisemenu lu*erted a? '.'5 cent* per Hue. t! ?* j" \ im to this i?tSct maybe remitted p?T tauil, in ?' *.tvai.abli' Dank note*. #/" r, j%*\ r , at tin* risk ?>I tl v Obituaries ami Tributes of Respect, exceeding ^ * v Ifi til ?'CVW ivr f%n ? >?? v? ui-.un.i-. #* ... a distance :nu>t bo accompanied with Die a I . i.. : >.U:?fac!orv reference*. to iusure exocution i? JlPTIoS OF 5*200,150 OF V I2*?;tMl F..K AND SIX I'Elt CEW IJKHT. ' .? >f th-following eertifli .it**# of ?!Hit i?*uol j J . io s ' Virginia <viSI take notice that the Coiu* 1 - N Ig f i. CI Hi IS Itl thf v rtifl. itM I .! whi h they are autl rizetl to be redeemed, ll th< tUt '*> ol December, ISoO, toredecta V it< - at the Treasury of the tmwealih. t ; ? f ... .! certificate* art* required on the i?aM ;?l?t V 1>59, to surrender tbcaiime at the office < :' w 1 Auditor; whether surrender* : t not t;,c inter* I1 . , .. i%- on that day. jl ,r . \ t j?i*$ed *.'"th l<v?. authorising ? ' ?,r Fubiic Work.* to subscribe *?: t?chalf of the i . the stock ol the Pet* tbmrg Kailroad j 1< 5?rs. * N^- e XM-J--C J, ii. 5 per ct.,The tno?t N.Mv George p Grauviiie. l>uko of tl ?u:U.-rUn?t fo.ooO d W, ** " same 5,000 tl .0. * " va :no o.i'tM) i? * -T, ** *4 same 5,?hHj p " unit* ii s: " 44 *ain<? 4,000 j? * $2, " ** fettu* 3,01*0 .. tame 2,000 *14 >: ,t * *4, " ** I?o'?ins, Fo-jSrr A v'o , ? of Lt?k<-ar.l. C rnwall, ih K.:;!aml, Hanker*. 5,000 55, ** ** satn? 5, WO . ! .. - tC, ** ** saiae 0,4Mhi - sr. * 44 ?in? 'i.wu c ttf.OvO jj " let'-1 aathorlte a tulixrtp'.ian pit behalf of '' , t? the >U>ck of the Winchester anj , !.i ; It .iJ Company, nu.l for other purpo.n-t. ' i. . l'i rotry, 1SH. and of an Act farther to pre - ?- ,'( tyuirtil of talil aubacrlptlon. passed IHtli ? . - > ? , .,6 per ft. John Wlllcox, Petersburg, * .tU .'.a o S.1. " J?uie? Cjtikle, of Iti-htni'iid, 10,COP , | J p?r ct. X. II KothtcIiiUl Sou?, of Loutlou, ?,0"0 " ?c, * a.iuie, r.uoO i?i. ' aautc. ",000 , it.'. " tame. 2,iK*? [ " same, 8,0-W ' ?. same, 2,'I'll i - SilllS. '.IK*' mini1, 2,oi" " " MK, !,0"0 iJ, " aime. 2.11" |i. " same, 2 ."CIJ "4:. " rarne, 2,"0" 1 - - - }:. " cin.<, S."0> " " <1. " MO', 2.UCW ii. 6 per et. Robert E l.r-. L\ 8 Army. 2.000 ' J l - u- A.-: lb increase the cipital stork of the Ports - _ a ! Roanoke Railroad Company, nnd to audio. , ? j i. >n thereto or. behalf of the Slate, p.o--J < Janoary. ISM. ? . , * . * p?i cl. Cki-t. lie . pe William Courtney, of the < Royal British Sav.v. 5.00U * (Icllo ) " Richard. Thornton ot : Old Swan CVIiarf, t'pper Thames M , London. A.Ocrl i " I-.*. " Ditto. 3.UM0 a.X*s? So. Ia4. " .lo's Someni, of Strat- . < ford Ci rccii, fovt, tj'j . Frederick Somen. of Highbury Park. Islington,.Mid- / dlesex. I horn is Corbrn.of Pa nock ilu'.l. , Miiton Kent, Ks-i'r, and tidcard Saxton 1 of Highbury Park, , aforesaid Esquire, , 'Worship, 2.000 , " 123, " l>itto, t.iny , " " " 126. " Ditto, A.thHt ' ;jT, " u.tto, i i?Jan. $. 12V. " David Barclay Chap- . man, of l.ondou, 3,000 , a.'5-Jan. 3, 1U " Me?r*!ld, j llroih-ra, or Paris, lo.oi? ( ,di?May W, 144. " Dan. Meinnratshagen, ,, Arthur Auyujtu? i;aich an 1 Leirls . ijroaing.of London. Ac , 3.000 ' 143, " Ditto, ,\?w 146, " Ditto, 4.U.X.' 111, Henrietta Codrlng-ua, of Deunh'use, near J Ahesforil, county of limits, w:J 2.0W' ' 14a, Ditto, 6,0-tO c ' " " 140, " Ditto, l.'Mlil ' a " 1.'.', " Ditto, J.ouO i IM, " Ditto, 3,'iih 0 vv?J*', ?. u. M.%"..tth, .vo! 1 " 137, " Ditto, ,Vj " " 15S, " Ditto, odd ' ' 13?, ' Ditto. fa-0 1 a'r-f.' W. lei. " Wm. II. ilaxall, 1,0-0 11 lh7. " Andre* Johnston, 1,500 '' Mar.3., '.is, " Ditto, 5'Xt -1 11 : t, to.'. " C. ll' Pureed Je <V, l,t?v \a< 3, 17i', " Ditto, l,<aio Sep ?. , Ditto, 50k " r.p 14. 172. " Ditto. \'J f iC.tKxi ] t * i.i a.; i.a oelde fut the construction of a turn- ; f - . fr :n Stauuton to 1'jrk.Tstiiirir, loth .March, o .3v: a- amended under t:.e 3d seciion of "an act to a > ir r*.?.ujf ln*na to certain railroad companies. . r -... paj?e l'-'!?t March, l-'O. A.-,.: o j,?r en Jo?eph Smith of An- |. gusta county, Va? 1,009 ? * Nar. 1. 14, " Joseph Jackaon, of f. Ulchmnir.', 1,'J 0 . i *?. fuse 7, *>', " Joseph Siulrit, of Ait- e SO.,:a. 2urt . ti ' 7, J'., Dltlo, 5oy ^ ?l->4t ti, 4sd, "Dr. Jamit Cornicle, D". I 3. f.avy. 2,909 #. Ai-J, " I.u'v 31. N,i.-tOD, fur p life. * 'h remainder u to her.children, John X i[. F. Norton and ; otheie, 200 * a.'?i!i>/,.S, IT;, ' L.iia M. Albert and W ui J tibert, la f trust fur Augustus J. Albert, 2.000 , i J77., " Jnliu Coltujita f Hallfax, f . V.v ! " C.J. BeSfne. ?"/ j - -r J .7 " William L. lPvik-r, v ?,i, 0j>. " Archibald Bulling. guardian r>f < . Burton, IM ; _ l?i<?Ui) JC 721. " Mary If. Buchanan, ofPutiord. 100 T 3.130 " ! V ft-Thnas holders of (Vrtiflcatci r ho desire to re\ .rney, must, If residing beyuud tlic limits of p 1 Mates acknowledge the power before sonic * !' v.eiit.ary, Charge d1 Affairs.?. onsul General. . - i .... . Commercial Agent. appointed by I s-rit .! tb- Cniteil Mkt-i to any* foreign coun* ' rt t|,r p-op-r officer of any court of such : to- Mayor or other Chief Magistrate of any * . * corporation therein. If refilling in the -?. *'ie acknowledgment b-fore a Justice of the f* N ti-> Public, or Commissioner of L>-.<1 appninteil r'i 'v?rnor of Virginia, is sufficient. In atl cases the, ittot be delivered. J M HENNKTT, "l tu li'or Public AcccountJ, ; Commissioners ? It PAP.KKIt. Ilegister. < of (..touch W. MlM'OKIh ] PinkingFund. ' [ . Pr-r tary -f the Commonwealth, j ' i - | .u : 46, ; .' c#u 1 PE.XITK.Vl'I.tKV OP V II'.dIM --. t{ IM'P.tCTCP.fP at this insti'.ulioii, act! snhl there and " ? ::.e tint's Store, No. '.*7. Pearl M.r~-\ the following i [ 1 C ? r.-ta e.| prices, ts v.*;t , J and Brogues | I -* Children ana Servants'3h?-? w I l A.? nasi Cart llatneei ui every d-srrl|.ti a h I Jy-t : -Leather lioee al L Car-., n F *"' -* and tt he-lbarrowt d a"' Ac. w r t'i't'.M I'laid Ci.UoIU mi 4'** and tiuseys l-r platitiitb'U hat-is d [ "a. it Clothing for tier van's si ' " - d?above articles on hand and for sale, -rull ;ii f r re,nired. or other job work done to order, "*. ?. E 1 " . e ?.n, or in punctual customer* oiuy. i b I , " -ra f. -a tb- . untrv, with satisfactory references, r> I ' ' attea led to. Address K. M. MM MM. t! | t and storekeeper Vs. Penitential T. tl [ ^Il llillhVU LIV1'. STOCK .flAKKKT. 1 & I'll*# uDd io.?uril tuviii^ prvcurrtl Itic **rrwcc* t?f 1%. f ^ ? Cfr f?.r tht *iiif|?'?9?- of Helling laive K.c ,: i .i?tl market, ?i.;, wl:h Luthor a'4. l>f f * ' "*t?<rt 0.1 Ui ?l *y of ar)?U*u.brr ni*xt, |?r*j?itrrii ! " * v ur. livi J<*?1 i nil bUsin?M entruili'J ^ \ ' eJtfM 10 I \ * *:v?* rntir* ?ati?!!? ? r ^?-ikv l;i?cr*l ^*1%'?n;v*n uti?on J.'IIN CltMlnt, !> J 2! |. * IRVINE. i' STEBBINS, HOYT&'CO., [" 1?-n:issio\ >2 s:cit st .\ \ I /. as FOIt THE SALE Or "] I I ;.TT0N V.MINP, tlSNAUCUtiP, Pll.ETlNCo .%.*? * | ^ -"dlKTIMla ' I N?. Ia2 CIMlllHlitS STKHliT, f I . .., 2NT33-W YORK, :,r b [*>TOKK AM) TO AKUIVB, si ir* " r. '"-1? **?'! ?l imaged Lfatlier, nmi the bc*i brand* I 1 *fb:cn I will at-;! low for c<4*h ir good K 1 '' 1'* ? city Bii-Jp Br^gu^s, Toe CA^H only. ft N. I?KVJ:I;KI;X, b( HuSlBtU, C. >1. l'\Kiii*l>ale. tl, Utcof I'bailottt. of lticiiniont. I,I C. II. 1Iaee&i>ai.k< late ol Il, . nutiisOALK A liKOTHKUS, ? WMMISSION MBUCHAST.-., KlCHMONI>, VA. I ... UrriCEXEAk SUOCKuK WAKktfbCX*. I CKaL Ald'ANCKS uiaJc uu CbinigunieiHa In ImmvI. j J in. 5?eta >V. 51. it K. M. TIIKOU Ml, i*.,*ttorneys at law. \\ Attend regularly kit the Courti of ilttaylraida and j \ -^''AklU:, coubtlM, tad alio the Quarterly and HupC 1 'it of the couaty of llanry. II LiwyWanl* C. IL, V*. Fab 7?oly , VALVARLP FAiHiS FOR SVLE^; VVI.VVJILV: TIATTAfOM I Asi.'i Of!' IMl'SM'i:*! \ IH/NDPLD V KFa. FOR SALE IN CAlUJ- ! NNt; (vixtl ! N I'J S'DIM,; to movt Sou h, I offer for vtle my rtVnh'ttco i . L iClitTtouk it coiit.t tis fmtuvij hundred acre*, lie* on , f . - M.itiajH'iii river, ndj > n? the lands of I). C. DJariiettv, ; ti lr?. It. 1* ttr^ht, and others. The bottom iainl is as r oh t * ii*y on the ti\cr. the upland in a eood state of improve A :ent, and well adapted to the production of the staples of I .c country, particularly wheat and tobacco. The 1.-cation -althy, uti l the uc'yhborhoi.d a^ree.ilb-. CRffim issewn u die* from Greet, xix from Miiford Depot, and ,r. * from Pole Cut D< pot. e The improvement* are new and cannot be built for t? :i v iot!*atid dollars. The dwell.nj; is a tivo-ctory cottage. with ' ? lev en rooius built of bt ick. kitclivti also of brick, with all j I le honst i. nece?vjry for a \ Irgiuia farm. If uot sold pri utclv, I shall off. i" it at public auction on the |irr;ni?< , ?u if Ux l?.\Y OF M*< i MLLK. Ktf, if fair, it not, the \ itrday. ; ' Ikum>?On- third cash, the balance lu two eqttitununal j c \Vtmnt-, l! dclrurc . payments Im urine in ero?t. and .n? r tired b; .? d . d of trust. " KOLLKT I DtJAKNKTTL. 1 Oct rut Ni MM. \77' k .i?. .* AMI P.LULLS KtllDGK. 1 |M vlrtut oft* >deeds of trust exc ted by I i > I mii an i Herllu bridge Company, one of which be?r? itc on the 22d day cf December, IV. *, am! U recordi- I In . ?e ClerkV otliec "f the County Court ?d* l.ou b?un county. irgln a, ai. \ the other on the 2Mb Jay "f December, lS"?A, | n?i is recorded iri tee Land records of Pred rick county, t ' l iryla- d. the und rstcnid trustee in said dwds named, t ill, f i the pur,. > ?? tb relu mention* I, proceed, to s.*p, at ? i rui?itc Auction, to Hie highest bidder, for ea-h, US TUCKS- : * AV. TIIE P'Tii DAV OK NOVKUliLR, IjW, about 12 ' t Vlnele. M . in front of th?* Toll-House, fipar th*? Miu;tda ' t*u!in?*nt 01 the llriij:* -?f the viid Company ?:? the County . 1 f l.ouil *uu, the l?Uli>GU Uvross the l'.?l o%c IV.\-*'T, !.? i miring to the s.iM Comptny, to^rthei* with :i!l the real i ' late and other property ??f the >\1<1 Company, and all the [ rivile.-e* an 1 right* ..ppurt**nn! t lb rcto, rr connected . 1 ireffith, as fully as the sain*.* are conveyed hy the said $ cctfsof tru?t. The m'?d Bridge has I. ? recently bull: af | t ?e he>t materials and in the must .1 nuinicr; it j t weil located, connecting the Loudoun :t l Berlin Turn- t M* road, Loudoun county, Virginia, with the town of Ber- '* i, o:i the Chesape ike and Ohio Canal and the Baltimore nd Ohio Kaiiro:ul, Frederick county, MaryUr I. Thin >ulc * regents a rare opportunity for h profitable inv? J.nent. j Au.'uatJ?cwtds I> \ V14> H \uN, Trii-tee. VALUABLE EsTTFE uoic SILIT" yvf' offer f?r pvivat-ly u tract I ?t- 1 I."- hip In the I? county of it ck mu C twenty-two ! jillcs above Danville, Vu., mid three below Le ik&viMe. N. i h, containing Fifteen Hundred nnd S:\t\-v*:** acres. This ; 1 ind extends within a few hundred yar-'-of Ihn Ulcer, j t rhsch is nuvigahlt to Dativiih*. uiul is :? i!>- heart of a : I vlehrated sect; n ?'f country called tie.* "Mead'** of Lock- ' tigh.iu:." It I".* * gently rolling, of a dark reil color, and l> ' ? >urticul irl.v a lapte 1 to the production ' f the dried tohaeco J * til wheat At.out one half of the tra.t i :? original f.?r- ' ? st, heavily timbered, with an abundant > y ?d the Lot ' I iLiil land, an 1 every part of it i? well ?' '.el. j I The society is as goo i .?- uoy ia the ci intry. Methodist, : a laptut, Episcopal and Presbyterian CI he* ore all con* I ij etiierit, and in the town of Leak?vil]c, > . I * i large cot- i t on factory there are tnilli, shop* ami rcscf every dc- J I criptlon. | i in addition both coal and iron aref *und o: .' it f >rms art of it.'- Le iks. coal Qelds'to w lid Legist i- ; are of North C irolin i < harter-d i r. ;1 and uhicli i liihcu* d '.iht will be built nad thu* : "i?* mneinl re* | ourci'.< of that country. i Tkkm- ?Ai.y reasonable time gir. i : purchaser? t he purchase m >:jcy IVhu ?.;tt?f ntt 'r'.H : i. and the Merest promptly paid ivr* ?> weiing:. I ear more of ( his 1 ttiil ttill a-1 J.'---. ' t : af the ui ! -'to. L JOii\ T. CL.VKK. ru!o it, !'. >, <. i i-l i :c Co., \ a. IV. II .-1 lj. June '.'1?c?; Clover Dec i! >h ax Co., Ya. Mr. l". if. ferry, living mi tlieiand, will sb ir 1: r.i auy iic, or give my tafonmtlan concerning It. [>Uit S.\ iii'., t?ST TiVlJlAWl. <J:C T txXs i L.\ Nlir, i A VALL'AIILE vid bc.vtt.fu! situated 8>l miles , I iV fr> :a Kifiiuwtid, on o:ae ol i . ?: railroad,, in a I mmt desirable Urich'iurho.J, an 1 lien village, : ?l?:r there are churches,hotels, store*, a large depot, ' o?t-i>tTi>:e, telegraph other, A.'. The iri t contains ten ' teres, iiyti under cultivation. of w.lch a rr\/ or,.. 1 fforfi". > ' ui'.- . iat,J of the t? : > ?. and all well I Iruine i The balance Is i:t ni gh: tl >, m.-i a .-.nail por- s ion of second growth |>itie. I'l.?s l.a:i>l is highly|ite<l to ,11 th- staple, of the ounlrv. ami abound, in water from r e pure*: llvinr priaes in every part of it. hi. improvement* are extea-tve, mostly new, oi lately repaired, itnt ti pod style. : The location is very'hMt. per . t.-? iur|ia?,r'l hy ' i nana ;at!i;? pari of the ."tat-. - n.u'.tby a? any plaec a lee world. j i Tills K.irui U offered for w!c prlv..- iy. c* would he ?x- ' I MH ill part for iainl 1 i I x?>.. it . tie !. I r further par: a! tr?, a la - h: . otUce," Hide hou i.Vit. .lulv 'J?chin i Mocvr cmu'Jk t ptTifs ilk, ;! ilHK sue-criher if-rv tie Karin on ' . whlrli he at present r(-i! -. called Meant Comfort, ' t tilling dix acres more res", *.-uu'.-d is'heuppdr end d lieurivo county, I i utiles * f llichs. usd,on l'eep j Con, between the Hir? Uk-;; t:.<! yui iiutt rouuu, hq<i ibout t.. * mile* below I'isiiiJ' The improvement* ! :o:is?>t cf a Irtr'c and me.:t)y-.-o:.v.ruelei fr.;::ie lWfiilri^ tuuic, v . Pi : ...> ; i |*;l??ag**?; ibuu! half 1 high. w;.i u good brick bu>c* nent. kit.;hcii .:n 1 Y? trie"*, t *' ?. c 4 Triage nod ice-houscs, i brlct >uok uc, ?& . ih-r. in If well-watered, Deep J tun the boun i try ?n ?ne entire side for about a mile, ?:.! > . pusses igh I ic centie c f i-, upon both I wfne . ttrtNim* there are good a* :iI :t w? II <rf excelvi?? h ii# r it. tilt* yard, and sprin:-* f th? . .1%; w.?t<*r con- ; renleatiji diaper* * - iria. csu ? r. ? *i\ ruitn r description ma comm?, ?at r tpectfally Inire* nil di-p??<rd i j purchase to come :t;i?2 *'? * it for the:ntr! ? -. Any eotimiiiincutioji up??rt the abject, direct" i * lK->uh5? r..ier hr.u ..i't ?. wi.! promptly .ittef l- d to. ; Sfe| - ? \VM. K. UA CKl?. Nt ri5l>a liAND FOU bAl.l.. j ?AYlN?i let :? j:t iving I hen\*y <?!T*r I.1 icy TKALT or lying on tin- water* of lijy iui* CrecK, in thec a:;:y of Warren, North l.tmiinu. oneUt of 1,0*9 teres, of which 150 acres are reck tUt?, Well improved L?f and uplund in A 1 igh tate of culture, and tin* remainder in original f and ' jne, well reclaimed. The laud i? well adapted t > tht : rowth of C . U'ht it 1 "i f ne Maaatact irloj; robii to "he J'hiut.t'i n I? In good repair, ; ncea go !,dwv;i.:u new. 1 cat an I cvuiiiiodmu-, with ail nece.^ary out-h ? ncsri j abiiis, lobact* > barn*. Ac. The Urm U intersect*- i fy the loanoke Vailejr Railroad; well watcrt !, location pleasant, i :? an excel 1.: C ' timunlty. l'-rs.?!.< who : >!-- furtt -i iforinatim ?\.ll ad irv>i m., through ;il, it WiL'.aai^hora*, 1 k'orth Carolin . ! Purchaser^ will c>me arid cxami::- for them*c!\.?. Sept ?ctf JSO. T TaVLOR. ' VALIablu 3fihii AND i'.\in FOR .* ILK I t I N rKNMNti to move rout;., i "Her f<?r axle th^ raluald* . I MILL ANl? L\uM. I\I*?k i 1 the county <vl < ir^l n?, n l- ! \ .ning the f irm-* * f J??hu ?V.ithitigi<*n. II. K. White, and i, <.'*?NTa2NJNw -i't* A4'UL?, Uivi ed in three 1*1 |?, nd very p luctii 1 ro Wheat and Tobacco? plentj f T:un?er M:pp'?rt. The situation U one among ia? j : H.nd.% i:i'?? 1.1 . 11:.TV. t:.e Jl Weld tie larg# kui cn.?f- 1 . ion*. i'ob?< u h ?u-?i though lo curt 10 ??r io thuuinnd . j frijj!.! of iot?a r?4?u diouset in go. 1 ord?r. TM? i 4Jia lies limne-.;*' .? 'M the Kichtn<?nd jind I'redet ictaburg i iaihonJ, l ti.ile from Ouiuey i)pot, \i mild frttu Kr-cJ- j rjckji urg. arid iJ from J. Hie Mill ii on* atvw g j I lie ibo?i r.tlu.kO.c hi (lie county, paying 7 per com. on ! I 12,1**1. The .vorc-llou-c Is coiuidtrcd a tUnd for a i 'ountry Store Tin- Property will betolri ori the l.VTI! DAT OK NOVKM- i Kit m-xt, publicly, without regard to weather. I My i'nsi utllce * Guinea's Depot, Caroline Cour:!y, Va. : at?cwtlONor 1IKKICY McCALlKV. istii. i iism~~(fl'iwo tai >liVci-.o , AND KlXfY-SEVi N At ItEtf OP LAND IN DIXtVlDDIK 1 COUNTY. TWELVE MILES hmM PETEKSIM RG AND ' TilKKK MILE* FROM TllK JIUYDTOWX IM.ANK I;0.\D. 1 FOKSALI I A T the rc?|ue?t of Me.?sr\ Win. W\ Crump a: 1 W. II 1 .1l Lyons. tru*te?s, we are authorized ( ? *eli a d**:ral 1irm ot .67 acres, lo tited *9 above, recently occupied b) lie ln:?* lienjaauu ?. Preiitb, and now by It;a wiuuw There J re .ib.-ut ! .* ? acre- clt ?'vl, and the balance i? ruvereu i | nth a wr?'W?fi of oak, pin" and hickory. The building* are 1 'Hu'ortdble and in ip" t r ! r. The oped laud hat been ' realty improved I?y the n.-r of guano. The place i? well enc!o-ed. and a line spring, within 2ii?> ar lt? id the dwelling. If immediate application i- blade. . . ureal bargain wili be sold, and king credit given f??r the ; : ur.liMv? money. > i Person* dbpn&cd ?o purch:;-*1'. arc respectful A requited j : i view tr ?' premises. Applv to GODMN ?t VlTWfoW I CtCMf* A Lrox?, Trustee*. Oct 24?elm . : an i'AKD POM svi.r.. BUIK iuh.**ersl?er, wNhmg to change lib t?u*ine"s, offers f r JC sale hU TAX V \ltl> at thi* pUce. containing five acre- 1 f land, well improved, with good dwelling and all necessary j ' ull iing-. thir:>-:ive \ .it-, to 1%. one hundred ? .?:<:* b irli, ; * ud everything nectssury to do a Rood buatnen-. On? i I lousaiid hided tuny lie obtained at the yard annually, and | ' pudy rale for all the leather at the door. 5?Hic./good. i : cC.iou healthy. I'his prc?' tits n rare opportunity lo.- a \ ' crson v.-ith aom-' capital i > engage in the tanning bu-in* w. I d'ply, a- oiu'c, to me on the pie:u!.HS or to IVtcr W. Ko?it ,>i V. ii. MctOV. j' ii t.27?cSt Litwrencerille, UruiMvickco., V?. I 1'IKIilM.V-I.N .:il.vX.Tisv:~firil^vrr. ClTcuTi ! . v Court,September29th, l>.'?9: ( The ConiiooiiweaUb of Virginia , lfaS?-l . . W.Ilium \V. Malh>ry.Adi?iiuV, a* d .'am *< Auie, d*cM, j . Defendant. 5 C. W. Dahncy, who pro??cut*'ji the pIor?? of the Common- j chilli in thest'd C ?urt, this day exhibited In said. Couit, nti | ^ tlialf of the Commonweal h of bliHi: Chancery, | r Urging. among other thing". ( .1 certuin J unit-* Adie, h ? ative of Scotland, in the Kingdom of (ireat hrititin, hud . parted thb life, within the said county, iMestate, and uliout io;\: of kin, possessed of peoonal o'tVcts lo the ^ ??f live or six thousand dollar.-*; that the same w n ^ lelicf, an l h'doiigod 1 ? the Cotncioti wealth of \lr- v, ini 1. and a-sln : t ?r a .! *re "f the sa.ue. Andf?*n his it iy ordered that ihe ne\t of kin, if ?:?>*. of r?c a tid .l.irnc* A \ ind all otln r<, claiming ?r Interested in \ ( >e*tu: ..... u- , hciv om ti:-t ?t i.v of the next term, ; u rni make tin uefcndati'x to -ui.J hip, und tint a c l?v of tri* or i jui'iii^Kil for three months respec* vely in t!i Itieh'ie.nd Ilt.qulret, a ti'.wspaptr printed in c :- u'lty . f l.i huion l, inV ?; Con-*i'ot :<, n e.-wspsptr in ?it.v tf w t-.. 5 A r...... uc!. u cmtamy, n. c. j. If.I \ UV.VY, i 1 i !!.<< (tM?i:r> rti.tM nn. <i:k\n r.->t jamk.? ' V KIVKIJ A\l? KAXV.VIIA IV.II'ANY. on lii.-ltlhcf ' ugust, a n.-gro n.ui n.iin-d II AI2I1V, who louir : ? Mr. a jhti I! Is j.irJiittc, cf Cut.di:. county. JI.?r: v i- ?;uite h lark, uud small in statue. He lu, no ?h.uht, in Caroline h' c ii> time; anil th Jam*-* Kivir*nd Ivntriwhi Company will ? ay whatever the law ailoin :u stab < a*e-?, r?nd -??.'?he'ddeft, i: any person who will .-nd and e .i.ha? l.i . in t*.?r\ revt Ja:I, in liiclmiotitl I. C'liNN, : ? Sept CJ?ctf S ip't .1 12. an ! K. Cat: .1. i r * 1 < 'V ?>JV H j 4 ; 3 jS jFS. "%T ! 1 K > Tile. Khl I'i.AMlNi. 1- V?\* .\l'- J V lMlOACIiiMi,the subscriber* would inform tte ir terms and th* public, that their ??? ? % ot I III 1 i ?>J ^ KKKS, on hand, with iexpect to ipiantity, C/r *r;d ^ juiitv, i* superior to anythvy have ev*-r before > # ?? nhle offer. , , , I Ul- K ,r. . . t . , . irlrier; and tvith a regularly sncreroln;: demand hn* been 1 * itttlnutd tollivpreseal ttnio riie vail facti *. given >< ir miiaeroui customer!*,in \ ir^irila a* r.?II :u. the neigh- ' iritig Slalet, ?peak* for it??e!f. We have ju*t lira id a report fjoni ?ome of our friends in *' e adjacent counties, that a innti who r~pre?etit* Min?vif | be an agent or partner of Mr. L Tenon, in tin* Nurserv . i?iue.-h, fix* been -tatin*: that they had bought us oti t, and 1 a; ?ve had retired from the MY : ???.? tM< occ.v I ft to *ajrt that nueh a statement i? fn!<e, and withm** any i und.ttiou whatever. f J fl*"" Order* addressed to ?:?, at Richmond, !?.ft at C. Linton k ( o.'i, Wm Hnltn rr, Son Co/a. r Johnttt a k h 'ij , Johnston # Itratisfird'*, or lioifiii Wa'IerN. nil' meet ti Ith prompt attention. thi i?ewjm JOSi I'll S1XT0X SONS. ^ ITA^TfiO-TillHTV-HVE OR POfttf NEGROES If 1 ui.-di to buy tiie above number of ne^rot-s, in fauii- n u% for a huh a liberal price ?III be p-id. AdtJn *s F Aug 2*d?carllt* T. I* RAY, Grand Gulf, Mist. AUCTION SALES. | rursTKK's s\m: or tiii: kocxim;-; IIAM TUiNTIKE ItOAD. BY virtue of a il?-' U4I cute I in the ui?'Jcr?i!,'!K*'!, ! as Trustee, l?> the ttockiughutrt Turnpike Company, ; ur the benefit *>l ert in p irti? - therein named, a:.d which Iced bear* date the Id h day o! June, lv>?, 1 shall proceed c? sell, a! public ua.-ih?u. hi Orange countv, >\* sjatcuoav, tin: twcxtv-fiiwt day ok noycm;E?:, inv. tiii: ri i:\riiki: icoai* uentloned in > ild deed ?.f trimt, Slid furupike extend* from lUrrlnonhtir^ in the county ?f i:?H*k;r:(;!?aui, to a point 0:1 the ltluc Itldge Turnpike, rilhin half a iuhi. of (: id'imil.'e. It padres through a Itnifty populated fvcii ni ?.r country, and commands a ar>:e traWl. which will -.?o:i b. p realty increased b.v the .?uiplr:i?>ri ??f tin* Mntju.v's \. ip Kuiiro.iii to Harrisonburg. rutMj or Salr ?Unt third of tlic#pnrcha0e money to be ?ai i ui lour months, iimt niiedhird in e:eiit mouths, ami nv-third in twelve months fr?un the day ??f sale, the pur base motley to be .secured by well endorsed myotiaMi* ion-., and U Ik-I! upon the property to he retained until the urcliu?t inoJu-y i-? paid Acting ? Tru-tee, I sh.?.l convey uch title a* :a in tnc b\ * ?i 1 deed. Oct b?cOai * I \ ?i'itviw i A i?l" A ISh ?, L> lit*. ? % FOR SALE. L OFFER for *ale my e-ta'.e 1.1 t!ir cundy of Cumberl.itiJ. lyiug on J.t; ir< .m l Willi,' River*. nut containii?. u.voi ding to a-uniy by Pet*r YY'are i t l^l.*, J.J '-* Icre*, about 1,JOi? in cultivation, the teu minder in for- -t d wliich, Clifton, on tvnh u I rc.-hle, i, .-uiiuiite i to ou?t:t? 1.1)0 Aerc?, about too Wilii.s* low grounds (llendvui, .'#) Acred, nearly 1*.") Acres of low ground* of great f* rtiUy. Tii" whole oSM'.e i-? in good Jition ami la pr lo.*tve cultivation. I Vioal-l prefer selling privately, nnl : > any one ?! u r<?uld purctnt-c lh** land u i:h the negro-* on it (about Tm ri nuraber) a deduction of *.;v? ral thou.-anl ft* .? p lie 'itiiiiut ! \ ihiv would ) ? If sold privately due notice trill be ... -if n tlie and will I-. nth-red at pub! c o:i fill R*l)A l . the Ird ?lay of November. Terms: One-third ca??h, the r?. nainder at one and two \cir>. with inv rot, payable nr. lUrtily oil I lie W .oil f .he deferred payaicni*. Payment u he mvur?*d ? > deed of trust. Tie* deferred payment* r.uhl to lengthened tf desired hy the puri ha* r. I will l.iLe ph a.-urc in showing the |?*operty to anv -n rhn wi*he? to view it. I'fcVI'ON HARRISON, Sept 14?elds C|if**w. V*. LOH MK JA.tlt-.a itn fAt.l'AKW: FARM IN I'll \ltl.ll* i i J'V CelCNl'V FOR SAl.K. 4VII.I. I?' Public Aio'tio?',? ?. !' ? jirrmlii *. on il.t* \} t lltsr l)IY Ol SOY I Mill ? r tiny. the highly Its proved nd very vnlu tide r at ta c?.! ' 1 "i ?:d.? 1" i i it I, I'f j. . i.g to t lie r ?l t i.r ??e John IS I uii-oti. >.u ! r ij. . ? ia the ouiily of Chailc* , ntnedlattdr n the public road, twenty tulles from Rich* m n l, I . . f |r- Ja.m * River, i.nii.y he !.!!. >t 2ii . liter, K? j.. ("Shiney, ) and the undersign h l it-i'is r at.out ol J acr-v f which about hdo are in . ?i?J? state of in proveinent and under cultiv I'inn, and *i?** lahiiii'c t.i w? i. i lie improvvin* ntd on the pi a . . iMiU; ol dwelling, baifi, ?ta'*;e-, uvgi o-?,u i:uei>?, ac., .1 i* north* iic".*" and in g-- d repair. i: not u?-i ;ed ti- ? >san ? enter into a more t . autc ?!e-? : ip:i?,n. t-. persons d.??o>?d ta purchase will, d cibM- . ?, \ prei.o?? *j ;i riou* to the day f :ie. Will be sold, also, at the -ante time and j-lm . dillt-i. ami .i l it o: Plantation I t? n-ilt. Tkkus made known on the d.?jr ol Further information wrath rtv ml to the nhov** ale, nay be obtained, by apj itcation t.. ubscriber, tiirwup. he City Point p*?d-op.c WM. A. ii \RRI>ON. gqit. - .-.t |? AdnilnUtmt r DOMflllSSIONKit9* MLI. OKVAU ttaaLti BCAVKK-UAM I.AM) IN I IILANI> CO I NTV, AXJ> Ai.l* I UK PKRSUNAl. I'lt'iPKP.TV THI RKON. ( n\. MdSriSG UF^KVKUAL Y1U?X(S WIU.IM I.VM \ \ llOKSK^, CA ril.K, IliMi.S CROPS, )lnt>KlH'l.l> \N?? KirCilhS PLKNirtRh, A . 1>Cll>C I.NT t i ')' tlie Cli t C land county, in the cause of " dart:;, vs.'* Ail niiii-trator, r,'. r n-lere l at th? September t-r. . :he undcrsigrie?l9 as Coiii::i*9slotiert will eeil ..t pnbl.c au. ion. to th- hivhert bidder, on the premie, on rilCKMiA V, tie TBS I U UA V OF MtiY'llM 12lilt, 1 %?!', if not, tl.c lext fair day thereafter,) the valuable FAll 'l. l:!i"-ui .; * ASPtS OKUVK," owned hy the late J. T. A. Martin, and ui whl.h h resided at the ti net' hi* dcaih. It ?t?nt.i.;.s '"?*? acre-, a Ijoiiiing the land* of Col. iVtcr aSu . ruLt.tiic ate John S. F.'vunng. and Charles iiue?rut.t, i- < t an! iituated on the Ilvavcr Dain t reek. T!.? re are v : tcn-s of lirst-raV low rr?ri b. .ml .'? i ,?. ] ? ra . ;i:'i :il growth, heavily ?ini??ere?l. li e l?u:ltii:ig? r .i.-'c . f .t wodory l)weiling 11-use n th s.v* u Urge ro*. : Sv-gro, Ice in i Tobacco House*, and other buildings u-u.;l :i Mich n >4run The feituation i- i* lo-.ioliful ami i.- ailhy a* any in do? county. It Is four ? .!** * . :o the J i.ilivcr itid Katiawlia Catiai. live t . ^ :r i i!ie Court House, one rule ft otu the eniitn:ipln>d line of th ,!ra?gl.t -h'-f.i It .:! (load from Klchtn ad tuChurl tte?i ii.' an I 'JAsiilen froru ;l?e city of Richtuotnl. T?.iM>?Cu>hfor m n.uc'i as u'.i be *!ii.7..;i *r:t p.*:v .ho fXpca**"!* of * .st ?! . attd I he < '. !* ?-f r lit. and t:.? i ;i *. e ?!t i credit of J, .*, and ! year*, tlie eicdit nistahm a Is t >t*ar lnt"ie-t from the ia;. . to j?aid a??uu ?lly, a: d lie ptircha- r to give bond* uith go.. 1 prr> *tr;l security l. r he dfferrei! |?a>luenls, a; i tfii he retained tint.I die furlb rorder?d the \'otirt. Capt. YVta. M. Mayo, th- manager, will ,!j w : t ti;- .**Ilipos ! to purchase,and they con write to iqc,at N?* a?!..i P !h .. AnpomaTt a county, o. *;e aiy coan?el. White !i Mnryr, in Richmond. JAMES E. I:OI:I;::TSON. ?peci il C M?'rj'r. Ai>'* ?Ten y**'Mg an! l'k?!y >!ive?Five n-ri, ivro IVoimn, two ?ti l?. ami ii?y, ami ail the per.-'ful pro(?crty ilt'.'KMii, will be >"ul nflti" V c sale of :lit? I and, cu:iiUUi ^ < : . i ii i?iand Mulct, ?u r t .r.g tiro y ti.icfioroui:h-bre?n?roti I laatvq, in fo?ih?.v* I'ehvraph, orm if them In" r? v* * :n v?v. "Ju.ia To l l/* - ' a ;??n nut "i ii* i n? *.; i j#r?.i:ouaf- !. I?v i ,o flac! rult th?-y cv-i tav.i >.v?, Calves. il >.*?, an 1 i i. Srk of j?hc?p. Wajoii*. Cart*. ill trie k'%rv. .n>r Imph uetit s, and crops ??l robieco, ?. >rn, if :ty, v.r.iir, ll.iuaeholl and Kiihen b arniture, Ac. Ti. -#oc? ir*1 of the most improved I i n !. rifttf*:?for the pel | p ;. \ :< pi ri. slaves f ?r irh ."i cash will be re|ol I r all sum* nod r !. ? ? iverthat an:o:::j! *. aiuntl.? . : :.i, :V i? w i appn ?e 1 leciuify. i'he f??rf|fo:fi< w:ii t,r:? p!:u*e po-ttivf!y J 1% alt . rr**?vrvp. J.\ V' > I. lanlFK I S.lN. \ Ir:i*r of J. T \ ?I :rti;i# r I A?liu'r tie jifin of Johu M tin. ?! 1 .Sept K)-ctdi. A VALi AHLE*:; KNTA '2 e ; I OK M l.J,"' I \ GLOUt KS1 Lli COUNTY, VA. \\riM. t*f on U'KI?Nh.?l?.\ Y, tint inrhday of Novcra \f l?crt 1--if fair, ii m . iI:- ?iext fair day t i?*r*tlt?T lp?n ti.*' premi-es tti hrr- ami valuable estate r ii;-d \\ K:;1.KY, in the c aiir / ?.' Glau-mster. Vj. i? i, v.ttia?i up.-.i .N??rth IJii'er? a :.av water, within .? j.m. n'hsuf, at. I i-rntyiug hi!, Cuc-apeakc l*ay?a ttre.iM . landing in oy??t**r* *nl :0h. ami n h rieijjht.nrhood pr< r. rbial ??;r t ? intiili^enre an I i ? liueroetit TheTr.irt coii litis elewn hundred and ti^iiteen ucres <?f land, of wh; !. ? .'<ut oix huii lred ate low ground* of irr-at i#*ruJity. In a . ch -t it-.* ??f ImprovcMea*., : ? 1 :i;:de: laid hy in**x!i.?u>.*ihlt i. i- of m?rl. I poii the estate there is a mntlern ilrick huil! in >:de? a basement, tin large rooms. Its situation Is one of viPitrkiible In-auty, Immediately upon the river i:i ih?: ..j !?t ??f a wt'll-iliatitd lawn. Altogether, such an arely found iri the iua:kct, anl tin- r'J- will be po.?i;i?e **i<? without reserve. At the same time, the household and kitchen Furniture, banning Implement*, Stock of all kinds, provender .V-'., lel uigiug to ?uch au establishment, will be sold upon the jsual terms. F ?r tlie real estate, one-fourth of the purchase in nir;, via he r- quired in ca?h, th- b.iiunce in c?iual instalment.', rearing intercut from the day of site, .the inter.*-.: piy.itd eml annually.? at one, !* ?, three and four yearn, secured y a deed of trust upon the prcinis* *. A crop of wheat, in regular rotation, trill |?e seeded he'orethe day of sale, for ?? Inch the pure/u^r wiil p:?y at tli* ruitotnary rates. I: any gentleman desires to purrhn*c the nh-*v -tntv .1* rivatc nalc before the Itith November, with everything ipon is, he can address??? tting hi-* proposition?either l/r JOHN H v. KI.FOUD, i n d rr k? . ?i Judge WM. tV. CKL.MF, Iticliumiid. S rpt !5 ? I ? nwooo, risi; Ki;>ai>i:.x i; or u. V. KMt.JlT, IN I'llri Oil NIV OF .NoTTottAV, InK SALE. UaVSNG determined to give my j?*rson**l Mtcntlsn to the cultivation and Improve neat of my farm ?n James Ifiver. 1 o!!*r for *,; my piece of :i the county of N?>ttow.?y, near ?h?- l.ewiston Planktoad, six mile* south o: the junction i f t. ?uth i'le and Danville Kail ib-ads, uud seven mihs vc?*?t f the Court House. A rare opportunity D tlm* <?: Vred to ptr oilsdesirous of oht.tintug ?t valuable and hand oiuel.v improved estate. There are about seven h ind. ? ?i lsi*I llf;y ac"es, mostly of red ??r chocolate loam, v-ry ?r To the I'.edmont land*, originally goo.!, and no a r:: h ?ve1 by cultivation Toe aralde laud i* c pialfy livided by survey into live field-, which are t?l uiotorn liape, without waste spot*, and well enclosed :i.o-tly with dual p/! -. Betides a *utB eat quantity of wood Ui ?si/inal and secondury gr?. vih, conveniently *.tu?! i; la a ?i?n ling pasture of several hundred a :rcs, w:? ii dford- giruin^ f??r all etork ne.c-nry I j o- kept ,.;l r!idace. The -ltd are of a v. ry - ipeti -r kind ..n ! .* ?.-?t of: 1st. Miedacliiug j-. of uri k, and contain* t.vch " room*, t vh? huiil about *ix?c?*n }? ir.? ago itiiovr iny tu, vi \ to , iml ha^ hveii rer?:.tly u-vo,.red V ! h tin,an I sv ta.-deli.-.1 roc, plans furoUhvd by an accoinpii-2ie ! urrhitcct. It ?s :ow oav among the l- t c.> an! ry r< i!i :Lo- it*-. Ihe Hyie of uri'h.l?*c(ut*e, (tiiodern IImIuiii vlba,)witli ir? r.'jevisiig and J cornices porch, portico, and i rvotary, pi i fvitls a hc-tuiiful *11J ni': .ic*ive 1 xterivi The ir.-uiti'tiiig grou?;.iv t .? r?? lu <\tcni, . in r;;-*, and hi ike a hands uec 1 iw n p ,rk, in which coniv. lien! roads and tvc!k?aro laid out; and besides an ample upidy ef n i'ive ami ornaititidal Irtc.s, thefe i- uti^tefu! rmn/eme t ..f Unworn ui I shrubbery. /il l. 1 in1 l.uihline* i'iiiiIiniliu> in i]ir*!iiiiir nr.- it lichen, iiii".l house, ice house, green In u a.'i ami ' "I. oils-, all ..f ulii.ii ?re liu'.l: i.l i.i.k, ?* _?,.? in,- l-iur, rhicb If h !:. i'. frame l i>u-Mii;g. Ir.i 'In ...lints' I. ones, ample in number fur lie .ro.n.iii.ii in of m I'ulj or eighty lie.'roes, are nil nest Mine Jiutl.lifi,;-, Willi stone |-I.i:.i!ir _v-, I ul,ed and plastered, nil ceiled ..a the limbic. liny , - lain in t'i? ariiaiuantnl ullage stylo. ami in II painte-l. ftli. The iariu buildings, conslsling of iff by iiO, ow-sheds and yards, tobacco barns, ami granary anil en* in? liOU-e, all framed, ol e unl iiiauriils, ami in complete r. Among the tobacco harm i? one 4s by 4'i, for thiping, ordering. ami prizing. It is 'veil llii?l up with tripping rooms, closely relied ami supplied with ?tovr$; ' nil in II.-; prhting roam are t a new .ma.. tin t),i? , iiliilu.g niiu in contents there ;? it rum.dig pali.y .if lr.aumice for I! years to t!.e amount of / nisi, In- granary ml vniriiie Lease is iar.o anil v.ry ennui,odious. It j? j'. y feet, stories. with a l.y I , story, and aVere.l ?i:h tin. It cnnt iin? a sn Inns. stationary Meam hgii.e, a .*./ inch circular sawmill. a grl-tniill, ami a 3e nil wheat thresher, wiili|!o spa r l. r i.n.|? and w .rkli ).. Tlie ii-ran dements make the i.e:ati..n? ol gii'iding, .ill -.11.1 threshing, ill! easy aiiiicriteiile: wit hum .-i. lire or otter accidtlOil this building th?re i-i i?o a ninning policy for several thousand dollars. In a.hi.lion to ail lime cor leniences, 1 may ml.I, ilia' lore I. .1 Well of line water within in fort of the bom ml kitchen. in which llicle is supeiior Force-Pump. Al o. a . niiv?;.l-nily arr:in:eil 1'oultrv >m.M niik In.ur?. a tool Mild milliard. A err|>i.f V. heal has l? ell put H with lli- diill. no I all iece"*rj arrangements will np made for .-m.-iiieryea:'? rop; l?ut I nin deliver possesion t-? the purchaser lor *r!:iins; <,n tV- Uf ?.f Jaunjtv, ivl ', *:nl fu?! p? * i*?%ion on I hi* l?t ?>| April, ImJJ. r* will be !/ . .11? flee equal payments; the first oxi he I >t of Julie, l>-i I, nre! the mh< r% .iiixiualiv thereafter? lie wli p:;r?:h&?e ?:i??i * y r.iT>iti:? interest from the dulc f *a!r. u t\ KNKiHr. Jeffrey* ?*.. c, IV ?>., county, Y.i. Oct ?I?dic.'aw t: NUVICfi. Or* i?or Ft:. %sn York Krvcrt IU1L Hon* On., i 4tic!ioioii?l, Octouer "I. 1 nM*. ? itiii! Annti.O meeting of the ftvckhohlen of the llich, r.v..I ; ?! ! York liivcr Kit I Kc-:i?l CouipniiX, will he cM at this Oltice on Wednesday the iltli ?l iv of November ext. A. \V. Mm:ruv. Secp vi-y. Oi *: Ll'ANTI.D.p.''^ 8 " * t\.iMc hi^H.C HI I? yenleel business, thui will pay $0**> per mouth; and j o capital needed. Knclo e h stamp to I*. WAJSD x CO., uii.xui?viLL?, Tennessee,. n i >*?u n :il net a receipt. Oct !S?Ut* schools and teachers. MH.'-i. A X II -TJISS .111 NOK'N fU-UALK AQDKMV, lie.: Clu-ter, v.,!1 commence it* next >tifcloii October M, I'.'!4, tt.ii?till Jul/ Nt, IM'.n. The locali >l> i. ro:. irkaMy I illl.fu! uint ili;iblr, and i? Very ;?Cfv> l"l--, li-iiij i: a. I1. ll nlriiaJ, licturin Wcl.JijaJ can IVternbur^ The family d;hI \:ii'.iv^ <1 intent will he t!T..i'r the charge of Mr<. Minor, who^e knot. n character an*l experience are a siitlicicnt guaranty ? i her fidelit y Hi?dellic:<::.? y. Tin* Literary lUparimenl wslS he iiuuerthecharge ??f Mi*? Atia Hymn M!ru r, iMr.t ?-y h~. jiAiadr.fh.rr c mpot?nt la?tructof *. In addition to the iiMial c-ur?1 i?; Kni-h, mc|*!o r,r0Vl" ion ha* hvui i:. ? !#. ;'"r the-Mdy --f AuclvM ?ml M L rrt l.mguaiftv l?'reit."ri and t??*n:iaii *\ ill he in iti.i' f'.ry living Uti^tta^'* I ?,? ?:!?.! U.ryn..iy tie pok'ti atnl written, while, at the - thee, khev >::! ?< : rl tidied I':e oretliMilr. to the | ?n!. / onnjui vi?, :? tnor thorough kiiowh?ls*e of her ? ?:? *?nt^?u. jL.rc*k aivl I ttuw il t tuylit l?y Mr. .11 - N M.? .- % graduVr u: ?? ? :ral colhip" and an aim* uiul c\f?c*rk*iM''-tI The HutJi.H uent!-ned, inrludiii? i?ra?irt^ anrl I'.diitiii;:, nil! o:i:up:?*c the ? #?: imtnict.on th which ih?% |?n,-i i. . ?i(ill', t" a o a i cap w,|? he m; *-ivily c.>iiij?;ciu'l. jitfereia e '?? c Iy . ie to ill tiio former pntroRi of the -chool, iiti lto ihrJi . Imv? nt.y Aiivwledr'n of !'? eliarn.tei. .> > u?riiurr.'.;i .-?r j * -u i y? w?-1 n protracted TERM?. I: vil, in.-;.), i. v I: ... (! ?!, It., p?r i*?;nn of iiin* month* flStl Ii.-jrii'lion In for .ill over II ycm. of ?; . < I" Umlir fin Mu>:c "ii i!arj?, In.o . ,i an hour en.*li ... 7" i' an iSuiiar 00 l'?j i.f lm>tri:iiient ii French and laitin each 30 i-Mli > ?? -?li > ilr. further particular., Circulars * l!l?c ?cnt. rnriTiT.,Ciii:-<tsiimm.:>Cot-air, Vt. Augu.t 3?(itin v:\ rinoriiVh mi.i,. ( ATtASViiiiiJ:, BALTIMORE COUNTY, MARYLAND. 'svii; sixriif .N i ii ANNUAL dtssiuX ? . . 1 '-ri MllNI'lY, ."rptnul't-r l.'.li, ! T Mil.jr. :. >.f extend through l e< mplefe i ii--iral, Viailicm liral anil I utir.-c, rinV..- ins Hi-- Modem I. ii.guagri. Slu-.c, lit i?ii-c, I-' Trie exten-ivr Apjiat.ttu.iind l.ll.r iri- -,'lic l .ri--- num'ic' of ic.-im-i.l aii.l . I|i.-riilii-r.l Tcai-li.-i-, Ir: urn. . t: UuiMiiii;.-, uli'i ample C round. for r..-r - .i. n. .*? r. ICII-I r till! line 1-f'lie m.i.l pio'nh.-rr I Soilllirrn ."lalra. I*tiyI f.ilii.Mtinn I. -yet cut mixed i.v i-- - r; .. -I til ll.a i- I x- tli e?. rrni.s?*..'<0 p-r it of ten tnnntl.r. K ' mliui? inn of M'.ii.lrt.t*, it.-., a-ldre-. Oct 13- Iter. ? VAX HllKKPf.KV. Bertur 1.1.A IX t. I til till It 11 ......... ;'!li; S't-K-i.i.-i of my I.AW Ml!"''! 7 com T-.; -11. - - i ii MuMiy V, i|. 7lli it i.v i-f ,\-m ' mm .- ul.irn will lit e- i.i I., jrentli-mcii iloir.ii-information a? to tin- plan .if I:..Ira- -i. n. teal book Ac. JiiilX W IIKOCKLMI.flit oil. !.t.\ sati v. V? , September 3th. l-.--.r- cilNo*. MTl .VTION WAM::O. 1 I.ADY.rdnctied in England,:> dciiri -- <' - bnlhiflf il -itu..-.. i i. tioverri -m i 1-rv.iii-f i[..liy or-cli.ii.i c in tr.ifli I It.- viiriou. hrttliclir* of .. n T"?lleh edit cation, French and Unlc ii - uncx ptkraahle refer vnci -. A.Mr - M. IJ. T , Imx i,77.'>, I. - ' *.. Man. Aug ctf s:n Ai'io> Ai'ircti i:. V. \*f \\tt.l~ K v llonoralile URADUATK f Vale College.'ho come - v i.vointurmlrU a-a II trough ??;?! lAjfcrirncn I tint motor, ?Ic>irr? hii iuiinv : - ?. .1 a C? 1 i or Acaik'iny. A heatf/ty sect 1 nf Virginia, prvferrttl t? any '.flier. Aililr-".?, ?.\ It ?.,.voiiHii.t > .. r t' . ^tSO-cvCi it.i ifax county. N -?*. ? t ' \ N'TZCI), t'V .1 r : ail o! ..d war.- . \prricDce la ir;i?'hiiir. i situation In * public 01 prlv&t* h d. I'.hi ?La*ill, Circe*., fit" . M i!h?* n*!-* and the English branched. Deal r^crcm sivtn A ! K. A 1VK3, Union Collie, Snteix t.i . Xutf Vork. Oct It?eft* Sirt \TIO.\ IVAATKIK 7 A \" TKh, bv a pwiuate, a situation t ? I"i* ?!i tl or wouM *<*c*pt .a situation as ae untaut i:i :!> Mercantile -i Hankingdepartment, on .. onable Hilary I ? ?>f-l of r^f-r-ur-.i ^11 f I i- to i*liara*'ti r h dlity nod en* rjyr. Add res* it. r. ? , ton, M O.-tuber ! ?, 1 ?!.**>* H ifFoA WAN1 Jbl). 1 ' ing a collegiate education ari.l 1'* y?*ar- tj.erieticc fully i'otnpitent t ? prrptrc >* ulhi for t I *niv?ni:y, ?1. sirt-H a .-? . ?! or situation in a j.riv.i - it.u y. r?ler cucc* given. Address A. 5. M, Sept ?T?cdtliPtt Orange, C. II. i;V TIIK OOVKRA'OK OF \ IIUUXIA. A PROCLAMATION : NIYHCMATMN hiring bc-u r?r.-ir.?d l r t J r. s.v2 t.?ut JONATHAN CIIIU>K::.\ *:.? t;, r.t.i.-I in u,. j 4.1 of tbe county ? ! Kitcl.n*. uj*??r? t.V n: ?ta'* - f rape upoi iiir own rlillil, h ts ?>"l TfitTeffiR, I l.? r. j*v goin/ a 1 uk'"; therefore 1 do beieby - r a reu.r ! f Urc and Fitly Hollar* to any person who >h.?21 arrest tl - Mi Jonathan Ghilders, ond ?5 I. % - liini into tbe fail of sai county; and I I ? m ireovei re , tiro i ? of tbloOon ui'iaveiltli. civil and military, and re*|U*>t the pe picynr rally, t-> use their best cxertnuin tupr-- ire t arrest < ?' it * - - . !.:? i . I . .... I . .1 , (Uvea under my hand as Govei rt ?nd md [i. s.l Less Seal of the Commonwealth, < t Richmond, thh s-Vt-n'.h dav of October 1 :* V a wir Uy the Governor. <i;.' W \J N?.-Kis.Vr?'vyM ' ..tropin Jnfintitri Chlidtrs is about live fori n!r e . Ii*,s In I weigh* from l> to l'.^ poutiis, h** da."? **?*? and *>*?:* hi ii K high forehci't, - r.?I .v wears ' ;* irhlfk r?t a little stoop In lilt ' tl It -. >? ^cu^als 15v tin; (jovkinou or visk.smi. A PriOCLA^MTION rNrORMATlO.N having been received >* the Executive, t'.at NATil iMKL fl'MjEIL\Mi. M.? ?ai onith.ri lit the Penitentiary of this State u?..i r % :it-r;r?, of thr Circuit Court of Richmond ' r tmtrd?r in the secern ! -r i . n.ide h'i .ip* 4! Iy >? * oiorti I g. by . t.tti.'v* ou t - ! 1 .??? ! iri^? it - n-al!*. ami i ' "V. \ ik ut hire** Ilarr.'voi I do hen by offer . if OM! IlLMMthl 1MJLLAI;> t ? V : T who s.rrtt r.-li I Nathan !el run l?-rl ir. I ?.i, l di: . r ) :i ir.'o p. it#?nti*ry ? Kichm.uid; and 1 do iii-reover r * , ;.r-al} Officers ,.f thi Common** -a!t(i, < ivd And uuiiiart. ad riq-jfi the |?e pi U'.fierally : ? uu their l?e*t -\rrti'ir;-? ; r.* the :.r,iV of the - till Nathaniel .w,and* rUnd, :. r . ?.%y Ii brou^h' to juillct*. iiivt ii ur.ff r Riyl- ui'l as G-tviTiur. r I under the I . ^ * S-il ,.f ti e ? >nimo:iwrikh, at Kb'tun-oid, *!iii <f?tl. 1 *' ' ' day of Oc*n'??rr, !" '*> XIKMtV A. UI.-K. l?y the Governor: r>' W 'I: r-j..., -- .-tary cf th?. Commonwealth X.VllfAMLL HfNPUIU.A.M) ij an/rMiman hy birth. 5 feet ~l+ inches high, forty-one years iage, fair ?'-'*in picxion, ? irk hair, bluish li t*?! ryes,! .' ic&r apen t >?,ill of the ri^hl leg. an?i th>* .';t tri ? u : ,ired anl can not ? .. ' :. * . ij,.. i war i. or . t i his convict panU : ns. oct 17-n'.* 3 isi thi; <;ovt:2:>o;c or visioemi. -v i'lcocl.uvm^vtitjx. J N! ORMATfON havir.r hern r- c? ivc I i?y the Ksecuttve J tit a JtOllKKT ItOlIEItTC IN, w irp I with .. sier, ni tii'.* ninth instant, in tv county of K ?rkingliH:n. hn? Il?*?i jurtice and ;s n?*w g ng at Ur,r then-fore I ?! hereby Oiler ti il -iird f OM IllM'iiKh AM) -IrM 1*1)1 I. \ ItS t'. any J *rsf?n t\ ho ?h.ill am. i: t .tid Ituhen Kolicr;-<?n an<! Urhvi-r 1:1 in into the J t lof said county o Kocr.ingh.iui, and I ? n."r- over requite 1 thiC"iat.>"ntr< ilth, civil and military, and iv, !--' ?h- p^oplt:? r illy t ? use their hrst exertioid to pr iciire lh?* a.. .if t!, * k.i. I fugitire, that ii." imv he hr ,-ght ?' (liven under my han i as Governor, and under the Less .. ^ Seal of the CommonVfaltb, at hlchtoond, tlib sov* t-' ' ent?cr;th dny of " to? IIKNKV \ u i.-r. Hubert It"'. - r'M.n i< nhc.v.t t t .'.*? ) -,t * old, dark - ).ir?. ? .,! ,r,r ? ui:t ;uv f?*ri n!n?? ..r ?. n inrhi ? !.i :I. lie will |?r ib ibl) I ?. no . \\ m, w!?er< tin live many relnf: Ky Hi- iJiiYrm r, \V. Mi Ocllb?cfltr .Src'y of the Com'ih. BY T3!li *>!* VIK^IMA. a proclamation. Z NFuflMAIlON having r?.i-...v i i?v !.* Fxerutive, E if*;.: IIKNISV rlllFH.i !, who U rhary.-d v.Itl? fci.-ri! o?i-!y shooting i:i the county ?f (;reetir i:i f: '* I'omfnon* wciklllt, ha# lied irom .is now r ing at large; there f ?ret I do >. rd j ofltr a rrtt ir?!ONS !!! N'bJiEU DoLi. AKS to any f?r:>on who .irr. ' til*- -slid 11-mi y rhiftlvt* and deliver itiixi into the jail of.?i-t county of t?reeiie? and I do imin .' requireall ... .r, tbu Comnonmllli, r! v: t and i:: i:.if and -*?! ? ;.* ! / J.. : . ;!y to i;-* t'ir h?*>t . x?Trionn to : ; ml ln/it.. th.?t lie ?.v! e brought \-t j . I i I v -i u:?d? r in v h.n. 1 ?* r 11: i, : i, I unirr ' ?>' ' . ?. . ... f U -forr.rn :.n. ?| , KMi'tiorH, !h?? fifth iir r:::v .\. u * v Ky fjoivni'ir: fir ' . 'A *f-.%?.v.n, ?.cri!."! *> of t'matiiomvcat!'. Henry M:i:?M i> f-?t *V-'? wtll bul!t and muji co r. has abail c iistit rn in , d-? ; sc in : re onhU forehead and !. ;!, ami ' eafi-a rv:?* tliAuM. r hielicr Uikti the oiher. Oct 6?c*?w BY TIIE GOVKBNOB OF VlKCilJVtA: A J'Ktil'LAM \TlON. F NFOHMAT'ON' having l>cer: received hy the Iterative, 1. IhitJtHlN K. tO 'KK. alio |.:i? i . . r!U ?.*? t in tin* l it* riotous and unlawful a.ov- meat m Harper * Ferry, taking ?v?ion of iht I'aited . <..t?V Ai-rul, .vid killing u:iulTi-:idiny citizens, V:?? e>ca*?rd from justice ami h now going at large; t!i? r. '.n\ I dr? her.-Hi oif -r a H** ird of ti.Nh TllUl>AM? l*?i.h.\;.y oiT-on who -bailori st t' r -."iii JttHN I.. CO'Mih, .let deliver him into the ,1 itI of J.-ifer on C rjiitv; and I ?!? moreover re'juici* all i*:uecr? of thi* ComriiOi.wealth, eivil and military, and rr <iue?: the people gen.wally la u<e :!i# Irhc* cxct tiona pro iirf the arr of tl- s.,i JiijIN y (vniKl*. that he ? > be firelight lo ju?tic?. ?i (iivt.ii uud- r my hand, ;.s li .vt-rovr, a.o! under I. S. the l.iv .** il ef thf t*oiutuo!iwealt! , fh:? 1 ' l;*?!i ?!.iv ( t?c,r?her, l> 0. II NHY A WISH |i\ tu*: i?o\ r.i.1 ? tii.oi.IV. MlMi...l?,.vr tvn| th* Coiu'th. Jollll r.. I 'Hike i?inr i-m !-. ur ?"v.-i no .r.. il.'lit coin|i!vx'oin, light liliie eyes. v-i> light eye hr.i?? ami fiuly hair, nvar* 111. hair long; very natro* iice; *ll*cht'y rounil-siiuuhlereil with a stoop. ?ljn qiin'lclv; ha3 i pec* liurily in >p thin? ami ivuu ?hly ill halo!-; he >< very irrll edscfetriL Oct 1W?c#t BV THE (MVBKXOK OF 11RI.INM. A I'ltOCLAMATION 2 SKoltMATION li.tiiybeeii r., v. -i l.v r! K*?a'rvr. 1 that AOItAM Ha II it a..! JoKI. I lalllhl. V-.o rer. severally limictnlin tile en-:nt.v o| Klnyl I'll bulgier! ;.nj larceny, hatt aoped fron jMlcti and are bov going ; lurre: t. r b iv, I ij hereby offer .1 r>->*:>1 'f On- iluo Ir : I- l.ais to any |itr-i?i Mlw! arrenl r.ilirr rf > 1:.! ; . ir. l il-Iier him into tlie jiilof aaiil cocntv of i. . -.a I ! 'I- 11 irv-ivr require ml officers of t".i? I : 1 . nre.ilth,c.vii tmi military, .mil r -u.,*i the pc } * K-:1 1 ly to n-i* th-ir bv3t vx-rti ?-* 1-1 procure to- srrvt "t It - il l'vif llut tin y loiy lie brought t > jiotl-e. - ? ( ti.veti tinier my liari*; a* Governor, ai-l ilit'l-r - l. .3. tho Leaf teal *f the Cxmreon?ealth,at IQchtsostl* ' 11? , .i ,lii In -f 11 : . r. Ki'i h'f'NKV A. V. I-F. r.v the Governor: l.Ki.ri.y U. Mi >ro*i?, Fec'y of the Com'th. A-r.iri hi.hrr It about live ,'eei ten incbel h'.yh, r.ry livhl lif'i*ti li.iir, lloliv anil ha* a ibmi. eat I -0 nl>. r, to, anil 1. ibout So years of aye. J-.-l Ki.hvr, 11 y.tttiser brother of Abrant'r, l? ibout f?t hUn. it iris hsir. about tivrtity-fr- orthreeyeursof .. . n hi tiouM neigh iliout 1*0 p.uitnil. It ;? fcpp-n-l t' have cw.r to ,\oth Carolina. Oct 7?c ' ' yicCUBR ICK'li K'KAIV.KS A.VI) MinVKWr. C\ il. M. tlllMiCK 0KKI.U.3 To Tit v: FAK.MI lit* t'r Us em Vl'jflcU I North Caro* z-3. Hi.a. hi? KKM'Htj. ami ItBAI'Mtf ami r^O^.T " MotVIT!S,ile!!v? able to unler, through * _ V.IIUAU *adgNwr>i Ahiik Acu;utcm 1' .1 Office, Ki iy William 0 hum, Virginia. "N. It.?All pif.ont trantlrc Machines ar? reqaestcl to semi in their r>r? early. ctf WILLIAM A. BRAXTON. AUCTION SALES, COTI.TIISSJOMiKS' MALI; <>! ' SOUTHWESTERN VIRGINIA LAND. \J UU.INIA, !:i itiC Cirou'l C -nft :.( Wytlie c ui'y. .< Hi* C jui: II i .! .? !H I. 13* U.VVIU SK\Tl?N .mil Ulticr., 1 CompIalninU, r?. IsChin'rr; ? JOSEPH F. KENT ,iud Othcrj, t I ^ * Defendant*. j : Th><vmc i nutfuu aIAs ?2?li day of July, S*W#t? be heard by cGnamf, upon the bill, answer* and exhibits, upon consideration whereof. belli;; of opinion that an early sale ' of the property in Iho bill mentioned will he to the !atete*t ; of Thorna. .I. |P?yd nnU hi* enditorn, an I conforuiiiiK n.i I ne.u .? * may lie . the >f>ii it of d?:?*da of tro?tof .M.irili oUi, 1 S-%3, and brine ?a J. fii.d Mm', the tract vf laud <ivcn in exchange for * In* \Vy;li?.v;de Hotel property, ntmcd it) the deed o j May J-j It, 1 *" '*, Ly tile M* " Crocket t\ is of about ; e?pul value with i. :^h of sab! Wytlttviile llot-l property i-. co.ibl h ui i !J!U. / till- do d of M'?V, 1^6, and the i court believing that the C.ooketti should be protected la i i ; Wythevllle Hotelproj property, and being furtheri*u?isf..i ?hr.#. a rale of the title* i hind ? , p. j.. i,. .i H jr i.u ur?; In small fanni, and I hat t!?e l.t'i li, a'ija *ii.t W;, Alb* and If* the \V\theville Depot, would bring the larjcvM prices If sold in luti, I a* laid rut oil it:* rtap f:b.d n? this mure, and the court uot Inlet..)ii?k.' in ti,:a d. rr- e Imp -ir the right* or weaken ?f ? tir^e the liens of any .-ait lb*yj'a Creditor*, :?j now they txi/t, doth adjudye, crdorand d?vrcc, that AnI drew S. full- n, HoVrt C. iieut and EI I Davis, who are | hereby appointed C .mnn **!< > n< :* for the pui puce, after adcertitdn^' the liuie and place of sale for ninety days tu souic n. H'ftpnp. r j n>lb>!.' I ir. Kichtnond and Wytheville, and at j thec-mrt liov>vof each of ill* r-.-spcctire counties In which any of the pi*?p? rty u ?y lie, ?::d ?n -ucit other mode c* the ( Cotamhudon rs ra iy deem i to give pal licltjf I > the , may proce d to sell to the I bidden* at *uch timw i and pl.n 1.-a-die C'Mnfji?. r.rr- ihn.ii will b?t promnt* prove <. ? .. proptrtjf lu the I il!I nietit!"'.. 1, r#r; errd;t< ?.f one, ta-.., thi?-, four and 4v?* year*, wif!i In?crr-t from tho day of sale, takin/ ootids t?'<i!:i the puiclmsen with good security, payable to thetnsciVv* CoiuiuisalOLtfrv?but the WjiheV.Ht llo:el property nut to be sold ttniler tbU decree: and he coiiuiiisaioiicrs have authority to l.iy ??3f tlie Giles Undo, n convenient t un s, a.M to sell raid arms >ep.irately, ?v ! ? II the who of ??clt tract lo-rt.V r, an they may think *iil |*r*? * ; tho > pri'e, <i i t?? md I the liii'.i near Vy thevil .:i l tl Wythe vill.? Depa?, In lot* acco d!:>n to *ic map, ir if the Cor.:uilv<:?n. r* deem it heal, thry n ay unite t ? ?r wsrc ? " d: ;? 5n on- *aie, iwJ ?*? Co.mtd* 1.11MT1 .?-rto ' " rv"th? IniluTin? order ot *.?! ; l?i, The H i schi and ? < i.v. I by Mifjri I'rojk-tts to ta!*1 il.iv.!, vhi l, the ? laud; .'?rd# tl - land purchased .; I : i Joint . Pi rn; ; ?, the I in i pan limed by vti; I*. .>'1 fro!-. l?a>tavin A. Crockett; 5th, '.he Inn*! pur .ii i lioy.l fp'ui r'tuart, v\o:pl that part lying m? :i i?! the \ .r^tni.t a.. I Tennessee Kailroad; bth, lie lira*;.", r ;?ritv? property; an I lastly i* 11 other property ol rti'ed . . th/? iM !> ?|- ?>f Tru.?i, except the Hotel near the dythw'Vll If. p' t ar.di'hat part < f th laud purchased f niK'ie'.'Mni:, lying Aouth <f the Virginia and Tonness I'tin oeJ, and the personalty end furniture coni-eie.l u;ih t. e } : ! ll tl, &n l tf;e ?!.Ur% riiucd ill th* M liehuth, I'.o, winch pr ;?. rry U only to beaoid II the c\. lit t lie i,' htT pr? p?T?y should not ??ei! fir enough o pay said lio5*d*;? debts; hut il the property should no'. ??dl tor enouyhto ay sai l i.jyd'* debts, tn?n !t may l***?t!d t in the teru.s th- othi r properly, except :r..? div. , j ni iy l?c io!rl either f >r c.vh, or on short credit. ii" the '-j ninlssioiier.-i may d ? in be". and it* rcLing iho said I'.tvl, t .nature aud Uml;., youth * f the, th* CominisHoncrs may tell the Hotel and lot on which U la ami furniture, r.ll thcr, cr yeparaiely, .is they nay ?!- .u and un?ll i- s.?:d ll<drl, Jun.lture and j .uvt*? urv * . 5.11.1 i.'.r ? 5 au?;.nrM?*i -o re?a*u and 1 ;Lc ! profits of tiifiu. It is ftxriicr ori' T^.I, that ??ut . ; tproceeds of the rile any lebt v..1 ! 1 may ?>? i Ilea f r th* purchsie iuon?y of my p ' of t!.* r- ilry. fmll l?e paid oil*, of the first fa ?iarizing from ibe till of tlM pro* .?r? , ?. v.l.p it It i* u lick, and the rr ij, Ingiufortned h.v. t! e iSvti I 'M hr llo!#tft K.ip*r contingent, orders um?-?* ?u > .,*h. to - it-fy it to he r*?r4?r?r?! until ir is a*r?r? ... . r w j*.! 1 pni I out *f the fund m? i.t oned In !! !... Afi r * ttii ? ft fund for the Uaper lehf, tl.e Court further order* ih?t ?!:e ni l .1#?? ph K. Kent ?epitidnextth* d< ? it on Ito him by tin deed of tfM ? j^t;, M iv, K.?l, the '01 theturn! the Court will etaiii f<>? distribution among all paid floyd'aCreditor*, a* lording to cmr wem! n I trill -m* ne them all, nat t!.? ir rights 1. ; he fury ,. ^rialm-d; and for that pur, ?.-, James Tiib'k*, who i* i hv .ippointt?:l s formula! iotiei if.d ulr? t. .1 t Uk*-iu arc>out <>f tHidlloyd** debt*, nd thf pr:? rl?y ' f hi* Creditor-, and report the miiic tu f?e C'??urt# ?r with any matter, specially stated, J nought pertinent ' > hlxn-olf, o- required hy c ither of the ' mriiei to be itatrd?ami a* the tkid deeds of Trust of larcli i?vs, authorise the Trustto to nukft piivate ale of any r f fahi l uids or hits with the concent of said lord, ami it being deemed bc?t f?*r the benefit of 5iii'l Jr-uit?)fi to givn nM..J C<<utm?" loners the *anie authority, It * , .iged ordered .md ? re.-d, that they be, and they 1.. : 1 zed, to m private .;-s of > Ud proper y. in paretic to nu : p ;r?di.i5i-r?, subject to the appro, .a I Aii.i 1 titrol uf thi- L t; Hir i c.iid Commissioners are **?'|ti;i " I to rep r* '.*< *i. e :? lime to this Court Iheii pro , .. And It la fully agreed that m th? r said Boyd ior at?y of I sCo.- 1?, h I.o*r?-panics to this suit, or may ur.ier proi1.- nn of this decree, shall li'iyate ?ny birth- " with Joseph 1 Kent about his debt, and that ivy oil, n*?vr p? tiding for th it purpose, shall be dbmi^nl, 21. r > entrre i by ?!.c consent of the partie* h.Tee. X tru^ copy fron. 'Ua record Test#*, .IUIM i lti CK?. c. r. In pursuance of the foregoing decree, the subscribers, Oonitn^fl- n? 15 spp luted '?} 5.ii?l d?-< r? e, will # *!! at putdb" AUCtl ?n, * if;*- tb:o ? an ! places, named l?e!o"r. tl"* follow. a- IjrOs belonging to s *i i ioiums J. Boyd, vi-* Un TilL'i;SIV\Y the'iTtb day ??f October next (during the . ; the r-d r i! < ;.r,! f,-#?nt of the Court house r: tf.sT-ir.a '4. U'%?! rillln Pi U ythe County, Virginia, one r.i ?, c.-n'a'.. or n ? t- .y!: r in s>.i 1 C ar.iy of Wythe, ? n;!b from U > : \ a:. 1 o j miles from Mack's Meadows HrpDt an the Virginia and r.cssoe Itall Road?being lbs an l purdusi 1 a - v 1. Orockatv, Cove Creole j s throiiyh . :>! >%?.d supplied with water ?y K'ii i*?about In-, trnrds of the whole rat: Is rirar* ? ?r??t u.o?t'y w?r!l sot !:? grass the rc* due ted limbered It has - .Ivdllng : ousc and c wry out* Ou MONI?A\ the Mib dry of November net*, In front >f iPv ourt h?-:is?of O.l * County, , two tracts, lying ir, . ^ . ". f Creek in said County of Giles, 1*2 and li LiI" !r 1 iMrr?urf house, e..iitnimiiy, on-acr? * ?c?i the <m.'i:rr l.V*u ^rn? t? '1. sr:!y nr.d tri cult! rati . ; - t u buildings on them. These Im<1s ire rerj f-1and well adapted *o ;I;i? growth *>f grain, gr.*-4 ind I >ba<co. ^ well-graded turnpike road from Giles* inrt i?m:?c i 1 i r-,u I. :* .*, and connecting with a to W\ liitvillv, 1 j.i:aing through both of these .rue:*, i.* being coiifclry I. K ich of the** tracts will he ,oM separately in the whni??, or will ho divided into smaller farci*. and 1? h-jM, i suit p lrcha?>cr?, ;f thought beat on ihe Ia) of sate, i nat r? fcr I ? C< I. 0. W\ Brown, | t?!dlrig on t' la:.p-r tract, or :o Cipt. (Iitjr b. French, . to Tho .j - J. B >5el U .thevllle. t'.i 'I JIUSSDA Y. '.* 17*1? d.iy til N jv? mb**r n*?*. h front door of Wythe Court II said I OtV> OF WmiliVILLC, ?!d n.>- !'- undivided halfi.tho t>:h?-r half being ownrd h:r hereto, Kiiiiavis) of* large tract of Uad, V> y * .-oo';'> ? ? retlog a of ll.udiy and vV.i! M<>:i..:ains fr? m tin* htoiiy Fori; of Itecd Creek to uiy litu, ki'.d 1:?* within a few miles of the raid i . . - well iltnb I?contains roluable bode oI iron *>i*i o. i -ar?d much of it :i?- u .* i f>r cultivation??upj?n>^ i to , ij.tam in th?- whole *; , \2 a?*;?a, :n? shown by tho . . i ske fi i etills li believed to bo in* I t ?.mv time and pine**, tire following two tract* j \"i'iinj? about f.'? Hire*, lying on llie south aid' j ?f ; ill i K ?. !f .. .1 m* ri>: i;.ii? and Grayson Turn* j 1 .tsr a mill* we?i of ffiss TVy!2i_ vill? Depot?having o | . i 111%'i*111;i? !; \ partly brick and partly framed, and ! o it- ruidicgt, Willi* good spring of water and brick i ?;>?; ig hou*t* in in*. >i?rd?partly cleared and partly iagood j :ii'?5?er?hi : a pari of theiaod purchased from Thomas j iVlnn?the other *?f ihve two tracts, containing li" acres, ! lying on ji*e n ?r:hsidc of Keul Creek, near Wythevilie and j ?ai i Kail H> id?fcWstly cleared- with a logdw#*ll!ng hou*e ?:id good spring of wut? r?being the land |>urch:i?? d from - if ah Kyle and ?" H ?h< re? ! AI at the fcaic.e tir.f and place, or o:i the grounds, will i ?e fold a Urr*. nuir.t" r of !? , or .-in^ll parcels of Ur.d, lyr.y wiiiiiii ami n l;a.cnt t # .-aid l w*( >: H'ytheville and it ?uii S the Wyt;ievilli* D**p ?i. and on both fcid?*s and near j n ? ?id Hail Ito.i I?surro?iiide?l by rpacious streets, ' sell cr? led h*iJ pave 1. A map or plan of which nuy h? ; - n by Mpplying ' ?!ie Conunbsioscrp. or to paid Boyd. ? If these lota and parcels of land, numbering several bun; dred altogether, cnniiot t?i -old or. Jir div, named, the sale ' ?f tlietn will bt contliiue I from diy t.? day 'ill aii are s*?li. ; Jtj.: a itiwu on -ne i v:jcmm.v i t?.\m:sm:sii.\ii, uo.iad, j '.Tir'i a p puhdlon A.f r more, with \r*;i graded turni pike road- I?: ?iin|r !o an I from it hi nil (Slr?.ciioti?. and rr; - a nearly central po?i'ion in stauth-wea'.ern Virgin!*, i on is at nitMMI ( < i above the city of Efehoiond, : it rapidly grc wing trade, ? nd 1 has i climate, f r health t I pleasant ntnotnar residence, 1 j; urpa sed by any oth?*r locality In the World. Also, A II lie a ;on \\ I UN Ed DAY. th*23 > day N't* | readier n \t, :!u*iaurc*t of tahl fceydibeing IIve undivided t+\ cnthn) in the CRAYbON 3ULPHUR SPRINGS, \ . ! ?iboul .#?u0 acres o! land and furniture and fixture* at H j-:d?lying about .0 mile* from Wjthcville, on New river, :n <' rroll? 'M;iv.r- -astream a fording unlimited water port r an ! lii- br*t of fresh water This property i* prepared to . -,i nod it? from l?'U ! ? Ml visitors, having at this time , ov. r On \waters iscvtral mineral spring* ?i-.?r i to ?*.<ch other) are U'hhc rhiiphur, Chalybeate, Ac. They i n..\e been resorted to f.'r many years, and their wonderful curviv* proper! render rh-m among the most valuable ' v*t-rs *?'. ih?? rtaie. There ? ? uMI gradH turnpike road .r.p by the-e spring?, from Wytherille to North Carolina. Toete arc :i1m* valuable privileges c? nnccted with these fpriny* winch the* patcliasers can avail themselves of, t i r.urt-i of uieorporation, passed by the L**t;1? ;r. ; Virginia, March'JUh, 1^3, entitled, "An Ai t to int corporate the .hew Hirer \\ hite huljdiur j'prirps and Mining nd Mamifacturli.g Company"?for the provision* of which reference :? made to tin- Art Itself. V-'\ sill he *uld, before the fr? at do r of the Cocrt , llrt'c, in t.\?rr<dl county, ?a.,on theOrii day of Uce?r?her :* a'.\hesi:gcourt day,) raid IfoytTs '.ntereit in the ti j / Tn f /i n n f if mi v v In . -.i-i ri*uniy. Mix.? UftufSciently developed to prove ! , ?; of an aioindari f of ^r<e of jood quality Ii i- :j *. * ; roi l ruunir:? from Wytheviilr to Hill*- j r ! at: i .Nfr!h C.?r*?!iJJ. alw tit if I ruiiei front Wytlirville 1 :? t:?-f a!** fro r. Uitl*v:llf. an I in the immediate viriniiy ? t"op;. r Smelting , no** being erect* l l?v . onspany of gentlnmn of H e city of llaltiinore. i All the uhnve property ulll be old ou a credit of one, j ! f . four a:..l the jf.iri from the dnjof ? ?le, *lth : rt on the whole fr.?m la'" - " - purchaser glring bond ' i appro rod vecurit : i lien on tho land retained.? I j ill will . . . d ' ty 1 f ule, reserving 1 to :?11 tcniar.ts and oci'sipanu a rcj-?nabte time to gather , an "I re:no\e craning crop#. Tile i 11 iirg authorized by the foregoing ; dcereftti or of the tforoaid property,either I i publicly o, prlv it *lv nil! re *-iw proposal? for the p?ir? of < .. . ? I tl ? day of ?li". <?. -I, ' . hands tbl# .Ul ?iay of July, .-w*'?> ?;li dam?. i I:. ?\ Kr.Vf, *Con?Tr.lsslon*-r ! W it s. I L LTON. \ I A-.\!o.i- to tfii ! |p aid CootB .? .'i the aid l:i aj ; I till promptly i?? ?:.y cotntnut.lcailoa or np- ! p'icatiou to Tin *; Wjihcvill-r \ .for Informal ton ntxut any i Of Uie property referred to in tlx forgoingdcCreeaBd notice 1 < { .. ilf. TlluM \j J. BOYD. Julv . HOPE riML OILS. ' IVIY ''"P ' Coil (.>.1 Worls la ratinufaCuriRj; very supei t:..r tpnl.iy of oil f r turning la tint Kerosene, or tt: er Mai e I lamp-. Oar ells *:e a ll*M ntul.rr color, .1:1.1 irorrtn!?:l to I. urn fr?c from .>' or ?aioV? T!i?y are .. t-poj . ik ,re produced in :h s r vut.try or Europe. 1W stt lrri-.jrtl r.-e . ri'lu.'cl j.inil are prepared to f.r-ii.h 1: ,r. say quantity. I r?: puiuitiu t.xaril -.1 at ourlaie S'tate Fair. All onleri t r.jinj.ilv py K. r IIL'liCARD k SON.". No. \27. Walnut it reel, riiila.lclphia. N P ?Our are .qual to any iperta oil. A!*.., inanof.t- are.5 of Railroad and Tart lirftxi of ? . . p't.xlc, nr..l of Vtjje'aiile oils, A-:. <> t. -.H?.iitcl>i?U: CAiUXKT WAK K. SITE tie WALTON, \f A vllAliil itr! anperior IViw r, MiHuCjim an) *)1. Ilo?tir . i. K irrliuie, )';ne Sella, Bedding, am No. 411 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Oct .1?aim j Jiicjnnoni) inquirer. B* UTOUIB, DCNNAYANT, TTLEK .'. WISB. FKID.VY flOBNINO,OCTOBER28,1859. I THE TRIAL OF JOHN BROWN AND OTHERS. This important judicial proceeding began yesterday with an Examining Court; tiic nature of which is well known to our Virginia readers; but for the benefit < f runny beyond t!i<' State, tve will merely 1-13 that this Court is for the examination of i rt uru, white or j black, charged with a felony; that i: mar ac- I tj'iit, hut cannot isiii'lemn, hut sends the ac- ' onscd on for trial before the Circuit Court. : This trial is conducted by justice-. 1 f the peace. We have h anted from a reliable source tlut n ''.withstanding a lawyer ol vesv great ability * " - ? . 1 .?? :. ami learning, .air. koucii i. v uiirau, 01 ?? m- j Chester, has been assigned the pri.-'.-ii'.-rs in the ' lUrf.yet they have determined upon having tv>nisei from their own section, and have cmployed Mr. Chase of Ohio, to defend theiu. j We think the prisoners will find that in this ! they have not promoted their own interests, J that Mr. Conrad would have defended them ' Mpoti ail the law and the evidence with greater j aliiiity and legal acumen than imported Mr. ' t'hav\ Hut this being the prisoners' business, I ,\e'"(-ivclv, we have no desire to complain, I>nt : iwj.c that Mr. t'hasc will he li-tencd to with calmness ami attention?that neither indignity i.?r infill will !<c uff?ml liini; that in*- un-I douMed rights as counsel will ??., respected, and ti nt tiie prisoners, defended by counsel of their own selection, may liave a f.tir and im- j partial trial. Any indignity or insult to Mr. j t'iiaso by the < itizctis of Jefferson county, I would compromise the .State of Virginia.? , We arc a law-loving and law-abiding people, j conscious of the protection afforded us by out ! laws. We can calmly await their execution, j and rely upon our courts, juries and officers: for our protection. We hope that this may be ; the spirit that will actuate the [ tople who may ' witness this trial?that no indignity <>r instill ! may he offered to any lawyer or citi/en "I the North, who may attend the trial, but that very inducement may he ottered to all visitors from interest or curiosity, to attend either the trial or the execution. The interest and cause of the .South demand that no act of in dignity should disturb the trial; any such tut would he unbecoming, and would give the <?ssawatlomies ol the North a weapon to repel the damaging effect of the initiation by Itrowu of the "irrepressible conflict." The Ossawattomics of the North are panic stricken at the effect of this Harper's Ferry rnifile; they see in it no* only the knell of Reward ism, but, unless marred by some net of in discretion at tlio >?uin, tlie destruction 01 me ; abolition cause ati'l the beginning of the ae- j knowlcdgment of the right and necessity of inflic tion to persons and property not only in the Territories hut also in the States. Virginia, the Smith and the Union, wo hope, may reap a lasting advantage from the effect of thi- conspiracy. in opening the eyes of the North to the condition and temper oj Southern slaves, to the vengeance that awaits future maurading O-sawaltomites, and to the necessity of a speedy* acknowledgment and protection of lite rights of the South under the Constitution. Tl >c Harper's Ferry con-piracy will teach the misguided fatuities that all their el forts fur the j benefit of the negroes are mi-directed and use- j less; that thrii effort - lutist int-viiahly lead to j such nish and foolish conspiracie-., which will he visited with speedy and certain de-ti nation; that our negroes wiil not. at.-i-t in their own liberal ion, and that folly and crime must eertainlv h" tin- end n? ificir mi fiken philanthropy. V. i,. ii the N'nrth has fuilv realized tire results .in<l les-niis taught hy the Harper's Ferry I, ?heir misplaced philanthropy f.?r the negroes will he idandoncd, and the rights of the .South respected att'l protected. The j beginning of the end of the "irrepressible cot:- i liict" is evident, unless conservatism asserts a ' controlling sway id the approaching election in j New York. Any act of instill ami indignity offered to the counsel for the Chntlestown prisoners, would strengthen the hands of our rticmicsand weaken our own cause. We do not apprehend anything of the Uind, hut we know that there are men in every community who, in limes "f great excitement, allow their passions to outrun their judgin; nts, and their zeal to outstrip their discretion; and it is against the advice and councils of such that we would warn the people ol rinrlesfown and the county of Jefferson NON-INTERVENTION?HOW H WORKS. fite Harper's Ferry entente. seems to have | invigorated, with redoubled zeal, the friends of, pro'ertion to ry in ihc S' /'c ami Jerritori". When the confederacy, as at present governed, subjects Southern Stofee to pi llage, I ami plunder, and murder, the unprotected slaveholder in the Territories would fare badly, tf left to courts of justice. The conservatives oi the North must see, in the Harper's Ferrynliair, ; that the only settlement of the disturbing and ! dangerous ipicstion of slavery is in the ack now| Icdgment of it* constitutional rights and their ! protection. This is necessary ro preserve the Southern States from the consequences of "irrcprcssihle conflicts" like that at Harper's Ferry, which endanger the confederacy, and, un' ,:1, "" ! '.U'-.-tn jt!e i.iik! : disrupt the I ni?n. | Already the want ??f that protection ailbrded ' [ by a proper enforcement of lhe Fugitive Slave 1 Latv, has libera In J, to all intents and purposes, the slave.1; of the northern border of Virginia, i Slavery i:t Fairfax, L, urn oni. Jefferson, Rcrkc- | ley, Morgan. Hampshire, ami similarly situated counties, is at present an institution not enforced by tile sanction of law, lint preserved by the voluntary stiiTeraoee of the slaves them -elves. At any moment, any ."Saturday night, with hat in hand, they can hi 1 adieu to master and de<-ninp to I'einisy'v.iuia, tinning sii.-lter and protection, inst. of a pro- i per enforcement of Constimtiona! obligations. ' V.sii.ii.'.Teentioii has [.radically liberated the slave* of 'Mir entire ur r< counties in i Virginia. N"ti.ts:: >r? hn.- already given just '- utso f..r dissolution, and unless speedily abandoned by the National linvcnur.erit, and | the Constitutional obligation of intervention for protection be adopted, there trill assemble I no more National Coinonti.v.s rf t!io Democracy. *;v] the day of di-mcon will sjn-cdily dawn. Th" 'Miis.rva:. f"? : :? mcr. throughout the South are daily giving way befote the just cry for some certain and sure retnedj! against the destructive policy < >' onn-intcrvention. If tin llarpt'i'i Ft-rry run ;* fc. the necessary eonsciUiin*e of the "irrepressible conflict" of Mr. Seward, the liberated condition of the slaves of Northern Virginia is the practical effect of the doctrine of non-intervention. It' tlie . dogma of Seward has initiated the crimes of murder and treason, the negation nf non-intervention has paraiised the laws of Virginia, liberated our slaves and defrauded our citizens. If the negroes of Harper's Kerry did not rally to the black standard, and enlist in the "irrepressible conflict," it was because nonintervention had already rendered them free, and th'.'V were unwilling to risk the consei ? 1 qucnccsof a conflict where the bcnelits it could ! confer, it successful, were no gtcater than those already enjoyed. The negroes of Northern Virginia are free, by the operation of Federal non-intervention ; the tin. mulct*.-.In,* nM.vl.l - r... 1 main in the State because it suit.-, them to remain; no law enforces obcifiencc, tio authority of the master compels labor, for the enforcement of cither resul s in the certain loss of the slave. . When this unrestrained liberty becomes insufferable to ih- white, the negro is converted , into money and white labor thus gradually undermines the institution. Laeh year this Northern free labor wave encroaches further I upon me msuituion, aim ucvuiws a portion 01 slave soil to tlio future of white labor. 'J'iius, iiou-iiitcrventiou by the Federal Governiuent i practically abolitionising Virginia, and gradually but surely undermining the insti i tutiou of slavery. While the irrepressible conlliet" terminates in the folly anil bloodshed of Harper's Ferry, the stultifying, disqualifying plea of negation ?"non-intrrrention"?quietly [ undermines slavery throughout the border counties of Virginia. The former wccan conquer by 1 our u;i n right arm, but the latter poisons the very life-blood of slavery in Virginia, and, un less arrested, will eat, like a loathsome cancer, | into the very vitals of Southern slavery. Nonintervention. the negation of law, is no priii triple for a people whose lawless marauders are not deterred f otn assailing the sovereignty of the States. In the days of Harper's Ferry 1 emcntc.i, wc want tiic enforcement of hum, and not their negation. Protection of slavery is ; demanded t>y the blood of slaughtered citizens, ttnl the traitorous Southern man that dares deny the right, is even more criminal than tiic inmate- of the C'harlestown jail. Fanaticism made a traitor of Brown, hut political capital makes the traitor of the Southern man who questions tiic necessity or denies the right of slavery to protection. LETTER FROM MAINE. ' Omw-on'I-'ifC of the lii'-hmond Enquirer.] I'oi'.tl.wd. Maine, Oct. 20, 1 SoO. Dear K)il Enquirer?Being on a short visit down East, I thought that it would not he taken miiss by voti to drop a few remarks?especially . a you have, upon one or two former occasions, \ done me the honor of acknowledging, in due , lorm, my poor contributions. Well, in regard to my trip, I must, with all ! candor, say, that I am decidedly, tomcichat I pleased. The principal places I have visited. after leaving New York, arc New London, Bosten, Portsmouth, and this place; hut I also con- j tinucd niv trip as far East as Eastport. where I sojourned only a couple of days. This being , the most Eastern city in the Union, one must not grumble at being, for two or three weeks i at the time, enveloped in fog dense enough to | cut with a carving knife, and help you to any j part you may desire. It is by no means pre-, possessing to a stranger; and with its fog and - * a., i i? _i? nsii I was neariny ureu. n ^ ai.w m i uun-u tor its tides, which rise and fall from i'S to 3i? feet At high tide nearly one-half of the town (the lower part) is inundated, and at low water you c ut walk across the river to the Island of Catupn Hello, which belongs to Great Britain? .Mr. Webster permitting Lord Ashburton to get </> that much the advantage of him in the fatuous Ashburton treaty. On account of this ; extreme rise and fall of the tides, they have a : peculiar way of making fast the vessels to the j wharves, which they do by a rope from the i.mti to the wharf, (which will elide tip and down, according to the rise or fail,) and not from the hull of the vessel, as is tiie case in all i other seaports?thus, at very low tide you see vessels made fast by a rope trotu the topmast to the wharl, and when the hull is some thirty or forty llet down, and frequently on the bottom. i his i Portland) is a very pretty place indeed, being beautifully and somewhat loftiiy situated, we'd built with many most channing residences arid tastily arranged grounds, wide and commodious streets, arid one of the finest harbors in the world, which is soon to welcome the monster ol steamer?, the Great Eastern, and which, of course is. at this tune, quite a subject of conversation and excitement. There have been already built for her accommodation, two immense piers, with two large store houses, and also erected (but which is not quite completed) by the late representative from this n i ITnn \tr Wnndt a Verv \ L\->IUIIUI i *?,* \ wv-7 ^ , line ami large Hotel, instigated by the anticipate! crowds the leviathan will bring and be the of bringing to the place. Having made a longer stop here than in any other town in New England, 1 have, of course, made more acquaintances, and 1 atn much pleased to say that I have not only found them to lie extremely social, hospitable, and agreeable gentlemen, but a great many of tbein (a large majority whose acquaintance I bnvo made; good magnum bonuni Democrats; just such a* you and I like to mix with; and they tell me that a very large majority of the mmt rmpectuhU classes are the same. It is only some i'etv who lead olf and inlluence the unsuspicious and ignorant; thereby creating a political capital out of the " eternal nigger' question," leading them to believe that the Democrats (especially the Southern ones) arc opposed to the tree white labor of the North, and would, if they could, introduce negro slave labor nmong-t I them, to compete w it b them ; which, of course, i< only for political cfl'ect, but wlm-h they are too deluded to see the falsity of such an argument. I am happy to see that our great and gloriotis Wise has many ardent admirers in this section; they look upon him as the embodiment of Democracy as taught by the Constitution and Bill of Bights; the genuine thing itself. with no adulteration, 110 lukewarmim-*. no backwardness, hut with the I titer, as well as the spirit, which does not possibly admit of two interpretations. They say here that they 1....1 rnttior linve a man of that kind in the Pru>i Chair, (sons they would know when and where to tind him. when wanted) than a man who is one thing to-day and another tomorrow; who is for the protection of nil kind* of property in the Territories to-day and opposed to it to-morrow, or next week, and ready to catch at any political cat's-paw which may for a moment spring up. I have no doubt, from what I see and hear in this vicinity. that Mr. Wise is stronger here than any other Democrat in the country, and would stand as good a chance of carrying any of the New England States in 1860; for I assure you that the good and true men of this section of country, and, especially, about here, areas much in favor of having all species of property protected, in all places constitutionally ancf lawfully, as any other men; but where neither law or justice interrene, they themselves, are, of course, not disposed to do so. There is no doubt that Gov. Wise has, by far. the inside track of .Mr. Douglas, and is gaining considerably every day for the nomination at Charleston; and if their claims aro carefully examined, and looked into with an unprejudiced eye, (which there is no doubt they will be at Charleston.) I cannot, l'>r my life, see what possible chance Douglas has; for the South cannot and will not touch him with a forty foot pole, and Gov. Wise will havo in the Convention just as many friends from the North and East. 1 do not ask to see the man who has done more within the last five or ten years for the Democratic party than the gallant Wise, but I ask to see the men (and th- ir names would have to embrace thousands) who have done as much. His election as Governor of jour noble old State, in 1355?and which I am convinced was caused by his own brillian: talents, indomitable exertions and Her-1 culean labors, both physical and mental?was I the death knell of Kr.ow-No'.! : u mi. d renewciI life a:.:! vigor tootir i::o-1 ... . .. ; party in Virginia and the SuuiM I tile go .1 old State liad gone agax^t u-? i tin: in. . hie campaign, rte-riy the wh !c S ifa^vTu d have followed; and we would i. t luvc/ accomplished statesman, ) .:u. - buclu.14. a- i'r anient oi" the I r.itid Smies. kit in Iii -lead some ro)ntrz<i!l., . .u1 v the House of Representatives. Ihc Dont.ellv letter i:. i . 'ied upon here as a great piece oi treachery and l i-caiity i .v?r* a the tiovei'l.or, hut n> fi r iu i . n:r i h ;a niuong sensible men, it m. t n - : .n they . think he allowed his ; >; tcne?? . ii <*.f heart to carry him ton i..i mre;-i-. _ I) nnelly at all, not knowing pers t.a'.ii who the fellow was. but the chattel. r <: - , mm ;,s Cassidy, Cagger & Co.. ,?..\u n this vicinity to have m y ..imi.m'Iv Please remember what 1 n id y ; .:i a communication in the spring "| l-.n. t.-.v. Wise then remain where he \ Buchanan, ami ui l&H"> ' > - \\ a >1 ;i 1 was a hettin^ man, I w.. i my .,ti nt t.: lie receives the n. r. , I \?..! i!c m the Governorship of y ur n a d ar.t State (over which 1 j.n-si,1 : rm-n.y four years w ith so much >1;: i; >: i hit (> himself anil benctil to her.) ; |'i, , ntinl Chair, \fith as tr.urli grace a- ! > e as :i is possible to conceive it tnve i;- w t hat,-tm. "Henry .\. Wire of Virginia, !"r !' ntnl Horatio Seymour of New V i'.. ! r \ . e President,' ami a t: imtiy i.-itit vet-ny await* the invincible Democracy 1! toe io i ry. Mi Seymour is known ;>) he .. n an in c case, enlarged expellence. the im.ii;.' . I <:i.:u? tied gentleman, iso i:. i;~j .:. ",e a - the presi<Ii11ollioer of the Senate t:? l". S ) ai.d :i sound an 1 un!li!t._r '< -.?n an 1> ?besides his unbounded jn r? :-..l ; >; nianiy in the country, especially in !.: .?.*.. m .?? and those adjacent. \ l.itllML' j. LETTER FK0>1 StNAlOK 2TAS0K. 7o the Ldilor oj the (_>* . It is right, ami duo to tir.'.h, t! .* the mate rial facts attending the late . ..n . ,c \ a t a'.t oa the town oi ilaipel . > l ?.iiy i be correctly Understood. There was tn> ii.f.rrteti m any f rtn whatsoever, on the pail >! any ? tl.e i .b tants or residents < ! that t?<?n<.r :t- \ t; I'here is little doubt that r-at i in-utu ?"! a is fully expected by the h a . , .. t v an.) 1 mi? ereaiits who came hviii the ao> a.n; >: <t? clandestinely, and under oiur t n_!.t the town?an expectation in whvh t . _\ ?eie wofullv dtsappomted, .> t'Ti'. i;i..11. i i.y themselves. The fact is undo oted thai hi. A- i /- i... - )>. came into Virginia, or .n.e ;!.uu ?.a < ? as-;s.ance in an} form. It is true that after tin ir e:i; fur.- ir ! 5-1*.r (Brown) stated that he lis i i..a- n t>? i \ |>u't mic!i assistance, ami lia i t? n if-;ppn::i: d -But this is full}' discredited In t, i < . - c lacts: First, ivd |,.?cv sion of tin- town from in,i . n * day unlil after mi'l day on v.i.n.i tr.o people of the adjoining country, Ioiim:,; w > state of thing-, got tog'tin. in annul .un.-i nnd made a descent upon the town, ft* end, that during tlii- period t!n'\ ?. ./. I i . 1 t.J 1 in custody, hesiiles the s|;ivi ? of Mr. H .'-h .'. :i and Mr. A11st odt. taken in tin? ne:gl.' orlio I, some live or six other .-'.in - ! ! agm.: t? i> : dents at Harper'.- IVity. and : .una to tlie streets. It is stated that lin y > it sjs T.s < r lances in the hands of two orttnc ol tln -o negroes, and compelled them to -tan 1 in ihu character nt .-cntitie's at the?Soorot tlmci'pf i l... ,i... . ... .. i. .i i .. . w, wo (ir.-t assault mad" I>v the eiti/ci *. ti.e . .avs threw away their jukes an I e I t . t ^ r homes lor refuse, l'lnnl. I hey h oi -no l; meat, in addition, s?>tne thnty n persons, whoweic f.umi ur.u. in. 1m the ti - :s in the early hours of the m s-nit:. hu" no inherent orsympaihiztrtuimdup amo :-t t! In additon to all this, alter m:e 1..1 ..., ... . an I investigation Oil the spot, 1 . .uld i .. , on t any man of any color .save one, i..:e..i. i t-. i j noticed,) was even suspected vl h. r.g at y way accessory or privy t.< the p.ot. i he . . : Cepiion was of a man nauii l t'o. I.e. e-ou to Harper's Ferry a vein or two >n n to. character ol school-master, rnatneil l;.. p . .: i who, alter the event, it appealed, "as in.:: sary tit' Brown's, ami !uui I ?n a - . ! v.. htm in Kansas, t'o'-ke imparic i tl. j .-.f Brown tti none in Virginia, so !ar .t- r , or, it' he did, it is certain that r >,< ... . 1 ..ti them. Hit accompaiiieu the 1; ly n. Mr. i\ c .t ington's, which seized itn.i a.. I!.' i.. a: . brought tlirin oil' in the i.iri-', a e : ?1.1 latter evinced any pnrj. >e to i a 1 - : r tunes. Un the coiitiaiy, tie sc t at ia .auie; olf tin; same night into Alary .ami v -pio ti ? hitn there ami returiieii. I think 1 a:n warranted. on the foregoing facts, in the hi li* f I hit n t gig. tin;-s . r ; /mises of aid from any, ol any inc. given t<> Brown inviting hi- !<- .:.t. U . ' r part of the negroes, it is < . m. . : r il. emotion evinced hy tfiem v. .s .f aiatm ami terror, and their only refuge s<u;aht ?; their mliters' homes. tif the conspiracy, <jio\i or" .7, enough has tratisjiire?l. oi he<-n 't-i.ue<] lions papci s tak< n with Brown's < IS. t-, .o. n tl a lie acted from impr.-s-i u., > uj.oii Inni t y abolition tracts, tie-, .;r-, and nr.itui in n..t circles he frequented :u the m m-'av. hold g States. Those impris-. .i.s v.eic t...t it ic quired only to put arms " iihi". imu.c - -.n re.o . to hring about inimediutc is.sun..' ' in the slavehohling States?a (it.etrr.c ; ly u.? i>.ated, as is known, hy the ??' ?- Irakis Thus itnjiressed, lie einh irk lo,iii>- i speiato enterprise with but ii:riet?m >-t;* l.n !m! arms and weapons i-ci-:t-r? <i n tt,.- n.? .. ?u , ami thinly populated country .ti c N!.ny I.?t. i side of the riv..r, and wnhui t >;n < : he miles of the Virginia line .it I!.;,ci\-. Kerry. with abundant ammunition, t> Ii.vj placed an cticclive weapon in !:. t . :- <if ?.a?.i? of at least lilteen hundred ir two ih.u-anu men. J he exact number of tne< am ? can never be ascertained, a- they were e..rricd oil' in great numbers when lir.-t discovered u brought in by the citizens, and comparm s of volunteers who ctunc from a di-i.-utce. and before posses-ion of ll.em v.a taken by tin n g : lar military authorities. Among-t them wvrc one l/iu'tsanil piL>* law:/-, e inp a steel blade sharpened at the point a' ? t:i edges, some six or eight inches I ? : t *. rmg from an inch or inch a ! a -if t the point, strongly and secimi; J \ i < . tin wooden handles live or six K<t in I-igih?a most effective arm for ha:; 1- tin-kui. . m n d;; tary weapons?leaving no doubt 1 r v.hoin ;!?ey were destined, i The whole military cy ipment - . I by Brown, and seized after io.? capture, could not hive cost less than ten thousand di Hans, cor.. sisting, nmonz-t otlc-r thing-. > me two , hundred Sharp's r.ti- with a like i ;m' er of ; six-shooter pi.-lo;s. Cvntitmed in t'is mon><fac; lurer'e loit* and not ye', used, a pi<"; oitionuto i supply of fixed ammunition for the r dies, with caps, <Stc, in the orizi't.-i; b >\e-, ho.-j it :i -tore-, pick-axes and . hovels, un-iaiic d with u-e, and a large box containing t< n keg- ol p n left A grave inquiry remains, which will be- d.i> gcnlly and, I ti n ;, sucoe.?lolly pro-ecu:, ti. :> ascertain whence.the fundi ware deii. d ! . this military expedition of outlaw-. again-t i State ot tin- I'uto'i, ati'l who tl cy w with money to furnish arms to 'ucii a K-aJci for smtli a It remains only to add, that, so fu a- can be di-covercd, not one of tbe 'itn <- .ped ? I could not correctly t i . .. -r killed?sotnc t? :i or !. vert it :* ? 0 I killed?some were-hot in p' t -s-o-qo ; across lite river, and si; ' ' en; ; five only were captur- 1 al:s-, : c t tn.u; their leader, Hkown; two tie.- live ate no! crocs, one. a mulatto, reports that he came j from Ohio to join lhi> e\pe-'i.::oti ; the other, a i black, sat .- that he came trom llarrisb ;ry P.t, j with the "like purple; both allege th.ttluy i were deceived by Ibo.vri to u,e o!j. '.a of t the expedition. Not a slave c.-capcd < r a'trrrrpt-- ! :nc?*.-pc during the tumult. Of the fc v orivd ??:T by Cooke aero-- the river. a!i e-eap?.'i from iiu.i and came -afely In !; but one, vvr. i, appeal was drowned ?vh;i>t cro-j-i: ^ the rivvi ward bound. Very re.-pecituliv, to;::-, y. M. .MASON. j Selmj. stxti U*ij,eu?t*a, V,*., u<t. 2i,