Newspaper Page Text
THE ENQUIRER. (pawifowioMan filJ -!_ J-LLat!t!«-- U_" L!_ : J ---- \U-■ _±J™.■'■ 5*rv■»*»■.»->?*» --,-, —-,-nr-.iii«i...,iJ>>, ,, ,, ____ _ RICHMOND, frirgimaj Published a* RITCHIE 4WoRSLEY, opposite the Post-Office \i Fobs Dollars fee ahii/ v:, • — : ' r~ r-■—--m---—---: ’. . . Number 24.] . . SATURDAY M0RWHJ3, JULY 2'4, 1804. rv __ .» [VOLUME ]. f . • 'v ^ CO X D IT IO X S. 5 s , -; s £ I. The Enquirer, will appear twice a ^ v, week....l>'iring the feftion of Congrcfs sj S ami the Virginia Legifl.iture, either a V, third paper of a Supplementary half- £ S (licet, durin^^p* week. . m ■ t* II. Turms of®*vment ViIl,W S dollars per %num, ^ fubferibe previous to tl S after which-, the price' S dollars, iii advance. S . w. e S III. An v e r ti s e m e n r s, ft onr fhpfe who s ^ do not fubferibe to the parvtf, Should £ v they not exceed a* fyi length, ^ - S (hall be inferted for/eirwriw^^eents S ^ the firft time, fifty cents for d^n time £ S during three weeks, ^aud for every ad- e S ditional infection thirty-three cents ; S ^ long ones in The fame proportion. , S IV. Sunc.CRir.Ess (hall have their ad- S ^ vertifements inlerted for fifty cents £ S the fir ft timejlcd thirty-three cents ^ £ • for every addj^iml iufertion. ^ SCHEME OF A LOTTERY, ^ 'O r/irfit the jam of 5,000 Dollars, for the A benefit, of the Female Charity School of Fre ienckjburg. i 1 Prize of 5,000 ■» it 5,0(50 D. 2 * I .OOO 2.000 •1 500 500 1 •- 250 2J0 5 ICO 500 K> ‘ 50 500 3750 w 8 22,000 lft ^Ticket having a.tdsmk drawn to iu number tdter 3,000 100 I * 4,000 200 I . * 5,000 SOO * 6,000 500 I * 7,000 1,000 I Lift drawn Ticket, whether ^ j blank or prize 2,0000 £4,850 k Expenfcs of drawing, 1 JO % Siun to be raifeJ, • 5,000 2,776 Prize* * *40,000 D. 5",224 Blanks 8,000 Tickets, at 5 Dollars *ach, it 40,000 In the above Scheme, it appears there are not two Monks to a prize,"nd no prize fubjetft to a dedu&ion. L he Lottery will commence drawing on the f.rft Monday in Oitober n.-rt, and continue until thedraw ing is (iiiifhad. All Tickets drawing prizes will be p.iid within thirty days after the drawing is ronclud *1, and all prizes not applied for within fix months after will be confidered as donations t<» Hit annlie.l tn the pr.rpefes of the Lottery. , • * The Managers deem it unnecdTary to fay any thing 1 by way cf indacement to perfims tokecome adventure *r* b this Lottery, as the charitablepurpofei fi<fSvhkl3 it is intended, will it is hoped infure a fptedy ude oP the Tickets. « Ticket? to he had cf fh- Managers and cf Mr. Suck, the Treafurvr of tlie female Ckarifv School. FRANCIS BROOKE, T "JOHN AH NOR, ROBERT PATTON, J'OIfN CIIEIV, « 7AMES STEPHENSON, * DAVID C. KER, g TV ALTER CREGORV, » WILLIAM S. STONE, ROBERTS CHE TV, HUGH MERCER. *** rich F IS in the a/orcfaid Lottery may hr had iV Ri-hri"r.d, on application to lor Rev. John D. Blair, *f-c R~j. John Buchanan and Mr. Andrew Stcvru ep—3w SAMUEL MYERS, HAS FOR SALE, AN afTortment of BOLTING GT.OTHS, juft received from Amsterdam. June 27. FOR SALE, On liberal terms, hv the Subscribers, rT’nE HOUSE and LOT near the River -1 Bank, at prefent in the occupancy of Mr. Join Taylor, and diflin^.uihed in the plan of the citv by the number «, the property *of the eftate of Patrick Wright, dec. which, if r.Bt difpofed of privately before i fhc fir (l cf.iy or Sepleittbft' ne tt, \v;ll on that day, at 1 j o clock in the aftrmoon, be fold on the premiles, for! one half cafft, an J the other half on a credit of. on days, for an approved en-'orfed note.—An indisputable title will be made before the money is received. PPOSSER (S’ mUncure. J.Jn,y 18.__ epis t> PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, r T HA_I t^e Diffident inrl (’ninmnn CstStd! -1 of the City of Richmond, will at their next ♦monthly meeting, to he held on the third Monday in Anguft next, proceed to appoint one fir and proper perlon to aCi at. CAPTAIN of theNIGHT WATCH Within the laid City, for the te-rn of one year ; at which time all candidates for the faid appointment are Veqtiefteu to attend. ANDREW STEVENSON, Cft. C. H. JnI7 • eplm WILL BE SOLD, To the hijbJ! bidder, in Charles City county, on Sef>tember Court Day, r| *HAT wcII known TRACT of I.AND, cal I led the INDIAN FIELDS ; containinghettveen •tg'-t and nine hundred acres, picafantly fituated on the myn road leading throyh the county.' The fituation 15 Jo general.y known and admired, that a mintite def cnptmti would he fttnu fii„)Us. Prefuming that any perlon who willies to imrehafe, will previoufly view the lend, 1 fh .ll only ohferve, that the honfes are ai! in good enter, having lately g< e throng!, a thorough repair ; and the f.nuil proportion ofland in Cultivation proves it to be very valuable and productive ? the foil being admirably adapted to ti.e culture of Corn and finish gram—Any petfon wilhing to view the tend evil on Mr. K iyflcr who lives or the pfare._The terms of tele will he made known on the dr / offal*. WILLIAM EI>WAK*\S Surry County, ftdy 7. ep—Irri SPRING GOODS. H'l I. 1.1 A M T E M P I. H, T-T^p/'.^ received, by the /hip Rebecca from *- A London, end York/bi re from Liverpool, AN ASSORTMENT OF GOODS Suitable to the feaf on, which he will dfpofe of on the ttfual terms. v Richmond, May \}th. tf ) . LOW FOR»4^^W* XJ’t os SHORT CRF.niT, ■DtreH fnom Pining fords MantfaHory, Philo ’• de/pbia i * LOAF S U G A R, OF an excellent quality, either by the liogf head, barrel, or tingle loaf. The iupply •will be regular and large. MICAjAlI DAVIS. 4th 'of 7th mo. 180-1. [eW'Jm] TlJNSTAl.L’s . PAT EXT THRESHING MACHINE. I . J TIE .-kIvantages to he gained by farmers, by I applying fome eftcdlual parts to Threlhing Ma cninea, which have greater velocity, adequate llrcngth, «d greater chcapncfs than hitherto, and applicable to y machinery, arc univerfally allowed to be very •Rreat.. WILLIAM *1 UNSTALL has obtained a Patent for fuch improvements ; and wilhes to benefit the public on the moll reatouable teims. Diltri&s and n^ijfcuaU tody be now accommodated with Ma clun^uKjtotm rights, by applying in pet fen or by letter (pf oaidj to the patentee, William Tunftall, at #e S-.utut Taverit, RtcbottnJ. *K. U. A Mill Wright andiron Worker for the re fpeCrivc parts, are wanted—apply as above. I hefe Machines will hull Clover and thrcfii Rice, buck \\ Iteat &c. preferved free from grit.—Counter feits will be dealt with as the law direct*. Julr ___cw—tf CAROLINE SPRINGS. rT''*lL subscriber intends to open (i T AVERN at the Caroline Springs, ch the ft rjl day of June next ; and hopes, front the p leaf ant and healthy Jit rtat ion, exclufvt of the Medicinal qualities of the waters, that it will be a place of general refort. The Springs are filiated about 56 miles from Richmond, IS from Port-Royal, 12 front the howling-Grecu, and 11 from Fredericksburg.— j he roads leading to them are remarkably good... they are furroundej by an agreeable arid rcfpeel af /e neighbourhood.—There are oui-houfes for the accommodation of thofe who wijh to live fc parmefrom the Tavern. The fubferiler flatters herfeif, that ihefe in ducements will not only operate oa invalids, who, in the fckly feafon, attend the Springs for the fake of having their health re/lore'd, but will alfo be felt hy thofe whofe only object is the enjoyment of company, as it may bcjhjrly Jaid the fociety will be equal to any in the country. No exertion will he wasting to make ever* thing perfectly agreeable. ANN GXTElVOOn. Frederjckjburg, May 19. 6\(ijy. NOT ICE.. ~7~ "pIIE office of«Supervifor of the Revenue for T the DiPridr of \ irgiitia being difeonrinued, and the URfinifhed bufinels of the laid Office transferred to me; the Collectors of the Dired Tax and Internal Revenue, whofe accounts have not been finally- sdiuft ed and paid, are»hv informed tint t1:-'” •— __ requeued to call ?r‘my office, in the^ity of Richmond, Klehv, and pay the balances due to the United And thofe whofe lands have been*fold in the f Virginia by authority of an. ad of Congrefs uted States for non-payment of the Dired f redet'Ti fuch lands, by paying to me within the time limited, the principal colls and fees as the law directs. As molt of tilt abovementioncd lands were fold in IVc. J 802, the priviledge of redemption w ill continue until December next. The money received by me for the redemption of the (aid lands, will be returned to the purchafer, with imereft at the rate of 25 per cent per annum on the purchafe money, to the day on which it may be paid ton,e- JOSEPH SCO ri', _ , Marfltal V. D. . July 7- _ ep-tf tv A S F O U AT JV1? Negro woman, a fmall bundle of BANK NOTES. The owner may have them by givim’’ a fatiffadory defeription, and paying the expertfe o^f this advertifoment. Enquire of the Printer* 1 *i___ " t{—io CITY OF RICHMOND, Zv Common Hall, July 3d, iro i. T Iappearing to the Common Hall of the City of X Richmond, that the regulations of the Tniflees eftbe Free School in tbefaid city, have been rf a blijbed on liberal andjtijl principles, whereby ma y poor children ofbothfexes have received at the faid febool, fuels advantages in the acquirement < of their educations, as to encourage a flronr be lief that great utility will refillt from 'a continu afire of the ufhtuiion, Jhould it receive a patronage } 11 Kcfolved therefore, That the Chamberlain of tms Qttj, and Mr {firs. John Robinfon, Samuel l nine and Samuel Pleafants, be requeued and em powered to receive fubfeript ions, and the funds l hat may beftbferibed for the benefit of thefar'd febooli and that it be recommended to the hu mane and liberal inhabitants of this citv, to m-C, Ttfle, __cl‘ llEE it ST’EVENSON, c. c. ft. Mediterranean Passports. AJOTTCE is hereby given, that it has been ‘^^ed expedient to change the form of the Mediterranean pafTport iff-iec' to veflels of , United States ; that from theHth day of lu .y next, thofe of the new form will be iiflied at i ;cc?0‘T1 houfes to every veflel, for which ap plication may be made on a compliance with the terms prtfenbed by law and flu-rendering the foimerpaf'part of which file may he poflefl'ed, if a.iy, in which latter cafe r.„ fees will bereoui fo! tJie exchange : and that l,y an arrange ment agreed upon by the Barbary powers with whom we are at peace, either tin- old or the ncv. form or pafip'.rt will be fliflicient to oro tecithe veflthcf th- United States, from can ture until the Ift of July laoj, after which the o, . *orm of pafiport will be unavailable and the new one alone in ufe. Department of State, > 23d of May, igo4. £ The printers of the taws of the United *’n'ej requeued to insert the above in th ir Gazette'• twice a week for the share affix months, and the (.olli.iors of tie Citjlomt to keep espies of it potted up m their offices. rtf'" June, 2._ „ NE At. NELSON, ROOT If SHOE MdUVUFJcTUP.F.R) _ rr , rRf ET* r iCHWOMp MorrV'0976' TdSHnps 10 anyPa,ftni A or Eafhion, equal ,n pn-nt of Matf.hmh and Wohxmsnsbi- toany in genera' ofe r- Import. A HOO PS and SHOES, of ihc f.r!> 1 i dity and n*w«A fafinar,, for flic Ju,u 5®* toW r>n TburfLty ( V frctx- dt\ tf Axxttfl next, V.-'II.J. BF. KOFI), on tbr pt l.w.‘ fa fat n:\thrd bidder, fir 0 u b.i/J enjb, ait'1 j"- montht trijit Jar the lniL.nA, I HE HOUSE r>r>! LOT on the Main ftrect • c ip the town cf Mancheftsr, formerly the pro perty of William Hay. Theie i« ro fitnation in the town of M.inchefter better calculated for a retail mer chant. The storehouse is in pood order lor the re ception of goods, and has the advantage of a large and commodious Luuiberhoufe. l’ond and approved fe curity will be required of the pirchafer, or a Deed of Truft upon the lot to feture the payment. ROBERT OMEERSON. July 21. ep!5t CASH SALE OF LAND IN ALBEMARLE. On September 15th, IV7LL HE SOLD, in Chat lottrfvilL, to tbr bigbtji bidder, for Cc.fl, " I HE TRACT of LAND lying on the ertft I Cdc of Rivanna, over againft Charlottefville, containing ab ut doO teres, with a r.ew commodious DWlvLUNG'IIOUSE. Two years of a ltafe un der good reflriiitions have to run after this. The land is all of the South-Wuft Mountain quality ; and though much injured in parts, is in general ft'ill very good, and all rcclaimablc. The fale proceeds front a deed of truft to indemnify againft lofs asfecurity and hail, which was executed in December, 1802, l»y William Baclie, of PennfvlVrtoIa, to t THOMAS M. RANDOLPH. July 2?. eptlaStp * VIRGINIA : AT A SUPERIOR COURT Or CHANCltt, IIOLDSN IN RICHMOND, MARCH TUt COiTU, 1u04. Between JOHN SOMERVILI., Plaintiff Ar.d LUCAS SULLEVAN and WILLI-? ^ . . AM BA8KERVILLB, j Defendants. I^HE defendant Lucas Snllrvan, r.ot having entered his appearance and given fecurity aceord I ing to the a<51 of Af.'embly, and the rules of this court, | and it appearing to the fatisfu<5finn of the court, that he 1 is not an inhabitant of this country : on the motion of J the plaintiff, by his council, it is ordered, that the faid i defendant do appear litre on the urft dry of next Sep- ! j teir.ber term, and anfwer die bill of the plaintiff, end ! that a copy of this order be forthwith infected in fume ! 1 newfpaper in the city of Richmond, for two months j fuccelSvely, and polled at the Lent door of the Capi tol, in the faid city. . A Copy—Telle, F. TINSLEY, c.c. ^ July 25. eW2m JUVENILE EDUCATION. JOGTI.VIE takes this opportunity to intimate,that i . the Midfummer-Holydaysin h'-s School will ex-j 1 pire about the middle of next month. He will conti- ' nue to teach Grammar, /Arithmetic, Geography, Elo- , : cation, Geometry, History, Political (Economy, Natu ral and Moral Phyloi'ophy, with due attention, as hi3 pupils become prepared, to the principles of Criticifm art.j Pnmr.f.rifi^n^ TliAstA'tn/y «... .*1,.^.-._t__. 1 ly compofed his Senior Clafs having fiuifhed the | studies in which they were engaged, have withdrawn from ills fchonh He will therefore be prepared to re- ! ceive from twelve to fifteen additional pupils. Youths \ * from fourteen to lucteen ye.*,rs o. /ge, who may have 1 attained a tolerable acquaintance with the elements of! literature, would lie most acceptable to him, becaufe ! . most likely to be fubstautially and permanently bene- j fitted by the courfe of instruction he has adopted.-_ Young men of more advanced years, whofe opportuni- : ties ior mental improvement, at an early period of, tlwir livesmay have hern peculiarly fcanty.or unfavor- 1 able, and fuch as may be defironsto qualify themfclves for becoming instructor of youth, would probably! reap confiderable l-enefits from fpcncling on* or two 1 years in this Seminary. Whilst he cun vri... perfect fiacerity, declare hiswillingnefs to afford young men j wuo are really dt-iiroust o acquire information, and are ! : at the fame time, difpofed to obferve the inviolable | rules of Academical regularity and decorum, every af finance and encouragement in the projection of their studies which he is qualified to bestow j he wifnes to ! have it distinctly understood, that fuch as may have un- ' , fortunately acquired inveterate habits of flothfulnefs ' and diflipation, could fcarcdyfelect a fchoo! where fuch j ( kabits will encounter more decided, vigilant and pro- ! I bably painful coimter-.ction. J. O’s charge for tuition ! ! will be fifty dollars per annum, for instruction in the j different departments of fcience, and forty dollars for! instruction in the different branches of elementary life- i rat 'u-fe, he propofes to teach : the fee for tuition to be p:.u! quarterly and in advance, N. B. J. Ogilvie wifhes to receive four of Ids Junior pupils as boarders On t rins, which veil! be madekrown to parents on application to him, by letter or other* wife. Foreign Intelligence. STATE OF THE INDIA WARi London, April cs. The following is an extra# of a letter from an effi c<*r of the 74th regiment, dated Bareilly, Nov. SO. We have juft arrived at this place after a fariru;.-’r in irch oJ 24 miles, the prncipal p^rt we have disputed inch hy inch. ! have frequently been engaged with the native powers, but never experienced fo determin 'd an opposition as was yefterjay met from Bcaing ding, with a bojy of picked men. The a#ion raged from noon till fun fet, and was maintained with un i common flaughter. The enemy flood their ground, ! with their gnus at intervals, till we marched up ro tbit very mr.tzles of them, Under a fhowrrof mufquetrv. I he Ion of Ragojee Bhoofla had two horics killed un der him, and effe#ed his efcapr on a third, after hav ing been feverely wounded by an European dragoon, . with whom ha was engaged hand to hard. hive of the Berar officers arc ft> have bean killed iti at tempting to reh tie him from the perilous fitnation into which his temerity had hd him,—Bering Fing w unhorfed, and fought for a coniiderabic time on foot before his attendants could rc inflate him ; he is fUp pofed to have been mnrt.iliy wounded. The deter minpil gallantry of tl.fc remains »*f the 74th and 78th fegiments will never oe forgotton ; tliey followed up •their advantage in the moll rapid manner, and with an coherence* to dif'ipline unequalled i:i tiicauiuls of dri tifh waifare i:i India. 1 he predator)* flatcs, compofing the Mahratta pov/er, have never been united un !er any regular for n of confederation, r.r. by any f) Item of cpnftnuti • 1 al laws, thrt can be compared to any conilirutinrt in Europe. A Vague and indefinite fentiineift of common inu: !.fi, however* has efla .’lifted a certain decree of union among them, from the period «l their fu’ft fuc se^- s, throughout every ftage of ti e d-tlin. of the Mogul tnpire. The lainc indefinite but acknowledg ed confederacy h*« fubfifted between the Mahratt is line* the e;itir- <kfiru#ion of the Mogul empire, and teguher with other caufes, has c;*'bied ftweral of thefe adventurers to ere# ftates of codfiderable milita ry refources and political power. 'Eh- power of the Paifhwa ha* for many year* b ■ u acknowledged by the M .hrattas, including the Kujahof Berat—and the Piaftiwa is univcrfally acknowledged in India, as rhe conflifittional reprufentaMve of the Main all a empire. Scmdia kaabeeu the c'. vf.ain wh* ius ojipoied the I canftitu’id authority of the Puiihwra; ai d, wi h Ms I confederates, brought on tiie war, which h_» proved lo difullrous to him and his allies. From the 8:h ct Augyft.tbe day onwbith Lofti!: ; ties commenced, to ti e lft of November, the ihv Hi | army has conquered al! the poiTeffion* of Sci..dia in i rerat, the city of Bonrhaupoor in Candeiffi, the p>-o j Vince of Cuttack in (>rifla, the Maliratu dominions be tween the Jumna and the Ganges; the city ol DnK, , and tiie ri,jht bank of the ; the city of A, ra, & ’ tiie adjoining territory ; lias reduced by ilonn tiie for tified town ol Ahmcdnagur, the forts of Air Ghur, B.iroach, and Cuttack; and’by capitulation, after hav ing opened the batteries, the forts of Abmednaghur, ol Powanghur and Chainpinu-r ; the tort of Oilee ( hiir, denominated the key of tiie Dekan ; and die ioit [ of Agra, denominated the hey of Hmdoftan ; and has (defeated the enemy in three general engagements: At Delhi on the 11 th September, at A'Tye, on’ the st:5d ( September, and at Lafwaree on the lft .November : ! hiV*ug t*‘ken, according to official returns, on die field 1 of battle, in thofe engagements, and under the walls of A;,ra pieces of ordnance, 50C0 (land of arms, ”15 ■ tumbrils and 51 ftand of colours, with a large quantity ol dores, baggage, camp-equipage and ammunition. I ^ he official returns of the artillery, (lores. &c. ta ken from the enemy, have not yet been received from Ahmcdnagur, Iioroach, the forts of Delhi, Terozebad, Champoneer. Powangur J.ilnahpoor, Cuttack, Boork ai.poor and Offcerghur: but the amount of the re turns a (dually received, of ordnance taken in the leve r»l forts, exclufive of that taken in the field of battle, is (our hundred and forty-Evc pieces of ordnance, exclu five of tumbrils, (lores &c. making the total number of ordnance, of which returns have been received, cap tured from the 8th of Auguft to die lft of November, feven hundred and thirteen. The progrefs and rcfult of thofc fuccefsful operations, have reftored his hi *h- ! nefs the Paifhwa to liisfovereign authority at Poonah ! [and the Britifn as viceroys over him] and cemented I our alliance-with that prince; have fecured the'fuc ceffion ol the legitimate heir of the fovereign prince of ! Dekan to the government of his dveeafed father, the 1 late Nizam ; has proto&ed the Britifti ir.tereft at Hy derabad from injury ; have confirmed the (lability of the treaties, by which the French were expelled from tne Dekan in 1793 ; and have delivered the aged, ve- • nerable and unfortunate emperor of Hindoftan, from ir.itery and ignominy, and from indigence and bondage, art. from tiie hands of the French [iu svhofe baud', lie j never was, nor within 20tX) miles of their fettle- I ments]. A confident expectation may be entertained, j that under the preflure of accumulated defeat, with the aggregate lofs of refources, power, military fttength, & • dominion in every quarter of India, the confederate j i.iol.uratta chiefs Dowlut Rao Scindia and the Rajah J of jJcrar, Mood.'je Bonielah mull fpeeiily be compel- ' h d to accede to fuch terms of pacification, as ftiall be calculated to deprive them of the means of difturbiug our pofTefiions, and of impairing tiie efficacy and llabi^ ! lity of our alliance. Under fuch a general pacification, it is reafonable ro ' rvped» that where confuicrable augmentations of luf Ire and glory of the Britiih amis in India, will be com- I bined the accoriiplilbment of a comprehend ve fyftem ! of alliance and political connexion in Hinduftan and • Dekan, calculated to promote the general 1 of India, to fecure on the moft permanent foundations intereil and dominion of the Britifh nation, againft the attempt ol any Indian or Eurojiean power, and to deftroy the lull remnant of French influence iu India. j The overland difpatch which arrived during laG week, prepared the public mind for Inch event?, it Gates, that Scindia, fince his defeat at Allye, has given w.ry to the utmoll temerity and tyranny ; lie has de graded two of his generals, and fentenred them to per petual imprifonment, and one of his chief Sirdars (Sir dar, is a general or commander) who ventured to ex- j poGulate, was immediately decapitated, and the car- 1 cafe fufpended by the heels from a tree. This rigor which was defignedto uphold his declining authority Jut produced a different effe& ; an ex ten five mutiny eufued, and he was obliged to diOrihutc large hums of money and make great promifes to appeafe it: up wards of two thoufand cavalry however, left his camp in a body,and have fince returned to their refpedive • dlirncis. A body of Sepoys has kran difpatchcd againft E- 1 wanpiifey a fortrefs belonging to Scindia, on the fouth * eatt frout’Cr of Berar. The Goau^s, [perhaps the Jaats] in retaliation of ' tlie uijuries mnidled on them by the Mahrattas, have ! entered the province of Beeraghur in great force, del'- ! troyed numerous villages and depopulated a great tradt ' of country. • Nagpoor, belonging to the Berar Rajah, Is probably in our hands ; it is the capital of the eaftem Mahrat tas. It is very exfenfive and populous but meanly btti't.ard defencelcfs, excepting fome works which the Boofhlali has ordered to be conftru&ed in reference to j the pref«*n» war. j The vidlory obtained by gcrtral Lake on the 1ft1 Nove mber over the forces of Sciiulea, was cch brated i by me PaiGnvaat Poonah with great ceremony a„d ! feri. iiv ; this event was Highly fortunate for his hiyh- : nefs, 23 a Grong detachment from Scindea’s army had marched to itiveft Ihanfi, from tie tov/n and diftrict ! »f which the Pnifhwa derives a revenue tf four la'-ks • ' [ hut on hearing of die defeat of their grand army, thov immediately difperfed, and have fuice returned to their reflective homes. , ' « army now comprifc. r>r.e hundred thou-1 land cavairv, eigrhtbrivad .«f,. „-.-i j. confifting of 20,000 men, thrc-e brigade* of u.Vdifci Rajahpoorsnf 10,000 each, and 1>,000 a tillery —roaking in the whole 2D?/J00men, with 750 pieces of cannon. llolkar, during his war with thePailli A-?, charged fit the head oi hi. cavalry, and received two wounds in the fhoulder. He w,.s lately mu* h diftreffed by want of provender, although he p.,fTeffes immenfe treafiue. On p iffing different village*,he),as frequently given thro- or tour lacks of rupees to the JBrahrtvm to be •per.: in feftmty. I The Paiftrwa ha? 8d,000 cavalxf, <nd 03,000 infan ! fry* •*’,d MS piece* of cannon. | The following ext re«5 of a letter, from an intelligent ' officer in the ermy under general Wellefley, furnlthes f.ene intereiiing details of the battle of ArgoOm • ! " We came in fight of the enemy about ter; A. M ! j he was ftrongly potted on a railing ground between ! iUVO,?v0?’ ,whc?fe banl" " ere fo ft* ep that the artillery 1 I cou,d on,y be drawn np in a few places, and the wa- ' ter was 1<, deep that our people were unable to oafs Sc , j on its bank fir a con.'iderablc time, under an mediant and deftmciive fire. It was nearly half p df j one before a ford was found, and about two the firft line war. formed under the enemy’s fir.:,:.„d when, for ! the ft. ft time, we were cnabl-d to return it. A, foon a the fecund line was formed-, order was given to move forward ; bur for wat t of h Ads r*, drag our artillet y forward thev were iti-ccffr.rily b ft hebmd ; a„d r,iir pt op.e ad • .meed wi.h a d. „■ cr of heroilin, not to bo dr.* * bed tn the f. re *»i 1*)0 piece* of cannon, arlnfira lily ferveJ to charge w.fh rite bayonet. After a fi v> *-t* i conleft the enemy wit* «b*iven fheir, when | our cavalry dallied in anion;.?} them and rut * ent | numbers in piece*. A ftrong body of the Mahratta* however, broke in upon our rear, regained their K ms - and renewed a tremendous fuc bn un • but we retitm ed ami again difuerfed them, /.imolt every r«6un:ed officer tn our little army loft hi* horfe. “ Onr entire force, including tavaby, artillery; id • infantry, *bd not amount to S(*rt men t the enemy's ; infantry alone exceeded 15/mo ; »heir artillery nmfl wave LerA very n*in.erou»,fn.n, 1?% admirable ,u.;,mer In v !.i.-h rll-.r IP piece a of cannon were fuvetl,uh\i ' tl'C country was covered by tlifeir cavaii y. ! i oivbiance is now diiwr. up in our ' j n’i; TO puce ol it arc bra1*, end of t**e hntril v, «,i LniMifliip • *!.tf aft wire irfit, and out airil.erV :devil lcr two day* pall employ ;a biUviit,u d.aiu KEV7-YORK, July j>‘,. i The re-rival ol the Weymouth, at P-afkin, ffoivi Bcut<V.v«x. and of tiie Am ora, in days i-otn Liver* : P°oh 1t Newbury port, tables us to hr bw. rc the ! waders ol the Morning Uirotiiclt, liuerUtu-y. i-orci-u News, to the 5th June. It will be pW-cer.tu that Lip. : ‘>* proclatn.cdEmpCrcr on tj.u -j>nh May FROM France. * I Arrived at Bollcc, July Jo, lid.. Weymouth, r i.ijt in 4-1 days front Bordeau , Whore alter being ready tor lea, he was drained 30 days by a;. embanjo; l I3i ;i papea u, llie ‘J'iwii A'luy. ' O.i a curfory j. ruid, vt e hud them filled with ad drell. s to lionapart-o, that he v.oidd ) kid to die with esc. tiie Flench people in aflumsng the title ol i ror. Oijo addict Aligned by tiie o.ham and i0,j,e t |ol2() regiments, in the camp oi .St. Caere; on , „f the IU reguiientK, at Breft ; and oun ether c-f Ki ij gimevts at Utretch. Ai. addmis from Au. L-wma.el • le, prays uiat hr would haiTmieii o.i ti e dtionc of Charieutagiie ; another addreis ii-,)..« him--le l.i -i) Donne (the Gift of Con). Kudus the.c,there aieieit rai add.clle» from the legiilativc eed es, courts, u,fi nals, £<c. The French emigrants arc fitting the dominions 0t i I ull.a. bcrl,„, April 28.—Ills Prufllsn majefty will „ol accept the piopofitiou oi tiie : .c: Ai govonui.e it, to indemnify linn lor the lols in hi* finances, provided that i.e v.-dl coulcnt that Lmbden be oteu .-led by dm r tench. * Vft , PARIS, May 17. i ellcriUy sn extraordinary meeting of the Sz..i:e was held, sill the iniuifter* were prelent, exc?pt tiie ndnifter of foreign reku-ons, who ws, iudiipofed. 1 urec oratc-.s of the council oi ft?to w< to uiefeut. It it pi elumed that lint- fetiuic had i jr ito object, tile pre 1 nutation ol the impoitam Senatus Connate to.. loOKcd ior, with impatience by ^11 France. V.'e ate Hliured it contains more than Jtj articles. \ ellerday a Grand CounUl of State was held. ’1 he Conlorvative Senate is to meet tin. day, to hear the report of its committee upoii me Senatm Gonlul •ate. The trial of Moreau and others is faid to be defini tively fixed for tiie 25th of May. General I.aOale, commander of the Jth regiir-eotof veterans, and a member ol tiie legion ol honor, aduref fed the following Speech to the veterans uudei Inin of lemblcd the 2d inll. at Moubert Place; Comrade, ! 1 he departments—die army in gene* re —being well apprized of the incredible wJncn the 1 nn Cor.lui lias rendeied to France, as well jy recovering and axt.adjr.gitsfronlieisjasby re-oilao uie public vvorfbip, by die encorn agame.u * i vgn to giving to the world peace, which tl e peril Jy of England alone Ins interrupted, are dcii rous in order to eulitre our happinelb, to recon,pet.fe ms cxtraorauuiry virtues by a title more exalted- and to prevent civil ware, the conlVqutnce of elections by tne eftabliilmieiit iu the Iticcefiion of “ l);eu denne " (tiie Kilt of God,) our deliverer. \ our comnr.uiflers are anxious to vote an addrcfi m h, m>10 rxrjucfr of idn. this new belied*-. t v.te \ eu in the name of the gratitude we owe him, of the aflini raticm he tufpircsus with, and of the future happim f, of the flate, to add your lignatures to ours, in order 10 confirm to him, that liis former brother i h'.ieni have a juft futile ol his merits,and tLu they nominate i'm emperor. It io tJi£ clcfiie of vi&ory. Addn 'ieito die French government for the eftahi i. n.mtet ot monarchy have been lent from the c of .trafburg, Colmar, Nancy, Mayence, Bruges, Niont *A . ' “*"?“•?' ^ C«*n, Havre, Dunkirk, and Ant la Chape lie, Mevierr, Goad, Dijon, Trever,, D1 The people cf I.yons have alked for the honor cf having Bonaparte cl owned in that r :y. J he icgiflative body w-s to meet at l’arin fuly l-l -.vhrn it was expecied that the coronation would take place. A man who publicity called himfelf the Dauekm of France lias been arrelted at Mtuleilles, and lent ,0 the bode where perfons deranged in mind are Thrfiij, Avrora, Fctlanjbr,, errhd A Krnhur^rt, '■J^S J‘ S' 0” Li Ui,pt°l LrinZt London paper. U On the fuljeft of Bonaparte’s afTumir.g a royal ti: tie, the London Sun of flu- j ft June obfervc* : ' O11 the 2Ctli uli. Bonaparte was proclaimed Jim p-.ror in I arts. Such it the end of what was called the Republican Confthutiou of France, which js now represented t* have been only an txperime ,f. I j,., expernnt-m, which costfo l>.. ai^d produced feenet of horror unprtred. rttd in t'. ' ci vilized woild, ha. not hr. j, found to anfwer, and Iraiu-e end,gadfly where Ihe bc;;.m-^id. at, ahlo Iute Monarchical Government. It L ta.’.ei h.iri T: that two of Bonaparte’s brother*, Luden and h m,-. donotfharft -n the genem! elevation o' their famil ( they rernarn fimple citizen, audare ewiudtd from ihe fucctdEon of the xenioire.” LONDON, May GO. Numerotli American and other neutral vMTc' have been engaged at Leghorn nsfran.'pom; i wa* report Sardir?a.,U,,itt iey WtfUt0 C°4'VOy ***>¥• to All the .fleersof the American frigate Phiiadet pliia, have been Itbetated by the Dry of Tripoli, on the interference of the trench Conful. Most of the Nothorn Coast., have -rccivc^ffuL cu rom ki.l.ia,of effe&ual yrotedHon in ti e event of being attacked by France. The En.pero. ha* jflu..d orders to ah h;s refidents in Oermr.ny and in Italy, di reA.ngthrm to afford uffittance and protection to J1 renrh em^m, Wno may be dcflromto lettle in the Kvpian territories. Mr. Dr..k<*jnd family li<Ve reach -d Berlin. Yesterday w* received the Allowing evtra* of a lefts r from Parts. “ D,,r,,,r,l^ry vifitB are now ronsmht in Patis, when* i very time Bonaparte a|■}.*.»,non the paradt. .in mili tary, vtrhrtcroud every annt, fcidtr the hnnfes .,,,1 A art h wary cloAt iothkn. io be attained th t nei thor arms nor fufpcdledoerA.,.* are contained ther tti - . any owner dur-t rem „ ,.„t. against ti.ii iimufim/ the anfwer in, J, far h C.nJ.l, ta f* «*„, / “ TI> Senate lately nlifcd at .V. < |,„H to d*f. bfr* * nP”n po -'ers to ht:,I to the F< , } „ . peror,and upon - ? .uiu matte's cwmatfltd w-th hi, e. flT.3cfi?*bUt ' U,J "**' f0nn 5ny Oil that r*r ‘ n'!,v,,n -"‘l otfcer te%Ai.t of tbs C orAr... Adveii urer, cue -d, in I: ,...... hitherto worn by any Mtm.tch 5 ih** J,,. ' complete readme* for more three m , Moreatt and fomfc otht'* .ire, i. ;* r«i T. to b • oA b.apolem, rhif .vet ,.f,A . .ntv, (i mVt^ % »*it on, trial'(h.-ein. ment. . he efam.uatiobr In the. jfc from. t (t »y Renewed rn*} the, ptlloncrj, !n p.iWr, the r £ .P ooni/it rank* of drugootit ;tt.l gen