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THE ENQUIRER. Richmond, (Virginia) Published by Ritchie fc? Worslev, opposite the Post-Office....At four dollar s per annum, (ayMe in advance. Number 3.J WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY ig, 1804. [[Volume 1 TERMS OF T H K ENQUI R E R. 1. The Kjcouirer will appeal twice a week. During the ses sii'U of Congress and the Virgi nia Legislature, either a thin, paper or a supplementary half sheet, during the week. !?. Tet ms of payment, will be r our dot. larsper annum ; the whole to be paid at the time of subscri bing. 5. Advektisementsfrom those who do not subscribe to the Pa per, should they not exceed a square in length, shall be inser ted for seventy, five cents the frst time, lift} cents for each tune during three weeks, and for every addition al insertion, thirty three cents; long ones in the same proportion. A . Su b sc r i b r. r s shall have their advertisements inserted for fntv eents the first time, and thirty three cents for every additional insertion. Domestic I nielli >cnce, SAVANNAH, April 27, 1804. As the occurrences which now agitate tins city, arc likely to excite enquiry ami comment in our filter Rates, an account of their origin is thought neceflary. Son.e days previous to the opening of the fupenor court, Judge Bowen arri* d lere. As one-means of exciting our admi ration, he thought proper to commit an act, iv;proper to (rate, at a rtfpecrable boarding houfe, which being jultly rdlnt cd by the lady who kept it, he.carried the quarrel to an anault on her, and ifTued uch 1.neats that (he feared for her future larety. Oil v._, • jl' he fudge d "five red a charge width, tor vi olence of language and irrelevance to le gal duties is believed to be without a pa rallel.- -The fentimeuts ;ire fuch as, at this period are improper and dangerous in the extreme. The fubjeCt was wholly politi cal and foreign to the nature of a judicial Charge. None but .a man defperately de praved would delight in ravaging the crea tion, that fume evils might be extirpated. Conceiving the tendency of the charge to be alarmingly evil ; on Wedncl'day left, (he Grand.fury very properly and fpirited ly prefented the charge itfclf, and recom mended that it Humid not be publifhed. Judge Bowen, in a rage, inftantly diredt cd the HieritT to confine them in goal. At this an involuntary ami almpft univerfal NO itfued from the per Tons prefent. The Judge then broke out in the molt outrage ous arid profane language; drew a piftol ami declared he wojrldjhoot the rafeal cuho Mire fay NO. The Grand Jury declared their readintf' to obey the order of Court, v.pd were ff icred to Ite committed; the whole body of the lpcdtators a tt tending them. jk.i wiutr men maae ny U1 JlKigC, that hiccbarge fhculd be publilbed in the Georgia Republican, and the court was.ui-' jpurned. The gentlemen of the Bar, met ami puf fed firycralrefolutions on the occafion, one >-.f which was to give a dinner to the Gmiui Jury, and to dine with them at the jail, . which wa- accordingly done. At one o’clock the citizens met at the 1'/.charge and palied a number of refoluti ons fuited to the emergency. The meet ing exceeding four hundred. Theie proerodings enraged the judge to that degree that lie began to threaten the lives of the citizens, felting lire to the city and deluging it with blood. A warrant founded on thel'e threats and the aflault on Mrs.--- was ifTtied for his confinement, tile charge being fiipported by the affidavits of feveral refpcitable character?. When taken, he endeavored to efcape, and Unifi ed a pifol at the Ihcrilf. About In o'clock in the evening, he was ■committed tothe common jail of the coun ty, where he now remains. On Tburfday morning the Grand Jury applied to the Inferior Court for a writ of itnjeas (ior/i'/j, which was granted, agreea bly to the following order. CKAMBF.US, April 2fith, 180-1. •frr/ent the Hen. Edward Tel’air, Edward Harden, John ft. Williamfon, Efqrs. A communication ofthis day from the * itemanof the Grandjury, was received and to read, ftfir.gforth that that Body had been .committc I to the common goal under an <• r<kr of Judge Powen, who is fhewrt to i is now confined in Goal, and praying re 1 efinthe premifes, and on motion of Mr. Berrien, it isordered that a habeas corpus fce.fluedjC.J that the fheriff do without delay bring into court the foreman and tin other citizens who compofe the Grand ju ry. The Sheriff attended with the foremai and citizens who compofi d the grand jun and thereupon the court axldrciled thc*n a” follows : FELLOW CITIZENS, ' It will be difficult to find a precedent tc meet your cafe, at the fame time, we tee no hefitation in declaring your commit1 ment, now before the court, illegal. Becaufe, That it ftrikes at the root o jurifprudeace,' and conlcqucntly puts .1 period to the prefent term ; w ithout you. the lives and the rights of your fellow citi zens are in danger—it is the Grand Jury o1 inqueft they look up to for protection, and w'ithout your body, the laws of our coun try cannot be executed. The patriotism, firmnefs and dignity with which you have conducted yourfelves, together with the patience and fortitude you have difplayed, will hand your names with applaufe to poflerity. The arbitary and illegal confinement un dcr which you have laboured for twenty four hours, is hereby declared to ceafe, and therefore, you are dileharged from y our confinement. They were then difeharged, and were received hy their fellow citizens with the higheft teffimonics of approbation. We are happy to ftate, that incenfed as the citizens were at the conduCt of judge Bowen, there was no diforderly conduCt, and very little infult nothing further than three cheers at his commitment.— I hey preferred, in the moment of refent j ment, a regard for the laws of their country I which does them the higheft: honour. savanna!.’, April 25th, 180-1. Judge Bowen having ordered the charge given to the Grand Jury on Monday laft, to be pubiijheA in the Georgia Republican, the Editor felt bimfelf bound by his duty to re fufe the publication, and returned his honor the following reafons for his refufal. To JABEZ BOWEN, Efq. fudge of the Superior Court for the Eafiem dijlrij of Georgia. Sir, i refufe to publifh your charge delivered iO the Grand Jury of Chatham County on Monday lad, according to your order, com municated to me this day. ..... i>eneh vviJ-e'fi’V&ci: Vo"t .-.cite commotion in the community, is injudicious, improper, .and ought uot to be promulgated. Became, This particular charge is un commonly fraught with evil, its language difrefpe«ftful and inflammatory, and wholly extrajudicial: anextenfive range of poli tics being as foreign to the province of a judge as to the purpofe of the pulpit. Bccaufe I approve id the prefentment of the grand jury ; and, feel in their arbitrary commitment, only a regret that I have not the honour to fuller with them. Becaufe, your rondudt during the pre fent vifit for the feflion of the court, has not added refpedt to your important office. JBecaufe, th'1 outrage of •prelenting a pif toi in open court, while fitting in a judicial capacity, is degrading to the character of a judge, and argues a degree of impropriety 1 want words to exprefs. Becaufe, I am fortified in this refolution by the unanimous opinion of the Grand jury, the bar and the moll refpe«5ted of my fel low citizens, on whom 1 put rnyfelf-foriiip port in its maintenance With refpeii, •SAMUEL MORSE. At a meet in" of the Attornies of the Bar of Savannah, held at the Court-honfe on VVednefday the 25th April 1804, at 11 A. M. Prefent General Mitchell, Charles 1 larris, John Y. Noel, Tiiomas Gibbons, Jofeph Wclfcher, James B. Ilouftoun, Richard Leake, Charles B.fldwin, Morris Miller, Jcrimiah Cuyler, John M. Bcrri an, Gcprgc Allen, Alexander M. Allen, William B. Bulloch, John Lawfon, Rich ard M. Stitee, I'ingal T. Flyining, Jo feph Stoops, Thomas Nethercllft, James T/Jwnfend, and William Davies, iiftjrs, General Mitchell in the chair. On motion, unammoujly refolded, that an entertainment be provided for the Grand Jury of this county, now confined in goal, at 4 o’clock this day, at the expence of the Bar, and that the Attornies will dine with the Jury. That Mefirs. Lawfon and Cuyler hold committee to tarry the fore going resolution into effect ; and that Mefirs. Bulloch and Berrien be a committee to wait on the Grand Jury, with a copy of .he foregoing refolutions. On Motion, Rrfolved unayiimoujly^ that Mefirs. Harris and Gibbons be a commit tee to wait on the printers, and re'cjueft that the charge of Judge Bowen, delivered to the Grand jury at the .opening of .the court, he not publiHied. On Motion, Rrfolved unammouflji that general Mitchell ; and Mefirs. Noel and Berrien, he a committee to wait on the gentlemen of the grand jury, and advife with them, on the moft conftitutional and legal mode of procuring their difchargc from prifon. On motion, Rrfolved, that it is the una^ iiimous fenfc of the Bar ; that the chargt delivered by Judge Bowen, at the com men cement of the prefent term of the fu pertor court of this county, does contain principles, in the higheft degree injurious, i to the interefts of the good people of this country, and tends to endanger their lives 1 and properties, and fuhjetf: them to the horrors of domeflic infurreOtion. That t»e mem hers of the Bar, do in the moft » ample manner, approve of the condurt of j Jury, as well in this expreflion ■ j ot their fentiments on the charge of the t Judge, as in their determination to recede . nom further attendance of the court.— i That they view with the utmoft abhor ; reuce, tlie proftitution of judicial dig ; nity in Judge Bowen’s drawing, and j prefenting a piftol again!* 2 multitude jOt the citizens, and ufing the moft i profane and indecent language, while J on the bench, and during the fitting of the court; and thereupon unanimoufly re folved, that they will not take their feats at the bar, during the prefent term, nor an fwer to their names when called ; but will attend without the bar at ali times, when : the Grand Jury fhall be brought up before the court, for the pur^ofes of affording fuch counfel and advice as their circum ftanccs may require. D. B. MITCHELL, Chairman. Copy of the proceeding^. WILLIA&I DAVIES, Secretary. a meeting of the citizens of Savannah, publicly convened and held at the Ex change on the twenty-fifth day of April 1801. 1 1 JOSEPH C.LAY, Esq. in thf Resolved unanimously, that tlieci tizensof Savannah do highly applaud the linn, dignified and patriotic conduct of the prelent Grand Jury of Chatham county. ioi which they have been committed to goal, by Judge Bov/eo, the Judge of the Su perior Court, and that the thanks of the ci tizens be prelented them for their very pro per demeanor on the occafion, and that a committee, confifting of Jvhn Bolton efq. Edward Telfair efq. and Samuel Howard efq. be appointed for that nurpofe. Refolded Unnnimoujly, that a committee be appointed to wait upon the feveral prin ters in this city, to requert in the name of the citizens, that the charge of his honor Bowen, to the Gnuid Jury of Cha Edward L. i>avuj-'d..w^tH*-jjrinted, tliat r.ltjrs. he that comnntteiS RrfobvedUnanimously, that a fuhfcription be opened tortile fupportand maintenance the Grand Jury of Chatham county while in Goal, and for fumilhing them with every convenience, and that a committee be appointed to receive the fubferiptions and invert the money for their benefit while in Goal, and that Meilrs.Richard M. Stitce, Jofeph Arnold, John i. Gray,Norman M’ Cleod,and Samuel ii. Stackhoufe, be that committee. I wcioivea unanimouuy, y bat tbe R,pre fentatives of this county, to the Legislature, be requejled and instructed toexert tbcmfelve* to procure a Legiflatine enquiry into the offi cial conduct of the fudge of the Superior Court of this circuit, in committing to goal the Grand fury of the county of Chatham, ‘who are conjlitutionally bound to preferye the right of the People, and who in a court of Judicature are their lawful Rep refect a times, and rIf0 into the other official mifconduCl of the fnid fudge. Refolded Unanimoufly, a committee of feven be .appointed for carrying: into ef fect the foregoing refolution, that Jhid com mittee be empowered to procure inch tef timony as nvy be neceffary to fabftantiatc the charges, and that General D. B. Mitch ell, Charles Harris, William Davies, F. T. Flyming, John M. Berrien,.Morris Miller and Thomas F* Williams, efqrs. be that committee. Rejoined unanimoufly, thatacommittee be ar'. cmttd to confer with the committee of the bar, upon the mod propermeafurcs to be purfued for the difeharge of the (fraud Jury of Chatham county from their prefent confinement, and to ufe every lawful means to procure their enlargement,and that the lion. William Stephens, Jqfeph Clay, Mat thew M’Alliftcr, Jofeph Miller and Fobtrt Mackay, eft|rs. be that committee. Rejoined Unanimoufly, that tin- eiti/ens cf Savannah view with abhorrence the con duct of Judge Bowen this day on the bench pf the Superior Court, and during the fit ting of the fame, in drawing and prefent utg a piftol, again It a number of the citi zens of this place, and in uftng the moft in decent and profane language, whereby the d:gnity of his office and the refpedt.ibility cf this government are proftituted. Rejoined Unanimoufly, that the proceed, ings of this meeting be figneri by tl*e chai pian and fecretary, and publifhed in the newfpapcrs of this city, and that a copy lx prefented the foreman of the/irand Jury, alfo that extra (beets thereof, be pubiithed this evenirtg. [Signed] JOSEPH CLAY, ■Chairman. By order of the Meeting, SAMUEL HOWARD, Secretary A true copy ofthe original proceedings, SAM IJ EL HOW A RD, Sec r e tary Sayannah, April 20, 1801, To Jofeph C*<ty, eft|.Chairman ofthe mrel ' Ing of the Citizens of Sax annaiupublic! convened at the Exchange on the i*5lh of April, 1804. SI It, We the fubfcribers, late members of the Grand Fnqueft, for the body of the county of Chatham, are happy at finding that the conduct we, from duty to our country, and to ourfelves, were cunftrain ed to adopt towards Jabez. Howen, junr. Ef(|. Judge of the Eaftem Diftrift, on the 2.->th inttant, has been fo generally approv ed by our fellow citizens. The attention paid, the liberal vote, and offer for maintenance while in Confinement by our fellow citizens, are deeply impiefl yd upon our feelings. We prefeni through you, Sir, our fincete thanks to them, for the lively intereft ex hibited towards us on the occafion. William Smith, Barack Gibbons, Win, James Maclntofli, Richard Turner, Solomon Shad, William Lewden, James Alger, Jonathan Cline, John Gibbons, 1 laac Minis, William Brown, Saul Simons, James Belcher, Jolm Y. White, Joleph Rice, Joleph Machlin, John Pettbone, Sampfon Neyle, David Gugle, T. Barnaul junr. A firr.iJar addrefs was prefented to gene ral D. B. Mitchell, Chairman of the gen tiemen of the Bar. [Georgia Republican. WASHINGTON, May 9. Wc this day prefent our readers with [ a. Cenfus of Inhabitants of the City, taken by the direction of the City Council. By the refult of this enumeration it is demon drated that the City has progrefled very rapidly within thefe few years. In the year lsoo, when the General Cenfus was taken, the Inhabitants amounted to 9,210.—In the year 1803, when the Cenfus now ftated was taken, the Inhabitants amounted to ■1,352*— It 'is to be oblerved that when the former Cenfus was taken, the perma nent population of the City was confider ably increased by the number of workmen i on the Public Buildings but for a 1 time, and who on their fufpenfion removed. Thele including their families, may fairly Ik* eilimated at 400.—Deducting 400 from ! the number given by the tirft Cenfus there remain 2812, which, taken from the prefent population, leaves 1,5*10, which is equal to an inereale of about fifty-five per cent in a • e a 5** 7? ►n > 2 7 22 ca 5 s 3 to ^ c > n n V. If. r. i V CO o wi J5 Oj r^-^\ to o cu3 V, ly> ^ <c o. t ; S2 In our ne;:t we (hell exhibit a ftatement of the profeflions of the In habitants, taken from the Cenfus. The above flr.tement marts an increafe of mmilKTs which more conclufivcly din bliflics the progreffivc improvement of the city thartcould be done in any other wav.Few if any towns, in the United States,” have pfen with fuch rapidity. Wh n too, it is ( onfidered, that this augmentation of uum hers has arifen without track’, without the inveftiture of much capit.-.i in extenfive ma nufadories, & without '.he aid of a faltering local government, it wifi (lie w that the place mult poflcfs geat and peculiar advantage: over other towns. If its rife, amidft rip eumftances fo little propitious, lias uol hecn fmpafTcd w hat tray we not expet' from the rife of commercial advent:i’e tc which natural pofition hold foith induce menti fo powerful, from numerous manu factories, which might at tiie prefent mo meat be ad vat an geo it fly concluded, am from the important powers recent!1 given to tbc local of the city [ Xntionnf IvteHijfrncrr, SHAKSPEAHE. Time, which is continually nvajhtn* away the dissoluble fabric ks of ether Poets, pas scs, without injury, by the adamant of Shah peat c. or. Johnson’s preface. FIRST COMPI.K'l !• EDITION IN AMERICA, 1POM THE TEXT OF THE BEST EDITORS OF SHAKSPEARE. II. MAXWELL Sc T. S. MANNING, Propose to publish, d:trin<? the month of April, i nsnhig, Volume I. of THE Pl.AVS OF WILL l i •.SP '' ''' ", \V ITH THE CORRECTIONS AND ILJ ’J% 1 RATIONS OF VARIOUS COMMENTA TORS. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, • '■ J J / V, EY SAMUEL JOHNSON & GEO. STEEVKN3 Prom the fifth and Iateft T .nd r . edition publilhed in ijB03....Revif< 1 a ’ piented....BY Isaac rlid.— V/ith A GLOSS AL Sweet Swat. of Avon, at :• sigh* ’f wcic. To see «liee in our waters ser appear. With all those flights upon the banks <i rvh uu. s That sodid take Eliza and King j am ■ * ! But v;;' -■•••I s'-'- thee in oir : tint p Advanc’d, and made a c-ns .llu in'. , Shine l'ir h, thou StarP ets, & v.: hV Or influence, chide or cheer t:.. dix Pen f.lsj.if terms. Tnisfufr complete edition, in Amer* 7 ofShakspeare, will Ve contained in • lames, C.ou n octavo size. It \\ nl be printed in a it • e, emines ;v beautiful, on a ike* cream-, o* > *ed v ■> .-1 p;ipcr, with .1 t or enti>-e . i;-. \v an*' \ tor the purjjole by Me i s. ib::r y and ,. paldfon. The 1 them( 1 it M;nil liirpalsthe Lor 'on edition b i;efs of mechanical execution, and rij in fidelity and corredtnefa. i£ «<11 be orbited under the imny. li and tunentendnnce - i .111 i d Iar HO Ctnts per vot. in bu.tnls, 10 ,, Jcrihersy l Dollar 15 Cents. The inferior copy of the daft edition, in d! vola. boards, fells . ?;■. live Dollars; more than double the tv. of the propofed edii'on, whic 1 toe : ft< rs have retohed lhall, fun. ; & y .;17_ rcla, as well as elegance, defeev the atten tion of the public. o confidt the economy or ti e tafte >f different pun. hall-rt, vi *ed fi< r* will n. printed in a compr did, ek ay. .md . t ole form, without toe not ’> , > vcIu-k.s, 13mo. pric< 1 dolJai per • i>; s< It is contemplated to print o.u volume every month, from the ti re if t .,!n:n meat,until the work be tv, 7.q. A correct Alphabetier! t.. .,** the r'ib_ feribers will be given with t’ k. tv,.'. c. The Propri . ... the 111 th< cuous in the fupportofau 1. o' ^u.u* magnitude, to v.-hieh intinfic la!. ,.t ml great c/penfe are necellarib inc. t. Pi. >lucLIpb'uty Fevrttar •>■. r 8 )!. *** Subsrr ions re* <■ red at RitcHi; ll VKiLKT S Pl inting-.Jj Cr. A O T I C E. |THOSE v.ho In-, ,ls > • gainst tlic e*ta a c." C. Be<-. i.e late of the rot V» • m-j- _m'. ' avc requeued to cvhib'.t iVm i-r.inw -> r,i’. uh'icriii. r, v> ho is |, ;u-,i|! r<■ 7, . •, f :; snflu-w-m as-cs t-> pa. t . c 1. > \ 3,. 1.lid William C. xjeaU-, and' 1 oils to apply the. as ,its in tuch m in ter ih 1 law directs. ... John I't.JbC, 1. r. Wrstmorctam! Cminti, } January 1, I KOI. ^ Ey *vh•tuc of a J) < ■< / n -' f; n:> - . tilted to vs b v Mr. y p>, . wr County, ton cure tb* pa met t of a due Jn> :, him to Chi', , Tvrr'fU, Ky-ut »r of R< ” 11 i/tiiUii Doujl.iss Vc. v ill hr , to S.. J.lit f£tt,V\,:r ( 11, 1 // ,/jf. fourth Ife-lnvsdtty in June nt\,, a bun? llan. t/vrr C urt day, t!< TUAC T OF I ..AND, Wllf.HF',()M tlv lid now p;* si>|. s, adjoining- tin- Ian . >r' N-i'i.: n-.-l W r>:indridg<- :.n,l1 ,u miirli In o: I,. in i:<• -hi nt 11> su i ; *■,. *;\rcc ol • a,(l ill l*i st ill due, ai d t'i.- costs attending this trust, by IHVin RUM.Of , » >r. Fnni)*K. Harris, i rn,#for« M^V 9. VrO'‘ - ills. (1) : PnrmnjtT ■ IV ALL ITS VARIKTY, KXECUrr.D | X T ri'E OFFICE OF THE ENQUIRER, ? WITH KFATNT.SSj l I. i CfAK C I , AND THp OR$ATC3T OISVATCH.